Rental Housing Journal On-Site
April 2018
3. Millennials Spend About 45 Percent of Income on Rent Before Age 30
10. Confused Over Service, Assistance and Emotional Support Animals?
4. Real Estate Syndication Investing – 10 Things to Know
11. Dear Maintenance Men:
5. How Your Terms, Conditions or Privileges Could Mean Discrimination
12. 20 Easy, Affordable Maintenance Projects to Update your Rentals
6. Accommodating Disabled Tenants in Your Rental Property
13. How a No Pet Policy can be Discriminatory
7. 6 Insights about Rental Property Owners and Property Managers
18. Application of Payments and 72 Hour Notices
8. Top Apartment Owners Show Strong, Continued Growth
21. Apartment Owner Ordered to Pay $1.6 Million in Bed Bug Lawsuit
9. National and Local Government Affairs Update
22. Renters Feelings about Buying Diminish as Rates Climb amid Tight Inventory • Professional Publishing, Inc 17,000 Papers Mailed Monthly To Puget Sound Apartment Owners, Property Managers & Maintenance Personnel Published in association with Washington Association, IREM & Washington Multifamily Housing Association
Seattle Law Making Landlords Accept First Qualified Tenant Struck Down
Seattle judge has struck down Seattle’s ordinance saying landlords must accept the first qualified tenant who applies, according to reports. A King County Superior Court Judge, Suzanne Parisien, struck down the ordinance saying “choosing a tenant is a fundamental attribute of property ownership.” She wrote that the ordinance, called the first-in-time (FIT) law’s “few concessions to landlords do not redeem
How Important is the Front Door to your Rental Property?
he look, feel and features of a rental property’s front door are more important to tenants than landlords and property managers might think.Front door material and look is the maintenance checkup from Keepe this week. The front door is one of those subtle elements that can actually make a big difference to the overall feel of a property. Experts point out that a property’s front door can actually be responsible for significant fluctuations in the value of the property. Potential tenants will likely take notice of a damaged, flimsy or olderlooking entryways. They could interpret this as a sign of lack of upkeep for the property or concern for the well-being of tenants. Additionally, a damaged front door can make it easy for burglars to identify a certain property as one that they
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Seattle Landlords Must Charge for Parking Separate from Rent
he Seattle City Council has passed 7-1 an ordinance banning Seattle landlords and property managers from bundling the cost of parking with rental payments. Landlords of buildings with more than 10 apartments will no longer be able to include the cost of parking in rent, and must bill tenants separately for parking. Tenants, especially those who do not own a car, will have the option then of not paying the landlord for parking if they choose. “We know that an oversupply of cheap parking has a negative impact on Seattle – it increases driving and traffic congestion, increases our carbon footprint, and makes housing more expensive,” City Councilman Rob Johnson said in a statement. Mayor Jenny Durkan said in a statement she plans to sign the ordinance. "With too many Seattle residents struggle with rising rents, we need to provide more housing. We also
have to make frequent transit a reality, and we will continue to work with Metro to increase service on our most popular routes in neighborhoods across Seattle," she said. “Taking a smarter approach to our parking strategies, as we do through CB 119221, an important step is to ensure that we are creating not only a more vibrant city, but a city that works for everyone as we grow. The legislation allows for flexible use parking, so that existing and new parking spaces can be shared and used by more people. It eliminates parking requirements for affordable housing units (up to 80%
Area Median Income) so that our affordable housing partners can build more housing, and requires unbundling of parking in leases so people who do not own a car will not be required to pay for parking spaces they do not use,” Johnson said. “Increasing numbers of transit ridership and those who walk and bike coupled with growing options for shared mobility like Uber and Lyft are changing the transportation landscape. We know that some Seattleites need drive their cars for many different reasons, but we want to build a city that supports transportation choices, too,” Johnson added.
Some highlights of parking measure for Seattle landlords • Apartment or office building owners will be able to rent out parking spots to people who don't live or work in the building. That's meant to fill in ...continued on page 5