Adult Weight Management - Week 1 - Eating Well

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Foundation 4: Keeping a food diary The final foundation is monitoring what you eat and drink. Research shows that people who monitor and record what they eat and drink in a food diary are more successful in losing weight.

Complete a food diary for the next 7 days entering everything you eat and drink. For this first week you do not need to work out the number of portions – just enter a tick in the correct food group for the food or drink you have (use the eatwell guide for guidance). It is important that you are honest with yourself and record everything. This will help you to get an accurate picture of what you are eating and when. There is an example diary to show you how to fill it in. You can print a food diary or use the online diary.

Use the food diary on the back page to record what you eat and drink. It’s known to be helpful when on a weight loss programme.

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