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PSIPLEX Staying Staying Creative Creative in in Complexity Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

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Nobody here to speak of, just awareness of what is seeking itself.

PHRASE Very well then

Illumination and Vibration

6th in series Includes excerpts from ‘Tales From the Road’ by Shivadhyan and quotes from Mooji. All rights revert to those authors.

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

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One point of illumination The unconditioned, unchanging Eternal Unmanifested Intelligence doesn’t need me.

Doesn’t need a ‘me’ or an ‘I’ that walks the earth as an individual body/mind or observes itself as liberated, enlightened or as a thing, object or subject. The nameless Source is the whole of all that is known and unknown, the Tao that cannot be named, doing nothing but accomplishing all. The Absolute doesn’t need any other being or existence as it just is. The mystery is that THAT dwells and is Source of ‘I Am’. I am That-the unknowable superseding this dreaming dualistic world state that may or may not be dualistic or present. In this beingness, I Am the timeless eternal nothingness that is before all concepts and thoughts. The I-Self observes and witnesses the objects in I Am in a nonpersonal, non-judgmental sense ever present and ever in Grace and Mercy. The mystery of this Mercy is joy and love everlasting, the welling of thanks and joy unbounded. The fulfillment of Universal Purpose is as simple as being. Awards, accolades and honors cannot compare to the effort of the living soul in aware consciousness purposely going toward the creator with pure love and internal joy that is the true self, unprompted, unprovoked and unbidden. The joy in the pure heart compels the Self to ring with the vibrational frequency that is inherent in the makeup and to send that vibration out to those beings with whom it is intended. The mere act of going toward the fulfillment of universal purpose arises and begins within the consciousness of the Self which has been made so by the Source. The Source then, acting through the being joins with more of itself, the Source acting in its nature of wholeness and love as it can be nothing else.

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

Psiplex Blog |

One point of illumination Al Being Done Sitting here at my desk this morning in the first blush of an Atlanta, Georgia Spring, I can hear the birds tweeting themselves. It is a symphony of beauty that surges in this beautiful flow of life. It is a reminder that all is being done. Sitting quietly in stillness, I am aware of observing the breath and body and that which watches and observes even that. I am That, yet can sense what is arising in consciousness as the Supreme allowing all. Walking the earth for the years I have, there is a sense of miraculousness. Not so much the garlanded vestiges of accomplishments or rusted and broken failures but the small minute miracles that allow all to be without a ‘me’ knowing or doing anything to preserve or forward it. I am not concentrating on breathing or circulating blood, yet it happens. I do not digest my food after swallowing or perform the tasks of extracting nutrients and elimination, yet that also happens in this vessel called ‘me’. Among billions of other ‘me’s’, there is ‘I’, this ‘I’ is the billions yet ‘I’ Am ‘I’. The great ‘I Am That I Am’ is ‘I’, 'I’ am That miraculously connected and alive through grace beyond mystery, yet knowing beyond all else ‘I’ exist and I am taking place and have taken place and will continue to eternally take place in the Supreme Oneness of existence. This ‘I’ can barely boil water, yet ‘I’ have been taken care of in this body with the best of foods among the best of beings among the most discomforting of times and conditions. ‘I’ have felt the warmth of life on my face and the spark of health in my bones, the brush of death over my weakened frame and the comfort of summer, winter, spring and fall. ‘I’ have received love unmerited and unfounded and have been turned away in the best of intentions and circumstances. ‘I’ have failed so many times in so many areas that the I-Self should be nothing more than trodden dust, yet this day the spirit is effulgent, renewed and joyful in ways that defy explanation. I am ever grateful, ever thankful, ever honored by the mystery, love and beauty of the Supreme allowing this experience, one drop of which lights an eternity. Goodness and Mercy have followed me all the days of my life.

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

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One point of illumination Making music or art, being a conduit for the universe to express itself in this being and witnessing this in the present moment carries a natural compulsion to serve, give and operate in peace. The bounty of creativity and its expression belong to the bounty carried by the Universe. The being is blessed and tasked to carry some of it outward to release back on the outgoing tide.

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

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One point of illumination Like Little butterflies The emptiness of the Tigers Mastery and Mystery Aspects of consciousness that awareness perceives Countering and balancing a connected interplay One may encounter mastery, not remotely possess it, yet be a part of its resulting benevolence. By not seeking it, mastery comes when the heart is made ready by mystery. The perfect timing and benevolence of butterflies, the emptiness of the tigers.

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

Psiplex Blog |

the eternal vibration of awareness

‘I Am a Point of Light in the One Mind of God.’ Nobody here to speak of, just awareness of what is seeking itself.

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

Psiplex Blog |

From From Shiva Shiva 112’s 112’s Blog Blog

Tales From the Road The Cosmic Self - Existence, Consciousness and Bliss © 2009 Shivadhyan

Monday, March 9, 2009 on not breaking on through to the other side “So I had what to me was a rather profound insight which has revolutionized my view on things. Since time immemorial, from the testimony of the Sages, this thing we call the Cosmic Self has been attributed with three essential qualities; that of Sat, Chit and Anand, or Existence, Consciousness and Bliss. As above, so below. So we find these three essential qualities reflected in our own human experience. Sat, as the sense of individual existence (I am), Chit, as the capacity to be aware and to know, and Anand, as the capacity to feel deep contentment, unconditional love and connectedness.”

Special Thanks

to Shivadhyan and ‘Tales From the Road’

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

Psiplex Blog |

From From Shiva Shiva 112’s 112’s Blog Blog

Tales From the Road The Cosmic Self - Existence, Consciousness and Bliss Monday, March 9, 2009 on not breaking on through to the other side “Somehow we have not been aware of our true nature as the Self and our sense of individual existence has become mixed up in mind identification; we have lost touch with our inherent sense of fulfillment and so we seek to try and find it through objective knowledge and the situations and circumstances of this apparent world. What I realized was that the sense of embodied beingness (I am) is not a separate quality from the awareness of it. Nor are they two aspects of some kind of linear continuum. No they are both inherent and inseparable qualities of the Self, so my attempts to try and find the Self by trying to isolate, separate and transcend its essential qualities was always doomed to failure. The missing quality was Anand (bliss or concentrated happiness). The only good reason really to try to find the Self is because one is trying to find some kind of deep lasting happiness, so what if in my strenuous attempts I was actually short circuiting the possibility all along? The three essential qualities of the Self are Sat, Chit and Anand so I had the insight that maybe the key is not in trying to separate or exaggerate the qualities of awareness and beingness but in the simple resting in the natural awareness of beingness without intention. Funnily enough that turned out to be quite blissful! Not the least because now my mind finally had a satisfying explanation and could let go. It was like letting go of an elastic band which one is stretching and it suddenly snaps back to it's own natural shape.”

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

Psiplex Blog |

From From Shiva Shiva 112’s 112’s Blog Blog

Tales From the Road The Cosmic Self - Existence, Consciousness and Bliss Monday, March 9, 2009 on not breaking on through to the other side “And the natural shape of the Self is Satchitananda. I'm not saying that I've realised the Cosmic Self but I feel that I may have stumbled upon a master key to relaxing in the mystery. As above, so below. Satchitananda above; Satchitananda below. My reasoning and intuition tell me that by naturally abiding without intention in this small human experience of the balanced trinity, then the process of whatever needs to happen will unfold naturally by itself. Or rather Consciousness will take care of Consciousness for the revelation of Consciousness! If any deepening of being, heightening of awareness or intensification of bliss needs to happen then let Consciousness take care of it. Anyway that's my latest theory and at the very least I think I have uncovered a bloody good meditation approach (it definitely won't be anything new but it is a new revelation to me - at least in its conscious appreciation).”


Satchitananda | "Sat-Chit-Ananda". It means that true nature is happiness and bliss. More on Wikipedia

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

Psiplex Blog |

From From Shiva Shiva 112’s 112’s Blog Blog

True Nature is Happiness & Bliss The Cosmic Self - Existence, Consciousness and Bliss






A Deepening of Being Consciousness will take care of Consciousness for the revelation of Consciousness

Special Thanks to Shivadhyan and ‘Tales From the Road’

© 2009 Shivadhyan

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.


PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #6

Psiplex Blog |

From “Nobody Wants You to Be Free” You cannot see your unicity. Not phenomenally. You can somehow know in the most intimate intuitive sense that you are all-inclusive. That all knowledge, all knowingness, must be arising out of and within your own self. There is a knowingness which cannot be put down on paper. It is a felt knowingness.

I can see what I am not. I can see the objects that I am not. They are connected with me, they appear in me. They maybe appear to be outside of my own self, but I cannot say I am held in them, because I am here to observe them. So what can I be?

This discovery - not speculation - has to happen. Actually, finally, and ultimately - and ultimately does not mean "in time". It does not mean "eventually". It means at the center, at the core, which is most intimate, that within which even intimacy is known. Can that be known? Non-phenomenally there is knowingness that I am That. But be careful! Something is quick to say, "Yes, yes, this is what I am." And this evidence must be rejected, and the one who is giving this evidence must be rejected.

And there must be the discernment to know, "This is false", to know that it is the intellect that is saying this. Because when this truth is felt, you are struck into silence. Therefore I say, though you seek a conceptual answer, perhaps a response of a different kind will take place.

Mooji : Tiruvannamalai, India, 9 January 2009

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

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Staying Creative In Complexity

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