PSU’s accounting program will provide you with the technical accounting skills and career development resources to jump start your career in accounting.
Our program is known for delivering a technically strong accounting education in a setting that values diversity and inclusion. We regularly interact with the regional accounting community and you will work with faculty who are truly passionate about accounting
As an accounting student, you will also have staff dedicated to providing you with hands on support to connect you with internship and job opportunities.
Accounting professionals are known for their highly sought after technical skills and the pivotal role they play in decision making. Whether you are interested in becoming a public accountant doing tax or audit work, or a career in corporate, governmental, or non profit, accounting is a profession that is highly respected and integral to ensuring successful organizations and functioning capital markets in our economy. This is why accountants are often referred to as "trusted business advisors".
After being admitted to the University, “Opt In” to be admitted to the School of Business (SB) and join the accounting program. To stay in the School of Business, a minimum 2.5 cumulative and business GPA is required each term.
Schedule a virtual appointment with your School of Business advisor for details. Appointments can be scheduled at pdx.edu/business/undergrad advising
If you do not yet have a bachelor’s degree, you should pursue an undergraduate accounting degree. For undergraduates planning to pursue CPA eligibility or a master's degree, be sure to look into our accelerated pathway programs for the Master of Science in Finance and the Master of Taxation which allow you to start your Master's degree in your senior year, reducing the time and cost to completion.
If you already have a bachelor’s degree, we recommend choosing one of the following options:
1. A Post Baccalaureate Accounting Certificate (hereafter called post bacc certificate). This is the fastest way to qualify to sit for the CPA exam and includes all the same required accounting courses as an accounting degree. The postbacc certificate is available to students who have already completed their bachelor's degree and is viewed by employers as the equivalent of a bachelor's in accounting.
2. A Master of Taxation (MTax) or Master of Science in Finance (MSF). These programs can be completed on a full or part time schedule. Full time students are able to complete these programs in only four terms. If you are interested in one of these programs, be sure to talk to your accounting faculty about receiving a referral to the program before applying. Students that receive a faculty referral are eligible for a $2,000 warm welcome scholarship.
More information on our offerings for degrees, certificates, and recommended elective can be found at bit.ly/psuactgacademics
The accelerated pathway program for PSU accounting students into our Master of Taxation (MT) allows students complete eight MT credits in their senior year which are shared between their bachelor’s degree in accounting and their MT degree. These credits are billed at the undergraduate tuition rate, saving you time and money as you earn your master's!
4 Credits Fall: MTAX 525 Tax Research and Writing replaces ACTG Elective 4 Credits Winter: ACTG 553 Financial Statement Analysis replaces ACTG 495
The accelerated pathway program for PSU accounting students into our Master of Science in Finance (MSF) allows students complete eight MSF credits their senior year which are shared between their bachelor’s degree in accounting and their MSF degree. These credits are billed at the undergraduate tuition rate, saving you time and money as you earn your master's!
4 Credits Fall: FIN 551 Financial Management for Financial Analysts replaces ACTG 495 4 Credits Winter: ACTG 553 Financial Statement Analysis replaces ACTG Elective
Use the degree planner tool at www.pdx.edu/accounting to plan your academic schedule. If you plan to work in public accounting, keep in mind that Fall term is the main hiring season and you will be very busy applying and interviewing for internships or full time positions.
Accounting 381 is the first of the intermediate Accounting series. It is a time consuming course and requires A LOT of study time, so plan accordingly!
Be sure you remember your basic debit and credit accounting mechanics. We offer a free, online "Accounting Boot Camp" that takes you through a review of the fundamentals of accounting and can be accessed at bit.ly/psuaccounting.
During your first few weeks in the course, you will also do an algorithmic review assignment to bring you up to speed on the core concepts of financial accounting.
Read your textbook before class in order to retain the information that you learn during your lecture.
You do not want to skip your accounting classes! During class, make sure that you are taking notes and working along with any in class problems.
As you complete your coursework, refer back to similar examples that you worked in class. Accounting builds on itself. Go slowly through each concept, starting with the easiest examples first, and then moving on to harder concepts once you have mastered the easy ones. If you do fall behind, reach out to your instructor as soon as possible. They are there to help!
Accounting requires repetition and practice. This means practicing homework and course packet problems over and over again until you can successfully complete the problems without looking at the solution! Then, move on to new problems to confirm your understanding of the material.
Accounting may look very easy when you watch your instructor work problems, yet there are always hidden pitfalls that you won’t learn about unless you work the problems on your own.
The online learning systems that accompany most of your textbooks will also have extra practice problems, practice quizzes, and supplemental videos. If your instructor doesn’t point these out, ask!
If you are struggling with a concept, visit your instructor during office hours or email your question! They are there to help you be successful!
Accounting continues to stand strong as an excellent career path for students interested in business. As the language of business, accounting helps you build the foundational skills that you will need to understand the inner workings of the business world.
Paid internships begin as early as your sophomore year, oftentimes putting you in the pipeline to receive a full-time offer after graduation The average starting salary for accounting graduates ranges between $55,000 $70,000, with many students securing paid internships and full time positions prior to graduation!
As an accounting student, you receive comprehensive career support from our dedicated Career Center team. The accounting area has two career coaches that specialize in supporting students through their career journey in accounting. This support includes specialized workshops, resume reviews, mock interviews, employer events, a mentorship program, and career fairs exclusively for accounting students!
Career paths in accounting are usually divided into four sectors: corporate, governmental, non-profit, and public accounting.
Continue reading for more information on each sector.
Corporate accounting careers, also referred to as industry, offer positions in financial accounting, cost accounting, treasury, internal audit, or tax. Most entry level positions in corporate settings involve either recording transactions or analysis of business activity. Corporate employers can range from very large corporations to smaller family owned business.These employers provide an opportunity to focus on an industry you may have a passion for such as the food industry or outdoor apparel.
With many entry-level accounting functions being outsourced, entry-level positions in corporate are becoming few and far between. It is common for professionals to spend 1 3 years in public accounting prior to pursuing a career in corporate. Starting salaries range from $50,000 $70,000. Salary growth is very specific to the employer.
Governmental organizations offer positions in fund accounting, financial analysis, budget analysis or internal audit for local, state and federal entities. Governmental positions are characterized by a unique set of accounting rules, predictable opportunities for upward mobility, great benefits, retirement plans that often include pensions and low overtime requirements. Starting salaries range from $45,000 - $65,000. Salary growth is very specific to the employer.
Non profit organizations offer positions in financial and fund accounting. Employers range from small public benefit organizations to large hospital systems or universities. Smaller organizations often have limited staff who perform a wide range of accounting functions, whereas larger organizations tend to offer more specialized positions similar to a corporate setting. Many non-profits provide unique work environments which often align with employees’ personal goals and values. Starting salaries range from $45,000 $65,000. Salary growth is very specific to the employer.
Public accounting offers the highest volume of entry level positions and is the most common starting point for careers in accounting. Careers in public accounting allow students to build experience and connections they can leverage to pivot into other accounting career paths. Before starting a career in public accounting, students must be CPA exam eligible, which requires they have 225 total quarter credits.
A career in public accounting usually involves a high volume of hours during the busy season, due to a large variety of clients that are subject to filing deadlines. Busy seasons occur 1-2 times a year and consist of 2 3 months of 50 70 hour work weeks, depending on the size of the firm. To compensate for the long hours, firms usually offer generous vacation packages, with an average of 4 weeks of paid time off.
Starting salaries range between $53,000 $70,000 for full time positions and $20 $35/hr for internships, with hiring opportunities beginning as early as sophomore year.
Public accounting firms offer a variety of services to many clients, with some firms offering specialty services. Students are often required to choose from the primary service lines during the application process.
Audit (Assurance) uses financial accounting concepts to ensure that clients' financial statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP. Audit involves a large amount of travel, team work, and direct communication with clients beginning your first year.
Tax can take a variety of forms, including compliance and consulting. Tax compliance involves using client information to prepare tax returns. Tax consulting includes working with clients to plan important business transactions.
Consulting (Advisory) services encompass a large variety of services, depending on the size of the firm. Most commonly, entry-level positions are available in technology consulting and risk assurance.
In order to work at a public accounting firm, students must be eligible to sit for the CPA exam. In order to sit for the CPA exam, you have to meet a variety of criteria, including earning a total of 225 quarter credits. This usually requires students to take a 5th year of classes.
For more on CPA eligibility, see our section: Pathway to a CPA.
There are a variety of leadership workshops and paid internships ($25+/hr) beginning as early as three years prior to your CPA eligibility date! These opportunities are available from Deloitte, EY, KPMG, Moss Adams, and PwC.
Fall Term: Most hiring for summer and winter internships, as well as full-time positions, takes place in fall term. Students apply to positions as early as mid September and hopefully receive full time employment or internship offers by late October. Some applications are still open in Winter and Spring term for students who miss out on Fall recruiting.
Spring Term: Spring term is the last big push for students that have not received an offer and are looking for summer internships/full-time positions.
To put your best foot forward for prospective employers, you need to re familiarize yourself with your skills and strengths. You can do this by reviewing a list of common skills and strengths. Make an outline of the experiences that allowed you to build and demonstrate these skills. Next, compare these skills to those in the job postings that you are applying. This will give you an insight into the best items to emphasize in your application materials and interviews.
Accounting resumes follow a very specific set of guidelines. To ensure that your resume is properly prepared, we created an accounting resume template and offer VMock, an AI powered online resume review platform to our accounting students.
The goal of a cover letter is to give you an opportunity to convince the employer that they want to interview you! Use your cover letter to give the employer an inside peek into who you are and why you would be a good fit for the role you are applying to.
We offer a variety of resources, including a cover letter template to assist you.
Business professional and/or business casual attire are required at all networking events and interviews. To assist you in navigating the accounting dress code, we have prepared a guide that you can access on our accounting student resources website. In addition, you are welcome to access the FREE Clothing Closet in the SB Career Center.
Networking is a key part of your job search and you should begin as soon as you come to campus. It allows you to get your foot in the door for interviews as you build relationships with employers. It also gives you an opportunity to gather more information and make an informed decision on the employer you choose to work for. Accounting networking events are hosted prior to the primary hiring seasons.
Accounting interviews consist primarily of behavioral questions. These questions ask you to give examples of past experiences in order to predict your future behavior. During primary hiring seasons, first and second round interviews will take place 1 2 weeks after application deadlines. We offer a variety of workshops and exercises to help you perfect your answers.
Employment offers for public accounting internships and full time positions are extended ~1 week after second round interviews during primary recruiting seasons. Depending on the season, offers will be held open for 2 6 weeks.
After choosing the offer you would like to accept, it is important that you immediately contact any employers whose offers you are declining. Because internships are used as a hiring pipeline, it is generally discouraged to accept multiple internship offers.
Fall recruiting is the primary hiring season for internships and full-time positions in public accounting with start dates that begin in the next nine months. A variety of workshops, panels, and networking events are hosted prior to application deadlines.
Meet the Firms is the main career event that allows students to network with public accounting employers prior to application due dates. The event also features governmental, non profit, and corporate employers for students that are not interested in public accounting.
Employer panels and mock interviews are hosted regularly with accounting recruiters and professionals to help students prepare for the recruiting process.
After application deadlines, students receive interview invitations within 1 2 weeks and offers within 4 5 weeks. Students are given until the first week of November to accept or reject their offers.
Winter recruiting is the early hiring season for public accounting internships with start dates that begin in the next 6 12 months.
Opportunities during Winter recruiting are targeted to students in their sophomore and junior year. These opportunities include summer internships for underrepresented students, summer career days with local and regional firms, and early internship applications for the following summer at the Big 4 and Moss Adams.
A variety of workshops, panels, and networking events are hosted winter term to connect students with employers prior to application deadlines in late February.
After the successful completion of an internship, students often receive offers for an additional internship or full time position in the following year.
Spring recruiting is a great opportunity for students that missed fall recruiting and are still looking for internships or full time positions. This is also a popular hiring season for internships and full time positions in corporate, governmental, and non profit accounting.
For students that are not currently applying for positions, this is a fantastic season to connect with employers and build relationships prior to Fall recruiting.
An accounting career fair, as well as a variety of workshops, panels, and employer events, are hosted Spring term to connect students with employers prior to application deadlines.
To become a CPA, you must pass all four sections of the CPA exam AND earn 12 months or 2,000 hours of work experience under the supervision of a licensed CPA.
To take the CPA exams in Oregon, you have to meet four educational requirements: 1.
Bachelor's degree in any subject from an accredited University Earn a total of 225 credit hours, including: 36 hours in upper-level accounting courses and 36 hours in additional accounting or business courses.
The date that you complete theses educational requirements is referred to as your CPA Exam Eligibility date. This date is used to determine which jobs and internships you are eligible for. For more information on calculating your eligibility date, visit bit.ly/pdxcpa
The post-bacc accounting certificate allows students to meet all four of the educational requirements listed above.
The undergraduate accounting degree allows students to meet the 36 hour requirement in upper level accounting and accounting related courses, however additional courses are required to meet the 225 credit hours. The accounting degree requires 180 credits. We recommend obtaining the additional 45 credits by:
Earning your master's degree! PSU offers 4+1 pathway programs that allow students to work on their Master of Science in Finance or Taxation as early as their junior year. This saves over $4,000 in tuition and allows students to complete their master's in just four terms. PSU also offers standalone programs for the Master of Taxation (MT), Master of Science in Finance (MSF), and Master of Applied Data Science for Business (MSADSB).
Enrolling in a certificate program. PSU offers certificates in Blockchain for Business, Business Intelligence & Analytics, Finance, Human Resources, and many more!
Adding a second major such as Finance or another subject that interests you.
Taking additional accounting & business electives (we offer a lot of choices here!)
After meeting the educational requirements, you can apply through your state board of accountancy to take the CPA exams. The timing of this varies by state. For example, in Oregon, you cannot apply to take the exams until you meet all educational requirements. In Washington, you are able to apply six months before meeting the educational requirements. It can take up to six weeks for the board of accountancy to process your application. We recommend applying as soon as you meet the requirements.
Once your application is approved, you will receive a Notice To Schedule (NTS) that will allow you to schedule your exams at the nearest prometrics testing center.
Carefully consider your bandwidth before scheduling exams. You can schedule the exams at your own pace, however once you begin taking the exams, you will only have 18 months to pass all four sections before your exam scores begin to expire.
To prepare for the CPA exams, you will need to order exam review materials through a CPA preparation program. These programs are offered by external vendors and thoroughly prepare you by taking you through lectures, homework, guided simulations, and practice exams. Oftentimes, public accounting firms will reimburse their staff for the cost of these programs. While there are many excellent review providers, we recommend using Becker.
Once you have ordered your exam review materials, it is crucial to put together an exam study schedule. Taking the CPA exams is no joke and you want to have a clear game plan! PSU has developed a series of exam schedule templates that you can access by visiting https://bit.ly/pdxcpa.
In addition to passing the exams, you have to earn 12 months or 2,000 hours of accounting work experience under the supervision of a licensed CPA. If you do not plan to work in public accounting, be sure to verify with your employer that they can meet the requirements to sign off on your experience as detailed by your state board of accountancy.
After you've passed the exams and completed your work experience, you're ready to apply for your CPA license! This process involves answering a series of essay questions and the completion of an ethics exam.
Our accounting student resources website gives you 24/7 access to all things accounting. From resume templates and career pathways to worksheets that will help you calculate your CPA exam eligibility date, our accounting student resources website has it all!
To view our accounting resources site, go to bit.ly/psuaccounting
The accounting student newsletter provides students with regular updates on professional development tips, employer events, job opportunities, and upcoming workshops. It's the best way to stay informed on opportunities in accounting!
To subscribe, go to bit.ly/psuactgnews
Accounting students receive one on one career coaching to explore career paths, review resume and cover letters, calculate CPA exam eligibility, conduct mock interviews, and more. Appointments are available throughout the week, both inperson and virtually.
Schedule a one on one appointment with a career coach at bit.ly/psucareercoach
The School of Business Career Center, located in KMC 410, hosts weekly events both virtually and on campus to help students prepare for their internship and job search and connect with employers.
Learn more about the career center and stay up to date on upcoming events by visiting bit.ly/sbcareercenter
VMock is a resume review platform that provides accounting students with instant feedback on the format and content of their resume. VMock's feedback is based on the expectations of accounting employers and is guaranteed to improve your resume.
For more information, visit bit.ly/actgvmock
PSU Business Students have free access to platforms that can help! Forage and LinkedIn Learning are available to help students build marketable skills and earn certificates. Parker Dewey helps connect students with paid micro internships, to help them gain valuable experience.
For more information, visit the "Build Your Skills" section at bit.ly/actgcareertoolbox
The accounting mentor program provides students with a valuable opportunity to receive mentorship from an accounting professional. The mentor program runs May-September, with applications opening in Spring term.
If you are interested in participating, fill out this form: bit.ly/actgmentorprogram.
The ATMOS program supports diverse and underrepresented undergraduate business students of color and is a promise of academic, career and community support to help create an avenue for a brighter future. ATMOS is committed to the success of each ATMOS student. It is the ATMOS plan that students who are Black, Indigenous, and students of color, LGBTQIA+, students with disabilities, and undocumented, will defy the odds and national statistics in terms of retention rates and earning their business degree on time.
If you are interested in ATMOS, fill out this inquiry form bit.ly/ATMOSform.
The Emerging Leaders Internship Program matches students of color with paid summer internships throughout the Portland metro area. This includes current students and recent graduates. Applications are due in late January.
To learn more and to access the application, go to emergingleaderspdx.org.
The School of Business offers free tutoring for BA 211, BA 213, & ACTG 381.
Schedule a free appointment with a tutor at pdx.edu/business/undergrad tutoring
The School of Business has a range of resources for students experiencing hardship at Portland State University. These resources include loaner laptops, a small textbook library, online textbook codes, and tuition remissions, and hardship scholarships.
PSU offers a variety of resources for food assistance as well. The School of Business has a free snack pantry in KMC 220. The University has a free food pantry available. For more information on the PSU food pantry, visit psufp.com.
For further financial assistance, PSU has a financial wellness center that gives students resources to make healthy financial decisions.
Learn more at pdx.edu/business/undergrad funding
Meet with an academic advisor to receive an academic plan that outlines the classes you need to graduate and make the most of your degree. Express advising appointments are offered daily!
Schedule an appointment with an advisor at pdx.edu/business/undergrad advising
Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) is an International Honors Organization for accounting students looking to make the most of their college career. BAP provides students with opportunities to develop their leadership skills, expand their professional and peer networks, and begin their career ahead of the competition.
We focus on the cultivation of a ‘leader full’ organization, and believe that the facilitation of members’ personal growth is the most effective way our organization achieves its goals. Whether you want to gain professional development skills, network with employers, or find a community within the School of Business, there’s a place for you in Beta Alpha Psi.
Beta Alpha Psi hosts weekly meetings featuring accounting professionals to speak to students about career paths and opportunities in accounting. Meetings are open to all PSU students, regardless of membership. For more information on meetings times and events, visit www.bappdx.org/events
The OSCPA offers student memberships, which provide free access to networking opportunities, career building, and professional updates.
The OSCPA also hosts a ‘Career Showcase’ networking event in early fall that is open to all students from area colleges and universities.
Register for a free student membership at orcpa.org/student membership www.portland.imanet.org
The IMA offers a variety of networking and educational opportunities with local industry accounting professionals. If you are primarily interested in opportunities outside of public accounting, this is a great organization for you!
Register for a student membership at imanet.org/membership
Elizabeth Almer, PhD, CPA
Accounting Professor ealmer@pdx.edu
John Eckroth, DBA, CPA
Accounting Senior Instructor I jeckroth@pdx.edu
Julie Hackett, MBA
Mary Marshall, PhD, CPA
Assistant Professor of Accounting memarshall@pdx.edu
Joel Owens, PhD, CPA
Assistant Professor of Accounting joel.owens@pdx.edu
Madelyn Parsons, MAcc, CPA
Academic Director, Master of Taxation & Finance hackett2@pdx.edu
Cass Hausserman, PhD, CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting cass.hausserman@pdx.edu
Matt Kaufman, PhD, CPA
Assistant Professor of Accounting matthew.kaufman@pdx.edu
Joleen Kremin, PhD, CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting jkremin@pdx.edu
Kelly Lutz, MSF, CPA
Accounting Senior Instructor I, Beta Alpha Psi Co Advisor lutzkel@pdx.edu
Instructor, BAP Co Advisor, Director of Recruiting & Professional Development pmadelyn@pdx.edu
Kathy Rupley, PhD, CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting Accounting Area Director rupleyk@pdx.edu
Michael Schuster, MBA, CMA
Accounting Senior Instructor II schustem@pdx.edu
Accounting & Finance Career Coach csump@pdx.edu
Kristi Yuthas, PhD
Accounting Professor yuthask@pdx.edu