Materiality and stakeholder dialogue Materiality determination In 2018, we proceeded to a materiality assessment process with
matrix, which was also validated by our Board of Directors.
external expert assistance, enabling us to further report on the
The process consisted of four steps:
most relevant topics. The assessment concluded in a materiality
1 External analysis
First an external materiality view was taken not only capturing
Relevant topics, on which Proximus can have an impact in
Proximus’ sustainability issues but also the ones of the industry
society were identified. Based upon this subsequently a shortlist
as a whole. A media analysis as well as a peer review and
could then be validated with internal stakeholders.
reputation survey were taken into account.
2 Internal materiality workshop
We organized a well prepared, semi-structured and facilitated
We started from the aforementioned long list of highly material
workshop thereby mapping our stakeholders and highly
topics and stakeholders obtained in the external analysis, which
material topics. The workshop included representatives of
we then plotted to define those that are truly key.
all the business units, management and support functions of Proximus.
3 Integrated materiality matrix
The integrated materiality matrix combines the external analysis
topic on society. In a simplification exercise to ensure we direct
and the results of the internal materiality workshop into one
our strengths where most needed, we decided to focus our
materiality matrix. It provides a comprehensive overview of the
actions and reporting on the topics of the upper right quadrant,
most highly material topics taken from both views.
which are most material for our stakeholders and the impact Proximus can have. The definition of those highly material
The combination of the horizontal axis and the vertical axis
topics as well as their boundary can be found on the next page.
determines the degree of impact that Proximus has with the
4 Implementation
In 2020, we pursued our actions based on the materiality
quadrant of the matrix 2018. This allows us to focus on a more
matrix established in 2018 and made a light review of our
selected number of material topics. Nevertheless these two topics
material topics based on SASB and our new strategy in order to
are still covered and disclosed in our environmental and social
focus on the topics that are the most relevant today. To reflect
better our strategic exercise, the topics “health and safety” and “responsible marketing” were removed from our list of highly
Our next materiality assessment will be held in 2021 and
material topics. This choice was confirmed by the fact that these
will reassess the relevancy of the material topics with our
topics were located on the lowest border of the upper right
Proximus Group I Integrated annual report 2020