Mobile Public Libraries

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Strategy After the signing of the Final Agreement for the termination of the conflict and building a stable and lasting peace, the Ministry of Culture, through the National Library of Colombia and the National Network of Public Libraries (1445), wants to contribute to the reintegration process of former FARC combatants to civilian life, as well as strengthening their reintegration in the communities that will host them in this transition process. Thus, the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, replicating the successful model

The MPL project will also help to increase social cohesion, confidence and peace building in areas affected by the conflict; it represents a unique opportunity to show the role of culture in peace processes and reaffirms the the Colombian government’s responsibility to direct all their efforts and work to reintegrate to the national project the areas affected by violence. Libraries and culture, through MPL, will enable the return of public institutions in these regions where the State has not been present

implemented by the French NGO Libraries Without

for decades.

Borders, designed a strategy through 20 Mobile Public

MPL’s offer internet access, cultural and educational

Libraries (MPL), to extend the scope of library services to

activities, resources for job search and entrepreneurship;

rural and difficult access areas that are strategic in the

they will constitute a space for debate and reunion to

disarmament of FARC.

stimulate citizen engagement and democracy.

Mobile Public Library (MPL)


Each MPL is a multimedia center that can be transported

Since March, the Ministry will deploy in coordination

on two standard pallets and can be deployed in less

with the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace

than 20 minutes in a space of 100 m2. It contains 380

these libraries in 20 hamlets adjacent to transitory

physical books and more than 200 digital books, 17

normalization zones or spots. In each library there will

tablets, 15 digital book readers 5 computers and 3

be an expert librarian and an assistant attending a local

video cameras. In addition, 1 theater system with built-

community, and leading outreach services to veterans

in sound and more than 30 films, 1 board games kit,

who are in transitory normalization zones or spots.

1 administrative system for reporting information and loaning materials, and also includes 2 key items to ensure


adequate provision of the library’s services: 1 power

The Ministry of Culture purchased the Mobile Public

plant and 1 server which generates an internal wireless

Libraries (Box Ideas) from the French NGO Libraries

network to connect electronic devices in the library.

Without Borders. It also hired a team of 7 experts from this organization that will accompany the work


of librarians and contribute their work experience

The Ministry of Culture has invested 2 million dollars to

in various contexts of conflict or crisis, such as those

acquire the libraries and pay for their operation during

that have occurred in the cases of refugees in Europe


(Greece, Germany France, among others) and Africa (Morocco, Ethiopia and Ghana, among others).

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