Rental Housing Journal - Valley - January 2013

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January 2014 - Vol. 8 Issue 1

Rental Housing Journal Valley

Page 2 MULTIFAMILY NW New Beginnings

Page 6 SHOPTALK Alive after FIve??

Page 3 How Deep are Your Pockets?






Double Your Property Management Productivity… In 30 Days! By Ernest F. Oriente, The Coach {Article #214…since 1995} Double your personal productivity in 30 days? Is it possible? Absolutely! This article will provide three important steps for making the best investment you have ever made…an investment in you! Why is this critical? Because a small investment made today will yield huge dividends for you in the future. As a business coach since 1995, increased productivity is a popular topic with my property management clients. Why? Because finding a way to leverage small shortcuts, which generate large results, continues to be an important theme in the fast-paced world we experience today and the pace we can anticipate in the future. Using a recorder: Begin by using the recording features in your Smartphone to capture your voice thoughts and ideas. This is the perfect way for taking voice-notes while you are walking/inspecting your properties and these notes can be used to develop a checklist for your next team/maintenance meeting. Voice recordings are especially useful for dictating a company letter or memo as you can rapidly speak your ideas into your Smartphone and have a support person or your assistant actually do the typing for you, thus giving you the time to handle

other more important tasks. Tip From The Coach: Your mind is a powerful tool but frequently it works in overdrive creating new ideas or solving problems, which distract you from fully concentrating on the task or person in front of you. Use your voice recordings to dump all your thoughts/ideas and then return to the task or project you are working on with a clear head. Start by capturing a steady-stream of your powerful ideas as voice recordings, and watch to see how many of these turn into great ideas! On a personal note, voice recordings are great for making grocery lists, for building a list of errands, or storing the notes from a cellular telephone call you have just completed. Learning to speed-read: On a daily basis you are bombarded with thousands of words/images/text messages and E-mails and it can be overwhelming just trying to keep up. Yet keeping up becomes more and more challenging with the pace of technology and the increased performance expectations in the property management profession. The solution…take a speed-reading course and learn how to triple your reading velocity and improve your learning comprehension, at the same time. Organizations, such as Evelyn Wood, offer one-day seminars for $149 and will teach you how to become a more powerful reader and give you a step-

by-step plan for increasing the comprehension of what you read and see. Tip From The Coach: Once you have learned to speed-read, you will no longer experience informationoverload because you will be able to grasp concepts and learn new ideas at a more joyful and fun pace. On a personal note, learning to speedread will help you become a dailylearner which will be critical to your continued success in the property management profession. Those who understand this important concept will be the future leaders in this industry. So…become a speed-reader and learn at least one new idea every day because one year from today, you will own a treasury of 365 new ideas! Developing a database: A database manager is powerful software that stores important information that can be quickly accessed, can easily store a person’s name, phone number, address, his/her type of business, and will even remind you when a variety of projects/tasks are due. The real power in having a database is being able to access a vendor, a supplier, a prospect or an industry expert in just seconds. Plus, you will be able to sort your database and print an endless variety of reports, telephone numbers, mailing labels and resident/prospect lists, which will increase your daily closContinued on page 4

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Top New Year’s Resolutions for Property Managers


ere is a list of four resolutions that property managers should have on their list for 2014. None of them are difficult or require an immense amount of work, and all of them would bring rewards throughout the coming year. Start the New Year off organized. An organized landlord is a more profitable landlord. File your documents and paperwork logically and neatly in a file folder with brackets on each side of the folder. Two-hole punch the top of each document and file them in a way that works for you. Some landlords put all “pre-move in” documents on one side, and all other documents on the other. Being organized is simply a good business practice. Whether you manage one rental unit or a thousand, being organized and consistent will make you a better landlord and put more of the profit in your pocket. Aim for more work/life balance. Build down time into your schedule. When you plan your week, make it a point to schedule time with your family and friends, and activities that help you recharge. Drop activities that zap your time or energy. Take stock of activities that don't enhance your career or personal life, and minimize the time you spend on them. You may even be able to leave work Continued on page 5

Advertise in Rental Housing Journal Valley Circulated to over 6,000 Apartment owners, On-site, and Maintenance personnel monthly.

Call 503-221-1260 for more info. Rental Housing Journal Valley • January 2014

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