frothing beer scene brings seasonal flavors and cozy vibes
for the
mural brings beauty and safety to the Broad Street cultural
Street merchant
of Broadway
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These programs are funded by the energy-effciency charge on all customers’ gas and electric bills, in accordance with Rhode Island law.
Growing archive of photos, oral histories, and documents tells the stories of Providence buildings past and present
Growing up in North Smithfield, J Hogue always thought he would leave Rhode Island one day. His perspective of Providence was that of an outsider, “a teenager who would go to Thayer Street every now and then,” he recounts with a laugh. Hogue did move out of state for a while, but when he returned in the late ‘90s, “it didn’t feel like the same place that I had left.”
Amid the city’s downtown revitalization and the real estate boom that would follow, Hogue found himself drawn to the industrial nature of neighborhoods like Olneyville, Valley, and pockets of Silver Spring, taking note of what was being lost in our built environment when outside developers swept in.
“We have this really deep industrial his tory everywhere, and with Eagle Square in 2002, that was the thing that made a lot of people wake up,” says Hogue, referring to the artists who were displaced when de velopers demolished most of the buildings housing the arts collective Fort Thunder to create a shopping center. “It was a rallying cry and a wake up call that these buildings we’re taking for granted may not be here for much longer. If we want them, we have to get involved, we have to take them.”
For some, this meant buying properties. For Hogue, it meant starting ArtInRuins.
A web designer by trade, Hogue began
photographing and researching city architec ture and compiling the histories of over 300 buildings on his website. He made contacts at the state Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission and Providence Preservation So ciety, and to fill in gaps, even purchased scans of maps for years that are harder to find via the Library of Congress archives.
When it comes to scope, “I wish I was more choosy,” Hogue jokes, indicating backlogs of photos he’s taken and sites he’s explored that haven’t yet made it up on the website, but Art InRuins is expansive by design. “If there’s any sort of demolition, I try to capture that,” he says. “I’m more interested in change, in places that
are shifting ownership, shifting use, or drasti cally shifting their appearance.” This can range from the sudden demolition of the Duck & Bun ny house on Wickenden Street to the more un der-the-radar, unfussy properties where there’s “not an obvious reason to appreciate it.”
In the 20 years Hogue has been dutifully documenting, even old narratives continue to change as more is unearthed. With digital ar chives more readily available than they used to be, Hogue realized in 2020, “I had quite a bit of work ahead of me.” More documents surfaced, and “sometimes the story changes a little bit about how we understood what used to happen at a particular building.”
“Around the same time as the Eagle Square protests, developers turned their attention to converting many former department store buildings downtown into housing and small commercial spaces. The historic core of Downcity would look very different now if these efforts were not undertaken.”
“The Gately building in Pawtucket stood in decay for 20 years before redevelopment in 2014.”
A big part of the equation is oral histories. “It feels like grand kids set their grandparents up with a computer and they start Googling where they used to work and they find my page,” says Hogue, who hears from a lot of former employees and people who knew these buildings in their prime. “People probably tell these stories to each other all the time, but I feel really lucky that I’m able to collect so many of them into a place where people can appreciate them. You get the sense that all of these places meant something to someone; no matter how ugly or how decayed it got, there was a point in time when it was in beautiful shape and it was brand new. People worked there and made a life there.”
Scrolling through pages of memorialized buildings, it’s clear ArtInRuins is an ever-growing time capsule, and Hogue hopes it will continue to evolve with community collaboration. “I’m always open to having conversations with folks who have a fire in their belly and need a place to put that energy.” ArtInRuins.com
When you go to Broad Street in Providence, you’ll see a street that is radically different from what it was just a few months ago. Among the changes is a street mural at the corner of Public and Daboll streets. The Public’s Radio Artscape producer James Baumgartner spoke with Rhode Island Latino Arts director Marta Martínez, who helped to facilitate the project, as well as René Gómez, the artist who designed and painted the mural.
RENÉ GÓMEZ: It’s an asphalt mural. It’s a dif ferent type of mural. It’s not on a tradition al wall, it’s actually on the street. It is very colorful. The colors are inspired by where I’m from, the Dominican Republic, and the tra ditional houses down there which are very bright, very Caribbean-looking. And also right across the street, there is a church, and also the stained glass inspired the design.
JAMES BAUMGARTNER: The intersection is a very wide stretch of asphalt where two streets come together at a narrow angle. There’s a bright purple house at the corner, like a miniature flatiron building. What was the intersection like before the painting?
GÓMEZ: I’ll be honest with you – a little scary. I would, you know, have to watch my back here and there because cars were speeding. The street right next to it is a one way, but most people use it as a two way. So yeah, I hope it really reduces the speed and makes people slow down with this piece of artwork.
BAUMGARTNER: This is part of Broad Street renovations in total, right? So what is that like? What else is there going on?
GÓMEZ: There is a brand new, what is called an urban trail or a bike path that was imple mented on Broad Street. New bus islands, I guess they call it. And it’s just changing Broad Street to make it a lot safer. More pedestrian friendly, basically.
BAUMGARTNER: Marta Martínez is execu tive director of Rhode Island Latino Arts, who hosted an event at Public and Daboll Thursday, August 25, 2022 to bring people out to the mural.
MARTA MARTÍNEZ: It’s going to be the first time that we use it as what I’m going to call a stage. We’ve been hosting what we call a Museo del Barrio on Broad Street. And that translates into the museum of the neighborhood, or the museum of the peo ple. And it’s an activity and program run by Rhode Island Latino Arts, where we just bring art to the people in Broad Street, and it’s brought by artists who are of Lati no heritage. Most of them, if I can, I select
those who actually live or grew up in the neighborhood. So it’s a way of them, like, giving back to the neighborhood or coming back home, and showing their art to their neighbors. The space is – the city is hop ing to use it to bring people together and I thought, well, what a better way to bring it together than to bring them the Museo and use it. And we’re going to offer hands-on art projects by artists. René is going to be there as one of the artists. And we’re go ing to do some bachata sessions where you can just learn some simple bachata steps, and a drumming circle. So it’s something for the entire family.
Photo courtesy RI Latino Artsprojects are you going to have for people who come to the event [tonight]?
GÓMEZ: Basically, almost like a paint and vino kind of thing, except no vino. So yeah, so it’s going to be like, you know, you have your own little easel, a canvas and paint, and then we just have some fun doing some art.
BAUMGARTNER: Sort of like a guided painting?
GÓMEZ: Yes, exactly.
MARTÍNEZ: I like to look at Broad Street as like a giant canvas that we want to put art on. And René also just finished up
another mural closer to The Bomes The atre. He did one on the wall. So, that’s an example. We’ve painted a couple of elec trical boxes. We’ve set up some puppe teering and dance. So it’s art that’s hap pening on Broad Street, and the Museo del Barrio and the mural are just a little piece of what I’d like to bring to Broad Street in terms of art.
BAUMGARTNER: You can see the mural anytime at the corner of Public and Daboll Streets, right off of Broad.
This story was originally posted on August 25, 2022. James Baumgartner can be reached at James@ThePublicsRadio.org
One of the hottest and most contested city council races of the recent September Demo cratic primary centered on Providence’s Ward 3. The race came down to a two-person showdown between Sue AnderBois (who was endorsed by Councilwoman Helen Anthony of Ward 2) and Corey Jones (endorsed by Councilman John Goncalves of Ward 1). AnderBois’ winning mar gin was less than 15 votes out of some 2,600 that were cast. But in contrast to the chaotic politici zation rampant in so many other areas around the country, as the recount was being held to verify the results, both candidates said they were satisfied with however the final vote came out.
As it turns out, the winner will have an oppo nent in the upcoming November election. Mike Fink, running as an independent, is a lifelong res ident of the Summit Avenue area of the East Side with a story to tell about each and every one of its streets. “I actually still live with my family in the very house I grew up in,” he notes with pride.
Fink is well known throughout the community as a raconteur, inveterate lover of co ee houses, and a well-respected recently retired professor of English at RISD, where he taught for over 60 years. He can be best described as intellectual, soft spoken, creative, gentle, and energetic.
But the obvious question is: “Why in heav en’s name is he running for o ce at his age?” “Part of it is because Susan dissed me after she won and told a mutual friend that her only op ponent left is this 90-year-old guy. That upset me. It’s fake news! I’m only 88,” he jokes.
“The truth is some people approached me about running,” Fink explains. “I always like to try new things, and I was elected president of my class when I was in the seventh grade at Nathan Bishop many many years ago, so I thought ‘why not?’ My wife wasn’t quite as sure. But now everyone’s bought in and the whole family is pitching in. My campaign signs were in fact made by my granddaughter.”
So what issues are most important to him? “Climate change for sure, although we called it something di erent back then. My nickname in school was ‘nature boy.’ After graduating from Yale, I made the decision that arts and educa tion would be my avocation, and RISD would be a perfect landing spot.” He has been a popular
cornerstone at RISD for over six decades for his out-of-the-box thinking in English and film.
He feels the Hope Street bike path is not a great idea. He loves the third ward because of its wide variety of small but attractive hous ing and believes there needs to be more of it throughout the community, but his biggest goal is to see if he can use his communication skills to get people with divergent ideas to work bet ter together. “In my view, if you can’t change an adversary’s mind, then you need to learn from them and elevate their thinking to create what I call a better generosity of spirit,” says Fink.
His campaign signs illustrate a potential gen erational communication gap, however. The well-crafted signs show an old campaign slogan from the ‘50s, “I Like Ike,” but with a hand-drawn “M” added before the word Ike. Clever. The only
question is how many of his constituents even know who Ike is – but does that even matter?
Interviewing Fink, I recalled a classic com mercial from the ‘60s for Life, a new Quaker Oats cereal of all things. Three young broth ers are eating breakfast. In front of them are three heaping bowls of a new cereal that is supposed to be good for them. Neither of the two older brothers has any desire to taste it first (“I’m not going to try it – you try it!”). So they try to get their little brother Mikey to do it (“Let’s get Mikey, he hates everything!”). Lit tle Mikey briefly contemplates the bowl and then begins to eat it enthusiastically as the brothers exclaim, “He likes it. Mikey likes it!”
I admire Mike(y) Fink, who at age 88, after prodding from others, decided to try some thing new. We should all be so lucky.
Mike Fink makes his move in Ward 3 as an independent candidate for city councilPhoto courtesy of Mike Fink Retired RISD professor Mike Fink’s next move is running for city council
We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. Email or tag us on social media using #RhodyGem to suggest yours, and we might just feature it!
A one-stop shop for photography nerds that features everything from vintage cam eras to darkroom services.
On Hope Street, look for the distinctive or ange door and blue neon Passport Photos sign in the ornate front window.
With a world obsessed with Web3 and the Metaverse, The Camera Werks is a welcome throwback to the analogue era. For over 34 years, Patricia Zacks’ camera shop has served as a home for professional and am ateur photographers and memory preserv ers. The photography services o ered are many and varied, from film developing to print and slide scanning, plus video trans fers that bring Betamax and VHS memo ries into the digital age. Photographers will love their selection of vintage cameras and pro-quality used film equipment like lenses, light meters, filters, and more. Showcase your snaps in an Italian wood marquetry frame or opt for their custom framing ser vices. Grab a Rhody-grown postcard or a greeting card from their wide selection as a finishing touch to a unique holiday gift. Heading o to photograph distant lands? They can even take your passport pic.
Hope Street • 273-5367
“No matter who you are, we want to help keep you warm,” says Becka Carroll, the digital outreach manager for Buy Nothing Day Coat Exchange, which was founded by mother-and-daughter team Pam and Lauren Testoni. This sums up the goal of their largest coat drive, which culminates with a distribu tion event the day after Thanksgiving on the State House lawn in Providence.
“Whoever needs a coat is welcome to show up and take what they need, no questions asked,” Carroll continues. “Some folks who come to the event are unhoused and need help staying warm through the winter; others are families who simply can’t a ord to buy coats for their kids or themselves.” Collecting at centers across the state, they aim to have enough for everyone who stops by.
For volunteers, coat drive season starts around Labor Day each year. “We put out a call
for donations of coats, hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, sweatshirts, sweaters – any kind of outer wear and winter clothing that will help keep folks warm,” says Carroll. “We collect up until the week before Thanksgiving at various sites throughout the state – shoutout to our collection site lead ers, without whom we couldn’t make this hap pen!” The days leading up to Black Friday – or Buy Nothing Day – are spent transporting donat ed goods from all over the state via U-Hauls, and then the “sorting and organizing frenzy” begins.
Last year’s event was the first one back af ter taking a pandemic pause, and in a quick pivot, nimble organizers moved thousands of coats – the most they’ve ever received –indoors to avoid the rain. This year, the ex change falls on November 25. It’s grown so much that organizers are seeking additional storage facilities and warehouses to keep all of the coats they receive early in the drive.
“We also accept and deeply appreciate monetary donations to our GoFundMe to help us pay for the U-Haul we use to transport the donated items as well as the storage unit where we store and organize everything until it’s time for distribution,” says Carroll.
Buy Nothing Day Coat Drive wouldn’t exist without help from the community. Donations of clean, gently used winter clothing for all sizes and genders are needed. “We like to specifically ask for kids and XXL+ sizing since those are the most di cult to come by,” Carroll explains. “Local knitters and cro cheters are welcome to make hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves to donate, too!”
Those interested in volunteering or setting up collection sites in their neighborhoods can visit RICoatExchange.org or email ricoatdrive@gmail.com.
In the spirit of famous “point-counterpoint” players like Shana Alexander and James J. Kilpatrick or Richard Pryor and Chevy Chase, Barry and I often knock heads. Since the political season has burned everyone out, we decided to switch to current events and the most-talked-about and long-await ed arrival of the city’s worst-kept secret, Trader Joe’s, which should be open soon.
When it comes to Trader Joe’s almost iconic status, Barry and I are on di erent planets. I have been an unapologetic Trader Joe’s loyal ist for years and am counting the days until the doors swing open. Barry loves Rory’s down town, Dave’s Marketplace, and anyone who ad vertises with us. He doesn’t really know Trad er Joe’s at all but is curious as to how they’ve gained their insanely loyal following.
Barry found an old Forbes Magazine ar ticle by Blake Morgan, a senior writer and “Customer Experience Futurist” who has
written several books on retailing in the fu ture. In “Seven Reasons Customers Are More in Love With Trader Joe’s Than Ever,” she ex plains why the company has developed such a faithful following. Her thoughts and my broad observations are almost identical, so it’s not me who sounds like a corporate shill.
Whether you love it or hate it, the city’s worst-kept secret is located in the center of Parcel 6 in the 195 District at the corner of Point, South Main, and South Water streets. “Soon” is as close to an exact date as you’ll get for now. Trader Joe’s isn’t a full-sized market; the Providence store’s footprint is 9,000 square feet, while a Super Stop & Shop is 81,000 square feet.
To some grown-ups, shopping at Trader Joe’s is like being a kid in Disney World. Everyone is so nice, the attractions are di erent almost each visit, and there’s always something that puts a smile on your face. Shopping at Trader Joe’s is
an adventure and people love talking about it.
On a recent video call, my daughter and grandson were ecstatic that Trader Joe’s pumpkin-spiced pumpkin seeds had re turned. Apparently, the roasted hulled seeds with butter-sugar to ee glaze and seasoned with traditional pie spices are only around for a short time each year.
Trader Joe’s is known for its service and its at mosphere – think Chick-fil-A without the political issues. Ocean Staters may appreciate the store’s nautical theme, complete with cedar planks and sea-worthy lights. The managers are called “cap tains,” the employees are “crew members,” and they wear colorful floral Hawaiian shirts. They communicate using a bell system instead of a PA system. And they always seem happy, friendly, and knowledgeable. A large part of their train ing is focused on culture and values, and sta is given the discretion to go out of their way to enhance the customer experience.
Photos by Barry Fainmaking waves before the doors even open
Known as the “anti-grocery store,” Trader Joe’s o ers a well-selected collection of af fordable foods. They only carry 4,000 items, and while not all of their products are unique, about 80 percent of the items are listed un der some sort of Trader Joe’s branding, with many organic, gluten-free, and natural foods.
They don’t sell many branded items. They don’t have coupons or discounts. There’s no loyalty card. There’s nothing to scan. There’s no self-checkout. There are no TV ads, nor circulars in the newspapers. Products are largely promoted through Trader Joe’s Fear less Flyer (“always free and worth every penny”). Here you’ll find seasonal favorites like Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese, Maple Pecan Granola Cereal, Pumpkin Spiced JoeJoe’s, Organic Maple Vinaigrette, and Pump kin Chipotle Roasting Sauce. There’s also a podcast and seasonal recipes. Two Buck Chuck, their signature wine that debuted at
$1.99 (it’s $3.79 today) has sold over a billion bottles, though RI liquor laws mean Provi dence shoppers won’t be able to imbibe.
There will be haters, no doubt. Some people may miss their favorite brands, oth ers feeling irritated by the parking and traf fic situation, though health- and cost-con scious middle-income shoppers are likely to flock to Providence’s new market.
Joe Coulombe founded Trader Joe’s in 1967 in Pasadena and named it to evoke the image of the South Seas. His target back then was a “better educated, better traveled customer who had a modest in come.” He sold the operation to the Ger man grocery chain, Aldi, while remaining chief executive until 1988. The original Trader Joe died two years ago at 89.
If nothing else, the new addition means shoppers have more choices. We’ll leave it to you to decide!
A space made available to Providence’s neighborhood associations free of charge.
The Mile of History Association (MoHA) welcomed new neighborhood tours this season. In Septem ber, Ray Rickman of the Stages of Freedom Mu seum gave a walking tour of the district’s African American history. This month, MoHA announced a guided tour called Institutional Benefit Street, led by architectural historian Sophie Higgerson, a Brown University graduate student. Higgerson prepared a study of the many non-residential locations on Benefit Street, including churches, museums, libraries, universities, court houses, the aters, clubs, house museums, and even a military arsenal. Some of these places were originally res idences, but many were built for other uses. Stay tuned for details to come about the Benefit Street Stroll, a celebration of the holiday season tenta tively scheduled for the first week of December, concurrently with RISD Museum’s Super Art Sun day. Visit MileOfHistory.org for updates.
With neighbors a ected by the Hope Street Tem porary Trail that took place in October, Observa tory Neighborhood Association (ONA) estimates over 90 percent of residents, including those who ride bicycles, as well as businesses, are against the project. The trail runs up the west side of the Ob servatory neighborhood boundary. Some living on Hope Street reported having di culty getting into and out of their driveways, while businesses cited di culties for their patrons in finding park ing spaces nearby, especially for individuals with mobility challenges. The side streets filled up with cars whose owners couldn’t find anywhere to park. One resident expresses concern that the mile-long trial trail facilitated by the Providence Streets Co alition is “a road to nowhere,” while others cite it as a “solution looking for a problem.” ONA hopes their new city councilperson, state representative, senator, and new mayor will listen to the commu nity and not allow the project to go forward.
Elmwood Neighborhood Association encourages residents to engage with the Providence De partment of Planning and Development’s once-a-decade update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The “Comp Plan” outlines goals and strategies in a range of areas to guide Providence’s growth and development over the next 20 years. Through early 2023, the Planning and Develop ment department will be engaging iteratively with communities across the city through a range of formats (tabling at neighborhood events, community meetings, forums on key issues, on-street conversations, etc.) to inform the update of the Comprehensive Plan. To provide feedback online, visit SurveyMonkey.com/r/PVDCompPlan and learn more at ProvidenceRI.gov/Comp-Plan/
Thanks to American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, high-quality internet access is now avail able in 11 municipal parks. Look for new signage announcing free WiFi at parks across the city, including Ardoene Park in Elmwood. The program will expand to other parks this fall, including nearby Roger Williams Park. In addition, the city is allocating funding to support Providence resi dents’ access to the federal A ordable Connectivity Program, a broadband discount program for eligible households. To learn if you’re eligible to enroll, visit FCC.gov/acp.
In an e ort to bring school buildings into the 21st century of student learning, Classical High School will undergo phased interior renovations over the next two years to update classrooms, the nurses’ station, media labs, and administrative o ces. Mayor Jorge Elorza, Providence elected o cials, and education partners recently cut the ribbon on the first phase of renova tions, which converted the former media center and locker rooms into classroom swing space to be used when the next phase of renovations begins later in the school year. In a press release from the City of Providence, Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green expressed enthusiasm for the renovations. “Youth across Providence deserve and learn best in student-centered, stateof-the-art facilities. The transformation of Classical High School will provide that space and is further proof of Rhode Island’s unwavering commitment to our kids,” she said. “I am thrilled to watch these once-in-a-lifetime investments take shape in Providence Public Schools and look forward to watching students learn, grow and thrive as they prepare for their next chapter.”
Blackstone Parks Conservancy
Jane Peterson
P.O. Box 603141 Providence, RI 02906
Neighborhood Association Rick Champagne
P.O. Box 2442 Providence, RI 02906
Downtown Neighborhood Association
Facebook: Providence Downtown Neighborhood Association, DNA
Elmwood Neighborhood Association Karen Hlynsky
Facebook: Elmwood Neighborhood Association PVD
Fox Point Neighborhood Association
Amy Mendillo
P.O. Box 2315 Providence, RI 02906
Jewelry District Association
Sharon Steele Sharon@sharonsteele.com
Facebook: Jewelry District Association Providence, RI
Charles Hewitt
Mile of History Association
c/o One Governor Street Providence, RI 02906
Mount Hope Community Center 401-521-8830
Facebook: Mount Hope Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Olneyville Neighborhood Association
Eduardo Sandoval
122 Manton Avenue, Box 8 Providence, RI 02909
Facebook: Olneyville Library
Providence Coalition of Neighborhood Associations Info@provcna.org
Reservoir Triangle Neighborhood Association David Talan 25 Santiago St. Providence, RI 02907 401-941-3662
Wole Akinbi
400 Smith Street Providence, RI 02908 Suite #1
Facebook: Smith Hill Partners’ Initiative
c/o Dwayne Keys P.O. Box 5653 Providence, RI 02903 401-369-1334
Facebook: South Providence Neighborhood Association
Summit Neighborhood Association P.O. Box 41092 Providence, RI 02940 401-400-0986
SNAProv@gmail.com SummitNeighbors.org
Washington Park Neighborhood Association 237 Washington Avenue Providence, RI 02905
Facebook: Washington Park Association
Katherine Touafek
Facebook: Wayland Square Neighborhood Association WaylandSquareNeighbors@gmail.com
West Broadway Neighborhood Association 1560 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02909 401-831-9344 WBNA@wbna.org WBNA.org
At Northeast Chiropractic, Dr. Tom Morison specializes in Chiropractic Bio-Physics, the most researched chiropractic technique. He uses his extensive knowledge of the spine and nervous system to alleviate – and often eliminate – back and neck pain and migraines. Dr. Tom can also make longer term postural corrections, impacting everything from digestion to energy level and resulting in significantly boosted overall wellness, and can even potentially improve asthma, colic, ear infections, tingling, hypertension, allergies, and more.
Northeast Chiropractic also o ers the cutting-edge ScoliBrace, a highly e ective and customizable scoliosis bracing method using the best corrective principles. Used in conjunction with 3D imaging software, BraceScan, the brace is customized to fit the patient’s unique measurements and needs. In conjunction with regular corrective chiropractic care, ScoliBrace has been shown to significantly improve spinal deformities.
Any doctor can say he’s committed to his patients, but for Dr. Tom, it goes far beyond that. He does extensive additional training well beyond what’s required because he wants to provide the best possible care and put his patients on a path to healthier, better lives.
Home theater, TV or stereo? Jon Bell, Simply Sight & Sound, 401-749-8283. Reasonable rates. 30+ yrs exp.
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High end workmanship. Small jobs a specialty. Call Ron, 751-3242, or 523-2343. Reg. #18128.
Round Again Records needs your used CDs and records. Cash paid. Call 351-6292.
Over the past several years, craft breweries have been bubbling up all over Rhode Island, with more than 30 across the state. Eight of those are here in the capital city, o ering beer lovers a wide range of flavor profiles and experiences, from IPAs in eclectic taprooms to hearty stouts pouring at pubs. We checked in with several owners to find out what’s brewing this season.
Photo (top) by Jackie Young, Golden Age Collective, courtesy of Long Live, (bottom) courtesy of MonikerThere’s something for everyone at Beer on Earth. “We try to brew a wide variety of styles and flavors to appeal to every type of beer drinker out there,” explains owner Adam Henderson. Regulars enjoy the Orange Belt IPA, the West Fountain St. pilsner, and I Am a Raspberry Do nut, a Berliner weisse. “We have fine-tuned these three over the years, and we now consider them to be flag ships that we brew year-round,” says Henderson. Beer On Earth started as a small venture founded by
award-winning homebrewers that co-existed inside a bakery in North Kingstown. The business expanded and moved to Providence with head brewer Cody Anderson taking over brewing operations, and now they’re canning beers for distribution throughout Rhode Island and Mas sachusetts, too. Local artist and tattooist Paul Endres Jr. designs can labels and logos and created the mural in the tap room, a funky, art-centric space perfect for the West End’s laid-back community of beer drinkers.
Henderson tells us, “We plan on bringing back bottles of our fan-favorite Marzanna Reborn. This beer is a Baltic porter that we age in a bourbon barrel for a couple of months, and then bottle into 750-milliliter Champagne bottles where it is able to naturally carbonate.”
West Fountain Street,
BEERONEARTH.COMGrowing out of 425 West Fountain Street, Long Live Beerworks’ story begins where Beer on Earth currently resides. Long Live moved to their current Sprague Street digs in 2019, which allowed them to expand their brewing capacity. A spacious taproom features two levels in a historic mill building on the border of the West End and South Side, steps away from KNEAD Doughnuts and High Dive Bar with a second Boston location in the works. “We specialize in New England-style IPAs, fruited sours and pastry stouts, but also enjoy brewing inventive takes on tra ditional styles,” says co-founder Jessica deBry.
The brewery is expanding hours during the holiday season as well as hosting food pop-ups and gath erings. Watch for a big anniversary bash in January with a full week of events and new releases.
Long Live features an extensive IPA menu under head brewer Armando DeDona with the hazy Heart of a Champion, the bold Skull Medallion, and the double IPA Good, Good Things leading the way. “We certainly will be leaning in on stout season, and will release specialty bottles as we get closer to the holidays – perfect for sharing with family and friends,” shares deBry.
There’s a warm neighborhood vibe at Moniker Brewery, another West Fountain Street hot spot. Owner and co-founder Bryan Benedict shares, “The building popped up on our radar and we fell in love with it pretty quick. It gave us the opportunity to build something that isn’t quite out there, at least in the city. It’s got tons of outdoor space and an open-air feel to it.
“The name Moniker comes from the idea that if we did this right – good beer, good experience, good service – it doesn’t real ly matter what we’re called,” Benedict continues. “If we nail those
Lagers reign supreme at Moniker, with the Pickerel – a nod to the recently opened noodle bar down the street in the form of a crisp, light Japanese rice lager – and the American corn-based Lager Drink leading the way. Designed to the Nines, a pale ale made in collaboration with DESIGN WEEK RI, is another favorite. Benedict promises special releases for the holiday season, including stouts and IPAs.
West Fountain Street
A household name in Rhode Island, Narragansett Beer’s Providence brewery celebrated their one-year anniversary this past spring in their state-of-the-art tasting room across the street from India Point Park. The venue hosts music and community events regularly and has become a trendy destination for locals and visitors alike.
Spokeswoman Kayla O’Regan tells us that the region’s
three things, we can be successful. We want to keep it simple and go back to what we all love about the industry, which is hanging out with friends and drinking some good beers.”
Located in the vibrant West End alongside other growing businesses, Moniker partners with a handful of them, including Dip Dips, a mobile catering business (look for a new beer called Sip Sips coming soon to celebrate the collab). The dog- and family-friendly spot celebrates their second anniversary in Jan uary – look for weekly specials throughout 2023.
Get a free pour at Narragansett when you bring a coat donation in November for the Rhode Island Coat Drive.
largest brewery was “founded in 1890 by six German immi grants on a quest to create an authentic German beer in the United States.” Known for their long-standing history that includes Red Sox sponsorships, JAWS features, and more, the brand almost died in the 1990s, until owner Mark Hellen drung revived Narragansett with a team of investors in 2005.
Best known for their traditional lager, you can find a number of selections in the brewery with local accents, including the Del’s Shandy and Fresh Catch Citra Session Ale. Narragansett’s flagship beer, Musik Express IPA, is “a flavorful, citrusy IPA with inspiration drawn from the famous Rocky Point ride,” says O’Regan. Seasonal beers and limited releases such as the Gourd Reaper Pumpkin and the Bohemian Pilsner are among fall faves.
O’Regan notes that the company’s holiday ale is on the way as colder weather approaches. “It has lovely notes of sweet orange and coriander spice to make up the ultimate winter beer,” she says. “This brew is often served with a cinnamon sugar rim to play up and pair with the spices in the beer.”
Another cold weather classic is the traditional 1822 Porter, a historical porter brewed using a recipe from the 1800s.
Tockwotton Street, Providence
Another new kid on the block with historic roots, today’s Providence Brewing Co. is a nod to the original of the same name, which opened in the 1800s but closed in 1920 due to Prohibition. Owner Efren Hidalgo opened Providence Brewing Co.’s new tasting room at Farm Fresh RI in 2021. Hidalgo, who likes to experiment with different styles, is focused on the prod uct. Last summer the brewery introduced frozen sour beers, and Hidalgo has a new line in the works, a series of fruit sours.
“The New England-style double IPA called Pound Town has helped to take us to a different level,” says Hidalgo, explaining with zeal some of the techniques they use to set their brews apart. “We have another really cool beer, a lager that we use biotransformation with, so we’re using specific types of yeast to help us get more of that juicy flavor out of the grains, the yeast, and the hops. It’s called Irresistible Delicious. It’s a super hazy New England-style India Pale Lager.”
“We’re going to be kicking o a new series of pastry stouts we created called Dump Cakes, an imperial stout based on some of the classic ‘70s and ‘80s style of cakes that were more crumbles than cakes,” says Hidalgo.
“We’ll be using a lot of fruits, marshmallow cream as the sweetener, vanilla to help even it out, some sea salt, some oat milk, and milk sugar. It tastes like you’re having a cherry tart or blueberry pie.” This irresistible brew comes in blueberry, blackberry, cherry, and strawberry-rhubarb.
10 Sims Avenue, Unit 110
If you’re new to the brew scene and looking for a perfect balance between malty and hoppy, dark and sour, here’s a few essential fall flavors to load up your flight with while touring Providence’s breweries.
A style of German wheat beer, the Berliner Weisse is a good introduction to sours (which Providence breweries love to get daring with). Often found in fruit varieties, this light, refreshing, and sometimes cloudy brew is a must for any flight.
“Doppel” means “double” in German, so you can expect a strong brew. Dark or coppery in color and soft-bodied, this lager is a great choice for malt lovers with notes of toasted barley and caramel.
Hop-forward brews that’ll hit you first with pine or citrus on the nose (depending on the hops used and when they’re added) and a smooth, bitter finish. If flavorful, fuller-bodied IPAs are your thing, go for anything labeled DDH (double dry-hopped) or a hazy New England IPA, which goes easy on the bitter aftertaste.
No two pils are alike, and many breweries have their own take on these crushable, malty beers (or use Pilsner malts in other styles), but we’re all for carrying this summer favorite into fall flights.
This classic choice has been around since the 1700s. Porters come in many styles, but all share the trademark dark malt for a hearty winter brew.
A hearty, traditional beer, stouts will get you through those long Rhode Island winter nights with creamy notes of coffee and chocolate. Many local breweries take the rich dessert profile a step further with gingerbread, s’mores, oatmeal, and other sweet additions.
Photos by Ken AbramsJust over the Providence line, the historic city of Pawtucket o ers several popular spots not to be overlooked by the dedicated beer fan. Here’s a taste of what you can expect at these small-but-hoppy breweries.
CROOKED CURRENT BREWERY may be the city’s smallest, but it features big flavors like their Neapolitan Brown Ale, Oatmeal Raisin Stout, Passion Fruit Guava IPA, and Co ee Maple Oatmeal Stout, among more traditional brews in a cozy tasting room in Lorraine Mills. Facebook: Crooked Current Brewery, 560 Mineral Spring Avenue, Pawtucket
FOOLPROOF BREWERY hosts weekly events like trivia, game nights, and food trucks, as well as popular brews including the Pawtucket Patriot IPA, the Three All the Way DIPA, and a Vanilla Espresso Raincloud. BreweryCollective.com, 241 Grotto Avenue
THE GUILD is a unique cooperative in the region, featuring beers from partner brewers Night Shift Brewing, Chair 2, and Devil’s Purse Brewing Co. When visiting the Pawtucket location, or the new bayside spot in Warren, sample the Santilli IPA, The Observatory APA, or the Slightly Cloudy IPA, a low-calorie option. TheGuildPawtucket.com, 461 Main Street
SMUG BREWERY is known to have a little fun with beer names, with a few winners including the Dad Bod lager, pumpkin-spiced Gourds Gone Wild, and Driving Miss Hazy, a citrusy IPA. Celebrate the season with the cranberry-infused Hipster Santa and warm up with a Cabin Fever on cold winter nights. SmugBrewing.com, 100 Carver Street
Formerly headquartered in Cranston, Revival Brewing is a recent transplant to Providence. Led by head brewmaster and co-founder Sean Larkin, Revival now shares an eclectic, upbeat space in the Valley neighborhood with Lost Valley Pizza, where skater vibes are strong and DJ music by Lowkey sets the tone on select nights. Larkin is a respected and experienced local brewer, having previously won over a dozen awards at the Great International Beer Festival.
The brewery is known for a wide selection, from their first batch of Double Black IPA brewed in 2011 to newer releases like the Merry Beary Strawberry Peach Sour Ale. Revival has also been recognized for collaborations with local organizations and businesses, like the winter-ready White Electric Co ee Stout, which includes specially roasted co ee from New Harvest roasters mixed with malts from around the world. There’s also a line honoring local 94 HJY FM radio personalities including Paul and Al’s Pale Ale, Doug & Scarpetti Vanilla Porter, and Jenn’s Mocha Stout.
Revival’s best-selling beers can be found at bars, restaurants, and liquor stores around the state. The trendy You Thirsty? is a pleasantly juicy IPA while the Night Swim’ah is a popular Belgian wheat ale flavored with orange peel, coriander, and raspberries. Sours like the Wild Beary Sour Ale, the Pinky Swear Berliner Weisse, and their Hail Beary Blueberry Sour Ale are always in demand.
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Sims AvenueRhode Island Antiques Mall is a
Established in 1994, Trinity Brewhouse was one of the first brewpub-style restaurants in New England. Across the street from Trinity Rep and around the corner from the Amica Mutual Pavilion, Trinity is a popular hangout for sports fans, concert lovers, and theater-goers – along with regulars who come for the Mug Club perks and stay for Monday wing nights. Unlike smaller craft breweries with limited hours, Trinity is a full-scale restaurant, open from noon to 1am most days, and 2am on weekends.
The brewhouse features a full menu of pub fare and a rotating selection of ales, porters, and stouts, all brewed on site. Trinity has won numerous awards for their beer going back to 1997, including Gold Medals for their traditional Kolsch, Red Devil, and Belgian Strawberry brews.
The award-winning Kolsch, a crisp refreshing German ale, is a crowd pleaser, along with Tommy’s Red, a hoppy, malty brew. The RI IPA, a bright copper beer first brewed in 1994 before the IPA craze, is an old English-style ale with a malty flavor, fruity aroma, and a dry bitter finish. For rich seasonal flavors, watch for the return of Maple Brown Ale and the beloved Milk Stout.
Rhode Island’s original brew pub was founded in 1993 in the former Union Station train depot in the heart of downtown. Union Station was originally privately owned and then sold several times before 2019, when a group of local restaurateurs and bar proprietors purchased the brew pub, transitioning it from a corporate business to a neighborhood institution. Union Station serves a full menu and brews their beer on premises, drawing a fol lowing of dedicated regulars and casual sippers stop ping by for a pint before WaterFire or a show. They also host local bands and national touring acts regularly.
“New England IPAs are a style you will see frequent ly in the taproom,” says David Bertolini, a partner at Union Station. “Our flagship beer, Cranston Thug Life, is a New England IPA, and our popular Nautical by Na ture is a New England Pale Ale – both are always avail able on draft, in cans to go, and pouring at various RI music venues, bars, and restaurants. Other styles you will find regularly are German and Czech-style lagers, as well as inventive fruited sour beers, which rotate regularly, and are all brewed on site by our brewer, Dave Kenney.”
“We just released a new, limited seasonal pumpkin spiced ale, appropriately named Nightmare on Thayer Street,” shares Bertolini. “Looking forward to the winter, we will have a Doppelbock available at the brewery – a strong, rich, malty lager perfect for the winter and well-paired with the comfort food we o er.”
Type “places to stay near me” into your search engine du jour, and before you can say “one Mississippi” – voila! – a seemingly endless list of sponsored selections awaits your click. And yes, there are multitudes of fabulous hotels around the state, but what about those under-the-radar places that aren’t always part of the list? We took some of the legwork out of the process to compile a handful of gems worth exploring, and using Providence City Hall as our starting point, even provided an estimate of the mileage. Whether you’re seeking a B&B experience, a coastal getaway minutes away, or something a little further and more pastoral or posh, these four stunning accommodations are worth checking out.
On an unassuming side street off Smith/ Route 44, minutes from the State House, is a historic three-story brick Italianate mansion ready for weary travelers and B&B enthusiasts. Guests at Christopher Dodge House will find 14 decorated guest rooms, each with a private bathroom. Innkeepers Frank and Monica Hopton offer a continental buffet and a hot plated chef’s choice each morning. Two patio areas with Edison string lights add to the city magic. Special PVD-themed packages include the Taste of Providence Add-on. Skip the “air” and book this BNB. Providence-Hotel.com
The Tower Suite at the top of the Ocean House boasts vistas of Block Island, Montauk, and Stonington (that’s three states to you and me). Climb the suite’s spiral wooden staircase to the Crow’s Nest – but don’t stop there – a ladder leads to a historically replicated widow’s walk. Amenities include a complimentary bar, use of the resort’s fleet of Mercedes, a personal valet, and more. OH is also happy to create “unique and extreme” packages, too. As an added bonus, guests get a $500 gift card with a three-night or more stay on selected days this fall. Watch Hill, OceanHouseRI.com
If you love horses and Haydn, Grace Note Farm is the place for you. Virginia Sindelar is putting Pascoag on the map with both her lodgings and Music at the Farm series, all set on a 1700s horse farm. Booking options include rooms at the inn (outfitted in OG prairie style) or a farm stay, where guests can help care for horses and other animals, gather chicken eggs, and pick vegetables. Meet Eeyore the donkey, ride horses, and more. Savvy travelers may try to pair their visit with one of the farm’s classical music concerts. Pascoag, GraceNoteFarmWeb.com
“As first-time home buyers and new to Rhode Island, we began this process needing a lot of hand-holding. We truly could not have done this without her! It took us nearly a year to find our first home, and during those times with our numerous questions and concerns, Rachael was so sweet and caring and never made us feel rushed. She gave us her honest opinions with every house viewing and never tried to ”sell” us the house; she truly cared for finding a home that worked for us. She is knowledgeable, professional, supportive, (and the list goes on) and overall a fantastic Realtor!”
If June’s Gaspee Day events haven’t lured you to Pawtuxet Village, then Gregory Hill likely will. This family business of boutique vacation cottages currently has three properties (plus one in the works) all with sparkling views of Pawtuxet Cove or Narragansett Bay. Rentals are within walking distance to the restaurants and small businesses that line Broad Street. Cottage interiors look like they were styled for a coastal chic coffee table book with a shoreline palette and neutral aesthetic, and special touches include plush towels, a laundry room, and complimentary bottle of wine. Pawtuxet Village, GregoryHillBnB.com
What better way to show your adoration for Little Rhody and autumn than with goods from our own public college’s Apparel & Spirit Shop? The burgundy, gold, and white school colors are sure to coordinate splendidly with those plaid flannel shirts you’re likely to be wearing, too. Order swag online or better yet, take a ride and visit the beautiful 180acre campus. Established in 1854, Rhode Island College is the second oldest institution of higher education in RI after Brown University. The college is a member of the NCAA and has 17 Division III teams, and its most famous alumni is arguably actress Viola Davis. So, suit up and #BeBold.
Maxim cover girl semi-finalist on getting her start in RI, PVD musts, and always shooting for the stars – and at clay pigeons
Congrats on placing within the top of the semi-finals of the Maxim Cover Girl competition. How does it feel? It’s pretty crazy to me that I beat out approximately 35,000 contestants, and that is something to be proud of! I couldn’t have done it without the sup port of my family, friends, and fans.
Growing up in North Providence and graduating from URI, do you find that a career in modeling and acting can begin here in Rhode Island?
I highly recommend any actor or mod el who wishes to pursue the entertain ment business as a full-time career get all the experience they can in their
Photo courtesy of Julie Ann Dawsonhome state and region first before mov ing to a larger market. To me, Rhode Is land was a great place to grow up, and since it is close in proximity to Boston and New York City,
would seek out job opportunities and drive an average 2,000 miles a month to work gigs up and down the East Coast. There were times I would drive from RI, have a gig or audition in NYC, then drive to Boston to work anoth er gig, and finally end the night back at home in Rhode Island. There is definitely a lot of opportunity in the state, and sur rounding areas, to start your career.
The first time I set foot on a movie set was Dan in Real Life , which was filmed in Providence. It just felt like magic to me. I was fascinated by all of the cast and crew working together to create something special for others. Rhode Island was a great place for me to start my career be cause at the time we had a film tax in centive, which allowed major films and TV shows tax breaks to film in our state.
Your bio mentions that you enjoy trap shooting! Tell us about that.
I enjoy trap shooting because that also means I get to spend time with my broth er, Dan, and my uncles at the gun clubs whenever I am back home visiting from Los Angeles where I currently live.
What else do you like to do when you’re back in Little Rhody?
My favorite places to shop, eat, and play in Providence include Hemenway’s, espe cially when there is a WaterFire going on, followed by bar hopping along the river. No trip to Providence is ever complete without a trip to Pastiche Fine Desserts or a walk down Thayer Street.
Biggest piece of advice for creative hopefuls?
Most people have no idea how close they really are to achieving their dreams, and this is why you must never give up!
At 10 years old, Rhode Island’s cherished celebration of the comic universe has never looked better
It’s hard to remember a November when the streets around the Convention Center weren’t filled with tens of thousands of fans excited to spend a weekend oohing and aahing over their favorite celebrities and artists, colorful lines of attendees costumed as characters from comic books and sci-fi movies winding their way around the block. For 10 years now, Rhode Island Comic Con has provided three days of programming, bringing big names, tourists, and dollars into the Creative Capital.
Some of the biggest names in fandom have thrilled audiences in the smallest state with their personal appearances, Q&A panels, and autograph signings, from classic small-screen heroes like Adam West (1960s Batman ) and William Shatner ( Star Trek ’s James T. Kirk) to movie stars like Billy Dee Williams and Jason Momoa, and a roster of rockers that has included Sting and Gene Simmons. Fans are happy to line up for autographs from comic book artists like Neal Adams.
“Personally, I enjoy the random celebrity encounters,” admits Kristen Adamo, president and CEO of the Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau. “Like running into Lou Ferrigno in the lobby of the Omni or Joey Fatone on the street,” she says referring to the star of the CBS network’s series The Incredible Hulk, which ran from 1978 to 1982, and former member of boy-band NSYNC, now a television fixture, respectively. “I work on a lot of events, but I can safely say that RI Comic Con is the only one that gives you those kinds of experiences.”
Rhode Island Comic Con is a boon to fans as well as the local economy, bringing in guests from all over the world to stay in hotels, eat dinner, and explore Providence and its environs. Estimates for attendance in 2016, the largest crowd to date, were over 81,000 people.
“What I really like about RI Comic Con is that it lifts the profile of the city,” explains Adamo. “Comic Con is the draw, but then people get to experience Providence, some for the first time. Also, a lot of the celebrities
will post about Providence on their social media, which provides invaluable exposure.”
Over the years, there have been some disappointments, with artists who had to cancel their attendance due to illness, other commitments, and even a shooting at the Los Angeles airport in 2013. However, the event only missed one year – 2020 – due to the COVID pandemic. An indoor gathering of that many people in the midst of a global health crisis was deemed unwise, even for a group of people who thrived on stories about the zombie apocalypse.
At press time, the growing guest list already boasts huge names and niche fan favorites. Susan Soares with Altered Reality Entertainment, the group that organizes the event, says, “We are thrilled with the response to our 10th anniversary convention. Guests, vendors, and fans cannot wait for the day to arrive.”
Soares adds, “We have many household names this year, like Jared Padalecki from Walker, Supernatural, and Gilmore Girls fame; Ralph Macchio, better known as Daniel
LaRusso from the Karate Kid movies and Cobra Kai; and Alicia Silverstone and Stacey Dash from Clueless. From the animated classics, we have the voice actors who portrayed Belle, Ariel, and Jasmine rounding out over a dozen actors from the World of Disney.”
In addition to onscreen celebrities, attendees can also meet the talent behind the scenes of comics and films like author Timothy Zahn, known for his Thrawn book series, and Jae Lee, a penciller/inker whose portfolio includes work for comic book publishers DC, Image, and Marvel.
“Our 10th anniversary celebrates so many segments of fandom,” explained Soares, “from the big and small screen, to animation both American and Japanese, to wrestling, to Power Rangers, to legendary comic book artists, and everything in between. We have guests who have never appeared at a convention before. This show will not disappoint.”
Rhode Island Comic Con runs from November 4 through 6 at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Get tickets at RIComicCon.com
Photo by Je Major“The mission has always been, more or less, to bring new and interesting performers to Providence who might not otherwise come here, provide the best experience for art ists, their crew, and their fans and to do the first two things in a way that is sustain able and can keep the theater going,” says Tom Weyman, director of programming at the Columbus Theatre. “Our reputation has grown over the years as more musicians and comedians perform at the theater, and word of mouth has led to more bookings.”
With two stages, large and small, and a screen, the Columbus Theatre on the West End has been that kind of comfortable, unique venue national acts want to play in
as well as an available space for local tal ent. From small shows geared in movement and activism, to national touring comedi ans, the Columbus has worked to become an entity that stands for something and speaks through the very programming that exhibits itself on their stage, leaving their doors open to anyone curious, moved, or inspired enough to come and experience it.
While the history of the theater dates back to 1926, the more modern incarnation of the place begins with Jon Berberian. Jesse Bar on wrote of Berberian in a 2015 New York Times article that he “had been in charge of the Columbus for nearly 50 years, ever since his father, an Armenian immigrant who
made his money in liquor stores, bought the building in 1962, when celebrated movie theaters like the Palace in New York were al ready losing audiences to TV. Berberian set aside his ambitions of being an opera singer to manage the theater, programming sec ond-run movies, a few operas, and recitals. When multiplexes appeared in Providence, the Columbus switched to porn.”
In 2011, Je Prystowsky, Ben Knox Miller, and Bryan Minto of the band The Low An them began renting the space to host con certs and record. This was the moment that the Columbus became the space it was al ways meant to be. Now, 10 years later, Ber berian’s theater, under the programming
The building was designed by architect Oreste DiSaia to be an “outdated” 19th-century Italianate palace, and featured vaudeville and silent films when it first opened
direction of Weyman, is a haven for artistic scenes both local and national. Entering the Columbus for an event, whether it’s your first time or your tenth, the sta ’s genuine a ection for the space is evident. Even the historic building feels like part of the show.
With the large room reserved for national acts, the smaller stage upstairs has allowed local acts to play intimate shows. Some grow into the large stage or go on to record in the Columbus’ recording studio, Uptown Sound.
“Having two stages has been a blessing for us,” says Weyman. “Generally, the larger shows can help subsidize some of the smaller ones. It has also been a real privilege to host artists in our small room and, as their careers grow, have them play in our large room. Mdou Moctar, Waxahatchee, Kishi Bashi, Bombino, Big Thief are examples. Graham Mellor has been running Uptown Sound above the lob by of the theater since June of 2020, and has done projects with The Silks, Noah Harley, The Quahogs, Duke Robillard, and many others.”
Weyman lists Michael Hurley, Low, Charles Bradley, Bonnie “Prince” Billy, Aimee Mann, Ma ria Bamford, Tig Notaro, Jenny Slate, and Wid owspeak as just a handful of many highlights.
“When John C. Reilly played here, he said it was like ‘the inmates running the asylum,’ and Amanda Palmer called us ‘a bunch of freaks with vision,’ which I think were meant as compliments? I also hear from a lot of art ists that there are good vibes at the theater.”
With a John Waters Christmas show slat ed for December, expanded film program ming on the horizon, more local partner ships with groups like PVD World Music, and more touring bands from around the world, Weyman hopes to continue to expand the mission and impact of the Columbus.
In a final nod to the man that kept the Columbus alive, Weyman says, “I’d like to give a shout-out to Jon Berberian, the own er of the Columbus, who has been running things more or less by himself since 1962. Every day I’m thankful that he has given us the opportunity to work in his beauti ful theater!” For upcoming shows, visit ColumbusTheatre.com, 270 Broadway.
10 essential events this month
The cast of The Inheritance, Part One by Matthew Lopez, directed by Joe Wilson, Jr.
Last chance to catch The Inheritance , Matthew Lopez’s Tony Award-winning epic two-part drama, inspired by Howards End, about three generations of gay men during the height of the AIDS epidemic in NYC. TrinityRep.com
November 1:
Pizza J hosts the IFPA sanctioned Belles & Chimes Providence November Knockout Pinball Tournament , an inclusive event welcoming all women, queer, trans, and non-conforming players of all skill levels.
Facebook: Belles & Chimes Providence
November 4:
Groundbreaking modern dance pioneer Bill T. Jones’ What Problem? comes to The VETS. The spoken word-dance mashup about democracy features lo cal community members in the cast. FirstWorks.org
November 5:
Celebrate Rhode Island’s armed forces veterans at WaterFire’s Salute to Veterans , the final full lighting of the season. Veterans serve as the torch bearers at this recognition of military personnel and families. WaterFire.org
November 11:
Don your most elegant (or outra geous) outfit and head to The Gala PVD 2022 , featuring performances from top drag talent and dancing to a live band. Proceeds go to Open Door Health. TheGalaPVD.com
November 12:
Providence’s post-rock band Align in Time plays its first live show in a de cade at Fete Music Hall to celebrate their album On a Spiral. Local acts Secret Garden and Strip Mall support. FeteMusic.com
November 12-13:
Check out local homebuilders, remod elers, landscape designers, and more at the 14th annual Providence Fall Home Show . Bring your ideas, get quotes, and find inspiration to fall in love with your home. JenksProductions.com
November 13:
Don’t miss the Providence stop on two-time Emmy Award-winning writer, actor, and stand-up comic John Mu laney’s From Scratch Tour , where the Saturday Night Live alum gets can did about his six-month rehab stay. PPACRI.org
12 Stories must be written by students in grades 7-12. Stories should be 2500 words or less and incorporate Rhode Island as a theme in some way.
For more information contact Diana C. at School One, 401-331-2497 or dianac@school-one.org, visit www.school-one.org or www.goathillwriters.com
November 14:
Road trip down to South County to cheer on the Providence Friars wom en’s basketball team as they play hometown rivals URI at this “away” game at the Ryan Center in Kingston. Friars.com
November 25:
Be the first to catch the Holiday Lights Spectacular at Roger Williams Park on its opening day. This enchanting holi day tradition dazzles with 40 acres of festive displays and over three million illuminated lights. RWPZoo.org
& November
at 9:30am
If there is such a thing as a “traditional” non fiction author, Maggie Nelson is something else. In her bio, Nelson’s work is described as “defying categorization.” A blurb for her book, The Argonauts, calls it “a loose yet in tricate tapestry of memoir, art criticism, and gentle polemic.” Her writing is nonfiction, but not in the style of blockbusters like Sebastian Junger’s A Perfect Storm or Augusten Bur roughs’ Running with Scissors. Nelson is far more experimental, and one could argue that the experiment has been a success: The Ar gonauts was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, and Nelson herself was named a McArthur “Genius” Fellow.
“Every year we try to invite someone whose work is lyrical at its heart,” says Elizabeth Rush, lead organizer of the Nonfiction@Brown lec ture series. Each year, the series showcases three authors throughout the fall, and Nelson is the second to present, on November 2. “Often, creative writing series tend to feature very es tablished speakers who create these panthe ons. We’re hoping to bring together a group of speakers who push genre boundaries, and
we want to help support writers at all di erent stages of their career. Any writer worth their salt will tell you that writing is an ecosystem, and you have to participate in it.”
Twelve years have passed since the first Nonfiction@Brown, but the series faced the usual COVID complications: the 2020 edi tion was canceled, and events in 2021 were held in a hybrid format. For the first time in three years, Nonfiction@Brown will take place live and in person – and as always, the event is free and open to the public. All lec tures will be recorded and made available on the Nonfiction@Brown website.
Lecture series are everywhere, especially at major universities, but the hallmark of Nonfic tion@Brown is its diversity: the authors’ demo graphics are diverse, and so are their topics and writerly flourishes. Diana Khoi Nguyen, who read last month, is best described as a poet and multimedia artist. Nguyen’s style is lyrical and scrapbook-like; her book, Ghost Of, was a finalist for the National Book Award.
In stark contrast, Liza Yaeger, who will pres ent on December 7, hasn’t written any books at
all; she works as an audio producer. Yaeger, a Brown alumna, has contributed to such widely recognized media outlets as New York Mag azine (or its podcast, anyway), NPR’s series Planet Money, and the human behavior series Invisibilia. While many English departments tend to focus on the written word, Nonfic tion@Brown welcomes other media as well.
“We also always try to have someone who works in radio, as a journalist or producer,” says Rush. “So many jobs in nonfiction are in the radio world these days, and so many of the best stories are being written in this form.”
While most of the attendees have always been students or professors affiliated with Brown, Rush hopes that the series will ex pand expectations for true, narrative writ ing outside of academia.
“Each of the writers we bring in are push ing forward the public conversation around what nonfiction is, who it reaches, and who writes it,” Rush says. “In short, we aim to bring in speakers that both the Providence commu nity and our students will be excited to hear from.” Learn more at English.Brown.edu
Lecture Series | By Robert Isenberg
fall lecture series returns to an in-person format with a dynamic line-up of writersDiana Khoi Nguyen Liza Yaeger Maggie Nelson
When most people think of “Thanksgiving pie,” apple, pumpkin, and pecan come to mind – but not at Providence Coal Fired Pizza. November marks the return of their fan-favorite Thanksgiving Pizza. It all started over seven years ago when an employee suggested a Turkey Day special. “We figured, why not try something and see what happens?” recalls operating partner David Bertolini. “Since then we have been running the Thanksgiving Pizza every year because of all the positive feedback we’ve had and the phone calls the second year asking if we would be running it again.”
Specializing in handcrafted, gourmet pizzas, Providence Coal Fired brings together the holiday’s sweet and savory best bets all on one crust. Think turkey gravy instead of tomato sauce for a base, which is topped with roasted dark and white meat, cornbread stuffing, roasted sweet potatoes, dried cranberries, cheddar cheese, and fresh sage.
All of their weekly specials will be on for the month, too, so why not turn an ordinary Wednesday into a Friendsgiving feast with their Hump Day deal – half off the pie of the month? Their chefs are slinging Thanksgiving Pizzas November 18-27 at both Providence and North Kingstown locations. ProvidenceCoalFiredPizza.com |
By Abbie Lahmers“The bird has landed!” was the gripping Instagram caption that led me to Honey bird on the night of their debut. A photo on their feed showed a generous platter of fried chicken adorned with decadent sides and eye-popping cocktails. I imme diately called and secured a reservation. Long-awaited Honeybird Kitchen + Cock tails is the latest hatchling from Nick and Tracy Rabar, owners of Avenue N American Kitchen and its offshoot, The Pantry, both housed in the micro-mecca of restaurants that make up the commercial level of the Rumford Lofts just a short drive away from the new kitchen on Massasoit Avenue.
Honeybird certainly has added some spice to the small industrial section of East Providence. The restaurant inhabits a brick building with double garage doors, which just so happens to be the former site of a gas station owned by my great-grand father. I felt a strong sense of nostalgia walking through the doors, which was only enhanced when I spotted the vintage gas
pump the Rabars included to pay homage to the building’s roots. The garage doors allow plenty of natural light to spill across the dining room and reflect off the honey comb tile backsplash of the bar.
Our waiter was quick to greet us and of fer us water while we decided on drinks. Ini tially in the mood for a PBR, we pivoted in the moment and ordered cocktails instead: a Side Chick for me and a Bee Sting for my honey. The Side Chick’s ingredients sounded so luxurious I would have believed it were a perfume – orange honey blossom, coconut milk, and mint with a base of gin. Yum.
For appetizers, we ordered Hushpuppies and Pimento Cheese. The deep-fried corn meal balls elicited a mouthful-of-food “oh my God” from the two of us, mostly due to the accompanying green onion butter. The
CUISINE: Contemporary BBQ
ATMOSPHERE: Casual, Lively PRICES: $5 (for sides) to $45
The Bird Has Landed Avenue N owners bring southern-style comfort food to East Providence
Rhodium gin, fresh lime, egg white, orange blossom honey, coconut milk, Topo Chico, mint
Bucket of Chicken ($45):
10-piece bucket of chicken with choice of marinade, side sauce, four BBQ sides, Texas toast, and pickles
Pimento Cheese was served with a spread of celery, red onion, and Saltine crackers; we asked for more to get every last tangy bite. We kept it traditional with the main course – a 10-piece Bucket of Chicken came with Texas toast, pickles, and a choice of sides. For sauces, we went with the Honey Cholu la marinade and Black Tru e Mayo (which I may or may not have finished o with a fork). The chicken was fried to perfection and falling o the bone. I was so satisfied at this point that I could hardly consider eating another bite but managed to dip into our
sides of mashed potatoes with gravy and honey butter-covered cornbread.
The plethora of southern staples was the epitome of comfort food – we left with full hearts and full stomachs. I’d return often to Honeybird even if it weren’t right in the neighborhood, but the fact that it is makes it all the sweeter.
Massasoit Avenue, East Providence 919-5885
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Recipe | By Liz MurrayNothing says “Thanksgiving” quite like pump kin-flavored treats. And while sweets tend to take the cake (no pun intended) when it comes to these spiced goodies, savory dishes starring this beloved gourd deserve room on the table, too. Enter pumpkin clam chowder! Creamy pumpkin is mixed with warm, earthy autumn spices and seasonal vegeta bles for a fall soup recipe that is extra com forting and warm. Not only is this dish sea sonally fitting but also o ers an Ocean State nod when using fresh, local clams. Lucky for us, West End market Fearless Fish recently opened a second location on the East Side. Catches are so fresh, they update their fish list online regularly, and it’s likely you’ll find littleneck clams right o the boat from Nar ragansett Bay. FearlessFishMarket.com
• 5 strips of bacon, pork, or turkey
• 1 large onion, peeled and chopped
• 3 stalks celery, chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced or pressed
• ⅛ tsp ground nutmeg
• ⅛ tsp ground cloves
• ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
• ½ tsp ground ginger
• ¼ cup all purpose flour
• 4 6.5 oz cans of chopped clams, reserving
• 2 cups of liquid
• 2 8 oz jars of clam juice
• 1 15 oz can of organic pumpkin puree
• 1½ pounds yellow or red potatoes, scrubbed and cut into ½-inch cubes
• 1 cup chopped sugar pumpkin or butternut squash
• 1 bay leaf
• 1 cup heavy cream or coconut cream
• 1 Tbsp minced parsley
• 1 tsp table salt, plus more according to taste
• Fresh cracked pepper
OPTIONAL: 1-2 pounds of fresh clams
1. Open the canned clams and drain and reserve their liquid in a separate container.
2. Heat a large dutch oven or stock pot over medium-high heat. Add the bacon strips and cook until crispy on both sides, about 5 minutes. Remove bacon from the pot and set aside.
3. Toss in the chopped onion and celery. Cook until the onion is translucent, around 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Toss in the garlic, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger. Stir well and cook for 30 seconds before adding the four and cooking an additional 30 seconds, stirring the entire time.
5. Pour in the clam juice (the reserved canned juice and jars of juice should amount to 4-5 cups), and mix in the pumpkin puree. Bring the mixture to a light boil before adding the chopped potatoes and pumpkin or squash to the pot, along with the bay leaf. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes and pumpkin are just fork tender.
6. If using fresh clams, add them to the pot, stir well and place the lid on. Allow to cook for 5-10 minutes, until all of the clams have fully opened.
7. Toss in the reserved chopped canned clams, cream, and parsley. Add your pepper and salt – don’t skip this step; salt is very important in this recipe. Start with 1 tsp, and add more to your preference.
8. Chop up the reserved bacon and sprinkle it over the top of each bowl. Serve with a side of bread, and enjoy!
For more tips and recipes, visit RecipeHippie.com
A creamy, spiced soup that takes advantage of autumn harvests and local clams
Wright’s Dairy Farm’s The Wright Scoop is moving their ice cream operations to Farm Fresh in Providence. “We ran out of room at the farm,” says Cathryn Kennedy, fifth-generation farmer who also found ed the company’s ice cream business.
Kennedy explains they were planning to build an extension on their barn in North Smithfield, but “it just wouldn’t work.” She reached out to Farm Fresh on a lark, not expecting them to have the space.
The Farm Fresh location serves as their ice cream production hub and retail lo cation – and includes a window to watch the process – where folks can get fresh scoops or take home pints. A daily selec tion of pastries from their famed bakery are on o er, and it serves as a place to pick up pre-orders. November ice cream flavors feature Apple Crisp, Spice Chai, and Hermit Cookie (brown sugar and spices with chunks of their famous her mit cookies). TheWrightScoopRI.com
By Karen GrecoAfter months of near-breathless antici pation, Rory’s Market + Kitchen opened its doors. The specialty grocer launched in 1978 in an 800-square-foot location in Dennisport, MA. Owner Darby Eames, far ahead of the organic trend, o ered bulk grains, chemical-free beauty products, and organically grown produce. Now run by her daughter, Rory Eames (the store’s name sake), the Washington Street location is its entry to Rhode Island, and the third loca tion of this woman-owned business.
The aesthetically pleasing market’s fea tures the local and organic produce, meats, and cheeses that made the market a sensa tion in Mass. There’s a full menu of prepared foods, both made-to-order and grab-and-go. Healthful smoothies, grain bowls, and organ ic juices are served along with vegan and glu ten-conscious menu items like an avocado toast, with tempeh, Just Egg, and vegan feta, and the Roaring Rice Bowl, with kale, garban zo beans, and wild rice. LoveRorys.com
Chris White, a bartender by trade, loves beef jerky. His home experiments using a NESCO dehydrator got an enthusiastic response, encouraging him to consider selling it. But starting the business was so time consuming, he back-burnered it. When the pandemic hit, he had extra time to dig into the process. He set up a pro fessional-grade dehydrator in a commer cial kitchen and started Branchish Jerky.
White’s jerky is not like the supermar ket stu . Top round is hand cut in thick slices, marinated for 24-48 hours, and de hydrated for up to 10. He uses soy sauce or Himalayan sea salt instead of nitrates. “I cut it thick and only dehydrate it until it’s safe to eat,” he explains, noting that his meat holds more moisture than commer cial brands, which helps with the texture.
“You know you’re eating meat.” Grab the bespoke jerky at the Pawtucket Winter Farmers Market at Hope Artiste Village. BranchishJerky.com
Downtown gets a grocery store
Artisanal beef jerky pops up in Pawtucket
Northern RI ice cream fave comes to Sims
A late fall afternoon on Benefit StreetPhoto courtesy o f K a ly a Photographer from Pawtucket capturing the scenes and ever-changing seasons around Rhode Island.