Flood Defence And Prevention Show Guide ExCeL London Dec 4 5 2014

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Make sure you make time for these essential sessions!

See the latest technology in action, live on the Thames

Understanding LifE - the future of flood management through planning

Don’t miss out with this full list of who’s speaking where and when

The businesses and organisations we are proud to work alongside

EXHIBITOR LISTINGS Detailed information for every exhibitor at this year’s show


WELCOME Hello and welcome to the biggest international exhibition and conference dedicated to flood defence and prevention.

If you’re looking for cutting edge solutions to flood problems, with the very latest products to help you predict, manage, prevent and recover from flooding, then you’re in the right place! There have been educational conferences before, and there have been trade shows too, but there has never been a destination event with such a comprehensive educational programme alongside a range of exhibitors featuring the world’s foremost flood management suppliers. Flood Defence And Prevention Expo is both a problem solving conference and a solutions exhibition that highlights new, cost-effective ways to prevent and manage floods. This unique event addresses every stage of flooding, from prevention and alleviation schemes, drainage and improved resilience to innovative barrier technology and water disposal. You’ll find the latest research, products and solutions on the marketplace to help minimise – or even better, entirely avoid – the risk of potential flooding. Flood Defence And

…And where you will find those exhibitors



Prevention Expo gives you the chance to speak in person with the minds behind these solutions to understand their potential and explore your options first-hand. With many practical demo sessions – including live presentations of technology and hardware on the Thames - as well as the opportunity to get hands-on with new technology, there is no better place to assess your future flood strategy. This show guide brings you all the information about what to expect from the event so that you can plan your visit in advance. Starting with the essential speakers on the next page and moving on to detail every live demo, seminar and exhibitor, this is your complete resource to what you will find at Flood Defence And Prevention. We look forward to seeing you at the show.

The Flood Defence And Prevention Team Tweet Us @Flood_Defence Tweet About Us #FloodExpo


Over the next few pages, you will find details of our keynote speakers. Every one of them has proven themselves as innovators or experts, many of them are acknowledged as leaders in their sector – and some of them are award-winning trailblazers.

We’ve assembled an unprecedented array of expert speakers covering every aspect of flood defence and protection.


If you’re responsible for water management, flood defence, prevention or recovery, these speakers are the people you should listen to. And if you don’t see the topic you’re looking for here, don’t forget to check the full seminar schedule later in this show guide.


RIBA’s spokesperson for floods Robert Barker speaks out about the growing influence of water in shaping our communities. Robert Barker, co-founder of Baca and a chartered architect, has been closely involved with a number of flood-resilient design initiatives, including contributing to the Global Flood Risk Handbook for the World Bank, with various technical chapters and illustrations. Robert has prepared Baca’s contribution of a new chapter on flood-aware design for the next edition of the architect’s reference book,

FRIDAY HALL 4 | 11:00 - 11:30

Water Will Shape Our Communities During The 21st Century As the motorcar transformed town planning and solar orientation emerged as a design driver during the 20th Century, it is water that will shape our communities during the 21st Century. Robert will discuss the shape of future cities and planning, drawing on his experience and research to discuss how we can innovatively adapt to climate change and work with water and its natural processes, rather than simply trying to defend against it.

The Metric Handbook, to be published by Routledge in early 2015. Robert’s specialist knowledge in flood-resilient housing design and master planning led him to become the RIBA’s spokesperson on floods during the recent spate of flooding across the UK and he was called into 10 Downing Street to meet with a panel of experts prior to their pre-Cobra meeting. He will impart some of the knowledge gained over his 15-year architecture career in this special seminar.

Mary Dhonau is all too aware of the risks involved with flooding – she herself has been flooded on several occasions. But she has used this experience to support and advise other victims during their recovery. Mary Dhonau has championed promotion of individual flood protection since 2000, when her Worcestershire home was flooded internally with raw sewage. She is a passionate advocate of empowering communities to recognise and take responsibility for minimising their collective flood risk. Regular appearances on national radio and television have given her the moniker of ‘Mary, Queen of Floods’ and she is now known as the voice of the flood victim, a status which in turn led to her being awarded an OBE

for services to the environment in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in 2009. Mary also chairs the Flood Protection Group for the Property Care Association, serves as the Chief Executive of ‘Know Your Flood Risk’ and she’s a member of the Regional Flood and Coastal committee for Anglian Northern. She also runs MD Associates consultancy, specialising in raising awareness of flood risk, how to militate against it and recover from it.

THURSDAY | HALL 3 | 14:00 - 14:30

What’s It Like To Flood? How Do You Prepare? In her emotive and informative seminar, Mary will detail the appalling experiences that flood victims have to go through, before going on to give practical examples of how to plan, prepare, mitigate and become resilient to being flooded. This is a fascinating chance for flood management professionals to hear the personal impact that is easily lost amid the wider drama when floods strike.





Earlier this year, Somerset was devastated by a series of floods that drew visits from the Prime Minister, the Prince of Wales and the army. Hear the recovery story first-hand from the man leading the programme.



John Osman, who has been leader of Somerset County Council since 2012, was the man tasked with leading the recovery effort from the floods which caused tens of millions of pounds worth of damage, left 4,000 homes without power and a transport system in total chaos. It’s a task close to his heart, as John is a lifelong resident of Somerset and current resident of England’s smallest city, Wells. Now, almost a year on, he delivers a seminar on the effects of the floods and the ongoing recovery efforts in the South West. As well as being Council leader, John is a Mendip District Councillor, a Wells City Councillor and Chairman of the Somerset Flood Action Group. John’s separate legal career means he is also a litigation solicitor, as well as a partner in a regional law firm.

FRIDAY | HALL 1 | 11:00 - 11:30

The Somerset Flooding Crisis Join the man leading Somerset’s recovery from 2014’s severe flooding, Somerset County Council Leader John Osman, as he shares his experiences of the crisis that caught national and international interest earlier this year. In his insightful seminar, John will share with you the challenges they encountered and the solutions they implemented on the road to recovery.

As climate change brings warmer, wetter weather to the UK, are our businesses prepared? Kylie Russell outlines the work that is being done now to improve business resilience in the future. Kylie Russell is the Business Resilience Lead for Climate Ready at the Environment Agency. The Climate Ready Support Service provides advice and support to the public, private and voluntary sectors to enable them to adapt to the changing climate. The vision for Kylie’s work area is that ‘UK businesses are resilient to extreme weather and prepared for future risks and opportunities from climate change’. She’s worked for the Environment Agency for seven years in climate change and prior to this, Kylie was manager of the Centre for Climate Change Impacts Forecasting (C-CLIF) based at the University of Exeter. In addition, she has worked at the Met Office and at the University of Manchester Institute for Science and Technology. Kylie has a Masters with Distinction in Atmospheric Sciences and a Degree in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia.

THURSDAY | HALL 4 | 11:00 - 11:30

Climate Ready – Preparing Businesses For Severe Weather And Climate Change In England and Wales, 175,000 businesses are situated on floodplains and therefore potentially at risk of flooding. Flooding, droughts and heatwaves are set to become more common as the climate changes, so planning now for the impacts of severe weather makes good business sense. This seminar will outline how Environment Agency’s Climate Ready Service is working to increase businesses resilience and highlight the support that is available.





Find out about the challenges facing property level protection (PLP) schemes and their potential solutions, as Paul O’Hare outlines the call-to-arms that PLP schemes could become.



As a Principal Consultant with the Climate Resilience Team at the Mott MacDonald Group, Ripin Kalra knows a thing or two about the risks of flooding. Ripin has worked in more than 20 countries working on climate resilience and disaster risk reduction projects with private sector firms, national/municipal governments and major international financial institutions including DFID and World Bank. Armed with this wealth of knowledge and experience, he delivers a postgraduate course on ‘Urban Risk and Resilience’ at the University of Westminster.

Dr Paul O’Hare lectures in Geography and Development at Manchester Metropolitan University, with an impressive body of research behind him, including the EUFP7 SMARTesT project (Building Research Establishment). This work examined social issues surrounding the use of property level protection for flood risk management and involved extensive empirical work throughout Europe. He is currently working on the DEFRA funded project, Surveying for Flood Resilience in Individual Properties.

FRIDAY | HALL 2 | 11:45 - 12:15 THURSDAY | HALL 2 | 15:30 - 16:00

Realising The Potential Of Property Level Resilience Technology PLP schemes equip property owners with cost-effective and easy-to-implement tools to act in response to floods, bringing communities together to limit flood damage and stress. A lack of independent and competent PLP surveyors has limited the confidence of homeowners and insurers alike, so this session scopes these challenges and identifies potential solutions.


Supports For Flood Resilience In Developing Countries Ripin will present the arguments for establishing effective flood defences in developing countries across Africa and Asia in this engaging seminar. Don’t miss this chance to discuss the specific issues involved in building resilience to floods in the developing world, as Ripin highlights why building flood resilience in these countries also makes good sense for the world’s leading economies. Ripin’s seminar will leave no stone unturned in this exploration of a growing concern across the world.


Paul is Chief Executive of the National Flood Forum, a national charity that supports and represents flood risk communities. Join him as he reveals the results of a pioneering survey into the government response to flood risks. The National Flood Forum works by helping people to prepare for flooding and supporting them to recover their lives when they have been flooded. It also works with government and other organisations to put flood risk communities at the heart of policy making and operational delivery. Paul is convenor of the West Midlands section of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, a Director at Localise West Midlands, a member of Forestry and Woodlands Advisory Committee for the West Midlands and on the Board of the Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Local Nature Partnership.

FRIDAY | HALL 3 | 12:30 - 13:00

What Do People Want The Next Government To Do For Flood Risk Communities? The brutal aftermath of the flooding that plagued the South West of England early this year brought into view the desperate need for a measured and aligned government response to flood crises. Now, the National Flood Forum has undertaken a pioneering and extensive survey to ask the general public what they want to see from the next government in response to future flood risks. Join Paul as he reveals the results and discusses the implications for future legislation.




HANS DEKKER FRIDAY | HALL 5 | 12:30 - 13:00

Great Britain, Great Holland, Great Europe - Learning From Each Other The recent floods in Great Britain are obviously not standalone situations, with various countries in Europe and around the world suffering from similar catastrophes. Notably, Holland - the lowest country in Europe – has avoided these problems in recent years. Hans’ notable seminar asks why this should be the case and suggests that the UK could learn from Holland’s long experience of flood management and the strategies this lowland nation has adopted.

With almost 30 years of international experience as a landscape architect behind him, Hans Dekker is no stranger to the dangers of flooding. Hear how European countries can learn from each other in the battle against these risks.

Hans Dekker is the owner of DN Urbland/HD Landschapsarchitecten, office for landscape planning and landscape design. He graduated as a landscape architect from the Agricultural University Wageningen, Netherlands and has 28 years of experience as a landscape architect. Hans worked on several projects for the Dutch national policy, Space for the River for water safety and spatial development. Through this experience, he’s well informed on planning and design issues on water safety and ecology in the Netherlands. Hans is currently working on sustainable development for new urban expansion in the North West of China (Haidong City). The aim of this regional project is to create a balance between the urban and the ecological system, where Hans is responsible for the development of the river and water system (safety, ecology and water harvesting).


NATIONAL COASTAL FLOOD RISK PROGRAMME MANAGER, ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Join councillor and national coastal flood manager, Graham Wilson, as he reveals the aftermath of last December’s East coast tidal surge.

Graham Wilson is the Environment Agency’s National Coastal Flood Risk Programme Manager. He is a chartered engineer and has had a varied career in the Environment Agency and previously in the water industry, ranging from building sea defences to managing droughts. He is also a Cambridgeshire County Councillor.

FRIDAY | HALL 1 | 12:30 - 13:00

December 2013 East Coast Tidal Surge – One Year On Graham’s visceral seminar features a review of the impacts of the December 2013 East Coast tidal surge. This session presents an opportunity to discuss the repairs undertaken, the lessons identified and actions being undertaken to prepare for the next flood.






By profession Brian M Back is a Chartered Engineer, but his repertoire stretches far beyond that. Backed by a 35-year career across various disciplines, he reveals the importance of resilient communications for delivering flood warnings. Brian has dedicated the majority of his 35-year career to the design and deployment of resilient communication systems for the delivery of critical measurements and alarms from remote sensors distributed along the UK’s rail, river and sewer networks, plus its coastlines. He’s a member of the Ofcom BRIG and TAG forums and was recently part of a fact-finding delegation on behalf of the LPRA to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in Washington DC. Topics discussed included the impact on remote monitoring caused by the race for 4G and 5G cellular and the potential applications of White Space.

FRIDAY | HALL 2 | 14:00 - 14:30 Resilient Communications For Flood Monitoring & Warning Systems Everyone would agree that resilient communications are paramount for the delivery of monitoring data and alarms concerning river levels and flood warnings. This seminar takes an objective view of the communication media available from traditional radio telemetry and licenced radio, through to cellular and white space. Brian’s forward-thinking seminar presents an impartial picture of the technology and its pros and cons, as well as calling for a reality check based upon whole of life economics.




A true figure of authority on the subject, Mike Steel’s seminar will be worth attending to learn more about the Environment Agency’s influential flood risk assessment. Mike Steel is a senior advisor in flood and coastal risk management at the Environment Agency. His background is in flood risk estimation and climate change, and he worked in flood risk management in the Thames Estuary and North London. Mike now works in the national mapping and modelling team, where he specialises in understanding and communicating flood risk.

FRIDAY | HALL 3 | 13:15 - 13:45


Does nature conservation help or hinder communities at a risk of flooding? The RSPB’s Rob Cunningham weighs things up. Rob Cunningham heads up the RSPB’s Water Policy Team, managing a small team with a broad remit that includes wetland conservation. He is a hydrologist by training and has worked on issues around flooding, sustainability and Water Framework Directive for nearly 15 years across roles at the NRA, Environment Agency and Wildlife Trusts.

THURSDAY | HALL 3 | 14:45 - 15:15

Nature – Friend Or Foe For Communities At Flood Risk? Last winter’s flooding reignited the debate as to whether nature conservation has helped or hindered communities at risk of flooding. This seminar will look behind the headlines and asks whether rather than being in conflict, the risk to people and wildlife have a common root - our inability to plan positively for change.

Risk Of Flooding From Rivers And The Sea – Now And Next Steps Join Mike for the unmissable chance to hear his summary of the Environment Agency’s national flood risk assessment (NaFRA), how it is being updated following the winter storms, and how it could be developed in the future.



Join Allan Rogers as he guides you through the flood alleviation and environmental improvements made to the Norfolk Broads. Allan is a Chartered Civil Engineer and is BAM Nuttall Mott Macdonald JV Framework Director for the Environment Agencies WEM Framework. His experience in design and construction spans many diverse civil engineering infrastructure projects, including Environment Agency schemes. Working for BAM Nuttall since 1999, Allan has

led teams to deliver success for customers through a collaborative approach and a commitment to Beyond Zero.

FRIDAY | HALL 3 | 11:45 - 12:15

Broadlands Flood Alleviation And Maintenance Of A Long Term Partnership BAM Nuttall, in joint venture with Halcrow, has delivered capital and maintenance through appraisal, design and construction since 2001. The contract has delivered flood alleviation and environmental improvements to the Norfolk Broads through this innovative procurement approach. The seminar is about the benefits and success of procuring flood alleviation schemes through a long term relationship.






Award-winning academic Richard Ashley pinpoints the UK government’s shortcomings in addressing the problems caused by the recent UK floods. Richard Ashley is a Professional Civil Engineer and Director of EcoFutures Ltd with more than 40 years’ urban drainage experience in practice and as an academic. He is Emeritus Professor of Urban Water at the University of Sheffield, Adjunct Professor at Lulea Technical University in Sweden and Professor of Flood Resilience at UNESCO IHE, Delft. Richard was also the recipient of the (IWA/ IAHR) Joint Committee on Urban Drainage

Triennial Career Achievement Award in 2014 and for research into sustainable water systems in 2008. He has more than 500 publications behind him and continues to advise governments, OECD and international institutions on urban water, flooding and water sensitive urban design. He is working on the water sensitive city project in Australia, an EU blue-green URBAN project and several CIRIA projects.

THURSDAY | HALL 4 | 14:45 - 15:15

The UK Government’s Failure To Take Flooding Seriously And What We Need To Do About It Given the seemingly endless increase in flood frequency and impact in England, there would appear to be a need to ensure that the structures, processes and resources required to address this growing risk should be fit for purpose. Richard’s forthright seminar considers what this means, with discussion in the light of ongoing and seemingly endless deregulation by the Government.




This is an amazing opportunity to how the public and commercial worlds are collaborating to deliver assured resilience across England and Wales. Mark Burgess is a leading authority on whole life asset management within the public sector. Mark’s career spans 30 years within the commercial vehicle industry, holding key roles for the likes of Michelin, Lex Transfleet and Otto UK. Mark became Head of Business Development within Babcock’s Critical Services business in 2011, and has led business development activities relating to asset management and protection within the UK’s emergency and critical services sector, covering contracts that include the New Dimension fleet, London Fire Brigade, Metropolitan Police and the Highways Agency. Steve Hamm has an extensive career background in the UK fire and rescue service, most recently as Assistant

Commissioner with London Fire Brigade, responsible for operational resilience. His experience includes operational planning for significant events in London, contingency planning, delivering the London Fire Brigade Emergency Planning responsibilities and Specialist Operational Capabilities in London, including components of the Fire and Rescue National Resilience programme. Steve has extensive experience in strategic operational command and the resilience and civil contingencies field and has worked in forums tasked with ensuring effective response and recovery arrangements are in place both in London and nationally in the UK. He is also Vice Chair of the board of the Institution of Fire Engineers.

FRIDAY | HALL 5 | 14:00 - 14:30

Flood Resilience: A Working Partnership Resilience isn’t achieved by chance, but through developing the capability to withstand disruptive or damaging events by effective planning, response and recovery actions - enabling a return to a controlled state. This remarkable seminar gives you an overview of how the successful collaboration between the public and commercial sector is helping to deliver assured resilience across England and Wales, using the 2014 floods as evidence of how this partnership is continuing to evolve to meet environmental risks.




LIVE DEBATES Don’t miss your chance to hear the experts engage in open and frank discussions of the key issues and potential solutions to Britain’s flood problems.

rivers, to dredging lower down, as well as drainage and improved resilience for property in high risk areas.

Flood Defence & Prevention Expo is both a solutions exhibition and a problem solving conference for all water management professionals concerned with flooding. As part of the conference schedule, we are proud to present a series of live debates across both days of the event. Each of these debates will feature a panel of experts, market leaders and visionaries from all areas of flood management, protection and recovery who will explore the

With instances of widespread flooding escalating and predictions of more to come, it’s clear there’s a problem and there needs to be a serious discussion about solutions. This series of live debates sees professionals from across Europe to come together to hold those discussions and disseminate the very latest research, results and findings to enable national and regional decision makers to act upon the best quality information. It’s also an opportunity to hear proposed legislation, understand the implications for your solutions and even influence the direction of the UK’s flood defences.

issues associated with flooding from every angle. The panels will be made up of professionals working in flood defence, prevention and recovery, from hydrologists and hydraulic modellers or resilience engineers to architects and planning officers. The debates will take a holistic approach that is inclusive of any options that have proven to be effective, including forestry and soft-engineered flood alleviation schemes in the upper reaches of


Britain needs a clear strategy for its water management to safeguard our citizens against future repeats of recent incidents. Better water management could have prevented the recent flooding of villages and towns, sparing the residents the obvious distress while realising a significant saving in government expenditure. The British Government has

We’re still assembling all the panels of world class experts and we’ll be announcing the final details soon. Please check the website at www.flooddefenceexpo.co.uk and the digital show guide for the latest information, which will be updated in the lead up to the show.

already pledged to take action and apply the necessary funding. With this forum for you to ask questions or raise points to the panels, this is your chance to influence the decisions that are made and the direction taken for Britain’s long-term water management strategy.

All the Live Debates take place in the Live Debate Area, with two sessions scheduled each day. You don’t need to book in advance, but we expect these debates to be well attended, so please get there early to ensure your place.


12.00 Property Care Flooding 14.00 Environmental Solutions Of Flooding

FRIDAY 12.00 Flood Response & Rescue 14.00 Future Investment For Global Flooding Solutions




LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS There’s no better way to understand a product’s potential and evaluate its performance than actually seeing it in action. That’s why the live demos at Flood Defence And Prevention are packed with must-see sessions for any flood management professional looking to assess the latest equipment.

SPP AUTOPRIME Come along and see the SPP Autoprime range of flood protection and relief pumps in action for yourself and see how they could form a key addition to strategic planning for flood defence and relief.

This versatile, mobile, quiet range of self-priming pumps can be quickly deployed to provide immediate relief to flood threats and flood clean-up operations in appropriate situations. The appearance of high volume pumps in flood threatened areas comes as a welcome relief to residents and can assist emergency workers in their protection and recovery programs. With the capability to offer localised protection of power transformers, distribution centres, hospitals and more, SPP believes this pump range should be the emergency pump of choice. Easy to maintain and with UK wide service support, the lightweight design can be deployed by two people to make an immediate impact. The live demonstration will show how easy these pumps are to operate and the high level of performance for such a compact unit.




Every demo takes place on the banks of the Thames, right outside the event venue and within sight of one of the most iconic flood defence systems in the world – the Thames Barrier. These products might not be on quite the same scale, but they could prove to be no less important for your flood prevention and management strategy.


MORE EXCITING LIVE DEMOS FROM: • Storth Machinery • WM Plant Hire

Please check the website at www.flooddefenceexpo.co.uk and the digital show guide for the latest information, which will be updated in the lead up to the show.

Drains and culverts are coming under ever greater pressure from serious flooding events and demanding legislation. Well maintained drains and culverts are the first line of defence when the heavens open, so maintaining maximum capacity has never been more important. Operating nationwide, OnSite is a market leader in the surveying, maintenance, cleaning and improvement of waste water and drainage systems. The Company has the skills, technology and major resources to deliver. Services include advanced CCTV condition assessment, surveying and mapping, cleaning/jetting, temporary damming and a broad range of effective renovation and rehabilitation solutions that ensure your drains and culverts deliver maximum volume, minimising the risk of flooding.

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Hydroprotect Vision and anticipation of flooding risks

HYDROPROTECT is an innovative Belgian company and market leader in the field of preventive risks analysis and protection systems against flooding of all kinds (flood, sewer overflows). Our objective is to provide high-end, highly efficient and easy to set up products to individual customers. A great example is our HI-Pro© barrier, a dam specifically designed to fit doors and windows. The HI-Pro© barrier is a pressure resistant and lightweight installation kit that is so easy to set up that it can be done in only 2 minutes! Today HYDROPROTECT offers to anyone in the public and the private sector an easy and practical solution to protect their house against flash floods or recurrent floods in risk areas. Extreme bad weather occurrences in the last years have clearly shown that no one is really safe and that damages caused by flooding are no longer inevitable. HYDROPROTECT can help you do something about it!

Our mission: protect, anticipate and innovate!

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LifE - Understanding Long-term Initiatives for Flood-risk Environments

The Government calls for an integrated approach to planning and development, to combat climate change and reduce flood-risk. The LifE project rethinks how this can be achieved, what it might cost and how it might look.

THURSDAY 12.30 - 14.00

FRIDAY 12.30 - 14.00


Determines appropriate land uses based on levels of flood risk

Integrates surface water management solutions at a range of scales

Plans safe transport routes in and out of the development

Locates renewable energy on site and critical infrastructure

Identifies flood resilient construction for different buildings

Free LifE Handbook and an email of your team’s masterplan



The LifE Project (Long-term Initiatives for Flood-risk Environments) presents a shift in thinking by permitting water into sites in a controlled manner, thus making space for water. The LifE Project supports planning policy set out in NPPF, proposing an integrated approach to masterplanning, while simultaneously delivering zero carbon development. Five years since the original research, the core ideas have now percolated into international award-winning city plans, built forms and is informing flood policy at home and abroad. The LifE approach is cited by the World Bank as best practice and winner of the RIBA Practice Based Research Award 2010, Bronze Medal Winner at the International Landscape Awards (Germany) and Green Dot Award (USA). The Blue Infrastructure Toolkit, Winner of an EU Regio Star, forms part of the London Borough of Sutton’s Climate Adaptation toolkit. In this workshop, led by Baca Architects - the pioneers of the


LifE Project - participants will put the LifE approach to test. As with real life, the challenge is to create a masterplan that fits all the playing pieces on the plan whilst maintaining a sense of community and ensuring it is safe. No prior experience or specific expertise is necessary and teams will include a broad range of people such as planners, highways and

environment officers, consultants, developers and local interest groups. At the end of the workshop, teams will be invited to present their plan, then compare and contrast against other teams, followed by a small open debate to discuss the challenges presented by the Planning Scenario and how these tools are transferrable to other sites in the UK.


Baca is a multi-award-winning, research-led design practice specialising in integrated flood-resilient buildings and masterplanning of an environmental and high-quality design. Founded in 2003 by Richard Coutts and Robert Barker, the London-based practice is internationally recognised for innovation in floodresilient spatial planning and adaptable architecture, including the UK’s first amphibious house.

SEMINAR SCHEDULE There are no fewer than five seminar halls entirely dedicated to providing the insight, advice, inspiration and guidance that you need as you identify, research and implement a new flood defence strategy – or enhance an existing one. Whether you’re looking for better methods for flood prediction, land and water management or critical

Flood Defence And Prevention brings you an essential schedule of seminars, with something to enhance the effectiveness of every professional working in water management and flood defence.

response techniques and recovery solutions, there is a seminar for you.

by an expert in their field, bringing you the very latest information, technology and solutions.

The seminar schedule spans a huge range of topics, from assessing flood risks and insurance to technology based resilience and natural flood management, as well as more effective planning policies. Every session is delivered

The seminar schedule runs throughout both days of the conference. Turn the page now for the full details of every seminar this December, find out who is talking about what, when and where – making sure that you’re ready for your ‘can’t miss’ moments.

There’s no need to book in advance for any of the seminars – just turn up and take your place to hear the best in the business share their insights with you. These seminars are always popular and places fill up quickly on the day, so please ensure that you get there early to avoid disappointment. * Details correct at time of publication. Please check the website for the latest updates.







HALL 1 > THURSDAY 11.00 - 11.30

Richard Coutts Director Baca Architects Solve Several Problems With One Solution As we adapt to our changing climate and increasing demands on energy resources, so must our approaches to planning and design alter accordingly. The ability to find zero-carbon solutions to create integrated homes that reduce and ultimately eliminate the need for external power supplies will be increasingly important. These measures will also aim to solve several problems with one solution. Richard will also be discussing how to engage with communities and effectively involve them in the design process.

Ian Heijne Atkins Limited Protecting West Sands Holiday Village, Selsey Through Private Investment This is the story of the journey to implement a £15m privately funded coastal protection scheme. In 2008, a major storm wreaked havoc, causing widespread flooding and damage to over 50 caravans, jeopardising West Sands’ future. Hear how Bunn Leisure obtained approvals and constructed the West Sands Coast Protection Scheme near Selsey, West Sussex. The work provides protection to the Bunn Leisure Holiday Village and it was funded entirely by the business with no government funding. West Sands attracts 10,000 visitors each summer.

11.45 - 12.15

14.45 - 15.15

The seminar will demonstrate how silt curtains are designed to effectively contain and control the dispersion of suspended solids in the water column during piling, dredging, bank re-profiling, quarrying or marine construction etc. That by confining turbidity, silt curtains improve localised settling times of suspended solids in a defined area and are thus proven to significantly & effectively reduce stress on aquatic environments. Their application extends far beyond controlling silts as will be demonstrated.

Property level Flood Protection (PLP) has now become an accepted, low cost, form of defence against flood risk, which we have experienced across the UK, particularly since 2007. Whitehouse are pioneers within the industry developing robust surveys and solutions bringing increased variety to the marketplace. The aim is to bring down solution costs to £5000 per property, in comparison to capital projects which can often reach several hundred thousand pounds.

12.30 - 13.00

15.30 - 16.00

An overview of the current consultation on Flood Risk Management Plans prepared under the Flood Risk Regulations, to implement the European Floods Directive. This will include the approach to developing the plans, the objectives and types of measures included, along with the timescales for commenting on the draft plans and publishing the final plans.

Join Chris for this essential seminar as she shares the Environment Agency’s five-year development plan for flood incident management. This session is sure to be unmissable for all flood management professionals leading any programme of works in the next few years.

13.15 - 13.45

16.15 - 16.45

As the demand for ‘new’ housing in the UK grows & the risk of flood continues to dominate our weather picture, surely the time is right for the building sector to now give flood defence the same status it affords fire and environmental sustainability? Sarah Marriott shares her thoughts on why the adoption of flood defence measures at the design & build stage when it is both more practical & cost effective makes sense.

Flooding is an issue of increasing concern, nationally and globally. As sea levels and the global population rise in tandem, the need to utilise all available land, including land at high-risk of flooding, as well as protecting existing properties from flood damage, through research and the development of measures to mitigate the effects of flooding is of increasing importance. Including the newly completed Amphibious House.

Glyn Onione AquaticEngineering Ltd Keeping Silt in its Place

Dr Sue Reed Environment Agency Flood Risk Management Plan Consultation

Sarah Marriott UK Flood Barriers Property Level Protection - Looking To The Future


14.00 - 14.30



Steve McKeown Whitehouse Construction Property Level Flood Protection – A Real Alternative

Chris Strong Environment Agency Flood Incident Management Plan

Riccardo Pellizzon Baca Architects Creating Measures To Mitigate The Effects Of Flooding

HALL 1 > FRIDAY 11.00 - 11.30

John Osman Somerset County Council The Somerset Flooding Crisis John Osman, Leader of Somerset County Council will talk about the flooding crisis that caught national and international interest earlier this year. John will talk about the effect of flooding in Somerset and the recovery effort.

11.45 - 12.15

Carolann Simmonds Atkins Limited Strategic Thinking Behind LLFA Flood Risk Lead Local Flood Authorities need to plan ahead strategically, and part of this is submitting applications for flood defence Grant in Aid funding up to 11 years in advance. This presentation will talk about how LLFAs can generate a justified prioritised list of locations for further flood defence investigation, the rapid generation of economic benefit information for medium term plan submissions, implications for Transportation Resilience and LEP funding applications.

12.30 - 13.00

Graham Wilson Environment Agency December 2013 East Coast Tidal Surge – One Year On

* Content and speakers are subject to change. The digital show guide and seminar timetable will be updated online prior to the show, so please check www.flooddefenceexpo.co.uk for the latest information.

14.00 - 14.30

Sarah Marriott UK Flood Barriers Property Level Protection - Looking To The Future As the demand for ‘new’ housing in the UK grows & the risk of flood continues to dominate our weather picture, surely the time is right for the building sector to now give flood defence the same status it affords fire and environmental sustainability? Sarah Marriott shares her thoughts on why the adoption of flood defence measures at the design & build stage when it is both more practical & cost effective makes sense.

14.45 - 15.15

Dr Duncan Huggett MCIWEM Environment Agency Flood Risk Management And The Environment: Managing Risk For People And Wildlife Flood risk cannot be managed by simply building ever bigger hard defences. Other approaches such as working with natural processes may be a more sustainable approach. This does not replace traditional defences but complements them and increases their resilience to climate change. This seems so obvious – but if so, why isn’t it happening everywhere? This session will explore the benefits of natural flood management and some of the challenges to making it a reality.

15.30 - 16.00

Owen Hawkins Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Advancements In Space And Their Impacts On Flood Response

A review of the impacts of the December 2013 East Coast tidal surge and an opportunity to discuss the repairs undertaken, the lessons identified and actions being undertaken to prepare for the next flood.

Imaging, Communication and Navigation services provided by satellites are undergoing constant evolution. Communications services are relatively mature and seamlessly integrated. While more accurate positioning, high accuracy topographic mapping and prompt imaging offer breakthrough services to flood prediction, modelling and response. This seminar provides a top level overview of these, along with some predictions for the future.

13.15 - 13.45


Steve McKeown Whitehouse Construction Property Level Flood Protection – A Real Alternative Property level Flood Protection (PLP) has now become an accepted, low cost, form of defence against flood risk, which we have experienced across the UK, particularly since 2007. Whitehouse are pioneers within the industry developing robust surveys and solutions bringing increased variety to the marketplace. The aim is to bring down solution costs to £5000 per property, in comparison to capital projects which can often reach several hundred thousand pounds.




HALL 2 > THURSDAY 14.00 - 14.30

11.00 - 11.30

VRT Finland Ltd Underwater Infrastructure In Images Underwater infrastructure in 3D images. There is new easy-to-comprehend way to provide images from waterways and underwater structures with impressive accuracy, finding previously inaccessible defects.

The audience will be informed about the new-built testing facility of flood protection systems located at the headquarters of the company JaP – Jacina in the Czech Republic. The various forms of use will be described providing case studies of several types of protection systems. References will be mentioned as well.

11.45 - 12.15

14.45 - 15.15

From the pictures published by the national and international media, the floods in the city of Venice often look fun and picturesque, but they do not reveal the real consequences: they impact the local economy and are dramatic on the long term. In order to offer a solution to this problem, and in the context of a very delicate environment, a special and innovative type of barrier has been combined with other diffuse interventions on regional scale.

Bathymetric LiDAR is a remarkably powerful tool capable of collecting depths, elevations and imagery simultaneously;reducing flying time and collecting potentially more data without tidal restrictions. Using the latest processing techniques the data can be used to develop seamless datasets at high resolution. The Seminar will briefly look at systems and capabilities of the systems on the market.

12.30 - 13.00

15.30 - 16.00

Alberto Scotti Technital S.p.A. Venice Lagoon Flood Protection: From Mobile Barriers To An Integrated Engineering Project

Phil Tomlinson Metasphere Ltd Remote Monitoring For Flood Defence Overview of latest developments in RTU technology for the purpose of flood defence and prevention.

13.15 - 13.45

Jon Hinkle ILC Dover Case Studies Of Top Down Flood Mitigation Using Advaced Tensioned Fabric Softgoods Technologies Hurricane Sandy’s impact on New York City demonstrated the vulnerability of transit systems to storms and climate change. Flood water entered the system, causing billions of dollars in damage and a significant economic impact to businesses in the city. These case studies address the projects underway with the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the new technologies preventing top down flooding through stairwells, rail portals, vent shafts, and vehicular tunnels.


Ing. Tereza Jacinová JaP – Jacina s.r.o. Introduction Of Innovative Testing Facility Of Flood Protection Systems



Andy Johnson Pelydryn Ltd Bathymetric LiDAR And Its Application For Flood Modeling

Dr Paul O’Hare Manchester Metropolitan University Realising The Potential Of Property Level Resilience Technology Property-level protection (PLP) schemes enable and equip propertyowners with cost-effective and easy-to-implement tools to help take effective action themselves, bringing local communities together to limit the damage and stress that flooding causes. However, a lack of independent and competent PLP surveyors to support communities and scheme designers has limited the confidence of homeowners and insurers alike. This session will scope these challenges and identifies potential solutions.



* Content and speakers are subject to change. The digital show guide and seminar timetable will be updated online prior to the show, so please check www.flooddefenceexpo.co.uk for the latest information.

11.00 - 11.30

14.00 - 14.30

The EC has set out a key role for “Natural Water Retention Measures” in delivering the objectives of the Floods Directive and WFD. These measures aim to safeguard and enhance the water storage potential of catchment by restoring their natural features and processes. Closely aligned with natural flood management, this seminar will explore examples of best practice and the barriers to achieving more with natural processes.

All would agree that resilient communications are paramount for the delivery of monitoring data and alarms concerning river levels & flood warnings. This paper takes an objective view of the communication media available from traditional Radio Telemetry, Licenced Radio, through to Cellular and White Space. It will attempt to present an impartial picture of the technology, pros and cons, and introduce a reality check based upon whole of life economics TOTEX.

11.45 - 12.15

14.45 - 15.15

The seminar leader will present examples from practice and engage participants in the specific issues of building resilience to floods in the developing world. The session will also highlight why building flood resilience in Asia and Africa makes good economic sense for the world’s leading economies.

The PCA has launched a new initiative that will deliver assurance and certainty to those looking to protect themselves from future floods. The new Flood Protection Group is being developed to give consumers confidence in finding contractors, assessors and products that are right for the job, bringing the same level of operational and technical rigour for which they are renowned, to this increasingly important specialism.

12.30 - 13.00


Nick Jarritt AMEC Delivering Multiple Benefits Through “Natural Water Retention Measures”

Ripin Kalra Mott MacDonald Group and University of Westminster Top Ten Tips For ExportingSupports For Flood Resilience In Developing Countries

Martin Van Nieuwenhuyzen Aquatic Control Engineering Flood Protection Without Compromising Fish And Eel Migration

Brian M Back Radio Data Networks, British Water & LPRA Resilient Communications For Flood Monitoring & Warning Systems

Stephen Hodgson Property Care Association – Flood Protection Group The Property Care Association Launches the Flood Protection Group

Reducing the risk of flooding for homes and businesses is a necessity for many locations around the UK. Often the needs of communities can conflict with the requirements of the water framework directive which aims to remove barriers to fish migration. This seminar will cover a range of techniques that offer effective flood defence without compromising fish migration along with advice on best practice for both tidal and non-tidal sites.

13.15 - 13.45

Paul Jenkin Peter Brett Associates Development And Flood Risk, Planning Policy and Practical Application Provide an overview of the relevant policy frameworks with an emphasis on how we provide practical solutions to flood risk issues.




HALL 3 > THURSDAY 11.00 - 11.30

Steve Chatwin-Grindey DeepRoute Urban Solutions Ltd Holistic Design: Using Trees And Soil To Manage Water Runoff This seminar will discuss two SUDs projects that used trees and soil in an underground bioretention application to manage water from daily rainfall events. We’ll review design challenges, give an overview of modelling procedures, and discuss project performance to date. Attendees will leave with an understanding of the significant role green infrastructure can play in ultra-urban flood prevention applications.

11.45 - 12.15

The Crowther Family Flood Protection Solutions Ltd Flooding- A Personal Experience The Crowther home in Woodborough was flooded badly in 2007. The seminar will look back at this devastating event, and cover the personal effects a flood can cause. The family have now successfully defended their house from flooding, and the seminar will include how this has been achieved. The Woodborough village acts as a community and all the houses are now protected.

Mary Dhonau OBE Property Care Association What Is It Like To Flood? How To Prepare? Being flooded is an appalling experience! The presentation will describe what individuals who do flood have to go through and go on to give examples of how to plan, prepare, mitigate and become resilient to being flooded.

14.45 - 15.15

Robert Cunningham RSPB Nature – Friend Or Foe For Communities At Flood Risk? Last winter’s flooding reignited the debate as to whether nature conservation has helped or hindered communities at risk of flooding. This seminar will look behind the headlines and asks whether rather than being in conflict, the risk to people and wildlife have a common root - our inability to plan positively for change.

12.30 - 13.00

15.30 - 16.00

This presentation will cover the key elements required to create resilience to flooding in the built environment. The presentation has been informed by a number of leading edge research projects undertaken at BRE over a number of years. It will consider retrofitting older buildings, as well as the design and construction of new property. The role of technology and use of the land will be covered.

This presentation will focus on the importance of weather and flood warning systems for highways. It will discuss the importance of systems to help local authority and road operators keep their networks moving through innovation as well as the legislation surrounding such systems.

13.15 - 13.45

16.15 - 16.45

Dr Stephen Garvin Building Research Establishment Flood Resilience Of The Built Environment

Katherine Pygott Peter Brett Associates Future Investment For Flood Risk Management Britain has been identified by the IPCC as one of the countries most at risk from the immediate negative effects of climate change. Flooding is set to intensify in future not just due to climate change; but also from urbanisation and building in the flood plain; and from increasingly ageing infrastructure. The IPCC’s warning of our rapidly growing risk of coastal and inland flooding poses a timely challenge for infrastructure investment.


14.00 - 14.30



Campbell Waddell Findlay Irvine Ltd Flood And Weather Warning Systems For Highways

John Butterworth Gripple Ltd Armouring natNre: Applications And Benefits Of Armoured HPTRM A look at the increasing use of permanent vegetated armouring materials, their applications and benefits. How this has become an engineering staple in the United States in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and why. Looking in detail how they can be used in many water management applications from erosion protection to enhanced flood controls.


* Content and speakers are subject to change. The digital show guide and seminar timetable will be updated online prior to the show, so please check www.flooddefenceexpo.co.uk for the latest information.

11.00 - 11.30

14.00 - 14.30

Kingcombe Aquacare Ltd were actively involved in the protection of property on the Somerset Levels this year and are currently involved in a number of flood schemes.

Provide an overview of the relevant policy frameworks with an emphasis on how we provide practical solutions to flood risk issues.

11.45 - 12.15

14.45 - 15.15

Allan Rogers BAM Nuttall Ltd Broadlands Flood Alleviation And Maintenance A Long Term Partnership

Mike Todd Develop Training Limited Working In Surface Water Flooding. How Safe Are Your Staff?

BAM Nuttall in joint venture with Halcrow has delivered capital and maintenance through appraisal, design and construction since 2001. The contract has delivered flood alleviation and environmental improvements to the Norfolk Broads through this innovative procurement approach. The seminar is about the benefits and success of procuring flood alleviation schemes through a long term relationship.

The benefits of training staff to work safely in surface water flooding incidents following the recommendations in the Pitt Report. Discussions around the roles and responsibilities of Category 1 and 2 responders and the Cabinet Office recommendations regarding duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

Christopher Keech Kingcombe Aquacare Ltd After The Flood - A Contractor’s Appraisal

12.30 - 13.00

Paul Cobbing National Flood Forum What Do People Want The Next Government To Do For Flood Risk Communities?

Paul Jenkin Peter Brett Associates Development And Flood Risk, Planning Policy and Practical Application


The National Flood Forum has undertaken a survey of what people see as the key issues that the next government needs to tackle on flood risk. This seminar will explore these issues.

13.15 - 13.45

Mike Steel Environment Agency Risk Of Flooding From Rivers And The Sea – Now And Next Steps A summary of the Environment Agency’s national flood risk assessment (NaFRA), how it is being updated following the winter storms, and how it could be developed in the future.




HALL 4 > THURSDAY 11.00 - 11.30

Kylie Russell Environment Agency Climate Ready – Preparing Businesses For Severe Weather And Climate Change In England and Wales, 175,000 businesses are situated on floodplains and therefore potentially at risk of flooding. Flooding, droughts and heatwaves are set to become more common as the climate changes. Planning now for the impacts of severe weather makes good business sense. This seminar will outline how Environment Agency’s Climate Ready Service is working to increase businesses resilience and highlight the support that is available.

11.45 - 12.15

Dr Paul Webster Hydro-Logic Services LLP Responding To Flood Warnings This seminar will review the way individuals and communities respond to flood warnings. That response is critically dependent upon the lead time which in turn is affected by the response time of the system. Community responses are reviewed for systems with long, intermediate and short lead times. The greatest challenge is for short lead times (susceptible to flash floods) for which Paul will outline some solutions.

12.30 - 13.00

Duncan Jackson SPP Pumps Ltd SPP Pumps Ltd – Flood Protection - Pump Applications

Ian Russell Environment Agency Partnership Arrangements For Maintenance Works Using Public Sector Cooperation Agreements Public Sector Cooperation Agreements (PSCAs) provide flexible arrangements for an Internal Drainage Board or other Risk Management Authority and the Environment Agency to deliver maintenance works and incident response using the resources they agree. PSCAs avoid the need to tender for work and ensure legal compliance for all parties. Benefits include more efficient use of local skills/resources and more maintenance works being delivered. The Environment Agency currently has 23 PSCAs in place.

14.45 - 15.15

Professor Richard Ashley EcoFutures Ltd; University of Sheffield; UNESCO-IHE Delft; Lulea Technical University The English Government’s Failure To Take Flooding Seriously And What We Need To Do Given the seemingly endless increase in flood frequency and impact in England, there would appear to be a need to ensure that the structures, processes and resources needed to address this growing risk should be fit for purpose. What this means will be considered and discussed in the light of ongoing and seemingly endless deregulation by the Government.

15.30 - 16.00

David Holland Salix Building with Nature: Vegetation for Erosion Control and Habitat Creation

Present SPP Pumps Ltd and specifically its range of Diesel driven vacuum assisted self-priming pumps, how they work, features, benefits and where they are used. Live demonstration pumping from and back to the dock water source.

Soil Bioengineering uses vegetation in order to control soil erosion on watercourses and on slopes. Combining vegetation with reinforcing geotextiles and fibres can greatly enhance performance, meaning that vegetation can be used in more demanding flood defence applications than ever before, often replacing the need for hard engineering. These techniques can also provide rapid establishment of habitat for protected species and are more sustainable and cost effective than hard alternatives.

13.15 - 13.45

16.00 - 16.45

UK flooding events are becoming more frequent and threatening. This presentation will analyse major occurrences of fluvial, coastal and surface water floods with reference to the cost in economic, property and human terms. The resultant trends in public reaction, government policy, risk management, flood defence and overall attitude to the threat of flooding will be explored. In conclusion, what lessons are there from the history and what of the future?

Is the government making ‘empty promises’ over the Flood Re scheme designed to ensure affordable insurance cover for people and properties in high flood-risk areas.

Jim Barrack Tilt-Dam Ltd. Review of Flooding in the UK


14.00 - 14.30



Laurence Waterhouse Pell Frischmann Flood Re - Will It Ever Happen?

HALL 4 > FRIDAY 11.00 - 11.30

Robert Barker Director Baca Architects Water Will Shape Our Communities During The 21st Century As the motorcar transformed town planning and solar orientation emerged as a design driver during the 20th Century, it is water that will shape our communities during the 21st Century. Robert will be discussing the shape of future cities and planning, drawing on his experience and research to discuss how we can innovatively adapt to climate change and work with water and its natural processes, rather than simply trying to defend against it.

11.45 - 12.15

Rachael Hill & Adrian Rushworth Environment Agency River Maintenance Pilots And Channel Management Handbook This session will provide background and progress on the 9 river maintenance pilots which are taking place to reduce red tape and make it easier for landowners and tenants to undertake river maintenance. In addition the new channel management guide will be introduced. This new guide covers all aspects of channel maintenance to help flood risk management authorities, landowners and community groups who are planning to undertake maintenance work.

12.30 - 13.00

Bobby Hamilton Hesco Bastion Ltd How Warfare Has Shaped Our War With Flood

* Content and speakers are subject to change. The digital show guide and seminar timetable will be updated online prior to the show, so please check www.flooddefenceexpo.co.uk for the latest information.

14.00 - 14.30

Dr Paul Webster Hydro-Logic Services LLP Responding To Flood Warnings This seminar will review the way individuals and communities respond to flood warnings. That response is critically dependent upon the lead time which in turn is affected by the response time of the system. Community responses are reviewed for systems with long, intermediate and short lead times. The greatest challenge is for short lead times (susceptible to flash floods) for which Paul will outline some solutions.

14.45 - 15.15

Andy Winter Tensar International Ltd The Triton Coastal And Waterways System Erosion Control and Submerged Foundation Applications using the Tensar Triton Coastal and Waterways System


Flood barriers are evolving and adjusting to become more mobile and rapidly deployable in urban, flood situations. This session will focus on how combat engineers are using their experience of the changing conflict environment to design mobile equipment essential to achieving effective rapid flood barrier deployment.

13.15 - 13.45

Alexis Smith My Private Ark Helping the community: A fresh approach to flood prevention From an exquisitely simple idea, a revolution has begun- and it’s taking the flood prevention community by storm. Focussed on helping others whilst providing all-round support both before and after flooding, a solution to this worsening crisis has at last been found.




HALL 5 > THURSDAY 11.00 - 11.30

14.00 - 14.30

Marnix has experienced first-hand the (dis)advantages of the British as well as the Dutch attitude towards making effective use of flood plains. Somerset and likewise the Netherlands do have a future in times of climate change once they start listening to nature and working together. Both places must start to realize that they do need the thick waters in order to survive.

The Environment Agency with all partner flood risk authorities have run a suite of public dialogues across the country to determine how we can more effectively communicate with people about flood risk. Find out what the public told us and what authorities plan to do with this new evidence. More information on the research can be found on the project website.

11.45 - 12.15

14.45 - 15.15

Marnix de Vriend Director Aqua-Consult BV, Nijmegen & London Making Effective Use Of Flood Plains- Working With Nature

Michael Natschke KISTERS Waterinfo.be - A Big Data Flood Portal As a highly urbanized and flood prone region, Flanders has experienced multiple floods causing significant damage in the past. In response to the floods of 1998 and 2002 the Flemish Environment Agency, responsible for managing 1,400 km of unnavigable rivers, started setting up a real time flood forecasting system in 2003. Currently the system covers almost 2,000 km of unnavigable rivers, for which flood forecasts are accessible online.

Matthew Cooper Revival Group Drying, What Can Be Achieved In The Recovery Period A look at the evolution of drying methods and how large scale drying can aid efforts in the recovery phase of a disaster caused by flooding. When the worst does happen what can be achieved?

12.30 - 13.00

15.30 - 16.00

Demonstrating how recent advances in GPRS camera technology enable cost effective monitoring of remote locations using low power devices which can interface directly to existing SCADA or direct to web, smartphone or email. This seminar will show real world projects from the Water, Rail and Utilities sectors demonstrating how cameras can form part of an integrated solution for Flood Defence.

This presentation deals with the issues faced by authorities after the calamitous events caused by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. While grappling with the enormity of the problem someone chose to invite me to help out, this is my recount of how events unfolded as I drove my Amphibious Vehicle, under armed guard, wearing my bullet proof vest, hoping to save stranded citizens. For for many it was too late.

13.15 - 13.45

16.15 - 16.45

Matt Dibbs Meteor Communications Flood Defence And Remote Asset Monitoring Using GPRS Cameras

John Alexander Aquobex Retrofitting To Enable Flood Resilient Properties Presentation of a study carried out by Aquobex, BRE and Baca Architects (for Defra) to demonstrate how properties can be made flood resilient. Incorporates currently available building and flood resilient technologies and a glimpse of future developments.


Dr Jacqui Cotton Environment Agency Lessons From Discussions With The Public On Communicating Flood Risk



Bob McDowell SalamanderAV Ltd Flood Rescue In New Orleans Using An Amphibious Vehicle

Hannes Floto HydroGuard Ltd The Homeowner’s Responsibility And The Demand For Sandbags The perceived risk of flooding has increased due to recent floods and climate change predictions; which is triggering requests for governmental action. It is still however the responsibility of the homeowner to protect their home from flooding, typically resulting in requests for sandbags. Is there an alternative solution?


* Content and speakers are subject to change. The digital show guide and seminar timetable will be updated online prior to the show, so please check www.flooddefenceexpo.co.uk for the latest information.

11.00 - 11.30

14.00 - 14.30

Large scale flood barriers, like the Thames Barrier, have been protecting cities for many years. Smaller scale flood barriers may be installed at the entrance of flood prone areas and protect individual properties. Engineers design such barriers which are built by competent contractors. There are also numerous flood barriers in the market. This seminar presents the tools for the design of flood barriers and recent developments in flood barrier technology.

Resilience isn’t achieved by chance but through developing the capability to withstand disruptive or damaging events by effective planning, response and recovery actions - enabling a return to a controlled state. An overview of how the successful collaboration between the public and commercial sector is helping to deliver increased resilience across England and Wales, using the 2014 floods as evidence of how this partnership is continuing to evolve to meet environmental threats.

11.45 - 12.15

14.45 - 15.15

Dr Antonis Toumazis Dion. Toumazis & Associates Recent Developments In Flood Barrier Technology

Charles Moreu Smals Dredging From Dredging To Building - From Contaminated To Clean Soil Flooding problems. The environment needs measures. The market needs innovative solutions based on the recycling of raw materials. For example, how do you turn contaminated sludge into constructive hydraulic engineering? This is a practical examination of the problems combined with a scientific justification. Ultimately, the project is only successful when the added value, the sustainable development, is clear. This is the new way of dredging.

12.30 - 13.00

Hans Dekker DN Urbland, Landscape Architect Great Britain, Great Holland, Great Europe - Learning From Each Other

Steve Hamm, CFOA National Resilience Ltd (CNR) & Mark Burgess, Babcock International Group Flood Resilience: A Working Partnership

John Alexander Aquobex Retrofitting To Enable Flood Resilient Properties Presentation of a study carried out by Aquobex, BRE and Baca Architects (for Defra) to demonstrate how properties can be made flood resilient. Incorporates currently available building and flood resilient technologies and a glimpse of future developments.


The current flooding’s in Great Britain are obviously not stand alone situations. Other countries in Europe and around the world seem to suffer from similar catastrophes. So far Holland, the lowest country in Europe, seems to stay out of the blur. Why is this? Can we learn something from its watery history and the strategies that are taken?

13.15 - 13.45

Richard Balfry TMS Maritime Health & Safety Issues, On, Over And Under Water Critically important on any civil engineering project, Health & Safety has even more prominence and importance when working with water. Many practices that have to be adopted may surprise you, as some are contrary to normal practice on dry land. This presentation will also cover Occupational Health issues when dealing with water and is bound to provoke many questions; so plenty of time will be devoted to a QA session.





The FADS Directory is an information website for the water management industry.


Updated daily with industry news and events it also provides a directory service for suppliers, contractors and consultants.

Managing Water & Its Environment is a FREE online magazine for the water management industry. Published quarterly, it covers flood risk, storm-water and SuDS drainage systems, land drainage, river and wetland restoration and channel management.

Contractors and Consultants listings include an overview of services along with contact information. Suppliers have a ‘Full’ listing option which includes a company profile, all products and services (back-linked to their own site), brochure/video inclusion and free editorial contribution into Managing Water Magazine.

Regular columns by key people from the industry and contributions from leading associations keeps Managing Water informative and interesting. Subscribe, FOC, to receive notification as each edition is launched.. Back editions are always available on the website.




The Property Care Association (PCA) is the trade association representing specialists who can be trusted to resolve problems affecting buildings. PCA member firms can investigate and resolve defects involving damp, condensation, timber decay or insect attack, dampness and water penetration in basements, floodwater recovery and flood protection, structural defects and invasive weed control. PCA members undertake professional and trustworthy site surveys and investigations, delivering peace of mind through detailed investigation and correct diagnosis. These services are provided by trained, experienced, vetted and qualified surveyors.

Business Synergies have been publishing the FREE eNewsletters Flood News and Containment News since 2009, both publications are monthly and have a combined estimated readership of 25,000. Flood News is endorsed by the UK’s largest flood charities, The National Flood Forum, Know Your Flood Risk and the Property Care Association. Containment News, which rounds up water pollution, firewater and spill incidents from the UK and around the world, together with related prosecutions and legislation changes, is endorsed by Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) and Dr Paul Leinster, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency.

As of June this year, PCA and Flood Protection Association have been working together to form the Flood Protection Group, to establish trade representation for companies offering flood resilience and resistance measures, giving consumers confidence in finding contractors, assessors and products that are right for the job.

Please Email phil@business-synergies.co.uk if you would like to subscribe or receive a sample issue of one or both publications, all we require is your Email address, we do not share details with any third party and will only use your Email address to send you the requested eNewsletter.





The National Flood Forum is a national charity dedicated to supporting and representing communities and individuals at risk of flooding. Working with government, agencies and local authorities on issues such as flood risk insurance, property level protection and recovery to ensure that the needs of flood risk communities are represented.


Baca is a multi-award-winning, research-led design practice specialising in integrated flood-resilient buildings and masterplanning of an environmental and high-quality design. Founded in 2003 by Richard Coutts and Robert Barker, the London-based practice is internationally recognised for innovation in flood-resilient spatial planning and adaptable architecture, including the UK’s first amphibious house. Baca Architects pioneering research, most notably the RIBA Presidents award for Research 2010 for the Defra funded LifE Project (Long term initiatives for Flood Risk Environments. Baca’s research and development underpins the practice’s methodology.


WaterBriefing is the UK’s leading online daily dedicated news, analysis and intelligence service for business professionals in the water sector covering both UK and international issues, industry news, company news, and existing and upcoming legislation and policy updates. The combination of insight and analysis of news, legislation and policy developments has made it a widely-read, influential and well-respected source of information. Readership includes clients, contractors, water companies, the investment community, MPs, regulators and parliamentary committees.


The Environment Agency is a government agency in England. We work to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development. Our 3 main business areas are: flood and coastal risk management; water, land and biodiversity; and regulated business. Our role in managing flood and coastal risk includes: investing in flood defences; mapping and modelling; warning and informing; responding to flooding incidents; and working with our stakeholders.



The Construction Industry Council (CIC) is the representative forum for the professional bodies, research organisations and specialist business associations in the construction industry.

leantech Business News is a real innovator in the resource sector. Our quarterly publication provides a key source of information for businesses, investors, R&D departments active in the renewable energy sector.

Established in 1988 with just five founder members, CIC now occupies a key role within the UK construction industry providing a single voice for professionals in all sectors of the built environmentthrough its collective membership of 500,000 individual professionals and more than 25,000 firms of construction consultants.

Our mission is to inform and connect sustainable businesses in order to facilitate innovation and promote sustainable business opportunities. We achieve this by connecting investors, innovators, business leaders, deal-makers and industry influencers via essential news, editorials and advertorials.

The breadth and depth of its membership means that CIC is the only single body able to speak with authority on the diverse issues connected with construction without being constrained by the self-interest of any particular sector of the industry.

We also hope you take advantage of our back page editorials aimed at local tourism. Tourism is a major foreign revenue partner, whilst creating job opportunities and can be a means of regional and local regeneration. Also supporting an interest in environmental resources, which could influence and promote the location of renewable energy developments.

AQUADAM EUROPE LTD Environment Industry Magazine is the UK’s leading B2B environment magazine which is rapidly acquiring a reputation as a ‘Voice of Industry’ with editorial contributions from the most significant and prominent experts in their industries. It is the only publication, which covers every aspect of the environmental arena, and treats this rapidly growing sector as an industry in its own right.


We hold a passionate belief that the only viable way to create a greener planet is to invest in it . . .


AquaDam Europe Ltd is the European distributor for AquaDam, a water-filled flood protection barrier that protects against water depths of up to 1.8m. Used in flood protection for 30 years, AquaDam has protected highways, utility sites including 6 Nuclear Power Stations, industrial/business properties, and residential communities. During the Winter 2014 floods, AquaDam protected areas alongside the Thames, a water treatment plant in Kenley, serving 50,000 properties, as well as small utility sites and properties in both Surrey and Somerset.

Natural Resources Wales is a Welsh Government Sponsored Body. Its purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained, enhanced and used, now and in the future. As an organisation we understand the need to balance our use of natural resources. We seek to unlock the potential and create the best possible sustainable results that are good for people, good for business and good for the environment.


WWT is a leading wetland conservation charity whose mission is to protect wetlands in the UK and globally for both wildlife and people. We manage nine Wetland Centres across the UK and around one million people visit our Centres each year to learn about and experience being among wetlands and their wildlife. A key part of WWT’s work is demonstrating the multiple benefits that wetlands provide, including helping to manage flooding. Examples of WWT’s work in this area include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in the most constrained urban environments to largescale managed realignment schemes that work with nature to help cope with sea level rise and tidal squeeze.




Flood Warning Systems for Highways - Flood Warning System for Roads - Roadside Warning Sensors - Online Bureau Management System - Activates Warning Signs - Texts Key Staff When Activated

EXHIBITOR LISTINGS Acheson & Glover Stand Number F251 A&G (Acheson & Glover) is one of the largest independent concrete producers. 0121 747 0202 www.acheson-glover.com Adler and Allan Limited Stand Number F234 Adler and Allan has built an impressive flood response service following the catastrophic floods of recent years. 0800 592 827 www.adlerandallan.co.uk All Terrain Vehicle Solutions Stand Number F552 All Terrain Vehicle Solutions provide specialist vehicles and equipment to the professional and private sector. We can supply a proven and cost effective fully amphibious all terrain vehicle capable of dealing with the most hazardous of conditions. 0044 (0)1823 673396 www.allterrainvehiclesolutions. com Allups Ltd Stand Number F200 Allups Ltd developed Floodlock Strips with patented technology so now everyone can be better prepared for flood! Just keep a pack of our water activated sealing strips in the draw and, when needed, trap them between the door and its frame to effectively keep higher pressure flood water out doors. +44 (0) 161 408 3751 www.allupsltd.co.uk Andel Ltd Stand Number F572 Founded in 1992, Andel Ltd has steadily built on the work of our leading experts in the design, development and application of specialised leak detection and environmental protection systems. We have a twenty year history of cutting-edge R&D; the understanding that only comes from listening to our customers; practical, hands-on involvement and a common sense, costeffective approach. 01484 845 000 www.andel.co.uk Aquacast International Ltd Stand Number F580 Demountable block system for flood defence, land slide

stabilization & bank reinforcement using recycled materials. www.aquacastinternational. com +44 0 1624 835 007 AquaDam Stand Number F102 AquaDam-Europe Ltd are the European distributors of AquaDam. A water-filled temporary dam for asset protection, flood water diversion and retention. For over 25 years, AquaDam has been providing practical and effective flood control for a range of assets, including Nuclear Power Stations, large and small scale Utility sites, extensive lengths of highway, business and communities. Temporary barriers for works in rivers, lakes and ponds up to 3.3 meter water depth. 01793251700 www.aquadam-europe.com

known for heavy engineering in water management. 01777 249080 www.aquaticcontrol.co.uk Aquatic Engineering Stand Number F441 The UKs premier designer, fabricator and installer of silt / contamination curtains and floating structures for the civil engineering, utility and environmental sectors. AquaticEngineering is a multidisciplinary company which operates out of a modern fabrication unit to supply systems and services worldwide. 01983616668 www.aquaticengineering.co.uk Aquobex Stand Number F560 With 50 years’ combined experience and expertise in the flood risk management, flood protection and flood control industry, Aquobex provides protection in the forms of flood resistance (dry-proofing) and flood resilience (wet-proofing) for businesses, communities, homes and infrastructure. 01923518582 www.aquobex.com

Aquamec Ltd Stand Number F444 Watermaster is an amphibious multipurpose dredger for all shallow water work. Watermaster’s capabilities include suction dredging, backhoe dredging, raking and pile driving – all from dry ground to 6 meters depth. Made in Finland - operating in over 60 countries worldwide. + 358 10 4026400 www.watermaster.fi Aquaread Limited Stand Number F424 Aquaread are the UK’s multi award winning manufacturer of water quality testing instruments. Based in Kent, UK we are very proud of the fact that all of our products are 100% designed and assembled right here in the UK for the highest accuracy and quality control. 01843 600030 www.aquaread.co.uk Aquatic Control Engineering Ltd Stand Number F320 ACE will be joined by 3 manufacturers bringing the latest products in water flow control. KWT have revolutionised flood defence with HDPE flap valves & penstocks. WaPro will be on hand to demonstrate the WaStop inline check valve. Jansen Venneboer are

AST Floodwall Systems Ltd Stand Number F430 AST Floodwall Systems is a unique flood protection system that will protect you property from the increased and ongoing dangers of flooding that we are experiencing more of here in the UK. Protecting whats important to you. 0800 160 1659 www.astfloodwall.com Atkins Ltd Stand Number F310 Atkins is one of the world’s leading design, engineering and project management consultancies. We have the breadth and depth of expertise to respond to the most technically challenging and time critical infrastructure projects. Atkins is a leading provider in the Flood and Coastal Protection Sector. 01372 726140 www.atkinsglobal.com BAM Nuttall Stand Number F512 BAM Nuttall is one of the largest civil engineering contractors in the UK. The company has a

rich heritage in the delivery of flood alleviation schemes and is currently a major framework supplier to the Environment Agency. Services include:Rock armour protection,Groynes,Revetments, reed ronds 0127663484 www.bamnuttall.co.uk/Sect_ Maritime.html Coeval Ltd Stand Number F120 With almost a quarter of a century’s worth of experience in electronics industrial design and manufacturing, we can supply products to suit your precise requirements, and offer leading edge technology, build quality, reliability and value for money. 0131 4457999 www.coeval.uk.com Crocodile Flood Solutions Ltd Stand Number F600 Crocodile Flood Solutions have sourced some of the best quality, most reliable flood defence and flood protection products currently available, in order to help you defend your property from flooding. We offer a complete A to Z service in all areas of flood prevention. 0845 094 1281 www.crocodilefs.co.uk DeepRoot Urban Solutions Ltd Stand Number F561 Plant a big idea. Watch it change a city. We develop solutions to enhance urban forests and surrounding watersheds in city streets. Silva Cell, our flagship product, is an underground framework for containing lightly compacted soil that supports large trees and allows onsite stormwater management. 0207 969 2739 www.deeproot.com Develop Training Stand Number F500 Develop Training Ltd is a leading supplier of technical and compliance based training and assessment solutions across the UK. 0800 876 6708 www.developtraining.co.uk




Dutchdam BV Stand Number F464 Dutchdam represents deployable flood defence, storage and logistics in one. An unusually high degree of operational reliability, convenience and safety. Installation on site provides for fast easy deployment in different types of structures at various levels. 0031(0)172-518088 info@dutchdam.nl DYRHOFF UK Stand Number F582 Dyrhoff is a leading UK-based designer and supplier of inflatable rubber dams, walls and gates for flood management in rivers, urban and coastal areas. We have supplied inflatable water control systems to 90 sites in 20 countries since the late 1980s. Our products are available in heights from 30cm to 8m and can cover lengths of several hundred metres. 01303275900 www.dyrhoff.co.uk/

FADS Directory Stand Number F102 FADS is simply - Flood Alleviation & Drainage Systems. It is a service website for the water management industry. The FADS website focuses on: Flood alleviation, Property protection, River & Coastal Erosion, Water level management, Drainage (Land, Urban, Highway, Sports & Amenity, Waste & Sewage), and associated and supporting products and services. +44 (0)1480 411793 www.fadsdirectory.com/index Fast Form Systems Stand Number F116 Fast-Form is suitable for all types of formwork and shuttering from pile caps, beams, walls (up to 5m plus), slabs including slab edges on soffits to sheet pile capping beams and radius formwork, there is nothing Fast-Form cannot cope with. 02071481274 www.fastformsystems.com Findlay Irvine Ltd Stand Number F402 Findlay Irvine has been manufacturing Transportation Safety equipment for over 50 years. From GripTester to Icelert. net to FloodAlert, Findlay Irvine offers a range of systems to keep networks moving and reduce the risk of accidents. 01968 671200 www.findlayirvine.com Flood Divert Stand Number F210 Flood Divert are a family-run business offering high quality flood protection products including bespoke hardwood flood doors,



hardwood flood gates, flood barriers and other flood mitigation services for the commercial and private sectors, using traditional and modern manufacturing techniques and the very best in craftsmanship. 01904 360204 www.flooddivert.co.uk Flood Kit Stand Number F100 Floodkit Limited has developed an effective, affordable Emergency Flood Response Kit which will allow householders and small business owners to take responsibility for the protection of their own property. The comprehensive product range will help prevent floodwater entering through doors, airbricks, toilets, showers and wastepipes at a fraction of the cost of similar products. 07973 179067 www.floodkit.co.uk Flood Protection Solutions Ltd Stand Number F530 Following our own personal experiences, we formed Flood Protection Solutions Ltd to import the Water-Gate™ Barriers into the UK. 07792 750791 www.floodprotectionsolutions. co.uk Floodsure Stand Number F730 Floodsure is a system which gives you confidence that your property and possessions are protected from flooding. Floodsure supplies a complete professional team of surveyors, assessors and installers. We work with recognised and reputable Insurers. Our surveys and installations are bespoke and tailored to your individual property as are any insurance policies that might be offered. 01454 301501 www.floodsure.biz/about.html Fluvial Innovations Stand Number F514 Fluvial Innovations provides awardwinning barrier systems that are used by utilities, local authorities, businesses and households throughout the world. Our principle technology is Floodstop & FloodBlock modular flood barriers. Winner of Climate Week - Best Climate Ready Initiative 2013. 01202 678580 www.fluvial-innovations.co.uk Geodesign Barriers Stand Number F276 0845 241 8108 www.geodesignbarriers.com/ GreenWorld Products Ltd Stand Number F254 The TerraWay road building system has been specially developed for the production of a low-bindercontent, but high-strength, highly


porous, air and water permeable surface for roads and pathways with low traffic loads. 0536747796 www.terraway.eu Gripple Ltd Stand Number F822 Launched in 1989 as the manufacturer of innovative solutions for joining wire fences together, Gripple has evolved to become the leading supplier of wire suspension systems to the construction market, while also developing its unique technology for use in ground anchor systems for civil applications 0114 2752255 www.gripple.com Hambaker Adams Ltd Stand Number F540 Ham Baker is a market leading, global organisation dedicated to the design and manufacture of innovative products for the water and waste water markets. 08448011801 www.hambaker.co.uk/hba Hermes Technologie Stand Number F521 Who doesn’t get annoyed about potholes on our roads? Often – and unfortunately only too regularly – it is actually sunken manhole frames that are jarring passing vehicles. When manhole covers have sunk really badly, that can even damage vehicles. Bicycles and motorcycles are particularly at risk. +49 23 04 97 123 0 www.hermes-technologie.com HESCO Bastion Ltd Stand Number F270 HESCO defensive barriers are best known for protecting soldiers from attack during deployment in conflict zones, but throughout the world HESCO barriers have also been defending against a different kind of threat; flood. +44 (0) 113 248 663 www.hesco.com Hi Bar Flood Control Stand Number F540 HiBar Flood Systems Ltd was formed to develop a revolutionary, patented concept in flood defence - a free-standing, automatic, self-erecting barrier that does not require any external power or people present in order to erect or lower/dismantle it. 01432 370215 www.hibarfloods.co.uk HydroGuard Stand Number F324 HydroGuard is the world’s first affordable flood barrier that will fit to any standard door. Using patented sliding technology, it requires no pre-installation nor tools and ensures that everyone has access to an affordable, one-

size-fits-all flood barrier to help protect their homes from flooding. 0845 056 3972 www.HydroGuard.co Hydrok Stand Number F564 Hydrok are committed to offer engineers, builders and developers a suite of integrated solutions for water control and storage systems engineered to provide a total solution “Treatment Train” from screening & filtration of surface water to the storage and control of flows back into the water course. 01726 861900 www.hydrok.co.uk Hydro-Logic & FLOODSURE Ltd Stand Number F730 The Hydro-Logic group provides services (through HydroLogic Services) and products (through Isodaq) for the water and environmental protection industries. We have partnered with FLOODSURE Ltd for this exhibition to showcase our range of flood warning, modelling and protection systems. 01189 331 325 www.hydro-logic.co.uk/HL HYDROPROTECT sprl Stand Number F311 HYDROPROTECT is an innovative Belgian company and market leader in the field of preventive risks analysis and protection systems against flooding of all kinds (flood, sewer overflows). Our objective is to provide high-end, highly efficient and easy to set up products to individual customers. eric@hydroprotect.be www.hydroprotect.be I Group Ltd Stand Number F742 ILC Dover Stand Number F446 ILC Dover has provided engineered solutions to complex customer problems, serving the aerospace, personal protection and pharmaceutical industries. 1-302-335-3911 www.ilcdover.com Industrial Penstocks Ltd Stand Number F540 industrial PENSTOCKS offers a full range of penstocks, flap valves, hydrostatic bell mouths, floating arms, stop logs and accessories. Cast or fabricated products range of materials, utilising a range of operating gear are designed, using state of the art CAD technology, engineered and manufactured +44 (0) 1384 458411 www.industrialpenstocks.co.uk

Industrial Valves Ltd Stand Number F540 Industrial Penstocks Ltd forms part of F J Holdings group of companies which together offer a comprehensive service of supply and support to customers within the water, waste water, power, petrochemical and process of both the UK and overseas markets. +44 (0) 1384 458411 www.industrialpenstocks.co.uk InfoTech Stand Number F535 International New York Times Stand Number F620 Visit the INYT stand for discounted digital subscriptions plus a free gift with your purchase. www.nytimes.com/pages/ world Isodaq Technology Stand Number F730 Isodaq Technology (www.isodaq. co.uk) and Hydro-Logic Services (www.hydro-logic.co.uk/HL/) now operate as sister companies within the Hydro-Logic Group. +44 (0) 1885 483789 www.isodaq.co.uk Isothane Ltd Stand Number F680 (0)1254872555 www.isothane.com/index.asp IVL Flow Control Ltd Stand Number F540 IVL Flow Control Ltd have a specialised knowledge of hydraulic control valves and air valves which can add a unique design concept to the construction of a water distribution network, providing the utility or municipality with the ability of constructing a smart hydraulic control valve model which adds a completely different dimension to normal network control theories. 01384 458411 www.ivlflowcontrol.co.uk Jansen Venneboer Stand Number F320 Jansen Venneboer are one of the best known names in heavy engineering in the Netherlands. Their one hundred year history has brought a reputation for quality and dependability. Water management is seen as a key area of expertise for Jansen Venneboer, this includes contemporary lock systems that can act as dams, while also opening to allow for the passage of boats. 01777 249080 www.jansen-venneboer.com JaP - Jacina Stand Number F302 JaP-Jacina Ltd. offers broad range of flood control systems and other tailored designed closures which resist to water, fire, over pressure and other impacts. Also, the unique universal testing facility for

flood control systems was built up at new company’s development centre. www.jap-jacina.cz/en 020731412087

large numbers of dredging and watering projects, not only in the Netherlands but also abroad. +31 485 33 51 70 www.klaar.eu

Jigsaw M2M Limited Stand Number F532 Jigsaw produce a range of flood warning systems which are easily installed wherever a flood may occur. They are designed to be battery powered so are as easy to install in a field by a river as they are in an urban environment. 01942621786 www.jigsawm2m.com JMR Vehicle Solutions Stand Number F312 JMR Vehicle Solutions Limited will be exhibiting the Limpet 6 Eco Welfare Unit a truly mobile solution. The Limpet 6 contains all the necessary facilities to comply with health and safety regulations governing the provision of welfare facilities. 01922 745421 www.jmrvehicles.co.uk

Koninklijke Smals Stand Number F621 Sustainable projects through integrated knowledge of engineering combined with optimal processing of material. We offer both thorough standard solutions and innovative customization. +31 (0) 485 335 170 www.smals.com

Kempster Engineering Ltd Stand Number F540 Kempster is a business with a proud 130-year tradition of experience and innovation. Its origins are in equipment for fire fighting, paper-making, textile, rubber & plastics machinery. Today Kempster is also active in water & sewage treatment, Petrochemical, Power Generator, Cement, Pharmaceuticals & Sugar refining. 01706345599 www.kempsteruk.com/index. html Kingcombe Aquacare Stand Number F750 Kingcombe Aquacare Ltd are the leading water management specialists, offering lake construction by experienced water engineers. +44 (0)1460 279 200 www.kingcombe.com/default. aspx KISTERS Stand Number F211 KISTERS AG is a worldwide growing IT-company with numerous international locations. Its 540 employees develop resource management systems for water, energy and air. WISKI, the Water Information System KISTERS, is a standard-setting software system for the collection and processing of hydrological da +49 2408 9385 0 www.kisters.de Klaar (koninklijke smals) Stand Number F621 KLAAR Baggertechnieken (established in 2004) is a company with enthusiastic employees, who have many years of knowledge in the small scale dredging industry. This knowledge has been gained by designing and operating

KWT Group Stand Number F320 KWT – for many years ACE have been the main UK distributer of KWT products, from small HDPE flap valves to large heavy duty bespoke stainless steel penstocks. Over the past 30 years KWT have built a reputation with the development of innovative products utilising the latest technologies and materials. KWT have led the way in the use of HDPE in water flow control products including flap valve, penstocks and tilting weirs. In 2014 KWTs products are a common site along water courses around the UK. 01777 249080 www.kwtgroup.nl Lafarge Tarmac Stand Number F432 TBlocks – A breakthrough in coastal and flood defence TBlocks is an innovative modular construction system, that offers a fast, versatile, cost effective response to coastal and flood defence. The unique interlocking design is proven to dissipate wave energy and enables shorter build programmes that can be timed to coincide with budget availability. Find out more about our groundbreaking project, in partnership with the Environment Agency and North Tyneside Council by visiting us at stand F432. 0800 1 218 218 www.lafargetarmac.com LAKESIDE FLOOD SOLUTIONS Stand Number F202 Lakeside Flood Solutions has developed from the Lakeside Security Group, a chain of companies that have provided 26 years of excellence in manufacturing, installation and maintenance across the UK. We offer a comprehensive range of residential, commercial and industrial flood defence solutions. 01792 561117 www.lakesidefloodsolutions. co.uk

Managing Water Magazine Stand Number F102 The quarterly e-magazine for the water management industry. 0845 2 575 575 www.managingwater.co.uk/ home/4561752905 Metasphere Ltd Stand Number F440 Metasphere has over 20 years’ experience in delivering telemetry and control solutions to improve process efficiency, meet regulatory requirements and preserve precious resources. The ability to monitor entire remote assets and systems in real time is a defining process of telemetry. +44(0)1737 846 100 www.metasphere.co.uk Meteor Communications Stand Number F400 Meteor Communications provide innovative remote monitoring solutions for Flood Defence applications. Using the low power MCE-Nexus GPRS camera images can be cost effectively acquired from remote locations and viewed directly on the web. 01727 899 990 www.meteorcommunications. co.uk Moore Concrete Products Ltd Stand Number F480 Our aim and mission is to provide our customers with quality precast concrete solutions. We specialise in the manufacture and supply of a wide range of precast structural units for use in flood defence such as seawalls, slipway units and other bespoke units. 028 2565 2566 www.moore-concrete.com My Private Ark Stand Number F350 My Private Ark has developed a revolutionary flood defence system and is the only company worldwide to offer a flood free guarantee backed by a Triple A rated insurer. 0800 978 8998 www.myprivateark.com National Flood Forum Stand Number F574 The National Flood Forum is a national charity dedicated to supporting and representing communities and individuals at risk of flooding. 01299 403055 www.nationalfloodforum.org. uk

Leavesley International Stand Number F280




Neptune Solutions Stand Number F576 The Neptune System itself was born from a desire to deliver cost efficient flood defences to areas in which traditional systems cannot be used. There are a surprisingly high number of places that fall into this category, facing an ever present risk of loss of life as a result. The Neptune System will significantly reduce this risk and in addition its unique features, lower cost and environmentally friendly design will allow any country in the world to benefit. 0161 850 1608 www.neptunesolutions.co.uk Nomore Ideas Ltd Stand Number F314 nomore ideas ltd is a startup business with a clear focus on developing products and services to prevent flooding of individual properties or larger coastal or riverside sites. 0845 5054056 www.nomoreideas.co/home. html OnSite Stand Number F553 OnSite is a specialist wastewater maintenance contractor offering the following services for flood defence and prevention: - Culvert cleaning & de-silting, CCTV condition inspection, no-dig pipe repair & rehabilitation - Temporary portable dam supply & installation - Flow/depth monitoring. 01905 340054 www.onsite.co.uk Pell Frischmann Stand Number F830 Flood Risk Engineers and Surveyors 01924 335214 www.pellfrischmann.com Pelydryn Stand Number F534 Pelydryn is an airborne survey specialist providing a diverse array of hydrographic services including project management, bathymetric and environmental surveys in the coastal zone worldwide. Pelydryn’s major business areas are seabed surveys for climate change, coastal zone monitoring. 01392 347650 www.pelydryn.co.uk Peter Brett Associates LLP Stand Number F520 Peter Brett Associates LLP is a leading development and infrastructure consultancy. We provide trusted advice to create value from the land and buildings owned or operated by our clients. Together, we create better places for the communities in which we work. 0118 950 0761 www.peterbrett.com



Peter Duffy Ltd Stand Number F521 Peter Duffy Ltd is a Civil Engineering Contractor with specialist Utilities. 01924 871100 www.peterduffyltd.com/ Presray Corporation Stand Number F250 Presray is the North American leader of dry flood protection products. From Fortune 500 headquarters to Nuclear power plants to hotels, Presray has the complete experience to give you reliable products for years to come. 845-373-6700 www.presray.com Property Care Association Stand Number F502 The Property Care Association (PCA) is the trade association representing specialists who can be trusted to resolve problems affecting buildings. They launched an additional sector of membership for Flood Protection in 2014 launching at Flood Expo. 0844 375 4301 www.property-care.org Protan Elmark Sp. z o.o. Stand Number F380 & F326 Flood Protection System is an innovative and effective solution which is easy to transport and install. This is an alternative to traditional methods like sand filled bags. Depending on the needs and water rise we are able to prepare individual design and deliver a flood barrier to given place. +48 61 8134 523 www.protan-technic.com/ flood-protection www.protan-elmark.co.uk Pump Technical Services Ltd Stand Number F426 Pump Technical Services Ltd are the official supplier to Thames Water for pumping systems for the “Flooding Local Improvement Project” and to other water authorities for similar schemes. Pump Technical Services Ltd are submersible pump specialists and have vast experience in flood protection. 01322 357080 www.pts-jung.co.uk Radio Data Networks Limited Stand Number F601 Radio Data Networks are a UK based design and manufacturing company that specialise in the delivery of resilient Flood Monitoring, Alarm and Flood Defences Control messaging systems using secure wireless data channels that operate independently of the cellular networks. 01279 600 400 www.radio-data-networks.com


Radio Data Networks Limited Stand Number F601 Radio Data Networks are a UK based design and manufacturing company that specialise in the delivery of resilient Flood Monitoring, Alarm and Flood Defences Control messaging systems using secure wireless data channels that operate independently of the cellular networks. 01279 600 400 www.radio-data-networks.com Rampling Plant Hire Stand Number F300 Rampling Plant Hire is Essex’s premier specialist and general plant hire-company, with over 40 years experience of serving our customers and providing excellence in everything we do. 01206 382 989 www.ramplingplanthire.com Salamander AV Stand Number F235 & F118 Salamander have developed a modern version of the WWII amphibious vehicle .This vehicle is designed to meet modern standards of road and marine construction to the EU certification levels for passenger carrying vehicles /vessels. This vehicle can be adapted for emergency response applications. www.salamanderav.co.uk Smals Dredging Stand Number F621 Smals Dredging is part of the Royal Smals Group. Smals Dredging is a recent merger of Geluk and Klaar. We dredgde nationally and internationally. Our success is our joined expertises in small to midscale dredging. +31 485 335170 www.smals.com

SPP Pumps Ltd Stand Number F710 For more than 130 years SPP Pumps has been a leading manufacturer of centrifugal pumps and associated systems, a global principal in design, supply and servicing of pumps, pump packages and equipment for a wide range of applications and industry sectors. 0118 932 3123 www.spppumps.com Storth Ltd Stand Number F466 Specialist Manufacturers of High Performance pumping solutions. Technital SpA Stand Number F536 TECHNITAL activity cover transport infrastructure, hydraulics, maritime and coastal engineering, environmental and sanitary engineering, buildings and architecture. It has 4 offices in Italy, many branches abroad and a number of local offices. +39 02 5357131 www.technital.it TenCate Geotube Stand Number F224 Providing cost effective high volume sediment dewatering and containment, TenCate Geotube technology not only reduces transport volumes of hydraulically dredged sludge. Often it offers the possibility to safely turn (contaminated) waste material or dredged sands into construction material for landscaping, dike and berm restoration. Short processing times and high social acceptance guaranteed. +31 5465 44425 www.tencate.com/amer/ geosynthetics/tencategeotube-landing-page.aspx

Smart Ditch Stand Number F722 SmartDitch UK has been launched in response to its successful use in the UK on surface water drainage and landfill projects. The SmartDitch range includes 12â€, 24†deep trapezoidal sections along with the MegaDitch expandable channel lining system. 01453 824581 www.smartditch.co.uk

Tensar International Stand Number F255 Tensar offers proven, versatile and cost-effective solutions for a variety of erosion control applications including: Drainage Channel Protection, Waterway and Shoreline Stabilisation, Slope Protection, Hydraulic Applications/ Seeding, Sediment Control, Scour Protection. 01254 262431 www.tensar.co.uk

Smart Vent Products, Inc. Stand Number F410 Smart Vent Products, Inc. is the worldwide leading manufacturer of foundation flood venting systems and takes pride in having the only FEMA-Accepted and ICCES Certified flood vent product line. Architects, Builders, Code Officials, Engineers, Homeowners, Insurance Agents, Realtors, and Surveyors. 877-441-8368 www.smartvent.com

The Flood Company Stand Number F431 The Flood Company will be launching our new range of BSI PAS 1188-1:2014 Recommended Demountable Flood Barriers and Doors at The Flood Expo 2014. Providing total peace-of-mind flood protection, we work with architects, specifiers, disaster recovery and construction specialists. 0845 505 2202 www.thefloodcompany.co.uk

The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) Stand Number F420 The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) is a comprehensive network that unites Dutch water expertise. www.dutchwatersector.com / www.nwp.nl The Revival Company Stand Number F221 We offer a complete fire and flood restoration service, available 24/7 through our national network of offices - responding within one hour to restore a property and its contents. 0800 39 36 89 www.therevivalcompany.co.uk Three Star Environmental Ltd Stand Number F540 With almost 30 years background in screening equipment for the waste water treatment services sector, Three Star Environmental part of the FJ Holding Group is able to provide a comprehensive service from design and manufacture through to installing, testing and after sales site services. 00 44 1782 202 300 www.hambaker.co.uk Timberspecs UK Ltd Stand Number F718 The flood proof, floating cabin uses our cavity wall log system and consists of 3 bedrooms, ktichen diner, bathroom and living room. It is a fully insulated residential cabin which you can float on a lake or use in an area that is prone to flooding. 01580 211800 www.timberspecs.co.uk/index. html TMS Maritime Stand Number F570 MARINE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING, DIVING CONTRACTORS, FLOATING PLANT Flood Defences are a specialist area where TMS offers expertise in new construction, emergency relief during severe weather and repairs to damaged infrastructure, with the minimum of disruption to civilian services. +44 1626 866066 www.tmsmaritime.co.uk TTE Global Stand Number F251 Our main emphasis has been economic and ecological systems for ground reinforcement. The TTE® system is at the centre of this which has been used successfully since 1998 in the field of surface reinforcements which also have seeping qualities. 07904118215 www.tte-global.com UK Flood Barriers Ltd. Stand Number F240 & F515 Driven by innovation, sustainability and excellence, our vision is to lead the flood defence sector by providing the most effective and

01777 249080 www.wapro.se/en

intelligent range of flood defence solutions to meet the diverse needs of our customers. 01905 773282 www.ukfloodbarriers.co.uk

Waterfront Fluid Controls Ltd Stand Number F412 Waterfront Fluid Controls Ltd is a specialist designer and manufacturer of both standard and bespoke fluid control and flood defence equipment including flood gates, flood walls, flood doors, penstocks, flap valves and stoplogs. 0141 427 7266 www.waterfrontfc.co.uk

UKFB International Stand Number F240 UKFB International is a world leader in the provision of passive flood defence, installing its British designed & engineered solutions worldwide. We consistently strive to address the challenges of flooding with cost effective, sustainable solutions that offer value engineered innovations. 44(0)1905 799908 www.ukfbinternational.com

Water Gate Ltd Stand Number F535

Van Heck Stand Number F533 Van Heck is an internationally operating company in the field of water control and management. The Van Heck organisation is often called in to manage disasters and redirections, and to implement emergency solutions. 0031.561-431739 www.vanheckgroup.com VOP Dolni Bousov, Ltd. Stand Number F820 The company VOP DolníBousov, spol. s r. o. was founded in 1952 as part of the Military Repair Company. In 1997 it was transformed into a private company and, as such, it preserved its production programme. In the area of security the main focus of the production programme is on flood protection. 020 326 396 250 www.vop-db.cz/index_eng. html

VRT Finland oy Stand Number F230 VRT Finland Ltd specialises in underwater inspections, ensuring hidden damage do not cause our clients unexpected surprises. Cost effective measurement techniques, together with state of the art equipment, result in highest quality results. 358407901020 www.vrt.fi/en Wapro Stand Number F320 WaPro AB – WaPro have a unique product range developed over a 30 year history. This includes the WaStop non-return valve, an ingenious check valve designed to operate in situations where a flap valve would not be able to operate. The WaStop is sold in 25 countries for a multitude of applications as well as currently being used in various sites across the UK where there is a risk of flooding.

Weir Carmichael Stand Number F225 Weir & Carmichael are the leading supplier of Sandbags throughout the UK. We are the contracted suppliers of Hessian Sandbags to the Ministry of Defence and Environment Agency. We have also been supplying local authorities, businesses and residents for over 50 years. 01519341250 www.weirbags.co.uk Westcotec Stand Number F117 Leaders in Vehicle Activated Signs. Providing bespoke solutions to help reduce your accident black spots. +44 1362 853124 www.westcotec.co.uk/static/ home.html Whitehouse Construction Co Ltd Stand Number F720 Property Level Flood Protection (PLP) has now become an accepted, low cost, form of defence against flood risk. Whitehouse were pioneers within the industry developing robust surveys and solutions. Our aim was to establish a low carbon, cost effective alternative to large capital solutions. 01335 344000 www.whitehouseconstruction. co.uk/flood-mitigation Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Stand Number F700 WWT is a leading wetland conservation charity whose mission is to protect wetlands in the UK and globally for both wildlife and people. We manage nine Wetland Centres across the UK and around one million people visit our Centres each year to learn about and experience being among wetlands and their www.wwt.org.uk/

Willow Bank Services Stand Number F550 Willowbank have developed expertise in waterside construction techniques. This combined with specialist knowledge of the use of natural materials in conjunction with harder engineering allows Willowbank to offer the client innovative cost effective installation method. 01823690113 www.willowbankservices.co.uk WM Plant Hire Stand Number F414 WM Plant Hire operates one of the largest fleet of long reach excavators in the UK, which are ideally suited to land and water based operations. Attachments and floating plant allow us to fulfil specialist plant requirements particularly suited for flood alleviation, flood prevention and watercourse maintenance, recently working with the EA in Gloucester and Somerset. +44 (0) 1746 769555 www.wmplanthire.com Wrekin Products Ltd Stand Number F554 Wrekin Products geotextiles played an integral role in rebuilding damage caused to sea defences during last winter’s extreme storms. It’s in-house and field technical team work with engineers and contractors to advise on the most effective products for flood protection projects. 01543 440440 www.wrekinproducts.com Work On Water Stand Number F510 Zego Marine (UK) Ltd Stand Number F840 Zego Marine is exhibiting their range of 100% recyclable Whaly Boats & Yamaha outboards. These versatile roto molded polyethylene boats from Holland already being used by UK and EU emergency services for flood response and rescue. These impact resistant boats boast a large carrying capacity, strength, stability, buoyancy and virtually maintenance free. 02920 787198 www.zegomarine.co.uk




EXHIBITOR A - Z & FLOOR PLAN Acheson & Glover


JMR Vehicle Solutions


Adler and Allan Limited


Kempster Engineering Ltd


All Terrain Vehicle Solutions


Kingcombe Aquacare


All Terrain Vehicle Solutions




Allups Ltd


Klaar (koninklijke smals)


Andel Ltd


Koninklijke Smals


AquaDam Europe Ltd


KWT Group


Aquacast International Ltd


Lafarge Tarmac


Aquamec Ltd




Aquaread Limited


Leavesley International


Aquatic Control Engineering Ltd


Macrete Precast Concrete Engineers


Aquatic Engineering


Managing Water Magazine




Metasphere Ltd


AST Floodwall Systems Ltd


Meteor Communications


Atkins Ltd


Moore Concrete Products Ltd


BAM Nuttall


My Private Ark


Coeval Ltd


National Flood Forum


Crocodile Flood Solutions Ltd


Neptune Solutions


DeepRoot Urban Solutions Ltd


Nomore Ideas Ltd


Develop Training




Dutchdam BV


Pell Frischmann






FADS Directory


Peter Brett Associates LLP


Fast Form Systems


Peter Duffy Ltd


Findlay Irvine Ltd


Presray Corporation


Flood Divert


Property Care Association


Flood Kit


Protan Elmark Sp. z o.o.



Protan Elmark Sp. z o.o.


Flood Protection Association


Flood Protection Solutions


Pump Technical Services Ltd




Radio Data Networks Limited


Fluvial Innovations


Rampling Plant Hire


Geodesign Barriers


Salamander AV


GreenWorld Products Ltd


Salamander AV


Gripple Ltd


Smals Dredging


Hambaker Adams Ltd


Smart Ditch


Hermes Technologie


Smart Vent Products, Inc.


HESCO Bastion Ltd


SPP Pumps Ltd


Hi Bar Flood Control


Storth Ltd




Technital SpA




TenCate Geotube


Hydro-Logic & FLOODSURE Ltd


Tensar International




The Flood Company


ILC Dover


The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)


Industrial Penstocks Ltd


Three Star Environmental Ltd


I Group Ltd


Timberspecs UK Ltd


Industrial Valves Ltd


TMS Maritime


International New York Times


Tomorrows Air Solutions


Isodaq Technology


TTE Global


Isothane Ltd


UK Flood Barriers Ltd.


IVL Flow Control Ltd


UK Flood Barriers Ltd.


Jansen Venneboer


UKFB International


JaP - Jacina


Van Heck


Jigsaw M2M Limited







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HYDROGUARD: THE ULTIMATE FLOOD DEFENCE BARRIER FOR PROPERTIES HydroGuard’s ‘one-size-fits-all’ technology makes it the perfect replacement for sandbags and a great solution for the use of homeowners and emergency services alike Flooding is becoming more frequent. Although sandbags are an inadequate defence, they have been difficult to replace due to different types and sizes of doors. HydroGuard is the first fully flexible flood barrier fitting all doors with its patented sliding technology and clever sealing system. This solution allows for rapid deployment of under a minute per door. Our Chairman, Hannes Floto, experienced two floods in the UK. himself before coming up with the innovative barrier that would protect his home and valuables. After experiencing property damage and losing many valuables, he began working on HydroGuard — the product that would prevent those situations from occurring again. HydroGuard has been made with durable, premium materials and robust design to ensure a secure seal against fast-flowing water and debris that water may carry. It expands to fit to any standard-size door with its

intelligent sliding system and clips into the doorframe. Unlike many other products, HydroGuard doesn’t require you to make permanent alterations or pre-installations to a property. HydroGuard simply attaches to the door frame and folds for easy storage when not being used. HydroGuard has already been featured in Haggerston Times, Daily Mail, ITV News and The Gadget Show Live and has been appealing to towns and home associations as well. It’s no wonder HydroGuard has been gaining popularity — flooding is no matter to be taken lightly. Take steps to prepare for potential flooding by investing in HydroGuard flood barriers. With HydroGuard you are ready whenever a flood is threatening.

CONTACT www.bit.ly/HydroGuardIGG info@hydroguard.co 0845 056 3972

WREKIN PRODUCTS: INTELLIGENT PRODUCTS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING As one of the UK’s leading suppliers of geosynthetics and manhole covers, Wrekin Products offers a complete range of geotextile and geogrid products available from next-day delivery. Wrekin Products is a leading UK supplier of geosynthetics for environmental protection, erosion control, ground stabilisation, reinforcement, drainage and grass protection. Their technical team will be on stand no. F554 to demonstrate their latest products and offer specification advice. Wrekin Products geotextile products have played an integral role in rebuilding damage caused to sea defences during last winter’s extreme storms. An example is at Mostyn in Flintshire, where storms breached approximately 200m of the sea wall in six separate locations, closing the Chester to Rhyl railway line along the sea front. Working around the clock, Network Rail engineers faced the huge task of removing around 1,000 tonnes of fallen sea wall from the railway and completing emergency repairs to the wall and track before the next high tide. Wrekin Products’ technical team worked with the engineers and Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd to devise a highly effective solution using sand bags wrapped in polythene, Wrekin Multitrack





SNW80 non-woven geotextile and tonnes of rock armour. Over 10,000m2 of Multitrack SNW80 was placed beneath the rock armour acting as a heavy-duty filtration and separation layer. Multitrack SNW was also chosen for Network Rail repair work to the embankment at Old Colwyn, Conwy. Completing the works in just five weeks, the 100-yearold sea defence is now fit to withstand the rigours of constant wave attack from the Irish Sea storms, protecting the important arterial railway line. Multitrack SNW is one of Wrekin Products’ range of specialist and general geotextiles and geogrids. SNW non-woven geotextiles offer excellent puncture resistance properties combined with high permeability making then ideally suited for protection, separation and filtration.

CONTACT www.wrekinproducts.com sales@wrekinproducts.com 01543 440440

A Bright Future…

Visit us on stand F4 40

Point Orange. A neat DNP3 Level 3, IP68-rated versatile, intelligent outstation with submersion sensor. It offers real-time multi-functionality. It does so much more than normal low power loggers do. ● It offers much greater flexibility ● It’s a single product that can be used for many applications ● It’s so programmable it can save you money It’s blue sky thinking in the grey world of telemetry, it’s like comparing apples with oranges. We think it’s the way forward – we bring you Point Orange.

bringing loggers to life Point Orange has some seriously bright features: Read QR Code for details

To find out more contact web www.metasphere.co.uk email info@metasphere.co.uk or call +44 (0) 1737846100


DEVELOP TRAINING LAUNCHES NEW FLOOD DEFENCE AND INCIDENTS TRAINING SOLUTION In response to the recent floods and client demand, Develop Training has launched a dedicated Flood Defence and Incidents Training solution to help businesses prepare for flooding in their area and manage the associated risks.

Flooding is becoming an increasing problem all year round, with many severe flood warnings issued in the UK at the start of 2014 alone. During Christmas and early January 2014, 16 severe flood warnings were issued (meaning there is a risk to life) and £600 million pounds worth of damage was made. The Environmental Agency has also confirmed it will cut 1500 jobs in flood defence across England. The pressure on local councils and emergency response services will therefore increase. Develop Training’s new Flood Defence and Incidents Training Solution is designed to help reduce the pressure on local councils and related services, by giving their employees the understanding and skills to react effectively to a

flooding incident. This new City and Guilds accredited solution covers: • Surface Water Flooding Incidents: Communicating With Customers. • Surface Water Flooding Incidents: Awareness. • Surface Water Flooding Incidents: For Operatives. • Surface Water Flooding Incidents: For Supervisors. • Surface Water Flooding Incidents: For Managers. Tailored solutions can be created from the mix of courses outlined above and are available for delivery at Develop Training centres or on site at your premises. For more information on Flood Defence and Incidents Training, please call 0800 876 6708.


PROVIDERS OF SPECIALIST HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICES Pelydryn is an airborne survey specialist providing a diverse array of hydrographic services including project management, bathymetric and environmental surveys in the coastal zone worldwide. Pelydryn’s major business areas are seabed surveys for climate change, coastal zone monitoring and nautical charting, utilising the Hawkeye and Chiroptera topobathy LiDAR systems.

Pelydryn are experts in the acquisition, interpretation and presentation of airborne bathymetric LiDAR Data. We currently own and operate two Hawkeye and one Chiroptera LiDAR sensors. Since 2009, we have worked closely with a range of clients from across the onshore and offshore sectors. We offer

“Cost-efficient solutions for safe and accurate bathymetric surveys in shallow water.”




rapid, cost-efficient solutions for safe and accurate bathymetric surveys in shallow water, complex coastal areas, rivers and estuarine environments. We now also offer a topographic and aerial imagery capability We are locally sensitive and globally aware, sharing our expertise and experience to

Find out more about these experts in bathymetric and topographic LiDAR surveys, offering rapid and cost efficient solutions to meet all of our clients’ needs. create tailored survey solutions with our clients. We strive to work in partnership with our clients to develop and maintain long-term relationships that add value to their projects. Our team is experienced in a range of disciplines including hydrography, data processing and analysis and work with the client to produce bespoke products and deliverables according to their requirements.

CONTACT www.pelydryn.co.uk sales@pelydryn.co.uk +44 (0) 1392 347650


RELIABLE & EFFECTIVE FLOOD PROTECTION WITH SANDBAGS The Met Office has released figures that highlight the severity of rainfall in the past year, when winter rainfall has surpassed record levels since 1910. The persistent flooding has seen the Environment Agency support local authorities and communities with advice on how to protect against flooding, with sandbags being top of their list.

Throughout history, sandbags have been the first line of defence against flood water. Many alternatives have appeared on the market, but sandbags still remain the top choice for governments, homeowners and businesses. Not only do sandbags act as a barrier to water, but they also filter out any sediment that may have contaminated the water. Sandbags are the cheapest option; they are easy to obtain with fast delivery and can be bought pre-filled.

Weir & Carmichael have been a main supplier of sandbags since 1955 and are the sole contracted suppliers to the MOD and contracted suppliers to the Environment Agency. Available from stock are a range of sandbags which includes standard woven polypropylene and hessian sandbags, or a rot proof alternative, which is larger and will last for longer in harsh weather conditions. The hessian rot proof sandbag is the sandbag

of choice for key distributors of sandbags including the MOD and the Environment Agency. Weir & Carmichael are able to deliver empty sandbags within 24 hours which can then be filled with sand on site. This is unbeatable for speed and value in response to emergency flood situations. However, for extra convenience, sandbags can be supplied filled, also within 24 hours and sent direct requiring fewer resources to fill and distribute sandbags and

allowing them to be put into place immediately. Both empty and filled sandbags are available for bulk orders or smaller quantities available to buy online.

CONTACT www.weirbags.co.uk info@weirbags.co.uk 0151 934 1250




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CONTACT www.waterbriefing.org elaine.coles@imsbis.org 07767 690366


WaterBriefing is the UK’s leading online daily dedicated news, analysis and intelligence service for business professionals in the water sector covering both UK and international issues. WaterBriefing’s combination of insight and analysis of news, legislation and policy developments has made it a widely-read, influential and wellrespected source of information. •

Industry news – the top international, national and regional stories Company news - contract wins, clients, upcoming tenders and business opportunities

Existing and upcoming legislation and policy updates - key drivers behind many of the sector’s investment decisions

The Waterbriefing readership includes clients, contractors, water companies, local authorities, the investment community, MPs, regulators and Parliamentary Committees.

“A widely-read, influential and well-respected source of information.”

Waterbriefing publishes the industry-leading report ‘selling into the UK flood risk management sector in England The report provides a thorough overview of current and upcoming projects and investment by over 100 lead local flood authorities throughout England - together with details of key named contacts in each authority.

Show Special Offer! Save £75 off the published price of £450. Click here to order online or email jenny.lund@ imsbis.org to be invoiced and quote code WBFE1. This best-selling report provides details of hundreds of schemes in England up to 2018 and beyond, including estimated value, together with valuable information on the principal engineering consultancies and main construction contractors who are already working on flood risk management plans and







RECYCLING WASTE PLASTICS TO DEFEND AGAINST FLOODS AND LEAKS Andel Ltd help to defend against floods or leaks with carbon saving, recycled plastic, modular, long life and cost effective wall system. ReBund is the tried and tested, modular, recycled plastic walling system from Andel Ltd. Originally designed to contain oils and prevent pollution of water courses, the system has been re-envisioned to act as a permanent and semipermanent water barrier.

“A permanent and semi-permanent water barrier.” To the end user, ReBund has proven itself a better alternative than traditional building materials as it doesn’t require heavy plant or lifting equipment. Its makeup of a variety of plastics ground, mixed and fused under high pressure allows it to be treated



in a similar manner to wood with the retaining strength typical of a brick or metal barrier system. With flexible options for installation, ReBund can be installed on almost any substrate from soft ground to hard concrete. ReBund has successfully been installed around generators and transformers across the UK from the almost arctic conditions of northern Scotland down to the balmier climes of the south coast proving itself better in extreme conditions than traditional concrete.

CONTACT www.andel.co.uk help@andel.co.uk 01484 845 000


A&G (Acheson & Glover) along with our partners ReConTM and TTE® can provide you with ideal solutions for flooding prevention and defence. ReCon is an exciting retaining wall product with the look, size and durability of massive natural stones. It has the ability to be constructed as a dry-build ‘gravity’ retaining wall, which allows for rapid installation. It is an excellent choice for the harsh environment found in many water applications, including retention ponds and sea walls, as well as bank stabilization along rivers, streams and drainage channels. Sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) such as the range of Xflo® permeable paving solutions by A&G are designed to mimic the natural movement of storm water and replace conventional storm water drainage systems. A&G’s innovative SUDS solution offers many benefits including reducing the risk of flooding, improving water quality, enhancing wildlife habitats, providing natural

“An exciting retaining wall product with the look, size and durability of massive natural stones.”

groundwater recharge and minimising pollution risk. Xflo® is available in an extensive range of high quality, aesthetically pleasing, block paving finishes and unit sizes, combined with the functional permeability performance required. TTE® Eco-Drainage System is an ecological concept for surface area reinforcement for sustainable building. It is a multi-drain, load bearing system and it is one of the only grid system on the market that can be laid above ground. TTE® complies with SUDS and is made from 100% recycled plastic material.

CONTACT www.acheson-gover.comvsales@wrekinproducts.com 01543 440440



Flooding is the most common and widespread natural disaster in the UK. Isothane’s Technitherm® cavity wall insulation reduces the risk of flood water penetration through cavity walls. Local Authorities in flood risk areas are now replacing inappropriate conventional cavity wall insulation within walls with rigid polyurethane closed cell insulation. Flood waters can penetrate unprotected cavity walls and cause major damage to the outer walls, saturation of inappropriate cavity wall insulation materials, corrosion of cavity wall ties, disintegration of plaster finishes, and destruction of electrical appliances, furnishings and decorations. The cost of removal of saturated inappropriate conventional insulation materials can be exorbitant and highly disruptive.

The Association of British Insurers (ABI), DEFRA, DCLG and the Environment Agency all advise that cavity insulation should preferably incorporate rigid closed cell materials as these retain integrity and have low moisture take-up. Technitherm® unique flood resilient closed cell polyurethane cavity wall insulation (CWI) protection reduces the risk of flood water ingress through cavity walls. Unlike conventional cavity wall insulation materials, which can absorb or retain water and lose their insulating properties or disintegrate over time, Technitherm® remains serviceable after flood water recedes and

can reduce the misery, upheaval, disturbance, and financial hardship associated with prolonged drying and removal of inappropriate cavity wall insulation materials and consequent damage to the outer leaf of masonry walls of flooded homes due to saturated materials within the cavities of walls.

provides high thermal insulation for Green Deal Energy Company Obligation (ECO) hard-to-treat/ non-standard uneven cavity width random stone and coursed stone (including stone ties), brickwork and blockwork standard and variable cavity widths and sub 50mm wide cavity wall properties.

Technitherm® is the first cavity wall insulation to pass the BRE Flood Resilience Test.v Isothane manufacture Technitherm polyurethane energy efficient cavity wall insulation solution for use as wall-tie replacement, structural stabilisation, protection from severe wind driven rain exposure and flood risk, and

“Technitherm® reduces the risk of flood water ingress through cavity walls.”

CONTACT www.isothane.com technitherm@isothane.com 01254 770190h





THE WORLD’S FIRST FLOOD-FREE GUARANTEE My Private Ark has developed a revolutionary flood defence system and is the only company worldwide to offer a flood-free guarantee backed by a Triple-A rated insurer.

tion orma flood f in e or le ng For mur invisib ioneeri ng p i o , s n n on ectio in-se nd prot ique ra twork aeams un dar ne onse T site, ra Resp ur web com Rapidse visit ovateark. plea mypri . www

My Private Ark’s system uses a protective barrier consisting of a series of discreet, watertight panels set around a property, which are specifically designed to blend in with the natural environment. Working in partnership with Professor Cedo Maksimovic, the world’s leading expert on urban flooding, we have created the Sahara Drainage System.

“Maintaining a completely dry environment both around and below the property.”

The entire system is controlled automatically by patented sensors, which actively measure and respond to changes in water levels in the local environment. As water levels rise, the Sahara Drainage System moves flood water to an automated pumping station, which removes it to the outside, thus maintaining a completely dry environment both around and below the property, ensuring the property is completely protected. Custom copyrighted software is included in the installation to provide real-time monitoring and feedback to both property owner and the Rapid Response Teams, via the website, through SMS messaging services and email.

CONTACT www.myprivateark.com headoffice@myprivateark.com 0800 978 8998

The most versatile Channel Lining Solution for Water Flow Control. The SmartDitch® system is a versatile channel lining system made from proven UV resistant HDPE, its unique corrugated design helps regulate the flow of water from flat to steep grades so that the drainage and flow patterns are maintained. SmartDitch is available in 12” and 24” deep trapezoidal sections and 24” deep semi-circular sections for above ground/temporary use. SmartDitch’s unique design is virtually leak free, extremely durable and easy to install. The SmartDitch MegaDitch is an expandable channel lining system specifically designed for the rehabilitation of very large, concrete-lined and earthen ditches and canals. MegaDitch is engineered with adjustable sidewalls to conform to the variety of slopes and grades that are typically found in these unconventional large water flow applications.

Freephone UK 0800 093 7833 International +44 1453 824581 info@smartditch.co.uk www.smartditch.co.uk



HESCO® Environmental Barriers are engineered to protect your home, your business and your family against storms and flood. HESCO® Environmental Barriers are renowned for their protective capabilities, used throughout the US to protect against annual flooding along the Mississippi River, spring thaws in Canada and emergency relief during hurricane season.

Now for 2015 we launch JACKBOX™, a non-metallic, no mess, recyclable unit which utilises our 25 years of in-field experience and engineering to provide lightweight, easy to use, flood defence solutions for your home and business.

Our rapidly deployable, earth-filled barriers are The National Flood Fight Center’s flood defence barrier of choice. Based in Rock Island, Illinois it serves as the emergency procurement for flood response operations nationwide.

So whether you are seeking vast flood walls to form a protective perimeter around a critical piece of infrastructure, run a storm barrier for miles along an emergency access road or you want to protect your home from flood this winter; we have the solution for you.

Last year we launched CART, designed to achieve maximum logistical efficiency and rapid protection in emergency flood situations. CART dispenses preconnected HESCO flood units from a specially engineered pallet, enabling 88m of flood product to be deployed in as little as 60 seconds, ready for filling.

“The National Flood Fight Center’s flood defence barrier of choice.”

CONTACT www.hesco.comv bobby.hamilton@hesco.com 0113 248 6633




The National Flood Forum is a national charity dedicated to supporting and representing communities and individuals at risk of flooding. We do this by: 1. Helping people to prepare for flooding in order to prevent it or mitigate its impacts 2. Helping people to recover their lives once they have been flooded 3. Campaigning on behalf of flood risk communities and working with government and agencies to ensure that they develop a community perspective. We also produce a directory of flood products and services called the Blue Pages please go to www.bluepages.org.uk for further information or come along to stand F574 and speak to either Jayne or Amanda. We can be contacted on 01299 403055 or by email to info@floodforum.org.uk. Further information on the work of the National Flood Forum can be found at www.nationalfloodforum.org.uk

i w 0

Come and meet Dyrhoff on stand F582 Our inflatable gates and walls have been used for water control for over 25 years.

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