Rental Housing Journal Utah December 2016

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December 2016 - Vol. 8 Issue 12

Rental Housing Journal Utah

2. President’s Message – The 4 Values of the Utah Apartment Association 3. Director’s Message – 2016: Year in Review 4. Ask the Attorney – Starting an Eviction – Eviction Orders & Disputed Evictions

UPCOMING EVENTS Good Landlord Class South Ogden .................... Jan 18th 6:00 pm Salt Lake............................ Jan 20th 8:30am EVENTS

UAA Tribute Awards .................................. Jan 27th Little America, Salt Lake City

Day at the Hill ............................................... Feb 14th Utah State Capitol, Salt Lake City

5. UAA Asked to Help Idaho Apartment Association • Professional Publishing, Inc Official Publication of The Utah Apartment Association Utah’s Leading Advocate for the Rental Housing Industry – 888-244-0401 – WWW.UAAHQ.ORG

2017 UPRO Classes Now Available


he upcoming schedule for UPRO classes has recently been approved for 2017, with classes on Legal Regulations and Maintenance scheduled for the early part of the year. “These UPRO classes offer a unique opportunity for people in our industry to come discuss some of the issues they face on a regular basis – whether they own a handful of units they manage for themselves, manage a large apartment community, or operate a Property Management company for other owners” according to Taylor Smith, the UAA Education Coordinator in charge of creating the class schedule. “One of the most rewarding parts of the classes have been having the participants talk to each other and share tips, experiences, referrals and ideas. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” The Utah Professional Rental Operators designation provides in depth coverage of what a participant need to know in order to


Scam Targets Utah Rental Businesses by Taylor Smith Utah Apartment Association


while ago the UAA received a call from one of our members asking about a letter they had received from “the Labor Regulatory Compliance Office” saying that they owed $285.00 in order to avoid prosecution. It includes “notices” about the requirement of employers to post information fliers informing employees employees of their rights – or face a fine up to $17,000. The continued on page 7

What is a Landlord Utility Agreement?


magine the following scenario: your tenant in a lower level unit calls you early on a Saturday morning late in December to let you know that there is a leak coming through the ceiling. You show up and knock on the unit directly above the tenant who called you – the tenant you know has been struggling to make their rent payment. Nobody answers the door, so you peak through the window and your eyes are greeted with a mag-

Professional Publishing Inc., PO Box 6244 Beaverton, OR 97007

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continued on page 6

continued on page 7

Text REALESTATE-ROI to 44222 to receive a digital copy of this year's Real Estate Opportunities in Investing (ROI) Finding Investing Success in Today's Housing Market

Advertise in Rental Housing Journal Utah Circulated to over 6,000 apartment owners, on-site and maintenance personnel monthly.

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