The Portland MBA View-book

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portland mba


// Portland State University

business that matters Portland is a city of trailblazers, a place of extraordinary originality and energy, where people find creative and sustainable ways to solve the most pressing problems.

The Portland MBA is different from the rest. We draw on the city’s creative thinkers and entrepreneurs to deliver a unique experience that will elevate your career. You will gain in-demand skills critical in today’s entrepreneurial climate. You will connect with

Portland’s top leaders from the most promising startups to the region’s key industries. The Portland MBA is for those who believe business can drive positive change. Become part of the next generation of business leaders who are redefining the status quo.

the Portland MBA //


a degree of success

Success is more than an abstract goal. It’s a tangible outcome that has made Portland’s uniquely inventive business economy the focus of international acclaim. The Portland MBA gives you the best opportunity to thrive in an exciting city. You will earn a high-demand degree at a nationally ranked university, located in the heart of downtown portland


// Portland State University

CHALLENGE YOURSELF We educate the business leaders of the future, and that’s not a task we take lightly. The Portland MBA offers rigorous core business courses and ample opportunities to dive deep into your chosen field. You will work alongside peers who are driven to succeed, and our program will challenge you and transform your career.

Chris Herndon ‘16, is passionate about people and leadership. As founder and owner of the startup 71&Change, he helps other organizations navigate change. He credits his success to the inspirations of Portland, where he’s been able to thrive simply by being himself.

the Portland MBA //


hands-on curriculum

In their capstone consulting project Jared Rodgers (left), Sri Kasturi (above) and Jessica Ferrell (far right) are working with Portland textile innovator Bolt Threads to bring their revolutionary spider silk materials to the world.


// Portland State University

Choose the program that fits your life Full Time 21 months, day and evening classes (core curriculum + specialization/certificate)

Part Time 21 months, evening classes (core curriculum only, specialization/certificate optional)

Your coursework centers on three areas: 1.

Foundations of competitiveness:

Be a leader on the global playing field through innovation, creativity, global awareness, strategy and sustainability. 2.

The value chain of business: Critical skills to run a modern business, including accounting, finance, management, marketing and operations.


Applied Skills and Leadership:

Learn managerial best practices and apply them during an intensive immersion program and a team-based consulting project.

Enhance your skillset by specializing in: Finance Social Innovation • Business Analytics

Global Supply Chain Real Estate • Athletic & Outdoor

Business abroad International experience is essential if you are determined to succeed in business. Our students have the chance to travel the world, learn from international businesses, and gain the skills needed to compete in the global economy.

the Portland MBA //


Who hires our grads? Blount Interna tional Boeing C ambia Health Solu tions Daimler Trucks Nor th A meric a Deloit te Intel Merc y Corps Nike Tek tronix


// Portland State University

Developing next-generation chainsaw accessories takes the right combination of knowledge and nerve. As Global Product Manager at Blount International, Didem Karpuzcu ‘15, expertly guides the product development process to ensure each new product works perfectly.

An unexpected path

The Portland MBA gives you the freedom to discover your passion and the tools to become successful. You might be headed up the next rung on the corporate ladder, or you might discover a career you never imagined. Either way, we’ll make sure you’re prepared.

mentor progr am : Work with our experts and business partners to customize your MBA experience. Mock interviews : Realistic

role-playing hones the skills you need to close the deal. C areer services : Our advisors

and job placement resources give you the advantage when it comes time to find your next career move.

the Portland MBA //


a visionary city Corner pubs, indie coffeehouses, eclectic food carts, walkable neighborhoods, bikeways and generous open spaces put Portland at the top of most livability lists. That’s part of the story. The rest lies in the people who provide the sparks of ingenuity and entrepreneurism that give the city its sought-after vibe. We measure success differently here, celebrating individuality and sustainable values.


// Portland State University

Portland, Oregon Metro Area Population 2.4 million

Mild climate

It doesn’t snow much in winter. It’s not humid in summer. Of course it rains, but not as much as Seattle, Houston or Atlanta.


PSU earned a “Platinum” ranking for being bike friendly. Or you can bus, streetcar, light-rail or even kayak to campus.


Snowy Mt. Hood is an hour to the east. The rugged Oregon coast is an hour to the west. Enjoy.


Our restaurants, food carts and even our hamburger joints get rave reviews from the New York Times, Time magazine, and most important, everyday diners.


It’s hard to find a better coffee and beer scene. And we are home to award-winning wines and craft distillers.


We love and support our thriving independent bookstores, including Powell’s City of Books, the largest independent new and used bookstore in the world.

No. 1 Best Food City in America

No. 18 Best City for Millennials

No. 10 Best Big Cities in the U.S.

T h e w ashingt o n p o st

F o rb e s

C o nd É nast trav e l e r

the Portland MBA //


the future of sustainability It’s a state of mind at PSU, embedded in our academic DNA.

We believe in business as an engine for social innovation, steeped in the idea that any enterprise can and must enhance environmental, social and economic values. Whether you want to be an entrepreneur or a corporate leader,


// Portland State University

The Portland MBA will teach you how to help businesses grow sustainably and responsibly. Portland is known worldwide for its dedication to a green economy, and The Portland MBA is part of that reputation.

No. 14 Affordable Sustainable MBA C o nsci o u s C o mpan y maga z in e

No. 25 Environmental Sustainability N e t I mpact B u sin e ss as U N u s u a l

Ashoka U Changemaker Campus A sh o ka

Finance professor Brian Bolton’s research and teaching focus on the intersection of finance and sustainability, from both a business and a global perspective. the thePortland PortlandMBA MBA////


meet your classmates


// Portland State University

Nossa Familia Coffee became the first coffee roaster in Oregon to be a Certified B Corporation, in part thanks to consulting by Portland MBA students Rich Schwartz (right) and Emma Ingebretsen (left). The pair started a program so future MBAs can help other companies attain the sought-after badge of social and environmental sustainability.

It’s not only what you do–it’s who you do it with. Teamwork, peer support, networking. That’s The Portland MBA way. Students in The Portland MBA are part of a select cohort and come with a rich array of professional experience and expertise. They are engineers, teachers, geologists, artists, shoe designers, business professionals and startup dreamers. They share a goal of transforming themselves, their careers and the lives of others.

the por tl and mba STUDENT PROFILE





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the Portland MBA //


learn to lead The Portland MBA will push you harder than other programs. You will learn to lead a project, a team, an entire company. LEADERSHIP IMMERSION We select our students based on demonstrated achievement. Once here, you will complete a leadership assessment to further define your strengths and challenges. Working with peers and a one-on-one coach, you will refine your natural talents. Your leadership abilities will be put to the test during an intensive two-day immersion program, where you will work with an executive team and compete against others in the program.


// Portland State University

“After your first act of bravery, all other challenges seem manageable.” – Lo r i He in o - Roy e r , ‘02 MBA

As a project manager at Daimler, Lori Heino-Royer ’02 discovered that the truck manufacturing company needed an innovative leader. She became that leader, and now heads a 25-person Business Innovation team that brings creative ideas to life.

the Portland MBA //


a welcoming campus At Portland State you become part of the most diverse campus of any public university in Oregon. We respect and celebrate individuality. We emphasize equity and inclusion. In addition to MBA-specific services, you can take advantage of a broad array of resources across campus.



500 +

100 s

Cultural Centers & Institutions

Communit y Partners

Of local internships

// Portland State University

Top 50 LGBT-Friendly University camp u sprid e . o rg

Military Friendly School mi l itar y fri e nd ly. c o m

Top Bike Friendly University Platinum Award L e ag u e o f am e rican bic yc l ists

the Portland MBA //


Top 20 Most Innovative Schools U . S . N e w s & w o r l d r e p o rt

S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r at i o n

631 SW Harri s o n S tre et Por t l an d , O re g o n 9 7201 800-87 9 - 5 0 8 8 pdx .ed u / po rtl a n d m b a

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