2018 Providence General Foundation Annual Report

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What is called genius is the abundance of life and health. — HENRY DAVID THO REA U

Providence General Foundation Mission Providence General Foundation cultivates the charitable spirit of the community by raising and distributing funds to promote health and wellness primarily through the programs and services of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett.

Providence Mission As expressions of God’s healing love, witnessed through the ministry of Jesus, we are steadfast in serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.

LIFE is our most treasured gift. Dear Friends: In 2018, so many lives were touched by your selfless gifts. With your help, we raised more than $5.2 million to benefit Providence Regional Medical Center and the patients we serve. Together, we helped meet the needs of our growing community by investing in state-of-the-art medical equipment, world-class facilities, and compassionate care. With your support, our Heart & Vascular program received funding for equipment to diagnose and treat more patients with blocked arteries and other cardiac disorders. Donors like you also helped fund surgical and robotic equipment that will improve outcomes and patient experiences. Your generosity allowed the Family Maternity Center to purchase fetal heart monitors specifically designed for twins and triplets, and a Newborn Intensive Care Unit transport was provided to ensure critical care for infants as they are transferred from outlying areas to Providence Everett. In addition to investing record funding back into much-needed programs at Providence, new milestones were also achieved. Festival of Trees topped the charts — raising more than $1.3 million for Children’s Services. Providence received a transformational gift from Steve and Carol Klein which will be used to build out the 9th floor of the Cymbaluk Medical Tower, adding 64 much-needed patient beds and new surgical suites to serve our growing region. We invite you to read more about our collective achievements from the past year in the following pages. We included some highlights from the year and inspiring stories about our donors and the patients from our local community that have benefited so greatly from your generosity.

Thank you for your commitment to and generous support of Providence as we fulfill our mission to provide high-quality, compassionate care.

Dan Harkins 2018 Chairman, Board of Directors

Lori Kloes Chief Development Officer




LOVE for community inspires transformational gift According to Steve and Carol Klein, giving is a habit. Once you start doing it and see the impact it can have, it becomes second-nature.

Giving has become a natural part of life for the Kleins — and the impact of that generosity is far reaching. “Our parents were great role models,” Steve and Carol said, “They taught us to give back to the community we came from, the community that helped enable our success.” Steve graduated from college with a degree in business and quickly followed his father’s footsteps in the auto industry, becoming the 132nd certified Honda dealer in the country at just 23 years old. Carol received a degree in Speech Pathology, but her passion was working with children. She spent many years working at Providence in pediatrics as a speech pathologist, and later transitioned to roles in administration for the Mukilteo School District. Steve and Carol met by a case of mistaken identity in a coffee shop in Mukilteo over 25 years ago, but they quickly bonded over shared values and a passion for philanthropy.


The Klein’s have been amazed by the growth taking place in Snohomish County — especially over the last five years. Steve and Carol both went to school, had successful careers, and raised their families here, passionate about the small-town charm and tight-knit community atmosphere. Now, the Kleins revel in the success and development of their community. They see evidence of this growth everyday as planes fly over their home coming to and from Paine Field, as new buildings and businesses pop up all over town, and new generations of families come through the doors of their business. “We love our community, and we love to see it grow. It is worthy of our investment and support,” shared the Kleins. “We worked hard for a long time and now we really enjoy giving back and paving the way for health for our family, friends, and future generations.”

“With trauma care, time is of the essence,” Steve said. “It is not feasible to transport people all the way to Seattle for treatment — and with the caliber of care offered at Providence — you can get the care you need in Snohomish County.” It was this sense of gratitude, and commitment to their community that inspired Steve and Carol to make a transformational gift of support to Providence — a $1 million pledge to help meet the needs of our growing region. Their contribution will help fund the construction of additional and much-needed inpatient beds and operating rooms.

While Providence Everett has invested in new and larger clinical facilities with the building of the Cymbaluk Medical Tower in 2011, the rapid growth of our community is outpacing our ability to accommodate exploding patient volumes. Patients often have to wait for a room to become available or delay a procedure because of the limited number of operating rooms. To address this, Providence Everett is building out what was once shelled space for future expansion.


On New Year’s Day in 2018, relatives of the Klein’s were in a car accident resulting in life-threating injuries. The two parents and five young children where struck head-on by an oncoming vehicle sending both parents to Providence for emergency surgery and critical care. For the Klein’s, this traumatic and life-threatening accident illuminated the importance — and growing need — of having world-class trauma care close to home.

Scaling for the future

This investment will add 64 patient beds, four upgraded cardiac catheterization labs for minimally invasive heart procedures, and five more operating rooms. One of the five operating rooms will be dedicated around the clock for potential trauma surgeries — similar to the emergent surgery needed for Steve & Carol’s relatives.


A family tragedy underscores the need for critical care close to home

“We saw the shelled space before there was anything there, now we are seeing it take shape — visualizing what it will be,” said the Klein’s. “It’s truly inspiring to be a part of the hospital’s growth. It is just the right thing to do, and we are so honored to help.”

“Our area is growing — and our families, neighbors, and employees deserve excellent health care close to home,” said Steve and Carol. “And Providence is growing to meet this need and hiring doctors that are premium in their fields to give us the best care available.”

Steve and Carol during a recent tour of the 9th Floor expansion.


INNOVATIVE surgical advancements bring hope to patients

Charles and Ida Fletcher

Living with atrial fibrillation (AFib) — a quivering, irregular heartbeat — can be worrisome. Patients with AFib are at greater risk for other complications like stroke and heart failure. Plus, many patients must take blood-thinning medication, which comes with an additional set of risks. This was true for Snohomish resident Charles Fletcher. The 81-year-old retired aircraft designer has been dealing with AFib for more than 10 years. A few months ago, however, his symptoms changed. He started to have bouts of dizziness, weakness and


blackouts. The previously active man who could hike and walk briskly now struggled to walk at all. And when the dizzy spells started occurring when he was behind the wheel, he took special notice. “I knew the best thing to do was to stop driving,” he said. “My kids had to drive me everywhere. That was hard on everyone.” Charles and his wife, Ida, met with an interventional cardiologist, who told them an innovative new device, the Watchman, was his best option to resolve his symptoms and reduce his chance of stroke.

For patients with AFib, like Charles Fletcher, their irregular heartbeat can cause blood to pool in the left atrial appendage. More importantly, that pooled blood can thicken and form clots. If a clot moves out of the appendage, it can get stuck in an artery, cut off blood supply to the brain, and cause a catastrophic event like a stroke. The new and innovative Watchman device closes off the left atrial appendage so blood can’t pool or clot there. With a patient under general anesthesia, an interventional cardiologist guides a catheter through a small incision in the groin, into the femoral artery, and to the heart. Using this minimally-invasive method, the doctor positions the Watchman over the left atrial appendage, then opens it like a parachute to cover the opening and prevent blood from gathering there.

Life-saving care, just down the street Charles was one of the first patients to receive the Watchman implant at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett. And that little device has been life changing for him and his family.


The human heart is a multifaceted muscle. Its main function is to pump blood, oxygen, nutrients, and waste through the body to keep it operating normally. On the left side of the heart, an ear-shaped cavity — called the left atrial appendage — protrudes from the heart’s wall.

In most patients, new heart tissue grows and covers the Watchman device in about a month. And, for many, the need for blood-thinning medications is eliminated, resulting in life-changing preventative treatment, with a faster recovery time.


Innovative device provides new treatment options

“No more dizziness,” he said. “I can drive again, and I’m more independent. I’m optimistic I’ll get back to things I enjoyed doing before.” Like hiking, for instance. Charles is already planning his first hike since his Watchman device was implanted: Big Four Ice Caves with his granddaughter. Ida is pleased, too. “I’m no longer worried he’ll have a stroke. He can be active, he can drive — he can be himself again.”

“I can’t praise Providence enough for how well they’ve cared for us.” — Ida Fletcher

Investments bring innovation In 2018, Providence General Foundation invested more than $1 million in the new state-of-the-art catheterization lab at Providence Regional Medical Center. Thanks to the generosity of donors, doctors in the cath lab are improving the lives of patients every day with innovative treatments like the Watchman and other innovative heart procedures. The Providence General Foundation is grateful for investments from our donor community, and looks forward to helping Providence Regional Medical Center stay on the cutting edge of life-changing medical technology well into the future.


FRAGILE: handle with care Quincy Grace was born barely an hour after Toni and Daniel arrived at their local hospital in Bellingham — weighing just over 3 pounds. By the time Quincy arrived, a transport team was enroute from Providence Everett to stabilize and transfer her to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Expert staff from Providence Everett transports babies from smaller hospitals in the far reaches of the Puget Sound area to Everett for specialized and life-saving care.

Daniel and Quincy Di Bartolo at the Providence Everett Newborn Intensive Care Unit

The Di Bartolo’s daughter came into the world too early and too small — without life-saving support offered by the Providence Newborn Intensive Care Unit, she would not have survived. Bellingham residents Tori and Daniel Di Bartolo were thrilled to be expecting their first child in 2018. Tori had an uneventful pregnancy with her daughter Quincy until 29 weeks when she was awakened by pain and cramping. Tori was in preterm labor. The Di Bartolos’ daughter was coming — 11 weeks early. There wasn’t time to airlift Tori to Seattle for an emergency cesarean section. Quincy’s tiny feet were already in the birth canal. They had to act immediately.


Quincy would be transported in a specialized unit connected to monitors and other life-sustaining equipment to ensure she remained stable during the trip to Everett. Her transport team composed of a respiratory therapist and senior NICU nurse, paused at Tori’s room so she could see her baby for the first time. After taking their first family photo, the Di Bartolos and their pastor offered prayers for the protection, safety, and health of baby Quincy and her team.

Specialized care for the most vulnerable of patients Quincy and her parents spent eight weeks in the NICU at the Providence Pavilion for Women and Children in Everett — the only NICU north of Seattle. For the first three weeks, Quincy was in a special Giraffe Omnibed, which mimics conditions in a mother’s womb to provide the ideal environment for premature babies to grow and develop. Seven of these Giraffe Omnibed units were funded by generous supporters at the 2016 Festival of Trees event. “Every day I saw a plaque,” Daniel said, “recognizing the family who donated funds to buy the bed. I have great appreciation for those people who were moved to donate a piece of medical equipment that ultimately kept our daughter alive.”

After eight weeks in the NICU, Quincy went home. “The training wheels came off,” Tori joked. “After eight weeks of expert support and teaching, we were on our own.”

LIFE treasuring

Quincy received care from a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, speech/ swallowing experts, and more. Given her premature status, she was miraculously healthy, but needed oxygen and other critical support for her underdeveloped lungs. There were bumps in the road — times when Quincy wasn’t advancing as quickly as her parents and care team hoped. But, she didn’t need a tube to help her breathe, surgery, or other procedures. She mostly needed time, time she got with compassion and support from the team at Providence.

Daniel, Tori and Quincy

Thriving and thankful “Months later, Quincy is very typical,” Tori said. “She cries. She fusses. She lets us know when she’s hungry. She’s thriving.” The Di Bartolos are forever thankful to the transport team and NICU staff for their knowledge and attentive care for Quincy. “Coming in to this experience, we had no idea of the challenges we’d encounter,” Tori said. “Providence is such a valuable resource — to us and to many families from a large area of Western Washington — facing the unknowns of a premature birth. We are so thankful.” To watch a video about the Di Bartolo’s and their experience with the Providence Everett NICU, visit ProvidenceGeneralFoundation.org.

“Providence is such a valuable resource — to us and to many families from a large area of Western Washington — facing the unknowns of a premature birth.” — Tori Di Bartolo

Your gifts at work Moved by the impact of the transport unit and the need to serve more children, two donors — the Ackley’s and the Cymbaluk’s — joined together at the 2018 Festival of Trees to donate $200,000 for the purchase of a second transport unit. To read more about the record-breaking Festival of Trees Gala, please see page 12.


ENDOWED lecture honors beloved leader Dr. Oliver Ochs was a young, interventional radiologist practicing at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett. Dr. Ochs served on the Medical Staff Board during a time of great growth and challenge. The young physician quickly grew into a strong leader who became widely respected by his peers. When his tenure in Medical Staff Leadership came to an end, his passion for leadership did not. Dr. Ochs made a personal pledge to spend the rest of his career bringing together doctors across the community to serve patients and support one another. Unfortunately, an unexpected accident took his life in 2015.

Through the collective leadership and support of former Providence Everett Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Joanne Roberts, Oliver’s colleagues at Radia Inc. and members from his family, an endowment was established in Oliver’s honor with the Providence General Foundation. The endowment was created to fund annual lectures for medical staff and students, specifically focusing on themes of teamwork and collaboration, change and innovation, respect, compassion and listening — all traits demonstrated by Dr. Ochs in his work as a physician and leader. “This is a fitting way to honor Oliver”, said Dr. Nancy Neubauer, Chief Medical Officer at Radia Inc. “Oliver believed that when clinicians develop strong leadership skills they are more prepared to serve patients and the organizations that care for them. This annual lecture is a commitment to his vision.”

Building the Endowment Throughout 2018, the endowment grew with the support of friends, family, colleagues and the medical staff of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett. But the primary underwriting of the memorial fund came from Radia Inc., the medical group where Oliver served as the Chief Medical Officer. “Oliver was an integral member of our leadership team, and we wanted to ensure his legacy and contributions live on through this endowment,” said Radia Inc. President and CEO, Dr. Bart Keogh.

Dr. Oliver Ochs


With the generosity from Radia and the medical community, the endowment grew to more than $485,000. The overwhelming support for the endowment is a testament to the impact that Oliver had on his profession and his fellow physicians.

The new memorial lecture also included the establishment of the Oliver Ochs, M.D., Emerging Leader Award. The award is presented annually to an individual who has had a significant impact on the growth of future physician leaders in our region. In 2018, the inaugural award was presented to Dr. Matthew Hansen, Director of Medical Education at Providence Everett. Dr. Hansen received this award for his numerous contributions to the residency program at Providence, as well as his focus on developing the next generation of physicians.


Propelled by generosity, the first lecture took place on September 26, 2018 featuring nationally recognized leadership speaker and educator Marilyn Gist. This well-attended lecture emphasized leadership assessment and development, and the influence of selfperceptions on performance. Year after year, these lectures will aim to provide clinicians the opportunity to grow into better leaders.


The Inaugural Oliver Ochs, M.D., Memorial Lecture

Providence General Foundation would like to thank those who generously contributed to the Oliver Ochs Memorial Endowment and made the inaugural 2018 lecture possible.

Dr. Jay Cook, Chief Medical Officer of Providence Health and Services Northwest Washington and Dr. Nancy Neubauer, Chief Medical Officer of Radia Inc. presented the inaugural Emerging Leader Award to Providence Everett’s Dr. Matthew Hansen.

Thank you to our Oliver Ochs, MD, Endowment Leadership Supporters In 2018, clinicians, caregivers and physician leaders honored the life and contributions of Dr. Ochs by raising $485,000 to fund the endowment. Thank you to all who made this special endowment campaign a resounding success, including the following leadership-level supporters*. DISTINGUISHED BENEFACTOR Radia Inc., PS

BENEFACTORS Medical Staff of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett Drs. Hans & Ute Ochs Dr. Joanne Roberts

PATRONS Drs. William & Lisa McIntyre North Sound Emergency Medicine Dr. Ulrike Ochs

LEADERS Dr. Frank & Jan Andersen Drs. Robert & Kara Carlson Dr. James & Christine Cook Dr. Charles & Lauren Daly Dr. James Erhardt Dr. Virginia Eschbach Dr. Ashley Johnson & Sallie Hirsch Dr. Barry T. Kahn & Dr. Mindy Cohen Dr. Naomi Katsh Dr. Andrew & Stephanie Levine Drs. W. Michael & Julia McDonnell

Drs. Mahesh Mulumudi & Srilatha Shoroff Dr. Nancy & Larry Neubauer Dr. Michael Neufeld Dr. Mark & Gwen Papenhausen Dr. Richard Rafoth Dr. Clifford & Debra Rogers Dr. Cullen Ruff Preston & Jill Simmons Kim & Mark Williams Mark Woodland

To contribute to the Dr. Oliver Ochs Memorial Endowment, please visit ProvidenceGeneralFoundation.org or call (425) 258-7500. *includes gifts to endowment of $1,000 and more.


2018 Festival of Trees sparked a magical holiday season The 2018 Festival of Trees, themed “Angels Among Us”, proved to be a fitting theme as generous attendees made noteworthy gifts in historic numbers. The weeklong celebration, which raised more than $1.3 million for Children’s Services at Providence, included 2018 Festival of Trees four festive events— co-chairs Sean and Lisa Kelly an Opening Night Celebration, Community Open House, Gala and Live Auction, and the Providence General Children’s Association’s Teddy Bear Breakfast. One of the many highlights of the annual festival was the Gala and tree auction. The Arlington Pioneer Elementary School Choir put everyone in the spirit of the season by opening the Gala auction with a touching rendition of the song “Angels Among Us” for the more than 700 guests in attendance. Holiday spirits were high as guests admired elaborately decorated trees and wreaths on display. Some of the trees auctioned off were donated for the enjoyment of patients at the Providence Pediatric Unit, Providence Children’s Center, Dawson Place, and Providence Emergency Department, as well as visitors to Providence Hospice and Cocoon House. During the fund-a-need portion of the event, gala attendees contributed a remarkable $671,400 for critical equipment needs and life-sustaining services for children at Providence, including a new NICU Transport Isolette unit. Marshall and Katherine Cymbaluk


enthusiastically raised their paddle with a $100,000 gift, and challenged other donors to raise their paddles as well. Jay and Terry Ackley, owners of K&H Integrated Print Solutions in Everett, quickly accepted the challenge and also pledged $100,000 to support equipment for NICU babies. Gala attendees, awe-struck and inspired by their overwhelming spirit of generosity, rose for a standing ovation. Providence General Foundation is incredibly grateful to Marshall and Katherine, Jay and Terry and all of our numerous donors for their generosity.

Katherine and Marshall Cymbaluk and Jay and Terry Ackley at the 2018 Festival of Trees Gala.

Providence General Foundation extends special thanks to festival co-chairs Sean and Lisa Kelly. And a heart-felt thank you to the many generous sponsors who helped make this magical event possible, including Tulalip Tribes, K&H Integrated Print Solutions, Radia, Inc. and Sean and Lisa Kelly of Merrill Lynch.

2018 Epicurean Affair: an evening of giving from the heart The 2018 Epicurean Affair was a night to remember, with more than $172,000 raised to benefit Providence’s innovative Heart program. Tulalip Tribes Council Members Bonnie Juneau (middle) and Mel Sheldon (left). CEO of Providence Northwest Washington, Kim Williams (right).

Tulalip Tribes honored with Spirit of Festival Award During the Festival of Trees Gala, Providence General Foundation honored Tulalip Tribes with the annual Spirit of Festival Award. This award recognizes their significant contributions of time, treasure, and talent in support of Festival of Trees and Children’s Services at Providence. “Tulalip Tribes share the mission of Providence and the spirit inspired by Festival of Trees,” said Lori Kloes, Chief Development Officer at Providence General Foundation. “Tulalip Tribes has been integral to the growth and success of Festival of Trees and have been incredibly generous with their contributions to this special event.” Since 2014, Providence General Foundation has been fortunate to have Tulalip Tribes as our prestigious Festival of Trees Title Sponsor. Since 2002, Tulalip Tribes has contributed over $700,000 to the Providence General Foundation to benefit the health and well being of our community. The dedication, service and contributions of Tulalip Tribes has helped Festival of Trees become the successful and impactful event it is today.

Guests enjoyed fine food and wine donated by Anthony’s Homeport Restaurant, as well as a heartfelt story shared by event chairs Bill and Janice Rucker about their experience at Providence Bill and Janice Rucker, when Bill needed a event chairs quadruple cardiac bypass. Another memorable moment of the evening was the presentation of the Annual Budd Gould Award to Rosemary and the late Dwayne Lane, for their countless years of dedication and generosity to Providence and our community.

Honored guest hosts continued the annual tradition of volunteering their services as honorary waiters.

Many thanks to Anthony’s HomePort Restaurant and Premier Sponsor Performance Home Medical, all of our generous sponsors, guests and volunteers who helped make this incredible evening possible.


2018 Events That Enhance

Breast cancer survivors, Safeway Foundation members and Pink the Rink event supporters

The Silvertips and Safeway Foundation Pink the Rink for annual game The Safeway Foundation and the Everett Silvertips joined forces on October 5, 2018 for Pink the Rink, a yearly hockey event benefiting Providence Regional Medical Center Everett’s Comprehensive Breast Center. Nearly 7,000 fans packed Angel of the Winds Arena to watch the Silvertips battle the Seattle Thunderbirds. Breast cancer survivors in attendance were also welcomed down onto the ice and celebrated.


In total, the event raised more than $61,000 for mammograms and related diagnostic services at the Providence Comprehensive Breast Center. Since the first Pink the Rink in 2010, the event has raised nearly $700,000 for women in Snohomish County. Providence General Foundation would like to thank the Silvertips and the Safeway Foundation for their unwavering and outstanding support.

Our Mission 41st annual Everett Golf and Country Club tournament The Everett Golf & Country Club Women’s Division hosted its 41st annual golf tournament on June 2, 2018. Golfers came out in historic numbers to play the Everett Golf & Country Club course and later in the evening guests enjoyed dinner, as well as silent and live auctions. Proceeds from the event were donated to the Providence Regional Cancer Partnership to help support patients with basic needs such as food, shelter, transportation and medication. Attendees, donors, and sponsors contributed $85,000 to support the Linda Baltzell Cancer Patient Assistance Fund and Cancer Patient Navigator Program. Thanks to event co-chairs Lynne Hall and Joanie Thompson, event sponsors and all who contributed to making this event a success!

Wheels on the Waterfront Auto enthusiasts enjoyed a warm autumn afternoon at the seventh annual Wheels on the Waterfront classic vehicles and bikes show on September 8, 2018. Attendees enjoyed hundreds of classic cars, trucks and bikes, as well as live music, refreshments, and much more. The event raised nearly $10,000 to support the Linda Baltzell Cancer Patient Assistance Fund which helps cancer patients meet basic needs such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities and food bills. Thanks to the dedicated supporters and volunteers who made Wheels on the Waterfront such a success!

Since it’s start 41 years ago, the annual golf tournament has raised more than $500,000.

Volunteers and sponsors of the 2018 Wheels on the Waterfront event presented a check for $9,000 to the Providence General Foundation to benefit the Linda Baltzell Cancer Patient Assistance Fund.


Major Areas of Support In 2018, Providence General Foundation distributed nearly $2 million to Providence Regional Medical Center Everett and community initiatives to benefit the health and well-being of our community. Here are some of the major areas of funding:

Surgical Services

$1,163,596 Children’s Programs

$412,519 Health & Screrening Programs


Cancer Services

$42,300 16

Community Services


2018 Financial Overview A S S E TS Cash & Equivalents



Pledge Receivables Net of Discount & Allowance




$ 16,144,953

Gift Annuity & Trust Funds



Other Assets



Total Assets

$ 20,934,822

LI A B I LI TI E S Restricted Funds



Unrestricted Funds



Accounts Payable



Gift & Annuities Trust Fund Liabilities



Other Long-term Liabilities



Total Liabilities

$ 20,934,822

Five years of impact 2018: $1,949,460

2018: $5,239,248

2017: $3,983,605 2017: $8,669,084 N EW G IFTS & CO M M ITM ENTS

2016: $2,086,458 2015: $1,994,275 2014: $2,415,992

$20 million raised

2016: $3,373,808

2015: $3,582,580

2014: $5,256,607



million distributed

Providence General Foundation has raised more than $20 million over the past five years through the support of generous donors who are deeply committed to the mission and work of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett. Since 2014, more than $18 million has been distributed for programs and capital projects at Providence Everett that have supported enhanced clinical quality, new technology, research and innovation. The Providence General Foundation is grateful for the continued support of our community to help make these advancements possible.


2018 Individual and Corporate Donors We are grateful to all who donated gifts, time and talent to Providence General Foundation in 2018. Your contributions are instrumental as we work to improve the health and wellbeing of our growing community. This list reflects only new gifts, commitments and planned gift intentions of $100 or more received from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years or in-kind gifts. Please contact the Foundation office at (425) 258-7500 with questions. Also, if you have included Providence in your will, please let us know so that you may be recognized.

$1,000,000 AND ABOVE Steve & Carol Klein

$999,999 – $500,000 Idamae Schack North Sound Emergency Medicine

$499,999 – $100,000 Jay & Terry Ackley, K & H Integrated Print Solutions Marshall & Katherine Cymbaluk Charles & Gayle Pancerzewski Radia Inc., PS Waterman Medical Foundation

$99,999 – $25,000 Douglas & Elizabeth Bell The Bjorg Family Richard & Judy Boyden Sharon & Ken Clay Tim Halladay Dan & Pam Harkins Estate of Mary Lou Kravik Medical Staff of Providence Regional Medical Center Jeanne Metzger Performance Home Medical Joe & Charlie Pignataro Providence General Children’s Association Hank & Donna Robinett Buzz & Carol Rodland


The Safeway-Albertsons Foundation Snohomish County Human Services Department Tulalip Tribes

$24,999 – $10,000 Vern & Stephanie Allen Dr. Frank & Jan Andersen Raymond & Carol Barkly Buzz Inn Associates Dwayne Lane’s Auto Family Estate of Carol Barkly The Everett Clinic Doug & Robin Ferguson Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch Hugh & Lynne Hall Phil & Kelly Johnson Sean & Lisa Kelly Troy & Kathy Lowery Drs. William & Lisa McIntyre Merrill Lynch Mary Jane Miller Dr. Hugh & Jackie Minor Premera Blue Cross of Washington & Alaska Providence Medical Group Quil Ceda Village Consolidated Borough Marty & Laureen Robinett Christine Steele Western Washington Medical Group Mark & Kim Williams

$9,999 – $2,500 Alaska Airlines All Battery Sales & Service Tami & Terry Allen Craig & Lisa Almon Gerald & Michelle Arneson Don & Shirley Ayres Drs. James D. Bass & Rhonda Bass Bob & Margaret Bavasi Robert & Jennifer Bayersdorfer Robert Beil Michael Berger Marilyn Birchman BNBuilders Bo & Nancy Bodrak Bolin Hermanos, LLC Matt Bolin & Abbey Potts Christine Boyden-Nelson Ruth & Paul Brandal Dr. Ronald Brown Campbell Nissan of Everett Castano Properties, LLC CellNetix Pathology & Laboratories Centene Management Company LLC Chevrolet of Everett, Inc. Coastal Community Bank Tom & Jane Collins Dr. James & Christine Cook Dr. Kimberly Costas & Darius Schenck Dr. Jack & Marilyn Courrier Dr. Jim Courrier Allan & Jennifer Coyle Eiron & Patsy Cudaback Dr. Charles & Lauren Daly Pam Daniels Bill & Patty DeGroodt Dr. William & Elizabeth Dickinson Bob & Lizbeth Dobler Scott Downing & Julissa Villegas Downing Terry & Cheryle Earnheart Everett Aquasox Everett Community College Foundation Mike & Maggie Faulkner Dr. Jim & Mary Lou Finley Sandy Forman Scott & Gayle Forslund Brian & Colleen Frauenholtz Gaffney Construction Jim & Jan Gaffney Joe & Ashley Gaffney Michael & Christine Gaffney Tom & Sue Gaffney Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Tracy & Tina Gilson Goldfinch Brothers, Inc.

Performance Jeep - Eagle - Kia, Inc. Pignataro Volkswagen, Inc. Tony & Suzy Pignataro Jerry & Donita Price Providence Hospice & Homecare Foundation Somnia, Inc. Puget Sound Kidney Centers Darren & Deanna Redick Retirement Connection, LLC Robert Chinn Foundation Luke Rockenbach Janice Roe Bill & Janice Rucker Run of the Mill, Mill Creek Dr. Pat & Denise Ryan Casey & Sandy Salz Dr. Frank & Candace Schramm Seattle Children’s Jeff & Heather Shelby Ray & Mary Sievers Skony Resources, Inc. Griffin & Tristine Smith Sodexo Stantec Consulting Service, Inc. Dan & Kristie Templeman Greg & Kelli Thode Tulalip Resort Casino UBS Financial Services, Inc. Adam & Darla Van Winkle W. W. Wells Millwork Gary & Carolyn Weikel Wheels on the Waterfront Classic Cars, Trucks & Bikes Show Randy & Char Wicklund Michael & Sally Wooton Dr. Thomas Yetman Dr. Rod Hanna & Julie Zarn Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects, LLP

$2,499 – $1,000 Deanna Allen Sherry Allen Jean Anderson ARCORA-Foundation of Delta Dental of Washington Phil & Scuttle Bannan Danen & Heather Barnhart Mike & Sandra Bartlett Geoffrey Bedell & Sheila Bleakney Jackie Beechner Dr. Earl Beegle & Isabel Sloan-Kerr Beegle Patricia Beginski Dr. David & Janelle Beyer Ralph Blackmore Jane Boldt James Boltz Toni Booker Rick & Jennifer Bowen Denny & Darlene Brawford Dr. James Brevig & Meredith Gould Tom & Lisa Budinick Grace Buni Fred & Joan Burnstead Elizabeth Campbell Anna Leah Canoy Jamie Capp W. John & Susan Carl Drs. Robert & Kara Carlson Heather Case Dr. E. Scott & Jane Casselman Colin & Danica Chadwick Tracy Chambers Ken & Erin Chaney Lloyd & Shelly Christensen Kevin & Penny Clay Pat & Cheryl Cline

2018 Individual and Corporate Donors

Joe & Liz Goldfinch Greg & Nga Goldfinch Herbert & Christine Gould Rob & Chanelle Haines Andy & Kaye Hall Nik Halladay Heritage Bank Hermanson Company, LLP Robert & Bonnie Hughes Jamie & Kathy Hunter Integrated Rehabilitation Group Shanley & Peter Johndrow Rick & Barbara Johnson Carolyn Johnson Donna Johnson Jordan Fund Dr. C. Diana Jordan Harv & Jan Jubie Larry & Linda Jubie Dr. Barry T. Kahn & Dr. Mindy Cohen Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Robert & Mary Kelly John & Danyel Kennedy Randy & Kim Kerr Daren & Lori Kloes KPMG Rosemary Lane Leslie & Doug Lauer Que Le & Edward Chin Lee Johnson Hyundai/ Genesis of Everett Roger & Linda Lervick Craig & Christie Lindstrand Benjamin & Lisa Link Dale Lyski Mazda of Everett Bruce & Cynthia McKinnon Bill & Jean Messner Bill & Fran Mester Dr. Ian Wright & Liga Mezaraups John & Ellen Middleton Mortenson Construction Company Mountain Pacific Bank Scott & Kippy Murphy Dr. Deborah Nalty & Jeff Shober David & Kathie Nelson Boe & Jenae Nelson Dr. Nancy & Larry Neubauer Dr. Michael D. Neufeld George Newland Vickie & Mark Nysether Dr. Ulrike Ochs Shannon & Tyra O’Kelley Steve & Pauline Oswald Mitesh Parikh & Dr. Reena Vasavada-Parikh Rick & Diane Pedack Chris & Kristi Pedley Peoples Bank

Carol and Buzz Rodland

This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years or in-kind gifts. Please contact the foundation office at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Also, if you have included Providence in your will, please let us know so that you may be recognized.


Clyde Revord Motors Scott & Jennifer Combs Community Transit Public Affairs Mary Conery Angela Cope Colleen & Vince Cotroneo Dr. George & Annette Cox Marv & Susan Crum C-Suite Resources Jeff & Jodie Cymbaluk D.A. Davidson & Company Bonnie Davis Losey Theresa Diane George & Martha Dowell Robert Doyle Mark & Kathy Duffy Cherie Echelbarger Ade Eitner Julie Elkington James Erhardt Dr. Virginia Eschbach Everett Golf & Country Club Dallas & Judy Ferrel Linda Field Debbie Finch Dr. Albert Fisk & Judith Harris Rick & Andrea Foster Joel & Suzanne French Frontier Communications Gamut360 Holdings, LLC Lisa George Geoff & Kathy Gibbs Dustin & Jenni Gregg Michael Griffin Cheri Groves Darrell & Rhonda Gunnells Kathleen Gutierrez Mark & Heather Haake

Kelly and Phil Johnson


Paul & Jami Hagman Dr. Jeff & Eileen Hambleton Arthur & Margaret Hansen Mike Harder & Heidi Howard-Harder Elizabeth Hardman Sharon Harriss Janet Hawes Dr. William & Marilyn Hecht Doreen & Carroll Heffron Sean & Kimberly Hicks Carl Hinkson Samantha Hoffman David & Gayle Holland Patricia Holmes Homage Senior Services Molly Houlihan Dennis & Kathy Hutton Ronald & Belinda Jacobs Dr. Ashley Johnson & Sallie Hirsch James Johnson Valerie Johnson Josephine Caring Community M.E. Kalsen Dr. Naomi Katsh Dr. Ryan & Travis Keay Jennifer King Lynda Kingman Jessica Kinney Bill & Yong Kinnune Patricia Kirby Kristen Kishline Kissler Family Foundation Daren Klein Michael Kussman Monica Lane Jenine & Steven Lantz Jeff Larkin

Jack & Gail Larson Drs. Karin Larson-Pollock & Darren Pollock Greg & Kathleen Lawson J. Robert Leach & Vickie Norris Bob & Kathy Leach Mike & Valerie Lehtinen Mark & Patty Lervick Robert Moger & Cindy Lervick-Moger Dr. Andrew & Stephanie Levine John & Julie Lienhard Stephanie Lloyd Jennifer Lucas Roni Lyons Don & Betty Maitland Susan Martinez Marysville Police Employees Wayne McCarty Cory & Deanna McCulloch Drs. W. Michael & Julia McDonnell Stan & Kathy McNaughton Ross & Susan Miller Connie Mitchell Molina Healthcare of Washington Virgil & Mary Morgan Dr. Mahesh Mulumudi & Dr. Srilatha Shoroff Jennifer Munson-Reese Brittania Murray Holly Nash Sam Newland & Beth Sirlin Teresa Nickel Norco Medical Edmund & Glenda Oas Scott O’Brien Pacific Topsoils, Inc. Dr. Mark & Gwen Papenhausen Allen & Candy Pate Aurora Pearson Jim & Carla Phillips Joseph “JJ” Pierce Dr. Kim & Karie Porterfield Rolly & Loretta Radwick Dr. Richard Rafoth Rina Maile Redrup John & Cathe Reed Ross & Judy Rettenmier Dr. Thomas M. Richardson & Ms. Carrie Bryant Brad & Lynnette Roberson Lee & Andrea Rodewald Dr. Clifford & Debra Rogers John & Natalie Rogers Mike Rokasy & Tiffany Joseph The Rotary Foundation Ed & MariLana Rubatino David & Molly Rucker Steve & Jana Sanchez

$999 – $500 Rosalyn Abad Dr. Stephanie Abbott Christina Agoo Dr. David Allen & Kathy Stetz Anthony’s Home Port Restaurants Kelsea Archer Frank Arcuri Dr. Sam & Elizabeth Armstrong Dr. Alka Atal-Barrio Kathy Atwood Jeannie Bair

Ruth Bates Mark & Niki Baughman Delaine Baxter Gerard W. Van Valkenburg & Holli Beadell Van Valkenburg Dr. Russell & Louise Beckley Dr. Matthew & Lolena Beecroft Mike & Stephanie Beers Nat & Gail Bender Zeenia Billimoria Mary Anne Bockman Marilyn Borromeo-Wesner Robert & Julie Boyd Benjamin Boyle Amber Bridger Lindsey Brightman Christopher Britton Charles Brown William & Annie Bruce Greg & Janet Buehler Dr. Katherine Bumstead Charles Bundrant Kelly Calabrese Joan Chapman Dr. Vinaya Chepuri & Melanie Field Yvonne Christos Marcie Ciez Eric Cobbs Dr. James & Sandy Congdon The CPA Group, PLLC Glenn Crout & Libbie Musladin Susan Dahlstrom Nathaniel & Mackenzie Daniek Lori Davis Douglas & Janice Dewar Andrew Dickson Mike & Cathy Dire Ron Dobiash Kevin Doerffler Karen Donnellan Laronda Durrant Jeff & Tina Dye Kerry Edinger Janice Ellis Pete Everett Catherine Fabian Susan Farden Dr. Megan & Brian Farnsworth Haddy Faye-Cham Sheri Fey Lauray Foley JJ & Patrice Frank Tom & Patty Freeburg Wayne Freese Tracy Fulton Charles & Elizabeth Galbreath Dr. Maheer Gandhavadi & Vivian Lee Dr. Gregory Ganzkow Toni Gates

Stan & Debra Geddes Charles & Linda Geddes Ralph Gellerson Dawn Gilbert Dr. Kathryn Gilligan Chasette Gilmer Shannon Gordon James Grafton Michael & Eileen Grimes Karl & Kathleen Groen Kelle Gross Dr. Rohit Gupta & Dr. Sujata Agnani Dave & Mary Guyer Andy & Kaye Hall Randy & Janice Hansen Dr. Kristofer D. Norland & Dr. Sarah M. Hansen Ramona Hardwick Nick & Alyssa Hemming Pat & Rae Ann Henderson Krista Heuer Sherri Hicks Kenneth Hodler Jeanette Hofmann Jonathan & Janine Holbrook Andrea Holliman Sylvia Horsch Shelley Houston Dr. Christopher & Mary Hults Mike & Debera Hunsinger Dr. Michael & Barbara Ingram Christopher Iszler Kristen Jacobson Dr. Jennifer & Jason Jerome Larry & Catherine Johnson Tiffany Johnson Deborah Jurgenson Vikas Kayastha Caitlyn Kendrix Andrea Key John & Courtney Kiley Tiffany King Angela Kokinakos Rosalie Kosher Mark & Kim Kramer Gerald Kroon Malick Krubally Paul Kulle Karen Laitinen Patricia & John Lanes Mike & Lisa Langan Helena Langowski Leslie LaPlante Dr. William E. Larter Thomas Leahy & Pamela Cassidy Robert & Kathleen Lefcourt Joyce Lindell Steve Beld & Gemma Lindsley-Beld

This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years or in-kind gifts. Please contact the foundation office at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Also, if you have included Providence in your will, please let us know so that you may be recognized.

2018 Individual and Corporate Donors

Dr. Lawrence Schecter Randy & Robin Schemkes Helene Schultz Victoria Scott Richard & Karen Shea James Shipman Jackson & Janet Showalter Lisa Shumaker Sharon Shurte Karen Sibley Preston & Jill Simmons Beverly D. Skinner Peter & Trisha Smeltz Dr. Budge & Christine Smith Snohomish Health District Sno-Isle Libraries Trevor Stewart Mary Stockwell-White Bradley & Sherry Stoll Aleph Swanson TeleTracking Technologies, Inc. TERRA Staffing Group Diane Torrance Morrie Trautman Bill & Judy Tsoukalas Vic & Wendy Turner Twin City Foods, Inc. United Healthcare Services, Inc. Joy Varady VECA Electric & Technologies Julie Wagner Dr. Xiaowen Wang James & Magalen Webert Becky Weiderstrom Robert & Deborah Wilcox Linda Wilcoxson Mason & Linda Williams Roz Winters Ashton Wolfe WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine Washington State University Irene Yang Roy & Barbara Yates YMCA of Snohomish County Elmer & Kathleen Yoder Gretchen Zemke


Karen Lohse Vincent Longbucco Judy & Bruce Lundgren Dale & Marsha Lyski Scott & Jenny Mackie Mikayla Mansfield Jon & Jean Marable Candy Marine Kristen Martinez Rob & Tami McCalmon Kat McFarland Josh McGaffey Mia Miley Erin Miller Dr. James & Diana Miller Robert & Donna Moch Daniel Montanez Mark & Sharon Morganti Jill Morrill Dr. Beena Morris Karl Moser Frank Murphy Jennifer Myers Michael & Cindy Newbury Brian & Diane Nitta Connie Niva Josh & Erin O’Connor Samantha Ogasawara Anthony Ohl & Lena Ng Dr. Eileen & John Olinger Alex & Tess Oliveria Scott & Kathi Olson Joseph Orecchio Eric & Heidi Overton Laura Page Nyabuony Palek Will Parkkla Linda Pederson Jason Peterson Troy & Tasha Peterson Lam Phan Dale & Karin Pinney T. Clyde & Judy Pitcher Cary & Nancy Polittle Premier Concepts Landscaping Brian Quinn Melinda Ramey Joseph Repp Kristi Robinson Dr. Anthony & Kathryn Roon Martin & Gerri Rowen Bill Rucker, Jr. Dan & Sol Rucker Michael & Julie Rucker Russell & Hill, PLCC Tom & Peg Rutchik Cheryl Sackrider Norm & Elisabeth Sandler Leonard & Kathryn Schnell David & Marsha Schumann


Scott & Sarah Searle Laura Senter Scott & Linda Severs Denise Sheldon Ray & Deanna Sheldon Denton Sherry Patrick & Angie Sievers Rebecca Sill Terryl Smith Debbie Steigerwald Dr. David Stewart Vernetta Stewart Stokes Auction Group, Inc. Carmen Stokes John & Lauray Stupey Sunday Morning AA Group Chip & Nancy Sunderland Kevin & Betsy Sutherland James & Diane Sweeney Paige Taylor Troy Taylor Genet Tekele Jannah Thomas Mark & Karen Thompson Paul & Joan Thompson Al & Siska Treacy Nick Vega Stacy Ventura Tim & Cheryl Vincent David & Pamela Wachob Michael & Laurie Walsh Marie Webster Ted & Teresa Wenta Eric & Wendy Werttemberger Western Facilities Supply Todd & Yolanda Whipple Adrian Wilhelmsen Lauren Wilson Matt & Vicki Wonser Megan Wood Drs. Patricia & Mike Zimburean

$499 – $100 Robin Addison Celina Afenir Carl & Laura Agne Victoria Ahmann Cynthia Aiello Riaz Akhtar David & Dora Alcorta Trevor & Aubree Zesiger Tom & Joanne Allen Joseph Alonzo Jack & Margaret Anderson Sandra Anderson Terry Anderson Lana Andrews Paolina Andrike Dr. Alireza & Sherri Anissipour Michael & Jodi Ankrom

Alison Archer Lisa Archide Brian & Lauren Armstrong Pamela Armstrong Articulate Global Eleanor Artman James Seno & Heather Attwood Scott & Jeanette Bader Martin Badie Stephanie Baker Vickie Baldwin Nigel & Sandra Ball Adam Ballout Josh & Remy Barker Celeste Barner Sally Barnum Mike & Pam Baron Mark & Catrina Barrios Julie Bartolini Debbie Beamer Michael & Mary Pat Beardsley Carlos Becerra Alana Beck Staria Beebe Larry Bellona Howard & Denise Benzel Perry Berezowski Bret Berg Tiffany Beverly Marjorie Bissell Dr. Dana Riley Black Jim & Susie Black Susan & Andy Blue Bryan & Jennifer Boal Boeing 767 Team Bob & Wanda Bolerjack Melissa Bonnallie Mike & Kelly Bowie Boyden Robinett & Associates Gary & Sandy Bradbury Patricia Bradbury Rosa Brambila Torres Rachel Bramson Erica Branca Mike & Ellen Brown Olivia Brown Doug & Judy Buehler Harvey & Nancy Buek Daniel Buell Holly Burns Mary Burpee Bruce Burr Ronald & Jessica Burt Peggy Busch Geoff & Belinda Buscher Carrie Button C. Johnson Lumber Company, Inc. C.O.R.E. Overeaters Anonymous Group Don & Tammy Call Deniz Campbell

Judy and Rich Boyden

Diane & Edwin Doern Lynn & Clay Dollmeyer Chad & Ginger Donohue Rick & Ann Dorris Cynthia Dotzauer Jennifer Doucette Brian & Alix Doyle Jacqueline Doyle Michelle Draper Chelsea Drazic Robert & Cheryl Drewel Julie Duda Kathleen Dugan Tim Dutton & Donna Strathern Tom & Dianne Easley Alisha Eastman Pat & Marilyn Echelbarger Levelle & Arleen Edward Gregory Elder & Kathy J. Elder Bonnie Eldridge Stephen Eldridge Najwa Elmorr Solma Empinado Dr. Susan Reis & John Engel Bethany Erickson Jaime Erickson Larry & Mary Lou Evans Everett High School Everett Rowing Association Maureen Evermann Wendy & Doug Fagan Fairfax Hospital Carol Fawcett Laura Felice Jodi Ferguson Michael & Jan Ferring Ferris-Turney General Contractors

Stan & Laurie Ferwerda Aracely Figueroa Janna Finley Shelly Fisher Sherry & Darcy Fisher Carolee Flaten Kathleen Fondren Alf & Diane Forde Christopher Forrest Dana Forylow JoAnn Foster Lisa Franseen Sarah & Luke Frauenholtz Kristin Frazer Amber Freer Joel & Mary French Mike & Katy Fridrich Anne Marie Frisby Scott & Toni Fulcher John & Sally Galt L. Ralph & Harriet Gamman Mikala Gammell Natasha Gammon Dr. Geraldine Gardner Preston Garrison Justin Gassner Vicki Gebow Tesfaye Geda Jamie George Jenni & Marc Gliessman Laurie Gober Lori Goddard-Weed Bernard Goedde Anthony & Sharon Goetz Leslie Gordon Sally Greve Charles & Debbie Guildner

This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years or in-kind gifts. Please contact the foundation office at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Also, if you have included Providence in your will, please let us know so that you may be recognized.

2018 Individual and Corporate Donors

Nancy Campbell Joanne & Robert Cantu Stephen & Lorraine Cebollero Scott Cedergreen Craig Chambers Kathy Chambers Daryllyn Chapman Kim Chapman David & Catherine Chin Carol Christoferson Debra Christopher Dr. William & Patricia Church Citrine Health Burnill & Diane Clark Lucinda Clark Rick & Sandra Claxton Adam & Nikki Clay Diana Clay Chris & Heather Clayton David & Ginger Clevish Elaine Cole Annette Colombini Jack & Elaine Connell Richard Conover Brenda Cook Dr. Eric & Be Cooper Jana Copeland Jeri Costa Susan Craig Ray & Cindy Crerand Roxanne Cronin John & Carolyn Cross Kathleen Crumley Tiffanie Daer Theodore & Barbara Daniels Sukuta Daramy Bud & Norma Darling Darren Daughenbaugh Beverly Davis Liberty Davis Kathi De Jong Francisco De la Fuente Shawn De Lappe Jennifer De Muelenaere Donna Deboard Wanda & Al Delgado Mike & Cathy Deller Gabriel & Elle Delos Santos Alice Demmig Joy Dennis Robin Denny Kristin Denson Michelle Desoto Penny Devlin Adam Dial Arlene Diamond Bob Dickson Jacqueline & Jonathan Dierksen Juliann Dillhoff Debra Dire-Sherman


Daniel & Ash Gunderson Janice Haas Kris Hackelman Douglas & Carol Hadley Lisa Hafenscher Tyler & Tania Hale Sharon Hall Todd Hall Niklas Halladay Al & Valerie Hamada Elizabeth Hankins Ed & Andi Hansen James & Carolyn Hansen Michael & Kris Hansen Elaine Hanson Karen Hanson John & Karen Harrington Becky Hasart Stephanie Haskins Darian Hawke John & Susan Hawley Carrie Hayes Stephanie Haynes Donald & Elizabeth Healy Dr. Anna & Karl Hedstrom Tanya Hegr Kevin & Jody Heiser Joel & Wendy Helm Seana Helms-Donner Mark Newland & Kimberly Heltne Amanda Henry Jake & Stacy Hensrude Savannah Hernandez Eric & Kandice Herndon Thomas & Sandra Herrick Dr. Nariman Heshmati & Kathryne Hughes Mary Hewitt Hide-a-Hose, Inc. Marcia Hild Sonja Hild Leah Hill & Eirean Cunningham Staci Hill Kathleen Hillis Chuck & Charlotte Koerber Vicci Hilty Ida Hobbs Rodney & Bobby Hobelman Michael & Pat Holcomb Darrell Holland Greg Holman & Linda Vanpelt Carol Holmstrom Jane & Craig Holt Kim Hopper Susan Houck Strom Maya Hough Patrick & Anneliese Howell Steve & Jane Hudson Charlene Hulskamp Jenelle Humphrey Darlene & Brian Hussey


Dr. Thomas & Heidi Hutchinson Lai Huynh Dr. Robert & Eileen Iguchi Dr. Loren J. Ihle & Diane Decker-Ihle Lynn Ilabor Marjorie Ingram Lorene Inouye-Salvo Maureen Jackson Richard Jarratt Harold Jensen Dr. Peter & June Jiang Jaswinder Johal Laura Johansen Clifford & Ruth Johnson Julie Johnson Mark Johnson Kirk Jones Dr. James Jordan Steven & Michelle Josephsen Thomas & Sally Joy Rebecca Jubie Robert Jubie John & Peggy Jung-Simard Basel Jurdy Shane Kalamarski Mariah Kanakia Dr. Ernest & Debra Kawamoto Joseph Kedrowski Arnold & Martha Kegel Martha Kegel Brittany Keil Kimberly & John Keith Michael Keller Dana Kelly Rhonell Kercheval Pia & Junior Khim Diane Kieland Kelly Kikuchi Dr. Benjamin Killey Pete & Catherine Kinch Janis Kinney J. Montgomery & Kathleen Kintner Scott & Kristen Kirkpatrick Diana Kizer Richard & Joyce Klabunde Rory & Brittni Klein Laura & Michael Knapp Paul & Nancy Kniest Deborah Knight Mary Knoll Valerie Koepnick Panos & Toula Koutlas Brandi Kroshko Dr. Ronald & Kelly Krueger Shareen Kruse Mark Kunz Drs. L. Albert & Salwa Labib Jody LaBissoniere, PGCA Guild 21 David & Maria Laidler

Tami Lambert Barbara Lamoureux Julie Lane Grant & Marci Larsen Jan & Lorrie Larsen Monica Larsen Sharon E. Larsen Larson Gross, PLLC Chris & Robin Larson Kathy Larson Sharon Larson Terrance Lawrence Christine Le Patricia Ledbetter Bill & Chen-Chen Lee Dr. Julie Lee Stacia Lemke Deborah Libbing Pauline Lindsey Jordan & Derek Lindstrom Gary Linger Dana & Jim Linton Dr. Brandon Liu Michael & Kelly Locking Mike & Francine Long Sue Long Michael Lopez Gavin & Angela Loth Janet Lubach Dr. Jason & Jen Lukas John Lundquist Lin Luo Michael & Katie Lyon Candace Mabbitt Valerie & Scott MacConnell Jason & Rachel Macomber Bryan & Lauren Maggio Joelle Mahlum Rachel Marko Thomas S. Markus Jenna Marshall Maria Martin Dr. Steve & Estela Martinez Kaydee Martinez-Carlos Joseph McCarthy Theresa McClendon Sherri McCord William & Grae McCredie Kirk Mcdonald Stephanie McDonald Yvonne Gay McDowell Jill McKinnie Ardie McLean Karen McMillan Laurie McMillan Daniel & Alexandra Meja Elizabeth Menig John & Mary Mercier Kerry Merritt Melissa Mertz

Sean Peters Gary & Jeanne Petershagen Darryl & Tammy Peterson Dee Peterson Kenneth & Patti Peterson Kenneth & Melissa Peth Albina Petrus Richard & Leanne Philipovich Zoe Pilgrim-Placey Gerald Pilolla Emily Pinkham Bonnie Pittrof Cristal Player Kenneth & Terryn Plitt Brenda Poe Matthew Pool Anna Porterfield Rene & Dave Porubeck Mary Lynn Potter David and Lisa Pratt Mary Pratt Trenia Preus Linda Price Teri Prochaska Jesse Pruett Catherine Quintis Brent & Carrie Radcliff John Rashford Angela Ratcliff Alma & Matthew Reed Tesa Reese Debra Regan-Litz Tina Reid Martin & Kay Reimers Elizabeth Renshaw Mark & Vickie Revord Dr. David & Rosie Reynaud

Brooke Rhoadarmer Gary & Sandra Richardson Barb Richer Curtis & Janet Rider James & Ann Ries Michael & Barbara Ripp Robert J. Lee & Stephen J. See, D.D.S., P.L.L.C. Randy & Debbie Roberts Rachel Robertson Vanessa Roby Cameryn Rodney Arcelia Rodriguez Alvarez Vaughan & Jodi Rody Megan Rogers Julie Romanick Andrew & Carmen Romerdahl Ryan & Shannan Ross Tara Ross Trina Roufs Barbara Routledge Mara Rozzano Rubatino Refuse Removal Robin Russell Dr. David A. Russian & Maria Vicens Cheri Russum David & Gay Rutter David & Teresa Ruud Dr. Elie & Heidi Saikaly Kelsey & Dominic Salle Tristine Samberg Loren & Karen Sand Mary Ann Sande Bianca Sanders Dr. Virginia Sanders Juliana Sandi Sandhya Sargunar

2018 Individual and Corporate Donors

Dreanna Milarii-Craig Bridgette Mitchell Geoff Mitchell Mary Mohr Jemima Monroe Linda Monroe Mike & Sonia Montelibano Darlene Mooney Jeanne Morimoto Chuck & Cecil Morrison Dr. Autumn Moser Laura Mulalley Kerry Munnich Ryan Muri-Sheldon & Amy Sheldon Jean Murphy Olivia Murphy Shawanna Murry Dr. Kirk Myers NAMI Snohomish County Dr. Felix Nautsch Yvonne Neal Paula Skomski Hai Nguyen Dr. Heidi Nicewarner Victoria Nichols Pamela Nicholson Dr. Patrick Nolan Monica Noom Jami Nordquist Northwest Washington Radiation Oncology Associates Bruce & Carmen Nylund Shirley & Eldon Nysether Kathy & Brad Nysether Lyle & Joanne Nysether Stephen & Kate O’Brien Matthew & Marjory O’Dell Lawrence & Joyce O’Donnell Dr. Kirstine Oh Craig Ohm Marty & DeAnne Okazaki Sean & Holli O’Kelley Randall & Lorraine Olafson Susan Ollis O’Loane Law Group, PLLC Alex & Amie Olson Crystal Ordonez Cameron Osborn David & Jill Osburn Elizabeth Otteni Kathleen & Eric Ottum Myrna Overstreet Dennielle Padgett Martin Paris & Natalie Goddard Korinne Parker Lena Parks Jack & Gretchen Paylor Peoria Home Maki Perry

Joe and Ashley Gaffney

This list reflects only new gifts and commitments received from January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years or in-kind gifts. Please contact the foundation office at (425) 258-7500 with questions or concerns. Also, if you have included Providence in your will, please let us know so that you may be recognized.


Mary Jo Sarver Jack Sather Kaye Sauter Devin & Laurie Saylor Lauren Sayoc Mersedeh Schmidt Michelle & Earl Schmidt Alyssa Schmuck William & Annette Schott John & Rene Schrock Kirk & Noel Schulz Tracy Scoville Mary Secoy Rupakshi Sharma Dr. Dan & Jana Shaw Mel Sheldon Dana Shepherd Sue & Giles Shepherd Chelsea Sherwood Jan Shipman Mark Shissler Sue Sievers Randall Sinn Steven & Melissa Siv Mark Sizemore Dr. Thomas & Marion Skalley Gerald & Linda Smedes Amy Smith Drew & Delores Smith Mary Smoluch Rick & Susan Snyder Dr. JoAnne Solchany Swanhild Solchany Sons of Norway Normanna Lodge #3 Jeff & Jaylene Soriano Sound Dietitians, LLC Linda Spear Shalyn Spivey Gale Springer Cindy Stach Josephine Stacruz Stadium Flowers Charles & Elsie Stahl Valerie Stalsbroten The Standard Grace Starble Dr. Hillary Starr Jack Stedman Allena & Jeff Steele Robert & Sharon Steele Dr. Matthew & Pam Stein Louis & Jan Stevenson Eric & Donna Stevick Cathleen Stewart


Frank Stilwagner Kathleen Stinnett Irish Stoddard Terry Stoecklhuber Dr. Paul Stoot Dr. Lynda & David Storm Structured Communications Stuchell Family Foundation Dawn Stuchell Barry & Laura Stueve Becci Stupey Beta Stupey Sarah Suhy Lori & Art Sullivan Neal & Janice Supplee Drs. Peter & Erin Sutcliffe Brianna Taylor Michael & Doris Taylor Mary Taylor Angela Thayer Jamie Thomas Rebecca Thomas Candace Thompson Hunter Thompson Jeanne Thompson Ron & Heidi Thompson Heather Thorkildsen Carolyn Thostenson Shaun Thurmond & Natasha Meek Jamie & Matt Tilschner Richard & Nancy Tilschner Kimberly Toler Karen Tooley Yanelba Toribio Jessica & Josh Treat Leah Treml-Ellis Brian & Mandy Trimble Eve Trimble Glen & Ella Tuininga Ann Tuohy Cuthbert & Blu Turner James Turner & Darlene Miller-Turner Cuthbert & Blu Turner Kate Unterberger Dr. Joshua H. Urvater & Dr. Anne M. Camber Frank & Raelene Valento Deanna Valento-Stemm Spark & Cheryl Van Winkle Kris & Justin Vanden Bosch William Vanerp Gerald & Theresa Vasquez Robyn Vaughn

Mitzy Vila Avalos Frances Villasenor Sarah Visser Michael & Teresa Walker Heather Wallace Rochelle Wallace Richard Walsh Skip & KayLynn Walz Frank & Janet Waterworth Gary & Dawn Watson Lori Weigand William Wells & Jane Norton Kelly Welz Cynthia Wentworth Lisa Wessels Kenneth & Gayle Westford Kenneth & Kathleen Weston Eldon & Carolyn Wexler Simone White Carol Whitehead Deborah Whitley Michelle Whitt Robert & Beverly Wiess Susan Wigren & Ellen Christilaw Dana Williams David & Nancy Wilmes Billie & Henrietta Wilson Lori Wilson Melinda Wilson Wayne & Kelli Wilson Wayne Wirth Connie Wittren Donald R. Wlazlak Beverly Wold Roberta Wolf Mark Woodard Vern & Julie Woods Dr. Keith & Jo Ann Woolpert Roberta Wylie Randy & Joyce Yates Nancy Yonemitsu Gayle Yost Denise Young Rafael & Teresa Zambrano Shannon & Annabelle Zastrow Yunlin Zheng Nicole Zickler Dr. Tomasz M. Ziedalski & Dr. Marina Furtado Doug & Jean Zook Janet Zuanich Christine Zumdahl

The Friends of Providence Donor Society was established in 2011 to help recognize Providence General Foundation donors for their extraordinary support and commitment to the health of our community and the continued advancement of Providence Regional Medical Center. Membership in the society begins with a minimum of $10,000 in cumulative gifts to the Providence General Foundation. The Society is the Foundation’s way of expressing our gratitude to those who have generously supported the mission and work of Providence Everett. DISTINGUISHED PATRON


Marshall & Katherine Cymbaluk

Dr. Frank & Jan Andersen Don & Shirley Ayres Dr. Cheryl Beighle & Steve Schroeder Elizabeth Campbell Allen Clark Sharon & Ken Clay Bob Dickson Liz & Bob Dobler Terry & Cheryle Earnheart Mike & Maggie Faulkner Dr. Jim & Mary Lou Finley Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch Greg & Nga Goldfinch JoAnn Gray Andy & Kaye Hall Tim Halladay Nik Halladay Tania Halladay Ed & Andi Hansen Michael & Pat Holcomb Donna Johnson Dr. Ernest & Debra Kawamoto Sean & Lisa Kelly Ralph & Anna Lee Kirtley Tom & Kjersti Lane Jack & Gail Larson Bob & Kathy Leach

PREMIER PATRON Robert Beil Richard & Judy Boyden Phil & Kelly Johnson Steve & Carol Klein T. Clyde & Judy Pitcher Idamae Schack

GRAND PATRON Jay & Terry Ackley Bob & Margaret Bavasi Gordy & Donna Bjorg Carol Bjorg Susan Ingram Mackey Harv & Jan Jubie Larry & Linda Jubie Rosemary Lane Mary Jane Miller Bev Miller Vicki & Mark Nysether Kathy & Brad Nysether Shirley & Eldon Nysether Hank & Donna Robinett Buzz & Carol Rodland Debra Waterman

Kjersti and Tom Lane

Drs. Jack Little & Marina Zeiber Dr. Richard Lyons George Newland Karen Newland Sam Newland & Beth Sirlin Lisa & Si Newland Henry & Sandra Newton Eric & Heidi Overton Charles & Gayle Pancerzewski Joe & Charlie Pignataro Brad & Lynnette Roberson Elizabeth Ruthford Dr. Patrick & Denise Ryan Preston & Jill Simmons Fred & Jo Anne Sjoholm Art Skotdal Harry Stuchell Glenn & Joanne Wimpy

Friends of Providence Donor Society

Friends of Providence Donor Society

SILVER PATRON Vern & Stephanie Allen Dr. Earl Beegle & Isabel Sloan-Kerr Beegle Doug & Betts Bell Dr. James Brevig & Meredith Gould Dave & Laura Brooks Sue Closser Tom & Jane Collins Annette Colombini Dr. James & Christine Cook Dr. Kimberly Costas & Darius Schenck Dr. Jack & Marilyn Courrier Jeff & Jodie Cymbaluk Dr. Harold Dash & Victoria Romero Caryl De Jong William & Patty DeGroodt Dr. William & Elizabeth Dickinson John & Julie Dickson Dr. Bill & Katie Finley John & Anne Fletcher Sandy Forman Marcy Freed


Joel & Suzanne French Jim & Jan Gaffney Tom & Sue Gaffney Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Kathleen Gutierrez Rob & Chanelle Haines Dan & Pam Harkins Phil & Alexia Heidt Rick & Julie Hermanson Shawn & Kathleen Hoban Tom & Margaret Hoban Jamie & Kathy Hunter Shanley & Peter Johndrow Alan & Mary Johnson Mark & Patty Lervick Roger & Linda Lervick Dr. Cynthia Markus Bruce & Cynthia McKinnon Bill & Jean Messner Jeanne Metzger John & Ellen Middleton Richard & Rhonda Mietzner Dr. A. Frank Nieto Connie Niva Dr. Patrick Nolan Rick & Diane Pedack Randy Petty & Tai Le Dr. Joanne Roberts Marty & Laureen Robinett MariLana & Ed Rubatino Bill & Janice Rucker Shirley Schapler Dr. Lawrence Schecter Sheryl Schecter Chris Sievers Dean & Chris Stensby Spark & Cheryl Van Winkle Gary & Carolyn Weikel Mark & Kim Williams Dr. William & Kathy Wisbeck Dr. Thomas Yetman

LEADERSHIP SUPPORTERS Vicky Ahmann Deanna Allen Tami & Terry Allen Rhoda Amunsis Dr. Sam & Elizabeth Armstrong Gerald & Michelle Arneson Dr. Joseph Austin Peter & Mary Baffaro Judy Baker Mike & Sandra Bartlett Dr. Oliver & Julie Batson Robert & Jennifer Bayersdorfer Bill & Paula Beatty Dave & Marilyn Beck Geoffrey Bedell & Sheila Bleakney Dr. Matthew & Lolena Beecroft


Patricia Beginski David & Donna Bender Dr. Randal & Aline Bensen Leon & Angie Berman Leonard & Louise Berman Dr. Herb & Karen Berry Dr. David & Janelle Beyer Marilyn & Chris Birchman Marjorie Bissell James & Susie Black Carolyn Bodeen Bo & Nancy Bodrak Matt Bolin & Abbey Potts Dr. Amy & Matt BonDurant Paul & Ruth Brandal Denny & Darlene Brawford Tom & Sally Brennan Geoffrey Brown Dr. Ronald Brown Dr. Bruce & Lauren Buchea Corey & Gigi Burke JoAnn Burkett Mike & Patti Butler Drs. Timothy Byrnes & Catherine Hawkins Brett & Kendra Carlton Susan Carpenter Dr. Scott & Jane Casselman Colin & Danica Chadwick Vikram & Vandana Chalana Dr. Richard Chang Dennis Channing Robert & Lorelei Christenson Yvonne Christos Dr. James & Sandy Congdon Rick Cooper & Robin Hilton Rebekah & Skeet Couper Dr. Jim Courrier Drs. John Cramer & Suzanne Poppema Ray & Cindy Crerand Roxanne Cronin Marv & Susan Crum Dr. Stephen & Nancy Dahlberg Dr. Charles & Lauren Daly Pam Daniels Bud & Norma Darling Mike & Cathy Deller Mike & Cathy Dire Bev Dobler Bob & Jamie Downey Mark & Kathy Duffy Julie Elkington Dr. Enrique & Paula Enguidanos Dr. Virginia Eschbach Tom & Debi Fairbanks Kerry Fairchild Mark & Victoria Fanning Bill & Sheri Feeney Doug & Robin Ferguson

Bob & Shirley Ferguson Dallas & Judy Ferrel Linda Field Debbie Finch Drs. Samuel & Charlene Finn Dr. Albert Fisk & Judith Harris Carol Ann Foss Brian & Colleen Frauenholtz Joel & Mary French Joe & Ashley Gaffney Mike & Christine Gaffney Dr. Sarah Jo Gahm & John Connolly Dr. James Geier & Janet Hamilton Lisa & Andrew George Geoff & Kathy Gibbs Tracy & Tina Gilson Herbert & Christine Gould Budd & Kathy Gould Randy & Ruth Graybeal Daniel & Ash Gunderson Hugh & Lynne Hall Dr. Jeff & Eileen Hambleton Art & Margaret Hansen Mike Harder & Heidi Howard-Harder Randy & Marla Heagle Dr. William & Marilyn Hecht Doreen & Carroll Heffron Drs. Philip Henderson & Dr. Mary Read Fred Hines Todd & Lolly Hofheins Steve & Patricia Holtgeerts John & Lisa Hooper Steve Knudsen & Mardi Hopkins Steve Hopp & Palmer Robinson Dr. Kevin & Melanie Hori Dan & Sue Huberty Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hughes Eva Hughes Doris Hummel David Hill & Barbara Hyland-Hill Dr. Robert & Eileen Iguchi Dr. Michael & Barbara Ingram Bill Isaacson Noel & Michelle James Carolyn Johnson Valerie Johnson Rick & Barbara Johnson Dr. Ashley Johnson & Sallie Hirsch Luther & Dee Jonson Mark & Terri Judy Dr. Naomi Katsh Dr. Bruce Kennedy Diane Kieland Dr. Benjamin Killey Mark & Gina King Jim & Lisa King Lynda Kingman

Shannon & Tyra O’Kelley Brian & Brenda Olson Paul & Carol Onerheim Mitesh Parikh & Dr. Reena Vasavada-Parikh Chris & Kristi Pedley Carol Petersen Rock & Maggie Peterson Tony & Suzy Pignataro Pat & Kristie Putnam Thomas & Davis Rainville Darren & Deanna Redick Matthew & Keely Reinhard Ed & Bunny Renouard Lori Richards Randy & Debbie Roberts Paul & Amy Robinett Kathy & John Robinett David Robinett & Stephanie Johnson Betty Rodland Linda & Jean Rodriguez Janice Roe Dr. Michael & Marianne Rohrenbach Dr. Anthony & Kathryn Roon Dr. J. Michael & Shauna Roseberry Judy & Chas Roudebush William A. Routledge & Diana S. Routledge Lyle & PJ Ryan Cheryl Sackrider Dr. Elie & Heidi Saikaly Casey & Sandy Salz Randy & Robin Schemkes Frank & Lilma Schlaefer Dr. Frank & Candace Schramm Dr. Paul Seckinger Walter & Melissa Selden Dr. Richard & Andrea Semon Timothy & Carla Serban James & Gretchen Shaffer Ram Sharma Dr. Steven & Willa Sharmahd Jeff & Heather Shelby Reid & Linda Shockey Lisa Shumaker Ray & Mary Sievers Paramjit Singh & Harmeet Kaur Marianna Skalley Dr. Edward & Dori Slosberg Steve & Kathleen Smith Dr. Budge & Christine Smith Randy & Julie Smith Dr. Tracy & Patti Spencer Dr. Denny Spencer Christine Steele Dr. David Stewart Thomas & Rose Marie Stiger Ken & Jan Stone

Barbara Strahm Janet Straus & Kit Raney Eric & Christie Tipton Greg Tisdel Trudy Tobiason Wallace & Karen Trana Joan Trask Vic & Wendy Turner Gregory & Joan Van Pelt Adam & Darla Van Winkle Joy Varady Christopher Varley Henry & Anita Veldman Hans & Collean von der Hofen Ted & Teresa Wenta Michael & Deborah Werner Eric & Wendy Werttemberger Dr. Marcia Wharton & Paul Smith Marti Wick & Ron Simmons Randy & Char Wicklund Gary & Catherine Wickman Joan & Craig Wilson Connie Wittren Dr. Karen Woncik Matt & Vicki Wonser Donna Wray Roy & Barbara Yates Dr. Liam & Liza Yore Jim & Phillippa Yowan Dr. Rod Hanna & Julie Zarn Sandy Ziemer Doug & Jean Zook Dr. David Zunkel & Kathleen Stratton Zunkel

Friends of Providence Donor Society

Patricia Kirby Daren & Lori Kloes Paul & Nancy Kniest Drs. Albert & Salwa Labib Aileen Langhans James & Sharon Langus Sharon Larson Dr. William E. Larter Doug & Leslie Lauer Greg & Kathleen Lawson Que Le & Edward Chin J. Robert Leach & Vickie Norris Pamela G. Cassidy & Thomas M. Leahy John & Julie Lienhard Joyce Lindell Benjamin & Lisa Link Sara Lipo Tom & Meridith Little Dr. Darren & Olympia Little Dr. Amy & William Little Gavin & Angela Loth Dr. Friedrich & Jane Loura Troy & Kathy Lowery Jennifer Lucas Don & Betty Maitland David & Lisa Martin Matt & Anne Masterson Patrick & Claudia McClain Pat & Julie McDonald Drs. W. Michael & Julia McDonnell Drs. William & Lisa McIntyre J. Brent & Connie McKinley Jeff & Christie Messmer Dr. Ian Wright & Liga Mezaraups Ross & Susan Miller Barry Miller Bruce & Jan Miller Bliss Miller Bruce & Rebecka Milne Dr. Hugh & Jackie Minor Connie Mitchell Richard & Janis Moeller Ray & Junie Moore JoAnn Mulligan Drs. Mahesh Mulumudi & Srilatha Shoroff Kathleen Munding Scott & Kippy Murphy Dr. Deborah Nalty & Jeff Shober David & Kathie Nelson Boe & Jenae Nelson Dr. Nancy & Larry Neubauer Dr. Michael D. Neufeld Peter Newland & Robyn Johnson Elizabeth Newland Lorraine Novack Edmund & Glenda Oas Dick & Judy Oberg Drs. Hans & Ute Ochs

Sharon and Ken Clay

The list reflects cumulative giving as of December 31, 2018 and does not include donors who wished to remain anonymous.


2018 In-Kind Giving Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for their generous in-kind donations valued at $100 or more:

K & H Integrated Print Solutions The 5th Avenue Theater Alaska Airlines Anthony’s Home Port Restaurants Argosy Cruises Donald & Shirley Ayres Bainbridge Island Museum of Art Sally & Eric Barnum Basel Cellars Estate Winery Douglas & Elizabeth Bell Tom & Lorna Bigsby The Bjorg Family James & Susie Black Pete & Maureen Botting Richard & Judy Boyden Christine Boyden-Nelson Denny & Darlene Brawford Brews Almighty Dr. Ronald Brown Burkett’s Distinctive Apparel for Women Caffe Ladro Camano Island Coffee Roaster Christopher Chan Ken & Sharon Clay Annette Colombini Columbia Hospitality Columbia Sportswear Company Comcast Corporation Mike Conklin CORT Party Rental Dr. Kimberly Costas & Darius Schenck Covenant Art Glass Jennifer & Allan Coyle Patsy & Elron Cudaback Cutter & Buck Jeff & Jodie Cymbaluk Pam Daniels Delicious Delivered DeLille Cellars, Doyenne & Grand Ciel Kristel Dillon Scott Downing & Julissa Villegas Downing Elliott Bay Brewing Co Erickson Furniture Everett Bayside Marine, Inc Everett Golf & Country Club Everett Philharmonic Orchestra Fairmont Olympic Hotel Doug & Robin Ferguson Debbie Finch Dr. Jim & Mary Lou Finley Foot Joy


Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) Boe & Jenae Nelson Kaitlyn Odell James & Denise Ohlfs Joel & Mary French Shannon & Tyra O’Kelley Friends of Festival of Trees Jason Otto Ed Garcia Pacific Science Center Stan & Debra Geddes Patterson Cellars Linda & Charles Geddes Pesek Cellars Winery Gibson Foundation Pro Image Sports Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Providence Boyden Family Autism Center Jenni & Marc Gliessman Providence Children’s Center Carlene & Geoff Goldfinch Providence Laboratory Services Greg & Nga Goldfinch Providence Regional Medical Center - Centralized Guardian Cellars Providence Sleep Lab Guild 18 PGCA Providence Women & Children’s Pavilion Guild 21 Quilceda Creek Vintners Daniel & Ash Gunderson Nancy & Paul Reese Kathleen Gutierrez Cassandra Reichelt Hugh & Lynne Hall Riches for the Home Nik Halladay Buzz & Carol Rodland Dan & Pam Harkins Roy Robinson Chevrolet-Subaru Liz & Don Healy David & Gay Rutter Kimberly Heltne SaltWorks, Inc Pat & Rae Ann Henderson Casey & Sandy Salz Ralph Hildebrand Mary Ann Sande Hope Springs Photography Robin Schemkes Steve & Ginny Hoverson Seattle Mariners Jane & Steve Hudson Seattle Marriott Waterfront Steve & Jane Hudson Seattle Seahawks Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hughes Seattle Storm Imbibe Wine Tours Snohomish Chamber of Commerce Inn at Langley Rick & Susan Snyder International Parking Management, Inc. Martin & Kathy Spadafora J. Matheson Gifts, Kitchen & Gourmet Erik & Stephani Sprink John Howie Restaurant Stadium Flowers Harv & Jan Jubie Stance Lawrence & Linda Jubie Stevens Pass, Inc. Susan & Richard Kasperson Studio Donna Sean & Elisabeth Kelly The Summit at Snoqualmie Steve & Carol Klein Nancy F. R. Sunderland Daren & Lori Kloes Ted’s Sports Center Dr. Ronald & Kelly Krueger Terra Blanca Winery & Estate Vineyard Tom & Kjersti Lane The Pacific Jazz Institute John Lanes & Patricia Lanes Paul & Joan Thompson Jan & Lorrie Larsen Tinte Cellars - William Church Winery Monica Larsen Travis Steele Electric Leslie & Doug Lauer Tulalip Resort Casino Robert & Kathy Leach The Twig Shop Greg & Kippy Leonard Twisted Treasures/Kat Smith Designs Karen Ligman Andrew Urie Michael & Kelly Locking Useless Bay Golf Club Long Shadows Tasting Room Spark & Cheryl Van Winkle Dale & Marsha Lyski Village Theatre Steve & Tammy Mally Voice Choice Marcus Whitman Hotel Marci Volmer Dr. Patty Martin Sharron & Clayton White Maryhill Winery Deborah & Robert Wilcox Matthews Winery and Tenor Wines Windermere Real Estate/Mill Creek Inc. McCormick Woods Golf Club Woodhouse Wine Estates John & Mary Mercier Michael & Sally Wooton Scott & Kippy Murphy

The Providence Legacy Society was created as a way for the Providence General Foundation to recognize and thank donors who have made provisions for Providence in their estate plans. The society allows us to celebrate and honor valued supporters today for a gift that is postponed until after their lifetimes. If you have made a provision for Providence in your will or would like more information on Estate Giving please contact the Providence General Foundation at (425) 258-7500. Michael Bauer Bob & Margaret Bavasi Dr. Earl Beegle & Isabel Sloan-Kerr Beegle Robert Beil Richard & Judy Boyden Bob & Lori Christenson Pam Daniels Dr. Virginia Eschbach Doug & Robin Ferguson JoAnn Gray

Dr. Charles & Diane Guildner Nik Halladay Sue Ingram Mackey Bill Isaacson Barbara Kusler Pamela G. Cassidy & Thomas M. Leahy Hugh & Jackie Minor Dick & Judy Oberg Paul & Carol Onerheim Randy Petty & Tai Le

Dr. Joanne Roberts William & Diana Routledge John & Idamae Schack Fred & Jo Anne Sjoholm Dr. Tracy & Patti Spencer Christine Steele Dr. David J. Stewart Larry Swigart Trudy Tobiason Glenn & Joanne Wimpy

Providence Legacy Society

Providence Legacy Society

Idamae Schack and her daughter Patty DeGroodt at the 2018 Festival of Trees


2018 Tribute Gifts Providence General Foundation is deeply thankful for the many gifts given in 2018 to honor or remember a special person in a meaningful way.

Deborah Ann King Fred & Joan Burnstead Robert & Mary Culp

Brian Koppes Wanda & Al Delgado

Tony Leitch Anthony & Sharon Goetz


Paul de Anguera Alice de Anguera

Tom Gaffney Providence Regional Medical Center Everett

Michelle & Mike Hopstad Burnill & Diane Clark

Lisa & Sean Kelly Norm & Elisabeth Sandler

Sue Levison

Dennis Delena

Shirley Dockendorf JoAn Anderton Jack & Elaine Connell Colleen & Vince Cotroneo Maren Dalgaard Andrew & Alicia Delegans Ted & Sandra Keaton Rita & Ted Lienhard Gail Lowery Kaye Sauter

Jerry Elkington

Kathleen Burton

Julie Elkington

Dr. Cynthia Markus

Nick Fadich

Thomas Markus

Sarah Meyer Jordan & Derek Lindstrom

Mary Jane Miller Ross & Susan Miller

Mark Reed Alma & Matthew Reed


Jacob Whitson “Jake� Abuhl Michael & Jodi Ankrom

Dr. William & Patricia Church Michael & Barbara Doleshel James & Ann Ries David & Teresa Ruud Neal & Janice Supplee

Betty Faung Charles Faung

Dr. John & Genevieve Fiorino George & Martha Dowell

Dr. Arthur Grossman Providence Regional Medical Center Everett

Howard Atlas

Marsha Gustafson

Penny Miller

Judy & Carl Carlson

Tianne Batson

Janice Halladay

Richard Batson

Lena Parks

Dr. Noah C. Beadell

Susan Hardy

Holli Beadell Van Valkenburg & Gerard Van Valkenburg

Mary Secoy

Dave Beck

Gunnar & Karine Pettersson

Charles & Joanne Kelso

Deloris Berg Bret Berg

Evelyn & Manney Berman Everett Steel Companies

Cindy Christoffersen Fay Janke Debra Soto

Ruby Jane Coffey Hank & Donna Robinett


Gary Delena

Rita Hazen Sine Hough Rachel Bramson Karl & Lisa Hansen Maya Hough Kathleen & Eric Ottum

Barbara Hunziker Mac & Sherry Jolly

Phyllis M. Kinard Dr. Hugh & Jackie Minor

Mary Josetta Bremner Long Lisa Bernardez

Patricia Eloise Lucken Vincent & Katheryn Macoleni

Dale Lyski Douglas & Elizabeth Bell Jim & Jan Gaffney Nik Halladay Michael & Kris Hansen LeRoy & Donna Kloes Barbara Lamoureux Bill & Jean Messner Mary Jane Miller Alton & Nancy Moen Rick & Diane Pedack Cheryl Russum

Frank L. McDaniel Vickie Baldwin Charles & Barbara Bucher Jozi Chavis Marc & Kathryn Gross Rodney & Bobby Hobelman Walt & Geri Johnson Jerry & Nancy Kammenga Larson Gross PLLC Norman & Marilyn Martin Cameron Osborn Jack & Gretchen Paylor Gary & Jeanne Petershagen Martin & Kay Reimers Mitzy Vila Avalos Denise Wainscott Robert & Beverly Wiess

Ross Miller, Sr. Mary Jane Miller Ross & Susan Miller

Margaret Minton Mike & Ellen Brown Tammy & Don Call Daniel & Virginia Perez Jorge Perez

Esther Francis Moss Boeing 767 Team

Xep Nguyen Anonymous

Stephen Norman Tracy & Dave Moran

Selma Irene Robb

Lyle Spink

Linda Dixon Candice & Dennis Lambert Gerald & Linda Smedes Helen Stevens Claire & Vidar Wespestad

Articulate Global

Frank Otteni

Justina Agraz Rosas

Michael & Kathleen Goodhew Elizabeth Otteni

Mike & Lisa Wenzel

Michael & Laurie Walsh Richard Walsh

Monty Parratt Laurel Parratt

Bryant Peterson William Wells & Jane Norton

Dottie Piasecki Carolyn Allendoerfer Victoria Antenucci Raymond & Cindy Crerand Roxanne Cronin Patricia Dire Debra Dire-Sherman Dr. Virginia Eschbach Kathleen Gutierrez Carroll & Doreen Heffron Dennis & Kathy Hutton Daren & Lori Kloes Mark & Vickie Nysether Lawrence & Joyce O’Donnell Bill & Renee Quistorf Ed & MariLana Rubatino Mary Ann Sande Drew & Delores Smith Tom & Rosie Stiger John & Lauray Stupey

Zaida Ross Lillian Hiatt

Coral Ann Schuoler Loren Schuoler

Jean Scown Carol Christoferson Diane & Edwin Doern Rachel & Arnold Scown

Kathleen Searle William & Annette Schott

Thomas W. Skalley Elizabeth Campbell Everett Rowing Association Kathleen Gutierrez Doris Hummel Dr. Thomas Hutchinson Sharon E. Larsen Dr. Hugh & Jackie Minor

Dixie Spencer Ed & MariLana Rubatino

Charles Trosvig Jud Marquardt & Connie Niva

George R. Walsh

Michael Walton William & Diane Mumaw

2018 Tribute Gifts

Carly Ann Nysether The CPA Group, PLLC John & Carolyn Cross Lyle & Joanne Nysether Vickie & Mark Nysether Jeff & Jaylene Soriano

Brandy Ward Debra Regan-Litz

Ferdinand M. Weyers Louriston & Luanne Baker Ruby Bradshaw Bev Dobler Kelsey & Carol Halverson Greg Holman & Linda Vanpelt Larry & Carol Jensen David & Sondra Lande Dennis & Kathleen LeMaster Lawrence & Joyce O’Donnell William & Vanessa Randall Bill & Janice Rucker Loren & Karen Sand Larry & Jackie Slosson Jerry & Diane Solie Neil & Ilene Sorenson Jean Sullivan Thomas & Sharryn Westgard Jack & Suzanne Wilson Doug & Jean Zook

Former Providence General Foundation Executive Director, Dottie Piasecki passed away in 2018 leaving behind a legacy of service to others. Dottie led the Foundation for nearly 20 years, spearheading fundraising events and capital campaigns such as the Pavilion for Women and Children and the Providence Regional Cancer Partnership. Providence is grateful for Dottie’s life-work of giving back to others and her community.

In Memoriam: Dottie Piasecki (1938-2018)


2018 Providence General Foundation Board of Directors OF FI C E R S

Dan Harkins

Mark A. Duffy


First Vice Chair & Treasurer

Gail Larson

Larry Jubie


Immediate Past Chair



Kim Williams

Lori Kloes

Patty Lanes

CEO, Providence Health & Services Northwest Washington

Chief Development Officer, Providence General Foundation

Providence General Children’s Association

Shirley Ayres

Margaret Bavasi

Doug Bell

Ronald Brown, MD

Jeff Cymbaluk

Jan Gaffney

Jimmy Grierson, MD

Andy Hall

Lynne Hall

Kathy Hunter

Bob Leach

Jean Messner

Carol Rodland

Mel Sheldon

2018 Providence General Foundation Board of Directors


E M E R I TUS M E M B E RS Jim Cassidy

Harv Jubie

Len Roberts

Doug Ferguson

Henry Newton

Fredric Sjoholm

Diane Guildner

Tom Rainville

Roy Yates


C U R R ENT FOU NDATION STAFF Lori Kloes Chief Development Officer

Tina Gilson Director of Development

Kathleen Lefcourt Director of Philanthropy

Jennifer Coyle Senior Manager of Special Events

Olivia Stephens Stewardship Officer

Susan Snyder Prospect Research & Database Manager

Mary K Allen Donor Database Specialist

Jayme Cornell Executive Assistant


916 Pacific Avenue Everett WA 98201 (425) 258-7500 PGF@Providence.org ProvidenceGeneralFoundation.org If you do not wish to receive future annual reports from Providence General Foundation, please let us know.

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