Rental Housing Journal On-Site
March 2018
4. The Outdoor Furniture Market is Booming!
11. Learn, Connect, Grow – 2018 Education Conference and Exposition
15. Almost 4,000 Jobs Available in the Rental Housing Industry
Chaise Lounges And Heaters Are Leading The Way
5. Can a Landlord Say no Guns in My Apartments?
16. Property Management Cyberattack Risks Overlooked, Underestimated
7. 6 Insights about Rental Property Owners and Property Managers
17. Millennials' Expectations Driving Maintenance Changes
8. Rent Control Does More Harm Than Good New Study Says
18. Two Portland Landlords Resign from Rental Services Commission
9. Property Managers, Supplier Companies and WMFHA Working Together for You
20. Dear Maintenance Men • Professional Publishing, Inc 17,000 Papers Mailed Monthly To Puget Sound Apartment Owners, Property Managers & Maintenance Personnel Published in association with Washington Association, IREM & Washington Multifamily Housing Association
Sleepless in Seattle:
Learn, Connect, Grow 2018 Education Conference and Exposition April 18 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Meydenbauer Conference Center event schedule page 11
This is what people have said about EdCon! "Thanks for the great event! We had a lot of fun!" Kiril Urekeanu - Allied Residential
"I enjoyed the conference very much. The classes were amazing and the speakers wellprepared. " Cindy Lien-Kessner, CAM - ConAm Management
Professional Publishing Inc., PO Box 6244 Beaverton, OR 97007
Sound Publishing Inc 98204
...continued on page 10
44% of Professionals Lose Sleep Over Work Stress
leepless nights caused by work anxiety are taking a heavy toll on employees, according to a release from a top global staffing firm. Research shows more than four in 10 professionals, 44 percent, often lose sleep over work, according to a release from staffing firm Accountemps. "Work stressors can often follow you home, but try to check them at the door," Michael Steinitz, executive director of Accountemps, said in the release. "If you have too much on your plate, schedule time with your manager to discuss possible solutions to alleviate the pressure, such as delegating work to others, adjusting deadlines or bringing in temporary help."
How often do you lose sleep over work? • Very Often 15% • Somewhat Often 29% • Not Very Often 43%
• Never 13% Common causes of restlessness include an overwhelming workload, a looming business problem and strained
coworker relationships. Workers were asked, "How often ...continued on page 20
Fair Housing Discrimination Against Someone You’ve Never Talked to?
by Ellen Clark
he Grace Hill training tip of the week focuses on the issue of potential fair housing discrimination against someone you have never talked to. When you think about upholding Fair Housing Act laws, you probably think about treating people fairly and equally when they come in for a tour, or as you interact with them as potential tenants. But did you ever think if you fail to answer an email, you end up on the wrong side of a fair housing claim
without ever interacting with a person? Fair housing laws protect people from discrimination throughout all stages of your interactions, not just after they become your tenant or residents of your apartment community. From the first contact, whether by phone call, email, text, or in-person, you are responsible for upholding fair housing laws and treating all people in a nondiscriminatory manner. In fact, it is possible for you to discriminate against someone without ever having direct contact with that person. That may seem unlikely, but
let’s explore how that could happen. If an employee fails to respond to an email due to an assumption about the sender’s race, that behavior could be considered discrimination. How discrimination could happen against someone you’ve never talked to. Here are a couple of examples to consider: • A maintenance technician skips over a service ticket for a devout Christian family with a reputation for talking openly about their religion because he anticipates ...continued on page 8