Bètawijzer 2013
Bètawijzer 2013.
Colofon Dit is een uitgave van Bètastuf, het overkoepelend medezeggenschapsorgaan binnen de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG, Groningen. Webadres http://www.betastuf.nl Contact bestuur@betastuf.nl Oplage 1000 Druk en bindwerk GrafiMedia Bètawijzercommissie Arjan Boerma, Ruben van der Galien, Rosa Kappert
© 2013 Bèta Studentenfederatie 2
Disclaimer De Bètawijzer is een bundeling van stukjes die door individuen zijn geschreven. Door dit indivudele karakter van de Bètawijzer is het mogelijk dat de beoordeling van de schrijver (sterk) afwijkt van de mening van studiegenoten die hetzelfde vak hebben gevolgd. Laat je bij het maken van een keuze voor het volgen van een vak dus niet alleen leiden door de tekst in de Bètawijzer. De opleidingscommissies doen jaarlijks een objectieve beoordeling van de vakken. Verder is het mogelijk dat knelpunten die beschreven zijn in stukken in de Bètawijzer inmiddels zijn opgelost door wijzigingen in het vak. De Bètawijzercommissie heeft geprobeerd om beledigende of extreme stellingen in de stukjes te voorkomen, maar neemt geen verantwoordelijkheid voor zowel de inhoud als eventuele fouten in de vakbeschrijvingen. Hoewel er gelet is op eventuele beledigingen, is er in de Bètawijzer wel ruimte voor negatieve beoordelingen van vakken.
Inhoudsopgave Foreword
Biologie Celfysiologie: energie en structuur* . . . . . . . . Ecologie & gedrag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immunologie 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medische microbiologie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moleculaire celbiologie research . . . . . . . . . . Moleculaire en Cellulaire microscopie . . . . . . . Regenerative medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wetenschap, Technologie, Ethiek en Maatschappij
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Biomedical Engineering (Msc) Biomaterialen 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biomedische instrumentatie . . . . . . . . . . . . Colloid and Interface Science . . . . . . . . . . . Imaging technieken in radiologie . . . . . . . . . . Industrial Internship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interdisciplinary project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master's Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechatronica (D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principles of measurement systems (C) . . . . . . Product design by the finite element method (MSc) Statistical methods in physics (B) . . . . . . . . . Surface Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technology and the Ethics of research . . . . . . .
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Biomedical Sciences (MSc) Advanced Metabolism and Nutrition . . . . . . . . . Current Themes in Healthy Ageing . . . . . . . . . . Current Themes in Inflammation and Cancer . . . . Molecular Biology of Ageing and Age-related Diseas Neurodegenerative Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stem cells and regenerative medicine . . . . . . . .
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Energy and Environmental Sciences Current Topics in Energy and Environmental Science Dilemmas in infrastructure planning . . . . . . . . . Energy and Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Environmental Economics (keuzevak) . . . . . . . . Environmental psychology (Envir. Psy.) (keuzevak) . Experimental Methods of Trace Gas Research . . . Geo-energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Global Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Global Development Studies (keuzevak) . . . . . . . Introduction energy and environmental studies . . . Resources and sustainable development . . . . . . Solar cells (keuzevak) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Bètawijzer 2013 Farmacie Algemene Farmacotherapie . . . . . . . . . . Bachelorproject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bachelorthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biostatistiek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capita selecta farmacie . . . . . . . . . . . . . Celbiologie 1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centraal zenuwstelsel, geneesmiddelen van . Endocrien systeem, Geneesmiddelen van het . Farmaceutische analyse A (FA-A) . . . . . . . Farmaceutische Analyse B . . . . . . . . . . . Farmaceutische Analyse C . . . . . . . . . . . Farmaceutische Anorganische Chemie . . . . Farmaceutische Chemie . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmaceutische Genetica & Immunologie . . . Farmaceutische Microbiologie . . . . . . . . . Farmaceutische Technologie en Biofarmacie I . Farmacie in Perspectief . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmacie, Technologie, Ethiek & Maatschappij Farmaco-epidemiologie . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmacochemie & Spectroscopie . . . . . . . Farmacokinetiek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farmacologie Practicum . . . . . . . . . . . . Fysiologie & Farmacologie . . . . . . . . . . . Fytotherapie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gedrag en communicatie . . . . . . . . . . . . Geneesmiddel Productie en Onderzoek . . . . Geneesmiddelen van Endo, TD/TR en TC . . . Geneesmiddelveiligheid . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genetica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Humane Fysiologie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immunologie & Oncologie . . . . . . . . . . . Infecties en tumoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keuzestage farmacie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Klinische chemie en pathofysiologie . . . . . . Metabolisme & Toxicologie . . . . . . . . . . . Moleculen en Reactiviteit . . . . . . . . . . . . Organische Chemie Practicum . . . . . . . . . Organische en Biosynthese . . . . . . . . . . Pathologie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recepteerkunde theorie & praktijk . . . . . . . Receptorfarmacologie . . . . . . . . . . . . . SpeciÍle Recepteerkunde . . . . . . . . . . . Stage Apotheekorganisatie . . . . . . . . . . . Tractus circulatorius, Geneesmiddelen van de Tractus digestivus, tractus respiratorius, huid . Wiskunde & Statistiek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zelfzorg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ziekenhuisfarmacie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Informatica 54 Advanced Computer Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4
Inhoudsopgave Algorithms and data structures in C . . . Automated Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . Bachelor Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculus for AI and CS . . . . . . . . . . Compiler Construction . . . . . . . . . . Computer Architecture and Networks . . Computer Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discrete Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . Distributed Systems . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Programming . . . . . . . . . Advanced Object Oriented Programming Advanced Data Structures . . . . . . . . Image Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imperative Programming . . . . . . . . . Information Security . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction biomedical computing . . . Introduction Computational Science . . . Introduction Computing Science . . . . . Introduction Intelligent Systems . . . . . Introduction to Information Systems . . . IT Business Practice . . . . . . . . . . . Languages and Machines . . . . . . . . Modelling and Simulation . . . . . . . . . Net-computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . Object-Oriented Programming . . . . . . Operating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . Parallel Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . Pattern Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . Program Correctness . . . . . . . . . . . Scientific Visualisation . . . . . . . . . . . Signals And Systems . . . . . . . . . . . Software Analysis and Design . . . . . . Software Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . Software Engineering I & II . . . . . . . . Software Maintenance and Evolution . . Software Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software Requirements Engineering . . . Statistics for CS and AI . . . . . . . . . . Student Colloquium . . . . . . . . . . . . Web and Cloud Computing . . . . . . . Kunstmatige Intelligentie Algorithms and Data Structures in C Architecturen voor intelligentie . . . Artificial Intelligence 1 . . . . . . . . Auditory Biophysics . . . . . . . . . Autonomous Systems . . . . . . . Bachelorproject . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Scientific Skills . . . . . . . . Biopsychologie . . . . . . . . . . .
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Bètawijzer 2013 Calculus (for AI and CS) . . . . . . . . . Cognitive Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . Cognitive robotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denken en beslissen . . . . . . . . . . . Filosofie van de Cognitiewetenschappen General Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . . . Imperative Programming . . . . . . . . . Introduction to Artificial Intelligence . . . Introduction to Computing Science . . . Introduction to Logic . . . . . . . . . . . Kennis- en agenttechnologie . . . . . . . Kunstmatige intelligentie 2 . . . . . . . . Linear Algebra for AI and CS . . . . . . . Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multi-agent systems . . . . . . . . . . . Neurale Netwerken . . . . . . . . . . . . Onderzoeksmethodologie . . . . . . . . Pattern Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Practicum Autonome Systemen 1 en 2 . Practicum cognitive science . . . . . . . Practicum Spraaktechnologie . . . . . . Programming in C/C++ (part I)(B) . . . . Robotica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistiek voor Inf en KI . . . . . . . . . . Taal- en Spraaktechnologie . . . . . . . . Voortgezette Logica . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Natuurkunde Atoms and Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Climate systems and Atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . Computational Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Device Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electricity and Magnetism 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electricity and magnetism 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elementary particle physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geo-energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction NExT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction to ADS/CFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction to Plasma Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods Introduction to Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaleidoscope Modern Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materials Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc) Advanced Pharmacokinetics . . . . . . Drug development . . . . . . . . . . . IGF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecular Toxicology . . . . . . . . . . Pharmaco-economics . . . . . . . . .
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Inhoudsopgave Mechanics & Relativity 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanics & Relativity 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nanophysics and nanotechnology . . . . . . . . . . Nanoprobing and nanofabrication . . . . . . . . . . Numerical mathematics 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physics of Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physics of life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Practical 1 (Physics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Practical 2 (physics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Practical 4 (physics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principles of Measurements Systems . . . . . . . . Product design by the Finite Element Method (BSc) Quantum Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantum Physics 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantum Physics II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relativistische quantummechanica (minor) . . . . . Science, ethics, technology and society . . . . . . . Solid Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solid State Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistical Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure of matter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure of matter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theoretical condensed matter physics . . . . . . . . Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waves and Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Scheikunde Introduction Process and Producttechnology . . . . . Inorganic Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Propedeuse Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemical Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecular Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green Chemistry and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . Macro Molecular Chemistry, Practical . . . . . . . . . Macro Molecular Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transport phenomena 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soft molecular materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single-phase reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction to programming and numerical methods Technical Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Separation Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculus 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From Bacteria to Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecules: Structure, Reactivity, and Function . . . . Organic Chemistry 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Chemistry 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Synthesis and Analysis 1: Practical . . . . . . . . . . Biochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biochemistry Practicum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organic Chemistry 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Bètawijzer 2013 Properties of Materials 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Synthesis and Analysis 2: Practical . . . . . . . . . . Linear Algebra 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantum Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bioenergetics and Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soft Molecular Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bio energy and Bio Fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Science, Ethics, Technology and Society . . . . . . . Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology . . . . . . . . . Properties of Materials 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrochemistry and Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General process equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiphase Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Transport Phenomena 2 . . . . . . . . . . . Process Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special process equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medicinal chemistry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biomaterials 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medicinal chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecular biophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organic and molecular electronics . . . . . . . . . . . Solar cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Track Practical (organic and molecular inorganic part) Track Practical (Materials Design: Experiment part) . . Track Practical (polymerchemistry) . . . . . . . . . . . (Bio-)catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cellular chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Materials design: theoretical methods . . . . . . . . . Physical organic and photo- chemistry . . . . . . . .
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117 118 118 118 119 119 119 120 120 121 121 122 122 123 123 124 124 125 125 126 126 126 127 128 129 129 129 130 130 131
Sterrenkunde Astrochemistry (capita selecta) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Astroparticle physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculus 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Complexe Analyse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cosmic Structure Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamics of galaxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elektriciteit en Magnetisme 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formation and evolution of galaxies . . . . . . . . . . Fysica van sterren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golven en Optica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inleiding Programmeren en Nummerieke Methoden . Inleiding Sterrenkunde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inleiding Sterrenkunde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inleiding Sterrenkunde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interstellar Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction to programming and numerical methods Kaleidoscope Modern Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kwantumfysica 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mathematical methods of physics . . . . . . . . . . . Nuclear Astrophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Inhoudsopgave Principles of measurement systems (C) Statistische en Numerieke Methoden . Statistische Fysica . . . . . . . . . . . Stellar Structure and Evolution . . . . . Student Seminar Quantum Universe . . Virtual Observations . . . . . . . . . . .
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Technische Bedrijfskunde Algoritmiek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analysis and Control of Smart Systems . . . Asset Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data en Processen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discrete methoden in de operations research Eenfase reactoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fysische Systemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kern van procestechnologie . . . . . . . . . Mechanica voor TBK/TM . . . . . . . . . . . Operations Research 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . OriĂŤntatie TBK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production Organization and Control . . . . Signalen en systemen voor TBK en BMT . . Statistiek en Stochastiek . . . . . . . . . . . Structuur en Moleculen . . . . . . . . . . . . Supply Chain Operations . . . . . . . . . . . Technische thermodynamica . . . . . . . . .
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Wiskunde Analyse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Analyse op Varieteiten . . . . . . . . . . . Bachelor Workgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculus 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculus 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caput algebra and geometry . . . . . . . . Caput dynamical systems . . . . . . . . . Caput Mathematical Physics . . . . . . . . Complexe analyse . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computational Engineering . . . . . . . . . Computational Fluid Dynamics . . . . . . . Computational Methods of Science (CMS) Computer-Aided Problem Solving . . . . . Contemporary Statistics with Applications . Dynamical Systems and Chaos . . . . . . Electricity and Magnetism 1 . . . . . . . . Functionaalanalyse . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gewone differentiaalvergelijkingen . . . . . Groepentheorie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integrerend Project Mathematische Fysica Integrerend Project Systeemtheorie . . . . Linear Algebra I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linear Algebra II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Bètawijzer 2013 Mathematical Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measure and Integration Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . Metric spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modeling and Control of Complex Nonlinear Engineer Modeling and IdentiďŹ cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecules: Structure, Reactivity and Function . . . . . Numerical Mathematics 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orientation in mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partial Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical practicum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robust Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Security and Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistical Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistiek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistisch modelleren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stromingsleer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student Colloquium Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . Variatierekening en Optimale Besturingstheorie . . . . Wetenschap, ethiek, technologie & maatschappij(Wi) . Philosohy of Science 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Foreword Dear student of the faculty Mathematical and Natural Sciences, You are currently reading the Bètawijzer for the academic year 2013 – 2014. The Bètawijzer contains descriptions of various courses you may follow during your study, which have been written by fellow students and could give you helpful insights in the structure and content of said courses. The Bètawijzer is published annually by the Bètastudenten Federatie (Beta Student Federation) or Bètastuf in short. The Bètastuf is the umbrella organization for all student participation within the faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. As mentioned earlier, this Bètawijzer contains personal experiences of fellow students regarding various courses, which could help you prepare for some of the (mandatory) courses you may follow during your study or help you to select your elective courses. Unfortunately, not all of the offered courses are covered in this Bètawijzer. This could be due to the fact that a certain course is projectbased and as a result is vastly different for each student or that these projects differ from year to year. Another explanation is simply that no description has been submitted. You can help us expand the Bètawijzer by providing such descriptions! For more information, contact the students in your programme committee. Hopefully, this Bètawijzer will help you with the various courses during your study and I wish you the best of luck for the coming academic year. On behalf of the board of the Bètastuf, Martijn Schenkel Chairman of the Bètastuf 2012 – 2013
Bètawijzer 2013
Student representation 2013-2014 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences B ETA
Student member
Faculty board
UGS Undergraduate School
Two student members
Bachelor programs
Student members Faculty council fast@betastuf.nl
GSS Student Graduate School of Science member Master and PhD programs
Program Committees Bachelor & Master
Program Committees Master
ArtiďŹ cial Intelligence ocki@betastuf.nl Astronomy ocsterrenkunde@betastuf.nl Biology and Life Science & Technology ocolw@betastuf.nl Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ocscheikunde@betastuf.nl Computer Science ocinformatica@betastuf.nl Industrial Engineering and Management octbk@betastuf.nl Mathematics ocwiskunde@betastuf.nl Pharmacy ocfarmacie@betastuf.nl Physics and Applied Physics ocnatuurkunde@betastuf.nl
Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience ocbcm@betastuf.nl Biomedical Engineering ocbmt@betastuf.nl Biomedical Sciences ocmscmed@betastuf.nl Other Life Science Masters ocmscolw@betastuf.nl Education and Communication ocec@betastuf.nl Energy and Environmental Sciences ocem@betastuf.nl Nanoscience ocnanoscience@betastuf.nl
Do you have questions or problems regarding the organization of your studies? Do you want to help improve education, or do you have a good idea for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences? This chart will show you how the student representation in our faculty is organized and whom you can contact with questions and comments.
Bètastuf What is the Bètastuf? The Bètastuf (Bèta Studentenfederatie) has been active since 1987 to organize and promote the student participation within our faculty. The Bètastuf consist of all active parties of student representation within the faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences. They have a public meeting every six weeks and try to increase the involvement of their fellow students. Please visit www.betastuf.nl to find out more about the organization of the Bètastuf, upcoming events and activities. What is student participation? Within the organization of our faculty, students are often invited to participate in the decisions that are being made regarding education and the educational programs. Though sometimes even in a broader range of policies. These students are well informed and an important party in the decision making process. Sometimes the even have legal rights to advise on certain decisions or even vote on a policy. The Faculty board and both the Undergraduate- and Graduate School boards have student-members who advise on all matters discussed in these boards. The faculty council consist of nine students who, after being chosen in an annual democratic election, together with nine members of the staff, monitor the Faculty board. Each educational program has its own program committee that assures the quality of the program and assesses it's requirements. This program committee consists of three to six students and an equivalent number of staff members. There are also several other committees focused on specific topics such as the library and ictservices. The Bètastuf manages the student involvement in these committees by organizing regular meetings and the annual recruitment en selection of students for these positions or electoral lists. If you have any questions, feel free to send an e-mail tot the student-member of the Executive board of the Faculty, via fb@betastuf.nl. Paulus Meessen Member of the Executive Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2012-2013.
Celfysiologie: energie en structuur*
Course code WLP10B18 Year 2008-2009 Lecturer B. Dijkstra Literature Onnavolgbare klapper met artikelen en aantekeningen van de docent Overview Vakomschrijving Vak over de verschillen de biopolymeren in de cel en hoe deze polymeren opgebouwd zijn zodat ze allemaal hun eigen speciďŹ eke functie vervullen op de juiste plek. Eerst is er nog wat basis info over verschillende aminozuren enz. Later ook nog wat thermodynamica maar vooral veel over eiwitketens in de cel met speciale functies. De leerstof is gedetailleerd en je leert op een die14
per niveau hoe het nou echt werkt. Vorm 2x 2uur in de week hoorcollege Examination Tentamen met open vragen Evaluation Student Algemene biologie Mening: Wel chill om een vak te hebben met zo weinig verplichte uren. De klapper was echt niet te doen, veel informatie sloot niet op elkaar aan. De docent deed zijn best om een goed college neer te zetten maar heeft zijn stem en houding
Biologie niet echt mee waardoor je gauw afgeleid bent. Ook misschien omdat de stof wel een `ver van je bed show' is. Het gaat over zulke kleine moleculen. Desalniettemin is het wel een interessant vak en verteld het je nog meer over celbiologie en DNA aflezen. *Notitie: Het vak dat ik heb gevolgd heette structuur biopolymeren en werd gegeven door B. Dijkstra. Het is samengevoegd met een ander vak en het heet nu Celfysiologie: energie en structuur
het uit. Je gaat het complete immuunsysteem bij langs en leert uit welke componenten dit allemaal bestaat. Je krijgt college over de rol van cytokines in het immuunsysteem, de opbouw en ontwikkeling van de antigenen en je leert het verschil tussen de aangeboren en verworven immuniteit. Later in de cursus wordt ook aandacht geschonken aan auto-immuun ziektes. Vorm: Alleen hoorcolleges
Evaluation Student Algemene Biologie Mening: Erg leuk vak om te volgen als biomedische student. Het bied een heel ander perspectief op de biologie. Daardoor is het in het begin lastig te volgen met allerlei termen maar dat wendt snel genoeg. Het practica vogels kijken was heel leuk en gezellig met leuke groepsgenoten. Het de van Ton Groothuis vond ik het lastigst en Komdeur kan heel leuk vertellen.
Medische microbiologie
Examination Meerkeuzen vragen, maar wel op een Ecologie & gedrag geneeskunde-achtige manier. Dus veel kenCourse code WLP10B16 Year 2008-2009 Lec- nis en feitjes en minder inzicht, meer nadruk op turer J.M. Tinbergen, J. Komdeur, T. Groothuis ziekte verschijnselen. Literature An introduction to behavioral ecology Evaluation Overview Student Algemene Biologie Vakomschrijving: Het vak behandeld ecologie, Mening: evolutie en gedrag aspecten. Ik vind het een erg leuk vak. Het immuunsysVorm: Hoorcolleges en practica. Deze practica teem is gewoon erg interessant en heeft veel te zijn erg verschillend. Zo ga je bijv. vogels kijken, maken met ziekte en gezondheid. Goed om dit vis gedrag analyseren en moet je soms discussi- vak tegelijk met medische microbiologie te volëren in groepjes. gen omdat het elkaar aanvult. De meeste docenten waren prima maar er waren veel verschilExamination Tentamen met open vragen. Pratica krijg je een lende docenten die niet allemaal de stof op elkaar hadden afgestemd, waardoor er veel overlap is. g, v of o voor.
Immunologie 1
Course code WLB0701 Year 2008-2009 Lecturer M.N. Hylkema, L.F.M.H. de Leij, P. Heeringa, F.G.M. Kroese, N.A. Bos, A.J.M. van Oosterhout Literature Cellular and Molecular Immunology, van Abbas en Lichtmann, 6e druk Overview Vakomschrijving: Gaat verder in de voetsporen van immunologie en oncologie. Een deel van de kennis wordt de eerste paar colleges herhaalt en daarna breidt je
Course code WLB0703 Year 2008-2009 Lecturer B. L. Waarts en H.J.M. Harmsen Literature Vooral collegestof en als achtergrond: Medical Microbiology, van Murray, 6e editie Overview student Algemene biologie Vakomschrijving: Dit vak gaat over microbiële organismen die ziektes veroorzaken. Je krijgt colleges over bouw en ziektebeelden van verschillende microorganismen, de replicatie mechanismes van bacteriën en virussen en soms ook over immunologische reacties. Bij het praktische gedeelte moet je je VMT diploma halen zodat je verantwoord kan werken in het lab. Je gaat bacteriën kweken op agar, kleuren en bekijken onder de microscoop, ook ga je aan de slag met een onbekende bacterie die je moet identificeren. Dit moet je doen m.b.v. de eerder geleerde technieken. Vorm: Hoorcolleges en ongeveer 2 middagen in de week practica. 15
Bètawijzer 2013 waarna je overnieuw moet beginnen zijn de realiteit van biologisch onderzoek. Dit is soms wel erg saai. De afdeling was wel heel aardig en iedereen wilde je helpen als ze in de buurt waren. Uiteindelijk hebben we het goed afgerond. Het Evaluation was wel leuk om nou eens echt te zien hoe het Mening: Je krijgt college van verschillende docenten wat onderzoek werkt en je draait ook echt mee op de labzaal. het soms een beetje onoverzichtelijk maakt. Ook vond ik dat het veel stampwerk was en niet echt inzicht. Je moest bij elke bacterie gewoon weten Moleculaire en Cellulaire microscopie wat zijn replicatie systeem was en wat zijn ken- Course code WLB07040 Year 2008-2009 Lecmerken waren enz. De practica met het activia turer I.J. van der Klein, P.J.M. van Haastert, E.J. eten was leuk, je moest dan kijken of je darmflora Boekema Literature sheets, The Cell van Alberts veranderd was in de 2 weken tijd dat je activia als achtergrond informatie had gegeten. Ook was het leuk om met fluores- Overview cerende probes te werken en de identiteit van Vakomschrijving: bacterie x 3 weekse cursus waarin je kennis maakt met alte achterhalen. lerlei verschillende microscopen. Je leert hoe ze Examination Toetsing: Vooral schriftelijk. Practica tellen ook mee en zijn in de vorm van je labjournaal bijhouden en een abstract schrijven.
werken en de theorie erachter, ook leer je de meest frequente fouten te voorkomen. Course code WLB07047 Year 2008-2009 Lec- Vorm turer dr. B.J.L. Eggen, prof. dr. I.J. van der Klei, 1,5 week Hoorcolleges en 1 week practica. Dit prof. dr. P.J.M. van Haastert Literature Krijgt practica is 3x 2 dagen verdeeld over drie verartikelen uitgereikt tijdens research schillende onderzoeksgroepen. Waarin je leert werken met de verschillende microscopen. Overview
Moleculaire celbiologie research
Vakomschrijving: Het is moeilijk om een vakomschrijving te geven omdat dit heel erg samenhangt met het project dat je gaat doen. Je wordt opgedeeld in groepjes van 2. Je gaat samen met je onderzoeksmaatje onderzoek doen naar een celbiologische functie in een eukaryote cel. Ik heb onderzocht hoe DNA in stamcellen gemethyleerd is en of dit over de tijd heen veranderd. Hiervoor hebben we verschillende technieken toegepast zoals DNA isoleren en Western blotting. Verder moet je ook de cellen kweken en oogsten. Vorm: onderzoek van 6 weken doen in het laboratorium.
Examination Tentamen, deze is vrij makkelijk
Evaluation Student Algemene Biologie Mening Erg leuk vak en makkelijk te doen! De leerstof is niet moeilijk en omdat je er ook practica in hebt leer je de stof ook toepassen. Niet alle docenten zijn even helder en je moet in de practica soms ook met software werken. Het was erg leuk en nuttig om zelf met de microscopen te werken. Als je bezig bent is het soms wel saai omdat de resultaten niet lukken maar uiteindelijk heb je wel veel geleerd zonder er veel voor te studeren.
Examination je moet een verslag maken en een presentatie Regenerative medicine houden over je onderzoek. Course code WLB07081 Year 2008-2009 Lecturer E.R. Popa, M.C. Harmsen, R.A. Bank LiteEvaluation rature Vooral sheets uit syllabus, Als achtergrond Student Algemene Biologie Molecular biology of the Cell van Alberts Mening: Erg leerzaam vak. Je komt nu echt in aanraking Overview met het research werk en onderzoek doen op Vakomschrijving: Het vak beschrijft een stukje het lab. Ik was er niet zo geschikt voor en daar- ontwikkelingsbiologie in combinatie met ziektedoor vond ik het niet zo leuk. Het lange wachten beelden. Het is een vak dat verschillende getussendoor en het mislukken van je experiment 16
Biologie bieden overlapt en combineert. Ziektebeelden als hart- en vaatziektes en diabetes worden besproken en de onderliggende ontregelde celsystemen. Ook komt er een stukje immunologie bij kijken. Dit vooral in combinatie met ontstekingsreacties op geïmplanteerde organen of materialen. Dus ook het BMT aspect van geïmplanteerde materialen en hoe de cellen daar op reageren en wat dan een goede scaffold zou zijn of niet krijgen hier een plek. Vorm: Hoorcolleges en practicum opdracht in de vorm van een onderzoeksvoorstel schrijven. Je wordt in werk groepjes ingedeeld en moet een onderzoeksvoorstel schrijven
gesheets Overview Vakomschrijving: Vak waarin ethiek centraal staat. De wetenschap wordt via een filosofische, maatschappelijke kant benaderd. Leren argumenteren en discussiëren is ook onderdeel van de cursus. Ook zijn er veel gastcolleges over mensen die met ethische dilemma's in hun werk te maken hebben. Vorm: Hoorcollege en een soort van werkgroepje waarin je eerst opdrachten maakt en later een essay schrijft.
Examination Schriftelijk tentamen halverwege het blok en een Examination essay schrijven voor het einde van het vak. Ook Presentatie en verslag van het onderzoeksvoor- wordt je bijdrage in de werkgroep meegenomen stel en tentamen met open en meerkeuze vra- in de beoordeling. gen. Telde 50/50 Evaluation Evaluation Student Algemene Biologie Student Algemene Biologie Mening: Mening: Het schrijven van de essay was erg leerzaam en Het was hard werken en veel nadenken m.b.t. leuk! Je ontwikkelt jezelf op een ander gebied de practicum opdracht maar ik heb er achteraf dan de voorgaande vakken. Het was wel moeiheel veel van geleerd. De stof voor het tentamen lijk om zelf te bepalen wat je nou precies ging beis niet zo moeilijk soms wel erg droog met allerhandelen en wat voor hoofd en deelvragen daarlei pathways. Ik vond het een leuk en leerzaam bij passen. De werkgroepen vond ik niets aan, vak. Dat je veel verschillende docenten had was niet uitdagend en vaak zaten we op dezelfde lijn soms wel verwarrend helemaal met het om hulp in discussies. Ook voelde het een beetje klas 3vragen bij je onderzoeksvoorstel omdat iedereen achtig dat je een middag opdrachten moet madan wat anders zegt. ken en die vervolgens gaat bespreken. Notitie: Het vak wordt inmiddels in een andere Het tentamen is prima te doen en ik vond de leerpraticum vorm gegeven. stof interessant. Leuk om eens met een heel ander vak bezig te zijn dan biologisch onderzoek, Wetenschap, Technologie, Ethiek en het geeft je ook een andere kijk op bepaalde asMaatschappij pecten. Course code WLB07023 Year 2008-2009 Lecturer J.A.A. Swart Literature De reader en colle-
Biomedical Engineering (Msc)
Biomaterialen 2
Course code CHBMAT05E Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A.J. Schouten Literature Sheets Examination method written examination Overview Biomaterials 2 elaborates on Biomaterials 1 (BMT students) or Macromolecular Chemistry (chemistry students). Biomaterials 2 presents the applications of polymers in biomedical areas and the deďŹ nition 'biomaterial' is somewhat focused on those polymers which have an active function in biomedical applications. The content of the module covers three themes: 1.Polymers 18
in biomedical applications a) Polysaccharides b) Polyesters c) Polyurethanes d) Acrylic polymers 2.Polymeric systems in biomedical applications a) Soluble polymers b) Hydrogels c) Nano and micro particles d) Foams for tissue engineering e) Fibres f) Lenses g) Adhesives h) Surface modiďŹ cations i) Polymer brushes j) Interpenetrating networks k) Shape-memory materials l) Composites/additives 3.Degradation mechanisms of polymers in a biological environment a) In vivo and in vitro b) By hydrolysis c) Oxidative d) Consequences for mechanical properties e) Consequences for chemical performance Literature: The module will based on a PowerPoint presentation.
Biomedical Engineering (Msc) Examination written examination (10 questions in which both the knowledge and the application of knowledge will are examined in the form of comprehension questions, factual knowledge and sums. Each question is rated with a score between 1 and 10. With a total score of 55 points (final score rounded to whole numbers ) the student has passed.) Evaluation The course is well structured and has little to complain about, except that this section does not contribute to the overall direction of Clinical Physics. So very pity that this is mandatory for that direction.
Biomedische instrumentatie
Course code WLB07091 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs.ing.J.Zijlstra Literature Medical Instrumentation – Application and Design Examination method written exam and presence+reports of workshops Overview This course provides an introduction into the application of instrumentation to medicine. Subjects include basics in electronics and instrumentation: transducers, signal conditioning amplifiers, analysis of molecules in clinical medicine. Lectures and workshops
Colloid and Interface Science
Course code MLBMTCG Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. W. Norde Literature Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology, Second Edition Examination method written exam Overview The module focuses on the physical-chemical properties of interfaces (= phase boundaries) in an aqueous environment. The following topics will be examined: water as a solvent and dispersion medium, interfacial tension, capillary phenomena, wetting, monolayers, electrostatic and electrokinetic properties, rheology. Based on these principles, interactions involving colloids and interfaces will be discussed. These include formation of supramolecular structures,
behaviour of (bio)polymers in solution, stability of colloidal dispersions, formation and stabilization of emulsions and foams, adsorption and adhesion of (bio)polymers, microorganisms and biological cells. The module is meant for students specializing in (bio)materials science and others interested in (bio)technological and (bio)medical applications.
Imaging technieken in radiologie
Course code WLB07092 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. M.J.W. Greuter Literature The essential physics of medical imaging, 2002 Examination method Written exam (60% ), written report and oral presentation Overview X-ray diagnostics, CT and ultrasound; Physics and technique In this course, the technique and physics of the commonly used diagnostic techniques in radiology will be discussed. The theoretical part of the lectures consists of three subdivisions: The subdivision ``X-ray diagnostics'' deals with generating X-rays, interaction of X-rays with ``matter'' (tissues) and detection (imaging) of X-rays, in which recent developments of digital detectors will be emphasized. Technique and physics of Computer Tomography, spiral and multislice CT will be extensively discussed in the second part, ``CT''. Subdivision three, ``Ultrasound'', is concerned with methods and techniques involving ultrasound. Physics of ultrasound, transducers, A-, B- and M-mode, Doppler-flow and 3D techniques will come up for discussion. In all subdivisions attention will be paid to quality of images and image errors. Digital radiology and post-processing All radiology departments are increasingly moving to working entirely digital. This means that all the radiological images are no longer printed on physical film, but only available as digital images. To handle these images a large radiological image archive is required (PACS - Picture Archival and Communications System). In this course the PACS basics are covered together with the standards and protocols that are used. Because of the digitalisation, other fields like post-processing of images are gaining ground. In this course the basics of medical visualization and post-processing are provided. Furthermore, 19
Bètawijzer 2013 a large overview of practical application areas of these techniques in radiology is shown. In this part of the course a practical part is embedded that allows the students to work with advanced image processing software to work with real medical image data. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Theory: The course MR physics in radiology consists of 2 parts: theory and practice. The theory covers the basic principles of MRI such as Angular Momentum, Nuclear spin, Nuclear energy levels, Larmor Precession, Boltzmann distribution, Relaxation, Bloch equations, Rotating reference frame, Fourier transformation, K-space. Furthermore, two basic pulse sequences spin echoes (SE) and gradient echoes (GRE) will be discussed. Important factors in MRI such as SNR, resolution and slice selection are discussed. Practice: The practice part of the course is by means of a simulation program and by experimenting on a MRI system. Clinical/practical part The physical/technical part will be illustrated through practical cases from the clinic. In this way, it will be clarified how certain parameter settings used for image generation and image processing, eventually will lead to the final diagnostic values of a certain technique. The clinical/practical part runs in parallel with the physical/technical part. Consecutively, the following subjects will be discussed: 1. Normal X-ray anatomy, image contrast on conventional X-rays, setting-techniques; 2. Pathological anatomy on bucky X-rays; Mammography; 3. X-ray examination (fluoroscopy); 4. Digital Subtraction Angiography; 5. CT part I: Slice to slice, Spiral, Multislice; 6. CT part II: Multi Planar Reformatting, 3D reconstruction; 7. Ultrasound: grey scale, Doppler and colouredDoppler; 8. Radiological intervention: stenting, dottering, punction, drainage. If possible, also according to patient programmes, all techniques will be demonstrated with the equipment of the Department of Radiology in the University of Groningen Medical Centre.
Evaluation It is difficult to write a single opinion about this course, because it was done by more than one teacher, and the level of teachers varied greatly. Most of them were able to present the material clearly. The MRI section, though, was given by two teachers that repeated a lot of the same material. The other modules were, fortunately, much better. Workload: Appropriate. Homework assignments: The level of the assignments are very variable, with some really very easy, and some much difficult ones. The grading was performed by many teachers and was not very consistent.
Industrial Internship
Course code MLBMTINT15 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer I.A. (Ika) Neven, MSc. Literature The internship application form (to be found on Nestor, Biomedical Engineering – General Information) Examination method attitude, presentatie, verslag
Overview The internship has to be performed at a company that develops and/or produces medical products or at a hospital. Students who wish to perform their internship at another university need to apply for approval from the Board of Examiners before they start their internship. 1. Start arranging your internship a half a year in advance. Depending on where you are going to do your internship, you will need an internal (from the UMCG/RUG) and an external (from the company) supervisor. 2. At least 1 month before you want to start with your internship, download the internship application form (to be found on Nestor, Biomedical Engineering – General Information) and send it to Ika Neven (i.a.neven@rug.nl). Formulate a goal that you are working towards during your internship. Describe the methods you are going to use and why. Formulate in English in your own words, but use formal language. Examination 3. The internship must be finished with a report Written exam (60% ), written report and oral pre- and a presentation. The report will be assessed sentation of 2 clinical cases (2 x 25% ). Allo- by your internal and external supervisor, using a wance to written exam: at least 6.0 for each cli- form (to be found on Nestor, Biomedical Enginical case. neering – General Information).
Biomedical Engineering (Msc)
Interdisciplinary project
Course code MLBMTPR05 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer ing. H.M. Kuis, prof. dr. G.J. Verkerke Literature Dictaat Examination method presentatie, rapport
appealing, yourself. In any case you need a supervisor from the RUG/UMCG and formal approval of your Master's Project by the Board of Examiners. Do not start with your Master's Project before it is formally approved! Once you have agreed on a topic, fill in the application form of the Master's project (Nestor General BME) and send it before 15st of November to the BME coordinator. In December you are expected to give a short presentation during the Master's Project Proposal Symposium to your fellow students introducing your Master's Project.
Overview During this course strategies are presented as an addition to the methodical design process. Subjects that will be discussed are project management, teamwork, communication methods for a good co-operation between medical and technical experts, application of selection processes, specific design aspects of implants, test of prototypes, including FMEA-analysis. Mechatronica (D) During the course an assignment will be worked Course code TBMETR-12 Year 2012-2013 Lecout by a interdisciplinary group of students. turer dr. B. Jayawardhana Literature Dynamic Examination Modeling and Control of Engineering Systems The course will be assessed as follows: Examination method written exam • The reports of the assignment will be judged Overview by the tutors and averaged. • The presentation will be judged by the tutors The topics that are covered in the class include: - Design of mechatronics systems and one group of students and averaged. • The way the project is performed will be ju- - Dynamical modeling of multi-physical-domain systems dged by the tutor. The final grade is the mean of the grade of the - Optimal control design - Systems identification and state observer depresentation, report and project performance. One can propose individual corrections to the tu- sign tor of ranging from +2 to -2 points. The group Examination average must not be affected, so if one student Midterm written exam and Final written exam gets -0.5 point, another student should get +0.5 Evaluation point. The tutor makes the final decision. Good course for the direction of CP. Part of the Capacity: Min. 4 students, max. 36 students material corresponds to Control Engineering, but that's okay because it is told from a different perMaster's Project spective. Course code MLBMTMP35 Year 2012-2013 Literature For more information read the study Principles of measurement systems (C) guide and the guidelines for the Master's Project Course code NAPMS-12 Year 2012-2013 Lecposted on Nestor BME - General Information! turer dr. J.G. Messchendorp Literature PrinciOverview ples of Measurement Systems, 4th edition ExaThe Master's Project can be conducted at one mination method written exam of the research departments of the RUG or the UMCG that are affiliated with the MSc degree Overview programme Biomedical Engineering. It is also This course discusses primarily the principles bepossible to conduct (a part of) the Master's Pro- hind measurement systems. It starts with an examination of generalized measurement sysject abroad. Start orienting on your Master's Project in due tems, their representation in block diagrams, a time especially if you plan to conduct your Mas- discussion of static and dynamic characteristics, and the calculation of the overall measurement ter's Project abroad! You can either rely on the contacts of your men- error. It then introduces transfer function theory tor or contact scientists, whoms work you find (Laplace transform) to describe the dynamic be21
Bètawijzer 2013 havior of measurement systems, and proceeds with a treatment of the effects of interference and noise. Subsequently, a number of sensing elements, as well as signal conditioning and signal processing elements, such as Wheatstone bridges, amplifiers and A.C. carrier systems, are discussed in detail. Finally, digital signal processing is treated with the emphasis on the Nyquist sampling theory, and analog/frequency to digital converters. Throughout the course, a number of selected measurement systems of industrial importance are introduced. Examination There will be a written exam for this course. Furthermore, the students are obliged to make homework exercises which will part of the final grade. A mid-term exam will be scheduled which can count positively to the final grade.
Product design by the finite element method (MSc)
Statistical methods in physics (B)
Course code NASMPH05E Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. M. Kavatsyuk Literature dr. M. Kavatsyuk Examination method written exam Overview In this course, the use of statistical methods in physics is introduced to the students. An introduction to theoretical aspects of probabilities and statistics is followed by a basis how to reliably analyse experimental or computational data, in particular regarding statistical and systematic errors. In addition, techniques to quantify the reliability of the extracted results will be discussed. Examination Written exam and homework Evaluation Well organized course. Homework needs time to solve weekly. Teacher is happy to help you during lecture hours and out of office time. The lecture are advice to follow to understand the homework and preparation for the exam.
Course code TBPDFEM-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. ir. A.A. Geertsema, dr. ir. F.W. Wubs Literature Lecture notes Examination me- Surface Characterization Course code MLBMTOK Year 2009/10 Lectuthod assingments rer Prof. dr. ir. H.J. Busscher Literature ColOverview lege's Examination method Presentatie, verslag Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation is a very en mondeling examen Teaching method Colpowerful tool in the modern design process. lege's van docenten, presentaties van medestuFEM simulation has substantially decreased the denten en zelfstandig een verslag maken time to develop products from concept to the final design. Testing and development are accele- Overview rated by improved initial prototype design using Dit vak heeft een aantal doelen; 1) Begrip krijgen van het belang van oppervlakte FEM simulation. In this course, the multiphysics package Com- karakterisering van biomaterialen. sol will be used. The lectures will start by an 2) Het begrijpen van de meest belangrijke natuurhands-on workshop provided by Comsol. The kundige principes van oppervlakte karakterisatie other lectures will contain a theoretical introduc- technieken tion, followed by a tutorial part. The lectures will 3) Het begrijpen van de werking van verschildiscuss (in short) the theoretical background of lende oppervlakte karakterisatie technieken FEM, how to set up a model, and basic phy- 4) Het gedetailleerd begrijpen van de interpretasical phenomena from different physical disci- tie van data verkregen van verschillende opperplines like structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, vlakte karakterisatie technieken. heat and mass transfer, and electromagnetism. 5) Het kunnen uitkiezen van de meest geschikte To get familiar with design problems in these dis- techniek om een onderzoeksprobleem mee op ciplines, tutorials will be executed by the student. te lossen. Between the lectures assignments have to be 6) Het kunnen begrijpen van een nieuwe techniek op basis van literatuur. made by the student. De cursus is als volgt opgezet; De eerste twee college's worden gegeven door de docenten, waarin materiaal / oppervlakte ei22
Biomedical Engineering (Msc) 1. Protection of human subjects 2. Collection, use, and interpretation of research data 3. Methods for reporting and reviewing research plans or findings 4. Relationships among researchers with one another 5. Relationships between researchers and those that will be affected by their research 6. Means for responding to misunderstandings, disputes, or misconduct 7. Options for promoting ethical conduct in research 8. Awareness that rules change over time and vary across disciplines or nations. Examination De toetsing bestaat dus uit een presentatie, een 9. Resources for additional study on topics related to scientific integrity, responsible conduct of verslag en een mondeling examen. De stof voor het mondeling examen bestaat uit research, and research misconduct. alle door de studenten gemaakte presentaties en 10. Writing an ethical paragraph about research verslagen. Het is dus de bedoeling dat je niet Examination alleen je eigen gekozen techniek begrijpt, maar Knowledge: ook alle andere behandelde technieken. 1. Written rules and guidelines (national and international). Evaluation Het is een interessante en nuttige cursus. Door 2. Knowledge of, and sensitivity to, issues surde drie verschillende toetsingsvormen zit je niet rounding the responsible conduct of research alleen maar in de collegebanken, maar moet je- and research misconduct. 3. Appreciation for accepted, normative scientizelf ook aan de slag. Een nadeel van deze opzet is echter, dat de kwa- fic practices for conducting research. 4. Awareness of the gray areas and ambiguities liteit van de leerstof erg afhankelijk is van de kwaliteit van de presentaties en verslagen van de me- of ethical issues, including differences between compliant and ethical behavior in the conduct of destudenten. research, or the range of acceptable and unacceptable practices. Technology and the Ethics of research Skills: Course code MLBMTTE Year 2012-2013 Lec- 1. Ethical decision-making, including recogturer dr. E.L.M. Maeckelberghe Literature Ar- nizing problems, identifying and examining asticles on Nestor Examination method Assess- sumptions underlying practices, using analytical ment: weekly assignments + final reflection to be skills and strategies in addressing issues and assembled in a portfolio Teaching method Tasks problems, and exploring implications of different courses of action. Overview Research Ethics is defined here to be the ethics Attitudes: of the planning, conduct, and reporting of re- 1. An acceptance and understanding of the value of acting in ways which foster responsible search. conduct. The following subjects will be addressed: genschappen en werking van verschillende oppervlakte karakterisatie technieken aan bod komen. De studenten kiezen vervolgens elk een techniek, zoals; Atomic Force Microscopy, X-ray Photonelectron Spectroscopy etc. De gekozen technieken worden in de volgende college's gepresenteerd door de studenten, waarbij ingegaan wordt op de werking, de output en de interpretatie hiervan en de toepassingen van de techniek. Vervolgens maakt elke student een verslag over zijn of haar gekozen techniek en volgt er nog een afsluitend mondeling examen.
Biomedical Sciences (MSc)
Advanced Metabolism and Nutrition
Examination Course code MLBMS06 Year 2012/2013 Lec- Two reports are both 25% of the total mark wheturer dr. J. Roelofsen, Prof G van Dijk Examina- reas the exams covers the other 50% . tion method Two practical reports and a exam Evaluation Teaching method Lectures and practical days The course is told to be the advanced version of the bachelorcourse `Voeding en Metabolisme'. Overview In this course you get more knowledge about However, it contains a lot of similarities which the principle of energy pathways in the body and makes the lectures not as interesting as it could the energy balance of humans and animals. Me- be. thods of testing foods and some molecular de- Furthermore you need to attend to practicals. tails about digestion are described. Furthermore, One in which you are the test subject and the the metabolism during obesity and caloric re- other in which you will dissect an animal. The two practicals are interesting, but there is too little striction will be explained. time get all the knowledge to make a report. The 24
Biomedical Sciences (MSc) deadline for the reports was on the same day as Overview the exam, which made the course pretty inten- This course will address relevant research topics sive. related to inflammation and cancer, including basal aspects of disease development, immunological responses, tissue damage and repair and Current Themes in Healthy Ageing Course code MLBMS03 Year 2012/2013 Lec- therapeutic intervention strategies. State of the turer dr. F. Foijer Examination method Reports art topics will be presented in lectures and stuand a presentation Teaching method Seminars dents will apply the newly gathered information in specific assignments, which are supervised by into the field of Healthy Ageing researchers from different laboratories. The outOverview come of these assignments will be delivered both Teaching students about the current findings as a written report and an oral presentation. In in the field of Healthy Ageing is central in this this course exams are done by a new kind of course. The course doesn't have mandatory lec- method called ``the speed test''. It means that tures or exams. You will get knowledge by at- exams are given directly after the lectures. This tending seminars of your choice. Eight seminars is a nice method of testing. need to be attended of which you will write a report. Furthermore, you need to choose one se- Evaluation The assignments are really cool and are indeed minar of which you will give a presentation. based on current themes in inflammation. The Examination current themes in cancer were not really present. Each report will give you 10% of your total re- To conclude, it is a nice course which could betmark. The presentation counts for 20% . The ter be named current themes in inflammation. reports need to be finished within 10 days after Little is taught about cancer. the seminar and will be evaluated within a couple of weeks. Molecular Biology of Ageing and AgeEvaluation The course is easily to combine with other courses or a research project. Over a year (or two) you can choose the seminars you are interested in. Different seminars will be presented, in all sorts of research fields. This way you can enhance your knowledge about the things you like! You can also make a suggestion for a seminar that is not on the list Furthermore, the presenters are coming from all over the world, so it is a great opportunity to meet other great scientists and make contacts for your next internship. Since the reports will be marked after the seminars, you will get enough remarks to take into consideration when writing your next report.
related Diseas
Course code MLBMS08 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. L.M. Veenhoff Literature recommended: Molecular Biology of the Cell – Bruce Alberts Examination method Exam and essay (new and views) Teaching method lectures and a written assignment (the teacher is available for feedback during writing) Overview You will learn more about all the different aspects in the field of Healthy Ageing. Different teachers will talk about their latest work and the implications of that knowledge. Different aspects will be discussed like, telomeres, stem cells, reactive oxygen species, DNA repair, metabolism, chromosomal instability, cell cycle and more.
Current Themes in Inflammation and Evaluation Lectures are mandatory and they expect you to Cancer
Course code MLBMS02 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. J. Prop Examination method written exam, based on the lectures, report and presentation based on assignment.) Teaching method Lectures, self-study, assignment, presentation
pay attention. After every lecturer, you have to think of a couple of questions and their answers, which represent the lecture. It helps you to think critical and to make the lectures interactive. The questions will be used in the exam. The course is quite intensive since there is also an assignment to write. However, there is time 25
Bètawijzer 2013 scheduled to write and to learn for the exam.
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Stem cells and regenerative medicine
Course code MLBMS04 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. E.R. Popa Literature Recent publications Examination method Practical work (50% ), written report (25% ; English) and an oral presentation (25% ; English) Teaching method Practical work (36 hours/week), once a week lectures (total about 5 hours) and about 4 hours for a mini symposium
Course code MLBMS01 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer prof. dr. H.W.G.M. Boddeke, dr. W.F.A. den Dunnen, prof. dr. U.L.M. Eisel, prof. dr. D. Hoekstra, dr. K. Horvath Examination method Two written exams (2 x 35% ) and one oral exam (30% ) Teaching method Lectures, selfstudy and paper presentation Overview This is a short research project in the research Overview Lectures about the latest developments in the field of regenerative medicine. In this area the field of neurodegenerative diseases, such as alz- understanding of molecular and cellular mechaheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and stroke nisms of tissues and organs is crucial, this knowwill be given. The students will be informed about ledge is used in order to restore tissues and/or the most important aspects of disease develop- organs after damage. Stem cells play an imporment, pathology, molecular and cellular mecha- tant role in this field as current and future theranisms, genetics behind and potential therapeutic pies to regenerate tissues and organs. strategies. They will have access to the latest li- It is an intensive course with interesting topics in current research. The students will work in terature. pairs on their own topic, in which different exExamination periments are performed and a critic and innoThe examination occurs on the basis of two par- vative attitude is expected from the students. tial exams, of which one is after two weeks and The students learn to formulate the research the second is at the end of the course, and an question/hypothesis and design an experimenoral presentation during an internal symposium. tal setup. Evaluation Evaluation In general, this course is evaluated very positive. This course is considered as intensive, besides The workload is divided over two exams, which the practical work, which takes about 36 hours makes it easier to study. However, some stu- per week, an essay has to be written and an dents considered the overlap of the course with oral presentation has to be given. However, it the bachelorcourse Neurobiologie as annoying. is a very interesting course in a relatively new reAlso, students suggest to make a handout of search field. the study material, because there are only powerpoint slides available.
Energy and Environmental Sciences
Current Topics in Energy and Environ- to write a research proposal. This proposal is the start of the training thesis in the second year. mental Science Course code EM4CS05E Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. C. Visser Literature Articles are provided by the teacher Examination method Literature Review, Research proposal and assignment Teaching method Lectures, Workshops, Assignments, Research proposal
Overview In this course you will be prepared for the second year of your master. Here ďŹ rst some literature research have to be done and an overview has to be written. After the literature review, you have
Examination The grade mainly determined by the literature review and partly by the proposal. There are some assignment in training writing, those have to be sufďŹ cient to get a ďŹ nal grade. Evaluation Somewhere in April there is a lecture which introduces all the research topics within the different research groups connected to the master. Then you have to choose one of the topics for doing research. Further on there is a lecture about wri27
Bètawijzer 2013 ting, this is not really considered as useful but it is obligatory and you have to finish an easy assignment. The rest of the course is individual and you only have contact with the person who wrote your research topic. Good contact with that person is important. The course takes far less than 5 ECTS you gain with.
when the course continues, it all becomes clear. The knowledge obtained in this course can be applied in other fields as well, especially when one's interest is in the field of mobility, the course is a good recommendation.
Energy and Materials
Course code EM4EM06 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer H.C. Moll, M. Berger, R.J.M. Benders LiCourse code GEMDILEIP Year 2012-2013 Lec- terature Articles are provided by the teacher turer prof. dr. E.J.M.M. Arts, prof. dr. J. Examination method Presentations, reports and Woltjer Literature Articles are provided by the oral examination Teaching method Lectures, teacher Examination method Assignments and group project, individual and group assignments exam Teaching method Lectures, assignments, Overview practical In this course one can choose with a group a
Dilemmas in infrastructure planning
Overview This module examines planning approaches for various types of major infrastructure – with a focus on road infrastructure. The central theme of this module are the dilemmas, issues and tensions in infrastructure planning which relate to e.g.: development vs protection; short- vs long-term interests; local vs global issues, individual vs general interests, centralization vs decentralization, government vs market intervention, strategic vs operational decision-making; general regulations vs individual responsibility, rational technicalities vs communicative processes. These dilemmas will be illustrated by case studies in a series of lectures at the start of the course. In this way insight is given in the complex, dynamic and ambiguous nature of planning in practice and theory as well as in the principles and historical developments in infrastructure planning. By this students should be able to develop tailor-made approaches contingent to the specific project and context in order to achieve careful, well-balanced (government) planning and decision-making in modern democratic society.
Examination Examination takes place by handing in one report, consisting of two sub assignments. This is 25% of the overall grade. The other 75% share of the final grade consists of a written exam. Evaluation The course is easy to follow, also for students not from this field. All EES students passed the course in one time last year. In the beginning the subject is rather abstract and hard to follow, but 28
specific subject, which is performed in three phases. Although the objective is to achieve interesting results, the most important are the methods and models that are used for doing the project. Each block starts with some theory, the writing of a research plan and the learning of one or multiple models, which are applied during that block. At the end of each block you hand in a report and perform a presentation. Besides that individual and group skills have to be assessed. After each block a meeting with the teachers takes place, in which the content and process of each group will be discussed. Examination The final grade consists for 20% of individual assignments (models and personal assessment), 30% of the last group report (everything has to be clear for outsiders) and other group work (research plan, study questions) and 50% is for the oral examination. This oral examination is to determine the knowledge of the individuals about the project, methods and models and to determine each group members share in the project. This to make sure that students cannot hide behind their fellow members, and not do a single thing. Evaluation The course is very informative, not because of the theory, but because one learns how to start a project and how to work in a team. Since the course consists of three blocks, you can apply knowledge from the previous block in the next blocks, and learn from your mistakes. There is a lot of feedback, since there are weekly meetings with the teachers. The assessment of the group
Energy and Environmental Sciences is not very effective, personal feedback meetings are more useful. The self assessment works, but could be more methodological. Overall more time is invested (~22 hours a week) on average than is mentioned (~16), based on 10 ECTS, but the course is evaluated very well.
applied in other courses and aspects of the master and therefore it is considered useful by the students.
Environmental psychology Psy.) (keuzevak)
Course code PSMSB-2 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer prof. E. M. Steg and guest lecturers LiteraCourse code EBB898A05 Year 2012-2013 Lec- ture Environmental problems and human behaturer dr. P. Heijnen, dr. D. Wiersma Litera- viour, 2nd edition (Gardner & Stern) and additioture Environmental and Natural Resource Eco- nal articles. Examination method Written exam nomics (ninth edition 2012) (€90) Examination (essay questions) Teaching method Lectures method Written exam (with differentiation betOverview ween economic and non-economic students (Final result 25% grade assignment/ 75% grade This is a master course of Psychology, but despite of the master level it is a very easy course. written exam)) Teaching method Lectures and Attending the lectures is wise, because most of assignments the questions asked during the exam come from Overview the lectures. The guest lectures are mostly PhD The course pays attention to the basic issues students under Linda Steg and give a summary of Environmental and Natural Resource Econo- of their research. Linda Steg is a quite good teamics. Main subjects are: cher. It can be frustrating that psychology is a Economic analysis of the causes of environmen- very different kind of science than natural sciental degradation (external effects, property rights ces. Most of the research conclusions seem to and market failure); be very logical, thus the research can seem a bit Economic valuation methods of environmental useless. For the exam, you have to reproduce damage; definitions and theories, quite different from most Markets as allocation mechanism for natural re- other exams at master level. The exam contains sources (fossil energy,solid waste, recycling, wa- 10 questions and they can be answered within ter scarcity, fisheries); an hour. Do read the articles provided on Nestor. Market allocation for pollution (The relevance of The book is not really followed, but the most imvoluntary negotiations, analysis of policy instru- portant chapters should be read (Steg will tell you ments: standards, pollution charges, markets of which they are), they are also treated during the emission permits); lectures. The book gives more background inInternational dimensions of environmental eco- formation about environmental psychology, not nomics: international cooperation on global en- all chapters have to be read in order to pass the vironmental problems (acid rain, global warming, exam. Only following the lectures is probably enozon layer depletion). ough to pass the exam, but if you miss some, the book will be quite useful. Examination The examination is for 25% based on an essay Main topics covered were: the influence of naand for 75% on a written exam. During the exam ture on human well being, how to change peoples' environmentally bad habits, why are some 3 mini-essays have to be written. people concerned about the environment and Evaluation others not?, what kind of environmental policies The course is evaluated positively by the stu- are accepted and effective? As said before, all dents from EES. The course has 1 lecture per research conclusions are logical and predictable. week, and also the writing of the essay does not There are all kinds of different theories that extake that many hourse. Reading the book takes plain the conclusions; they should be learned for most of the time, and honestly speaking it is not the exam. taking full 5 ECTS. Without any foreknowledge the course is rather easy to pass. All gained knowledge during the course can be
Environmental Economics (keuzevak)
Bètawijzer 2013
Experimental Methods of Trace Gas Overview In this course attention is paid to geological, geoResearch Course code EM4ITG04 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer A. Mokhov, R. Neubert Literature none Examination method Exam and laboratory reports Teaching method Lectures and practicals Overview This course is a introduction into the practical and theoretical aspects of important experimental techniques for Trace Gas Detection used by the Center of Isotope Research. The focus mainly lies in measuring atmospheric gaseous constituents at relatively low concentrations, like carbon dioxide. Various experimental techniques will be covered, including Gas Chromatography, (Isotope Ratio) Mass Spectrometry, Infrared Laser Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Remote Sensing, Data Analysis and Modelling. There are also two experimental laboratory sessions, one is about Rayleigh distillation and the other is working with a mass spectrometer. providing hands-on experience with some of the (analytical) tools used at the Center for Isotope Research (and elsewhere!). Examination The major part of your grade is the exam-grade, together with the grades on your personal report on the experiments (done in pairs).
fysical and geochemical processes in the underground, that play a role in the formation of fossil fuels as sustainable energy forms (thermal heat) and the storage of residues (f.e. CO2). The course consists of three parts: 1) After an introduction to the basic principles of geology the following elements will be discussed: Formation of oil, gas and coal, reservoir characteristics, physics of oil- and gas fields, quantification of reserves, ``unconventional hydrocarbons'', physics of thermal heat. 2) Physisal detection methods for detection of underground energy sources. Discussed are seismilogical methods and techniques based on potential fields as gravital force and the magnetic field of the earth. Besides that also different extraction techniques (drilling and borehole measurements), production and underground storage. 3) At the end an overview is provided of worldwide reserves and the role that fossil and sustainable geo-energy forms will and can play in the provision of energy needs in the future.
Global Change
Course code EM4GC04 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. H.A.J. Meijer, dr. R.E.M. Neubert, prof. dr. ir. J. van der Plicht Literature Articles are provided by the teacher Examination Evaluation For this course some knowledge of quantum method Assignments and exam Teaching mephysics is required, but some of this is refres- thod Lectures and computerlab hed in the first lecture. There is a lot of informa- Overview tion about several techniques, some of them you This course of 10 ECTS is devided in two parts might already know, others are new. Not all lec- (A& B) of each 5 ECTS, Global Change A is gitures were covered in the exam in 2010-2011. ven in the first part of the second semester, while The exam is based on very basic thing of seve- part B is given in the second part of the second ral techniques and it is easy to pass. The expe- semester. riments are also very simple, writing the report Global Change A has about 14 lectures about costs more time than doing the experiment. "What is Global Change?", isotope measurements and interpretation and the global water and global carbon cycle. In the last lecture the Geo-energy Course code NAGE-10 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- precipitation model is treated, here a model must rer prof. M.A. Herber Examination method Writ- be made in Excel. ten exam Teaching method Lectures, practicals In Global Change B starts with an introduction (lecture and two practicals plus a half-day excur- lecture of a computer assignment. The assignment is modelling the carbon cycle of C-12, C-13 sion to the Dutch Oil Company (NAM)) and C-14 with a program called Stella.
Energy and Environmental Sciences Examination Global Change A has an exam about all the lectures and a small computer assignment about the precipitation model. For Global Change B a report has to be written about the carbon cycle, which is your result of this part of the course. Evaluation Part A of this course is doable also for not Physics students, there are some equations used in the lectures but the scope of this course is more about understanding than making difficult calculations. Part B is often chosen by a minority of the students who follow Part A. In this part you have to find out a lot of stuff on your own or with the other students following the course, there is not much information given by the assistant or teacher. That is what makes a lot of students a bit frustrated, however with asking the right questions you can finish the course easily. I doesn't take the take the time of 5 ECTS.
Global Development Studies (keuzevak)
Course code EBB921B05 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer D. J. Bezemer, dr. G.J. de Vries Literature Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development, an introduction (Szirmai) (€50) Examination method Written exam Teaching method Lectures and (optional) tutorials Overview This course is suitable for international students, because it is taught in English. You do not have to have any knowledge about economics; the course is for students of all faculties. The lectures are recorded and can be viewed on Nestor, so you do not actually have to go to the lectures but you can watch them at any suitable time at home. The tutorials (werkcolleges) are optional. Everyone is divided in a group (there are four groups in total) but in practice you can attend whenever you want to. You do have to make sure that you have done your homework: reading of one or two chapters of the book and answering corresponding questions at the end of each chapter. These questions are discussed. The discussion is led by the teacher, and thus gives a good picture of what he wants you to know about the chapter. The tutorials are not
obligatory, therefore only a few of the students attend them. Passing the exam does not require going there, although it will make passing easier because you kept track of the literature. Trying to answer the questions in the book is certainly recommended, because they give a good impression of the exam. There is a rehearsal exam available. Part of the exam will be multiple choice and the other part consists of essay questions. The course handles some basic economic thoughts about development, from early international trading history till today. The most important question that plays a central role in the course is: `Why are some countries rich and others poor?' Because there is no single explanation for it, the lectures will show you all kind of theories and examples. The focus is not only on economics, but also on the sociological part of development. The different themes are the role of: technology, health, education, structural change, history, geography, politics and the international economic order on socio-economic development. The course changes your view on development aid and the ultimate goal of development. Especially seen from the perspective of sustainable development, this is very interesting. There might not be a direct link with environmental studies, but there are certainly plenty of indirect links. This course is perfect suitable if you are interested why there is so much inequality in opportunities for all people on this planet. The course is quite easy to pass, if you invest some time in reading the book and attending the lectures. Only attending the lectures might be sufficient to pass the exam, but it will certainly not result in a very good grade.
Introduction energy and environmental studies
Course code EM4INTR05E Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Michiel Berger, Henk Moll Literature Environmental Science (5th edition) by McKinney and Schoch (± €50,-) Examination method Oral, assignments, article and presentation Teaching method Assignments (individual) Overview This course is a general introduction to environmental sciences and comprises multiple fields, in order to get all students at the same level and focus. This also comrpises acquiring academic 31
Bètawijzer 2013 skills as doing research, writing an article, and giving a presentation. The teacher determines which chapter has to be assessed for the presentation and which chapter of the book is the topic of the article. The exact content of the assignments may be determined by oneself. Examination During this course a library assignment has to be passed in groups, which has to be passed sufficiently and determines the rounding of the final grade. Besides that an excel test has to be made, not passing means -0.5 of the final grade. The major things determing the final grade are the presentation, the article and the oral examination. Evaluation The book for this course is rather easy, although one has to read 20 chapters within 4 weeks. It is important to start early! During the oral examination it is important to provide concrete and structured answers and one needs to have knowledge about specific terms. The overall course is not that difficult, when one has foreknowledge, it is a tight schedule however, so one has to invest a lot of time in it.
indication for it. All assignments have to be passed, and only two second chances are possible. At the end of the course a written examination takes place, which is the other 50% . Evaluation In this course multiple deadlines exist for all sub assignments, which means in practice that one has work for each weak of the period, and that one has to work rather hard. A lot of assignments are performed in a group, which makes it harder sometimes for appointments. Depending on the foreknowledge of one, one assignment appeals more than another. Especially assignments by CIO (H.A.J. Meijer - climatology) are found to be difficult, especially by non-physics-students. The exam consists of 5 questions, one question by each teacher. By attending all lectures, one can pass the exam rather well, and that's why most of the students pass the exam sufficiently.
Solar cells (keuzevak)
Course code CHPHV-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. J.C. Hummelen, dr. S.C. Veenstra Literature Powerpoint handouts and online PDF files Examination method Presentations, reports and a written examination Teaching method Lectures and practicals
Resources and sustainable development Overview
In this first course at the RuG in this specific field, multiple aspects of solar cells are treated. After a broad introduction in energy, energy scenarios, the possible role of solar energy (photovoltaic, PV) and solar cells are treated and multiple kinds of solar cells, materials, production processes and applications are investigated. In the second half of the course you dive deep into the physical basis of solar cells, PV systems are discussed and advanced technologies and 'third Overview generation' PV concepts are shortly discussed. This course is an elaboration on the introduc- Molecular (organic, plastic) PV gets special attion course, and is teached from different disci- tention because of the ongoing research in this plines. Fields like electricity, peat lands, agricul- field at the RuG. ture, food, system analysis, climatic change are Examination tought. Each topic has its own assignment. This course provides a more deep insight in the The writing of the report is challenging, especially when one doesn't have any foreknowledge. The master than the introduction course. presentation is actually rather easy, since most Examination of the work goes into the report. The report and This course has multiple smaller assignments presentation both have a 25% share in the final (~11), and comprise 50% of the final grade. The grade, the other 50% is represented by the writweight of each assignment depends on the time ten examination. For the last one it is essential
Course code EM4RSD15E Year 2012-2013 (October-January) Lecturer drs. M.R. Berger, prof. dr. H.A.J. Meijer, prof. dr. H.C. Moll, dr. ir. S. Nonhebel, A. Grootjans, dr. C. Visser Literature Articles are provided by the teacher Examination method Assignments, computer practicals, presentations, articles and written examination Teaching method Computer practical, lectures and practicals
Energy and Environmental Sciences to study ALL material very well.
is lacking. It is possible to increase one's knowledge base about all aspects during the course, Evaluation The course is challenging overall, and gets more and with a proper preparation the exam is pasdifďŹ cult when a physics or chemistry background sable. The excursion to the solar cell factory is very informative and nice.
Algemene Farmacotherapie
Overview Course code WLFM0901 Year 2012-2013 Lec- Bij dit vak leer je de meest voorkomende mediturer drs. C.M. Dantuma-Wering, prof. dr. camenteuze therapieĂŤn binnen de huisartsengeJ.G.W. Kosterink, prof. dr. A.J.M. Loonen, neeskunde. De nadruk wordt gelegd op interacprof. dr. H. Meurs, dr. F. Moolenaar, drs. ties, contra-indicaties en bijwerkingen. K.T.A. Pilon, dr. N. Pras, prof. dr K. Taxis, Examination prof. dr. B. Wilffert Literature Reader, Gro- Er zijn drie schriftelijke tussentoetsen waar je geninger Formularium, Commentaren Medicatie- middeld minimaal een 6 voor moet halen. Als bewaking, aanbevolen: Praktische psychofar- je de colleges bijwoont, de opdrachten maakt macologie, P. Moleman Examination method en het Groninger Formularium bestudeert is dit Tussentoetsen en mondeling tentamen Teaching goed te doen. method (Werk)colleges Voor het mondeling tentamen moet je de belangrijkste middelen en indicaties kennen en moet je advies kunnen geven over de medicatie, gelet 34
Farmacie op interacties, contra-indicaties en bijwerkingen. Het gemiddelde van de 3 toetsen telt 50% mee voor het eindcijfer, het cijfer voor het mondeling telt ook voor 50% mee.
Overview De student selecteert uit een lijst met mogelijke bachelorprojecten een top-drie van projecten bij drie verschillende basiseenheden. Vervolgens worden deze verdeeld over de studenten. Er wordt in overleg met de begeleider een literatuuronderzoek uitgevoerd naar een onderwerp van het bachelorproject. Dit literatuuronderzoek werk je uit tot je bachelorthesis. De thesis is de voorbereiding op het bachelorproject. Je krijgt hierbij tussentijdse feedback van je begeleider.
Evaluation Er wordt veel stof behandeld, dus het is belangrijk dat je het vanaf het begin goed bijhoudt. Doordat je vaak in het weekend moet studeren voor de tussentoetsen wordt het vak als behoorlijk zwaar ervaren. Je past de kennis die je tijdens je bachelor hebt opgedaan op het gebied van geneesmiddelen nu echt toe in de praktijk. Examination Dit maakt dat de meeste studenten dit een erg Je krijgt een cijfer voor je bachelorthesis. Hierbij leuk vak vinden. wordt ook je inzet en vooruitgang meegenomen.
Evaluation De bachelorthesis is goed te schrijven in de tijd Course code WLFB0811 Year 2012-2013 Lec- die ervoor staat. Wel is het erg afhankelijk van turer prof. dr. H.J. Haisma, dr. J. Hille Exami- de basiseenheid hoe de thesis eruit moet zien nation method verslag over het bachelorproject en welke eisen eraan worden gesteld. Ook is Teaching method practica en/of literatuurstudie kwaliteit van de begeleiding verschillend per basiseenheid. Overview
In het bachelorproject doe je onderzoek naar een bepaald onderwerp. Dit kan afhankelijk van de basiseenheid een praktisch onderzoek op de labzaal zijn of een onderzoek met behulp van een database achter de computer. De bevindingen worden gepresenteerd in een eindverslag, een poster en op een symposium met de andere studenten. Daarnaast moet je je project presenteren voor de vakgroep en voor de andere studenten.
Course code WLFB1001 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. P.L. Horvatovich, ing. J.W. Meints Literature Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry, Miller & Miller (niet verplicht) Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen (60% ) en PASW-computertoets (40% ) Teaching method Hoorcollege, werkcollege en computerpracticum
Overview Examination schriftelijke verslaglegging, inzet en beoorde- Bij Biostatistiek wordt de basis van de statistiek uitgelegd. Er wordt begonnen met kansverlingsformulier in te vullen door de begeleider delingen en soorten data, waarna verschillende Evaluation Het bachelorproject wordt door de meeste stu- toetsen, regressie en betrouwbaarheidsintervaldenten als leuk en leerzaam ervaren. Het ver- len worden behandeld. Ten slotte wordt er met schilt wel sterk per basiseenheid wat er van de het statistische computerprogramma SPSS gestudent verwacht wordt. Ook worden veel men- werkt.
sen niet bij een project van hun voorkeur inge- Examination Het vak wordt afgesloten met een PASW comdeeld. Hierdoor kan het erg tegenvallen. putertoets (40% ), waarbij de opgedane ervaring met het statistische computerprogramma wordt Bachelorthesis Course code WLFB0812 Year 2012-2013 Lec- getoetst. Aan te raden is om aanwezig te zijn bij turer Hille, J. (coรถrdinator) Examination method de PASW-werkcolleges, waarin geoefend wordt Bachelorthesis Teaching method thesis, zelfstu- met dit statistisch programma. Daarnaast is er een pen-en-papier tentamen, waarbij de statistidie sche kennis wordt getoetst. Hierbij mag je de syllabus en oude oefentoetsen gebruiken, wat zeker aan te raden is. 35
Bètawijzer 2013 Evaluation Voor dit vak is geen boek nodig, de collegesheets in de klapper samen met de opgaven en de inleiding SPSS klapper zijn voldoende. Het is belangrijk om de stof goed bij te houden, aangezien er veel nieuwe statistische methoden aan bod komen, zoals ANOVA en de chi-kwadraat test. De eerste inleiding met PASW is wel aan te raden, als je nog nooit met dit programma hebt gewerkt. Het is ook aan te raden om oude tentamens, die op Nestor komen te staan, te oefenen. De PASW-computertoets en het tentamen zijn beide goed te doen; het vak wordt door de meeste studenten gehaald.
Capita selecta farmacie
Computerpracticum, hoorcolleges Overview Bij Celbiologie 1& 2 wordt het functioneren van de cel bestudeerd. Door het bestuderen van de functies van de cel krijg je een indruk van de betekenis van cellulaire processen voor levende organismen. Alle processen vormen langzaam steeds meer een samenhangend geheel. Daarnaast wordt een indruk gekregen over wat de rol van de celbiologie is bij de toepassingsgebieden van de farmacie. Examination Aan het einde van het vak zal er een meerkeuze toets worden afgenomen.
Course code WLFM1020 Year 2012-2013 Lec- Evaluation turer Alle docenten Examination method Scrip- Dit vak borduurt voort op de biologie van de tie en/of presentatie Teaching method Zelfstudie middelbare school. Althans, de kennis van de middelbare school wordt als voorkennis beOverview schouwd. Het is niet noodzakelijk om biologie Capita selecta farmacie is een ruime vakomte hebben gehad, echter is het voor de mensen schrijving voor alle individuele literatuurstudies zonder biologie in hun middelbare school pakdie je in principe bij iedere docent zou kunnen ket in het begin wel wat moeilijker. De hoorcolleuitvoeren. Het is een individueel ongeroosterd ges zijn over het algemeen nuttig en makkelijk te vak. Je moet dit zelf regelen met een docent. volgen. Zeker een aanrader, mede omdat dit je Ook kun je het voor een variabel aantal studieeerste universitaire vak zal zijn. Het boek is een punten (3-15) doen. In de periode ga je over een nuttig naslagwerk, voornamelijk voor de plaatjes, onderwerp waar jijzelf of de docent meer over wil maar het is niet aan te raden en nodig om het weten de benodigde literatuur zoeken en maak boek in zijn geheel door te lezen. Het grootste je hiervan een scriptie/verslag/presentatie. Soms deel is te leren via de sheets en aantekeningen is er ook een klein onderzoekje aan verbonden. van de hoorcolleges. Door de verplichte Examination computerpractica behandel je de stof nog eens Meestal moet er een scriptie worden geschre- extra wat erg nuttig is. Het tentamen is niet moeiven. Deze wordt beoordeeld door je begelei- lijk, het is voornamelijk wennen aan de hoeveeldende docent. heid te bestuderen stof en het bestuderen van het Engelse boek. Evaluation Het vak kan goed worden gebruikt als opvulling in je vijfde jaar, zowel qua aantal weken als punten. Omdat het erg afhankelijk is van je docent en onderwerp wat je precies doet, kan er geen algemene beoordeling worden gegeven. Je hebt wel zelfdiscipline nodig om een dergelijke scriptie te schrijven, omdat je dit in je eigen tijd doet.
Centraal zenuwstelsel, geneesmiddelen van
Course code WLFB0801 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer DĂśmling, A.S.S. prof., Elsinga, P.H. dr., Kruse, C. dr., Loonen, A.J.M prof. Literature Basic and clinical pharmacology, McGraw-Hill Lange, 11th edition, collegeslides Examination Celbiologie 1 & 2 method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges Course code WLFP1002 & WLFP1003 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. R.H. Cool, dr. G.J. Overview Poelarends, prof. dr. W.J. Quax Literature Mo- In deze cursus worden verscheidene aandoelecular Biology of the Cell (5th ed.) Examination ningen behandeld die te maken hebben of efmethod Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method 36
Farmacie fect hebben op het centrale zenuwstelsel. Hierbij wordt er aandacht besteed aan de verschillende groepen farmaca die gebruikt worden om deze te behandelen, en welk werkingsmechanisme deze middelen hebben. Enkele aandoeningen die aan bod komen zijn parkinson, epilepsie, maar ook drug verslaving en depressies. Naast de werking van geneesmiddelen worden ook de structuurformules behandeld, deze zijn dan ook de moeite waard om te leren voor het tentamen.
de docent is enthousiast en legt helder uit. Examination Een tentamen dat bestaat uit 40 meerkeuzevragen en 3 essayvragen.
Evaluation Het vak wordt door veel studenten als moeilijk ervaren, omdat veel structuurformules van aminozuren en hormonen worden gevraagd. Het is aan te raden deze structuren actief te leren, evenals alle werkingsmechanismen van geneesmiddelen en hun farmacochemie. In dit onderdeel ligt met Examination name de nadruk op de farmacochemie van alle Het tentamen bestaat uit open vragen. Het is geneesmiddelen. puur theoretisch en de vragen zijn vrijwel alleen gebaseerd op de colleges. De oefenvragen die steeds aan het eind van de colleges van DĂśmling Farmaceutische analyse A (FA-A) staan komen regelmatig terug op het tentamen. Course code WLFP1011 Year 2012-2013 LecHet is dus een aanrader om deze vragen vooraf- turer prof. dr. E.M.J. Verpoorte Literature Quantitative chemical analysis Examination megaand aan het tentamen goed te oefenen. thod Schriftelijk tentamen, verplichte practica Evaluation Teaching method Hoorcollege, werkcollege en Het vak is gemakkelijk te halen door bestudering practicum van de colleges, aanschaf van het boek is onnodig. Het tentamen wordt dan ook over het alge- Overview meen door de meeste studenten goed gemaakt. Deze cursus geeft een inleiding in de farmaWel kost het vrij veel tijd om alles te leren aan- ceutische analyse met nadruk op theoretische gezien de leerstof puur theoretisch en behoorlijk en practische aspecten. Hoofdonderwerp is omvangrijk is. Hiernaast zijn de structuurformu- de kwantitatieve analyse en de rol daarvan in de farmacie. De chemische basisprincipes die les van belang voor een hoger cijfer. de kwantitatieve analyse onderbouwen worden Endocrien systeem, Geneesmiddelen behandeld. De toepassing van deze principes in volumetrische analysemethoden wordt toegevan het licht. De berekeningen van belangrijke analyCourse code WLFB0802a Year 2012-2013 tische parameters worden uitgevoerd op basis Lecturer prof. dr. H. Meurs Literature Rang van de theorie. In het practicum worden ana& Dale's Pharmacology (6th edition), collegedic- lytische basisvaardigheden geleerd. Studenten taat, klapper farmacochemie Examination me- krijgen een gevoel voor chemische stoffen, rethod Tentamen (40 MC en 3 essayvragen) acties en analytische methoden. Tevens leert de student voorschriften kritisch te lezen en een labOverview In Endo worden geneesmiddelen behandeld die journaal te gebruiken. Farmaceutische relevante hun werking hebben op het endocrien systeem analyses die gebruik maken van zeer precieze ti(hormonen). Hierin komen de hypothalamus- en trimetrische methoden worden uitgevoerd. hypofysehormonen, hormonen bij metabolisme Examination en groei, water- en zouthuishoudingshormonen, Practicumbeoordeling, schriftelijk tentamen (Het geslachtshormonen en hormonen van de calci- eindcijfer wordt voor 75% bepaald door het tenumhuishouding aan bod. Bij dit vak ligt de na- tamen en voor 25% door het practicum. Beide druk meer op het kennen van farmaca, met een onderdelen moeten duidelijke lijst met structuurformules die je moet voldoende zijn.) kennen (onder andere steroĂŻdhormonen, aminozuren, schildklierhormonen, etc.). Ook de farma- Evaluation cochemie wordt getoetst (lipoďŹ liciteit, invloed van Farmaceutische analyse A (FA-A) is de inleiding substituenten). De colleges zijn goed te volgen; op Farmaceutische analyse B (FA-B). FA-A wordt 37
Bètawijzer 2013 door de meeste studenten als lastig ervaren, omdat de stof pittig is en er erg lange dagen gemaakt worden. Het vak bestaat uit veel practica, hoorcolleges en werkcolleges. De practica en werkcolleges zijn erg belangrijk om te volgen, omdat de stof hier helder en duidelijk uitgelegd wordt. De hoorcolleges worden door veel studenten als minder nuttig ondervonden, daarnaast wordt het practicum ook een beetje als saai ervaren, omdat FA-A een inleidend vak op FA-B is. De bedoeling van het vak is dat je leert werken met de materialen en instrumenten op zaal. Zorg ervoor dat je de practica en werkcolleges heel goed voorbereid en de theorie goed bijhoudt. Uiteindelijk is het practicum en ook het tentamen dan niet al te lastig met een voldoende af te sluiten.
Farmaceutische Analyse C
Course code WLFB0803 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. R.P.H. Bischoff, ing. J.W. Meints, prof. dr. F.A.J. Muskiet, prof. dr. D.R.A. Uges, prof. N. van de Merbel Literature Quantitative chemical analysis (dezelfde als in FA-B), practicumhandleiding FA-C, collegeslides Examination method Practicum, tentamen Teaching method Practicum, werkcollege en hoorcollege
Overview Verschillende methoden om analieten in biologische matrices (kwantitatief) te analyseren komen aan bod, waarbij de nadruk ligt op electroforese en chromatografie. Ook wordt de analyse van eiwitten en peptiden besproken. (Bischoff) Daarnaast worden toepassing van deze technieken besproken voor de klinische chemie (Muskiet) en de klinische/forensische toxicologie en TDM Farmaceutische Analyse B (Uges). In het practicum wordt ethanol bepaalt Course code WLFB0707 Year 2012-2013 Lec- met behulp van gaschromatografie (1), eiwitten turer Verpoorte, E.M.J., drs. W.I. van Leeuwen- geidentificeerd met maldi-tof na gel electroforese Hangyi Literature Quantitative Chemical Analy- (2) en verschillende extracties voor het bepalen sis, Harris Examination method Schriftelijk ten- van een geneesmiddel in bloed met HPLC (3) tamen, practicum Teaching method Hoorcol- worden met elkaar vergeleken. lege en practicum Examination Overview Het practicum wordt als makkelijk ervaren, zeHet vak begint met één week hoorcolleges ker vergeleken met FA-B. Dit komt vooral omdat waarin alle theorie wordt behandeld. UV- er veel minder tijdsdruk is, omdat er maar drie absorptie en fluorescentie, electrochemie en proeven zijn. De proeven vergen echter wel bescheidingsmethoden worden uitgelegd. Deze hoorlijk veel tijd. Bij alcoholanalyse (1) moet een onderwerpen komen allemaal weer terug in het analysevoorschrift en een meetrapport worden practicum. opgesteld, bij eiwitanalyse (2) moet een meetrapport worden opgesteld en bij geneesmiddelExamination Het tentamen bestaat uit open vragen. Het prac- analyse (3) moet een verslag worden geschreticum wordt beoordeeld aan de hand van versla- ven. Voorafgaand aan elk deelpracticum vindt er gen, voor- en nabesprekingen en werkhouding. een schriftelijke en mondelinge voorbespreking plaats met meneer Meints. Na afloop van elk Evaluation deelpracticum vindt er een nabespreking plaats FA-B wordt door de meeste studenten als een met een student-assistent. Het tentamen is bezeer moeilijk en zwaar vak beschouwd, ook wel hoorlijk pittig, het is aanraden om de syllabus het ``terrorvak''. In werkelijkheid is het vak ook goed te bestuderen. Het is aan te raden de daadwerkelijk erg zwaar. Het is belangrijk dat werkcolleges te bezoeken, aangezien deze vrade theorie daarom vanaf het begin af aan wordt gen een goede afspiegeling zijn van potentiële bijgehouden. De tijdsdruk maakt het vak voortentamenvragen. De hoorcolleges zijn nuttig als namelijk zwaar. De practicum dagen lopen van uitleg, maar in principe is alle informatie ook in 9 tot 5, waarna voorbereid en uitgewerkt dient het dictaat te vinden. Het dictaat is echter wel te worden en nóg verslagen gemaakt moeten onoverzichtelijk, waardoor het aan te raden is de worden. Het is dan ook vrij normaal dat er bij dit colleges te bezoeken. vak een aantal nachten slaap overgeslagen worden. Het is noodzakelijk om zowel het boek als de klapper te hebben. 38
Farmacie Evaluation Het grootste deel van het tentamen gaat over de stof van Bischoff. Muskiet en Uges stellen vragen over de applicatie van de analytische methoden. Het is aan te raden om de verschillende principes van de analytische methoden goed te kennen. Hier komen sowieso vragen over. Van de Merbel stelt vragen over validiteit/juistheid/precisie. Muskiet stelt vooral vragen over soorten variabiliteit (biologisch/analytisch/between days/within day etc.) en het Bayes theorema.
orde. Het bepalen van fysisch-chemische eigenschappen wordt besproken. Verder wordt besproken hoe functionele groepen aangetoond kunnen worden. Het doel is om een goed totaalbeeld te krijgen van het karakteriseren van farmaceutische grondstoffen zowel in theorie als praktijk. Dit vak is een goede voorbereiding op Geneesmiddel Productie en Onderzoek dat hier op volgt.
Examination Samen met een medestudent analyseer je tijdens het practicum een farmaceutische grondstof. De beoordeling van de presentatie telt voor Farmaceutische Anorganische Chemie 40% mee in het eindcijfer. De theoretische kenCourse code WLFM0902 Year 2012-2013 Lec- nis en het toepassen daarvan op het farmaceuturer dr. A. Casini Literature Collegedia's Exa- tische grondstoffenonderzoek wordt getoetst in mination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching een schriftelijk tentamen. Het tentamen telt voor method Hoorcolleges 60% mee in het eindcijfer. Ook dit onderdeel moet minimaal met een voldoende worden afOverview Dit vak is een chemisch vak van twee weken. De gerond. Beide onderdelen kunnen afzonderlijk colleges zijn in het Engels en de docent is en- herkanst worden. thousiast. Ten opzichte van eerdere chemische Evaluation vakken komt er niet veel nieuwe stof bij, maar de Bij dit vak wordt duidelijk aangegeven wat je nadruk ligt duidelijk op anorganische verbindin- moet leren. Dit vak wordt door de studenten niet gen in het algemeen en anorganische farmaca in als makkelijk ervaren. De stof is lang geleden in het bijzonder (bijv. ruthenium en andere meta- de bachelor behandeld en je moet je kennis dus len). Aan de hand van het periodiek systeem is echt weer even ophalen. Het bijwonen van de de stof goed te begrijpen. colleges is een must voor het halen van het tentamen. Examination Het is een meerkeuzetentamen in het Engels waarbij allerlei onderwerpen en opdrachten uit Farmaceutische Genetica & Immunologie de colleges terug komen. Course code WLFB0805 Year 2012-2013 LecEvaluation Het volgen van de colleges is een must om de turer prof. dr. H.J. Haisma, prof. dr. F.G.M. stof goed te begrijpen. Het tentamen wordt door Kroese, dr. B.N. Melgert, prof. dr. H. Meurs, prof. dr. K. Poelstra Literature Syllabus Farde meesten niet als moeilijk ervaren. maceutische Chemie, Cellular and Molecular Immunology (6th edition) Examination method Elk Farmaceutische Chemie deelvak heeft een MC tentamen (40 vragen) TeaCourse code WLFM0903 Year 2012-2013 Lec- ching method Hoorcolleges turer J.B. Baas, MSc., prof. dr. F.J. Dekker Literature Dictaat Geneesmiddelproductie en onder- Overview zoek, Organic Chemistry, collegesheets Exami- Het vak is als het ware opgedeeld in twee denation method presentatie, tentamen Teaching len, het genetica en immunologie gedeelte. Tijmethod hoorcolleges, practica en werkcolleges dens de hoorcolleges over farmaceutische genetica worden ziekten die te maken hebben met het Overview genoom behandeld, alsmede de rol van genen in In dit vak wordt behandeld hoe grondstoffen ge- relatie met de werking van geneesmiddelen. Ook karakteriseerd kunnen worden. De theoretische is er aandacht voor bepaalde genen die mogeen praktische aspecten van spectroscopische lijk nieuwe drug targets vormen. Het Immunoen chromatograďŹ sche methoden komen aan de logie gedeelte borduurt voort op het eerstejaars 39
Bètawijzer 2013 vak Immunologie & Oncologie. Tijdens dit gedeelte wordt dieper ingegaan op de werking van het immuunsysteem en op de complicaties die optreden wanneer deze niet naar behoren functioneerd. Hiernaast worden de verschillende cellen van het immuunsysteem, de werking en de bijdrage die zij leveren uitgebreid behandeld.
Deze toets telt niet mee voor het eindcijfer, maar moet wel met een voldoende worden afgesloten.
Evaluation Het is niet nodig om een boek aan te schaffen voor dit vak, de hoorcolleges en het college dictaat zijn voldoende. Het gedeelte van Farmaceutische genetica wordt als gemakkelijk beschouwd en dit gedeelte wordt dan ook door de meeste mensen gehaald. Immunologie wordt door veel studenten als lastig ervaren, het is zeker aan te raden het boek en de collegeslides goed te bestuderen, aangezien de vragen op het tentamen behoorlijk gedetailleerd zijn.
Course code WLFP1012 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. H.W. Frijlink, dr. W.L.J. Hinrichs Literature Recepteerkunde, productzorg en bereiding van geneesmiddelen (5 th ed.) Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges
Evaluation Hoewel dit per docent verschilt, zijn de hoorcolleges niet noodzakelijk om bij te wonen. De collegesheets en het boek met opgaven zijn voldoende als leerstof. Op Nestor worden volExamination doende oefenvragen beschikbaar gesteld. Het Er zijn twee deeltentamens, namelijk Farmaceu- tentamen wordt wel als lastig beschouwd, doortische Genetica en Immunologie. Beide deelten- dat er niet veel tijd is om te leren. Het practicum tamens bestaan uit 40 meerkeuzevragen. Wan- is wel heel goed te doen. neer er één gedeelte gehaald wordt, hoeft dit deel niet meer opnieuw gemaakt te worden bij Farmaceutische Technologie en Biode herkansing van het tentamen. farmacie I
Farmaceutische Microbiologie
Course code WLFB0708 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. J.A.K.W. Kiel, prof. dr. J. Kok, dr. J.S. Lolkema, dr. P. Olinga Literature Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Cursusklapper met practicumhandleiding, VMT-dictaat en kopieën van collegedia's Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen, practicum Teaching method Hoorcollege en practicum Overview Farmaceutische Microbiologie gaat in op onder andere de bouw en functie van de prokaryote cel, energieprocessen in de cel, diversiteit bij micro-organismen en klinische en farmaceutische microbiologie. Het practicum behandelt onder andere het kweken van bacteriecultures, steriel werken en identificatie van bacteriën ter ondersteuning van de theoretische leerstof. Examination Het tentamen (50% ) bestaat uit open vragen. Het practicum telt ook voor 50% mee. Bij het tentamen zit de VMT-toets met multiple choice vragen en een open vraag over de regels die van toepassing zijn bij het werken op de labzaal. 40
Overview Bij Farmaceutische Technologie en Biofarmacie I worden de verschillende geneesmiddeltoedieningsvormen bestudeerd en welke farmaceutische aspecten dit met zich meebrengt. Hierbij worden de ontwikkelingmethodes, eigenschappen en gebruik van de verschillende geneesmiddeltoedieningsvormen bestudeerd. Examination Aan het einde van het vak zal er een meerkeuze toets worden afgenomen. Evaluation Farmaceutische technologie en biofarmacie I wordt door de meeste studenten als leuk ervaren, omdat nu geleerd wordt hoe de kennis van chemische stoffen wordt toegepast in de praktijk. De hoeveelheid leerstof is veel, echter als de hoorcolleges goed gevolgd worden is dit geen probleem. De hoorcolleges zijn erg nuttig en ook wel belangrijk om het tentamen te halen. Het is wel aan te raden om het boek Recepteerkunde te kopen, aangezien het de leerstof verduidelijkt en het boek nog voor veel andere vakken nodig is. Het is belangrijk om het vak te halen, omdat het een ingangseis voor Farmaceutische Technologie en Biofarmacie II, een tweedejaars vak.
Farmacie in Perspectief
Course code WLFP1010 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. J.J. de Gier, prof. dr. E. Hak, prof. dr. M.J. Postma, prof. dr. A.C. van Grootheest Literature Het Geneesmiddel, 5de druk Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen en verslag Teaching method Hoorcollege en werkcollege
sus verschillende aspecten van onderzoeksmethodologie behandeld. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op verschillende ethische vraagstukken die met de ontwikkeling en productie van geneesmiddelen verbonden zijn, zoals proefdiergebruik. De student leert tijdens deze cursus om wetenschappelijk onderzoek op te zetten en te presenteren en om mogelijke ethische problemen te signaleren en te bediscussiëren. Het vak draagt bij aan de academische en communicatieve vaardigheden die de studenten later als academisch geschoolde bèta in hun beroepspraktijk nodig hebben.
Overview Bij Farmacie in Perspectief maak je kennis met de ontwikkeling van een geneesmiddel. Hierbij leer je de verschillende fases en een stukje vergoedingssysteem. Tevens volg je een virtuele patiënt en bezoek je een openbare- en ziekenhuisapo- Examination De toetsing vindt plaats aan de hand van een theek. portfolio dat opgebouwd wordt tijdens de curExamination sus. Dit portfolio bestaat uit het schrijven van een Aan het einde van het vak is er een meer- miniscriptie, het presenteren van deze miniscripkeuze tentamen en je zal worden beoordeeld op tie en het schrijven en beoordelen van de outline een groepsverslag die je tijdens de werkcolleges van een miniscriptie. Ook wordt er getoetst op maakt. Tevens zal je een chronisch geneesmid- Nederlandse uitdrukkingsvaardigheid door middel gebruiker in jouw omgeving del van een taaltoets. Is dit onvoldoende, dan interviewen. Dit interview wordt ook beoordeeld. is het niet mogelijk dit vak met een voldoende af te sluiten. De colleges en werkcolleges zijn verEvaluation Het vak farmacie in perspectief wordt door de plicht en hier wordt dus ook streng op gecontromeeste studenten niet als moeilijk ervaren, maar leerd! als een beetje saai. Het is voor dit vak erg be- Evaluation langrijk dat je de opgaven van de werkcolleges FaTEM wordt eigenlijk door iedereen gehaald. vanaf het begin goed maakt. Zorg ervoor dat ie- Zoals de naam al doet vermoeden is het een dereen in de werkgroep dit doet anders zijn er zeer algemeen vak met weinig diepgang. Dit is aan het eind problemen. Onderschat het verslag wel even lekker na alle theoretische vakken van zeker niet. De leerstof voor het tentamen is niet al het derde jaar. Na de colleges wordt er in werkte veel, maar dit maakt het tentamen niet makke- groepjes gewerkt. Het resultaat is vaak een prelijker. Als je goede aantekeningen maakt tijdens sentatie, die gepresenteerd wordt voor alle anhet hoorcollege en de leerstof vanaf het begin dere groepjes. Dit is dus een uitgelezen kans bijhoudt zal het tentamen niet moeilijk zijn. om wat ervaring op te doen in presenteren. Tij-
dens de cursus worden de verschillende onder-
Farmacie, Technologie, Ethiek & Maat- zoeksgroepen van Farmacie aan je voorgesteld schappij en krijg je een rondleiding langs hun laboratoria
Course code WLFB0810 Year 2012-1013 Lecturer dr. J. Hille, dr. M.G. de Vries, dr. L. Westers Examination method Portfolio en verplichte aanwezigheid Teaching method Gecombineerde hoor-/werkcolleges, groepsopdrachten
en werkplekken. Erg boeiend en nuttig omdat je moet gaan kiezen waar je je bachelorproject wil gaan doen. Het vak wordt afgesloten met het schrijven van een mini-scriptie. Dit lijkt in het begin een hele opgaaf maar dat valt reuze mee. Kortom, als je alle colleges bijwoont en gewoon netjes aan je portfolio werkt, haal je dit vak.
Overview De geneesmiddelenmarkt is een markt die volop in beweging is. Moderne onderzoekstechnieken Farmaco-epidemiologie leveren nieuwe inzichten en verbeterde medicijnen. Om wetenschappelijk onderzoek kritisch Course code WLFB0804 Year 2012-2013 Lecte kunnen evalueren worden tijdens deze cur- turer prof. dr. E. Hak, prof. dr. M.J. Postma, dr. 41
Bètawijzer 2013 C.C.M. Schuiling-Veninga, drs. S.T. Visser Literature Van den Broucke en Hofman, Grondslagen der epidemiologie, Elsevier/Bunge (6e druk) & Reader: PW serie 'Langs de Valkuilen' Examination method Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en werkcollege
Literature Medicinal Chemistry, An Introduction (2e editie), Thomas Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcollege Overview F& S gaat in op processen op moleculair niveau tussen geneesmiddelen en biologische systemen. Het begin van dit vak is voornamelijk herhaling van stof dat in het 1e jaar Farmacie al is behandeld. Het gaat dieper in op o.a. structuuractiviteitsrelaties, verschillende bindingstypen en stereochemie. Daarnaast wordt gekeken naar technieken waarbij nieuwe verbindingen worden gezocht voor geneesmiddelontwikkeling. Het spectroscopie gedeelte gaat over technieken waarbij moleculen worden gekarakteriseerd.
Overview Introductie in de farmaco-epidemiologie, oftewel het bestuderen van de effecten van geneesmiddelen in populaties aan de hand van determinanten. Dit is belangrijk omdat de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van geneesmiddelen door epidemiologische studies bepaald wordt. De focus ligt vooral op het kritisch beoordelen van wetenschappelijke literatuur, daarnaast moet er ook zelf gerekend worden aan epidemiologische ri- Examination sicomaten. Voornamelijk open vragen met een paar multiple Examination choice vragen. Het tentamen is een wetenschappelijk artikel, Evaluation waarbij enkele delen weggelaten zijn (o.a. ab- Het vak farmacochemie en spectroscopie wordt stract, discussie). De student moet beoordelen door de meeste studenten niet als lastig ervaren. wat voor type studie het is en vragen beantwoor- Het enige wat als vervelend ervaren wordt is dat den over de inhoud. Ook zijn er enkele theorehet vak samen loopt met organische en biosyntische vragen die los van de tekst staan. Er zijn these. Echter zijn de onderwerpen best gedezowel open, meerkeuze als rekenvragen. tailleerd waardoor het wel nodig is om goed te Evaluation leren voor het tentamen. Om het vak te halen is Het tentamen wordt door veel studenten niet in het niet noodzakelijk om het boek aan te schaféén keer gehaald. Op het werkcollege wordt ge- fen. Het boek kan echter wel gebruikt worden als oefend met het beoordelen van wetenschappe- naslagwerk naast de collegesheets. Het wordt lijke artikelen, op dezelfde manier als je op het erg aangeraden de proeftentamens op Nestor te tentamen zelf moet doen. Er is maar één werk- maken, deze vragen zijn een goede afspiegeling college en het is dus zeker aan te raden deze van het echte tentamen. bij te wonen. De colleges zijn zeer nuttig omdat het een totaal nieuw onderwerp voor je is en ze Farmacokinetiek je leren om in de juiste richting te denken. Ook Course code WLFB0710 Year 2012-2013 Lecworden er vragen geoefend die overeen komen turer Proost, J.H., Dijkhuizen, C.O., Groothuis, met het soort vragen op het tentamen. Het boek G.M.M. Literature Clinical Pharmacokinetics and is nuttig maar zeker geen must. Zie het meer als pharmacodynamics, Rowland and Tozer Examieen hulpmiddel om de sheets beter te begrijpen, nation method Schriftelijk tentamen, practicum in principe zou je met alleen het bestuderen van Teaching method Hoorcollege, werkcollege en de sheets en het bijwonen van de colleges het practicum vak kunnen halen. Far-epi is een 'doe' vak en niet een 'weet' vak Overview waarbij je rijtjes uit je hoofd moet leren. Je moet Farmacokinetiek gaat over wat het lichaam met je kennis toe kunnen passen op het tentamen. een geneesmiddel doet nadat het is ingenomen. Onderwerpen als verschillende toedieningsvorOefenen is dus aan te raden. men, doseerschema's en eliminatieprocessen worden behandeld. Tijdens het practicum worFarmacochemie & Spectroscopie den proeven uitgevoerd ter ondersteuning van Course code WLFB0701 Year 2012-2013 Lec- de theorie. turer prof. dr. F.J. Dekker, dr. E.M. Geertsema 42
Farmacie Examination Na de hoorcolleges is er een entreetoets voorafgaand aan het practicum, waarvoor een voldoende gehaald moet worden als men aan het practicum wil deelnemen. Het practicum telt 40% en het tentamen telt 60% mee voor het eindcijfer. Het tentamen bestaat uit open vragen. Evaluation Voor dit vak is het handig om het boek erbij te hebben voor uitgebreidere informatie, maar enkel met de klapper, collegesheets en bijbehorende aantekeningen is het tentamen ook prima te halen. De hoorcolleges en de werkcolleges zijn erg nuttig, aangezien Proost veel voor doet op het bord. Sommen worden goed uitgelegd. Het practicum is ook goed te doen. Voor elke proef moet de stof wel goed doorgenomen worden voor de voorbespreking. De dagen zijn over het algemeen niet al te lang en er hoeven geen verslagen, enkel meetbrieven worden ingeleverd aan het eind van de dag. Het is aan te raden om goed alle formules te leren, met name voor de entreetoets en het tentamen. Een vraag over doseerregimes komt altijd terug op het tentamen.
Evaluation FAR-P is een intensief practicum. Er wordt in groepjes van vier gewerkt, waarbij goede samenwerking tussen groepsgenoten is vereist. Deze groepen mogen zelf worden samengesteld. Het eerste verslag dat wordt gemaakt neemt de meeste tijd in beslag, hierna kunnen er delen worden gekopiëerd voor volgende verslagen. De voorbesprekingen zijn gedetailleerd en er wordt aangeraden hiervoor goed te leren. Het boek is zeer nuttig om te hebben bij dit vak. Het practicum is erg interessant en leuk om te doen.
Fysiologie & Farmacologie
Course code WLP10A08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A.J.W. Scheurink, prof. dr. M. Schmidt Literature Atlas van de Farmacologie van SESAM (6th ed.), Human Physiology; An Integrated Approach (6th ed.) Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen en tussentoets Teaching method Hoorcollege en werkcollege
Overview Bij het vak fysiologie en farmacologie zal je kennis verkrijgen van de belangrijkste fysiologische en farmacologische principes. Er dient kennis verkregen te worden over verschillende begripFarmacologie Practicum pen zoals integratieve fysiologie, homeostase, Course code WLFB0705 Year 2012-2013 Lec- signaal transductie systemen. Ook worden de turer dr. R. Gosens, C.O. Dijkhuizen Litera- verscheidene fysiologische en farmacologische ture Pharmacology (7th edition) en Handleiding processen van het functioneren van de hersenen "Practicum Farmacologie"Examination method bij gedrag, gezondheid en ziekte bestudeerd. Practicum (verslagen) Teaching method PractiExamination cum Ergens in het midden van de cursus zal er een Overview FAR-P gaat verder in op de stof van Receptorfarmacologie. Door middel van verschillende proeven wordt geprobeerd de identiteit en de werking van drie onbekende farmaca te achterhalen. Er worden proeven gedaan met geïsoleerde organen, waarbij het effect van verschillende farmaca en van de drie onbekende stoffen wordt bestudeerd. Het gaat voornamelijk over contracties van spiercellen in de organen en de processen die erbij horen en de gevolgen ervan.
meerkeuze tussentoets zijn. Deze zal gaan over de tot dan toe behandelde literatuur. Er kan met deze tussentoets een halve punt extra gescoord worden. De tussentoets is echter niet verplicht. Aan het einde van het vak zal er een meerkeuze tentamen zijn.
Evaluation Het vak Fysiologie en Farmacologie wordt over het algemeen als leuk, maar moeilijk ervaren door de studenten. Het is dan ook erg belangrijk dat de literatuur vanaf het begin van de curExamination sus goed bijgehouden wordt. Het is veel en pitVoor- en nabesprekingen, verslagen en werk- tige stof, het kost daardoor veel tijd om alles aan houding. Er worden gezamenlijke verslagen ge- elkaar te kunnen linken en op een rijtje te krijgen. De hoorcolleges zijn erg nuttig, het is dan maakt en één individueel verslag. ook aan te raden om deze te volgen. Door de 43
Bètawijzer 2013 hoorcolleges wordt een beter beeld over de fysiologische en farmacologische processen verkregen. Als alle colleges worden gevolgd en de stof goed bijgehouden wordt is het tentamen goed te doen.
De colleges van dit vak zijn verplicht.
Examination Het portfolio is een verzameling van de opdrachten die je tijdens dit vak moet maken. Deze bevat onder meer een zelfreflectie, patiënteninterview, lekenartikel, relfectie op de colleges en Fytotherapie communicatie-ontwikkel-plan. Course code WLFM0904 Year 2012-2013 Lec- Je inzet tijdens colleges telt ook mee in de beturer dr. H.J. Woerdenbag Literature College- oordeling. dia's Examination method Groepsopdracht (1Evaluation 3 personen), tentamen Teaching method HoorIn dit vak is het niet duidelijk wat er van je wordt colleges verwacht. Hierdoor vinden veel studenten het Overview geen leuk vak. Ook is de beoordeling onduideBij dit vak komt de student voor het eerst echt in lijk. Plaatjes en een mooie lay-out van je portfolio aanraking met plantaardige preparaten (fytothe- worden bijvoorbeeld erg gewaardeerd. rapeutica). De colleges zijn erg duidelijk en inte- Een sterk punt van dit vak is het oefenen met geressant, het is goed duidelijk wat geleerd moet sprekstechnieken. Dit wordt als nuttig ervaren. worden en wat niet. De groepsopdracht is erg Een minpunt is dat het vak veel tijd kost. vrij: er moet een essay of iets dergelijks gemaakt worden, als het maar over fytotherapie gaat. Geneesmiddel Productie en OnderVoor komende jaren wordt er waarschijnlijk een zoek nieuwe invulling gegeven aan dit vak. Kijk hierCourse code WLFM0907 Year 2012-2013 Lecvoor bij het vak 'Zelfzorg'. turer ing. H.W. Dijkhuizen, MSc., L.J. Kraan, Examination M. Lukkien, prof. dr. ir. K. van der Voort Essay en schriftelijk tentamen. Beide onderde- Maarschalk, drs. J.C. Visser, dr. H.J. Woerlen tellen even zwaar mee voor het eindcijfer en denbag Literature Practicumhandleiding; Rehet tentamen moet voldoende zijn. cepteerkunde Productzorg en bereiding van geneesmiddelen Examination method NestorEvaluation toets, schriftelijk tentamen, practicumverslagen Het vak wordt door studenten ervaren als inteTeaching method Hoor-/werkcollege, presentaressant, de docent is enthousiast en het tentaties, practica (aanwezigheid overal verplicht) men is niet erg moeilijk. De oefenvragen zijn een goede voorbereiding op het tentamen. Overview Voor het practicum wordt iedereen ingedeeld Gedrag en communicatie in groepjes van twee personen. Per toedieCourse code WLFM0905 Year 2012-2013 Lec- ningsvorm wordt de samenstelling van de groepturer drs. D.J. Toering, drs. C.M. Dantuma- jes veranderd. In het practicum wordt er een Wering, drs. E.S. Schaafsma, gastdocenten kwaliteitscontrole uitgevoerd van (enkele van de) Literature KNMP Zelfzorgstandaarden, college- grondstoffen en het zelfbereide eindproduct. De dia's Examination method Portfolio Teaching resultaten worden verwerkt in een productdossier. De hoorcolleges geven de achtergronden method Werkcolleges van de analysetechnieken en bereidingstechnieOverview ken weer. In dit vak leer je jezelf goed kennen. Er wordt De problemen die zich tijdens de bereiding en ingegaan op je eigen gedrag en psychologi- analyse hebben voorgedaan, worden in groepsche achtergronden hiervan. Een tutor bege- jes van ongeveer 6 studenten besproken en geleidt je bij een gedragsverandering. Ook wordt presenteerd door middel van een casus. Deze er veel aandacht besteed aan communica- presentaties zijn handig om je voor te bereiden tie/gesprekstechnieken in de vorm van groeps- op het tentamen. Ook moet er een videocursus gesprekken en rollenspellen tussen patiënt, huis- GMP worden gedaan. arts en apotheker. 44
Farmacie Examination Voordat je het practicum mag beginnen wordt er een ingangstoets via Nestor afgenomen. Voor de Nestortoets, het dossier van de 2e periode en het afsluitende casustentamen een voldoende (≥5,5) worden gehaald. Het eindcijfer moet eveneens voldoende zijn. Bij de beoordeling van de dossiers telt het onderdeel productie voor 40% en het onderdeel analyse voor 60% mee. Het practicum wordt beoordeeld op basis van de gemaakte dossiers, waarbij het 2e dossier zwaarder meetelt. Je krijgt je GMP-2-certificaat wanneer je de videocursus met een voldoende afrondt. Evaluation De beoordeling bij dit vak is erg duidelijk en je krijgt goede feedback op je dossiers. Hierdoor is het goed mogelijk om te leren van je fouten, waardoor het volgend dossier beter wordt. Het practicum is niet moeilijk, maar de dossiers zijn wel groot van omvang. Aan het eind van de periode volgt een tentamen, wat is gebaseerd op casussen (hier kun je niet voor leren). De bedoeling hierbij is dat er op een geschikte probleemgerichte manier naar de casussen wordt gekeken, zonder dat er gelijk een conclusie wordt getrokken. Dit is een manier van denken die je je tijdens de werkcolleges moet proberen eigen te maken.
chemie besproken. Voornamelijk de chemie van de geslachtshormonen en modificaties aan eiwitten (voornamelijk insuline) om de eigenschappen van geneesmiddelen te verbeteren (lys-pro, glargin etc.). Examination Elk deelvak wordt afgesloten met een deeltentamen, dat steeds bestaat uit veertig meerkeuzevragen, gecombineerd met 2 essayvragen. De meerkeuzevragen tellen 2/3 deel mee voor het uiteindelijke cijfer, de essayvragen 1/3 deel. Evaluation TC en ENDO worden door de studenten als moeilijkste deelvakken ervaren. Bij ieder deelvak wordt er een geneesmiddellijst op Nestor gezet, met geneesmiddelen die actief worden teruggevraagd op het tentamen. Het is absoluut aan te raden deze goed te bestuderen, aangezien het merendeel van de vragen hierop betrekking heeft. Bij Endocrien systeem komt ook farmacochemie aan bod, wat door studenten als moeilijk wordt ervaren. Het is belangrijk goed de structuurformules van alle belangrijke hormonen te kennen, deze moet je kunnen reproduceren. Het tentamen TD/TR is relatief eenvoudiger, maar ook hierbij is het van belang goed alle geneesmiddelen te kennen.
Geneesmiddelveiligheid Geneesmiddelen van Endo, TD/TR en Course code WLFM0906 Year 2012-2013 LecTC turer prof. dr. A.C. van Grootheest, E. van Eek-
Course code WLFB0802 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. H. Meurs, prof. dr. M. Schmidt, dr. H. Maarsingh Literature Pharmacology (7th edition) Edinburg: Churchill Livingstonen, 2011; collegedictaten Endocrien systeem, TD/TR, Tractus Circulatorius Examination method Tentamens Teaching method Hoorcollege
eren, MSc, prof. dr. K. Taxis Literature Blokboek, An Introduction to Pharmacovigilance (niet noodzakelijk voor tentamen) Examination method opdrachten, schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method hoorcolleges, opdrachten Overview Dit vak maakt duidelijk dat geneesmiddelen niet altijd veilig zijn. Diverse casussen uit het verleden worden besproken en er wordt toegelicht wat er wordt gedaan om de veiligheid van geneesmiddelen te kunnen waarborgen.Verder wordt er verteld hoe een bijwerking kan worden gerelateerd aan een geneesmiddel en waar je dat moet melden. In de opdracht onderzoek je zelf of binnengekomen meldingen kunnen worden gerelateerd aan het geneesmiddel.
Overview De mechanismen van geneesmiddelen tegen zieken van het endocrien systeem, de tractus circulatorius (hart en vaten), de tractus digestivus (maag-darm-kanaal), de tractus respiratorius (luchtwegen) en de huid komen in dit blok aan bod. Voor het gedeelte TC staan 4 EC's, voor zowel TD/TR als Endocrien staan 3 EC's. De nadruk bij alle deelvakken ligt op de farmacologie van de geneesmiddelen en de pathofysiologie van de ziekten. Bij TR gaat het voornamelijk Examination over astma en COPD. Bij ENDO wordt er ook opdracht (in groepjes), schriftelijk tentamen Voor het tentamen moeten met name de colle45
Bètawijzer 2013 ges worden bestudeerd en het boek heeft geen duidelijk toegevoegde waarde (tenzij je meer achtergrondinformatie wilt). Dit vak is een ingangseis voor alle vakken van het 6e jaar Farmacie.
practica zijn over het algemeen een beetje saai, maar wel erg nuttig. Bij het computerpractica wordt er geoefend met de stof door verschillende opgaven te maken. Voor het tentamen is het belangrijk om de verschillende begrippen goed te kennen en de stof goed te bestuderen. Het is Evaluation Het tentamen telt voor 2/3 mee en het groeps- een echt ``leervak''. cijfer van de opdracht telt voor 1/3 mee. Studenten vinden dat dit vak veel overlap heeft Humane Fysiologie met andere vakken, zoals Farmacie in Perspec- Course code WLFP1013 Year 2012-2013 Lectief, FaTEM en Farmaco-epidemiologie. De col- turer dr. B. Buwalda, dr. J.H.J. Muntinga, dr. leges zelf overlappen elkaar ook soms, waardoor S.A. Nelemans, prof. dr. A.J.W. Scheurink, niet alle colleges even nuttig zijn om bij te wonen. dr. H.A. Schuil Literature Human Physiology; An Integrated Approach (6th ed.) Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen, practicum en proGenetica Course code WLFP1004 Year 2012-2013 Lec- ject Teaching method Hoorcollege, practicum turer prof. dr. H.J. Haisma, dr. M. Scholte Lite- en werkgroep rature Genetics, uitgever Pearson Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen en veplicht computerpracticum Teaching method Hoorcollege, werkcollege en computerpracticum
Overview De cursus genetica is een vervolg op celbiologie 1 en 2 waarbij onderwerpen als DNA replicatie, DNA transcripte, RNA translatie, regulatie van de celcyclus en moleculair biologische technieken als bekend verondersteld worden.Tijdens de cursus genetica zal deze kennis onder andere toegepast worden om epigenetische processen te beschrijven en om een overzicht te geven van verschillende technieken om genexpressie en de functie van genen te onderzoeken. Tenslotte zal de rol van genetische variaties in de respons op geneesmiddelen (farmacogenetica) en de invloed van de ontwikkeling van de biotechnologie en moleculaire biologie op de productie van nieuwe medicijnen en gentherapie worden besproken. Examination Meerkeuze tentamen Evaluation Dit vak is een vervolg op het genetica deel van biologie van de middelbare school. Als dit onderwerp op de middelbare school veel aanbod gekomen is, zal dit vak niet moeilijk zijn. Studenten die geen biologie op de middelbare school hebben gehad, zullen veel moeten studeren. Voor het behalen van het tentamen is het niet noodzakelijk de colleges te volgen. Echter moet je de stof dan wel zelf goed bijhouden. De computer46
Overview Bij Humane Fysiologie zullen de fysiologische processen in de mens (human) bestudeerd worden. Naast hoorcolleges zullen er een aantal practica gevolgd worden. Tijdens de practica zal deze kennis toegepast worden. Het project wordt in groepsverband gemaakt. Er wordt een onderwerp gekozen waarna een informatieboekje over dit onderwerp gemaakt wordt. Hierbij wordt geleerd hoe bronnen gezocht moeten worden en hoe op de juiste manier bronnen vermeld dienen te worden. Examination Aan het einde van het vak zal er een meerkeuze toets worden afgenomen. Daarnaast worden cijfers verkregen van het practicum en het project. Het vakcijfer is het gewogen gemiddelde van de verschillende onderdelen, waarbij er van wordt uitgegaan dat de werkcolleges een gelijke bijdrage leveren aan de stof te bestuderen voor het tentamen en aan de practica (weegfactor tentamen 60%, practica 20% en project 20% ). Voor het tentamen dient minimaal een 5.0 te worden gehaald. Evaluation Humane Fysiologie wordt over het algemeen door de meeste studenten niet als moeilijk ervaren, echter is tijdens het vak de zomervakantie al inzicht waardoor toch vele studenten het tentamen niet halen. Het is van belang dat de literatuur vanaf het begin goed bijgehouden wordt, omdat de stof aardig pittig en veel is. De hoorcolleges zijn nuttig om te volgen, omdat het een be-
Farmacie ter beeld geeft van de processen die in het boek beschreven staan. De practica zijn niet moeilijk en vooral erg interessant. Je gaat metingen verrichten op activiteiten die je elke dag doet en analyseert aan de hand van de resultaten wat er allemaal in jouw lichaam gebeurt. Bij het maken van het informatieboekje is het belangrijk om op tijd te beginnen met het zoeken van bronnen. Het vinden van goede bronnen kost vaak meer tijd dan dat je inplant.
Alffenaar Literature Basis and Clinical Pharmacology 11th edition, Uitgever:McGraw-Hill Examination method Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcollege
Overview Bij immunologie en oncologie wordt kennis verworven over het functioneren van de natuurlijke afweer tegen ziekte: de immuunrespons. Je leert de verschillende basiscomponenten van de menselijke afweer te benoemen en het effectormechanisme van de afzonderlijke componenten te beschrijven. Verder leer je over het ontstaan van kanker en het identiďŹ ceren van celbiologisch/farmacologische mogelijkheden om nieuwe geneesmiddel te ontwikkelen. Daarnaast bestudeer je het gedrag van geneesmiddel in cellen in het lichaam.
Examination Multiple-choice tentamen (60 MC vragen)
Overview I& T is een weetvak. De verschillende geneesmiddelen tegen infectieziekten en kanker worden behandeld. De nadruk ligt op de mechanismen. Dr. Alffenaar belicht als ziekenhuisapotheker ook de farmacokinetische en klinische kant van het vak. Immunologie & Oncologie Bij de antibiotica is daarnaast ook het spectrum Course code WLP10A07 Year 2012-2013 Lec- belangrijk. Het is belangrijk om de verschillende turer prof. dr. S. de Jong, dr. M.C. Harmsen, aangrijpingspunten van antibiotica uit je hoofd te dr. B.J. Kroesen, prof. dr. F.A.E. Kruyt Litera- leren. Deze komen sowieso terug op het tentature Molecular Biology of the Cell, Immunologie men. Daarnaast komt ook de chemie van be(RUG uitgave) Examination method Schriftelijk paalde verbindingen aan bod (vooral van betatentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges lactam en alkylerende cytostatica verbindingen).
Evaluation De colleges zijn erg aan te raden, aangezien het tentamen behoorlijk gedetailleerd is. De vragen van Alffenaar zijn erg gecompliceerd en moeilijk te interpreteren; het is dan ook zeker aan te raden zijn colleges te bezoeken. Ondanks dat er vaak voor de colleges drie uur is gereserveerd, duren ze meestal tweeĂŤnhalf uur. Het oefententamen, dat enkele dagen voorafgaand aan het tentamen op Nestor wordt gepubliceerd, is een goede oefening voor het tentamen. De colleExamination geslides vormen een goede afspiegeling van de Aan het einde van het vak vindt er een meer- leerstof, alhoewel het zeker aan te raden is om keuze tentamen plaats. de colleges te bezoeken. Evaluation Het vak immunologie en oncologie wordt door de meeste studenten als lastig ervaren. Het vak wordt ook door de meeste studenten onderschat, omdat het maar een kort vak is (2 EC). Het is daarom aan te raden om naar de colleges te gaan, omdat in de colleges de stof helder, snel en goed wordt uitgelegd. Daarnaast is het ook aan te raden om het boek te kopen. Het boek is niet te duur en zeker handig om te lezen (Nederlands boek).
Keuzestage farmacie
Course code WLFM1014 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs. Y. Benjamins, drs. E.S. Schaafsma Examination method Stageverslag Teaching method Stage
Overview Keuzestage farmacie is een keuzevak in het vijfde jaar farmacie. Deze stage kan voor een variabel aantal studiepunten worden uitgevoerd. De stage kan bij verschillende organisaties worden gelopen. Dit aanbod kan veranderen, op nesInfecties en tumoren tor staat dit bijgewerkt. Veel studenten kiezen Course code WLFB0807 Year 2012-2013 Lec- ervoor om op een ROC bij een apothekersasturer dr. A. Casini, dr. R.H. Cool, prof. dr. sistentenopleiding stage te lopen. Hier kan dan A.S.S. Domling, prof. dr. K. Poelstra, dr. J.W. worden meegekeken en ook zelf les worden ge47
Bètawijzer 2013 geven. Examination Het stageverslag wordt door je stagebegeleider en je stagedocent (vanuit de universiteit) beoordeeld. Je stagebegeleider vult daarnaast ook een beoordelingsformulier in.
method Schriftelijk tentamen, practicum Teaching method Hoorcollege en practicum
Overview Bij MeTox wordt er gekeken naar de metabole processen die geneesmiddelen ondergaan in het lichaam. MeTox is een aanvulling op Farmacokinetiek. Onderwerpen als interacties, toxiciteit Evaluation De stages zijn een nuttige aanvulling op je oplei- en speciesverschillen worden behandeld. Bij het ding. Echter zijn er maar weinig plekken beschik- practicum worden onder andere in vitro proeven baar vanuit het stagebureau Farmacie. Hierdoor gedaan ter ondersteuning van de theorie. kunnen per jaar maar een beperkt aantal studen- Examination ten deze stage lopen en moet er worden geloot. Na de hoorcolleges is er een multiple choice toets, waarvoor een voldoende gehaald moet worden als men aan het practicum wil deelneKlinische chemie en pathofysiologie Course code WLFM0908 Year 2012-2013 Lec- men. Het practicum telt 40% en het tentamen turer Prof. F.A.J. Muskiet, dr. D.A.J Dijck- telt 60% mee voor het eindcijfer. Het tentamen Brouwer Literature Collegedictaat Examination bestaat uit open vragen en 40 multiple choice method Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolle- vragen. ges
Overview Het vak beschrijft de pathofysiologie van veel voorkomende ziekten en de diagnostische laboratoriumbepalingen die hieruit volgen. Er wordt niet op de analytische methoden ingegaan, maar wel erg diep op de (patho)fysiologische mechanismen en de rol van bepalingen in de diagnostiek, behandeling en preventie van ziekten. Examination Het tentamen bestaat uit 100 meerkeuzevragen. Het vak is opgedeeld in 10 onderdelen. Van elk onderdeel worden er 10 vragen gesteld. Evaluation Het vak wordt als zeer zwaar ervaren. De stof is ingewikkeld en het is veel te veel stof voor de weinige tijd die het vak heeft. Je moet het vanaf de eerste dag goed bijhouden en het is een must om de colleges bij te wonen. Het collegedictaat is zeer dik en gaat soms te diep in op de stof of is niet geheel relevant. Dit verschilt erg tussen de verschillende onderdelen. Er is verschil in de hoeveelheid stof en de moeilijkheid per onderdeel, ondanks dat alle onderdelen evenveel vragen krijgen op het tentamen.
Evaluation De hoorcolleges zijn vrij nuttig bij dit vak, de collegesheets met bijbehorende aantekeningen zijn erg goede leerstof voor het tentamen. Het boek kan gebruikt worden als men een uitgebreidere uitleg over een onderwerp wenst naast de collegesheets. Er worden op het tentamen vrij gedetailleerde vragen gesteld, dus het wordt aangeraden goed te leren. De toets voor het practicum moet zeker ook niet onderschat worden. Als deze toets niet wordt gehaald moet het practicum op een later tijdstip worden gedaan. Het practicum zelf is wel heel goed te doen, wanneer voor elke proef even wordt voorbereid.
Moleculen en Reactiviteit
Course code WLP10B19 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. J. Broos Literature P.Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcollege en werkcollege
Overview Bij Moleculen & Reactiviteit worden de basisbegrippen en basiskennis op het gebied van de organische chemie behandeld. Dit dient ter ondersteuning van de andere moleculair gerichte vakken en als voorbereiding op het vak Organische Metabolisme & Toxicologie en Biosynthese en het Organische Chemie PracCourse code WLFB0711 Year 2012-2013 Lec- ticum. Aan het eind van de cursus bezit je de turer C.O. Dijkhuizen, prof. dr. G.M.M. Groot- vaardigheden: het tekenen van moleculen, het huis, dr. P. Olinga Literature Pharmaceuti- weergeven van chemische reacties en het oploscal Toxicology, Mulder en Dencker Examination sen van chemische vraagstukken die betrekking 48
Farmacie hebben op de stof.
Organische en Biosynthese
Course code WLFB1102 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. R.H. Cool, dr. A.K.H. Hirsch, prof. dr. G.J. Poelarends Literature Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach (3rd edition); P.M. Dewick; 978-0-470-74167-2 Organic CheEvaluation mistry (5th edition), Pearson Prentice Hall, plus Het vak moleculen en reactiviteit wordt door de de bijbehorende Study Guide & Solutions m Exameeste studenten niet als heel lastig ervaren. mination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching Het is een uitbreiding en vervolg op het unde van method Hoorcollege, werkcollege de middelbare school. Echter is het wel belangrijk dat de stof vanaf het begin goed bijgehouden Overview wordt en de oefeningen gemaakt worden. Als je Voorheen was dit het vak Bio-Organische Chezelf de oefeningen en de stof goed snapt is het mie. Het vak bestaat uit twee delen. Hirsch niet noodzakelijk om de werk- en hoorcolleges te behandelt het organische deel, wat aansluit op volgen. Wanneer je in het begin van het vak het het eerstejaarsvak Moleculen en Reactiviteit. Reniet goed oefent en bijhoudt, wordt het tijdens de actiemechanismen en reactiviteit van verbindinrest van het vak moeilijker, omdat de eerste paar gen worden behandeld. Het biochemische deel hoofdstukken de basis zijn waarop ze voortbou- wordt behandelt door Cool en Poelarends. Het wen. Het is wel aan te raden om het boek aan te gaat voornamelijk over biosyntheseroutes. schaffen, omdat in het boek alles netjes uit ge- Examination legd staat. Het vak wordt getoetst in een tweedelig open tentamen, een voor het organische deel en een Organische Chemie Practicum voor het biosynthesedeel. Voor beide delen Course code CHWLFB0704 Year 2012-2013 moet een 5,5 gehaald worden en het eindcijLecturer prof. dr. ir. A.J. Minnaard Litera- fer wordt gemiddeld. Indien een van de delen ture Organic Chemistry, Bruice (5e of 6e editie) niet voldoende is hoeft alleen dit deel herkanst te Examination method Practicum (verslagen) Tea- worden. ching method Practicum Evaluation Veel studenten struikelen over dit vak. Het is Overview In dit practicum worden basisvaardigheden op- verstandig om vooral voor het organische gegedaan voor organisch chemische proeven. deelte de werkcolleges te volgen waarin veel moDe bijbehorende theorie is van het vak Bio- gelijkheid tot oefenen is en ook veel wordt uitgeOrganische Chemie. Proeven als chromatogra- legd. Ook in de hoorcolleges wordt veel uitgelegd. Voor het biosynthese gedeelte zijn slechts ďŹ e, destillatie en extractie worden gedaan. twee werkcolleges. De hoorcolleges zijn zeer Examination handig om te volgen. Om het tentamen te behaDit practicum wordt getoetst aan de hand van len is het handig om de boeken aan te schaffen. een verslag van elke proef. Daarnaast tellen ook werkhouding e.d. mee. Examination Er is aan het einde van het vak een open tentamen met vragen die lijken op de voorbeeldvragen in het college en werkcolleges.
Evaluation Het practicum is niet moeilijk en wordt vaak overschat, echter is het vak in het begin wel erg tijdrovend. Na een dag van 8.30u tot 17.00u moeten er nog verslagen worden geschreven en worden voorbereid voor de proef van de volgende dag. Deze verslagen zijn hooguit twee A4tjes, maar omdat alle proeven vlak na elkaar of zelfs tegelijk uitgevoerd worden is het vak vrij intensief. De beoordeling van het practicum hangt erg af van de assistent die je hebt, let hier op.
Course code WLFP1014 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. E. Beljaars, dr. B.N. Melgert, prof. dr. K. Poelstra Literature Essentials of Rubins Pathologie (5th edition) Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges Overview Pathologie is een basiscursus waarin algemene ziektemechanismen (pathologische basisreacties) aan de orde komen. Waarbij ook dieper 49
Bètawijzer 2013 wordt ingegaan op de kenmerken en mechanismen van veelvoorkomende ziektes in Nederland (hart en vaatziekten, luchtwegproblemen, ziekten van het spijsverteringskanaal, botten en gewrichten, obesitas-gerelateerde problemen en lever- en nierziekten) als basis voor de farmacotherapie.
Evaluation Het vak wordt als leuk en nuttig ervaren. De beide tentamens zijn niet heel moeilijk. Wel is er bij het praktisch tentamen een behoorlijke tijdsdruk en kunnen kleine fouten tot veel aftrek leiden. Het vak is qua uren ook niet zwaar. Een week bestaat uit 4 dagdelen practicum en 2x 2 uur Examination Er is aan het einde van het vak is een meerkeuze hoorcollege. Daarnaast moet je wel thuis nog wat voorbereiden. tentamen. Evaluation Pathologie wordt door de meeste studenten niet als moeilijk ervaren, echter is dit het laatste vaak van het studiejaar waardoor veel studenten al in de vakantie mode zijn. Voor het vak is het boek niet noodzakelijk, op de sheets staat veel informatie vermeld. De hoorcolleges zijn wel goed om te volgen, omdat er ook nog wel veel om de sheets heen verteld wordt en de samenhang van de sheets duidelijker wordt. Het is een vak waarvoor je veel stof moet leren, het is dus verstandig om de stof vanaf het begin goed bij te houden. Verstandig is om het oefententamen dat online komt wel te doen om te kijken wat voor een soort vragen je kan verwachten.
Recepteerkunde theorie & praktijk
Course code WLFM1210 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. H.J. Woerdenbag, drs. J.C. Visser, practicuminstructeurs Literature Cursushandleiding, Recepteerkunde, FNA, Informatorium Medicamentorum, Dermatica op Recept Examination method Praktisch tentamen, theoretisch tentamen, practicumbeoordeling, tussentoets Teaching method Hoorcolleges, practicum Overview Bij dit vak worden geneesmiddelen bereid, zoals deze ook in de apotheek voor zouden kunnen komen. Recepten worden voorbereid, bereid, geëtiketteerd en nabesproken. In de hoorcolleges wordt de theoretische achtergrond van de verschillende toedieningsvormen besproken.
Course code WLFB0703 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. R. Gosens, prof. dr. H. Meurs, prof. dr. M. Schmidt Literature Pharmacology (7th edition). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2011 Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcollege Overview Kennismaking met basale principes van de farmacon-receptorinteractie in verschillende (sub)cellulaire systemen - in relatie tot hoofden mogelijke bijwerkingen. Waarin de volgende onderwerpen aan bod komen; Centrale definities in de farmacologie: Farmacodynamiek vs. Farmacokinetiek. Werkingsprincipes van geneesmiddelen en farmacologische definities: agonist, antagonist, inverse agonist, receptorreserve, receptorregulatie (desensitisatie, up/downregulation). Signaaltransductiemechanismen: G eiwit-gekoppelde receptoren, ligandgestuurde ionkanalen, kinase-gekoppelde receptoren, nucleaire receptoren, crosstalk tussen signaaltransductiemechanismen, functie van arrestines en ubiquitinylering. Basale principes van de neurotransmissie: pre- en postsynaptische receptoren, co-transmissie. Receptorsubtypen en signaaltransductie: cholinerg systeem, adrenerg systeem, serotoninerg systeem, dopaminerg systeem, histaminerg systeem, purinerg systeem. Functie van autacoïden (prostanoïden, leukotriënen) en hun receptoren, non-steroïdale anti-inflammatoire middelen (NSAID's), werking van lokale anesthetica. Het vak is een ingangseis voor het farmacologie practicum.
Examination Praktisch en schriftelijk tentamen tellen even zwaar mee, daarnaast tellen de tussentoets en Examination practicumbeoordeling ook nog mee. essay, meerkeuzevragen, schriftelijk tentamen. Schriftelijk tentamen (3 uur) over de stof van de colleges: 40 meerkeuzevragen en 2 essayvra50
Farmacie gen. De meerkeuzevragen wegen voor 2/3 deel doen. van het eindcijfer mee; de essayvragen ieder voor 1/6 deel van het eindcijfer. Stage Apotheekorganisatie Course code WLFM1212A Year 2013-2013 Evaluation Het vak wordt over het algemeen door de Lecturer dr. R.P. van Hulten Literature Collegemeeste studenten als lastig ervaren. Er komt veel dictaat Examination method presentaties, portstof en theorie aanbod, waardoor het noodza- folio Teaching method gastcolleges en presenkelijk is dat de stof vanaf het begin bij gehou- taties en stagedagen den wordt. Daarnaast is het ook aan te raden Overview de colleges te volgen, waarin in alles duidelijk en In dit vak wordt kennisgemaakt met de organioverzichtelijk uitgelegd wordt. Als de colleges satie van de openbare apotheek. Je krijgt een gevolgd worden en de stof bijgehouden wordt beeld van de apotheek en de werkzaamheden is het tentamen gemakkelijk te maken. Het boek van de apotheker door er 3 dagen per week is niet noodzakelijk om het tentamen te behalen. stage te lopen. Tijdens de stage maak je op-
drachten die je verwerkt tot powerpointpresentaties. De powerpointpresentaties worden op de Course code WLFM1110 Year 2012-2013 Lec- terugkomdagen gepresenteerd. turer dr. H.J. Woerdenbag, drs. J.C. Vis- Op deze dagen komen ook gastsprekers uit het ser, gastdocenten Literature Cursushandleiding, veld vertellen over hun ervaringen. KNMP Kennisbank Examination method Portfo- Examination lio Teaching method Practica, werkcolleges De beoordeling is tweeledig, je wordt beoor-
SpeciĂŤle Recepteerkunde
Overview Dit vak is een keuzevak in het vijfde jaar en is een vervolg op het vak Recepteerkunde. In dit vak wordt dieper ingegaan op ongestandaardiseerde specialistische bereidingen. Zo komen oncolytica, spoelingen, dranken voor kinderen en zelf samengestelde dermatica aan bod. In de colleges wordt de achtergrond van de bereidingsvormen behandeld. In de practica worden bereidingsvoorschriften gemaakt. Een aantal preparaten worden ook bereid. Daarnaast vindt er ook een smaaktest plaats. Examination Het portfolio omvat de verschillende uitgewerkte bereidingsvoorschriften. Daarnaast geven gastdocenten ook opdrachten en moet er een algemene individuele opdracht worden gemaakt. De opdrachten en bereidingen worden ook nabesproken of gepresenteerd. Bij becijfering speelt inzet ook een rol. Evaluation Het vak wordt door weinig mensen gekozen, maar is zeker een aanrader. Doordat je met een kleine groep bent, kun je de stof goed snappen en is er genoeg hulp. De inhoud van het vak komt verder in de opleiding niet aan bod. Het vak wordt niet als zwaar ervaren. Je bent iedere dag aanwezig en kan dan aan de opdrachten werken. Thuis hoef je daarnaast weinig te
deeld op je portfolio en door je stagebegeleider (apotheker). Het portfolio bestaat uit de gemaakte powerpointpresentaties. De stagebegeleider beoordeelt je volgens een formulier dat wordt uitgereikt. Je inzet en proffessionele houding worden hierbij meegenomen. Evaluation De meeste studenten vinden het leuk om eindelijk kennis te maken met de praktijk van de openbare apotheek. Wel is het erg afhankelijk van je stagebegeleider en stageapotheek hoe je de stage ervaart.
Tractus circulatorius, Geneesmiddelen van de
Course code WLFB0802b Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. M. Schmidt, dr. H. Maarsingh Literature Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (6th edition), collegedictaat Examination method Tentamen (40 MC en 3 essayvragen) Overview In het vak TC worden geneesmiddelen behandeld die hun werking hebben op de tractus circulatorius (bloedsomloop), onder andere farmaca die op het hart en de vaten werken, op het vetmetabolisme, op de nieren en middelen bij trombose. In dit vak komen zowel de (patho)fysiologie als de farmacologische behandeling 51
Bètawijzer 2013 aan bod. De colleges zijn goed te volgen en de docenten zijn enthousiast. Bij het leren van het tentamen zijn vooral de dia's belangrijk. De nadruk ligt op het kennen van de ziekten en de stoffen met hun werkingsmechanisme (geen structuurformules). De syllabus bestaat uit alle dia's plus een artikel.
schillende groepen.
Wiskunde & Statistiek
Course code WLFP1006 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. E. Tolstoy Literature Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry, Miller & Miller Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen, verplichte computerpractica Teaching meExamination Een tentamen. Het totale vakcijfer voor de thod Hoorcollege, werkcollege en computergeneesmiddelgroepen wordt berekend uit drie practicum deelcijfers (TC, TD/TR/Huid, Endo). Overview
Het is een basiscursus wiskunde voor farmacie. De studenten leren veel verschillende onderwerpen waaronder; logaritmen en exponenten, grafieken en hun interpretatie, differentiaalrekening, Taylorbenadering, inleiding statistiek, t-test, F-test, lineaire regressie, foutenanalyse, partiële afgeleiden, gradiënten en extremen, integraalrekening, partiële integratie en substitutie, breuksplitsen en de Taylormethode, gewone difTractus digestivus, tractus respirato- ferentiaalvergelijkingen (ODE's): oplossingstechnieken, evenwichten en hun stabiliteit, tweederius, huid orde differentiaalvergelijkingen, matrices: eigenCourse code WLFB0802c Year 2012-2013 waarden en eigenvectoren. Lecturer prof. dr. H. Meurs Literature Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (6th edition), collegedic- Examination taat Examination method Tentamen (40 MC en Aan het eind van deze cursus moet de student basis wiskundige bewerkingen kunnen uitvoe3 essayvragen) ren, dit is een open boek tentamen en een open. Overview Tevens dienen er ook opdrachten gedurende de In TD/TR/Huid komen geneesmiddelen aan bod cursus van het computerprogramma Maple in te die hun werking hebben op de barrières van het leveren. lichaam: het maag-darmstelsel, de luchtwegen en de huid. Verreweg het belangrijkst zijn de Evaluation luchtwegen, met name astma en COPD. Belang- Wiskunde en statistiek wordt over het algemeen rijk is om daar te weten wat de pathofysiologie is door de studenten die op de middelbare school (airway remodeling, signaalstoffen) en hoe dit be- wiskunde B en eventueel wiskunde D hebben handeld kan worden. De nadruk ligt minder op gehad niet als lastig ervaren. Wiskunde en stahet kennen van alle geneesmiddelen en meer op tistiek is een uitbereiding op zowel wiskunde A het kennen van het werkingsmechanisme. De als B. Studenten die wiskunde B hebben gehad colleges zijn wat droog en soms wat moeilijk te zullen de nieuwe stof van Wiskunde A snel opvolgen. In de syllabus staan de dia's van de col- pakken. Tevens is een deel van de stof ook nog leges, die voor het tentamen het belangrijkst zijn. een uitbreiding op wiskunde B. Studenten die Wiskunde A hebben gehad moeten meer studeExamination ren, omdat ze de stof van wiskunde B moeten Een tentamen. Het totale vakcijfer voor de leren beheersen en nog de uitbreiding hierop. De geneesmiddelgroepen wordt berekend uit drie hoorcolleges zijn niet erg zinvol, de werkcolleges deelcijfers (TC, TD/TR/Huid, Endo). zijn daarentegen wel erg zinvol. Als je alle werkEvaluation colleges en computerpractica goed mee doet en Het tentamen is goed te doen. Het is echter be- de stof thuis nog goed bestudeerd, kun je het vak langrijk om goed alle verschillende geneesmid- met een mooie voldoende afsluiten. Het boek delen en hun mechanismen te kennen uit de ver- richt zich met name op Wiskunde A stof, de stof Evaluation Het tentamen is te doen, maar het is belangrijk om alle geneesmiddelen van de verschillende groepen en hun werkingsmechanismen goed te kennen, omdat hier haast alle vragen over gaan. Tijdens de colleges komen regelmatig oefenvragen aan bod, die erg handig zijn om te oefenen voor het tentamen.
Farmacie van Wiskunde B vind je voornamelijk in de klapper. Het is aan te raden om het boek aan te schaffen, omdat het boek heel duidelijk alles uitlegt en daarbij mag het boek bij het tentamen gebruikt worden.
Course code onbekend Year 2013-2014 Lecturer drs. C.M. Dantuma-Wering, drs. K.T.A. Pilon, drs. E.S. Schaafsma, drs. D.J. Toering, dr. H.J. Woerdenbag Literature KNMP Zelfzorgstandaarden, collegedia's Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges Overview In dit vak komen de meest voorkomende zelfzorgproducten aan bod. Je leert hier diagnoses stellen van aandoeningen waarvoor patiĂŤnten in de apotheek kunnen komen (bijv. hooikoorts en reisziekte) en de bijbehorende behandeling. Ook worden plantengeneesmiddelen (fytotherapeutica) in dit vak behandeld. Het is een nieuw vak, dus de exacte invulling is nog niet bekend. In de toekomst zal het aspect van casuĂŻstiek bij dit vak verder worden uitgebreid.
Course code WLFM1005 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. J.G.W. Kosterink, gastdocenten Literature Syllabus Examination method Aanwezigheid Teaching method Hoorcolleges, presentaties Overview Dit vak is een keuzevak in het vijfde jaar van de opleiding. Gedurende drie weken is er iedere dag college waarbij aanwezigheid verplicht is. Dit duurt het grootste deel van de dag. Hierbij komen verschillende ziekenhuisapothekers iets vertellen over hun werkzaamheden. Ook moeten er vaak opdrachten worden gemaakt, waar later op de dag een presentatie over moet worden gegeven. Naast de colleges zijn er veel excursies naar het ziekenhuis. Er wordt veel rondgekeken in de apotheek en ook op andere afdelingen. Examination Er is geen toetsing. Het vak wordt afgesloten met een O of V, afhankelijk van de aanwezigheid.
Evaluation Doordat er veel verschillende sprekers zijn bij het vak, komen bepaalde onderwerpen met veel Examination overlap aan bod. Het vak gaat vooral diep in op Het tentamen zal bestaan uit open en meerkeu- de theoretische achtergronden van de ziekenzevragen. huisfarmacie. Veel studenten vinden het na het vak nog steeds onduidelijk wat een ziekenhuisEvaluation Dit is een nieuw vak. Vanuit studenten was er apotheker de hele dag doet. Het is een makkelijk veel vraag naar een vak over zelfzorg. Verwacht vak om studiepunten te krijgen. wordt dat de inhoud van dit vak goed wordt be-
Advanced Computer Graphics
sessions and implement (aspects of) their choCourse code INMACG-08 Year 2012-2013 Lec- sen topic, potentially exploring improvements of turer prof. dr. J.B.T.M. Roerdink Literature sli- the method(s). In addition, the students give a des Examination method assignments, paper, lecture/presentation about their topic and their implementation and write a paper about their representation Teaching method practicals sults. Overview This class introduces students to selected ad- Examination vanced concepts in computer graphics. The The practical assignments account for 30%, the class starts by a number of lectures by the presentation for 20% and the ďŹ nal assignment for course instructors, while the second part invol- 50% . All individual scores must be \geq 5. ves presentations by the students on a chosen Evaluation topic which they study in detail. To get a hands- This course requires knowledge on Computer on experience with state-of-the-art graphics pro- Graphics (mandatory predecessor) and you will gramming, students carry out a number of lab 54
Informatica need that. The assignments are hard. You will create your own implementation of a shader or another piece of OpenGL. Most student do like the course much.
Examination The labs account for 60%, the examination for 40% .
Overview Gaining knowledge of and insight in several fundamental algorithms and data structures. Extending the programming skills that were acquired in the course Imperative Programming. In the lectures, the emphasis is on fundamental data structures (e.g. stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs) and on algorithms working on these data structures. During the tutorials, the students develop algorithms and programs. The practicals are devoted to assignments that are related to the subjects treated in the lectures and the tutorials. Attention will be paid to `good programming', i.e. the design of correct, efficient and understandable programs and their documentation.
Course code INBPROJ-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. P. Avgeriou, prof. dr. A.C. Telea Examination method Thesis, presentation Teaching method Writing a thesis
Evaluation This course is a fundamental computing science Algorithms and data structures in C course. The level of abstraction is very high! Course code INBADC-09 Year 2012-2013 Lec- The lecturer is very nice and eager to help everyturer G.R. Renardel de Lavalette Literature one with every problem, which will help you to Workbook Algoritms and Data Structures in C, manage the course. The examination is open G.R. Renardel de Lavalette Examination me- book. thod Written exam, practical assignments Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, practicals Bachelor Project
Overview During the project a student will work usually alone on the solution of a problem for his employer. The employer can be a company or a member of the scientific staff. The project comprises usually reading a set of papers, implementing a solution and applying the solution. Examination The grade is determined by the supervising professor and a second supervisor from another research group. The presentation accounts for 20%, the thesis for 80% .
Examination 50% practical exam, 50% written exam, both at Evaluation This is the first opportunity to do a research asleast 5.0 signment, the variety of projects is enormous and Evaluation you can determine yourselves what you want to The course is the successor of Imperative Pro- do. The load of the course is 10 ECTS, this gramming. The assignments are more difficult. means that your supervisor will expect you to do The lecturer is great. much for it.
Automated Reasoning
Course code INMAR-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. D. Bucur Examination method Written exam, homework Teaching method Lectures, practicals Overview Automated reasoning designs computing systems which automate the process of making inferences. This course gives an introduction to the principles and practice of Model Checking, a verification technique which automatically and soundly checks whether a given model of a system conforms to a given specification.
Calculus for AI and CS
Course code WICALKI-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs. H.B. Flamma Literature tba Examination method Written exam, test, homework Teaching method Lectures, tutorials Overview This course extends your high school knowledge on mathematics. The main focus of this course will be on real functions f(x) of a real variable x. We will treat the subjects continuity, limits, differentiation and integration, differential equations, complex numbers and the extension of the exponential, sine,and 55
Bètawijzer 2013 cosine functions to complex functions. sulted this year in situation which was not optimal Besides the computational aspects, there is also for the students. attention for the theoretical aspects. We will also look at applications of the treated techniques. Computer Architecture and Networks
Course code INBCAN-08 Year 2012-2013 LecExamination Exam (60% ), test (20% ), homework (10% each). turer dr. F.B. Brokken, drs. J.H.F. Bredek Literature Structured Computer Organization & ComEvaluation puter Networks; both by Tanenbaum ExaminaCalculus is usually not the most liked course tion method Written exam, practical assignment among first year students. You have to work hard Teaching method Lectures, practicals to keep up with the course. The topics are introduced quickly in the lectures and you can test Overview Based on the elementary building blocks of diyour knowledge with excersises in the tutorial. gital technology, machines are built which will be able to implement our programs. A bottomCompiler Construction Course code INBVB-08 Year 2012-2013 Lec- up treatment will be used, applying the common turer drs. J.H. Jongejan Literature Compilers, structuring in abstraction levels, like the 7 layer Principles, Techniques and Tools; Aho, Lam, reference model of the ISO. The lectures will exaSethi and Ullman Examination method Written mine the following subjects. The network part of exam, practical assignment Teaching method the module will only deal with the bottom network layers. The network part will be rounded Lectures, practicals off during the Net Computing module. Overview A compiler is a complicated software product, Examination The written examination is divided in two parts, which is why it is necessary to divide it into parts. First, the input is read with the help of a scanner one for CA and one for networks. which is constructed using standard techniques. Evaluation Then the structure will be discovered by a parser. This course is in fact a double course. It explains We will deal with both top-down and bottom-up a lot from computer architecture and the basics strategies. In these two sections the theoretical from networking. The topics are interesting and results of the Languages and Machines module the course is not hard, but it would be better to will be used. Subsequently, we will examine the split up and have more depth. systematic processing of retrieved errors. The next task of the compiler is to type control and Computer Graphics the generation of an interim code. This interim Course code INBCG-08 Year 2012-2013 Leccode must be shown on the target machine (pro- turer prof. dr. A.C. Telea Literature Fundamencessor). The emphasis is especially on how to tals of Computer Graphics by Peter Shirley and implement procedures, and on the treatment of Steve Marschner Examination method Written different parameter mechanisms. The improve- exam, practical assignments Teaching method ment of code (optimization) will also briefly be Lectures, practicals discussed. Overview Examination Presentation of the fundamentals of design, imThe exam is 60% and the assignment 40% of the plementation, and use of computer graphics final grade, both must be at least 4.5. systems. After this course, students should understand the structure of the rendering pipeline, Evaluation This course uses a lot of knowledge from Langu- the main algorithms used in this pipeline (grapages and Machines. The topic is very abstract, hical transformations, projection, rasterization, but on the other hand you have the opportunity shading, antialiasing, and texture mapping), and to create your own language which can be par- also be able to implement rendering systems in OpenGL and using a self-implemented raytracer. sed. The lecturer has some health issues and this re56
Informatica Examination The examination and the assignment both account for 50% of the grade, both parts must be graded >5.5.
Discrete Structures
Course code INBDS-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs. J.H. Jongejan Literature Discrete Mathematical Structures; B. Kolman, R. Busby, S. Ross Examination method Written exam, test, Evaluation This course has very tough and heavy assign- homework Teaching method Lectures, tutorials ments. For the raytracer it is important that Overview you understand math and physics well, for the The aim of this module is to familiarize and acOpenGL assignments good programmers are quaint students with a number of basic concepts needed. from discrete mathematics, which are used to The course is nonetheless a great course, in the understand and describe the function of comend you are able to create a short animated mo- puters and programs on an abstract level. Spevie! cial emphasis is on mathematical proof as a correct reasoning method for mathematical conComputer Vision cepts and statements. Course code INMCV-08 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- Examination rer dr. M.H.F. Wilkinson Literature slides Exami- Exam (80% ), homework (20% ). If the test is nation method Written exam, practical assign- made well, you are allowed to skip 40% of the ments Teaching method Lectures, tutorials exam questions and use the grade of the test for that 40% of your exam grade (thus 32% of final Overview This course develops the theoretical basis as well grade). as practical algorithms for automatically extrac- Evaluation ting useful information about the world by car- This a special math course which mathematics rying out computations on images or image se- students consider not interesting, it is about disquences. First, a number of basic image proces- crete mathematics. Since computers cannot sing concepts are briefly reviewed, such as di- work with continuous number directly, it is imgitization, preprocessing, image restoration and portant to understand discrete numbers better segmentation. Standard linear image processing to be able to create new algorithms. algorithms are discussed as well as some con- This course is abstract, but if you keep up with cepts and algorithms from nonlinear morpholo- the homework, it is not that hard. gical image processing. Also, some recent results on multiscale image analysis are presen- Distributed Systems ted. Then we move to higher level operations, such as object recognition, pattern recognition Course code INMDSY-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. M. Aiello Literature Distriand three-dimensional scene analysis. buted Systems: Concepts and Design, by GeExamination orge Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim KindThe assignments account for a third of the final berg; Addison Wesley. Examination method grade, the examination two thirds. Both must be Practical Assignment (50% ), Written Exam (50% at least 5. ) Teaching method Lectures, Practicals, Tutorials Evaluation If you liked Image Processing, this course will be Overview a course you will like, too. The focus changes The course introduces students to the field of from changing images to finding "thingsïn ima- distributed systems focusing on their correctges. Many topics are covered, but the lecturer is ness, reliability, and performance. The course known for explaining too many details. The math looks at both theoretical aspects and practical in this course is more challenging than in Image tools and implementations of distributed sysProcessing. tems. Topics treated include: characterization of Distributed Systems, system models, interprocess communication, distributed objects 57
Bètawijzer 2013 (CORBA), remote method invocation (Java RMI), name services (DNS), distributed systems foundations (time, coordination, agreement), replication (GOSSIP), distributed file system (NFS), and distributed shared memory (IVY). Examination For the practical assignment, students are asked to design and implement a distributed system. Students are free to propose and implement their own idea as long as it is approved by the lecturer. The examination focuses on the theory and algorithms which are discussed during the lectures. The literature and slides serve as learning material. Evaluation The assessment is based on the examination and the practical assignment. The lectures are interesting and many real world problems are covered in detail. They provide a vey good overview in the state of the art in distributed systems. Many algorithms are explained that are used in current real world occasions. The practical assignment can be very interesting if students select carefully what they want to design and implement. The most important requirement for the practical assignment is that students need to implement the algorithms on their own and they should not use out of the box real world examples. If the students are well prepared they will be able to perform excellent in the written exam, as the questions come from the topics covered during the lectures.
Functional Programming
Course code INBFP-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs. J.H. Jongejan Literature Haskell: the Craft of Functional Programming, Simon Thompson Examination method Written exam, practical assignments Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, practicals
In Haskell (and many other functional languages) an expression is evaluated only when neccesary (lazy evaluation), making it possible to work with infinite datastructures (ie. a list of primes). Functional languages are, as the name suggests, based on functions and they can themselves have functions as arguments and can result functions. This makes the typing of a function very important. Goal of the course is to make the student able to design and analyze such programmes, written in Haskell, including efficiency and typing of such programmes. In order to achieve this, the student is expected to finish three practical excercises. Examination Written exam and practicals have to be completed in the same year (ie. practical results can not be carried over to the next year). The exam is 4/7 of the final grade, the assignments 3/7. It is required to score 4.5 or higher on both parts in order to pass the course. Evaluation If you have never done anything like this course, you have to learn a whole new way of thinking (similar to when you first started programming in any other type of language, ie. imperative or object oriented). Practicals are doable, if you put enough effort into them and attend most of the lectures and tutorials. Same goes for the examination. Once you get the hang of it and know most of the basic Haskell functions (this requires some proper studying), the written exam is not so hard.
Advanced Object Oriented Programming
Course code INBGOP-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. R. Smedinga Literature Absolute Java, 2nd or 3rd Edition (not compulsory) Examination method Oral examination, practical assignments Overview A program written in a functional language can Teaching method Lectures, practicals typically be ten times shorter than its imperative Overview counterpart, while having the same functionallity. Programming using the Object-Orientated (OO) Execution times are usually roughly the same. paradigm is more than just using classes and Therefor, functional languages are very useful inheritance. It is about using previously made for developing algorithms and rapid prototyping. classes in a proper way, to create readable and A variable has the same meaning everywhere sustainable code. OO knows a lot of ways to within its scope (referential transparency), ma- work and methodologies. This course will handle king functional programs very easy to analyse. some principles and students get (practical) ex-
Informatica perience with these. The focus of this course is not on the formal aspect but on the practicals and has as goal to teach a engineering attitude about the OO-principles. The students will also get an introduction into development of bigger projects. They will use modern IDEs like Eclipse in which not only programming itself, but also design tools, diagrams and GUI-builders, will be taught. The students are ought to be known with OOprogramming. The course Object Orientated Programming (OOP) is deemed enough. Examination There are 4 practicals. The first 3 are small and account together for 40% of the final grade. The last one should also contain a report and is 35% of the final grade. The oral exam to defend the last assignment is 25% of the final grade. Evaluation Continues where OOP stopped. The practicals are awesome and very doable, but need a lot of time, especially if it contains anything UI related, as they won't do what you expect them to. Don't hesistate to ask questions as it is a lot of knowledge and not everything is easy to solve or find. The last practical is a bit heavy, not only in doing, but also for the grade. It's about 60% of the grade (the assignment itself, the report and the oral exam combined), so be prepared to spend a lot of time on it!
This course is based on the algorithms and data strtuctures treated in the courses Imperatief Programmeren and Algoritmen en Datastructuren in C. Among these are arrays, pointers, strings, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, several sorting algorithms, binary search, Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. We shall also encounter some new algorithms, e.g. for surprisingly fast multiplication and for message (de)coding. Moreover, we consider some design pattersn for algorithms: the greedy method, divide and conquer, dynamic programming. Finally, we touch upon the main open problem in computer science: does P equal NP, or not? In other words: is there, for every problem that has a nondeterministic polynomial algorithm, also a deterministic polynomial algorithm, or not? Examination The practical assignment is 25% of the final grade and must be at least 5.5. The examination is 75%, but if your homework grade is higher than the exam grade, then the exam 50% and the homework 25% . Evaluation This course is similar to its prequel, Algorithms and Data Structures. The lecturer is good, some topics might be abstract.
Image Processing
Course code INMIP-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. J.B.T.M. Roerdink Literature DigiCourse code INBGAD-10 Year 2012-2013 Lec- tal Image Processing, 3rd ed. (R.C. Gonzalez turer prof. dr. G.R. Renardel de Lavalette, drs. and R.E. Woods) Examination method Written J. Jongejan Literature Algorithm Design. Foun- exam, practical assignments Teaching method dations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Mi- Lectures, practicals chael T. Goodrich & Roberto Tamassia Examina- Overview tion method Written exam, homework Teaching First the basic concepts of digital image procesmethod Lectures, practicals sing are presented, from image acquisition, di-
Advanced Data Structures
Overview This course is about a core subject in computer science: the analysis and design of algorithms and data structures. We shall not bother about implementation details, but we will look at efficiency issues: what is the resource consumption of an algorithm, in terms of computing time and memory use. Our approach will be abstract, focusing on asymptotic behaviour: what is the increase of resource consumption when the input length increases?
gitization, and preprocessing, to image enhancement, restoration, segmentation and description. Both standard linear image processing algorithms are treated, as well as some concepts and algorithms from nonlinear morphological image processing. Also, some recent results on multiscale image analysis are presented. Examination Labs and exam account both for 50 percent, both must be at least a five and the mean 5.5 in order to pass. 59
Bètawijzer 2013 Evaluation Since many techniques are explained, there is not much time for deep analysis on the techniques. The course requires a lot of work on the practical assignments, since every week a new technique is to be implemented. Some experience the assignments as hard, which makes the course difficult to them. The examination is broad, but not that difficult.
Overview Obtain theoretical and practical experience in aspects of Information Security. This course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of Information Security. Following a general introduction of the thoughts behind and importance of Information Security (e.g., CIA) aspects of Cryptography will be discussed. Stream and block cyphers will be contrasted and currently important encryption methods (AES, 3DES) as well as hashing algorithms (MD5, SHA-1, Tiger) will be presented in detail. Public key cryptography, Imperative Programming Course code INBIMP-09 Year 2012-2013 Lec- among which PGP/GPG, will be compared to turer dr. A. Meijster Literature Workbook Impe- symmetric key ryptography as used by, e.g., rative Programming, A. Meijster; The C Program- AES. Encryption often requires certain protocols ming Language (Kernighan, Ritchie). Examina- (think of SSL). During this course several of such tion method Written exam, test, assignments protocols will be studied. Authentication and AuTeaching method Lectures, tutorials, practicals thorization will be covered as well as the security implications of software. The practice sessions Overview will focus on items like PGP/GPG, sniffing, tunThis module aims to make a start on developing neling and on security and integrity scanning. skills to progress from an informal research question to a correct program. In addition to the syn- Examination tax and semantics of several C constructions, (upper = min(10, practicumcijfer + 2); lower = special attention will be paid to problem-solving: max(1, practicumcijfer - 2); eindcijfer = lower + how to convert a research question into an algo- (tentamen - 1) * (upper - lower) / 9) rithm/program in C. Evaluation Great course by an enthousiastic lecturer. ReExamination Examination (50% ), test (25% ), assignments commendable course! The lecturer promises a (25% ). The examination must be graded hig- round trip by plane to the student who finds a her than 5.0, every assignments must be graded leak in his system. higher than 5.5.
Evaluation This is the introductory course on programming. All parts of the course are useful. The lecturer explains the topics well, in the tutorials you are prepared for the exam and the weekly assignment. During the practical you can ask questions about your implementation of the algorithms/programs. This course is often considered difficult by AI students, CS often like the course very much.
Introduction biomedical computing
Course code INBIBC-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. J.B.T.M. Roerdink Literature Workbook Biomedical Computing by Roerdink Examination method Written exam, practical assignment, project Teaching method Lectures, mandatory tutorials, practicals
Overview This course introduces bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is the application of computing techniques in biological sciences like medicines or molecular biology. Information Security Course code INBSEC-08 Year 2012-2013 Lec- Many popular techniques are explained during turer dr. F.B. Brokken Literature Information Se- lectures and to be implemented or tested during curity, Mark Stamp (Wiley), 978-0-471-73848- the practicals. 0 Examination method practicumbeoordeling, Examination schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcol- Examination (50% ), group project (25% ), pracleges, practica, werkcolleges ticals (25% ). All grades must be higher than 5.0. 60
Informatica Evaluation This course is popular among CS students, the alternative is to study autonomous systems from the AI programme. Some students complain that the course is sometimes superficial.
learn about scientific writing. Examination All parts must be graded higher than 5.0, the examination accounts for 50%, the other parts 25% each.
Evaluation The topics of the essay and presentation can be Course code INMICS-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecchosen (almost) freely. The course tries to show turer dr. H. Bekker, dr. M.H.F. Wilkinson Examieverything that is going on (but there is too much, nation method Practical assignments Teaching CS is big!). Most first-year students experience method Lectures, practicals that time management is essential. Besides this Overview course you will have to deal with two other inThis module is an introduction to the field of tensive courses, Introduction AI and Imperative Computational Science, which deals with large- Programming. scale computation in any field of science (e.g. physics, astronomy, chemistry, and increasingly Introduction Intelligent Systems biomedicine). The module consists of two paral- Course code INBINTS-08 Year 2012-2013 Leclel parts: lectures and a practical. The lectures turer prof. dr. M. Biehl, prof. dr. N. Petkov, dr. typically consist of four times two hours about M.H.F. Wilkinson Examination method Written molecular dynamics simulation, heat conduc- exam, practical assignments Teaching method tion simulation, genetic algorithms, population lectures, dynamics (predator-prey systems) and gametheoretical modelling. In the practical, pairs of Overview students design and implement a simulation of 1. Computer Vision their own choice. In the past these included pro- An introduction into computer vision will be gijects about simulating the flocking of birds, the ven, with focus on segmentation and thresholbrilliance of Venus, traffic jams, coral growth, pat- ding, edge detection. terns in nature and simulating cloth. Project pro- 2. Pattern Recognition posals are welcome. In the last weeks students General ideas of pattern recognition will be introduced in terms of example applications. Aspresent their projects as if at a conference. pects of statistical pattern recognition will be inExamination troduced. After that the focus will be on elements Practical assignments. of Bayesian Decision Theory. Finally parametric Evaluation methods and non-parametric methods in pattern This is a master course that is intended for stu- recognition are discussed. dents who want to specialize: Applied Mathe- 3. Machine Learning matics and CSV students are around here. Stu- Basic ideas are outlined and explained in terms dents do like the course much. of classification problems. Distance based methods such as Learning Vector Quantization serve as potential examples. Then a discusIntroduction Computing Science Course code INBOI-08 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- sion of regression problems will be given in terms rer dr. M.H.F. Wilkinson Literature Handouts on of Radial-Basis-Function Networks or classical Nestor Examination method Essay, presenta- Neural Networks.
Introduction Computational Science
tion, written examination Teaching method Lec- Examination tures, tutorials, practicals The weekly practical assignments are used to implement the algorithms from the lectures. The Overview The course introduces students to Computing programming language is Matlab, the lab report Science and offers a broad overview. This inclu- must be made with \LaTeX. des a short history, major research topics, chal- The examination accounts for 60% of the final lenges and the industry. Furthermore you will grade, the practical assignments for 40% . Both parts must have a sufficient grade. 61
Bètawijzer 2013 Evaluation The course is (over)loaded with a lot of knowledge. It tries to give an overview over Intelligent Systems. The practical assignments can be hard if you don't have much experience with programming and algorithms (this holds especially for minor students). The examination is considered by many students as long and tough.
Introduction to Information Systems
Course code INBIIS-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. H. Balsters, drs. J.H. Jongejan Literature Information Modeling and Relational Databases, 2nd Ed. 2008, by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Terry Halpin Examination method Exam, project Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, practicals Overview The student learns to design a database and to implement it in a Database Management System (DBMS). He is able to do queries and transactions using the Structured Query Language (SQL). A practical goal of this course is to learn to cooperate with students from other programs. Databases, users, DBMSes and architectures, ORMModelling for designing the databases, dataabstraction and semantic data-modeling, relational datamodel, integrityconstraints and updateoperations, images of ORM-designs to a relational model, use of SQL are some of the subjects Examination Doing homework and checking them during the tutorial can lead to a +1 bonus on the exam. The project is done in couples, preferable with someone from outside your own program. The final grade for the course is the exam grade, but you have to have a passing grade for the project, otherwise you will have no grade at all. A reexamination still doesn't let you pass the course if you've failed the project.
forget documentation, because this is penalized heavily
IT Business Practice
Course code INBITB-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. P.B. de Laat Literature No book, however some papers. Examination method Essay Teaching method Lectures, meetings Overview The idea of IT Business Practice (ITBP) is to let students have a look at how computing scientist work. With ITBP the students are divided into 4 business groups, each of those goes to three different IT companies near Groningen. At the same time every student is added to a research group, in which they will explore different areas linked to IT, like open source or the labor market. All the research group prepares questions, which are used in a business visit with the business groups. Guest lectures are arranged by the research groups and will explain some parts of business practice linked to the research questions. Examination Two essays should be handed in, one for every group. One for your research group and one for your business group, which contain the results from the visits and a short summary of the speaker you've arranged. These are graded and will lead to a final mark. Evaluation The idea of the course is good, but not put to practice. A lot of time will go into the themed essays and the lectures also reflect this. The course will probably be redesigned next year.
Languages and Machines
Course code INBTA-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. W.H. Hesselink Literature Workbook Languages and Machines, W.H. Hesselink Evaluation Examination method Written exam, homework It is a real introduction into databases and real Teaching method Lectures, tutorials fun. It is almost one giant puzzle. What are the best ways to connect everything to each other. Overview However grading can be though and if you fail it, The subject matter of this course is to describe, it is hard to still succeed in the course. Repaira- analyse, and classify the languages that can be tion can only be done when a small part has to read by machines and the machines that can be repaired and a re-exam won't make you pass read them. It does not concern the interpretathe course, so try and do your best for and don't tion of such languages. 62
Informatica The following machines are subjects of this course: finite machines, pushdown machines and Turing machines, and the connection between these two. The theme of finite machines also lends itself for regulair expressions. The grammars in this course are mostly context-free grammars and other relevant parts of parsers and normal forms. Properties of languages that are explained in this course are closure properties of languages and pumping lemmas. Turing machines will lead to decidable, semi-decidable and non-decidable. Examination Exam (80% ) and 7 homework sets (20% ). Evaluation Very abstract course, with a lot of discrete math, especially the language part of the course. This course may be felt as boring because of the abstract matter. Requires a lot of practice and keeping up is required.
Modelling and Simulation
Evaluation This course is often only visited by students from the CSV track. The topics are in specialized research areas and students need to work hard. However, students appreciate the course.
Course code INBNC-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. M. Aiello Examination method Written exam, project Teaching method Lectures, practicals Overview The goal of the course is to provide the foundations for the programming of networked applications with special emphasis on the Internet and the Web. Java is the reference language of the course. *) Distributed Systems models and definitions *) Interprocess communication --- Java Sockets *) Naming and the DNS Systems *) HTTP and Web programming *) Remote method Invocation --- Java RMI *) Dynamic Networking --- Jini
Course code INMMS-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. M. Biehl Examination method Examination Practical assignments Teaching method Lectu- Exam (50% ) and project (50% ). res, tutorials, practicals Evaluation Overview This course is the succesor of the networking Modelling and simulation techniques play an in- part from Computer Architecture and Networks. creasingly important role in a variety of scienti- The project is quite fun, you must implement a fic disciplines. This course will cover some of lot of features but are free in which context you the most important techniques used in the si- want to do this. mulation of ystems which could come from physics, chemistry, biology, sociology or other fields. Neural Networks Examples in the Course code INMNN-08 Year 2012-2013 Leccourse will include, among others, models of de- turer prof. dr. M. Biehl Examination method terministic chaos, growth processes, and neural Written exam, practical assignments networks. The emphasis, however, will be on the basic concepts and the simulation techniques, Overview rather than on the actual applications. Numeri- This module provides an introduction to neucal methods used in the course will include dis- ral networks and related concepts in machine crete iterations, integration of ordinary differential learning. We will discuss the different types of network architectures and their usefulness equations, and Monte Carlo simulations. and limitations in classification or regression proExamination blems. In this context, the corresponding traiThree practical assignments, each accounts for ning algorithms will be the focus of our attena third of the final grade. Every assignment must tion. Besides their practical implementation, we have a sufficient grade. It is possible to send in will address theoretical aspects, e.g. with resassignments earlier to the lecturer for feedback. pect to their convergence behaviour. The list of topics will include: perceptron training, multilayered neural networks, gradient-based training, 63
Bètawijzer 2013 testing and validation methods, support vector tical assignments Teaching method Lectures, machines, alternative architectures. practicals Examination Overview Assignment must be graded as "passed", exa- An operating system is an essential part of any mination account for full 100% for the grade. type of computer system. It functions as a mediator between the user and the computer hardEvaluation This course was not taught in 2012 due to illness ware. The primary aim of an operating system is to make the computer system easy to use. A seof the lecturer. cond aim is to use the hardware as efficiently as possible. The module Operating Systems I introObject-Oriented Programming duces students to the construction of operating Course code INBOGP-08 Year 2012-2013 Lec- systems. The module will be taught on the basis turer dr. A. Lazovik, dr. R. Smedinga Exami- of the book mentioned below, which will, with a nation method Practicumbeoordeling, schrifte- few exceptions, be followed very closely. lijk tentamen. Teaching method Lectures, tutoExamination rials, practicals Exam 50%, assignments 50%, exam and asOverview signments both >5.0 The aim of this module is to introduce students to object-oriented technologies, supported by the Evaluation facilities offered by the Java language. Object- This course shows you a very important part of a oriented design falls outside the scope of this computer, the operating system. You will tweak Minix by Tanenbaum during the practicals, the module. Following the modules Imperative Programming book by Tanenbaum is a pleasure to read and and Algorithms and Data Structures, this mo- explains details well. dule makes up the wide-ranging introduction to object-oriented programming. In Imperative Parallel Computing Programming, objects were discussed, but only Course code INBPAR-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecas mechanisms to cluster data that belong to- turer prof. dr. N. Petkov Literature dicgether, together with operators for them. This taat/syllabus (reader) Examination method Writmodule will concentrate more on the ten exam, practical assignments Teaching meobject-oriented aspects of Java: inheritance, po- thod Lectures, practicals lymorphism, generics, and annotations. We will Overview also cover more advanced topics of Java: ex- This course is an introduction to architectures, ception handling, IO operations, logging, and re- programming techniques and other aspects of flection. In addition, we will examine how to parallel computing. Most time of the course APIs increase Java developer's productivity by using for parallel computing, like OpenMP, MPI and available open source tools. Pthreads are used. Multiple parallel algoritms Examination and their implementation using these API's are 20% labs, 40% final project, 40% written exam; explained. Furthermore assignments are to be no grade lower than 5.0 solved on an actual super computer (Millipede). Evaluation This course provides the introduction to OO programming and Java. The switch from C to Java is not difficult, the OO ideas neither.
Operating Systems
Course code INBOS-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. N. Petkov Literature Operating Systems, Design and Implementationl; A. Tanenbaum Examination method Written exam, prac64
Examination An exam which counts for about 50% and 4 practicals which account for the rest. A passing grade must be attained for both to pass the course. Evaluation Fun course with lots of interesting problems. Lectures are boring and a bit of slides reading, but still, most of the time it is useful to go the them as he picks out the slides which are neces-
Informatica sary for either the practical or the exam and explains a bit more about it. For the practicals you need to parallellise a sequential program using the different APIs, which costs a lot of time.
Pattern Recognition
is very helpful. Evaluation The course is generally appreciated much, though it is not an easy course. The practical assignment can cost you much time. The assignments are extensive and some Matlab skills are useful.
Course code INMPR-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer N. Petkov Literature Pattern Classification (R.O. Duda e.a.) - not compulsory Examination Program Correctness method Practical assignments (40% ), presenCourse code INBPC-08 Year 2012-2013 Lectation (10% ), examination (50% ) Teaching me- turer dr. A. Meijster Literature Workbook Prothod Lectures, practicals gram Correctness, W.H. Hesselink. G.R. RenOverview ardel Examination method Written exam, test, This course provides an introduction to pattern homework Teaching method Lectures, tutorials recognition theory and techniques. Pattern re- Overview cognition is the research area that studies the Correctness of the written programs was assudesign and operation of systems that recognize med by means of informal considerations and and classify patterns in data. Important appli- implementing a number of relevant tests. Usucation domains are image analysis, computer ally it is impossible to test all the cases which vision, character recognition, speech analysis, might occur. In this module we will develop meman and machine diagnostics, person identifica- thods and techniques to formally demonstrate tion, spam filtering, industrial inspection, financial the correctness of program fragments. The predata analysis and forecast, genetics. sented evidence rules will be supported by arguGenerally, pattern recognition includes techni- ments based on the available knowledge. Conques such as feature extraction, classification, sequently the evidence rules will be used to error estimation and cluster analysis, known as simultaneously develop the algorithm and the statistical pattern recognition techniques, and, proof of correctness of a given specification. respectively, grammatical inference and parsing, Examination known as syntactical pattern recognition. The course starts with some basic concepts Exam (50% ), test (25% ) and homework (25% ). from statistics and estimation, then continues Evaluation with parametric classification techniques. This course is often considered as the hardest Various applications are presented throughout course in the bachelor. The subject is very abthe course: iris, fingerprint and voice recognition, stract, but if you keep up with the homework, it spam filtering, etc. Students are strongly encou- doable. raged to select an application for their mandatory presentation. Scientific Visualisation Examination The third hour of the weekly lecture is used for presentations by students about a PR problem or a PR application. Every student must organize one presentation of 10 to 15 minutes. There are eight practical assignments which account for 40% of the grade, the deadline is weekly. You are asked to implement PR techniques in Matlab and analyze small data sets. It is encouraged to work in pairs. The written exam (50% ) covers the entire course. The lecturer provides a list of example questions about one week before the exam, this
Course code INMSV-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A.C. Telea Literature Data Visualisation: Principles and Practice. Publisher A.K. Peters. Examination method MAX(Written Exam, (Written Exam + Practical Assignment)/2) Teaching method Lectures, Practicals
Overview The aim of this course is to introduce students to the theory and practice of data visualisation. At the end of the course, the students should be familiar with the aims and problems of data visualization, and have a good knowledge of the theory, principles, and methods which are 65
Bètawijzer 2013 frequently used in practice in the construction and use of data visualization applications. The course addresses several technical topics, such as: data representation; different types of grids; data sampling, interpolation, and reconstruction; the concept of a dataset; the visualization pipeline. Examination For the practical assignment, the students, in groups, construct an interactive application that implements several visualization techniques for a real-time simulation of fluid flow. The software source code of the real-time fluid flow simulation and a basic skeleton showing how to develop interactive visualizations atop of the simulation are provided to the students. Moreover, the students are asked to write a report to complement the implementation of the assignment. The written exam is a open-book multi-choice exam and covers theory questions treated during the lectures on data representation; scalar, vector, volume, and tensor visualization; and domain modeling techniques. Evaluation The assessment is based an a written exam and a practical assignment. The lectures are really interesting even if someone is not completely interested in the topic of Scientific Visualisation. To complete the course, the students must complete the assignment. For the practical assignment, the students are encouraged to explore it in different directions, and not to stay limited to the lecturer's recommendations. The students need to start with the implementation, and writing of the report as soon as possible, as a fair amount of work is required for both of them. The difficulty of the exam was moderate to difficult, and if someone was very well prepared and was attending the lectures, he/she could excel. The exam consisted of 60 multi-choice questions, which according to the reviewer's opinion, they were too many given the time to complete it.
optional homework Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, practicals Overview Introduction to digital signal processing and discrete linear systems theory. Subjects of this course are: Linear Timeinvariant (LTI) systems, timedomain- and frequencydomainanalysis, ztransformation, design of a recursive- and nonrecursivefilters, discrete Fourier transforms, fast Fourier transform, spectra, windows and processing and analysis of signals in distortion. The tutorials are used to use the theory on examples, while the practicals are used to gain MATLAB experience. Examination The final grade is calculated by MAX( Practical + Homework + 2 * exam, practical + 3 * exam ) / 4. The homework is optional Evaluation This course requires a lot of math involving complex numbers and vectors. Calculus and Linear Algebra are required for a reason.Although the homework is optional, it is a very good way to see how you're holding up. It is also essentialy you learn, and keep remembering, the previous subjects because you will use them, a lot. The practicals are a fun way to get to know the subjects, although they may not seem extremely related.
Software Analysis and Design
Course code INBSASO-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. E.O. de Brock, dr. R. Smedinga Literature Applying UML and Patterns, an Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Craig Larman Examination method Oral examination, practical assignments Teaching method Lectures, tutorials
Overview The lectures describe the development of software using the Unified Process (UP) method. The first lectures will take care of the analyses using UP, including the needed UML-notations Signals And Systems and how to derive requirements from a assignCourse code KIB.SENS12 Year 2012-2013 ment. The next part will take care of the design Lecturer prof. dr. R.F. Peletier Literature Sig- using UP. One lecture is devoted to Design Patnal Processing First, J.H. McClellan, R.W. Shafer terns and 'design by contact' is taught. How to en M.A. Yoder, ISBN 0131202650 Examination work on a big assignment using the mentioned method Written exam, practical assignments, methods and techniques to come to a working implementation is the subject of the last lecture. 66
Informatica Examination In the first week you'll pair up and get the assignment for that year. Every week you hand in a new part of it. It will be graded and handed back. You'll have to rework the parts that were done wrong. At the end the oral exam will be about the report you build for the design of a software system to fulfill the assignment. Evaluation Be sure to read everything and ask questions. Even the slightest misunderstanding can cause major flaws and/or problems. Also be sure to ask everything three times to De Brock since he has a weird way of explaining which can lead to even more problems. Tutorials are useful to see what can go wrong. It is a lot of paperpushing, so be prepared.
Software Architecture
Course code INMSA-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. P. Avgeriou Literature The mandatory and optional literature is described in a literature list. For the essays, there is an article compendium containing research articles. Examination method Assignment (70% ), Essay (30% ) Teaching method Lectures Overview The course consists of a theoretical and a practical part. During the theoretical part, the main aspects of software architecting are discussed, including the software architecting process, description of software architectures, architecture evaluation, architecture design, architectural patterns. In addition, the students write an essay about a software architecting subject of their own choice.
resting and cover a large amount of topics related to current best practices in software architecture. The practical assignment enables students to think like professional software architects. It provides the possibility to the students to develop their problem solving skills. The personal essay is a good opportunity for students to gain additional knowledge in a specific topic of software architecture.
Software Engineering I & II
Course code INBSE1-08, INBSE2-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. H. Doornbos Literature van Vliet, Hans. Software engineering, principles and practice, third edition. Wiley 2008. Examination method Project Teaching method Lectures, project Overview Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to the development, management and maintenance of software. This includes activities such as requirements engineering, architectural design, detailed design, implementation, validation and evolution; however, it also includes supporting activities such as configuration management and documentation. Examination Every student is member of a 8-10 persons developer team. The results of the team and your role in the team are assessed.
Evaluation This course requires a lot of various skills from all team members. Some will be responsible for coding, others for customer contact or management. You will learn a lot, but you will also have to invest Examination For the practical assignment (Architecting pro- lots of time (and the time is registered!). ject) the students have the freedom to choose a non-trivial system and design its architecture. Software Maintenance and Evolution This involves the definition of a domain model, Course code INMSME-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecthe definition of use cases, the creation of a soft- turer prof. dr. A.C. Telea Examination meware and system architecture, and considerati- thod Practical Exam Teaching method Lectures, ons of system evolution. For the personal essay, Practicals, Tutorials the students can choose one of the proposed topics, or propose their own and analyze the li- Overview The course introduces students to the theory terature and write their own text and ideas. and the state of the art techniques related to softEvaluation ware maintenance and its evolution. Some of the The assessment is based on the practical as- covered topics are causes, problems and chalsignment and the essay. The lectures are inte67
Bètawijzer 2013 lenges of software evolution, lifecycle of a software product, software maintenance, steps of the maintenance process, and software visualization for program comprehension.
based design and the second about patternbased recovery and evaluation. There are seven feedback and review sessions, where the students receive advice from the coaches on all types of issues like collaboration between patExamination For the practical assignment, the students have terns, impact on QAs, alternative variants of the two options. The first option is to analyse the solutions etc. evolution of a software repository and try to eva- Evaluation luate and reason about its quality metrics. This is The assessment is based on the two assignrealised using a software tool specifically suited ments. The individual contributions are tested by for this purpose. The second option is to design asking questions about the assignments during and develop a tool that is able to extract source the reviews. For this purpose the reports concode dependencies from a given software repo- tain a change history describing per review which sitory. The assessment is based on the practical group member has made which contributions. assignment. Assuming that the delivered documents are shared work, every group member gets in principle Evaluation The lectures are really interesting. The lecturer is the same mark. This approach works effectively, really capable of conveying to students his know- and so the individual contributions can be identiledge and ideas. Either one of the two options fied. Furthermore, a peer-review process is exefor the practical assignment is able to improve cuted where each student evaluates the effort of his/her colleagues. The coaches and the lectuthe analytical thinking of the students. rer were always available for questions from the students.
Software Patterns
Course code INMSP-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. P. Avgeriou Literature Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad and Michael Stal, Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Vol. 1: A System of Patterns, Wiley, 1996 Examination method Assignment 1 (35% ), Assignment 2 (65% ) Teaching method Lectures Overview The course is aimed at presenting the paradigm of patterns in software engineering, advocating the offer of valuable, reusable knowledge in manageable chunks. The course covers a broad range of the most prominent types of patterns: architecture patterns, design patterns, analysis patterns, enterprise application patterns etc. It aims at introducing the students to the basic theory of patterns as well as ways to apply the patterns in the software engineering context. Finally it aims at software architecting through the use of patterns, providing a more in-depth study of recurring problem-solution pairs and links to the wider corpus of patterns.
Software Requirements Engineering
Course code INBSRE-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. J. Salvador van der Ven Literature Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications, Axel van Lamsweerde, Wiley 2009 Examination method assignments, presentation Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, practicals
Overview After succesful completion of this course, the students should be able to - identify stakeholders and work with them effectively - apply a range of elicitation techniques - document requirements using templates and modeling techniques - analyze requirements by negotiation and prioritization - validate and prototype requirements specification - manage changing requirements Software requirements engineering plays a critical and fundamental role within the software Examination system development process. The goal of this The students have to complete two different course is to introduce the activities, concepts, group assignments. The groups consist of 5-6 methods and techniques needed in eliciting, students. The first assignment is about pattern68
Informatica modeling, analyzing, documenting, validating, and managing requirements for softwareintensive systems. It explains how requirement engineering fits into a broader software development process, and provides an understanding of fundamental concepts and principles in requirements engineering, including the aim and scope of requirements engineering, the products and processes involved, requirements qualities to aim at and flaws to avoid, and the critical role of requirements engineering in system and software engineering.
Evaluation R needs some time to get used to. Once you know it, it is easy to use. Sometimes too easy and will lead to just filling in some numbers and writing those answers on paper. Be sure you know what you've just calculated, how to interpret it and when to use the methods you just used. For some the transistion from theory to practice may be very hard, some will even say it's not correlated.
Student Colloquium
Course code INMCOL-08 Year 2012-2013 LecExamination 30% individual assignments, 40% pitches and turer prof. dr. M. Biehl, dr. R. Smedinga Examination method Presentations, paper, organidemos, 30% team documents sation of conference Teaching method Lectures, Evaluation workshop This course requires you to work hard, but is not considered difficult. CS students mostly think Overview that they learned a lot. Student from Hanze Ho- The aim of the Student Colloquium is to train the geschool often state that this course is not useful students in giving oral presentations, writing a for them since they already had similar courses scientific paper, and, more general, participate in and even organise a scientific conference. The at Hanze. colloquium is organised as a mini-conference, where students have to submit Statistics for CS and AI Course code WISTAKI-07 Year 2012-2013 Lec- a proposal first, then the actual paper, present turer prof. dr. E.C. Wit Literature Using R for that paper and participate in the reviewing proIntroductory Statistics, J. Verzani (2005) Exami- cess. Also a 2 nation method Open book exam, practical as- minute madness presentation is included and each students chairs one session and/or is insignments Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, volved in organizing the actual mini-conference. practicals The paper is about 6 pages in length. The preOverview sentation should emphasize the most important Acquiring knowledge of the basic principles of conclusions from the paper. Each paper is restatistics and probability, practising statistics in viewed by other students and one staff member, R and developing intuition for solving new sta- the expert reviewer. tistical problems. Statistics is about interpreting the world from a certain point of view, in Examination which is assumed that everything you perceive Your grade is based on many aspects: your draft has some kind of variance. This can be cau- paper, the final paper, the two presentation and sed by nonconsistent populations or errors in the the quality of reviewing other papers. numbers. Using probability an intuition for sto- Furthermore students are assigned to and grachastic processes is created. Using this intui- ded for the work in the chairing or the organization, data will be generated out of numbers with tion committee. The first one is individual task, variance. To do this analysis of data, hypothesis you will introduce a paper and the speaker and testing, ANOVA, linear regression, log-linear mo- the conference. The latter one is to organize the dels, logistic regression and multivariate analysis entire conference, this is tough job. will be used. Evaluation The course is great and probably the first time Examination that you will write a paper. Assignments and an open book exam. Three practicals for about 40% of the final grade. The The organization committee requires much work, but is rewarded often a high grade. exam is about 60% . 69
Bètawijzer 2013
Web and Cloud Computing
Students can select a project from a provided Course code INMWCC-12 Year 2012-2013 list, but they are also free to implement their own Lecturer prof. dr. ir. M. Aiello, dr. A. Lazo- idea. The examination focuses on the discussed vik Examination method Practical Exam (50% theory during the lectures and slides serve as a ), Written Exam (50% ) Teaching method Lectu- learning material. res Evaluation The assessment is based on the examination Overview Web and Cloud computing introduces students and the practical assignment. The lectures are to the state of the art in technologies related to interesting. Many topics are covered and it is web engineering and cloud infrastructure. The impossible to cover all of them in detail. This lectures consider the Web both as information means that students need to devote time in orsource and as computational infrastructure. Co- der to wade in some of these topics. The pracvered topics are the Page rank algorithm, the Se- tical assignment is very interesting as it provides mantic Web, Cloud infrastructures such as those students the opportunity to face some of the real provided by Amazon and Google, and Web Ser- world problems related to web and cloud engivices adhering to the standards: SOAP, WSDL, neering. Students get not very much help with their assignment, you have to ďŹ nd yourselves a BPEL. solution. The examination is not very difďŹ cult, but Examination the range of topics that is covered is very broad. For the practical assignment, students are asked to design and implement a web application.
Kunstmatige Intelligentie
Algorithms and Data Structures in C
Course code INBADC-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. G.R. Renardel de Lavalette Literature Dictaat en Aanbevolen: The C Programming Language, Second Edition (Prentice Hall, Inc., 1988) Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie 0-13-110362-8 Examination method Practicumbeoordeling en schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Computerpracticum, hoorcolleges en werkcolleges Overview Deze cursus bouwt voort op de cursus Imperatief Programmeren. In het hoorcollege ligt de nadruk op elementaire datastructuren (zoals
stacks, queues, gelinkte lijsten, bomen en grafen) en op de algoritmen van deze datastructuren. In het werkcollege wordt aandacht besteed aan het ontwerpen van programma's en algoritmen. In het prakticum worden programmeeropdrachten uitgevoerd die aansluiten bij wat in hoor- en werkcollege aan de orde is geweest. Er zal daarbij aandacht besteed worden aan 'goed programmeren': het ontwerpen van correcte, efďŹ ciĂŤnte en begrijpelijke programma's en het goed documenteren daarvan. De gehanteerde programmeertaal is C.
Bètawijzer 2013 Examination om op een heel andere manier te leren program50% practicum, 50% tentamen, beide minimaal meren en op een andere manier na te leren den5,0. ken. De essay opdrachten worden als makkelijk ervaren en ook het tentamen is goed te doen. Evaluation De docent en het vak in het algemeen worden Het is wel erg aangeraden om de reader nauwleterg goed beoordeeld. Tevens zijn verbeterpun- tend door te nemen als je met de practica bezig ten uit het jaar hiervoor ook echt meegenomen. bent: dit helpt met het begrip van het programmeren in LISP. Dit vak is echter van een hoog programmeerniveau en zal veel tijd kosten. Als je het vak serieus doorloopt, zal je kennis van de taal C echter wel Artificial Intelligence 1 Course code KIB.KI103 Year 2012-2013 Lecverbetert zijn aan het einde van de cursus. turer Dr. A. Meijster Literature Artificial Intelligence, a modern approach (second edition), S. Architecturen voor intelligentie Course code KIB.AVI03 Year 2012-2013 Lec- Russell & P. Norvig (Het boek wordt ook geturer prof. dr. N.A. Taatgen Literature How bruikt voor Kunstmatige Intelligentie 2) Examinacan the human mind occur in the physical uni- tion method Practicumopdrachten, Schriftelijk verse? van John Anderson en verdere litera- Tentamen, Tussentoets Teaching method Comtuur op nestor Examination method Opdrach- puterpractica en Hoorcolleges ten, practicumbeoordeling en een schriftelijk ten- Overview tamen Teaching method Hoorcollege en Practi- Tijdens de colleges wordt de stof besproken cum en worden oefen-opdrachten gemaakt. Geleerd wordt hoe de verschillende zoekstrategieën uit Overview Een architectuur voor intelligentie is een simu- de Kunstmatige Intelligentie werken, hoe ze toelatieomgeving waarbinnen menselijke intelligente gepast moeten worden, en voor welk type proprocessen kunnen worden nagebootst. Derge- blemen ze geschikt zijn. Daarnaast staat het prolijke architecturen zijn implementaties van alge- bleem van representatie centraal. Dit kan gemene theorieën over cognitie, wat betekent dat beuren binnen de gekozen implementatietaal in ze als doelstelling een claim hebben om het ge- de practica of door het gebruik van predikatenlogica als representatietaal. Tenslotte wordt een hele spectrum van cognitieve processen te kunnen verklaren. Doel van het college is om in- beknopte inleiding gegeven in de methoden voor het opzetten van zoekruimtes: het theorema van zicht te krijgen in deze architecturen en de wetenschappelijke status van de claims die ze ma- Bayes (Belief Networks), conceptleren (version spaces) en het automatisch genereren van beken. Daarnaast is een doelstelling om vaardigheid te krijgen in modellen binnen deze architec- slissingsbomen. turen, en de voorspellingen van deze modellen te toetsen aan de hand van empirische data. In het college en practicum staat de ACT-R cognitieve architectuur centraal, maar daarnaast worden vergelijkingen gemaakt worden met andere theorieën. Tijdens het college en practicum worden deelopdrachten gedaan waarin telkens een specifiek probleem centraal staat.
Examination Door het een tussentoets wordt verzekerd dat de studenten goed bijgewerkt blijven. Het is studenten aan te raden zich in te zetten voor deze tussentoets, omdat het een goede boost op het eindcijfer kan zijn en de student voorbereid op de toetsingswijze en het niveau van het eindtentamen.
Examination Toetsing bestaat uit 2 essayopdrachten van elk 10%, 3 practicumopdrachten van elk 10% en een tentamen van 50% .
Evaluation De hoorcolleges zijn wel interessant en de practica geven echt verdieping aan het vak. Als het boek goed bestudeerd wordt, is het tentamen prima te doen.
Evaluation Het is even wennen om met LISP te werken, de taal waarin geprogrammeerd wordt binnen ACTR. Maar, het is daarnaast ook heel interessant 72
Kunstmatige Intelligentie
Auditory Biophysics
Examination Course code KIM.AB09 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- 50% Tentamen rer Sietse van Netten Literature Wetenschappe- 10% Practicumverslagen lijke Artikelen Examination method Presentatie 40% Gemiddelde overige opdrachten en Paper Teaching method Werkcolleges Evaluation Het vak geeft een inleiding tot het domein van de Overview In dit vak word op opbouwende wijze de we- robotica, in een zeer brede zin. Dit betekent dat reld van de cochleare modellen verkend. Vanaf er veel theorie voorbijkomt die op een leuk, maar de vroegste modellen to de nieuwste inzichten. basaal niveau wordt gepresenteerd. Er is dus Het vak bevat erg veel wiskunde en natuurkunde voor de ietwat technisch aangelegde student bij waar de gemiddelede KI student niet op is voor- dit vak minder te doen. Zeker de vele presentabereid. Dit is voor sommige een intressante uit- ties over een beperkte set robottypen maken dit vak enigszins aan de langdradige kant. daging voor anderen een grote valkuil. Diepte kan echter wel gevonden worden in de Examination practicumopdrachten die een goede indruk geZoals altijd is de toesing doormiddel van een pre- ven van verschillende technieken die je later meer sentatie of een paper ondoorzichtig natte vinger gaat gebruiken. Probeer je focus daar neer te werk. leggen als je wat meer in de technieken achter de robotica geĂŻnteresseerd bent in plaats van de Evaluation Hoewel het vak erg taaie wiskunde bevat is het te basisconcepten, dat helpt je bij vervolgvakken, doen. Dit komt vooral door de grote persoonlijke zoals Practicum Autonome Systemen. aandacht die de docent in het individueel voorberijden van presentaties steekt. Conceptueel Bachelorproject valt het vak goed te volgen maar het is moeilijk Course code KIB.PROJ03 Year 2012-2013 om te begrijpen wat de gevolgen van de behan- Lecturer dr. F. Cnossen Examination medelde wiskunde zijn. thod Projectverslag, Opdrachten, Aanwezigheid
Autonomous Systems
Course code KIB.AS03 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. M.A. Wiering Literature The Robotics Primer door Maja Mataric Examination method Practicumbeoordeling, Presentatie, Schriftelijk Tentamen en Verplichte Aanwezigheid Teaching method Hoorcollege, Werkcollege, Practica Overview Autonome systemen worden gekenmerkt door het feit dat hun gedrag gebaseerd is op een combinatie van de kennis in het systeem en informatie die uit de buitenwereld gehaald wordt. Hierbij kan gedacht worden aan robots, maar ook gesimuleerde agents die in een elektronische of biologische wereld functioneren. Een autonoom systeem heeft meestal als doel een taak te verrichten in een niet geheel voorspelbare omgeving. Onderwerpen die behandeld zullen worden zijn onder meer: Robotica, reinforcement leren, biologische systemen, neural netwerken, genetische algoritmen en artiďŹ cial life.
en Presentatie aan einde van het semester Teaching method Hoorcollege en Zelfstandig Werken
Overview Het Bachelorproject vormt de afsluiting van de Bacheloropleiding. Het project begint met een informatiebijeenkomst over welke projecten uitgevoerd kunnen worden. Aan het begin van elk semester zal een korte reeks verplichte colleges onderzoeksmethodologie en statistiek worden gegeven. Ook is er een verplichte bibliotheekinstructie over het zoeken van literatuur over een bepaald onderwerp. Inhoudelijk sluit het project in principe aan op een van de vakken in het studieprogramma van Kunstmatige Intelligentie. Om deze reden is het voor het project niet nodig om veel extra literatuur te bestuderen en komt de nadruk op praktisch werk te liggen. Het Bachelorproject kent een afstudeerreglement. Het Bachelorproject dient binnen een semester te worden afgerond. Als het Bachelorproject niet binnen een semester is afgerond, moet de stu73
Bètawijzer 2013 lijk paper en een goede presentatie worden gesteld. De rest van de colleges wordt gevuld met Examination Voor de beoordeling van het Bachelorproject presentaties van studenten. Daarnaast moeten studenten een paper schrijven over een dataset wordt een Beoordelingsformulier gebruikt. Het eindoordeel op het Bachelorpro- naar keuze waar een onderzoek op uit is gevoerd. Bij het college hoort ook een bibliotheekject wordt bepaald door vier instructie. componenten: dent daarna een ander project kiezen.
1. de kwaliteit van de presentatie van de onderzoeksresultaten (de presentatie tijdens het Bachelorsymposium) 2. de kwaliteit van de verrichting van werkzaamheden (experimenteren, programmeren) gedurende het project (inzet, zelfstandigheid, en dergelijke) 3. de kwaliteit van de scriptie (opbouw, kwaliteit van de analyses en dergelijke) 4. de wetenschappelijke kwaliteit van de scriptie (publiceerbaarheid, technische en methodologische kwaliteit, en dergelijke). Het eindcijfer voor het Bachelorproject kan met 1 punt worden verminderd als de student de opdrachten van de colleges niet onvoldoende heeft uitgevoerd, geen actieve bijdrage aan de werkcolleges heeft geleverd en/of niet heeft voldaan aan de aanwezigheidsplicht bij de colleges.
Examination Er is geen tentamen bij dit vak. Je kunt punten halen met je eindpresentatie en je definitieve versie van het artikel.
Evaluation De hoorcolleges zijn niet erg interessant, maar zijn wel verplicht. Ben je niet aanwezig zonder geldige reden, dan kun je het vak niet meer halen. Je krijgt in de hoorcolleges dingen uitgelegd over hoe je bijvoorbeeld een correct wetenschappelijk artikel schrijft, hoe je referenties maakt en wat voor fouten je moet mijden. Bij het werkcollege werk je aan je presentatievaardigheden en doe je onderzoek binnen een programma genaamd WEKA. Je moet over dit onderzoek uiteindelijk een wetenschappelijk artikel schrijven. Dit wordt niet als erg nuttig ervaren door sommige studenten, maar zal later een waardevolle les blijken als bij andere vakken een artikel geschreven moet Evaluation De cursus wordt goed beoordeeld. De colleges worden op exact dezelfde manier. en de bibliotheekinstructie worden niet echt als nuttig en leerzaam beschouwd. De begeleiders Biopsychologie worden over het algemeen wel goed gevonden. Course code PSBA1-11 Year 2012-2013 Lec-
turer Dr. A.A. Wijers Literature Biological Psychology, Kalat, J.W. Examination method Twee Course code KIB.WBV06 Year 2012-2013 Lec- Schriftelijke Tentamens (meerkeuze) Teaching turer dr. C.M. van der Zant Literature We- method Hoorcollege tenschappelijke artikelen Examination method Overview Eindpresentatie, Tussentijdse Opdrachten, Peer Menselijk gedrag wordt bepaald door fysische Reviews, Eindverslag en Aanwezigheidsplicht processen, en in het bijzonder door processen Teaching method Hoorcolleges, Werkcolleges in het centrale zenuwstelsel. Gezien het feit dat
Basic Scientific Skills
Overview Het verkrijgen van een aantal wetenschappelijke vaardigheden. Studenten moeten na afloop van de cursus weten aan welke eisen een wetenschappelijk paper en een wetenschappelijke voordracht moeten voldoen. Zij kunnen een presentatie geven over een wetenschappelijke onderwerp en een wetenschappelijke paper schrijven. Ook kunnen ze relevante wetenschappelijke literatuur vinden. In de eerste colleges wordt aandacht besteed aan de eisen die aan een goed wetenschappe74
veel psychologen later in interdisciplinair verband zullen werken, is kennis van de belangrijkste concepten en methoden van de neurowetenschappen essentieel. Door middel van hoorcolleges, het rijk geïllustreerde boek en videofragmenten worden achtereenvolgens behandeld de neuro-anatomie en fysiologie van het zenuwstelsel, de informatieverwerking in de hersenen, het besturen van interne processen (homeostase) en het gedrag (motoriek), ritmische processen (w.o. de slaap), emotionele en motivationele processen, waarneming,
Kunstmatige Intelligentie leren en geheugen, lateralisatie van de hersenen veld, stationaire oplossingen en hun stabiliteit, en taal, biologie van psychopathologie. scheiden van variabelen, homogeen en inhomogeen, methode van Euler. Examination De stof zal getoetst worden door middel van Vervolgens worden functies van één variabele twee deeltoetsen. Deze worden gelijkmatig over uitgebreid naar functies van meerdere variabede periode verspreid en bestaan elk uit meer- len. De onderwerpen die daarbij aan bod komen keuze. Het gemiddelde van deze 3 toetsen geldt zijn: partiële afgeleide en richtingsafgeleide, gradiënt en extrema. als je cijfer voor het vak. Als dit niet voldoende is, is er een herkansingsmogelijkheid waarbij je alle Als laatste worden de reële getallen uitgebreid naar de complexe getallen. stof in een tentamen krijgt. Wat uiteraard voor een iets hogere leerdruk zorgt. Bij dit vak is het Examination belangrijk dat je niet alleen de grote lijnen weet, Er is twee keer huiswerk, een midtoets en een maar dat je ook de namen van hersengebieden schriftelijk tentamen (gesloten boek). Een grafien neurotransmitters enz. weet. sche rekenmachine is niet toegestaan bij de midtoets en het tentamen. Het eindresultaat wordt Evaluation Het college wordt door psychologie aangeboden voor 60% bepaalt door het tentamen, 20% door en daarom zit je met erg veel mensen in een zaal. de midtoets, 10% door huiswerk 1 en 10% door Hierdoor is het soms iets moeilijker om je aan- huiswerk 2. dacht bij het college te houden. Dit ondanks dat sommige onderdelen van de cursus best interessant zijn. Er worden leuke voorbeelden van de praktijk besproken en er komen ook redelijk wat filmpjes langs. Voor het leren is het handig als je een beetje goed bent in feitenkennis, anders kan je je misschien gaan ergeren aan de details die gevraagd worden.
Calculus (for AI and CS)
Course code WICALKI-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs. M.C. Spaans Literature Calculus. Early transcendentals. Examination method Huiswerk, Schriftelijk Tentamen, Tussentoets Teaching method Hoorcolleges en Werkcolleges Overview In dit vak wordt de basis van de analyse (calculus) behandeld. De VWO-ervaring met functies van één veranderlijke wordt uitgediept en uitgebreid naar functies van meerdere veranderlijken. In het vak zal de stof zoveel mogelijk worden geïllustreerd aan de hand van toepassingen; de verbinding tussen de wiskunde en de toepassing is hierbij belangrijk. We behandelen eerst reële functies f(x) van een reële variabele x. Hierbij komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: differentiëren, Taylorreeks, limieten, integreren en eerste-orde differentiaalvergelijkingen. Bij het onderwerp eerste-orde differentiaalvergelijkingen komen de volgende begrippen aan de orde: beginwaardeproblemen, richtings-
Evaluation Het tempo is erg hoog. De docent legt de stof wel duidelijk en rustig uit, maar omdat er behoorlijk veel stof behandelt moet worden blijft het toch een lastig vak. Het is echt aan te raden om alle opgaven te maken en te begrijpen en dus ook bij de werkcolleges aanwezig te zijn. Zolang dit gebeurt is het tentamen ook te halen.
Cognitive Psychology
Course code KIB.CP06 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. F. Cnossen Literature D. Reisberg Cognition: Exploring the Science of the Mind Examination method Presentatie, Schriftelijk Tentamen, Verplichte Aanwezigheid, Verplichte Practica en Practicumverslagen Teaching method Hoorcollege, Werkcollege Overview Deze cursus geeft een inleiding in de belangrijkste concepten en onderzoeksresulaten uit de cognitieve psychologie. Concepten die aan de orde zullen komen zijn: perceptie, aandacht, leren, geheugen, taal, categorisatie, redeneren en probleemoplossen, en beslissen worden behandeld. Bij de cursus hoort ook een practicum waarbij studenten zelf een klein experiment doen over de besproken fenomenen. Over dit experiment schrijven ze een verslag en geven ze een presentatie tijdens de werkcolleges. De werkcolleges worden door de studenten actief voorbereid; voorafgaand aan elk werkcollege moet een vraag 75
Bètawijzer 2013 over het onderwerp van het werkcollege worden duidelijk waar de exacte beoordeling van de preingeleverd. sentatie om draait. Het schrijven van een grand Bron: Ocasys proposal kan als veel werk beschouwd worden, maar als de guidelines die online staan worden Examination gevolgd, valt dit reuze mee. 15% Weekelijks ingeleverde tentamenvragen 10% Presentatie ZAPS practicum 15% Verslag ZAPS practicum 60% Tentamen
Evaluation Het vak is goed te volgen mits je aanwezig bent bij de hoorcolleges. Deze zijn helder en grappig waardoor de stof behapbaarder wordt dan het ietwat lange (doch interessante) boek. Ook de besprekingen van ingestuurde tentamenvragen helpt bij het inschatten hoeveel je van de stof weet. De presentatie en het verslag zijn relatief saai, dus zorg dat je een interessante ZAPS selecteert waarmee je aan de slag gaat. Verder heeft dit vak veel overlap met andere KI vakken waardoor je vaak het gevoel zult hebben de geleerde stof toe te kunnen passen. Al met al één van de interessantere vakken van het eerste jaar.
Cognitive robotics
Course code KIM.CROB04 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. M.A. Wiering Literature Papers Examination method Discussie, Presentatie, Verslag, Tentamen Teaching method Werkcolleges Overview In dit vak worden een aantal onderdelen van de cognitieve robotica uitgediept door de studenten en docenten. De studenten kiezen een aantal artikelen uit die verband houden met een bepaald onderwerp. Deze artikelen worden vervolgens samengevat en besproken in een door de studenten te houden seminar. Ook schrijven de studenten een grand proposal voor een idee dat zij hebben binnen de robotica. Dit proposal moet op het niveau van een promovendus geschreven worden.
Denken en beslissen
Course code PSBAM-HG2 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. M.R. Nieuwenstein Literature Judgment and Decision Making: Psychological Perspectives. Chichester: BPS Blackwell. by David Hardman (2009). Examination method Schriftelijk meerkeuze tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges Overview Het nemen van beslissingen is een centraal aspect van (menselijke) informatie verwerking. Een beslissing is een keuze tussen verschillende mogelijkheden, die gemaakt wordt op basis van een inschatting van de mate waarin deze mogelijkheden overeenkomen met onze doelstellingen. In deze cursus wordt ingegaan op de wijze waarop mensen denken en redeneren wanneer zij hun mening vormen en wanneer zij hun doelstellingen bepalen die ten grondslag liggen aan een beslissing. Onderwerpen die in de cursus aan bod komen zijn het onderscheid tussen rationeel en irrationeel denken, logica, de rol van emoties, stereotypen en vooroordelen, morele dilemma's, de inschatting van risico's en kansen, het verschil tussen intuïtie en redeneren, de heuristieken die mensen gebruiken in het denken, en de neurale processen die ten grondslag liggen aan het menselijk denken. Examination Er is alleen een tentamen als toetsing. Evaluation KI-studenten die dit vak hebben gevolgd, vinden het over het algemeen een nuttig vak, maar merken ook op dat er enige overlap is met andere psychologisch getinte vakken.
Examination De studenten worden beoordeeld op de kwaliteit Filosofie van de Cognitiewetenschapvan hun grand proposal, op hun presentatie en pen hun participatie in de discussie sessies. Course code FI053CW Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. C. Dutilh Novaes Literature Reader Evaluation Philosophy of Cognitive Science & Mindware: Dit vak word hoofdzakelijk goed beoordeeld. De An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive inhoud van het vak wordt echter nog wel eens Science, by Andy Clark Examination method als onoverzichtelijk gezien. Verder is het vaak on76
Kunstmatige Intelligentie Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcol- Examination lege 50% Wekelijkse Huiswerkopgaven, 50% Schriftelijk Tentamen. Overview Elk college wordt er een ander onderwerp behandeld. Bij elk college is er een paper die de basis voor het college vormt. De onderwerpen die behandeld worden zijn soms al eerder in andere vakken behandeld. In totaal geeft dit vak een goed overzicht van de verschillende topics die relevant zijn voor kunstmatige intelligentie.
Evaluation Studenten moeten veel tijd besteden aan zelfstudie, wanneer dit gebeurt is het vak goed te doen. De hoorcolleges zijn soms een beetje chaotisch, maar wel nuttig en de docent is altijd enthousiast. De huiswerkopgaven zijn niet evenredig verdeeld: de meeste tijd gaat in de derde huiswerkset zitten. Sommige opdrachten kosten heel veel Examination Het eindcijfer voor het vak hangt volledig van het tijd en andere opdrachten zijn heel snel af. Vergis je hier dus niet in! Zorg wel dat je alle huiswerktentamen af. sets maakt. Het tentamen is van het niveau van Evaluation de huiswerksets. Het vak wordt inhoudelijk goed gevonden. In het algemeen vindt men dat er teveel tekst op de sli- Imperative Programming des staan, waardoor sommige mensen moeite Course code INBIMP-09 Year 2012-2013 Lechebben met hun concentratie. Het is echter wel turer dr. A. Meijster Literature The C Programhandig tijdens het leren van de slides. Het tentaming Language, Second Edition, Prentice Hall. men werd niet goed gemaakt en volgens meerBrian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Exadere studenten kwam dit doordat er teveel demination method Practicumbeoordeling, Schriftails werden gevraagd in plaats van de grotere telijk Tentamen en een Tussentoets Teaching lijnen. method Hoorcolleges, Practica en Werkcolleges
General Linguistics
Course code KIB.ATW03 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. J.K. Spenader Literature Linguistics. An Introduction to Linguistic Theory. V. A. Fromkin (ed.) Examination method Huiswerk en Schriftelijk Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en één Werkcollege Overview Het gebruik van taal is een typisch menselijke cognitieve vaardigheid. In dit college zal besproken worden welke kennis noodzakelijk is voor het spreken en verstaan van taal. Deze kennis wordt bestudeerd in een aantal deelgebieden van de taalwetenschap: de fonetiek, de fonologie, de morfologie, de syntaxis, de semantiek en de pragmatiek. Deze deelgebieden zullen op een inleidend niveau behandeld worden. Verder zal besproken worden op welke manieren natuurlijke talen systematisch bestudeerd kunnen worden. Tenslotte zal er aandacht worden besteed aan de verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen diverse talen, aan de manier waarop kinderen hun moedertaal leren en aan hersenprocessen en hersenbeschadigingen in relatie tot taal. Het een en ander zal worden geïllustreerd aan de hand van videofragmenten.
Overview De bedoeling van dit vak is om een begin te maken met het ontwikkelen van de vaardigheid om vanuit een (informele) probleemstelling te komen tot een correct programma. Naast het behandelen van de syntax en semantiek van een aantal constructies uit de programmeertaal C, is er expliciet aandacht voor probleemoplossen: hoe kom je van een vraagstelling tot een algoritme/programma in C. Examination Het eindcijfer van dit vak wordt bepaald door drie onderdelen: P = Practicumcijfer, TP = Toetspracticumcijfer (halverwege de cursus), T = Tentamencijfer. Als T<5 dan Eindcijfer=T; anders Eindcijfer = (2*T+P+TP)/4.) Evaluation Dit is het eerste programmeervak dat je tijdens je studie krijgt. De hoorcolleges zijn duidelijk en de docent geeft goed les. De werkcollege opdrachten zijn erg belangrijk om te maken, aangezien het tentamen uit dezelfde soort opdrachten bestaat. De practica zijn zeer belangrijk, maar worden door KI'ers vaak als moeilijk ervaren. Daarom is het van belang goed bij te blijven met de stof en veel energie en tijd in de practica 77
Bètawijzer 2013 te steken. Dit vak wordt ook gevolgd door veel mensen van andere studies. Zij beschouwen dit vak vaak als zeer lastig omdat ze (bijna) geen programmeerkennis hebben en hier ook niet veel interesse voor hebben.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Course code KIB.ORKI03 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. N.A. Taatgen Literature Boek: Inleiding Cognitiewetenschap - Breinmakers & Breinbrekers (als klapper bij de Repro verkrijgbaar) Examination method 50% Schriftelijk tentamen en 50% Huiswerksets Teaching method Hoorcollege Overview Dit vak geeft een introductie tot Kunstmatige Intelligentie. Denk hierbij aan de werking van de hersenen, computers, taal, herinnering, taal en spraak technologie, redeneren, computers, modellering van de hersenen en filosofie. Examination Het vak werd afgesloten met een tentamen met open vragen. Om dit tentamen goed te maken is het van belang dat je het boek goed kent. Dit kan als veel werk beschouwd worden. Het is daarom handig om hoofdzaak en bijzaak te kunnen onderscheiden: veel vragen zijn een letterlijke afspiegeling van de slides van de hoorcolleges. Door deze goed te kennen, is het vak goed te doen.
Overview Zoals de naam van het vak zegt, wordt een brede oriëntatie op het vak Informatica gegeven, zowel wat betreft het onderzoekveld als toepassingsgebieden. Het vak geeft antwoord op vragen als: * Wat is de geschiedenis van de informatica? * Hoe is het vakgebied ingedeeld in subdisciplines, aan de hand van ACM/IEEE, maar ook volgens de Nationale Onderzoeksagenda Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie (NOAG-ICT) 2005-2010 ? * Wat zijn de "grand challenges"; in de informatica, en waar liggen dus grote onderzoeksvragen? * Waar ligt in Nederland, dan wel in Groningen de nadruk op het gebied van onderzoek? * Wat voor kennisgebieden heb ik nodig om deze grote vragen te beantwoorden, en hoe zijn die in het curriculum verwerkt? * Hoe zien (globaal) carrière-paden eruit (in bedrijfsleven of academisch)? Examination Dit vak kent drie onderdelen: een essay (E), Groepswerk + presentatie (G), en een tentamen (T). Het eindcijfer wordt berekend als: (2T + E + G)/4. De eis geldt dat ieder onderdeel tenminste een 5 moet zijn om een eindcijfer te krijgen, anders wordt het cijfer: MIN(E,G,T).) Evaluation Het vak wordt niet als heel nuttig ervaren, tenzij je nog helemaal niks van computers weet. Aangezien je maar drie van de negen of tien onderdelen hoeft te kennen, nodigt dit niet uit om hard te studeren. De presentaties worden wel goed beoordeeld. Het is nuttig om zo vroeg in je studie al enige presenteerervaring op te doen.
Evaluation De hoorcolleges zijn vrij goed te volgen, maar worden soms als redelijk repetitief gezien door het langzame tempo. De onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn vrij gevarieerd. Dit heeft als nadeel dat er ook wel eens een onderwerp tussen zit dat minder interessant is. Sommige studen- Introduction to Logic ten vinden het jammer dat de stof oppervlakkig behandeld wordt, iets wat inherent is aan een ori- Course code KIB.ILOG03 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. B.P. Kooi Literature Language, Proof ënterend vak. and Logic door J. Barwise en J. Etchemendy Examination method Huiswerk en SchrifteIntroduction to Computing Science lijk Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges, Course code INBOI-08 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- Practica en Werkcolleges rer dr. M.H.F. Wilkinson Literature Handouts op Nestor Examination method Essay, presentatie, Overview schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcol- De cursus bestaat uit twee parallel lopende deelvakken: A (het algemene gedeelte) en B (het speleges, practica, werkcolleges ciaal voor Kunstmatige Intelligentie, Informatica en Informatiekunde bestemde gedeelte). Het A-gedeelte begint met een algemene inleiding 78
Kunstmatige Intelligentie waarin enkele kernbegrippen van de logica worden uitgelegd. Daarna komen de propositielogica en de predikatenlogica aan de orde. Het B-gedeelte geeft een verdieping van de behandeling van de propositie- en predikatenlogica. Met deze cursus wordt beoogd dat de studenten vaardigheid krijgen in het analyseren van zinnen en redeneringen, het hanteren van symbolismen, het beoordelen van redeneringen op geldigheid, het maken van formele deducties, het hanteren van formele semantiek en het vinden van normaalvormen voor formules. Hiertoe zijn aan de cursus werkgroepen verbonden, waarin oefeningen worden gemaakt met gebruik van o.a. het computer-leerprogramma Tarski's World en met software voor bewijzen in Fitch. Actieve deelname aan deze groepen is noodzakelijk voor een goed resultaat. Examination 3 huiswerkopdrachten bepalen samen 24% (elk 8% ) van het eindcijfer + 1 tussentijdse toets bepaalt 16% van het eindcijfer + 1 schriftelijk tentamen bepaalt 60% van het eindcijfer.
perkingen. Eén hiervan is de beperkte aandacht voor communicatie en interactie, nauwelijks weg te denken in het huidige internettijdperk. Agenttechnologie bouwt voort op kennistechnologie om zulke beperkingen aan te pakken. Dit vak biedt een introductie in klassieke en huidige kennis-en agenttechnologie. Onderwerpen die aan de orde komen zijn onder andere regelgebaseerde kennissystemen, communicatie, coördinatie, onderhandeling en samenwerking tussen software agenten. Examination Eindcijfer wordt bepaald door 75% tentamencijfer + 25% practicumcijfer te nemen. In de practica komen steeds nieuwe nieuwe systemen aan bod die in eerste instantie niet goed uitgelegd werden. Gelukkig werd er nadat we dit aangekaart hadden aandacht aan besteed in de hoorcolleges. Evaluation Bijzonder leuk vak. De hoorcolleges worden als nogal droog ervaren maar de practica geven echt inhoud aan het vak. De vijf practica laten de student steeds op een andere manier kennis maken met een onderdeel van kennisrepresentatie. Ze zijn behoorlijk wat werk maar daar staat tegenover dat je ook het idee hebt echt wat te leren. Het tentamen is goed te doen als de college slides en het boek goed bestudeerd zijn.
Evaluation Hoorcollege wordt als nuttig ervaren. De docent geeft op een toffe manier colelge. Als alle opgaven tussendoor gemaakt worden, dan is het tentamen prima te doen. De huiswerkopgaven zijn een goede afspiegeling van de tentamenstof. Het laatste onderdeel van het vak (Hornzinnen) komt vaak niet heel goed tot zijn recht omdat de Kunstmatige intelligentie 2 docent in tijdsnood komt. Course code KIB.KI203 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. L.R.B. Schomaker Literature ArKennis- en agenttechnologie tificial Intelligence, a modern approach (2002) Course code KIB.KT03 Year 2012-2013 Lec- 2nd Edition Russell & Norvig Examination meturer dr. H.B. Verheij Literature Michael Wool- thod Schriftelijk tentamen, verplichte practica dridge (2009). An Introduction to Multiagent Sys- Teaching method Computerpracticum, hoorcoltems. 2nd edition. Chichester: John Wiley & leges Sons. Examination method Practicumbeoorde- Overview ling en een schriftelijk tentamen Teaching me- Bij dit vak komen de volgende onderwerpen aan thod Hoorcolleges en Computerpractica bod: Planning, Symbolic vs Statistical Learning, Overview Dit vak gaat over kennis- en agenttechnologie. Kennistechnologie is één van de succesverhalen van het vakgebied Kunstmatige Intelligentie aangezien klassieke technieken van de kennistechnologie in de wetenschap en toepassing van de informatica standaard zijn geworden. Tegelijk heeft klassieke kennistechnologie (ruwweg: de stand van zaken in de jaren 1980) grote be-
Grammar Induction, aspects of Computational Learning Theory, Heterogeneous Information Integration, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Examination Het tentamen en de practica vormen samen het eindcijfer van het vak.
Bètawijzer 2013 Evaluation In dit vak komen KI-onderdelen aan bod die nog niet ergens anders aan bod zijn gekomen tijdens de studie. Het zijn stuk voor stuk interessante onderwerpen. Het vak wordt over het algemeen redelijk beoordeeld. Vragen stellen tijdens de practica blijkt bij dit vak erg nuttig te zijn.
Linear Algebra for AI and CS
Course code WILAICL-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Dr. ir. R. Luppes Literature Linear Algebra and its applications, David C. Lay Examination method Huiswerk, Openboektentamen en een Tussentoets Teaching method Hoorcolleges en Werkcolleges Overview De onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn: het oplossen van lineaire stelsels vergelijkingen, vectoren, matrices, lineaire afbeeldingen, matrixinverse, determinant, vectorruimtes, rang, eigenwaarden en eigenvectoren, stelsels (eerste-orde) lineaire differentiaalvergelijkingen en inprodukten. Examination Voor het bepalen van het eindcijfer wordt de volgende formule gehanteerd: - Als ET < 4½, dan Eindcijfer = ET. - Als ET >= 4½, dan Eindcijfer = max( ET,(HW+MT+3*ET)/5). Hierin is ET het cijfer voor het eindtentamen, HW het gemiddelde cijfer voor het huiswerk en MT het cijfer voor de midtoets.
Overview The aim of this course is to get acquainted with a large number of different machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can be used for mapping particular inputs to desired categories as in supervised learning, but we will also treat unsupervised and reinforcement learning algorithms in this course. Examination Evaluation of this course is based on the project and the exam. Both exam grade and project grade must be evaluated at least 5.5. Evaluation This course takes up quite some time, for the project eats up quite a lot of time. Since the project takes up so much time it is good to start early. The practicals are used as feedback session on your project. If necessary, you can always visit the lecturer for feedback at his office. The book is not very instructive and some students tend to find the book rather boring. Though the book is intertwined in the whole course. All lectures are based upon the book.
Multi-agent systems
Course code KIM.MAS03 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. B.P. Kooi, prof. dr. L.C. Verbrugge Literature Epistemic Logic for AI and Computer Science, Cambridge Tracts in Computer Science No. 41, Cambridge University Press, paperback editie 2004, J.-J. Ch. Meyer en W. van der Hoek Examination method Wekelijkse opdrachten, een referaat en een implementatie-opdracht Evaluation Teaching method Hoorcolleges Het vak wordt als erg makkelijk ervaren. Doordat het een openboektentamen is, voelen de stu- Overview denten zich niet erg gemotiveerd om hard te stu- Epistemische Logica is de logica van kennis: hoe deren. Dit is jammer want de kennis uit dit vak redeneer je over wat jijzelf en anderen weten? heb je later in je studie nog nodig. Het is de Deze logica blijkt cruciaal bij het beschrijven van student aan te raden wel goed te leren voor het onderhandelingen in de economie, van paraltentamen, want door het feit dat het tentamen lelle processoren in de informatica, en van multiopenboek is, wordt er vaak onderschat hoeveel agent systemen in de Kunstmatige Intelligentie. kennis er is vereist voor dit anderzijds makkelijke Verder is de epistemische logica ook technisch interessant: ze kent een mooie semantiek. In vakgebied. dit college komen aan de orde: axiomatische systemen en Kripke-semantiek voor kennis van Machine Learning Course code KIM.ML09 Year 2012-2013 Lec- meerdere actoren (agents); toepassing op geturer dr. M. A. Wiering Literature Introduction to distribueerde systemen; algemene kennis (comMachine Learning, Ethem Alpaydin (2004) Exa- mon knowledge) en gedistribueerde kennis; uitmination method Exam, project Teaching me- breiding van de epistemische logica met modale operatoren voor geloven, wensen en intenties. thod Lectures, practicals 80
Kunstmatige Intelligentie Examination Het vak bestaat uit twee delen. In het eerste deel worden wekelijkse opdrachten gemaakt. In het tweede deel wordt gewerkt aan een opdracht. Het eindcijfer wordt voor 50% bepaald door de beste 80% van de wekelijkse opdrachten, voor 40% uit de opdracht en 10% uit de presentatie van de opdracht.
thod Hoorcolleges
Evaluation Dit vak wordt al jaren goed beoordeeld. De opdracht (naar keuze) is een goede invulling van het vak. Door de grote opdracht, wekelijkse opdrachten en de presentatie is het een heel compleet vak.
Examination De toetsing van dit vak is erg breed: er worden verscheide kleine onderdelen getoetst. De hoofdmoot van de punten liggen in het tentamen en de grote wekelijkse practica.
Overview In de colleges krijgen studenten onderzoeksmethodologische kennis van de onderzoeksmethodologie. In praktische opdrachten passen studenten deze kennis toe. Aan de hand van deze opdrachten voeren studenten een klein onderzoek uit van opzet tot verslaglegging.
Evaluation Dit vak wordt als een zwaar maar nuttig vak beschouwd. Als een student zijn tijd in dit vak stopt, Course code KIB.NNKI03 Year 2012-2013 Lecis het resultaat het meer dan waard. Door dit vak turer dr. S.M. van Netten Literature 'An introte doen, geven studenten aan een betere kenduction to Neural Networks' van Kevin Gurney nis op het gebied van de statistiek ontwikkeld te Examination method Practica en Tentamen Teahebben. Veel van de kennis die opgedaan is bij ching method Hoorcolleges en Practica dit vak, is direct toepasbaar op het BachelorproOverview ject. Tijdens de hoorcolleges wordt uitgelegd hoe moeilijk het is om neurale netwerken echt te be- Pattern Recognition grijpen. In de practica ga je proberen om zelf een Course code INMPR-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecneuraal netwerk te maken, waarbij de werkcolle- turer prof. dr. N. Petkov Literature R.O. Duda, gedocent graag vragen wil beantwoorden. Op P.E. Hart, D.G. Stork; Pattern Classification Exade practica komt ook goede feedback. mination method Examination and practicals, Dit vak vereist enige kennis van Lineaire Algebra: presentation Teaching method Practicals als je problemen hebt met dit vak, dan is het aangeraden je hierin te verdiepen. Veel van de prac- Overview tica kunnen goed gemaakt worden met de hulp This course provides an introduction to pattern recognition theory and techniques. Pattern revan de hoorcollegeslides. cognition is the research area that studies the deExamination sign and operation of systems that recognize and De practica tellen voor 1/3 mee voor je eindcijfer, classify patterns in data. Important application de rest is het tentamen. domains are image analysis, computer vision, character recognition, speech analysis, man Evaluation Het is een lastig vak waarbij je zeker naar alle and machine diagnostics, person identification, colleges moet gaan om het redelijk te snappen. spam filtering, industrial inspection, financial data Wel wordt het vak als een leuke, interessante, analysis and forecast, genetics. Generally, pattak van de Kunstmatige Intelligentie beschouwd, tern recognition includes techniques such as feawaardoor het zeker de moeite waard is om veel ture extraction, classification, error estimation and cluster analysis, known as statistical pattern tijd in dit vak te stoppen. recognition techniques, and, respectively, grammatical inference and parsing, known as syntacOnderzoeksmethodologie Course code KIB.OZM10 Year 2012-2013 Lec- tical pattern recognition.
Neurale Netwerken
turer dr. M.K. van Vugt Literature Geen Exa- Examination mination method Schriftelijk tentamen, Practica, The final mark will be computed as a weighted Kleine tussentijdse opdrachten Teaching me- average of your marks for practicals (40% ), pre81
Bètawijzer 2013 sentation (10% ) and written examination (50% ). In order to pass, you must get a sufficient (6) for each of these separately. You will be admitted to the written (re-)examination only if you fulfill the requirements for the practicals and the presentation. Evaluation The course is well evaluated. If you consistently follow all of the practicals the exam is not that hard. The book is not very instructive but is very useful as reference. Though is not obligated to buy the book. It is advised for AI students to follow this course, as it discusses a manifold of topics that are skipped in other courses, that are really useful for practical applications in AI.
essay. All of these count for your final mark: Fact sheets 30%, Peer review 15%, Final Assignment 40%, Presentation 15% Evaluation This course is different from what you would expect. The title of the course is a little misleading. Basically, the course consists of reading close to 25 articles and writing an essay. All articles have something to do with perception. Thanks to the student assistant the course and Nestor are made understandable. Please note that filling out all the fact sheets is quite a lot of work! The fact sheets make up 30% of the final mark. By spending significant amount of time on fact sheets students can easily upgrade their mark. The course is generally reviewed incredibly well, though: students are enthusiastic about participating in the discussions that take place during the course, leading to great insights about the topic of perception on a truly academic level.
Course code KIM.PERC07 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. T.C. Andringa Literature Several articles Examination method Presentation, fact sheets, essay and discussion Teaching method Practicum Autonome Systemen 1 en 2 Discussions Course code KIB.PAS110 Year 2012-2013 LecOverview Perception plays, of course, an essential role in turer dr. C. M. Van Der Zant Examination methe interaction with the environment. Traditio- thod Aanwezigheid en Artikel Teaching method nally, perception is viewed as a process to find Computerpracticum, de studenten werken deels the causes of input that is degraded by trans- zelfstandig en deels onder begeleiding in het romission between source and reception. Modern botlaboratorium. Gezien het beperkte aantal robots, werken de studenten in groepjes van drie approaches of perception assume a more active role in which our knowledge of the state of the of vier. environment is used to predict aspects of the input (e.g. ecological perception). These novel approaches address important issues like active processing in the perceptual system, the role of attention to make the wealth of sensory input manageable, the intimate relation between perception and action, cross-modal integration, and the role of the knowledge-state of the individual. Where possible, these topics will be approached from a modeling perspective. The course is centered on a reader with articles. Part of the course focuses on techniques to read the articles efficiently and to place the article and its author in a proper scientific context. The course includes a laboratory session with psychophysical experiments.
Overview In dit practicum moeten de studenten een aantal verschillende autonome systemen ontwerpen en implementeren op robots. Deze systemen belichten verschillende aspecten van het werken met robots en autonome systemen, zoals het gebruik van sensoren en actuatoren, het verwerken van beelden, navigatie en leren. Het vak heeft als doel om vaardigheden in het ontwerp en de implementatie van diverse soorten autonome systemen op verschillende robotplatforms te verkrijgen.
Examination Je wordt beoordeeld op je aanwezigheid. Als je niet genoeg aanwezig was, kan je het vak niet halen. Ook wordt je beoordeeld op je artikel die je aan het einde van het vak moet schrijven, dit Examination For this course you have to give a presentation, cijfer bepaalt je eindcijfer. Dit artikel gaat over je write an essay, fill in fact sheets about the arti- project. cles and write a review about another student's 82
Kunstmatige Intelligentie Evaluation Het vak is vorig jaar als een erg leuk vak gezien. Wel was er een enorm tekort aan werkruimte en was de studenteninstroom voor dit vak te groot. De docent en de verdere begeleiders zijn enorm enthousiast en altijd bereid om te helpen. Hoewel dit vak in het verleden problemen heeft gehad, is het grootste probleem nu dat de stroom van studenten die dit vak wil volgen te groot is. Wel is het een vak waar enorm veel tijd in gaat zitten. Dit wordt door de meeste studenten niet erg gevonden.
Overview Het vak bestaat uit een aantal hoorcolleges waar de theorie besproken wordt. Deze colleges zijn boeiend en nodig om te snappen hoe spraakherkenning mogelijk kan werken. De practica zijn erg nuttig en de docenten zijn erg toegewijd om te zorgen dat iedereen vragen kan stellen en het vak kan halen.
Examination In totaal moeten drie practica ingeleverd worden die samen zorgen voor 40% van je eindcijfer. Daarnaast zijn er drie deeltentamens die alle drie voor 20% gelden. De eerste twee zijn echt tentaPracticum cognitive science mens van ongeveer een uur en de laatste is een Course code KIB.PRCS08 Year 2012-2013 essay waaruit moet blijken dat je de stof snapt. Lecturer M.A. Beulen, Msc. en dr. M.K. Evaluation van Vugt Examination method Opdrachten, Het vak wordt op een leuke manier gegeven en is Paper, Practicumbeoordeling, Presentatie Teaerg nuttig als je verder wilt in de spraakherkenching method Practica, Werkcolleges ning of op een andere manier iets met taal wilt Overview gaan doen. Tijdens het practicum Cognitive Science zullen de deelnemers een onderzoek dat betrekking Programming in C/C++ (part I)(B) heeft op recente cognitiewetenschappelijke vra- Course code RC-C++1 Year 2012-2013 Lectugen uitvoeren. Het practicum beslaat het hele rer dr. F. B. Brokken Literature De Programproces van onderzoeksvraag tot verslaglegging. meertaal C, door F.B. Brokken en K. Kubat. & Aspecten die tijdens de practica aan bod zullen The C++ Annotations, door F.B. Brokken Exakomen zijn design van het experiment, uitvoer mination method Elke week een (of meerdere) van het experiment, analyse en de wetenschap- nieuwe opdracht(en) Teaching method Hoorcolpelijk rapportage. lege en opdrachten (vaak met z'n 2e gedaan). Er Examination zijn geen werkcolleges of practica. De toetsing wordt gedaan aan de hand van een Overview paper. Hier krijg je veel feedback op en je krijgt Het vak gaat vooral over de basis van de C/C++ veel begeleiding. grammatica. In de eerste paar colleges worden de basiselementen van de taal besproken en wordt procedureel programmeren geintroduceerd. Vervolgens wordt er een introductie object-gebaseerd programmeren gegeven. Object georienteerd programmeren wordt echter pas in het tweede deel van de cursus behandeld. Na deze cursus gevolgd te hebben zul je in staat moeten zijn om om standaardprogramma's in C/C++ te kunnen maken. Voor de mensen die Practicum Spraaktechnologie Course code KIB.PST03 Year 2012-2013 Lec- deel 1 interessant vonden is er ook nog een deel turer dr. T.C. Andringa Literature Artikelen en 2 en 3 van de cursus. Het is belangrijk om deel 1 Syllabus Examination method Practica (40% van de cursus te volgen als je van plan bent om ) en Deeltentamens (60% ) Teaching method deel 2 of 3 te volgen omdat de volgende cursussen hierop voortbouwen. Practica en Hoorcolleges Evaluation Dit is een goed vak. De docent geeft veel en goede feedback en wil je graag helpen. Je leert hier de basis voor het opzetten van een goed wetenschappelijk experiment, wat erg handig is. Wel is enige statistische kennis vereist, wat een reden is dat dit vak statistiek als ingangseis heeft.
Examination Gemiddeld 60% van de opdrachten moet succesvol afgerond worden. Ook zal er een (kort) 83
Bètawijzer 2013 laatst gesprek met de docent plaatsvinden om Evaluation het vak te kunnen halen. De meeste studenten vinden het bezig zijn met robotica ontzettend leuk. Het leuke van dit vak Evaluation De C++ Annotations kunnen online gevonden is dat je bezig gaat met een wat groter project worden. De wekelijkse opdrachten kunnen voor zodat je de robot wat interessantere en meer gesommige mensen redelijk zwaar zijn aangezien compliceerde dingen kunt laten doen. De tegenhet vaak even duurt voordat het duidelijk is wat zijde is dat er aanzienlijk wat van studenten wordt verwacht. Ook is er bij dit vak een aanwezigde opdracht precies is. In totaal kan er bij KI voor deel 1,2 en 3 tezamen maar maximaal 8 heidsplicht. EC gehaald worden, terwijl dit bij andere studies vaak 15 punten is. Als er vragen of problemen met de stof zijn kun je (bijna) altijd bij de docent langs om hulp te vragen. De docent is behoorlijk streng over de manier van programmeren. Let dus goed op dat je, je aan de voorgeschreven opmaak, constructies houdt. Je kunt opdrachten altijd 2 keer inleveren. Na de eerste keer krijg je, je ingeleverde verslag terug, voorzien van commentaar. Vervolgens kun je het nog een keer inleveren en bepaalt het laatst ingeleverde verslag je cijfer voor de opdracht.
Course code KIM.ROB03 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs. C.M. van der Zant Literature Understanding Intelligence Pfeifer & Scheier Behaviorbased Robotics Examination method Practica, Verslagen Teaching method Practica, Hoorcolleges Overview Door middel van een aantal hoorcolleges en een groter project, verdiepen studenten robotica hun theoretische kennis en praktische vaardigheid. De studenten kunnen kiezen uit een aantal opdrachten, die ze uitwerken en waarover ze een wetenschappelijk verslag schrijven. De werking van hun systemen wordt gedemonstreerd aan de hand van een aantal experimenten. Aan het eind van de cursus moeten de studenten een korte presentatie geven over hun werk.
Statistiek voor Inf en KI
Course code WISTAKI-07 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. E.C. Wit Literature Using R for introductory statistics, 2005, CRC Press by J. Verzani Examination method Huiswerk/practicumopdrachten en een afsluitend schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en practica Overview Statistiek is een bepaalde manier van kijken naar de werkelijkheid, waarbij wordt verondersteld dat dat wat men waarneemt onderhevig is aan variatie. Deze variatie kan afkomstig zijn van de inhomogeniteit van de populatie of bijvoorbeeld van fouten in de meting. Via begrippen uit de kansrekening ontwikkelen we een intuitie voor stochastisch variatie. De volgende stap is om deze intuitie om te zetten naar een leermethodologie om uit variatie kennis te generen over de onderliggende ware structuur. Hierbij komt aan de orde onderwerpen zoals beschrijvende statistiek, hypothese testen, ANOVA, lineaire regressie, loglineaire modellen, logistische regressie en multivariate analyse. Examination Huiswerk en een Schriftelijk Tentamen.
Evaluation Het vak wordt als lastig ervaren en het is een bekende klacht binnen KI dat de statistiek niet goed aansluit op de voorkennis en het vakgebied. Dit is geen vreemde klacht, omdat het de Examination eerste keer is dat een student met dergelijke stof Zowel de presentatie als het geschreven artikel op een dergelijk niveau te maken krijgt. Het is werden beoordeeld. In hoeverre de implemen- dan ook belangrijk om vanaf het begin bij te blijtatie heeft meegewogen in de beoordeling, is ven met de stof. moeilijk te zeggen. De gegeven demonstratie, de presentatie en het verslag lijken het belangrijkst Taal- en Spraaktechnologie te zijn. Om dit goed te doen moet eigenlijk van- Course code KIB.TST03 Year 2012-2013 Leczelfsprekend een goede implementatie gemaakt turer dr. J.K. Spenader, Literature Algemene worden. Fonetiek van A.C.M. Rietveld & V.J. ven Heuven Examination method Tentamen en Prac-
Kunstmatige Intelligentie ticumverslagen Teaching method Hoorcolleges enthousiast en weet op die manier de studenen Practica ten goed mee te krijgen. De spraakdocenten zijn goed georganiseerd en kunnen de stof heel Overview De cursus bestaat uit twee delen. Het ene duidelijk en overzichtelijk aan de studenten overdeel van de cursus behandelt spraakproductie brengen. Depractica zijn goed te doen en in een en spraakperceptie. Aandacht zal worden be- middag af te maken. Ook het tentamen is een steed aan de fysische eigenschappen van het goede afspiegeling van de leerstof. spraaksignaal en de daaraan gekoppelde fysiologische eigenschappen van het spraakorgaan. De menselijke spraakperceptie wordt behandeld vanaf de bouw en werking van het oor tot en met de signaalverwerking in het centraal zenuwstelsel. Verder zal een korte inleiding worden gegeven in automatische spraakperceptie. In het tweede deel van de cursus staat het onderwerp taalverwerking centraal. Dit onderwerp zal worden besproken aan de hand van Optimality theory, een symbolische taaltheorie die gebaseerd is op connectionistische principes. Gekeken zal worden naar taalproductie (de vorming van woorden en zinnen) en taalbegrip (de interpretatie van woorden en zinnen, en de rol van klemtoon en context hierbij). Tot slot zal kort worden ingegaan op de toepassing van Optimality Theory in automatische taalverwerking. Examination Er zijn enkele practica en een tentamen. Evaluation Omdat het vak uit twee losse delen bestaat kan dat soms voor verwarring zorgen tijdens het studeren. Het vak is echter heel goed te doen. De docenten (met Spenader als hoofddocent) hebben hun eigen manier van lesgeven, wat een vrolijke combinatie oplevert. De taaldocente is erg
Voortgezette Logica
Course code KIB.VL03 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. B.P. Kooi Literature Language, Proof and Logic by J. Barwise and J. Etchemendy en An Introduction to Non-classical Logic by G. Priest Examination method Huiswerk en schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en werkcolleges Overview Behandeld worden: bewijzen met inductie, programmacorrectheid, meerwaardige logica, modale logica, tijdslogica, niet monotone redeneervormen. Examination De toetsing van dit vak wordt gebaseerd op huiswerksets en het tentamen. Er zijn in totaal ongeveer 5 huiswerksets. De laagste van deze huiswerksets telt niet mee voor je eindcijfer. Evaluation Het boek is erg nuttig. Als de opgaven uit het werkcollege bijgehouden worden is het tentamen eigenlijk gelijk te maken: veel opgaves van het werkcollege zijn van hetzelfde niveau als de vragen op het tentamen. Vooral op de tableaus zijn goed punten te halen. De hoorcolleges worden als nuttig ervaren.
Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc)
Advanced Pharmacokinetics
ween pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynaCourse code MLMPS04 Year 2012/2013 Lec- mics (PKPD) will be explained. Students will unturer dr. J.H. Proost Literature Malcolm Row- derstand the causes and effects of interindiviland, Thomas N. Tozer: Clinical pharmacokine- dual variability in pharmacokinetics. Students will tics and Pharmacodynamics: concepts and ap- know the principles of individualization when preplication, 4th edition, ISBN 978-0-7817-5009-7 scribing pharmaceutical products on the basis (or 3rd edition may be used) Examination me- of age, weight, renal function, population pharthod Written exam Teaching method Combined macokinetics and concentration measurements (therapeutic drug monitoring). lectures and tutorials Examination Overview The principles of pharmacokinetic drug interac- The mark for the course is based on one written tions, multi-compartment kinetics, nonlinear ki- oral exam at the end of the course. netics, metabolite kinetics, pharmacokinetics of biopharmaceuticals, and the relationship bet86
Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc) Evaluation This course is considered as a difficult and tough course, but it is very relevant in the field of medical sciences. The classes given by the teacher are interesting, but sometimes a bit messy. In general the subjects are explained properly. The recommended literature is considered to be very difficult.
Course code WLFB0808 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer prof.dr. H.W. Frijlink, prof.dr. H.J.Haisma Literature Innovations in drug delivery: impact on pharmacotherapy, A.P. Sam and J.G. Fokkens Examination method Essay (pairs, 7 pages) Teaching method two weeks with lectures in the morning (optional)
Overview During this course, you will learn something Course code MLMPS02 Year 2012/2013 Lec- about different, innovative drug formulations. turer dr. P. Olinga Literature The slides from the Every day a different speaker will tell you somelectures and a reference book (Drug Discovery thing about the type of drug formulation he is and Development: Technology In Transition by specialized in. Besides, you will learn the characHumphrey P. Rang) are not mandatory Exami- teristics drugs or dosage forms that play a role in nation method written exam, assignment and an the drug formulation. oral presentation Teaching method lectures and an assignment which includes a case study and Evaluation This course is quite different from other couran oral presentation based on the case study. ses, as the lectures are optional. You only Overview have to write an essay on a given drug formuIn this course there are 2-3 hours of lectures lation/technique. This essay has to be only 7 paevery day. The lectures comprise all the steps ges long and you write it together with another and difficulties in the development of drugs. The student. The book you will receive is old and written exam is based on the lectures. for free, and mainly useful to increase your own The case study is based on the drug develop- knowledge. Not so useful for writing the essay. ment process. In a group the students have to find a recently approved drug and explain the Molecular Toxicology prior process and clinical studies. These findings Course code MLMPS06 Year 2012/2013 Lechave to be orally presented. turer dr. ir. I.A.M. de Graaf Literature Selected Examination chapters of Mechanistic Toxicology, U.A. BoelThe mark for the course is based on one written sterli, CRC press, Taylor & Francis group, 2nd oral exam at the end of the course and counts edition, 2007, recent publications Examination for 66% . The grade for the assignment counts method student lecture (30% ), written exam for 33% . (30% ), essay (30% ), oral presentation of the essay (10% ) Teaching method Three lectures Evaluation The course is not considered as very difficult. from Inge de Graaf and three lectures from stuWhen students attend all the lectures actively, dents (groups of 3), all in the morning. Literature the written exam is not very difficult. The lectu- study (pairs), written essay (individually) and oral res can overlap each other sometimes and some presentation of the essay (pairs) examples are used more than once. The pro- Overview cess of drug development is extensively explai- This course will teach you the most important ned for a good understanding. The assignment molecular mechanism regarding metabolism and helps to understand the whole process better. toxicity of foreign compounds. Students have to The course is most relevant for MPS students. give lectures where they discuss different chapThere was also an interesting tour to a company ters of the book. Together with a fellow student that is testing the drugs in the clinical phase of a literature study is performed on the toxicity of development. a given drug. This is documented individually in an essay (4-5 pages) and presented in pairs.
Drug development
Bètawijzer 2013 Evaluation This course is quite intensive. However, if you want to learn something about collaboration, writing and oral presentation as well, this course is recommended. Your essay will be peer-reviewed by a student and teacher and you receive feedback on the oral presentations. The exam is not too difďŹ cult, especially when you already have gained much knowledge during the courses Advanced Pharmacokinetics, METOX and Drug Development.
Course code WLFM1038 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer prof.dr.M.J. Postma and S. Vegter, MSc. Literature Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Examination method Exam and a written report Teaching method 20 hours of lectures, 6 hours tutorial and 4 hours computer practicum
atments. When a new drug is released on the market, the pharmaceutical company aims to get this drug accepted for reimbursed by the governments. Calculations and modelling based on cost and effectiveness of the drug are compared to already existing treatments. These are used as arguments for acceptance by the re-imbursement committee. This course will teach you how to understand and do these calculations/models. Also it teaches you how to judge pharmaco-economic reports. This course can be extended for 5 additional ECTs by performing a literature study.
Evaluation This is an intensive course. There is a written exam, students have to give a lecture, evaluate a pharmaco-economic report and give two oral presentations on this evaluation. However, this course is really interesting and it is completely different from other pharmaceutical topics. You will Overview This course is different from other biomedical and get a lot of practice on the calculations, which pharmaceutical courses, because it teaches you are not too complex. The exam is a good represomething about the economics of medical tre- sentation of the topic. Besides, Maarten Postma is a remarkable teacher. Recommendable!
Atoms and Molecules
pler free spectroscopy. Additionally you learn Course code NAATMOL-12 Year 2012-2013 how physicist cool down matter close to absoLecturer Hoekstra, S Literature Atomic Phy- lute zero by using laser cooling and how they can sics van C.J. Foot Examination method Written detect photons without destroying them. At the end the atomic basics are extended to molecules Exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials and the behavior of molecules in magnetic fields Overview is taught. The course starts with the basics of atoms, like the fine and hyperfine structure of atoms, Hund's Examination rules and rules for optical transitions. Thereafter There are 2 tutorials and 2 lectures each week. the atom's behavior in external magnetic fields is Each week at the beginning of one of the tutoridiscussed. Afterwards the course gets even bet- als there's an opportunity to make a small test. If ter because the applications of these features are the average mark of this test is higher than your discussed. A few of these are: the basics of the final exam mark it will count as 30% of your final quantum computer, the atomic clock and Dop- mark. 89
Bètawijzer 2013 Evaluation The lecture's are well given with a lot of enthusiasm. It starts with some basics so the matter is a bit boring at the beginning. However very soon it becomes more and more interesting because then the applications of these basic principles are explained. The professor always puts his lecture notes online which are much clearer than the book which is a quite difficult book to understand. The course is very interesting because many modern physics is explained.
Overview Tijdens de hoorcolleges passeren er een vijftal computational methoden de revue, e.g. Monte-Carlo en numeriek berekenen van de Schrödinger-vergelijking. Elke methode behoort bij een opdracht die aan het einde van de hoorcollege reeks wordt uitgedeeld. Tijdens het hoorcollege wordt de werking van het algoritme behandeld en een versimpelde implementatie gegeven.
This course is about the climate dynamics of the earth and the atmosphere. This course concentrates on the physics of the structure and dynamics of the atmosphere and the effects on the climate systems in the past and present. The goal of the course is to explain the questions: What is the composition of the atmosphere? What is an energy flow? Other important things as atmospheric motion equations and global circulation problems will also be discussed. In the end of the course there will be briefly explained about the global warming.
Evaluation Indien men beschikt over enige ervaring met programmeren dan mag dit vak geen probleem zijn. Gezien al een deel van het algoritme is uitgewerkt in de lecture notes kan dit vrij eenvoudig worden uitgebreid om het gehele probleem op te lossen. Zonder veel moeite is het mogelijk om voor dit vak een aardig cijfer te behalen.
Examination De student krijgt als opdracht om één van de vijf Climate systems and Atmosphere behandelde methoden te implementeren. De reCourse code NAKSA-11 Year 2012-2013 Lec- sultaten van de door de student verkregen proturer Dr. W. Klaassen Literature Atmosphere, grammatuur dient geïntepreteerd en verwerkt te Ocean and Climate dynamics, John Marshall worden in een verslag. Het cijfer voor het vak and Allan Plumb Examination method Written wordt bepaald door het ingeleverde verslag, en exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials de docent heeft aangegeven geen harde deadline te hanteren. Overview
Examination There's a written exam at the end of the period. Evaluation The course is given by Dr. W. Klaassen. This year he organised it for the first time. Sometimes it was a little bit messy, but in general it was a well organized course. W. Klaassen knows very much about global systems and climate dynamics because he also tutoring students of other studies as biology. Dr. Klaassen is a positive contribution to this course.
Computational Physics
Course code NACP-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Hans de Raedt Literature Lecture Notes Examination method Verslag Teaching method Hoorcolleges 90
Device Physics
Course code NADP-12 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. T. Banerjee, prof. dr. M.A. Loi, prof. dr. ir. B.J. van Wees Literature a reader from prof. van Wees and literature on Nestor Examination method a written exam and a case study Teaching method lectures Overview This course gives a basic introduction into (modern) electronic devices. The emphasis will be on understanding the principles and how these devices are being used in current day electronic circuits and systems. 1) Introduction into elementary concepts of solid state physics and semiconductor physics. 2) Semiconductor electronic devices: p-n diodes, Schottky diodes, Ohmic contacts, field effect transistors. 3) Opto-electronic devices: organic and inorganic light emitting diodes, organic and inorganic solar cells 4) Spintronics: concept of spin, phenomena in
Natuurkunde Spintronics viz. Giant and Tunneling Magnetoresistance and their devices 4) New developments: single electron transistors and devices for quantum computation and quantum information processing The emphasis will be on conventional semiconductor materials (such as silicon) as well as organic semiconductor materials (``plastic electronics''), and new (nano) materials and devices. In the second half of the course the students will prepare and present case studies where they will present and discuss a recent article. The final mark will be the average of the mark for the written exam and the case study.
Evaluation Lectures are well prepared and give the student good insight in the theory. Attending the lectures is strongly recommended. Both tutorials and homework problems are a great way to practice for the written exam. Practicals are well prepared and provide the student with a different environment to understand the theory. The written exam is a good representation of the subject matter.
Electricity and magnetism 2
Course code NABBEM05E Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A.M. van den Berg LiteraExamination A grade is given for the written exam and the re- ture Introduction to electrodynamics, third edition, Prentice Hall, D.J. Griffiths Examination port of the case study method Midterm exam and exam Teaching meEvaluation thod Lectures and tutorials The lectures weren't well organised and the teaOverview ching wasn't that good. On top of that there weren't tutorial sessions, Electricity and Magnetism 2 is a sequel on the which could help in better understanding the to- course E& M 1, which is given in the first year. The main goal of E& M 1 was discussing elecpics of this course. trostatics. In E& M 2 electrodynamics will be the centre of attention. The lectures start with a short Electricity and Magnetism 1 Course code NAEM105E Year 2012-2013 Lec- review of the subjects of the subjects of E& M turer dr. E.R. van der Graaf Literature Introduc- I. Additionally the following subjects will be tretion to Electrodynamics, 4th or 3rd ed/ Prentice ated: Ohm's law, electromotive force, motional electromotive force, magnetic induction, magneHall D.J. Griffiths Examination method Written exam, Homework, Practicals Teaching method tic flux, faraday's law, energy in magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, continuity equation, PoynLectures, tutorials, practicals ting's theorem, momentum, Mawell stress tenOverview sor, electromagnetic waves, wave guides, coIn this course the theory of electric and magne- axial transmission line, potentials, Coulomb and tic fields caused by stationary charges and cur- Lorentz gauge, retarded time, dipole radiation, rents is covered. The course starts with an in- relativity, Lorentz transformation (matrix), proper troduction in vector analysis. During the course time and velocity, relativistic energy and momenMaxwell's laws for stationary conditions will be tum, transformation of fields, field tensor en de covered. The situation in vacuum as well as in current density 4-vector. media will be covered. The theory is clarified by many examples. During the tutorials an exten- Examination Halfway the period a midterm exam is set. At the sive amount of problems is offered. Two weeks of the course are reserved for net- end of the period there is a exam. work theory in which simple electric networks will Evaluation Although E& M 2 doesn't bring new mindbe calculated. boggling concepts, it is considered by students Examination as a nice, satisfying and well-arranged course. Three practicals have to be satisfactory to pass this course. Three homework sets can add up to Due to the well-ordered lectures and a clearly written book you learn a lot during the course. a bonus. The final exam is a written exam containing all subject matter covered by the course. Sometimes the lectures are a bit dull, but the lecturer Prof. van den Berg tries to keep the stu91
Bètawijzer 2013 dents' attention on the subject by doing some experiments during these same lectures. On the contrary, the tutorials were pretty hard sometimes, this resulted sometimes in also doing exercises at home to keep pace with the lectures. In the last week before the exam an possibility is arranged to ask your final questions during a "vragenuurtje".
Course code NAELS-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Palasantzas, G. Literature Electronics, a systems approach (4th edition) - N. Storey Examination method Practicals, homework bonus and written exam Teaching method Lectures, tutorials and practicals Overview This course treats the basics of circuit theory, including complex analysis, Kirchhoff, Thevenin, Norton, complex impedance, input- and outputimpedance, loading, periodic and non periodic noise, signal-noise ratio, time dependent signals, frequency charateristic and Bode-plot, Op-Amp, positive en negative feedback (with applications in control and oscillators), amplifiers, MOSFET, diodes, filters, digital electronics (basic logical circuits), Nyquist diagrams and solar cells.
Elementary particle physics
Course code NAEP-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer D. Roest Literature Lecture notes Examination method Oral examination Teaching method Lectures, a short (10 minute) presesentation on one topic Overview We will discuss the Standard Model, which is a quantum field theory that includes quarks and leptons and describes electromagnetism and the weak and strong interactions. More recent developments, such as non-zero neutrino masses and the discovery of the Higgs boson, will be emphasised. Finally, we will discuss motivations for extending the Standard Model, and explain why the new Large Hadron Collider experiment at CERN is expected to shed light on these matters
Examination Students have to give a short presentation on a topic that was treated in the course. It is convenient for the understanding of the subjects. There is no grade for the presentation but it is mandatory. The final grade is based on an oral examination of an hour. The focus is heavy on the physical understanding of the student. Actual calculations are considered less important. Understanding is Examination Written exam, graded practicals and homework everything. bonus. Evaluation The lecturer stimulates interactive lectures. Evaluation The course isn't very difficult and so it's easy When a student has a question, the lecturer asks to keep in pace with the lectures. The lecturer other students to answer it if possible. This can doesn't follow the book very strictly. Some chap- lead to discussions which is very fun. Contrary ters are chosen out of the book to be treated and to the calculation heavy QFT course, there are in the tutorials exercises not from the book are only a few short derivations. Focus lies on theomade. As a result of this it's sometimes a bit retical predictions and experimentally measured hard to keep a good overview of the exam sub- values. Think of the Omega minus particle (thejects during the period. This problem is solved oretical prediction) and the three quark colours by the very clear overview of the exam subjects, (experimentally found). The lecture notes are a given at the end of the period. The lecture is very bit outdated (no Higgs, no neutrino masses), but enthusiastic and knows how to motivate his stu- this is overcome by supplying additional material. dents. The tutorials follow the lectures really well. Overall it is a very nice (one of the best actually) The practicals are pretty hard compared to prac- course. ticals of other courses. It's very important to properly prepare a practical, for if you don't do this Geo-energy you might be stuck for hours. There were too Course code NAGE-10 Year 2012-2013 Lectufew assistants to help all the students in a rea- rer R. Herber Literature Hand-outs Examination sonable time, so it occurred that you had to wait method Exam Teaching method Lectures and really long till you got help. tutorials 92
Natuurkunde Overview This (minor)course is about geological, geophysical and geochemical processes inside the earth. The main question is how to retrieve oil and gas. This course can be divided in 3 parts: the formation, detection and production of oil and gas. The last part of the course is about the present and the future: the present oil and gas reserves and the future of (possible) renewable energy. Physics students, but also chemistry students and master students take this course. Examination This course only has a written exam at the end of the period. Evaluation Professor Herber has worked a long time for Shell and NAM, so he has a great practical experience. His lectures are worth listening when you are interested in energy. When you really start working with the exercises, it is quite difficult. This course needs an other view how to solve the problems. (i.e. how to calculate the volume of a gas field) This course is totally different to the basic courses but it is really interesting!
Introduction NExT
Course code NANEXT-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. K.H.K.J. Jungmann, dr. D. Roest, prof. dr. P. Rudolf Literature Handouts Examination method Written exam, Homework Teaching method Lectures Overview This course starts with the structure of matter from atoms and moleculus. Multiple phenomenons from the world of nanophysics are presented to clarify how the properties of a nanostructure differ from structures in the macroscopic world. Next multiple subjects from particle- en nuclear physics are discussed and the relation between these subjects and the Standard Model is presented. Finally, black holes as the predictors of the modern theory of gravity are discussed.
enough material to pick their path in the study of physics.
Introduction to ADS/CFT
Course code NAADS-12 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Kyriakos Papododimas Literature Verzameling publicaties en reviews Examination method Mondeling tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges Overview Het vak gaat over de dualiteit tussen zwaartekracht in anti-de Sitter (ADS) ruimte en schaal invariante quantum velden theorie (conformal field theory (CFT)). Tijdens het vak wordt er nadruk gelegd op de dualiteit tussen de supersymmetrische veldentheorie N=4 Super Yang Mills en AdS in vijf dimensies als reductie van superstring theorie. De vele facetten van dit vakgebieden worden aangestipt; van de quark gluon plasma tot en met conformal hydrodynamica. Het vak sluit nauw aan bij de huidige ontwikkelingen in de theoretische natuurkunde, en snaartheorie in specifiek. Aangezien er buitengewoon veel achtergrond kennis vereist is om deze materie te doorgronden wordt het fenomologische karakter benadrukt. Examination Voor de afsluiting van het vak waren er twee mogelijke vormen van toetsing, naar keuze van de student. De eerste mogelijkheid was om een mondeling tentamen af te leggen van de gegeven colleges. De tweede mogelijkheid was om een aantal artikelen/review te lezen over een onderwerp naar keuze om hier een presentatie over te geven.
Evaluation De schrijver is van mening dat de docent zeer bekwaam is in het toegangelijk maken van deze lastige materie voor masterstudenten. Studenten van de master theoretical physics beschikken over te weinig achtergrondinformatie om de precieze details te begrijpen maar de docent is Examination hier zich van bewust en weet een duidelijk fenoFinal written exam. Homework can serve as a melogisch en visueel beeld van deze dualiteit te bonus. scheten. Evaluation This course does exactly what it's purpose is: gi- Introduction to Plasma Physics ving the students a good introduction in this parCourse code NAIPP-09 Year 2012/2013 Lectuticular field of physics, providing a student with rer dr. ir. J.P.M. Beijers Literature Lecture notes 93
Bètawijzer 2013 Examination method Exam Teaching method the correctness of a program. Furthermore, a Lectures number of basis concepts of numerical mathematics, such as, rounding error, condition, staOverview This module presents an introduction to plasma bility, algorithm complexity, difference between physics. The subjects to be dealt with include: a direct and an iterative method, convergence Characteristic plasma properties, e.g. den- speed, discretization and order, will be treated in sity, temperature, plasma frequency and Debye this course. Finally, the students will be introduced to the use of the Symbolic Toolbox of Matlab length, illustrated with examples from laboratory and space plasmas. Guiding-centre theory of to perform symbolic calculations. charged-particle motion in inhomogeneous electromagnetic fields. Application to plasma confinement in magnetic mirrors and tokamaks. Kinetic theory and magnetohydrodynamics. Plasma equilibrium and stability. Transport properties of plasmas. The propagation of acoustic, electrostatic and electromagnetic waves in plasmas and the CMA diagram. Application of plasma physics to controlled thermonuclear fusion and solar plasmas. Examination Written exam Evaluation There are no tutorial for this course which is a problem, making exercises is very important in order to understand the course. There where some exercises and the lecturer was always willing to help you if you got stuck. There is a lot of content in the course and the lecturer had to keep going. So it is important to follow all lectures. The lecture notes are very readible. The course is difficult but you do learn a lot about plasma physics.
Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods
Course code NAIPNM-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Jansen, T.L.C. Literature An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB S.R. Otto en J.P. Denier, 2005 edition Examination method Reports, written exam Teaching method Computer exercises, lectures Overview In this course the programming language of Matlab is taught. The following subjects will be treated: variables and functions, the concept of data type, operations with variables, loops and conditions, formatted input and output, programming techniques to master the complexity and ensure 94
Examination Written exam
Evaluation The course consists of lectures together with computer exercises. The computer exercises follow the theory of the lectures. The level of the exercises is sufficient. If you read the theory and participate in the lectures, you usually have enough time to finish the exercise. If you haven't been able to finish them than you can finish your exercises at home as you can download the Matlab program at home. The guidance of the student tutor is helpful. They have enough knowledge of the theory and know how to guide the students into solving the problems. The lectures can be tough to understand. The lecturer has written a piece of program before the lecture which he then discusses. It can be tough to understand the working behind the program as he only shows the working of the program by using it and doesn't show in detail how he made the program. The lecturer is able to explain the theory explicitly. However sometimes he can go into too much detail, more than necessary. By doing that he will lose the attention of the students. The level of the written exam was decent. Studying the theory from the book and participating in the computer exercises is enough to understand what you can expect. Participating in all the lectures isn't essential to pass the exam. The book and the computer exercises, together with some lectures, give enough understanding of the theory to score a sufficient mark. One can argue that for the next course period the students don't need as much lectures. One per week can be enough if you only discuss the essential theory in these lectures. The attendance at the lectures wasn't very high. This isn't directly the blame of the lecturer as he is able to explain the theory explicitly. However students understand that they do not directly need the lectures to pass the
Natuurkunde exam. Overall you do get more knowledge on how to use Matlab as a tool to simulate basic physical problems.
Introduction to Research
Course code NAKO-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. F.J. van Steenwijk (Coördinator) Examination method Attendance Teaching method Presentations
subjects without being too superficial. Most content of this course will be discussed thoroughly in later courses, giving the students a good idea of what studying physics is about. Students enjoy the well-prepared lectures.
Materials Science
Course code NAMATK-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. J.T.M. de Hosson Literature ``Materials science and engineering, An introduction'', 7th edition 2006, W.D. Callister ExamiOverview nation method Written exam Teaching method This is not a course for which EC's can be obLectures tained. The student has to attend at least four presentations of research groups at the univer- Overview sity, providing the student both an image of mo- In the lectures mainly materials of everyday life, dern physical research and a chance to discover such as metals, ceramics and polymers will be one's interest. treated with an emphasis on mechanical and electrical properties. The red line throughout the Examination 4 presentations have to be attended by the stu- lectures is the ``triangular relationship'' between structure, properties and processing of materident. als, e.g. from the process applied the structure Evaluation can be predicted and from the structure the proStudents enjoy attending the presentations of perties can be predicted. Knowledge and unthe research done in various disciplines of phy- derstanding of these relationships are important sics. It does indeed give students a chance to when designing with materials discover their interest. Examination This course has a final exam at the end of the Kaleidoscope Modern Physics period. Course code NAKMN-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. Timmermans, R.G.E Literature Evaluation Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Unfortunately we didn't do the autocad practical Physics, Volume III, 4th Edition, Pearson Pren- this year. It would have been useful to use the tice Hall, Examination method Exam Teaching theory we learned for practical situations. The lecturer is very enthusiast at his lectures. He is method Lectures and tutorials able to transmit the theory explicitly. A lecturer Overview is enthusiast makes it easier for the students to This course provides the students with an intro- understand the sometimes difficult theory. The duction to modern day physics. Several subjects lecturer updated us on what he was going to disin modern day physics are covered, showing the cuss in the next lecture by email. He also send students various disciplines in modern physics. us the slides of the previous lecture by email for This course will provide students with an idea us to study at home. He didn't use nestor to of different scales, an introduction to quantum- communicate with the students. mechanis and the structure of materials. Chap- For this course there were no clear tutorials in ter 37-43 of the book covers the content of this which you could practice with the theory by solcourse. ving problems. We did solve some problems however not every week so you were solving Examination problems about the theory you discussed a few Written exam weeks ago. This could be very confusing. Evaluation For this course we discussed a lot of theory. Students find this an excellent introduction to Sometimes the tempo of the lectures was quite modern physics, showing the students several high. The lecturer sometimes took too little time 95
Bètawijzer 2013 to discuss a chapter. We discussed a lot of chapters however for the students it wasn't clear for each chapter what was necessary to know for the exam. The exam itself was not that difficult. Attending at the lectures wasn't necessary to pass the exam. You could have just read the chapters at home and study them. The lectures would have been more useful if they were combined with tutorials in which you could practice the theory by solving problems. Overall I did get a brighter view on the properties of materials and their structures. We didn't pay attention too much on the processing of materials. If I would have practiced more with the theory by doing tutorials or autocat practical I would have learned more during the course.
Mechanics & Relativity 1
Course code NAMR1-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. E. van der Giessen, dr. F.J. van Steenwijk Literature Six Ideas that shaped Physics, unit R: The laws of Physics are frame independent, Introduction to Classical Mechanics Examination method Written exams, homework Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview This course consists of two parts. The first part covers the theory of special relativity. Two foundations for this theory are the principle of relativity and the fact that the speed of light is equal for every reference frame. From this starting point several subject are covered including: synchronizing clocks, three kinds of time, the metric equation, transformation of coordinates and Lorentz-contraction. Finally, 4-impulse will be introduced. The second part covers the foundations of classical mechanics from a kinematic point of view, using position, velocity and acceleration to describe spacial motion. Spacial motion will be described in two dimensions using the laws of Newton. From these laws the concepts of work, kinetic and potential energy are introduced. Conservation of momentum will be derived from the laws of Newton, used to describe (in)elastic collisions between multiple particles. Also, the physics of oscillators and pendulums will be a subject in this course, attending concepts as natural frequency, resonance and damping.
Examination Two exams, one of each part. A 6 has to be obtained on both exams. Homework gives a bonus. Evaluation For both parts of this course lectures are used to shape the student's intuiton on the subject. This is done in an interactive way of lecturing, using college slides in a good way. During the classical mechanics part, small practica are used to demonstrate the subjects. Of course, derivations of formulas and theorems are also a subject in the lectures. Training the student's ability to solve problems (which are close to the problems in the final exam) will be done during tutorials and homework assignments. The course is not easy, but most students do find it enjoyable.
Mechanics & Relativity 2
Course code NAMR2-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. E. van der Giessen Literature Introduction to Classical Mechanics, D. Morin Examination method Written exam, Homework, Practicals Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, practicals Overview Linear harmonic oscillations and resonance. Mechanics of multiple-particle systems: centre of gravity, reduced mass, rigid bodies, moment of inertia, gyroscope. Principle of minimum action, Lagrangian, conservations laws, symmetrics, Hamilton formalism, coupled oscillators Examination Three practicals, all three have to be satisfactory. Homework grades add up to a bonus. At the end of the course a written exam takes place. Evaluation Lectures were well prepared and a good representation of the subject matter. The tutorials were helpful to master the subject matter. Attending both lectures and tutorials is strongly recommended. The exam was a good representation of the subject matter.
Nanophysics and nanotechnology
Course code NANPNT-12 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Meike Stöhr Examination method Written exam Teaching method Lectures
Natuurkunde Overview The coarse was good, the main idea was to give lectures covering many different topics. Therefore the lectures were given by different professors. Each more specialized in a certain area. It started of with explaining different bonds at the nanoscale and thereafter nanoscale oscillators and a part about the different conduction models for solids. These topics were done by Meike Stöhr as well as the parts about the scanning tunneling microscope and the atomic force microscope. Then a more difficult and completely new topic was taught by Ron Tobey. About nanophotonics and nanooptics. A general explanation of surface plasmon polaritons was one of the most difficult parts however it was very interesting. Finally a part about magnetotransport was taught by Tamalika Banerjee. The course was interesting because many different topics were discussed. However, there was a small overlap with solid state physics. Examination There were excercise sheets for each topic. These added up for a bonus grade. The final mark was a combination of a written exam and the bonus grade.
Nanoprobing and nanofabrication
Course code NANPNF-12 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Tamalika Banerjee Examination method Written exam Teaching method Lectures and practicals Overview The main focus of the coarse was on nanofabrication. Several different techniques are presented like the direct writing by using an electron beam as well as parallel writing by using optical or mechanical lithography. The concept of spin coating is introduced and many aspects of this technique are discussed. The solid-electron interactions and several side effects which occur when using an electron beam for lithography are dealt with. Also different etching techniques were discussed. Finally several thin film deposition techniques used in nanofabrication were introduced. Like chemical vapour deposition, molecular beam epitaxy and sputtering.
The coarse is very useful to get an insight in the practical aspects of nanotechnology. The course existed of lectures and several practicals in which you actually use some of the techniques discussed in the lectures. Examination The students are obligated to follow the practicals, and at the end there is a written exam. There are a few tutorials in advance in order to prepare for your final exam. The mark on your written exam is your final mark.
Numerical mathematics 1
Course code WINM1-07 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. ir. F.W. Wubs Literature Numerical analysis, R.L. Burden and J.D. Faires Examination method Exam and practicum Teaching method lectures and practicals Overview Most mathematical problems cannot be solved analytically. Numerical mathematics supplies the tools to solve such problems approximately. In this course we will treat both the theory and algorithms of numerical methods for solving the following problems • Numerical Linear Algebra problems: Solving linear systems: o Direct methods: Condition number, LU factorization, Cholesky factorization, banded systems. o Iterative methods: Classical methods (Jacobi, Gauss Seidel, SOR), (conjugate) Gradient method, preconditioning, stopping criteria. Eigenvalue problems: the simplest numerical method to compute eigenvalues: the power method. • Nonlinear equations and systems: Aitken extrapolation and error estimation, Stephensen's method, the fixed-point method, of which (Quasi-) Newton methods are special cases. • Interpolation problems The Lagrange interpolating polynomial, the efficient interpolation based on Newton divided differences, the interpolation error (in particular the Runge phenomenon) and the more robust approach by piecewise interpolation. • Integral evaluation: methods based on polynomial interpolation. Using equidistant interpolation points one obtains the Newton-Cotes formulas. To improve the robustness one uses pie97
Bètawijzer 2013 cewise interpolation which leads to composite Newton-Cotes formulas. Special cases treated are the (composite) trapezium and Simpson rule. A very efficient variant of that can be constructed by extrapolation leading to Romberg integration. Special attention has to be given to singular integrals. •Ordinary differential equations (initial value problem) One can restrict to methods for first order systems. Two important classes will be studied: (i) multistep methods (ii) Runge-Kutta methods • Partial differential equations. Using finite differences (i.e. approximations to derivatives) on a grid. Using this approach algorithms for elliptic (e.g. Poisson equation) and parabolic (e.g. heat equation) will be derived. Examination Written exam and practicals Evaluation Lectures: The lectures where clear and relied heavy on slides. These slides where very conveniant for the understaning of the course. It is possible to follow the course without the book due to the slides. Practicum: The practica where doable, but they did take quite a lot of time. Knowing the theory beforehand is a big plus and it saves a lot of time. They are done in groups of two. Each practicum contributed to the final grade making it impossible to get a 10 on the course if not all practica were done perfectly. Overall it is a nice course and one of the few that teaches programming.
mentum and energy, Newtonian fluids, NavierStokes equations, dimensional analysis, Laminar flow and Poisseulle flow). Ideal flow theory is discussed. In the final part of the course, emphasis will be placed on a specialized topic due to two guest speakers, i.e. microfluidics or biofluidics. The objective of the course is to give a rigorous treatment of the fundamental laws that govern fluid flow and to solve simple boundary value problems relevant for practical applications. Examination The course ends with a final written exam Evaluation This was the first year that this course was given. A lot of students were enthusiastic. The teacher prof. Onck was very good and eager to anwer questions. The course was well organised with clear lectures and good tutorial sessions which really helped to understand the topics. This was one of the best courses in my bachelor.
Physics of life
Course code NANEL-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A.M. van Oijen Literature Handouts Examination method Oral exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Overview Introduction of physical fundamentals that describe life on the molecular level. After a short description of biological relevant length- time and energy scales, we will see how physics is very important in cellular processes. The following subjects are attended: mechanica land chemical equilibrium in a cell, importance of entropy in life processes, random walks and biological membranes. Other subjects include modern biophysical techniques such as single molecule miPhysics of Fluids croscopy, optical pincets and elektrophysiology. Course code NAPF-12 Year 2012/2013 Lectu- This course will also expand on medical imaging rer prof. dr. ir. P.R. Onck Literature ``Fluid me- en diagnostic techniques such as MRI, PET en chanics'', Fifth Edition, 2012, Academic Press CT. by Kundu et al Examination method written exam Teaching method lectures 2x and tutori- Examination Final oral exam. Active participation in tutorials als 2x a week and doing homework is required. Overview The course will start with a short description of Evaluation fluids at rest (continuum hypothesis, surface ten- This is a good introductory course in the imsion and capillarity), followed by an overview of portance of physics in biological life. After this the fundamental equations that govern the mo- course the student will be able to understand the tion of fluids (conservation laws of mass, mo- importance of random walks and entropy in cel98
Natuurkunde lular environment. Furthermore, the student will is to train basic skills a researcher needs. Among have an idea of the scales relevant in biophysics. those skills are: setting up, executing, reporting and presenting research, cooperating and organising. The research is presented at a sympoPractical 1 (Physics) Course code NANP1-10 Year 2012-2013 Lec- sium by means of a poster. turer Steenwijk, F.J. van Literature Dictations on error analysis and practicum Examination method Multiple practicum reports, exam on error analysis Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, practica
Examination The following three points make up the final mark: presentations, report and poster. This is done in the following way: 10% presentation of final plan of action, 20% final presentation, 20% poster en posterpresentation, 50% practical reOverview During this course, the very basic of physical ex- port. periment and reporting is subject. The students Evaluation learn to: Most students find this course both challenging -State problems and fun to do. To choose a subject and exe-Perform an experiment cute a research gives the student freedom during -Measure the required this course. Not every group manages to ob-Work with a lab journal tain good results during the experiments, which -Use of experimental equipment is just part of the process. -Error analysis in measurements -Use a computer to analyse results Practical 4 (physics) -Write down conclusions based on the results. Course code NANP4-12 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Dhr. Hans van der Veen, Dhr. Hans de Examination Multiple practicum reports, exam on error analy- Vries, Dhr. Jan Smit Literature Practical Manuals Examination method Presentation, report and sis article Teaching method Practicals Evaluation The most important part of this course are the practica, which do require some preperation. Each practicum takes two days of three hours. It is not always clear how the equipment has to be used. The exam on error analysis is quite easy, especially compared to the thorough derivations of formulas for error analysis during the lectures. Tutorials are a good preperation for the final exam. During the first few practica, one has to do error analysis without understanding all the required theory on error analysis. This can be quite confusing.
Overview This is a practical in which a students own initiative is needed. The student has to make their own appointments with their practical assistant to conduct one of the practicals. The choices are: Annihilation radiation, Compton effect, radio-active decay of In-116, Cosmic muons, Hall-effect, nuclear spin resonance (MNR), tunneling effect, zeeman effect, faraday-effect, fourieroptics, fresnel diffraction, interferometer, laser-doppler speed measurements, measurements in a vacuum and scanning tunneling microscopy. The practical has to be conducted like explained in the practical's manual however any Practical 2 (physics) Course code NANP2-10 Year 2012-2013 Lec- additional experiments initiated by the students turer ir. J.A. van der Veen, prof. dr. ir. B.J. themself is very much appreciated. van Wees Examination method presentations, Examination practical report, poster Teaching method expe- There are 2 practicals which should be preforriments, lectures med by the students in pairs. There is one introductory lecture in which several things are exOverview In this course groups of four students will exe- plained about the course. Like for example the cute a research. The subject of the research is fact that you can choose any practical howeup to the students. Main objective of this course ver the time frame for preforming this practical is one week only. Therefore there's a website on 99
Bètawijzer 2013 which the different practicals are planned. Thereafter you have one week to hand in your practical report. A presentations is given by all about their first practical and a scientific report is written about the second one. For the article, presentation and the scientific report a grade is received.
Examination There is written exam for this course. Furthermore, the students are obliged to make homework exercises which will part of the final grade. A mid-term exam will be scheduled which can count positively to the final grade.
Evaluation The practical is mainly preformed without supervision. Of course questions can be asked towards your practical assistant however they will definitely not be around all the time. So it's is really your responsibility to make this experiment work. The fun thing is that you can choose the practicals which seem most interesting to you. Because the experimental apparatus does not always work as expected, you have to work out yourself how to get them functional. This is quite fun. The course is overall a good course to get students to do an experiment on their own.
Evaluation Overall it is a fun course to follow, it is a follow-up course for electronics. The organization of the course was a bit lacking last year, it was not completely clear whether the tutorial exercises needed to be handed in. The level of the teachingassistents was quite different, some where clearly not very good at teaching. The exam reflected the course contents well and it is easy to pass the course if you make all the assignments.
Principles of Measurements Systems
Course code NAPMS-12 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. J.G. Messchendorp Literature Principles of Measurements Systems, J.P. Bentley, 4th edition, 544 pages Examination method Homework assignments, exam Teaching method lectures and tutorials Overview This course discusses primarily the principles behind measurement systems. It starts with an examination of generalized measurement systems, their representation in block diagrams, a discussion of static and dynamic characteristics, and the calculation of the overall measurement error. It then introduces transfer function theory (Laplace transform) to describe the dynamic behavior of measurement systems, and proceeds with a treatment of the effects of interference and noise. Subsequently, a number of sensing elements, as well as signal conditioning and signal processing elements, such as Wheatstone bridges, amplifiers and A.C. carrier systems, are discussed in detail. Finally, digital signal processing is treated with the emphasis on the Nyquist sampling theory, and analog/frequency to digital converters. Throughout the course, a number of selected measurement systems of industrial importance are introduced.
Product design by the Finite Element Method (BSc)
Course code TBBPDFEM10 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. ir. A.A. Geertsema, dr. ir. F.W. Wubs Literature powerpoint slides Examination method 5 weekassignments and one end assignment Teaching method combined lectures/tutorials in a computer room Overview Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation is a very powerful tool in the modern design process. FEM simulation has substantially decreased the time to develop products from concept to the final design. Testing and development are accelerated by improved initial prototype design using FEM simulation. In this course, the multiphysics package Comsol will be used. The lectures will start by an hands-on workshop provided by Comsol. The other lectures will contain a theoretical introduction, followed by a tutorial part. The lectures will discuss (in short) the theoretical background of FEM, how to set up a model, and basic physical phenomena from different physical disciplines like structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, and electromagnetism. To get familiar with design problems in these disciplines, tutorials will be executed by the student. Between the lectures assignments have to be made by the student.
Natuurkunde Examination In a team of two students every week an assignment has to be handed. In the last three weeks a end assignment has to be made with Comsol. The week assignments are graded and will account for 62.5% (5/8) of the end grade. The end assignment will account for the remaining 37.5% (3/8) of the end grade.
Quantum Physics 1
Course code NABBKF105E Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. C.H. van der Wal Literature Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2nd edition, D.J. Griffiths Examination method Midterm exam and exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Overview In the course Quantum Physics I physics students enter for the first time in their study the realm quantum physics. In this course the emphasis lies more on the understanding of the basic principles of quantum physics, then it lies on the rigorous mathematical derivations. The following subjects will pass in reviewonderwerpen Quantum Field Theory aan bod: postulates of quantum physics, wave Course code NAQVT-08 Year 2012-2013 Lec- equations, superposition principle, operators, turer E. Pallante Literature A. Zee Quantum Field Schrodinger equations (time dependent and time Theory in a Nutshell; Peskin & Schroeder Intro- independent), measurements in a quantum sysduction to Quantum Field Theory Examination tem, Dirac notation, Hilbert space, eigenvalues method Mondeling tentamen Teaching method and eigenfunctions, commutators, time evolution of a system, Heisenberg uncertainty prinHoorcollege & werkcollege ciple, quantum interference, wave mechanics, Overview tunneling, particle in a box (1D and 2D), the harHet vak draait om de path integral formula- monic oscillator, coupling of quantum wells, extie van quantum velden theorie, als tegenhanchange operators, angular momentum and spin. ger van cannonical quantization zoals wordt gebruikt bij het vak Relativistic Quantum Mecha- Examination nics. Er wordt begonnen met het quantizeren Both the tutorials and the lectures are twice a van een simpel reëel scalarveld (Klein-Gordon week. In the two lectures prof. van der Wal diseq) waarmee de Feynmann regels worden afge- cusses his slides which are based on Griffiths' leid. Aan het einde van het vak is men in staat om book. Van der Wal sometimes deviates from the cross sections van verstrooingsexperimenten uit book with extra notes, which are handed out in de Quantum Electro Dynamica te berekenen met the lectures. During the tutorials homeworksets will be distributed, you're expected to make behulp van Feynman diagrammen. these exercises and at the end of the week a soExamination lution set is handed out. Besides these exerciHet tentamen is mondeling. Om deel te mogen ses, there are also exercises from the book which nemen aan het tentamen moet de ingeleverde you have to make before the tutorials start. This opgave set voldoende zijn beoordeeld. Bij het gives you a basic knowledge of the subjects, mondeling wordt de student gevraagd om be- which you are going to treat in the following tupaalde vergelijkingen uit te schrijven en proble- torials. In the middle of the period, an midterm men die in het college zijn behandeld verder uit exam is set which will count as a bonus for your te werken. final grade, but only if the grade of the midterm Evaluation test is higher than a 6. The bonus will be your Het vak geeft essentiële inzichten voor opvol- midterm exam grade divided by 10. This numgende vakken zoals elementary particles, wat ber will be added to you grade on the final exam erg leuk is in retrospect. De docent geeft duide- at the end of the period. lijke hoor- en werkcolleges en weet het vak uitda- Evaluation gend te houden zonder dat de student de draad Generally speaking, this course will take pretty kwijt raakt. much time, if you want to keep up with the lecEvaluation Comsol is really a powerful programm which can be used for modelling. For the applied physics course it was good to get an introduction into Comsol. The lectures were well organised. The assignments were at a good level.
Bètawijzer 2013 tures. Keeping pace with the lectures is evidently stressed by prof. van der Wal. `For the students in America aren't smarter than the Dutch students, they only work harder', he stated. A very big plus of this course is the good organised distribution of question and solution sets. You'll never end up with a question of which you don't know how to answer it, since very clear solution sets will always be provided. This improves your learning significantly. Also after both the midterm test and the final exam, the solutions will be directly provided afterwards. So now you can directly compare your own results with the answers and this helps you recognising your faults and estimating your grade.
time at the beginning of the course on these previous subjects, this made the course very comfortable to follow since you had a proper basis.
Relativistische (minor)
Course code NARQM-08 Lecturer Bergshoeff, E.A. Literature lecture notes Examination method schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges
Overview In het begin wordt de klassieke mechanica van relativistische deeltjes herhaald. Daarna zul je quantum mechanica toepassen op de relativistische deeltjes. De Klein-Gordon en de Dirac vergelijking worden geïntroduceerd. Op het Quantum Physics II eind wordt er wat quantum velden theorie geCourse code NAKF2-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Prof. Dr. D. Boer Literature Introductory daan waarbij de canonical quantization gebruikt wordt. to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition, PearsonPrentice-Hall,David J. Griffiths Examination me- Examination thod Written exam with homework bonus Tea- Elke week kan er een huiswerkset worden ingeching method Lectures and tutorials leverd. Dit kan voor 30% meetellen als het in je voordeel is. Op het eind is er een schriftelijk tenOverview Whereas Quantum Physics 1 treats the funda- tamen. mental concepts of quantum mechanics, Quantum Physics 2 on the contrary focuses more on the calculations of quantum mechanics and pays attention to typical quantum mechanical phenomena. These phenomena are; addition of angular momentum, time independent pertubation theory, Zeeman-effect, Starck-effect, variational principle and time dependent perturbation theory.
Examination This year the written exam was a open book exam. This was very comfortable in the sense that you didn't have to remember all the formulas by heart and the exam could focus more on your understanding of the subjects rather than remembering formulas which you will forget in the following months. On top of that you could hand in homework exercises. If you score at least eighty percent at these homework sets, you'll receive a bonus point on your final grade.
Evaluation Als je niet gewend bent om met de notatie om te gaan (er wordt met covariante 4-vectoren en tensoren gewerkt) kan dit in het begin lastig zijn. Maar een aantal huiswerkopgaven zijn bedoeld om hier handiger in te worden en het went dan ook snel. Er zijn geen werkcolleges dus het is aan te raden de huiswerkopgaven serieus te maken. De docent staat altijd open voor vragen. Je moet het vak eigenlijk wel volgen als je theoretische natuurkunde wilt studeren, het komt vaak van pas later. Het tentamen is niet heel moeilijk, je moet even naar de oude tentamens kijken.
Science, ethics, technology and society
Course code CHBBSCSO Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Dr. H.A.J. Mulder, Drs. C. M. Ree Literature Reader Examination method written exam, presentation, exercises Teaching method Evaluation The main part of the students were very positive Lectures and tutorials about the course. The lecturer knew this year Overview that the knowledge of Quantum Physics I of the The main goal of this course is to make students students was in a bad shape. So he spent a lot of think about how mathematics and the natural 102
Natuurkunde sciences can contribute in a innovative way to a more sustainable, safer and more prosperous place. This goal is pursued by organizing guest lectures given by professors from the different natural scientific disciplines, lectures by the two lecturers, Ree and Mulder, and tutorials which are supervised by student-assistants.
course there is a more mathematical approach.
Course code NASM-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof.dr.ir. E. van der Giessen Literature Reader (Nestor) Examination method 1 homework, 1 report of a computer practicum and a written exam Teaching method Lectures, tutorials and a computer practicum
Examination The homework isn't obligatory, but it will serve as a bonus
Examination The computer session (COMSOL) and the homework is obligatory
Evaluation Solid Mechanics is a difficult course, but Prof. van der Giessen is a good teacher. It is important Examination to prepare the exercises for the tutorial class and The examination consists of three parts. The keep up with the hearing lectures. The exercises written exam tests your theoretical knowledge of are often questions from previous exams, so the the subjects out of the reader. The essay con- level is comparable. cerns an ethical, technological or environmental subject which can be chosen out of a list of difSolid State Physics ferent topics. Finally at the end of the period you Course code NASSPI-08 Year 2012-2013 Lechave to give a presentation in which you present turer prof.dr. M.A. Loi Literature ``Introduction to your conclusion and findings of your essay. The Solid State Physics'', C. Kittel Examination mepresentation has to be approximately 10-15 mithod written exam and homework Teaching menutes. thod lectures and tutorials Evaluation There's a huge variation in the students' opinions Overview about this course. A lot of students don't like the The course aims to introduce students to the course, they don't think they learn anything and main concepts of modern Solid State Physics. would rather be doing real physics or mathema- The course will cover all the basics topics from tics. However there's also a group of students crystal structures and diffraction to the nature of that does see the usefulness of this course. Be- the energy bands. The main physical properties sides your opinion about the utility of this course, of metals, semiconductors as well as the superconductors will be treated. The course will conyou can't neglect that it was well-organised. clude with some of the most recent aspects of solid state physics related to nanomaterials. Solid Mechanics
Evaluation Prof. Loi is enthusiastic and her lectures are very interactive. This course treats a lot of subjects that are already treated in the course Structure of Overview This course gives an introduction to the mathe- Matter 2. The homework and the tutorial questimatical description of mechanical behaviour of ons are a good exercise for the exam. solid materials. The general theory of the kinematics and dynamics of a continuum are devel- Statistical Physics oped. Then the constitutive equations for speci- Course code NASF-10 Year 2012-2013 Lectufic material behaviour are derived, namely elasti- rer prof. dr. M.V. Mostovoy Literature Statisticity and crystal plasticity. Also the mathematics cal Physics, 2nd edition, F. Mandl Examination and theory of the finite element method is discus- method Homework bonus and exam Teaching sed. At the end of the course the elastic bending method Lectures and tutorials theory is discussed, with the famous forget-menots. These can be applied to solve simple pro- Overview The course statistical physics is all about the reblems from everyday life. Some of the subjects of these course are slighty lationship between the microscopic and macrotreated in the course Material Science. In this scopic properties of matter. In this course you'll 103
Bètawijzer 2013 get acquainted with the laws of thermodynamics, which will be derived from the movements of individual molecules and atoms. Subjects that will pass in review are: Postulates of Statistical Mechanics, statistical descriptions of many particle systems, laws of thermodynamics, entropy, equilibrium states, absolute temperature, Boltzmann distribution, Maxwell velocity distribution, ideal en non-ideal gases, partition functions, equipartition theorema, black body radiation, Planck's law, Bose-Einstein distribution, Fermi-Dirac distribution, Bose-Einstein condensation.
Overview The fundamental properties of matter, from elementary particles to atoms, are treated in this course in its quantum mechanical context. After starting with the atoms and their structure, passing subjects as the stability and composition of the nucleus, eventually the scale of elementary particles is reached. This latter part of the course concerns the fundamental forces and the quark model.
Evaluation The book is one of the least pleasant parts of this course. It is therefore also very nice that during the lectures everything is worked out in detail. You are therefore advised to go to the lectures to fully understand the material. Moreover, the homework assignments are often in the same way as the derivations in the lectures, so it is always do-able to make the homework if you have followed the lectures. The exercises in the book are in the beginning of the course pretty easy but by the end of the period they will be more challenging. Fortunately, they are harder than the exam and you get full solutions during the tutorials. The level of the lectures, given by Prof. Mostovoy, is higher than the level of the exam. So if you can understand the derivations and examples in the lectures, you'll probably pass the exam. Prof. Mostovoy also made available very nice lecture notes, which summarize the theory covered in the lectures.
steady and slowly, which sometimes resulted in boring lectures. However his explanations were always clear and this made the course easy to follow. The course mainly demanded to know facts that had to be learned and to less extent there was some insight neccessary in physical concepts. The course treated subjects slowly, so it wasn't hard to keep pace with the lectures. The lectures were good and clear, but again here it is the same as in the lectures; everything was easy and understandable but this easiness also resulted sometimes in dull moments.
Examination The grading of the course is as follows. Every week at the start of the tutorial there is a small test, which takes the first 15 minutes of the tutoExamination There is the opportunity to hand in a homework- rial. You collect 7 grades in total and the average set every two weeks. These homeworksets will of the six highest grades counts 30 percent for be graded and can count as a bonus for your your end grade. The other 70 percent is determined by the grade on the final exam. grade for the final exam. Grade: Exam grade + 0.1xAverage Homework Evaluation Grade The lecturer worked his way through the course
Structure of matter 2
Course code NASM2-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. P. Rudolf Literature Physical Chemistry, Atkins and de Paula and Modern Physics, John Morrison Examination method Written exam with homework bonus Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Overview The aim of this course is to give a basic insight in; Structure of matter 1 the construction of matter from atoms to solids, Course code NASM1-11.ics Year 2012-2013 the physical phenomena which play a role on difLecturer Hoekstra, R.A. Literature Modern Phy- ferent levels and the relations between those, all sics - John Morrison Examination method Writ- from a quantum mechanical perspective. Subten exam and mini-tests Teaching method Lec- jects which are treated are Raman spectroscopy, tures, tutorials valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory, diffraction, phonons, Bravais lattices, Debye model for heat conductivity et cetera. 104
Natuurkunde Examination Seven homeworksets can be handed in, which will be graded and if it raises you final grade they will count for twenty percent of your final grade. If your exam grade is higher than your average homework grade, your homework will be neglected. Evaluation Since the course is an introduction course, you treat a wide variety of subjects. This is sometimes hard when you are studying for your exam, for you have to know a lot of different things. Also you see a lot of slides flying by, since this is the best method to help the students visualize certain topics. Sometimes the slides are filled with a lot of text and formulas. So learning from the slides requires good notes and documentation.
Course code NAWT-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Oijen, A.M. van Literature Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 9th ed. Examination method Final exam, homework Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview This course gives an introduction in physical systems and the changes it can undergo, from a thermodynamic point of view. The course starts with the behaviour of gases (perfect gas, van der Waals equation, virial expansion). Heat, work and several function of state are used to describe physical systems: equilibrium and their changes. Finally, diffusion and kinetic gas model are examined, providing a connection between a microscopic and macroscopic point of view. Examination
Theoretical condensed matter physics Final exam, bonus for homework
Course code NAITCMP-07 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Prof. M. Mostovoy Literature Lecture Evaluation notes Examination method Exam Teaching me- The teacher provides the students with a clear explanation of the subjects, while maintaining a thod Lectures, tutorials good amount of interaction with the students. Overview His lectures usually start with a reminder of the Topics: phonons, quantum field theory of elas- previous lecture (by means of college slides) ticity, weakly non-ideal Bose gas, superfluidity, which is very helpful. During tutorials, one has magnons, Mott transition, Wigner crystal, Stoner to solve problems, testing the student's ability to instability, charge- and spin-density wave sta- use the equations. The final exam is not very diftes, dynamical screening in metals, Kubo for- ficult and can be passed even without a thorough mula, Kramers-Kronig relations and BCS theory understanding of the subjects. of superconductivity, Meissner and Josephson effects, flux quantization. Waves and Optics
Examination Course code NAGO-11 Year 2012-2013 LectuThere is an exam at the end aswell as homework rer Dr. P.G. Dendooven Literature ``Optics'', E. during the course. Hecht. 4th Ed., Pearson Higher Education. Examination method Midterm Exam and final exam Evaluation The lecturer knows the material by heart and ne- Teaching method Lectures, Tutorials and Pracver brings notes to the lectures. The lectures are ticals clear and the lecturer is very capable at answe- Overview ring questions and adressing difficulties. The tu- This course is an introduction on wave phenotorials are used to discuss the homework, the mena and optics in physics. Subjects that will be teacher assistent is willing to help and answer discussed are: reflection, refraction, polarisation, questions (however, not as clear as the lectu- interference, diffraction, these subjects are trearer). The exam is a good reflection of the course ted within the context of geometric optics and content, but there are a lot of formulas that need the Fourier optics. Furthermore, also electroto be remembered which is difficult. It is a nice magnetic waves and their propagation and sucourse albeit a bit difficult to get a nice grade on. perpositions will pass in reviews.
Bètawijzer 2013 Examination After four weeks there will be held a midterm exam, which tests your knowledge about the theory of these first four weeks. During the last three weeks there will be a practical every week. In this practicals the phenomena are studied which are discussed in the lectures before. The course concludes with an examination that covers the entire treated theory. The final grade is determined as follows, in the case that the midterm grade exceeds the exam: exam 0.6 exam grade + 0.2*midterm grade + 0.2*labs. In the other case: 0.8 + 0.2*practical exam.
Evaluation The lectures will be very similar to the book, so it is not really necessary to follow the lectures. The last lecture is however very useful for an overview of the substance. The tutorial exercises are fairly low-level and will cover half of time that will be scheduled: it is primarily a matter of searching the right formula. The practicals require virtually no preparation for the practical manual describes exactly what to do. For the examination you are expected to mainly know many different things, so you do not have to expect many difficult calculations. It is important that you read all the material and not just study only the subjects that are treated in the tutorials.
Introduction Process and Producttech- As for the second part, the focus shifts towards product technology, where different kind of polynology Course code CHIPPT-10 Year 1.4 Lecturer Broekhuis, A.A. , Heeres, H.J. Examination method Written Exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Overview An introductory course in process and product technology. The course is taught in two parts. During the first part, this course focusses on process technology. Students will learn the basic concepts of mass and energy balances, different types of reactors (CISTR, PFR) and systems (batch/continuous).
mers and polymerizations are discussed, as well as the process of developing a new chemical product. This course intends to give a good view on the study ‘Chemical Engineering’.
Examination Written exam. A good variety of questions. Not all questions were clear about what was expected from the students. Evaluation The tutorials give a good impression for the final exam and the tutors are well prepared. The 107
Bètawijzer 2013 lectures are informative and discuss many facets of chemical engineering as a study and a profession. It is good to note there is no literature available, which makes this course somewhat unclear and difficult to learn for.
Inorganic Chemistry
Course code CHAOC-10 Year 1.4 Lecturer Otten, E. Literature Shriver and Atkins’ Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Ed. 2010, Atkins, Overton and Rourke, 978-0-19-923617-6 Examination method Written Exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview Inorganic Chemistry brings deeper insight into earlier studied subjects: structure, bonding, Lewis acid/base reactions and molecular symmetry. Energetic aspects of these subject make clear why certain structures and bonds form. A closer look into different types of Lewis acids/bases (hard/soft) show what truly differentiates Lewis from Bronsted acids/bases and a link is made between molecular symmetry and spectroscopy. New subjects such as solid structures, coordination compounds and d-metal complexes are discussed, with emphasis on the behaviour of metals. Examination All chapters were equally represented on the exam and the question were equal in difficulty and style of the problems discussed during the tutorials.
Overview A course to introduce students to different sides of chemical research: literature study, writing an abstract, presenting your research and making a research poster. Students are divided into groups of 3 or 4 and are given a tutor (member of scientific staff) and a subject to research linked to the field of expertise of their tutor on the basis of their desired track within the study chemistry and chemical engineering: - Chemistry of Life - Smart Materials - Sustainable Energy and Chemistry - Chemical Engineering Each group will do a literature study and report their findings to their peers from chemistry and chemical engineering with an abstract and presentation and later on to all mathematics, physics and chemistry students with a poster. To aid students with this different workshops are organized: - Library instructions - Poster design - Presentation skills Examination Students will be graded by their tutor on the quality of their presentation, abstract and research (80%). The poster will be graded by peers and staff members (20%). Evaluation In interesting course which requires more of a hands-on attitude versus simply studying the material from books. Even though this course may not be academically challenging, it does a good job showing there is more to research than academic proficiency. That being said, this course was not well organized and there was very little communication between organizers, tutors and students, resulting in unknown deadlines and the like.
Evaluation Dr. Edwin Otten is a well organised lecturer who encourages feedback from students and implements the feedback as soon as possible. Certainly not one of the most difficult courses, yet requires a lot of studying as the required material for the exam is simply a lot. Tutorials were less organized and tutors did not seem very motiva- Chemical Biology ted. Course code CHCB-11 Year 2.4 Lecturer B. Poolman, M. Witte Literature Reader, papers, Propedeuse Congress Biochemistry (Berg), Organic Chemistry (VollCourse code CHPC-10 Year 1.4 Lecturer Her- hardt & Schore) Examination method Written rmann, A. And Otto, S. Literature No litera- Exam Teaching method Lectures, tutorials and ture Examination method Presentation and Re- practical search Teaching method Group meetings, Literature study and Workshops 108
Scheikunde Overview The course is devided into two parts, taught by two different teachers. The most important subjects of the first part are the synthesis of peptides (the natural way and the way we perform in the lab), the synthesis of DNA, click-chemistry and ligation chemistry. The second part mostly consists of the construction of a peptide, starting from DNA. Thereby fluorescence microscopy will be covered and the basis of the sugar chemistry is explained. Examination For the examination the difference between the two parts is felt. The part that was taught by prof. Witte was really doable if you attained to the lectures. Even self-study was possible for this part. The papers that belonged to this part were clear and good to read. The part that was taught by prof. Poolman was quite unclear. Probably this was because 2 of the 3 tutorials were cancelled this year, so probably next year this will be better. It is advised to attend to the tutorials.
capes and driving forces in the chemistry will be discussed - Structure-properties relationships: predictions for the properties of new molecules will be made based on existing data, including the statistical analysis about the accuracy Apart from these topics an essay has to be written about one subject, given beforehand. This will be a literature study and some of the questions of the exam will be based on the essays. The computerpracticum consists of a mathematica exercise or a simulation exercise. Examination The exam was doable. There were quite a lot of questions about definitions and concepts, not much calculations. There was a question about one of the articles you had to read, so it is recommended to do that. In the lectures and tutorials quite a lot was done with mathematica, so it was difficult to know what to prepare for the exam, but the exam was quite okay if you attended to the lectures.
Evaluation This course consists of combinations of lectures and tutorials and quite a lot of mathematica is used. It is recommended to attend to the lectures, because then you know what is asked for in the exam and you learn working with mathematica. The practical can consist of a simulation of some molecules or a mathematica exercise (in the beginning of the course the students can decide). There is a manual for this practical and the teacher helps you. So it takes some time to atMolecular Design Course code CHMD-11 Year 2.4 Lecturer Vries, tend to this course, but if you follow the lectures and the practical hours, it is not a very hard A.H. de Literature Reader Examination method Written Exam, Essay and course. computer Practicum (with mathematica or an simulation program) Teaching method Lectures, Green Chemistry and Technology Practicum and Project based Course code CHGCT-11 Year 2.4 Lecturer Heeres, H.J. Literature Reader and powerpoints Overview Examination method Written Exam Teaching The course covers some main topics in order to method Lectures and tutorials understand the forces in the system of molecuEvaluation The first part of this course is well organized and clear. There are enough tutorials and it really is recommended to attend to the tutorials. The second part mostly is more unclear because 2 of the 3 tutorials were cancelled. Probably next year this does not happen again, so that will make the course better. It is highly recommended to attend to all the lectures.
les: - Intermolecular interactions: coulomb and dispersion interactions will be covered due to the fluctuation in charge distributions - Potential energy surfaces: these potentials energy surfaces will be calculated with the use of computers - Statistical thermodynamics: free energy lands-
Overview Things that are given in the course: • Introduction to the 12 principles of green chemistry and technology • Introduction to the tools of green chemistry, including the use of alternative feedstock or starting materials, reagents, solvents, target molecules, and catalysts. • Introduction on how to evaluate a reaction or process and deter109
Bètawijzer 2013 mine “greener” alternatives. The following topic have to answer in the report and all the theoretiwill be treated: cal background is asked for. However, there are days without labwork planned to work on the reExamination The written exam reflected the material discus- port. So the reports ask a lot of time, but you sed in the lectures. Students that are going to have that. the lectures will pass the exam quite easy with a bit of studying. Several questions were asked which were treated in the lectures almost literally. The exam can be difficult if only the available material is studied. This is because not all the facts are present on the sheets and coming to lectures can be essential to understand some specific things.
Evaluation This course is well organized and it is nice to see the different aspects of the polymer chemistry. The language-skills of the assistants are not always very good, but they are nice and helpful. The theoretical background that is needed for the course is taught in macromolecular chemistry. It is nice to see directly after the theoretical course is finished the applications of the theory in pracEvaluation The lectures and tutorials were not separated tice. but the professor switched between new theory and questions. The questions or exercises were Macro Molecular Chemistry made in the lectures and also discussed immedi- Course code CHMMC-11 Year 2.4 Lecturer ately. This ensured active knowledge and prac- Loos, K.U. Literature Inleiding in de polymeertice with the material. Another positive side of chemie (G. Challa e.a.) Examination method the course is the introduction to multiple theo- Written exam and 2 written midterm tests Tearies and applicable principles. However the level ching method Lectures, tutorials, presentation of the theoretical background can be improved. Overview The aim of this course is to give an introduction to polymer chemistry. An introduction to the Course code CHPRMMC-11 Year 2.4 Lecturer synthetic polymers will be given. The synthesis, Loos, K.U. Literature Reader Examination me- characterization, properties and processing will thod Practical Teaching method Practical be covered.
Macro Molecular Chemistry, Practical
Overview This practical consists of different experiments. The experiments are devided into three blocks. There are a couple of days for the practical work and a couple of days for the report. The three practicals are: - Poly-condensation and characterization - Radical emulsion-polymerization with copolymerization and determinations of the molecular weight - Processing of the polymers with steam-roller, injection molding machine and extruders Thereby the determination of E-modulus, tensile strength and glass transition and melting temperatures will be covered. Examination The practical work is not so hard, but it is nice to see it once. This practical is quite different from the practical courses done so far. It is more an introduction in the polymer chemistry. The three different parts are nice. The reports are quite hard. There are a lot of questions that you 110
Examination For the exam, you really need to study. However, if you did so, the exam is fine. The two midterm tests are a good indication for the final one. So to prepare for the test, have a look at the midterm tests and be sure that you know the definitions. The answers of the exercises covered in the tutorials are in the back of the book. Read them before the test is, you can learn a lot from it. Evaluation The lectures of this course can be a bit boring. The teacher tells the story very monotomic. However, the concepts that are covered can be very interesting. For the exam it is good to read the book or to attend to the lectures. If you don’t want to attend, you can pass with self-study. The tutorials are okay and it is good to attend them or at least have a look at the questions that are covered in the tutorials. Thereby you have to give a presentation during one of the tutorials. This presentation can be given and prepared with two persons and is not very long or difficult.
Transport phenomena 1
Course code CHTFTV105E Year 2.4 Lecturer dr. A.V. Mokhov Literature 2012-2013: Fysische transportverschijnselen, H. van den Akker en R. Mudde, 978-90-6562-185-6 Examination method Written Exam Teaching method Lectures, tutorials
Detailed facts were not asked for.
Evaluation The teachers are both very enthousiastic. Sometimes there is some overlap between the course material of the two teachers, but mostly this is seen as a welcome repetition. The course is really nice and instructive. It is recommended to take this course as a minor course if it is not in Overview Understanding of phenomena that play a role in your mandatory program. a flow through pipes and pumps, heat transport, rate of heating and cooling and transport Single-phase reactors of substances through interfaces. This is done Course code CHEFR-10 Year 2.1 Lecturer prof. trough a mathematical approach. Other topics dr. ir. H.J. Heeres Literature Elements of chemicovered are: Laminar and turbulent flow through cal reaction engineering, Int. ed., third ed., Prenpipes, Bernoulli equation; principle of calculation tice Hall. H. Scott Fogler Examination method of heat transfer and temperature distributions; Written exam, Computer Assignment Teaching non-stationary conduction in solids, analogy and method Hoorcollege Werkcollege Practicum the difference between heat and mass transfer Overview Examination The following subjects will be treated: The exam was quite difficult but there is enough - Classification of chemical reactors. time to complete it. It’s very useful to practice old - Introduction of model reactors, calculation of exams. conversion levels in model reactors by applying mass balances. Evaluation The lectures, given by Mokhov, follows the book - Provide tools for reactor selection and optimivery tight. Dr. Mokhov is not always well un- sation in case of multiple reactions (selectivity isderstood due to his accent. The lecture sheets sue). are filled with formulas en therefore not very use- - Application of heat balances to describe nonful. The tutorials however are very important and isothermal reactors. give a good insight into the exam. Also the book - Introduction to non-ideal reactors . A number contributes to the understanding of the teaching of models will be presented to account for nonmaterial. In short, this course is interesting and ideal behaviour. These models will be applied to determine the conversions for non-ideal reacwell organized. tors. - Application of software tools to model singleSoft molecular materials phase reactors. Course code CHSMM-11 Year 2.2 Lecturer Sybren Otto and Ryan Chiechi Literature Reader Examination and articles Examination method Written Exam The grade is being determined with a computer assigment (25% of total grade) and a written Teaching method Lectures and tutorials exam (75% of total grade). Both exams are a Overview good comparison of what you are being taught The course is devided in two parts, given by dif- in the course. ferent teachers. The course covers subjects like micelles, lipide bilayers, surface stress, and other Evaluation properties and applications of surface molecu- The overall score is good. The teacher is very clear in explanation and the pace is good. The les. questions in the assigment book are more diffiExamination cult than being asked in the exam. This however The exam consists of two parts, written by the is a good preparation for the exam. The book of different teachers. The exam was a good repro- Fogler was not used during the course. duction of the course. You had to show your knowledge and understanding of the concepts. 111
Bètawijzer 2013
Introduction to programming and nu- cations. In the pure species part the following is being treated: volume, energy, enthalpy, ideal merical methods Course code NAIPNM-11 Year 2.2 Lecturer dr. T.L.C. Jansen Literature An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB S.R., Otto en J.P. Denier, 978-1852339197 Examination method Written Exam, computer assignments Teaching method computerpracticum, hoorcolleges
Overview In this course the programming language of Matlab is taught. The following subjects will be treated: variables and functions, the concept of datatype, operations with variables, loops and conditions, formatted input and output, programming techniques to master the complexity and ensure the correctness of a program. Furthermore, a number of basis concepts of numerical mathematics, such as, rounding error, condition, stability, algorithm complexity, difference between a direct and an iterative method, convergence speed, discretization and order, will be treated in this course. Finally, the students will be introduced to the use of the Symbolic Toolbox of Matlab to perform symbolic calculations.
processes and Gibbs energy. After every subject there are exercises to practice on. Balances and thermodynamic systems are common asked exercises. The subjects that will be handled in the second part is determined by the lecturer. In the application part there are 2 subjects. 1 will be handled each year depending on what the majority studies. Examination The written exam was at a good level. It really looked like exercises in the reader. Evaluation The overall score of the course is average. The speed of the lecture is very high and the teacher expect much responsibility from the students. You can always ask him for questions and for individual lesson he is very good. His explanation in front of the class is very hard to understand however.
Product technology
Course code CHTPT05E Year 2.3 Lecturer prof. dr. A.A. Broekhuis Literature Reader Examination method Assignments, Written Exam TeaExamination There are 6 computer assignments which count ching method Tutorials, practicum for a total of 35% of your grade. The other 65% Overview comes from the written exam. The assignments The course Product Technology includes three were a good representation of the theory but elements that play an important role in the desome were too easy. During the written exam sign of chemical products, namely: design meyou have to program on paper which is quite thodology, material structure-property relationshard but overall the exam was made very good. hips, and product engineering.
After the course students will be able to translate a design question into functional product requirements on the basis of: a) physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the main classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers and composites), b) the application of the product to be designed, and c) the product design process and the technology used. Technical Thermodynamics Course code CHTT-09 Year 2.2 Lecturer dr. I.V. In the course these elements will be discussed Melian Cabrera Literature Reader Examination and illustrated with some industrial examples in method Written Exam Teaching method hoor- which the product properties are translated into the chemical and physical behaviour of the comcolleges, werkcolleges ponents during the shaping and the ďŹ nal appliOverview cation. The course begins with a small introduction to thermodynamics. The main course is split in Examination three parts: pure species, mixtures and appli- According to the students the exam was doable. Some question were a bit vague, but your Evaluation The overall score of the course is good. The lecturer explains very clear and what you have to know and what not is also clear. The book is very good, the entry level is very low and the book has many examples of how the code works.
Scheikunde own interpretation is a requirement. It is really helpful to practise old exams, because there are no tutorials. The practical consists of a product research. The requirements for the report were clear. Also most students found it interesting to do.
Calculus 1
Course code WICAL1-12 Year 1.1 Lecturer Verstappen, R.W.C.P. Literature Calculus. Early transcendentals. Newest Edition (International Student Edition), London: Thomson Learning, James Stewart, 978-0538497909 Examination method Writen Exams and Homework assignEvaluation The course in total has a positive review. Espe- ments Teaching method Lectures, tutorials cially the examples of prof. Broekhuis from his Overview past were really interesting. However the level of This course is meant as a base course for the the course for chemical engineering students is exact studies. It is a math course and is given rather low. Also tutorials can be very useful to to chemistry, physics, astronomy and math stuprepare for the exam. dents. And they will follow this course together. The main focus of this course will be on real funcSeparation Processes tions f(x) of a real variable x. We will treat the Course code CHSP-11 Year 2.3 Lecturer prof. subjects continuity, limits, differentiation and indr. F. Picchioni Literature Scheidingsprocessen, tegration, differential equations, complex numUniversity Press, Delft 1998, J.A. Wesselingh en bers and the extension of the exponential, sine, H.H. Kleizen Examination method Written Exam and cosine functions to complex functions. With these the focus lies mostly on learning how to Teaching method Hoorcolleges apply these math skills instead of gaining a thoOverview rough understanding of the underlying theories. In this course, many subjects are being treated. Knowledge of basic thermodynamics is expec- Examination ted to be known. The first part of the course you The course is examined via ongoing homework will be taught basic equilibrium calculations, cal- assignments, a mid-test and a final examination. culating boiling and dew point of mixtures and The first two will only count for your final average grade if they contribute in a positive way. Most extraction of copper. The second part will treat thermodynamic pro- students like the way the examination works becesses. Absorption of water from natural gas, cause it gives extra motivation to keep up with calculations with distillation or evaporation pro- the course. Also knowing that the homework assignments and the mid-test will not have a negacesses. The last part will cover non equilibrium proces- tive influence on your final grade is appreciated, because this gives the student the opportunity ses. This is the hardest part of the course. to slowly learn from their mistakes and not hand Examination in the homework when the student does not feel The course has a written exam. The first 2 parts like it. Most chemistry students find the course are the most important and count the most. The rather difficult. This also shows in the evaluatilast part is for students who like to be tested. The ons. However, with a lot of practice most stuexam was a good representation of the lessons. dents are able to pass the course. Evaluation Evaluation The overall score of the course is good. The lecChemistry students evaluate the course mostly turer is very clear and makes good use of the as rather difficult and rather boring. People with book. The book is very clear and has step for a bit more affiliation for math do like it though. step methods how to calculate things. The ex- But, the contents of the course is extremely usetra questions from the teacher are however a bit ful throughout the rest of your education. And harder than the questions in the book. The stu- thus it is highly recommended to put a lot of efdents didn't like this (also because there are no fort in this course, even though you do not like it, answers) but if you ask the lecturer he always as it will help you with a lot of other courses. wants to help you.
Bètawijzer 2013
From Bacteria to Plastic
Course code CHBK-10 Year 1.1 Lecturer BroerBraam, H.B. , Havenith, R.W.A. , Kocer, A. , Loos, K.U. , Picchioni, F. Literature Practicum Manual Examination method Practical Teaching method Lectures, Practical
from the perspective of organic bonds. Important subjects are: valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory, VSEPR, resonance structures, atomic orbitals, hybridisation, molecular orbitals, Lewis structures and symmetry/stereochemistry. Part 2: molecular reactivity. Essential concepts as reaction mechanisms, transition states, intermediates, solvation, reactivity, steric hindrance and how – based on these concepts – reaction can be steared to a certain outcome are discusses on the basis of SN1 and SN2 reactions. Part 3: molecular functionality. On how reactivity and structure influence the (electric) functionality of complex structures like acenes, porphyrins, molecular carbon and conjugated polymers.
Overview The main theme of this course is lactic acid. Lactic acid, it’s derivatives and polymers (polylactic acid) are of great importance in chemistry and are a subject of study in all chemical specialisms. It will be emphasized during this course that a certain basic knowledge of chemistry is needed in every specialism. This will be illustrated with lactic acid as an example. By viewing this central theme from different perspectives, the diver- Examination sity within chemistry will be made clear, as well This course has a written exam and a practical. Graded homework assignments handed in duas the vital role of chemistry in social issues. ring tutorial can grant bonus points on top of the Examination grade of the written exam. Following the tutorials There is a practial linked to lactic acid for every is therefore highly recommended. discussed specialisation. This can be a more theoretical computer practicum or hands-on la- Evaluation boratory work. At the end of the course, stu- This course teaches the fundemental ideas needents are assessed by their assistents on the ded to follow a study in chemistry. This course quality of their journals, work ethic and know- builds further on the knowledge students gained ledge. As with every practical, the grading is not at secondary school. uniform as every assistent will grade differently. The practical of this course is fun, for students Yet, the assistents are fair and give in depth ar- can choose their own among a wide variety of possible projects, but none of them are very in guments of how the grades are formed. depth. Evaluation A rather easy course and clearly meant as an inOrganic Chemistry 1 troduction to the different specialisations of cheCourse code CHOC1-10 Year 1.2 Lecturer Femistry and a first experience with lab work and ringa, B.L., Minnaard, A.J. Literature Orgakeeping a journal. The course is not very in depth nic Chemistry, 6th ed, Volhardt & Schore 978but nonetheless interesting to assess wether stu1-4292-0494-1 Examination method Written dying chemistry is right for you. Exams Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Molecules: Structure, Reactivity, and Overview Subjects: Structure and bonding in organic moFunction lecules - Structures and reactivity - Reactions of alkanes - Cyclic alkanes, conformational analysis - Stereochemistry - Properties and reactions of haloalkanes - Substitutions and eliminations - Alcohols and ethers Overview - characteristics of and reactions with alkenes This course is composed of three parts: - Alkynes Part 1: molecular structure. Structure explained - Cycloadditions
Course code CHMOL-10 Year 1.1 Lecturer Hummelen, J.C. , Otten, E. Literature Reader Physical Chemistry, 9th ed , Atkins Organic Chemistry, 6th ed, Volhardt & Schore 978-1-42920494-1 Examination method Written Exams, Homework assignments and practical Teaching method Lectures, and practicum
Scheikunde - Electrophilic aromatic substitutions - Defining structure with NMR
Examination This course consists of a final exam and a practical. The practical is an assignment that is to be solved with the programm Mathematica and focuses on problems which can’t be solved by hand and need the computing power of a computer. The final exam is a written exam.
Examination This course has a midterm and a final exam. The grade is a weighted average of these two exams. The exam is doable if you study enough. Make sure that you know the most important reactions and the mechanisms, these things will definitely Evaluation Physical Chemistry shows a side of chemistry be in the exam. often overlooked, for it shows the close bonds Evaluation Organic Chemistry I give students their first ‘real’ with physics and teaches the students that there taste of chemistry. This course is very broad in is more to chemistry then labwork and reaction scope and – especially compared to the che- mechanisms. A very interesting course of stumistry course earlier in the first year of chemistry dents who are interested in physics and mathe– quite in depth. Organic Chemistry I is tightly lin- matics, though it can be though for those who ked to the practical course Synthesis and Ana- are not very strong in mathematics. lysis I, where the theory of reactions thought in this course is put into practise. As the practical side is assessed in Synthesis and Analysis I, this course mostly focusses on the theory and memorization of reaction.
Synthesis and Analysis 1: Practical
Course code CHPSA-10 Year 1.2 Lecturer Harutyunyan, S. Literature Practical Manual Examination method Practical
Overview This course is divided in three weeks. Each Course code CHFC1-10 Year 1.2 Lecturer week, a new lab technique or an important subVries, A.H. de Literature Physical Chemistry, 9th ject of organic chemistry is introduced. Eventued , Atkins Reader Examination method Writ- ally the students perform a short research proten Exams and computer practical Teaching me- ject. All experiments and the research project are thod Lectures, tutorials and computerpractical to be completed in these three weeks. Each experiment is to be accompanied with a report on Overview 1e en 2e hoofdwet Eigenschappen: warmteca- the experiment and the results of the experiment. paciteit, effect van kwantisatie van de energie Examination Molecular mechanics: Classical mechanics of Students are graded by their lab assistants on Newton, Numerical integration and differention, their knowledge, work ethic, lab techniques and Conservational laws of impuls and energy Kinetic on the quality of journal and reports and potential energy, work, Intermolecular for- Evaluation ces, Law of Coulomb, Effective forces described The three weeks of practical work are tough and by Lennard-Jones Potentials and fields tiring, yet very rewarding. During this practical Molecules as classical particles: Molecular de- the student finally gets to see what the reactions grees of freedom Center of mass, moment of in- learned during the course Organic Chemistry I ertia, reduced mass Total amount of energy ap- mean in practise and what it takes to force cheproximated as sum of the contribution from the micals to make or break certain bonds. degrees of freedom Harmonic oscillator as a model for vibrations Statistic mechanics: Boltzmann weight, Pres- Biochemistry sure of (ideal) gasses, Maxwell-Boltzmann distri- Course code CHBC-10 Year 1.3 Lecturer butions, Equipartition, Energy, entropy and free Fraaije, M.W. Literature Reader Biochemistry, Berg, 9781429276351 Examination method energy Thermodynamics: First and second law, charac- Written Exam and midterm tests Teaching meteristics: warmth capacity, effect of the quantisa- thod Lectures and tutorials tion of energy
Physical Chemistry 1
Bètawijzer 2013 Overview Molecular concepts of biology are being thought via the book ‘Biochemistry’. The treated subjects are: • Structures of DNA, RNA, proteins, membranes and sugars. • Replication, transcription, translation and regulation of gene expression. • Binding of small molecules to proteins (hemoglobine and myoglobine). • Enzyme kinetics and catalytic strategies. • Several techniques: bioinformatics, biochemical separation methods (chromatography, centrifugation and gel electrophoresis) and DNA techniques. This course is meant as preparation for the practical course Biochemistry I. Examination The examination was doable, but it was not told by the teacher what you should know, so study everything was needed. The two midterm tests made you study and forced you to keep up with the lectures. By that the studyload during the lectures was quite high, but for the final examination it was easier. You just have to study what was told in the lectures and just remember everything. Good studying will end up in a good grade, however not keeping up with the lectures will give you a lower grade.
Overview The fundamentals of quantum chemistry are explained. This knowledge is required for understanding why spectra look like they do. For the interpretation of those spectra this knowledge is also needed. The quantum mechanical method, via the use of operators and wave functions instead of classic trajectory, is being illustrated. You learn how photons from different frequency ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum cause changes in molecules and how these processes lead to spectra. And the accompanying selection rules will be presented. Furthermore you are being taught how these spectra can be used to identify molecule characteristics, to verify quantum mechanical calculations on these molecules, identify molecules and how to measure the concentrations of molecules. And finally you learn the basic principles of data mining and error analysis. This is done in a computer course and mostly via Mathematica.
Examination The exam was of a good level. To prepare for the exam you really should make the old exams of previous years. If you don’t really know all the answers, ask the teacher. He is really willing to help you with every question. The midterm test Evaluation Biochemistry is one of the more theoretical cour- was a good indication of the final exam. ses where most simply has to be memorized in- Evaluation stead of understood. It is possible to follow this What makes spectroscopy interesting is the anacourse without prior knowledge of (high school) lytical approach to chemistry, an essential but biology, though it is strongly preferred. An ex- often overlooked part of chemistry. The course tremely interesting course for students interested is abstract and rather mathematical, though the in medicine and biology. For those who do not mathematics are easier compared to the course share those interests, this course can be a very Physical Chemistry I, which may cause difficullengthy. Insiders tip-off: When the lecturer says ties. Insiders tip-off: practise old midterms and you don’t have to learn something for a mid- exams and after you’re done, practise them term/exam, count on it you will be questioned again. Insider tip-off 2: when the lecturer asks about it. the group a question, answer it with ‘Boltzmann’ and you’ll be right 9 out of 10 times.
Course code CHAC-10 Year 1.3 Lecturer Scheek, R.M. Literature Physical Chemistry, 9th ed , Atkins Chemical Structure and Reactiity, an integrated approach, James Keeler and Peter Wothers, 978-0-19-928930-1 Goed meten met fouten, Herman Berendsen Examination method Written Exams and Practical Teaching method Lectures, tutorials and Practicum
Biochemistry Practicum
Course code CHBCP-10 Year 1.3 Lecturer Kocer, A. Literature Reader Examination method Practicum Teaching method Practium Overview Two 1-day practica are given during the classes of Biochemistry. These short practica are focussed on enzyme kinetics and bioinformatics. To end ‘blok 4’ there is a practical course
Scheikunde of two weeks. During these weeks the student will be made familiar with several biochemical techniques. For the theoretical understanding of the experiments a series of short lectures will be given. The experiments are part of an integral research project which will give the student a good view of what biochemical research will be like. The student will develop an expression vector/system based on DNA samples (week 1), followed by the production, purification and observation of a recombinant enzyme (week 2). In the second week there is time scheduled for to set up and execute experiments yourself. This way the student gains experience with fundamental molecular biological and biochemical techniques. During the practica, terms and theories of the Biochemistry lectures are used and tested/demonstrated.
Overview At the end of the course you should know the following: • The properties and characteristics of important functional groups • Transition State Theory (TST) • Important functional group transformations and organic chemical reactions • Mechanisms of these chemical transformations/reactions • How to apply these transformations in the synthesis of a molecule (retrosynthesis) • How to find a multistep-synthesis of a given molecule
Examination The exam looks very similar to the assignments of the tutorials. In 2012 homework assignments were introduced, because the amount of subject material is very large a lot of students started too late with learning for the exam. These assignments oblige the students to keep working with the subject material. When you can do these asExamination The examination is by the evaluation of the lab signments, you definitely can do the exam. journal. In order to do this in the right way, listen Evaluation carefully to your assistant to know how he/she Organic Chemistry 2 is a very nice course for wants you to do it. There were differences in chemistry students and has been evaluated very what has to be where etc. between the diffe- good for many years. The course is also mandarent assistants, so listen to your assistant what tory for chemical engineering students, but their he wants. The practical itself is very doable and opinion vary a lot; some enjoy the course, others the only thing you really need to take care off is don’t see the usefulness. to keep up with the lab journal. Pay enough attention to this, because it is the thing that will be Properties of Materials 1 examined. Course code CHEVM1-11 Year 2.1 Lecturer Evaluation Noheda Pinuaga, B. Literature The Physics The type of lab work of biochemists differs a lot of Solids, Richard Turton Examination method from that of organic chemists, which makes this Written Exam Teaching method Lectures, tutopractical very different and interesting. Do bring rials a pack of cards, though. Bacteria can´t be rushed into making the desired products, therefore Overview resulting in a lot of waiting time during the prac- This course is an introduction into the properties and functionalities of materials. The goal is to untical. derstand the physical properties that are relevant for usage in electronic components like transisOrganic Chemistry 2 tors, diodes, solar cells, hard disks, memory apCourse code CHOC2-11 Year 2.1 Lecturer plications etc. The concepts of several types of Roelfes, J.G. Literature Organic chemistry, Voll- (chemical) interactions are explained in the lechardt & Schore Modern Physical Organic Che- tures and eventually the different properties are mistry, Anslyn & Dougherty (1 chapter, will be derived from the response of the materials on available during the lectures) Examination me- external stimuli. On this manner the student will thod Written Exam (85%) and homework assign- learn the difference between isolators, conducments (15%) Teaching method Lectures and tu- tors and semi-conductors. Also the fundaments torials of elasticity will be described. During the lectures, the basic understanding will be varied with exercises and practical applications of the phy117
Bètawijzer 2013 sical properties. Examination The exam was as predicted by prof. Noheda, exam followed logically the lectures and the book. Evaluation Most of the students liked properties of materials 1. The lectures and tutorials are clear and the book is very readable.
Synthesis and Analysis 2: Practical
Overview Linear algebra 1 gives you insight in how to solve systems of equations. For this matrices are introduced and vectors and vectorspaces are used. It is a totally mathematical course and therefore after the first couple of weeks it will be more abstract. There will be some theorems and proofs about vectorspaces etc. However, in the end you will be able to use matrices in order to simplify your calculations. You will use the tricks from this course for example in quantum chemistry.
Examination Course code CHPS2-11 Year 2.1 Lecturer Otto, The exam looks a lot like the exams from preS. Literature Practicum manual Examination vious years. Therefore it is a good method to method Reports and practical work make all the previous exams in order to get a good grade. Before you can pass the exam, Overview The practicum consists of a series of one-day you need to finish three computer assignments experiments were organic and molecular inor- where you use matlab to solve some questions ganic compounds are synthesized. At the end with matrices etc. These practicals are assisted the student chooses a project where a multis- during the lecture period and if you attend to tep synthesis is performed. In the project is a lot these practicals you will be able to solve the proof space for own initiative. During the practical blems. Homework can be handed in and counts there will be specific attention for the characte- for your grade if it is good for you. So it is highly rization of all compounds with NMR, IR and UV recommended to hand in your homework. It is a good exercise for the exam and it can positively spectroscopy. influence your grade. Examination Students are graded by their lab assistants on Evaluation their knowledge, work ethic, lab techniques and The course is good in principle. The lectures go quite fast and are just a repetition of the book. on the quality of their journal and reports So they are not that useful. However, the tutoriEvaluation als help you to understand the course. Thereby The three weeks of the practical are very simi- it is a good trick to just make previous exams lar to synthesis and analysis 1: tough and tiring. and do your homework. Then you will be able to Some recommendations: prepare experiments pass this course. of the next day(s) during reactions and start from day 1 with writing parts of reports in the evening. Quantum Chemistry During the practical reactions learned during the Course code CHQC-11 Year 2.2 Lecturer course Organic Chemistry 2 are used in practice. Broer-Braam, H.B. Literature Physical CheDue to the own initiative in the project, students mistry, P. Atkins and J. De Paula Examination are introduced to research, which a lot of stumethod Practical and Written Exam and middents experience as challenging and very inteterm test Teaching method Lectures, tutorials resting. and computer practicals
Linear Algebra 1
Course code WILA1-06 Year 2.2 Lecturer Waalkens, H. Literature Linear Algebra with Applications Examination method Written Exams, Homework Assignments and Practicum Teaching method Lectures, tutorial and computer practicals 118
Overview In this course the electronic structure of molecules and atoms is the key point. The molecules will be viewed from a quantum mechanical point. Introduction to the descriptions and approximations that are needed to yield good predictions for the compounds will be covered in this course. There will be a computer practical to see the si-
Scheikunde mulations that can be obtained by using quantum chemistry. Furthermore valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory and the Hückel method will be covered. Examination The exam looks a lot like the midterm test. The exam covers the same kind of questions as were made in the tutorials, so it is highly recommended to go to the tutorials and to practice the tutorial questions before the exam. Evaluation The course is good. The tutorials are very useful. The lectures are a bit boring and everything that is told is in the reader, so skipping the lectures is not that bad. However, the tutorials really help you to understand the new concepts.
Bioenergetics and Metabolism
Course code CHBC2-11 Year 2.2 Lecturer Janssen, D.B., Heineman, M. Literature Biochemistry, Berg Reader Examination method Written Exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview The first part of the course covers basically the energy-metabolism in biological systems, such as photosynthesis. Biosynthesis and fermentation will be covered too. The second part of the course, the “life”-part covers metabolistic engineering for biological production.
Soft Molecular Materials
Course code CHSMM-11 Year 2.2 Lecturer Chiechi, R.C., Otto, S. Literature Reader Examination method Written Exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview This course is an introduction to noncovalent interactions and soft materials in which recent examples are used to elaborate on the background and most important principles. After a short introduction the most important noncovalent interactions will be explained. We will then see how these interactions can act in concert to give rise to well-defined self-assembled materials. These include: - Different types of self-assembled structures in solution - Assemblies of amphiphilic molecules - Liquid crystals - Self-assembled monolayers on surfaces The principles of the techniques used for charactering these materials will be introduced as we go along. Examination The exam is very well doable if you followed the lectures. It mostly is about the concepts and if you followed the lectures and studied the materials, you will be able to answer the questions.
Evaluation The course is divided into two parts. It starts with a more conceptual part and it ends with a more Examination mathematical part. The course is not very hard, The exam was representative for the materials but it is very informative and it is nice to learn that were covered in the lectures. There were no more new concepts. previous exams to prepare, so you did not know what to expect. However, if you go to the lectures and learn the material, you will be fine. In the Bio energy and Bio Fuels tutorials you work quite a lot with a model. This Course code CHBR-11 Year 2.2 Lecturer Vries, J.G. de, Janssen, D.B. Literature Biochemistry, model will be asked in the exam too. Berg Reader Examination method Written Exam Evaluation Teaching method Lectures and tutorials The teacher is good. The group normally is very small, so it is an interactive course. The tutori- Overview als are important, because there are computer Bioenergy and biomaterials is a course that conpracticals in there where you need to give a pre- sists of two different parts: the first part of the sentation about. However, the course is quite course is shared with the course Bioenergetics specific, so if you don’t like the metabolism it will and Metabolism, track "Chemistry of Life". This be boring. If you do like it, it is a very good course part was called by students biochemistry 2. The topics covered in the first part are: Metabofor you. lism and energy generation, glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain, ATP synthesis, 119
Bètawijzer 2013 anaerobic fermentation, production of biofuels, biosynthesis reactions and pathways, structure of relevant biomolecules. Students who have done well in biology in VWO exam master a part of the fabric all superficial. Students who have not followed the pre-university biology, will have to do a little more self-study. This difference, however, is not disturbing. The second part of the course is entirely focused on energy and sustainability. Some topics that are covered are: Energy production (sources and use), Renewable Energy, Production of biofuels (first and second generation), Raw materials for chemical industry (refining, fermentation and examples) and Thermochemical processes (reactions, products and examples) . Examination Both parts are tested separately. The first part of the course is very similar to biochemistry from year 1 in structure and substance, but also the exam. In the examination of the second part of the course, mainly the acquired knowledge is tested. Beforehand it is not very clear what to expect on the exam, however if you just study the concepts and information you do fine on the exam. Halfway the course the first part is tested (3 hours), in the end another exam (3 hours) is used to test the second part. The first results are already known, and if the student is pleased with, he / she may choose to make only the second part of the final exam. Note that both parts must be passed separately.
Roughly, these are like this: - Balance and Change - (Statistical) Thermodynamics: Distribution of energy levels, Ideal Gas Law, the laws of thermodynamics, Ensembles: adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric processes Features - Kinetics: Molecular reaction dynamics, Kinetic theory / collision theory, elementary reaction steps, (Reactive) collision cross section, Activation Energy, Potential energy surfaces, Transport Properties, 1st and 2nd law of Fick, random walk model for diffusion - Macroscopic behavior (applied thermodynamics): Driving forces in chemistry, balances, shifting equilibria, phase diagrams, phase transitions Examination The exam looks a lot like the exam of previous years. It covers quite a lot of calculations. Therefore it is possible to pass the exam without the total knowledge of the concepts, but with knowledge of how to solve the calculations. However, practice is needed before you can pass this exam.
Evaluation In the lectures some concepts are covered and after that the calculations are done in the tutorials. Therefore it is good to attend to both the lectures and the tutorials. (Hopefully) you get a better understanding of the concepts in the lectures before you try the calculations in the tutorials. In the end you get an abstract of the important concepts and some questions in there. This is a very helpful tool to check if you know Evaluation This course covers quite a lot of information. Be- everything for the exam. forehand it was not totally clear what to know and what to expect for the exam, but if you study just Science, Ethics, Technology and Socithe information and concepts, you do fine in the ety exam. Course code CHBBSCSO Year 2.3 Lecturer Mulder, H.a.J., Ree, C.M. Literature Reader Physical Chemistry II Examination method Written Exam ans Essay Course code CHFC2-11 Year 2.3 Lecturer Teaching method Lectures, tutorials and Group Vries, A.H. de Literature Physical Chemistry, Discussions P.W. Atkins and J. De Paula, 0-19-870072-5 Molecular Driving Forces, K.A. Dill & S. Brom- Overview berg Examination method Written Exam and This course is themed energy, sustainability and Practicum Teaching method Lectures and prac- security. In this section, we look at the social side of exact science and is given jointly for the entire ticals/tutorials faculty. This ONT-wide issues are major socieOverview tal challenges of maths and science and techPhysical Chemistry 2 is a continuation of Physi- nology. The theme includes not only studies of cal Chemistry 1 and consists of various subjects. new energy sources, but also for example the 120
Scheikunde production of new materials (material sciences) and technology development. In the introductory theme days a combination of beta-specific knowledge, social aspects and Science & Society instruments is made. Besides beta substantive introductions will submit a number of basic approaches in ethics, philosophy of science, argumentation, innovation theory and science dynamics are introduced. The students have the competence to apply (analyse of) debates, controversies and cases on energy, sustainability and the role of (natural) science and technology innovation in this knowledge. The exam is about this science and society aspects, energy, security and the environment is used as an example. In the final project, the students give effect to this competence in a project about a scientifically and socially relevant issue. Examination The examination is through a combination of the grade for the final exam and the final writing project. For the final exam you need to know the concepts and information of the reader, so it is important that you literally learn the reader. For the final project in first glance it looks boring and not clear where to start. However, once you are started, you will pass it. Evaluation This course is a bit boring, but you have to attend all the sessions (otherwise you have to do a replacing project). The sessions sometimes are too long to be interesting, but the best thing you can do is just attend and learn the reader for the final exam and pass the cours. The discussions might be quite interesting.
tial genetics of bacteria and yeasts are discussed and the application of this understanding in recombinant DNA techniques and molecular biology. These techniques help us to study fundamental concepts such as gene function, proteinprotein interaction, signal transduction. Topics include all aspects of cloning, reporter assays, PCR, transposons, immunochemistry, chromosomal recombination, gene mapping and transgenic mice. In the second part of the course the students will become familiar with the search for disease causing genes, the genetic basis of cancer, and DNA fingerprinting and forensics. Examples of practical applications in human medicine will be given, as well as a discussion about the future of human genetics and genomics projects. Examination In the examination the two parts were really visible. The part of Linskens was quite doable. He asked for definitions etc. too. It was a lot material that it covered, but if you learn that you will pass this part. The part of Slotboom contained more calculations and understanding. Here you needed some practice and you really need to understand the material. Evaluation This course was quite enjoyable. The teachers are good and the group is small, so the lectures were interactive. The part of Linskens covered a lot of material, so you had to study a lot, but it is worth it.
Properties of Materials 2
Course code CHEVM2-11 Year 2.3 Lecturer Palstra T.T.M. Literature The Physics of SoRecombinant DNA and Biotechnology lids, Richard Turton Reader Examination meCourse code CHTDNAB-11 Year 2.3 Lectu- thod Written Exam Teaching method Lectures, rer Linskens, M.H.K., Slotboom, D.J. Lite- tutorials and Assignments rature Reader Recombinant DNA, J.D. Wat- Overview son, 0716728664 Examination method Written This course is a continuation of Part 1 and is Exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials an introduction to magnetism and superconOverview The first part of the course includes an introduction to the fundamental concepts of genetics and genomics, a look at the Human Genome Project, a description of bioinformatic and experimental techniques for large scale genomic studies, and a survey of epigenetics and RNA interference. During this part of the course the essen-
ductivity. Magnetism is a property of materials with non-filled electron shells including d-and fmetals. It covers fundamental aspects traced back to the chemical bond, covalently and metallicity. A part of the course focuses on material classes such as molecular magnetism, magnetic oxides, organic and high-temperature superconductors. Magnetism is widely used in tech121
Bètawijzer 2013 nological applications for engines, memory, filters. Superconductivity is a feature of exotic materials, which have no electrical resistance. This finds application in modern detectors, filters, and in transistors that switch 105 times faster than Si-based transistors. In the lecture, the concepts of magnetism and superconductivity are covered. This provides a basis for understanding the physical properties which are highly dependent on the chemical interactions of these materials. Basic knowledge about different directions is obtained, such as crystal field, dimensionality and superconducting pairing understanding. In addition, some applications developed as magnetoresistance, tunneling and superconducting quantum interference device, SQUID.
Sensors and the Quartz Batteries and fuel cells V) Electrosynthesis and catalysis VI) Hydrogen production/CO2 reduction VII) Spectrophotometry VIII) Solar cell technologies IX) Electroluminesence and organic light emitting diodes In the second part of the course there will be a Practicum in which the theory covered in the first part will be developed with experiments including: i) Electropolymerisation ii) Building a (Graetzel type) solar cell iii) Making and characterizing a rechargeable battery iv) Electrochemical synthesis v) Spectroelectrochemistry (where electrochemical processes are monitored by UV.Vis spectroscopy) vi) Hydrogen generation/storage vii) Electroluminescence Examination The exam was well structured and covered the tutorials and lectures very well. The practical was examined through the lab journal, the preparation and the attitude. The lab journal need to stay at the lab at all times, so for some students this was new. However, this resembles the real world of research very well and therefore it is very illustrative. Thereby no report has to be written, so it is a good evaluation method for the practicals.
Examination The exam was a little bit short for the time that was given. However, it was not very hard. If you learn the material, you will pass. It is very helpful to follow the lectures, because the concepts are new and somewhat vague, so it needs some time for the concepts to “land” in your brain. If these concepts are familiar to you, you will do well in the exam. However, if you did not keep Evaluation up with the lectures, it will be hard to pass the This course was well structured and the teacher exam. is good. The combination of the practials and the theoretical exam was nice, but it is time conEvaluation The teacher was quite clear. The new concepts suming. So before you start with this course it are covered in the lectures and it is very helpful to is good to know that it takes some time. Howeattend to these lectures. Thereby it is highly re- ver, if you spend this time, you will do fine in the commended to read the material before you at- exam. tend the lecture. The teacher asks you to read the material beforehand and it is very wise to do General process equipment so. If you do this and if you pay attention to the Course code CHTGPE05E Year 3.1 Lecturer lectures, this course is informative and doable. It prof. ir. M.W.M. Boesten Literature Coulson & is nice to meet the new concepts. Richardson's Chemical Engineering series. Chemical Engineering Design, Volume 6, R.K. Sinnott, 0750665386 Examination method ComCourse code CHEE-11 Year 2.3 Lecturer puter assignments (with report), heat exchanger Browne, W.R. Literature Reader Examination practicum, written exam Teaching method Lecmethod Written Exam and Practicum Teaching tures, computer practicum method Lectures, tutorials and practical Overview
Electrochemistry and Energy
Overview The course will begin with a lecture series that will cover I) Electrochemical principles, concepts and techniques II) Electrochemical mediators and their application in biochemistry III) Conductivity, Field effect transistors IV) Electrochemical,
In the lectures the commonly used devices in plants such as pumps, vessels, tanks, heat exchangers, compressors, separators and filters, are discussed. In the first lectures the general characteristics of these devices are explained such as the material, mechanical strength, sta-
Scheikunde tic and dynamic seals, thermal insulation, etc. Also the general utility systems, such as cooling water, steam and condensate and air systems are explained. During the discussion of the general characteristics, the commonly used devices and utility systems, the considerations operability, controllability, maintainability, economics and QESH (Quality, Environment, Safety and Health) are discussed. In a practical (half a day) the operation of a pump and a heat exchanger with several pipes is performed. Consistency: The course builds on the subjects Physical Transport Phenomena 1, Separation Processes, Technical Thermodynamics and serves as preparation for the lecture Special Process Equipment and Process Design. Examination For the examination it’s important to be present at the lectures. The information that is explained in the lectures is partly asked in the exam. You can bring the book to the exam but it’s important to have studied the book closely so the information can be found easily. Evaluation It is very important to show up at the lectures because here all the information is told. Also information that can’t be found in the book or on Nestor. The assignments in the report that have to be made of the practical are first very unclear. You have to find out yourself what is exactly the meaning in the report of the practical. Good communication can be improved.
Multiphase Reactors
Course code CHTMFR105E Year 3.2 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. G.F. Versteeg Literature Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, S.C. Fogler Chemical Reactor Design and Operation van Westerterp, van Swaaij en Beenackers Examination method written examination Teaching method lectures, tutorials Overview Description of biological reactions, kinetics of enzymatic and microbial fermentations, formulation of mass balances of fermentation reactions for different reactor types as parameters for optimal design. Mass balances are made for mass transfer with reaction or without reaction. Qualitative effects of reaction to the rate of mass transfer. Mass transfer and reaction in parallel. The con-
cepts of the acceleration factor, the Hatta number and the Thiele modulus. Acceleration factors of gas-liquid, gas-liquid-solid and catalytic reactions. Utilization in catalytic reactions. The role of the phase-specific contact surface with the multi-phase chemical reactors. Design strategies for multiphase reactors (mixed, cocurrent, countercurrent). Overview of conversion rates in multiphase reactors. Integrated problems reactor design. Specific mass transfer processes for biological reactions in multiphase reactors. Examination You can bring everything you want to the exam. This can be very tricky because students come unprepared to the exam. It is however impossible to pass the exam without enough practice and knowledge of the calculations. It can be very useful to bring elaborated assignments to the exam but you also have to practice very much with the assignments that are given in the tutorials. Every year the exam is partly complete new, so with assignments that are not practiced before. Evaluation The theories that are covered in the course, are explained clearly and are very useful to perform calculations. However this course can be seen as a difficult course that is only possible to pass when enough time is invested. Doing the assignments over and over again, is necessary to understand the calculations that are related to the theories. We can conclude that it is a good but difficult course.
Physical Transport Phenomena 2
Course code CHTFTV205E Year 3.3 Lecturer dr. A.V. Mokhov Literature An introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena, G. Hauke, 978-1-4020-8536-9 Examination method written examiation Teaching method lectures, tutorials Overview This course is a continuation of Physical Transport Phenomena 1 and gives a further deepening of the knowledge gained there. The subjects are related to each other and PTP 1 is the basis for this course. In the lectures fluid dynamics, heat transfer and mass transfer at a microscopic level will be explained.
Bètawijzer 2013 Examination The exam is similar to the given exams in the years before. So practicing old exams can be very useful. The assignments that are given in the tutorials are good to practice for understanding the theories.
well. The requirements and goal of the assignments are clear. Also the book is very useful. The assignments can be accomplished with enough time.
Evaluation The lectures are clear but are almost completely similar to the information in the book. So to understand the material, the book can be red but for a bit more background information the lectures can be useful. The discussed theories are useful also in other courses but are a bit limited because the focus in this course is on using different equations and not so much on understanding the equations of the different theorems.
Process Dynamics
Course code CHTSPE05E Year 3.3 Lecturer prof. ir. M.W.M. Boesten Literature Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering, volume 2, 5fth ed; Particle Technology and separation processes, J.F. Richardson e.a., 0750644451 Chemical Engineering, volume 6, Chemical Engineering Design, Coulson and Richardson Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice ans Economics of Plant Process Design, G. Towler, R.K. Sinnott Examination method Assignments, Presentation Teaching method Lectures, practicum
Overview The field of process dynamics integrates different disciplines, such as transport phenomena, thermodynamics, process design, mathematics and control theory. Central to the field is the development of dynamic models. The course covers the following topics: - Formulation of the control goal for a process - Development of mathematical process models - Linearization and Laplace transformation of models - Derivation of transfer functions - estimation of the dynamic process behavior - Process simulation in Matlab Simulink - Dynamics of controlled processes - Design of process control and tuning of controllers
Examination The review is based on the assignments and the presentation. It is not very clear how the assignments are graded. This is due to the vague requirements of the report. The literature is however useful to make the reports. However be careful which book to buy, because in General Process Equipment the same book is required.
Course code CHTP-08 Year 3.3 Lecturer prof. dr. ir. B. Roffel Literature Process dynamics and control: modeling for control and prediction, John Wiley, 2006, Roffel. B., Betlem, B.H.L, 13:978-0-470-01663-3 Examination method Assignments Teaching method Lectures
Special process equipment
Overview The aim of the course is to gain insight in the mechanism and diversity of specific equipment in the process industry and ultimately to gain the ability to choose the right equipment. During the lectures the more specific equipment will be discussed, such as cooling towers, dryers, crystallizers, etc. During the discussion of this specific equipment, the working principles and related issues such as operability, controllability, maintainability, economics en QESH (Quality, Environment, Safety and Health) will be covered. The integral approach of this specific equipment will be continued in a group assignment Required pre-study: Transport Phenomena, Single Phase Reactors, and Separation Processes.
Evaluation Special Process equipment is an interesting course. However it can be improved. The requirements for the assignments and the hand-in dates should be clear. Probably Nestor can be useful in this. The lectures are interesting and Evaluation Process Dynamics is a well organized course. helpful for the assignments. The teacher was able to explain the theory very Examination There were four assignments that should be made. It was allowed to work with a partner. The assignments were doable but enough time should be invested.
Medicinal chemistry I
wards. Sometimes the lecturer repeats a lot, this Course code CHMC1-12 Year 3.1 Lecturer dr. is nice because then you know the more imporA.M.W.H. Thunnissen Literature Reader Struc- tant things. Further is the lecturer easy available tural Bioinformatics (2nd edition, 2009), John Wi- for questions etc. ley & Sons, New York, Bourne, P.E., and Gu, J, 978-0-470-18105-8 Examination method prac- Biomaterials 2 ticumbeoordeling, schriftelijk tentamen Teaching Course code CHBMAT05E Year 3.1 Lecturer method hoorcolleges, practica, werkcolleges prof. dr. A.J. Schouten Literature PowerPoint sheets Examination method Written Exam TeaOverview ching method Lectures The course presents an overview of structural biology and structural bioinformatics, focusing on Overview their use in drug discovery and design. The fol- Biomaterials 2 elaborates on Biomaterials 1 lowing (tentative) list of topics will be discussed: (BMT students) or Macromolecular Chemistry • What is structural biology/structural bioinfor- (chemistry students). Biomaterials 2 presents matics? • Fundamentals of protein structure the applications of polymers in biomedical areas • Protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions and the definition “biomaterial” is somewhat fo• Core techniques in structural biology (X-ray cused on those polymers which have an active crystallography, NMR, molecular modeling) • function in biomedical applications. The content Computer tools in structural biology & structural of the module covers three themes: bioinformatics (representation and visualization 1. Polymers in biomedical applications a) Poof 3D protein structures, the Protein Data Bank, lysaccharides b) Polyesters c) Polyurethanes d) protein structure validation, sequence-structure Acrylic polymers homology identification and homology modeling, 2. Polymeric systems in biomedical applications docking of small molecules) • Structure-based a) Soluble polymers b) Hydrogels c) Nano and drug design • Drug targets in medicinal che- micro particles d) Foams for tissue engineering mistry • Case examples: 1) cyclin-dependent ki- e) Fibres f) Lenses g) Adhesives h) Surface monases 2) HIV protease 3) G-protein coupled re- difications i) Polymer brushes j) Interpenetrating ceptors networks k) Shape-memory materials l) CompoThe course will start by defining structural biology sites/additives and structural bioinformatics (what is being stu- 3. Degradation of polymers in a biological endied, what questions are addressed, and what vironment a) In vivo and in vitro b) By hydrolymethods are used?). Special attention will be gi- sis c) Oxidative d) Consequences for mechanical ven to assessment and prediction/modeling of properties e) Consequences for chemical perfor3D protein structures and protein-ligand interac- mance tions. The last part of the course will focus on the application of structural biology data and me- Examination thods in drug discovery and design. Relevant On the exam very specific details which were case examples will be presented to illustrate how shown on one of the very many PowerPoint slistructural biology can accelerate drug discovery. des are asked. A lot of students experienced the This last part will serve as an introduction to the exam thereby as very hard and the percentage of students that passed the exam was low. course Medicinal Chemistry II. Besides lectures, the course will also include a Evaluation few interactive computer practicals/tutorials to Most of the students were not enthusiast about allow a better understanding of how methods in the course. All information is on the PowerPoint structural biology/structural bioinformatics work slides and there is not a balance between new, difficult information and easy information which and are carried out. Toetsing & you already know from other courses. However Evaluation The exam is a good representation of the mate- the general level of the course was experienced as too easy. It is unknown if this course will be rial and you have also enough time to make the exam. The computer practical takes some time, taught again! because you have to make a small report after-
Bètawijzer 2013
Medicinal chemistry II
rence between research at an university and at a Course code CHMC2-12 Year 3.2 Lecturer dr. company. It also helps that you can easily visuaS. Harutyunyan ,dr. A.K.H. Hirsch Literature Me- lize most of the things by yourself. The computer dicinal Chemistry - An Introduction, (Wiley, 2nd assignments are interesting and pretty challenedition), Gareth Thomas, 978-0-470-02598-7 ging. Examination method Computer practical (report), exam Teaching method lectures, tutorials, Molecular biophysics computer practical Course code NAMB-11 Year 3.2 Lecturer dr. T.M. Cordes ,prof. dr. A.M. van Oijen LiteraOverview ture Physical Biology of the Cell., Rob Phillips, The course presents an overview of medicinal Jane Kondev, Julie Theriot, 978-0-8153-4163and research & development chemistry. The 5 Examination method Written exam Teaching course will be divided into two parts: 1) Fundamethod Lectures and tutorials mentals of medicinal chemistry (Hirsch) 2) Principles of chemical development & production Overview (Harutyunyan) This course provides an introduction to physical The course will start with an introduction to the and mathematical principles governing the defield of medicinal chemistry, illustrating the diffe- scription and behavior of biomolecular systems. rent stages and different strategies of the drug On the basis of these fundamental principles it discovery process. Particular attention will be will be explained how biomolecules, such as propaid to relevant chemical and biological conside- teins, DNA and lipids, behave in a cellular envirations to examine how a drug works on a mo- ronment. Topics that will be covered: mechalecular level. The second part of the course pre- nical, and chemical equilibria in the cell, the role sents an overview of process development and of entropy in biological processes, random walks scale-up issues for transferring target product and the structure of biomolecules, physical prosynthesis from bench to the market, in particular perties of biological membranes, kinetics of chesynthetic route selection, choice of raw materi- mical reactions in the cell, and the effect of moleals, troubleshooting etc. The main differences in cular motors. The aim of this course is to obtain a academic and industrial types of research will be physical and mathematical intuition for explaining highlighted. For both parts a number of case stu- fundamental biological processes at the molecudies will be presented to illustrate the concepts lar scale. Using examples from biochemistry and discussed in the lectures that also include inter- molecular and cell biology, the student will learn active problem sessions, enabling students be how to create physical frameworks can lead to a exposed to problem solving and troubleshooting deeper understanding of biology. strategies commonly performed when practicing organic chemistry in industry. The course will be Evaluation concluded with a one-day visit to a pharmaceu- This course did not correspond well with the knowledge of a chemistry student in "Chemistry tical company (2012: MSD located in Oss). of Life"track. All basic biochemistry knowledge Examination was repeated and the teacher went fairly quickly The exam is, just as the lectures, divided into two by the more mathematical things. However, this parts: 40% medicinal chemistry, 50% chemical course will be adjusted for next year, so then it development & production. During the computer definitely will be better for chemistry students. practical you work on structure - and fragment based drug design (SBDD/FBDD, program: Mo- Organic and molecular electronics loc) assignments. At the end you have to write Course code CHME-12 Year 3.2 Lecturer dr. a report about your results, which is part of your R.C. Chiechi Literature Lecture slides and artimark (10%). cles/reading material from Nestor Examination Evaluation method Written exam Teaching method LectuMost of the students enjoyed the course. Espe- res and tutorials cially since the course really tells the story behind pharmaceuticals and you really learn the diffe126
Scheikunde Overview This course examines how electricity flows through organic molecules and how the structure of these molecules can be used to affect that flow; the purpose is studying organic and molecular electronics from the perspective of a chemist. This course looks at the two limiting cases; tunneling through individual molecules and transport through thin films. For each of these cases, classes of molecules are examined, including their synthesis and how their structure affects the flow of the electricity through various device architectures. Lastly, real-world devices are examined that use organic molecules as active components, from computers to sensors to solar cells. Examination The exam covers all the subjects that lie within the scope of this course. The exam only consists of theoretical questions. The teacher wants you to show that you participated in the lectures and that you know the theoretical principles. Therefore there were 20 questions that asked you to explain some phenomena and some questions starting with “why”. The exam was doable if you indeed participated in the lectures. You had plenty of time to finish it. Thereby all the questions can be answered if you learned the lecture slides. The articles and further reading material from Nestor can be used for a better understanding of the material, but you don’t have to learn that stuff by heart. Thereby it is worth learning the definitions. One of the questions consists of just explaining the definitions of things as “current”, “ionization potential”, “resistivity” and so on, as is given in the first lecture. Evaluation This course is an interesting introduction for everyone who likes the small electronic/nano side of the chemistry. All basic principles of this part of the chemistry are covered, but you don’t need some previous courses to understand everything. The teacher is very clear and well prepared. You need to learn the lecture slides and then you are able to pass the exam. It is useful to follow the lectures, because you need to learn the lecture slides and with some more information this is a lot easier. In the tutorial all the subjects are repeated. The teacher of the tutorial is someone different from the teacher of the lectures and therefore you can hear the principles
and theoretical basics in two ways in order to understand everything. If you are in trouble with time, you can skip the tutorials, but the lectures are recommended to attend. The studyload of this course is not very big, but it is an interesting course. This year was the first time this course was present, so don’t trust on the relatively low study load. Maybe this will be changed by the time.
Solar cells
Course code CHPHV-08 Year 3.2 Lecturer prof. dr. J.C. Hummelen ,dr. S.C. Veenstra Literature Lecture slides and further material on Nestor Examination method Written exam, poster presentation, written report, excursion Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, excursion Overview This can be seen as the first course about solar cells in the RuG. Therefore it covers the basics about solar cells. In the beginning the world energy consumption and some scenario’s about the future energy use are covered. After that the possible importance of solar cells is made clear. The different types of solar cells, the production processes, the properties and the different applications are covered. In the second part the more physical aspects are explained. The organic solar cells are addressed because of the current research at the RuG. This course is given by two teachers, that each give the half amount of lectures and tutorials. Thereby a written report and a poster presentation has to be done, under supervision of one of the teachers. And the last thing you need to attend is an excursion to a company that is related to solar cells. Examination The examination is done by combining the grades for the written report, the poster presentation and the written exam. The written report has to cover a chosen subject from Nestor. You need to work on this with groups of three people and your report has to be around 6-10 pages. Here it is important to start this in time. Doing some research with 3 people is doable, but you have to start in time and work on it in teams. The poster presentation is about the same subject, so this is pretty easy as you finished your report. The written exam mostly consists of questions from the slides. You need to know the slides by heart. 127
Bètawijzer 2013 Not all the derivations are important, but you are asked to reproduce the conclusions of this derivations. You get a formula paper with your exam, so don’t learn all the equations. Thereby only the extra literature that is mentioned on the slides is important, the rest can just be skimmed. The questions resemble the questions from the tutorial, so it is smart to have a look at these questions. Thereby one of the questions will be about the excursion, so pay attention during the excursion, but don’t worry so much about this question. The best advice for the exam is just learn the slides by heart. Evaluation This course is devided into two parts with different teachers. The first part is given by professor Hummelen. The first lectures seem to be quite easy, but don’t underestimate these lectures. In the exam some questions about this part are present. The teacher is nice and it is good to attend the lectures. The exam material consists of the lecture slides, so some extra information about them can be useful. The second part was given by dr. Veenstra. He covers the more physical part of the course. These lectures sometimes seem to be a little bit boring, but again the slides are exam material, so it is useful to attend the lectures. However, you can read the slides yourself and thereby read the extra material on Nestor about this subject (some chapters of some books). As already mentioned, it is useful to have a look at the questions that are used in the tutorial. Then you get an idea about what to expect on the exam.
Track Practical (organic and molecular inorganic part)
Course code CHTP-12 Year 3.3 Lecturer dr. G.R. Blake ,prof. dr. J.G. Roelfes , J. Wildeman Literature Research proposals are available on Nestor, the rest of the information can be obtained from your supervising PhD or by doing some literature research Examination method Practical work, report, presentation Teaching method Practical Overview The Organic & Molecular Inorganic Practical is a research practical. The student will choose a project from a list of proposals by the research groups of the Stratingh Institute (Organic Che128
mistry and Molecular Inorganic Chemistry) and will work on this for three weeks, in close collaboration with the research group. The projects can involve organic/inorganic/biomolecular synthesis, catalysis and/or measurements (and combinations of these). At the end a publicationstyle report will be written and a short presentation will be given. This practical is open for students from the tracks "Chemistry of Life", "Sustainable Chemistry & Energyänd "Smart Materials". Projects are available for all three areas. Examination This is a practical course and therefore it is examined by the lab work, a report and a presentation. The report will be quite long compared with reports from previous practical courses, because now you write one report for the whole 3 weeks. Start writing the theoretical part during the course and listen carefully to your assistants what has to be in there in order to get a good grade. The presentation can be a short summation of what you did, but most important is to make clear why you did it, why is your research important. If you put in some effort and hand in a good report, you will get a good grade. However, if you don’t show your effort in lab and in the report, you won’t get a good grade. Evaluation This course is a bit different from previous practical courses. Here you work on one project for 3 weeks and in the end you write one report and give a presentation. The project is proposed by a PhD and you can contact this PhD if you need some more information. During the practical you are asked to hand in a concept version of your report. It is wise to hand in this version and finish it as far as you can. You get some comments and remarks back that can help you for your final version. The lab-assistants are good. They are professional and can help you with most of the things. However, sometimes they don’t know and then you can ask your PhD. Keep in mind that you are doing a research project and therefore your reaction might not work. Don’t think you are the only one and that your work sucks, but just accept it and try another route or solution. For the report take the comments of the concept version with you. If you put some effort and time in the report, you will see this back in your grade. Don’t underestimate the report because it is just one. It is just one and therefore
Scheikunde it is important to take your time and to be very lymerization technique. clear and precise in your lab journal. 2. determination of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution range with GPC; Track Practical (Materials Design: Ex- 3. preparing a conducting polymer and a simple conductivity test of a film. periment part)
Evaluation Writing the report was a lot of work, don’t underestimate this. But this was compensated, because the practical part wasn’t such an overload of work like some other practicals. Writing Overview and doing the practical work took exactly three The aim of this practical is to introduce expeweeks. rimental aspects of the design of solid crystalline materials. The students will learn chemical synthesis techniques to create artificial materi- (Bio-)catalysis als that do not exist in nature. They will then Course code CHBC-12 Year 3.3 Lecturer prof. investigate the crystal structures, magnetic and dr. ir. M.W. Fraaije ,prof. dr. J.G. Roelfes Liteelectrical properties of their samples. The results rature Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry, will be analyzed and compared with predictions K. Faber, 978-3-642-17392-9 Examination mefrom theory and previous reports in the scientific thod presentatie, schriftelijk tentamen Teaching literature. These experiments will demonstrate method hoorcolleges, werkcolleges how small changes in the structure and chemical Overview composition of solid materials can have a huge The aim of this course to provide a general introeffect on their physical properties. This practical duction to the field of catalysis. Specific objectiis available for students of the Smart Materials ves: track. 1. Understanding the physical organic background of catalysis. Examination It is nice to see some new techniques and mate- 2. Introducing the main areas of catalysis (heterials. The practicals it selves don’t take too much rogeneous, homogeneous and biocatalysis) time and are not that hard, but the report is. It is 3. Make the students familiar with some of the important applications (reactions) of these forms long and theoretical, so don’t underestimate it. of catalysis Evaluation 4. Knowledge of the key mechanistic aspects of It is a good course where you can discover some these catalytic reactions. techniques and materials that you never saw be- 5. Knowledge of key techniques used in fore. The practical is way different from the “nor(bio)catalysis Topics include: mal” synthetic ones, but it is very nice to see 1. Physical organic chemistry behind catalysis the the more physical side of the chemistry. The 2. Acid/base catalysis practical is well organized. 3. Homogeneous catalysis: transition metal catalysis, organocatalysis, asymmetric catalysis Track Practical (polymerchemistry) 4. Heterogeneous catalysis Course code CHTP-12 Year 3.3 Lecturer J. Wil- 5. Biocatalysis deman Literature All available via Nestor Exami- 6. Hybrid Catalysis & Artificial Metalloenzymes nation method Practical work, reports (in publiExamination cation format) and lab journal Teaching method The exam was quite representative for the matePractical rial covered in this course. The course was new Overview and that was noticed by the students. Some of The aim of the module is to learn techniques the slides were not on Nestor and all that kind used in Polymer Chemistry. The practical inclu- of start-up problems. In the beginning it was not des: totally clear what to learn for the exam, mainly 1. Making styrene by using the living anionic po- because the course was thought by three difCourse code CHTP-12 Year 3.3 Lecturer dr. G.R. Blake Literature All available via Nestor Examination method Practical work and report Teaching method Practical
Bètawijzer 2013 ferent teachers with all a different approach to the exam. However, if you attend to the lectures and learn the slides, you will be able to pass the exam.
few days will be devoted to hands-on experience in fluorescence microscopy.
Examination The exam was very long. It consists of very deEvaluation tailed questions, so you really have to learn the The course was new and there were some small details. Thereby you need to give a presentation. start-up problems. Overall it was a good course. Evaluation There was one teacher that was not very clear in In the beginning this course seems to be a rethe lectures, but the other two were very good petition of previous courses, but in the end you in teaching. For the next years the three parts will learn some new concepts. The course is not will be tuned better and then the course will be very hard, but you need to learn everything in devery good. The level of the course is good for a tail. third-year bachelorstudent.
Cellular chemistry
Course code CHCC-12 Year 3.3 Lecturer prof. dr. M. Heinemann ,dr. A. Kocer Literature Molecular Biology of the Cell (5th edition), Alberts et al, 978-0-8153-4106-2 Examination method schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method hoorcolleges, practica, werkcolleges Overview The students will be introduced to the field of cell biology from a chemical and quantitative perspective. Specifically, they will acquire solid knowledge about a number of important dynamic and spatial processes in cells and will learn about experimental methods to study these processes. The course builds on previous courses in biochemistry, bioenergetics and metabolism, recombinant DNA and biotechnology, and chemical biology. Topics: - Overall construction plans for cells: numbers, dimensions and architecture of cells - Light microscopic techniques to study spatial and dynamic processes in cells, incl. confocal imaging, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), photochemistry of fluorescent proteins - Theme ‘space’: incl. (i) intracellular compartments and protein sorting, (ii) intracellular vesicular traffic, (iii) cell communication, (iv) cytoskeleton and self-assembly - Theme ‘time’: incl. (i) DNA replication, (ii) advanced transcription and translation, (iii) cell cycle, (iv) stochastic effects in cells Because optical microscopy is essential for the tracking of processes and molecules in a cell, a 130
Materials design: theoretical methods
Course code CHMDTM-08 Year 3.3 Lecturer dr. R.W.A. Havenith Literature Reader Examination method Written exam, report of the computer practicals Teaching method Lectures, tutorials, computer practicals Overview The purpose of this course is to give students insight into the methods of modeling electronic structure of molecular systems and solid bodies which can be used in designing new functional materials. Introduction into the basic principles of molecular quantum chemistry and solid state electronic structure methods will be given and will be illustrated in practical computer exercises. Examination The evaluation of this course is by a report for the computer practical (25%) and the written exam. For the computer practical there are scheduled hours in which there is assistance for you. The teacher is really helpful en he really wants to show you how everything works and in the end you have the feeling that you indeed really know how the computational chemistry works. So it is very recommended to show up at the practical hours. Then your report will be no problem and you will learn more than you do if you work on it on your own. For the exam it is wise to attend to the lectures. The teacher is very clear in explaining and the reader is quite comprehensive. The best way to learn this course probably is by the attendance of the lectures and learning the comprehensive readers in stead of reading all the parts of the book that form the lecture material. The tutorials are useful too, but the answers are on Nestor so it is no problem if you miss one of the tutorials.
Scheikunde Evaluation This course is well structured and the teacher is clear. The computer practicals are quite illustrative and in the end you really have learnt something from it. You need to like the more physical, quantum mechanical part of the chemistry, but if you do so, you really enjoy this course.
thods and techniques to study reaction mechanisms.
Physical organic and photo- chemistry
Course code CHPOPC-12 Year 3.3 Lecturer dr. W.R. Browne Literature Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, 1st edition, university science books, E.V. Anslyn & D.A. Dougherty, 1-89138931-9 Examination method Written exam Teaching method Lectures
Examination The exam is a good representation of the lectures. It is a long exam, so you really have to learn the lectures quite thorough in order to write your answer at the exam quickly. It is very wise to take a look at the exercises in the book. There are no tutorials that cover these exercises, but some of them will be literally in the exam. So making them is very good for your grade. Thereby they give you more insight in the material. Thereby you need to know all the basic concepts and you need to be able to describe all these concepts clearly.
Overview In this course a number of topics are covered that are related to the interactions between molecules, the relationship between structure and reactivity and methods to study reaction mechanisms. The aim of this course is to create a thorough knowledge of physical organic chemistry. This means that you will gain insight into molecular interactions and the relationship between structure and reactivity. You'll learn the main me-
Evaluation The teacher of this course is really clear. The lectures are understandable and it is recommended to follow them. There are no tutorials, so you are assumed to work on the exercises yourself. Try to work out the exercises and if you have questions, the teacher is very kind to help you. For the exam quite a lot of study is needed, so it is very recommended to keep up with the lectures and not to try to learn all the stuff in the last weeks.
Astrochemistry (capita selecta)
early Earth. This course teaches the concepts Course code STAC-12 Year Master, 2012-2013 necessary to understand astrochemistry: gasLecturer dr. F.F.S. van der Tak Literature Review phase and grain surface reactions, and the impapers provided by lecturer + The Physics and portance of various chemical processes under Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium, A. G. G. M. different astrophysical conditions. Tielens Examination method Presentation, exer- Examination cises Teaching method Lectures During the course a number of review papers are assigned for reading. Every student chooOverview Astrochemistry is the study of molecular proces- ses one of these to present during the ďŹ nal lecses in space, with strong links to astrophysics ture. There are also a few exercises that count and astrobiology. Chemical probes are essen- towards the ďŹ nal grade. tial to understand the formation of the ďŹ rst stars in the early universe, the origin of today's stars and planets, and the emergence of life on the 132
Sterrenkunde Evaluation This capita selecta course (3 ECTS, lasts for half a quarter) may be given every other year. It is quite important to keep up with the lectures, you are quizzed about the previous lecture at the start of the next. It's quite chemistry based and it helps a lot if you have followed a course on the interstellar medium. The exercises were not necessary for the understanding of the course, but it's important to start them on time (as there were no tutorials this year).
Evaluation This course deals with the grey area where astronomy and particle/high energy physics meet. During the course, elements like cosmology, air showers and neutrino detection are discussed making use of recent insights and experiments. Later in the course string theory/quantum chromodynamics is briefly addressed. This seemed to be a subject puzzling quite a few students. Reading the optional materials provided is certainly recommendable as these may explain some subjects clearer than the slides. The last week of the course was optionally attending the Quantum Universe 3 symposium, a Astroparticle physics Course code NAASPH-12 Year 2012/2013 Lec- 2-day conference with talks on many of the disturer prof. dr. O. Scholten, prof. dr. A.M. van cussed subjects. den Berg Literature Particle Astrophysics, 2nd edition, Oxford Univ. Press, 2009 (paperback), Calculus 3 D. Perkins, lecture notes and other papers pro- Course code WICAL3NA12 Year 2012/2013 vided via Nestor Examination method Problem Lecturer prof. dr. P.D. Barthel, drs. H.B. sets, exam Teaching method Lectures Flamma Literature Calculus. Early transcendentals, James Stewart Teaching method HomeOverview worksets, midterm, final exam Astroparticle physics is a rapidly growing field bordering astronomy and particle physics. In this course emphasis will be placed on how observations at the largest possible scale can contribute to our knowledge at the smallest possible level, i.e. the physics of elementary particles. The students will be introduced into this field both in theory and in experiment based on recent results obtained by key experiments. The origin of cosmic rays, gamma-rays, and neutrinos, their interactions, and their detection techniques will be discussed. Possible candidate sources for these extremely high-energy particles will be reviewed. Particle-particle interactions at extreme energies will be introduced and a comparison will be made between recent results obtained at the LHC and those at cosmicray observatories. The evidence for dark matter will be discussed and the efforts to identify possible explanations for the very origin of the dark matter in the universe are addressed.
Overview The course is divided in two parts: one general part for both mathematics and physics students, and one part only for physics. In the first half of the course partial derivatives and partial differential equations are covered, and in the second half Fourier series, heat transport and Fourier transforms. The lectures are given by Bert Flamma and Peter Barthel. For the first half, 'Calculus, early transcendentals' by James Stewart is used, and for the second half there is no material provided so you have to pay good attention to the lectures.
Examination At the end of the course there's a final exam, consisting of equal parts the first and the second halves of the course. Also, there's a midterm exam, covering everything from the first half. This midterm exam can count for twenty per cent, and four homework sets together for another Examination twenty per cent, only if their average grade is higDuring the course, there are 5 problem sets her than the one obtained in the final exam. which are to be handed in the next week, these Evaluation count for 20% of the grade. The remaining 80% The first half of the course was organised well, is earned through a written exam. with explicit literature and enough practice material. For the second half, you only have your notes from the lectures. The answers sheets to 133
Bètawijzer 2013 the exercises of this part mostly just gave the final answer and were thus often not fully worked out. Also, there were no old practice exams available, since this was the first time the course was given like this. This made studying on your own for the second part really difficult.
Complexe Analyse
problemen beschrijven waardoor je als student maar moet gissen naar oplosmethodes voor de moeilijkere opgaven. Ook verschilt het tentamen redelijk met de gemaakte opgaven, gelukkig zijn er genoeg tentamens van voorgaande jaren om mee te oefenen. Het tentamen is daarom ook goed te doen!
Course code WICA-07 Year 2.2 Lecturer prof. dr. H.L. Trentelman Literature Fundamentals of Complex Analysis, 3rd edition, E.B. Saff and A.D. Snider Examination method Huiswerk, Midtoets en Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en Werkcolleges
Cosmic Structure Formation
Examination Elke week wordt er een huiswerkset ingeleverd die over de stof van vorige week gaat. Er is op de helft van de periode een Midtoets. Het vak wordt afgesloten met een Tentamen.
Examination The 40 minute presentation, given in pairs, allows students to go more in depth into a topic of choice (as given on a list provided by the teacher) related to the field of cosmic structure formation. The lecturer will help with suggesting basic and advanced reading material for the preparation of the presentation and giving feedback on the content and structure of the presentation during the preparation process. The computer project is based on exercises given during the tutorials. Working mainly Fourier space, it introduces in different exercise sets both the analytical and computational tools necessary to let students compute a Zel'dovich approximation of random field realizations and derive information from it. Based on all the worked done in the tutorials, the students are expected to write a report with a structure and content to their own vision and liking. The methods taught
Course code STMCSF-12 Year Master, 2012/2013 Lecturer prof. dr. M.A.M. van de Weijgaert Literature Lecture notes are provided. Books such as J. Peacock's Cosmological Physics are suggested but optional. Examination method A report on a computer project, a preOverview Het vak Complexe Analyse behandelt complexe sentation and a final written exam Teaching megetallen op een andere wijze dan bij Calculus 2 thod Lectures and tutorials aan bod kwam. In Complexe analyse lijkt aan Overview het begin vrij veel op Calculus 2, maar op een The lectures deal with the more advanced and gegeven moment slaat het een andere weg in. most recent developments in cosmology. It exIn dit vak wordt je voornamelijk aangeleerd om plores the observed large scale structure of the complexe getallen en functies te gebruiken om Universe, the primordial structure of the Universe ingewikkelde integralen van reële functies op te imprinted in the Cosmic Microwave Background lossen. Aan bod komen: complexe differentieer- and our understanding of the formation of the baarheid, vergelijkingen van Cauchy-Riemann, large scale structure in the Universe. It deals padintegralen, stelling van Cauchy, reeksontwik- both with observational results from for instance kelingen, het maximum modulus principe, Lau- the CMB and galaxy redshift surveys and matherent reeksen, residuenrekening en Fourierana- matical and physical theory, such as linear perlyse. Kennis van Calculus 2 en Vectoranalyse zal turbation theory and gravitational instability theory. zeker handig zijn.
Evaluation Bij dit vak is het erg belangrijk om de stof goed bij te houden. Alle stof is aan elkaar gekoppeld en het volgende onderwerp is moeilijk te begrijpen zonder kennis van het voorgaande onderwerp. Het heeft ook zeker baat om voorafgaand aan het hoorcollege de stof al doorgelezen te hebben omdat de hoorcollegedocent een hoog tempo heeft. Ondanks dit tempo is de hoorcollegedocent bereid het allemaal goed uit te leggen en neemt hier ook echt de tijd voor! Oefening voor dit vak komt genoeg aan bod tijdens de werkcolleges en is sterk aan te raden. Het boek is goed en de moeite waard door te lezen, de voorbeelden die worden gegeven zijn alleen maar simpele 134
Sterrenkunde are currently being used and further developed by people working in the field of large scale structure formation so this project is a good preparation for students wishing to continue in this field or even in astrophysics in general. The course deals with a lot of information and abstract theories, however, the lecturer indicates which parts you are expected to know by heart and be able to explain in the exam and which parts are given just as background information. If you keep up with the course material and study the provided lecture notes as indicated by the teacher well, you are prepared for the exam. It does take some time and discipline though.
the course as well as describing their application to galaxy dynamics. The four problem sets did not really come back in the exam (though they had to be handed in in order to be able to do the exam). These taught the students how to work with some of the theory in class in a more practical manner. In the two computer exercises the students had to write a program that could integrate the orbit of a single particle (star) in a potential and later extend this to the integration of 10000 particles, the size of a dwarf galaxy. This result of this helped in really understanding what happens to the stars in a satellite that orbits a central galaxy.
Evaluation The lectures are given really well and are useful to attend. The presentation and computer report give students a good view of some of the more recent developments in the field itself. The course is quite time consuming but really interesting and advisable to follow for anyone wanting to continue in astrophysics.
Evaluation The pace and build up of the lectures are such that all the mathematical and physical steps are easy to follow. The lecturer is clear and coherent and it is always possible to ask questions. The lectures follow certain chapters in the book but the book is much more extensive. The lecturer provided an overview of what we had to know for the exam following the material of the lectures. The computer exercises are really useful in further understanding the material and are fun to do. The student assistant and lecturer are available for question. The written exercises are doable, especially with the help from the student assistant during or/and outside the tutorials and help in understanding the practical side of the material better. Unfortunately the type of approach of the problem sets doesn't return in the final exam. Overall it is an enjoyable and useful course to take.
Dynamics of galaxies
Course code STGALDYNE5 Year Master, 2012/2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A. Helmi Literature Galactic Dynamics, J. Binney and S. Tremaine Examination method Written final exam, two computer tasks, four exercise sets (not graded but have to be handed in before the exam) Teaching method Lectures and (computer)tutorials Overview This course deals with the dynamics of stars in a galaxy or of satellites with respect to the galaxy. Also minor and major galaxy mergers are briefly covered. Different types of orbits and dynamical situations are described using different gravitational potentials. This course relies heavily on the derivations of the equations used to describe the dynamics using a mathematical framework and physically based assumptions in order to solve systems analytically. In the end the mathematical results are compared to the physical model of a satellite galaxy spiraling around a central galaxy and being disrupted.
Elektriciteit en Magnetisme 2
Course code NABBEM05E Year 2.1 Lecturer Prof. Dr. A.M. van den Berg Literature D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to electrodynamics. Third edition, Prentice Hall. Examination method Schriftelijk Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en Werkcolleges
Overview Elektriciteit en Magnetisme 2 is een vak dat verder gaat waar Elektriciteit en Magnetisme 1 ophield. Dit eerste vak beschreef de Elektrostatica, dit vak gaat verder door deze theorie uit Examination The final written exam consists mostly out of gi- te breiden naar de Elektrodynamica. Kort geven the derivation and basic assumptions that zegd houdt dit in dat waar de ladingen en de velden in het eerste vak stil stonden ze nu gaan go into it of the main equations and theorems in 135
Bètawijzer 2013 bewegen, de tijdsafhankelijke effecten gaan nu dus een belangrijke rol spelen. Bekend zijn met vectoren en Elektriciteit en Magnetisme 1 is een groot voordeel wil je dit vak voldoende afronden. Onderwerpen die uit de Elektrodynamica worden behandeld zijn: De Maxwell-vergelijkingen, Behoudswetten van lading en impuls, de Poyntingvector, de Maxwell stresstensor, elektromagnetische golven en de golfvergelijking, potentialen en velden, dipoolstraling en tot slot Elektrodynamica en Speciale Relativiteitstheorie. Examination Het eindcijfer wordt bepaald door een schriftelijk tentamen. Met een midtoets die halverwege het vak wordt gegeven kun je een kleine bonus verdienen voor je eindcijfer.
Examination There is a problem set to be handed in each week which deals with the lectures of that week. For the tutorials, three articles have to be read which are considered important articles in the field and on which a lot of current research is based, so sometimes the articles will be relatively old. The questions in the problem set are partially based on those articles. In the tutorials, students have to give a 5 minute presentation explaining the most important point in the papers. The tutorial assistant teaches you to read that scientific paper quickly based on the most important sections of the paper and the most important figure, which is a useful skill whilst doing research. The combination of the questions in the problem set and the discussion of the articles in the tutorial helps students in really understanding the important parts of the material covered that week. For the final project, students had to write a 10 page essay on a topic of choice concerning the course based on a main article which had not been read already. Students then had to relate that topic and article to other aspects of galaxy formation and evolution discussed in the course.
Evaluation Het vak is goed te volgen, het wordt wel makkelijker als je Elektriciteit en Magnetisme 1 hebt gehaald. In het begin wordt er wat stof herhaald uit Elektriciteit en Magnetisme 1. Het tempo van het vak is goed. De docent behandeld alleen wel tijdens de hoorcolleges een aantal meerkeuze vragen die niet altijd even goed zijn. Het tentamen is goed te maken als je de stof goed hebt bijgehouden en alle werkcollegeopgaven hebt gemaakt. Evaluation The lectures were really clear and interesting and the lecturer was very enthusiastic. The slides Formation and evolution of galaxies that were given out provide a good reference and Course code STFEGE5 Year Master, overview for the current research and understan2012/2013 Lecturer prof. dr. E. Tolstoy Li- ding of galaxy formation and evolution, one of terature Galaxy Formation 2nd. edition, M.S. the main fields in astronomy, which can come in Longair (optional). Examination method Home- handy if one continues in astronomical research. worksets and a final essay. Teaching method Learning how to quickly read a scientific article lectures and tutorials and present on it is also a good preparation for further research and classes. Furthermore, the Overview The course deals with describing a picture of problem sets take up some time every week but how galaxies form and evolve over the history of they really help students to understand the material better. So overall, this is a really good course the universe and how we observe the effects. It starts from the observational point of view and and recommended for any student wanting to then goes into the theory of how the first stars continue in astronomy. and objects formed and how the resulting different galaxy types evolve and how this relates to Fysica van sterren our current understanding and observation of the Course code STFVSE5 Year 2012-2013 Lectulocal universe. In doing so, it covers current and rer prof. dr. L.V.E. Koopmans Literature Stelpast important research based on observations, lar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis, Sean Ryan & analytic theory and computer models of galaxy Andrew J. Norton Examination method Midterm formation and evolution to build a full picture of and exam Teaching method Lectures and tutoour current understanding. rial
Sterrenkunde Overview This course is a more detailed introduction into the physics of stars. The content of this course describes the evolution of a star from the beginning till the end. You learn how to derive the four stellar equation, with and without the chemical potential. Also the importance of their mass and what consequences this holds for further evolution are threated in detail. Next to that, in this course you learn what kind of stellar explosions take place and what the results are. Also the birth of a star is a subject of this course. Examination There are two midterms for this course. With a proper preparation you should be able to get a good grade for these midterms. As a practice you can make the questions in the book, look at previous midterms and take a look at the slides. T At the end of the course there will be an examination. You can prepare for this in the same way as you did for the midterms Evaluation The course gives a good introduction into the physics of stars. It is sometimes a bit shallow and very global. But due to this it is a course that should not contain any problems for a second year astronomy student. The math and physics are well explained in the book and the lectures. On the other hand, the tutorials were of a lower quality. This because te exercises in the book are really easy and not very challenging. In course of 2013-2014 there is a good chance that there will be of a higher quality. The course overal is good and you should be able to gain a nice grade!
Golven en Optica
Course code NAGO-11 Year 2.2 Lecturer Dr. P.G. Dendooven Literature Optics: International Edition, 4th Edition, Publisher: Pearson Higher Education, E. Hecht. Examination method Tentamen en practica Teaching method Hoorcolleges, Werkcolleges en Practica
bod. Examination Halverwege het vak is er een midtoets die de eerste drie weken zal behandelen. In het tweede deel van het vak is er elke week een practicum waarin een verschijnsel wordt onderzocht dat besproken is in de hoorcolleges. Het vak wordt afgesloten met een tentamen dat de gehele stof beslaat. Het eindcijfer wordt als volgt bepaald, in het geval dat de midtoets hoger is dan het tentamen: 0.6 tentamen + 0.2 practica + 0.2 tussentoets. In het andere geval: 0.8 tentamen + 0.2 practica. Evaluation De hoorcolleges zullen net als het boek veel verschillende onderwerpen behandelen, de docent gaat niet erg diep in op de onderwerpen. Er worden niet al te hoge wiskundige vaardigheden verwacht. De hoorcolleges zullen ook erg lijken op het boek, dus het zal niet heel erg nodig zijn om de hoorcolleges te volgen. Het laatste hoorcollege is daarentegen erg nuttig voor een overzicht van de stof. De werkcollege-opgaven zijn op redelijk laag niveau en zullen de helft van tijd beslaan die ervoor ingeroosterd is: het is voornamelijk een kwestie van zoek-de-formule. Ook de practica vereisen vrijwel geen voorbereiding want de practicumhandleiding beschrijft precies wat je moet doen. Eventueel zul je een lichte hoofdpijn ervaren aan het einde van het practicum doordat je voortdurend in een felle lamp zit te kijken om allerlei leuke effecten te zien.Voor het tentamen wordt verwacht dat je voornamelijk veel verschillende dingen weet, dus je hoeft ook niet al te veel moeilijke berekeningen te verwachten. Het belangrijkste is wel dat je alle stof gelezen hebt en niet alleen bestudeert wat in het werkcollege is behandeld.
Inleiding Programmeren en Nummerieke Methoden
Course code STPCE5 Year 1.4 Lecturer Drs. M.G.R. Vogelaar Literature Cursusmateriaal is verkrijgbaar op het Kapteyn Intranet. Examination method Inleveren van Computertaken en Overview Het vak is een introductie in golfverschijnselen een midtoets. Teaching method Computerpracen de optica. Aan bod zullen komen: weerkaat- tica sing, breking, polarisatie, interferentie, diffractie. Overview Verder komen ook elektromagnetische golven en Het vak is er op gericht om de student een kenhun voortplanting en superpositie van golven aan nismaking te geven van het oplossen van nu137
Bètawijzer 2013 merieke en astronomisch gerelateerde problemen met de computer. Het begint met het gewend raken aan de Unix/Linux omgeving, het systeem waarop de computers van het Kapteyn Instituut werken. Daarna leert men programmeren met Python als programmeertaal. Python wordt aangeleerd omdat het in vrijwel elk groot astronomisch data-analyse pakket te gebruiken is. Het wordt ook vaak gebruikt binnen de sterrenkunde. Er wordt aandacht besteed aan interactieve data-analyse: o.a. plotten, display, inlezen van FITS-files. Ook wordt er kennisgemaakt met enkele numerieke methoden: o.a. root-finding, numerieke integratie en het oplossen van Ordinary Differential Equations. Examination Elke week moeten er twee computertaken worden ingeleverd, het vak wordt afgesloten met een eindtaak waarbij alle kennis die opgedaan is gecombineerd moet worden. Alle taken moeten met een voldoende beoordeeld worden en het is ook mogelijk om optionele taken te maken voor bonuspunten. Naast deze taken is er ook een schriftelijke midtoets. Evaluation Het vak begint met de basistechnieken en methodes van het programmeren. Gedurende zes weken doe je zo ook veel kennis op over verschillende technieken die deels samenkomen in de eindopdracht. Het vak is redelijk intensief: je moet namelijk twee taken per week inleveren waarvoor gemiddeld vijf uur voor staat gerekend. In de praktijk blijkt het voor een student die niet bekend is met programmeren meestal langer te duren. De zes uur die per week ingeroosterd staat is dus niet genoeg, je zult dus in je eigen tijd aan deze taken moeten werken. Gelukkig zijn de docenten over het algemeen te vinden op het Kapteyn Instituut en is er genoeg hulp mocht je er niet uitkomen.
Overview Dit vak verschaft een basale inleiding in de sterrenkunde. Het gaat vooral over de methodes die in de sterrenkunde gebruikt worden om informatie over objecten ver weg te verzamelen. Er worden veel onderwerpen behandelt, van de kleinste sterren tot de gehele kosmos. Examination Het vak wordt afgesloten met een schriftelijk tentamen. Daarnaast dient er een artikel geschreven te worden dat mondeling wordt besproken. Ook moet er driemaal huiswerk worden ingeleverd en is er een midtoets. Het gewogen gemiddelde van deze vier geeft het eindcijfer. Evaluation Het vak wordt door studenten goed beoordeeld. De hoorcolleges zijn duidelijk en in het juiste tempo. De werkcolleges zijn nuttig en de docenten zijn erg behulpzaam. Het valt echter wel op dat dit het enige inleidende vak is met boek en midtoets. Hierdoor lijken de andere inleidende vakken minder serieus.
Inleiding Sterrenkunde
Course code STISTK-10 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. I.E.E. Kamp Literature Astronomy: a physical perspective, M.L. Kutner. Examination method Homework, written exam, midterm, mandatory presence for visiting research groups. Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview This subject is a basic introduction into astronomy. It gives an overview of the methods used in astronomy to gather information about objects far away. A few examples of topics in the course are black bodies, star spectra, the HertzsprungRussel diagram, the evolution of stars, the big bang, and the determination of the distance and mass of a star.
Examination At the end of the course the students have to Inleiding Sterrenkunde take an exam, which counts for 60 per cent of Course code STISTK-10 Year 1.3 Lecturer Dr. the final grade. Three sets of homework and a I.E.E. Kamp Literature "Astronomy: A Physical paper about an experiment have to be submitPerspective"door M.L. Kutner Examination me- ted, together these count for 10 per cent of the thod Tentamen, schrijven van een artikel Tea- final grade. A midterm exam counts for the other ching method Gecombineerde hoor- en werk- 30 per cent. colleges
Sterrenkunde Evaluation This subject is usually well evaluated by students. The lectures are given by Inga Kamp, and are very informative and clear. The subjects are not very difficult but it is a lot of theory to study, even when you only use the syllabus provided, which is a summary of the theory from the book. Because the homework sets and midterm exam are mandatory, the course does take a lot of time and dedication.
Inleiding Sterrenkunde
Course code STISTK-10 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. I.E.E. Kamp Literature Astronomy: a physical perspective, M.L. Kutner. Examination method Homework, written exam, midterm exam. Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview This subject is a basic introduction into astronomy. It gives an overview of the methods used in astronomy to gather information about objects far away. A few examples of topics in the course are black bodies, star spectra, the HertzsprungRussel diagram, the evolution of stars, the big bang, and the determination of the distance and mass of a star. Examination At the end of the course the students have to take an exam, which counts for 60 per cent of the final grade. Three sets of homework and a paper about an experiment have to be submitted, together these count for 10 per cent of the final grade. A midterm exam counts for the other 30 per cent. Evaluation This subject is usually well evaluated by students. The lectures are given by Inga Kamp, and are very informative and clear. The subjects are not very difficult but it is a lot of theory to study, even when you only use the syllabus provided, which is a summary of the theory from the book. Because the homework sets and midterm exam are mandatory, the course does take a lot of time and dedication.
and Intergalactic Medium' Examination method Problem sets and exam Teaching method Problem sets and exam Overview The interstellar medium (ISM) is the place where material from old stars gets recycled into new generations of stars. The ISM thus plays a central role in the evolution of galaxies and of matter in the Universe. This course teaches the concepts necessary to understand the ISM: the physics of rarefied gases under various conditions (heating/cooling). Examination During the course there are problems sets that need to be handed in every week. These count towards your final mark. The rest of your grade comes from the final exam, which is one hour or theory and two hours of problem sets. Evaluation The lectures are given mainly on the whiteboard, but with a base of powerpoint presentations. The discussed material can be found in the recommended books and it is very useful to have a copy of at least the Draine book. This book is also quite helpful during the tutorials or to read back the material of the lectures. Making notes during the lectures is vital!
Introduction to programming and numerical methods
Course code STPCE5 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer drs. M.G.R. Vogelaar Literature Cursusmaterial on Kapteyn Intranet Examination method Weekly assignments and a final assignment Teaching method Computertutorials
Overview This subject gives students an introduction into solving numerical problems in astronomy. The first step is to get familiar with the Unix/Linux environment, used at the computers of the Kapteyn Institute. Then the programming begins, using Python as a programming language. Different aspects of programming are covered in the assignments for the course: basic skills, processing data and making plots, and reading FITSInterstellar Medium files. The student is also introduced to numerical Course code STISME5 Year 2012/2013 Lectu- methods, including `root finding', numerical inrer Dr. K. Caputi Literature A.G.G.M. Tielens, tegration, solving ordinary differential equations, `The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar and fast Fourier transformations. Medium' & B.T. Draine, `Physics of the Interstellar 139
Bètawijzer 2013 Examination Every week a task has to be delivered, consisting of several questions. There are 5 tasks, which each counting for one point. Also, a midterm exam is given to test the programming skills of the students, without use of a computer. This midterm exam can count for a maximum of 1 point. At the end of the course there's an end task, which counts for 3 points. Besides these assignments there's an opportunity to make an optional task, which can add an additional point to your grade. Evaluation The course is well organized and very educational, at the end you will have learned a lot. It is quite demanding compared to other subjects, most tasks should take 8 hours according to the schedule but in most cases this will not be enough. This means you have to spend more time on this subject than scheduled. The supervision is really good though, there's almost always someone present to help.
Kaleidoscope Modern Physics
Course code NAKMN-10 Year 1.1 Lecturer prof. dr. R.G.E. Timmermans Literature Douglas C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics, Volume III, 4th Edition. Examination method Written exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview This subject is an introduction to the world of modern physics. The course focuses on discoveries made in the 20th century, particularly on the special theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. With these theories you come across topics such as Einstein's famous equation E=mc², the building blocks of matter, the wave-particle duality, and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Examination The only form of testing is an exam at the end of the course. Evaluation The lectures are very interesting, and given by prof. Timmermans with great dedication. The power points are made really well and are also useful when studying for the exam. He could have indicated better what exactly you had to learn for the exam, and provided some more practice material (and solutions), but overall he 140
did really well. The fact that there is no midterm exam or homework sets during the course might ask some discipline.
Kwantumfysica 1
Course code NAKF1-11 Year 2.1 Lecturer Prof. Dr. ir. C.H. van der Wal Literature Introductory to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition, PearsonPrentice-Hall Examination method Midtoets en Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en Werkcolleges Overview Kwantumfysica 1 is je eerste aanraking met de fundamenten van de kwantummechanica. Hierbij komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: Postulaten van de kwantummechanica, golffuncties, superpositie principe, operatoren, De Schrödinger vergelijking (tijdafhankelijk en onafhankelijk), metingen aan kwantumsystemen (Dirac-notatie, x-representatie), Hilbertruimte, eigenwaarden en eigenfuncties, commutatoren, tijd-evolutie van een systeem, Heisenbergs onzekerheidsrelatie, kwantuminterferentie, golfmechanica, tunneleffect, deeltje in een doosjemodel (1-D en 2-D), de harmonische oscillator, koppeling van kwantumputten, exchange operatoren, angular momentum en spin. Daarnaast wordt er in dit vak redelijk wat lineaire algebra gebruikt, het kan daarom geen kwaad om de opgedane stof van te voren nog even te behandelen. Examination De toetsing vindt plaats via een Midtoets, deze is 10% van je eindcijfer mits je hoger scoort dan een zes. En het vak wordt afgesloten met een tentamen. Evaluation Professor van der Wal is een van de zeldzame docenten die uitwerkingen verstrekt van alle gemaakte opgaven nadat het werkcollege is afgelopen. Niet alleen geeft dit je de kans om thuis alles goed door te nemen maar bovendien geeft het je de mogelijkheid het tentamen zeer goed voor te bereiden. Dit betekent echter niet dat je niet naar de werkcolleges hoeft te gaan, want je moet dusdanig veel opgaven maken dat je hier thuis echt geen tijd voor zult hebben. Er wordt ook vanuit gegaan dat je een deel, ofwel de makkelijke opgaven, thuis al hebt gemaakt waardoor je in het werkcollege met de moeilijke vraagstuk-
Sterrenkunde ken aan de gang kan gaan. Ook van oude tentamens levert Professor van der Wal uitwerkingen, waardoor slagen bijna gegarandeerd is. Professor van der Wal wil graag dat je inzicht en gevoel voor het vak krijgt (voor hoe ver dat mogelijk is)en niet dat je alles uit je hoofd leert. Dit zie je ook terug tijdens het tentamen, dit is namelijk een open boek tentamen. Wat je tijdens de hoorcolleges kan verwachten zijn stemkastjes en kwantum-quizvragen die een leuke afwisseling bieden. Jammer is wel dat Professor van der Wal niet zo heel goed is in het beantwoorden van vragen. Deze zullen dan ook vaak beantwoord worden met een redelijk lang antwoord waarvan je niet altijd zeker weet of hij je vraag ermee heeft beantwoord. Ook verwacht professor van der Wal, dat je constant je aandacht erbij houdt, geen sms'en en gepraat tijdens de colleges (tenzij het is toegestaan).
Mathematical methods of physics
Course code NAMM-12 Year Master, 201213 Lecturer Prof.dr.R.G.E.Timmermans Literature Mathematical Methods of Physics - Jon Mathews and R.L.Walker Examination method Homeworksets Teaching method Lectures Overview The course deals with all the key mathematical techniques used in physics. The concepts discussed during the lectures are useful during research in physics. Concepts like dimensional analysis, complex analysis, special functions, integral transforms, etc. will be discussed in detail and challenging problems will be solved during lectures. At the end of the course, all the techniques will be applied on a few problems in physics like the hydrogen atom model, nuclear stability, etc. Examination The final grade is based on the evaluation of the assignments. There are 7 homework sets to be solved during the course. Evaluation The course is useful to improve your math skills. Intensive training in mathematical techniques will remove the fear of tough mathematical problems from the minds of students. The homework sets can be difficult and require extra time outside the course hours, but attending the lectures does make it easier to do them. The students are ex-
pected to work 2 hours a day for the course. But in the end, it is rewarding to solve the problem sets and you learn a lot of useful mathematical techniques. A lot of the techniques applied are aimed at problems in theoretical physics and even experimental physics. The mathematical methods discussed in class and in the book are mostly not applied directly to astronomy, however, during further research they can still be applied to astrophysical problems, especially theoretical ones. Overall, this is a useful and interesting course and it can never hurt to increase your mathematical skills.
Nuclear Astrophysics
Course code NANAP-10 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr.C.E.Rigollet Literature Nuclear Physics of Stars by Christian Iliadis and lecture notes Examination method Presentation Teaching method Lectures and Tutorials Overview The course deals with all the nuclear processes in astrophysical scenarios leading to the observed abundances of various elements in the universe. Various Nuclear burning processes and Nucleosynthesis processes are dealt in detail. Also some experimental methods in determining the reaction cross sections and reaction rates for various nuclear reactions occurring in astrophysical sites along with current setups and results are also discussed in the tutorials. Examination The students are graded with two presentations. The first presentation is of a general topic on nuclear physics that the student can choose. The grade from first presentation contributes 25% to the final grade. The first presentation is to give the students a practice for their final presentation. The second presentation is more specific from the course. The topics for the presentation will be given by the professor with a few suggestions of literature. The students are expected to make their own literature research and give a 20 minutes presentation on the given topic for their final grade. Evaluation The lectures are more interesting and the lecturer stimulated lots of discussions during the classes and the tutorials. The tutorial sessions were also more interactive with the lecturer dis141
Bètawijzer 2013 cussing about her latest experimental results in determining reaction rates and cross sections in various nuclear processes. So the course caters to both theoretically and experimentally oriented students and in the lectures and coursework the teacher takes into account the interests and background of the individual students.
Principles of measurement systems (C)
Overview Het vak is een inleiding in de statistiek en behandelt ook kort kansrekenen. Onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn: meetfouten, kansverdelingsfuncties, Bayes theorema, random numbers, Monte Carlo simulatie, foutenanalyse, correlatie en associatie, hypothese testen, data modelleren, paramters schatten, lineaire regressie, kleinste kwadratenmethoden, maximum likelihood en betrouwbaarheidsintervallen.
Course code NAPMS-12 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. J.G. Messchendorp Literature Princi- Examination ples of Measurement Systems, 4th edition Exa- Het vak wordt afgesloten door een tentamen dat mination method written exam het eindcijfers bepaalt. Overview This course discusses primarily the principles behind measurement systems. It starts with an examination of generalized measurement systems, their representation in block diagrams, a discussion of static and dynamic characteristics, and the calculation of the overall measurement error. It then introduces transfer function theory (Laplace transform) to describe the dynamic behavior of measurement systems, and proceeds with a treatment of the effects of interference and noise. Subsequently, a number of sensing elements, as well as signal conditioning and signal processing elements, such as Wheatstone bridges, amplifiers and A.C. carrier systems, are discussed in detail. Finally, digital signal processing is treated with the emphasis on the Nyquist sampling theory, and analog/frequency to digital converters. Throughout the course, a number of selected measurement systems of industrial importance are introduced. Examination There will be a written exam for this course. Furthermore, the students are obliged to make homework exercises which will part of the final grade. A mid-term exam will be scheduled which can count positively to the final grade.
Statistische en Numerieke Methoden
Course code STSTNME5 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer Prof. Dr. R.M. Mendez Literature Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences. P.R. Bevington, D.K. Robinson. Examination method Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en Werkcolleges
Evaluation In de hoorcolleges wordt de theorie behandelt, maar naarmate de cursus vordert zullen er minder afleidingen worden gedaan. Wanneer de statistische toetsen behandelt worden zullen de afleidingen afwezig zijn, en zal het uitsluitend om een beschrijving van de toetsen gaan en hoe je hier conclusies uit moeten trekken. Tijdens de werkcolleges ben je niet echt bezig met de stof die behandelt is in het hoorcollege. De opgaven zijn echter natuurlijk wel gerelateerd en wisselen soms van puur afleiden tot puur toepassen van de methoden. De statistische toetsen komen echter niet aan bod in het werkcollege, oftewel begrip hiervan bestaat alleen uit de kennis van wanneer je welke toets moet toepassen. De werkcollegeopgaven zijn echter totaal niet representatief voor het tentamen, het tentamen bestaat namelijk voornamelijk uit het demonstreren van kennis en rekenen met simpele opgaven.
Statistische Fysica
Course code NASF-10 Year 2.2 Lecturer Prof. Dr. M.V. Mostovoy Literature Statistical Physics, 2nd edition, F. Mandl Examination method Huiswerkbonus en Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en Werkcolleges. Overview Het vak Statistische Fysica draait om het beschrijven van de natuurkundige wetten aan de hand van enige statistiek. Het draait erom dat je alles beschrijft met een model waar veel deeltjes in zitten. Bij dit vak zul je voornamelijk veel met de wetten van de Thermodynamica en de ideale gaswet te maken krijgen, die afgeleid zullen worden op basis van de bewegingen van de individuele atomen en moleculen. Aan bod zullen
Sterrenkunde komen: Postulaten van de Statistische Mechanica, statistische beschrijven van veeldeeltjessystemen, wetten van de Thermodynamica, entropie, equilibriumtoestanden, absolute temperatuur, Boltzmann verdeling, Maxwell snelheidsverdeling, ideale en niet-ideale gassen, partitiefuncties, equipartitietheorema, zwarte straling, wet van Planck, Bose-Einstein en Fermi-Dirac verdelingen.
these processes as a basic principle, the lectures continue with the evolution of stars; very briefly their birth, but in much more dept the processes that govern the different phases of nuclear reactions, colours and sizes of stars. From the principle equations explained in the beginning of the course, scaling relations are derived that intuitively explain the evolutionary stellar models.
Examination The homework stets are doable after the hints in the tutorials, however, they still take a lot of time to complete. For the computer project, in which a static stellar model has to be computed, it is advisable to start early on. The programming is time consuming, however, the eventual report is Evaluation Het boek is een van de minst prettige onderde- what is being graded, so it is wise to start writing len van dit vak. Het is daarom ook erg fijn dat the report early. tijdens de hoorcolleges alles tot op zeker detail Evaluation wordt uitgewerkt. Je wordt daarom ook aange- The lectures and the lecturer are both really apraden om naar de hoorcolleges te gaan wil je de preciated and considered really good. The strucstof begrijpen. Degene die kan uitvogelen hoe ture of the material in the course and the lecture de docent de stof doorloopt aan de hand van het notes are both clear and make it easier to underboek is op zich al capabel om het vak te halen. stand the material. Crucial hints for the problem Vooral in het begin is het een enorm raadsel hoe sets are given by the lecturer during the tutoride docent de volgorde van de hoofdstukken be- als. After going to the lectures and tutorials and handeld. De opgaven in het huiswerk gaan vaak doing these problem sets, with some additional op dezelfde wijze als de afleidingen in het hoor- study of the lecture notes, the students are well college. De opgaven in het begin boek zijn goed prepared for the final exam. te doen maar tegen het einde van de periode zul- As mentioned above, the stellar model is time len ze pittiger worden. Gelukkig zijn ze moeilij- consuming and probably the most difficult asker dan het tentamen en volledige uitwerkingen signment you'll get whilst studying astrophysics. krijg je tijdens de werkcolleges. Daarnaast heeft You'll both need to understand the physics of de docent een goed en overzichtelijk document stellar interiors but also be able to deal with comgeschreven over zijn visie over de Statistische Fi- putational and numerical issues. However, a syca, het is nuttig om dit document voor het ten- working model, though satisfactory, is not the most important aspect. Being able to write a tamen door te nemen. good and clear report about what you've done is even more important, and eventually the thing Stellar Structure and Evolution Course code STMSSE-12 Year Master Lectu- that is being graded. Finishing the model and rerer Prof. Dr. S.C. Trager Literature Evolution port is, in the end, very satisfactory and a good of Stars and Stellar Populations (Salaris & Cas- preparation for further work in astrophysics such sisi) Examination method Homeworksets (20% as your thesis. Examination Elke twee weken is er de mogelijkheid om een huiswerkset voor bonuspunten in te leveren en het vak wordt afgesloten met een tentamen. Cijfer: Tentamen + 0.1xGemiddelde Huiswerk
), computer project (30% ), writte exam(50% ) Student Seminar Quantum Universe Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Course code NASSC-09 Year 2012/2013 LecOverview turer dr. D. Roest, prof. dr. O. Scholten, This course deals with stellar interiors. It starts prof. dr. M.A.M. van de Weijgaert Literature with treating all physical processes and equatiA. Liddle, 'An introduction to modern cosmology ons that describe the interior of a star such as (2nd ed.)' Examination method Presentations nuclear reactions, equations of state, hydrostaTeaching method Seminar meetings, literature tic pressure, convection, conduction, etc. Using 143
Bètawijzer 2013 research Overview A multi-disciplinary approach to cosmology, focussing on the large and the small scale physics. A flavour of the subjects that may be adressed are: inflation (both theory and signature), baryosynthesis and matter-antimatter asymmetry, string cosmology and quantum cosmology, cosmic strings and topological singularities, dark matter (astronomical observations, experiments, theories), primordial synthesis(e.g. the Li problem), the cosmic microwave background (anisotropies, experiments, observations, probe of inflation),dark energy (experiments, snia observations, baryonic acoustic fluctuations, gravitational lensing), dark energy (theories), gravitational waves, cosmological structure formation and the Cosmic Web, reionization and the first stars and galaxies, the intergalactic medium (Lya forest, WHIM, ...), cosmic rays, cosmic neutrinos, LHC physics, ... Examination Your final grade will be determined by three components: - participation during the meetings (the questions you ask etc) - first presentation on an introductory subject (45 min) - second presentation on an advanced subject (90 min) Evaluation Students are challenged to think critically about what they hear. Presentation skills are developed and discussion about the subjects is stimulated. With the aid of a 'coach' (one of the lecturers) who helps students research their topic, students gain the experience of giving a lecture
themselves. An experience not to miss out on!
Virtual Observations
Course code STBVO-12 / STMVO-12 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer prof. dr. E.A. Valentijn, dr. G.A. Verdoes Kleijn en dr. A.N. Belikov. Literature Course material is distributed by the lecturers Examination method For bachelor students the exam is partially theory, partially practical assignment. For master students the exam consists of a final assignment including a report and presentation. Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview In this course the astronomonical Virtual Observatories (VO's) are discussed. Various VO's are explored in the lectures and tutorials with aid of tools and languages including MySQL, R, Topcat, Aladin and Astro-WISE. Examination For bachelor students the exam will consist of a practical and theoretical part. For the master students there is a selection of final problems to choose from. The student is expected to complete this assignment using the tools discussed/used in the course, write a report about this and present the results. Evaluation It is strongly recommended to keep up with all the discussed material. The pace is quite high due to limited time, but it is possible to finish most assignments during the tutorials. Especially the tutorials are very important as the skills learned there are needed for the examination. A useful course to take.
Technische Bedrijfskunde
Examination Course code INALGTBK09 Year 2012-2013 De helft van het cijfer voor dit vak wordt bepaald Lecturer prof. dr. M. Biehl, dr. R. Smedinga door het tentamen die bestaat uit meerkeuzevraLiterature Engineering Computation with Mat- gen. De andere helft van het cijfer wordt bepaald lab David M. Smith 978-0-321-48108-5 Exami- door het gemiddelde van de cijfers voor de pracnation method Tentamen en practica Teaching ticumopgaven. Elke week moet er zo'n opgave gemaakt worden. Het cijfer voor het tentamen method Hoorcolleges en practica en het gemiddelde van de practicumcijfers moeOverview ten beide minimaal een vijf zijn. In dit vak is er een kennismaking met algoritmen, modelleren en programmeren. Na een inleiding Evaluation tot computers en programmeren worden basis De hoorcolleges waren duidelijk, maar konden concepten, data structuren en operaties inge- beter aansluiten op de practica. De practicumvoerd. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van MATLAB, opgaven waren pittig, maar met de goede hulp tijdens de practica wel te doen. Na deze praceen gebruikervriendelijke programmeertaal. 145
Bètawijzer 2013 ticumopgaven te hebben gemaakt is het tenta- schillende fasen in de life-cycle van een asset men vrij makkelijk te halen. Het boek is bij dit worden behandeld. Verder worden de ondervak enigszins overbodig. werpen Spare parts management en Reliability Engineering onder de loep genomen. Studenten Analysis and Control of Smart Systems worden gevraagd om te oefenen en na te denCourse code TBACSS-11 Year 2012-2013 Lec- ken over deze onderwerpen door middel van opturer prof. dr. C. De Persis Literature Lecture drachten en tentamen.
notes en papers Examination method Tentamen Examination Teaching method Hoorcollege, Werkcollege Er worden drie opdrachten gegeven die in duo's gemaakt moeten worden(60% ). Het is mogeOverview Het doel van het vak is om het concept van smart lijk om één herkansingsopdracht te maken. Ook systems te introduceren. Smart systems is een is er een tentamen over het investeringsproces interconnectie tussen een groot aantal dynami- voor een asset (40% ). Tijdens de opdrachten is sche systemen (robots) die interactie met elkaar het de bedoeling om theorie toe te passen in een hebben om taken uit de voeren. Voorbeelden case. Reflectie van de student op de gebruikte van smart systems kunnen een supply chain, co- methoden is belangrijk in dit vak. öperatieve robots, distributie netwerken of een peloton voertuigen zijn. In het vak ligt de focus op de control theory in de analyse en ontwerp controllers voor smart systems. Er wordt vooral gebruik gemaakt van de Lyapunov stabiliteitstheorie en het La Salle invarience principe.
Examination Er wordt getoetst met een tentamen aan het einde van het vak. Het is verstandig om een aantal generieke controllers voor bepaalde systemen uit het hoofd te leren, omdat deze vrijwel altijd terugkomen op het tentamen.
Evaluation De opdrachten zijn duidelijk geformuleerd. maar doordat ze op het grensvlak zitten van behandelde theorie en de werkelijkheid zullen de opdrachten voor de meeste studenten uitdagend zijn. Een zeer goed georganiseerd en uitdagend mastervak!
Course code WICALTBK11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. M.C. Spaans Literature Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2, Analyse toegepast 2009 M. de Gee 978-90-5041-110-3 ExaminaEvaluation Tijdens de hoorcolleges is de docent erg bedre- tion method Tentamen Teaching method Hoorven in het geven van wiskundige bewijzen. Het colleges en werkcolleges is zaak voor studenten om zelf aan de slag te Overview gaan met het vak en opgaven te maken. In de In dit vak wordt de basis van de analyse (calcuwerkcolleges kan er geoefend worden met het lus) behandeld. De VWO-ervaring met functies maken van opgaven op tentamenniveau. Het is van één veranderlijke wordt uitgediept en uitgeraadzaam om de werkcolleges goed voor te be- breid naar functies van meerdere veranderlijken. In het vak wordt de stof zoveel mogelijk geïllureiden. streerd aan de hand van toepassingen; de verbinding tussen de wiskunde en de toepassing is Asset Management Course code EBM024A05 Year 2012-2013 hierbij belangrijk.
Lecturer Klingenberg, W., Teunter, R., Zee, D.J. van der, W.H.M. Alsem Literature Artikelen Examination method Opdrachten en tentamen Teaching method hoorcolleges, responsiecolleges en opdrachten
Examination Aan het begin van het vak wordt een basisvaardighedentoets afgenomen. Hiervoor moet een voldoende worden gehaald wil men het eindtentamen maken. Er zijn er nog twee herkansingen voor deze toets. Het vak heeft één eindtenOverview Het vak Asset Management gaat over het inves- tamen. Bonuspunten kunnen worden behaald teren, ontwerpen, onderhouden en het gebruik met een midtoets en/of het tweemaal inleveren van Flexible Manufacturing Systems. De ver- van huiswerksets. De cijfers hiervoor tellen alleen mee als ze hoger zijn dan het cijfer voor het 146
Technische Bedrijfskunde eindtentamen.
opdracht sloot bovendien niet goed aan bij de eerder behandelde stof. Het boek nauwelijks noEvaluation De hoorcolleges van dit vak waren weinig toe- dig. voegend en erg vaag. De werkcolleges daarentegen waren wel erg nuttig. Hierin werd veel met Discrete methoden in de operations rede stof geoefend en werd de stof nog eens hel- search der uitgelegd als het niet begrepen werd. Oefe- Course code WIDMOR-09 Year 2 Lecturer dr. nen met opgaven is voor dit vak essentieel. Het M.E. Dur Literature Dictaat Examination metentamen sloot goed aan op de opgaven en oe- thod huiswerk, schriftelijk tentamen Teaching fententamens. Het boek was duidelijk en fijn om method hoorcolleges, werkcolleges mee te werken. Overview Dit vak sluit aan op het vak Operations Research Data en Processen 1, maar heeft als focus praktijkproblemen en moCourse code TBDP-11 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- dellen die discrete variabelen bevatten. Discrete rer dr. H. Balsters, dr. H. Doornbos Litera- variabelen zijn variabelen die alleen geheeltallige ture Information Modeling and Relational Data- waarden kunnen aannemen, of alleen de waarbases Halpin, T., Morgan, T.; Morgan Kaufmann den 0 en 1. Zij worden gebruikt voor het model2008 978-012-373568-3 Examination method leren van ja/nee keuzes, of van grootheden die Practicumopdrachten en één individuele eindop- aantallen modelleren. dracht Teaching method Hoorcolleges, practica Examination Overview Deze is dmv huiswerk opgaven en een tentamen. Data kwaliteit is een belangrijke factor in Het tentamen is goed te doen mits je de antproductie-omgevingen. In de IT, is de database woorden goed beargumenteerd. het middel waarmee men data kwaliteit realiseert. Processen, op hun beurt, maken gebruik Evaluation van data: processen verwerken data (invoer) tot Hoorcollege: nieuwe data (uitvoer) en sturen zo machines en Wordt niet als erg nuttig ervaren. mensen aan. In dit vak moet men modellen en Werkcollege: Is over het algemeen goed. Het zou handig zijn databases ontwerpen op de computer. als de uitwerkingen beschikbaar zouden worExamination den. Tijdens het blok moeten vier opdrachten worden Het vak wordt niet als erg moeilijk ervaren. Het gemaakt over de verschillende onderwerpen in tentamen is ook goed te doen als de opgaven het vak. Deze worden in tweetallen gemaakt en zijn gemaakt en de antwoorden goed worden worden moeten worden gemaakt met verschil- geargumenteerd. lende programma's. Het gemiddelde van deze vier opdrachten telt voor 50% van het eindcijfer Eenfase reactoren mee. Aan het einde van het blok volgt nog een Course code CHEFR-08 Year 2 Lecturer Prof. individuele eindopdracht. Deze telt voor 50% dr. ir. H.J. Heeres Literature Elements of chevan het eindcijfer mee mical reaction engineering - CollegesheetbunEvaluation del Examination method Computeroprdracht Gedurende het blok waren er veel problemen en tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges, met de organisatie van het vak. Bijvoorbeeld op- werkcolleges, computerpractica drachten die te laat online kwamen en onduideOverview lijkheden over de beoordeling van het vak. Dit The following subjects will be treated: - Classizorgde voor veel onduidelijkheid onder de stufication of chemical reactors. - Introduction of denten. De vier opdrachten tijdens het blok wamodel reactors, calculation of conversion levels ren pittig, maar met behulp van de slides, pracin model reactors by applying mass balances. tica en internet goed te doen. De eindopdracht Provide tools for reactor selection and optimisadaarentegen zorgde voor meer problemen en de tion in case of multiple reactions (selectivity isweging van 50% hiervan was te zwaar. De eind147
Bètawijzer 2013 sue). - Application of heat balances to describe non-isothermal reactors. - Introduction to nonideal reactors . A number of models will be presented to account for non-ideal behaviour. These models will be applied to determine the conversions for non-ideal reactors. - Application of software tools to model single-phase reactors. Examination Computerpractica: Het computerpracticum werd door de studenten als goed beoordeeld. Het was jammer dat de oefenopgaven niet werden nabesproken. Zo konden studenten niet zien wat ze fout hadden gedaan. Als de studenten meer feedback gekregen hadden, zouden ze er meer van geleerd hebben. Tentamen: Het tentamen werd door veel studenten als redelijk moeilijk ervaren.
Examination De toetsing is als volgt: Er is een eindtentamen dat 60% meetelt en een deeltentamen dat 30% meetelt. 10% van het cijfer kan worden behaald door participatie aan de practica. Er mag één practicum in het blok gemist worden. Evaluation Het vak is goed te doen. Bij de werkcolleges en practica wordt veel geoefend met de stof en dit oefenen is dan ook het belangrijkste voor dit vak. De practica zijn verplicht en zijn ook erg nuttig. Door sommigen wordt het vak wel als wat lastiger ervaren, maar met voldoende oefening en participatie is ook voor hen het tentamen uiteindelijk goed te halen.
Fysische Systemen
Evaluation Het vak is over het algemeen als goed beoordeeld. De hoor- en werkcolleges zijn goed en sluiten mooi op elkaar aan. Het niveau ligt hoog hetgeen ook positief is. Om het vak te verbeteren lijkt het een optie om de antwoorden online te zetten. Ook is het misschien een idee om een paar extra werkcolleges te doen zodat mensen net wat meer tijd hebben om alle opgaven af te hebben. Zo zullen ze nog beter voorbereid zijn op het tentamen.
Course code NAFSYS05E Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, dr. ir. I. ten Have Literature Diktaat: Fysische systemen, versie 2011. (Het diktaat wordt tevens digitaal via Nestor aangeboden) H.A.J. Meijer Examination method Tentamen en practicumopdrachten Teaching method Hoorcolleges, werkcolleges, practica
Overview Financial accounting vervult een onmisbare rol in het verschaffen van informatie, die nodig is om weloverwogen keuzes maken met betrekking tot bedrijfsmatige en economische activiteiten. Om gegevens over bedrijfsmatige activiteiten om te vormen tot bruikbare informatie voor besluitvormingsdoeleinden worden financiële transacties systematisch vastgelegd, verwerkt en gecommuniceerd door middel van financiële verslagen.
toetsje te maken. Dit is één van de enkele opgaven die voorbereid had kunnen worden. Met deze toetsjes kan een bonus worden behaald voor op het eindtentamen.
Overview Fysische systemen bestaat uit verschillende onderdelen die allemaal aan elkaar verwant zijn. Zo wordt een mechanisch en elektrisch gedeelte Financial Accounting behandeld, maar ook bedrijfsdynamica. Naast Course code EBP023A05 Year 2012-2013 Lec- dat deze verwantschap moet worden gezien, turer dr. B. Crom, J. de Boer, drs. D.J.J. He- vereist het vak begrip van de stof en rekenvaarslinga, dr. R.B.H. Hooghiemstra, dr. C.A. Huij- digheid ermee. gen, K. Linke, M. Paping, MSc. Literature Finan- Examination cial Accounting International Edition 2012, 11th Fysische systemen heeft één eindtentamen. edition, South Western, Cengage Learning Po- Daarnaast moeten er drie practica worden afgewers, M. and B.E. Needles 978-1-111-52554-5 legd. Hiervoor wordt geen cijfer gegeven, maar Examination method Eindtentamen, deeltenta- deze moeten wel voldoende gemaakt worden. men, practica Teaching method Hoorcolleges, Bij de werkcolleges wordt de mogelijkheid gegewerkcolleges, practica ven om aan het begin van het werkcollege een
Evaluation Fysische systemen is een pittig vak. Het vereist veel oefening en hoewel participatie aan de hooren werkcolleges helpt de stof beter te begrijpen, blijft het moeilijk. De practica geven niet heel veel betere begrip van de stof, maar leert je wel om
Technische Bedrijfskunde de theorie ook eens in de praktijk toe te passen. drachten, schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method hoorcolleges, werkcolleges
Kern van procestechnologie
Overview De onderwerpen die worden behandeld zijn wat betreft de statica: krachtvectoren, krachtenevenwicht van een deeltje, krachtresultanten, evenwicht van een star lichaam, analyse van vakwerken, interne krachten en wrijving. Wat betreft de sterkteleer: spanning, rek, mechanische eigenschappen, axiale belasting, torsie, buiging, samengestelde belastingen, spanningstransformatie, vervormingstransformatie en knik. Mechanica geeft inzicht in de sterkte van construcOverview Introductie in de proces- en de productttech- ties en legt de basis voor de vervolgvakken Ontnologie. Kennismaking met de werkwijze in werpen en construeren en Productietechnieken. en fundamenten van (chemische) proces- en Examination producttechnologie. Onderwerpen die behan- Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van deld worden:Procesvoorbeelden, Werken met huiswerkvraagstukken (vrijblijvend), een taak massa- en energiebalansen, Reactormodel- (verplicht) en een schriftelijk tentamen. Taak en len, Reactiekinetiek, Basis Organische Che- tentamen moeten voldoende zijn. mie/Polymeerchemie. Evaluation Samenhang met: Kern van product- en procesHoorcollege: Is over het algemeen goed. technologie legt de basis voor de vervolgvakWerkcollege: ken, Chemische reactoren, Fysische transportWordt als minder goed ervaren. verschijnselen, Scheidingsprocessen en Product Over het algemeen genomen is het vak te doen Technologie. als de opdrachten worden gemaakt. De taak die Examination moet worden gemaakt is net iets moeilijker dan Schriftelijk tentamen. Dit tentamen is over het de toets zelf. Dus als een student in staat is deze algemeen goed te maken. De beste manier van maken is de toets vaak ook goed te doen. Het leren is door de opgaven uit de werkcolleges te zou verder ďŹ jn zijn als de uitwerkingen verkrijgmaken en de slides door te nemen. baar zouden zijn.
Course code TBPT05E Year 2 Lecturer Picchioni, F. Literature Collegedictaat: kern van product-en proces technologie Elementary principles of chemical processes 3rd Edition Richard M. Felder, Ronald W. Rousseau 0-47153478-1 Examination method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method Gecombineerde hoor/werkcolleges, opdracht(en) (en een verplichte excursie)
Evaluation Hoorcollege: De hoorcolleges zijn goed en nuttig. Werkcolleges: De werkcolleges helpen met het bij houden van de stof en eventueel bij vragen over de stof. Over het algemeen zijn de opgaven alleen wel te doen. Tentamen: Dit tentamen is over het algemeen goed te maken. De beste manier van leren is door de opgaven uit de werkcolleges te maken en de slides door te nemen. Over het algemeen gezien is dit een relatief makkelijk vak.
Operations Research 1
Course code EBB857A05 Year 2 Lecturer prof. dr. R.H. Teunter Examination method gecombineerde hoor-/werkcolleges, practica Teaching method hoor-/werkcolleges
Overview De cursus behandelt het modelleren en oplossen van kwantitatieve (OR) problemen. Deel 1 betreft deterministische problemen, waarbij met name Lineair programmeren als oplossingstechniek wordt besproken. Studenten leren om problemen als LP te formuleren, kleine problemen graďŹ sch op te lossen en grote problemen met Excel op te lossen, en de concepten schaduwMechanica voor TBK/TM prijzen en gevoeligheidsanalyse toe te passen (in Course code NAMECH05E Year 2 Lecturer Excel). Deel twee gaat verder met logistieke proprof. dr. ir. P.R. Onck Literature Statica, Sterk- blemen waarbij onzekerheid een rol speelt. Stuteleer voor Technici Examination method op- denten spelen een online spel, in groepen van 149
Bètawijzer 2013 3 of 4, waarbij zij logistieke beslissingen nemen Evaluation met als doel de winst te maximaliseren en de an- Hoewel er vanaf te zien was dat er geprobeerd dere teams te verslaan). was een duidelijke structuur aan het vak te geven, was het alsnog redelijk vaag. Het was niet Examination Deze wordt gedaan door een individuele op- erg duidelijk wat er nou precies voor het tentadracht, groepsopdracht en een tentamen. De men geleerd moest worden. Bij de practica vaak opdrachten zijn goed te doen. Voor de groeps- niet duidelijk wat er precies verwacht werd van de opdracht en hoe we het moesten aanpakken. opdracht is het slim om eerst door de gehele stof te gaan. Het tentamen wordt als makkelijk erva- Ook was de begeleiding niet altijd even goed. Wel was het leuk om bij de practica de kennis in ren. praktijk toe te brengen en waren de onderwerEvaluation pen erg divers. Hoorcollege: Deze wordt als langzaam en simpel ervaren. Production Organization and Control Werkcollege: Course code EBB650B05 Year 2 Lecturer dr. Is over het algemeen goed maar niet echt noodir. W. Klingenberg, dr. X. Zhu Literature Comzakelijk. petitive manufacturing management ExaminaOpdrachten: tion method opdracht(en), schriftelijk tentamen De opdrachten zijn goed te doen. Voor de met open vragen Teaching method hoorcollegroepsopdracht is het slim om eerst door de geges, opdracht(en), practica, werkcolleges hele stof te gaan. Overview Tentamen: Als de opdrachten uit de werkcolleges goed wor- De cursus richt zich op de inrichting en orgaden gemaakt is het tentamen makkelijk te doen. nisatie van de productiefunctie. De geschiktheid van een productiestructuur wordt beoordeeld op basis van marktkarakteristieken (assorOriëntatie TBK Course code TBOTBK1-08 Year 2012-2013 timentsbreedte, afzetvolumes, productmixvariaLecturer dr. ir. G.H. Jonker Literature Sylla- tie) en capaciteitskenmerken (mens, machine, bus Oriëntatie TBK 1 Examination method Ten- hulpmiddelen). We besteden aandacht aan ontwerpvraagstukken bij de onderscheiden productamen en practica Teaching method Hoorcolletiestructuren. Aan de orde komen onder meer de ges en practica verschillende inrichtingsvormen, Lean ProducOverview tion, Just In Time productie, Statistical Process Oriëntatie van TBK 1 geeft een eerste inleiding Control, lijnbalancering, en de vorming van groein de onderliggende technische en natuurwe- pen. Enkele technieken worden via opdrachten tenschappelijke principes, in samenhang met de en practica geoefend. maatschappelijke en bedrijfskundige context. Er wordt een overzicht gegeven van de technolo- Examination gie en hun toepassingen. Ook de marktwerking, opdracht(en), schriftelijk tentamen met open vraduurzaamheid en innovatie komen aan bod. Ori- gen ëntatie TBK beoogt een afspiegeling te zijn van (1. Opdrachten/ practica dienen met een voldoende te zijn beoordeeld 2. Alle opdrachde studie TBK. ten/practica dienen in het Engels gemaakt te Examination worden 3. Het tentamen dient eveneens in het De helft van het cijfer voor dit vak wordt bepaald Engels gemaakt te worden.) door het tentamen. Deze bestaat uit open vraEvaluation gen. De andere helft van het cijfer wordt bepaald door het gemiddelde cijfer van de practica. Voor Hoorcolleges: Goed de practica moeten elke week opdrachten, verslagen of presentaties gemaakt worden en deze Practica: Er moeten verschillende 'cases' worden geworden beoordeeld. Het gemiddelde cijfer van de practica en het cijfer voor het tentamen moe- maakt deze zijn over het algemene goed te doen. In het boek staan namelijk de oplossingen voor ten beiden voldoende zijn. 150
Technische Bedrijfskunde de problemen. Werkcollege: Tentamen: Goed en nuttig. Wel zou het handig zijn als er Het tentamen is goed te doen. online uitwerkingen verkrijgbaar zouden zijn. Het totale vak wordt als goed te doen en nuttig Practica: ervaren. Is redelijk te doen. Tentamen: Signalen en systemen voor TBK en Wordt als moeilijk ervaren. Over het algemeen is het een vak wat goed in BMT elkaar zit. Het wordt wel als moeilijk ervaren. Course code WISS-08 Year 2 Lecturer dr. Vooral het tentamen wordt als struikelblok geM.K. Camlibel Literature Dictaat Examination zien. Deze is wel te doen als de student de opmethod schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method gaven en het oefententamen goed leert. computerpracticum, hoorcolleges, werkcolleges Overview Knows the theory and algorithm of numerical methods with respect to 1. Signals: continuous-time and discrete-time signals, periodic systems, non-periodic systems, energy and power. 2. Periodic signals and their line spectra: Complex and real Fourier series, the fundamental theorem of Fourier series, convolution and Parseval& apos;s theorem, Gibbs phenomenon. 3. Non-periodic signals and their continuous spectra: the Fourier integral theorem, Fourier transform properties, convolution and correlation, Shannon& apos;s sampling theorem, amplitude modulation. 4. Generalized functions and Fourier transforms: the delta function and its properties, introduction to generalized functions, generalized derivatives, generalized Fourier transforms. 5. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems: LTI systems in time-domain and in frequency domain, ideal filters. 6. The Laplace transform: Laplace transforms of piecewise smooth signals, signals with delta components, properties of Laplace transform. Systems described by ordinary linear differential equations: state variables and state equations, solution of input-state-output equations, initially at rest signals and systems, boundedinput-bounded-output-stable systems, steadystate behavior, Butterworth filters.
Statistiek en Stochastiek
Course code EBP009A05 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer W.P. Krijnen Literature Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 5th edition, Wiley Douglas C. Montgomery & George C. Runger 978-0-470-50578-6 Examination method Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges en werkcolleges Overview In deze cursus wordt de basis gelegd voor het begrijpen van essentiele begrippen uit de stochastiek en het uitvoeren van enkele statistische basistechnieken. Het vak behandelt statistische en stochastische vraagstukken. Men leert deze op te lossen en de uitkomst goed te interpreteren. Examination De toetsing bestaat uit één eindtentamen. Het eindtentamen bestaat uit open vragen. Daarnaast kan er een bonus worden verkregen door een drietal keer huiswerk in te leveren bij de werkcolleges.
Evaluation Statistiek en Stochastiek is een vrij lastig vak. De hoorcolleges gaven niet erg veel toevoeging, maar de werkcolleges waren zeer nuttig. Hier werd veel geoefend met opgaven en begrip voor de stof wordt alleen verkregen door veel te oefenen. Het vak moet goed worden bijgehouden, anders loop je al snel een enorme achterstand Examination op. De huiswerkopgaven voor bonus waren best Weekly, 4 lecture hours and 4 hours of exercise moeilijk, maar als je er moeite in stak was er class. In weeks 5 and 7, 2 hours of exercise class een goed cijfer voor te behalen. Het boek dat are replaced by 3 hours of computer exercises. we voor dit vak gebruikte was niet erg duidelijk. Voorbereiding voor het tentamen vereist veel tijd, Evaluation maar als je genoeg geoefend hebt is het te doen. Hoorcollege: Is over het algemeen goed. 151
Bètawijzer 2013
Structuur en Moleculen
Course code TBSTMO-11 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. J.G. Roelfes, prof. dr. M.J.E.C. van der Maarel Literature Essential Organic Chemistry Paula Yurkanis Bruice 0321592581 Examination method Tentamen Teaching method Hoorcolleges, werkcolleges Overview De basisbegrippen en basiskennis op het gebied van de (organische) chemie worden behandeld. De cursus bevat onder andere de volgende onderdelen: het tekenen van moleculen, het weergeven van chemische reacties en het oplossen van chemische vraagstukken die betrekking hebben op de stof. Examination Het eindcijfer wordt bepaald door het tentamen aan het einde van het blok. Deze bestaat uit meerkeuzevragen, open vragen en het tekenen van moleculen. Hiernaast kunnen er bij de werkcolleges elke week huiswerkopdrachten ingeleverd worden waarmee bonuspunten kunnen worden verdiend. Het tentamencijfer moet echter ondanks de bonuspunten ook voldoende zijn. Evaluation De stof werd in de hoorcolleges helder uitgelegd en in de werkcolleges werd er met deze stof geoefend. Het aantal opgaven dat in de werkcolleges werd behandeld was gering, maar deze opgaven werden wel uitgebreid en duidelijk behandeld. De huiswerkopdrachten die we konden inleveren voor bonus waren boven het niveau dat we moesten hebben voor het tentamen, waardoor deze erg lastig te maken waren. Het boek voor dit vak was erg goed en legde onder andere met behulp van veel illustraties de stof op een duidelijke wijze uit. Het tentamen sloot goed aan op de behandelde stof.
practica, tutorials Overview In dit vak worden de rol van verschillende organisaties in supply chians en de manier waarop deze organisaties met elkaar samenwerken besproken. Er wordt een aantal beslissingsondersteunende technieken gepresenteerd die helpen bij het verbeteren van de prestatie van supply chains en helpen bij het analyseren en ontwerpen van processen en stromen van goederen en diensten door het netwerk. In het vak wordt kennis, inzicht en vaardigheden verworven om supply chains en hun activiteiten te begrijpen, analyseren en verbeteren op basis van besluitvormingsconcepten en supply chain management theorieĂŤn. Examination Bij dit vak is er de mogelijkheid om met een deeltentamen al een deel van je cijfer te bepalen. Deze telt alleen mee voor je cijfer als het een positieve werking heeft en kan dus gezien worden als een bonus. Daarnaast zijn er tijdens de tutorials opdrachten in de vorm van reviews, presentaties en cases waarvoor ook een cijfer wordt verkregen. Deze tellen wel altijd mee. Ten slotte is er natuurlijk het eindtentamen. Evaluation Supply Chain Operations is een prima vak. De practica bestaan uit online opdrachten. Deze kunnen echter ook thuis gemaakt worden, aangezien de antwoorden online staan en deelname niet verplicht is. Deelname aan tutorials is wel verplicht en zorgt ervoor dat je actief met het vak bezig gaat. Hierdoor wordt ook betere begrip van de stof verkregen. De werkvormen geven een goede voorbereiding voor het tentamen.
Technische thermodynamica
Course code CHTT-09 Year 2 Lecturer Dr. I.V. Melian Cabrera Literature Dictaat Examination Supply Chain Operations Course code EBP029A05 Year 2012-2013 Lec- method Schriftelijk tentamen Teaching method turer drs. F.P. Bakker, dr. H. Balsters, drs. ing. Gecombineerde hoor- en werkcolleges J. Drupsteen, drs. ing. H.L. Faber, dr. ir. W. Overview Klingenberg, dr. G.C. Ruel, dr. ir. C.A.T. Tak- De cursus is opgedeeld in theorie (hoorcollege) kenberg, Prof.dr. J.A.A. van der Veen, prof. dr. en uitvoerige oefeningen aan het einde van ieD.P. van Donk Literature Operations and Supply der hoofdstuk. De cursus begint met 1-2 colleManagement, The Core, (2010), McGraw- Hill, ges over de benodigde voorkennis van thermoNew York. Jacobs, F.R. and Chase, R.B. 978- dynamica. Hierna zullen de eigenschappen van 0-07-017226-5 Examination method Tentamen pure stoffen (dichtheid, energie, enthalpie, entroen opdrachten Teaching method Hoorcolleges, pie, Gibbs energie) behandeld worden. Als voor152
Technische Bedrijfskunde beeld zal water gebruikt wordt om uit te leggen hoe deze eigenschappen veranderen als functie van temperatuur en druk. Water is een van de meest gebruikte thermodynamische systemen in de praktijk van chemische technologie (boilers, warmtewisselaars, turbines, etc.). Een uitgebreid deel zal gaan over de wet van behoud van entropie (ideale processen). Hierna zal het concept van `ideale' mengsels worden geĂŻntroduceerd en het oplossen van fase-evenwichten. Door de introductie van `echte' mengsels zal er nog een stap verder worden gegaan. Een korte omschrijving van bestaande modellen zal gegeven worden. Uiteindelijk zullen er twee belangrijke toepassingen in detail worden bekeken: effect chemische warmte (verbrandingsovens) en chemische reactie-evenwichten (reactoren). Elk hoofdstuk begint met een overzicht van de te behandelen thema's . Er zal een samenvatting gegeven worden aan het einde die een kort overzicht geeft van de basisconcepten, belangrijke vergelijkingen en de relevantie van het materiaal. Uiteindelijk zal de verkregen kennis getest worden door middel van het oplossen van vol-
doende problemen, die uit industriĂŤle toepassingen en uit dagelijks leven komen. Elk hoofdstuk eindigt met praktijkvoorbeelden. Een systematische, informele en interactieve aanpak wordt gebruik voor de oplossing van de problemen. Examination Het merendeel van de studenten vond het tentamen van goed niveau. Ook werd door een groot deel van de studenten aangegeven dat het tentamen een goede representatie van de stof en van goede lengte was. Een enkele student had graag een oefententamen gezien om een beter beeld te krijgen van wat te verwachten was op het tentamen. Indien de opgaven uit de reader worden gemaakt is het tentamen goed te doen. Evaluation De hoorcolleges van het vak worden goed beoordeeld. Het tempo van het vak wordt wel door veel studenten hoog genoemd. Over het tentamen waren de studenten tevreden, hoewel een oefententamen een goede toevoeging zou zijn. De literatuur bij het vak werd erg gewaardeerd bij studenten, hoewel de uitwerkingen niet altijd even duidelijk waren.
and series, topologic concepts like open, closed Course code WIAN-07 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- and compactness, limits and continuity, mean rer prof. dr. A.J. van der Schaft Literature Un- value theorem, continuous differentiable functiderstanding Analysis, Springer, 2001, Stephen ons, Taylor series, Riemann- integratable functiAbbott Examination method Homework and ons. exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Examination Homework and ďŹ nalexam Overview The course Analyse is the ďŹ rst course of the ba- Evaluation chelor where you look explicit to mathematical The lectures were in general very clear. The teatheorems and less to the applications of theo- cher followed the book and there was space for rems. A lot of subjects from Calculus 1 and Cal- questions. The book supports the subject well. culus 2 will be treated in more detail and sup- The tutorials were challenging but helps the unported with fundamental mathematics. Subjects derstanding of the subject. There is allot practise treated in Analyse are: real numbers, sequences 154
Wiskunde needed to fully understand this course. The tutorial teachers were able to answer questions. This is a hard course and takes allot time to be mastered. It is highly suggested to take the course serious from the begin.
duced in the different directions of research at the RuG. There are some lectures about mathematical writing, how to review a scientific article and how to give a mathematical presentation. In a group of two or three students there will be written an article and the article of another group needs to be reviewed. At the end of the course Analyse op Varieteiten Course code WIANVAR-07 Year 2012-2013 students will give a presentation about their artiLecturer S. Ringers Literature Introduction cle. to Smooth Manifolds, John M. Lee (ISBN Examination 0387954481) Examination method Huiswerks- The final grade is based on an article, a refeets en een tentamen Teaching method Hoor- en ree report and a presentation. It was not clear werkcolleges how the different parts were included in the final grade. Maybe this comes from the fact that the Overview Het vak richt zich op variëteiten: krommen en course was given for the first time. oppervlakken. Het is een vervolg op het vak vector analyse. In dit vak leer je een geheel nieuwe notatie, waarmee je onderwerpen uit de vector analyse breder kan beschrijven. Verder kom je bekende dingen als het Poincaré lemma en de stelling van Stokes tegen. Het grote verschil met vector analyse is dat dit vak veel abstracter is. Examination Het vak wordt getoetst door middel van huiswerksets en een tentamen. De huiswerksets zijn optioneel en als je ze maakt en het cijfer is hoger dan je tentamencijfer, dan tellen ze voor 30% mee voor je eindcijfer. De huiswerksets zijn een goede oefening voor het tentamen. Als je tijd steekt in de huiswerksets en als je de opdrachten van de werkcolleges goed oefent, dan is het tentamen goed te doen. Evaluation In de eerste helft van het college schrikt het vak erg af. Je krijgt veel nieuwe notatie en er wordt van veel dingen verwacht dat je ze al weet. Zorg er daarom voor dat je vanaf het begin goed bijloopt en de opdrachten goed oefent.
Bachelor Workgroup
Evaluation The course works as a nice introduction in the different directions of research. Besides your own findings, the presentations of other groups will tell you something about the direction of research they had chosen. The lectures make things clear about mathematical writing and presentations. This course is definetely a good preparation for the bachelor thesis. Unfortunately it was not clear in what way students did get their final grade, but if you participated the course in a normal way you would have passed the couse.
Calculus 1
Evaluation This is a very nice course. Everything is explained very clearly. It is most about mathematical induction, derivatives, limits, integrals and complex numbers. It looks a bit like a course you could have on your high school only a little more difficult. You have to make homework and a midterm exam. The grades you get for your homework and midterm will make a bonus on your final grade. At the end of the course you get an exam about everything you have learned during the period. The course is followed by all the first year chemistry, physics, astronomy and mathematical students.
Course code WIBWG-12 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer dr. M.K. Camlibel, prof. dr. A.C.D. van Enter, dr. ir. R.W.C.P. Verstappen, prof. dr. E.C. Wit Literature Articles Examination method ArtiCalculus 2 cle, Referee Report Teaching method Meetings, Evaluation lectures, literature research This is a more complicated course than calculus Overview 1 and you will proceed with the subjects of the The course is purposed to prepare students for first course. This course is followed by everytheir bachelor thesis. The students will be intro- body who studies astronomy, physics or mathe155
Bètawijzer 2013 matics. So the amount of the course is pretty big. For the course you will make homework and there will be a midterm exam. The course is about series and sums, limit testing, limits of series, derivatives, multiple integrals and vector analysis. The book is the same as for the first course what makes it easy to prepare for your exam because you already know how to study with the book.
Caput algebra and geometry
Course code WICAG-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Dr. A.V. Kiselev Literature The twelve lectures in the (non)commutative geometry (Pdf-file from the teacher himself) Examination method Homework with a presentation Teaching method Lectures Overview Weekly there are two high level lectures. The subjects contained in this course are: manifolds, differential forms, modules, vector bundles, fibre bundles, sections, evolutionary vector fields, Lie-derivative, horizontal differential, jet spaces, Schouten bracket, Poisson bracket, anchor, bivectors, etc. Examination Every lecture you get homework but you don't have to hand it in. This way you can check whether you understand the material or not. But you also get one mega-problem each lecture which is meant for the exam. For the exam you have to prepare solutions of two mega-problems; the teacher will pick one of them. You have to present the solution, but there will be additional questions from the teacher to check if you really understand what you are doing. This presentation will be in front of all the students who are taking the course and the teacher.
lectures very well. Because of the form of examination the course is feasible but don't underestimate the exam. Not going to the lectures but still doing the exam is not recommended at all.
Caput dynamical systems
Course code WICDS-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A.C.D. van Enter Literature Lecture notes Examination method Oral exam or presentation Teaching method Lectures twice a week Overview In this course the `Interacting Partical Systems' (IPS) are examined. These are systems where the state of a particle is dependent on the state of its neighbors. An examples of an IPS is the way that an epidemic spreads where vaccination or resistance is impossible, but when one gets healthy again after a certain time. The probability of getting infected is dependent on the number of infected neighbours. This model converges to an invariant set for a certain initial value. In the previous example the initial value where no one is infected is an invariant set. However, by changing the rate of infectivity there exists initial values for which the disease extincts or will not extinct. The invariant sets determine the behavior of the system. During the course a series of IPS is examined, the invariant sets are found and the dynamics of these IPS unraveled.
Examination The student can choose for an oral exam or a presentation. The oral exam is not very precise, but the general ideas of the subject are examined. Important is to understand the main part of the course and not to loose yourself in technical details. It is also possible to give a presentation Evaluation It is a high level course and not really a bridging (of 1 hour). This presentation goes more into the between the courses in Groningen and the Mas- depth of the course. termath courses. (But this is also due to the Evaluation place in the curriculum.) The teacher is not re- The subject is on the border of dynamical sysally aware of the foreknowledge of the students tems. It deals with subjects from probability thebut if you let him know you are missing know- ory and measure theory. The subjects deals furledge he will take time to explain it to you. He thermore with mathematics of other subjects like is also very open to other questions when you group theory and functional analysis. This makes don't understand something. You really should it an interesting application, but difficult to follow keep up with the material outside the classroom, for students that are not familiar with these subotherwise you will probably not understand the jects. 156
Wiskunde Certain subjects of the course are not seen in other courses. For example Gibbs measure and ergodicity play an important role in dynamical systems. The context in which these terms are showed is different from `pure' dynamical systems but for a first touch of this theory it is an interesting course.
Caput Mathematical Physics
Course code WICMF-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. H. Waalkens Literature Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations, Peter J. Olver (will be provided by the teacher) Examination method Lectures Teaching method Lectures
the final exam. Evaluation The lectures: The teacher follows the book in his lectures. He points out what is and what is less important. The lectures are good to follow and there is space for questions. The book is good for self study. Tutorials: Tutorials are highly recommended for this course because the best way to learn this subject is by making problems. Tutorial instructors are able to answer questions and explain well. Conclusion: It is a good doable course. You learn some nice theorems which helps solving some hard problems. There is enough feedback from the instructors and the teacher which makes it a well organised course.
Overview This course looks at a mathematical description of standard mechanics. First an introduction is given to provide the students with some fundamental knowledge of geometry. Then Hamiltonian systems are discussed. Two chapters of Computational Engineering Course code WICE-04 Year 2012-2013 (bianOlver will be discussed. nual course) Lecturer dr. B. Carpentieri LiteraExamination ture Is being delivered by the teacher ExaminaEach student gives a lecture of two hour about tion method Project en presentation Teaching his or her subject. The final grade will depend on method Project group this lecture and his or hers presence at the other lectures.
Evaluation It is a fine course which does not take too much time. Besides your own lecture you only have to be present at the lectures.
Complexe analyse
Course code WICA-07 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. H.L. Trentelman Literature Fundamentals of Complex Analysis, 3rd edition, E.B. Saff and A.D. Snider Examination method Homework, midterm exam and finalexam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Overview The course consists of working with a group of approximately five students on a problem in engineerig mathematics. This means solving a partial differential equation (PDE) in some field of application using numerical methods for PDE's like the Finite Element Method (FEM)änd "Boundary Element Method (BEM)". Within the group, each student has it's own contribution to the process which was divided for five persons as follows: Deriving PDE and boundary conditions for the application, theory of FEM, theory of BEM, numerical implementation, main responsible for the report. The students are also working a lot together to learn from or to help each other where finally the results are delivered in one report. Afterwards, each student gives a presentation of around 30 minutes on their contribution.
Overview In this course you learn to work with complex numbers. It starts with a short introduction about complex numbers. Some topics are: complex differentiability, Cauchy-Riemann equations, path integrals, Cauchy's theorem and Rouché's theorem. Examination The examination is based on a report produced Examination The final mark is a combination of the midterm by the project group and an individual presentaexam, the homework and the final exam or only tion about your contribution to the project. Both 157
Bètawijzer 2013 parts have a substantial weight but the focus is ons. There will be feedback on these exercises, laid on the report. but no marks. (But of course the efforts will be taken in account at the final grading.) Evaluation The teacher is enthusiastic and communicative At the end of the course an appointment for an in supervising the group of students. It is always oral exam has to be made. This exam will take possible to ask questions during the weekly lec- seventyfive minutes, which is quite long but that ture or just walking by his room. The teacher is just to be sure enough different aspects can be discussed. can elaborate a lot about the project by providing information which is not always relevant for the Evaluation project. A student needs to ask very concrete The course takes much time because of the and direct questions to prevent wasting time and practical exercises. In the lectures the dictation getting too much information. is followed, so if you don't understand something Also, the project group is quite free in giving di- emmediately, you can have a look at the dictarection to the project. Solving the problem has tion later. Mr. Veldman is very good at explaining many engineering aspects which can be studied the subjects of the course. in detail. Sometimes it is not clear what has to be studied but it does give the student space to Computational Methods of Science study through it's own ideas. (CMS) Course code WICMS-08 Year 2012 Lecturer dr. ir. F.W. Wubs Literature Lecture notes (and NuCourse code WICFD-03 Year 2012-2013 2nd merical Analysis van R.L. Burden and J.D. Faires) period Lecturer Prof. dr. A.E.P. Veldman Lite- Examination method Final exam, labsessions / rature Dictation Computational Fluid Dynamics homework and preparation of the lectures Teavan A.E.P. Veldman Examination method Prac- ching method Interactive lectures and ComSol tical exercises and an oral exam Teaching me- based labsessions thod Lectures Overview Overview The course is mainly about numerically solving As the name of the course already reveals nu- (time-dependend) PDE's. Numerous applicatimerical simulations of fluid are discussed; first ons from the field of physics are treated. The the convection-diffusion equation and after that course is about getting a basic understanding the Navier-Stokes equations. For both the of what is involved in solving PDE's with initialsteady and unsteady form are discussed. Fur- and boundary conditions on some given area. thermore concepts like different discretizations, Concepts that are in involved are discretization (non-)uniform grid, artificial diffusion, stability and of the area (how to choose a grid), approximasize of error are the core of this course. tions of partial derivatives on the grid (using for Finally, it should not go unsaid that mr. Veldman example finite-differences or finite-volume mefully succeeds in making the students enthusias- thod) and how to incorporate the boundary contic. ditions. One learns that this leads to solving liThe course Numerical Mathematics 1 is recom- near systems Ax=b for each timestep. Additiomended. nally one learns that there are many types of algorithms in solving linear systems (mostly Krylov Examination Five practical exercises have to be handed in. subspace based methods such as Arnoldi's meThe students have to be able to work with Mat- thod, GMRES, CG, Lanczos, Bi-CG are treated). lab for these exercises. These take quite some Examination hours to finish; it takes at least a day per exer- The final grade is for the bigger part determined cise. It is not necessary to program the systems by the grade on the final exam and the combined yourself, the programs already exist; the first goal grade for the labsessions. Preperation of the lecis to understand and observe different aspects of tures is also a small part of the grade. concerned situations. The second goal is to do calculations, by hand, to interpret the observati-
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Wiskunde Evaluation The course treats a lot of subjects, this might be a little bit overwhelming. However, you don't need to know everything in great detail since the object of the course is just to get a general idea of what is involved in solving PDE's. This also becomes clear in the labsessions, most of the exercises are done in ComSol. The program does most of the work for you as long as you give it the right parameters. Nevertheless, it takes some time to get used to the program and the change that you will use it later on in your study is slim. But all in all it is a very interesting course and you learn a lot of new concepts from the field of numerical analysis.
tive models, polynomial splines, tree based methods, support vector machines and clustering. The course will be a mix of lectures by the professor and students and of tutorials.
Computer-Aided Problem Solving
Evaluation It was a very interesting course, although not all subjects were explained well because of several not so good presentations of students. For the presentations the students had to explain about about topics which sometimes were to ambitious. On the other hand, it was very interesting to make the models for the assignments and to work out some theory yourself. The exam was messy, but doable.
Evaluation It is the first course which only is followed by mathematic students. From now on you will do more with the people on your own study and not mixed with other studies like astronomy and physics. The course is about solving problems with MATLAB. This is a computer program for complicated mathematics. You have a very small exam about some subjects of the course. But your grade is mostly based on the practicums you do every week. Every week you have to make a report about what exactly you did on the computer and how you solved the problems. During the last practicum you have to make a program and it will immediately be judged by the teacher and you will immediately get your grade for the final practicum. For all the students every week there are lectures about how to use MATLAB. Beside, there is one time a preparation for the exam.
Contemporary Statistics with Applications
Course code WICSA-10 Year 2012-2013 (given every two years) Lecturer prof.dr. E.C. Wit, W.P. Krijnen, F. Abegaz Yazew Literature The Elements of Statistical Learning Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, 2nd ed., 2009, XXII, 746 p., Hardcover, isbn 978-0-387-84857-0 Examination method Presentation, Assignment, Exam Teaching method lectures and tutorials Overview The course gives an introduction to R and a review of basic statistics. Further topics are: addi-
Examination There are two assignments, one for bonus points and one compulsory. In the bonus assignment the student has to make a model for some data set using what he knows so far about the course. The compulsory assignment asks the same question plus an extra question about the theory. The students also have to do a presentation about one of the topics. This presentations will be given in the form of a lecture. The course will end with a written exam.
Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Course code WIDSC-09 Year 2012-2013 1st period Lecturer prof.dr. H.W. Broer Literature Dynamical Systems and Chaos, EpsilonUitgaven 64, Utrecht 2009, isbn 978-90-5041109-7 Examination method Oral presentation Teaching method Lectures Overview Dynamical systems can have equilibria or periodic, multi- or quasi-periodic or chaotic evolutions. One question is what the terms `quasiperiodic' and `chaotic' mean. Another question is how these evolutions are organized in the state space and how this whole picture changes when parameters are varied. Both questions will be answered in the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, that will be developed with quite a few leading examples in mind. These examples which partly come from physics and biology and partly have be designed as toy models, also have been historically important over the last couple of decades, during the early development of the theory.
Bètawijzer 2013 Examination The final grade is based on a presentation on a subject that you can choose for yourself. The presentation was done in groups of 3 and the presentation was evaluated with the teacher at a later time. Evaluation The first half of the course consisted of lectures where the lecturer gave a lot of examples of dynamical systems. There where very little examples of chaos in the lectures. After about 3 weeks we had to form groups for the presentation. The presentation was held in the last week of the period. The students where free to choose the topic of the presentation. It turned out that a preperation of 4 weeks was quite short. The lecture will probably change this so that you have the full 8 weeks to prepare the presentation next year. The level of the lecture was not very high because of the many examples. There was not a lot of structure in the course. At the end of the course you will basically know a lot about the topic of your presentation and not so much about the rest.
Evaluation The lectures are very clear. The teacher prepares his lectures well and the lectures gives good insight in the theory. In the tutorials you learn how to apply the theory to problems. The tutorials are important as the problems made in the tutorials represent the exam well. The practicals aren't hard and are fun to do as it is something different than just mathematics. The course isn't harder for mathematic students than for physic students as it is the first introduction to electricity and magnetism. The course is well organised and a good choose if you want some more physics in your mathematic bachelor.
Course code WIFA-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer Henk de Snoo Literature B.P. Rynne and M.A. Youngson, Linear Functional Analysis, Second Edition, Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series Examination method Homework (obligatory) and oral exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Overview This course is in fact a combination of linear algeElectricity and Magnetism 1 bra and metric spaces. It's mainly about infinite Course code NAEM105E Year 2012-2013 Lec- dimensional spaces and linear operators. Importurer dr. E.R. van der Graaf Literature Introduc- tant concepts are compactness, Banach space, tion to Electrodynamics, 4th or 3rd ed/ Prentice Hilbert space, bounded operator, spectrum and Hall D.J. Griffiths Examination method Written the open mapping theorem. exam, Homework, Practicals Teaching method Examination Lectures, tutorials, practicals There are three homework sets, which must be Overview In this course the theory of electric and magnetic fields caused by stationary charges and currents is covered. The course starts with an introduction in vector analysis. During the course Maxwell's laws for stationary conditions will be covered. The situation in vacuum as well as in media will be covered. The theory is clarified by many examples. During the tutorials an extensive amount of problems is offered. Two weeks of the course are reserved for network theory in which simple electric networks will be calculated. Examination Three practicals have to be satisfactory to pass this course. Three homework sets can add up to a bonus. The final exam is a written exam containing all subject matter covered by the course.
handed in during the course and which are graded. If you don't hand in all sets, you cannot pass the course. In the exam week there's an oral exam, for which you get to prepare 8 problems, and the important theorems studied. The exam takes half an hour, during which you are asked to work out some of the problems on the whiteboard. Based on the oral exam and the homework sets, a final mark is determined. Evaluation The course is not easy, but it's said to be very important for master studies and indeed many new concepts are learned. The lectures are clear but go fast at times. It's not absolutely necessary to attend them (they pretty much follow the book, which is clear and illustrative), but it might be a good idea to get to know the teacher, as it's an oral exam. The tutorials are very clear and
Wiskunde it's hard to make the exercises without them, so it's highly recommended to go to the tutorials. The teacher doesn't communicate through Nestor, but he has his own website, on which the schedule for the course and the problems for the tutorials, homework and exam are found, which is something you need to get used to. The fact that the exam is an oral exam makes it very different from other courses, (for some people harder, for some easier). Because you've had time to prepare the problems at home, the level of the exam isn't very high. The way in which the final mark is determined is not really transparent, but if you do well on the homework sets and if you prepare the exam problems well, it's possible to get a high mark.
The course is well doable once you know what is expected from you.
Course code WIGT-07 Year 2012/2013 Lecturer Prof. dr. J. Top Literature Dictation, J.Top Examination method Homework and written exam Teaching method Lectures and tutorials Overview This course is the first contact with algebra. The course gives an introduction to group theory and threats some elementary number theory.
Examination You are able to hand in homework, if the homework is made sufficient than you are rewarded Gewone differentiaalvergelijkingen with a bonus point on your final mark. The hoCourse code WIGDV-07 Year 2012-2013 Lec- mework questions are quite hard but are good turer prof. dr. H. Waalkens Literature An Intro- preparation for the written exam. The exam conduction to Ordinary Differential Equations Exami- tains six questions which are comparable in difnation method Homework and exam Teaching ficulty with the homework and the tutorials. method Lectures and tutorials Evaluation Lectures: Overview This course treats simple methods for solving or- The lectures are very clear, the teacher follows dinary differential equations. Some of the sub- the dictate but gives some extra explanation. jects are separable differential equations, exact One chapter is threated every week, the speed differential equations, homogeneous and inho- is good. The teacher gives a better understanmogeneous equations and systems of differen- ding of the matter compared by just reading the tial equations. Also existence, uniqueness and dictate. Tutorials: stability of the solution will be discussed. The tutorials are very important in this course. To Examination fully understand group theory it demands pracThere are six optional homework sets, if you tice. The exercises are in general hard to solve on solve at least 4 of these sets with a sufficient your own but with the help of the assistants the mark you receive 20% of your final mark as a 10, exercises become clear. The exercises aren't the rest will be decided by the final exam. If you easy and reading the chapters in the dictate bedon't make the homework your final mark will be fore trying the exercises is highly recommended. just your final exam. The course is very abstract and this makes it not Evaluation an easy pass, it takes some time before you get The lectures were sometimes a little messy. The the hang of it. However it is a fun course. teacher gave additional information to the subject by explicitly proving theorems. This made Integrerend Project Mathematische it sometimes hard to follow as these proofs were Fysica rather long. The book is precise but definitely not Course code WIIPMF-06 Year 2012-2013 Leceasy to read. turer dr. B. Carpentieri Literature Slides ExamiThe tutorials were well organised. There was nation method Two projects and two presentatispace for questions and there was good feedons Teaching method lectures and two projects back. Solutions to the homework were available which makes it a good exercise and a good way to learn from your mistakes. 161
Bètawijzer 2013 Overview In this course you work in a group of 3 to 4 persons. In your group you try to solve a physical problem by translating it into a mathematical model. You are allowed to solve this model analytical or numeric and have to present your results to the rest of the class. For the first project you have to solve an ordinary differential equation. For the second problem you have to solve a partial differential equation. This course is not about developing mathematical skills but rather communication skills.
Evaluation Lectures: The lectures were very good; the lecturer was able to clarify all concepts. Tutorials: The tutorials were provided by dr. Camlibel himself. Most of the exercises were made together, which resulted in a better understanding of the theory. Project: The project was done in groups of two or three people. In order to write the article, you were to study a certain paragraph from a book, which Examination was provided for you. During the second half of For each project you have to write a paper and present your results in a 20 minute presentation, the course, you were required to go to several together they form your project mark. The final meetings with Camlibel and your group, which was helpful. The setup of the course was exmark is the average of the two projects. ceptional, and therefore very good. Evaluation The course is very good doable and brings a nice Linear Algebra I variety. Both project have interesting problems which makes it fun to do. The teacher is able Evaluation to answer questions and give hints how to solve This is a course about a complete new aspect the projects in group meetings. This course is of mathematics. This course is followed by first year astronomy, mathematical and physic stuwell organised. dents and second year chemistry students. The course is pretty big because of the number of Integrerend Project Systeemtheorie students. You will learn about vectors and maCourse code WIIPS-07 Year 2012/2013 Lectu- trices. What they are, how to calculate with rer dr. M.K. Camlibel Literature Mathematical them, where you can use them for. You have Systems Theory, G.J. Olsder and J.W. van der to make homework and you also have a midWoude Examination method Article, presenta- term exam. Besides the homework and midterm tion and final exam Teaching method Lectures, you will have a few computer practicums. This tutorials and a project is mostly to come in contact with the computer program MATLAB. You will not get any grades Overview In this course you learn the basics of systems for the practicums, only a ‘good’ or ‘not good’. theory, for example stabilizability of a linear sys- At the end of the course there will be a final exam tem. After the basics have been taught, you are about everything you learned during the course. divided into groups of three people, in which you There are lectures for all the students and there focus on a more specific theorem, of which you are classes of 20/25 students to make exercises write an article. Eventually, you should be able and ask questions. to present it to the rest of the students. Examination The course marked for 70% by the final exam. The exam requires the general knowledge of systems theory, as explained in the book and lectures. It is very clear what you need to study. The other 30% of the mark is determined by the project, which is a combination of an article and a presentation; the latter however is not extremely important. 162
Linear Algebra II
Evaluation This course is based on the first course (Linear Algebra 1) and you need all the knowledge of the first course for this one. It is one of the hardest courses of the year. This is a course only for mathematic students. The course is about eigenvalues and eigenspaces which is also a part of the first course. Further, the course is about inner products, Gram-Schmidt process, diagonaliza-
Wiskunde tion, hermitans matrices, Jordan Canonical form, positive/negative definite of matrices and singular value decompositions. For the course is only a midterm exam so there is no homework.
Examination This will be a 30 minute oral exam. By means of preparation, a set of questions are given in advance and some of those will be treated at the oral exam. You will also need to explain some of the theory or give quick proofs of some results. Mathematical Modelling Course code WIMOD-08 Year 2012/2013 Lec- The results of your homework will influence your turer dr. ir. R.W.C.P. Verstappen, prof. dr. A.J. grade of the exam, but not in fixed way like 80% van der Schaft. Literature Lecture Notes Exa- oral exam or 20% homework. mination method Homeworksets Teaching me- Evaluation thod Lectures, Homework This is very nice course. It takes some effort to develop the necessary theory, but once that is Overview First the course briefly discusses dimension ana- done, you have a very elegant construction of lysis and scaling. Hereafter the course will treat the integral, and the results are very fruitful. You different models that are used in physics and ap- have the methods to evaluate certain integrals for plied mathematics. The emphasis is on the com- which the standard techniques from Calculus are mon mathematical framework behind this mo- not sufficient. Although the teacher is a bit quick dels. The course will for example discusses wa- sometimes, he focuses a lot on the the underlying ideas and concepts, thus really helping you ves, vibrations, light and heat flow. to thoroughly understand the subject. Examination There are five homeworksets, which are obliga- Metric spaces tory. The final grade will be given by the mean of Course code WIMR-07 Year 2012-2013 Lecthe grades for the homeworksets. turer dr. A.V. Kiselev Literature Introduction Evaluation to metric and topological spaces, W.A. SutherThe homerworksets are difficult and can take a land Examination method Homework and writlot of time. Furthermore it is not always evident ten exam Teaching method Lectures and tutoriwhat exactly is asked, but you can always ask als the lecturers to make things clear. If you take enough time to do the homeworksets, it is a course Overview In this course several mathematical concepts you can pass easily. from previous courses (analyse) are further threated. In this course there are allot proofs for theMeasure and Integration Theory orems which have or have not been proven in Course code WIMIT-12 Year 2012/13 Lecturer previous courses before. The three main topics prof. dr. ir. H.S.V. de Snoo Literature None are: compact, connected and complete metric Examination method Homework and oral exam spaces. Also the basic concepts of topological Teaching method Lectures and tutorials spaces are covered. The main goal is to generalise the known mathematics from analyse to meOverview This course in an introductory course in Lebe- tric spaces. sque integration. First abstract theory is develo- Examination ped around the notion of a generalized length, or There is homework which can be made on weemeasure. Then the integration theory is develo- kly base which can only improve your final mark ped. This construction yields a much more ver- for 30% . The final mark is a combination of the satile integral and comes with some very strong maximum of the written exam and 70% written convergence theorems. For instance giving very exam and 30% homework. If you solve a prolight conditions under which limit and integral can blem on the exam using only topological spaces be interchanged, or justifying differentiation un- you get another addition of 15% bonus for the der the integral sign. After that multiple integrals question. The highest mark possible is 10. are treated and Fubini is proven for Lebesque inEvaluation tegrals. Lectures: 163
Bètawijzer 2013 The lectures are very clear. The teacher chooses his words very carefully which is very important for several concepts. In the lectures there was space for questions which were answered very carefully. The tutorials were challenging but helps the understanding of the subject. There is allot practise needed to fully understand this course. The tutorial teachers were able to answer questions. This is a hard course and takes allot time to be mastered. Some of the concepts and their proofs are hard to understand so it is suggested to follow the lectures. Tutorials: In the tutorials the homework from previous week is discussed and threated on the blackboard. This motivates you to keep up with the course from the begin, although it means there is less time to practice new problems in the tutorials. The course is interesting but most of the students find it a difficult course and must not be taken lightly. It is highly suggested to keep up with the course from the begin.
). For each homeworkset, you have to hand in solutions to (circa 5) exercises. At the exam we were allowed to use the reader and all other material connected to the course. Evaluation For the ones who had put enough time in the homeworksets, the exam was not too difficult. The first part of the reader was not totally clear, so it was needed to ask some questions to the teacher before we could make the homework satisfactory. Some of the lectures were a bit boring; for example when we only learned one small definition in a week. But if the reader is unclear about things you need for the homework, it is very useful if you have taken notes during the lectures.
Modeling and Identification
Course code WIMI-10 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A.J. van der Schaft Literature Articles of inter alia Verhaegen en Verdult, Dullerud en Paganini, Ljung Examination method 3 take-home exams and an oral exam Teaching method Lectures
Modeling and Control of Complex Overview Nonlinear Engineer
The course is about realization theory, model reduction and input-output systems. There will be discussed how a differential equation can be transformed to a transfermatrix and how linear state space models can be gereduceerd, using Gramian, observability en controllability. Next will be discussed how subspace identification theory Overview can be used to directly out of the input and outThe course Modeling and Control of Complex put state obtain space models. And there will be Nonlinear Engineering Systems is followed by In- looked at least square methods for linear dynadustrial Engineering and Management students mical systems. as well as by students (Applied) Mathematics. During the course, different complex nonlinear Examination enigeering systems are discussed. To say so- Three take-home exams for which you have two mething about these systems, we learned de- weeks each and an oral exam. finitions like (strong) accessibility, controllability, Evaluation observability, passivity and dissipativity. There is The take home exams take a lot of time. But if also a chapter about feedback linearization. For you have done them, you know that you are fine many of these notions, Lie brackets and Lie de- for the oral exam since this exam does not focus rivatives are important. For some of the defini- more on other parts of the course. tions, a comparison is made between the linear and the nonlinear variants. Molecules: Structure, Reactivity and Course code WIMCCNES12 Year 2012-2013 Semester IIa Lecturer Prof. dr. A.J. van der Schaft, Prof. dr. ir. J.M.A. scherpen Literature reader Examination method 2 homeworksets and a written exam Teaching method 11 lectures and 2 tutorials
Examination Function The mark you get for this course is based on two homeworksets (both 20% ) and the exam (60% 164
Wiskunde Evaluation The course is not easy, it goes a lot further and deeper than the chemistry you learned in high school, but if you put enough effort and time in it and don’t lay behind, you have a good chance of succeeding this course. The course relates primarily to the organic side of chemistry. In the beginning of the course you will learn a lot about molecular structure. You will also learn the different ways molecules can react with each other, and you will be able for example to predict whether it’s likely that a reaction will take place. Function of molecules is also an important part of this course, and much attention is paid to electrons, stability of molecules and energy. For this course you will be tested in several ways: regular homework should be handed in, there is a written test in the middle of the course and a final exam, and there are some practical assignments. It is a nice course, the lectures and tutorials are good. The homework is rather difficult, it takes some time to figure out how to solve the problems, but it is doable. The written exam is not very hard, especially when you attended the lectures and tutorials. Some of the practical assignments were hard but the assistance was very good.
Numerical Mathematics 1
Course code WINW1-07 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer dr. ir. F.W. Wubs Literature Numerical Analysis, R.L. Burden en J.D. Faires Examination method Lecture preparations, practical exam and written exam Teaching method Lectures and practicals
Evaluation Lectures: Before the start of the lectures you can hand in your preparation for the lecture, this counts up to 0.1 point of your final mark each time. In these preparations all students are supposed to ask questions which isn't clear from preparation. The lectures focus on explaining these questions. The lectures didn't seem to work out for everybody due to this setup. The book is clear and in addition there are lecture notes which can be studied Practicals: In the practicals you solve mathematical problems using MATLAB. Each practical will be marked with a grade from 0 to 0.6. The practicals are well doable but can be time consuming. Basic knowledge of MATLAB is a must to do well at the practical assignments. Most mathematic students don't find the written exam hard. Students from other tracks find more difficulties. The course is well organised.
Orientation in mathematics
Evaluation The course is split up in three parts. Every part has its own teacher and its own subject. The parts are about probability, number theory and dimension analysis. The three parts are all another direction of the study mathematics, so it is very nice to get knowledge of the different directions so you can choose later in your study more specific the direction you like. It’s a good introduction for your study because the most courses for the rest of your study are based on one of these parts. For this course there will be no homework in comparison with calculus.
Overview In this course you learn how to solve mathematical problems numerically. Examples are finding roots, solving differential equations and approximate integrals. Different methods will be studied with their error terms and stopping criteria. In this Partial Differential Equations course there are also practical's where MATLAB Course code WIPDV-07 Year 2012-2013 Lecwill be used. turer prof. dr. E. Pallante Literature An introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Walter Examination A. Strauss Examination method Exam Teaching The final mark is based on your preparation method Lectures and tutorials mark, your practical exams and the written exam. For each preparation you can score 0.1 point up to 0.9 point in total. For each of the five practical's you can score up to 0.6 points, leaving a maximum score of 5.1 for the written exam.
Overview This course continues as expected the course ordinary differential equations. The only difference is that we now look to differential equations which depend on more than one variable(PDE) 165
Bètawijzer 2013 like the diffusion equation and wave equation. In the course different methods for solving partial differential equations are discussed. Some of the topics are: types PDE, separation of variables, d'Alembert's equation, diffusion equation, different boundary conditions and Fourier series. Examination The final mark will be based on a written exam. For the exam you are allowed to bring one A4 with notes.
Overview This course is about control theory for linear systems. A controller is called `robust' if it not only controls some model itself, but it also works well for all system models in the neighbourhood of that model. At first, controllability, observability, stabilizability and detectability were treated. Other subjects that came by were disturbance decoupling by state feedback, controlled invariance, and the problem of estimating an output of a system on the basis of measurement outputs. In the end, the regulator problem was treated. Throughout the whole course, basic linear algebra was important. The bachelor course System Theory 1 is prerequisite, and Signals and System Theory is useful but not necessary. Other useful information about this course can be found on www.math.rug.nl/~trentelman.
Evaluation The lectures were good. The teacher was able to explain clearly. Interesting topics (on suggestion of students) could be discussed longer and in more detail. The tutorials were good. To fully understand the course exercising with allot problems solving PDE's is essential. In the tutorials you could receive feedback on your work. Partial differential equations isn't the hardest course but you'll need some practice to pass the Examination The mark you get for this course is based on two exam. It is a fun course. take-home exams (both 50% of the final mark). For each take-home exam, you have to hand in Physical practicum solutions to (circa 8) exercises from treated chapEvaluation ters of the book. If you are studying mathematics you have to Evaluation choose between this course and Molecules. You The lectures of this course explain the contents will follow the course with all physics, astronomy of the course well. The take home exams are difand a few mathematic students. You only have ficult, but working together with other students a small exam for this course. This exam is most can lead to good results when making good use about the error in your calculations, the range of the book, your lecture notes and the internet. of the error but also a little bit about dimensioIn the week(s) before the deadline of a take-home nal analysis. Your grade is mainly based on your exam this course takes a lot of time, but in total practicums. Every week you will investigate anothis course is indeed worth around 5 EC. ther subject. For example the speed of light, The constant of Planck and the constant of Boltzmann. A week later you have to hand in a re- Security and Codes port about the practicum. The grades for your Course code WIBC-08 Year 2012/2013 Lectupracticums are based on the reports you hand rer Prof. dr. J. Top Literature Dictation Examiin. All over the course you will have 5 practi- nation method Essays Teaching method Lectucums. About your last practicum you make an res extensive detailed report. Overview
Robust Control
This course contains two subjects: security and codes. Codes mostly is about reading and understanding some codes which might contain some errors. Several methods are being used for this. Security is about sharing information using codes.
Course code WIRC-09 Year 2012-2013 Semester Ia Lecturer prof. dr. H.L. Trentelman Literature Control theory for linear systems, H.L. Trentelman, A.A. Stoorvogel and M.L.J. Hautus, Springer Verlag, 2001. Examination method 2 Examination take-home exams Teaching method lectures (no You need to write two essays, one about security tutorials/practica) and one about codes. There is a list of subjects 166
Wiskunde you can choose from but you may also pick your own subject if the teacher agrees on it. These essays will be discussed with the teacher to see if you really understand what you wrote and form the final grade.
Evaluation Statistical reasoning is a course which will cost some time, due to the homework exercises. It will take some time to understand what you'll have to do and how to solve it. The written exam is not very difficult when you've made homework and old exams. The lectures are okay, but due to the Powerpoint presentations it gets a bit boring after a while. The tutorials and practicals are very good, it's important to visit these. The biggest part of the course is learning the program R.
Evaluation You can choose the subjects for your essays yourself; this is nice, because than the subject will always suit you. This is why you can make it a nice course yourself. The course is really doable for mathematics students. Other students will probably have some difficulties, because they don't know modulo calculating but this can be learned quickly. The lectures are fun, clear and Statistiek Course code WISTAT-07 Year 2012/2013 Lecuseful. Also the dictation is very clear. turer prof. dr. Ernst Wit Literature An introduction to Mathematical Statistics and its ApplicaStatistical Reasoning Course code WISR-11 Year 2012-2013 Lectu- tions, 4th edition, Richard J.Larsen and Morris rer Dr. W.P. Krijnen Literature Peter D. Hoff, L.Marx Examination method Exam and homeA first course in Bayesian statistical methods, work Teaching method Lectures and tutorials 2009, Springer Examination method Home- Overview work, Written Exam Teaching method Lectures, This course gives a in-depth theory behind staTutorials, Practicals and Homework tistics. It builds on everything you learned at the probability course in the first year, but it has a difOverview In Statistical reasoning, students are introduced ferent approach. Previously, you learned to deto Bayesian Statistics. In Bayesian statistics, we termine chances of events if you know certain combine our prior beliefs and our sampling data parameters of a situation, now however, you try to obtain a new distribution for a sample space. to obtain the parameters knowing the events. In the first few weeks, we discover how we can combine this and which distributions we obtain. After this, we have a look at Monte Carlo and Gibbs sampling method and finally Bayesian linear regression. During this course, we learn programming in R. R is a statical programming language, and it's very useful in any statistics related course. In the practicals, you learn the concepts of R quite quickly. Homework consists mainly of programming issues in R. These exercises are quite complicated, and it will take some time to solve it.
Examination The final mark is a combination of three optional homework sets and the final exam.
Evaluation Lectures: The lectures explains everything quite clear, however, sometimes it is not very clear which parts of the book are treated and which not. For a good overview of the course, it is important to follow the lectures. Tutorials: The first tutorials were not very convincing, as the lecturer did not study all exercises. However, for the second part we had a different teacher, Examination There are three homeworksets (H1,H2,H3) and who not only supported us with the exercises, a written exam (E). The homework is not obliga- but also clarified the theory. tory. The final grade M is given by the following formula: Statistisch modelleren if E<4.5: M=E Course code WISM-08 Year 2013 Lecturer Wim otherwise: M =0.6·E+0.1333·max(E,A1)+0.1333·max(E,A2)+0.1333·max(E,A3) Krijnen, Ernst Wit Literature An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models. Third Edition, Annette J. Dobson and Adrian Barnett Examination 167
Bètawijzer 2013 method Homework assignments and an exam tsunami waves, for instance. Teaching method Lectures en practicals Examination Overview At the end of the course, depending on the numIn this course you apply your knowledge about ber of participants, a oral or written exam is tastatistics, that you gained in the course Statis- ken. The exam will determine the final mark. tiek, to modeling. The emphasis will be on geEvaluation neralized linear models and applying the theory This year only six students attained the course, in practice. Modeling will be done in the program which was pleasant. Mister Verstappen explaiR. ned very well, however, he did not derive all Examination There are three optional homework assignments. Each assignment counts for 10% of your final mark separately and only if this mark is higher than your exam mark. The assignments consist of a theoretical part and a practical part, where you have to model in the program R. The assignments are difficult in comparison to the exam, but it is a good is way to practice for your exam. It is useful to study old exams, because they are very similar each year. It is also useful to make the homework exercises, but not all of them are a good reflection of the exam questions.
equations. Due to the fact there were no regular tutorials, it was harder to keep up with the course. The questions on the exam were workable and more or less to be expected.
Evaluation This course gives an elementary introduction in physical systems and the changes it can undergo, from a thermodynamic point of view. The course starts with the behaviour of gases (perfect gas, van der Waals equation, viral expansion) and the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. After that, heat, work and several functions of state are used to describe physical systems: equilibrium and their changes. Finally, diffusion and kinetic gas model are examined, providing a connection between a microscopic and macroscopic point of view.
Evaluation The lectures are in English, if someone who doesn't speak Dutch follows this course. The theoretical part is doable for mathematic students. The practical part in the book on the other hand is new and is something you have to get used to. The practicals are not very hard, but Student Colloquium Mathematics working in R takes a lot of time. This course Course code WISCW-08 Year 2012-2013 Lecrequires effort and in the end will give students turer prof. dr. A. J. van der Schaft, dr. M.K. more practical skills. Camlibel Literature Several articles on Nestor Examination method Presentation
Overview Course code WISL-08 Year 2012-2013 LectuThe course starts with an introduction to giving rer dr. ir. R.W.C.P. Verstappen Literature Stroa mathematical presentation. The rest of the mingsleer, Collegedictaat Examination method course consists of preparing and giving a 40 miExam Teaching method Lectures nute presentation about a certain project. The Overview theme of the projects this year were networks In this course you will construct 2D and 3D mo- and graphs. The students could give their prefedels of fluid based on conservation laws. The rence for the projects they wanted. The order of main goal of the course is to analyze the mo- the presentations was determined by alphabetidels analytically, so the models are often simpli- cal order. fied to potential flows. Another point of interest is Examination waves in deep and shallow water. Viscosity will The presentations were evaluated based on a be treated partially, and is not a main objective number of criteria. Students also had to grade of the course. During the course, a wide varithe presentations of others and were expected ety of examples is provided, including the pitot to attend all presentations. tube, the V-shape behind a swimming duck and 168
Wiskunde Evaluation The course takes relatively little time for the number of EC the students gets. The projects themselves had varying degrees of difficulty as some were quite easy and others a lot more difficult. A decent presentation was enough to pass the course with a good grade.
Variatierekening en Optimale Besturingstheorie
Course code WIVOB-09 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer prof. dr. A. J. van der Schaft Literature Lecture Notes: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Examination method Homework and final exam Teaching method Lectures
Overview This is the first course which spends time to the social and moral aspect of being a scientist. The theme of this year was environment. The first part of the course contains allot obligated lectures and tutorials. In the lectures you first receive some information about science philosophy, things as Popper. This information you have to apply to cases in the tutorials. In the second part of the course you have to write an essay.
Examination The final mark depends on your written exam and your essay. The written exam counts for 35% and is about the lectures. After the written exam you also have to write an essay in which Overview you have to apply the theory from the lectures . This course is about optimal control of dynamiThe rest, 65% of your mark is based on the essay cal systems. Two related solving methods are which is about an actual problem. discussed: the Pontryagin's Minimum Principle and the Bellman theory of dynamic program- Evaluation ming. The first method has its roots in the clas- The lectures: sical calculus of variations. Therefore the basic Depending on the subject there were allot of difideas of calculus of variations are discussed and ferent people asked to give the lecture. Some also the celebrated brachistochrone problem of of these lectures where very interesting but also Johann Bernoulli. In the last part of the course some were very dull. Lectures are obligated you learn something about Lyapunov stabililty, which made it sometimes very hard. stability of non-linear dynamical systems and the Tutorials: In the tutorials you had to apply the theory from relation with optimal control. the lecture. In the tutorials you also make some Examination exercises which will be marked with pass or not The final grade for this course is based on your pass. You have to pass all these exercises to be grade for the final exam and the average of your allowed to make the exam. homework results only if this is positive for your Most of the students find this course rather angrade. The final exam is an open book exam. noying. Allot is obligated and the course is very Evaluation time consuming. Although the course isn't as This is an interesting course and it is good to fol- much appreciated it is an easy course and tealow. The lectures are well organized and give ches you some fundamental aspects from being you a better understanding of the subject. Ma- a scientist. king homework is a good preparation for the final exam. It is nice that the final exam is an open Philosohy of Science 1 book exam, therefore you don't have to learn Course code FI111WET Year 2012/2013 Lecfacts. You learn by understanding everything. turer Dr. M. Pauly Literature Philosophy of science, S. Okasha and online articles Examination
Wetenschap, ethiek, technologie & method Essay (2x) and written exam Teaching maatschappij(Wi) method lectures and tutorials
Course code WLB07023 Year 2012-2013 Lecturer drs. C.M. Ree, dr. H.A.J. Mulder Literature Syllabus Examination method Written exam, presentation and an essay Teaching method Lectures and tutorials
Overview The course treats induction, the difference between science and pseudoscience, the difference between explanations and arguments, (anti-)realism and several other topics. During 169
Bètawijzer 2013 the lectures the topics will be explained. In the Evaluation tutorials you discuss questions about articles The lectures are clear and the teacher is very which you prepared as homework. enthusiastic. The course is different from other courses since you study theories instead of solExamination The first essay counts for 10%, the second 15% ving problems. The schedule overlaps with other and the written exam 75% . When you miss courses. It isn't the hardest course but it is sugmore than 2 tutorials you are refused from the gested to read everything from the beginning. exam.