1 minute read
This zine would not have been possible without the support of so many allies. In particular, we want to acknowledge the following people. advisors Emile DeWeaver, co-founder of Prison Renaissance Project, and Selby Schwartz have served as co-directors of Stanford’s Prison Renaissance chapter. They have been the glue holding this project together and our number one cheerleaders—offering guidance and perspective on when to zoom in or out. To the rest of the larger Stanford Prison Renaissance chapter, thank you for encouraging us when this zine was only an unfathomable idea.
artists & team Guillaume Riesen, Victoria Rogers, Jarku Tang, for committing to the process of artistic collaboration and their weekly phone calls even as their collaborative partnerships did not work this time around. We want to provide space to acknowledge the unglorifying patiece of their efforts and sacrifices. Lorena Orozco, for writing a beautiful poem, on short notice, to do justice to the multitudes of Vince’s “Pabulum” piece on its accompanying plaque when other attempts to describe the piece didn’t feel like enough. donors 57 GoFundMe donors, for choosing to believe in this zine and giving us a community to lean on when we could not rely on institutional sources of funding. Stanford’s Black Community Center and San Francisco’s Alley Cat Bookstore for generously sponsoring the venues for our zine launches.