Christer Amnéus Professional Engelska kurs A (Steg 5) Mind Your Business Professional Mind Your Business består av · The Book · The Key · The Teacher’s CD
ISBN 978-91-622-8737-5
ISBN 978-91-622-8737-5
9 789162 287375
Förord Hello, young Professional
Författare: Christer Amnéus Redaktör: Jörgen Höglund Grafisk form: Wright Design Bildredaktör: Putte Salminen Teckningar: Per Ragnar Møkleby
Den som bryter mot lagen om upphovsrätt kan åtalas av allmän åklagare och dömas till böter eller fängelse i upp till två år och bli skyldig att erlägga ersättning till upphovsman/rättsinnehavare.
Du har valt Handels- och Administrationsprogrammet och det är förstås ett viktigt val. Att kunna samarbeta med människor i inköpsoch försäljningssituationer, att kunna förstå ekonomi och att ha vana att arbeta inom kontors- eller förvaltningsmiljöer spelar stor roll. Men inte nog med det! Du måste också kunna använda dig av den engelska som har med ditt yrke att göra. Därför har du nu i din hand Mind Your Business, specialgjord för ditt program. I den finns texter, teman och bilder som har med dig och dina klasskamrater att göra. Du kommer också att få lära dig nyttiga ord och uttryck inom ditt yrkesområde. Härigenom har du betydligt större möjlighet att klara av situationer i ditt yrkesliv där du behöver engelskkunskaper.
Professional, Mind Your Business
Livonia Lettland 2010
Lycka till med Mind Your Business i engelska!
Bonnier Utbildning Postadress: Box 3159, 103 63 Stockholm Besöksadress: Sveavägen 56, Stockholm Hemsida: www.bonnierutbildning.se E-post: info@bonnierutbildning.se Order/Läromedelsinformation Telefon: 08-696 86 00 Telefax: 08-696 86 10
ISBN 978-91-622-8737-5
Kopieringsförbud! Detta verk är skyddat av lagen om upphovsrätt. Kopiering, utöver lärares rätt att kopiera för undervisningsbruk enligt Bonus-Presskopias avtal, är förbjuden. Sådant avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsanordnare, t.ex. kommuner /universitet. För information om avtalet hänvisas till utbildningsanordnarens huvudman eller Bonus-Presskopia.
© 2010 Christer Amnéus och Bonnier Utbildning AB, Stockholm, J.W. Cappelens Forlag as, Oslo 2006.
Christer Amnéus
Första upplagan Första tryckningen
Bilder Omslag: Mika/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 06 Mark M. Lawrence/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 08 Len Redkoles/AFP/Scanpix, Sid 09 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 11 Michelle Pedone/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 12 Paul J. Richards/AFP/Scanpix, Sid 14-15 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 17 Christer Amnéus, Sid 19 Glowimages/Masterfile/Scanpix, Sid 21 Jennifer Burrell/Masterfile/ Scanpix, Sid 22-23 Alan Zale/The New York Times/Scanpix, Sid 24 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 27 Comstock, Sid 38-39 Chase Jarvis/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 40 Gabe Palmer/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 43 Ingram, Sid 44 Al Accardo/Masterfile/Scanpix, Sid 45 Comstock, Sid 46 Christer Amnéus, Sid 50 Solus-Veer/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 52 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 55 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 58 Oxford Science Archive/Scanpix, Sid 60 Nick Vedros/AGE/IBL, Sid 64 Heidi Widerøre/ All Over Press, Sid 67 Dinodia/AGE/IBL, Sid 68 A. Clifton/AGE/IBL, Sid 72 Science Photo Library/IBL, Sid 76-77 Valerie Simmons/Masterfile/Scanpix, Sid 78 Lester Lefkowitz/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 80a Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 80b Images.com/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 82 Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Scanpix, Sid 83 J. M. Horrillo/AGE/IBL, Sid 86 Luis Enrique Ascui/ Reuters/Scanpix
Förord Hello, young Professional
Författare: Christer Amnéus Redaktör: Jörgen Höglund Grafisk form: Wright Design Bildredaktör: Putte Salminen Teckningar: Per Ragnar Møkleby
Den som bryter mot lagen om upphovsrätt kan åtalas av allmän åklagare och dömas till böter eller fängelse i upp till två år och bli skyldig att erlägga ersättning till upphovsman/rättsinnehavare.
Du har valt Handels- och Administrationsprogrammet och det är förstås ett viktigt val. Att kunna samarbeta med människor i inköpsoch försäljningssituationer, att kunna förstå ekonomi och att ha vana att arbeta inom kontors- eller förvaltningsmiljöer spelar stor roll. Men inte nog med det! Du måste också kunna använda dig av den engelska som har med ditt yrke att göra. Därför har du nu i din hand Mind Your Business, specialgjord för ditt program. I den finns texter, teman och bilder som har med dig och dina klasskamrater att göra. Du kommer också att få lära dig nyttiga ord och uttryck inom ditt yrkesområde. Härigenom har du betydligt större möjlighet att klara av situationer i ditt yrkesliv där du behöver engelskkunskaper.
Professional, Mind Your Business
Livonia Lettland 2010
Lycka till med Mind Your Business i engelska!
Bonnier Utbildning Postadress: Box 3159, 103 63 Stockholm Besöksadress: Sveavägen 56, Stockholm Hemsida: www.bonnierutbildning.se E-post: info@bonnierutbildning.se Order/Läromedelsinformation Telefon: 08-696 86 00 Telefax: 08-696 86 10
ISBN 978-91-622-8737-5
Kopieringsförbud! Detta verk är skyddat av lagen om upphovsrätt. Kopiering, utöver lärares rätt att kopiera för undervisningsbruk enligt Bonus-Presskopias avtal, är förbjuden. Sådant avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsanordnare, t.ex. kommuner /universitet. För information om avtalet hänvisas till utbildningsanordnarens huvudman eller Bonus-Presskopia.
© 2010 Christer Amnéus och Bonnier Utbildning AB, Stockholm, J.W. Cappelens Forlag as, Oslo 2006.
Christer Amnéus
Första upplagan Första tryckningen
Bilder Omslag: Mika/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 06 Mark M. Lawrence/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 08 Len Redkoles/AFP/Scanpix, Sid 09 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 11 Michelle Pedone/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 12 Paul J. Richards/AFP/Scanpix, Sid 14-15 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 17 Christer Amnéus, Sid 19 Glowimages/Masterfile/Scanpix, Sid 21 Jennifer Burrell/Masterfile/ Scanpix, Sid 22-23 Alan Zale/The New York Times/Scanpix, Sid 24 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 27 Comstock, Sid 38-39 Chase Jarvis/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 40 Gabe Palmer/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 43 Ingram, Sid 44 Al Accardo/Masterfile/Scanpix, Sid 45 Comstock, Sid 46 Christer Amnéus, Sid 50 Solus-Veer/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 52 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 55 Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 58 Oxford Science Archive/Scanpix, Sid 60 Nick Vedros/AGE/IBL, Sid 64 Heidi Widerøre/ All Over Press, Sid 67 Dinodia/AGE/IBL, Sid 68 A. Clifton/AGE/IBL, Sid 72 Science Photo Library/IBL, Sid 76-77 Valerie Simmons/Masterfile/Scanpix, Sid 78 Lester Lefkowitz/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 80a Heidi Widerøre/All Over Press, Sid 80b Images.com/Corbis/Scanpix, Sid 82 Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Scanpix, Sid 83 J. M. Horrillo/AGE/IBL, Sid 86 Luis Enrique Ascui/ Reuters/Scanpix
contents list 1 Meet Jenny and Marcus
6 Jenny from Birmingham
A Clocking in B Exchange Students
7 8
2 Marcus from Sweden
A Clocking in B Meet Jenny C Jenny’s First Day at Work
51 52 54
A Clocking in B Bev’s Letter C I Am Bill
16 17 18
7 Internet and Emails
A Clocking in B Jenny and Her Computer
61 64
3 Marcus goes to America
8 Contacts and letters
A Clocking in B Marcus in New York City C First Day at Work
25 26 28
A Clocking in B Jenny and Her Dad C On the Phone
69 71 73
4 First Lesson: Sales
9 Tommy in Australia
A Clocking in B School and Sales
33 33
5 Customer service
A Clocking in B Tommy at the Computer C Tommy Flying from Down Under
79 80 85
A Clocking in B Offering to Help C How to Apologize
41 42 46
alfabetisk engelsk-svensk ordlista
Contents list 5
contents list 1 Meet Jenny and Marcus
6 Jenny from Birmingham
A Clocking in B Exchange Students
7 8
2 Marcus from Sweden
A Clocking in B Meet Jenny C Jenny’s First Day at Work
51 52 54
A Clocking in B Bev’s Letter C I Am Bill
16 17 18
7 Internet and Emails
A Clocking in B Jenny and Her Computer
61 64
3 Marcus goes to America
8 Contacts and letters
A Clocking in B Marcus in New York City C First Day at Work
25 26 28
A Clocking in B Jenny and Her Dad C On the Phone
69 71 73
4 First Lesson: Sales
9 Tommy in Australia
A Clocking in B School and Sales
33 33
5 Customer service
A Clocking in B Tommy at the Computer C Tommy Flying from Down Under
79 80 85
A Clocking in B Offering to Help C How to Apologize
41 42 46
alfabetisk engelsk-svensk ordlista
Contents list 5
6 Jenny from Birmingham A Clocking in 1 My Office Vocabulary Match each word below with the correct description. Example: bookcase – Publications, brochures but most of all books are kept in this. 1 filing cabinet 6 whiteboard 2 photocopier 7 glass display cabinet 3 reception desk 8 free standing screen 4 safe 9 cupboard 5 meeting room table 10 business card a b c d e f g h
his is where you keep important documents – and money – away from thieves. T You need dozens of the same document. That is why you use it. In a large office this might give the employees some privacy behind it. These closed drawers contain important documents. The manager and his staff gather around this at a conference. You want to show customers what products you have for sale. You can keep cups, plates, files and documents in it. This is what you see first on arrival at an office. Someone is usually sitting behind it. i You have one on the wall where you can write words, figures and important facts. j It is a card with your name, name of company, email address and phone numbers.
2 My Office Translation Translate the words 1- 10 above into Swedish.
3 My Office Explanation Write ten sentences that describe the words 1 – 10 in English.
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 51
6 Jenny from Birmingham A Clocking in 1 My Office Vocabulary Match each word below with the correct description. Example: bookcase – Publications, brochures but most of all books are kept in this. 1 filing cabinet 6 whiteboard 2 photocopier 7 glass display cabinet 3 reception desk 8 free standing screen 4 safe 9 cupboard 5 meeting room table 10 business card a b c d e f g h
his is where you keep important documents – and money – away from thieves. T You need dozens of the same document. That is why you use it. In a large office this might give the employees some privacy behind it. These closed drawers contain important documents. The manager and his staff gather around this at a conference. You want to show customers what products you have for sale. You can keep cups, plates, files and documents in it. This is what you see first on arrival at an office. Someone is usually sitting behind it. i You have one on the wall where you can write words, figures and important facts. j It is a card with your name, name of company, email address and phone numbers.
2 My Office Translation Translate the words 1- 10 above into Swedish.
3 My Office Explanation Write ten sentences that describe the words 1 – 10 in English.
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 51
B Listening Meet Jenny
Factbox: Birmingham
You are going to listen to an interview with Jenny. Before you start, copy the following text, leaving enough space to fill in information that you hear. Then read about Birmingham in Factbox: Birmingham.
Go to page 205 in PROFESSIONAL, The Book, for basic information The city is situated in the middle of England (‘The Midlands’) where you will also find Coventry, West Bromwich and Wolverhampton. The area was once called the ‘Black Country’ because of all the black smoke from the steelworks and the coalmines. Birmingham is famous for cars, railway carriages, engines, guns, metal tools, motorcycles, etc. That is why it used to be called ‘the workshop of the world’. The city has at least two famous football clubs: Aston Villa and Birmingham City. Birmingham has 114 miles of canals. There is also the Bullring Shopping Centre with more than 140 shops and restaurants.
situated belägen, ligger /i/ steelworks stålverk coalmine kolgruva
carriage vagn tool verktyg workshop verkstad
2 Questions on the Interview and the Factbox above
Name: Jenny Morgan Age: City: Birmingham, England Family: Favourite activities: Favourite food:
Work: Salesgirl. How she describes herself: How she describes her hometown: How she likes Monday mornings:
1 2 3 4 5 6
How old is Jenny? What is her taste in food? What does Jenny like to do in her spare time? What does Jenny like to read? Why was the city once called ‘the workshop of the world’? What football teams from Birmingham are there?
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 53
B Listening Meet Jenny
Factbox: Birmingham
You are going to listen to an interview with Jenny. Before you start, copy the following text, leaving enough space to fill in information that you hear. Then read about Birmingham in Factbox: Birmingham.
Go to page 205 in PROFESSIONAL, The Book, for basic information The city is situated in the middle of England (‘The Midlands’) where you will also find Coventry, West Bromwich and Wolverhampton. The area was once called the ‘Black Country’ because of all the black smoke from the steelworks and the coalmines. Birmingham is famous for cars, railway carriages, engines, guns, metal tools, motorcycles, etc. That is why it used to be called ‘the workshop of the world’. The city has at least two famous football clubs: Aston Villa and Birmingham City. Birmingham has 114 miles of canals. There is also the Bullring Shopping Centre with more than 140 shops and restaurants.
situated belägen, ligger /i/ steelworks stålverk coalmine kolgruva
carriage vagn tool verktyg workshop verkstad
2 Questions on the Interview and the Factbox above
Name: Jenny Morgan Age: City: Birmingham, England Family: Favourite activities: Favourite food:
Work: Salesgirl. How she describes herself: How she describes her hometown: How she likes Monday mornings:
1 2 3 4 5 6
How old is Jenny? What is her taste in food? What does Jenny like to do in her spare time? What does Jenny like to read? Why was the city once called ‘the workshop of the world’? What football teams from Birmingham are there?
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 53
3 Working with Numbers – Feet and Inches
Ms Mannering: Well, Jenny, you’re so right. Now, we work in teams but at the same time you’re independent. Don’t you worry! You’ll make an excellent salesgirl. Jenny: Oh, thank you! Ms Mannering: Oh, we’re running out of time. Let’s have a cuppa before Ms Shelley takes you to your department just down the stairs. Jenny: Great! I could really do with a cup!
Go to pages 211 - 214 in PROFESSIONAL, The Book, for basic information. Then answer the following questions. 1 2 3 4 5
J enny is 165 centimetres tall. How much is that in feet and inches? How tall are you in feet and inches? If a football pitch is 358 feet long, what is its length in metres? If a football pitch is 226 feet wide, what is its width in metres? The Bullring Shopping Centre in Birmingham has enough shops and restaurants to cover 26 football pitches. Using the information from questions 3 and 4, calculate the area of the Bullring Shopping Centre in square metres.
introduce presentera staff personal Personnel Officer personalchef relationship förhållande employee anställd responsibility ansvar/skänsla/ belong höra ihop opportunity tillfälle regular regelbunden rude ohyfsad advice råd complain klaga
length längd width bredd
C Jenny’s First Day at Work Jenny has been introduced to the staff at the local Boots by Ms Mannering, the Personnel Officer. She has made it clear that a good relationship between employees and customers is very important. Respect, understanding and responsibility go with professionalism. Ms Mannering: Now, Jenny! The job as a salesgirl is a great work opportunity. Jenny: That’s what I like about it. To have regular working hours (from 9 – 5 or 10 - 6) and to meet customers of all kinds seems interesting. Ms Mannering: That’s good! You’ll meet old and young people, nice and rude customers, people who need advice, people who complain and others who simply want to pay. Later on we’ll see where exactly you’ll be working. Jenny: Is it a good idea to go to an evening course in Business studies while I have this job? Ms Mannering: Well, working hours are long. See how it goes before you start. Jenny: OK! What do I do on a normal day? Ms Mannering: Before we open you make sure your department is in order, that the cash register is ready, the shelves are full of products and then you’re ready to start serving customers. Sometimes you help out with other tasks. Jenny: I suppose there’ll be a lot of counting money, unpacking goods and also making sure everything is correctly priced and so on.
simply helt enkelt make sure se till /att/ cash register kassaapparat shelf, shelves hylla, hyllor task uppgift unpack packa upp goods varor price prissätta independent självständig run out of time inte ha så mycket tid cuppa (= cup of tea) kopp te do with behöva
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 55
3 Working with Numbers – Feet and Inches
Ms Mannering: Well, Jenny, you’re so right. Now, we work in teams but at the same time you’re independent. Don’t you worry! You’ll make an excellent salesgirl. Jenny: Oh, thank you! Ms Mannering: Oh, we’re running out of time. Let’s have a cuppa before Ms Shelley takes you to your department just down the stairs. Jenny: Great! I could really do with a cup!
Go to pages 211 - 214 in PROFESSIONAL, The Book, for basic information. Then answer the following questions. 1 2 3 4 5
J enny is 165 centimetres tall. How much is that in feet and inches? How tall are you in feet and inches? If a football pitch is 358 feet long, what is its length in metres? If a football pitch is 226 feet wide, what is its width in metres? The Bullring Shopping Centre in Birmingham has enough shops and restaurants to cover 26 football pitches. Using the information from questions 3 and 4, calculate the area of the Bullring Shopping Centre in square metres.
introduce presentera staff personal Personnel Officer personalchef relationship förhållande employee anställd responsibility ansvar/skänsla/ belong höra ihop opportunity tillfälle regular regelbunden rude ohyfsad advice råd complain klaga
length längd width bredd
C Jenny’s First Day at Work Jenny has been introduced to the staff at the local Boots by Ms Mannering, the Personnel Officer. She has made it clear that a good relationship between employees and customers is very important. Respect, understanding and responsibility go with professionalism. Ms Mannering: Now, Jenny! The job as a salesgirl is a great work opportunity. Jenny: That’s what I like about it. To have regular working hours (from 9 – 5 or 10 - 6) and to meet customers of all kinds seems interesting. Ms Mannering: That’s good! You’ll meet old and young people, nice and rude customers, people who need advice, people who complain and others who simply want to pay. Later on we’ll see where exactly you’ll be working. Jenny: Is it a good idea to go to an evening course in Business studies while I have this job? Ms Mannering: Well, working hours are long. See how it goes before you start. Jenny: OK! What do I do on a normal day? Ms Mannering: Before we open you make sure your department is in order, that the cash register is ready, the shelves are full of products and then you’re ready to start serving customers. Sometimes you help out with other tasks. Jenny: I suppose there’ll be a lot of counting money, unpacking goods and also making sure everything is correctly priced and so on.
simply helt enkelt make sure se till /att/ cash register kassaapparat shelf, shelves hylla, hyllor task uppgift unpack packa upp goods varor price prissätta independent självständig run out of time inte ha så mycket tid cuppa (= cup of tea) kopp te do with behöva
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 55
1 What Happened in the Text?
4 Listening
Fill in the rest of the sentences.
The Shoplifter
1 Jenny was introduced to the … . 2 Ms Mannering says that a couple of facts like …, … and … are important. 3 In this job working hours are … . 4 Ms Mannering says that there are customers who need ... . 5 Jenny wants to know whether it is a good idea to go to an … ... . 6 Ms Mannering tells Jenny to see how it goes before she ... . 7 She also stresses that your department must be in ... and the shelves full of ... . 8 Jenny will be involved in a lot of ... money and ... goods. 9 You work in teams but you are also ... . 10 Jenny’s department is ... ... ... .
Shoplifting is a serious problem. Shops may lose up to 15% of their income due to people stealing from them. Jenny heard of a story on her first working day. Listen to it, but before you do, get to know the words below. You will find them in the word list starting on page 88.
Listen to what happened and mark R (right) or W (wrong).
2 Asking Jenny Questions Study the text on pages 54 - 55 again. Write down five questions to Jenny that have to do with her first day at work. Work with a friend and exchange questions. Answer them.
3 Work Study – Office Work
GENERAL CLERICAL SUPPORT FOR A SMALLER IT COMPANY. Duties may include: making copies, help in research, mail run, etc. Required qualifications: responsibility, reliability, basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel. Do you have the qualifications? Write a few lines about why they should employ you – and nobody but you. general support här allmän service clerical kontorsduties uppgifter research faktaletande, faktakoll mail run hantering av postärenden
incident – underwear – bastard – witness – abandoned – lane – beer can – according to – report – shoot across – threaten – robber – grab – wad – bank note – breath – gate – fence – accuse of – suspicious – won’t trust – nervous – little money in cash register
1 People helped the shop assistant to catch the shoplifter. R W 2 The shoplifter’s girlfriend wasn‘t happy about the result of the shoplifting. R W 3 The shoplifter robbed the Indian video shop and got away with five films. R W 4 After the robbery, they ran to an abandoned house. R W 5 They had something to drink in the park. R W 6 The police arrived and were quite tough with them. R W 7 They were accused of robbing the video shop. R W
5 Shoplifting – a Problem Discuss the consequences of shoplifting. Imagine you were working there when the incident took place. Words to help you: scared – afraid to go to work – waiting for it to happen again – insecure – who is bad and who is good – alone at work – change in me – new job – get hurt – stomach ache – nightmares
required önskvärd reliability pålitlighet knowledge kunskap nobody but ingen annan än
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 57
1 What Happened in the Text?
4 Listening
Fill in the rest of the sentences.
The Shoplifter
1 Jenny was introduced to the … . 2 Ms Mannering says that a couple of facts like …, … and … are important. 3 In this job working hours are … . 4 Ms Mannering says that there are customers who need ... . 5 Jenny wants to know whether it is a good idea to go to an … ... . 6 Ms Mannering tells Jenny to see how it goes before she ... . 7 She also stresses that your department must be in ... and the shelves full of ... . 8 Jenny will be involved in a lot of ... money and ... goods. 9 You work in teams but you are also ... . 10 Jenny’s department is ... ... ... .
Shoplifting is a serious problem. Shops may lose up to 15% of their income due to people stealing from them. Jenny heard of a story on her first working day. Listen to it, but before you do, get to know the words below. You will find them in the word list starting on page 88.
Listen to what happened and mark R (right) or W (wrong).
2 Asking Jenny Questions Study the text on pages 54 - 55 again. Write down five questions to Jenny that have to do with her first day at work. Work with a friend and exchange questions. Answer them.
3 Work Study – Office Work
GENERAL CLERICAL SUPPORT FOR A SMALLER IT COMPANY. Duties may include: making copies, help in research, mail run, etc. Required qualifications: responsibility, reliability, basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel. Do you have the qualifications? Write a few lines about why they should employ you – and nobody but you. general support här allmän service clerical kontorsduties uppgifter research faktaletande, faktakoll mail run hantering av postärenden
incident – underwear – bastard – witness – abandoned – lane – beer can – according to – report – shoot across – threaten – robber – grab – wad – bank note – breath – gate – fence – accuse of – suspicious – won’t trust – nervous – little money in cash register
1 People helped the shop assistant to catch the shoplifter. R W 2 The shoplifter’s girlfriend wasn‘t happy about the result of the shoplifting. R W 3 The shoplifter robbed the Indian video shop and got away with five films. R W 4 After the robbery, they ran to an abandoned house. R W 5 They had something to drink in the park. R W 6 The police arrived and were quite tough with them. R W 7 They were accused of robbing the video shop. R W
5 Shoplifting – a Problem Discuss the consequences of shoplifting. Imagine you were working there when the incident took place. Words to help you: scared – afraid to go to work – waiting for it to happen again – insecure – who is bad and who is good – alone at work – change in me – new job – get hurt – stomach ache – nightmares
required önskvärd reliability pålitlighet knowledge kunskap nobody but ingen annan än
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 57
6 Jenny’s Favourite Joke
8 Clocking out
A young employee was leaving the office one evening when he found the managing director standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. “Listen,” said the director, “this is a very important document, and my secretary has gone home. Can you help me?” “No problem,” said the young man. He turned the machine on, inserted the sheet, and pressed the start button. “Great!” said the director as his paper disappeared inside the machine. “I just need one copy.”
Are the sentences right or wrong? Tick off.
employee anställd shredder dokumentförstörare
insert stoppa i sheet papper, ark
Copy question: What would you do if you were the young employee?
1 A safe is a very secure place for important documents. 2 A free standing screen can give you privacy. 3 The Midlands were once called “The White Country” because of all the sheep. 4 Jenny likes the idea of starting and finishing work at the same time every day. 5 Ms Mannering says that all customers are nice. 6 Jenny asks about an evening course. 7 Jenny won’t have to count money and unpack goods. 8 Ms Mannering thinks that Jenny has understood what the job is about. 9 Jenny doesn’t like tea. 10 Shoplifting means stealing from a shop.
7 Translation På (översätt: in) mitt kontor har jag ett dokumentskåp, ett litet konferensbord, en bokhylla, ett kassaskåp och mitt bord med en ny dator. Mina arbetstider är 9 – 17, men jag går på en kurs på måndagar. Då är jag inte hemma förrän klockan 22. Vanligtvis arbetar vi i lag och ibland har vi till och med tid för en kopp te.
Coal mine in England
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 59
6 Jenny’s Favourite Joke
8 Clocking out
A young employee was leaving the office one evening when he found the managing director standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. “Listen,” said the director, “this is a very important document, and my secretary has gone home. Can you help me?” “No problem,” said the young man. He turned the machine on, inserted the sheet, and pressed the start button. “Great!” said the director as his paper disappeared inside the machine. “I just need one copy.”
Are the sentences right or wrong? Tick off.
employee anställd shredder dokumentförstörare
insert stoppa i sheet papper, ark
Copy question: What would you do if you were the young employee?
1 A safe is a very secure place for important documents. 2 A free standing screen can give you privacy. 3 The Midlands were once called “The White Country” because of all the sheep. 4 Jenny likes the idea of starting and finishing work at the same time every day. 5 Ms Mannering says that all customers are nice. 6 Jenny asks about an evening course. 7 Jenny won’t have to count money and unpack goods. 8 Ms Mannering thinks that Jenny has understood what the job is about. 9 Jenny doesn’t like tea. 10 Shoplifting means stealing from a shop.
7 Translation På (översätt: in) mitt kontor har jag ett dokumentskåp, ett litet konferensbord, en bokhylla, ett kassaskåp och mitt bord med en ny dator. Mina arbetstider är 9 – 17, men jag går på en kurs på måndagar. Då är jag inte hemma förrän klockan 22. Vanligtvis arbetar vi i lag och ibland har vi till och med tid för en kopp te.
Coal mine in England
Chapter 6 Jenny from Birmingham 59
Christer Amnéus Professional Engelska kurs A (Steg 5) Mind Your Business Professional Mind Your Business består av · The Book · The Key · The Teacher’s CD
ISBN 978-91-622-8737-5
ISBN 978-91-622-8737-5
9 789162 287375