Supporting Improvement, Integration and Innovation Business Plan 2012 - 2015
Supporting Improvement, Integration and Innovation
Contents Introduction P2 The role of the Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare
SCTT Response to National Delivery Plan
Programme Leads/Single Points of Contact
Appendix 1 - SCTT Action Plan 2013/14
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Introduction 1.1 Purpose The Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare (SCTT) sits within the governance, management and reporting structure of NHS 24. This business plan details key activities and deliverables for the Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare from 2012-15. It also provides our response to the Scottish Government’s National Delivery Plan for Telehealth and Telecare, as endorsed by NHS Scotland and COSLA. The business plan covers a three year timescale, and will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to provide a rolling 3 year programme of activity.
1.2 Background Formally established as an integrated function within NHS 24 from April 2011, SCTT acts as an advisor, facilitator and promoter of Telehealth and Telecare in Scotland. SCTT operates on a high strategic level, providing support to the National Telehealth and Telecare Advisory Board (NTTAB) which is chaired by the Director of the Joint Improvement Team on behalf of the Scottish Government. NTTAB has representation from a broad range of key stakeholders and national champions of this agenda. SCTT also facilitates and supports the Digital Health and Care Innovation Partnership (DHCIP) which reports directly to the Life Sciences Advisory Board (jointly chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing) and the Innovation Partnership Board. In addition, SCTT provides representation on a number of high level programme boards and interest groups to champion the Telehealth & Telecare agenda. SCTT also supports operational development, working in partnership with local, national and international stakeholders. There is an array of programmes and projects, trials and pilots now in place in Scotland – some of which have moved into mainstream service provision. Significant progress has been made against the priorities identified within the Telecare Action Plan (2010-12) and the SCT Strategic Framework (2010-12), as noted in the National Delivery Plan. The SCTT team captures lessons learned and promotes knowledge transfer to support a technology enabled and integrated approach to the delivery of high quality health and care services in Scotland.
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1.3 Key Principles SCTT will support our key stakeholders to adopt and expand the use of Telehealth & Telecare to:
improve access to person centred care;
enable people to stay at home or in the community for as long as is appropriate and avoid the need for unplanned care where possible;
enable people to better manage their own health and wellbeing, and improve their quality of life;
improve access to specialist care services (where possible allowing consultation at home /from local heathcare facility/ hospital to hospital or hospital / healthcare facility to specialist’s home /office/to care home); supporting opportunities for regional or national services where relevant;
safely and appropriately enable people to return to their homes or community as early as possible, after admission to hospital or care home;
streamline care pathways to enable sustainable health and care services;
effectively plan and manage appropriate transition from pilot projects to at-scale mainstream services; and
support economic growth.
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Scottish Flag
Scotland’s Delivery Plan International Engagement
Programmes & Projects
SCTT Business Plan
Scottish Centre forScottish Telehealth and Centre for Telehealth and Telecare Telecare
Technology Workstreams Solutions
Service Development & Redesign
Action Plan 2012-2015
Single Point SPoC of Contact
SCTT Database and Website
Roles and Responsibilities
Consult and Facilitate Research & Innovation
Share Learning & Good Practice
Cloud Icon
The role of the Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare
In order to support stakeholders to achieve their priorities and meet the objectives and activities of the National Delivery Plan, the SCTT has identified the following 6 key roles.
Provide consultation and facilitation services
We will…
• identify a single point of contact within SCTT to support and communicate effectively with our stakeholders
• draw on subject matter expertise to work with partners, by blending skills from the SCTT team with local, national
to facilitate developments and support local strategies;
• encourage and support the use and development of digital information, by leveraging the knowledge developing
of business cases;
• act as a conduit between Health Boards, Local Authorities, other Public Sector, Industry and/or other organisations
and international expertise in a complementary and supportive way;
• help our stakeholders to identify and secure funding opportunities and, if requested, assist in the development
and provide contributions to specialist/national groups as appropriate;
within Scotland relating to using multiple delivery channels;
• influence and inform national policy and strategic priorities by working in partnership with the Scottish Government,
COSLA, and other key stakeholders.
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2.2 Share information and good practice, outcomes and evaluation We will…
identify new and share existing evaluations and evaluation techniques to measure the impact of telehealth and telecare; develop and maintain a national database of telehealth and telecare services in Scotland which will act as a supportive sign posting tool for those setting up new services; continue to promote good practice and facilitate shared learning across Scotland via the Telehealth and Telecare Learning Network; capture and share ‘lessons learned’ to accompany the outcomes and evaluations from any projects and services that we are involved in; develop and share cost and volume models which can help to address the invest-to-save requirements to scale up telehealth and telecare; link with other ongoing outcomes activities, contributing where appropriate; do this in partnership with our stakeholders, using our national role to disseminate information to all interested parties.
2.3 Carry out research and promote innovation We will…
continually “horizon scan” for emerging technologies and identify where they may be appropriate for Scotland to consider adoption in partnership with relevant key stakeholders;
carry out, publish and disseminate research, helping to identify the “next best thing”.
2.4 Provide technical expertise We will…
where requested, provide technical advice to our stakeholders, when they would like some support navigating the options of telehealth and telecare solutions, integrating with local technical requirements and working with the National Video Conferencing Infrastructure; review the availability of solutions in Scotland and beyond, so that we are informed about possibilities and integration; work in partnership to develop and expand the National Video Conferencing service within both NHS Scotland and the wider public sector; identify technologies which can receive requests for information from service users and provide sign posting to reliable sources; work with partners to develop a range of web based training tools for professionals, service users and their carers to support adoption of new technology solutions.
2.5 Support the development of new services and service redesign programmes We will…
identify solutions to benefit the wider Scottish health, care and wellbeing agendas; help identify funding opportunities; provide, where appropriate, Project and Programme Management facilitation and support; provide, where required, clinical advice on the best ways to safely adapt clinical services to incorporate telehealth and telecare; where appropriate, help manage specific local projects and programmes to support our stakeholders as they implement telehealth and telecare services; if opportunities arise for NHS 24 to deliver national services centrally, design manage and deliver those services for the benefits of the wider community, drawing out opportunities for economies of scale.
2.6 International engagement We will….
continue to act as Scotland’s Ambassador for Telehealth and Telecare in Europe, establishing positive relationships;
continue to identify relevant opportunities for Scotland;
continue to represent Scotland on relevant European Networks, capturing and sharing good practice locally, nationally and internationally as appropriate;
co-ordinate Scotland’s participation in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
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3 Resources Ringfenced funding of approximately ÂŁ1m per annum is provided by the Scottish Government to NHS 24 as part of its general allocation to support the Scottish Centre for Telehealth & Telecare. This funding is used predominantly for our staffing resource.
SCTT Team The SCTT team has a number of different roles, all of which support delivery of the SCTT Business Plan and our contribution to the National Delivery Plan.
Team Co-ordinator
Head of Service
Partnership SDM SDM SDM SDM Improvement Officer
Project Co-ordinators x2
Head of Service
European Engagement Manager
Project Co-ordinator
Clinical Leads
SCTT Director
Technical Support Team
Director The Director of the SCTT provides strategic leadership and overall accountability for the team. Key responsibilities include strategic relationship building at a senior level across Scottish Government, Health Boards, COSLA, Local Authorities, ADSW and other key stakeholders; identifying strategic synergies; identifying and scoping future activities and opportunities; establishing and managing international relationships at a senior European Commission and Partner level; and informing national and international policy.
Heads of Service There are two Heads of Service posts in SCTT which support and deputise for the Director. These posts provide programme and project coverage of: a) Hospital, Institutional and Emergency Based Health & Care and Primary Care b) Community based care including Primary Care, Social Care, Housing.
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The Heads of Service support strategic development; line manage team members; hold strategic Single Point of Contact roles; develop and prioritise funding bids; identify potential NHS 24 Service Delivery options; work in collaboration with the European Engagement Manager to develop European Opportunities and are responsible for the prioritisation and delivery of the SCTT Business Plan.
European Engagement Manager In recognition of the expanding role of the SCTT within Europe, a European Engagement team is being established. Led by the European Engagement Manager, this team will predominantly carry out the activities identified in section 2.6 of this Business Plan.
Clinical Leads
The Clinical Leads are aligned to and support the activities of SCTT. Although not part of the formal line management structure, they are drawn from elsewhere within NHS 24 or from partner Health Boards. Clinical Leads inform the strategic activities of the team; champion the development of telehealth and telecare in Scotland; represent SCTT nationally and internationally; create strategic networking opportunities and develop positive relationships with key stakeholders; identify where SCTT and telehealth/ telecare can add value and initiate opportunities for programmes of work; carry out awareness raising activities, and provide specific advice on the role telehealth and telecare can have in supporting clinical service redesign. Clinical Leads generally have a specialist clinical area of expertise and act as a single point of contact (SPOC) for relevant strategic groups.
To support the significant activity around Communications, a Communication Manager post is in place. This post is line managed within the NHS 24 Communications Team, where workload activity is discussed, prioritised and agreed with SCTT senior management.
Project Managers Where required and funded, the SCTT will employ project managers to support the implementation of specific elements of the work programme. This will either be from the existing pool of project management resource within NHS 24, or on a project by project basis.
Partnership Improvement Officer The Partnership Improvement Officer post is jointly funded by SCTT and the Joint Improvement Team, and line managed within SCTT. The post develops strategic and policy links within the Scottish Government; facilitates and supports the National Telehealth & Telecare Advisory Board; manages Ministerial and Parliamentary correspondence. This post is also responsible for raising the profile of telehealth and telecare as part of relevant national programmes e.g. Reshaping Care for Older People initiative, Digital Strategy.
Project Co-ordinator The provision of project administrative support is carried out by the post of Project Co-ordinator. In addition to project administration, this post supports risk and issue management; provides updates to the central project repository; co-ordinates meetings and project documentation; establishes and maintains the National Database of Telehealth and Telecare Services, and maintains the Lessons Learned Logs.
Additional Service Development Manager posts can be recruited to provide time limited programme management support to specific activities where additional resources are secured e.g. Project Ginsberg.
Technical Support The SCTT has a small team providing technical support to the delivery of both the programmes and the projects. These resources are aligned on a regional basis across Scotland and will work in conjunction with the National Video Conferencing Team. The team is managed by the SDM who has a specific Technical Lead role for SCTT.
Service Development Managers The role of the Service Development Manager (SDM) is to implement and deliver the Programmes and Projects detailed in the action plan; provide support to partners carrying out Service Redesign; provide Consultation and Facilitation Services to partners where required; work with partners to identify funding opportunities; share information and good practice; carry out research and innovation (including horizon scanning); provide technical expertise and advice to stakeholders; support the development of the National Videoconferencing Service; promote technology integration, standards and support workforce development. In addition, the Service Development Managers act as the single point of contact (SPOC) for local and special interest organisations.
Communication Manager
Team Co-ordinator The SCTT Team Co-ordinator provides PA support to the Senior Management Team; provides administrative support and travel co-ordination for the SCTT team; and provides administrative support for national Programme Boards as appropriate.
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SCTT Response to the National Delivery Plan
SCTT Programmes
Support technology enabled service redesign within the Transforming Outpatient Programme
Support the use of telehealth and telecare within Primary Care services
Expand the Stroke and Cardiac Planned Care Programme
Contribute to the implementation of Commitment 6 of the Mental Health Strategy for Scotland, including Project Ginsberg
Provide Health and Care Services to Care Homes and Community Hospitals
Telehealth & Telecare Projects / Activities
Improve and Integrate Health and Social Care Enhance Wellbeing Empower People
Improve Sustainability and Value
NDP Workstreams
Support Economic Growth
Exchange learning; develop and embed good practice
The following table maps the 12 key programmes and associated projects that are being progressed by SCTT in partnership with key stakeholders against the specific workstreams identified within the National Delivery Plan. Specific deliverables for this financial year are detailed in Appendix 1: SCTT Action Plan.
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SCTT Programmes
Support the expansion of 24/7 access to stroke thrombolysis decision support
Work in partnership with SAS to investigate the use of technology solutions to support paramedics
Support use of technology to reduce admissions to A&E
Implement United4Health Programme to support the management of Long Term Health Conditions (CHF, COPD and diabetes)
Expand Home Health Monitoring solutions across Scotland
Implement the European ‘at scale’ Smartcare Project to support the redesign of integrated care pathways
Develop and implement the Scottish Government and Technology Strategy Board’s dallas programme in Scotland – Living it Up
Improve and Integrate Health and Social Care
Work in partnership to deliver the North of Scotland Paediatric Unscheduled Care Service
Telehealth & Telecare Projects / Activities
Enhance Wellbeing Empower People
Improve Sustainability and Value
NDP Workstreams
Support Economic Growth
Exchange learning; develop and embed good practice
SCTT Programmes
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Co-ordinate Scotland’s bids for future CIP-ICT / FP7 calls and identify at least 2 further programmes of activity
Co-ordinate Scotland’s contribution to the Advanced Care Coordination and Telehealthcare (ACT) Project
Exchange learning; develop and embed good practice
Support the Implementation of the Transnational Telemedicine Solutions (ITTS) programme
Support Economic Growth
Empower People
Improve Sustainability and Value
Co-ordinate Scotland’s contribution to the CASA Project (thematic network)
Enhance Wellbeing
Improve and Integrate Health and Social Care
NDP Workstreams
Co-ordinate Scotland’s contribution to the Momentum Project (thematic network)
Co-ordinate Scotland’s participation in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing to inform transformational care service redesign in Scotland, and develop opportunities for industry
Deliver access to services (including specialist health services) to support people in Scotland’s Prisons
Delivery of healthcare and forensic services for people in Police Custody.
Telehealth & Telecare Projects / Activities
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SCTT Programmes
Link with academic leaders in telehealth and telecare research and evaluation to develop the evidence around the effectiveness, efficiency and acceptability of interventions in telehealth and telecare
Develop a national approach to evaluation in telehealth and telecare enabled services
Establish a robust baseline of existing projects and service provision
Establish robust and regular meetings between the telehealthcare and eHealth communities to identify and develop opportunities for effective collaboration
Better support inter-agency working, review options to develop a cross sector and agency model for video architecture across the public sector
Support the further development and expansion of the National Video Conferencing Service in conjunction with the National Video Conferencing Steering Group
Telehealth & Telecare Projects / Activities
Improve and Integrate Health and Social Care Enhance Wellbeing Empower People
Improve Sustainability and Value
NDP Workstreams
Support Economic Growth
Exchange learning; develop and embed good practice
SCTT Programmes
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Develop tools and materials which enable people with disabilities and long term health and care issues to comfortably and confidently use telehealthcare to support their lifestyles
Contribute to the establishment of the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre in support of technology enabled integrated care
Enhance the work on the Step Change 2015 Broadband Infrastructure Project by ensuring the full benefits for health and social care are realised
Support the development of a 10 year roadmap for Digital Health and Care Innovation Partnership
Investigate potential for national roll out of Baby Cam services
Empower People
Identify sustainable delivery mechanisms to ensure that carers have ready access to appropriate, up-todate information about telehealthcare services and support
Enhance Wellbeing
Improve and Integrate Health and Social Care Improve Sustainability and Value
NDP Workstreams
Recognise the crucial role provided by unpaid carers and develop solutions to meet their needs and wellbeing
Telehealth & Telecare Projects / Activities
Support Economic Growth
Exchange learning; develop and embed good practice
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SCTT Programmes
Identify and develop a range of web-based resources to support awareness raising, good practice and education activities
Investigate the potential to manage a rolling programme of care practitioners into temporary seconded posts within SCTT (or other appropriate locations) where they can contribute to the work and learn about telehealth and telecare potential.
Exchange learning; develop and embed good practice
Organise and deliver an annual programme of Learning Network activities to support workforce development, knowledge transfer and shared learning of good practice from Scotland, UK and beyond.
Support Economic Growth
Empower People
Improve Sustainability and Value
Work with NES and SSSC to consider how best to build Leadership for Innovation into their activity
Enhance Wellbeing
Improve and Integrate Health and Social Care
NDP Workstreams
Work with key stakeholders to ensure that education and training opportunities and areas of good practice are accessible for our health, care and housing workforce
Work with HEIs to embed telehealth and telecare into the core curriculum and develop accredited CPD modules for qualified staff
Work with HEIs and professional bodies to embed telehealth and telecare competencies
Telehealth & Telecare Projects / Activities
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Programme Leads/Single Points of Contact The tables below detail the Single Points of Contact (SPOC), Programme Lead and Specialist team roles. Geographically focused SPOCs are responsible for regular meetings with their health boards and local authorities, where they will provide an update on the SCTT activity against the Priority Action Areas detailed in this plan, exchange ideas/ information and discuss and agree actions/opportunities which may help address local challenges. SCTT Leads are establishing increasingly strong and supportive roles with their respective health boards, local authorities and other key stakeholders. * Staff changes may occur over time. For the latest SPOC and Programme Lead information, visit
Service Development Manager
Point of Contact for:
Programme Lead
Hazel Archer
• NHS Glasgow & Clyde
• Infrastructure
• National Services Scotland (NSS)
• East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire East and West Dunbartonshire, Glasgow City and Inverclyde Councils
• NHS Education Scotland (NES) Nessa Barry • Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Cathy Dorrian • NHS Highland, Highland and Argyll & Bute Councils • NHS Shetland / Shetland Council • NHS Fife / Fife Council • State Hospital
• Support for Patients and Service Users • Workforce Development • Evaluation • Custodial Healthcare
Lynn Garrett • NHS Ayrshire and Arran • Access to Planned Care North, South and East Ayrshire Councils • Support for Unpaid Carers • NHS Dumfries and Galloway / Dumfries and Galloway Council • NHS Western Isles/Western Isles Council • HIS • NHS Grampian; Aberdeen City, Donna Henderson Aberdeenshire and Moray Councils NHS Orkney / Orkney Council
• European Activity
Janette Hughes • NHS Lanarkshire; North and South Lanarkshire Councils • Enterprise organisations
• Assisted Living
Christine McClusky • NHS Lothian; East,West and Midlothian Councils; Edinburgh City Council
• Home Based Health Monitoring
• Project Ginsberg Lead Lucy Robinson (Temporary Post) • Sue Scotland • • •
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NHS Borders / Borders Council • Access to Unplanned Care NHS Forth Valley/ Falkirk, Stirling & Clackmannanshire Councils NHS Tayside ; Perth and Kinross, Angus and Dundee Councils Scottish Ambulance Service
Head of Service / Clinical Lead Moira MacKenzie Head of Service
Point of Contact for:
• • • •
Justine Westwood • Head of Service • •
Scottish Government – JIT COSLA ADSW ALACHO
• Assisted Living • Home Based Health Monitoring • Evaluation Framework
Scottish Government - eHealth Regional Planning Directors of Planning / National Planning Forum
• Innovation & Development
Janne Rasmussen • European Commission European Engagement • European partners, collaborating organisations/regions and stakeholders Manager • SG Mental Health Division Stella Clark Clinical Lead
• European Activity
• Planned Care – Mental Health • Custodial Services • Supporting Patients and Service Users
James Ferguson • Secondary Care • Unplanned Care (except Cardiac Clinical Lead and Stroke) • Primary Care Anne Reoch Clinical Lead • Golden Jubilee National Hospital
• Planned Care (except for Mental Health) • Unplanned Care – Cardiac and Stroke • Dermatology
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5.1 Monitoring & Reporting We will use robust governance methods to manage our activity and provide transparent reporting to our stakeholder communities. To monitor and evaluate the progress against the annual action plan associated with the business plan, the SCTT has established a number of milestones for each key activity. Progress against each programme will be monitored through the NHS 24 Project Governance Framework. Activities which directly contribute to the national Telehealth & Telecare Delivery Plan will be reported on a quarterly basis to the National Telehealth and Telecare Advisory Board. NTTAB are responsible for providing an annual update to the Scottish Government on Delivery Plan progress.
5.2 Summary of Key Deliverables from 2012/13
Supported the publication of the Scottish Government’s ‘A National Telehealth & Telecare Delivery Plan for Scotland to 2015’ in partnership with COSLA and NHS Scotland. In December 2012, secured €1.6m for Scotland’s participation in the United4Health Programme (deployment of telehealth services for people with Long Term Conditions). Successful completion of the Technology Strategy Board’s dallas competition in April 2012, with £10.35m secured for the implementation of the Living it Up programme. Raised Scotland’s profile in Europe by leading the EIP’s B3 Action Group on integrated care and facilitating Scottish representation on all 6 Action Groups. Shared good practice and learning on telehealthcare in Scotland (over 400 conference and learning network participants, over 520 webcast views, delivered content direct to 150 participants in nursing and allied health professionals training programmes, joint improvement programme with JIT including events and web-ex’s). Provided project and relationship management support to an innovative collaboration between Samsung, NHS Borders and the Scottish Ambulance Service to provide early identification of specific heart conditions prior to hospital admission. In partnership with NHS Lothian, 02 and NHS 24 service delivery, implemented a contact centre based home health monitoring support service for patients with COPD and heart failure - the service now supports around 50 patients per month. Published the ‘Alarm Monitoring and Response Services in Scotland’ Report with the Joint Improvement Team in October 2012, which established a profile of telecare response services across Scotland, and identified a number of key recommendations for action. Facilitated a telehealth enabled rehabilitation service in the Western Isles Stroke Unit, which has resulted in a >30% reduction in the average length of hospital stay since its introduction in 2011. Worked with NSS and the National VC Project Board to secure eHealth funding of £420k for the establishment of a National Video Conferencing Service starting in Spring 2013. Facilitated the expansion of neurology clinics in NHS Dumfries & Galloway by using desktop video conferencing to undertake reviews - four clinics have been held since September 2012 with 24 patients seen to end March 2013. This provides a local service closer to where patients live, reducing travel for patients and consultants.
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Appendix 1: SCTT Action Plan 2013-14
Oct 2013 Dec 2013
Facilitate the development of the Orkney secondary care rehabilitation service Explore development of interactive web based cardiac rehabilitation service Work in collaboration with the Scottish Congenital Cardiac Service to improve access via the use of telehealth Review results of the Primary Care telehealth & telecare survey questionnaire Support the development of a Primary Care telehealth & telecare action plan Provide ongoing advice and support on telehealthcare to the Programme Team
Support the use of telehealth and telecare within Primary Care services
Support technology enabled service redesign within the Transforming Outpatient Programme
Mar 2014
Aug 2013
May 2013
Anne Reoch
Anne Reoch
Anne Reoch
Support proof of concept study with NHS Dumfries & Sept 2013 Galloway for Eating Disorder Service
Expand the Stroke and Cardiac Planned Care Programme
Sept 2013
Cathy Dorrian
Commence prototyping of Ginsberg platform
Lucy Robinson
Sept 2013
May 2013
Project Ginsberg Deliver business case identifying requirements and future activities to Scottish Government
Contribute to the implementation of Commitment 6 of the Mental Health Strategy for Scotland, including Project Ginsberg
Roll out nurse led liason dementia service to 2 further May 2013 Cathy Dorrian care homes within Highland
Provide Health and Care Services to care homes and community hospitals
Key Activities
This action plan details the 12 key programmes and associated projects being progressed by SCTT in this financial year. It should be noted it does not include all activity, and does not reflect the significant stakeholder engagement and awareness raising activities undertaken. It should also be noted that there are large scale programmes of activity that may be reflected in a single row e.g. support for EIP B3 Action Group, Borders/Samsung developments, Living it Up, therefore assumptions should not be made on the level of activities within each Programme.
SCTT Programmes
Page 22 Milestones
July 2013
Pilot Service ‘Go Live’
Support proof of concept for satellite broadband to First Responders within West Ardnamurchan April 2013 May 2013
- Support community engagement activity around VC and training - Evaluate phase One - Go Live
Support the feasibility trial of Teleneurology to Argyll & Bute
Support use of technology to reduce admissions to A&E
March 2013
Identify next steps for proof of concept activity with Samsung - Scoping workshops to identify and develop innovative ideas and prototypes
June 2013
June 2013
May 2013
NHS Borders/Samsung Project - Evaluate Samsung Near Patient Testing Service (NHS Borders and SAS)
Work in partnership with SAS to investigate the use of technology solutions to support paramedics
Draft evaluation Report Jan 2014 Support the feasibility trial of telestroke in New Zealand June 2013 Support the expansion of 24/7 access to stroke thrombolysis decision support Support negotiations around further acute telestroke links within Scotland
June 2013
Complete associated NHS 24 supporting service delivery processes
Cathy Dorrian
Lynn Garrett
Sue Scotland
Anne Reoch
(Sue Scotland)
Work in partnership to deliver the North of Support the recruitment of a Clinical Lead April 2013 Lynn Garrett Scotland Paediatric Unscheduled Care Service
Key Activities
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SCTT Programmes
October 2013 April 2013
September 2013 Feb 2014
June 2013 Mar 2014
Formal launch of Living it Up Establish National Programme Steering Group
Detailed Project Implementation Plan in place Begin operation of redesigned service model and recruit initial 260 users Develop workplan for this activity Implementation of workplan
Implement the “Smartcare” Project to support the redesign of integrated care pathways
Work in partnership with JIT to engage more effectively with housing and care home communities to expand the use of telehealthcare for tenants and residents
May 2013 Dec 2013
• Planned revisions of procurement framework
April 2013
• Develop Action Plan for 2013/14 and consult with local authority commissioning group
• Meet all providers to review current performance and developments, and review 2012/13 framework performance
Support the expansion of the Scotland Excel procurement framework to improve efficiency, quality and integration of telehealth and telecare data, equipment and services
Realise greater efficiencies in procurement and asset management
June 2013
Develop workplan for this activity
Work in partnership with JIT to support the embedding of telecare within social care assessment, care planning and review processes for all client groups and ages
Autumn 2013
Expand Living it Up to 6,500 users
May 2013
Develop initial prototype of Living it Up for widespread community engagement and development
Develop and implement the Scottish Government and Technology StrategyBoard’s dallas programme in Scotland – Living it Up
Key Activities
Alistair Hodgson
Alistair Hodgson
Alistair Hodgson
To be identified
Janette Hughes
SCTT Programmes
Page 24 Milestones
- Epilepsy services for HMP Perth and HMP Castle Huntly - MH services to HMP Shotts - MH services to HMP Kilmarnock -Digital TV trial to HMP Addiewell
Establish proof of concept study to test feasibility of delivering services to Police Custody Suite in Fraserburgh.
Delivery of healthcare and forensic services for people in Police Custody.
Pilot service in place to support recruitment to My Care element of Living it Up
Establish roll out plan including - Dermatology services in Lanarkshire & Lothian
Establish service model for national home monitoring service to be provided by NHS 24
Deliver access to services (including specialist health services) to support people in Scotland’s Prison
Lothian Project - Support the expansion of NHS Lothian’s home Dec 2013 monitoring service to 200 users
Expand Home Monitoring solutions across Scotland
March 2014
September 2013
May 2013
Sept 2013
June 2013
Jan 2014
Commence operation of LTC services and recruit initial 300 users
Sept 2013
Detailed project implementation plan in place technology and services to deliver U4H agreed models of care
Implement United4Health Programme to Establish National Programme Steering Group April 2013 support the management of Long Term Health Conditions (CHF, COPD and diabetes), provide leadership of the diabetes workstream for all partners and provide Develop website for full European Programme May 2013 overall co-ordination for the full European Establish local partnership area (LPA) project teams and May 2013 programme recruit/identify project managers
Key Activities
Cathy Dorrian
Christine McClusky
Christine McClusky, Anne Reoch & Janne Rasmussen
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SCTT Programmes
- Develop an interactive repository for action group - Map current health & care integration activity across Europe
Provide input to good practice guide on Telemedicine Jan 2014 Strategy & Management Co-ordinate Scotland’s input to the programme of 5 study Apr – Dec 2013 visits including hosting the Oct event Produce practical guidelines for staff secondments Identify European best practice from CASA experience
Co-ordinate Scotland’s contribution to the Momentum Project (thematic network)
Co-ordinate Scotland’s contribution to the CASA Project (thematic network)
Continue to support Programme Steering Group
Mar 2014
Dec 2013
June 2013
Dec 2013
Oct 2013
Mar 2014
Co-ordinate Scotland’s bids for future Successful submission of at least 2 proposals Mar 2014 CIP-ICT / FP7 calls and identify at least 2 further programmes of activity
Contribute to local data collection, and work packages on Mar 2014 Co-ordinate Scotland’s contribution to patient adherence and staff engagement the Advanced Care Coordination and Telehealthcare Programme (ACT)
Support the Implementing Transnational Telemedicine Solutions (ITTS) Project
Manage the implementation of the B3 workplan across 9 action areas
Mar 2014
Identify specific programme opportunities and engage with Scottish stakeholders to submit funding proposals Provide leadership and facilitation for the B3 Action Group To March 2014 on Integrated Care
Successful appointment of EIP Reference Site status July 2013 for Scotland
Co-ordinate Scotland’s participation in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing to inform transformational care service redesign in Scotland, and develop opportunities for industry
Key Activities
Janne Rasmussen
Janne Rasmussen
Cathy Dorrian
Donna Henderson
Janne Rasmussen
Donna Henderson
Janne Rasmussen
SCTT Programmes
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Publicise and promote usage Review operation and engagement levels
Formal launch and dissemination
Publication of the YHEC Report on Cost Effectiveness of April 2013 Telecare for people with Dementia Round table discussions on Measuring Impact/Evaluation
Link with academic leaders in telehealth and telecare research and evaluation to develop the evidence around the effectiveness, efficiency and acceptability of interventions in telehealth and telecare
Collaborate to develop toolkit
Nessa Barry
Complete design & commission on-line resources to support users
Alistair Hodgson
August 2013
Finalise Impact Measurement Framework & Toolkit
May 2013
Sept 2013
June 2013
Complete consultation on proposed impact measurement framework
Develop a national approach to evaluation in telehealth and telecare enabled services
April 2013
Jan 2014
Oct 2013
May 2013
Nessa Barry
Launch a national database of telehealth and telecare services in Scotland
April 2013
Nessa Barry
Hazel Archer
Test and populate first phase database
Mar 2014
Establish a robust baseline of existing projects and service provision
Engage with the SWAN (Scottish Wide Area Network) team with a view to improving and developing shared video services across the public sector in Scotland.
To better support inter-agency working, review options to develop a cross agency model for video architecture across the public sector
Sept 2013
Alistair Hodgson
Develop a scaleable and cost effective platform to provide secure video and service links between health, social care, the third sector and service users’ homes
Sept 2013
Hazel Archer
Programme of meetings to be agreed and implemented April 2013 Establish robust and regular meetings between the telehealthcare and eHealth communities to identify and develop opportunities for effective collaboration
Support the development and implementation of a sustainable business model to provide shared services such as technical support, multi-site bridging, and central infrastructure management.
Support the development and implementation of the July 2013 National Video Conferencing Service (single point of contact service desk and national bridging service.)
Support the further development and expansion of the National Video Conferencing Service in conjunction with the National Video Conferencing Steering Group
Key Activities
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SCTT Programmes
Develop opportunities to enable telehealthcare services to be accessed via Self Directed Support Meeting with SG colleagues in SDS to identify opportunities and workplan
Develop Heart Zone, providing national quality assured June 2014 information to assist in self management of short and long term heart disease Establish content review groups for heart disease and stroke across Scotland to ensure suitable/accurate
Develop tools and materials which enable people with disabilities and long term health and care issues to comfortably and confidently use telehealthcare to support their lifestyles
Develop a range of user and patient focused information sources
April 2013
June 2013
Interim Evaluation
Jan 2014
Oct 2013
Commencement of pilot
Anne Reoch
Alistair Hodgson
Sue Scotland
Investigate potential for national roll out of Baby Cam services
Develop pilot in Princess Royal Maternity Hospital
Lynn Garrett
Support and implement the annual workplan Mar 2014 Identify sustainable delivery mechanisms for Carers Scotland to ensure that carers have ready access to appropriate, up-to-date information about telehealthcare services and support Support the development and hosting of a programme of May 2013 carer-related interactive learning events via Learning Network programme
Timescale Lynn Garrett
Milestones Support and implement the annual workplan for Carers Scotland, Dec 2013 and the work of the Carers Branch within Scottish Government
Recognise the crucial role provided by unpaid carers and develop solutions to meet their needs and wellbeing
Key Activities
SCTT Programmes
Page 28 Milestones
•Telecare/Ambulance Service Guidelines to be launched at Learning Network Event •Support wide dissemination
Work with key stakeholders to ensure that education and training opportunities and areas of good practice are accessible for our health, care and housing workforce
•Initiate similar activity with Fire Service
June 2013
Help promote newly developed accredited and non-accredited training and courses e.g. launch of Glasgow Caledonian Telehealthcare MSc
Support the development of TSA good practice protocols between telecare services and national emergency services May 2013
Disseminate findings and develop appropriate next steps
May 2013
Mar 2014
June 2013
Undertake a baseline survey of academic staff in health, allied health and social care to identify the barriers and extent to which telehealth and telecare is being embedded into undergraduate curriculum
Work with HEIs to embed telehealth and telecare into the core curriculum and develop accredited CPD modules for qualified staff
May 2013
Mar 2014
Alistair Hodgson
Nessa Barry
Nessa Barry
Nessa Barry
Progress UK wide ‘Supporting Employers with the Workforce Implications of Assistive Technologies’ Project and associated implementation plan
Work with HEIs and professional bodies to embed telehealth and telecare competencies
Alistair Hodgson
Moira Mackenzie
Identify solutions for the delivery of telehealth and telecare Mar 2014 services to people who live in areas with limited or no mobile or broadband connectivity
Moira Mackenzie
Support the implementation of the Digital Health Institute Mar 2014 Contribute to the establishment of the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre in support of technology enabled integrated care
Enhance the work on the Step Change 2015 Broadband Infrastructure Project by ensuring the full benefits for health and social care are realised
Support the development of a 10 year Provide input to a draft roadmap May 2013 roadmap for DHCIP Final DHCIP workplan in place July 2013
Key Activities
Page 29
SCTT Programmes
August 2013
Undertake consultation and dissemination of draft approach Publish final version of Co-ordinated Action Plan
Support the strategic Telehealth programme for nurse directors & AHP leads
Investigate the potential to manage a rolling programme of care practitioners into temporary seconded posts within SCTT (or other appropriate locations) where they can contribute to the work and learn about telehealth and telecare potential.
April 2013
Mar 2014
- Host on-line elements of Learning Network events
Review, meet with HR to scope out opportunities
- Develop learning pathways
Mar 2014
May 2013
Continue to develop and expand the telehealthcare portal
Identify and develop a range of web-based resources to support awareness raising, good practice and education activities
Oct 2013
Implement resulting actions
Co-ordinate European Telemedicine Conference (anticipated 350 people)
Organise and deliver an annual programme of Implement 2013 Webcast Programme (14 events/monitor Nov 2013 Learning Network activities to support no. of ‘hits’), and evaluate previous years activity workforce development, knowledge transfer and shared learning of good practice from Co-ordinate and host May Telehealth & Telecare Learning May 2013 Scotland, UK and beyond. Network Event (anticipated 200 people)
Sept 2013
May 2013
Develop joint framework with NES and SSSC to support Technology Enabled Learning and Development
Work with NES and SSSC to consider how best to build Leadership for Innovation into their activity
Develop guidelines and standards for telecare asset Mar 2014 management – including storage, maintenance/repair, battery replacement
In partnership with JIT, support the National Dementia June 2013 Demonstrators to develop good practice guidelines for Telecare & Dementia
Key Activities
Nessa Barry
Nessa Barry
Nessa Barry & Donna Henderson
Nessa Barry
Alistair Hodgson
Alistair Hodgson