Inspire Magazine Summer 2020

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Celebrating your stories of generosity, impact and legacy

Spinal Navigation New robotic technology is transforming lives PAG E S 4 – 5


SUMMER 2020 ISSUE 1, VOLUME 1 ON THE COVER: Surgeons Ali Anissipour and Martin Holland with the new surgical robotic system, purchased with donor support.


916 Pacific Avenue Everett WA 98201 425-258-7500


To cause something to happen or be created; to breathe in, inhale and bring in new air; to exert an invigorating and exalting influence upon a person; to fill others with courage, purpose and enthusiasm.

Dear Friends: What a year 2020 has been so far. When the nation’s first case of the novel coronavirus was successfully treated at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett in late January, few had heard much about the virus. Now, it seems almost everyone has been affected, somehow, by COVID-19. Because of donor support, our hospital was uniquely prepared for the pandemic. The Cymbaluk Medical Tower had the capacity, specially-designed rooms and a large, segmented Emergency Department that helped equip our hospital to treat patients infected with the highly contagious and dangerous virus. In the middle of the crisis, our donors stepped up—again. Donated masks, meals and flowers flooded in. Monetary gifts arrived day after day. Cards from kids, churches and businesses carried messages of encouragement and gratitude to our front-line caregivers. What a joy it was at the Providence General Foundation to facilitate the flow of that generosity and love. We thank you, again, for standing with our hometown hospital, and the heroes who help our community every day.

With all the attention COVID-19 has (rightly) received, we don’t want the accomplishments of 2019 to be overlooked. With your help, we raised nearly $8 million dollars in 2019 to benefit Providence Everett and the patients we serve. That’s a reflection of your deep dedication to improving the health of your families, friends and neighbors. I hope you feel proud as you see in this magazine how your support is impacting lives. From a high-tech robotic spinal navigation system, to 64 new patient rooms now open on the Cymbaluk Medical Tower’s ninth floor, to more local children getting the behavioral health treatment they need—you’re making a difference. You’re investing in state-of-the-art medical equipment, world-class facilities and compassionate care that’s close to home. Speaking of magazine, you might notice our new look and name: inspire. This new design features more stories and photos to showcase our donors and the impact they’re making. The inspire name just fits. It means to bring in new air, to exert an invigorating influence, or to fill others with courage, purpose and enthusiasm. We’re inspired by Providence caregivers and researchers who innovate new treatments and cures. We’re inspired by patients who overcome obstacles with courage and grace. Most of all, we’re inspired by you—who so generously give to make it all possible. We hope by reading these stories, you’ll feel inspired, too. I’m grateful and humbled to have walked through these challenging months with you, and look forward to partnering with you in the future. Together, let’s continue to innovate, serve… and inspire.

Lori Kloes

Chief Philanthropy Officer Providence General Foundation



Standing Tall State-of-the-art robotic technology freed her from decades of pain

“I’m not living in pain—it’s the best feeling in the world. I’m super grateful.”


On a Monday morning last December, Shannen Stierwalt of Everett grew nearly three inches taller and turned her back on more than 35 years of debilitating pain. Sound like a miracle? For Shannen, it pretty much was. And the miracle was made possible by a robot named Mazor X.


he Mazor X robot, along with O-arm and Stealth Navigation, is a robotic spinal navigation system—think of it like a GPS, but for a patient’s spine. The system guides surgeons to place rods or screws into bone with more than 99% accuracy, safely sparing major blood vessels, nearby nerves or other structures of the spine.

“It yields tremendous results with faster recovery, reduced blood loss, lower potential for scar tissue and a trend toward less post-operative pain,” says Ali Anissipour, DO, an orthopedic surgeon with Western Washington Medical Group. Through the ongoing generosity of donors, Providence General Foundation purchased the revolutionary spinal surgery robot, making Providence Regional Medical Center Everett the first in Washington State to use it for complex and challenging spinal surgeries. Shannen’s case was both complex and challenging. “She had a dramatic deformity,” said Dr. Anissipour. Shannen was diagnosed with scoliosis, a severe curvature of the spine, when she was 12. It went untreated and got progressively worse. Standing, bending, sleeping—even breathing—hurt. Finally, at 48, she’d had enough. The daily pain had become unbearable. “On a scale from one to 10, it was a 15,” Shannen said. One look at her x-rays and it’s no wonder Shannen was hurting. One of the curves in her spine was nearly 90 degrees, pulling at her hip and compressing her ribcage. Shannen was among the first local patients to benefit from the state-of-the-art Mazor X.

A SAFER, MORE PRECISE SURGICAL SOLUTION The Mazor X system is less invasive than traditional spinal surgeries, which can mean reduced blood loss, lower risk of complications, less scar tissue and faster recoveries. The robot lowers radiation exposure during surgery to both the patient and surgical team. Surgeries go 40-50% more quickly, so patients spend less time under anesthesia. The precision of the robot is unmatched, which was especially important in Shannen’s case.

Shannen’s spine before surgery

“We placed 22 screws and every single one of them was perfect,” said Dr. Anissipour. Dr. Anisspour has been using the Mazor X since it arrived in late November of 2019. Because of COVID-19, many surgeries had to be postponed for several months this spring. Now that operations are starting up again, other surgeons in orthopedics and neurosciences are beginning to put the Mazor X system to use. There’s no doubt it will be kept busy, helping many more patients.


Shannen’s spine after surgery

“Our vision is to be the center of excellence for neurosciences in Snohomish County, providing excellent complex spine and spinal deformity surgery,” said Dr. Martin Holland, Chief of Neurosurgery and Director of Neuroscience Development at PRMCE. “This technology positions our spine program to improve the quality of life for people in this community.” And for Shannen, it’s been life changing. Drs. Anissipour & Holland



Delivering Hope for Pediatric Behavioral Health W

hen donors at the 2019 Festival of Trees Gala raised their paddles in support of Providence’s new Pediatric Behavioral Health program, they did so because of the tremendous need in our community. That night, no one knew that a pandemic was soon coming—and the increased pediatric behavioral health demands it would leave in its wake.


“We have seen an uptick already in behavioral health needs, and some complex behavioral health needs in our adolescent population, complicated by a lot of grief and loss related to COVID-19,” says Laura Knapp, Director of Behavioral Health at Providence.

for children even more important. With the $580,000 of donor support raised, Providence Medical Group has already placed several pediatric psychiatrists, plus a pediatric social worker, in primary care clinics so more Snohomish County children can get the timely help they need.

The ripple effects of COVID-19 have made support for behavioral health

That pediatric social worker has already helped guide more than

400 families toward immediate, expert treatment for a wide variety of behavioral health needs. “There has been success with many pediatric patients,” says Elizabeth Azurdia, social worker with Providence Medical Group. “Much of my day-to-day work revolves around crisis intervention.” Children and adolescents with acute mental health conditions are part of the patient population served, but the new behavioral health program also addresses more common disorders such as anxiety, depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Having mental health experts embedded in the pediatric primary care setting makes it easier for children to get care earlier and reduces the stigma around accessing behavioral health care. Rather than having to navigate the referral process to find a behavioral health provider, families can be quickly matched with an on-site specialist who can collaborate directly with the child’s pediatrician. “Many parents express their gratitude for the education and support I provide to them and the resources we provide as a team,” says Azurdia. Providence adopted this IMPACT model (Improving Mood, Promoting Access to Collaborative Treatment) for adults nearly five years ago. It worked so well, the model is expanding to the treatment of children.

“Our pediatric psychiatrists and pediatric social worker are doing amazing work,” says Knapp. “We are so grateful the supporters at Festival of Trees made it possible to serve our growing pediatric patient population.”

Your Support Is Making a Difference Nine-year-old Hailey* struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a mental illness that causes her to have recurring, unwanted thoughts or fears. Several months ago, Hailey began rapidly losing weight due to irrational worries that her food was contaminated. She stopped eating at school and couldn’t focus on learning. Her disorder worsened, and there was talk of possibly needing to hospitalize her due to weight loss, even though she did not have an eating disorder. In the past, getting Hailey access to a local behavioral health provider to meet her needs could have taken months. But because of Providence’s new Pediatric Behavioral Health program, Hailey’s pediatrician was able to partner with Dr. Vikram Gopal, an adolescent Psychiatrist with Providence Medical Group, to get Hailey and her family the help they needed.

“We were able to provide education to the family on ways they were unknowingly re-enforcing the OCD, as well implement medication recommendations with her pediatrician,” says Dr. Gopal. “She has been doing excellent.” Her parents say Hailey is “just like her old self ” now, and they feel much more confident in helping her manage her OCD. Hailey’s is one of many stories of pediatric patients already being successfully treated through the IMPACT program, made possible by generous donors. *Name changed for privacy


Festival of Trees Due to COVID-19 and public health and safety concerns, Providence General Foundation has made the difficult decision to not have in-person gatherings for the 2020 Festival of Trees.

However, the Festival will still happen, in some form! We’re committed to making sure our community’s children still have access to the highest level of care and support. And we know you are, too.

So, stay tuned to hear more about our exciting plans!



Growing to Serve More Patients When the Cymbaluk Medical Tower opened at Providence Regional Medical Center in 2011, certain areas remained mindfully unfinished to allow for future growth. For the ninth floor, that future came quickly.


he ribbons had barely been cut in celebration of the new tower, before it began bursting at the seams. The hospital found itself at capacity 95% of the time. Unprecedented growth in our region, and high patient volumes, accelerated the need for more beds.

UNIT DESIGN BENEFITS BOTH PATIENTS AND CAREGIVERS The new units were designed with both patients and caregivers in mind. Nearly all the rooms are private,

The telemetry functionality is advantageous for both caregivers and patients. Caregivers can continuously monitor a patient’s cardiac activity remotely—and wirelessly. Patients aren’t tethered to monitors, so they have the freedom to walk the wide new halls to build their strength and pass the time. The newly opened ninth floor also features a Quiet Room—with comfortable seating and a conference table—where families can gather in private. The staff-only areas are specially designed to give caregivers an added peace, as well. Dawn credits caregivers for providing input to make the new units work so well. “Caregivers were totally engaged in planning,” she says. “We had big posters where staff could add sticky notes to let leadership know how to make the space best fit our needs, as well as those of our patients.”

Because of donor support, Providence was recently able to build out that ninth floor to make room for the growing healthcare needs of the community. Sixty-four new beds are split between oncology and medical telemetry, and further help Providence provide world-class care to the residents of Snohomish County and beyond. The increased capacity was especially useful when Providence responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing caregiver teams additional space and flexibility to safely manage the surge of patients with complex needs. 8

which is important for patients whose immune systems are suppressed by chemotherapy. And the added privacy provides peace and comfort to them and their families. “Many ninth floor patients are with us for an extended time,” says Dawn Gilbert, medical oncology nursing manager. “The new unit is more spacious, with beautiful artwork, bright natural light, and sweeping views of the mountains and Sound— all of which can make a hospital stay more pleasant.”

VITAL COMMUNITY SUPPORT Providence is thrilled to support patients and families with these innovative new care units and thankful to hospital and community leaders for the foresight to plan for future growth. We’re incredibly grateful to generous Foundation donors whose contributions made the future a reality for the communities we serve. FOR MORE INFORMATION on how you can support Providence’s continued growth, contact Providence General Foundation at 425-258-7500.




70 years

of Serving Local Kids You could say the Providence General Children’s Association (PGCA) got its start by accident.


ore than seven decades ago, Ruth Peterson’s four-year-old son, Paul, fell and punctured his hand on a rusty nail. A blood infection from the wound landed him in what was then General Hospital in Everett. Because General didn’t have a pediatric ward, Paul roomed with grown men— including a gold miner from Alaska and a retired doctor. Although Ruth was pleased with her son’s care, she felt the hospital needed a pediatric ward and a nice gift shop. Ruth brought her idea and determination to some of her sewing friends… and the rest is history!

: The “mother” Ruth Peterson n n’s Associatio of the Childre


Over the past 70 years, the dedicated volunteers of PGCA have raised millions in support of the health and well-being of local children through a variety of campaigns and events. In the early days, PGCA presented social gatherings like dances and teas. One spring dance raised nearly $500, and the spring tea in 1956 brought in $263. Those funds covered important needs around the hospital such as oxygen tents, wheelchairs and tonsillectomies.

1955 news artic le

t shops Then and Now: Gif

ldren raise money for chi

STEADFAST IN SUPPORT OF LOCAL CHILDREN Times have certainly changed, and the healthcare needs of local children have become more complex. But the devotion of PGCA has remained steadfast. Today, the Association’s nearly 300 volunteers donate their time, talent, and treasure to popular events like the “Fashion with Compassion” fashion shows, Bunco parties, community garage sales, See’s Candies sales, poinsettia sales, and the Teddy Bear Breakfast at Festival of Trees. The Association is also a driving force for the “Reach Out and Read” program, providing books for children at pediatric well-check visits. The biggest sources of revenue for the all-volunteer organization have been the hospital gift shops, both on the Colby and Pacific campuses. “Volunteer managers attend gift shows to choose items, and more volunteers price, stock, and staff the shops,” says Sharron White, PGCA president. “All proceeds go to the children we serve.”


Pledged for Children’s Programs

about donate d medical equi pment

“The volunteers in our organization are absolutely amazing,” Sharron continues. “I’m pleased and humbled to serve with them. We’re also blessed to have people in the community who care and keep supporting the work we do for children.” Seventy years, hundreds of volunteers, millions of dollars to help local children—it’s certainly no accident that PGCA has made its mark on our community and continues to transform young lives.

“The faithful volunteers of Providence General Children’s Association give so much of themselves to serve children and families in Snohomish County,” says Lori Kloes, chief philanthropy officer at Providence General Foundation. “We honor all they’ve achieved over the past 70 years and look forward to collaborating with them for decades to come.”

The bow atop the celebration of 70 years was yet another generous gift to our community’s children.

expansion of the Boyden Family Autism Center and the Providence Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Providence General Children’s Association recently pledged an additional $600,000 in support of children’s programs such as Camp Prov and the Pediatric Behavioral Health program, as well as continued

Thank you, PGCA. Even more generations of children will benefit from all you’ve done.



How a Community Em its Front-line Heroes

28,000+ face masks



boxes of gloves

meals from restaurants, stores and organizations

Snack trays from Alaska Airlines lifted spirits

Safeway brought snacks and treats for caregivers

Shawn O’Donnell’s Restaurant was the first to donate meals to front-line caregivers


mbraces & Encourages Here’s a look at the community support that came in during the height of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett’s COVID-19 response. Your hometown hospital felt your love!



cases of beverages

bottles of hand sanitizer


297 individuals, businesses and organizations that made a monetary donation

cards, posters and letters

Papa Murphy’s served more than 500 slices of pizza to our nurses

Cards and posters warmed hearts Electric Mirror donated face shields made with 3D printers



The “Simple Things” Inspire a Powerful Legacy If you found yourself with a serious illness, and limited time to live, what would be most important to you? For many, it’s quality time with loved ones. A home-cooked meal. Your coziest chair. Just being at home—with your favorite things and your favorite people— is what matters most.


hat was the case for Mark Anthony Podrasky. Living his final days with the joy and comfort his home brought him was something he felt so strongly about, he decided to make sure others could have that, too.

Mark practiced law in Everett for more than 30 years. He’d become one of Snohomish County’s most sought after and respected family law mediators before a lung cancer diagnosis in the fall of 2015 ended his career. As Mark’s cancer spread and his health deteriorated, he fought to remain in his home—the place he cherished and most wanted to


live out his life. Simple tasks such as taking out the garbage or replacing a smoke detector battery became increasingly difficult and threatened his independence and dignity. Mark didn’t want to burden his family and friends with lists of household chores and projects. He wanted his limited time spent enjoying the company of others, not asking them to change a light bulb. Prior to his death in 2017, Mark decided to make a difference for those who, like him, wanted the best quality of life in the final stages of their illness. Mark dedicated a large portion of his estate to help people facing a life-limiting illness get the support they need to comfortably remain in their home.

Mark’s vision and generosity led to the formation of a special community resource to help critically ill patients stay in their home, as independently as possible, for the last chapter of their life. Otherwise simple things—such as installing a grab bar in the bathroom, downloading an audio book or changing the furnace’s filter—will no longer be barriers for those wishing to enjoy their home and loved ones as their illness advances. Mark Podrasky was known for making an impact in the courtroom and in his community. Now, he’ll be remembered for improving the quality of life of those he never knew through his estate gift.

You, too, can make an impact on health care and wellness in our community. Contact the Providence General Foundation: 425-258-7500

Legacy Society The Providence Legacy Society was created as a way for the Providence General Foundation to recognize and thank donors who have made provisions for Providence in their estate plans. The society allows us to celebrate and honor valued supporters today for a gift that is postponed until after their lifetimes. If you have made a provision for Providence in your will or would like more information on Estate Giving please contact the Providence General Foundation at 425-258-7500. Michael Bauer

Dr. Charles & Diane Guildner

Dr. Joanne Roberts

Bob & Margaret Bavasi

Nik Halladay

Diana S. Routledge

Dr. Earl Beegle

Sue Ingram Mackey

John & Idamae Schack

Robert Beil

Bill Isaacson

Fred & Jo Anne Sjoholm

Richard & Judy Boyden

Barbara Kusler

Dr. Tracy & Patti Spencer

Bob & Lori Christenson

Thomas M. Leahy

Christine Steele

Pam Daniels

Hugh & Jackie Minor

Dr. David J. Stewart

Dr. Virginia Eschbach

Dick & Judy Oberg

Larry Swigart

Doug & Robin Ferguson

Paul & Carol Onerheim

Glenn & Joanne Wimpy

JoAnn Gray

Randy Petty & Tai Le

Would you like a free guide for planning your will or trust? A charitable bequest is an easy way for you to leave a legacy while helping further Providence’s mission and work. We have a free guide for creating a will or trust. Contact us to learn more: or 425-258-7500



Unprecedented Donor Generosity in 2019

In 2019, the Providence General Foundation received $7,992,690 in new gifts or commitments from supporters who are passionate about the life-saving work of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett. This level of commitment is extraordinary. In fact, the past three years our donors invested more than $21 million in the mission and work of Providence. This support, over the years, has made possible five new operating rooms, upgraded cardiac catheterization labs, 64 new inpatient hospital rooms, life-sustaining isolettes for our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, innovative surgical equipment and more. Every gift makes health care better for our community, and we are sincerely grateful.

2019 Financial Overview ASSETS Cash & Equivalents

$ 1,121,261

Pledges Receivable (Net of Discount & Allowance)

$ 4,849,441


$ 20,417,497

Gift Annuity & Trust Funds



Other Assets



Total Assets

$ 27,346,764

LIABILITIES Restricted Funds

$ 19,111,697

Unrestricted Funds

$ 8,139,207

Affiliate Payable



Gift & Annuities Trust Fund Liabilities



Total Liabilities

$ 27,346,764

Pre-audited numbers


2019 Major Areas of Support In 2019, Providence General Foundation distributed more than $3.3 million to Providence Regional Medical Center and community initiatives. We are grateful for the donor support that allows us to invest in these important areas.

Cymbaluk Medical Tower 9th Floor Expansion


Equipment, Technology & Research


Neonatal Intensive Care


Comprehensive Breast Center

Children’s Programs

Patient & Community Support Services




Family Maternity Center

Mental Health Services

Medical Caregiver Education






2019 Individual and Corporate Donors We are grateful to the many donors who supported our mission and work in 2019. Your contributions are instrumental as we work to improve the health and well-being of our growing community. Please know that it is important to us that your listing is accurate and reflects how you prefer to be recognized. Please contact the Foundation office at 425-258-7500 or if there is an error or you would like to update your recognition preferences for future donor listings. Supporters who made a gift in 2019, but have since passed away are denoted with an asterisk. Anonymous donors have been omitted.

$500,000+ Carol Bjorg Rick & Diane Pedack The Estate of Mark Anthony Podrasky Providence General Children’s Association

$100,000 TO $499,999

$25,000 TO $99,999

Gordy & Donna Bjorg

Jay & Terry Ackley, K & H Integrated Print Solutions

Matt Bolin & Abbey Potts Tom & Jane Collins Dwayne Lane’s Auto Family

Anthony’s HomePort Everett

Jim & Jan Gaffney

Bob & Margaret Bavasi

Larry & Linda Jubie

Richard & Judy Boyden Dr. Stephen & Jackie Campbell

Sharon & Ken Clay

$10,000 TO $24,999

Dr. James & Christine Cook

Don & Shirley Ayres

Dr. Jack & Marilyn Courrier

Casey & Kate Calamusa

Eiron & Patsy Cudaback

The Everett Clinic

Marshall & Katherine Cymbaluk

Garneau-Nicon Family Foundation

Pam Daniels

Rob & Chanelle Haines

Bob Dickson

The Herald

Mark & Kathy Duffy

Harv & Jan Jubie

EverTrust Foundation

Kaiser Permanente

Alex & Jeannette Golitzin

Sean & Lisa Kelly / Kelly Wealth Management Group

Hugh & Lynne Hall Tim Halladay Janssen Pharmaceutical Company Phil & Kelly Johnson Steve & Carol Klein Todd & Marcy Lund Pat & Claudia McClain J. Brent & Connie McKinley Richard & Rhonda Mietzner Mortenson Construction Company

Performance Home Medical The Estate of Minnie Pohlman Premera Blue Cross of Washington & Alaska

Joe & Charlie Pignataro

Providence Medical Group

Buzz & Carol Rodland

Radia Inc., PS

Diana S. & William* A. Routledge

Jill Reynolds

Idamae Schack

Mary Jane Miller The Estate of Myrna Overstreet

Propeller Airports Paine Field, LLC

Tulalip Tribes Charitable Contributions


Bill & Jean Messner

Scott & Kippy Murphy

The Safeway-Albertsons Foundation

Diane & Rick Pedack at Festival of Trees Gala

The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

Hank & Donna Robinett Skotdal Family Barry & Laura Stueve Western Washington Medical Group Wheels on the Waterfront Classic Cars, Trucks & Bikes Show Carol Whitehead

$5,000 TO $9,999

Puget Sound Energy

Alaska Airlines

Darren & Deanna Redick

Vern & Stephanie Allen

Mark Reichin

Dave & Marilyn Beck

Ed & MariLana Rubatino


Casey & Sandy Salz

Jane Boldt

Duane & Mary Schireman

CellNetix Pathology & Laboratories

Seattle Children’s

Centene Management Company, LLC Charis Fund Dr. Kimberly Costas & Darius Schenck

Dr. William & Elizabeth Dickinson

Integrated Rehabilitation Group

Puget Sound Kidney Centers

Bob & Lizbeth Dobler

Jim & Michelle James

John & Cathe Reed

Mike & Kristie Dutton

Johansen Mechanical, Inc.

Julie Elkington

Peter & Shanley Johndrow

Retirement Connection, LLC

Everett Community College Foundation

Rick & Barbara Johnson

Brett Smith Griffin & Tristine Smith

Bill & Sheri Feeney

Somnia, Inc.

Scott & Gayle Forslund

Stadium Flowers Todd & Sarah Stine

Brian & Colleen Frauenholtz

Bob & Kathy Leach Lee Johnson Hyundai/ Genesis of Everett

Courrier & Boggeri General Dentistry

Wallace & Karen Trana

Joe & Ashley Gaffney

Adam & Darla Van Winkle

Charles & Linda Geddes

Jeff & Jodie Cymbaluk

W. W. Wells Millwork

Geoff & Kathy Gibbs

Bill & Patty DeGroodt

Randy & Char Wicklund

Goldfinch Brothers, Inc.

The Estate of Mary Duryee

Mark & Kim Williams

Joe & Liz Goldfinch

Tom & Dianne Easley

Washington State University – Everett

Herbert & Christine Gould

Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects, LLP

Kathleen Gutierrez

Everett Aquasox Mike & Maggie Faulkner Sandy Forman Gaffney Construction Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch Greg & Nga Goldfinch Andy & Kaye Hall John Harder & Lucinda Hiner Dan & Pam Harkins Hermanson Company, LLP Michael & Pat Holcomb Daren & Lori Kloes Troy & Kathy Lowery Bruce & Cynthia McKinnon Bill & Fran Mester Dr. Deborah Nalty & Jeff Shober Boe & Jenae Nelson

Carolyn Johnson

Everett Golf & Country Club

$2,500 TO $4,999 Tami & Terry Allen Craig & Lisa Almon Dr. Alireza & Sherri Anissipour Gerald & Michelle Arneson Basel Cellars Estate Winery Robert & Jennifer Bayersdorfer

Rob & Amy Grannum Mark & Heather Haake Paul & Debbie Hagman Nik Halladay Harris Ford, Inc. Rita Haynes Hogland Transfer Company, Inc.

John & Danyel Kennedy KPMG Jack & Gail* Larson Doug & Leslie Lauer

Robert & Kathleen Lefcourt Tom & Meridith Little Michael & Kelly Locking Stan & Kathy McNaughton Dr. Ian Wright & Liga Mezaraups John & Ellen Middleton Ross & Susan* Miller Moss Adams Mountain Pacific Bank Dr. Nancy & Larry Neubauer Vickie & Mark Nysether

John & Lisa Hooper

Mitesh Parikh & Dr. Reena Vasavada-Parikh

Dr. Bob & Bonnie Hughes

Jason & Julie Peterson

Jamie & Kathy* Hunter

Pignataro Volkswagen, Inc.

Randy & Debbie Roberts Janice Roe Dr. Lawrence Schecter Randy & Robin Schemkes Dr. Frank & Candace Schramm Richard & Karen Shea Jeff & Heather Shelby Jackson & Janet Showalter Andrew & Dana Skotdal Dr. Perry Soriano Stantec Consulting Service, Inc. Dean & Chris Stensby Tulalip Resort Casino UBS Financial Services, Inc. United Healthcare Services, Inc. Gary & Carolyn Weikel Windermere Real Estate/ M2, LLC Michael & Sally Wooton WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine YMCA of Snohomish County

Robert Beil Biella Foundation Chris & Marilyn Birchman Bolin Hermanos, LLC Dr. James Brevig & Meredith Gould Campbell Nissan of Everett John & Susan Carl Castano Properties, LLC

Sam & Beth Newland

Chevrolet of Everett, Inc.

North Sound Emergency Medicine

Dr. Aric & Jami Coffman

Coastal Community Bank

David & Rhea O’Connor

Scott & Jennifer Combs

Shannon & Tyra O’Kelley

Marv & Susan Crum

Bruce & Allison Olson

David Curley

Dr. Suzanne Powell & Jonathan Roselle

Dr. Charles & Lauren Daly

Festival of Trees Opening Night Celebration

This list reflects only new gifts, commitments, in-kind donations and planned gift intentions totaling $250 or more received from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the foundation office at 425-258-7500 with questions or concerns. *deceased


$1,000 TO $2,499

Anna Leah & James Canoy

Doug & Robin Ferguson

Monti & Maryanne Ackerman

Ryan & Heather Case

Linda Field

Colin & Danica Chadwick

Debbie Finch

Adams & Duncan, Inc., P.S. Deanna Allen

Dr. Vinaya Chepuri & Melanie Field

Sherry & Corbin Allen

Dan & Devonia Cheyney

Lorie Argle

Drs. Lloyd Stambaugh & Maria Chong

Clyde & Melissa Arias Kathy Atwood Phil & Scuttle Bannan Mike & Sandra Bartlett Drs. James & Rhonda Bass Dr. Russell & Louise Beckley Geoffrey Bedell & Sheila Bleakney Dr. Earl & Isabel Sloan-Kerr* Beegle Patricia Beginski Douglas & Elizabeth Bell Bryan & Jennifer Boal Bo & Nancy Bodrak

Lloyd & Shelly Christensen Dr. Wendy & Derek Coffman Comcast Corporation Mary Conery Dr. James & Sandy Congdon

Rick & Andrea Foster

Dr. William & Marilyn Hecht

Jennifer Lucas

Sean & Kimberly Hicks

Shawn Magraw

Ralph Hildebrand Carl Hinkson

Sarah & Luke Frauenholtz

David & Gayle Holland

Mary & Joel* French

Patricia Holmes

Dan & Kim Gaffney

Homage Senior Services

Drs. W. Michael & Julia McDonnell

Tom & Sue Gaffney

Steve & Jane Hudson

John & Mary Mercier

Gamut360 Holdings, LLC

International Parking Management, Inc.

Ron & Gretchen Miles

Lisa James

Connie Mitchell

Andrew & Lisa George Tracy & Tina Gilson Joe & Heidi Gogal

Kristine Hoeflin

James Johnson Valerie Johnson*

Colleen & Vince Cotroneo Dr. George & Annette Cox

Gerald & Tonia Goodwin

Glenn Crout & Libbie Musladin

Mike Goonewardene

D.A. Davidson & Company

Cheri Groves

Drs. Barry T. Kahn & Mindy Cohen

Kyle Hall

M.E. Kalsen

Michael Griffin

Jordan Fund Josephine Caring Community

Jeff & Eileen Hambleton

Dr. Naomi Katsh

Dr. Rod Hanna & Julie Zarn

Martha Kegel

Rick & Jennifer Bowen

Nathaniel & Mackenzie Daniek

Christine Boyden-Nelson

Douglas & Janice Dewar

Per & Berit Brevig

John & Julie Dickson

William & Annie Bruce

Robert & Cheryl Drewel

Drs. Sarah Hansen & Kristofer Norland

Doug & Judy Buehler

Jeff & Tina Dye

Elizabeth Hardman

Grace Buni

Ken Edwards

Sharon Harriss

Elizabeth Campbell

Ade Eitner

Steve & Kolee Harriss

Ed & Andi Hansen

KeyImpact Sales & Systems, Inc. Dr. Peter & Sylvia Kim Lynda Kingman Jessica Kinney Patricia Kirby Kristen Kishline Nancy & Paul* Kniest Mark & Kim Kramer Paul Kulle Lars & Deb Landrie Rosemary Lane John & Patricia Lanes Jenine & Steven Lantz Jeff Larkin Drs. Karin Larson-Pollock & Darren Pollock Greg & Kathleen Lawson Roger & Linda Lervick Dr. Andrew & Stephanie Levine

Marshall Cymbaluk & Bruce McKinnon at Festival of Trees Gala


David & Alison Maider

The Honorable Cassie & David Franklin

Ernie Gonzalez

Dr. Stephen & Nancy Dahlberg

Roni Lyons

Chris & Susan Marker Susan Martinez Cory & Deanna McCulloch

Brian & Shelly Millhuff Gil & Susan Morgan Virgil & Mary Morgan Frank Murphy Dr. Michael D. Neufeld Dr. Patrick Nolan Norco Medical Northwest Washington Radiation Oncology Associates Edmund & Glenda Oas Scott & Krista O’Brien Dr. Kirstine Oh Phil & Rodi O’Loane Alex & Amie Olson Paul & Carol Onerheim Steve & Pauline Oswald Jason & Jen Otto Eric & Heidi Overton Pacific Topsoils, Inc. Dr. Mark & Gwen Papenhausen Allen & Candy Pate Aurora Pearson Performance Kia Jim & Carla Phillips Joseph “JJ” Pierce Tony & Suzy Pignataro Dave & Rene Porubeck PRMCE Board of Directors Curtis & Janet Rider

John & Julie Lienhard

Brad & Lynnette Roberson

Benjamin & Lisa Link

John & Natalie Rogers

Dr. Darren & Olympia Little

Trina Roufs

Heather & Roger Lucas

Gary & Lori Saleba

Dr. Cullen Ruff

Kelsey & Dominic Salle

$500 TO $999

Yvonne Christos

Amber Fagan

Rosalyn Abad

Pat & Cheryl Cline

Fairmont Olympic Hotel

Mike Harder & Heidi Howard-Harder

Michael & Elizabeth Samoil Lauren Sayoc

Christina Agoo

Eric Cobbs

Michelle & Earl Schmidt

Dr. Luis & Allison Alberton

Charmaine Code

Duane & Margaret Fairweather

Janet Hawes

Helene Schultz

Anne Alkema

Robert & Janet Coe

Victoria Scott

Lisa Archide

Annette Colombini

Dr. Richard & Andrea Semon

Frank Arcuri

Dawn Cooper

Kyle & Dana Auslund

Dr. Jim & Lyndsey Courrier

Richard Avis & Victoria Woods

The CPA Group, PLLC Leslie Dalton

Chalane Baker

Kenneth Solders & Barbara Fetty-Solders

Lori Davis

Josh & Remy Barker

Sheri Fey

Reagan Dean-Baker

Patrick Barry

Wayne Freese

Kathi & Randall De Jong

Dr. David & Janelle Beyer

Tracy Fulton

Catherine Deldin

Jim & Susie Black

Amanda Derezes

Michael & Christine Gaffney

Bob & Wanda Bolerjack

Mike & Cathy Dire

James Boltz

Ron Dobiash

Marilyn Borromeo-Wesner

Karen Donnellan

Jim & Marianne Bowie

Laronda Durrant

Amber Bridger

Kerry Edinger

Christopher Britton

Solma Empinado

Dr. Katherine Bumstead

Dr. James Erhardt

Gary Burt

Dr. Virginia Eschbach

Canlis Restaurant

Everett Golf & Country Club, Women’s Division

Lisa Shumaker Andrew & Catherine Siguenza Deena & Bruce* Sindler Beverly D. Skinner Dr. Shawn Slack & Anne Rees Peter & Trisha Smeltz Christine Steele Dr. David Stewart Bradley & Sherry Stoll TERRA Staffing Group Karen & Andy Todd Vic & Wendy Turner Twin City Foods, Inc. Alvin Ulbribkson Joy Varady Gerald & Theresa Vasquez

Ken & Erin Chaney

Bud Fallon & Nancy McKinley Lance & Jill Farr Haddy Faye-Cham Dallas & Judy Ferrel

Dr. Evangeline & Daniel Gan

Ramona Hardwick Donald & Leona Hedman Kevin & Jody Heiser Nick & Alyssa Hemming Tom & Margaret Hoban Kenneth Hodler Jeanette Hofmann Janine Holbrook Andrea Holliman Melody Holt Christy Hopka Steve Knudsen & Mardi Hopkins Sylvia Horsch

Stan & Debra Geddes

Hotel Indigo

Noel & Charlene Gerken

Shelley Houston

James Grafton

Mike & Debera Hunsinger

Michael & Eileen Grimes

Lai Huynh

Karl & Kathleen Groen

Imbibe Wine Tours

Douglas & Carol Hadley

Dr. Michael & Barbara Ingram

Stephanie Hampton

Maureen Jackson

VECA Electric & Technologies Dr. Wendy Wang James & Magalen Webert Becky Weiderstrom Dirk Whitley Robert & Deborah Wilcox Linda Wilcoxson Linda & Mason Williams Kurt & Jennifer Willows Roz Winters Dr. William & Kathy Wisbeck Mark Woodard Irene Yang Elmer & Kathleen Yoder Gretchen Zemke Peggy Zimmerman

Members of Tulalip Tribes at Festival of Trees Gala

This list reflects only new gifts, commitments, in-kind donations and planned gift intentions totaling $250 or more received from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the foundation office at 425-258-7500 with questions or concerns. *deceased


Kristen Jacobson

Pauline Lindsey

Dr. Felix Nautsch

Lynn Rowley

Dr. Peter & June Jiang

Dr. Brandon Liu

Michael & Cindy Newbury

Cheryl Sackrider

Florence Tramoni

Larry & Catherine Johnson

Maegan Lovell

Dr. Laurent & Deborah Nicolov

Jennie Schaffer

Michelle Unrue

Brian & Diane Nitta

David & Marsha Schumann Laura Senter

Randy Utt & Maddy Metzger-Utt

Mark Johnson

Rochelle Lubbers

Mike & Linda Jones

Judy & Bruce Lundgren

Dennis Jordan

Dale & Marsha Lyski

Diana Jordan

Jon & Jean Marable

Dr. Erica Joseph

Marcus Whitman Hotel

Judd & Black

Jenna Marshall

Deborah Jurgenson

Dan & Marian Martin

Vikas Kayastha

Kristen Martinez

Robert & Mary Kelly

Jane & Shane Mason

Kelly King

Christopher Mast

Tiffany King

Rob & Tami McCalmon

Erin Kingery

Kat McFarland

Scott & Kristen Kirkpatrick

Josh McGaffey

Jeff & Laurie Knudson

Jeff McMullen

Angela Kokinakos

John & Susan Meyer

Mary Kopp & Wayne Bryson

Mia Miley

Dr. Ronald & Kelly Krueger

Erin Miller

Noni & Todd LaLone Allyson Lambert Matthew Langedyke Grant & Marci Larsen Chris & Robin Larson Dr. William E. Larter Que Le & Edward Chin Greg Lee

Dr. James & Diana Miller Karen Moore Mark & Sharon Morganti Dr. Beena Morris Dr. Autumn Moser Karl Moser

Kathy & Brad Nysether Josh & Erin O’Connor Samantha Ogasawara Anthony Ohl & Lena Ng James & Denise Ohlfs Dr. Sean & Holli O’Kelley Sherry Oliphant Scott & Kathi Olson Don & Terri O’Neal Laura Page Nyabuony Palek Christopher Parks Linda Pederson Kenneth & Melissa Peth Hope Pios-Lindquist Pro Consulting, LLC Teri Prochaska Providence Hospice & Home Care Foundation Joseph Repp Carrie Robinson

Brittania Murray

Dr. Clifford & Debra Rogers

Jennifer Myers

Martin & Gerri Rowen

Leaders from Radia with Budd Gould Award at Epicurean Affair


Tal & Lisa Severn Scott & Linda Severs Reid & Linda Shockey Eric & Holly Shoubridge Sharon Shurte Rebecca Sill Skip Rock Distillers Terryl Smith Rick & Susan Snyder

Trudy Tobiason*

Stacy Ventura Village Theatre Tim & Cheryl Vincent Christian Vornheder Michael & Laurie Walsh Maureen Watson Marie Webster Kevin Weed & Lori Goddard-Weed

Debbie Steigerwald

Eric & Wendy Werttemberger

John & Lauray Stupey

Western Facilities Supply

Anna Sturm

Todd & Yolanda Whipple

James Sullivan

Adrian Wilhelmsen

Chip & Nancy Sunderland

Stephen Wilkendorf

Colleen Sweeney

Lauren Wilson

James & Diane Sweeney

Steve Wimmer

Randi Szakaly

BJ & Jim Winship

Troy Taylor

Woodhouse Wine Estates

Genet Tekele Greg & Kelli Thode Candace Thompson Mark & Karen Thompson Mark Tilschner & Karen Sibley

Community Open House is fun for all ages

Ronald & Jessica Burt

Andrea DaSilva

Cris & Cathy Albrecht

Geoff & Belinda Buscher

Beverly Davis

Kristin Frazer

Kathleen Hillis

Amy Allen

Allison Bussing

Liberty Davis

Tom & Patty Freeburg

Mike & Julia Anderson

Nathan Bussing

Mike & Cathy Deller

Mike & Katy Fridrich

Charlotte & Jeffery Hill-Miles

Terry Anderson

C.O.R.E. Overeaters Anonymous Group

Michelle Desoto

Anne Marie Frisby

Kurt & Liz Dickson

Kurt & Jill Frost

Kristel Dillon

Dr. Gregory Ganzkow

Jennifer Doucette

Toni Gates

Dream Dinners

John & Shannon Genge

Levelle & Arleen Edward

Dr. Kathryn Gilligan

Gregory & Kathy Elder

Jack & Shannon Glover

Najwa Elmorr

John & Tina Grady

Fatima Elwalid

Sally Greve

Emory’s on Silver Lake

Scott Griffith

Dr. Susan Reis & John Engel

Dr. Charles & Diane Guildner

Interbay Food Company

Bill & Micki Evans

Lisa Hafenscher

Carol Janowicz

Everett Eagles Rolling 13’s Camping Club

Niklas Halladay

Peggy Jung-Simard

Al & Valerie Hamada

Sunshine Kapus

$250 TO $499

Lana Andrews Jeannie Bair Pam Baker Stephanie Baker Jayne Barkman Sally Barnum Mark & Niki Baughman Dr. Matthew & Lolena Beecroft June & Don Bigelow Kevin & Lori Blades Gina Boggeri Dr. Amy & Matt BonDurant Patricia Bradbury Rosa Brambila Torres Lindsey Brightman Bart & Holly Bunnell Burkett’s Savvy Clothing for Women Bruce & Monica Burr

Pete & Charlene Cameron Deniz Campbell Dr. Evan & Cheri Cantini Alice Carpenter Brian & Lisa Carroll Dr. E. Scott & Jane Casselman Dr. John & Marilynn Churchill Charles & Mary Beth Clark Lucinda Clark Melissa Clark Rob & Maria Coghill Elaine Cole Mike Conklin Jayme Cornell Allan & Jennifer Coyle Jamie Crompton Kathleen Crumley Raquel Cundiff

Mitesh Parikh & Dr. Reena Vasavada-Parikh at Festival of Trees Gala

Everett Golf & Country Club, Green Committee Everett Golf & Country Club, Club House Committee

Shellie Foley

Staci Hill

Darrell Holland Dorothy Howard Ryan & Kirsten Hudson Charlene Hulskamp Jenelle Humphrey Hyatt Regency Jim & Mary Ingalls Marjorie Ingram Inn at Langley Inn at Roche Harbor Setare Jamalizadeh

Tim & Angie Harkleroad

Dr. Ryan & Travis Keay

Leila Harrison

Kenmore Air

John & Susan Hawley

Kelly Kikuchi

Dale Helgeson

Kerra King

Doug & Wendy Fagan

Seana Helms-Donner

Richard & Joyce Klabunde

Aracely Figueroa

Pat & Rae Ann Henderson

Aaron & Emily Klesick

Carolee Flaten

Kevin & Patricia Hill

Kim Krausz

Ashley & Joe Gaffney with Jan & Jim Gaffney at Epicurean Affair

This list reflects only new gifts, commitments, in-kind donations and planned gift intentions totaling $250 or more received from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. It does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. Please contact the foundation office at 425-258-7500 with questions or concerns. *deceased


Krueger Aesthetics

Jeanne Morimoto

Jody LaBissoniere, PGCA Guild 21

Jill Morrill Joshua Mullins

Kathy Larson Sharon Larson Thomas Leahy Tess Lentz Leonetti Cellar James Leptick Cory & Kandice Long Mike & Francine Long

Michael & Barbara Ripp

Gale Springer

Heather Wallace

Kristi Robinson

Josephine Stacruz

Rochelle Wallace

Megan Rogers

Tyler Stagman

David Wang

Elizabeth Newland

Julie Romanick

Byron & Kriss Standerfer

John Ware

Paula Newman-Skomski

Ryan & Shannan Ross

Gary & Dawn Watson

Sara Osborn

Aaron Rumpff

Starlight Children’s Foundation

Michael Parducci

Dr. David Russian & Maria Vicens

Dr. Hillary Starr Allena & Jeff Steele

Cynthia Wentworth

Sarah Samurai

Vernetta Stewart

Mary Ann Sande

Frank Stilwagner

Bianca Sanders

Kathryn Stockholm

Korinne Parker Providence General Children’s Association Guild 8

Brent Webber Clayton & Sharron White Linda Wilson Connie Wittren Donald Wlazlak

Dr. Virginia Sanders

Stokes Auction Group, Inc.

Candace Mabbitt

Providence General Children’s Association Guild 18

Jack Sather

Dr. Paul Stoot

Scott & Valerie MacConnell

Kirk Phare

Kirk & Noel Schulz

Studio Donna

Dr. Keith & Jo Ann Woolpert

Joelle Mahlum

Angela Phung

Seattle Mariners

Linda Suby

Roberta Wylie

Bob & Kathy Malphrus

Sunday Morning AA Group

Alex Zitnik

Vincent Longbucco

T. Clyde & Judy Pitcher

Kathy Selmer

Hank & Sherry Manzanares

Paul & Charisse Pitre

James & Gretchen Shaffer

Michael Marker

Bonnie Pittrof

Dr. Dan & Jana Shaw

Rachel Marko

Rebecca Powers

Denise Sheldon

Elisabeth Matthews

Mary Pratt

Marilyn Sheldon

Tracy & Sean McCarron

PRMCE Analytics Department

Mel Sheldon & Wendy Church

Angela Thayer Jannah Thomas

William & Grae McCredie

PMG Cranial, Spine, and Joint Clinic

Dana Shepherd Deborah Shield

Paul & Joan Thompson

Stephanie McDonald

Quilceda Creek Winery

Susan Sibbald

Marlee Tillman

Brian McGowan

Randolph Cellars

Patrick & Angie Sievers

Nikki Tokarsyck

Melissa Mertz

Angela Ratcliff

Kimberly Toler

Bruce & Jan Miller

Paul & Nancy Reese

Dr. Thomas & Marion Skalley

Mike & Lynne Miller

Carol Reynolds

Jahna Smith

Mary Mohr

Brooke Rhoadarmer

Dr. JoAnne Solchany

Spark & Cheryl Van Winkle

Elizabeth Morgan

Tiffany Rinnert

Sons of Norway Normanna Lodge #3

McCormick Woods Golf Club

Wheels on the Waterfront volunteers present $15,000 check


Dan Sutter Michael & Doris Taylor Dan & Kristle Templeman Poh Lee & Paris Tan

Leah Treml-Ellis

Eric & Julie Wagner

Beverly Wold

Randy & Joyce Yates Christine Zumdahl

Friends of Providence The Friends of Providence Donor Society was established in 2010 to help recognize Providence General Foundation donors for their extraordinary support and commitment to the health of our community and the continued advancement of Providence Regional Medical Center. Membership in the Society begins with a minimum of $10,000 in cumulative giving to Providence General Foundation and is made up of more than 450 families and individuals who have together contributed more than $50 million of support to Providence. The Society is the Foundation’s way of expressing our gratitude to those who have generously supported the mission and work of Providence Everett. For more information, please contact 425-258-7500. DISTINGUISHED BENEFACTORS

Dr. Cheryl Beighle & Steve Schroeder

Dr. William & Elizabeth Dickinson

Marshall & Katherine Cymbaluk

Douglas & Elizabeth Bell

John & Julie Dickson

Marjorie Bissell

Bob Dickson

Matt Bolin & Abbey Potts

Bev Dobler

Paul & Ruth Brandal

Bob & Lizbeth Dobler

Jay & Terry Ackley

Tom & Sally Brennan

Mark & Kathy Duffy

Bob & Margaret Bavasi

Terry & Cheryle Earnheart

Robert Beil

Dr. James Brevig & Meredith Gould

Dr. Virginia Eschbach

Carol Bjorg

Dave & Laura Brooks

Walt Gillette & Saundra Cope Geoff & Carlene Goldfinch

Gordy & Donna Bjorg

JoAnn Burkett

Mike & Maggie Faulkner

Richard & Judy Boyden

Drs. Timothy Byrnes & Catherine Hawkins


Sue Ingram Mackey Phil & Kelly Johnson Harv & Jan Jubie Larry & Linda Jubie Steve & Carol Klein Rosemary Lane Beverly Miller Mary Jane Miller Vickie & Mark Nysether Rick & Diane Pedack T. Clyde & Judy Pitcher Hank & Donna Robinett Buzz & Carol Rodland Idamae Schack Debra Waterman

PATRONS Victoria Ahmann

Elizabeth Campbell Dr. Stephen & Jackie Campbell

Rob & Chanelle Haines Andy & Kaye Hall

Joel & Suzanne French

Hugh & Lynne Hall

Mary French

Nik Halladay

Jim & Jan Gaffney

Tania Halladay

Joe & Ashley Gaffney

Tim Halladay

Tom & Sue Gaffney

Dr. Rod Hanna & Julie Zarn Ed & Andi Hansen Dan & Pam Harkins

Bill & Sheri Feeney

Greg & Nga Goldfinch

Randy & Marla Heagle

Doug & Robin Ferguson

Alex & Jeannette Golitzin

Phil & Alexia Heidt

Dr. Bill & Katie Finley

JoAnn Gray

Rick & Julie Hermanson

Dr. Jim & Mary Lou Finley

Daniel & Ash Gunderson

Shawn & Kathie Hoban

John & Anne Fletcher

Kathleen Gutierrez

Tom & Margaret Hoban

Dr. E. Scott & Jane Casselman Vikram & Vandana Chalana Allen Clark Ken & Sharon Clay Sue Closser Tom & Jane Collins Annette Colombini Dr. James & Sandy Congdon Dr. Jay & Christine Cook Dr. Kimberly Costas & Darius Schenck Dr. Jack & Marilyn Courrier Ray & Cindy Crerand

Vern & Stephanie Allen

Roxanne Cronin

Dr. Frank & Jan Andersen

Marv & Susan Crum

Donald & Shirley Ayres

Eiron & Patsy Cudaback

Judy Baker

Jeff & Jodie Cymbaluk

Robert & Jennifer Bayersdorfer

Pam Daniels

Dave & Marilyn Beck

Dr. Harold Dash & Victoria Romero

Geoffrey Bedell & Sheila Bleakney

Caryl De Jong

Dr. Earl Beegle

Sandy Forman Marcy Freed

Bill & Patty DeGroodt Carol Bjorg at Evening with Friends


Todd & Lolly Hofheins Michael & Pat Holcomb Steve & Patricia Holtgeerts Dan & Sue Huberty Jamie Hunter Shanley & Peter Johndrow Alan & Mary Johnson Donna Johnson Dr. Naomi Katsh Dr. Ernest & Debra Kawamoto Sean & Lisa Kelly Diane Kieland Ray & Anna Lee Kirtley Daren & Lori Kloes Nancy Kniest Tom & Kjersti Lane

Bruce & Cynthia McKinnon

Charles & Gayle Pancerzewski

Dr. Frank & Candace Schramm

Bill & Jean Messner

Rock & Maggie Peterson

Dr. Richard & Andrea Semon

Jeanne Metzger

Randy Petty & Tai Le

John & Ellen Middleton

Joe & Charlie Pignataro

Richard & Rhonda Mietzner

Tony & Suzy Pignataro

Barry Miller Bruce & Jan Miller Ross Miller Dr. Hugh & Jackie Minor Richard & Janis Moeller Scott & Kippy Murphy Dr. Deborah Nalty & Jeff Shober Elizabeth Newland George Newland

Jack Larson

Peter Newland & Robyn Johnson

Greg & Kathleen Lawson

Sam & Beth Newland

J. Robert Leach & Vickie Norris

Lisa & Si Newland

Bob & Kathy Leach Mark & Patty Lervick Roger & Linda Lervick Drs. Jack Little & Marina Zeiber Todd & Marcy Lund Dr. Richard Lyons Dr. Cynthia Markus Pat & Claudia McClain J. Brent & Connie McKinley

Henry & Sandra Newton Dr. A. Frank Nieto Connie Niva Dr. Patrick Nolan Kathy & Brad Nysether Eldon Nysether Edmund & Glenda Oas Drs. Hans & Ute Ochs Paul & Carol Onerheim Eric & Heidi Overton

Donna & Hank Robinett at Evening with Friends


Thomas & Davis Rainville Darren & Deanna Redick Brad & Lynnette Roberson Dr. Joanne Roberts Randy & Debbie Roberts Marty & Laureen Robinett Paul & Amy Robinett Betty Rodland Janice Roe Dr. Anthony & Kathryn Roon Chas & Judy Roudebush Diana S. Routledge MariLana & Ed Rubatino Bill & Janice Rucker Elizabeth Ruthford Lyle & PJ Ryan Dr. Pat & Denise Ryan Casey & Sandy Salz

Timothy & Carla Serban Jeff & Heather Shelby Reid & Linda Shockey Chris Sievers Ray & Mary Sievers Preston & Jill Simmons Paramjit Singh & Harmeet Kaur Fred & Jo Anne Sjoholm Art Skotdal Dr. Tracy & Patti Spencer Dean & Chris Stensby Dr. David Stewart Tom & Rosie Stiger Spark & Cheryl Van Winkle Gary & Carolyn Weikel Michael & Deborah Werner Marti Wick & Ron Simmons Mark & Kim Williams Glenn & Joanne Wimpy

Shirley Schapler

Dr. William & Kathy Wisbeck

Dr. Lawrence Schecter

Dr. Thomas Yetman

Sheryl Schecter

Dr. David Zunkel & Kathleen Stratton Zunkel

Randy & Robin Schemkes Frank & Lilma Schlaefer


Rebekah & Skeet Couper

Sharon Harriss

Rick & Barbara Johnson

Deanna Allen

Dr. Jim & Lyndsey Courrier

Sherry & Corbin Allen

Dr. William & Marilyn Hecht

Carolyn Johnson

Drs. John Cramer & Suzanne Poppema

Doreen Heffron

Mark & Terri Judy

Tami & Terry Allen Rhoda Amunsis Dr. Sam & Elizabeth Armstrong Gerald & Michelle Arneson Dr. Joseph Austin Peter & Mary Baffaro Mike & Sandra Bartlett Dr. Oliver & Julie Batson Bill & Paula Beatty Dr. Matthew & Lolena Beecroft Patricia Beginski David & Dona Bender Dr. Randal & Aline Bensen Leon & Angie Berman Leonard & Louise Berman Dr. Herb & Karen Berry Dr. David & Janelle Beyer Marilyn & Chris Birchman

Dr. Stephen & Nancy Dahlberg

Drs. Philip Henderson & Mary Read

Dr. Charles & Lauren Daly

Fred Hines

Bud & Norma Darling

David & Gayle Holland

Mike & Cathy Deller

John & Lisa Hooper

Mike & Cathy Dire

Steve Knudsen & Mardi Hopkins

Bob & Jamie Downey Julie Elkington Dr. Enrique & Paula Enguidanos Tom & Debi Fairbanks Kerry Fairchild Mark & Victoria Fanning Bob & Shirley Ferguson Dallas & Judy Ferrel Linda Field Debbie Finch Drs. Samuel & Charlene Finn

Jim & Susie Black

Dr. Albert Fisk & Judith Harris

Carolyn Bodeen

Scott & Gayle Forslund

Bo & Nancy Bodrak

Carol Ann Foss

Dr. Amy & Matt BonDurant

Brian & Colleen Frauenholtz

Denny & Darlene Brawford

Michael & Christine Gaffney

Geoffrey Brown Dr. Ronald Brown Dr. Bruce & Lauren Buchea Dr. Katherine Bumstead

Dr. J. Bruce Kennedy Dr. Benjamin Killey Mark & Gina King Jim & Lisa King Lynda Kingman Patricia Kirby

Dr. Kevin & Melanie Hori

Drs. L. Albert & Salwa Labib

Steve & Jane Hudson

Aileen Langhans

Eva Hughes

James & Sharon Langus

Gavin & Angela Loth Dr. Friedrich & Jane Loura Troy & Kathy Lowery Jennifer Lucas Roni Lyons Don & Betty Maitland David & Lisa Martin Matt & Anne Masterson Pat & Julie McDonald Drs. W. Michael & Julia McDonnell Drs. William & Lisa McIntyre

Dr. Bob & Bonnie Hughes

Sharon Larson

Doris Hummel

Dr. William E. Larter

David Hill & Barbara Hyland-Hill

Doug & Leslie Lauer Que Le & Edward Chin

Dr. Robert & Eileen Iguchi

Bruce & Rebecka Milne

Thomas Leahy

Dr. Michael & Barbara Ingram

Connie Mitchell

John & Julie Lienhard

Ray & Junie Moore

Joyce Lindell

JoAnn Mulligan

Benjamin & Lisa Link Sara Lipo

Drs. Mahesh Mulumudi & Srilatha Shoroff

Dr. Amy & William Little

Kathleen Munding

Bill Isaacson Jim & Michelle James Dr. Ashley Johnson & Sallie Hirsch

Jeff & Christie Messmer Dr. Ian Wright & Liga Mezaraups

David & Kathie Nelson

Dr. James Geier & Janet Hamilton Lisa & Andrew George

Mike & Patti Butler

Geoff & Kathy Gibbs

Casey & Kate Calamusa

Tracy & Tina Gilson

Brett & Kendra Carlton

Joe & Liz Goldfinch

Ryan & Heather Case

Budd & Kathy Gould

Colin & Danica Chadwick

Herbert & Christine Gould

Dr. Richard Chang

Randy & Ruth Graybeal

Dennis Channing

Mark & Heather Haake

Robert & Lorelei Christenson

Paul & Debbie Hagman

Richard Cooper & Robin Hilton

Deborah Jurgenson

Tom & Meridith Little

Dr. Sarah Jo Gahm & John Connolly

Cory & Gigi Burke

Yvonne Christos

Steve Hopp & Palmer Robinson

Dee Jonson

Dr. Darren & Olympia Little

Dr. Jeff & Eileen Hambleton Art & Margaret Hansen Mike Harder & Heidi Howard-Harder

Matt Bolin & Abbey Potts with Kathy & Mark Duffy at Evening with Friends

The list reflects cumulative giving as of December 31, 2019 and does not include donors who wished to remain anonymous.


Boe & Jenae Nelson

Ken & Janet Stone

Joy Varady

Randy & Char Wicklund

Roy & Barbara Yates

Dr. Nancy & Lawrence Neubauer

Barbara Strahm

Christopher Varley

Janet Straus & Kit Raney

Henry & Anita Veldman

Gary & Catherine Wickman

Barry & Laura Stueve

Hans & Collean von der Hofen

Robert & Deborah Wilcox

Jim & Phillippa Yowan

Linda Wilcoxson

Becky Weiderstrom

Joan & Craig Wilson

Teresa Wenta

Rosalind Winters

Eric & Wendy Werttemberger

Connie Wittren

Gregory & Joan Van Pelt

Dr. Marcia Wharton & Paul Smith

Matt & Vicki Wonser

Adam & Darla Van Winkle

Carol Whitehead

Dr. Michael D. Neufeld Karen Newland Lorraine Novack Dick & Judy Oberg Shannon & Tyra O’Kelley Bruce & Allison Olson Brian & Brenda Olson Mitesh Parikh & Dr. Reena Vasavada-Parikh

Eric & Christie Tipton Greg Tisdel Wallace & Karen Trana Joan Trask Vic & Wendy Turner

Dr. Karen Woncik Donna Wray

Linda Pederson Chris & Kristi Pedley Carol Petersen Jim & Carla Phillips Pat & Kristie Putnam Matthew & Keely Reinhard Ed & Bunny Renouard Jill Reynolds Lori Richards David Robinett & Stephanie Johnson John & Kathy Robinett Linda & Jean Rodriguez Dr. Michael & Marianne Rohrenbach Dr. J. Michael Roseberry Cheryl Sackrider Dr. Elie & Heidi Saikaly Duane & Mary Schireman

Drs. Martin Holland & Mahesh Mulumudi at Evening with Friends

Dr. Paul Seckinger Walter & Melissa Selden James & Gretchen Shaffer Ram Sharma Dr. Steven & Willa Sharmahd Mel Sheldon & Wendy Church Lisa Shumaker Marianna Skalley Dr. Edward & Dori Slosberg Dr. Budge & Christine Smith Randy & Julie Smith Steve & Kathleen Smith Dr. Denny Spencer Christine Steele Todd & Sarah Stine Amazing Anthony’s staff at the 2019 Epicurean Affair


Dr. Liam & Liza Yore Gretchen Zemke Sandy Ziemer Doug & Jean Zook

2019 Tribute Gifts Bert V. Cronin, Jr. Douglas & Elizabeth Bell

Kristine Heidecker Kathryn & Bill Troll

Betty Curley David Curley

Stanley G Jones Douglas & Elizabeth Bell

Patti Arny Ralphy Arny

Patricia A. Diven Dorothy Howard

Jacob Willis King Bob & Kathy Malphrus

Greg & Lisa Huggins

Kristine Allen American Girl

Beverly J Douglas Thomas & Nancy Walsh

LeRoy Kloes Wayne & Carol Krause

Jeff & Laurie Knudson

Connie Martinis

Dick & Shannon Millar



Staff, Doctors, and Nurses Gladys Teslow

The Sisters of Providence Judith Ellis Maas

The Organizational Quality Team Rosalie Whetstone Ralph Blackmore’s 93 Birthday John & Betty Crimmins Jamie Huynh Maegan Lovell Laura Knapp EverTrust Foundation Dr. Cynthia Markus Thomas & Kathleen Markus Mary Jane Miller Ross Miller Jose Ramos Liz Tassie

Timothy Barker Dr. Carol Czop Carol Gerace Ronald Beardsley Stephen Beardsley Dale Roy Berg Roy & Barbara Yates Evelyn & Manney Berman Everett Steel Companies

Robert M. Doyle Kathleen Gutierrez Michael Drew Patricia Hamilton Mike & Linda Jones Chris & Susan Marker David & Patricia Mitchell Kurt & Gayle Orton Barbara Tonkin Larry Winn

Fred Bowman Diane Young

Arlene Duell Myrna Schwartz

Jacqueline Brunke Kurt & Jill Frost

Bonnie S. Eldridge Stephen Eldridge

Jill Diane Burt William & Denise Barr

Jerry Elkington Don Carter

James & Mary Billett

Julie Elkington

Dale & Joyce Burt

Barbara Lamoureux

Gary Burt

Virginia Faber Don & Marilyn Carter

George Burt John & Jayne Cain Donald & Vicki Chrisman Rick & Marie English Dale Helgeson Andrea Johnson Valgene & Deloris Lane Alyce Matson Dolores McClary Douglas & Dana Morlan Vicki & Stephen Parker Dave & Barbara Wetzel Ashley Marie Corley William & Diane Mumaw

Paul Kniest Carol Janowicz Dale Lyski Dale & Sieglinde Kisker Ross Miller, Sr. Ross Miller Kirsten Moen Mae Anderson Howard & Diane Hansen Liz & Don Healy Keith Krause Ann Lamb Janet Love Alton & Nancy Moen George Neal Yvonne Neal Xep Nguyen Anonymous Donor Shirley Nysether The CPA Group, PLLC

Mary E. Geiger Ida Madsen

Vickie & Mark Nysether

Sandra Goodhew Michael & Kathleen Goodhew

Frank Otteni Michael & Kathleen Goodhew

Viktoria Hedman Susan Bossi

Bill Otteni Mary & Harvey Ritland

Ronda & Jay Githens Sylvia Harvey Donald & Leona Hedman

John Overton Vickie & Mark Nysether

Micaela Parker Jim & India Civey Cynthia Gustafson Mark & Mary Jo Hagen Debbie Hudson C.E. King Julie Langabeer Dr. David & Rosie Reynaud Steve & Susie Swanson Mary Lee Peek John & Sharon Hanson Gayle Hennings Douglas LeRoy David Peterson Kenneth & Patti Peterson Dottie Piasecki Dennis & Kathleen LeMaster Connie Niva Mary Ann Sande Patricia & Donald Stubsten Pamela Stubsten Susan Sullivan James Sullivan Glenn Tuininga Bruce Phillippi Sherryl Talley George R. Walsh Michael & Laurie Walsh Richard Walsh Brandy Ward Debra Regan-Litz Robert Louis Welling Giovanni Gargano

Heritage Bank David Neujahr




Board of Directors OFFICERS


Larry Jubie

Mark Duffy, Chairman

Shirley Ayres

Carol Klein

Margaret Bavasi

Steve Klein

Doug Bell

Bob Leach

Donna Bjorg

Rochelle Lubbers

Ron Brown, MD

Jean Messner

Jan Gaffney

Jeff Mitchell

Jimmy Grierson, MD

Mel Sheldon

Andy Hall

Ray Stephanson

Lynne Hall, First Vice Chair Dan Gaffney, Treasurer Dan Harkins, Immediate Past Chair


Lori Kloes, Chief Philanthropy Officer, Providence General Foundation

Patty Lanes, Providence General Children’s Association

Kim Williams, CEO, Providence Health & Services Northwest Washington

Doug Ferguson

Henry Newton

Fred Sjoholm

Diane Guildner

Tom Rainville

Roy Yates

Harv Jubie

Len Roberts

Gail Larson Gail Larson, Providence General Foundation board member and retired Chief Executive Officer of Providence Regional Medical Center Everett, passed away in late May of 2020. Gail was a tireless voice for improving the health of everyone in Snohomish County, especially the most vulnerable. Her 40-year career in health administration made a tremendous impact wherever she served. Upon being named Snohomish County Business Journal Executive of the Year in 2006, Gail spoke of how much she loved her career, saying “It’s a human business we’re in.”

Providence General Foundation is forever grateful for Gail’s service, leadership and friendship.



Harv Jubie Marysville native and retired electrical contractor, Harv Jubie, was appointed Emeritus Board Member status in 2019 after 18 years of service to the Providence General Foundation Board. Harv served in various leadership positions for the Foundation, most notably leading as Chairman for three years during the campaign to help build the Cymbaluk Medical Tower. Harv and his wife Jan also served as Campaign Chairs for that historic project. The staff and Board are thankful for Harv’s many years of commitment, leadership and support and are pleased to honor him with Emeritus Board Member status. 30

Kathy Hunter Long-time Providence General Foundation board member and supporter, Kathy Hunter, passed away in January of 2020. We were honored that Kathy served on the Foundation’s board since 2007. She served on the “Major Gifts Committee” for the Medical Tower Campaign and she, along with her husband Jamie, chaired the Epicurean Affair. Kathy was also actively involved with the Providence General Children’s Association, Guild C for nearly two decades.

Kathy’s love of community and children will leave a lasting legacy.

CURRENT STAFF Lori Kloes Chief Philanthropy Officer Tina Gilson Director of Development Kathleen Lefcourt Director of Development Kim Griffis Philanthropy Communications Officer Jennifer Coyle Senior Manager of Special Events Rebecca Sill Manager of Grant Development & Research Susan Snyder Prospect Research & Database Manager Mary K Allen Donor Database Specialist Marissa Jagnow Executive Assistant

Do you have a story idea for inspire? We’re always looking for inspirational stories to share! Do you know a Providence caregiver who went above and beyond? A patient who’s overcome the odds? A donor who is making a difference? Please tell us about what you think would inspire your friends and neighbors. Reach out to us at the Providence General Foundation: 425-258-7500 or


916 Pacific Avenue Everett WA 98201 425-258-7500

If you do not wish to receive future magazines from Providence General Foundation, please let us know.

Inside inspire magazine: Delivering Hope for Pediatric Behavioral Health PA G ES 6- 7

Growing to Serve More Patients PA G ES 8- 9

Celebrating 70 Years of Serving Children PA G ES 10- 11

2019 Annual Donor Lists PA G ES 18- 29


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