Project Use and appropiation of ITC in public libraries

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Project Use and appropriation of ICT in public libraries

Context The importance of providing information systems and connectivity in public libraries has been recognized by the Ministry of Culture through the Public Libraries Law and the Ministry of ICT. This is a condition without which public libraries cannot fulfill their mission of being centers of information, exchange of ideas and knowledge. Public libraries, due to their open, democratic and free nature, are one of the best platforms to materialize the use and appropriation of new technologies by the communities. For some people, the public library is the only available means to access computers and the web.

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Children users Public Library La Paz Barranquilla, Atlรกntico

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Pilot Description In September 2012, the implementation of the pilot for the use and appropriation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 7 began in the National Network of Public Libraries in Colombia. The pilot sought essentially to test in 25 libraries from different regions of the country the actions of what would be the Project nationwide, whose aim was to advocate for public libraries as places relevant to development, by promoting the innovative implementation of creative library services with ICT. In this context, innovation was understood as the ability of librarians to recognize the environment and generate, collectively, library services that incorporate ICT in response to the needs and expectations of the community. The pilot was implemented in 25 libraries whose initial conditions simulated the ones for the eventual implementation: ceilings, floors and walls in proper condition; computers and public access connectivity in good condition; and commitment from the Mayor and the librarian with the development of the Project. This sought to encourage the improvement of library conditions and the fulfillment of the role by local authorities in providing the necessary resources for libraries to have personnel and adequate physical and technological infrastructure. 7  A library as an information unit requires the articulated operation of various technologies ranging from a system for organizing and consulting resources that integrates the identification of its users and the uses made of ​​ the resources, to the existence of specialized databases that expand the possibilities of access to information by users. Although these technological conditions are fundamental, the Project Use and Appropriation of ICT in Public Libraries focuses on the use of computers and connectivity based on the development of people and not on creating conditions for organizing and updating resources. This approach to the donation, determined by the Gates Foundation, involves promoting from public libraries, digital literacy of users and the generation of services that allow, through the Internet and computers, to improve opportunities for access to education, health, development and production procedures and governmental services.

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Rural Public Library Quiebra de Naranjal Chinchinรก, Caldas

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Children participating in the project “Fostering reading” Cultural Center and Public Library León de Greiff Marsella, Risaralda

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The actions implemented in the pilot were:

1. Library Advocacy. The main action was for libraries to demonstrate

P. L. Ramiro Moreno (Baranoa, Atlántico)

their validity and relevance in local contexts through the use and appropriation of ICTs. This involved improving the perception of librarians of their role and the role of the public library, and the creation of alliances such as the Friends of the Library Group (FLG) and the achievement for resources for local authorities to improve the library. 2. Training library staff in public library advocacy in the municipality, by using innovative and creative use and appropriation of ICT in the delivery of services to the community. Innovation and creativity of the process involved the identification by the librarian of the needs and expectations of the community as well as government priorities established in the local development plans, in order to build participatory and concerted work plans and demonstrate the impact and relevance of the library with local stakeholders. Likewise, creative use of ICT implied a leveling process in digital literacy for all librarians and the generation and implementation of a road map for the training of the P. L. Villanueva (Casanare)

library user community. 3. Endowment with complementary technology to encourage the use of computers and the existing connectivity and expand the supply of

P. L. León de Greiff (Marsella, Risaralda)

library services. This technology consisted of an information display, a projector, a group of tablets, a multifunction printer, a sound system and headphones. 4. Monitoring and measurement of changes in user profiles, in terms of uses and users, through the tool “Key of Knowledge” 8. 8  The Key of Knowledge (Llave del Saber in Spanish) is a web application created by the Valle del Cauca department, that allows librarians to identify the uses and users of libraries in order to develop actions to improve the provision of library services. Before the pilot, the Key of Knowledge was implemented only in the libraries of the department of Valle del Cauca and the city of Cali. The pilot experience made possible to define the necessary actions for implementation at the national level, which is carried out, in full, with funds from the Ministry of Culture of Colombia.

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P. L. Meira Delmar (Barranquilla, Atlántico)

5. Testing applications and digital resources. Digital content for reading 9, education and entertainment was installed in the tablets 6. Implementation of innovative and creative ICT services 10 that demonstrate the generation of opportunities to contribute with the development of the municipality. After the training, in each library ICT services were developed, promoted within the libraries or implemented within the framework of national projects.

Participating libraries In this pilot 25 libraries from around the country and the National Library of Colombia participated. The libraries selected nationwide were chosen based P. L. Rafael Milanés García (Cereté, Córdoba)

on the following criteria: departmental coverage, rural coverage, ethnic coverage, geographical coverage and exceptional conditions. The above mentioned, provided that public libraries had computers and had connectivity (basic conditions for the pilot to be implemented).

P. L. Ramón Correa Mejía (Pereira, Risaralda)

Its geographical distribution was: 9  From the Reading is My Story collection, PDF format of the titles from series 1, 2 and 3 were installed, the only ones existing to date. 10  (i) Bilingualism: Project developed in 12 public libraries with support from the US Embassy and the Colombo Americano Center, named EnglishNet, for autonomous English learning (ii) Health: pilot project carried out in two public libraries, with organizational support from the Hesperian Health Guidelines. This project provided physical health books and digital resources, through the creation of an online page for each library (wiki) with information developed by the organization.

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Ramiro Moreno Public Library



Meira Delmar Library



Barrio La Paz Popular Library


Suán de la Trinidad

Carmen Rodríguez Díaz Municipal Public Library



Quiebra de Naranjal de Chinchiná Rural Public Library



Mega Public Library



Corinto Public Library



Vereda La Florida Municipal Public Library



Rafael Maya Departmental Public Library



José Rómulo Muñoz Rangel Public Library



Abraham Ayala Municipal Public Library



Cerete Municipal Library Rafael Milanés García



Joaquín Piñeros Corpas Municipal Public Library


San Juan de Arama

Concepción de Arama Municipal Public Library



Abraham Ortiz Muñoz Public Library

Norte de Santander


Julio Pérez Ferrero Departmental Library

Norte de Santander


Municipal Public Library of Herrán

Norte de Santander

Los Patios

José Ignacio Rangel Municipal Public Library

Norte de Santander


Luis Eduardo Páez Courvel Municipal Public Library


Belén de Umbría

Belén de Umbría Municipal Public Library



León de Greiff Public Library and Cultural Center



Ramon Mejía Correa Municipal Public Library


Pueblo Rico

Abraham Ayala Municipal Public Library



"Antonia Santos" Public Library Bicentennial Center



Jose Eustasio Rivera Departmental Public Library



Digital lab - Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

In the case of the National Library, the object was to implement a room with technology, in order to learn about the conditions necessary for its operation and sustainability. It was determined that its focus would be the production of digital content. Implementation and results, details are in: http://www.bibliotecanacional.

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Pilot outcomes Given the condition of the pilot, its outcomes are measured from the learnings, aiming to define the implementation proposal, which resulted in the reception of grant resources for implementation at national level.

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New building Public Library Rafael Milanés García Cereté, Córdoba

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Child user Municipal Public Library Abraham Ayala Istmina, Choc贸

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Thus, by actions, the main learnings were:

Advocacy • In terms of resources invested by local authorities ($ 352 million COP), the result of the library management was outstanding. 20 of the 25 libraries required adjustments in electricity, safety and adaptation of spaces, in terms of furniture, floors and walls, with a value of COP $ 257 Million; 12 libraries had to adapt their computer equipment and 3 libraries bought new computers with a contribution of COP $ 37.5 million. 14 libraries had to adapt bandwidth connection, which involved an investment of COP $ 58.2 million. At the end of the pilot, all of the libraries had physical and technological infrastructure appropriate to continue with the activities that were promoted.

• All librarians formed Groups of Friends of the Library, in order to get more and better resources for public libraries.

• As for the effect on the library staff, 4 libraries managed recruiting more staff for the provision of their services. However, there were 4 cases in which librarians were changed. This reflect the challenges of library staff training in Colombia and the opportunities faced to improve public library positioning.

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Bogotá, Colombia

Training for library staff Service plans consistent with the needs and expectations of local development were formulated and implemented, generating a favorable perception of the role of the librarian in library and community development. In this context, 78 innovative technology and creative services were implemented, for the access to information and knowledge of all users in favor of community development. Bogotá, Colombia

These services were focused on digital literacy, reading promotion and promotion of culture.

Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia

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Training for librarians Project Use and appropriation of ICT Bogotรก, 2014

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Children users Municipal Public Library Abraham Ayala Istmina, Choc贸

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Endowment with complementary technology All the delivered technology was used to stimulate the provision of services. The informational display was especially relevant, by being an effective mechanism for the promotion of library services and activities. Although technology was used and achieved the desired goal, the challenge is to ensure that there is a nationwide scheme defined for the maintenance and replacement of the complementary technology as well as computers and connectivity. In the future, technological endowment will be an incentive for these actions to be awarded by the responsible authorities at national and regional level.

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Monitoring and measurement of changes in user profiles The Key of Knowledge allowed the investigation on the change in user profiles and library usage behavior as a result from project implementation. The number of users rose from 17,377 visits in the month of June 2013 to 31,120 in May 2014 and, regarding user profile, youths, adults and older adults made more ​​ use of libraries, as well as users with professional education. The population in disability status increased its presence in the libraries of the pilot, being visual disability the most representative, followed by hearing impairment and physical disability respectively. In the nationwide implementation, the Key of Knowledge will be implemented nationwide previous to the completion of the Project.Â

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Children users Public Library Ramiro Moreno Baranoa, Atlรกntico

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Children users Public Library Concepci贸n de Arama San Juan de Arama, Meta

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P. L. Abraham Ayala (Pueblo Rico, Risaralda)

Testing applications and digital resources The most used applications were the ones oriented to reading, highlighting readings from the “Reading is My Story” collection. For the future it is essential that institutions responsible for the creation of digital content generate a new and diverse content range to keep the interest of people in access to quality content information from the technology installed in the library. P. L. Rafael Milanés García (Cereté, Córdoba)

P. L. Julio Pérez Ferrero (Cúcuta, Norte de Santander)

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Implementation of innovative and creative ICT services As a result of the implementation of bilingual and health programs, libraries were able to provide services regularly associated with educational institutions, expanding the opportunities for personal development. The need to build new alliances based on improving the living conditions of people from the public library is evident.

Marsella, Risaralda

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The expectation is to extend the results of this pilot to 1,200 public libraries nationwide between 2014 and 2018. Undoubtedly, the support and commitment of everyone will allow that through the implementation of this initiative more opportunities will be generated for reading, culture and development of Colombians.

User with disabilities Public Library Meira Delmar Barranquilla, Atlรกntico

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