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PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #5

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A Different Kind of Normal

PHRASE Very well then

A collection of personal oddities

5th in series Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PHRASE SERIES Phrase Volume 1 | Series #5

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A Different Kind of Normal What is not a part of life, what is not true, what is not love, what is not peace, what is not joy, what is not health, what is not oneness, what is not acceptance, what is not spirit, what is not eternal has fallen away. NOW. There is simple, honest gratefulness for the present moment and a love and trust that the NOW is perfect,. Nothing to do, nothing to strive for, nothing to be changed, nothing to contend with or strive to 'be'. In fact, there is just being- which is a full time occupation. Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PHRASE SERIES Phrase Volume 1 | Series #5

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A Different Kind of Normal A different kind of normal is the sole singular awareness of being identified with a sense of autonomy — the separate self, the ‘me’ and the representative roles taken to be the person. Before awakening to their true nature and connectedness to the One consciousness, some believe they are distinct individuals separated from one another. This illusion is the cause of much suffering. © 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PHRASE SERIES Phrase Volume 1 | Series #5

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A Different Kind of Normal The 'Self' being the true nature of who you are without identification of the role you play in everyday life .

The truth will always ever be what it is, now and everlasting. Don't tie the outcome to a personal concept of the truth or resist what it brings as if to label good or bad. Observe and listen in stillness.

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PHRASE SERIES Phrase Volume 1 | Series #5

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A Different Kind of Normal There is nothing external to life that you are defined by in reality. You may associate certain thoughts, patterns, behaviors and beliefs, all coming from the mind-made projection you call your life to life, but it is not. There is the Being part of the human being that is causeless, changeless, aligned with the Source of the Universe and beyond the need for an identity other than what it is. It just is, Being means that you can just 'be'. Nothing to add or do in order to be who you really areconsciousness aware of consciousness aware of itself in consciousness. It doesn't even require a name. Oneness- connected, done.

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PHRASE SERIES Phrase Volume 1 | Series #5

Psiplex Blog |

Consciousness “Water has no shape, its nature is to flow. If you put it into a vase it will take the shape of the vase. In this cup, it has assumed the shape of the cup. If poured into my cupped hands it will take the shape of the hands. But water has no shape. It is the same with the consciousness, which is subtler than water. It similarly has no form, but it assumes the form of whatever concept it is poured into or identifies with, but it will never be the form. It remains ever its formless nature.”

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PHRASE SERIES Phrase Volume 1 | Series #5

Psiplex Blog |

True Identity Quote “The true identity arises when there is a need for an essential action. When there is no need for a response, there is no essential identity, there is just Being in repose: no activity, no mind, no body, no nothing, just stillness. When a tiger is not acting, just lying there, it doesn't know anything, doesn't think of itself as tiger. It is just Being. When it acts, it becomes one-pointed, and that onepointedness is at that moment the identity of the tiger.” (Diamond Heart Book 3, pg 190) A.H. Alamaas

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

Visit the Psiplex Blog Phrase Volume 5

Staying Creative In Complexity

- creative writing - quotes & philosophy

- the true Self - original music

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