Rental Housing Journal Valley Sept 2015

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Rental Housing Journal Valley

September 2015

3. Budgeting and the Beginner’s Mind

6. Taking Over an Existing Tenancy

4. Budgets: Don’t Miss Opportunities to Evaluate Employees and Vendors

7. Dear Maintenance Men


Portland Apartment Research Report

Creating an Annual Operating Budget for Your Multifamily Property This article will give you some great ideas for using a budget to your advantage.

Portland Metro Area, Third Quarter 2015 Published Courtesy of Marcus & Millichap ibrant Tech Scene Invites New Workers to Portland Demand for Portland area apartments is booming as new employees and job seekers rush to the metro, and completions are barely keeping pace with demand. Already-tight occupancy will be further heightened by job growth in the area’s tech, manufacturing and health care employers, which include the likes of Intel, Oregon Health & Science University and a variety of startups. These industries are drawing young professionals to the Portland metro who hope to be hired by the large number of expanding startups and other technology companies. Potential and new hires

• A baseline for property management reviews.

Some of the items to review are: Multifamily Property Income:

• Income and expense projections based on market drivers and assumptions.

• Vacancies against leasing projections: Is your manager on target for leasing new units or maintaining the average occupancy rate in your market?

Benefits of Creating an Annual Multifamily Investment Property Budget A budget allows you to establish or identify:


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• Performance targets.

vs. budgeted income and expenses. This budget then establishes a baseline for your property manager’s performance reviews. It’s a great idea to have regular meetings with your manager to review these comparisons. How are they doing in meeting projections? What can be done to course correct when and if your targets are not being met?


by Theresa Bradley-Banta multifamily real estate annual operating budget allows you to compare the actual financial performance of your property to your longrange projections for future income and expenses. It’s important to prepare an annual income and expense forecast for your property whether you manage it yourself or if a professional third party management company manages it for you. Important: Do not prepare an annual operating budget for your multifamily property or apartment building and then file it away and ignore it.

• Capital improvements planning and projections. • Problems that need to be resolved. Importantly, a budget can help you maximize profitability and avoid unforeseen major repairs and expenses.

Third Party Property Manager Performance Baseline The best use of a property budget is to track how your manager is performing. Ask your third party property manager to prepare an annual budget forecast with side-by-side comparisons of actual

• Lease renewal (rollover) projections: These are leases that are due for renewal during the budget period. Make initial contact with residents no later than 60 days prior to lease expiration. If there is not a renewal commitment from your tenant there should be a follow up in 45-days.

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Spectrum Educational Conference See you on September 24th!


pectrum is the largest rental housing educational conference and trade show in Oregon. It will be held September 24th at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Spectrum is the premier annual educational conference for rental housing ownership, management and maintenance. This year’s show features a bustling trade show floor of both lo-

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cal and national exhibitors. The event draws over 1,000 attendees and offers 28 unique education workshops. Everyone looks forward to Spectrum addressing the needs and issues of our region’s rental property owners, on-site leasing agents, portfolio managers and maintenance professionals. We are excited to kick off the 2015 conference with a general session fea-

turing national speaker Dr. Ivan Joseph. Ivan will open the day with his exciting session “The Skill of Self-Confidence.” In this fun, session, Ivan Joseph will show you how self-confidence is a skill that can be built to bring out your best in the ...continued on page 3

Advertise in Rental Housing Journal Valley Circulated to over 6,000 apartment owners, on-site and maintenance personnel monthly. W W W. R E N TA L H O U S I N G J O U R N A L . C O M

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