The Diamond of Psi Upsilon 2008

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165th Convention:

Celebrating 175 Years of Psi U INSIDE:

C o n v en t i o n ne w s

A l u m s in B aseba l l

C as t l e in t h e m o v ies

Psi Upsilon’s

Planned Giving Endow Your Gift If your Annual gift is:

Amount needed for an endowment:

$100.............................................$2,000 $250............................................$5,000 $500...........................................$10,000 $1,000........................................$20,000 $2,500.......................................$50,000 $5,000......................................$100,000 * Assuming 5 percent of the investment income is spent per year

The Challenge: Each year, for many years, a Psi U brother has written a $1,000 check to Psi Upsilon’s Annual Fund. He looks forward to making the donation, and Psi Upsilon’s Annual Fund has grown accustomed to his generosity. But he is getting older. What will happen to his legacy of support after he dies? The Solution: A financial advisor suggests that the brother consider creating an endowment, a type of gift that would allow his generosity to continue…forever. To establish an endowment, he makes a lump sum $20,000 donation, which Psi Upsilon’s Annual Fund invests. Only a portion of the investment income, however, is spent each year. The remainder of the income is reinvested in the fund, which allows the fund value to grow and support annual payouts indefinitely. The Benefits: The brother earns a $20,000 income tax charitable deduction on his taxes this year. The donation also reduces the size of his taxable estate at death. Psi Upsilon’s Annual Fund receives the benefit of the brother’s generosity in perpetuity. Planned gifts have been vital throughout the history of Psi Upsilon. Our farsighted brothers who make planned gifts have the satisfaction of knowing their legacy will be beneficial to Psi U for generations to come.

Psi upsilon Fr a t e r n i t y Fo u nd e d N ovem ber 2 4 , 18 3 3 , a t u ni o n C o l lege in Schn ecta dy , N.y.

o N t hE Co vEr:

E xe c u t i v e Co u nc i l

165th Convention: Celebrating 175 Years of Psi U. Read the highlights on page 6.

oFFICErS President: James A. Swanke, Jr., Rho ’80 vice President: Thomas T. Allan IV, Theta Theta ’89 Secretary: Bradley R. Corner, Omicron ’72 Treasurer: Evan W. Terry, Epsilon Phi ’93 AlumNI tErm mEmBErS John E. Becker II, Psi ’61 J. Martin Brayboy, Gamma ’84 Charles L. Hillis, Tau ’76 Laura E. King, Chi Delta ’04 Charles A. Werner, Omega ’55 William N. Wishard III, Delta Delta ’64

lIFE mEmBErS Mark D. Bauer, Omega ’83 David A. B. Brown, Epsilon Phi ’66 Charles M. Hall, Nu Alpha ’71 Richard A. Rasmussen, Upsilon ’72

hoNorAry lIFE mEmBErS Murray L. Eskenazi, Lambda ’56 Charles S. P. Hodge, Gamma ’68 Richard A. Horstmann, Pi ’57 Robert L. Kaiser, Zeta ’39 Henry B. Poor, Gamma ’39 Forrest G. Weeks, Tau ’52

the Psi upsilon Foundation Board of Directors o FFIC E r S President: Samuel J. Tinaglia, Omega ’88 vice President: J. Martin Brayboy, Gamma ’86 Secretary: William N. Wishard III, Delta Delta ’64 Treasurer: Lewis R. Finkelstein, Omicron ’83

INSIDE t hIS ISSuE: F e a tu r e S to r y : Ben Cherrington: Psi u gamm a m a k e s i t

t o Fenway Park


F e a tu r e S to r y : J o hn Cout ure: Pract icing Psy cho l o gy w i t h

t he Cleveland Indians


C o v e r S to r y : Psi u N ews: 165t h Co nvent ion


In memoriam


Inte re sting Alu mni


ou tstanding Stu de nts


ou tstanding Ath le te s


Foundat io n


undergraduat e and Alumni N ews


DIrEC tor S Matthew Carter, Tau ’07 George L. Howell, Eta ’55 Richard A. Rasmussen, Upsilon ’72

Im m ED I At E P A S t P r E SI DEN t

The Diamond of Psi Upsilon © 2008 Psi Upsilon Fraternity An Educational Journal


Thomas T. Hanford, Gamma ’62

ho No r A r y l I FE mE mBEr S (P ASt P r ESI DEN tS) Robert L. Kaiser, Zeta ’39 Forrest G. Weeks, Tau ’52-Epsilon Iota

Int e r n a t i o na l o f f i c e

3003 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-571-1833 | FAX: 317-844-5170 e-mail: / website:

executive director: Mark A. Williams, CAE Phi ’76 director of development & alumni Services: Mariann H. Williams, Alpha Delta Pi ’78

director of Chapter Services: Thomas J. Fox, Omicron ’00

Executive, Publication and Editorial Offices: 3003 E. 96th St., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Telephone: 317-571-1833. Life subscription, $20 (included in membership fee); by subscription $1 per year; single copies 50 cents. The Diamond welcomes letters to the editor, alumni news, and obituary notices. All such materials will be published at the discretion of the editor and should include photographs, if appropriate. All photos will be returned at the owner’s request. The Diamond of Psi Upsilon (ISSN 1073-4686) is published by Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Third class postage paid at Midland, Michigan and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send Address changes to The DIAMOND of Psi Upsilon, 3003 E. 96th St., Indianapolis, IN 46240-1357. The Official Publication of Psi Upsilon Fraternity.



Ben Cherrington:

Psi U G a m m a M a k e s i t t o Fe n w a y Pa r k

By Ron Ziemba, Gamma 1964

As Casey Stengel used to say, “You could look it up.” Yes, it’s right there, in the record books, in black and white: On the evening of October 27, 2004, the Boston Red Sox completed an unlikely but inevitable four-game sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals to capture their first World Series championship since 1918. And exactly three years and one day later, the Sox replicated that amazing feat to become the first team in the 21st century to win two world championships.

Ben Cherington, Gamma ’96 (Amherst College)

For Red Sox Nation, the twin series sweeps – a first for Major League Baseball – were heady stuff indeed, following a mere 86 years of frustration. For Ben Cherington, Gamma ’96 (Amherst), World Series success didn’t take quite so long, but was arguably just as sweet. Ben joined the Red Sox in 1998 as a scout in the mid-Atlantic region at the age of 24 – youthful even for a baseball executive. Ben rose through the front-office ranks to his current position, vice president of player personnel for the World Champions. Now, he and his colleagues are enjoying the fruits of their labor.


writing type of person, not oriented to the sciences. To be completely honest, I enjoyed the academic experience there, and I think I gained a lot in terms of how to write and think – skills I use a lot today.” Another aspect of Ben’s positive experience at Amherst was finding and joining the Gamma chapter of Psi Upsilon. “I got to know Psi U my freshman year. A handful of baseball players were brothers, and they invited me to a couple of gatherings” If the baseball team provided a sense of security at Amherst for this small-town guy, Psi U provided another. “I was pretty well prepared for Amherst, but there were times in class early on when I was probably a little intimidated,” he recalls. “The Psi U experience helped me keep my spirits up, and, frankly, helped me buy some time to adjust to the academic load.” Ben believes fraternities definitely have a place in higher education in the 21st century. “Certainly when there’s criticism, it’s centered around the social aspects, partying and the like. But I remember a lot of those parties fondly. And in addition, there are other important aspects of the Psi U experience.

Ben was playing Legion ball when he was spotted by Bill Thurston, Amherst’s legendary baseball coach. The summer after his junior year at Lebanon High, Ben was pitching for the Hartford, Vermont, Post 26 American Legion team.

Some say that the only students who major in English are really smart people who have no clue what they want to do with their lives. But that wasn’t the case with Ben. “By my junior year, I was pretty sure I wanted to work in baseball, in some capacity.”

Ben majored in English at Amherst, with a focus on British literature. “English fit my skill set and my comfort level at the time,” he says. “I am certainly a reading and

But not, as it happens, as a player. Following a good start in Amherst baseball, Ben hurt his shoulder toward the end of his sophomore year. That was the end of any remaining

dreams of becoming a player. “Even before that, I should have known that I would not have a career playing major league baseball,” Ben says. “But after the injury, I knew for sure.” Ben missed most of the baseball season as a junior. Then, instead of pitching in his senior year, he played a little outfield and served as pitching coach. “The playing experience at Amherst didn’t end the way I was hoping it would,” he recalls. “It was during that time that I figured out that I’d have to make a living at this game some other way, off the field.” Ben stayed on as a pitching coach for a year after his graduation while pursuing a master’s degree in sports management nearby at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. “I knew I wanted to get into baseball, but I hadn’t secured a full-time job yet,” he recalls. “I also wanted to coach at Amherst, and this gave me the opportunity to do that.” Ben broke into Major League Baseball in 1998, with the help of Coach Thurston’s widespread contacts in organized baseball and the sizable network of Amherst College graduates working in Major League Baseball. “I’d started following the game closely, so I knew where most of the Amherst guys were working,” Ben recalls. Among the Amherst players Ben met in this way were Dan Duquette, general manager of the Red Sox during the 1990s, and Neal Huntington, who worked for the Montreal Expos, then served as assistant general manager for the Cleveland Indians and is now general manager for the Pittsburgh Pirates. At least 16 former Amherst College players are now working in Major League Baseball. Several of them have not only played under Thurston, but also coached under him. This “Amherst pipeline” probably began with Harry Dalton, who was general

manager of the powerhouse Baltimore Orioles teams that won World Series titles in 1969 and 1971. “There’s been a pretty significant history of Amherst alums working on the front-office side of the game,” Ben notes. Ben’s first job in Major League Baseball came through Neal Huntington, who was then assistant general manager for the Cleveland Indians. Huntington helped Ben get an interview for a full-year internship with the Indians doing video advance scouting. At the end of that year, Dan Duquette called to offer a job with the Red Sox as a scout in the mid-Atlantic region. Ben jumped at the offer and has been there ever since. At the end of the 1999 season, Duquette invited Ben to come to Boston and work in the front office. In Ben’s current position, vice president of player personnel for the World Champion Red Sox, he is charged with “finding the best amateur players, drafting and signing them, and helping them become the best players they can be.” Ben is very high on the Red Sox’ new ownership team of John Henry, Tom Werner and Larry Lucchino. “There’s a similarity between the Red Sox as an organization and Amherst as a college,” he says. “There’s an incredible yearning for information, a thirst for knowledge, an intellectual curiosity that extends to every area of the baseball operations.” There’s also the sense that there is a larger responsibility to the game of baseball, just because it means so much to so many people.” Ben puts it this way: “Those of us who are involved in some small way have a responsibility to try to help the game thrive. This is a very focused effort over 12 months of the year to build a team that has the best chance to succeed, year-in and year-out.”

Ben Cherington and Red Sox assistant general manager, Jed Hoyer with co-owner Larry Lucchino Photographer credit: Julie Cordeiro



John Couture:

P r a cticing Psycholo g y w i t h t h e C l e v e l a n d I n d i a n s

By Ron Ziemba, ’64 (Amherst)

For some people of a certain age, Bristol, Connecticut is perhaps best known for “The Bristol Stomp,” a song made popular by the Dovells in 1961. Bristol is also a town with a number of diverse and vibrant ethnic neighborhoods, and a rich history of industrial innovation. In recent years, it also became a city where factories were being closed down and jobs were being lost.

Weiler explains the first images of the Mars landscape.

John Couture, Gamma ‘92, at spring training with the Cleveland Indians.

For John Couture, Gamma ’92 (Amherst), growing up in Bristol in the 1980s, Bristol was a place to play baseball. And that’s what he did -- in pickup games, Little League (where his dad coached), Bristol High, American Legion and anywhere else he could find a game. And, when he graduated from Bristol High School, “I wanted to go to college to play baseball,” he recalls. “Baseball was my first love.” John is an Amherst College graduate and a member of the Gamma chapter of Psi Upsilon. John is still working in the game he loves -- not as a player, but as a key part of one of the most innovative baseball operations organizations in Major League Baseball. In John’s case, the job title is sports psychologist. In high school, John was a third baseman with a sharp batting eye and some lefthanded power. He achieved notoriety as a 15-year-old high-school freshman on the


city’s popular and well-traveled American Legion team. Beginning in his sophomore year, college baseball coaches came to Bristol to see him play. One of those coaches was Bill Thurston of Amherst College. Plenty of schools were after John, some offering scholarship money. But Bill Thurston knew he had an advantage, because John Couture was not only a solid third baseman and a hitter with promise. He was also a straight-A student who did his homework and studied for tests. “I always wanted to be the best one out there,” John recalls. If I didn’t get a good grade on a test, I’d be mad at myself.” In short, John was internally motivated. John chose Amherst for three reasons: The school’s academic reputation, the opportunity to crack the starting lineup as a freshman, and Bill Thurston. “Coach Thurston was a well respected baseball man,” John says. “He was a teacher of the game, and he had a lot of contacts in professional baseball. He sold me on the school.” “Some of my teachers were kind of stunned when I was accepted at Amherst,” John recalls. “And there was definitely an intimidation factor in the classroom.” But John weathered the storm and graduated in 1992 with a major in psychology. It was John’s four-year roommate and best friend, Stephan Rapaglia, Gamma ’92, who suggested that the two first-year students

attend a Friday-night gathering at the Psi Upsilon fraternity house. “He’d met a guy in Psi U and asked me if I wanted to go to a party on Railroad Street,” John says. “I wasn’t looking to join a fraternity, but once we got to know the people in Psi U, it was such a diverse and active crowd, we thought it was great – upperclassmen, females, athletes, non-athletes, every major you could think of.”

Then came the call. Neal Huntington, a teammate of John’s at Amherst, had just been named director of player development for the Cleveland Indians. Neal had created a new position in his organization, and wanted to talk with John about it. The job was sports psychologist – imparting a full-fledged curriculum in sports psychology to every player in the Indians’ minor league system.

John and Stephan both participated in rushing that fall, and became Psi U pledges. “I didn’t want to be hazed, or told what to do, or looked down on as a pledge,” John recalls. “But they opened their arms and let us in, and they taught us about Psi U. It was a pretty neat experience.”

“That was only ten years ago, but the job was novel in baseball at the time,” John recalls. The Indians have a reputation for being cutting edge in things like that. They were the first team to establish a fulltime position for this.”

John was active in Psi U all four years at Amherst – as rush chair, house chair, vice president, and other offices. “My experience with Psi U was the best that a college student could ever have,” he says. “My best friends from college are all Psi Us.” As a baseball player, John hit over .400 his freshman year and was named the team’s Rookie of the Year. As a senior, he was captain and Most Valuable Player, and won second-team allNew England recognition. But something else happened during John’s senior year: He hurt his throwing arm. Since arm strength is one thing scouts look for in infielders, John knew then that a professional contract, a longshot possibility up to this point, was now out of the question. “And I was okay with that,” he recalls. “I’d already secured a position as a teacher and coach at a prep school in Connecticut, and I was reconciled to not playing professional baseball.” For the next few years, John taught and coached at a series of New England schools (including a year as a Thurston assistant) while he pursued a master’s degree. As he studied, taught and coached, John still thought about Major League Baseball. When John’s wife completed medical school and secured a residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, they moved there. John taught science and coached soccer, basketball and baseball at the Gilman School nearby, enrolled at Towson State, and received a master’s degree in psychology and education a year later.

Working with Dr. Charlie Mahr, the Indians’ senior sports psychologist, who worked primarily with the major league players, John helped develop a sports psychology curriculum -a proactive, scientifically based approach to enhancing players’ performance using mental skills. “In spring training, I meet with small groups of minor league players in a classroom, like a teacher teaching English or math,” John explains. “We talk about mental discipline, focus, self-esteem, accurate evaluation of one’s performance and many other subjects. In addition, I meet with all the minor league players individually in my office. Every player has a different path, but the principles are consistent,” he says. Is it fair to say that some players do not warm to the idea of using psychology to improve performance in a game based largely on instinct? “Some players have doubts at first,” John acknowledges. “But it’s easier when you have players like Grady Sizemore, C.C. Sabathia, Jhonny (CQ) Peralta and others as graduates of the program, now having success at the major league level. That gives the program credibility.” John says he’s worked with about 90 percent of the players on the Indians’ major league club. So John is still a teacher, he loves his job and he just signed a new two-year contract. “I like seeing people I work with improve their performance, maybe because of something I did or said. All those prep schools I taught at were good preparation for what I do today,” he says.

“They opened their arms and let us in, and they taught us about Psi U. It was a pretty neat experience”



165th Convention The 165th Psi Upsilon Convention was held June 27-29 at the International Office in Indianapolis. Below are some highlights. Next summer’s Convention will be June 26-28, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Leadership Institute

Learning to organize, manage, lead, motivate and build consensus results not only in successful chapters but to success in life. At the 2008 Leadership Institute, undergraduates sought to master the four competencies of recruitment success: skills development, product knowledge, audience understanding and motivation. While undergraduates focused on recruitment and retention of new members, alumni addressed the challenges of advising 21st century college students. Alumni advisors discussed the unique nature of this cohort, focusing on its learning preferences, communication tactics and general philosophy, and how it differs from many alumni who find themselves advising chapters.

1833 Club

The historic Columbia Club was the site of the 1833 Club reception. The Columbia Club was established by a contingent of Indianapolis’ most distinguished residents to support Benjamin Harrison in his election as the nation’s 25th president in 1888. Bill Wishard, Delta Delta ’64 (Williams College) talked about the history of the club and downtown Indianapolis while Ted Nelson, Omega ’10 (Chicago) improvised at the piano.

International Office

Psi Upsilon’s rich heritage of documents, journals, photographs and other historical resources were on display at the International Office for the delegates’ visit. Of particular interest was the journal kept by Henry Poor, Gamma ’39 (Amherst), during the summer of 1938 as he travelled New York, New England and the Midwest recruiting for the Gamma chapter. The journal revealed that over a period of 36 days, Henry travelled 5,946 miles on a budget of $200 (exactly). Everyone attending had the opportunity to take up a shovel and add some soil in a tree planting ceremony.


The final banquet recognized those chapters that received awards by the Convention. It also honored Thomas T. Hanford, Gamma ’62 for his service as president of The Psi Upsilon Foundation and Mark D. Bauer, Omega ’83 who ended his term as president of the Executive Council. New Executive Council president James A. Swanke, Jr. Rho ’80 (Wisconsin) welcomed Samuel J. Tinaglia, Omega ’88 (Chicago) the incoming Foundation president and presented Mark with the first Executive Council past president’s medallion.


Civil War-Era Scrapbook Found A few years ago, while scanning eBay for Psi U memorabilia, David A. B. Brown, Epsilon Phi ’66, happened upon an item that seemed too good to be true. A scrapbook from the Psi Chapter (Hamilton College) dating from the late 1850s was available for bidding. David jumped on the chance to acquire the scrapbook and waited anxiously for it to arrive. When it was delivered to his door, he found an amazing book full of letters, programs, chapter reports, receipts and a history of not only the Psi chapter, but of Psi Upsilon Fraternity in the late 19th century. The scrapbook was taken to Harvard, where a team of experts carefully separated the items that had been damaged by time, restored them and placed them in state-of the-art archival pouches. The materials have been donated to the Fraternity’s archives and have been carefully catalogued. Although it has not been determined that any valuable signatures were included in the collection, the project has shed some light on the business of the Fraternity beginning in 1858, during the Civil War, through 1878. Items of note include: • Engraved invitations to conventions hosted by Zeta, Kappa, Psi, Theta and other chapters • Petitions for full chapter status from the Iota, Upsilon, Phi, Pi and Beta Beta chapters as well as discussions pertaining to expansion at Hobart College and Western Reserve • Orders for the 1858 College Catalogue: 47 cents each • Orders for copies of the 1862 Convention records: $4 each • A notice of shipment from American Express dated 1857 • A receipt for the purchase of a chandelier for the Psi Chapter • Countless death notices and letters in memoriam • An act of the Connecticut legislature incorporating the chapter as the Trumbull Trust Association • A report from Brig. Gen. James C. Rice, Beta ’54, on the Battle of the Wilderness (1864) • Requests for members of other fraternities to affiliate with Psi Upsilon • Convention poetry • Expulsions • Sanctions for public intoxication • Convention regrets and replies • Recommendations for membership • Fundraising pledge to the Psi Chapter • A bill for renting a piano in 1869: $9.30 The scrapbook was a memento of the Psi chapter at Hamilton College covering 20 years of Fraternity history. It brings to mind the importance of collecting and storing the history of the chapters today. Websites come and go, and software quickly becomes obsolete. If your chapter doesn’t have a physical scrapbook, encourage your historian to begin collecting significant items

“Encourage your historian to begin collecting significant items now. Don’t let this era of Psi Upsilon wither and fade to cyberdust.”

now. Don’t let this era of Psi Upsilon wither and fade to cyberdust. Psi Upsilon is deeply indebted to David Brown for his thoughtful gift which will give many more generations of Psi U brothers insight into what life was like 150 years ago.


Dartmouth Psi U Earns Pulitzer for Work in China Jake Hooker, Zeta ’95 (Dartmouth) earned a Pulitzer Prize for his stories on toxic ingredients in medicine and other everyday products imported from China, leading to crackdowns by American and Chinese officials. Jake has lived in China for the past eight years, starting as a Peace Corps volunteer. For two years, he taught English at a middle school in Wanxian, a small town along the middle reach of the Yangtze River, near the Three Gorges. In his free time there, he learned Chinese. He published his first newspaper article, about his life in Wanxian, in The Boston Globe in 2001. In 2003, Jake returned to China to work for the Surmang Foundation, a nongovernmental organization that runs a free health clinic for nomads in eastern Tibet. Jake has traveled to most places in China writing about rural life, AIDS, ethnic identity and archaeology. Since 2006, he has contributed research and reporting to a wide range of China coverage for the The New York Times.

Sigma Phi Receives Psi U’s 45th Charter Psi Upsilon’s newest chapter was installed at St. Francis University in Loretto, Pennsylvania, on November 3, 2007. To receive a Psi Upsilon charter, a group must meet 15 standards which ensure the group’s longterm viability. Establishing a detailed budget and recruiting new members, and alumni and faculty advisors are some of the important steps in preparing the case for acceptance. Once the group has met the standards, they prepare a petition which is sent to each chapter and alumni association. According to the Psi Upsilon Constitution, votes must be cast within 20 days. A majority of ‘yes’ votes is required to earn the charter. The last charter granted was given to the Alpha Omicron chapter at NJIT in 1999. St. Francis University is the oldest Franciscan university in the United States. Founded by six Irish friars in 1847, it is home to 2,000 students. Brothers of the Sigma Phi are a diverse group. From varsity athletes and Ultimate Frisbee to the Investment Club and honor societies, the 31 men have varied interests. The St. Francis University Greek Life Advisor, Bobby Anderson, had this to say about the chapter: “These young men have redefined fraternity on our campus. They are the largest fraternity on campus in terms of membership, and they have consistently held the highest academic marks of all the fraternities. They display creativity in how they plan and market their events, and they have shown a strong sense of community through collaborating with other student organizations.” Last year, the Sigma Phi hosted several all campus events including Bouncy Boxing, a campus cleanup, a tag sale and Hunk Fest.

Transformers at the Castle In June, Director Michael Bay, Xi ’86 (Wesleyan) filmed portions of the new Transformers film on the University of Pennsylvania campus including a scene in the Tau chapter and in other locations around southeast Pennsylvania. The Castle was used for a scene at a fraternity party, and a few of the brothers were used as extras. The film is scheduled for release in the summer of 2009. Not to worry, no bids will be offered to Bumblebee, shown at left.


I n Me m o r ia m


“ Wi t h sore and stricken hearts we , today a brother fell.” Losing a brother is never easy, but in the true spirit of Psi Upsilon fellowship, we know that our lost brothers may be gone – but gone does not mean forgotten. To view a list of recently deceased brothers, go to

Robert O. Anderson, Oi l m an f o r t h e D ecades

Robert O. Anderson, Omega ‘39 (University of Chicago), died December 2, 2007, at his home in Roswell, N.M. He was 90. The cause was complications of a fall, his son Phelps Anderson said. According to his obituary in The New York Times, Anderson was an oilman whose Stetson-size accomplishments included building Atlantic Richfield into an industry giant; discovering oil in Alaska; becoming America’s largest rancher; and giving generously to environmental causes. It was Mr. Anderson’s insistence on drilling one more exploratory well on the North Slope in 1967 — after a succession of failures — that led to the discovery of what is still the largest oil field yet found in North America; it has produced billions of barrels of crude and accounts for a fifth of domestic oil production. “It was like winning the Irish Sweepstakes, and the odds were about the same,” Mr. Anderson said in an interview with Forbes in 1993. He told The Los Angeles Times in 1989, “There’s no question that if we hadn’t made a discovery, it would have been the last well drilled on the North Slope for a good many years.” Mr. Anderson also led the seven-company effort to develop the Alaskan oil pipeline in 1974. In 1982, he negotiated the first American offshore drilling operation in China. Even two decades after his retirement and even after Atlantic Richfield was bought by BP seven years ago, Mr. Anderson stood out as perceptive, unpredictable and outspoken. He was an oilman who warned of global warming caused by fossil-fuel consumption in the 1980s, and more than once advocated higher taxes on his industry. He rescued two flailing publications, The Observer, a British newspaper, in 1977, and Harper’s magazine in 1980.

Robert attended the Laboratory Elementary and High Schools of the University of Chicago and went on to a twoyear college program at the university, majoring in economics. During summers, he worked on pipelines in Texas. His goals shifted from architecture to petroleum, and he pored over geology and engineering books to educate himself. After graduating in 1939, he worked for the American Mineral Spirits Company, a subsidiary of Pure Oil. In 1941, his father helped him and his brothers buy a refinery in New Mexico. Over the next 15 years, he bought and improved other refineries in the Southwestern states. He also began wildcatting for new fields, and in 1957 discovered the large Empire-Abo field in southeastern New Mexico. He was not always so lucky: he passed up a lease in Colorado offered for $90,000 that eventually yielded 400 million barrels of oil. “Never look back in this business,” Mr. Anderson said. “If you do, you’ll lose your nerve.” In 1963, Mr. Anderson merged his company into the Atlantic Refining Company of Philadelphia. Two years later, he was chairman and chief executive. He led the company through two mergers, the first with Richfield Oil of Los Angeles, forming Arco, and the second with Sinclair Oil. The combined company was the nation’s seventh-biggest oil company. Mr. Anderson and Thornton F. Bradshaw, Arco’s president, set a goal of becoming less dependent on foreign oil. The Prudhoe Bay find was a huge step in this direction. They also sought to balance Arco’s production, transportation, refining and marketing operations. They disposed of half of the company’s 20,000 gas stations. Mr. Anderson is survived by his wife of 68 years, the former Barbara Herrick Phelps; their daughters, Katherine Denton of Tucson, Maria Anderson, Julia Smith and Beverly Crane, all of Santa Fe, N.M., and Barbara Kryder of Waban, Mass.; their sons, Phelps Anderson of Roswell, N.M., and Robert Bruce Anderson of Albuquerque; 20 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Robert Orville Anderson was born in Chicago on April 13, 1917, to Hugo A. Anderson and the former Hilda Nelson.



P s i Up s i l o n

tA lE N t E D B ro t hEr S o F

Investment advice to fiction to the big screen, Psi U writers are influencing the nation’s readers. wooD worK rECogNIZED By PrESErvAtIoN lEAguE oF Ny Preserving New York: Winning the Right to Protect a City’s Landmarks by Anthony C. Wood, Iota ’76 received recognition from the Preservation League of New York State for his ‘outstanding commitment to the preservation of New York State’s irreplaceable architectural heritage.’ Through his work, Wood tells the story of New York City’s local landmark law (passed in 1965) by uncovering the very things that shaped this famous city – its people, buildings, battles, politics and policies. The book has been hailed as an enlightenment to the entire historic preservation movement. Preserving New York and Wood received a special citation from the Preservation League at its annual meeting on May 15, 2008.


The French film, Tell No One, based on the internationally best selling novel by Harlan Coben, Gamma ’84 (Amherst), may now be seen on this side of the Atlantic. Released in North America in July, the movie featured actors Francois Cluzet, Marie-Josee Croze and Kristin Scott Thomas. New York Times reviewer Stephen Holden wrote, “Tell No One is pure, nasty fun. I watched it twice. It was even better the second time.” Coben’s most recent novel, Hold Tight, was number one on The New York Times Bestseller List in May.


Dizzying Heights, the eighth novel of Bruce Ducker, Zeta ‘60 (Dartmouth) came out in June 2008. A comedy of manners set in Aspen, Dizzying Heights received early and glowing praise, including from the Denver Post: “just the novel for a leisurely beach read... Ducker’s novel guarantees a temporary, giant romp in the privileged playpen of the rich and famous. He also assures the reader that good, clean living and hardworking people can sometimes finish on top.” Ducker’s work has been featured in the nation’s leading literary magazines, including the Yale, Hudson, Sewanee, and Southern Reviews and Poetry. Honors include the Macallan prize and a nomination for the Pulitzer. He attributes his skills to hours of sedulous wool gathering at the Zeta chapter.


BurtoN AND thE thrEE D’S

Bruce A. Burton, Kappa ’67 (Bowdoin College) has recently published The 3 D’s – Democracy, Divinity, and Drama – an Essay on Gender & Destiny. The indexed essay and reference text spans 10,000 years in its study of Gender Balance and the Natural Law origins of Democracy. Similarly, in terms of natural law, the epilogue reveals how the death of Jane McCrea, in a Homeric repetition of history, influenced the American struggle for independence and the rebirth of democracy in America after its disappearance from Athens some 2,000 years earlier.


As a trading coach and financial advisor, Bennett McDowell, Pi ’79 (Syracuse) has used his own proprietary trading system, Applied Reality Trading (ART®) to enhance the performance of his clients’ portfolios. McDowell outlines the unique benefits of his system in The ART of Trading. Readers will discover the importance of simplicity in a trading approach; how to develop “The Trader’s Mindset”; how to use ART technical analysis software; and much more. The ART of Trading will enlighten readers in how to use reality to enrich both their financial portfolio and their own financial psychology.


E. Benjamin Skinner, Xi ’98 (Wesleyan University) published his first book, A Crime So Monstrous, which documents current slave trade throughout the world. As a reporter who lives in Brooklyn, Skinner presents a shocking report on the slavery conditions on five continents.


James Yannes, Theta ’59 (Union College) methodically researched financial data “from a plethora of resources” in order to maximize his investment strategy. Friends frequently asked him to share the information which he has compiled in his first published book, Astonishing Investment Facts and Wisdom, a 5-Year Retrospective.

tAu BrothEr IS NAtIoNAl FItNESS ExPErt Jim Karas, Tau ’83 (Penn) realized while still an undergraduate that his fitness level was less than acceptable. At Penn, he smoked until the day he found himself out of breath while climbing stairs at the Castle. After graduating and working on Wall Street for a few years, he found the pounds were sneaking up on him. To rid himself of the extra weight, Jim joined the running craze of the ’90s only to find that, despite logging miles of strenuous running, he didn’t lose weight. According to Jim, cardio training is not the answer to weight loss or fitness. He developed a four-phase program that emphasizes interval strength training to boost metabolism. Jim does a fitness segment on Good Morning America and has a personal training business in Chicago and New York


O u t s tandin g S t u den t s

Cha pte rs Ch oose O u tstan din g Ju n ior s of


Every year, each chapter is asked to select a Junior who exemplifies and shows commitment to the values of Psi Upsilon. Those selected as Outstanding Juniors are awarded an alumni key and certificate, courtesy of the Psi Upsilon Foundation. 2007 OUTS TA N D I N G J U N I ORS

Theta (Union College) | Edward Hancock

Omega (University of Chicago) | Evan Cudworth

Epsilon Nu (Michigan State University) | Cecil Queen

Gamma (Amherst College) | Laura Vincent

Pi (Syracuse University) | William Boyan, Jr.

Gamma Tau (Georgia Inst. of Technology) | Elijah James O`Rear

Zeta (Dartmouth College) | Lee Murtha

Chi (Cornell University) | Matthew Dubbioso

Chi Delta (Duke University) | Gregory Filpus

Lambda (Columbia University) | Roman Stolper

Beta Beta (Trinity College) | Rhoden Brad Monrose

Epsilon Iota (Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.)| Adam Neisius

Psi (Hamilton College) | Kevin Osborne

Eta (Lehigh University) | Ryan Vernooy

Phi Delta (Mary Washington College) | Joseph Cirenza

Xi (Wesleyan University) | Tristan Tully

Tau (University of Pennsylvania) | Aaron E. Jacobson

Lambda Sigma (Pepperdine University) | Justin Harper

Upsilon (University of Rochester) | Peter Iwanowic

Omicron (University of Illinois) | Mark Baker

Alpha Omicron (NJIT) | Carlo Togonon

Iota (Kenyon College) | Eric Olmstead

Theta Theta (University of Washington) | Luke Keel

Sigma Phi (St. Francis) | Benjamin Waksmunski

Phi (University of Michigan) | Hiro Sato

Zeta Zeta (University of British Columbia) | Matt Poirier

Keene State Colony | Angelo Liberatore

2 007 EXCE P T IO N AL


Griffin Awards for Senior Excellence

This award recognizes members of the senior delegation who have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to Psi U during their senior year. The purpose of the award is to maintain and encourage involvement by undergraduate brothers in their final academic year and to stimulate involvement with the chapter. Gamma (Amherst College) | Jesse Corradi

Epsilon Nu (Michigan State University) | Michael Omlor

Zeta (Dartmouth College) | Jonathan Scherr

Gamma Tau (Georgia Inst. of Technology) | Austin Maillette Klaus

Upsilon (University of Rochester) | Chris Bell

Chi Delta (Duke University) | Brandon Noia

Omega (University of Chicago) | Eric Vazquez

Lambda Sigma (Pepperdine University) | Scott Varner

Beta Beta (Trinity College) | Chris Stoekle

Alpha Omicron (NJIT) | Jonathan B Kahn

Eta (Lehigh University) | Jeremy K. McKeon

Sigma Phi (St. Francis) | Daniel Domenick

Theta Theta (University of Washington) | Joey Forgette

Delta Nu provisional (Keene State) | Nicole Trottier

Zeta Zeta (University of British Columbia) | Masoud Safarin











Baseball Psi (Hamilton College) Gideon Clark ’09, Max Foster ’10 Xi (Wesleyan University) Jeff Bizinkauskas ‘10, James Hounsell ‘11, Alex Early ‘09 Omega (University of Chicago) Chris Bloszies ‘08 Beta Beta (Trinity College) Sean Killean ‘09 (c), Kent Graham ‘10 Basketball Iota (Kenyon College) Josh Klinger ‘08 (c) Crew Xi (Wesleyan University) Brian Studwell ‘09, Derek Silverman ‘09, George Bennum ‘09, Eric Spierer ‘10, Max Perel-Slater ‘11, Andy Heckel ‘11 Chi (Cornell University) James Janowski ‘08, Drew Bridges ‘09, Ryan Coyne’10, Beta Beta (Trinity College) Alex Phillips ’09 Phi Delta (University of Mary Washington) James Platner ‘10, Dan Smith ‘10 Diving Eta (Lehigh University) Alan Zaniewski ‘11 Football Gamma (Amherst College) Taylor Brown ‘09 Psi (Hamilton College) Matt Chandler ’08, Max Foster ‘10, John Lawrence ‘10, Brian O’Malley ‘10, Rob Gannon ‘10,

Iota (Kenyon College) Dan Runnals ‘10 Beta Beta (Trinity College) Ben Gascoigne ‘10 Tau (University of Pennsylvania) Drew Goldsmith ‘10 Field Hockey Gamma (Amherst College): Christa Porcaro ‘08, Caki Guinee ‘09, Liz Tepe ‘10, Molly Malloy’10. Golf Gamma (Amherst College): Jesse Corradi ‘08, Cornelius Banta ‘10 Zeta (Dartmouth College): Alex Abate ‘09, John Mitchell ‘08 Upsilon (University of Rochester): Jon Pecor ‘09 Beta Beta (Trinity College): Josh Biren ‘09 (c), David Anderson ‘10 Hockey Psi (Hamilton College) Joe Buteau ’08, Kyle Roulston ’09 (c), Travis Blood ‘09, Jake Davis ‘09, Kevin Osborne ‘09, Jared Leslie ‘09, Jerome Wallace ‘10, Rob Gannon ‘10, Brian O’Malley ‘10 Beta Beta (Trinity College) Derek Chase ‘09, Joe Hanson ‘10, Richard Holstein ‘10, Ryan Crapser ‘10, John Carter ‘10 Tau (University of Pennsylvania) Daniel O’Brien ‘10 Theta Theta (University of Washington) Robert Maxwell ‘08 (c), Joey Forgette ‘08, Corey Jewett ‘08

Lacrosse Theta (Union College) Jon Miller ’08 (c), Dane Jorgensen ’08 (c), Christopher Miller ’09, Dana Lasher ‘08 Gamma (Amherst College) William Ferrer ’08 (c), Brett Larson ‘08 Psi (Hamilton College) Carl Gruss ‘08, Dave Paseternak ’08, Austin Deyo ‘09, Alex Hodgens ‘09 Iota (Kenyon College) Fred Kridler ‘08 (c), Bob Dignazio ‘08 (c), Adam Szczepanski ‘10, Drew Damskey ‘10, Brett Fuller ‘09, Jordan Zimolka ‘10, Devin Catlin ‘09, Dave Page ‘09, John Crain ‘10, Adam Toltzis ‘10 Women’s Lacrosse Gamma (Amherst College) Caki Guinee ‘09 Rugby Upsilon (University of Rochester) Scott Hughey ’08, Michael Pavlak ’08, Kevin Bley ‘09 Phi Delta (University of Mary Washington) Daniel Kaufman ‘10

Iota (Kenyon College) JJ Perry ‘09 Omega (University of Chicago) Drew Marshall ‘10, Jan-Michael Guerra ‘10, Edgar Friloux ‘10, Joseph FariasEisner ‘10, Alex Clifford ‘11, Corey Herrick ‘11 Sigma Phi (Saint Francis University) Darius Motazed ‘11 Women’s Soccer Gamma (Amherst College) Heather Nowak (c) ‘08, Kate Moriarty ‘09, Cami Farkas ‘10 Squash Gamma (Amherst College): Mark Rapisarda ‘08 (c), Brad Corbin ‘09 Nick Kramer ‘10 , Cornelius Banta ‘10 Xi (Wesleyan University) JZ Golden ‘08 (c), Benjie MessingerBarnes ‘09 (c), Tyler Snell ‘09 , Dan Charness ‘10 , Nate Fowles ‘10 , Matt Candal ‘11 Chi (Cornell University) Ian Holton ‘10 Beta Beta (Trinity College) John Lingos-Webb ‘09

Beta Beta (Trinity College) Ben Bernstein ‘10 Phi Delta (University of Mary Washington) – Austin Cobb ‘08, Douglas Lockwood ‘10 Tennis Theta (Union College) Trey Minter ‘08 (c) Xi (Wesleyan University) Graham Immerman ‘09, Jaafar Rizvi ‘09 Omega (University of Chicago) Garret Brinker ‘10, Mark Bonner ‘11 Beta Beta (Trinity College) Spencer Feldman ‘10 Track & Field Xi (Wesleyan University) Derek Kuwahara ‘09, Brad Litchfield ‘09, Mike Moody ‘10, Bo Jung ‘10 Upsilon (University of Rochester) Justin Papariella ‘08, Tyler Stapleton ’08, Brian Kraftschik ‘09, Brian Willsey ‘09, Steven Rosen ‘10 Omega (University of Chicago) John Hackert ‘09, Patrick Kane ‘11

Sailing Zeta (Dartmouth College) Ben Samson ‘08 (c), Luke Hathaway ‘08, Andrew Geffken ‘08, Ben Bier ‘10 (c), Phil Woram ‘10 , Matty Cohen ‘10 Skiing Zeta (Dartmouth College) Tyler Luthringer ‘10 Soccer Gamma (Amherst College) Ryan O’Donnell ’08 (c), Taylor Downs ‘08 (c), John Kneeland ‘08 (c), Rory O’Connor ‘09, Jake Duker ‘09, Grayson Holland ‘09, Mark Crane ‘10, Reid Wilson ‘10

Women’s Squash Gamma (Amherst College) Libby Martin ‘08 (c), Moriah Donelan ‘08 Swimming Zeta (Dartmouth College) Andrew Berry ‘08 (c), Drew Wenzel ‘08, Joe Braunruether ‘08 , Gordon Russel ‘08, Porter Diehl ‘09 (c), Doug Nelson ‘10, Scott Sorensen ‘10, Cary Staphopolos ‘10

Tau (University of Pennsylvania) Adam Silverschotz ‘11 Volleyball Gamma (Amherst College) Whitney Kouvares (c) ‘08, Claire HoltonBasaldua ‘09, Alison Munzer ‘09 Wrestling Beta Beta (Trinity College) Chris Dibona ‘10

Chi (Cornell University) Alexander Dobrolioubov ‘10, Anthony Mironov ‘10


Foundati o n


t o Psi Up silo n

Mission Statement

United in friendship, Psi Upsilon members aspire to moral, intellectual and social excellence in themselves as they seek to inspire these values in society.

Values Statement

Intellectual engagement

Psi Upsilon unites its members in a diverse brotherhood of firm and enduring friendship that will last a lifetime.

Psi Upsilon fosters individual and chapter support for the academic mission of the college and creates opportunities for co-curricular learning and personal development.

Moral leadership

Responsible social conduct

Lifelong friendship

Psi Upsilon’s system of self-governance nurtures development of mature decision-making, individual responsibility and moral leadership.

Psi Upsilon’s members are guided by principles of responsibility, civility and courtesy. Service to society

Psi Upsilon encourages service to college, community, country and Fraternity.

2 0 0 7

A n n ua l

G i v i n g

L e v e l s

Founders’ society President’s Circle:

$5,000 and above


$2,500 – $4,999


$1,000 – $2,499


$500 – $999


$250 – $499

Anniversar y Club:

$174 – $249

Other Donors:

$1 – $173

On the following pages, Psi Upsilon is pleased to recognize donors who made unrestricted contributions to the 2007 Annual Fund. 14

2007 Annual Fund Theta Chapter Union College

Gold $500 - 999 ^Richard R. Sewell ’50 Albert H. H. Stevenson ’36 (16)

Silver $250 - 499 George W. Redder ’79 (28)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Thomas D. Richardson, Jr. ’76 (15)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Louis W. Booth ’55 (35) William D. Brinnier, III ’50 (3) ^Kirkham R. Cornwell, Jr. ’67 (4) ^Brian P. Geraghty ’92 (15) Richard B. Havill ’55 (3) Ian G. MacDonald ’55 (4) ^H. Richard McLane ’58 (3) ^Craig F. Mitchell ’46 (6) ^Ting-Pau Oei ’68 (23) ^Richard F. Philipp ’50 (2) ^Bruce Pirnie ’57 ^George F. Redington ’52 ^James A. Yannes, PhD ’59 (19)

Delta Chapter

New York University

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 Herman R. Staudt ’46 (20)

Gold $500 - 999

Dennis W. Kuntz ’74 (10) ^Thomas W. Meagher ’77 ^Louis S. Menyhert ’75 Jeffrey S. Neubauer ’78 (19) William Gerard Patterson, Sr. ’51 (2) Richard A. Riddle, Jr. ’70 (17) ^Kavneet Singh Sethi ’08 Eric W. Simons ’80 (28) ^John S. Skillman ’46 (2) J. Anthony Terrell ’65 (11) Edmond F. Thompson ’88 (15) Alan Wilk ’82 (21)

Sigma Chapter

Brown University

Silver $250 - 499 ^P. Tapley Stephenson, Jr. ’53 (12)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Jerome S. Cline ’56 Charles Flather, USN(Ret.) ’56 (14) Henry Oliver Johnston ’58 (32) ^Paul A. Lang, Jr. ’88 (16) James Millar ’65 (3) William W. Porter ’62 (22) Allen G. Powning ’57 (9) John S. Ramaker, Sr. ’54 (4)

Gamma Chapter Amherst College

^Eldred A. Halsey, Jr. ’58 (13)

Diamond $2,500 - 4,999

Silver $250 - 499

^J. Martin Brayboy ’84 (24) Henry B. Poor ’39 (35)

^Peter H. Bach ’59 (8) ^Thomas J. Gawlik ’77 (5) ^Richard L. Kohlhausen ’67 (4) Thomas A. Leghorn, Esquire ’77 (32) ^Raymond J. Matelli ’52 (20) ^Ralph W. Muschett ’53 ^Roman G. Ptakowski ’70 (9) ^Salvatore J. Saggio ’56 (11) Edgar S. Van Buren ’36 (14)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 Barry T. Brett ’85 (8) ^David W. Harold ’74 (10) ^Wesley K. Kaplow ’83 (2) ^Chris Kyriakides ’82 ^P. Gregory McCarthy ’52 (6)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^James R. Artes, Jr. ’82 (25) ^Oliver P. Beckwith, PE ’34 Robert A. Bednar ’68 (4) ^Daniel E. Cassidy ’58 (2) ^Peter J. Englander ’85 (21) ^John F. Ferraro ’62 William P. Fitzpatrick ’52 (2) Augustus J. Fiume ’65 (4) Allen F. Flanders ’51 (22) Daniel P. Geary ’84 (3) Jorge L. Gonzalez ’90 (5) ^Robert W. Greenleaf ’43 Robert N. Grossman ’84 (19) ^Cesar A. Grullon ’90 (17) Robert F. Joyce ’58 (10) ^Robert H. Kotter ’63 (14)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499

Don or s by C h apter

David A. Downes ’73 (9) David M. Feren ’94 (6) ^Gilbert A. Fields ’62 Christopher M. Gargiulo ’98 (5) Timothy Arthur Gutknecht ’90 (4) Edmond H. Heisler, USAF (Ret.) ’42 (5) Arthur C. Henshaw ’64 (5) ^Claire Artemis Holton-Basaldua ’09 Clark C. King, III ’78 (14) James E. Krueger ’81 (4) Allan S. Lerner ’51 (11) W. Barry Mallon ’44 (26) ^George D. Marshall ’62 ^John Dickinson McGavic, MD ’57 John W. McGrath ’51 (25) David H. Means ’50 (5) David McMaster Mehney ’91 (16) Richard G. Minutillo ’67 (12) Roger A. Neuhoff ’50 (23) ^Daniel A. Norton ’87 (18) John Francis Harlan Ong ’82 (25) ^Frederick Y. Peters ’42 William S. Pfeiffer, PhD ’69 (4) ^Lee P. Ralph, M.D. ’83 ^John A. Richmond, USA ’71 Shawn Roman ’93 (3) ^Harry C. Rubicam ’53 (5) ^E. Markley Schellenger, Jr. ’55 ^Mark D. Stevens ’84 (3) ^Peter R. Szekely ’65 (3) ^Tyler S. Wick ’93 (4) ^Lyle J. Wilpon ’88 (3) ^Ronald Stanley Ziemba ’64 (2)

Thomas T. Hanford ’62 (13) ^F. Hampton McFadden, Jr. ’84 ^Stephen R. Pflaum ’62

Zeta Chapter

Gold $500 - 999

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499

Miner D. Crary, Jr. ’42 (35) Peter B. Evensen ’80 (5) David A. Taft ’79 (10) ^Lawrence R. Vitale ’84

^Dewey B. Crawford ’63 (13)

Silver $250 - 499

Silver $250 - 499

^Guy Alwyn Bramble ’69 (9) James A. Corrigan ’49 (10) ^Robert J. Dwyer ’69 (5) ^Charles S. P. Hodge ’68 (4) ^John C. O’Malley, Jr. ’86

^Jonathan P. Grussing ’85 (4) L. Mikael Salovaara ’75 (21) William H. Spoor ’46 (3) ^Earnest W. Wotring ’88 (19)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^William A. Broadhead, II ’75 (12) ^James J. Chester ’84 Peter Dudan ’43 (3) ^Nathaniel R. Potter, Jr. ’49 (2) ^Stephen P. Rounds, Jr. ’81 (22)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Jeffrey R. Beach ’86 (3) ^Brian P. Beebe ’93 ^Daniel M. Bernstein ’83 ^Robert J. Bird, Jr. ’90 Joan R. Brewster ’86 (9) John Brodhead, Jr. ’40 (2) John D. Caldwell ’63 (2) Philip R. Chase, Jr. ’58 (15) Cushing J. F. Donelan ’05 (5)

Dartmouth College

Gold $500 – 999 Henry C. Beck ’38 (8) Robert L. Kaiser ’39 (31)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 William H. Mathers ’35 (37)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Colborn M. Addison ’54 (32) ^Walter M. Bird, III ’80 (25) Robert Lewis Callender ’53 (13) ^David M. Carroll ’42 John G. Colon ’82 (3) Abbott C. Combes, III ’41 (9) Yale Fillingham ’06 (2) ^David M. Gleason ’54 Harry E. Griffith, Jr. ’79 (2) ^Michael T. Holick ’02 (4) Michael L. Huffman ’77 (5) Robert F. Hunger ’86 (10) John T. Kaplan ’82 (4) R. Putnam Kingsbury ’35 (25)

^J. Bart Littlefield ’80 ^Brian Lloyd ’08 ^Charles M. Logan ’63 (8) Ian B. McColough ’78 (2) ^Christopher P. Melocik ’81 ^Joshua Charles Pence ’04 Elliott H. Sisson ’56 (4) ^Jonathan W. Taylor ’00 (7) Morton G. Thalhimer, Jr. ’46 (4) Christopher M. Wiedenmayer ’63 (2) ^Whitney M. Williams ’50

Lambda Chapter

Columbia University

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 Charles J. Aitcheson ’56 (25) Murray L. Eskenazi ’56 (4)

Gold $500 - 999 ^Louis Brusco, Jr. MD ’81 (5) John L. Giddings ’62 (15)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Charles C. Abut ’69 (2) Robert J. Alpino ’80 (20) ^Paul S. Blaer ’00 (8) William D. Colby ’68 (7) ^Nicholas Csonka, Jr. ’52 (4) Matt Disney ’06 (2) Henry Donaghy ’53 (3) ^Aaron M. Frankel ’97 Robert A. Gadjo, USMC ’86 (5) Alfred L. Ginepra, Jr., PhD ’55 (8) Jack D. Hollister ’63 (3) ^Jerome Jontry ’98 William G. Lancellotti, Jr. ’52 (5) George C. Muscillo ’54 (15) ^Richard J. Proctor, CPA, CVA ’63 (32) ^David M. Shofi ’88 Harold Lloyd Thomas ’84 (21) Floyd E. Vasquez ’90 (2) Ronald K. Williams ’62 (4)

Kappa Chapter

Bowdoin College

Other Donors $1 - 173 Thomas C. Casey ’51 (4) ^David S. Coleman ’54 (2) ^Merrill G. Hastings, Jr. ’44 Robert Edward Hayes, Jr. ’68 (13) ^Stephen B. Lang ’70 Jordan Shields ’98 (9) ^Kirby R. Thwing ’40

Psi Chapter

Hamilton College

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 John E. Becker, II ’61 (36)

Gold $500 - 999 ^R. Scott Atwater ’76 (25) Robert Job, III ’58 (11)


Silver $250 - 499 ^John M. Driscoll, Jr. ’58 ^Christopher N. Kilbourne ’78 (2) ^Nicholas B. Ramond ’90 (3) ^Jack Withiam, Jr. ’71 (4)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Robin R. Mancuso ’81 (2) Hadley S. Roe ’60 (21) ^Francis N. Wright ’48 (36)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^William D. Baxter ’68 ^Powell A. Benedict, III ’83 ^William E. Billings, MD ’58 Gary E. Bisbee, CFA ’97 (2) William W. Cate ’52 (5) William S. Easton ’58 (14) ^Andrew M. Fischer ’81 (2) ^John Gray ’37 (2) ^Hiram F. Greene ’49 (18) William W. Hamilton ’70 (35) ^Anthony R. Kuolt ’46 (4) ^Alexander Linton ’06 ^J. Terence MacAvery ’72 (2) John K. McClennan ’43 (36) Warren Edward Moore ’49 (20) ^Scott W. Newman ’81 (3) ^Ralph Oman ’62 William Dutton Pettit, III ’02 (7) ^Walter G. Robinson ’35 Ronald Bruce Roth ’72 (2) ^Albert A. Vollmer, DDS, ABO ’52 (2) Albert J. Wright, III ’49 (10)

Edward H. Letteron ’55 (3) ^Neal R. Miller ’78 (10) Lee C. Milstein ’00 (6) Robert J. Pizzutiello, Jr. ’77 (8) Paul B. Schatz ’88 (7) Frederick B. Schudel ’56 (36) Richard D. Sherwood ’56 (5) ^Steven Silverberg ’64 ^Vay Stonebraker ’41 ^Alex C. Strasenburgh ’88 (8) ^Charles H. Wadhams, Jr. ’50 (3) Edward H. Walworth, Jr. ’37 (5) Frederic J. Washburn ’84 (2) John M. Wermuth ’50 (10)

Iota Chapter

Kenyon College

Gold $500 - 999 ^Ian Rowan ’94

Silver $250 - 499 ^Robin S. Stefan ’74 (9)

Other Donors $1 - 173

Wesleyan University

Gold $500 - 999

Robert K. Belt, Jr. ’51 (7) David M. Bogle ’51 (31) ^Robert R. Raymond Branen ’49 (3) Douglas W. Downey ’51 (30) Jonathan Peter Flaherty ’00 (8) John Philip Jayme, II ’50 (2) Scott Gary McGinnis ’77 (14) ^David Adam Neiman ’05 Charles R. Stires, Jr. ’68 (4) ^John B. Templeton, Jr. ’59 Richard A. Urankar ’78 (3) ^Scott A. Walters ’89 ^Peter V. Young ’58 (3)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499

David E. Gosling ’63 (25) Stuart Emmett Norris ’55 (32)

Phi Chapter

Xi Chapter

Donald G. Dunn ’48 (23) ^Harold C. Ochsner, Jr. ’57 (6)

Gold $500 - 999 ^Stephen V. Nietupski ’96 (12) William K. Phillips ’59 (33)

Silver $250 - 499 Carlyle F. Barnes ’48 (35) ^Paul A. Buckovich ’87 (6) Warren L. Hall ’37 (2) ^Buba Manneh ’95 Jeffrey V. Phelon ’82 (21)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Daniel J. Brugioni ’78 (6) ^William M. Claybaugh ’54 (22) James A. Richards ’54 (31) Kurt N. Schwartz ’78 (6)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Richard Warren Adams ’85 (6) ^Jan Ingham Berlage, Esq. ’92 (5) William C. Bixby ’56 (3) Cyrus Bryden ’97 (10) ^Ian M. Cornell ’00 (8)

KEY: Consecutive years of giving are listed in parentheses after the donor’s name. ^Indicates an increased gift from 2006 to 2007.


Charles G. Danzoll ’58 (3) James van B. Dresser ’63 (13) Homer W. Eckerson ’53 (7) Donoson E. FitzGerald ’42 (21) Joshua N. Goldin ’00 (6) ^Herbert Grandage, III ’43 John S. Harris ’93 (8) ^David M. Hedges ’62 (2) ^Edwin M. Higgins, Jr. ’53 Robert Jaunich, II ’61 (9) Eric J. Krasnoo ’84 (11) Kevin M. Kumler ’99 (3) Charles K. Loving ’48 (16) Dennis M. Mahoney ’87 (10) ^Benjamin Messinger-Barnes ’09 (2) Howard R. Morgan ’61 (5) Bradley Kevin Moss ’80 (21) ^Jason Lee Pinter ’03 Michael A. Pruzan ’87 (20) ^Russell W. Robertson ’61 Gary Sidor ’91 (10) Dale D. Sutton ’50 (12) ^Kenneth W. Travis ’57 Matthew L. Tuccillo ’95 (12) Thomas J. Ullian ’82 (4) ^Charles J. Van Tassel ’44 (3) Robert R. Vickrey ’47 (3) ^Richard C. Whiteley ’62 (30) John R. Wiseman, III ’86 (5)

Upsilon Chapter

University of Rochester

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 David A. Bamel ’82 (21)

Silver $250 - 499 ^Ronald A. Antinarelli ’69 ^Michael Paul Jenks ’72 (6) Eugene L. Mascoli ’58 (5) W. C. Brian Peoples ’55 (29) Richard A. Rasmussen, EdD ’72 (9) ^John B. Stevens, III ’72 (35) Edward W. Topping ’61 (2) Other Donors $1 - 173 ^John F. Barnes ’81 Andrew DiPierno Bosco ’91 (3) Donald J. Brady ’55 (8) James S. Capellupo, Jr. ’99 (8) ^Brooks W. Chandler ’77 (2) ^Timothy J. Costello ’77 (30) ^Dean C. Crebbin ’58 (15) ^S. Anthony DeDeyn ’55 Richard H. Deerhake ’67 (28) Gregory John Elberfeld ’83 (12) Edward G. Elze, Jr. ’76 (5) John R. Fisk, Esq. ’62 (10) Peter John Fredrickson ’51 (12) William H. Hall ’72 (35) ^Gary W. Hartman ’61 Howard H. Hennington ’35 (31) Richard J. Hopkins ’61 (13) ^Donald W. W. Hutchings ’61 ^Bruce W. Jackson ’85 ^Keith K. Kaneko ’63 Robert J. Kanka ’49 (25) Edward Kennedy ’51 (26) Alan R. Klibanoff ’71 (3) James R. Korinek ’76 (3)

University of Michigan

Diamond $2,500 - 4,999 Robert H. Hamilton ’68 (11)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 Mark A. Williams ’76 (30)

Gold $500 - 999 Bruce W. Blakeman ’83 (10) ^Michael J. Callahan ’61 (8) ^Adam Filkin ’99 ^John H. Logie ’61 (31) John S. Slavens ’50 (23) ^Edwin A. Spence, Jr. ’58 (4)

Silver $250 - 499 James A. Everett, DDS ’79 (6) Jeffrey Herman, MD ’78 (24) ^David D. Joswick ’66 David M. Pitcher ’67 (4) ^L. Norris Post ’44 (7) Alan D. Ray ’80 (12) Samuel S. Stewart, III ’57 (5) John Hyde Williams, MD ’50 (16) Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Robert D. Dunbar ’53 (5) ^Theodore Poindexter Emerson ’56 (2) Stewart W. Kirchner ’64 (32) Frederic Schneider ’64 (2) ^Douglas L. Short ’77 (29)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Albert O’B. Andrews, Jr. ’63 (5) John H. Arbuckle ’51 (32) ^Joseph A. Assenmacher, MD ’91 ^Anthony S. Bandyk ’51 ^James E. Bates ’79

Peter J. Bill ’77 (12) ^Paul W. Bush, PharmD ’76 (30) Mark A. Bush ’80 (23) ^Nicholas Y. Chang ’03 (5) ^Donald W. Cline, Jr. ’86 ^Jason Clyne ’99 (4) ^Lawrence J. Coman, Jr. ’45 Michael C. Fee ’90 (15) Milton M. Fenner, Jr. ’35 (7) ^Bruce C. Galen ’87 ^Don B. Gill, Jr. ’88 (19) Harold R. Hansen, Jr. ’76 (31) ^Carl Bruno Heller ’54 Derek Hrzek ’05 (2) ^Harold C.L. Jackson, Jr. ’50 (3) Frederick D. Johnson, Jr. ’51 (2) William J. Kodros, Jr. ’64 (10) Joseph B. Krauss, DDS ’80 (4) Robert E. La Joie ’48 (6) Charles S. Lee, Jr. ’83 (11) Edwin R. Leonard ’72 (2) Lawrence W. Littig ’60 (33) Robert A. Lynch ’51 (2) ^Bruce J. Maguire, Jr. ’53 Paul E. McCreadie ’95 (13) William McPherson, V ’71 (2) Robert D. McTaggart ’75 (3) ^Robert P. Mulligan ’48 (11) Joseph L. Murphy, III ’83 (2) ^Jeffrey T. Neilson ’76 Donald Frederick Nelson ’52 (17) ^Ian D. Pesses ’76 (2) ^David M. Probst ’60 (11) ^Richard S. Ratcliff ’52 (7) ^Kyle E. Rossler ’72 (26) ^Harrold J. Rust, Jr. ’52 (16) ^Arthur August Schupp, Jr. ’49 Stephen William Shanks ’91 (16) ^Mark D. Strait ’85 ^John D. Sweet ’85 ^Craig S. Wall ’72 Mark M. Wenner, Esq. ’66 (4) ^Timothy Andrew Whims ’80 ^Lonny Zietz ’65

Omega Chapter

University of Chicago

President’s Circle $5,000 + ^Louis T. Hanover ’87 Samuel J. Tinaglia ’88 (20) ^Charles A. Werner, CPA ’55 (7)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^Farzad Alvi ’88 Mark D. Bauer ’83 (24) H. Andrew Brownfield, III ’88 (3) ^Manuel J. Chaknis, MD ’85 (2) ^Anthony J. Diamandakis ’97 ^John McGinn ’90 (6)

Gold $500 - 999 ^Anthony Chedid ’97 William S. Gray, III ’48 (35) ^Brad Gupta ’87 (2) David E. Johnsen, M.D. ’79 (12) ^Jonathan E. Persky, Esquire ’85 (14) ^Dean Pontikes ’85 (20) Max J. Puyanic ’01 (3)

Silver $250 - 499 ^Edward N. Bell ’37 (32) ^Roni Dersovitz ’83 (2) ^James A. Graf ’87

^Robert E. Gutmann ’60 (4) ^Matthew Pierce Hanson ’01 (6) ^Roger A. Hunt ’87 Clayton S. Rose ’80 (4) ^Gai Y. Walny ’03 (7) Martin M. Zenni, II, MD ’82 (25)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Vijay Chokalingham ’99 ^Paul R. Nemeth ’74

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Searle J. Barry ’44 Mark S. Beaubien ’43 (5) ^Mark B. Bennett ’99 ^Spencer C. Boise ’51 (4) Judson T. Bradford ’51 (29) Steven P. Bratek ’03 (3) ^John L. Corliss ’00 (2) ^Michael J. Crane ’79 George W. Davis ’66 (14) Gerald P. Gehman ’61 (26) Henry E. Halladay ’61 (14) Julian R. Hansen ’52 (3) ^Hubert C. Huebl ’52 (29) ^Douglas M. Jackman ’89 (9) ^Louis M. Kerpan, Jr. ’85 (2) ^Ashton Stevens Krug ’50 (19) ^Anthony Anson Kuznik ’87 (3) ^John D. Lyding ’48 ^Richard P. Matthews, II ’42 (6) Jack D. McCarthy, MD ’48 (23) ^Matthew McCrea ’09 ^Jonathan Morse ’01 (7) ^Adam John Park ’93 (3) ^David T. Pauletti ’92 George G. Polak ’77 (4) Albert E. Schmus, Jr. ’41 (4) ^Brian J. Sullivan ’84 H. Eugene Swantz, Jr. ’48 (13) Craig E. Tuckman ’83 (18) Larry G. Wooddell ’72 (8)

Pi Chapter

Syracuse University

President’s Circle $5,000 + ^John T. Calkins ’49 (17)

Diamond $2,500 - 4,999 William G. Cavanagh, Esq. ’72 (15)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^John J. Schantz ’58 (34) Richard T. Willard ’69 (19)

Gold $500 - 999 ^Michael Novakovic ’55 (26) ^John. Hurlimann Ruhle, Jr. ’70 (22) John F. Thomas ’66 (37)

Silver $250 - 499 Reynolds du Pont, Jr. ’69 (12) Robert B. Hazard, Sr. ’51 (10) ^Nelson J. Leidner, Jr. ’70 (18) ^Steven J. Slutsky ’78 (23) ^Winston Weber ’62 (35)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 James A. Carlson ’82 (3) ^Dudley Dohring Few ’60 (20) ^Richard B. Downing ’47 James C. Hamer ’59 (6) Richard M. Hilliker ’56 (2) ^Kenneth R. LaVoy, Jr. ’43 (30) ^Donald Gordon Piper ’57 (35) Morris S. Weeden ’41 (36)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Marc J. Bouthillier ’80 ^Robert M. Brown ’54 ^David F. Cann ’00 ^Donald B. Carpenter ’53 William G. Chapin ’78 (22) Peter M. Chynoweth ’86 (10) ^Edward M. Crichton ’51 (5) ^Richard D. Dadey, Jr. ’80 ^Carlo R. J. de Rosa ’57 (4) ^Mark Graham DiPasquale ’88 (19) ^James David Graham ’61 (2) ^M. Charles Hatch, Jr. ’58 ^Richard J. Jackowski, DDS ’85 (19) ^David Luce Jeffery ’58 (2) ^Boyd McDowell, II ’47 (25) ^Robert J. McEwen, Jr. ’67 ^William Alexander Morrison ’45 ^Brian J. Orange ’89 George H. Reifenstein, Jr. ’72 (31) ^Sean Rooney ’08 Gary W. Rose ’73 (5) ^John R. Russ ’62 (3) Gordon P. Schopfer ’38 (19) Harold Richard Spriggs ’50 (6) Douglas M. Sweeny, Jr. ’90 (2) ^James V. Tapscott ’78 Peter N. Woodberry ’69 (21)

Chi Chapter

Cornell University

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^Joseph B. Moore ’68 (4)

Silver $250 - 499 ^James C. Morgan ’60 (5) Larry J. Skoczylas ’78 (17) Stanton F. Weissenborn ’49 (29)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 William I. Stoddard ’36 (10) ^James Vaughn ’38

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Jason Michael Adler ’01 (4) Paul T. Bailey ’44 (4) William C. Baird ’40 (8) William P. Barber ’49 (22) ^John W. Brothers ’56 (4) ^Craig B. Carpenter ’96 William Keith Cummins ’70 (9) ^Matthew Joseph Dubbioso ’09 ^Gabriel T. Durkac ’67 Harvey W. Edson ’73 (6) Todd M. Fulshaw ’88 (3) ^Yanni Jeffrey Hufnagel ’06 Charles G. Lill ’79 (3) Colin P. Purcell ’87 (18) Frank S. Senior, Jr. ’49 (4) Kevin C. St. Germaine ’89 (4) Gordon F. Stofer, Jr. ’69 (12) Charles M. Streeter, Jr. ’61 (3) Edgar H. Vant, Jr. ’57 (4)

Beta Beta Chapter Trinity College

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 Paul E. Raether ’68 (18)

Gold $500 - 999 ^James H. Arnold ’77 (16) Lyman Delano ’75 (10)

Silver $250 - 499

^Robert N. Spahr ’60 (4)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Edward C. Rorer ’65 (32)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Samuel T. Adams ’89 ^I. Jackson Angell ’61 (31) ^Cornell Ralph Burnette ’99 (9) W. Verner Casey ’48 (32) ^Richard H. Chamberlain ’78 Mark R. Cleary ’75 (5) Edgar Crocker ’53 (2) Henry M. Goodyear, Jr. ’50 (19) Timothy M. Hall ’87 (19) Charles Jarvis Harriman, Jr. ’43 (2) ^David A. Huoppi ’04 (5) Charles E. Jacobson, Jr. ’31 (25) ^Maclear Jacoby, Jr. ’51 (28) ^Tripp William Kyle ’06 (4) William H. L. Mitchell ’62 (3) Heath Oliver ’52 (34) ^David L. Peters ’78 (2) ^Joseph H. Pratt, II ’71 ^Jason Ray ’08 W. Scott Saperston ’94 (8) A. Reed Schroeder ’45 (29) Alva B. See, Jr., CFRE ’55 (10) ^Patrick Goode Sheehy ’00 Gustav L. Stewart, III ’50 (14) ^Christopher Stoeckle ’08 ^Ronald F. Storms, Esq. ’54 Robert B. Trainer, Jr. ’67 (8) ^Terrence John Turner ’88 (19) Alexander W. White ’67 (10) ^Bryant S. Zanko ’87 (4) Cummings V. Zuill ’62 (17)

Eta Chapter

Edward Braulick, ’84 (2) ^John F. Campbell ’58 (6) ^Courtland F. Carrier, III ’39 (2) ^Gustave E. Chew, Jr. ’59 (23) ^David Hobart Dugan ’74 ^Robert A. Dunn ’85 (5) Kevin Thomas Feehan ’00 (2) ^Thomas S. Griggs, Sr. ’58 (14) ^Bradley K. Groff, ’87 William F. Hamilton ’49 (23) ^Jonathan B. Hammer ’82 ^Lee W. Herrick ’75 ^Gordon M. Jonas, PE ’81 ^John C. Lewis ’84 Michael S. Liebman ’88 (9) ^Jeremy Kenneth McKeon, EIT ’08 (2) ^Charles E. McMichael ’75 (2) ^Kenneth L. Miller, CPA ’75 George E. Ott, Jr. ’77 (10) Michael Pagan ’85 (2) Robert P. Rost ’60 (10) ^Edward M. Rouse, CPA ’77 ^C. William Ruth, PE ’73 ^James E. Schierloh ’51 Stuart D. Schnabolk ’09 (2) John F. Schoenfelder ’64 (3) Paul A. Schragger, PhD ’80 (10) ^John Tamtelen ’09 ^Timothy J. Tritsch ’85 (2) Peter Anthony Weismantle ’72 (8) Daniel A. Zarrilli ’97 (10)

Tau Chapter

University of Pennsylvania

Diamond $2,500 - 4,999

Lehigh University

Philip A. Lotz ’79 (8) ^Forrest G. Weeks, IV ’52 (25)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499

Robert E. Butler ’54 (9) ^Nathaniel B. Day ’62 (3) ^George L. Howell ’55 (13) ^Walter E. Sieglen, Jr. ’69

^Edward F. Genetti ’58 (8) Philip C. Timon ’86 (21)

Gold $500 – 999 ^S. William Bear, ’84 George W. Bovenizer, III ’63 (12) ^Walter W. Deichmann ’85 (10) ^Philip Gauffreau, ’84 (2) ^Robert S. James, ’83 (2) ^Steven L. Moore , ’84 (2) ^Gilman Smith ’44 (29)

Silver $250 - 499 Robin S. Balding ’70 (30) ^Kenneth S. Ball ’82 (25) ^Philip E. Gauffreau, PE ’84 (2) ^Richard B. Katsoff, ’87 (2) Marlon D. Keller ’80 (18) ^Peter J. Notaro, ’84 Gary G. Pan ’86 (22) ^David W. Singer, ’84

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^John D. Diederich ’73 ^Jeffrey S. Gendel ’89 ^Robert D. Liebermann ’78 ^John Salvatore Mathews ’81 (10) ^John F. Sise ’72 (23)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Terry H. Baker ’66 (3) ^George Blandino, ’84

Gold $500 - 999 ^Alexander Ewing ’43 (2) Andrew C. Schirrmeister, III ’78 (3) Todd D. Simon ’86 (2)

Silver $250 - 499 ^Matthew M. Carter ’07 (3) Edward C. Dearden ’51 (27) Charles A. J. Gachot ’54 (20) ^James E. Heerin, Jr. ’58 (2) ^Donald R. Inglis ’51 (6) Townsend T. Mink ’51 (36) Joseph L. Pyle ’48 (2) David W. Reader ’59 (13) Ralph E. Steffan, Jr. ’51 (17)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 A. Carl Helwig ’61 (31) J. Adam Hitt ’83 (5) ^G. M. Dallas Peltz ’67 (11) ^James R. Phelan, MD ’63 (34) ^Thomas W. Shaffer ’99 (8)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Clint Arthur ’87 (2) Matthew Asada ’02 (5) William H. Ashton, Jr. ’71 (5) William W. Baker, CFA ’78 (2) Robert M. Beecroft ’62 (5) ^Thomas P. Bispham ’67 Nicholas B. Braden ’01 (5)


Psi U Alumnus Gives Back, With Interest Thomas A. Leghorn, Delta ’77 received a Psi Upsilon Foundation scholarship while he was a student at New York University, but he feels the experience he has had as a member of Psi U has given him much more than monetary rewards. Now a senior partner at Wilson, Elsner, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, a law firm in New York City, Tom has made a point of making a donation to the Annual Fund every year since graduation. He also has a life insurance policy that names the Psi Upsilon Foundation as a beneficiary.

T ho m as A . Leg h or n , D e lta ‘7 7 ( New Yo r k Unive r sit y )

“I give every year, and I intend to continue to do so,” Tom says. “Whatever I participate in, when I leave I want to leave it with more than when I got there.” Feeling like he was just one of many NYU students to pass through the university in a few years, Tom was especially struck as a sophomore by the alumni who remained active members in Psi U for many years. He remembers Joe Esquirol Delta ’17, who at the time was a member for 60 years, and other alumni who graduated as early as 1912. Tom and his wife, Theresa, have two children. Nicholas is a sophomore at Penn State, and Julianna is in high school.

Jim Swanke Preserves More than Timberland Five thousand acres of northern Wisconsin timberland is not what most people would consider a hobby; for Jim Swanke, Rho ’80 (Wisconsin), it is a passion. When not traveling to advise large corporations on risk management, Jim is an advocate for the management and preservation of timberland. Jim came to Psi Upsilon as part of recolonization effort at the University of Wisconsin. Alumni from the Rho gave a list of potential members to Psi U field director Mike Huffman, Zeta ’77 (Dartmouth) who headed the recruitment effort. Mike presented Jim with an opportunity unlike any other available on Madison’s campus.

Jim Swanke , R h o ‘8 0 (Wisco nsin)

Jim received his BBA and MBA in finance and risk management from the University of Wisconsin. He found first job in Chicago with Watson Wyatt where worked with James R. Favor on a feasibility study to establish a captive insurance company for the Greek market. Jim looked at the frequency and severity of losses by fraternities and sororities in the 1980s. He could see that the trend was not good – it rivaled the medical malpractice crisis that was getting lots of attention at that time. As the result of his risk management work, Jim gained the attention of many in the fraternity and sorority world. Jim helped develop Psi U’s first risk management policy and presented it at a Psi Upsilon Convention in the late 80s. Soon thereafter, he became treasurer of Psi Upsilon’s Executive Council, a position he has held for 15 years. At this summer’s Convention, Jim became the 22nd president of the Executive Council.


James S. Bradley ’63 (36) ^William H. Brunner ’70 ^Kevin E. Carey ’60 (9) Christian Diaz ’08 (2) ^Justin Director ’05 Samuel C. Dysart, Jr. ’50 (18) ^Bruce C. Flint ’56 (3) ^Russell M. Hanscom, Jr. ’52 (12) ^John L. Hanson ’63 (4) ^John C. Hover, II ’65 (27) Bridgford Hunt ’44 (6) Chase S. Hunt ’52 (8) ^Steven J. Kelly ’88 (4) ^Paul M. Kostoulakos ’98 (9) Matthew Michael Kretzman ’07 (2) ^Richard A. Loosli ’78 Sherman Morss, Jr. AIA ’66 (36) Harold C. Putnam, Jr. ’58 (32) Bradley Randall, Jr. ’49 (8) Frederick G. Reed ’61 (12) W. Barton Roe ’78 (14) ^Andrew J Rosenthal ’06 (3) Paul W. Schmidt ’50 (34) ^J. Charles Stacks, Jr. ’58 ^Frank B. Stevens ’76 (12) George C. Thomas ’72 (9) ^Frederick A. Tucker, Jr. ’55 William H. Walker, III ’69 (35)

Mu Chapter

University of Minnesota

Silver $250 - 499 ^Richard B. Schwarz ’58 (30)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 Keith D. Hilken ’53 (31) ^Henry N. Somsen ’32 (2)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Preston C. Haglin ’49 Kendall S. Houlton ’51 (16) James M. Karges ’79 (3) Stephen C. Koepcke ’62 (4) Theodore F. Murphy ’49 (35) ^Edward C. Oliver ’55 (2) Milton Papke ’54 (5) ^Curtis A. Pearson ’50 (25) ^Whitney E. Peyton ’74 (2) ^John R. Quast ’43 James Schwarz ’51 (15) Richard J. Swenson ’52 (11) ^Kurt Michael Walker ’90 ^Philip J. Williams ’88

Rho Chapter

University of Wisconsin

Diamond $2,500 - 4,999 Henry L. Huser ’81 (4)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^James A. Swanke, Jr. ’80 (19)

Gold $500 - 999 ^James Curtin Dickert ’56 (2) ^James F. Kress ’51 (30)

Silver $250 - 499 Joseph P. Bennett ’51 (4) James D. Moss ’55 (4) ^Robert James Samp ’49

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^William Vilas Hanks ’50

Other Donors $1 - 173 John H. Andrews ’61 (13)

^Robert B. Breese ’51 Henry H. Bush, Jr. ’49 (36) ^Robert O. Covey ’42 (2) ^F. Jackman Draper ’51 (2) Delmar R. Hughes, Jr. ’50 (35) ^David Leith ’58 Harold W. Lewis, Jr. ’59 (26) ^Louis H. Pepper ’50 (16) Edward J. Samp ’40 (4) Weber L. Smith, Jr. ’45 (6) William F. Snydacker ’67 (10) James U. Snydacker, Jr. ’59 (28)

Epsilon Chapter

University of California at Berkeley

Gold $500 - 999 ^John J. Normanly ’60 Robert J. Peeke ’52 (25)

Silver $250 - 499 John R. Allen ’50 (13) William R. Gould ’48 (8) ^Benson Bertheau Roe, MD ’39

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Gilman B. Haynes ’45 (11) ^Jack K. Robbins, VMD ’44 (8)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Robert D. Andrews ’43 (16) Edward M. Benson, Jr. ’42 (5) Kenneth Albert Brittingham ’50 (10) William F. Cronk, III ’65 (26) ^Willard M. Daggett, Jr. ’55 (20) Myron E. Etienne, Jr. ’49 (4) ^Richard R. Heber ’41 ^James O. Schuyler ’46 ^John P. Teele ’66 (2) Hayward Thomas ’43 (25) David Q. Vordermark ’46 (27)

Omicron Chapter University of Illinois

President’s Circle $5,000 + ^Thomas W. McCaffer, Jr. ’77 (4)

Diamond $2,500 - 4,999 Robert S. Petersen, Jr. ’68 (36)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 Bradley R. Corner ’72 (13) ^Lewis R. Finkelstein ’83 (11)

Gold $500 - 999 ^Omicron Alumni Association ^George L. Fearheiley ’54 (23) William S. Hansen ’90 (5) ^Timothy T. Miller ’80 (13)

Silver $250 - 499 Thomas Anichini ’87 (2) ^David Chen, MD ’83 (9) ^Charles Chen ’86 (8) Matthew R. DalSanto ’03 (7) ^Michael D. DeWeger ’83 (6) Fred H. Drummond ’71 (10) ^Cary D. Hansing ’93 John W. Healey ’58 (35) Dean C. Marinakis ’90 (17) Michael J. McEnerney ’84 (5) Joseph A. Miller ’57 (12) ^William W. Morrow ’69 ^Gary A. Olson ’63 ^Larry Ira Perlin ’82 (6) ^Matthew W. Plavcan ’97 (11)

Lawrence D. Rakers ’86 (21)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Christopher G. Clark ’70 (25) Sheldon J. Hauck, Sr. ’58 (33) ^Donald Squires Johnson, SRA ’48

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Everett G. Andrews, USA(Ret.) ’43 (6) ^Mark Patrick Baker ’09 (2) ^James W. Baker ’69 (4) ^David G. Bell ’76 (3) Adam Robert Boyko ’99 (9) ^Walter P. Boylan ’75 (2) ^Richard D. Calhoun, USN(Ret.) ’33 ^Michael David Chen ’09 ^Matthew Ciotti ’79 (20) Justin D. Clark ’01 (6) ^Robert S. Cornell ’52 (5) ^William James Cowden, M.D. ’00 (6) Craig Wright Farnsworth ’65 (17) ^John F. Feagan ’44 ^Thomas Joseph Fox ’00 Timothy R. Hansen ’82 (21) Charles William Hurter ’48 (10) ^Christopher Paul Jepsen ’80 ^William B. Kelly ’85 ^Ranse W. Kesl ’60 (36) ^Christopher G. Klemick ’83 (2) ^David P. Komie ’92 ^Justin Eugene Kuehlthau ’03 (5) Robert J. Lies ’88 (6) Roe E. Mallstrom, Jr. ’51 (21) ^Franklin L. Markus ’85 ^William L. Mathers ’76 (10) ^Robert M. Maxey ’55 ^Gene T. McCarthy ’49 (3) ^John Blair McManus, Jr. ’89 ^Timothy J. Miller ’82 (5) Mark J. Netter ’69 (29) Jeffrey M. Olson ’91 (16) ^Gregg P. Ong ’92 (8) ^Jason S. Ornduff ’93 Bernard C. Quandt ’56 (12) ^Paul Edward Repmann, Jr. ’96 (5) Robert E. Rhinehart ’72 (12) ^Robert H. Rollins, II ’54 ^Daniel Rubel ’09 ^J. Eric Smith ’79 John C. Stewart, Esq. ’69 (2) Thomas H. Swanson ’54 (9) ^Michael R. Warden ’06 Edward A. Whetter ’92 (16) Arthur Wood ’43 (5) ^Matthew J. Yociss ’95 (5) William F. Young ’70 (30)

Delta Delta Chapter Williams College

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^William N. Wishard, III ’64 (11)

Gold $500 - 999 ^Charles M. Wilds ’40 (35)

Silver $250 - 499 Jerry Price Goodwin ’60 (32) ^John H. Logie ’61 (31) ^Robert Charles Nevin ’62 (29) ^William G. Troyer, Jr. ’56

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^J. Leonard Graham ’45 (22)

Other Donors $1 - 173

^Calvin A. Campbell, Jr. ’56 James M. Crawford ’44 (6) John Edgar Evans, III ’58 (34) James Parham Evans, III ’62 (26) John M. Gibson ’42 (9) E. Kendall Gillett, III ’60 (29) Robert J. Grogan ’48 (17) ^Robert C. MacPherson ’47 (23) ^James H. Moore, Jr. ’61 Percy L. Nelson ’44 (6) George F. Razook ’50 (2) ^Alexander J. Robertson, Jr. ’52 Kevin Tierney ’60 (14) Peter Julius Whitney ’55 (9)

Theta Theta Chapter

University of Washington

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^Thomas T. Allan, IV ’89 (9) Matthew William Clary ’85 (2)

Gold $500 - 999 William M. Conner ’53 (8) ^Brian F. Dammeier ’56 (7)

Silver $250 - 499 Stuart A. Clarke ’51 (16) Kurt Michael Feldman ’91 (4) D. Bowen King ’57 (27) ^John W. Schultz ’86 (4) William T.C. Stevens ’54 (32) ^James T. Volpentest ’90 (3)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Travis R. Melster ’96 (5) ^Henry M. Whitney ’50

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Brett M. Aggen ’89 ^Richard C. Atherton ’87 (2) Bernard Gregory Botz ’82 (6) ^Michael A. Burris ’85 (10) ^Martin N. Chamberlain, PhD. ’36 ^Craig J. Davidson ’88 (2) Terry Deeny ’62 (2) ^Bruce L. Donham ’81 (25) James W. Doran ’70 (16) ^Thomas J. Dowd, Jr. ’57 Mike Egan ’90 (7) James A. Haight, III ’47 (21) Steven S. Hawes ’72 (3) Frederick J. Hopkins ’49 (2) Corey Jewett ’09 (2) ^Jordan Lee ’08 ^James A. Logan ’71 (7) ^Andrew Marr ’09 ^David K. Matthews ’65 (9) ^Bruce McDonald ’85 (22) Michael Mihalik ’89 (4) James W. Morrison ’59 (6) ^Kent Naegeli ’04 ^John F. Proctor ’53 (11) ^Dale O. Richardson ’48 ^Sam Rosendahl ’06 (5) Thomas M. Shanks ’91 (2) Robert E. Shelley ’90 (3) ^Steven R. Stout ’92 (15) ^Dorman D. Taylor ’54 William F. Wacholtz ’82 (13) ^John B. Walker ’89 John H. Walker, MD ’36 (6) Carl Walske ’44 (28) Adam M. Weisman, PhD ’81 (22)


Jack Dean Westphal ’07 (4) Robert Ralph Williams ’68 (7)

Nu Chapter

University of Toronto

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Donald H. Francis ’48 (7) James E. Myers ’89 (2)

Epsilon Phi Chapter McGill University

President’s Circle $5,000 + David A. B. Brown ’66 (30)

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^Evan W. Terry ’93 (13)

Silver $250 - 499 John Edward Cleghorn, OC, FCA ’62 (19) T. Denis Jotcham ’41 (36)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Ralph B. Cayford ’48 (15) David H. Laidley, ’67 (15) ^Colin L. Terry ’95

Zeta Zeta Chapter

University of British Columbia

Gold $500 - 999 ^Terrance W. Farmer ’62 (17)

Silver $250 - 499 James A. MacInnes, PE ’50 (8)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^James Basnett ’10 ^Jason Binstock ’10 ^Richard Stanley Caldecott, PhD ’46 ^Richard A. Montgomery ’40 (2) ^Gerald F.W. Simons ’69 Edwin T. Sortwell ’56 (2)

Epsilon Nu Chapter

Michigan State University

Gold $500 - 999 Patrick D. Burke ’57 (7) Thomas G. Grimes ’60 (36) Richard V. Morgan, ’60 (11)

Silver $250 - 499 James C. Beachum ’56 (13) Robert A. Benish ’86 (4) ^David H. Brogan ’56 (9) Richard H. Dancy, Jr. ’79 (28) ^Robert B. Dorigo Jones ’85 (11) Michael B. Evanoff ’68 (17) James T. Fitzgerald ’62 (29) Bernie L. Lattner, Jr. ’57 (23) ^Larry J. Lenick ’66 (5) ^Luke M. Little, Jr. ’68 (17) ^Edward F. McSweeney ’77 ^Robert Gary Pond ’56

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 ^Peter W. Campbell ’83 (18) ^Thomas C. Evert ’57 (4) ^Lawrence J. Loughlin, Jr. ’53 (37) ^David A. Meikle ’89 (12) ^Thomas E. Whale ’61 (15)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Patrick Scott Armstrong, USN ’01 (8) William G. Aughton ’72 (3) ^J. Sumner Bagby ’68 ^David C. Beard ’59 (15)


Matthew J. Bontomasi ’99 (2) Judson A. Bradford ’78 (6) Robert Burns ’55 (36) Joseph J. Daniels ’60 (7) ^Theodore E. Dietlin ’56 (32) John R. Girdwood ’99 (8) ^Luke Grabowski ’08 ^Sam Hagenian ’52 Robert M. Hays, Jr. ’54 (8) ^Milton Henkel ’50 (13) Thomas J. A. Johnson ’52 (20) ^Karl Koch ’86 ^Pierce R. Leavitt, USAF(Ret.) ’48 (4) Richard P. Maher ’58 (7) ^John D. McGrath ’56 (3) R. James Paas ’72 (19) Steven John Raseman ’79 (26) ^Edwin K. Reuling ’60 (9) ^Kyle Rhodes ’08 (2) Frederick H. Sayles ’52 (17) ^H. Spencer Smith ’52 (3) ^Arnold W. Spaan ’49 ^Douglas N. Strayer ’78 (4) ^Jonathan Alan Szynkowski ’06 Terry N. Turk ’62 (10) ^Jeffrey M. Wayne ’88 ^Charles R. Weir ’42 ^Jarvis L. Williams ’57

Epsilon Omega

Northwestern University

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 Jack Lageschulte ’59 (37)

Gold $500 - 999 Rudolph H. Light ’66 (11) Warren W. Rasmussen ’53 (12)

Silver $250 - 499 ^Jonathan Thomas Howe, JD ’63 (2) ^Robert J. Werner ’53 (15)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249 Harry T. Johnson, III ’60 (6) ^Samuel Papanek, III ’67 (21)

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^F. Douglas Carr ’76 (6) ^J. Christopher Chambers ’81 Ford Evard Chinworth ’65 (15) ^William B. Doyle ’52 ^David S. Harding ’78 (19) James C. Hochberg ’78 (5) ^Christopher Crawford Jones ’67 (23) Ronald Dean Lorton ’69 (26) ^Paul E. Nickerson ’62 (9) ^Robert E. Nissen ’71 Bruce G. Posey ’52 (9)

Theta Epsilon

University of Southern California

Silver $250 - 499 Stuart A. Clarke ’51 (16)

Other Donors $1 - 173

Other Donors $1 - 173 Marion C. Baggett ’73 (22) ^Joseph N. DiNunno, Jr. ’80 (2) John R. Dubberley ’88 (17) ^Eli Foley ’09 Chester Kam ’94 (12) ^Stephen L. King ’75 ^Mark W. Pellegrini ’81 (3) ^Enrique Orestes Santos, Jr. ’10 ^John O. Statham ’82 (22) ^Alan Jacob Stoll ’04 Peter J. Stork ’82 (22) John C. White ’74 (5)

Chi Delta Chapter Duke University

Garnet $1,000 - 2,499 ^Laura E. King ’04 (2) ^Kevin A. Klock ’01 (3)

Silver $250 - 499 ^Darryl B. Kurland ’78 (15) Larry W. Mobley, PE ’72 (29) Zbigniew P. Pietrzak ’86 (9)

Anniversary Club $174 - 249

^Ryan L. Hart ’93 (15) ^Jeffrey W. Heglar ’96 Jess Craig LaNore ’95 (13)

Phi Delta Chapter

Mary Washington University

Other Donors $1 - 173 Conor A. Beardsley ’07 (2) ^Michael Lord ’96 (8) ^Richard Reed Pannell ’08 (2) Stephen M. Paturynski ’01 (6)

Lambda Sigma

Pepperdine University

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Kevin W. Clem ’99 (2) Kelika L. Ragragola ’04 (2)

Alpha Omicron

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Other Donors $1 - 173 ^Jonkristoffer Bisda ’08 ^Nicholas S. DeAngelis ’03 ^Angel Figueroa ’09

^Peter E. Broadbent, Jr., Esq. ’73 (12) Philip J. Butera ’74 (16) William C. Fletcher, Jr. ’75 (6) Robert L. Frank, Esq. ’80 (2) Benjamin Bograd Friedman ’92 (2) Daniel J. Griffith, USAF ’83 (9) Geoffrey Richard Heintzelman, PhD ’91 (16) David Adam Hoffman ’97 (10) John G. Holland ’80 (27) ^Scott D. Johnson ’78 (12) ^Courtney Eva Peterson ’10 Robert Lawrence Pillote, Jr. ’78 (4) ^Charles Walker Poppe, Jr. ’78 ^Eric S. Rogstad ’07 Michael S. Wurst ’79 (28) Timothy David Zepp ’08 (2)

Epsilon Iota Chapter

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Silver $250 - 499 Barbara D. Dorfschmidt ’90 (9) James S. Muhr, PE ’85 (22) Jared Tannenbaum ’02 (4) Michael J. York ’87 (12)

Other Donors $1 - 173 Elisa H. Barney Smith ’88 (19) Gary W. Curzi ’89 (13) ^James S. Hinsey ’86 David W. Manthey ’92 (3) ^Sean McGervey ’95 (4) ^Matt Musante ’08 Scott F. Smith ’86 (19) ^Edward Solomon Taub ’98 (4)

Gamma Tau Chapter

College of William & Mary

^Frederic A. Corsiglia ’90 (17) ^Jessica A. Frame ’07 (2) John B. Savage, MD ’81 (17)

Other Donors $1 - 173

Steven Dana McLamb, Esquire ’74 (5)

Phi Beta Chapter

Silver $250 - 499

Washington State University

Other Donors $1 - 173

^Joseph G. Schneider ’55 Georgia Institute of Technology

Beta Kappa Chapter

Other Donors $1 - 173 Nicholas Carlisle Dusenbury ’95 (2) Dutton Reitz Hauhart ’00 (8) ^Timothy M. Hudenburg ’86 ^Brian C. Kroll ’90 ^H. Evans Thomas, V ’89

Staff ^Mariann H. Williams (8)

Beyond “GAMMIE” – The Fraternal Journey of Foundation President Tom Hanford Perhaps most surprising about Tom Hanford’s role as president of the Psi Upsilon Foundation is that he never thought he would be active nationally. During his undergraduate years at the Gamma, Tom served as treasurer for two years and in 1961 was named the Gamma’s Outstanding Junior. After graduation, Tom pursued his MBA at Harvard. In 1972, he contacted the Gamma Chapter Corporation, the alumni group providing assistance and support to the undergraduates. “My main motivation for getting involved was to do whatever small part I could to give back for my own outstanding experience in Gammie. Psi U is a great institution and I Tom Hanf ord, Ga m m a ‘ 6 2

felt it was worthy of preservation.”

(A mherst)

Tom Hanford hopes every alumnus will stay involved at some level. The opportunities are many:

Psi Upsilon Foundation Revenue

“Alumni can start by checking to see if their local chapter has an active alumni group.

2.1%3.2% 9.4%


If not, or if the geography isn’t good, you can reconnect through the Psi U website and find out a whole host of information on the Fraternity today. All it takes is a desire to help Psi Upsilon.”



Chapter Assessments



Psi Upsilon


Foundation Grants






Chapter Assessments


Risk Management Foundation Grants








Operating Convention

Psi Upsilon Foundation Expenses Psi Upsilon Educational Foundation Programs Expenses 82% Educational

Expenses Programs Support Services


Chapter Chapter/Member Services



Member Services

Chapter/Member Operating Operating Services

52% 21%

Convention Convention Operating

Communications Convention





Rental income




Contribution s

82% Investments





Psi Upsilon Foundation Expenses

Contributions Chapter/Member Services


Rental Rental Income


Convention Royalties & Other 53.7% Communications Royalties & Other


s Investments Investments


Foundation Grants Risk Management


Contributions Contribution

82% 8%

Foundation Grants Convention




Contributions Convention Chapter Assessments Royalties & Other Chapter Risk Management Assessments



Psi Upsilon 8% Foundation Rental income Foundation Revenue


Risk Management

Convention Revenue 53.7% Foundation Grants Royalties & Other

Contribution s Investments


Fraternity Assessments




2 0 0 7-2008

Psi Upsilon Foundation Revenue


Convention Royalties & Other




Risk Management


Psi Upsilon Foundation Revenue


Support Services

Fundraising Expenses Fund Raising



Chapter/Member Services

Psi Upsilon Foundation Expenses Educational 52%




Programs Support Services

Fund Raising

52% 27%


21 Educational Programs

Special Gifts to the Psi Upsilon Kaiser Education Fund Errik Anderson, Zeta ‘00 Gregory LeRoy Boison, Zeta ‘99 Daniel Walter Boone, IV, Zeta ‘00 Christopher Coleon, Zeta ‘00 Jeffrey H. Cutshall, Zeta ‘97 W. Rawson Daniel, Jr., Zeta ‘05 Adam G. R. Dietz, MD, Zeta ‘98 Douglas Donahue, Jr., Zeta ‘73 Ned Dybvig, Zeta ‘00 John Fieldsteel, Zeta ‘72 Yale Fillingham, Zeta ‘06 Colin Greenspon, Zeta ‘00 Edward Han, Zeta ‘94 William S. Hughes, Zeta ‘01 Karl Johnson, Zeta ‘06 Ryan Marshall Jones, Zeta ‘00 John Ladson, Zeta ‘98 Andrew Lambert, Zeta ‘02 Keith F. Lenden, Zeta ‘95 Scott Linthicum, Zeta ‘04 David Mace, Zeta ‘98 Scott A. Magrath, Zeta ‘91 Daniel Mahoney, Zeta ‘01 Timothy Millikin, Zeta ‘05 Jordan Milne, Zeta ‘07 Michael Mothner, Zeta ‘03 Sujan Patel, Zeta ‘01 Joshua H. Pristaw, Zeta ‘97 Neil Putman, Zeta ‘06 Edward Rice, Zeta ‘00 Michael Rosenzweig, Zeta ‘06 Thomas A. Russo, Zeta ‘77 Jonathan Taylor, Zeta ‘00 William P. King, Omicron ‘73 Scholarship Omicron Alumni Association George Fearheiley, Omicron ‘58 Dean Marinakis, Omicron ‘90 Thomas W. McCaffer, Omicron ‘77 Lawrence D. Rakers, Omicron ‘86 Curtis Rettke, Eta ‘84 Scholarship George Blandino, Eta ‘84 Edward Braulick, Eta ‘84 Walter W. Deichmann, Eta ‘85 Robert Dunn, Eta ‘85 Philip Gauffreau, Eta ‘84 Jeffrey S. Gendel, Eta ‘89


Bradley K. Groff, Eta ‘87 Robert S. James, Eta ‘83 Richard B. Katsoff, Eta ‘87 John C. Lewis, Eta ‘84 Steven L. Moore, Eta ‘84 Peter J. Notaro, Eta ‘84 David W. Singer, Eta ‘84 Henry B. Poor, Gamma ‘39 Endowed Scholarship Fund Cassandra Abodeely, Gamma ‘96 Mitchell Banchik, Delta ‘83 Mark D. Bauer, Omega ‘83 John E. Becker, Psi ‘61 Robert J. Bird, Gamma ‘90 James Bittman, Gamma ‘72 James Bradbeer, Gamma ‘84 J. Martin Brayboy, Gamma ‘84 Joan R. Brewster, Gamma ‘86 John Brodhead, Gamma ‘40 David A. B. Brown, Epsilon Phi ‘66 S. Kent Buis, Gamma ‘78 Robert Butler, Eta ‘54 John T. Calkins, Pi ‘49 Philip Chase Jr., Gamma ‘58 James J. Chester, Gamma ‘84 Peter Clark, Gamma ‘97 Joe Cillo, Delta ‘61 Harlan Coben, Gamma ‘84 Miner D. Crary Jr., Gamma ‘42 Delta Corporation of Psi Upsilon Richard D. Denison, Gamma ‘51 David Downes, Gamma ‘72 Robert J. Dwyer, Gamma ‘69 Murray L. Eskenazi, Lambda ‘56 Lewis R. Finkelstein, Omicron ‘83 Patricia Fogarty Mack, Gamma ‘86 Alex Funderburg, Gamma ‘85 Gamma Chapter Corporation Thomas T. Getz, Gamma ‘50 John Gilroy, Delta ‘80 Jorge Gonzalez, Delta ‘90 Eldred A. Halsey Jr., Delta ‘58 Thomas T. Hanford, Gamma ‘62 Dave Harold, Delta ‘74 Edmond H. Heisler, Gamma ‘42 George L. Howell, Eta ‘55 Michael Huffman on behalf of Zeta Assn, Zeta ‘77 Robert L. Kaiser on behalf of Zeta Assn, Zeta ‘39


Evelyn Kaiser, Zeta H Wesley Kaplow, Delta ‘83 Peter Kaufhold, Delta ‘82 John W. Keene Jr., Gamma ‘72 Andrew M. Kerstein, Delta ‘76 James E. Krueger, Gamma ‘81 Dana Kuper, Gamma ‘07 Justina Lakinger, Epsilon Iota ‘02 Rice C. Leach MD, Gamma ‘62 Ray LeCann, Delta ‘56 Thomas Leghorn Esq., Delta ‘77 Stephen E. Lewis, Gamma ‘63 W. Barry Mallon, Gamma ‘42 George Marshall, Gamma ‘62 Robert C. McAdoo, Gamma ‘43 Boyd McDowell II, Pi ‘47 John McDowell PE, Pi ‘45 Hampton McFadden, Gamma ‘84 John McGrath, Gamma ‘51 Heidi Mohlman, Gamma ‘96 Frederick Monroe, Gamma ‘58 Ralph Muschett, Delta ‘53 Jeffrey Neubauer, Delta ‘78 Paul Nyirjesy, Gamma ‘81 C. Brent Olmstead MD, Iota ‘51 John O’Malley, Gamma ‘86 Durward Owen, Friend of Psi U Konstantinos E. Perentakis, Gamma ‘80 Frederick Y. Peters, Gamma ‘42 Lyman Phillips, Gamma ‘66 Amos N. Prescott Jr., Gamma ‘46 Frank Rose, Pi ‘65 Stephen P. Rounds Jr., Gamma ‘81 Salvatore Saggio, Delta ‘56 Lewis Sayers Gamma ‘62 Paul Schweizer, Zeta ‘68 Eric Simons, Delta ‘80 Robert A. Skovgaard, Gamma ‘74 John Spare, Pi ‘66 Charles M. Streeter Jr., Chi ‘61 David A. Taft, Gamma ‘79 Mike Taglich, Delta ‘87 Edmond Thompson, Delta ‘88 Philip C. Timon, Tau ‘86 Terrence J. Turner, Beta Beta ‘88 David H. Van Etten, Gamma ‘70 Lawrence Vitale, Gamma ‘84 Charles A. Werner, Omega ‘55 Stanton F. Weissenborn, Chi ‘49 Tyler S. Wick, Gamma ‘93

Welles Wiley, Gamma ‘39 Thomas Wolf, Gamma ‘92

2007 Psi Upsilon Annual Fund Honor and Memorial Gifts Gifts in Memory of: Henry C. Beck Jr. Zeta ‘38 by HCB, Jr. Partners Robert Clement Knowles, Chi ‘58 by M. Charles Hatch, Jr., Pi ‘58 Richard B. Downing, Pi ‘47 by his wife Willie Kerr, Xi ‘57 by Jason Pinter, Xi ‘03 Gilman B. Smith III, Eta ‘44 by Mrs. Gilman B. Smith Bruce Perona, Omicron ‘91 by Cary Hansing, Omicron ‘93 In honor of: The Sigma Phi Chapter by Tom Fox, Omicron ‘00 Mark A. Williams, Phi ’76 by HRH/Kirklin & Company From Donor Advised Funds: Community Foundation of Birmingham – F. Hampton McFadden, Jr. Gamma ’84 Amherst College) Citigroup – Louis T. Hanover, Omega ’87 (Chicago) Ocean Reef Foundation – John W. Healey, Omicron ’58 (Illinois) Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund – Herman R. Staudt, Delta ’46 (NYU), Gilbert A. Fields, Gamma ’62 (Amherst College) Vanguard Charitable Endowment – John J. Schantz, Pi ’58 (Syracuse) Seattle Foundation – Louis H. Pepper, Rho ’50 (Wisconsin) Morgan Family Foundation - James C. Morgan, Chi ’60 (Cornell) Matching Gifts: Microsoft – Steven McLamb, Chi Delta ’74 (Duke) Sun Microsystems – Daniel A. Norton, Gamma ‘87 (Amherst College) UBS – Ian Rowan, Iota ’94 (Kenyon) Parsec Financial – William S. Hansen, Omicron ’90 (Illinois) Bequests From the estate of Arthur Bowman, Xi ’31 (Wesleyan University)

Order of the


The most direct and effective way to ensure the success of Psi Upsilon is with your gift to the Annual Fund. To sustain that success, the Psi Upsilon Foundation has established the Order of the Owl, recognizing those brothers who make three-year pledges of $1,000 or more annually. Each year Psi Upsilon provides the Archons Academy, the Leadership Institute, oncampus support of each chapter and educational materials to every one of its chapters. The Order of the Owl permits Psi U to plan better and to use contributions more effectively. And as a donor, you can free yourself of those pesky solicitation letters for three years. For more information about becoming a member of the Order of the Owl, contact Mariann Williams. Psi Upsilon is grateful to the following brothers who made pledges:

Thomas T. Allan, IV | Theta Theta ’89

Eldred A. Halsey, Jr. | Delta ’58

Farzad Alvi | Omega ’88

Thomas T. Hanford | Gamma ’62

Mark D. Bauer | Omega ’83

Louis T. Hanover | Omega ’87

John E. Becker, II | Psi ’61

George L. Howell, Eta ‘55

J. Martin Brayboy | Gamma ’84

Laura E. King, Chi Delta ‘04

David A. B. Brown | Epsilon Phi ’66

Kevin A. Klock | Chi Delta ’01

H. Andrew Brownfield, III | Omega ’88

Jack Lageschulte | Epsilon Omega ’59

Rahsaan A. Burroughs | Phi Beta ’96

F. Hampton McFadden, Jr. | Gamma ’84

William G. Cavanagh, Esq. | Pi ’72

John McGinn | Omega ’90

Manuel J. Chaknis, MD | Omega ’85

Henry B. Poor | Gamma ’39

Anthony Chedid | Omega ’97

James A. Swanke, Jr. | Rho ’80

Matthew William Clary | Theta Theta ’85

Evan W. Terry, Epsilon | Phi ’93

Bradley R. Corner | Omicron ’72

Philip C. Timon, | Tau ‘86

Anthony J. Diamandakis | Omega ’97

Samuel J. Tinaglia | Omega ’88

Matthew Dillard, | Tau ‘06

Forrest G. Weeks, IV | Tau ’52

Murray L. Eskenazi | Lambda ’56

Charles A. Werner | Omega ’55

Lewis R. Finkelstein | Omicron ’83

Mark A. Williams | Phi ’76

T h e Or de r of the Owl recog nizes brot hers who make t hree-yea r p l edges of $1, 000 or more annually.


Archons Academy Leadership education can be taught in the classroom, but it is best learned by experience. Most alumni agree that the leadership experience gained in their undergraduate chapter was the best teacher. To prepare the chapters’ chief elected officers for success, every undergraduate chapter president is invited to attend the Archons Academy. The program is presented at no cost to the archon or his chapter. All expenses of transportation, housing, meals and the educational program are provided by contributions to Psi Upsilon’s Annual Fund. Stefanos Kasselakis ,

Topics covered:

• Goal setting and program planning

Tau ’ 09

• Learning to supervise, direct and delegate

(Pennsylvania), lef t, and A u s t in

• Psi Upsilon’s history, heraldry, organization and values • Ritual, exactly what is (and isn’t) a secret and why it is important in the

21st century

(Ge orgia Tec h ) discu ss the issues o f t h e

• Understanding the chapter’s stakeholders – young alumni, older alumni,

Klaus, Ga m m a Ta u ’ 0 8

parents, faculty, administration

day at th e A rc h o ns academy .


Hon ori n g 3 5 – 3 7 c o n se c u tiv e ye ar s of 37 ye ar s

Jack Lageschulte, Epsilon Omega ’59 Lawrence J. Loughlin Jr., Epsilon Nu’53 William H. Mathers, Zeta ’35 John F. Thomas, Pi ’66

36 ye ar s

John E. Becker II, Psi ’61 James S. Bradley, Tau ’63 Robert Burns, Epsilon Nu ’55 Henr y H. Bush Jr., Rho ’49 Thomas G. Grimes, Epsilon Nu ’60 T. Denis Jotcham, Epsilon Phi ’41


Ranse W. Kesl, Omicron ’60 John K. McClennan, Psi ’43 Townsend T. Mink, Tau ’51 Sherman Morss Jr. AIA, Tau ’66 Robert S. Petersen Jr., Omicron ’68 Frederick B. Schudel, Upsilon ’56 Morris S. Weeden, Pi ’41 Francis N. Wright, Psi ’48

35 years

Carlyle F. Barnes, Xi ’48 Louis W. Booth, Theta ’55 Miner D. Crar y Jr., Gamma ’42

William S. Gray III, Omega ’48 William H. Hall, Upsilon ’72 William W. Hamilton, Psi ’70 John W. Healey, Omicron ’58 Delmar R. Hughes Jr., Rho ’50 Theodore F. Murphy, Mu ’49 Donald G. Piper, Pi ’57 Henr y B. Poor, Gamma ’39 John B. Stevens III, Upsilon ’72 William H. Walker III, Tau ’69 Winston Weber, Pi ’62 Charles M. Wilds, Delta Delta ’40

The Schoepflin Society Named for Paul H. Schoepflin, Pi ’12 (Syracuse University) the Schoepflin Society recognizes members and friends who have made a planned gift to the Psi Upsilon Foundation. Brother Schoepflin’s bequest resulted in a gift of more than $700,000 to the Foundation. The following members have indicated their estate plans include a bequest to the Psi Upsilon Foundation, have signed a statement of such an intent, or have filed a copy of the relevant portion of their estate document with the Foundation:

John E. Boccaccio, Phi ’75

John D. Kay, Delta ’78

Samuel J. Tinaglia, Omega ’88

J. Martin Brayboy, Gamma ’84

Andrew M. Kerstein, Delta ’76

Edgar H. Vant Jr. , Chi ’57

Joan R. Brewster, Gamma ’86

Kevin A. Klock, Chi Delta ’01

Howard C. Webber, Jr., Phi ’56

David A. B. Brown, Epsilon Phi ’66

Jack Lageschulte, Epsilon Omega ’59

Mark A. Williams, Phi ’76

John F. Bush, Psi ’56 - Upsilon

Thomas A. Leghorn, Delta ’76

William N. Wishard, III, Delta Delta ’64

Gerald P. Gehman, Omega ’61

William McPherson V, Phi ’71

The Estate of A. Price Gehrke, Pi-Tau ’43

Richard E. Meese, Phi ’78

Alfred L. Ginepra, Jr. Lambda ’55

Robert S. Petersen, Omicron ’68

LCDR John Gray USN (Ret.), Psi ’37

Henry B. Poor, Gamma ’39

Charles M. Hall, Nu Alpha-Gamma Tau ’71

Richard A. Rasmussen, Upsilon ’72

Christopher W. L. Hart, Chi ’72

Donald S. Smith Jr., Xi ’39

James E. Heerin Jr., Tau ’58

Ralph E. Steffan, Tau ’51

Charles S. P. Hodge, Gamma ’68

Samuel S. Stewart, Phi ’56

Douglas R. Jung, Tau ’73

Dale D. Sutton, Xi ’50

For more information, contact Executive Director Mark A. Williams at 317-571-1833.

How to Include The Psi Upsilon Foundation in your will: Sample bequest language: “I give and bequeath to the Psi Upsilon Foundation, Inc. (Federal Tax ID #05-6013135), a not-for-profit 501(c)3 Rhode Island Corporation, the sum of $_________ (or) _____% of my residuary estate) to be used by the Foundation in fulfillment of its educational purposes as the Foundation Board of Directors shall determine.”



Psi U psi l on Fo un d a ti on

2 0 0 8 - 0 9 S c h o l a r s h ip Recipien t s Francis C. Hardie, Omicron-Zeta 1918 Award John L. Brennan, Beta Beta ’09 (Trinity College)

Benjamin T. Burton, Chi 1921 Award Luke S. Rodehurst, Omega ’09 (University of Chicago)

Earl D. Babst, Iota-Phi 1893 Award Nicolas E. Blanchet, Tau ’09 (University of Pennsylvania) John L. Brennan, Beta Beta ’09

Luke S. Rodehurst, Omega ’09

R. DeWitt Wallace, Epsilon 1914 Award Daniel L. Timko, Lambda Sigma ’09 (Pepperdine University)

Albert C. Jacobs, Phi 1921 Award Courtney E. Peterson, Chi Delta ’10 (Duke University)

R. Timothy Leedy, Phi 1957 Award Elisabeth A. Gallant, Epsilon Iota ’09 (RP I)

Gardner A. Callanen, Psi 1929 Award Matthew G. Crowson, Psi ’09 (Hamilton College) Nicolas E. Blanchet, Tau ’09

Daniel L. Timko, Lambda Sigma ’09

Robert W. Parsons, Xi 1922 Award Ryan J. Cherniak, Upsilon ’09 (University of Rochester)

Salvatore (Sam) L. Biardo, Omicron 2004 Award Alecsandru T. Florea, Omicron ’09 (University of Illinois)

William P. King, Omicron 1971 Award Mark P. Baker, Omicron ’09 (University of Illinois)

Henry B. Poor, Gamma 1939 Award Stefanos Kasselakis, Tau ’09 (University of Pennsylvania) Courtney E. Peterson, Chi Delta ’10

Matthew G. Crowson, Psi ’09


Elisabeth A. Gallant, Epsilon Iota ’09

Ryan J. Cherniak, Upsilon ’09

Alecsandru T. Florea, Omicron ’09

Mark P. Baker, Omicron ’09

Stefanos Kasselakis, Tau ’09

Scholarship Winner Broadcasts Success Jonathan Tamayo, Lambda Sigma ’08 received the Gardner A. Callanen, Psi 1929 Scholarship Award for 2007-08. We asked him about his Psi U experiences... How did you decide to join Psi Upsilon? My RA freshman year was a Psi U, and he convinced my entire suite to rush to get free stuff. I ended up really liking the guys, and four of us got a bid. There’s a saying in our chapter that “Psi U is the fraternity for guys that never thought they would join a fraternity.” How did the Psi Upsilon scholarship help you this year? It has helped tremendously to make tuition more affordable. There is a lot of opportunity at Pepperdine to do amazing things that is shaping who I am. My scholarship has made it possible to take advantage of these opportunities without

Jonathan Ta m a y o ,

having to worry about the financial burden they can bring.

Lambda Si g m a ‘ 0 8

What did you do last summer?

(Peppe rdine )

I interned in London last summer. It was one of the best times of my life and the internship I had there was life changing. I worked at one of the top radio stations in London that broadcasts all over the UK. I was able to do reporting in a big city and got to interview the mayor of London, government officials, detectives, British celebrities, artists and world explorers. I even got to cover Prince Charles. I followed him around all day as he toured an environmental facility that helps kids on the street get jobs. Tell us about “Man Waves” “Man Waves” is a show that started as a joke between a friend and me. We were sitting in class one day talking to one of the producers of a show called “Strong Currents” which is a female talk how that’s similar to “The View.” We told her it would be a good idea to do a segment about a guy’s response. She liked the idea and “Man Waves” was born. After the end of the semester, we decided to make our own show, and have grown from a small segment on a female talk show to our own distinctive man-oriented show with a live studio audience. In one of our early episodes this year, we were short on crew members, so I made one phone call and six pledges and two actives showed up to help. Psi U is the biggest part of our audience members at live tapings. I get a tremendous amount of support and a lot of ideas from our chapter. Are your broadcasts available on the Internet? Some of our episodes are available on Facebook, and we’re working on getting them on YouTube.




Undergraduate & Alumni

Have news you want to share? Send news and photographs for publication to: The DIAMOND, 3003 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Or fax: 317-844-5170. Or e-mail:

THETA, Union College (1833)

Ben ChAN Recieves Award Ben Chan, Epsilon ’98, (Berkeley), has been awarded the 2008 UK Aerospace & Defense Librarians Group Award, which will be presented at the Special Libraries Association conference in Seattle later this year. Chan is also featured on a British website called “Visible Chinese: A Guide to Achievers in the UK’s Chinese Culture” for his success with Top Hat Band, which was listed among the best wedding bands in the UK by Bride magazine, and for his work with Bigyellowband.

Habitat for Humanity was an important part of the chapter’s programming this year. Members attended multiple workdays to help build a home for a local family with other members of the Union College campus.

GAMMA, Amherst College (1841) The chapter initiated 14 new brothers and produced a large turnout for two Habitat for Humanity projects. Jarrad Littleton ’10 was accepted into the London School of Economics’ full-year study abroad program. Mark Rapisarda ’08 received first team AllNESCAC honors in men’s squash.

Tsongas Award for Most Improved. Joe Braunruether ’08 shared in the Paul Tsongas award, received the John Glover Award for Most Inspirational and was an academic allIvy. Andrew Berry ’08 served as the captain of the swim team, was 2nd team all-Ivy, the Ron Keenhold Diver of the Year and an NCAA academic all-American. Ben Samson ’08 received the Yachtsman Award from the sailing team for outstanding contribution to the sport.

PSI, Hamilton College (1843) The entire chapter participated in the national heart run/walk in Utica, NY, this year and raised nearly $650. The chapter also hosted a “Little League Day” in Clinton where it did some groundskeeping on the area fields to be sure they are safe for children. The chapter also helped out Hamilton College by providing concessions for the national rugby championships held on campus in April.

ZETA, Dartmouth College (1842)

Littleton and Webster Gamma brothers William Littleton ‘10 and William Webster ‘45 certainly made the most of their summer together. When Brother Littleton accepted an internship with fellow Gamma William Webster’s law firm, the Psi U connection led to a great friendship.

During the spring, the chapter focused on both increasing participation in community service projects as well as improving the physical structure of the house. The first initiative was successful, with the chapter raising money for Relay for Life, being a sponsor for PRIDE week, as well as continuing its strong participation with a local mentoring program, DREAM. The chapter also made a significant effort to improve the house, which has now passed its 100th anniversary. Matthew Schenker ’09 spent the winter at the Cerro Tolodo International Observatory in Chile doing research funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The research focused on time-resolved spectroscopy of a specific class of binary stars known as cataclysmic variables. Porter Diehl ’09 received the Dartmouth swim team’s Karl B. Michael Award, given to the team MVP, and the Paul


Brothers placed on the Dean’s List for academic achievement included: Joe Buicko ’08, Mike Hayes ’08, Andrew Neumann ’08, Travis Blood ’09, Matt Crowson ’09, Andrew Miller ’10, Ben Freeman ’10, Sam Cowan ’11 and Sam Ward ’11.

XI, Wesleyan University (1843) Two notable events from the fall semester were the RJD2 concert and Homecoming weekend. RJD2, a well known hip-hop producer and singer, was brought to Wesleyan by the Xi for what turned out to be the most successful concert of the year. With more than 500 attendees, the concert christened the University’s new Beckham Hall. Homecoming weekend started with a moving and powerful tribute to Robinson K. Nottingham, Xi ’83. The day also included

a forum entitled, “What Leaders Need to Know” moderated by prominent constitutional scholar John Finn. The two guests to the forum were well known political journalist John Keller and Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz. Tristan Tully ’09 was elected the social chair of Wesleyan Democrats. Chris Choi ’09 is the economic and social chairs advisor for the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the Model United Nations. JZ Golden ’08 was named a National Squash Association Merit Scholar. Mark Kelley ’08 is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Wesleyan Undergraduate Philosophy Journal and founder and student leader of the Wesleyan Student Forum on Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Philosophy. Chris Goy ’09 is a member of the Middletown Democratic Town Committee. Ernest Sliwinski ’10 was named a University Scholar and serves as the personal research assistant to Professor Albert Fry, PhD. He also received the University’s Outstanding Immigrant Award. Maximilian Vargas, ’07, is pursuing a PhD in biomedical science, specifically cardiology. UPSILON, University of Rochester (1858) Each brother is required to perform 22 hours of service a year, which logs into almost 600 hours given back to the community. This year the chapter worked with the University of Rochester’s Relay for Life and raised money to help fight cancer. The chapter also continued its work with the Boy Scouts and their annual canned food drive. The chapter sold t-shirts to help a brother, Matt Slusarz ’10, with his medical expenses. Seven of the 12 chapter members in the University of Rochester School of Engineering made the Dean’s List this year. Ryan Cherniak ’09, current archon, is a two-time Psi Upsilon Foundation scholarship winner and on the Dean’s List. He is also a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers and is the first student at U of R to model drag reduction effects on transitional flows over spheres.

IOTA, Kenyon College (1860) The lodge renovation project was kicked off with a wine tasting held at the Kenyon Inn. Alumni and many parents attended the meal. The annual “Psi Boo” haunted house event also received its highest attendance ever. The great turnout marks the event as a community staple. With the elder brothers upstairs entertaining parents and guests, the eager trick-or-treaters are guided through a maze. Luke Larson ’07 was named an honorable mention all-American lacrosse player. Marcus Hough ’10 was named Greek Social Coordinator joining Jordan Zimolka ’10, Greek Community Service Coordinator and Hunter Judson ’09 on the Greek Council executive board. Chris Willoughby ’08 received distinction on his senior exercise.

PHI, University of Michigan (1865) The brothers of the Phi participated in a Commitment to Excellence retreat facilitated by the staff of the International Office. The day was spent discussing the current condition of the chapter and brainstorming ways in which it could improve. The chapter is now setting goals so that in a year we can evaluate our progress. The chapter has maintained a high academic average for the last few years and continued that by receiving the secondhighest fraternity GPA on campus last semester.

About 30 undergraduate brothers went to Mitchell Scarlett Woods in Ann Arbor for a community service outing. They spent about five hours in the nine-acre park cutting away and stacking up the wood from invasive trees from the area so that the native trees could better flourish.

OMEGA, University of Chicago (1869) The Omega chapter revitalized its website with the technical guidance of Matt McCrea ’09. On this recharged website, alumni and current brothers can track alumni affairs, the undergraduate chapter and photos, and make donations. The new website will allow better communication between undergraduates and alumni. Alex Clifford ’11 was selected as the UAA Rookie of the Year for soccer. Patrick Kane ’11 made the All-Region team for track and field. Ted Garelick ’09, Jan Michael-Guerra ’10, Joshua Hostetter ’09, Evan Cudworth ’09, and Chris Powers ’09 received Metcalf Fellowships for summer internships. Luke Rodehurst ’09 was selected for the Summer Links internship. Summer Links is an intensive 11-week program committed to public service, community building and social change. Luke also placed second in a national travel writing contest for a piece he wrote on Guatemala. Mitch Salm ’09 is a cast member in the professional production of “Dreamlandia” at the Victory Gardens Theatre. In addition, Morgan Maher was selected to audition for the School at Steppenwolf Theatre. Matt McCrea ’09 is president of the University of Chicago chapter of the Roosevelt Institution, a student public policy think tank. Hiroyuki Sato ’11 spent a year with City Year Chicago, a program where he tutors Chicago Public School kids in literacy and leads an after school program. Kevin Fazendeiro, ’95, has founded Blue Hill Advisors after 12 years with large consulting firms. Steven Goldberg, ’70, former bureau chief at Tiempos del Mundo, Washington, D.C., is writing articles for The New World Encyclopedia, “still playing guitar and entertaining anyone who will listen.”

PI, Syracuse University (1875) Syracuse University made a major adjustment to Homecoming by combining the weekend with the traditional 25th and 50th alumni reunions. As a result, the chapter welcomed a large number of alumni back to the Pi from the classes of ’57 and ’82 for a pre- and post-game BBQ.

Continued on following page


Lambda Sigma Initiation Jack Corrodi, Xi ’57 (Wesleyan University) presented the Lambda Sigma chapter with a cake honoring the largest pledge class in the history of the chapter. The cake included a photo of the 25th pledge class with their names in icing.

Syracuse University has formally rolled out a rigorous chapter accreditation process which rated the chapter in good standing. The chapter also obtained a GPA of 3.07 for 2007. The chapter recorded 490 community service hours this year. Brothers participated in various programs and service projects that supported causes like the American Red Cross, the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, and the Vera House of Syracuse. Each member was required to complete at least 10 hours of service for the community. In the past year, the Pi has raised $2,450 for various charities including a Champions are Readers fund, an educational program held with the Martin Luther King Jr. Magnet school, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation, St. Jude’s Children’s Oncology, and the Livestrong Foundation. Each member was required to raise at least $50. Jeffrey Hartford ’09 is the Community Service Chair on the University’s Interfraternity Council.

Tzou and his bike somewhere between Los Angeles and Malaysia

Taking the Long Way Home to Malaysia Tzuo Hann Law, Chi Delta ‘07 (Duke) calls himself “the crazy guy on a bike.” You might agree as you read his blog which chronicles his bike ride home to Malaysia. He plans to circumnavigate the globe alone on his bike. Tzuo hopes to arrive home with lots of stories, photos and wisdom. He also hopes to spread the message that “it is possible for young Malaysians to better the world we live in and that no one is too young to start something in the way he or she can for a charitable cause.”

The Beta Beta chapter hosted an event called featuring professors and prominent student leaders on campus who gathered to discuss campus race relations. In continuing its work with Hartford Hospital, the Beta Beta chapter organized a concert to benefit the Patient Navigation program assisting local uninsured women fighting cancer. DJ Unk performed and over 1,000 members of the Trinity community attended. The event to have raised over $7,000. Other community service events held this year included hosting Red Cross blood drives in the spring and fall, the annual “Halloween on Vernon Street” where area youth are entertained at a decorated chapter house, hosting an ice skating event with local children, participating in Trinity’s annual “Do-it Day,” and raising about $3,000 for Relay for Life. Archon Josh Biren ’09 was elected co-chair of the Trinity College Inter-Greek Council.

CHI, Cornell University (1876)

ETA, Lehigh University (1884)

Joined by three other fraternities on Cornell’s campus, the Chi chapter organized an invitational hockey tournament at the famous Lynah Rink to raise money for Meals on Wheels. Tickets to see the competition for the “Cayuga Cup” sold for $5. A raffle was a large part of the philanthropy effort. The event raised around $2,000 for Meals on Wheels.

This year the Eta hosted a meeting with Lehigh’s board of trustees during its tour of the campus. Stuart Schnabolk ’09 ran a leadership program in which brothers and trustees both participated.

The chapter has been active in other community service projects including United Way, YMCA of Ithaca, Red Cross Friendship Center and Mom’s House. Jonathan Feldman ’08 deserves praise for his leadership role in the Day of Demeter, replacing Collegetown Clean-up. With a bigger vision and broader goal, he partnered with the university, community organizations and local businesses. More than 150 members of the Greek community participated in tree planting, gardening, flower pot planting, and gorge cleaning. After serving as chapter archon, Matthew Dubbioso ’09 has been elected vice president judicial for the Cornell IFC.


BETA BETA, Trinity College (1880)

Alexander Morley ’08 was awarded the President’s scholarship from Lehigh, which recognizes exceptional academic achievement. Sean Elwell ’09 was inducted into the Order of Omega. Ethan Case ’10, Devin Powers ’09, and John Lalomio ’10 all served the university as residential assistants during the academic year. Brothers of the Eta clocked roughly 316 total community service hours and contributed $1,033 during the 2007-08 academic year. The Eta has also raised roughly $500 through the Cans for Habitat program, about a third of the total contribution of some 15 Greek organizations.

TAU, University of Pennsylvania (1891) The fundraising campaign for the Castle Foundation was started this year. This campaign reaches out to alumni to raise funds to provide undergraduate brothers and their families with financial aid. This will enable

brothers to support themselves in both their studies and their membership in the Castle. Nicolas Blanchet ’09 participated in “engineers without borders” community service trip to Cameroon during winter break, where they helped bring electricity to a small village. Stefanos Kasselakis ’09, current chapter president, worked in the finance department of Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden. He also helped organize the ground efforts in northwestern Iowa for the Democratic primary caucus. He was recently elected chairman of the general assembly committee of the University of Pennsylvania’s Model U.N. conferences. Ashraf Saheb ’10 was named Presidential Scholar of Bahrain. The chapter has been involved with numerous organizations including: Ronald McDonald House where it helps with cleanup, organization and food serving; Habitat for Humanity where the brothers helped lay the foundation for a new house; and Obama ’08 where brothers helped get voters to register. The chapter also participated with UPenn’s Relay for Life. The chapter also helped run a Valentine’s Day Rose Sale with the Wharton Latino Club and raised over $3,000. Money went to fund the education of children in Latin America.

OMICRON, University of Illinois (1910) Community service was a focal point for the chapter this spring. The chapter teamed up with Tri-Delta Sorority to host a blood drive at the chapter house, collecting 34 pints of blood. It was also active in Relay for Life and raised about $500. Just before finals it hosted an event: “finals… what a bunch of BULL” where Red Bull was sold on the quad and all proceeds went to help research for finding a cure for AIDS. The chapter hosted an ethics workshop for the entire Greek Community. It was run by Matt Mattson from Phired Up Productions, Inc.

Fundraising for phase one of the Omicron renovation project was completed by the alumni association and it is now beginning phase two. THETA THETA, University of Washington (1916) In the fall, the chapter held its annual philanthropy “Old School Days,” where participants play schoolyard games such as four square. The chapter also participated in several other philanthropies throughout the year and raised money including $2,500 for Anchor Splash, $500 for Relay for Life, and $500 for other sorority philanthropies. Two brothers, John Bradwin ’04 and Michael Storey ’09, plan to run a half marathon in Napa to raise money for the Crohns and Colitis foundation. They plan to raise $3,500 each for the cause. Eric M. Gonzalez, ’97, has received a commission in the United States Marine Corps and is a Captain serving in Iraq. ZETA ZETA, University of British Columbia (1935) Zeta Zeta held its first open rush in approximately 10 years in 2007, resulting in 17 great new brothers and bringing the chapter to 32 members, its largest in more than a decade. This spring the chapter had a very successful formal dinner and cruise that included 70 active and alumni brothers. Ben Hoffman ’09 and Jason Binstock ’10 were involved in the creation of a coed business club for UBC. This club includes members from all faculties at the university who share a similar interest in business education and opportunities. Paul Cseke ’10 was a member of the junior British Columbia curling team that represented the province at the Canadian national junior curling championship. The chapter raised $1,100 for the Canadian Heart and Stroke foundation, Canuck Place (local NHL run charity), the Breast Cancer Foundation and CASA (American organization that trains volunteers to speak on behalf of abused or neglected children in court).

EPSILON NU, Michigan State University (1943) The Epsilon Nu chapter successfully helped organize our Founder’s Day Dinner at The Reserve Restaurant in Birmingham. Many of the brothers attended this event to exhibit the great direction our house is headed. Many of the alumni were able to meet our new members. A partnership with the local White Hills retirement home and the Epsilon Nu chapter was created many years ago and the current brothers maintain it, making visits and helping with whatever is needed. The chapter also participated in the Chi Omega Softball Smash and Delta Gamma’s Anchorsplash and put a considerable amount of work into Michigan State’s Relay for Life. Kyle Rhodes ’08 was recently accepted into the Order of Omega. GAMMA TAU, Georgia Institute of Technology (1970) The Gamma Tau had an amazing rush which brought in 32 new pledges. The average number of pledges per fraternity that semester was 16, and the Gamma Tau is one of the smaller chapters on Georgia Tech’s campus. During the weekend of April 12-13, the Gamma Tau hosted its annual alumni weekend. This event was special because it marked the rebirth of PUSOG (the Psi Upsilon Society of Georgia), the alumni who were responsible for its rise from obscurity were recognized, and the weekend was used as a spring board to gather and harness alumni support for the chapter. Jessica Ann Frame, ’07, is working full time for Google in California.

CHI DELTA, Duke University (1973) The Chi Delta received the highest ranking among all Fraternity and Selective Living Groups on campus for its 2007 Community Plan. The plan was a compilation of all the activities and Continued on following page


programs run by the chapter for both internal events that benefit our own members and all external involvement with the Duke community.

PSI Upsilon Association of Elmira – 98th Annual Dinner The Psi Upsilon Association of Elmira held its 98th Annual Dinner at the Elmira City Club on Thursday, December 27, 2007. Following a fine dinner, the courses of which were separated by robust singing of Psi U songs, chapter reports were offered by those attending. Some brothers were better informed than others, regarding current status of their respective chapters. El Halsey, Delta ‘58 (NYU) briefed the assembled brothers on current status of fraternity affairs. The 99th Annual Dinner of the Psi Upsilon Asssociaton of Elmira will be held at the Elmira City Club on Monday, the 29th of December, 2008. All brothers are welcome and encouraged to attend. Undergraduates may attend without charge. Omegas of the 80s Gather in Chicago An impromptu e-mail led to 30 Omegas converging on Chicago. Manuel Chaknis ‘85 had received an e-mail from Sam Tinaglia ‘88 about the Psi U Foundation when, on a whim, he posed the question back to Sam about the possibility of getting Omegas from the 1980’s together for a “mini-reunion.” Sam e-mailed Mark Bauer ‘83 and, about an hour and several e-mails later, a group of six alums committed to come. Ther early arrivals began to gather on campus, stopping at the chapter before lunch to meet the undergraduates and to see the physical improvements made throughout the house over the years. Brian Sullivan ‘84 then led a tour of the U of C campus, as a number of new buildings have been erected in the area near the Omega. Jonathan Persky ‘85 hosted a group of Omegas for golf at the Chevy Chase Country Club, while others met near Rush Street to cheer the Cubs. That evening, Lynn Werner, the “first lady of the Omega,” had arranged to assemble a cornucopia of Hyde Park culinary delights including delicious food from Harold’s Chicken Shack, Leon’s Rib Shack and Giordano’s Pizza along with homemade desserts and a variety of cold beverages.


This spring, the Chi Delta hosted several successful events featuring our alumni. Rob Goodman ’05 came back to campus through the Duke Conversations program to talk about his experience as a speechwriter for Senator Chris Dodd. Several weeks later, the Chi Delta chapter and the Chi Delta Alumni Association hosted our chapter’s 35th anniversary celebrations over Duke’s Alumni Weekend. Eric Schuchman ’08 was elected a member of Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, Gregory Filpus ’09 was elected to the Order of Omega, Greek Honor Society, and Lauren Cohen ’08 was elected to Eta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering Honor Society. Peter Broadbent, Jr. ’73 was recognized in Virginia 2008 Super Lawyers magazine as one of the top 5% of Virginia lawyers for his utilities law practice. He has also been appointed to the Virginia Bicentennial of the American War of 1812 Commission. Charles Walker Poppe, Jr., ’78, is chief information officer of Cogentrix Energy, Llc, a wholly owned affiliate of Goldman-Sachs. EPSILON IOTA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1982) Maintaining the chapter’s property was a priority this year for the Epsilon Iota chapter. The chapter has been actively fundraising to continue to improve the physical state of our chapter house. The next project is the resurfacing of the outside of the house to improve the appearance and the energy efficiency. Elisabeth Gallant ’09 was elected to the executive board of the Interfraternity Council and serves as the director of public relations. She established the photo corps for the IFC, a program that provides photographers for all Greek sponsored events in order to maintain a visual archive of the Greek presence on campus. Laura Holewa ’08 participated in an internship program last summer at the Idaho National Laboratory, a huge honor for an individual in the field of nuclear engineering. Steven Malinski ’09 has recently been chosen as the new conductor of our school’s Pep Band. The chapter donated approximately $150 and participated in the campus Breast Cancer

Awareness Month program. It donated toys and other gifts to a needy family in the Troy area for Christmas and also volunteered in a campus event known as the “Victorian Stroll.” Another event, called “Cranksgiving,” helped collect food and money for needy families. Over 200 pounds of food was collected. It also participated in a fundraising event for the local rugby club, and donated supplies. Matthew Giacomazzo, ’05, is in the process of setting up his own business in multimedia design called Soundvessel Studios.

PHI DELTA, University of Mary Washington (1996) After initiating 11 new brothers this fall the Phi Delta is now at its largest size since its inception. The chapter has opened a consistent dialogue with its administration, concerning the Phi Delta and Greek life’s place at UMW. The chapter is also involved with a number of service organizations on campus and within the Fredericksburg community. It has served a number of hours with the group “Friends of the Rappahannock River” which helps clean and keep the banks of the river natural. Another event was working with the “White Ribbon Campaign,” an advocacy group for non-violence against women. The chapter held a car wash raising money for the Fredericksburg battered women’s shelter. Other fundraising efforts helped raise $500 for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation and $500 for the Students Helping Honduras club a UMW.

LAMBDA SIGMA, Pepperdine University (1998) This fall, the chapter had its most successful recruitment in its history, initiating 30 members. This more than doubled the chapter’s size. “Psi U Think U Can Dance” is the chapter’s annual fundraiser where fraternities, sororities, and other campus organizations make dance teams and compete while raising money. It is the largest Greek philanthropy event on the Pepperdine campus in terms of attendance. Money raised goes to the Sam Schmidt Paralysis Foundation. The chapter also takes part in many other organization’s philanthropic efforts such as participating is Delta Gamma’s Anchorfest and Pepperdine’s annual “Songfest” competition.

ALPHA OMICRON, New Jersey Institute of Technology (1999) Greek Week was a success for the Alpha Omicron chapter; it placed in the top five fraternities at NJIT. The chapter has also been involved with many community clean-ups, Walk for the Cure (a breast cancer walk), the March of Dimes, and also helped renovate a local nursing home, Mar-Del Manner as well as partake in a clean-up of another, Bethany Residence. Angel Figueroa ’09 was elected to the NJIT Senate and serves as a commuter representative. Carlo Togonon ’08 and Alvin Togonon ’08 both serve as the VPs of the Filipino Student Association and work for NJIT’s local radio station. David Connor ’08 is currently in the New Jersey Air Force National Guard. Bobby Kim ’07 currently manages a local Hookah shop called Green House Chimney and Christopher Mattessich ’08 owns his own business where he creates custom auto parts.


SIGMA PHI, St. Francis University (2007)

This spring, the chapter hosted the second annual “Mr. SFU” event. In the fall the chapter hosts an event called “Fight Night” which had a huge attendance, and we look forward to hosting it again in the future. The chapter is also looking forward to the second annual golf scramble which raises money for our philanthropy. This event is held on Immegrun Golf Course, which lies just off campus. Since being recognized in 2006 by Saint Francis University, the Sigma Phi has held the highest GPA of any fraternity on campus. The chapter has also brought in the most new members for the spring and is currently the largest fraternity on campus. David Lopus ’09 is the mascot of Saint Francis University. “Hugs for Honduras” was represented by one of our brothers for a second straight year.

Shawn Lehman ’09 raised enough money to fly to an orphanage in Honduras over spring break and assist them in many ways.


DELTA NU Provisional, Keene State College, NH

Recruitment is being looked at very differently by the chapter this year. Besides having to transition from Delta Nu Psi to Psi Upsilon, the chapter shifted its focus from waiting for potential members to reach out to them,to being more aggressive and bringing recruitment to them. Members do 10 hours of community service a semester with two of those hours a month at Keene Community Kitchen, our chapter philanthropy. Other current projects include Recyclemania. On one Friday we collected over 300 pounds in recyclable goods alone. We also participated in “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” a walk for the prevention of domestic abuse. This academic year we have completed roughly around 400 hours of community service.

Chapter members are active in the Student Activities Council. Erin Murray ’09 was the SAC Major-Weekend’s co-coordinator and now serves as SAC president. Nicole Tikkanen ’09 and Alexandra Coll ’09 serve as general members. Teddy Byrne ’08 serves as the Student Center Activity Co-Coordinator, Sarah Litvaitis ’10 and Kelly Nilsson ’10 are the co Presidents of SAA and Ally Smith ’08 is the Student Center building manager.


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