First Year Student Handbook

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Undergraduate Programs Mission We provide a high-quality, broad-based undergraduate business degree that provides students with opportunity to specialize in a variety of areas. In addition to technical expertise, our graduates will have excellent problem solving skills, a long-term perspective that considers not only economic, but social and natural systems, and the ability to apply this knowledge to the needs of business. We welcome all qualified students, full-time and part-time, into our program. Welcome to the School of Business, We are so excited to have you as a part of the incoming class of Vikings in the School of Business Administration! As you begin your classes here at PSU, consider that your current academic work and extra-curricular engagement are preparing you for your career. As you take classes you are building a foundation for the rest of your life. The School of Business Administration offers a wide range of programs and opportunities for you to engage in during your time at Portland State University. These include a variety of mentor programs, student organizations, career development workshops, guest speakers, portfolio development opportunities, case study competitions and so much more. Find your niche, find the activity that you want to be involved in and make it happen. When you have questions, make sure to reach out to your professors or your Career & Academic Advisor and ask for help. When you do not know where to go or what to do, there is always someone who can help you find your way. Remember to engage, to ask questions, to find ways to get involved and most of all, have fun!

Becky Sanchez Director, Undergraduate Programs Office

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TABLE OF CONTENTS GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................... 4 ONLINE TOOLS .............................................................................................................................................. 4 OIT HELP DESK............................................................................................................................................. 4 REQUIRED VACCINATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 5 FIRST YEAR ADVISING HOLD ..................................................................................................................... 5 SYLLABI/HOW TO GET CLASS MATERIALS .............................................................................................. 5 HOW TO APPLY FOR PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS ................................................ 6 SBA POLICIES AND EXPECTATIONS ...................................................................................................... 7 HOW THE UNIVERSITY & THE SBA WILL COMMUNICATE WITH YOU.......................................... 8 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 8

CAREER & ACADEMIC ADVISING............................................................................... 10 QUESTIONS FOR YOUR ADVISOR .......................................................................................................... 10 HOW GRADUATION/COMMENCEMENT WORKS ............................................................................... 11 WHAT IS AN INTERNSHIP? HOW IS IT BENEFICIAL? ......................................................................... 11 PROFESSIONALISM ..................................................................................................................................... 11 WHAT TO WEAR ........................................................................................................................................ 12 CAMPUS RESOURCES ...................................................................................................... 13 SBA BUILDING HOURS ............................................................................................................................... 13 COMPUTER LABS .......................................................................................................................................... 13 STUDENT LOUNGE ...................................................................................................................................... 13 MILLAR LIBRARY .......................................................................................................................................... 13 WRITING CENTER ........................................................................................................................................ 13 CENTER FOR STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING (SHAC) ............................................................ 14 STUDENT RECREATION CENTER .............................................................................................................. 14 PUBLIC SAFETY ............................................................................................................................................. 14 STUDENT RESOURCE CENTERS................................................................................................................. 14 OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS & STUDY ABROAD .................................................................. 15 TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING SERVICES ......................................................................................... 15

10 THINGS TO DO IN YOUR FIRST YEAR CHECKLIST ....................................... 16 CAMPUS MAP ....................................................................................................................... 17


GETTING STARTED Online Tools There are a number of online tools available to help you facilitate teamwork, communication with faculty, student group activities and more. We recommend you spend some time becoming familiar with these tools in order to maximize your time and your student experience. >> ODIN - Before Orientation, create an ODIN account using the Odin Account Manager (OAM) system at OAM serves as a centralized account management site where you can create your account, change your password, and manage your mail options. The account you create in OAM, also known as your ODIN account, gives you access to a wide range of online resources listed below. >> Google Apps - Access your mail, calendar, groups, drive and all other PSU Google Applications. As a PSU student, you have the full Google Apps suite available. Besides the email and calendar features, many students like to use Google Drive, which securely stores and automatically saves documents, including text, spreadsheets and presentation slides. This is a great resource for individual or group projects. >> Banweb - Access your student records, register for classes, change grading options, pay your student fees, and manage the business of being a student at PSU. >> Desire2Learn (D2L) - Access your online courses to submit assignments, take quizzes, check grades in your courses and complete related tasks. D2L (Desire2Learn) is a secure environment which requires you to utilize your PSU Odin account and password to login. You can find assistance with common FAQs on the Student D2L Help webpage. >> OrgSync - OrgSync is managed by the Student Activities and Leadership Programs (SALP) office and is an online student group management system. Student organizations use this tool to manage events, budgets and more. In the group section you can request group membership for organizations you are interested in. Joining the organization through the OrgSync system allows you to get event updates, news, and more.

OIT Help Desk If you need help with any of the above tools, then please contact the User Support Services Helpdesk at 503-725-4357. You can also visit the desk in the basement of the SMSU (room #8) or email

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Required Vaccinations Portland State University requires that all students show evidence of immunity to measles and mumps. For more information on this requirement, go to

First Year Advising Hold All students are required to complete a mandatory advising session with their advisor. This should take place after orientation.

Syllabi/How to Get Class Materials Information on business faculty members is available at the SBA Faculty Profile Page ( Often, faculty members provide their syllabi on this page. You can also normally find syllabi in the D2L course page for that course. Syllabi include a list of books or other reading material to be purchased, as well as information about course requirements and assignments. If it is available online, you should access a course syllabus prior to the first class meeting. Not all faculty members will have a syllabus available the first day. When planning your term, it can be effective to take an hour or so during the first week and input all of your assignments to whatever calendar/planner/phone you use regularly, so you are able to plan ahead through the term. You can typically find the information for textbooks you need to purchase in Banweb under your Registration & Course Schedule. The bookstore has all textbooks listed here available for purchase. Alternatively, there are a number of online textbook rental and purchase options. Many (but not all) textbooks are also available as eBooks. You are expected to have your books by the first week of term. Some teachers want you to read a chapter before the first day.


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How to Apply for Portland State University Scholarships School of Business students are eligible to apply for scholarships through the Portland State University General Scholarship Application. General University scholarships focus on academic achievement, financial need, diverse and unique backgrounds and service to school and community. In addition, the School of Business uses the same application for businessoriented scholarship opportunities. The application matches the information you enter against the list of scholarships available and their eligibility requirements. Since you are not required to select specific scholarships it is best to complete all essays for which you are eligible. Important Dates: >> Mid-October: Scholarship application opens >> End January: Application due Instructions for application: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to Click on “Current Students” tab Under “Useful Links” on the left-hand side, click “Scholarship Application” If you are a first time user, create an account. If you have used the application before and created an account, log in using your previously created account information.

Helpful Tips: >> Letters of Recommendation • Once you have reached out personally to the appropriate references, fill out their information in the references section of the application so they will have the necessary directions. • Reach out early. Give your references 4-6 weeks’ notice and include the deadline in your ask. >> Writing Essays • Reach out to other students who have received scholarships in the past. They may have helpful guidance on how and when to start your essays. • Create a list of the examples, goals, and points you want to include. This will make it easier to create an outline later. • Have at least two people review your essay to give you feedback. For more helpful hints, go to


SBA Policies and Expectations Attendance Attendance is crucial during the first week of the term. If you do not attend the first session of your course, it is likely that your faculty member give away your seat to another student who was able to attend the class. If you will need to miss the first class session, email the professor in advance to confirm that your space will be held for you. You are expected to arrive to class on time, stay the full class period, and participate fully in classroom activities. In general, the School of Business Administration expects you to treat each class as though it were a very important business meeting at which your attendance is crucial. If you need to miss a class, you will be responsible for contacting the instructor directly to work out what needs to be done to make up the material missed in class. However, the instructor is not required to provide make-up projects; therefore your grade may be affected. If you know you will be missing more than the allowed class meetings in any course, you should plan on dropping the course and retaking that course when you are able to meet the course attendance requirements. Entering late and leaving early is disruptive to the professor, the speaker and to other students. If arriving late or leaving early is unavoidable, you should inform the instructor prior to the start of class and minimize the disruption by being quiet and by sitting near the door if possible. Academic Honesty & Student Expectations Academic honesty is expected of each student. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating or plagiarism, will lead to a grade of F for that assignment, and can lead to suspension from the program. Cheating is defined as fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in an academic assignment. In order to realize the mission of the School of Business Administration, we expect you to maintain the highest standards of integrity and honesty during all interaction with peers, faculty, staff and guests of the school. You will demonstrate your commitment to our shared mission by your willingness to: • • • •

be resilient, flexible and coachable be punctual and prepared to participate in class take responsibility for setting and achieving your academic goals actively participate and be accountable for your career development

• • • •

behave ethically with integrity and honesty demonstrate professionalism and respect for others in all situations be an active member in group and team situations show initiative to meet commitments and to seek help when needed

The School of Business expects students to abide by the Portland State University Student Code of Conduct.


How the University & the SBA will communicate with you The University/SBA will communicate with you using your email address. You should make sure you check this email once a day, or ensure that it is forwarded to an email that you check at least once a day.

Student Organizations ALL MAJORS Alpha Kappa Psi: AKPsi is a professional business fraternity recognized as a premier developer of principled business leaders. AKPsi is a co-ed fraternity open to all majors, business and non-business. Association of Latino Professionals for America: ALPFA creates opportunities, adds value, builds relationships for its members, the community and its business partners while expanding Latino leadership in the global workforce. Open to all majors and races. Beta Gamma Sigma: BGS is the international honor society accredited by (AACSB International). BGS encourages and honors academic achievement in the study of business, fosters personal and professional excellence, advances the values of the Society and serves its lifelong members. Entrepreneurship Club: The eClub is committed to developing a support system in which new entrepreneurs can find the resources, skills and connections to succeed in a competitive marketplace. Net Impact: International nonprofit organization with a mission to inspire, educate, and equip individuals to use the power of business to create a more socially and environmentally sustainable world. Outdoor Industries Women Coalition: OIWC connects members with leaders and resources in the outdoor industry to create lasting relationships and build strong networks. Women in Business: WIB provides access to leadership, membership and networking opportunities with local business professionals and discuss issues specific to women specifically when entering a business setting. ACCOUNTING & FINANCE Beta Alpha Psi: BAP is an honorary accounting organization Society for Financial Information students and professionals. Promotes the study and practice of accounting, finance and information systems and prepares students for recruiting.

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Financial Management Association: FMA International is the global leader in developing and disseminating knowledge about financial decision making. ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT & MARKETING American Marketing Association: AMA is the world’s largest professional marketing society. Preparing students to enter the world of marketing and continues to offer assistance to members after graduation. FIR Advertising: FIR is a nonprofit advertising agency providing creative, account management, research, and media buying and planning services at no cost to clients in the Portland area. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management Association: HRMA is committed to the development of your business acumen through information and networking opportunities. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Supply & Logistics Management Association: SLMA provides networking opportunities for students, faculty and businesses to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Supply & Logistics field. Learn more at:


CAREER & ACADEMIC ADVISING What elective(s) would be best for my career path?

Can you help What holds do I have? me make a How can I best prepare myself course plan? for graduate school? How do I best demonstrate my knowledge and skills in an interview?

How do I determine a career that would be suitable?

How do I pursue the SBA Honors Track? Online Program?

What resources are available to support me academically and personally?

What scholarships are available? How do I apply for them? What career options are available to me? How do I develop an effective resume? Cover Letter?

How do internships for credit work?

How do I design a career that fits my skills, interests, & personality?

How do I get involved in a student organization?

10 Â Â What resources are available to help me find and acquire an internship? A job?

How graduation/commencement works You will want to apply for graduation two terms prior to the term you expect to complete your final degree requirements. Graduation is when you complete your requirements and earn your degree. Commencement is the annual ceremony where you can walk across a stage in a cap and gown. You do not need to attend commencement in order to graduate, though we highly recommend it.

What is an internship? How is it beneficial? Internships are a great way to explore a career that you are interested in without having to commit to a full-time job. Typically, undergraduate internships take place over summer between June and August, but there are also part-time internships that occur during the academic year. As an intern you will have a chance to work on short-term, entry level projects that are relevant to your field. Internships provide insight into what a day-in-the-life would be like for your chosen career. Projects vary depending on the field and the team you are assigned to, so it is recommended that you speak with students who have already completed an internship or are currently working as interns. Faculty can also be a great source for information or guidance if you are interested in pursuing an internship. Some benefits of internships include gaining relevant experience through project-based work, exploring multiple facets of one career path, and boosting your resume. Though these are important to your future career, one of the biggest benefits you will receive through an internship is your professional network. Working side by side with professionals in your desired field builds credibility in your personal brand and shows other employers that you have done your research and are willing to put in the work. By building and maintaining those relationships outside of the office you will set yourself up to be a front-runner when new opportunities in the field present themselves.

Professionalism Our goal is to help you to be a confident and polished member of the professional community. With this in mind, we expect you to practice professionalism in your interactions with staff and faculty members, as well as with one another in the classroom, and at all PSU sponsored events. This includes punctuality and preparedness for meetings, professional language in written and oral communication, and professional dress where required. Expect our staff and your instructors to provide you with feedback to help improve these skills, which will in turn allow you to positively brand yourself in the community.


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What to Wear Below is a guide of recommendations for when to wear what kind of attire. When to Wear It



Class (unless for presentation) Group meetings Advisor appointments

Jeans or cargo pants/shorts T-shirts, sweatshirts or other cotton shirts Athletic shoes or sandals

Business Casual

Career panels Mentor meetings Informational interviews Class presentations Career seminars

For women: A skirt or trousers of a non-denim material A top such as a dress shirt, polo, or sweater set A business dress For men: Trousers (non-denim) with a belt A collared shirt such as a dress shirt or polo shirt A blazer or business jacket is optional Modest shoes with socks

Business Professional

Job or internship interviews Career fairs Company information sessions

For women: Suit with matching jacket and trousers or reasonable length skirt Button-down shirt, blouse or sweater Closed toe shoes with nylons (if a skirted suit) Modest jewelry For men: Suit with matching jacket and trousers Solid color button-down shirt with tie Leather shoes with socks

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CAMPUS RESOURCES Computer Labs The SBA undergraduate computer lab is located on the third floor of the SBA building, room 370. You are allowed 500 free printing pages per term; if you go over that number, a charge will be made to your account. There are numerous other computer labs located on campus.

Student Lounge An open student lounge available to all SBA students (not to be reserved) is on the east side of the building, on the third floor. You can request to reserve rooms in the SBA building. Classrooms are usually only available between 4:00-5:30. Rooms 590 and 690 are available more hours. All rooms are available to reserve Monday-Friday only. To reserve, email Faculty Services at: Give your name, the name of the class you are registered in, the date(s) and start and end times you would like the room. Faculty Services is located in room 560.

Millar Library The Library has many resources available for students including group study rooms, Video/DVD viewing rooms, photocopiers, personalized research assistance, and computer labs on both the first and second floor. The Millar Library has group student rooms available for all students.

Writing Center The staff members at the Writing Center are trained professional consultants who provide nonjudgmental, collaborative support in all stages of the writing process. The services offered by the Writing Center are free. You may bring in any writing project—academic or nonacademic, personal or professional.


Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) If you are enrolled in 5 credits or more, you are eligible for health services through your university health insurance plan, including primary health care, health education, outreach activities, and emergency care to the campus at large. SHAC provides counseling and psychological services. All services are confidential. In addition, you can receive dental treatment at the PSU Dental Services. All treatment is done by certified, experienced providers. Although there is no student dental insurance plan, fees are greatly reduced compared to those of a private dental clinic.

Student Recreation Center Campus Rec offers students the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, including six program areas all uniquely designed to offer recreation in the areas of: • • •

Aquatics Fitness and Health Promotions Intramurals and Special Events

• • •

Rec Clubs Inclusive Rec and Community Service Outdoor Program

Student membership is included in students’ tuition and fees for those taking one credit or more. Drop-in Group X fitness classes are included in the membership at no additional cost. Your PSU ID is required to enter the facility and sign up and paying for special classes, events, tournaments, intramural leagues, locker/towel memberships, etc.

Public Safety The Campus Public Safety Office provides emergency response, emergency campus dispatching, and patrol services to the campus 24/7. CPSO works with our University partners to ensure that Portland State University is a safe place. The escort service is available to anyone, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, free of charge. A Campus Public Safety Officer will escort students, faculty, staff, and visitors to their bus, car, apartment, or office on campus and up to two blocks off campus. Call 503-725-4407 to request an escort.

Student Resource Centers There are a number of Student Resource Centers on the PSU campus, including: • • • • • • •


Disability Resource Center (SMSU 116) Native American Student and Community Center Multicultural Center (SMSU 228) Queer Resource Center (SMSU 458) Student Legal Services (SMSU 343) Veterans’ Services (SMSU 401) Women’s Resource Center (Montgomery Hall Basement)

Office of International Affairs & Study Abroad The Office of International Affairs oversees all of the major international activities at PSU. It provides support for the international student population, and international scholars and faculty. It also provides opportunities for PSU students to study abroad. The office includes centers and institutes focusing on specific geographic centers, and administers special programs for foreign students visiting the US. Within the Office of International Affairs, the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) provides immigration advising, life advising, programming and support for more than 2000 international students from nearly 100 different countries.

Transportation and Parking Services If you want to park on campus, you must purchase a parking permit. Different parking structures have different minimum credit requirements. Parking permits are recommended if you come to campus several days per week. There are many options to accommodate schedules. Purchasing a term permit online is recommended because parking is limited on the PSU campus, and many types sell out before the term begins. PSU also offers the Student FlexPass, a discounted term-long transit pass for PSU students. FlexPass is available for students taking at least 3 credits. This All Zone, TriMet Transit Pass is valid on all TriMet buses and the MAX light rail. All PSU students can use the entire Portland Streetcar System without purchase of a FlexPass. Just show your valid PSU ID card to the fare inspector.


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Check them off as you go!

Visit your faculty during office hours Faculty hold office hours for students to ask for help, to visit and to provide support. Take advantage of office hours.

Find a faculty or professional staff member to be a mentor Having someone you check in with regularly in your academic discipline can help you grow.

Actively engage in your classes Engaging may look different for different people – some may feel like speaking up more, some prefer to engage in small group work, and some may take really great notes. Whatever you do, make sure you are doing the best work you possibly can in your classes. Your faculty will notice.

Meet with your advisor Every student in the SBA has an assigned Career & Academic Advisor. Your advisor can help you plan classes, review your resume, consider your career and a lot more!

Start or join a project you are passionate about Engaging in long-term projects or activities is beneficial because it demonstrates dedication, commitment and passion – all of which are qualities future employers will look for.

Learn how to use all PSU resources Learn how to use online databases, find books in the library, reserve study rooms and know where computer labs are. Know where you can find a microwave to heat your lunch and other resources you may need, now or in the future.

Go to student organization meetings until you find one you are passionate about There are a large number of student organizations on campus, and we offer several of them here in the SBA. For more information, see the list of student organizations in this handbook or visit the Student Activities & Leadership Programs office.

Go to on-campus events PSU has a wide range of events, ranging from events here in the SBA like Fearless Friday, speakers and other activities, to campus-wide events like Midnight Breakfast, theatre productions, musical guests and more.

Make new friends/begin networking No matter how much time you do or do not spend on campus, engaging with a wide range of other students from your classes is going to make a difference in your experience at PSU, and long after. After you graduate, you never know who is going to move on and have a significant role at a company you may want to work at some point down the road.

Have fun! You are here to learn, gain knowledge, and empower yourself in a constructive environment. Find something that is fun, that you can look back on and see how much you have grown.






CAMPUS MAP Academic & Student Recreation Center (ASRC) C8 Art Building (AB) G9 The Broadway (BHB) F7 Business Administration (BA) C7 Campus Public Safety (CPSO) E6 Collaborative Life Sciences Building (see map inset) Cramer Hall (CH) B6 East Hall (EH) E7 Education, Graduate School of (ED) C7 Engineering Building (EB) F10 Engineering & Computer Science Annex (CECS) E8 Extended Studies Building (XSB) A4 Fifth Avenue Cinema (CIN) E8 Fifth Avenue Parking Lot C9 Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) D10 Harder House (HH) A4

Harrison Street Building (HSB) C3 Helen Gordon Child Development Center (HGCDC) A1 Hoffmann Hall (HOFF) D2 Honors Building, University (UHP) A2 Koinonia House (KHSE) B7 Lincoln Hall (LH) A6 Market Center Building (MCB) A10 Millar Library, Branford P (ML, LIB) D4 Native American Student and Community Center (NASCC) G6 Neuberger Hall (NH) D6 Parking 1 (P1) D7 Parking 2 (P2) B7 Parking 3 (P3) B1 Peter W Stott Center (PSC) E4 Peter W Stott Community Field D3 PSU Bookstore (BOOK) B8 Research Greenhouses F4

Science and Education Center (SEC) H9 Science Building 1 (SB1) A3 Science Research and Teaching Center (SRTC) B3 Shattuck Hall (SH) E6 Simon Benson House (SBH) C4 Smith Memorial Student Union (SMSU) C6 University Center Building (UCB) D8 University Place (UP) G10 University Services (USB) B7 University Technology Services (UTS) H9 Urban Center (URBN) B8 West Heating Plant (WHP) E3

UNIVERSITY HOUSING Blackstone (BLK) C4 The Broadway (BHB) F7 Joseph C Blumel Hall (JCB) B2 King Albert (KNGA) C2 Montgomery Court (MONT) C4 Ondine (OND) E8 Parkway (PRKW) A4 St Helens (STHL) B2 Stephen Epler Hall (SEH) C2 Stratford (STFR) A3 University Pointe (PNT) F8 Not pictured Center for Executive and Professional Education, 1500 SW 1st Ave., Suite 1008 PSU Business Accelerator, Corbett Building, 2828 SW Corbett Ave.



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