CSSOP02 Access to Language Services

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Access to Language Services

Version: V1

Ratified by: Quality and Safety Committee

Date ratified: 24/10/2019

Job Title of author: Customer Services Coordinator

Reviewed by Committee or Expert Group Other Expert Group

Related procedural documents

Review date: October 2022

It is the responsibility of users to ensure that you are using the most up to date document template – ie obtained via the intranet.

In developing/reviewing this procedure Provide Community has had regard to the principles of the NHS Constitution.

Version Control Sheet



1. Introduction

In line with the Accessible Information Standard, Provide is committed to ensuring that a service user and/or carer receives information in an acceptable format and is able to participate fully in their care or the care of a family member. As part of this commitment the organisation has access to translation and interpreting services for any aspect of care which includes clinical consultations. Provide also has access to Braille translation and sign language facilities.

Essex Interpreting Services is our preferred supplier of language services and adheres to strict guidelines around confidentiality.

2. Purpose

This document outlines the procedure to follow when a service user/carer requires access to interpreter and translation services, including Braille and sign language.

3. Scope

This procedure is applicable to all staff, including Provide volunteers, delivering services for Provide.

4. Request for Language Services

Access to the translation/interpreting facility is coordinated by the Customer Service team and are the central point of contact for our services.

Translation of letters and documents

When a translation is required, the service should email the Customer Service Team with their request and will include the name of the budget holder and the budget code.


The Customer Service team will arrange for the document to be translated in line with the requirements of the service.

The document to be translated should be anonymised by the service and sent to the Customer Service team to be sent to the chosen supplier. When the translation has been completed it will be sent back to the service and the service can add the Patient Identifiable Information.

Good Practice

When generic information sheets and/or questionnaires are translated the service should ensure that they keep a record of these for future use to avoid any unnecessary expense. The Customer Service Team will also keep a copy within the Translation and Interpreting Services section of the Customer Service Team information on the staff intranet.

Face to Face Interpreting & British Sign Language

When a face to face interpreter is required, a member of the service should email the Customer Service Team at provide.customerservices@nhs.net with the following information:

• Language required

• Appointment date and time

• How long the appointment is likely to take

• Full address of the location of the appointment

• Contact name for the interpreter to know who to ask for on the day

• If due to the type of procedure it is important that the interpreter is Male or Female

• Name of budget holder

• Budget code

• Any additional information that should be shared with the interpreter i.e. restricted access to the building, parking restrictions etc.

Telephone Interpreting Service

To access this service, a member of the service should call Essex Interpreting on: 01206 804380 and the following process will commence.

• The operator will ask for an access code (21394983)

• The operator will ask for your department, name and number

• The operator will ask which language you require and then you will be placed on hold, during which time the system will be finding an available interpreter

• The operator will introduce the interpreter on to the line and you will need to introduce yourself and state the purpose of the call

• Whilst you are briefing the interpreter, the operator will be calling the client to connect them in to your call

• Once all parties are on the line, allow the interpreter to speak to your client to tell them who you are and then you can start providing the information that needs to be interpreted

• Remember not to give too much information in one go

• If you feel the other two parties are chatting, feel free to ask the interpreter what is being said as often clarification may be needed

• When you have given/received all of the information you require, ask the interpreter to ask your client if they have any questions before stating it is the end of the call

• Remember to tell the operator at the beginning of the call if you need to specify a male/female interpreter

There is no need to book telephone interpreting through the Customer Service team but please ensure that you let the Customer Service Team know via email when this service

has been used. The Customer Service Team will then update their spreadsheet as a record to evidence telephone interpreting usage.

5. Customer Service Team

On receipt of a request for language support, the Customer Service Team will:

• Complete a booking form for the request (apart from the Telephone Interpreting Service)

• Send the booking form to our preferred supplier

• Inform the service once the booking has been accepted and provide the name of the interpreter

• Inform the service if a booking cannot be fulfilled

• Record all Language support requests onto the datix system for future reference.

The service must inform the Customer Service team of any changes relevant to the booking.

6. Costs

All costs associated with a language support booking will be attributed to the relevant Budget holder and the person requesting the service should ensure that they have the appropriate authority to make the booking request. The cost, dependant on organisational financial constraints at the time, will be reimbursed to the appropriate budget from the central budget held by the finance team.

Cancellation of an interpreter booking must be given with a minimum of two working days’ notice Failure to provide such notice will result in the minimum period being charged.

Cancellation of sign language interpreter bookings with less than 7 days’ notice will incur the full amount and 50% of the full amount if cancelled between 7 days and 14 days’ notice.

Information relating to the cost of Language services can be obtained from the Customer Service Team.

7. Queries

Any queries concerning requests for language support should be directed to the Customer Service team.

Information about language support can be found on the staff intranet within Customer Services https://intranet.provide.org.uk/department/16/

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