The Diamond of Psi Upsilon 2008

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P s i Up s i l o n

tA lE N t E D B ro t hEr S o F

Investment advice to fiction to the big screen, Psi U writers are influencing the nation’s readers. wooD worK rECogNIZED By PrESErvAtIoN lEAguE oF Ny Preserving New York: Winning the Right to Protect a City’s Landmarks by Anthony C. Wood, Iota ’76 received recognition from the Preservation League of New York State for his ‘outstanding commitment to the preservation of New York State’s irreplaceable architectural heritage.’ Through his work, Wood tells the story of New York City’s local landmark law (passed in 1965) by uncovering the very things that shaped this famous city – its people, buildings, battles, politics and policies. The book has been hailed as an enlightenment to the entire historic preservation movement. Preserving New York and Wood received a special citation from the Preservation League at its annual meeting on May 15, 2008.


The French film, Tell No One, based on the internationally best selling novel by Harlan Coben, Gamma ’84 (Amherst), may now be seen on this side of the Atlantic. Released in North America in July, the movie featured actors Francois Cluzet, Marie-Josee Croze and Kristin Scott Thomas. New York Times reviewer Stephen Holden wrote, “Tell No One is pure, nasty fun. I watched it twice. It was even better the second time.” Coben’s most recent novel, Hold Tight, was number one on The New York Times Bestseller List in May.


Dizzying Heights, the eighth novel of Bruce Ducker, Zeta ‘60 (Dartmouth) came out in June 2008. A comedy of manners set in Aspen, Dizzying Heights received early and glowing praise, including from the Denver Post: “just the novel for a leisurely beach read... Ducker’s novel guarantees a temporary, giant romp in the privileged playpen of the rich and famous. He also assures the reader that good, clean living and hardworking people can sometimes finish on top.” Ducker’s work has been featured in the nation’s leading literary magazines, including the Yale, Hudson, Sewanee, and Southern Reviews and Poetry. Honors include the Macallan prize and a nomination for the Pulitzer. He attributes his skills to hours of sedulous wool gathering at the Zeta chapter.


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The Diamond of Psi Upsilon 2008 by Psi Upsilon Fraternity - Issuu