JANE EYRE Jane Eyreis a novel byenglishwriter Charlotte Brönte.Itwaspublishedon 16 October 1847, bySmith, Elder & Co. of London, England, underthe pen name "Currer Bell." Thefirst American editionwaspublishedthefollowingyearbyHarper&Brothersof New York.
PLOT: Jane Eyre, anorphan, liveswithherabusiveaunt, Sarah Reed, and her mean-spiritedcousins, John, Eliza, and Georgiana, at Gateshead Hall. SheissentawaytotheLowoodSchoolwheretheconditions are veryharsh. Jane befriends a fellowstudent, Helen Burns, and Miss Temple, ateacher. When Helen Burns dies, and Miss Temple marries, Jane decides toleaveLowood, and secures a job as a governess at Thornfield. At Thornfield, Jane’sduties are toteachthemaster’sfosterchildAdeleVarens. Although he has a brusquemanner, Janefindsthe master, Edward Fairfax Rochester, attractive and fascinating. Onenight Jane isawakenedbystrangenoises. Seeingsmokecomingfrom Mr. Rochester’sroom, sheruns in and throwswateronthefire, awakeninghim. He leads Jane tobelievethatitis Grace Poole, a servant, whocausedthedamage. Meanwhile, Mr. Rochester apparentlypursuesBlancheIngram, a local beauty, whileJane’sloveforhimcontinuestogrow. Jane leavesThornfieldtovisitthedying Mrs. Reed, whotellsherthat John Eyre, herfather’sbrother, istryingtocontacther. When Jane returnstoThornfield, Mr. Rochester switcheshisaffectionsfromBlancheto Jane, and proposesmarriage. Theweddingceremonyisinterruptedby Mr. Briggs, who claimsthat Mr. Rochester isalreadymarried. Themad Bertha Rochester, whoislockedawayonthethirdfloor of Thornfield, isexposedto Jane. Jane flees, and arrives at
MoorHousewheresheistaken in by St. John Rivers, a minister. Jane receivesaninheritancefromheruncle, John Eyre. St. John Riversproposesmarriageto Jane, butshe declines sinceshestill has Mr. Rochester onhermind. Jane returnstoThornfield and discoversit has burnedtotheground. Itseemsthat Bertha Rochester set thefire and died in it, while Mr. Rochestersuffered a mangledhandthathadto be amputated and has beenleftblind. Jane reuniteswith Mr. Rochester at Ferndean, hiscurrent home, and theymarry. Ten yearspass, and Jane tellsushowcontentedsheiswithmarriedlife, Mr. Rochester has regainedpartialvision in oneeye, and theyhave a newborn son. As anorphan, Jane’s status isthelowest in the social classsystem. Because of her status (of whichsheisconstantlyreminded as a child) shestrivestobetterherselfthrougheducation and employment. Duringherstruggles, Jane observes theotherclasses, includingthereligiouszealots, withgreatinsight and comes torecognizethemanyhypocrisies of thecharacters. Emotionally, Jane is a lonely and ostracizedchildwhorecognizesherneedforlove and activelysearchesforitthroughoutherlife, eventuallyfindingher home with Mr. Rochester. Hersearchnotonlyteachesherthe true essence of love, butalsoenableshertoraiseher social position throughhardwork and thefinancialinheritanceshereceives.
SOURCES: -http://www.enotes.com/topics/jane-eyre -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Eyre