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marc + james | residue of future dreams
residue of future dreams
I am more than the sum of all elements more than a color, I am colorful, unapologetically me.
I am the continuation that falters, worrying our predecessors, who feared so deeply for us that they let the mother tongue rust: tongue-tied, yet I must stutter over these syllables: veo reflejos de mi mismo en la noche sin estrellas.
And my dreams leave a residue which stains the monochromatic in remembrance of a universe colonized by pettiness, mediocrity, and above all, terror: a knot in the forehead guilt without memory a bloodshot vision of broken stained glass.
Thus begun the world I’m from.
Where I’m from between the lines I traced the flight paths of geese and pelicans riding wind currents, and me, landlocked but groundless, jealous not of their wings but of the air trapped in their feathers carrying the familiar taste of original shores.
I’ll become, but to become is not to thrive until I leave behind being blue: blessed and hypocritical, pilgrims pointed toward the past, we will stockpile common knowledge, for the soil, for the blood, for the people, and abandon common sense.
you are
distant, yet knowable to me, in that you are also here, en el anochecer sin estrellas, with time caught in your throat, a calcified pearl de la marea bella.
I am as you are— irreducible brilliance, uncomfortably adapted to a recognizable form in order to preserve our resilience until we explode into stars.
Dazed and dyslexic, for reasons twin and opposite, we tie words to tree branches, securing them against the wind.