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Investing in Our Communities

As a social enterprise and CIC we reinvest our surpluses to support our communities. Just some of the 2021-22 highlights include:

As part of our charitable giving: • The Council of Governors provide

Match Funding for members fundraising efforts up to £1000,

Community Grant requests for up to £2000, and donations to chosen charities. In 2021-22 we donated to charities such as Campaign Against

Living Miserably (CALM), The Peaceful

Pony, and Parkinson’s UK. • We donated £120,000 to 45 membernominated charities in March 2021. • Our largest-ever community grants programme through the Essex

Community Foundation saw 27 charities receive grants totalling £374,646. Our work as an employee-owned Community Interest Company (CIC) was featured as a national case study “How employee ownership inspired resilience and a people-first response to the pandemic,” by the Employee Ownership Association (EOA). Our Governors proactively engaged with other staff representative leads from other Health and Social Care CICs to share learning and bestpractice. We supported our colleagues: • Through the development of groups and networks including the People and Culture Committee and Steering

Group, Working Well group, the Ethnic

Minority Network and Quality and

Safety Committee. • We undertook member, Governor and

Boardsurveys and had the largest response to date in our all colleague survey. • With community volunteering, allocating two days paid volunteering leave for every Provide Community colleague. We worked with our incredible volunteers in a variety of roles internally and externally (see section three for more detail). We developed services, including a new Long COVID service to support post pandemic recovery, and developed the new Essex Wellbeing Service, making it fit for the future.

Towards a Bolder and Brighter Future:

Our New Strategy

After a strong start in year one delivering every aspect of our three-year strategy we are looking to continue that progress through year two.

The landscape in which we deliver is changing constantly as we recover into a post COVID-19 operating model. This has impact on all aspects of our organisation from how we deliver healthcare virtually to how much office space we need now that hybrid working is the norm. As we continue to drive the organisation forward we are very much aware of these changes and constantly looking to apply our Values of Care, Innovation and Compassion to how we solve the next challenge or respond to the next opportunity.

As a group we will continue to diversify and build a portfolio of businesses that protects our future as a strong and independent social enterprise and Community Interest Company. We will look to continue to develop strong relationships with our key partners such as the NHS and local authorities and maximise the value we can add to them as a valued part of their delivery options.

Despite all the challenges that are faced in the health, care and wellbeing sector, we are confident that we are well placed with the right people, the right processes and the right perspective to deliver a bold and bright future across 2022-23.

We are excited about the opportunities that geographic expansion around the UK presents and are looking forward to growing these new additions to the Provide Community family. Our people are critical to delivering excellent customer service and we will continue to be as imaginative and creative as we can to attract and retain the best people in our sector.

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