Hey Rhody Summer June 2022

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Martha’s Vineyard Fast Ferry

Did you know you can hop on the fast ferry from Rhode Island and arrive in the heart of Martha’s Vineyard in only 95-minutes? Our ferry avoids all the Cape Cod traffic and offers convenient dockside parking. Depart from Quonset Point, North Kingstown and save 3 to 4 hours of travel time each way. You will enjoy scenic views down Narragansett Bay and through Vineyard Sound past the Elizabeth Islands. The ferry arrives in Oak Bluffs, with white sand beaches, numerous gift shops, restaurants and hotels just steps away. With five other towns close by, you can rent a bike, scooter, a car or purchase an advanced sightseeing tour of the entire island.

Rhode Island Fast Ferry, Inc. Departs from Quonset Point, North Kingstown

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Advance reservations are recommended. Operates May through October



CRUISES & Newport Harbor Tours

Enjoy an afternoon aboard Rhode Island Fast Ferry’s Lighthouse & Newport Harbor Sightseeing Cruise. Our tour will provide you with the best way to see Narragansett Bay aboard the largest most luxurious sightseeing catamaran in all of New England. This 95 minute narrated tour will view 10 lighthouses, 10 islands and other popular sights including sailing under the Jamestown and Newport Bridges, past Castle Hill, Hammersmith Farm, Ocean Cliff, Clingstone “House on the Rock”, Fort Adams State Park, and many waterfront mansions. You will also sail through famous Newport Harbor viewing multi-million dollar yachts, and numerous vintage sailing vessels. Advance reservations are highly recommended.

Operates May through October




Departs from Quonset Point, North Kingstown





Surf Therapy Young athletes of all abilities catch a wave in Little Compton


Coastal Eats

10 seafood joints serving up clam cakes, lobster rolls, and more

37 CO V E R S TO R Y

Beach Bucket List

So many ways to enjoy the Ocean State all summer long


Fashion South County boutiques assemble coastal looks


Rog er W heeler State Beach P h oto cou rtesy of RI D EM

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |






e know how important your home is to

your well-being. As custom home builders for nearly 40 years, we have crafted and restored coastal and luxury homes in Rhode Island and throughout New England. Our goal is to create spaces that allow you and your family to thrive. 4 FRANK AV E






20 24

Photo by Bethany Foltz, courtesy of Gnome Surf

Photo by Jacquelina Paiva


Photo by Kate VanMersbergen

News & Life

Food & Drink

Home & Style

Art & Culture

12 A social club brings

24 EXPERIENCE: Warwick Neck cafe bewitches with creative bevvies and bites

60 HOME: So Cal meets Sakonnet in a pair of cottages in Little Compton

78 The makers behind

together LGBTQ+ hikers seeking outdoorsy adventures


28 RECIPE: Farm-fresh


Newport festival is reimagining classical music for a wider audience

eggs and tomatoes make a simple savory breakfast

Greenwich studio helps stretch out the winter kinks

16 RHODY PETS: An East Bay pet-sitter’s doggie day trip services + the adoptable Pet of the Month


70 SHOP: Infuse spaces

A Bristol fishing institution drops anchor with expanded retail

with summer style using hydrangeathemed goods

Block Island’s popular hunt for shiny things

82 ON STAGE: The hottest

18 RHODY GEM: Catch a wave with a board from this Wakefield surf shop

tickets for live theater

86 RHODY READS: Fill your beach bag with six local picks 88 The Creative Capital’s signature art festival is back and better than ever

89 #HEYRHODYPHOTOS : A colorful mosaic from our talented followers via Instagram

On the Cover: Celebrating Summer 2022 by Abigail Brown


Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




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From Roger Williams Park Zoo to dining on Federal Hill to shopping on Thayer Street and more, you can get there on RIPTA’s fleet! Buses run year-round. Ride with Wave–RIPTA’s smart fare mobile app. With Wave, pay $2 for one hour of unlimited rides or buy a virtual $6.00 Day Pass for unlimited, state-wide travel. ve

From historic mansions to the Tennis Hall of Fame to shopping on Thames Marble House Street and more, you can get there on RIPTA’s classic green and gold Oce an Ave trolleys run year-round. Ride with Wave– hybrid trolley buses. Newport RIPTA’s smart fare mobile app. With Wave, pay $2 for one hour of unlimited rides or buy a virtual $6.00 Day Pass for unlimited, state-wide travel.




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Paying with cash? $2 per boarding; exact change required.

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See what you’ve been missing! ripta.com


Debra L’Heureux, Rhode Island’s top Matchmaker for Get Ready To Date has been in the business of helping people find love for over 20 years!

Dear Debra, How do I start meeting women again?

I am recently divorced and want to start meeting women again. I am painfully shy and a bit introverted. Where do I begin? Thank you for your advice! Best Regards, Barry

Dear Barry,

Warren, RI

Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell

General Manager & Creative Director Nick DelGiudice

Editor in Chief Elyse Major

Managing Editor Abbie Lahmers

Editor Karen Greco Digital Media Manager Sascha Roberts Advertising Design Director Layheang Meas

Senior Editorial Designer Abigail Brown

Senior Designer Taylor Gilbert Account Managers Shelley Cavoli Louann DiMuccio-Darwich Ann Gallagher Kristine Mangan Olf Elizabeth Riel

I know that being divorced is not easy as the social circle that you had may not exist any more. Many of your friends may still be married and you need to expand your circle of single friends. I recommend that you reach out to like minded singles and start to meet new friends. It is important that you have fun. If you enjoy reading, join a book club, if you enjoy kayaking there are some neat groups that take kayaking trips down some rivers of Rhode Island. Another great idea is to take a dance lesson. Women love to dance and appreciate a man who knows a few dance steps. Dancing is a great ice breaker and can introduce you to a whole new group of women. Think about hobbies you used to pursue and perhaps have given up during your marriage. Take up golf again or join a golf league. If you enjoy the theater, think about signing up for seasons tickets and invite new single friends to join you. Warmly, Debra

PS: Last TidBit…Give me a call and schedule a complementary consultation to explore opportunities to meet amazing, relationship minded singles who are motivated, just like you to find love again. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR LOVE? Call Debra: 401-289-0900 JOIN MY MATCHMAKING DATABASE AT GETREADYTODATE.COM


June 2022

Interested in advertising? Email Marketing@ProvidenceOnline.com Contributing Photographers Savannah Barkley

Timothy Norris

Jay Brady

Tony Pacitti

Maggie Cady

Jacquelina Paiva

Ron Cowie

Kristen Peralta

Denise DiGangi

Dave Sarazen

Stacey Doyle

Erin X. Smithers

Isabella Ehrlich

Kate VanMersbergen

Bethany Foltz Contributing Writers Ken Abrams

Karen Kalunian

Laura Afonso

Rose Kenyon

Patty J

Hugh Minor

Belinda Jones

Megan Monte

Interns Hannah Goldman

Casey Williams

Looking for an internship? Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com Distribution Services Special Delivery

Subscribe Today! HeyRhody.com/MailToYou

Presented by Providence Media, publishers of The Bay, Providence Monthly, and So Rhode Island 1944 Warwick Avenue, Warwick, RI 02889 401-305-3391 • Mail@ProvidenceOnline.com HeyRhody.com Copyright ©2022 by Providence Media. All rights reserved.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


CONTRIBUTORS KEN ABRAMS Known in some circles as Mr. Abrams, this former middle school teacher left the classroom and is now a full-time writer and host of a folk/roots/ rock radio show Tuesday evenings on WRIU 90.3 FM. After taking the lead compiling the “Summer Beach Bucket List” (begins page 37), this lifelong Rhode Islander now knows everything fun to do through Labor Day in the Ocean State.

ABIGAIL BROWN This month’s stunning cover image of beach-goers and colorful umbrellas spelling 2022 wasn’t staged and shot by drone but assembled by the creative mind of Abby Brown. Since joining Providence Media in 2019, Brown has been wowing staff and readers with her layouts and illustrations, as seen throughout this magazine. Be sure to ask Abby about her new kitten.

PATTY J This month Patty Jeffries takes us on a tour of her top 10 seafood joints in “Clam Shack Crawl,” page 30. When not traversing the state reporting on food and drinks for us, find her blogging at PattyJ.com, where she shares a savvy, stylish, and sometimes cheeky look at daily life with contributions from a variety of current (and former) Rhode Islanders.

ROSE KENYON Does your summer wardrobe need some new pieces? Rose Kenyon visited South County boutiques to assemble fun coastal looks for our feature “Let’s Get Dressed” (page 72). By day Kenyon writes for a local marketing agency but many of her weekends are spent beachside – lounging , paddle boarding , or biking through Matunuck.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




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NEWS & LIFE Co m m u n i ty | Fe s t i va l | R h o d y P e t s | R h o d y G e m | S u r f T h e ra py

20 Gnome Surf founder Christopher Antao empowers students to catch a wave Photo by Bethany Foltz, courtesy of Gnome Surf


Hiking with Pride

A s o c i a l c l u b fo r LG BTQ + o u t d o o r s - l ove r s ex p l o re s R h o d y te r ra i n o n e p a r k a t a t i m e By Hugh Minor



RI Queer Hikes members trekked Tillinghast Pond Management Area in West Greenwich this past March have attended every hike while others drop in and out, joining when they can. “We want to be inclusive, but, as we grow, we might have to limit the size or break off into smaller groups,” Thibault says. With Pride season underway, she wants to spread the word so others can get involved. “I definitely want to keep it going and growing. I also have a full-time job, so I want people to connect and organize on their own. They don’t need me to do everything.” The relationships extend well beyond the one- to two-hour hikes around local parks and

trails. Many find connections with one another and build meaningful friendships. “I’ve connected with other queer folks in ways that bring me joy and the sense of community I’ve been looking for, not just on the day of the hike but long after,” says Rosalia-Vaccaro. “Personally, I have met a fair number of good friends and I see other people making connections,” Thibault echoes. “Ultimately, that’s the goal. It’s lovely to see.” To get involved and to find out about upcoming adventures, follow @ri.queer.hikes on Instagram.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo courtesy of RI Queer Hikes

he Instagram handle appeared just over a year ago in the spring of 2021, as a small but welcoming presence in our state’s vibrant outdoor scene emerged. Scroll through the many photos populating @ri.queer.hikes and find stunning landscapes and smiling faces. More than a typical hiking group, RI Queer Hikes is a uniquely inclusive space fostering friendships over a shared admiration for nature. “It just took off, which really surprised me,” says RI Queer Hikes founder Mel Thibault, who created the social group for adventure-seeking members of the LGBTQ+ community in Rhode Island and southern New England. The idea was sparked by her own search for other queer people who wanted to get out and explore nature. “As a queer adult, how do you meet people?” she pondered. “There are not a ton of queer spaces out there.” And at the time of founding , many usual spaces were shuttered due to COVID. “I think the pandemic was part of it,” Thibault says of the group’s success. “People were getting vaccinated and itching to get out and were just starting to gather outside where it was safe.” “The group is so much fun and so uplifting ,” says member Sylvia Rosalia-Vaccaro. “I was just coming out of pandemic mode when I decided to go to one of the hikes, and from the minute I stepped out of the car, I felt welcomed.” Both Thibault and Rosalia-Vaccaro experienced similar frustrations about trying to meet other queer adults after graduating college and settling in Rhode Island. “Mel really understood what we needed and had this great idea to bring people together,” shares Rosalia-Vaccaro. These easy-to-moderate hikes typically see anywhere from 15-24 participants at parks and trails spanning the state, from Ell Pond Preser ve in Hopkinton to Wolf Hill Forest in Smithfield, and plenty in between. The Instagram account, where the club stays connected, now has nearly 1,000 followers. Some people




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Embracing a New Tune

Newport festival is reimagining classical music for a wider audience In partnership with The Public’s Radio • ThePublicsRadio.org • By Sofie Rudin and Antonia Ayres-Brown


pioneered for over three decades by artistic director Mark Malkovich III, who made a point to bring in international musicians for their American debuts. During those years, the organization was largely built around an annual summer festival that attracted many visitors with concerts in Newport’s iconic Gilded Age mansions. Fox says that photos from the 1970s and 80s show people at the festival wearing black tie attire, like tuxedos and gowns. “And I think it’s very charming, looking back,” she said, but noted, “That is not contemporary.” Since Fox took the helm last year, Newport Classical has broken from its past and undergone a complete rebrand and renaming. Until 2021, it was called the Newport Music Festival, which was easy to confuse with the city’s Folk and Jazz festivals. Fox says the organization is also reimagining its relationship with the surrounding community, with the goal of being more relevant to Newport locals. Last September, Newport Classical launched a year-round chamber series with monthly concerts throughout the winter. These concerts are shorter than usual, kept to about an hour and fifteen minutes, so young children and people with busy schedules can attend. While in town, the professional musicians also visit local public schools to meet with students and give workshops. Trevor Neal, Newport Classical’s Director of Artistic Planning and Engagement, says these initiatives are important to reaching community members who often haven’t been included in the past. “Music knows no discrimination of color, or socioeconomic background,” he said. “And there are a lot of people who express a desire to learn more or know more about this art form, but feel that there is this barrier telling them that this is not for them.” Neal’s current work is in part informed by his own experience in the classical music world. He is an opera singer, and before joining Newport Classical, he performed as a baritone with an opera company in San Jose. Neal says that, as a music student, he saw lots of diversity at the high school and college levels. After graduating, however, he often experienced being one of the few

Executive Director Gillian Friedman Fox and Trevor Neal, Director of Artistic Planning and Engagement, have been leading Newport Classical through a renaming and rebranding people of color in professional artistic spaces. “So part of when I came here was also that piece — seeing how, at the time Newport Music Festival, now Newport Classical, could find a way to bridge that gap of classical music and artists of color,” Neal said, “in a way that wasn’t, for lack of a better word, minstrel-like, but that was a true dedication to the artistic craft that these artists have.” Newport Classical is now investing in the expansion of the classical canon, with a focus on supporting composers and musicians from underrepresented backgrounds. Last year, the organization announced they would begin commissioning a new work annually by a composer of color or woman composer. This year, composer Shawn Okpebholo will debut a piece inspired by the 19th-century composer Newport Gardner, who was formerly enslaved and later established a music school in Newport. This all fits into a growing movement to make classical music a more equitable and accessible genre. Since 2012, Newport has already been home to the Newport String Project, a group that arranges concerts and free chamber music lessons for local students. Across the country, older institutions like the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Los Angeles Philharmonic are also providing free community concerts and education programs. Newport Classical and these counterparts hope the projects will change the future of classical music and grow its audience. “So I’d say it’s more and more common, but it’s important that presenting organizations [like Newport Classical] that are this high-level are engaging in that,” said Dan Graser, a member Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photos by Antonia Ayres-Brown


un, casual, approachable. For many people, those aren’t the first words that come to mind when they think of classical music, a genre that’s often associated with music lessons and formal concert halls. But the group that hosts Newport’s long-running classical music festival is hoping to change that. It’s part of a larger effort to reimagine the summer concert series into a year-round organization with programs and performances for Newport residents less familiar with the musical genre. The concert had already begun at Emmanuel Church in Newport, and people were still streaming inside, looking for seats in the crowded pews. Towards the front of the nave, in the glow of the church’s purple stained glass, a quartet of saxophones rang out. This group, The Sinta Quartet, is an award-winning ensemble that tours across the country and abroad at venues where tickets can be fairly expensive. On an April weekend, however, the concert was completely free to the public, put on by the local organization Newport Classical. Among those in the audience were older seniors, couples that looked like they were on an afternoon date, and parents cradling young children. For many of the listeners, it was their first time hearing saxophones play classical music. “I was like, ‘ Woah, what is that dude doing ?’” said Newport local Peter Bartram. “The acoustics of the church, when the bass and the tenor would hit those low notes – oh my god, it just reverberates inside. And I love it when it makes your whole body vibrate.” Gillian Friedman Fox, the executive director of Newport Classical, says these kinds of moments are the goal of the free concerts. They aim to bring the community together and help people experience new forms of classical music, or introduce them to the genre for the first time. Fox says they’re mindful that listening to classical music can be intimidating. “Classical music — and this is everywhere — is plagued with this stigma of being for an educated audience, or that it’s something that can’t be enjoyed unless you are an expert,” she said. “ We’re really trying to change that.” The organization was founded in 1969, and


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OVERLOOKING THE 18TH of the Sinta Quartet, the classical saxophone group that performed the free community concert. “Because other presenters see it and then they’ll start following suit.” During their performances, Graser’s ensemble tries to keep things relaxed. The foursome pauses between pieces and takes turns explaining what they’re playing, as well as what people can listen for. They even tell some jokes. Graser says the concert experience is not about giving the audience an education. Too often, listening to classical music can feel almost like eating your vegetables. It’s something that many people believe is good for them, but they shouldn’t necessarily like. But the Sinta Quartet — and Newport Classical’s latest efforts, more broadly — are trying to encourage people to listen for the sake of pure enjoyment. “People are worried about not getting classical music,” said Graser. “They start listening to it as if they’re supposed to get it — as opposed to just, as with any other music, enjoy it or not.” That’s what it means to have taste in music, Graser says. Audience members need the chance to come out and engage with classical music in the first place. Then, they can decide for themselves.


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Antonia Ayres-Brown is the Newport Reporter for The Public’s Radio and a Report for America corps member. She can be reached at antonia@thepublicsradio.org This story was produced for the ear. To listen, visit ThePublicsRadio.org. Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




Walking on Sunshine

A Newport pet-sitter has tails wagging for her doggie day trip services By Belinda Jones, Animal Rescue Rhode Island

RHODY PET OF THE MONTH: BROCK By Karen Kalunian If you’re in search of a furry friend who’s also a cuddle bug, might I introduce you to Brock? This 10-year-old Chihuahua mix is seeking a new loving home to live out his senior days after his owner passed away. He has an outgoing personality and even gets along with other dogs, as well as cats. Brock is on medication to keep his epilepsy and seizures under control – meds he’ll need a future owner to be on top of three times a day for the rest of his life. In return? Brock’s unconditional love for his new family. To meet this little bundle of joy, contact Vintage Pet Rescue via email at adopt@vintagepetrescue. org or visit their website, VintagePetRescue.org

Having a home-based pet-sitting business is the dream for so many animal lovers, but it takes a certain level of commitment to share your bed with seven pups, including two 50-pound pitties. “ The other night I had to sleep up where the pillows go,” says Denise DiGangi with a laugh. “ The crew weren’t budging !” DiGangi is the exuberant owner of Lucky Paws, an Aquidneck Island-based pet-sitting and dog-walking business, now celebrating 20 years of loving ser vice. Every day, rain or shine, she goes door to door (and mansion to mansion!) picking up pups for an energ y-burning


adventure and then delivers them back home, ensuring muddy or sandy paws are toweled off before they reach any white couches. This dedicated doggie daycare ser vice began as a volunteer gig. “I first moved to Rhode Island as a Salve Regina University art student; then, after a stint in social work in New York, I returned to Newport and began volunteering as a dog walker at the Potter Leag ue,” shares DiGangi. “People started to ask me to sit their dog , and now I have over a hundred reg ular clients with a surge of extra bookings in the summer, including g uests at Forty 1º North,” the elegant waterfront

lodgings in Newport. One of the biggest challenges is keeping up with the demand. “I’m keen to hear from trustworthy, reliable individuals with animal experience to help me with dog walking and cat visits. Although I am here to create a fun environment, I take this job very seriously – at the end of the day I am responsible for a life.” Thankfully, DiGangi has great matchmaking skills when it comes to putting together her play groups. She studies each personality type and even assigns sections in the car when they go on merr y jaunts. “I place the calm, friendly dogs way in the back, those

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo by Denise DiGangi

Furry clients hop into Denise DiGangi’s car for a fun-filled Newport day trip

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Photo by Kristen Peralta

that need a little space on the seats behind me, and the smaller dogs, wild cards, and trouble-makers up front!” DiGangi’s car is now synonymous with good times, so much so that when she was recently cruising along in downtown Newport, one of her regulars’ ears pricked up. “This 85-pound Lab was out on a walk with his owner, heard the engine, and became so hellbent on climbing in the vehicle I had to stop and give them both a ride home!” she chuckles. “Apparently dogs get FOMO too!” Find out more at LuckyPawsRI.com and follow the fun on Instagram at @luckypawsri Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


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Drift Surf Sho p What it is: A surfers’ haven, DRIFT is a one-stop shop for boards, gear, swimwear, and wetsuits, along with coastal apparel designed inhouse and a selection of art and home goods (like eco-candles) made by local creatives.

W h e re to f i n d i t : It’s hard to miss the surfboards in the window of this Wakefield shop in the Quo Vadis plaza, right next door to Sweet Althea’s.

W h a t m a k e s i t a R h o d y G e m? More than a casual shop, DRIFT is the embodiment of the surfing lifestyle, an identity forged over time by dedicated owner Rob Jones, a lifelong surfer with decades of experience in the industry and many adventures under his belt traveling coasts around the world to catch a wave. For seasoned surfers taking advantage of Rhode Island’s summer swells, custom boards can be built by East Coast shapers, or if you’re just getting your toes wet, Jones and other knowledgeable store attendants can help set you up with the best board and equipment for your use (whether new, used, or rented), plus lessons for all levels. Says a new enthusiast of a recent lesson, “I’m sure there are other good instructors in RI but I can’t imagine anyone more positive, patient, and knowledgeable than Rob. Not only was he able to quickly recognize where I was struggling and help me focus, but he was just as invested as I was to stand up on that board... and I did!”

Drift Surf Shop

Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com to suggest yours and we just might feature it!

Photo courtesy of Drift

540 Kingstown Road, Wakefield 932-6919 • DriftSurfShop.com @driftsurfshop


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Surf ’s Up A L i t t l e Co m p t o n - b a s e d n o n - p ro f i t e m p owe r s yo u t h o f a l l abilities with aquatic sports By Belinda Jones



A young athlete catches a wave with the help of Gnome Surf instructors There’s a reason Antao enjoys the numbers – his background is in investment banking , a lucrative career he left behind to pursue what he feels is his calling. As a child, he faced adversity and coped with ADHD, so he relates to what many of his students are going through and is on a mission to foster “accep tance, equality, and inclusion.” “Most families that sign up are used to hearing that their child can’t do something and all of a sudden they come to this welcoming environment and we meet them at their level,” says Antao. “ The kids get to show their parents what they are capable of, and surfing is not something ever yone can do!”

Cheering and tears from the sidelines, both from family members and beach-goers, aren’t unusual sights. “Some of our athletes have reg ular fans who come to applaud them,” Antao shares. “For me, the feel-good factor is the smiles on the kids’ faces. Academics have said these kids don’t recognize emotion, but I’ve had over 3,000 hours in the water with them – I know they feel the healing nature of the ocean. As soon as they come to the beach, they reach out and grab my hand – they can’t wait to go surfing !” Follow @gnomesurf on Instagram for photos of students’ accomplishments and visit GnomeSurf.com to learn more.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photos by Bethany Foltz, courtesy of Gnome Surf

f you hear triumphant whoops mingling with the splash and froth of waves on Little Compton beach this summer, and then spot an onlooker shedding a tear of joy, there’s a good chance you are witnessing the magic of Gnome Surf therapy. “Gnome Surf is a non-profit surf therapy organization ser ving kids of all abilities, with a focus on those with autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, depression, and anxiety,” explains founder and executive director Christopher Antao. “Our research shows that over 98 percent of our athletes feel happier from the experience, over 93 percent feel more self-confident, 100 percent of them would tr y it again, and 100 percent of parents would recommend it. So you can see the power of surf therapy !” Though Gnome Surf now also takes place in Middletown and nearby Westport – with hopes of expanding to Narragansett – Antao chose Little Compton as the original location because of its accessibility and the pitch of the wave. “It doesn’t get too deep too quickly, which means better footing and overall safety.” He credits the local Beach Commission and head lifeguard Jim Farrell as valued partners. “Any given day we can be surfing with close to 50 children, and we truly appreciate how accommodating they’ve been to our programs.” The team is currently gearing up for a record-breaking summer. “ We are in the water ever y day from May 15 until October 15 and by April this year, we were sold out for the season,” says Antao. He hastens to add that they have employed more instructors to open up availability for individual lessons and group workshops and notes that they are always interested to hear from avid surfers, for both paid and volunteer positions. “Last year we started with four instructors; this year, we’re on course for 25. By the end of the season, we’ll be looking at a total of 2,300 families served since we first launched in 2017.”

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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


FOOD & DRINK E x p e r i e n c e | R e c i p e | C l a m S h a c k s | I n T h e K i tc h e n

34 Only the freshest from Andrade’s Catch in Bristol Photo courtesy of Andrade’s Catch


Pure Magic Enjoy b ew i tc h i n g bevvies and c re at i ve e at s at this Warwick Ne ck hot spo t By La u ra A fon so


ot your average coffee experience, a cuppa at Presto Strange O is – dare I say – spellbinding. After trundling onto the scene with a cafe on wheels, owners Jay and Jess Case planted roots along Warwick Neck Drive’s scenic waterside just over a year ago to turn Presto into a permanent spot when Rhode Islanders simply couldn’t get enough of their funky takes on caffeinated beverages. “ We are so happy to give back to our very own neighborhood with our cafe,” they share. With the expansion into their very first brick-and-mortar came a breakfast and lunch menu with the same exuberance as their beloved coffee selections. Dark and moody walls lend to an eccentric space to partake in your morning joe. Green


string lights frame a vibrant wall painted with colorful flowers, creeping vines, and whimsical critters, and a neon sign reminds you that coffee is “the perfect drug” – as I took the first long sip of my Nutella Latte, it was hard to disagree. Whether you visit for a coffee on the go or a friendly meet up over devilishly delicious lattes, Presto is equipped for your caffeine needs. “ We love that we have become a fun meeting spot for our community and we truly appreciate ever yone that walks through our door,” says the Cases. As a true Rhode Islander, I was most enthusiastic about the iced coffee choices at Presto Strange O, where they take flavored lattes to the next level. Think Strawberr y Fluff Vietnamese, Bananas Foster, and Cannoli (com-

plete with a mini pastr y perched atop a pile of whipped cream). I chose the Cr ystal Ginger Chai (iced, of course!), in which sweet ginger cr ystals are melted down with heaps of cinnamon and blended with their house chai. It’s the perfect midday pick-me-up. I also adore brewed flavored iced coffee, and Presto happens to have my favorite flavor, blueberry. I’m in good company loving fruit-forward coffee drinks for summer – try a staff favorite, the Blueberry Pancake Latte, too. As a breakfast stop, Presto Strange O packs a punch. I paired my cool drinks with a warm slice of Nutella Toast – light and crispy white bread with a generous helping of the irresistible nutty chocolate spread, and topped with a neat pile of sliced strawberries.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo by Jacquelina Paiva

Nutella Toast


A deep dive into the Ocean State. Taking a granular look into the people, places and everything in between that inspire such big love for the smallest state! Giudice Hosted by Nick Del s bert Ro cha & Sas











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Must-Try Items AVOCADO TOAST: ($7): Smashed avocado, everything bagel seasoning, pickled red onion, roasted cherry tomatoes, and pea shoots CRYSTAL GINGER CHAI ICED L ATTE ($5.50): Spiced chai blended with honey ginger crystals and cinnamon with your choice of milk over ice NUTELLA TOAST ($5): Nutella and strawberries on country white bread, sprinkled with powdered sugar

Cuisine: Breakfast and lunch cafe Atmosphere: Funky, fun, and eclectic

Cannoli Latte

Follow @bunsandbites on Instagram for more of Laura Afonso’s foodie best bets.

Presto Strange O Coffee Enchanting eats from Presto Strange O

334 Warwick Neck Avenue 219-4478 • PrestoStrangeO.com

Photos by Jacquelina Paiva

Going for a savory meal? The Lox Bagel quickly became a favorite, layered with smoked Nova lox, salty capers, and tendrils of thin-shaved red onion. This bad boy is only on the menu on Sundays, so plan ahead. Deliciously ‘grammable Avocado Toast is always available and equally beautiful, featuring ribbons of pink pickled onions, pops of red with sundried cherry tomatoes, and sprinkled with sesame seeds. This healthy medley of flavors makes for the perfect lunch. For on-the-go diners, I would recommend one of their Chickpea Salad Wraps. If you’re looking to make your pre-work coffee a whimsical adventure or turn brunch into a caffeinated thrill, Presto Strange O is a must-visit.

EXPERIENCE CAV EVERY DAY IS EXTRAORDINARY In addition to serving lunch (Monday-Friday) and dinner nightly, CAV offers unique daily offerings:

Wednesday — LIVE MUSIC Saturday & Sunday — BRUNCH





Satisfying Shakshuka Fre s h p o a c h e d e g g s m e et s u m m e r h a r ve st s i n t h i s s avo r y d i s h t h at ’ s n o t j u st fo r b re a k fa st By Liz M u r ray

Photo by Liz Murray


f you f ind yourself with more tomatoes than you know what to do with, look no f urther than this easy and delicious recipe for shakshuka, a savor y stew cooked with a variet y of dr y spices and chopped veggies. Fresh eggs are gently poached in this flavorful one-skillet dish. Traditionally enjoyed in Tunisia, North Africa, Israel, and other parts of the Middle East, shakshuka is of ten ser ved for breakfast, but the rich tomatoey medley can really be eaten any time of the day and is perfect for a quick summer meal that doesn’t heat up the kitchen. Chances are good you already have most of the ingredients, but if not, you’ll want to go the extra mile for fresh produce. Your local farmers market should have no shortage of plump beefsteaks and heirlooms this season, along with bell peppers, onions, and kale. Nothing beats the rich f lavor of farm-fresh eggs nestled in a skillet of stewed tomatoes.

Shakshuka with Fresh Eggs ING RE DIE NTS • 1 medium onion, peeled and chopped • 1 medium bell pepper, stem and seeds removed and chopped • 2 stalks of celery, chopped • 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil • 2-3 fresh tomatoes, chopped • 1 cup kale leaves, chopped • 1 28 oz. can of organic whole peeled tomatoes • 3 large garlic cloves, peeled and minced or pressed • ½ Tbsp smoked paprika • 1 tsp cumin • 1 Tbsp Italian seasoning or dried herb of preference • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper • 6-8 fresh eggs • Fresh parsley or cilantro • Salt and pepper to taste

STE PS 1. Heat oil in a large, deep pan over mediumhigh heat. Toss in the chopped onion, celery, and bell pepper and stir. Cook until the onion becomes translucent, about 7 minutes. 2. Toss in the garlic and dried spices and mix to coat the vegetables. Add the fresh chopped tomatoes and kale, mix, and cook for 1 minute before pouring in the canned tomatoes.

FREE RANGE I N JOH NSTON For fresh eggs, try Stamp Egg Farms, a third-generation farm in Johnston that boasts 7,000 roaming chickens who are fed a vegetarian diet without hormones or steroids. Eggs are picked and packed the same day they’re laid, so they stay fresher longer. Find them at some Dave’s Fresh Marketplace locations, too. StampEggFarms.wixsite.com/StampEggFarms

3. With the back of a wooden spoon, mash the whole tomatoes until they are broken down. Simmer the sauce with the lid on for 6 minutes. 4. Remove the lid and make a small well in the tomato mixture. Crack one egg into the well. Continue making wells and repeat for each egg. Cover the pan again and allow the eggs to cook until desired doneness, typically for 4-6 minutes. 5. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with chopped parsley or cilantro. Enjoy!

For more tips and recipes, visit RecipeHippie.com



Clam Shack Crawl

10 mu st- t r y s e a fo o d j o i nt s a c ro s s t h e O cean State By Patty J.


othing says summer in the Ocean State like that first nibble of a crispy, perfectly fried clam cake or succulent lobstah roll. Even if you have your clam shack of choice, why not shake things up and venture out to what may become a new favorite ? Let this list be a g uide to your waterfront fried seafood snacking all season long.

AUNT CA R R IE’S R ESTAURANT Some say owner and proprietor Carrie Cooper invented the clam cake the same year this gem in Point Judith opened a centur y ago. Since, this quaint seafood shack has been named a James Beard “American Classic.” Tuck into some fish filets, lobster rolls, and steamers in their dining room, or take your order outside and soak in the ocean air and sunshine before grabbing a scoop from Aunt Carrie’s Ice Cream Shoppe. Narragansett, AuntCarriesRI.com

Aunt Carrie’s spread of classic seafood fare

Rhode Islanders wait all year for Blount on the waterfront in Warren to open for the season. Reg ulars and first-time customers go wild over their signature lobster roll – a solid half pound of lobster meat ser ved either cold with house dill mayo or warm with butter – clam cakes, chowder, fried scallops, and fish and chips. Between the delish seafood and views of the Bay, this al fresco spot on a sweet street lined with historic houses is pretty close to perfect. Warren, BlountRetail.com

DUNE B R OS You don’t have to leave the capital city to get the clam shack experience. The Dune Bros truck, a short stroll from the Michael S. Van Leesten Memorial Bridge, is the PVD summertime destination for


Dig into a lobster roll from Flo’s Clam Shack

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photos courtesy of (top) Aunt Carrie’s, (bottom) Flo’s Clam Shack


International Cuisine & Great Shopping! fried and fresh seafood fare, whether you’re looking for a casual, family-friendly lunch or a taste of the beach. Their signature Fish Mac (fried fish on a roll with lettuce and tomato) is a favorite. Providence, DuneBrothers.com

EVELYN’ S DR I VE-IN Townies and even T V stars like Guy Fieri are fiercely loyal to this legendar y roadside eater y on Nanaquaket Pond. Since 1969, their lobster rolls, fish and chips, clam strips, and calamari have kept tourists and locals alike lining up to get their orders in or to grab some coveted seats indoors or out. For the ultimate Evelyn’s experience, time your order so your meal arrives just as the sun is setting – the best time to visit. Tiverton, EvelynsDriveIn.com

FLO’S CLA M S HAC K A ND D RI V E- I N Another iconic name, Flo’s has been on the scene since 1936 with a Portsmouth eater y and Middletown drive-in (which opened in 1991) both near the water. Current and former Ocean State dwellers go out of their way just to get their hands on their madeto -order fried clam strips, fried oysters, and clam cakes. Are you even a Rhode Islander if you’ve never been to at least one of Flo’s restaurants ? Portsmouth & Middletown, FlosClamShacks.com

GARDNER ’ S WHA R F S EAFOOD Both a mar velous fish market and takeout spot with outdoor seating , Gardner’s Wharf Seafood is tucked away at the end of Main Street, overlooking Wickford Cove, where you can spot boats sailing in with justcaught seafood daily. For prepared food, Chevy’s Shack is where villagers and visitors can find Lobster Grilled Cheese on brioche buns, tuna melts, fish sandos, stuffies, and all your standard fried beachy fare. Wickford, GardnersWharf Seafood.com

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


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A platter of fried favorites from Iggy’s

IG GY’S Poised at the center of clam shack culture in Rhode Island, Igg y’s is open year round at their original Oakland Beach spot, where the takeout window concept also includes an indoor dining space and back patio overlooking the water. Devotees love their clam cakes, lobster, sandwiches, and raw bar. Happen to find yourself in Gansett ? Igg y’s Doughboys and Chowder House is a fab destination for an informal, post-beach bite. Warwick & Narragansett, Igg ysRI.com

NEWPO RT LO B STER S H ACK I thought I knew all the hot spots in Newport until I was introduced to the Lobster Shack. For those not in the know, this humble red trailer has some of the tastiest lobster, prepared simply. Cold lobster rolls are made with enormous pieces of fresh claw and tail meat and ser ved with light mayo on a bun. Add in an order of slaw, corn on the cob, and calamari, and you have a scrumptious casual feast. NewportLobsterShack.com


Iggy’s Doughboys and Clamhouse in Warwick

If you’re one of the many who still lament the closing of Rocky Point Amusement Park and the Shore Dinner Hall in 1996, this clam shack is a must visit. The colorful stand overlooking Post Road boasts a few artifacts from the original park and offers three kinds of clam chowder, clam cakes, coleslaw, a kid’s menu, and more. A cup of Del’s or Autocrat Coffee Milk and a doughboy completes the meal. Warwick, RockyPointClamShack.weebly.com



Photos courtesy of Iggy’s

Peak lobster roll and clam cake season around these parts calls for a Tommy’s outing. Plant yourself at a picnic table (or order to -go if you’re not in the mood for the crowds) and choose from an old school menu of classics (from clam fritters and chowder to lobster bake) or some more adventurous eats like Southwestern fish tacos and tortilla soup. They’re also known for ser ving up generous portions at sharp prices. Warwick, TommysClamShack.com

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




All in the Family

A New g e ne rat i o n co nt i n u e s t h e t ra d i t i o n at A n d ra d e’s Catc h By Karen Greco



Victoria and Davy Andrade

them to the oyster estuaries so they go straight back into the water. While the shucking operation was in the works a solid year before COVID hit, Andrade explains that it took some time to get it up and running. “We had to build a shucking room,” she says, which needed FDA approval. “That’s hard to achieve because they are so stringent.” One of the happy accidents of the pandemic was that it increased their retail business, but their shop wasn’t set up for the increased foot traffic. “The original store was basically divided in half,” she explains. One half was taken up by the fridge displaying the fish; this was for retail. The other half was dedicated to the commercial fishermen bringing in their catch. That side also included the giant clam sorter. “So we had a loud machine in the retail area,” she says, chuckling. “We had to make it work for everyone.” The solution was to build a new hub for the commercial fishermen behind their existing location. “The fisherman can unload their catch, grab a cup of coffee, and wait for their count,” she says. That doubled the retail space. Calling on her Stock experience, Andrade filled it with hard-to-find pantry items, like Fish Wife, the tinned fish company with a cult following, as well

as local faves including Beth Bakes, Pickily, Z Pita Chipz, and Rhed’s Hot Sauce. “We also carry a lot of unique condiments and ingredients specific to seafood dishes like cioppino and paella.” The shift in the types of local seafood the fleets catch has not gone unnoticed by Andrade, who says that they are spending extra time educating their customers about what to do with an exotic fish. “One thing we love about our retail customers is they trust us.” Andrade was heartened by the increase in people buying whole fish after she began offering cooking instructions for it last year. She and Davy even go on the road, hosting shucking events at local restaurants to demystify the process so you can enjoy your favorite mollusks at home. “Those are fun,” she says. “You’re slurping oysters and littlenecks. It’s more cocktail party than class. “It’s really important to Davy and myself to keep the traditional aspect alive, and pay tribute to what Gigi did,” says Andrade, referring to husband Davy’s mom, who founded the business with her husband and worked side by side with the elder Andrade until she passed away in 2006. “But it’s important that we stay flexible and on the cutting edge.”

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo courtesy of Andrade’s Catch

eafood is a huge part of the culture here,” says Victoria Andrade. She and husband Davy, a second-generation fishmonger and quahogger, and her father-in-law David, who founded the company, run Andrade’s Catch, a Bristol mainstay. “Quality is so important to Rhode Islanders.” Raised on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Andrade moved to Rhode Island to attend Johnson and Wales. “It’s the ‘I fell in love with Rhode Island’ story,” she says with a laugh. She got a job at Stock Culinary Goods in Providence, and credits the owner Jan Dane as one of the reasons why she stuck around. She met Davy through a friend “four, maybe five years ago,” she says. Last year, after some COVID delays, she married into a family that’s a Bristol institution. Their wedding wasn’t the only thing the pandemic forced them to transform. Andrade’s Catch went from an 80 percent wholesale base to a model that embraced multiple income streams, like retail sales as well as a new shucking operation. “It’s organically evolving all the time,” she says, noting that it’s good to have different parts of the business to draw from during sluggish times. “When retail slows down [after the summer season], we still have our steady restaurants.” Fishing is as unpredictable as the weather, unsurprisingly since it’s so dependent on it. The day we spoke, Andrade shared that high winds kept all of the fishing boats out of the water. “On a good day, we’ll have 20 or 30 local fishermen in here selling their catch,” she says. But they make daily trips to the New Bedford fish houses to supplement the day boats, always ensuring that they have the freshest fish available for sale. “Sustainability is important to us,” she says, noting that their new shucking operation is part of their sustainability practices. After shucking the quahogs in-house, they cut them up and flash-freeze the catch, preserving it at peak freshness. Then they sell it for use in clam chowder and other New England delicacies. “These are quahogs right off the local boats,” she says, explaining that they clean the shells and either sell them in the store for stuffies, or send



Alicia and Nick Donadio have a unique business – their Service blows mulch into garden beds, saving homeowners and landscapers countless hours of work. We recently caught up with Alicia to learn more about their innovative mulch service. How does blown-in mulch work? We deliver and install the mulch without it ever touching your driveway. The operator uses a remote control that allows materials to be precisely applied. It is very uniform and creates an even application. Having the mulch blown in saves time, and a lot of hard work. How long does a typical mulch installation take with this service? It really depends on the layout and size of the beds. A 10-20 yard job can typically be completed in about an hour.

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Find your fresh. Fresh Rhode Island seafood.

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Just look for the sign where you shop and dine. SeafoodRI.com


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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |



100+ ways to make the most of the Ocean State’s best season BY K EN ABR AMS

If there’s a theme to getting out and enjoying Rhode Island this summer, it’s not just “back to normal” – it’s “better than ever!” With dozens of new and returning events scheduled, there’s lots of fun to be had every single day this summer across the state. We’ve compiled a list of 100+ things to do as you begin to plot out those warm weather days. There’s live music and Main Street strolls, art shows and farmers markets, food truck nights and much, much more. So, with a Del’s in one hand and basket of clam cakes in the other, let us clink cups in a collective cheers to summer’s great return. If we somehow missed your favorite, email Marketing@ProvidenceOnline.com with all the deets!

Photos courtesy of RI DEM

Please note that policies regarding COVID-19 may vary from venue to venue. We strongly advise checking with each location on mask and vaccine card requirements. Find up-to-date information at COVID.RI.gov

EAST BAY + NEWPORT JUNE JUNE 3 Cultural Night: Celebrate the different cultures that comprise Rhode Island with local and ethnic cuisine and special music and dance performances. Bristol, FourthOf JulyBristolRI.com

All Summer Long: Have your own Pretty Woman moment at Newport International Polo Photo courtesy of Discover Newport

RI Bicycle Summit: Learn about Rhode Island’s growing cycling scene at this gathering of bikers to meet, swap stories, and network over BBQ at Roger Williams University (and a fun ride the next day in Providence). Bristol, RIBike.org

JUNE 4-5 Spring Visitors Weekend: Get to know adorable rescued farm animals at West Place Animal Sanctuary all weekend, with tours every half hour and a chance to learn more about the organization’s work. Tiverton, WestPlace.org

JUNE 10 Kyshona: Singer-songwriter Kyshona plays the Norman Bird Sanctuary in the first outdoor show of the season, in a concert co-sponsored by Newport Live (formerly Common Fence Music). Middletown, NormanBirdSanctuary.org

JUNE 10-11 Annual British Car Show: Raising money to support the Alzheimer’s Association’s Rhode Island Chapter, this event features a scenic road tour, party in downtown Bristol, and a parade of British cars. BritishMotorCarsInBristol.com

JUNE 15 Opera by the Sea: Rhode Island’s Encore Op era Company will present this musical event under the Wedding Tent at Blithewold Mansion – an evening of opera favorites, celebrated songs from Pirates Of Penzance and H.M.S. Pinafore, and more. Bristol, Blithewold.org

JUNE 17 Trombone Shorty and Friends: Bold Point Park presents Trombone Shorty’s Voodoo Threauxdown with Tank and The Bangas, Big Freedia, Cyril Neville, George Porter Jr and Dumpstaphunk. East Providence, WaterfrontConcerts.com

JUNE 17-19 Newport Flower Show: Eden…A Personal Paradise transforms Rosecliff into a botanical

wonderland, where a self-guided tour will bring you through garden vignettes designed to enchant. NewportMansions.org

JUNE 18 Juneteenth Day of Renewal: Join Sankofa Community Connection for a celebration of African American culture and diversity with food, giveaways, performances, and activities for all ages. Newport, SankofaNewportRI.org Vintage Baseball: Grab a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy some good old-fashioned baseball at Bristol Town Common. The Providence Grays play the Lisbon Tunnelmen. Bristol, FourthOf JulyBristolRI.com

JUNE 19-JULY 3 Bristol Fourth of July Concert Series: A wide range of music is performed at Independence Park for two solid weeks of free entertainment, courtesy of the Bristol Fourth of July celebrations. Performers include Trinity, Crushed Velvet, and Ocean State Ramblers. Bristol, FourthOf JulyBristolRI.com

JUNE 20-23 Newport Charter Yacht Show: Luxur y yachts are showcased alongside ancillar y goods and ser vices at this four-day event dedicated exclusively to yacht charter professionals. NewportCharterShow.com

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov

JUNE 22 Sharing Our Gardens: The Barrington Garden Club hosts their annual fundraiser, a self-guided tour of eight private gardens, along with a flower show. Proceeds benefit civic beautification efforts. BarringtonGardenClub.blogspot.com

JUNE 23 Narragansett Summer Nights 5K: An evening race concludes with an epic after-party at the Mount Hope Farm barn. Entry includes two icecold Narragansett beers, live music, pizza dinner, and a T-shirt. Bristol, SummerNights5K.com

JUNE 24-26 Newport Pride: A market and festival, welcoming flag raising , and bike ride are all part of Newport Pride, a weekend of experiences celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and inclusivity. NewportOut.com Newport Secret Garden Tours: Take a stroll through some of the city’s most prestigious – and normally private – outdoor spaces. Tours benefit arts education in schools. Newport, SecretGardenTours.org

JUNE 25 Independence Rhode Race: Explore Bristol on foot in a 13.1-mile walk or run and finish at Independence Park in the middle of town. Bristol, FourthOf JulyBristolRI.com

Military, Civic and Fireman’s Fourth of July Parade is part of the famed celebration in Bristol Photo courtesy of Discover Newport

JULY JULY 1-17 Newport Classical Music Festival: From opera to chamber music and ever ything in between, this year’s festival at The Breakers boasts an impressive lineup of acclaimed musicians. Highlights include Joyce Yang , The King ’s Sister, and Pucinni’s La Bohème. Newport, NewportMusic.org

pros battle on the hall’s historic grass courts. Newport, HallOf FameOpen.com

JULY 16-17 AND AUGUST 20-21 South Coast Open Studio Tour: Visit painters, fiber artists, sculptors, and more, all across the East Bay and southern Massachusetts, in self-g uided tours of local studios. Various locations, SouthCoastArtists.org


JULY 19-24

Fourth of July Parade: Follow the red, white, and blue-striped roads for the ultimate patriotic display. The historic parade begins at 10:30am at the corner of Chestnut and Hope (Rt. 114) and ends on High Street, between State and Bradford. Bristol, FourthOf JulyBristolRI.com

Newport Dance Festival: Island Moving Company presents their annual festival. Catch some of the most exciting and cutting-edge performances by the world’s finest dance artists on the lawn of the Great Friends Meeting House. Newport, IslandMovingCo.org

Fourth of July Picnic: Come to Linden Place for bleacher parade seating , a continental breakfast, and picnic lunch. Bristol, LindenPlace.org

Laura Veirs: Newport Folk alum Veirs will be in concert at Newport Vineyards on the eve of the Folk Festival where she appeared in 2016 as part of case/lang/veirs. The concert is co-sponsored by Newport Live. NewportVineyards.com

JULY 10-17 2022 Hall of Fame Open: The International Tennis Hall of Fame is a major Newport landmark, and once Wimbledon wraps up, you can still get your tennis fix as ATP World Tour


JULY 22-24 The Newport Folk Festival: The largest music festival in the state returns this summer

with a sold-out weekend of great music. Announced artists include Mandy Moore, The Roots, Taj Mahal, Maren Morris, and many more. NewportFolk.org

JULY 23-25 The Newport Show : New England’s premier fine art and antiques event raises funds for the Newport Historical Society and Boys & Girls Clubs of Newport County. Middletown, BGCNewport.org

JULY 28 Mitski: Her lyrics have been described as “full of roiling fur y, destructive impulses, humiliation, longing , heartache, and hunger.” See indie-rock musician Mitski on her Laurel Hell Summer Tour with special g uest The Weather Station. East Providence, WaterfrontConcerts.com

JULY 29-31 Newport Jazz Festival: It’s certainly not your grandfather’s jazz festival anymore. The oldest outdoor music festival in the USA has a diverse line-up including Norah Jones, Esperanza Spalding , Ron Carter, and artistic director Christain McBride. NewportJazz.org

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov


AUGUST AUGUST 20 Warren Folks Fest Six : Two stages of live music, food, and art attract music fans to The Collaborative’s lively annual fundraiser event. Warren, TheCollaborative02885.org

AUGUST 26-28


Herreshoff Classic Yacht Regatta: A preliminar y schedule of a Living Boat Show, cocktails, and dinner is planned for the Golden Jubilee edition, though subject to change. Bristol, Herreshoff.org

JUNE 1-12 Music on the Hill Festival: This annual nationally recognized concert series travels to venues across central Rhode Island and beyond, presenting professional musicians performing traditional and innovative programming. Cranston, East Greenwich, & North Providence, MusicOnTheHillRI.org

AUGUST 28 Rhode Island Folk Festival: The locally grown music festival features three stages with over 50 artists from around RI and beyond. Vendors and food trucks will be at Rose Larisa Park on the shore of Narragansett Bay in Riverside. RhodeIslandFolkFestival.com

Catch the Newport Gulls, a summer collegiate baseball team, play at Cardines Field

hosts a variety of food and farm vendors, artisans, makers, and live music at Tiverton Middle School. TivertonFarmersMarket.com

The Gin Game: The winner of the 1978 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, which originally starred Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn and was later revived with Julie Harris and Charles Durning, uses a card game as a metaphor for life. West Warwick, TheArcticPlayhouse.com



Music at Sunset: Take in the lush gardens and live music at the Blithewold Mansion, Gardens & Arboretum for their weekly summer concert series through September. Bristol, Blithewold.org

A Tidbit of This…and a Hint of That: A regional touring group, the Warwick Symphony Orchestra puts on a concert of classical, orchestral, and Broadway favorites at The Gamm Theatre. Warwick, WSORI.org

Photo by Tony Pacitti

ALL SUMMER LONG Newport Gulls: Baseball season is in full swing ! Bring the whole family for a game at the Cardines Field, and on July 6, seniors 55+ attend free thanks to PACE Rhode Island. NewportGulls.PointStreakSites.com Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Tours: The Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse welcome visitors to the island on the Lady Pomham II on select days for g uided tours. Riverside, PomhamRocksLighthouse.org Slave Trade Walking Tours: Linden Place Museum hosts walking tours of Linden Place Mansion and downtown Bristol, focused specifically on Bristol’s DeWolf family and their involvement in the transatlantic slave trade. Bristol, LindenPlace.org Tea and Scones: Sit back and enjoy the scenic overlook from one of Blithewold Mansion’s porches while munching on a fresh scone and hot or iced tea, Thursday through Sunday. Bristol, Blithewold.org

SUNDAYS Barrington Summer Concert Series: Dance like no one’s watching and make some noise when local musicians come to Latham Park and Barrington Town Beach Sundays July 10 through August 28. BarringtonLearningCTR.org Tiverton Farmers Market: Connecting the community to fresh and local produce, the market

JUNE 3-12

Nature Walks: Join a naturalist and explore the Norman Bird Sanctuary trails during free guided walks of spotting native species and identifying plants. Middletown, NormanBirdSanctuary.org

THURSDAYS Art Night Bristol Warren: Walk or ride your bike from one gallery and studio to the next. This evening event is the perfect way to explore the wealth of art the East Bay has to offer on the last Thursdays of the month through August. ArtNightBristolWarren.org

SATURDAYS Newport Polo: One of the great Aquidneck Island traditions, Newport Polo invites spectators to watch international teams gallop to victory at Glen Farm. Portsmouth, NPTPolo.com Free Family Fun Days: The Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium is free to the public the first Saturday of every month for nature stories, animal discoveries, hikes, and more. Bristol, ASRI.org

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov

JUNE 11 Gaspee Days Parade: Since 1965, the Gaspee Days Committee has worked to preserve, promote, and share Rhode Island’s revolutionary history. This year’s parade includes fife and drums corps, fire trucks, and the Shriners in their miniature cars. Warwick, Gaspee.com

JUNE 12 Cause for Paws Classic Car Show: Auto enthusiasts and animal lovers alike are invited to enjoy a lineup of antique cars, with all proceeds benefiting the local Warwick Animal Shelter. Warwick, VisitWarwickRI.com

JUNE 16 Dogs on Main Stroll: Bring your pooch for a day of shopping and waterfront dining, with outdoor vendors and even a parade starring our four-legged friends. East Greenwich, EastGreenwichChamber.com

JUNE 25 She + Me Collective Market: Enjoy a full day of shopping, garden games, food, live music, and more at this all-female artist, makers, and owners event. East Greenwich, SheAndMeCollective.com

JUNE 27-30 STEM Exploration Camp: MobileQuest STEM Center presents a week of fun activities including battlebots, greenscreen movie-making , sloppy science experiments, 3-D printing , and much more! A great week for any young STEM fan. Warwick, MobileQuestAdventures.com

JULY JULY 9 East Greenwich Yacht Club Regatta: Celebrate over 110 years of local sailing in Greenwich Bay, with registration online. EGYC.com

JULY 16 Rhode Island Blues Fest: Don’t miss a day-long festival of blues masters from across the country at Mulligan’s Island Golf & Entertainment complex. Neal & the Vipers, Robin Kapsalis & Vintage #18, and Victor Wainwright headline. Cranston, Facebook: RI Blues Fest

She + Me Collective vendor Olivia Rose James, with @annabananagramss

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Photo courtesy of Amanda Rubin


SOUTHERN RHODE ISLAND JUNE THROUGH JUNE 11 EARTHWORKS: Join the South County Art Association for the 49th annual clay exhibit, the first of many events planned this season. South Kingstown, SouthCountyArt.org

JUNE 1-26 All Summer Long: Themed Main Street Strolls take place in East Greenwich on third Thursdays Photo by Savannah Barkley



Music on Main Stroll: More than 40 artists and musicians perform on the sidewalk during one of the summer’s four themed Main Street Strolls. East Greenwich, EastGreenwichChamber.com

Good Eats at Goddard Park: Food trucks and live music come to Goddard Park this summer on the second Wednesday of every month. Bonus: It’s the perfect place to watch the sunset! Warwick, Facebook: PVD Food Truck Events

AUGUST 20-21 Providence Grays Festival: The vintage baseball team brings the spirit of 1884 to Rocky Point Park; opponents TBA. Warwick, ProvidenceGrays.com

ALL SUMMER LONG Greenwich Odeum: From crowd-pleasing cover bands to one-of-a-kind comedy acts and more, catch live music and performances at the Odeum all season. Find a line-up of shows online. East Greenwich, GreenwichOdeum.com

MONDAYS Animal Encounters with Roger Williams Zoo: Learn more about the wild world of animals when zoo educators bring some friends to Garden City Center. Programs include a lesson, activity, and a meet and greet with one of the ambassador animals. Cranston, GardenCityCenter.com

THURSDAYS Warwick Food Truck Nights: Join an army of food trucks at Crowne Plaza the third Thursday of the month for an evening of sweet and savory samples, beer and wine by Trinity Brewhouse, and live music. Facebook: PVD Food Truck Events

FRIDAYS Goddard Park Farmers Market: Come sup port your local food economy while developing a weekly relationship with the farmers that grow your produce, flowers, and favorite foods. Warwick, Facebook: Farmers Market at Goddard Memorial State Park Food Truck Nights: Mulligan’s Island hosts up to 20 of the state’s hottest food trucks in one place every week, with a mobile beer garden and live performances. Cranston, MulligansIsland.com



Oakland Beach Cruise Nights: Greater Warwick Lions Club presents DJ music, raffles, and refreshments accompanying this weekly event showcasing classic, vintage, and sports cars. Warwick, Facebook: Oakland Beach Cruise Night

Pawtuxet Village Farmers Market: One of the oldest farmers markets in Rhode Island, you can’t help but stop and stroll the stands while taking in the waterside views. Cranston, PawtuxetMarket.com

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov

Park & Gardens: A delight of flora and fauna, both live and on canvas, are part of The Artists’ Cooperative Gallery of Westerly’s Parks & Gardens flower show, featuring work from member artists Gerry Matteo and Richard Inserra, presented in partnership with the Ocean Community YMCA Garden Club. WesterlyArts.com

JUNE 2 Adoption RI Gala: Gathering to Give’s gala supporting Adoption Rhode Island comes to the Dune’s Club. Cocktails, small bites, and food stations accompany a live auction with items like an Italian villa stay up for grabs. Narragansett, AdoptionRI.org

JUNE 4 Charity Golf Tournament: The Elmhurst Boys host their annual charity golf tournament benefiting A Wish Come True at the Richmond Country Club, featuring longest drive and closest to the pin contests, gift bags, raffle prizes, and more. Richmond, TheElmhurstBoys.org Sand Bars & Bites: Climb aboard a motorboat shuttle to a remote beach on Quonochontaug Pond to enjoy the splendor of nature along with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, as part of Weekapaug’s Naturalist Series. OceanHouseEvents.com Open Studio: The Artist Studios at the Mill at Shady Lea in North Kingstown host a special open studio, the first since the pandemic, featuring works in all mediums, artist demonstrations, plus a special fundraiser sale benefitting Ukraine Relief. North Kingstown, TheMillAtShadyLea.com

A Curated Collection of American-Made Jewelry, Clothing, Accessories, Ceramics, Hand Blown Glass and Clever Gifts

JUNE 9-12 Ocean State Improv Festival: Performers from across the countr y join Contemporar y Theater Company for a week of shows, workshops, and opportunities to connect with fellow artists and learn tricks of the trade. Wakefield, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com

Featured Designers: Frank & Eileen Xirena Mother Denim Frame Kinross Cashmere Kerri Rosenthal Vilagallo Lizzie Fortunato

JUNE 11 Anniversary Soiree: The Westerly Library celebrates their 130th anniversary with a soiree fundraiser in Wilcox Park. Enjoy an open bar, catered hors d’oeuvres, and entertainment by Al Copley, plus a live auction under the stars. WesterlyLibrary.org Strawberry Thanksgiving: The Tomaquag Museum renews the tradition of Strawberry Thanksgiving, an event that includes storytelling, traditional dances, museum tours, games, and a Native American market. Exeter, TomaquagMuseum.org


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JUNE 12 Sea Glass Festival: Swing by the Windjammer Surf Bar’s Mariner Room for this unique festival, featuring ocean-themed artists and vendors. Stick around for lunch and live music at Misquamicut Beach’s favorite watering hole. CharlestownRIChamber.com


Summer Pops 2022: Bring your lawn blanket to Wilcox Park for The Chorus of Westerly’s Summer Pops 2022 concert, featuring fireworks and canon blasts from Artillery Company of Newport and fireworks by Grucci. ChorusOf Westerly.org


Strawberry Festival: Head to Smith’s Castle for plenty of activities for the tikes, including pony rides, performances by puppeteer Dan Butterworth, colonial games and more, plus fresh strawberries and homemade strawberry shortcake for sale. North Kingstown, SmithsCastle.org

Visitors are welcome Thursdays through October 6, 2022. Tours meet at 11:00, 12:30, and 2:00. Online reservations and a $15 ticket purchase are required.

220513 Hey Rhody Summer Guide.indd 1

To learn about the history of this distinctive 100-year-old landscape designed by Frederick Law Olmsted Jr, visit thebluegarden.org or contact Sarah Vance, svance@thebluegarden.

5/10/22 12:01 PM


National Caribbean American Heritage Month: Check out the Caribbean American Heritage Festival at Narragansett’s Aqua Blue Hotel, featuring beloved Carib bean and Rhode Island eats, and music by DJ Matik. Proceeds go to support Children in Guyana. Narragansett, Facebook: Caribbean Rum & Food Festival

JUNE 19 Father’s Day Sunset Cocktail Cruise: Taste specialty brews from The General’s Crossing Brewhouse while cruising through the East Passage of Narragansett Bay aboard the historic ferr y Coastal Queen. All ages, valid ID for bar ser vice, and mask required for boarding. Jamestown, CoastalQueenCruises.com

JUNE 22-JULY 17 Footloose: Kick off your Sunday shoes and cut loose as Footloose, one of the most explosive movie musicals of all time, bursts onto the live stage. Revel in this throwback to teen romance, angst, and of course, the desire to dance! Wakefield, TheatreByTheSea.com

Drag performances and raffles are all part of this year’s expanded South County Pride Parade Photo courtesy of South County Pride

JUNE 23 South County Pride Parade: In partnership with RiverFire, South County Pride will show up in full rainbow colors with a car parade, festive flags, drag performances, raffles from local businesses, and much more to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Wakefield, Facebook: South County Pride

JUNE 25-JULY 23 Intricate Connections: Hera Gallery celebrates member artists Viera Levitt, Michelle Henning , Elizabeth Lind, and Molly Kaderka with a gallery show. Watch for special programming with the artists on Thursdays at 7pm throughout the exhibition. Wakefield, HeraGallery.org

JUNE 25-26



Independence Day Beach Ball: Have a decadent Fourth of July celebration at Ocean House’s annual event featuring passed canapes followed by a traditional New England lobster boil and BBQ fare. Fireworks cap the night. Watch Hill, OceanHouseEvents.com

Summer Jubilee: The United Theatre hosts a day-long house party, featuring movies, live music, food trucks, arts and crafts, costumed superheroes, and local brews. Westerly, UnitedTheatre.org


RI Philharmonic Pops: The annual concert at Narragansett Beach is back this summer when the RI Philharmonic Pops plays at 8pm. Narragansett, RIPhil.org/SummerPops

Family Beach Day: Narragansett’s Fourth of July party is a favorite tradition for many. Catch evening performances by the Brass Force Band and the US Coast Guard Band; fireworks begin at 9pm. Rain date: July 5. NarragansettRI.gov


JULY 20 - JULY 31

Narragansett Art Festival: Local artists display their works in oil and acrylic paint, along with photography, jewelry, and sculpture beneath the Narragansett Towers, a sure sign of a Rhody summer now in its 39th year. Facebook: Narragansett Art Festival.

JULY 9-10 Wickford Arts Festival: Thanks to the Wickford Art Association, 200+ artists and crafters from across New England will gather in the village to show their wares, just as they’ve done for 59 years. WickfordArt.org

Kingston Chamber Music Festival: Celebrating 34 years of established international musicians playing alongside up and-coming young talent, the festival will showcase the music of Mozart, Bach, Dvorak, and others at University of Rhode Island. KingstonChamberMusic.org

JUNE 29 – JULY 31



Coast, Wind & Water: Rhode Island-based oil painter Christine Reilly and photographer Edward Porter are among the member artists interpreting this coastal theme for this exhibition at The Artists’ Cooperative Galler y of Westerly. WesterlyArts.com

Weekapaug BBQ on the Guest Lawn: Enjoy a summer evening overlooking the pond, featuring authentic slow-and-low BBQ fare and an abundance of summer sides. S’mores by the fire pit complete the picture-perfect summer night at the inn. Weekapaug, OceanHouseEvents.com

Do the Right Thing: The United Theatre’s Black Voices film series wraps up with Spike Lee’s seminal movie Do the Right Thing, about a Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn block blistering under a summer heat wave and rising racial tensions. Westerly, UnitedTheatre.org

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov




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! g in in D t n o r f r te a Enjoy W

JULY 28-30 Blessing of the Fleet Festival: What would a seaside summer be without this three-day event celebrating all things nautical? Day one is all about seafood, day two features a 10-mile road race, and on day three, blessings are officially bestowed on the fleet. NarragansettLionsClub.org

JULY 22 - AUGUST 14 Shakespeare in the Park – Waiting for Godot: Samuel Beckett’s iconic 20th-century masterpiece will be presented by The Colonial Theatre in Wilcox Park. Westerly, ColonialTheaterArt.org

AUGUST AUGUST 3-28 30 Years of Art & Community: The Artists’ Cooperative Gallery of Westerly celebrates three decades of art making in the seaside town with a show featuring New England artists Rick Petrocelli and Melissa Verdier. WesterlyArts.com

AUGUST 5-7 Charlestown Seafood Festival: Eat lobster rolls and more to your stomach’s content in Ninigret Park. Stick around for rides, a car show, and a fireworks display on Saturday. CharlestownRIChamber.com

AUGUST 6 River Glow: Taking its torch from WaterFire, River Glow plants floating bonfires in the Pawcatuck River while belly dancers, fire jugglers, a steel drum band, and other performers keep things lively on land. Westerly, OceanChamber.org

AUGUST 17-21 The Washington County Fair: The biggest fair of them all returns for its 56th year with midway rides, live music, livestock shows, tractor pulls, and everything else that makes this event full of down-home fun. Richmond, WashingtonCountyFair-RI.com

AUGUST 17 - SEPTEMBER 11 Kinky Boots: Check out the feel-good musical and winner of every major award, including the 2013 Tony Award for Best Musical! Featuring songs by Grammy- and Tony-winning pop icon Cyndi Lauper and book by Broadway legend Harvey Fierstein. Wakefield, TheatreByTheSea.com

SEPTEMBER 2-4 Rhythm & Roots Festival: The beloved fest continues at Ninigret Park on Labor Day Weekend and showcases a wide array of musical styles on three stages, such as Cajun, Zydeco, blues, country, bluegrass, Americana, and many other genres. Charlestown, RhythmAndRoots.com

Enjoy family classics on the big screen at Misquamicut Drive-In

ALL SUMMER LONG 2022 Outdoor Arts Biennial: Artwork from 13 artists and artists’ collectives exploring the theme of Passages are featured in the Jamestown Arts Center’s outdoor exhibition. Jamestown, OutdoorArtsExperience.org Contemporary Theater Company: Catch performances of Patio Musical : An Impro vised Musical on the Patio select Wednesdays and Fridays; Shakespeare on the Saugatucket weekends in June and July ; and RiverFire Cabaret Thursdays, plus their summer season of shows. Wakefield, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com Courthouse Comes Alive: Courthouse Center for the Arts has assembled a rollicking calendar of live acts that includes comedy, original artists, and tribute bands covering the likes of Van Morrison, Cash and Carter, Jimmy Buffet, and more. West Kingston, CourthouseArts.org Food Trucks Roll into Richmond: Check out the best off-road menus from PVD Food Trucks June 9, July 14, and August 11 at Town Hall. Facebook: Food Trucks Roll into Richmond RI The General’s Market: June 26 begins the next chapter of the beloved 56-year-running market at The General Stanton Inn. Under new ownership, and partnering with Field of Artisans, the new market features an array of curated art,

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov

antiques, vintage, and other wholesome products. Charlestown, TheGeneralsMarket.com Granite Theatre: The summer theater season kicks off with Shrek running July 7-24. Neil Simon’s California Suite runs August 12-27. Wakefield, GraniteTheatre.com Leyden Vineyard’s Wine Tasting: Sample up to five different Leyden Vineyard wines and learn about the origin and unique quality of each. Stroll the beautiful West Greenwich vineyard grounds and take home a keepsake wine glass. Eventbrite: Leyden Farm Vineyard & Winery Live Music at George’s of Galilee: Make any Friday, Saturday, and Sunday feel like a vacation by enjoying live music at this popular restaurant overlooking Block Island Sound. Schedule available online. Narragansett, GeorgesofGalilee.com Living Sharks Museum & Research Center: If you’re a fan of sharks, this small, curated, and nocharge museum is for you. For fans of the 1975 film JAWS, the chance to see Ben Gardener’s head and vintage movie merch makes it a worthy pilgrimage. Westerly, LivingSharks.org Misquamicut Drive-In: Take a break from watching movies on the couch, pack the car, and head to Wuskenau Town Beach to view blockbusters on the big outdoor screen. Vehicle too small? Camping chairs are permitted. Misquamicut, MBADriveIn.com

Ocean State Waves: Forget Fenway ! Cheer on the Ocean State Waves, a baseball team made up of the top collegiate players in the countr y during their home games at Old Mountain Field. Wakefield, OceanStateWaves.com

music in the heart of the Pier across from Narragansett Town Beach. The planned roster of concerts includes blues, classic jazz, R&B, and classic rock tribute acts. NarragansettRI.gov

Summer Author Series: Enjoy an evening with local authors chatting about their newly published work in the Seaside Ballroom. Copies of books from Savoy Bookshop & Cafe are included in the cost. Watch Hill, OceanHouseEvents.com

Movies on the Beach: Narragansett Town Beach is the place to be for films as the Cabana Horseshoe becomes an outdoor screen. Shows begin at dusk and guests need to bring their own seating ; food trucks are available in the North Lot. Free admission. NarragansettRI.gov

Tunes on the Dunes: The free concert series at Westerly Town Beach continues through Aug ust 16 with a lineup of luminaries including Big Luxe on July 11 and The Founders on Aug ust 3. In the event of rain, concerts move to The Windjammer on Atlantic Ave. Westerly, TunesOnTheDunesRI.com

MONDAYS Narragansett Gazebo Concert Series: From June 4 through August 26, 6-7:30pm, enjoy live


Wednesday Morning Bird Walks: Each week a new birding destination will be chosen, led by naturalist Laura Carberry. Advance registration is required and location will be sent via email to registered participants in advance. ASRI.org

THURSDAYS RiverFire: From June 23 through Aug ust 11, special basins along the Saugatucket River are set ablaze, lighting up downtown Wakefield,

as street performers, vendors, and entertainment flock for an evening of outdoor fun.

SATURDAYS Coastal Growers Market: Support local farmers while shopping specialty products like organic produce, pasture-fed meats, locally raised shellfish, baked goods, sweeteners, flowers, and more at Casey Farm. Saunderstown, CoastalMarket.org Field of Artisans Summer Art Markets: This roving marketplace brings together hundreds of local crafters and creators, particularly from South County, at South Kingstown Town Beach from July 9 through August 27. FieldOfArtisans.com South Kingstown Farmers Market: Through October, buy local provisions outdoors or indoors from local farms including Baffoni Poultr y Farm, Barden Family Orchard, RI Mushroom Co. and more. Kingston, SouthKingstonFarmersMarket.com

BLOCK ISLAND Don’t miss a visit to Block Island this summer


Photo of Southeast Light by Nick DelGiudice

JUNE 19-23


Block Island Race Week: The start of summer launches with a colorful spectacle of up to 150 sailboats racing through the waters of Block Island Sound as they circumnavigate the island. This worldwide attraction is a thrill for both sailors and landlubbers. BlockIslandRaceWeek.com

Block Island Country Fest: Pack your cowboy hat along with your swimsuit to sip cocktails and sway to big-name performers all day long at Ballard’s, the oceanfront hotel with its own private beach. BallardsBI.com

JULY JULY 1 Fireworks at Dusk: Celebrate the 4th early at the Town Beach Pavilion. Fireworks will be visible all over the island, so pick your viewing spot and enjoy the show as soon as it gets dark. Town Beach Pavilion, BlockIslandInfo.com

JULY 4 Celebrate America Parade: Join Block Island in celebrating American history, innovation, music, and traditions at this festive event. The procession of patriotic floats begins in front of The Oar on West Side Road at 11:30am. Facebook: Block Island 4th of July Celebrations

JULY 23 Block Island Barbershop Quartet Festival: The 57th installment of one of the oldest barbershop festivals in the countr y, starring regional male and female a cappella quartets, including the beloved Narragansett Bay Chorus of Providence. Date is tentative. SingNBC.com, BlockIslandInfo.com

JULY 30 The Great Salt Pond Swim 7: Ease into open-water swimming by joining many fellow adventurers in Block Island’s Great Salt Pond. Don’t be fooled – it’s a halfmile swim there and half-mile back, so fo cus on streng th and stamina over speed. BlockIslandInfo.com

AUGUST AUGUST 6 Block Island Triathlon: You can swim, bike, or run across the island, but why not do all three ? Start with a brisk swim from Fred Benson Town Beach, dr y off to bike along the western coast, and lace up your sneaks for a sprint to the finish line. BlockIslandInfo.com

AUGUST 7 5K Beach Run/Walk: People and pets are invited to walk or run along Mansion Beach to Fred Benson Beach Pavillion in this race benefiting Block Island Health Ser vices and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Registration required. RunSignUp.com/R ace/RI/BlockIsland

AUGUST 8 ConserFest: The music festival with a strong message about arts, the environment, and sustainable initiatives continues without missing a beat virtually for year two. Don’t miss a stellar line-up of acts accessed online via portal. Proceeds benefit the conser vation and preservation of BI. ConserFest.org Reggae Fest: Ready for Caribbean vacay vibes, no passport needed? Leave your troubles on the mainland and enjoy live performances by touring reggae outfits on Ballard’s private beach. It all happens on Water Street. BallardsBI.com

ALL SUMMER LONG Block Island Art Trail: Spring Street Galler y and the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts have produced a map of inspiring galleries, studios, shops, and more of where to view and buy work from local artists. It’s always best to call locations prior to visiting for hours and updates on restrictions. Download the map online. SpringStreetGallery.com Block Island Farmers Market: Shop for edible delights like artisan cheeses, honey, and fresh produce, plus arts and crafts as you stroll the morning marketplace, Saturdays and Wednesdays beginning June 12. Facebook: Block Island Farmers Market Search for Orbs: Search outdoor locations for beautiful glass balls made by glass artist Eben Horten; finds are yours to keep but please register to help keep track, and consider making a donation to keep the ball rolling. GlassFloatProject.com

PROVIDENCE JUNE JUNE 1 Big Burger Blowout & Send Noods: It’s the biggest celebration of the best burgers in RI at various locations, with over 15 restaurants participating. Also, check out inaugural Send Noods, the event of record to find the best noodles in RI. Both events run through June. RIFoodFights.com

JUNE 4 Outdoor Art Market: The Steel Yard is hosting a series of monthly art markets featuring self-made art by local artists and artisans. The market is open to the public from 10am-3pm on the first Saturday of ever y month from June-December. TheSteelYard.org WaterFire: A signature event for Providence, WaterFire is back this summer with a packed schedule of partial and full lightings. Check out the scents, sounds, and sights of Providence. See full schedule online. WaterFire.org

JUNE 4-5 Festival of Historic Houses: Sponsored by the Providence Preservation Society, in partnership with the Garden Conservancy,

explore the homes and gardens along the crest of College Hill with a self-guided tour. PPSRI.org

JUNE 5 RI Pride Goddess Show: Some of the region’s best bands come together to celebrate Pride Month with a concert at Alchemy. Performers include Midnite Honey, The Dust Ruffles, Heather Rose in Clover and DJ Nicole. Facebook: RIPrideGoddessShow

JUNE 9 100 Years at The Biltmore: The Graduate Providence celebrates the historic hotel’s storied past with an evening of ‘20s-themed cocktails, dance troupe The Tropigals, a gallery of vintage pieces, and more. Eventbrite: Graduate Providence

JUNE 10-12 PVDFest: The Creative Capital’s biggest free arts and entertainment event of the year is back! The streets of downtown are jam packed with music, public art installations, great food, and more. 2022 highlights include the Rebirth Jazz Band and Hit La Rosa, plus the madcap spectacle Squonk. PVDFest.com

Juneteenth RI celebrates African American liberation at Roger Williams Park Photo courtesy of Juneteenth RI

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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




JULY 7-10

Ringo Starr and his All Starr Band: The Beatles drummer will be at PPAC in a long-awaited show that comes on the heels of his 20th studio album, What’s My Name. The band includes longtime friends of Ringo: Colin Hay, Steve Lukather, and Hamish Stuart. PPACRI.org

Cirque du Soleil: Cirque returns with its coolest arena show yet – CRYSTAL. This one-of-a-kind performance blends circus art and ice skating and features astounding visual projections to a soundtrack that blends popular music with Cirque’s signature sound. DunkinDonutsCenter.com

LGBTQQIA+ Art Market: Haus of Codec hosts a resource fair and art market of creative vendors and a clothing swap raising funds for queer homeless youth and young adults across Rhode Island. HausOfCodec.org

JULY 11-22 Camp Sparkle: The Steel Yard hosts this two-week LGBTQIA+ youth day camp that provides handson training in the industrial arts. TheSteelYard.org


JULY 17-30

RI Pridefest: It’s been a long pandemic wait, but RI Pridefest and Illuminated Night Parade returns to the city! There will be entertainment on the main stage, and over 250 nonprofit organizations, businesses, and food vendors will attend. PrideRI.org

FRINGEPVD: The indie arts summer festival is coming back – with a variety of events to celebrate and promote local, national, and international independent performing artists. FRINGEPVD.org


FirstWorks Summer Beats: Rhode Island rap and hip-hop phenomenon Flawless kicks off the summer series at the Roger Williams Park Bandstand. The band, recently featured on Netflix’s smash reality TV show Rhythm + Flow covers a mix of fresh, modern songs. FirstWorks.org

Juneteenth RI: Commemorating emancipation day and African-American culture, the fourth annual Juneteenth RI event brings vendors, live music, and family fun to the Temple of Music at Roger Williams Park. JuneteenthRI.com Juneteenth Block Party: Kin Southern Table + Bar will be celebrating their second annual block party honoring Juneteenth on Union Street with live entertainment, food and drinks, and games. KinPVD.com Father’s Day Boat Tour: Celebrate dad with a narrated 50-minute, open-air family cruise along the Providence River and Waterplace Park. ProvidenceRiverBoat.com

JULY JULY 1 Iced Coffee Celebration: Rhode Islanders love coffee and RI Food Fights is looking for the best iced in the state, with over 25 coffee shops competing for the crown through July 31. RIFoodFights.com James Taylor: The king of mellow rock returns to the Dunkin Donuts Center ahead of his annual Tanglewood residency for An Evening With James Taylor. Expect classic tunes like “Fire and Rain,” “Your Smiling Face,” and “Sweet Baby James.” DunkinDonutsCenter.com

The popular Beyond Van Gogh exhibit at the RI Convention Center Photo by Timothy Norris


AUGUST AUGUST 1 Search for the Best Scoop: During peak summer heat, RI Food Fights asks for help finding the Rhody creamery with the tastiest frozen treats from various locations through August. RIFoodFights.com

AUGUST 7 FirstWorks Summer Beats: DakhaBrakha, a world music quartet from Kyiv, Ukraine returns to Providence for a concert at a location TBA. The band weaves ancient Ukrainian folk melodies into a subversive musical tapestry. FirstWorks.org

AUGUST 8-14 Flickers International Film Festival: This weeklong festival in Providence draws film submissions from around the world, any of which could qualify for an Academy Award. Film-Festival.org

AUGUST 13 Barry Manilow: The Grammy Award-winner and

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov

music icon will be at the Dunkin Donuts Center for MANILOW: HITS 2022. Special guest David Koz also appears. DunkinDonutsCenter.com

AUGUST 14 FirstWorks Summer Beats: The continuing series celebrates the heritage of Puerto Rican music and its African roots with trombonist William Cepeda and his Afro -Rican Jazz Band, blending jazz and traditional Puerto Rican musical forms such as bomba, plena, Jibaro, and danza. FirstWorks.org

AUGUST 27 Brew at the Zoo: The state’s largest outdoor beer festival – described as a sudsy safari – takes place at Roger Williams Park Zoo. Sample 170 beers from 80+ local and national brewers and enjoy live musical entertainment by Cat Nip Junkies and Farm Dog Band. RWPZoo.org

ALL SUMMER LONG Asian Lantern Spectacular: Ever y Wednesday through Sunday, until July 4, the zoo is transformed with countless lit lanterns, inspired cuisine, and an interactive kids area all in celebration of Asian culture. All proceeds go to animal care and conser vation initiatives. RWPZoo.org


Beyond Van Gogh: This immersive experience comes to Providence at the Rhode Island Convention Center through July 8, featuring 300+ artworks by Van Gogh in a family-friendly 3D exhibition. RIConvention.com Public Roller Skating: Grab your roller skates! The Providence Rink is open every Thursday and Friday this summer; online reservations encouraged. No skates? No problem – rentals are available! TheProvidenceRink.com

SUNDAYS Providence Flea: Browse some of the best-selected vintage finds and locally made art at this upscale flea market. The Summer Flea season opens June 5, with markets on South Water Street weekly through September. ProvidenceFlea.com

THURSDAYS Thursday Night Trivia: Grab your goto team and test your collective knowledge at Trinity Brewhouse’s weekly trivia tournament at the beer garden, hosted by Stump! Trivia. TrinityBrewhouse.com

FRIDAYS Food Truck Fridays: Enjoy music, food trucks, and an air-conditioned merry-goround. Eat anything you want and catch some late-afternoon sun at the Roger Williams Park Zoo’s Carousel Village through September 24. RWPZoo.org

SATURDAYS Open Air Saturdays: The pandemic-born tradition continues, transforming Downcity into a pedestrian hub for shopping, strolling, and family-friendly programming along Westminster and the surrounding streets on the first Saturday of each month from 12-6pm through October 1. Facebook: InDowncity PVD Providence Artisans Market: Alongside the Hope Street Farmers Market, discover makers and artists of all mediums showcasing their work for sale in Lippitt Park. Facebook: PVD Artisans Market




NORTHERN RHODE ISLAND JUNE JUNE 4 Heritage Ballet – An Evening of Dance: Check out this choreographed celebration of all things ballet held at the Stadium Theatre. Woonsocket, StadiumTheatre.com

JUNE 7 Cruise Nights: A&W in Smithfield hosts an outdoor classic car show every Tuesday with live music, fast food, and – of course – their famous root beer. Smithfield, TourBlackstone.com Plein Air Painting: Revive the Roots invites you to join artists Shannon Casey and Hannah Purcell Martin to capture the picturesque Mowry Commons in your own work of art. Paint and supplies will be provided. Smithfield, ReviveTheRoots.org

All Summer Long: Carhop dining and classic cars every Tuesday night at Smithfield A&W Photo by Stacey Doyle

JUNE 11 & 12 Music at the Farm: Enjoy chamber music concerts at an idyllic 1700s homestead. Audience members may walk the farm trails, view the farm animals, and bring a picnic lunch to enjoy outside prior to the concert. Pascoag , GraceNoteFarmWeb.com

JUNE 12 Pawtucket Art Battle: A live painting tournament at Atrium On Main showcases local artists transforming blank canvases into beautiful works before your eyes. The audience votes to determine the winner, and finished creations will be up for a silent auction. Pawtucket, AOMRestaurant.com

JUNE 18 Blackstone River Theater Summer Solstice Festival: The 10th annual festival is back with over a dozen bands playing Diamond Hill Park in Cumberland. Performers include Atwater-Donnelly Trio, Mari Black Band, and The Vox Hunters. Cumberland, RiverFolk.org When I Grow Up: Presented by Encore Academy, this Disney-themed performance is sure to please both kids and kids-at-heart. Woonsocket, StadiumTheatre.com

JUNE 19 Father’s Day at Smith-Appleby: Bring the

family to check out the newly opened Greenville Train Stop Exhibit. Dads get free admission. Smithfield, SmithApplebyHouse.org

and BB King Entertainer of the Year – only the second woman after Koko Taylor to be so honored. Woonsocket, ChansEggRollandJazz.com



Veronica Lewis: At 18 years old, Veronica is a rising star and the new princess of the boogie woogie piano. Check out the vibes at Chan’s at 8pm. Woonsocket, ChansEggRollandJazz.com

Annual Ancients & Horribles Parade: Join in the spirit of the Ancients & Horribles 96th Independence Day Celebration. Ever yone is invited to parade their artistic talents, craziest outfits, and outlandish floats for all to enjoy. Glocester, GlocesterRI.org/Parade

JUNE 26 Turas: The Blackstone River Theatre presents Irish traditional and Celtic band Turas as part of their Take It Outside Concert series held outdoors behind the theater. Cumberland, RiverFolk.org

JUNE 30 Divas of Drag: Expect a full ser ving of sass from Rhode Island’s premier drag stars, Haley Star and LaDiva Jonz. With rhinestones and sequins for days, clever lyrics, and no shortage of outrageous remarks, this comedic duo will tickle your funny bone! Woonsocket, StadiumTheatre.com

JULY JULY 2 Janiva Magness: Head to Chan’s for the Grammy-nominated Queen of Blues, soul singer,

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov

JULY 17 Peter Janson: The Blackstone River Theatre presents Boston-based g uitarist Peter Janson, as part of their Take It Outside Concert series held outdoors behind the theater. Cumberland, RiverFolk.org Pirates Are Coming!: Make and race your own pirate ship, search for buried treasure, get a pirate name, and more at this children’s event held on the grounds of a historic farmhouse. Smithfield, SmithApplebyHouse.org

JULY 25 Blackstone Valley Heritage Golf Tournament: Support a good cause while playing 18 holes for the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council’s youth environmental education programs at Crystal Lake Golf Club. Burrillville, TourBlackstone.com

Summer Farm at the




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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




fields every Monday through Saturday, 9am-5pm. Visitors must check in at the farm stand. Johnston, DameFarmandOrchards.com Slater Mill: The old Slater Mill visitor contact station will be open Thursdays through Sundays from 10am-4pm all summer long. Visitors can stamp their NPS Passport Book, watch a short seven-minute introductory video about the site, and view exhibits. NPS.gov

SUNDAYS PYO flowers at Dame Farm Photo by Elyse Major

JULY 30 Glen Burtnik’s Summer of Love Concert: This concert featuring a former member of Styx focuses on iconic rock music from the 1967 release of The Beatles’ revolutionary album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band to the famous Woodstock Music and Art Festival in 1969. Woonsocket, StadiumTheatre.com Doll Garden Party: Part of Hearthside House’s popular series, girls ages 5 to 12 can bring their favorite toy doll for a casual turn-of-the-century social on the lawn. Lincoln, HearthsideHouse.org America’s Greatest Game Shows: Starring Erik Estrada, America’s Greatest Game Shows plays game show classics at Bally’s Twin River Events Center. All contestants are picked directly out of the audience. $10,000 in guaranteed cash prizes. Lincoln, Ballys.com/Lincoln

AUGUST AUGUST 5-7 CumberlandFest: This weekend-long event celebrates the town of Cumberland and also helps youth programs throughout the town. This year’s festival will be the 30th CumberlandFest ever held. CumberlandFest.org

AUGUST 14 Music at the Farm: Guitarist/composer Victor Main performs a classical concert at Grace Note Farm. Audience members are invited to walk the farm trails, view the animals, and bring a picnic lunch to enjoy outside prior to the concert. Pascoag , GraceNoteFarmWeb.com

AUGUST 21 Victorian Picnic: Pack a picnic and put on your finest Victorian garb (or simply admire reenactors) while enjoying lawn games, strolls,

and even a watermelon seed-spitting contest. Smithfield, SmithApplebyHouse.org

AUGUST 25 Starry, Starry Night: Avid astronomers and beginners alike are invited for an evening of stargazing at Chase Farm, which offers wideopen spaces and clear views of the night sky. Lincoln, HearthsideHouse.org

ALL SUMMER LONG Blackstone River Bikeway: This is a cyclist’s best kept secret: a scenic, 17-mile trail from Pawtucket to Woonsocket, paved and photo-ready, with forgotten canals and waterfalls along the way. TourBlackstone.com Drive-In Movies: At $30 a carload for a double feature, this authentic 1950s drive-in theater beckons you and your bunch to view movies from your vehicle. North Smithfield, Facebook: Rustic Drive In Galler y of Traditional Musical Instruments: PVD World Music Institute hosts Finding the Spirit of Inanga: A Gallery Traditional Music Instruments, featuring instruments from around the world at Machines with Magnets, through June 30. Pawtucket, MachinesWithMagnets.com Heritage Hikes: Recurring monthly on the first, join the North Smithfield Heritage Association for a woodland hike through Harkness Conser vation Area with views of the Blackstone and Branch River Valleys and historic sites. Facebook: North Smithfield Heritage Pick Your Own: Pack hand-clippers or heavy-duty scissors and head to Dame Farm to pick zinnias, dahlias, cosmos, lavender, and more from their

Check venues and find up-to-date health policy information at COVID.RI.gov

Farmers Market at Blackbird Farms: Find a range of vendors at the farm known around the state for selling fresh meats. Pro-tip: visit the ice cream trailer for a float made with Yacht Club Soda. Smithfield, BlackbirdFarmRI.com River Tours: Wondering what to do on a Sunday afternoon? Take a 50-minute boat tour while learning the history of Rhode Island’s Blackstone Valley. Pawtucket, RiverTourBlackstone.com

TUESDAYS Farmers Markets: Beginning July 5, find fresh fruit and veggies from local farmers ever y week in Woonsocket and Central Falls. Various locations, FarmFreshRI.org.

THURSDAYS Food Truck Concert Nights at Diamond Hill: On the third Thursday of the month, enjoy food from a dozen mobile eateries, live music, and beer from Trinity Brewhouse. Scheduled dates include June 16, July 21, and Aug ust 18. Cumberland, Facebook: PVD Food Truck Events Ranger Walkabouts: Join a park ranger during the months of June, July, and August to investigate the many stories of the Blackstone River Valley. Tours meet at locations across the valley, with full listings online. NPS.gov

FRIDAYS Levitt Amp Woonsocket Music Series: Catch regional and national acts including Adam Ezra, Grace Pettis and Steve Smith, and the Nakeds at River Island Art Park, June 17-August 19. Woonsocket, Concerts.LevittAmp.org/Woonsocket

SATURDAYS Outdoor Classic Movie Nights: Kick back with a bucket of complimentary popcorn on the grounds of Hearthside House for their outdoor film series beginning on June 9 and running through August 20 (stay tuned for more possible dates, too!). Lincoln, HearthsideHouse.org












HOME & STYLE H o m e | We l l n e s s | S h o p | Fa s h i o n

60 The renovated “Big House” sits on scenic Sakonnet Harbor and is outfitted for gatherings P h o t o b y K a t e Va n M e r s b e r g e n


Sakonnet Style

New E ng l a nd c ha r m g et s a S o Ca l tw i st i n a fa mily retreat in L ittle Comp ton


riving to Sakonnet Point in Little Compton can lead one to ponder: how could I ever own one of these houses ? For Tim and Isabella Ehrlich, part of that answer was being ready to take on relocating families of frogs, along with a leng thy list of repairs and upgrades on a defined timeline. Says Isabella, “ We wanted to uncover the original bones of the house and restore them, and we did not open up the walls like one might in a suburban home. We wanted the home to look as it always did, but refreshed and loved.”


The couple live and work in Cambridge, Massachusetts and had been looking for years for a place that could ser ve as a ‘compound’. Originally from Barring ton, Isabella explains, “I come from a ver y large family, and it has been harder through the years to find a place that could house all of us. The property has a main house, a cottage, and a bunkhouse, so now not only can we sleep 22 but we have plenty of space to spread out comfortably and have private and more intimate moments, as well as large family gatherings.”

The “White House” was originally built as a playhouse

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo by Kate VanMersbergen

By Elyse Major



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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




Coats of white paint and windows kept bare make the room feel twice its size


Photos by Isabella Ehrlich

The pair purchased the homestead, which had been owned previously by the same extended family for the past 120 years, in the fall of 2020. The main house, called the “Big House” by the prior owners, is classic Shingle Style architecture, built in 1900 as a summer home. The Cottage (or “ White House” as it was known) was built as a playhouse for the children of the Big House ; in the 1940s, it was renovated to be a full summer cottage in its own right with bunk rooms, a master bedroom, kitchen, and bathrooms added. “ This house is all about its beautiful location. It has a sweeping view of Sakonnet Harbor, out to the Sakonnet River and the ocean and Newport. It is the most breathtaking view I have ever seen, and

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


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A pair of custom-built sofas make the most of a tight corner in the family room


Photos by Isabella Ehrlich

ever ything in the renovation and design of the home is intended to maximize the enjoyment of the view and access to the water. The design of the home is the frame to the natural surroundings,” says Isabella, who is also the owner/contractor for Milk & Honey Group, a designbuild firm based in Cambridge. “As a designer, sometimes working on your own home is the hardest task. I tried to incorporate all the things I would love to have in a summer home, and that would make it comfortable and relaxing. This home became like a greatest hits of all the homes I’ve ever worked on. As soon as I arrive, my blood pressure goes down – I’m home.”

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |





Sat 6/4

Kat Gordon with Rochelle Gunning & David Dawson-Free 5pm-8pm

Sat 6/10

Bob Perlow Comedy The Warm up guy 7:30pm

Sat 6/11

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Aging Disgracefully Comedy 7:30pm

Tues 6/7

Changes in Latitude 8pm

Sat 6/18

Van Morrison Tribute Moondance 8pm

Fri 6/24

The Rolling Stones Tribute The Blushing Brides 8pm

Sat 6/25

The Gun’s & Roses Experience Nightrain 8pm

Fri 7/15

Creedence Clearwater Revival Tribute Sweet Hitch Hiker 8pm

Sat 7/16

Lynyrd Skynyrd Experience Sons of Skynyrd 8pm

Sat 7/23

Maria Muldaur Live! 8pm

Sat 7/30

Frampton Comes Alive Tribute 8pm

Fri 8/5

Kim Arundal and Ben Polom Comedy 8pm

Sat 8/6

The Doors Tribute 8pm SPONSORED BY

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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




Get Rhody Style I s a b e l l a E h r l i c h s h a re s p ro - t i p s o n h ow to a c h i eve b re e z y co a s t a l s ty l e :

S e n s e o f P l a ce “I think always remembering to highlight the place, and distilling what makes a place special down to its essence, is so important: The love of the ocean. The celebration of summer and the sun and colors that make Rhode Island so special. The importance of family, and making sure there are comfortable, livable spaces for different age groups to relax and make memories.”

S e a s i d e P a l e t te “In a beach home, I’m all about clear, vibrant pops of color that work well in the sunshine and reflect the colors around you. Vibrant blues and aquas, bright whites to frame the outdoors, and splashes of pink because it’s my favorite color, but also to reference the pink insides of slipper shells and sunsets. I love pale blues and greens that remind me of the seaglass I grew up collecting on Narragansett Bay in Barrington.”

The sunporch makes for scenic dining

C o a s t to C o a s t Bunk beds with storage are ideal for small spaces

“I grew up in Rhode Island but spent many years in California (as a creative director for Pottery Barn Kids and other retail companies). I’m always thinking about how to maximize the experience between indoor and outdoor – a key part of home design in California.”

“All the original cast iron sinks and tubs were removed and lovingly restored by Miracle Method in Johnston, then reinstalled. I absolutely loved working with Sakonnet Plumbing, Lamplighter Electric (both in Little Compton), and Valcourt Heating in Tiverton. They were extremely responsive and professional and did impeccable work.”

S h o p T i ve r to n “I love the Cottage, which is a refined and curated source for all home goods but especially linens and rugs. Groundswell has an amazing selection of garden pieces and accessories with patina; I particularly love their white marble letters to spell out special words or names.” Follow Isabella on Instagram @milkandhoneygroup


Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo (top) by Isabella Ehrlich, (bottom) by Kate VanMersbergen

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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




Get Stretched Work out the kinks in time for summer at new East Greenwich studio By Karen Greco


lopsided way I sit, has done a number on my hips. After the assessment, Franklin g uides me to a bench and we get to work. And I mean work. A stretch session may sound like an hour at the spa, but to do this properly, I had to bring my workout game. I started on my back on the stretch bench, with a comfy pad supporting my head. Franklin began the session with some easy traction on my right leg, giving it gentle tugs before moving it in slow circles until my range of motion began to open up. Continuing to work on my lower body, Franklin now had me focus on my hips and glutes. With my lower body twisted like a pretzel, Franklin asked where I felt the stretch. “My groin?” I tried. Wrong answer! Franklin noted in my MAPS screening that my glute activation was weak and this was showing up on the stretch bench. He led me through some muscle activations to wake them up. Surprisingly, muscle activation is a big part of stretching. While Franklin tugged and shifted my limbs into various stretches, he explained that StretchLab was devoted to PNF ( proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching , which is a contract-and-relax method. At certain points, Franklin would stop the stretch and direct me to push against his hand, which provided resistance. Active stretching , he explained, challenges the nervous and muscular systems. Sometimes what we assume are tight muscles are actually

pointing to weakness in the antagonistic muscles (for example, my tight quads may actually be due to a weak posterior chain). “Just holding a stretch and relaxing will give you a range of motion. But by adding an active portion, adding resistance, makes sure you have streng th in that range of motion,” he says. “Some people will come in, for example, and they’re hypermobile. Instead of an increased range of motion for them, we increase sensation and streng th.” Franklin then moved me through upper body stretches, loosening my shoulders and straightening my hunched back. When we wrapped up, the nagging body aches that haunt me most days were gone. I was more limber, and I felt stronger during my weight workout later in the day. This one stretching session was not a cureall. Rather, stretching has a cumulative effect. StretchLab offers a variety of packages to encourage clients to keep their limbs limber, which, in turn, will keep them active longer. Tom Brady credits stretching for keeping him in the game well into his 40s, a superhuman feat for a footballer. After my 50-minute session at StretchLab, I’d arg ue that it’s important for us mere mortals, too.

StretchLab 1000 Division St Unit #30 East Greenwich • StretchLab.com Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photos courtesy of StretchLab


don’t stretch. There. I said it. Maybe I’ll do a perfunctor y handsover-head-and-lean sort of move. Or perhaps I’ll do the pull-the-foot-to the-butt maneuver, that old chestnut. But when I finish my workout, I want to be done. Adding 15 minutes of static stretching doesn’t feel as urgent as getting home to cook dinner (or back to my desk to finish this article). As I approach another birthday, things feel…well…tight. So when StretchLab in East Greenwich invited me to tr y out a stretch session, I reached for the chance to get some professional g uidance. Tucked into the Dave’s shopping plaza on Division Street, StretchLab has a small recovery-focused boutique in the front. Two lines of cushioned benches, similar to massage tables but lower to the ground, are in the back. This is where the trained flexologists work their magic. New clients start out with a Physmodo MAPS screening , which is a biomechanical movement screening that assesses muscle weakness and imbalance. I did a series of three squats with arms overhead in front of an iPad-like device. This gave my flexologist, Jon Franklin, clues to my problem areas. They do this assessment monthly, so clients can track their progress. My problem areas were not a surprise – a sedentary desk job means my shoulders and arms are tight. My age and weight training workouts (sans stretching ), along with said desk job and the

Inside the StretchLab


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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




Bloom Service Goods that bring beach cottage allure to any space

3 5

By Elyse Major


hen you think of an Ocean State summer, hydrangeas come to mind as quickly as beach scenes and sail boats. Even if you’re not savvy about the names of flowers, chances are good you can identify these blue pom poms that dot yards and fences all season long. Find shrubs or small trees in a huge range of varieties with names like Blue Bonnet, Blushing Bride, and Endless Summer. These water-loving plants (their name is derived from the Greek word for water vessels) get their color from the acid level in the soil and can be found in hues stemming from white to pink and purples to brilliant blue. Here is a sampling of goods from around the state sure to bring a breezy beach cottage feel to any space – no watering required!.



BACKYARD BEACH DECOR North Kingstown, BackyardBeachDecor.com



Tiverton, Barksfield.com

CERULEAN Warren, CeruleanRI.com

CORY FARMS PAST & PRESENTS Portsmouth, CoryFarmsRI.com

COURTYARDS Tiverton, CourtyardsLtd.com

FIREFLY MANDALAS Tiverton, FireflyMandalas.com

KNIT ONE QUILT TOO Barrington, KnitOneQuiltToo.com

PEARL PRINT CO Charlestown, Etsy.com/Shop/PearlPrintCo




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Fabric: Knit One Quilt Too


Trinket holder: Backyard Beach


Gift Wrap: Pearl Print Co.


Hydrangea Tea Towel: Cory Farms Past & Presents


Eco-friendly Swedish Dishcloth: Barksfield Shop


Rolled Hydrangea Petals on Sterling Silver Necklace: Cerulean


Stepping Stone: Courtyard


Greeting Card: Firefly Mandalas

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


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Let’s Get Dressed

Summertime ensembles from South County boutiques By Rose Kenyon


fter two years of yoga pants, our social calendars are filling up once again. Dinner out on the town, backyard drinks with friends, spring afternoons spent along the coast – ever y day brings new reasons to get up and go, and with that, getting dressed for real. To help you get inspired and prevent a classic case of outfit indecision (it has been a while), we asked five local boutique owners to assemble looks for a selection of classic Ocean State outings. Happy dressing !

Not just for breakfast anymore, these Tiffany’s in tortoise offer class and sophistication, and are a lighter shade of brown for daytime events. Embellished with the Tiffany “T”, these are truly terrific! - SHADES & PIER OPTICAL

All sunnies pairings chosen by our friends at Shades & Pier Optical! Find them in person and online below 40A Pier Marketplace, Narragansett ShadesUS.com | @ShadesGansett

A GARDEN PARTY ▶ THERAPY BOUTIQUE Therapy Boutique was founded in 2007 by two friends seeking to provide a “cure for the wardrobe blues.” Both with young children at home and looking to work for themselves, Candace Brown and Lauren Wells paired up to make their ideal South County shopping experience a reality. Years later, with countless trips to NYC under their belt, they run two locations, one in Wickford and one in Wakefield. Therapy Boutique carries a unique inventory of clothing, jewelry, and accessory lines, which are typically found only in specialty shops. Their goal (certainly one we can all get behind) is to make their customers feel great about themselves. “We are not out to put clothing on women that they are not comfortable in or will sit in the closet,” Brown says. “We want our customer to have fun with her clothing, but suit her lifestyle.”

STYLE FORECAST It’s all about the dress. From casual day frocks to event dresses, Brown predicts a rise in colored and printed dresses as women look forward to a season of celebrations. 343B Main Street, South Kingstown 5 West Main Street, Wickford @TherapyBoutiqueRI


DRESS This shift dress features a bold print and an updated puff sleeve detail.

TIP Dress up with heels for an event or pair with flip-flops and a jean jacket for a more casual look.

ACCESSORIES Brown warns not to overdo it when pairing with bold prints, and to find pieces that complement, but don’t compete. For this reason, she chose a yellow clutch to bring out the yellow in the dress, plus a beaded bracelet, hammered gold earrings, and a cashmere wrap – all subtle in color, but rich in texture. Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |

TOP + BOTTOMS A tan bib tank top is stylish yet comfy for a full day on the go. Straightleg white denim jeans are a staple in a summer wardrobe. HeyRhody.com

DINNER DATE ▶ BINNSY BOUTIQUE “Good days start with good clothes” is Caitlin Gendreau’s MO and the reason she is committed to providing pieces that are new, fashionable, and affordable, so customers can always feel their best. Having worked in retail for over a decade, Gendreau opened Binnsy Boutique last spring in Wickford Village to share her style and passion with others. Owning a shop of her own was a “backburner day dream,” but when commercial space became available at 7 Main Street, the stars aligned and Binnsy Boutique became a reality. Though the pandemic posed a hurdle, she persevered. Recently celebrating one year in business, Binnsy Boutique stocks its sun-filled space with a wide variety of clothing and accessories for women and men – from shoes to hats and everything in between.

STYLE FORECAST Gendreau looks forward to wearing “all the bright trending colors” this spring and summer, and is excited to see mini ‘90s handbags everywhere and hopes even more ‘90s fashion trends return.

What goes best with your LBD (little black dress)? Big black designer shades! Making a statement with uncomplicated Gucci sunglasses, complete with traditional hardware. - SHADES & PIER OPTICAL TOP + SKIRT A black linen top, knotted in the front, gives more emphasis to the high waist of the trendy satin-like patterned skirt. While the midi skirt elevates the look from day to night, the black linen top keeps it relaxed.

TIP Pair with a jacket for cooler spring nights, or wear as is all the way into summer.

SHOES The block heel and pointed toe gives the outfit that chic look while still being comfortable.

7 Main Street, Wickford @BinnsyBoutique

Daytripping with The Jack from RayBan is the play for the day! The perfect combo of retro round and hextagon shapes, updated to make today’s fun effortless, comfy, and cool. - SHADES & PIER OPTICAL

ACCESSORIES Handmade fringe earrings add flair. A short stack of bracelets enhances the casual vibe and a green wide-brimmed hat adds both bohemian style and sun protection. FYI All pieces are high quality, handcrafted, and made by mission-driven companies. The whole outfit was made in the USA with the exception of the hat, which was made by artisans in Ecuador.



East Greenwich has its own boho-style boutique with A Gracious Soul. Located in the heart of Main Street, husband-andwife team Bethany DiPetrillo and Brian Hennessey have created a vibe, evident from your first step in. The couple opened the shop last October with the intention of supporting local, giving back, and creating something meaningful together. Shoppers find only “products with purpose” in their store – carefully selected items that are ethically and consciously sourced, made mostly in the US or locally, and created by artists, makers, and small businesses. “Out of our love for unique products and gifts, supporting local, and a desire to give back,

we created A Gracious Soul,” DiPetrillo explains. “A portion of our proceeds go directly back to causes we care deeply about. The vendors we choose are also putting good into the world and contributing to charitable causes.” In addition to apparel, accessories, gifts, and homegoods, the retail space has been known to host events, like the popular Sip, Script & Shop beginners calligraphy workshops.

STYLE FORECAST This spring, DiPetrillo is excited about the bustle of Main Street and growing A Gracious Souls’ impact in their community – and fringe details on everything – including earrings. 7 Main Street, Wickford @BinnsyBoutique


A PICNIC IN THE PARK ▶ THREE ISLANDS When native Rhode Islander Justin Goff moved to Bali in 1999, the food, beaches, and “contagiously happy attitude” immediately had him hooked. He swapped his polos and T-shirts for a new uniform: “A permanent smile and batik shirts made by an amazing local tailor, Pandu.” Years later, after selling his batik shirts up and down the East Coast with cousin Phil Barney, they opened Three Islands in 2012 in Watch Hill. A few years later, Goff met his wife, Tika, a Balinese swimwear designer who made the perfect addition to the team. Today, Three Islands still runs with their original tailor Pandu, who hails from neighboring Java (“Many Javanese go by one name,” explains Goff ), and longtime Bali operations manager, Wayan Sudarmini. Their line of colorful cotton clothing for men, women, and children is instantly recognizable with hand-printed designs in sing ular color ways and simple, easy-to -wear shapes. Pro tip : their masks are reversible and the comfiest around. “At Three Islands, we love prints and colors that make you smile and good vibes and happy clothes that put a little sunshine in your closet,” says Goff.

Make all the colors of your outdoor picnic shine while cutting through the glare! Maui makes the best lens for fun in the sun. Lightweight and versatile, with these sunglasses you can play cornhole, frisbee, or just lounge on the blankets with food and bevvies looking fabulous. - SHADES & PIER OPTICAL

ACCESSORIES The “mango elephant ride” pattern of the dress pairs perfectly with simple tan flip-flops, a white stacked beaded necklace, a sunhat, and a square woven rattan bag with a colorful lining and round handles.

DRESS The capped sleeve dress, cinched at the waist for extra definition, has a slit V-neckline for a universally flattering fit.

STYLE FORECAST Matching families! Find the same prints across all lines. “ We love patterns that can be worn across the entire family – dad and son, mom and kids, etc. Sometimes we get Christmas cards with an entire matching family,” says Goff. 99 Bay Street, Watch Hill @ThreeIslandsLifestyle


FYI While he chose animal prints for their popularity and timelessness, Goff isn’t solely focused on following trends and also chooses beautiful designs that make his customers feel happy.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Make a dramatic statement with these all new Prada’s – on trend with chunkiness, color, and pattern.

For men at a picnic, I recommend another lightweight, versatile frame that is not too sporty. Oakley's Sylas provides great sun protection – thanks to a slight wrap – and still offers a modern laid-back look. Plus there’s many options to go bold in color!



ACCESSORIES Complete the look with gold accessories, including a fun recycled purse, which is a great conversation piece, constructed from 100 percent post-consumer newspaper by a women-owned shop in MA.


Woodees and Woodmansee’s are sister stores located side by side in downtown Westerly. Woodmansee’s, established in 1904, has been women-run for three generations. Currently managed by Maria Lenihan (and previously her mother Joyce), it carries clothing for women of all ages, plus jewelry, accessories, gifts, and a small baby section. In 2012, Maria’s daughter Anna Lenihan opened Woodee’s, which carries a similar range of products, but skews slightly younger for guys, girls, teens, and young professionals. “Together we make a fun little shopping experience for the whole family,” Lenihan says. “We are lucky to have so many awesome regulars who support us year round. “Fashion should be for everyone,” she continues. “It’s important to always feel good in what you’re wearing.” When styling this ensemble and selecting pieces for the shop in general, she seeks items that appeal to a wide age range, fit effortlessly into a wardrobe, and make the wearer feel confident. Lenihan looks forward to spring and summer in downtown Westerly, which she says is bound to be full of people walking around, shopping, eating, and “finally starting to get out of their rut and back to living their lives, which is so important and nice to see.”

MENS A short-sleeved, button-up shirt in a blue tiger print is paired with classic white linen shorts and a palm tree visor.

TOPS + BOTTOMS A clean and simple knit square neck top and a ‘90s fit white denim jacket easily take the look from day to night. A pair of lightweight, straight-leg pants with a bold print are fun and easy to wear and can be dressed up or down.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


STYLE FORECAST Lenihan predicts fun, happy colors, and more printed pants. “You’re also going to see lots of pastels, some ruffles, and some great denim, plus some inspiration from the ‘70s and even some ‘90s-inspired pieces,” she says. 27 Broad Street, Westerly @Woodmansees_27 & @Woodees_Boutique




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ART & CULTURE Tre a s u re M a ke r | O n S t a g e | R h o d y R e a d s | P V D F e s t

88 Larger-than-life puppetr y performance group Squonk returns to PVDFest Photo by Erin X. Smithers, courtesy of PVDFest


Finders Keepers A tre a s u re hunt for g l a s s o r bs keep s t h e focus on the n at u ra l beauty of Bl o c k Is l an d


here are few adventures more exciting than a treasure hunt – and not all of them are reser ved for the plots of movies and books. Block Island is home to its very own type of finderskeepers quest, thanks to a local glassblower. When Eben Horton was 19, he hid his glass creations on nearby beaches. “I just thought it’d be a fun thing to do that would blow peoples’ minds when they found these things,” Horton says. Fast for ward to today – his fun


and casual practice has been transformed into The Glass Float Project, an epic, nationally known scavenger hunt on Block Island. Horton, who owns The Glass Station Studio and Gallery in Wakefield with his wife, Jennifer Nauck, conceived of The Glass Float Project in 2011. “As an artist, I was definitely a victim of the great recession, being a glass blower,” Horton states, explaining how he had an abundance of free time on his hands. Itching for something to do, he decided to hide glass, just

like he’d done when he was a teenager, but on a much larger scale. With a grant from the Rhode Island Council on the Arts, Horton created 150 blown glass orbs, and, with permission from the Block Island Town Council, hid his floats on the island’s paths and beaches. Thus, The Glass Float Project was born. Now, 11 years later, the project has grown and expanded into a well-known opportunity for locals and travelers alike, even garnering attention from CBS News and The New York Times.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo courtesy of Eben Horton

By Megan Monte

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Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




With the help of their studio team, Horton and Nauck create over 550 glass floats each year that they and their volunteers hide on the island. “The Glass Float Project has totally taken on a life of its own. It’s not the only thing we do here, but I feel like it’s the most important because we reach so many people, including those who hear about this project and are booking trips to Block Island specifically to go out hunting ,” Nauck says enthusiastically. Hunters get to keep the float they find, and each float is numbered and dated so it can be registered on The Glass Float Project’s website.


The project officially begins the first day of June and ends Columbus Day Weekend, but floats can be found any day of the year. Not all floats are found in a single season because with so many beaches and trails, seekers really need to search to find an orb. After all, the original intention behind the project was to simply encourage people to get outside and enjoy the island’s beauty. According to Nauck, “ The thrill of the hunt keeps them looking for new trails and new places. There’s that element of discover y. Even if you aren’t finding a float, you’re discovering parts of the

island you wouldn’t normally see.” For those who come away empty-handed, she adds, “It’s not about finding the float; it’s about the journey and being with yourself, your family, or your friends in nature.” The Block Island Tourism Council helps to cover basic material costs, and the rest of the project is funded by an October raffle hosted by Horton and Nauck’s studio and gallery. As for where the project is headed, Horton intends to maintain the status quo. As he says, “Its identity is Block Island. I like it just the way it is.” Learn more at TheGlassStationStudio.com

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo courtesy of Eben Horton

Hidden orbs beckon exploration

Take A Bite Out Of Rhode Island!!



Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |




Summer Stock From B ro a d way to t h e B a rd , Rhode I s l a n d st a g e s o f fe r som et hing fo r eve r yon e

By Karen Greco


aybe it’s the proximity between NYC and Boston. Or perhaps it’s the homegrown talent that performs at Trinity Rep and The Gamm during the “regular” season. But Rhode Island has a theater scene just as lively over the summer as it is during the months between September and June. In the mood for a splashy Broadway musical? Head to Theatre By the Sea. How about something edgier and more low-fi ? Hit up FRINGEPVD. “ The weird stuff is the most exciting ,” says Wilbur y Theatre Group founder and artistic director Josh Short, who also founded FRINGEPVD in 2014. Short believes the


affordability of work-life space in neighborhoods like Olneyville kept a number of accomplished artists within the city limits, which made producing the fringe festival a no -brainer. About 60 percent of this year’s festival features home-grown talent. “ We have an audience that is enthusiastic and celebrates the weird and wonderful artists” that perform at the Fringe. “Programming is the toughest thing I do. What are people going to want to see?” asks theater impresario Bill Hanney, who runs Theatre By the Sea in Matunuck. “Of course it’s summertime, so musicals! Nothing too heavy. And I always include a classic.” Hanney spares

no expense in replicating the Broadway experience, complete with elaborate sets and costumes and a mix of New York City pros performing on stage beside local talent. Not to be missed is their Monday concert night series, which features performances from NYC musical comedy favorites like Sirius/XM’s Seth Rudetsky and John O’Hurley (of Seinfeld fame). Whether you are looking for rib -tickling improv comedy, a classic Neil Simon play, an evening of theater under a blanket of stars, or a weird but wonderful stage delight, this small state buzzes with big theatrical offerings both indoors and out. Here are some picks for you to get your theater on this summer.

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo by Ron Cowie

Feminist improvised Shakespeare duo Juliet & Juliet (Meghan Wolff and Sami Haeli) return to this summer’s Ocean State Improv Festival at Contemporary Theater Company

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The Colonial Theatre, Westerly Rhody’s very own Shakespeare in the Park, The Colonial Theatre has been performing open-air theater in Wilcox Park since 1991. This year, they offer drama-lovers Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot under the stars. In Beckett’s absurdist masterpiece, Vladimir and Estragon ponder the meaning of life while waiting for the titular character. July 22 – August14, ColonialTheatreArt.org

Contemporary Theater Company, Wakefield Shannon Stott, performing at the 2021 Ocean State Black and Funny Improv Festival, returns to the Contemporary Theater Company this summer

Contemporary Theater Company’s summer staple Shakespeare on the Saugatuck returns. Visit their performance patio for As You Like It, Shakespeare’s romantic comedy of mistaken identity between feisty heroine Rosalind and the love-struck Orlando, under a blanket of stars. July 24 – August 24, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com

Firehouse Theater, Newport Shakespeare On The Saugatucket in Wakefield

A favorite spot of comedian, celebrity, and part-time Newport resident Jay Leno, the long-running improv show The Bit Players continues on weekends all summer long. FirehouseTheater.org

FRINGEPVD, Providence It’s hard to pick just one from this smorgasbord of stage delights. Fringe shows are usually challenging, sometimes hilarious, and often downright weird, but that shouldn’t deter anyone from exploring their adventurous offerings. July 17 – 30, FringePVD.org

Granite Theatre, Westerly

Newport Playhouse and Cabaret Restaurant Newport’s dinner theater reopens after renovating from damage sustained by Hurricane Ida with Murder at the Howard Johnsons, a suspense comedy about a murderous love triangle set in a room at a HoJos. July 10 – August 31, NewportPlayhouse.com

The Arctic Playhouse, West Warwick SiriusXM Radio’s Seth Rudetsky will perform at Theatre By the Sea

The Gin Game, 1978 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for drama, uses a card game between two nursing home residents as a metaphor for life. Through June 12, TheArcticPlayhouse.com

Theatre By the Sea, Matunuck Broadway’s smash hit Kinky Boots is the season stand-out at South County’s summer staple. Featuring songs from Grammy- and Tony-winning icon Cyndi Lauper, drag queen Lola helps save a small English shoe factory from closing down in this vibrant story about friendship, acceptance, and some really hot boots. August 17 – September 11, TheatreByTheSea.com

Stadium Theatre, Woonsocket Woonsocket’s Stadium Theatre brings the delightful story of a mom and her teen who swap bodies in Disney’s Freaky Friday: A New Musical. This funny and heartwarming musical is an update on Mary Rodgers’ beloved novel and the two classic Disney movies. July 15-17, StadiumTheatre.com

Photos by (top to bottom) Maggie Cady, Dave Sarazen courtesy of South County Tourism, Jay Brady

The Granite Theatre is in the midst of their season when summer rolls around. This year’s highlight is Neil Simon’s classic four-part confection California Suite, a comedic slice-of-life look at four different couples rotating through the same suite in the Beverly Hills Hotel. August 12-27, GraniteTheatre.com





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Rhody Reads Six Books Perfect for Beach


By Hug h Minor


n the words of John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, summer readin’ had me a blast. This month’s Rhody Reads has six recommendations to help you decide the critical question, “ What book should I bring to the beach?” Whether you fill your tote bag with books or save these to escape those hot nights indoors, you’re sure to go crazy for these engrossing tales by local authors. There are few more idyllic images of summer than the beaches and mansions of Newport. In the novel The Lost Summers of Newport, authors Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig , and Karen White weave a histor y-spanning tale revealing that nothing is ever as perfect and pristine as it seems in this timeless city by the sea. See what secrets these three authors expose. Head back to Providence circa 1967 for a gripping exploration of the lives of three adults struggling with questions of who they are and who they’re meant to be. Diane Josefowicz’s debut novel, Ready, Set, Oh weaves together the stories of a medical student, an artist, and an astronomer in the middle of a war where ever y decision they make has life-changing implications. Summer means getting away and you can fly the friendly skies with Ann Hood in her new memoir, Fly Girl. Relive the days when air travel meant glamor and the flight itself was an enchanting part of the experience. Funny, nostalgic, and poignant, Hood’s tales will leave you longing for days left behind.


Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


With a title like Ocean State and a cover featuring a well-lit porch looking out on the sea, Stewart O’Nan’s latest novel simply says summer. It’s the tale of a murder that is no myster y but you’ll be drawn in by the lives and circumstances that led to the crime, as well as the fallout. If you think you know quiet little Ashaway, you haven’t seen anything yet!


The LA rock star romance in Elle Greco’s Free Falling is hotter than a TMZ headline. When former child star Reese lashes out against the Hollywood machine, she pays the price and loses her way. Then she meets a sizzling hot g uitar player, who might help her get back on track. Or will his own past mess up their plans for a bigtime happy ending ?

Cellar Stories Bookstore: Providence, CellarStories.com

If plugging in earbuds and listening to a stor y while lying in a hammock is your idea of reading , check out the Audible-only book Young Rich Widows by Vanessa Lillie with co -authors Kimberly Belle, Layne Fargo, and Cate Holahan. Four women join to gether to solve the mysterious deaths of their lawyer husbands. It takes place in Providence in 1985, where ever yone is a suspect!

Island Bound Bookstore: Block Island, IslandBoundBookstore.com

A statewide listing of Rhode Island booksellers: NEW: Arc{hive} Book + Snackery: Warren, bio.site/ArchiveBookSnackery Barrington Books: BarringtonBooks.com Book Nerd: Barrington, Facebook Books on the Pond: Charlestown, BooksOnThePond.com Books on the Square: Providence, BookSq.com

Charter Books: Newport, CharterBookStore.com Curiosity & Co.: Jamestown, Facebook: CuriosityandCompany.store COMING SOON: Heartleaf Books: Providence, HeartleafBooks.com Inkfish Books: Warren, InkFishBooks.com Island Books: Middletown, IslandBooksRI.indielite.org

Lovecraft Arts & Sciences: Providence, WeirdProvidence.org Paper Nautilus Books: Providence, PaperNautilusBooks.com Rarities Books & Bindery: Wakefield, RaritiesOnline.com Riffraff Bookstore + Bar: Providence, RiffRaffPVD.com Savoy Bookshop & Cafe: Westerly, BankSquareBooks.com Stillwater Books: Pawtucket, StillwaterBooksRI.com Symposium Books: Providence, SymposiumBooks.com

Send your Rhody book recommendations to Hugh at RhodyReads@gmail.com

Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Twenty Stories: Providence, TwentyStoriesLA.com Wakefield Books: Wakefield, WakefieldBooks.com



PVDFest is Back! The Cre at i ve C a p i t a l h a s b i g plans i n sto re fo r t h e b e l ove d festi va l’ s t riump ha nt ret u rn


fter a two -year pandemic hiatus, PVDFest, the Creative Capital’s signature arts and entertainment event presented by the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism and founding partner FirstWorks, returns to downtown Providence June 10-12. Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza announced plans for the 2022 festival at a press conference in March. “So much has changed since we last danced in the streets of downtown,” he said. “After two very difficult years, this year’s PVDFest is the opportunity we have all been waiting for. We will meet downtown for three days of unforgettable performances and installations, continuing our tradition of elevating local talent and supporting the exchange of creative ideas. Providence is ready to come together and celebrate.” Since its creation in 2015, PVDFest has featured over 4,400 artists, performers, and curators, and has brought close to half a million festival-goers to downtown Providence. Best known for high-energ y musical performances and breathtaking art installations, the 2022 festival includes headliners Rebirth Brass Band, salsa legend Eddie Palmieri, and Peruvian band Hit La Rosa. The over-the-top public spectacle known as Squonk returns this year presenting Hand to Hand, described as “a joyous, participatory event that brings audiences together for a humorous, uplifting visual extravaganza.” “Our framing of this year’s festival is ‘return to form,’” says Tim Rondeau, director of


communications for the City of Providence. “The last couple of years we’ve seen scaledback festivities; 2020 was canceled and last year we decentralized the festival to accommodate events with no more than 15-20 people coming together for smaller music events. This year, there’s really a lot of pent-up energ y and excitement. I think folks have a hunger for the festival in a way that we maybe haven’t seen before. “We’ve got a lot of returning guests and a lot of new folks coming to this year’s festival,” he adds. One of those new artists who will be on stage this year is Providence native Alexus Lee. It’s not only her first time playing PVDFest, she tells us, “it’s actually my first festival period and I’m so excited! I’m definitely leaving it all on the stage.” Lee is enthusiastic about playing in her hometown. “I’ve been blessed to be able to do a fair amount of traveling in my life, and there is still no place that I’ve been that has compared to Providence,” she explains. “There’s just something here that is so special. It’s raw and gritty and passionate. I think maybe because we’re the smallest state, we have this hunger and fire that you don’t see in places like LA. We’re a bunch of dreamers and hustlers and lovers and go-getters. I’m always inspired here, which is why I’ve stayed.” Another highlight will be the 10th Annual Afrika Nyaga Drum & Dance Festival, which is held concurrently with PVDFest. Drummer Sidy Maiga and friends Vieux Farka Touré, Chachi Car valho, Satta Jallah, Natural Element, and Haus of Glitter will perform in

Burnside Park on Sunday June 12. “ We often refer to ourselves as the Creative Capital,” explains Rondeau. “There’s a lot of things that go into that. There’s culinary arts, visual arts, performance art, and all of those things have a place at PVDFest. It’s a cool dynamic and it showcases communities.” The unique programming doesn’t stop there. “We’re partnering with Haus of Codec, a local arts organization, who will be managing our parade,” says Rondeau. “They’re working with the company that manages Pokémon Go, bringing Pokémon Go to PVDFest, in a virtual environment. We’re hoping that attracts a whole new group of people that have maybe never experienced the festival to see what the city has to offer.” Even beyond the headliners, PVDFest is a truly immersive way to experience the city. “Another thing that is unique about this festival is that we have these pop-up events all around downtown. You might turn down a side street and see performance art that you didn’t necessarily see highlighted in the program. It’s impromptu, it’s exciting – that is Providence in a nutshell. “The mayor often speaks about dancing in the streets,” Rondeau continues. “Anything that involves live music and performance and allows folks to let loose and have fun – it’s a really cool dynamic when a band is playing and you’re dancing in the middle of Washington Street.” Sister publication Providence Monthly is a proud sponsor. Learn more at PVDFest.com Hey Rhody SUMMER JUNE 2022 |


Photo by Erin X. Smithers, courtesy of PVDFest

By Ken Abrams

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