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artist bios
joseph krauter (San Quentin artist) Joe is a 36-year-old writer and visual artist. He writes horror; and his visual mediums are watercolors, colored pencils, and lead pencils. Mr. Krauter has ASD Spectrum Disorder, specifically Asperger’s Syndrome. He is fascinated by color pencil art and water color painting. His passion in visual and written work is in detail, and he’s never found the Devil in them. Artist’s Statement: I have no technical knowledge, but I want to learn.


nan munger (Stanford artist)
Nan is a 21-year old visual art major. She especially loves oil painting and watercolor, or any medium that has a life of its own in which you can perceive process and time. Artist’s Statement: I paint 06

to push the boundaries of what I see and to explore what I perceive. mesro coles-el (San Quentin organizer, artist) Mesro is a poet, emcee, and grafitti artist incarcerated in California. As the glue holding this project together, he has been the main organizer coordinating among the artists in San Quentin. He loves playing Dungeons and Dragons, and he is on a crusade to end the school-to-prison pipeline through mentoring kids. Artist’s Statement: We remember when art was outlawed.
julianna yonis (Stanford artist) Julianna is a writer, theatremaker, and filmmaker interested in art that disrupts systems of oppression. At Stanford, her academics center on theatre, media studies,

computer science, and Italian. Artist’s Statement: We remember when art was outlawed.
holly stuckey (San Quentin artist) Holly is a transwoman artist who loves My Little Pony, comics, and music. She has designed posters for visiting musicians in San Quentin, and is interested in making her art become the voice for incarcerated transgender minority groups. Artist’s Statement: Connectivity is a determining factor in making good or bad decisions, and we can help each other by reaching out.
Suah is interested add to their fluidity. He build bridges between in everything about has made over 50 small American communities, people. She plans on sculptures and is now especially those that majoring in Psychology working to scale up his have been historically and Art Practice to gain work, understand the marginalized. perspective on what makes people tick and give back to people by using history of each material he uses, and replace his wardrobe with only Artist’s Statement: solidarity. Art is art as a means of positive intervention. Artist’s Statement: The world is a mosaic in homemade clothing. Artist’s Statement: Always know where your scissors are. tori qiu (Stanford artist and graphic designer) which everyone is a pixel with a unique color: we need everyone in the scene to see the world in chroma and full resolution. james king (San Quentin writer) James is a writer. Some Tori is a freshman who enjoys painting, comic art, history, and philosophy. She is interested in challenging prejudice bruce fowler (San Quentin artist) Bruce never knew art before he came to prison. If he had, he believes he of his influences are James Baldwin, Angela Davis, his hometown of Ferguson, Mo, and that all oppression must be eradicated. He writes to introduce marginalized and encouraging social consciousness through art. Artist’s Statement: The Why Cheap Art? Manifesto (Bread & Puppet Glover 1984) would have made better decisions. Because of art, he feels that he is free, even behind these cold walls and locked doors. Art is his key. Artist’s Statement: Art is my life preserver in a melancholy sea. perspectives, and he writes to feel whole. Artist’s Statement: I want to write for those who feel trapped by their circumstances, so they know that change is possible. john hines (Norco artist) John is a writer whose work primarily focuses on issues of equality in America. Outside of his writing, he enjoys taking classes, playing football, vince pane (Stanford artist) Vince enjoys making things and understanding marc osborn (Stanford writer) Marc is a young writer out of Alameda, California. He writes most commonly and cheering on his favorite sports teams. Artist’s Statement: The journey of a million miles starts with one step. their connections to the materials they are made of; he hopes the materials he uses can build up the about multiracial identity, curious about the ways that mixed-race perspectives might be janet martinez (Stanford artist) purpose of his works and uniquely positioned to TEAM & ARTIST
important socio-historical zines as a way of healing Janet is a 20-year old artist from Santa Ana, Ca. She’s experienced in watercolor, but loves to explore different mediums. Artist’s Statement: artifacts, that everyone can and should participate in. sosie yorki (Stanford Community Outreach organizer) and expression for marginalized communities. She enjoys filmmaking, poetry, bread-making, and dancing through city streets. Creating with intentionality to make impactful art Sosie is a Chemistry major from Houston, TX and nancy lopezbrigitte pawliwfry (Stanford Community Outreach organizer) Brigitte is a 22-yearold student, writer, and researcher from Toronto, Canada and a proud older arranges collaborations between the zine and other organizations to increase our visibility and expand our impact. Through the zine, she hopes to combat the stigma against incarcerated people to ease reintegration into the free world. alvarez (Stanford organizer) Nancy is a Psychology student interested in the social, cultural, and biological aspects of the field. In her free time, she is probably making music or drinking tea. sister. As one member of the Community Outreach whitney thomas lucy rickerich Team, she is so honoured (Stanford graphic designer) (Stanford organizer) to support the artists’ collaborative works. Whitney is a freshman looking to studying urban Lucy is interested in studying philosophy and jessica chow (Stanford Community Outreach organizer) Jessica is an English major focusing on Technology, Media, and Literature, with a minor in Mechanical Engineering Design at Stanford. She is a selftaught visual artist, and sees art as the creation of studies or anthropology at Stanford. She is a part of the graphic design team, and is looking forward to being a part of the project. lora supandi (Stanford graphic designer) Lora is a sophomore majoring in international relations and art practice. She views the world of biology. As a dancer, she is moved by how art can be used for social change and as an expression of self that would otherwise be indescribable or silenced; she was inspired to join the Prison Renaissance Project wherever her work could be of help and has been writing letters to incarcerated artists.