Rental Housing Journal Utah October 2017

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October 2017 - Vol. 9 Issue 10

Rental Housing Journal Utah

2. 3. 5. 5.

President’s Message – Upcoming UAA Membership Renewals Are Upon Us Director’s Message – Preparing For Natural Disasters What IS "Normal Wear and Tear"? Ask the Attorney – Requalifying Tenants Upon Renewal

UPCOMING EVENTS Good Landlord Class South Ogden City Hall............................. Wed, Dec 16th Salt Lake............................................................ Sat, Dec 16th Ogden............................................................. Tues, Dec 19th Salt Lake.............................................................Fri, Dec 29th

6:00 pm 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am

UAA Annual Meeting UAA Office ............................................ (448 E Winchester #460, Murray) • Professional Publishing, Inc Official Publication of The Utah Apartment Association Utah’s Leading Advocate for the Rental Housing Industry – 888-244-0401 – WWW.UAAHQ.ORG

What is the best way to communicate with your tenants?

UAA PAC Fundraising Efforts Underway


s of publication, the Utah Apartment Association has raised just over >>>> in Political Action funds this year. The majority of that comes from people like you, who have paid a contribution with their UAA Dues for 2017 or 2018 or made special donations throughout the year. In addition to these donations the UAA hosts two fund raisers each year that specifically benefit


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Our annual goal for Political Contributions is $100,000. We are currently more than half way there, and are anticipating that as pledges are fulfilled and donations are made with dues that we should reach it before the end of the year. However we need your help to do that!

What the UAA PAC Does for you

By Taylor Smith

ometimes landlords mistakenly imagine that once they have gotten rid of an old tenant and successfully put a new tenant into a unit, they don’t have to do anything else except respond to maintenance requests and collect rent. If only it were that easy. The key to being a successful landlord is figuring out how to do two things well: asset management and customer service. Asset management involves doing frequent inspections, responding to maintenance needs, and making plans for future upkeep

our political efforts. First in August was the UAA Reverse Trade Show, which raised more than $13,000 for the PAC. Next was the UAA PAC Luncheon at Top Golf in Midvale on October 18th where more than $30,000 was raised or was pledged by individuals and companies who wanted to come find out more about the political efforts on behalf of the rental industry by the UAA.

By Taylor Smith

Utah Apartment Association


y now all of you who receive this publication should have also received a bill for your 2018 UAA Annual Dues, along with an invitation to send a donation for the Utah Apartment Association Political Action Committee (UAA PAC), with the amount set according to the number of units you own. We continued on page 6 would like to thank all of you who have paid your dues. It is always a good feeling as an employee at the association to know that you value our work on your behalf. We would also like to give a special thanks to those of you who have donated to the PAC. Our Government Affairs efforts are at the heart of what we do for our members, and this fund enables us to represent you at all levels of Government in Utah.

is used to help fund our lobbyists, and to contribute to the campaigns of elected officials and candidates who are private property friendly and willing to work to correct or improve certain laws, or willing to block laws that would harm our industry. Some of the money is also How is the PAC money spent in hosing fundraisers, which used? are designed to increase the impact From time to time as we send out of your donations. The candidates that we support the annual renewal notices, we are asked what the PAC is and what it are carefully chosen by Executive does. The money in the UAA PAC Committee with the help of the

PAC and Government Affairs Committees who review the voting records and history of the candidates in question and that of their opponents. We do not allow things like party affiliation or positions on other issues to impact the committee’s decision, we only evaluate candidates based on how their views and votes will impact the businesses of our members and other landlords, property managers and investors throughout the state. continued on page 7

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