Seafarers UK

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Director of Resources and Governance March 2018

Welcome From the Director General Firstly, warm thanks for showing an interest in this new and challenging position. After a successful 100 years of bringing comfort to the nation’s seafarers as King George’s Fund for Sailors and, since 2005, as Seafarers UK, the charity is proud of its heritage but determined to remain equally relevant in a changing world. We have therefore carried out a Strategic Review of our future operations, including the streamlining of the management structure.


As a result, it has been decided to combine the present Finance Director and Executive Director functions into a Director of Resources and Governance position. The incumbent will have an overview of all legal and financial processes plus responsibility for governance and administration. These are pivotal areas in today’s charity climate, but of course people, both employees and beneficiaries, are at the centre of our ethos.

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018

With a unique position working for the welfare of all UK seafarers serving in the Royal Navy, Merchant Navy and fishing fleets as well as workboats and superyachts, Seafarers UK is often seen as both the guardian of standards and a friendly adviser to the host of smaller charities to whom we give grants, and therefore our own standing must be above reproach. We work closely with the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and other authorities to ensure compliance with the ever-changing codes of governance and good practice. We have a formal role in promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire maritime welfare sector, not least as Chair of the Maritime Charities Group, and this in itself demands that we demonstrate the highest values ourselves. Under its Royal Charter, the charity is also charged with supporting the education and training of future seafarers, to ensure that there is an adequate cadre of UK nationals to resource our country’s fleets to provide defence, essential trade and fishing. We combine our efforts with organisations like Maritime UK, the Marine Society and Sea Cadets, Trinity House and the UK Chamber of Shipping, and close and successful cooperation is essential. Similarly, we are well supported by many eminent people headed by our President, HRH The Earl of Wessex, where smooth liaison is equally vital.

As the Director of Resources and Governance, you will be well supported by loyal and experienced personnel in both the finance and administrative functions. We have always taken pride in the readiness of the whole team to work together in supporting major events like the London Marathon or the 24 Peaks Challenge, and I am delighted with the way in which everyone is cheerfully committed to our essential mission, whether employed in fundraising, grant-making, finance or support. In summary, these are exciting times for our charity; we have achieved a great deal but we need renewed energy, initiative and leadership, and I look forward to ensuring that the successful candidate swiftly integrates this new and vital position into the existing senior team. As my de facto deputy across a wide range of responsibilities, you will have every chance to make a very significant impression on the UK’s maritime community!

Commodore Barry Bryant CVO RN Director General

Director of Resources Director of and Resources Governance and Governance | Seafarers UK | Seafarers | March 2018 UK | March 2018


About Seafarers UK

In 1917, a new charity for the maritime community was established. Such was the impact of so many seafarers who had been maimed or lost at sea during the Great War that the King was prepared to give his name to this new charity, and so it became the King George’s Fund for Sailors. Since then Seafarers UK – as it is now known – has helped all seafarers who are in desperate need, and their families, across the Royal Navy, Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets. Seafarers UK has been helping people in the maritime community for over 100 years, by providing vital support to seafarers in need and their families, and to those in education or training who are preparing to work or serve at sea. We do this this by giving grants to organisations and projects that make a real difference to people’s lives, across the Merchant Navy, Fishing Fleets, Royal Navy and Royal Marines. Last year we gave grants totalling £3.17 million to over 60 maritime welfare charities. As an ‘island nation’ we depend on our seafarers to defend our shores, trade with other countries and import essential fuel and food. The job of a seafarer is therefore vital, but also demanding and hazardous with a much greater chance of injury than many other professions. A large number of those serving will be


facing problems of very different kinds; long periods of separation from friends and family, extended periods of duty, fatigue, and working heavy machinery whilst being exposed to harsh weather. Such dangers and difficulties can lead to disability, depression, debt, relationship breakdown, homelessness or even death. Our funding enables seafarers to access advice and information, adapt to life on shore, re-train and find new employment. It also improves their quality of life by helping to provide the essentials of daily living that a small pension (or none) cannot cover. Often it may be the family of a seafarer who has been injured, held hostage or who has subsequently passed-away that require assistance. Because Seafarers UK works closely with all of the organisations that support seafarers and their dependants, we can target donations where they will make the biggest difference. Seafarers UK receives no government funding and relies on donations and fundraising to be able to carry on providing long-term aid. Without this, there simply wouldn’t be the level of support we are able to provide today and that last year gave hope and help to over 185,000 seafarers, their families, and those preparing to work or serve at sea when they needed it most.

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018


Oranges Apples


Fresh Tomatoes

26 36

Bananas Chicken







39 40













Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018


2017 marked 100 years since Seafarers UK was established, and to mark this the charity is fundraising to support its beneficiaries under its Centenary theme of ‘Supporting Seafarers: Past, Present and Future


Present Future

In representing the ‘past’, the charity is supporting a major accommodation and care capital project. It also aims to raise increased funds in support of its welfare work for older and exseafarers.

In representing the ‘present’, the charity is supporting an international port welfare project. It also aims to raise increased funds in support of its general welfare work for serving seafarers.

In representing the ‘future’, the charity is supporting a Marine Engineering youth project. It also aims to raise increased funds in support of its work with Maritime Youth organisations.

Supporting older and exseafarers

Supporting serving seafarers

Supporting future seafarers

Seafarers UK gives grants to organisations and projects that provide specialist services to older and ex-seafarers from the Merchant Navy, Royal Navy and Fishing Fleets in such areas as accommodation and supported housing, health and care services, welfare support, and poverty grants.

Seafarers UK gives grants to organisations and projects that provide specialist welfare services to serving seafarers from the Merchant Navy, Royal Navy and Fishing Fleets. It does this in such areas as port welfare, advice, youth welfare, education and training.

Seafarers UK gives grants to Maritime Youth organisations and projects where the focus is on providing young people with the training needed for a potential career at sea. A major beneficiary of Seafarers UK’s funding is the Marine Society & Sea Cadets.

There are approximately 630,000 former seafarers in the UK, be they veterans, retired or those who have been forced to leave their profession early, as well as hundreds of thousands more dependants including those left behind by tragedy.


A large number of those serving will be facing problems of very different kinds; long periods of separation from friends and family, extended periods of duty, fatigue, and working heavy machinery whilst being exposed to harsh weather. Such dangers and difficulties can lead to disability, depression, debt, relationship breakdown, homelessness or even death. Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018

Partners Seafarers UK works with numerous partner organisations across all its campaigning, fundraising and grantgiving work. Our simple aim here is to improve our own, and the maritime charity sector’s, effectiveness and efficiency wherever we can. We see our beneficiary charities as partners because we aim to work across the entire maritime charity sector to help raise awareness, increase overall fundraising and ensure that our funding is being targeted at those in greatest need in the most efficient way possible. We work with companies across the shipping industry, maritime services sector and food and beverage retail

sector in order to provide them with opportunities to engage with the maritime charity sector and its supporters through their CSR programmes, staff involvement in fundraising and team challenges and via raising their profile through sponsorship. Other strategic partners include Forces in Mind Trust, Trinity House, The Merchant Navy Welfare Board, Maritime Charities Group and Confederation of Service Charities. Through working closely with these organisations we seek to achieve our strategic objectives from increased effectiveness and efficiency in grantgiving to greater awareness-raising of seafaring and seafarers.

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018


Campaigning As a leading grant-making charity, Seafarers UK needs to raise funds! We do this by raising our profile, to help our fundraisers increase income from individuals, corporates, trusts and foundations. • Seafarers Awareness Week • Merchant Navy Day, 3 September • Maritime UK Forum We also seek to raise awareness of the UK’s maritime welfare sector in its entirety – and thereby increase public understanding of the challenging lives of many seafarers. Only then will more British people appreciate why it is so important for us to support seafarers in need and their dependants, and also to encourage UK residents – especially young people – to consider working or serving at sea. That’s why Seafarers UK coordinates and promotes Seafarers Awareness Week in June every year, timed to coincide with the International Maritime Organization’s worldwide ‘Day of the Seafarer’. This year, Seafarers Awareness Week will be 23-30 June, when Seafarers UK will continue the promotion of maritime employment opportunities, including shore-based jobs; in 2018 there wiil be a topical emphasis on engineering. Seafarers UK launched our ‘Fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day’ campaign in 2015. Intended to raise public awareness of the UK’s ‘island nation’ dependence on seafarers past, present and future, this campaign encourages public bodies to fly the Red Ensign – the official flag of the UK Merchant Navy – atop civic buildings and prominent flag poles on 3 September. In 2017 all Parish, Town and Community Councils were invited to take part, in addition to larger Local Authorities and other owners of important and historic properties. The charity’s considerable influence is also being used elsewhere for campaigning. Seafarers UK contributed to the UK Maritime Growth Study and is a member of Maritime UK, the industry’s promotional body, for whom we chair the ‘Careers Promotion Forum’. Of the Maritime Growth Study’s 18 main recommendations, nine related to skills and training.


For more information about the charity and the projects we support please refer to our website

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018


Reporting to: The Director General Line Management Responsibility: Head of Finance, Head of Operations Salary: c.ÂŁ75,000 Location: 8 Hatherley Street, London, SW1P 2QT


Job Description

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018

Summary The post holder will occupy a strategic position at the heart of financial and governance operations within Seafarers UK, supporting the Chairman, Trustees and Director General in the administration and management of a mature, effective and progressive charity that meets in full all compliance and regulatory obligations.

Purpose of role • Advise the Chairman and General Council in all matters pertaining to the sound governance of the charity, ensuring that all activities undertaken comply with legal, ethical and regulatory requirements. • Be responsible for the management of the charity’s financial reporting systems and the accuracy and smooth operation of all accounting procedures as a registered charity and in conformity with the Royal Charter. • Provide support to the Director General (DG) in the management and operation of Seafarers UK, having overall responsibility for the administration of charity personnel and premises at 8 Hatherley Street. • Act as the de facto DCEO. • Manage the relationships with organisations for which Seafarers UK has administrative responsibility. • Be a Director of Seaservers Ltd.

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018



Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018


Facilities Manager

Head of Internal Operations

CRM Manager (PT, 4 dpw)

Head of Finance

Accounts Assistant

Campaigns Manager

Finance Analyst

Fundraising Manager Trusts & Projects

Grants Director

Digital Marketing Officer (PT, 4 dpw)

Marketing Manager

Director of Fundraising & Communications

Director General

The Chairman & General Council

The President

Scotland Representative (PT, 3 dpw)

Director of Resources & Governance

Organisational Chart

Events & Corporates Fundraising Executive

Fundraising Manager Corporates, Events and Individuals

MCG Programme Manager

Fundraising Admin Officer (PT, 3 dpw)

Grants Manager

Principal Tasks Financial • Prepare and present the Annual Accounts of the charity to the Finance & Investment Committee, the Audit & Governance Committee, and the General Council and, in cooperation with the Director General, to prepare the accounts for the Annual Report. • Oversee preparation of the annual budget. • Produce management accounts, cashflow and other financial reports as required. • Oversee investment portfolio movements and dividends/interest. • Manage the receipt and handling of legacy bequests. • Ensure that all aspects of the charity are adequately insured. • Lead the charity’s risk management processes. • Manage the relationship with the charity’s bankers, auditors and other professional advisers. • Advise the Director General on financial, tax and certain legal matters.

Governance • Guide the Chairman and General Council on their responsibilities under the Royal Charter, and how these responsibilities should be discharged. • Provide policy lead and advice on all governance matters and be responsible for the conduct and completion of the annual governance schedule.


• Ensure that the business of the General Council is conducted in accordance with the Royal Charter and Byelaws and that Trustees are appointed, receive inductions and training, and conduct their tenure in accordance with the directives of the Charity Commission. • Be responsible for the charity’s dealings with the Charity Commission. • Assist the Director General (DG) in the preparations for the Annual Meeting and meetings of the General Council, and to take minutes of these meetings. Also do the same for meetings of the Finance & Investment Committee. • Act as the principal link and secretariat with and between the Chairman, Board of Trustees and the office of the President. • Oversee whole-charity issues, including but not limited to, building support, insurance, pay and remuneration, security, infrastructure and IT, and represent these at SMT and general staff meetings. • Advise the DG and management on HR issues, including health and safety, personnel, employment, disciplinary, data protection and cybersecurity issues, liaising with the charity’s external HR, and health and safety consultants as required. • For all employees, monitor recruitment processes, prepare and maintain contracts of employment, coordinate job descriptions, and maintain an appraisals matrix in consultation with the SMT and ensuring compliance with best practice.

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018

• Oversee the maintenance and updating of the finance and executive section of the Staff Handbook and Health and Safety Handbook for all charity employees, (and coordinate the updating of fundraising sections). • Oversee ongoing quality assurance and control measures within the Charity, including PQASSO and the CIP. • Act as Data Protection Officer.

General • Oversee the administration of the Annual National Service for Seafarers. • Carry out other reasonable duties in support of Seafarers UK’s charitable objects as assigned.

Authority • To act as and take decisions for the DG in cases of absence, liaising as necessary with the Grants Director and the Director of Fundraising & Communications. • To sign routine correspondence on behalf of the DG on matters relating to the general administration of the charity. • To act as co-signatory, both manual and electronic on the charity’s bank accounts. • To approve such levels of budgeted day to day expenditure as may from time to time be delegated by the DG (Presently £1,000 per week).


Person Specification Experience and qualifications

Skills required



• A CCAB or CIMA qualified Accountant with significant experience at a senior level contributing to an organisation’s strategic direction. • Considerable experience of controlling a finance department at Head or Director level. • Experience of reviewing, setting and managing budgets, producing management accounts and forecasts. • Held responsibility for financial reporting and experienced in explaining and interpreting financial information for non-specialists. • Good working knowledge of charity governance, administration, HR, H&S, and law.

• An instinctive and innate pro-active leadership style, with the ability to represent the charity in any forum. • Excellent presentational and organisational skills, with the ability to persuade and influence others. • Ability to communicate easily, both verbal and written, at any level, including to Royalty, politicians, senior military, trustees, colleagues at every level, and individual supporters, and sensitively to portray the charity’s empathy and ethos. • Ability to oversee budgets, investment returns, audits and general financial processing. • Good working IT skills in both financial and word-processing disciplines. • Ability to prioritise, use own initiative, take personal responsibility, work under pressure and to meet strict deadlines.

Desirable • Experience of continuous improvement and personal development, and an understanding of PQASSO standards.

Desirable • Strategic understanding of the UK maritime scene, including its history and heritage.


Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018

Personal Qualities • Ability to lead by example and display the highest of personal standards. • Committed, flexible, sociable, and an excellent team player with the ability to inspire others. • An empathy with the overall maritime cause and an innate sympathy with specific seafaring problems.

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018


To apply, please forward a CV, together with a supporting statement (the statement should be no more than two sides of A4). Please provide evidence of your suitability against the criteria in the Person SpeciďŹ cation in your statement as well as explain why you want to be the new Director of Resources and Governance at Seafarers UK. Please ensure your name and the name of the organisation you are applying for is referred to at the top of your statement.

Finally, please ensure that you have included mobile, work and home telephone numbers, as well as any dates when you will not be available or might have diďŹƒculty with the recruitment timetable. Applications should be made via the Prospectus website:

How to Apply


Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018

Applicants called for interview will be requested to bring their current valid passport with them in order that the right of an individual to reside and work in the UK can be verified prior to any offer of employment being made.

be requested from nominees provided by the candidate. All personal data and accompanying notes, paper and electronic, will be retained securely within Seafarers UK for seven months from the date of interview.

Seafarers UK will only use the personal information provided in order to process the application in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. It will not be shared with any other organisation. References will only

Seafarers UK is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in employment; the objective is to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and otherwise treated solely on the basis of their relevant aptitudes, skills and abilities.

Recruitment timetable Deadline for applications: Thursday 19 April Preliminary interviews with Prospectus: 1 - 8 May Interviews with Seafarers UK: Thursday 24 May Final interviews with Seafarers UK: w/c 28 May If you wish to have an informal discussion about the opportunity, have any queries on any aspect of the appointment process, or need additional information please contact our retained advisors, Sara Livesey or Eva Farina.

Director of Resources and Governance | Seafarers UK | March 2018


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