Rental Housing Journal Utah April 2016

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April 2016 - Vol. 8 Issue 4

Rental Housing Journal Utah

2. President’s Message Government Affairs: Primary Focus of the UAA 3. Director’s Message – April is Fair Housing Month – You Will Be Tested!

5. Industry News


7. Ask the Attorney – True or False

General Membership Meetings Landlord Tax Seminar with Mark Kohler

UAA Office ............................. Apr 27th 7pm



South Towne Expo Center ................ Apr 27th

Good Landlord Class • Professional Publishing, Inc Official Publication of The Utah Apartment Association Utah’s Leading Advocate for the Rental Housing Industry – 888-244-0401 – WWW.UAAHQ.ORG

Using Rental Criteria to Avoid Violating Fair Housing law


pril is Fair Housing month and a good time to brush up on ways to avoid discrimination claims. One of the best ways to avoid discrimination claims is to have a list of the criteria you use when evaluating a tenant. It is better to have objective criteria and use those than to compare people to each other or use you “gut instinct” to evaluate if someone is qualified to rent from you. It is natural for owners to want to compare prospects against each other. But BEWARE! Because of Federal Fair Housing Laws this can get you in trouble. Here is an example: A landlord puts a sign in front of their duplex for rent. At 9:00 am Marie shows up with two children, looks at the property and decides she wants it. While she fills out the application her children run around the yard and are loud. At 10:00 a nice looking young man, Derek, shows up. He tells the landlord he is starting law school at the local university, is actively involved in his church, and that he


Utah Apartment Association’s Unequaled Commitment to Fair Housing

ecently a Fair Housing advocacy group that was upset at the Utah Apartment Association over a policy difference that they refused to partner with us on a group initiative because they didn’t want it to look like they and UAA were “equally committed to Fair Housing”. While meant as a slight, it illustrated a point all property managers, landlords and industry members should always remember about the Utah Apartment Association – that no organization in Utah is as committed to, or has been as effective in advocating for and protecting Fair Housing Rights! Unlike some organizations who claim to advocate

for Fair Housing Rights, the UAA doesn’t use government money taken from taxpayers, or administrative fines taken from landlords to do it.

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continued on page 4

Passing Fair Housing Testing Paired Testing

continued on page 4

Professional Publishing Inc., PO Box 6244 Beaverton, OR 97007

We use our own money and devote time, expense and effort to mak-


et’s be honest, no one likes tests! But when failing a certain test can lead to fines or law suits, it is especially important to be prepared. In Utah the Disability Law Center conducts testing to verify landlords are complying with

Fair Housing law. While most will be on disability issues, tests can be for any of the protected classes: race, color, sex, religion, country of origin, disability, familial status, source of income, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Advertise in Rental Housing Journal Utah Circulated to over 6,000 apartment owners, on-site and maintenance personnel monthly.

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When the DLC tests, they generally use paired testers. This means they send (or have call on the phone) two applicants. They measure if the two prospective applicants are treated the same. One tester is not in a protected class (the “control” tester). The other is (the “protected class” tester). The tests are normally done on the same day, to the same leasing person or landlord. If any red flags are discovered, the DLC orders a second test. If both tests suggest the landlord uses discriminatory practices, a complaint is filed with the state or Housing and Urban Development (the Federal Agency in continued on page 6

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