Rental Housing Journal Utah March 2017

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Rental Housing Journal Utah

2. President’s Message – The Annual Conference Deserves a Spot on Your Schedule UAA Education TradeshowSchedule

UPCOMING EVENTS Good Landlord Class Ogden ................................ May 17th 8:30am Salt Lake.......................... May 20th 8:30am

3. Director’s Message –

March 2017 - Vol. 9 Issue 3 EVENTS UPRO Class ................................... Fri, Apr 14th 8:30am UAA Office

(448 E Winchester #460, Murray)

UAA Education Conference & Tradeshow ............................. Apr 25th South Towne Expo Center

5. Ask the Attorney – Holding Eviction Lockouts & Security Deposits 6. 4Q16 Market Overview - Salt Lake City • Professional Publishing, Inc Official Publication of The Utah Apartment Association Utah’s Leading Advocate for the Rental Housing Industry – 888-244-0401 – WWW.UAAHQ.ORG

Final 2017 Legislative Report

Are You Ready For the April th 25 UAA Trade Show? We will be holding the Good Landlord Refresher Course at 9:00 am (included with the price of admission)


e are pleased to announce that with the support of UAA members, volunteer leaders, staff and our hired lobbyists, the 2017 session has yielded some incredible successes for the rental housing industry.

yDo y you have a real estate or broker’s license? Do you need CE credit? You can get up to 4 hours of credit at this year’s show, with multiple options. yDo y you like to laugh? This year’s keynote speaker Jason Hewlett is hilarious! We can guarantee you won’t be able to keep a straight face.

HB 376: Landlord-Tenant Rights This bill standardizes all evictions to be under the same "expedited timeframes". They bring all five types of evictions into continuity and standardization. The five types are (the five types are 1) nonpayment, 2) criminal eviction - those both are currently expedited, 3) contractual compliance, i.e. violating terms of the lease, 4) end of term eviction where tenants refuse to move after lease ends, and last 5) commercial evictions. This is a significant improvement because tenant’s attorneys were often stalling evictions by 60 days,

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n April 25th 2017 at the South Towne Expo Center the Utah Apartment Association will host its Annual Fair Housing Education Conference & Trade Show. This year is geared up to become the largest in UAA history. With more exhibitors, more education & more fun! Registration is easy. You can register online at or by calling the UAA office at 801487-5619. Register early to receive

special discounts and to be entered to win special prizes. The earlier you register the more you save and the more chances you have of winning! There will be more than a dozen classes for you to choose from, that have been handpicked by a special committee to cover the hottest topics and most important issues facing landlords and property managers like you. yDo y you need to renew your good landlord certificate?

yWant y more information on Fair Housing? We’ve got classes for that. Worried about protecting yourself from liability? We have a class for that. What about issues about Meth contamination? Evictions? Team building? Market trends? Yup. We have classes for those too! For more information about upcoming classes look at the education schedule published in this edition of the Rental Housing Journal.

Jason Hewlett is the 2017 Trade Show Keynote Speaker


he Utah Apartment Association is extremely excited to have Jason Hewlett as our keynote presenter at the 2017 Trade Show. Jason’s One-Man Show of Music, Comedy, Parody & Impressions has received Best of State honors in the Arts & Entertainment category numerous times in his home state of Utah, and is received by standing ovations worldwide. Uniquely enough, this same show is performed on stages for families, corporations, and appeared in continued on page 3

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