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PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Nobody here to speak of, just awareness of what is seeking itself.

PHRASE Very well then

Th i s Wh a t H as B ec ome

8th in series Burstp irati o n from Psi p lex and quo tes from Mo oj i.

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Completely Ignored For Years - Completely grateful to be general public and ignored I have no Facebook

- so good to be undercultured and suspicious I have no abs

- embracing a new life in obscurity I have no tickets

- A new exercise in watery droplets on leaves and how they manifest I have no asphalt

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |


H O LY C R A P P ! ! There’s a good chance this could all be a dream and we are not the role we play or the identity we take ourselves to be! All dem years wasted perfecting a better ‘me’ that is more mind-made than real! Holy Crapp indeed my friend.

– Recognize and find what cannot leave you – Recognize who you are by knowing who you are not

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Ripster G O O D A DV I C E

Take Care of You Firs t Then give your best to someone else. You can’t be strong if you don’t take care of yourself first. When you do, you will have something to give back to those who need it. Practice Love forever and one day.

- Be Happy In Your Own Environment - Check out the Nomenclature (how life works)

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Hey 14 The fourteen facts of life ...


1: The greatest enemy in life is the EGO...

10: The greatest wealth in life is

: The greatest deceit in life is: I Am

health and understanding... 11: The greatest debts in life is clinging and lack of purity...

Mine... : The greatest failure in life is narcissism... : The greatest acid in life is envy & jealousy... : The greatest error in life is to lose self-control...

12: The greatest gift in life is patient tolerance & forgiveness... 13: The greatest shortcoming in life is lack of present Awareness 14: The greatest soothing relief in life is generosity & kind charity

: The greatest crime in life is betrayal of parents... : The greatest deplorable in life in pathetic self-pity... : The greatest success in life is correcting own failure... : The greatest bankruptcy in life is

-- Buddha

lewd immoral conduct...

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Complexity is Overrated

Just glad to be up and around to see Spring and share what I can. Hopefully, put a little positivity into the unicity and share One Love with the One. If you can give love and receive love, you are fulfilling a mighty purpose. Just ‘be’ and enjoy the play of existence.

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Mystical Tree

The natural shape of the branches of this tree by my spot is amazing to see first thing in the morning. With a slight glaze of morning dew, the branches shine and appear sculpture-perfect. Taken with a cheap phone cam, the pic was layer-masked in Photoshop and left to find its own arrangement. Just letting things manifest themselves. Freestyle from the Universe.

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Is Your NOW Good Enough? Always consider that everything could just as easily not be as easily as it is. Again, not what we wish or seek is reality, only the changeless Absolute is going to 'be' and take place. There is a real sense of effortlessness in doing what is most natural for us. Being present in each moment helps us understand the interaction we have with the connected oneness of who and what we are. Our true nature, our true self yearns for this effortlessness. The natural tendency for our 'being' to connect with a task, another being or the greater Supreme Absolute is our true nature. Resistance to tasks or other activities has within it the possibility that our present moment, our 'Now' isn't good enough or that we as a separate individual are less than or greater than the moment. We falsely think we cannot be happy now, but were so in the recent past or will be so when such and such a sate arrives. We only ever have NOW to live. Enjoying your tasks, your life's work (the work of your life) is more effortless when staying present, reducing resistance by noticing it and giving thanks for the entire experience (good and bad) and observing your body's reaction to the task.

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

From Mooji’s Collected Sayings - ...Focus your mind on ‘I am’, which is pure and simple being. You are Here and Now only. Contemplate what it is to be fully ‘Here’ and fully ‘Now’. For this you must leave all else; stay only as here-now Conscious presence. This is Heart. This is Self.

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

ot It’s n

Psiplex Blog |

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Sometimes, you just have to jam out and find this out for yourself

© 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

Visit the Psiplex Blog Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Staying Creative In Complexity

Don't Forget - Stay connected with Psiplex to keep complexity out of your creativity!

- creative writing - quotes & philosophy

- the true Self - original music

PSIPLEX Staying Creative in Complexity Phrase Volume 1 | Series #8

Psiplex Blog |

Phrase is a random collection of Burstpiration, or spasms of instantaneous, psi proto blip creative sparkage that get caught by Psiplex and repor ted here on occasion. The Phrase series is unrestricted in its scope because there is basically no readership, standard publishing s ch e d u l e o r s t a f f . A l o n g w i t h h av i n g n o f i n a n c i a l obligations to sponsors but a commitment to the Universe, Phrase r uns amok in our moder n world while r e s t i n g c o m f o r t a b l y i n t h e h a m m o c k o f o b s c u r i t y. Psiplex, the blog, will link to each new Phase publication w h i c h u s e s i s s u u . c o m t o d i s p l a y t h e o d d i t i e s i n a b o o kl i k e f o r m a t . I t ’ s e a s y t o v i e w, e - m a i l , p r i n t a n d s h a r e t h i s w a y. M y c a t o v e r l o r d s w i s h i t s o . I f y o u h ave a c o n n e c t i o n t o s o m e t h i n g i n t h e P s i p l e x i ve r s e o r h ave a s t o r y o f p e r s o n a l c o n s c i o u s awareness or battling cancer-you go to the front of the l i n e t o b e fe a t u r e d . R e a l ly w o u l d l i ke t o h ave y o u r wisdom, love and inspiration to share with the unicity in order to put some more positivity into the world. Contact AP/Psiplex at or through the c o n t a c t f o r m o n t h e P s i p l e x w e b s i t e . A d d i t i o n a l l y, y o u can at me on Twitter: @psiplex

Š 2009 Psiplex / Palmer Creative Group.

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