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Gen Z has it easy

Does Gen Z Really Have it Easier?



copy editor

As kids growing up in this generation, the statement “you have it better than we did” sounds all too familiar. “You have anything and everything you could ever ask for, and you have the world at your feet.” This rings a bell, doesn’t it?

The claim that Gen Z has it easy is becoming more widespread amongst older generations. People seem to think that just because Gen Z has access to a so-called polished education system, a strong means of healthcare and a surplus of technology, we have it the easiest amongst everyone. While some aspects of this statement may be true, this does not mean that all changes have been positive. Starting with the education reforms that our generation has undergone, writer Sieva Kozinsky gives us insight as to what this generation has experienced. According to Kozinsky, Gen-Zers are pushed into a career path earlier on in their schooling years compared to previous graduating classes. Many people view this as a good thing because of the exposure and stability it provides to students, but it can also be seen in a negative light due to the severe pressure that students now face. The atmosphere surrounding us students can be extremely toxic, and it can take a toll on our mental health. On the topic of mental health is the conversation of whether the technology surrounding us has made our lives and wellbeing better or not. Technology has given us more access to various sources, such as online healthcare. A majority of people would agree that this is something that makes Gen Z’s life ten times easier. The article “How Gen Z is Affecting Healthcare” talks about how this generation has everything from ‘why is my throat sore’ to ‘what to do if I have the flu’ all answered online. With the help of all the search engines out there, it can be said that our generation has the answers to everything. But this card can be flipped; our education system is not all sunshine and rainbows, and Gen Z has gone through some tough events throughout the past years. Speaking of a polished education system, one would agree that it entails quality education without trace of discrimination. Students should feel safe and secure, in order to finish their thirteen years of schooling. According to the Center for Homeland Defense and Security, 73 schools since 1999 have experienced gun related incidents, and 341 people

Does Gen Z Really Have it Easier?

have been killed. Compared to the millennial generation, Gen Z has faced over triple the amount of mass shootings at school. This proves that schools are failing to keep the students of this generation safe at a place that they should be safe at. Aubrie Ginther, a school shooting survivor from Noblesville High School, let’s us into her shoes to see what she has experienced in hopes of showing that Gen Z has not, in fact, had it easy, and changes must be made. “By experiencing school shootings firsthand, it has pushed Gen Zers to fight for their safety and for gun laws, hopefully pushing lawmakers to act on it,” says Ginther. Though our fight for gun control is admirable, it is sad that our generation has to even

think about this. It is so unfortunate that we have spent our years attending gun law protests instead of exploring the world. Ultimately, there have been trade-offs for everything Gen Z has overcome. Another example of this is that our healthcare system has undergone some major advancements over the past years, but this doesn’t take away from the fact that Gen Z has lived and is continuing to live through an entire global pandemic. We have witnessed the harsh realities of the COVID-19 virus, and we have become slaves to the isolation it has caused. According to the Western Governors University, “Generation Z is the most depressed generation — however, this generation is also the most likely to seek treatment for anxiety and depression through counseling and therapy: 37% of Gen Zers reported that they received help from a psychologist or other mental health expert, which is more than any previous generation.” The fact that we even have to endure isolation and severe mental health issues at this age due to a global pandemic, just goes to show the difficulties that this generation has managed to push through. Although many arguments can be made for both sides, it is also valid to say that Gen Z has it just as hard as every other generation. Each generation faces their own set of struggles; therefore, this does not give us the right to say who has had it rougher or who has had it easier. As society makes strides technologically, environmentally, or in any other aspect, we, as the inhabitants of this planet, continue to grow with it. There is no quantitative measure that can compare who has had the journey of life easiest

Generation Z is the most depressed generation — however, [...] also the most likely to seek treatment for anxiety and depression

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