Rental Housing Journal On-Site
August 2017
3. Housing Sentiment Dips 4. Over-Automated Recruitment Processes Can Leave Job Candidates Frustrated 5. My Multifamily Investing Philosophy and How I Do It 6. Amazon Launches Delivery Locker Product For Apartment Buildings
7. Seattle Tightens Rental Inspection Rules On Landlords 8. Dear Maintenance Men - Faucets, Storage and Vacancies 9. Housing Supply and Demand Factors 11. 7 Questions and Answers On Canine Liability Insurance
12.Apartment Pet DNA Testing Expands to “Travel Dog” Concept 14. Why Every Property Manager Should Attend Local Trade Shows 17. 6 Signs You Might Be Breaking the Law 21. The Latest Property Perk Every Renter Looks Forw • Professional Publishing, Inc 17,000 Papers Mailed Monthly To Puget Sound Apartment Owners, Property Managers & Maintenance Personnel Published in association with Washington Association, IREM & Washington Multifamily Housing Association
Security Deposits and Everything You Need to Know About Them
Unprecedented Demand Staving Off Apartment Market Slowdown Sacramento, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Raleigh-Durham and Jacksonville Named Top 5 Markets for Multifamily Investment
en-X Commercial, the nation's leading online real estate digital marketplace, today released its latest U.S. Multifamily Market Outlook, including the top five "Buy" and "Sell" markets for multifamily real estate assets. The report shows that while fundamentals have begun to soften, demand across the apartment market remains strong due to positive demographic trends that continue pushing millennials and other Americans to forgo homeownership in favor of renting.
ecurity deposits. Every professional property management company requires them but some property managers don’t know the full legal picture. While it’s commonly understood that normal wear-andtear is acceptable, 26% of renters have reported that their security deposit has been withheld at some point during their life as a tenant. So what types of violations are more than a quarter of renters being cited for?
Security deposit laws are complicated and vary from state to state. Normal wear-and-tear isn’t always easy to identify. Typically, disputes between a tenant and property manager are settled in court if the tenant thinks the basis of a withheld security deposit is simply normal aging. In Wisconsin, for example, laws prohibit property managers from retaining deposit funds to cover carpet cleaning. However, a separate fee can be required after the renter surrenders the apartment. Collecting that fee may require a lawsuit or a trip to small claims court.
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Rising Rents Lead to Increased Homeless Population If New York metro rents grow five percent, 3,000 more people will be forced into homelessness
ising rents in the nation's booming urban areas are creating crisis levels of homelessness that will continue or even accelerate as rents rise, Zillow® research has found. The connection between homelessness and increasing rents is especially strong in places that are already facing rapidly growing homeless populations: New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Seattle. A five percent increase in New York rents over the next year would force almost 3,000 more people into homelessness, according to a new
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