Eik boekje 2018 2019 2

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Introduction booklet Pharmacy 2018-2019

Gratis lidmaatschap VvAA. Omdat student zijn al duur genoeg is. Als student kun je nu al gebruikmaken van de kennis en het netwerk van VvAA. Met meer dan 115.000 leden die in de zorg werken, of net als jij een (para) medische opleiding doen. Een club waar je jouw toekomstige collega’s ontmoet en alvast goed kunt gaan netwerken.

Voordelen VvAA lidmaatschap Netwerk van ruim 115.000 (para)medici Regioborrels: netwerken met (student)leden Studentenraad: vertegenwoordigt jouw wensen 1x per jaar groots studentenevenement Seminars en vaardigheidstrainingen 11x per jaar Arts en Auto en 4x per jaar de studentenspecial Speciale studentenverzekeringen Advies rondom afstuderen en starten met werken Lees meer en word lid op www.vvaa.nl/student facebook.com/vvaastudent

Table of contents

Tablet of contents

EIK committee…………………….........................................................................4 HC………………………………….……..............................................................……..5 Introductionday…….........................................................................................7 Programme Introduction camp.....................................................................8 Packing list Introduction camp............................................................………..9 Enrollment………………………………..............................................................10 Program director......…………………….............................................................11 Education Support Centre……..............................................................….....12 Board of P.S…………..……………............................................................…..…...14 Board of K.N.P.S.V……………….............................................................………...16 Almanak……………………..............................................................……………..18 BEC…………………………………….............................................................………..19 Books Foundation............…………..............................................................….20 Dies.......................................................................................................................21 EJC………………………………............................................................…………...….22 JAK…………………………..............................................................………………..23 LOS…………………………….....................................................................……….24 MMC………………………..............................................................………………..25 Redactie…………………….............................................................………...……..26 SSS………………………………………...........................................................……….27 STOF……………………………….............................................................………...28 Volonté…………………………….............................................................…….…29

EIK 2018


Dear first year students, Welcome at the study Pharmacy. We are convinced you made a great choice to come study pharmacy in the lovely city Groningen. But before starting with the study, there is an Introduction Day and an Introduction Camp to get to know the faculty, the study association G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” and of course each other. This Introduction Day and Introduction Camp are organized by the First Year Introduction Camp Committee ‘’EIK’’. Evelien, Joost, Marlies, Edwin, Marjolein and me organized these days for you guys. If you have questions, come to us and we will help you. Our committee name is FantasierEIK, what is Dutch for fantasy kingdom. So as you might have already guessed, this theme will come back during this introduction period.


The Introduction Day will take place on Friday the 31st of August. The day will start with a short introduction lecture. After that you will meet your P.S. dad(s) and/or mom(s), who will give you a tour through the faculty. After this tour there will be a Pubquiz in Café De Toeter. This is the café where we have our monthly have a drink. After the Pubquiz you will be able to eat some dinner at your P.S. dad(s) and/or mom(s) and the day will end with a party! After your first lecture week we will travel to Bakkeveen for the Introduction Camp. This is the ultimate way to get to know your fellow students better. It will be an awesome weekend filled with fun activities. On Saturday the committee rounds will take place, where you can meet with all our fun committees. A few committees are still looking for members, so you will be able to sign in up if you’re interested to join one of them. I hope we will see you guys at this unforgettable day and weekend! Lots of fantasy greetings from the EIK, Regina Dijkwel


EIK 2018

Dear first year students, You have made the best decision of your life with studying Pharmacy and joining Pharmaciae Sacrum! Now the journey can begin. Not only the study is fantastic, also the city of Groningen is awesome. The bars have no closing times and are very cheap. We are the Helping Committee and we name ourselves HC Eierbal. This is a typical Grunnings snack. We will help the EIK committee with organizing the Facultary Introduction Day and the Introduction Camp, which you can attend after the first week of colleges.

Helping Committee

Our names are Xantia Heeres and Ruud Stapel and we are currently master Pharmacy students. Together with our P.S.-daddy’s and -mommy’s we will introduce you to the student life; showing you the faculty, the city, the pubs and a lot more! We highly recommend you to join the Introduction Camp because you will get to know all your fellow students a lot better and make tons of new friends. We want to wish you good luck with studying and of course exploring the student life. If you have questions about anything, feel free to ask us. See you soon! HC Eierbal, Xantia and Ruud

EIK 2018


WHISK(E)Y- & SPECIAALBIERCAFÉ DE TOETER Kom gezellig borrelen in De Toeter aan de Turfsingel 6 in Groningen! Wij garanderen kwaliteit met goede service en de keuze uit een ruim assortiment aan Single Malt Whisk(e)y’s, 19 bieren van de tap en meer dan 200 bieren op de fles. Probeer ook eens één van onze verrukkelijke tapasplankjes of met zorg bereide Bier- & Spijscombinaties. Wellicht lijkt het jou en je gezelschap leuk om mee te quizzen met één van onze wekelijkse Pubquizzen op woensdag om 20.00u en/of op zondag om 19.00u? Op zondagavond vanaf 22.00u is er Special Sunday met speciaalbier en whisk(e)y’s voor de helft van de prijs. Daarbij is er iedere 1e donderdag v/d maand de Pop & Showbizzquiz! De Toeter.. een belevenis om van te genieten! Kijk voor meer informatie op www.cafedetoeter.nl

The Introduction Day will take place on Friday the 31st of August 2018. At 10.00am there is a welcome with some coffee and tea in the hall of the UMCG (A.Deusinglaan 2). It is possible to register for the Introduction Day (and the Introduction Camp) during this welcome. But we strongly recommend registering beforehand via the site (see page 10).

Introduction day

At 10.30am we are going to start! In the Faberzaal some things will be told about the study Pharmacy. Also a few committees and the board of the student association G.F.S.V. ‘’Pharmaciae Sacrum’’ (P.S.) will introduce themselves. Afterwards there will be a lunch and a tour around the faculty, where again there is an opportunity to become a member of G.F.S.V. ‘’Pharmaciae Sacrum’’ . People that are a member of the student association can buy books with discount and of course you can join awesome activities. The books can be ordered during the tour. During the tour you will also do your first pharmaceutical mini-practicum! Last but not least at the end of the afternoon there is a pubquiz in Café de Toeter (to end the afternoon in good spirits). In the evening there is dinner at the P.S.-daddy’s and –mommy’s and at 09.30pm the party will start.

EIK 2018


The Introduction Camp

The Introduction day

This year will the introductie camp be hold on the 7, 8 and 9 of september in Bakkeveen. This Introduction Camp will be a great moment to meet your fellow students (and maybe future friends) and explore the awesome world of G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” (P.S.). Besides, you’ll meet the committees of P.S. and many others of the study association. There will also be lots of meritorious activities be organized and memorable theme parties! The busses will be leaving at 5 o’clock on Friday 7 september. So be on time, because you do not want to miss this weekend. Friday 7 September 16.45 Gathering at Central Station Groningen 17.00 Leaving of the busses 19.00 Diner 20.30 EJC-game 22.00 Activity 23.00 Theme party Saturday 8 September 08.00 Waking up 09.00 Breakfast 10.30 Activity and lunch 15.00 Returning to the camp 16.00 Meeting the committees 19.00 Diner 22.00 Theme party Sunday 9 September 09.30 Waking up 10.00 Breakfast 11.00 Cleaning up 13.00 Choosing of the new EJC and group picture 13.15 Leaving of the busses


EIK 2018

Packing list for the Introduction Day: • (cash)money • A bike is handy, but not necessary • Outfit for the theme party: ‘’Superheroes’’ Items to pack for the Introduction Camp:

Packing list

• Cash for drinks at the parties • ID (for alcohol wristbands) • Sheet • Pillowcase • Sleeping bag/duvet • Toiletries • Pajamas • Towel & flip-flops for the shower • Plate/Cup/Cutlery • Old tea towels & towels • Swimwear • Flashlight • Medication (if necessary) • Old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty & a plastic bag • Comfortable (old) shoes • Eggs • Costume for the themed party on Friday evening: Pajama party • Costume for the themed party on Saturday evening: De avond in met de gebroeders Grimm

EIK 2018


The enrollment You can sign in for the Introduction Day and/or Introduction Camp by going to www.psgroningen.nl. The registration for the Introduction Day and Introduction Camp are both separate. So if you want to go to both activities, you should sign in for both! At the beginning of the Introduction Day there is the possibility to sign in for the Introduction Day and/or Introduction Camp. But signing in via the website is the easiest way to do it.


The costs for the Introduction Day, the lunch, the dinner at the P.S.-daddy(s) and/or mommie(s) and the party is €12,50. The costs for the Introduction Camp is €40,00. If you want to go to the Introduction Day as well as the Introduction Camp, you pay €52,50. These costs will be debited from your account by means of an automatic collection. It is recommended to go to both the Introduction Day and the Introduction Camp. At the Introduction Day essential information will be given for a good start of your study year and the Introduction Camp is THE opportunity to get to know your fellow students better. If you have any questions (about the registration), email us via bestuur@psgroningen.nl or call the treasurer: 06-55748997.


EIK 2018

Dear first-year students, May I ask you a question? What is the reason that you enrolled for the study Pharmacy? I bet you like biology and chemistry and have an above average interest in healthcare. You will be curious about how medicines are made, how they work and how safe they are. Is that correct? Then you are in the right place!

Program Director

You are at the start of joining our novel internationally oriented bachelor program in Pharmacy, which perfectly prepares you to pursue your study with the master program in Pharmacy or in Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences. Research and teaching are intertwined in our curricula, offering you the best environment for academic training and shaping. We educate both pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists who will be employed either as health care providers in community or hospital pharmacy or as researchers in academia or the pharmaceutical industry. But there are many more attractive career opportunities after your graduation. In the first year of the bachelor you will follow a series of courses to create a solid scientific basis for further extension in the pharmaceutical direction. Also, you will digest information from different branches of the pharmaceutical domain, as the propaedeutic year helps you to orientate on the sequel of your studies and on professional opportunities. In year two you have to choose for either the major Pharmacy or the major Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences, depending on your personal interests and future plans. A choice of elective courses allows you to personalize your study program to some extent. You will join international learning communities, exchange knowledge and experience with your colleague students and with our dedicated teaching staff. Enjoy and take advantage of encountering different cultures and backgrounds.

Starting a study at the university may feel like entering a new world for you. There are many changes: a new environment, new people, a different way of teaching. You will get used to it quickly, but in case of problems our staff is there to help and to advise. Do not hesitate to ask for support if you feel you may need it. Last but not least, I strongly recommend you to join Pharmaciae Sacrum, the association for pharmacy students in Groningen. They organize social events which are important to promote contacts with your fellow students and they offer activities that support the teaching program. I wish you warmly welcome and I hope you will feel comfortable and at home with us! Kind regards, Herman Woerdenbag, Program Director BSc Pharmacy

EIK 2018


Welcome to Pharmacy, on behalf of the Education Support Centre The Education Support Centre (ESC) welcomes you to the Pharmacy programme. The ESC is available for students and teachers. Together, we make education possible. We would like to inform you about who we are and how you can reach us.

Education Support Centre

The ESC is located both in the Bernoulliborg on the Zernike Campus and at the A. Deusinglaan (abbreviated as “ADL�, UMCG-Noord). When you study Pharmacy, you will usually have contact with the ESC team that is located at ADL. Here you will find the academic advisors (Lisette Klein and Mirjan van Timmeren), the educational programme coordinator (Lidia Westers) and the student administration (Bettina Fontein and Margriet Hulshof). Our secretaries (Janine Buitendijk and Hester Bathoorn) support this team. The ESC, together with Herman Woerdenbag (Program Director BSc Pharmacy) and Practicumbeheer Farmacie, organise the education from timetable to the course evaluations. Of course, the ESC - location ADL is also there for the student, from information activities, checking study results to graduation ceremonies and everything in between and beyond. We welcome you to come by for all your questions.


EIK 2018

EIK 2018

Dear freshman, First of all, congratulations with making the best choice of your life, namely to study Pharmacy in Groningen. After hopefully an amazing holiday it is finally time to go back to school. Coming year you will be a first year student and therefore I would like to welcome you to the study Pharmacy. Besides studying, there is a lot more to do. For example, we, as study association of Pharmacy, organize many different activities for our members. The study association is called G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” (abbreviated to P.S.), which is Latin for ‘the sacred of the Pharmacy’. P.S. was founded in 1881 and is therefore the oldest study association of Groningen and the second oldest of the Netherlands. Like I said before, P.S. has a lot to offer to its members. For instance you can buy books through us at a reduced price, but also laboratory articles and a lab coat which you will need for practical courses.

Board of P.S.

Furthermore we organize lots of informative or social events such as workshops or our monthly get together in a pub. The first activity you will come in contact with is the Faculty Introduction Day on August the 31st. This day will be devoted to getting to know the faculty, your fellow students and P.S. You will pass the P.S.-boardroom during a guided tour of the faculty in different groups. Everyone is always welcome at the P.S.-boardroom for a free cup of coffee/tea, a question, to play a game, to have lunch or just for a chat with us or your fellow students. After the tour there is a get together organized so you can meet your fellow students again while having a drink. Subsequently, all the introduction groups will have dinner at one of the group leader’s home and we will end the day with a party in a night bar. Further you can get to know your classmates even better at the Introduction Camp that will take place from 7-9 September. At the camp you get acquainted with the many committees P.S. has. Like the previous years, the program will be wonderfully organized by the Introduction Committee so you don’t want to miss this awesome weekend.


EIK 2018

Your first encounter with P.S. will be on the Faculty Introduction Day and hopefully this will not be the last one. We hope to see you a lot at the P.S.-boardroom or during activities. We will be at the boardroom from 9:30 till 17:00 o’clock every day. We are looking forward to meeting you at the Faculty Introduction Day or during the Introduction Camp! With kind regards, the 137th board of G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” chairman secretary treasurer assessor I assessor II

EIK 2018


Laura ten Broek Laura Schot Remco Prins Lisa van Wier Menno Broekman


Dear first-year pharmacy students, I can still remember it very well; my first day at Leiden University. It was an exciting day. You are now arriving at an important point in your life. You will discover the student life in Groningen and perhaps you will move into a student house. In September you will attend an introduction camp of Pharmaciae Sacrum (P.S.). This weekend you will meet your fellow students and get acquainted with the study association P.S. In addition, it is also the moment to get acquainted with the K.N.P.S.V.

Board of K.N.P.S.V.

The K.N.P.S.V. is the Royal Dutch Pharmaceutical Student Association. This is an umbrella association that represents all (bio) pharmacy students in the Netherlands. The K.N.P.S.V. currently consists of three departments, namely Pharmaciae Sacrum from Groningen, „Aesculapius” from Leiden and Unitas Pharmaceuticorum from Utrecht. In addition, the Association for Chemistry Students of the Free University of Amsterdam (VCSVU) is a trial member of the K.N.P.S.V. The K.N.P.S.V brings the pharmacy students from the Netherlands together by organizing various activities. These activities are organized by committees consisting of members from the various associations. The annual congress is one of the biggest activities of the K.N.P.S.V. Various social and educational activities are organized during the congress. Besides activities, we have an association magazine which consists of scientific articles, reports of the activities of the K.N.P.S.V. and the agenda with upcoming activities. International topics are also discussed, such as reports from the international conferences, exchanges and experiences of foreign students about their study programs and study association. The K.N.P.S.V. offers the opportunity to run internships in a community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry. The K.N.P.S.V. has contact with the European Pharmaceutical Students ‘Association (EPSA) and the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF). In collaboration with EPSA, the TWIN is organized annually, an exchange project with Pharmacy students from another country. Twice a year an international congress of EPSA is organized, each time in a different country. In collaboration with IPSF, members of K.N.P.S.V. have the possibility to do an internship abroad with the Student Exchange Program (SEP). Each year during the summer holiday, IPSF organizes an international congress. The K.N.P.S.V. has good contact with the different professional associations. We organize activities with the professional associations to put you in touch with them.


EIK 2018

The K.N.P.S.V. has a board consisting of five students. This year the board will come from Leiden. Together with Jasper, Siem, Imke and Janine we will be present at multiple activities of P.S. We will therefore also be present at the introduction camp of P.S. You can recognize us by the red shirts with blue cardigans. Just speak to us and ask all your questions! We are very much looking forward to the introduction camp and we hope to meet you there! On behalf of the 116th board of the K.N.P.S.V.

Board of K.N.P.S.V.

Anna Tichler h.t. chairperson

EIK 2018


Dear readers, On a sunny Monday evening we, as the 33rd Almanak committee, write this introduction letter for the introduction flyer of the EIK. We would like to introduce ourselves to you. Martijn is our praeses. He is always himself and this will be reflected in the Almanak. Then comes Ulrike, she is our ab-actis and tries to keep the meetings accurate. When it comes to the pennies, Anniek is essential. She gets the best sponsors for us. As appie I we have Danique, this Amsterdammer fights just as hard for the Almanak as she does for her club. Nick is our only real appie II, he is still in training to be just as fast as ex Almanakker Bjorn. We conclude with Nina, the youngest of the couple. Despite appie III, she is also a real asset to these six. You can see our true creativity in our Almanak. We hope to see you all at the AlDi-party.


Love, The 33th Almanak Committee P.S. At the Faculty Introduction Day, we as a committee will be there to make a portrait of you for in the member file of the Almanak. Make sure you will be present and bring your nicest smile.


EIK 2018

Dear first years, We are the Foreign Trip Committee ThrowBEC. For the seniors we organize a journey through the most beautiful parts of Europe. During this five day trip, we will visit three pharmaceutical companies and a University. However, there is enough time left to party and get wasted. Unfortunately, the freshmen aren’t able to participate in this trip but you should join the following years! Our committee exists of five people with different functions. We are ruled by Lotte, this terrifying leader terrorizes us with her organisation skills. Thirsa is our type mype and with her quicky fingers she writes the whole expedition together. Floris is our money maker, he throws the money around and makes it rain. Appie I goes by the name of Wynand, he is our funny guy. He often laughs his balls out of his pants. Our appie II is Wies, she is our wing woman who loves the male gender. We are excited to organize this trip and we hope to see you participating next year. Unfortunately, you can not be a part of our committee but you can be our successor in March. However, you should definitely join another committee at Pharmaciae Sacrum! Kind regards,

EIK 2018


Foreign Trip Committee ‘ThrowBEC’


Dear first year Pharmacy students, Just a few moments and the best time of your life will begin; the student life! In the coming year you will probably enjoy a lot of parties and have little sleep, but don’t forget that you also have to study at times. The credits will not come to you by themselves! The Books Foundation can help you with obtaining these credits.

The Books Foundation

The Books Foundation is part of the study association G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” (P.S.). You can buy your study books from us for the most affordable prices. Via the webshop on our website (www.psgroningen.nl) you can order books all year round. It is very easy, you can even let your books be delivered to your home! As an alternative, you can also choose to have your books delivered to the P.S.-boardroom and pick them up there by yourself. At the P.S.-boardroom you are all very welcome and the free coffee and tea is always ready! In addition to study books, The Books Foundation offers much more! You can also purchase your lab coat and other practical supplies. And to top that of, we sell numerous P.S.-gadgets such as a P.S. sweater, cufflinks, ties, sunglasses and so on! For questions you can always visit the P.S.-boardroom (building 3213 room S06), or send an e-mail to bestuur@psgroningen.nl. We hope to see you all at the P.S.-boardroom! With kind regards, The Books Foundation Lisa van Wier and Menno Broekman


EIK 2018

Hello future pharmacists, We are the 137th Dies committe and we have the honor to organize the 137th Dies Natalis of Pharmaciae Sacrum. The Dies Natalis is a week full of fun activities to celebrate the birthday of the study association. These activities include among others a reception, a symposium and a gala with a preceding dinner. The Dies Natalis of Pharmaciae Sacrum is quite special because Pharmaciae Sacrum is the oldest study association of Groningen, of which we are very proud. The Dies Natalis Week, always held in February, kicks off with a symposium on Wednesday, followed up by a reception where invitees get the possibility to congratulate the board with the study associations birthday. On Wednesday evening, after the reception has taken place, there will be an opening party which is accessible for all members of Pharmaciae Sacrum. On Thursday evening, there will be a cultural evening. The Saturday will have a day-filling program, starting with an outdoor activity during the day. In the evening the gala takes place, which is the highlight of the week for most members. Before the gala starts it is also possible to participate in the gala dinner.


We as the 137th Dies committee are looking forward to organizing the Dies as well as taking part in the activities and celebrations. We are also hoping to see most of you during the Dies! Kind regards, The 137th Dies committiee

EIK 2018


Dear Freshmen, We are EJC “Zeus”, the first-years committee of year 2017-2018. We are the only commission Pharmaciae Sacrum has that consists only out of freshmen. With seven members, this commission is the greatest of all, and everyone has got their own function and tasks. The first-years committtee organizes four parties throughout the year. Our task is to find a bar as a location for the party, to come up with an amazing theme and to negotiate about the prices. It’s the simplest committee there is, and it’s still got all the extras that comes with all the other committees.


Every Monday evening you gather around with your commission, have a meeting in which you discuss the coming party, and always have a drink or two (more is strongly advised). The rest of the night you can join the company of your group or go to the other members of P.S. in café ‘t Vaatje. This committee is the best way to slowly become active inside the study association, and you quickly make a lot of useful contacts. So come to know the other freshman and make yourself a group of five to seven members, come up with an amazing name and battle for the honourable position of EJC 2018-2019. Make everyone believe you are able to pull off the best party and make them vote for you. With love, EJC “Zeus”


EIK 2018

Hey freshmen, We are Lot-T, Annike, Rude, Line en Jelly and this year we take place in the End-of-Schoolyear Committee (JAK). Last June we organized the best weekend of the entire school year for all members of P.S. During this weekend we camp and party together. On Saturday we went to theme park Slagharen on the Outdoor Day where we enjoyed ourselves in fantastic rollercoasters. The legendary Beer-bingo and crazy theme parties are the absolute highlights of the weekend. On Friday we showed our dirty side with the theme ‘Kinky Kampasutra’ and Saturday we partied like back in the seventies with the theme ‘Don’t worry be hippie!’. In short, an amazing weekend to never forget and even more fun to organize!

We hope to see you in ‘T Vaatje sometime!


Every Monday the committee meets, has dinner and drinks together. Sometimes something actually has to be fixed to make the camp as great as possible. After the meeting all the committees of P.S. meet in ‘T Vaatje to party. Do you want to be in one of these committees, you should definitely sign yourself up for the JAK!

Love, TsJAKka

EIK 2018


Hello future P.S-members,


The study association of Pharmacy in Groningen “Pharmaciae Sacrum” has several committees. One of them is the Charity, Entertainment and Sports Committee (in Dutch Liefdadigheid, Ontspanning en Sportcommissie: LOS) and we believe that this is the nicest committee within the association. In addition to three senior students, two first-year students always get the chance to participate in the committee. With these five committee members within the committee, three activities are organized for all members of the association. The first activity that is organized is the sport and relaxation activity. During this evening we are going to do a fairly unknown sport for many members. After the big effort a relaxation evening will be organized to relax again. In addition, the oldest activity of the association, so-called Bicycle Performance Tour, is organized by us. During this day we will be cycling through Groningen and surroundings and various games and assignments will be performed. At the end of the day there will be a nice dinner and drinks, a closing talk afterwards in the pub and the winner of the day will be announced. The third and final activity is dedicated to doing good to fellow human beings. This can go in all directions, some examples of activity are: playing games with the elderly, raising money for a good cause, etc. 
As you have been able to read, this committee is largely dominated by conviviality. If this appeals to you then you could always show interest in this committee and you may be privileged to be allowed to participate in this much-desired committee. Kind regards, LOS Committee “Jetzt geht’s LOS”


EIK 2018

Hello everyone! We are the Multimedia Committee ‘Big Brother’. We are present at all the activities of G.F.S.V. “Pharmaciae Sacrum” to take pictures and are there to capture the mood. Also, we make posters to get attention for all the activities organized by the other committees of P.S. Because we make the posters, we are the first to know about their activities. This year we started making the coolest vlogs in which we include other P.S.-members in a FUN way, yeey! In these videos, we are free to give our own creative input. For example, we organized an election for a prom queen and king at the Gala, where we celebrate the anniversary of the study association, and made a aftermovie. If you want to see what we have been up to, you can check the P.S.-site and facebook-page. XOXO Big Brother


EIK 2018


Hello everyone! Let’s start with introducing ourselves. We are Lotte, Charlotte, Bjorn, Tijn, Emma and Marijke. We represent the committee which publishes the Foliolum. The Foliolum is Pharmaciae Sacrum’s paper which is released four times a year and is sent to all members of P.S. In the Foliolum, a certain topic is central. The Foliolum contains interesting reports of studies, reports of activities organized by P.S. and columns. Every Monday evening we have dinner together, discuss our progress and have our ever creative brainstorm sessions.


Lotte, our praeses, stands up as the mother/leader of the group. She prepares the best meals and makes sure everyone gets their nutrients. Besides, as a praeses, she is the best in keeping the overview. Charlotte, ab-actis, is responsible for keeping up with the contacts. However, when hitting ‘t Vaatje’ at night, we often lose her. Bjorn is our quaestor (a.k.a. the man of the money) and takes care of the finances. Unfortunately, he forgets his deadlines sometimes. Tijn is our assessor I. He is best friends with a glow stick since KEI-week 2016, where he was in a KEI-group with Charlotte. Emma, assessor II, excels in every pub quiz and despite that she states having no hobbies, she won P.S.’s painting contest on 5 December (Sinterklaas) because of her excellent painting skills. And last but not least, there is Marijke, assessor III. She knows all the (Dutch) party songs by heart and she loves to sing them. We hope to see you soon and we are looking forward to meet you all at P.S.! Lots of love, ACTIE Redactie


EIK 2018

Dear Freshmen, Good job! You made your first wise life-decision, namely: choosing the study Pharmacy. However, studying Pharmacy is more than only being with your nose in the books. You could also participate in one of the many committees of Pharmaciae Sacrum. We would like to introduce us to you as the Committee of Pharmaceutical Sciences “SSS�. This committee organizes the annual symposium for freshmen, the symposium for senior-students and the Dutch Company Visit (BBB). During the BBB we will travel two days in the Netherlands with 35 Pharmacy students. During these two days we will visit several pharmaceutical companies. We will sleep in a town where a social activity is organized. This year the committee consists of: Myrthe Boerrigter, Sharon Koers, Hessel Kooi, Imke Hulsbeek and Luke van der Koog. Sign up for this awesome committee during the Introduction and maybe one day you will be part of the Pharmaceutical Science Legacy! We wish you a lot a fun and we will hopefully raise our glasses in the near future!

Myrthe, Sharon, Hessel, Imke and Luke

EIK 2018


Lots of love,


Student Counsel Pharmacy (STOF) 2017-2018 Chairperson Maxime Tjioe Secretary Rudolf Kloppenburg Assessor Sara Quist Dear first year students,


We are members of the Student Counsel Pharmacy (STOF). Pharmacy students can come to us with comments and suggestions about examinations or other study matters. Every two months there is a STOF-meeting where the complaints are discussed and various sections of the department give an update on issues. Each student may attend these meetings, so if you have an opinion about something or you are curious about what is happening within our study, come visit a STOF-meeting. In addition, every year there are Year Representatives (JV). They are the contact person for people within their own study year. If you run into problems with subjects, teachers, student counselors or anything else, you can go to the Year Representatives. The Year Representatives take these items to the bimonthly STOF-meeting. The new STOF-committee is searching for Year Representatives for the first year. If you are interested to become the contact person of your year send an email to stof@psgroningen.nl. Best regards, on behalf of the STOF-committee, Maxime


EIK 2018

Dear reader, There are a lot of things happening right now, at the start of your student life. One of these new, fantastic things is “Villa Volonté”. Perhaps you haven’t heard of the phenomenon Volonté yet, but that will change shortly. Volonté is the bar of the medical faculty, run by and for students of Pharmacy, Medicine, Human movement Sciences and Dentistry/Dental Hygiene. For 35 years and counting, students resort at Volonté for drinks, parties and activities! Together with the tappers, we run our bar with much love and joy. We’ve been present at the Introduction Camp to provide you with the necessary beers, and this year we are ready to serve again! We would really enjoy you having a beer together with us during the Introduction Camp, but you can also go to the tappers for all your questions surrounding Volonté.

Love on behalf of all the bartenders of Villa Volonté, Jet Fransen h.t. Voorzitter der Stichting Sociëteit Volonté

EIK 2018

Villa Volonté

We hope to welcome you after the camp at Villa Volonté. It is the place for Pharmacy students to unwind, gather and enjoy a drink. You can feel it coming: you cannot and do not want to avoid Volonté. The door is always open for you at Schuitendiep 86!


Een nieuwe huisarts Ben jij verhuist naar Groningen en heb jij nog geen nieuwe huisarts in Groningen? Meld je dan nu aan, en voorkom hiermee dat je straks voor extra kosten komt te staan. Wist je namelijk dat wanneer je naar een huisarts gaat, waarbij je niet staat ingeschreven, je extra moet betalen? Dus schrijf je nu in! Studentarts is een huisartsenpraktijk gericht op studenten met twee vestigingen: een locatie op Zernike (schuin tegenover de Albert Heijn To Go) en een locatie tegenover de hoofdingang van het UMCG. Hierdoor is het mogelijk om op spreek uur te gaan tussen colleges door. Daarnaast kun je alles online regelen en zijn er ook spreekuren in de avond! Je kunt zelf gratis je eigen huisarts kiezen, waarbij je ingeschreven kunt blijven als je verhuist. Je bent dus in tegenstelling tot andere huisartsen niet gebonden aan bepaalde wijk! Inschrijven kan via het onderstaande formulier of online via de site studentarts.nl. Vermeld bij een online inschrijving in het kader: naam vorige huisarts “EIK”. Het formulier hier naast is in te leveren bij de Eerstejaars Introductie Commissie “EIK” of het PS bestuur.

Inschrijflijst huisarts BSN-nummer: ____________________________________________________ Naam: ____________________________________________________________ Geslacht: _________________________________________________________ Geboortedatum: _________________________________________________ Mobiele telefoonnummer: _______________________________________ Woonadres: ______________________________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________________ Naam vorige huisarts: ____________________________________________ Woonplaats vorige huisarts: ______________________________________ Datum: ____________________________________________________________ Handtekening:

BENU KRACHT VAN 8! Bij BENU Apotheek staat u centraal. Wij staan voor optimale service en kwaliteit, geven u graag advies en begeleiden u bij het verstrekken van medicijnen. Dat vatten we samen in de Kracht van 8. 1












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