Utah RHJ March 2018

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March 2018 - Vol. 10 Issue 03

Rental Housing Journal Utah

Upcoming Events


2. President’s Message: How to be More Involved 3. Director’s Message: Assistance Animals Do’s and Don’ts 4. Ask the Attorney : Reasonable Modifications for the DisabledDo I have to pay for it? 5. The First UAA Trade Show 7. 8 Tips for Becoming Better at Productive Confrontations

Good Landlord Class (www.GoodLandlordTraining.com) Salt Lake......................................................................................................................................................................May 8th, 8:30 AM (At the New UAA Office) Ogden .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................May 16th, 8:30 AM Salt Lake...................................................................................................................................................................June 16th, 8:30 AM (At the New UAA Office) Ogden ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... June 22nd, 8:30 AM UAA General Membership Meeting Wednesday, May 30th 7:00 PM .....................................................................................................Vison Real Estate (495 N. University Ave., in Provo) Thursday, May 31st, 7:00 PM .................................................................................New UAA Offices (230 W. Towne Ridge Parkway, #175 in Sandy) Fair Housing Education Conference & Trade Show Wednesday, April 25th 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ........................................................ Mountain America Expo Center (9575 State Street in Sandy) UAA New Office Open House Thursday, April 26th 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM ...................................................... New UAA Office (230 W. Towne Ridge Parkway, #175 in Sandy)

www.rentalhousingjournal.com • Professional Publishing, Inc Official Publication of The Utah Apartment Association Utah’s Leading Advocate for the Rental Housing Industry – 888-244-0401 – WWW.UAAHQ.ORG

History of Fair Housing


n April 11, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which was meant as a followup to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The 1968 Act expanded on previous acts and prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, sex, (and as amended) handicap and family status. Title VIII of the Act is also known as the Fair Housing Act (of 1968). The enactment of the federal Fair Housing Act on April 11, 1968 came only after a long and difficult journey. From 1966-1967, Congress regularly considered the fair housing bill, but failed to garner a strong enough majority for its passage. However, when the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson utilized this national tragedy to urge for the bill's speedy Congressional approval. Since the 1966 open housing marches in Chicago, Dr. King's name had been closely associated with the fair housing legislation. President Johnson

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Come See Our New Office! Open House: April 26th

he UAA has moved our office! Our new location is 240 West Towne Ridge Parkway, Suite 175 in Sandy. (It is on Monroe Street, the frontage road on the East side of I-15, between the Hyatt Hotel and the Windmill Cove Apartments, right up the hill from the new Hale Center Theater and Sandy City Hall. We are on the first floor on the West side of the building.) Please come by and see us as we are setting in! We will also continued on page 3

The UAA Fair Housing Education Conference:

The Most Important Event on the Association Calendar


he UAA has been holding a Trade Show and Exposition for eight decades now. Every year the event is bigger and better. Since the mid-eighties one of the most important parts of the UAA Trade Show has been the Fair Housing Education Conference held in conjunction with the event. One of the most important aspects of Fair Housing to remember is that it’s supposed to be fair. Everyone longs for fairness. From a very young age children sense what is right and wrong and will often shout out, “That’s not fair!” As adults we learn that one of the most important characteristics we bring to our relationships is the capacity and desire to treat others right. In the business world our reputation is based on our ability to treat others with impartiality and objectivity. Treating others fair is not just a nice idea…it is the basis of successful human interactions in all facets of life.

So let’s keep the FAIR in Fair Housing! Sure, the rules are critical and you have to know how to apply them in every aspect of apartment leasing, maintenance, and management! If you mess up, it can cost you and your company

hundreds of thousands in fines and punitive damages. Remember these basics. In Utah it is against the law to discriminate based upon a tenant or a prospective renter’s: continued on page 5

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