Health Business provides coverage to the complete range of organisations that run the NHS

Health Business, published digitally bi-monthly, occupies a unique position – it is ideally placed to promote private sector products and services directly to the people within the health service that make purchasing decisions. Health Business magazine is distributed by name and job title to integrated care systems, NHS trusts, ambulance trusts, foundation hospitals, strategic health authorities, government departments and independent hospitals and clinics. With coverage to the complete range of organisations that run the NHS, and by providing informative and authoritative articles on the wide range of topics in healthcare management, Health Business offers organisations that supply this vast market an ideal platform to promote their products and services.
Regular contributions from NHS bodies, healthcare professionals and industry associations provide the reader with a wealth of topical reference material on the wide range of topics and practices that those working in NHS management and procurement need to be kept abreast of.
Health Business features provide practical, applied management information that is specific to healthcare settings. Fiscal management, marketing, information technology, human resources, facilities management, security, IT and communications technology are all featured, as well as the latest products available to the healthcare market.
Health Business is the sure way to the decision makers. No wasted circulation.
The Health Business website is the perfect online complement to Health Business digital magazine and provides advertisers with real mixed media impact
Health Business digital magazine is supported by its sister website at healthbusinessuk.net, which serves the business end of the health service. The platform acts as an instant, readily accessible bridge between the health service and private sector companies wishing to service their requirements. The site provides:
News and features - Regularly updated news and features that are directly relevant to the target audience.
Product profiles - A searchable online database that classifies advertisers’ products they supply or manufacture. Hundreds of organisations are classified under various headings, which compliment regular HB sections such as: information technology, security, facilities management, infection control and procurement. The magazine’s highly regarded Supplier Profiles section is offered free to selected advertisers and features 200 words of
copy plus a logo or photograph.
Product features and case studies -
This facility allows advertisers to detail new products and services and provide an overview of contracts they have won or completed. Advertisers are encouraged to supply up to 800 words of copy and an image and logo. This is the ideal location to do a little flag waving.
Display advertising - The website can incorporate MPU advertisements, skyscrapers, banners and most online formats. Combine this with display advertising in HB magazine for a real mixed media impact.
Special web campaigns -
Special web campaigns can be devised that link graphic panels into specific editorial content to ensure that site visitors can get detailed information about the
products and services of advertisers at the click of button. Rates for bespoke web advertising packages on application.

Here is a example of our website and advertising positions & sizes

Digital product prices, special discounts and sponsorship packages on the next page

Health Business website positions
Target your market with the GDPR –compliant Health Business email database
The Health Business database is a complete and accurate vessel containing over 14,000 contacts. We supply data to clients ranging from small or new companies through to large, well-known manufacturers. The database contains executives in the NHS, local and central government and private healthcare institutions – all of whom are collectively responsible for finance, procurement and strategic purchasing decisions.
The Health Business website has been live since 2001, providing regularly updated news, features and case studies that inform readers of the latest advancements in the NHS and healthcare sectors. The site has over 17,000 monthly users and generates over 60,000 page impressions per month.
The new Health Business website can accommodate advertising and sponsor content in many ways - see opposite for the list of standard positions. Advertising zones can be ‘tagged’ to make sure that your advertisement is seen with the relevant content.
Our news and feature pages carry display advertising within the content in the popular MPU and Billboard formatsthis makes sure that your message is delivered equally on mobile and desktop devices.
HERO advertisements appear across the width of the website (responsive on mobiles) and can be booked in either solus or ROS positions.
Takeover campaigns can be configured on a site section basis - your brand can sponsor specific site sections (specific rates on application).
Company profiles that details the services of the advertiser, andincludes full contact details/hyperlink/directory inclusion. These are positioned to appear on appropriate sections related to the business nature of the advertiser.
Gif or jpg. If hosted on our servers, file sizes must not exceed 300KB.
Custom code, such as provided by web advertising services such as Doubleclick, is accepted only after testing. Examples must be supplied three days prior to the commencement of the campaign.
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 25-30% off for series bookings

£1000 per calendar month (ROS - max. 10 rotation)
£1000 per calendar month (ROS max. 10 rotation)
£1000 per calendar month (ROS max. 5 rotation)
£1000 per calendar month (ROS)
Left/top/right positions, plus lead MPU zone - £POA
See next page for details
Health Business page wrappers
To maximise your brand identity and benefit from increased exposure, you can ‘wrap’ your bespoke content in custom graphics, which link through to your own website content. HB page wrappers contain no other advertising content other than yours.
Up to 1600 words editorial profile* with email, website, and telephone (click to call) links and up to three included images, plus your logo.
1 x category ‘tag’ of your choice* (eg Facilities Management, Design & Build). This increases exposure to your page by promoting it alongside other relevant content.
Unique url - healthbusinessuk.net/your-companyname
Right sidebar can display bespoke graphics in the MPU ZONE (see website example).
The website adverts can include artwork design and assitance if required. As an option, we can also include your ‘billboard’ in our new HERO position, which will see it appear throughout the site**, full width and on mobile devices, and can link straight through to your ‘wrapped’ page - or any URL of your choice.

Target your audience with tagging and catergorisation

In order to deliver more impactful, personalised experiences to our readers, the new Health Business website categorises its content by unique tags which can be viewed at healthbusinessuk.net/tags
Bespoke campaigns can includes tagged display advertising and native editorial content which appears alongside the relevant news / feature sections.These content categories align with the features in Health Business digital magazine and cover a wide range of business areas relevant to the Healthcare market.

RATE: £2995 (12 months)

FULL PAGE EDITORIAL WITH VIDEOConsists of 400 words, company logo, contact/social media details and video. 2 page (800 word) or DPS also available.

FULL TEXT PAGE WITH VIDEOTemplated full page with up to 200 words, company logo, contact/social media details and video.

FULL PAGE WITH VIDEO - Unlike the full text page with video, this is not templated and does not need to follow a set design.
HYPERLINKS - All website URLs, email addresses and social media icons/links will be clickable and take the reader directly to that destination. Hyperlinks can also be inserted into any specified word in your text such as “click here for...”

VIDEOS - There is no limit on the length of a video and these can be set to automatically play when the reader reaches your page, or started manually.

800 words and company logo and photo. Contact info, social media and video can also be added.
RATE CARD: £5,750

RATE CARD: £3,750
Half page advert: 178mm across by 125mm deep AND Video as MP3/4/ Youtube link

2024 Schedule - Health Business Magazine
Technology | Facilities Management
Energy/Sustainability | Fire Safety
Recruitment | Cleaning | Design and Build

Polly Jones - hbeditorial@psigroupltd.co.uk
Dan Kanolik - dan.kanolik@psigroupltd.co.uk
Jo Golding - joanna.golding@psigroupltd.co.uk
Deimante Gecionyte - deimante.gecionyte@ psigroupltd.co.uk
Freya Courtney - freya.courtney@psigroupltd.co.uk
Damian Emmins - damian.emmins@psigroupltd. co.uk
Karen Hopps - karen.hopps@psigroupltd.co.uk