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Acquisition and Growth: Continuing to Grow
Acquisition and Growth:
Continuing to Grow
2021-22 represents the first year of an ambitious growth strategy. Our growth target of £10m in 2021-22 has been exceeded, and this puts us in a good place to continue to meet our targets for growth.
In order to meet our future growth targets, we will pursue a number of opportunities and these include:
Through partnership working with other community providers in the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ICS), we will focus on the need to bring healthcare closer to our patients’ and service users’ homes. This work has seen significant enhancements to services such as the Urgent Community Response Team and the Long COVID Service, and we continue to lead the way nationally on the Virtual Hospital programme; We will continue to bid for services that complement our existing service structure. We have already retained and strengthened our Essex Wellbeing Service, and will be bidding to retain our Essex-wide Sexual Health Service, as well as retain and grow our child health information services; We will continue to look for acquisition opportunities which complement our group’s overall structure. Our biggest acquisition to date took place in May 2022 when we purchased React Homecare, a domiciliary care provider in the Midlands and North of England. The Provide Board continue to review the acquisition strategy and maximise the contribution that this can make to our growth aspirations.
Continuing to grow will help us to retain our financial strength and increase the value we put back into our communities.