Shoulder Exercises: Early Stage Strengthening Patient
Exercise Sheet
These exercises can be done within your pain limits however they should not increase your pain. Your pain should not be severe but a little discomfort when exercising is ok. If you experience severe pain which lasts more than 30 minutes after you stop, reduce the force or frequency with which you are performing them.
As a guide start with the number of prescribed repetitions and sets. You can increase or decrease based on your pain.
Complete these exercises 4-5 times per week.
Shoulder Flexion with Band on Wrists Plus Step
1 Wrap an elastic around your wrists. Bend your elbows and make sure that the palms of your hands are facing each other. Position your feet hip-width.
2 Taking a step forward, raise your hands towards the ceiling and slightly forward, while keeping the distance between your hands constant.
3 Hold the position for a short time then return to the starting position. Repeat, alternating the leg used to step.
4 Repeat for 10-15 repetitions, rest for one minute, and repeat again.
Shoulder Exercises: Early Stage Strengthening
Shoulder Scaption with Dumbbell
1 Stand with your arm at your side with your elbow straight and thumb pointing forward.
2 Raise your arm to the side in a 30 to 45 degree angle from your body, as high as pain allows. Keep the thumb up during the movement.
3 Repeat for 10-15 repetitions, rest for one minute, and repeat again.
Short Lever Active Flexion
1 Elbow bent and your arm by your side.
2 Then reach up towards the ceiling, straightening your elbow.
3 Repeat for 10-15 repetitions, rest for one minute, and repeat again.
Supported Neutral External Rotation With Weight
1 Start with your elbow supported on the arm of a chair, your elbow bent to 90 degrees, and holding a weight.
2 Then slowly lower your hand towards the floor, across your body.
3 Repeat for 10-15 repetitions, rest for one minute, and repeat again.
Further information
‘Managing My Musculoskeletal Health’ information leaflet is available or will be given to you by your physiotherapist if you are unable to access our digital self-management resources.
If you can access online resources, our physiotherapists recommend you use the self-help section of our website for information and support with specific MSK conditions and injuries
Our free NHS Mid and South Essex getUBetter app for an easy, safe and effective way to help you self-manage your MSK condition or injury.
If you feel you still need physiotherapy input, please complete a self-referral to the Physiotherapy team.