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Vol. 13, No. 2

Summer 2009

A publication for alumni and friends of the College of Communications at Penn State





Feature: Gen-Ed Classes Serve Increasing Numbers Bart Richards Award Winner • Lecture Series, Programs


FACULTY/STAFF NEWS Feature: Hardin Earns University-Wide Teaching Award Comedy, Documentary Debut • Deans’ Excellence Awards




From the Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Faculty Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumni Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The College: How to Reach Us . . . . Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 23 60 63 63

DEVELOPMENT NEWS Endowments Provide Important Resource Student Philanthropy • Brownstein Trustee Scholarship


STUDENT NEWS Feature: Ageless Students Enjoy Go-60 Program Interns Set for Assignment in China • Student Marshals



Feature: Degree a Prescription for Success Alumni Achievement Award • Alumni Notes

The Communicator is published twice a year by the College of Communications at Penn State. Dean: Douglas A. Anderson Editor, Layout: Steve Sampsell Publication Policies All items relating to the College and its faculty, staff, students and alumni will be considered for publication. All correspondence should be directed to: The Communicator College of Communications The Pennsylvania State University 302 James Building University Park, PA 16801-3867 Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce. U.Ed. COM 09-96

56 ON THE COVER: Members (left to right) Emily O’Reilly, Emily Franklin, Jennifer Wallington and Jamie Urbanowicz led the Penn State team for Bateman Case Study Competition to an honorable-mention national finish. See story, page 40. (Photo by John Beale)

Aoverarching goal is straightforward: to

s I am fond of emphasizing, the College’s

essence. The student chorus—from the group that, after all, counts the most—is clear: Marie Hardin is an empowering, confidencebuilding teacher who always places her students and their welfare first. But she is not the only member of our faculty to earn a major teaching citation in recent years. Professor Bob Richards was named Journalism Teacher of the Year by the Scripps Howard Foundation in 2007, an annual award given in cooperation with the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). Media Studies professor Mary Beth Oliver received one of two teaching awards in 2005 from the Mass Communication Division of the National

cement itself as the most comprehensive, best-balanced nationally accredited mass communication program in America. Our balance manifests itself in several ways. We provide an undergraduate curriculum that emphasizes technique and conceptual courses. We offer a blend of curricular offerings: nearly 120 courses designed for our 2,900 University Park majors and nine general-education courses developed to serve a like number of nonmajors each academic year. We offer a curriculum that consists of a just-right mix of undergraduate and graduate courses. And we boast a faculty that delivers diligent, informed, enthusiastic and caring instruction. Our 72-person full-time faculty averages 10 years of professional experience and 10 years of teaching experience (our journalism faculty members average more than 15 years of media experience); many faculty members possess distinguished professional credentials; and many others are leading scholars who enjoy national reputations for their research and creative activities. We are part of one of the country’s premier universities, an institution that boasts brilliant scientists, engineers, artists, scholars and teachers. Groundbreaking research is carried out each day in labs across campus. Make no mistake, Penn State is one of the world’s great research universities. The College claims its share of internationally respected scholars, too. The 2005 Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index, which ranked doctoral programs in 104 fields based primarily on the publications of their professors, placed us No. 1. Teaching, though, always has enjoyed a role of primacy in the College—and two articles in this issue of the Communicator make that clear: Professor Marie Hardin’s receipt of the prestigious George W. Atherton Award for Excellence in Teaching (see story on pages 14-16) and the increasingly important role we play in delivering general-education courses to Penn State students who are majoring in literally scores of disciplines across campus (see story on pages 4-7). Professor Hardin embodies all that is right about undergraduate teaching at Penn State. The supporting letters from students capture her

From the Dean

Communication Association (NCA). Our recent national teaching award recipients are not limited to veteran instructors. Michel Haigh, an assistant professor of advertising/public relations, was honored in summer 2007 after her first year on our faculty with the Promising Professor Award from the Mass Communication and Society Division of AEJMC. That award is designed to recognize and promote excellence in teaching by professors who are early in their careers. And one of our senior faculty members has been honored specifically for excellence in large-group instruction. Media Studies professor Matt McAllister, who is among the core faculty members in our general-education instructional cadre, just three years before joining our faculty in 2004, was honored at Virginia Tech with the University Sporn Award for teaching excellence in introductory subjects—an honor bestowed on only one faculty member at that institution each year. Many of our other faculty members also have won College and Alumni Society awards for teaching excellence. We are indeed proud of our emphasis on teaching, which remains the heart of even a great research university.


Carnegie Close-Up

Mary Beth Oliver talks to her class, COMM 118 Introduction to Media Effects, which examines individuals’ selection, uses and perceptions of media and the effects of media on their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.

College, Faculty Provide Popular Gen-Ed Options to Serve University


nrollment in the College of Communications’ general-education courses increased 44 percent from fall 2005 to spring 2009 as the College and its faculty met a growing University-wide need. “We take seriously our obligation to provide quality undergraduate instruction not only to our majors, but also to students in disciplines across the University,” Dean Doug Anderson said. In fall 2005, 1,824 students enrolled in the College’s general-education courses. In spring 2009, 2,622 students, about 75 percent of whom were non-Communications majors, were enrolled. All candidates for a baccalaureate degree from Penn State are required to complete at least 45 credits of general-education course work that is intended to cultivate a broad understanding of the arts and sciences, build the intellectual foundation for majors from accounting to zoology, and to prepare an educated and informed citizenry. The general-education requirement encourages Penn State students to explore new ideas and approaches to discovery and to integrate that knowledge with their areas of academic and professional specialization. In recent years, the College has systematically built a portfolio of communications offerings that may be



Carnegie Close-Up

selected from a menu of courses in various knowledge domains to fulfill the general-education requirement. The College currently offers nine general-education courses: ❚ COMM 100 The Mass Media and Society, which examines the organization, role, content and effects of newspapers, magazines, television, radio, books and films. Primary faculty member: Associate Professor Matt McAllister. ❚ COMM 110 Media and Democracy, which considers the role of the mass media in develop- Professor Matt McAllister addresses students in COMM 100 The Mass Media and Society. ing civic awareness and engagewhich examines the role of international media in comment in democratic societies. Primary faculty members: munication among and between nations and people. Assistant Professor Michael Elavsky and Pioneers Chair Primary faculty members: Assistant Professor Michael Rob Frieden. Elavsky and Assistant Professor Bu Zhong. ❚ COMM 118 Introduction to Media Effects, which ❚ COMM 419 World Media Systems, which examines examines individuals’ selection, uses and perceptions of the modern systems of mass communication in foreign media and the effects of media on their attitudes, countries. Primary faculty member: Associate Professor beliefs and behaviors. Primary faculty member: and head of the Department of Film-Video and Media Professor Mary Beth Oliver Studies Anthony Olorunnisola. ❚ COMM 150 The Art of the Cinema, which “Some of our most senior, experienced and gifted explores, through films of the past and present, the teachers deliver our general-education courses,” development of cinema to its current state. Primary facAnderson said. “Media literacy among viewers and readulty members: Assistant Professor Matt Jordan, Senior ers has never been more important than it is in this Lecturer Kevin Hagopian, Associate Professor Jeanne 21st century. A well-informed citizenry is essential to Hall and Lecturer Jon Cavellero. our democracy and our understanding of the world ❚ COMM 180 Survey of Electronic Media and around us. Telecommunications, which examines the development “It is only natural and logical that we would assume of electronic media and telecommunications, emphasizresponsibility for helping non-Communications majors ing their social, economic, political and global impact. understand the crucial role, workings and impact of Primary faculty member: Associate Professor and head mass media.” of the Department of Telecommunications Matt Professor Matt McAllister has taught Mass Media and Jackson. Society each semester since he joined the faculty in fall ❚ COMM 205 Women, Minorities and the Media, 2004. cross-listed with the Department of Women’s Studies, “The goal of COMM 100 is to encourage critical which analyzes the historical, economic, legal, political understanding of how the media operate, communicate and social implications of the relationship between and influence our society,” McAllister said. “Such women, minorities and the mass media. Primary faculty knowledge is important not just for potential media members: Senior Lecturer Jo Dumas, Associate employees and Communications majors, but for all citiProfessor John Sanchez and Assistant Professor zens in a mediated world and across all majors. Michelle Rodino-Colocino. “Students are excited to talk about their experiences ❚ COMM 250 Film History and Theory, which with and knowledge of the media, and I especially enjoy explores film theory and criticism in the context of the the classroom discussions when they work through how aesthetic, technological and economic evolution of film class concepts apply to these experiences.” history. Primary faculty members: Senior Lecturer Five of the College’s general-education offerings have Kevin Hagopian and Lecturer Jon Cavallero. large enrollments—in contrast to the small technique ❚ COMM 410 International Mass Communications,

Carnegie Close-Up

courses that provide the core COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATIONS for its undergraduate majors in GENERAL-EDUCATION COURSE ENROLLMENT advertising/public relations, film-video, journalism, media Course Fall 2005 Spring 2009 studies and telecommunicaThe Mass Media and Society .........................................303 ...........................416 tions. Media and Democracy .............................................Not offered .....................297 Anne Hoag, associate dean Introduction to Media Effects...................................Not offered .....................307 for undergraduate education The Art of the Cinema....................................................795 ...........................957 and outreach, noted that proSurvey of Electronic Media and Telecommunications....187 ...........................229 fessors “in the five biggies effecWomen, Minorities and the Media .................................181 ...........................106 tively use active learning techFilm History and Theory ................................................134 ............................99 niques.” International Mass Communications .............................125 ...........................102 “Every week some of the World Media Systems.....................................................99 ............................109 College’s best scholar-teachers Totals ........................................................1,824..................2,622 inspire hundreds in the big lecture halls of Thomas, Sparks informed and and the Forum,” Hoag said. “To teach our most popuactive populace. lar courses, a faculty member must be both an outstandAnd that’s ing teacher and a top scholar—these are the people who encouraging for are passionate and expert in their subjects and commiteveryone.” ted to teaching. Once students feel the teacher’s enthuHoag said siasm and experience his or her innovative teaching that methods, they get hooked. Introduction to “The faculty members dedicated to these courses Media Effects earn high praise from students in their end-of-semester and Media and evaluations, which is no small feat considering the size Democracy of some of these classes.” were “instant Introduction to Media Effects, which was created by hits” with stuOliver and draws rave reviews from students, first was dents from offered in the fall semester of 2006. across the cam“Having the opportunity to teach so many students pus, with both about the effects of media on our beliefs, attitudes, of them filling emotions and behaviors is fantastic,” Oliver said. almost instantly “Media literacy is crucial in a time when media conto capacity. sumption takes up more time than any other day-to-day The College’s activity. That the students are so energized about and largest generalinterested in this issue makes teaching this large-enrolleducation ment course very engaging and exciting.” course, the Art The College’s newest general-education course, develof the Cinema, oped by Frieden and Elavsky, was taught this spring by is taught at the Elavsky. State Theatre “Teaching such a big class is both a challenge and in downtown opportunity in that it forces one to rethink how intelState College— lectual engagement occurs in a room so large, while also just across expanding the horizon for its possibilities,” Elavsky said. College Avenue “If one is able to stimulate intellectual curiosity about from the camthe subject matter in general such that the students are Michael Elavsky teaches COMM 110 Media pus. and Democracy. (Photo by Mark Selders) able to connect its value to their own lives, then one After the goal of general education has been achieved. State Theatre, a local movie house popular with stu“Of course, you won’t reach everyone, but simply dents since 1938, went out of business, the owners of engaging so many in these important conversations the building, the late Sid Friedman (’44 Journ), a 1989 about our society and its future is itself a step in the Distinguished Alumnus of Penn State, and his wife right direction towards realizing a more civically-



Carnegie Close-Up

Helen donated it to a non-profit community group that growing expectations, but it's this group of skilled, dediconverted it into a performing arts center. cated teachers who are the key,” Hoag said. “Great In turn, the College entered into a town-gown partteaching isn't about pedagogies and powerpoint, it's the nership with the group and, in 2007, began offering the people.” Art of the Cinema general-education course in the Anderson said he is proud that the College is able to newly-renovated venue. continue to devote resources and assign several of its “What better place to teach the history and appreciabest teachers to general-education offerings, despite the tion of film than a historic movie theatre?” asked strain imposed on a 72-person full-time faculty to meet Associate Dean John S. Nichols, who helped to forge the curricular needs of the College’s nearly 2,900 the partnerundergraduate ship. “Moving majors. the course “It stretches “We would like to model a kind of from a sterile us,” Anderson critical viewing and thinking about campus classsaid. “There’s film so students can appreciate films room to the no doubt State Theatre as important media texts that, rather about that. has significantBut we are than just provide enjoyment, make ly improved absolutely powerful arguments about society.” the educationcommitted to al experience — Matt Jordan, providing firstfor our sturate instrucwho teaches COMM 150 tion in all dents and, at the same time, Art of the Cinema courses for supported an our majors important culand to offertural initiative of the local community.” ing a broad array of extremely well taught courses to Professor Matt Jordan takes pride in teaching sections non-majors.” of the College’s largest enrollment course. Most of the College’s general-education courses are “The course is designed to provide students with a taught by faculty members in the Department of Filmbasic knowledge of cinematic form and of how filmVideo and Media Studies. makers use these techniques to tell stories,” Jordan said. “The Department of Film-Video and Media Studies “We also aim at providing a survey of the history of cin- as well as faculty members directly involved in teaching ema from its beginnings to the present day, focusing on general-education courses view our overall engagement industry conditions, stylistic developments and cultural as a strategic mission,” Anthony Olorunnisola, head of changes. Most importantly, we would like to model a the department, said. kind of critical viewing and thinking about film so that Instruction for all the large-enrollment general-educastudents can appreciate films as important media texts tion courses is supported by graduate assistants from that, rather than just provide enjoyment, make powerthe College’s doctoral and masters programs. ful arguments about society. “Assisting undergraduate general education is the sin“To make the experience as stimulating and enrichgle highest priority in marshaling our graduate assistant ing as possible, we teach the course at the State Theatre resources,” said Associate Dean Nichols. “It has the and utilize multimedia presentations that help students added benefit of giving our graduate students the to see the links between forms and concepts. Finally, to opportunity to observe and learn from top faculty deal with the challenges of large-scale instruction, we teaching under challenging conditions.” have also developed a hybrid class format that uses Anderson placed the College’s general-education online activity, both written responses to posed clips courses in context. from the films and recursive online quizzes, to supple“Just like communications students should possess a ment the in-class instruction.” broad understanding of the liberal arts and sciences, Hoag is committed to ensuring that the College deliv- students across this campus, if they are to contribute to ers high quality general-education courses to mostly our society in an informed way, need to understand the crucial role media play in America and around the non-majors. world,” he said. “And the superb faculty members who “I encourage the faculty to adopt innovative teaching teach our gen-ed courses help ensure that they will.” ● methods and new technologies to meet students' ever

Carnegie News

PEJ ‘Index’ Earns Bart Richards Award AIndex,” which provided content first-of-its-kind “News Coverage

analysis of media coverage during the 2008 election, has earned the Bart Richards Award for Media Criticism. The Bart Richards Award, presented annually by the College of Communications, recognizes outstanding contributions to print and broadcast journalism through responsible analysis or critical evaluation. The award is intended to recognize constructively critical articles, books and electronic media reports; academic and other research; and reports by media ombudsmen and journalism watchdog groups. This year’s award honored work produced during the 2008 calendar year, and was presented May 21 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The News Coverage Index, produced by Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ), provided “real time” content analysis of some 1,300 news stories from 48 different news outlets each week during the election. Overall, the Index allowed PEJ to produce 46 different reports and chart the week-by-week ebb and flow of the campaign. The Index studies six different network news programs, 15 cable news shows, 13 newspapers, eight radio news programs and six news Web sites. Researchers at PEJ then determine the topics the media are covering or not covering and they produce an initial report just 24 hours after the actual media coverage. “Over the years, we were daunted by the fact that the news often moved too fast for empirical research to catch up,” said Tom Rosenstiel, director of Project for Excellence in Journalism and a three-time winner of the Bart

Richards Award. “The Index is the answer we came up with.” He believes the work amounts to “the most granular and comprehensive examination of media coverage of any presidential campaign in American history.” The three-person panel of external judges that selected the Index for the Bart Richards Award agreed with that perspective, citing the Index and its comprehensive effort for analysis, criticism and evaluation. External judges were: John Cochran of ABC News; Richard Cole of the University of North Carolina; and Bob Giles of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University. “The historic 2008 campaign generated an unprecedented level of media attention,” Rosenstiel said. “The data, analyses and reports produced by PEJ last year provided the cleanest and clearest evidence of just how that attention translated for the American voter and news consumer.” PEJ and Rosenstiel won the Bart Richards Award in 2004 for “State of the News Media” and Rosenstiel shared the award with his co-author, Bill Kovach, for the book “The Elements of Journalism” in 2001. In addition, Rosenstiel won the precursor to the Bart Richards


Award, the Lowell Mellett Award, in 1991, when he was a writer for the Los Angeles Times, for articles on the role of media in the overthrow of Communist governments in Eastern Europe, technological and social change in the television industry, and media coverage of the IraqKuwait crisis. PEJ, a non-partisan and non-political project funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, is dedicated to trying to understand the information revolution. It specializes in using empirical methods to evaluate and study the performance of the press, and it strives to help both the journalists who produce the news and the citizens who consume it develop a better understanding of what the press is delivering, how the media are changing and what forces are shaping those changes. Previous winners of the Bart Richards Award include: PBS “Frontline,” 2007; Byron Calame, public editor of The New York Times, 2006; Sydney Schanberg, a columnist for The Village Voice, 2005; “State of the News Media” by Project for Excellence in Journalism (Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel), 2004; Lori Robertson for articles in American Journalism Review, 2003; and Allan Wolper for "Ethics Corner" in Editor & Publisher, 2002. ●

Hailed as “required reading for policymakers—and those who want to influence them” by FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein, an ambitious book project overseen by Penn State’s Institute for Information Policy (IIP) that outlines a new telecommunications and media policy agenda for the United States was launched in Washington, D.C., within days of President Barack Obama’s inauguration. Sixteen scholars from 11 research universities across the United States, who formed the Future of American Communications (FACT) Working Group, were involved in the undertaking to formulate a telecommunications and media policy agenda for the new administration. The fruits of this effort, a book titled “…And Communications for All: A Policy Agenda for a New Administration,” were presented at the New America Foundation in late January. The FACT Working Group recommendations are based on a consensus that all communications services will eventually be provided over broadband and that the national goal should be to make broadband ubiquitous, content-rich and nondiscriminatory. “While clearly ambitious, this year-long effort reached its conclusion just in time,” said Amit Schejter, an assistant professor in the College of Communications and co-director of the IIP, who headed the project. “It offers

the new administration a blueprint for communications policy that can also serve as a key element in any economic recovery plan.” Along with Schejter, Penn State contributors to the project include: Richard Taylor, co-director of the IIP and the Palmer Chair Professor of Telecommunications Studies in the College of Communications; Rob Frieden, the Pioneers Chair in Cable Telecommunications in the College of Communications; Krishna Jayakar, an associate professor in the College of Communications; and Andrea Tapia, an assistant professor in the College of the Liberal Arts. “These respected authors serve up a rich banquet of food for thought,” Adelstein said. So much food, in fact, that the authors of the book (which is eligible at Amazon and Google books online) have worked with elected officials in Washington, D.C., regularly since its launch. They have meetings about policy possibilities scheduled throughout the summer. Those interested include Rep. Henry Waxman (DCalif.), and the project has led to another project, Beyond Broadband Access, a collaborative effort led by Penn State with partners at Michigan State, Rutgers and in China. Information about the projects may be found at online. ●

Class Project Produces Scrapbook Presented to Coach Paterno

Three journalism students enrolled in COMM 497G Joe Paterno: Communications and the Media last fall embarked on a comprehensive final class project that was presented to the namesake of the class in the spring. Rosemary Cochran, a junior from Ardsley, Angela Haupt, a senior from Reading, and Jessica Silko, a senior from South Fayette, compiled a news-scrapbook devoted to Paterno’s life and coaching career. “We wanted to do something that would capture Coach Paterno in a way that he hasn’t been captured before,” Haupt said. “We really poured our hearts into the project, and we were all proud of the way it turned out.” Students in the class were given

four options for their final project by senior lecturer Mike Poorman, but Cochran, Haupt and Silko decided to go above and beyond to present something “more original.” The 8.5- by 11-inch bound scrapbook documents Paterno’s life in a news-narrative form, using photos and articles compiled by the media over the years. It was broken down into four sections: Paterno as a man, an educator, as a coach and as legend, with approximately 72 photos and many memorable Paterno quotes scattered throughout. The course, offered at the University Park campus during the fall semester, examines the growth and use of reporting styles, messages, delivery mechanisms and audiences of various media as they directly


relate to Paterno during his 59 years at Penn State, the last 43 as head coach. “I have a lot of respect for him and for what he’s done for the University, both on and off the football field,” Silko said. “It’s almost easy to think of Coach Paterno as unchanging because he’s been here for so long, and he’s such a permanent fixture at Penn State, but he really has adapted to a changing media.” “I can’t imagine that any Penn State student would pass up the opportunity to take this class,” Haupt said. “Joe Paterno is an icon and defines our university. “He has poured his heart and soul into making Penn State a better place.” — Kaitlyn Marchek (’09)

Carnegie News

Communications Book Draws Ample Interest in D.C.

Carnegie News VACHON VISITS Christine Vachon, an acclaimed independent film producer and co-founder of Killer Films, talked about “Making Movies That Matter” during her spring semester visit to campus. Vachon founded her company, Killer Films, in 1995 and it has established itself at the forefront of American independent cinema, with a reputation for delivering challenging, thought-provoking and original movies from filmmakers with distinctive visions. The company has produced more than 40 films, including the Bob Dylan biopic "I’m Not There" (2007), Kim Peirce’s "Boys Don’t Cry" (1999), for which Hilary Swank won the Best Actress Oscar, and John Cameron Mitchell’s gender-bending rock odyssey "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" (2001). (Photos by Richie Sherman)

Chase Ends as ‘Butterflies’ Takes Flight with Debut

“Chasing Butterflies,” a full-length Professional actors, including More information online alumna Mandy Brown (’02), hanfeature film produced by a husbandand-wife faculty film-making team at dled the lead roles while some facfrom the College of ulty and staff members from the Communications, made its regional College played parts in the film as premiere in late April at the State Theatre in State College. well. Bingaman has 20 years of industry experience, The romantic comedy, which tracks three separate including work on feature films, broadcast television, storylines that intertwine, builds on the premise that commercials and corporate communications as a writer, one small change can affect history by altering the director, cameraman and editor. never-ending chain of events that result from that deciShea boasts experience as a sound designer and edision. tor on projects ranging from independent feature films Rod Bingaman, a senior lecturer in film-video, wrote to award-winning documentaries. the script and directed the film, while his wife, Maura “Chasing Butterflies” represents the couple’s third Shea, also a senior lecturer in film-video, produced the film and served as sound editor through their company, collaboration through Ma & Pa Pictures. The film was shot on location in State College and Lewistown. Ma & Pa Pictures. This summer, they hope to screen the film at festivals In addition, dozens of Penn State alumni and stuand events across the country. ● dents served in key behind-the-scenes positions.


Carnegie News Foster Conference visitors Connie Schultz (left) and Michael Bamberger participated in standing-room-only discussion and question-and-answer sessions and also met with students during a private reception on campus. (Photos by John Beale)

Conference, Lectures Attract Top-Notch Visitors

Annual lectures and events that complement classroom studies in the College of Communications again brought accomplished, big-name visitors to campus during the spring semester. Specifically, the Foster Conference of Distinguished Writers featured Connie Schultz of the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Michael Bamberger of Sports Illustrated while the Oweida Lecture in Journalism Ethics and Pockrass Memorial Lecture brought Kevin Klose and Stephen Prince, respectively, to campus. For Schultz and Bamberger, readings and questionand-answer sessions provided abundant interaction with students. They offered advice on matters ranging from interviewing to internships while sharing insights from their careers. Their sessions proved engaging for students—especially as Schultz related stories about her father, and her effort to write a column about his lunch box, an item he saw as a connection to a lifelong job that he did not enjoy and an item she saw as a sign of his completed promise to provide for his family.

She tearfully told students about herself, as “the girl whose father carried a lunch pail for 36 years” and eventually became the first in her family to attend college. She earned a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 2005. The other award-winning visitors connected with students just as well. Bamberger consistently engaged an audience of more than 350 people and Kevin Klose, president emeritus of National Public Radio and dean of the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism, provided examples of the need for an emphasis on ethics during his talk. Likewise, Prince, a professor at Virginia Tech, touched on a timely matter with his presentation titled “American Film in the Age of Terrorism.” His research and publications focus on violence in motion pictures, on Japanese director Akira Kurosawa and Japanese cinema, on the American film industry, on American film during the 1980s, and on political cinema. He is the author or editor of 15 books. ●

Summer Screenings Set for Powerful ‘No. 4 Street of Our Lady’ After a special Holocaust Memorial Day screening for middle and high school students in New Jersey in late April, several other screenings of “No. 4 Street of Our Lady” are being scheduled during the summer. The feature-length documentary film tells the remarkable, yet littleknown, story of Francisca Halamajowa, a Polish-Catholic

More information online at woman who rescued 16 of her Jewish neighbors during the Holocaust by cleverly passing herself off as a Nazi sympathizer. Collaborators on the film were three members of the faculty of the


College of Communications: associate professor Barbara Bird; assistant professor Richie Sherman; and senior lecturer Judy Maltz. Work on the film took nearly three years to complete, and that investment of time and effort has proven successful with the film earning high praise and repect from critics and members of the audience during initial screenings. ●

Carnegie News Chris Fowler, host of “College GameDay” on ESPN (right), visits with Knight Chair Malcolm Moran during a session open to the public the day before the annual Blue-White Game. (Photo by Kaitlyn Marchek)

Award-Winning Guests Highlight Sports Journalism Sessions

A visit from Chris Fowler, host of “College GameDay” on ESPN, capped a standout spring semester as the John Curley Center for Sports Journalism attracted numerous accomplished visitors to campus for classroom visits and public sessions. Along with Fowler, who, as host of ESPN’s main college football show, made a timely visit the day before the BlueWhite Game (and stayed on campus for the game itself), visitors included author and commentator John Feinstein. Their talks were the two main public sessions conducted by the Center during the semester. During a February session in the Forum Building, John Feinstein (left) told Knight Chair Classroom visitors included a variety Moran and the audience that “when you get away from writing about the games, every story is a police story.” (Photo by Kaitlyn Marchek) of alumni and professionals covering sports as well as coaches from Penn State The Center also created an award this spring: The and other schools that competed on campus. Award for Excellence in Coverage of Youth Sports will “We’re proud of the quality and variety of visitors recognize creative, in-depth and innovative coverage of we’ve been able to attract,” said Malcolm Moran, the youth and high school sports by broadcast, print and Knight Chair in Sports Journalism and Society and online journalists. The award was created because so director of the Curley Center. “These type of guests many graduates of the program begin their careers covprovide unmatched opportunities for our students. ering those type of sports, and because of the personal Their visits complement what happens in the classroom connection so many people have with the activities. and provide a forum for students to interact with leadMore information about the award may be found at ers in the field.” online. ●


STUDENT SHOWCASE An exhibition of work by students in photojournalism classes was on display throughout April in Kern Building on the University Park campus.

Page Press Center Provides Resource

A new and easily-accessible resource for journalists seeking information about ethical issues in communication has been launched by the Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication. The Page Press Center—online at— links journalists and other investigators with knowledgeable specialists on a wide range of topics in media ethics, such as corporate apologies, financial disclosure, green advertising and privacy. Most of the specialists available for media inquiries through the Page Press Center are current or former recipients of Page or Johnson Legacy Scholar grants through which they conducted year-long research into areas of ethics and social responsibility. Biographical and contact information for the increasing number of national and international experts has been posted to aid journalists seeking analysis or assistance on ethical issues they might be reporting. The Arthur W. Page Center, housed in the College of Communications, is a research center dedicated to the study and advancement of ethics and responsibility in corporate communication

and other forms of public communication. The Center is funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Since its inception in 2004, the Center has awarded more than $238,000 to scholars and professionals (people recognized annually as Page or Johnson Legacy Scholars) throughout the world to support research that makes important contributions to knowledge, practice or public understanding of ethics and responsibility in public communication or other principles of Arthur W. Page. Page, the longtime vice president for public relations at AT&T, is often regarded as the founder of the modern practice of corporate public relations. He also was a noted educator, publisher and adviser to several U.S. presidents and Cabinet members. Page was the first person in a public relations position to serve as an officer and director of a major corporation and, in that capacity, was widely known for management according to the Page Principles, his guidelines for ethical and effective communication with the public and for responsible corporate behavior. ●


● An expert on online advertising was the featured speaker during the Don Davis Symposium in Advertising Ethics. Mike Zaneis of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) addressed the state of online advertising and efforts by the industry to develop self-regulation guidelines for behavioral marketing and privacy. Zaneis is the vice president for public policy of the Washington, D.C.based organization, which is composed of more than 375 leading media and technology companies that are responsible for selling 86 percent of online advertising in the United States. ● An international expert on press freedom, Karin Karlekar, the senior researcher and managing editor of the Freedom of the Press Index and the Global Internet Freedom Index at Freedom House, addressed Internet ethics, global media independence and more during a lecture sponsored by the Don Davis Program in Ethical Leadership. ● Faculty and staff in the College of Communications raised a most-ever $20,101.40 for the United Way during the annual campaign on the University Park campus. Also, their participation rate was the highest among academic units on campus. ● A team comprised mostly of faculty and staff, including three cancer survivors, raised more than $3,400 for the Relay for Life event conducted on the University Park campus. More than 130 teams participated in the event, and the “Carnegie Crew” raised the third-highest total.

Carnegie News

Notes, Numbers

Faculty Close-Up

Marie Hardin, who teaches courses ranging from an introductory news writing and reporting class to a graduate seminar on feminism and media studies, addresses one of her spring semester classes.

University-Wide Teaching Honor Recognizes Hardin


arie Hardin has been named one of four Penn State faculty members to receive the 2009 George W. Atherton Award for Excellence in Teaching. Hardin, an associate professor in the Department of Journalism, is the only faculty member in the College of Communications ever to earn the prestigious university-wide award, which first was presented in 1988. The forerunner of the Atherton Award, the AMOCO, initially was presented in 1978. H. Eugene Goodwin, professor emeritus and former director of the School of Journalism, received that award in 1980. “This is a huge—and well-deserved—honor for Marie,” Dean Doug Anderson said. “She has built an impressive and nationally respected publication record; she performs what I consider to be unparalleled service to the University, discipline and profession; and she possesses an exceptional work ethic. “But teaching is what Marie truly excels in—and it enjoys the position of primacy in her impressive record as an integrated scholar.” The Atherton Award, named for Penn State’s seventh



Faculty/Staff Close-Up

president who served from 1882 until 1907, honors excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level. “I’m deeply honored by this award,” Hardin said. “Even more, though, I’m grateful to work in a place where teaching excellence is a top priority. The College has always emphasized our important mission: to help our students gain the skills and perspective to achieve their goals and do their best work.” Hardin, one of the country’s leading sports-media scholars, has taught six different courses since she joined the faculty in 2003: a graduate seminar in feminism and media studies; a 400level course in news editing; a 400-level course in sports, media and society; a 200-level course in news writing and reporting; a first-year seminar; and a 100-level online one-credit course that she developed on the basics of grammar, punctuation, usage and spelling, which now enrolls some 850 students each year. “Whether teaching large online President Graham Spanier presents Marie Hardin with the Atherton Teaching Award during sections, small technique courses, a University-wide event at the Nittany Lion Inn. (Photo by Steve Tressler) mid-size conceptual courses or and as associate head of the Department of Journalism. graduate seminars, Marie shines as an instructor whose “Marie is very deserving of this honor,” Ford Risley, pedagogical toolbox is packed with multiple effective head of the Department of Journalism, said. “She devices,” Anderson said. works tirelessly to make her classes an engaging environHardin wears several hats. ment for learning.” She directs the College’s Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Hardin also is associate director for research of the Center for Editing Excellence and serves as director of College’s John Curley Center for Sports Journalism. the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Copy Editing “Marie is a 24/7 human robot with incredible energy Residency, a two-week training session held annually at that she channels into enthusiastic teaching, coordinatPenn State for DJNF interns to prepare them for their ing visits by journalism professionals and making sure summer assignments at papers across the country. the academic program runs efficiently,” John Curley, “I’ve been privileged to work with many college proprofessor of journalism and distinguished professional fessors over the years,” Rich Holden, executive director in residence, said. “There is no one more deserving of of the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, said. “None is more this honor.” talented or inspiring than Marie. Each summer she Hardin said that she relies on four core beliefs “to trains a dozen students from colleges around the counform the cornerstones of my teaching philosophy and try at our Center for Editing Excellence. The students practice”: effective teachers provide a creative environare unanimous in their praises of Marie, both as a proment framed by consistent, effective routines and rules; fessor and as a person. I share those sentiments fully.” effective teachers provide an active learning environHardin serves also as faculty adviser to the Penn State ment; effective teachers use cognitive dissonance to campus chapter of the American Copy Editors Society

Faculty/Staff Close-Up

facilitate learning; and effective teachers make students ability to communicate with her students without accountable for learning and provide opportunities for sounding as if she is talking down to them,” Anderson students to “create” knowledge. said. “She facilitates thoughtful discussion and enlight“The burden of the learning process should be on ened debate, allowing her students to control the airthe students, not on the professor,” Hardin said. “This waves and come to their own conclusions.” burden, however, requires teachers to possess an exemAnderson also cited the course in news writing and plary knowledge of the course subject, a willingness to reporting that he took from Hardin. think and plan creative approaches to the material, and “Her on-deadline assignments taught us the value of enough flexibility and teaching expertise to adjust their a keen eye, time management and exceptional writing courses when needed. skills,” he said. “We must be “That class willing to cede was an 8 a certain—and I “It’s extraordinary how students amount of never missed consistently, semester after semester control over it.” in the course evaluations, comment the learning Alexandra experience, Petri, a senior on her enthusiasm for teaching and allowing stujournalism their genuine surprise at realizing dents to major, said they have met her high expectations.” that Hardin’s explore in ways that are mean— Anne Hoag, “door is always ingful to them and she associate dean for undergraduate open, and to conalways has education and outreach time for her tribute new perspectives.” students. I Anne Hoag, make weekly associate dean for undergraduate education and outvisits by her office. She is the first person I turn to for reach, praised Hardin’s contributions to the instruction- any problem I am faced with or any decision I have to al mission of the College. make. “It’s extraordinary how Professor Hardin’s students “Professor Hardin has taught me to trust myself, and consistently, semester after semester in the course evalu- I greatly appreciate all that she has done for me.” ations, comment on her enthusiasm for teaching and The other Penn State faculty members honored with their genuine surprise at realizing they have met her the 2009 Atherton Award are Themis Matsoukas, prohigh expectations,” Hoag said. fessor of chemical engineering in the College of David Anderson, a senior journalism major, first Engineering; Robert A. Novack, associate professor of encountered Hardin when enrolled in the first-year sem- supply chain management in the Smeal College of inar that she taught. Business; and Evelyn B. Pulhar-Adams, professor of phi“Early on, I noticed that Dr. Hardin has the uncanny losophy at Penn State Fayette. ●

Great Guest! President Spanier Visits, Talks Spielberg There are guest lecturers and then there’s the day the President shows up to talk to a class. Penn State President Graham Spanier visited Assistant Professor Matt Jordan's class (COMM 150 Art of Cinema) during the spring semester to talk about his love of movies, producer/director Steven Spielberg, and Spielberg’s film, "Amistad."

Find the visit archived online under the Multimedia section of ComMedia ( Spanier told the students he sees dozens of films a year, fitting them in around his busy schedule. In fact, he includes an annual holiday movie review on his University blog and has written about his love of movies for “The Chronicle of


Higher Education.” He spent about 15 minutes sharing his enthusiasm for film with Graham Spanier the class.

Faculty/Staff News

Richards Named to First Amendment Professorship

Robert “Bob” Richards, distinguished professor of journalism and law, has been named the John and Ann Curley Professor of First Amendment Studies in the College of Communications, effective July 1. Richards will succeed Clay Calvert, the inaugural holder of the Curley Professorship, who in August will join the faculty at the University of Florida as the Joseph L. Brechner Eminent Scholar in Mass Communications in the College of Journalism and Communications. Richards, who in 2006 was honored as Journalism Teacher of the Year by the Scripps Howard Foundation through its Robert Richards has earned accolades for his teaching, praise for his record of publication and respect for his service. (Photos by Mark Selders) National Journalism Awards Program, was also named one of “But, at the same time, we are operating funds for the Penn State’s Distinguished elated that the professorship will Pennsylvania Center for the First Professors by the Office of the remain in good hands and now will Amendment, which is housed in President that same year. be entrusted to Bob.” the College and which Richards Richards joined the Penn State Richards is author or coauthor of founded in 1992. faculty in 1988 as an assistant prothree published books—all on First Curley, the former president, fessor after earning a law degree and Amendment topics—-and has comchairman and CEO of Gannett working in broadcast journalism. pleted the manuscript for a fourth: Co., Inc., has served since 2001 as He earned his undergraduate “Wine Savvy: The Art of Buying, professor of journalism and distindegree, Phi Beta Kappa, from Penn Pairing and Sharing American guished professional in residence in State. His master's degree also is Wine.” the College. from Penn State and his law degree He also is author or coauthor of “Bob is the ultimate symbol of is from American University. 14 book chapters and more than 50 this student-centered University,” “Bob is one of the most widely scholarly articles, some 45 of which Curley said. “His classroom skills published media law scholars in res- have been published in law jourare unsurpassed. He thrives on idence at any of the country’s journals. media law classes. He travels to nalism-mass communications proHe is author or coauthor of more Washington weekly to shepherd the grams,” Dean Doug Anderson said. than 100 articles in the popular College’s D.C. program, which he “And he is one of Penn State’s most press, most of which have appeared founded and for which he serves as accomplished integrated scholars. on op-ed pages, and he is a fredirector. Bob refuses to give up the He possesses sterling credentials as a quently quoted expert on First D.C. program to ease his load teacher, researcher, writer and Amendment issues by the nation's because he loves it so much. provider of service. print and broadcast media. “Bob also skillfully puts together “We truly hate to see Clay, one of John and Ann Curley provided student broadcast entries for major our field’s superstars, move on. the College with a major gift in contests. He never says ‘not my job,’ He’s done a terrific job here for 13 2007 to establish the endowed proand is always there to help. years. We wish him well. fessorship and to generate annual “He is called upon frequently to


Faculty/Staff News

assist the state’s media as co-director of the Pennsylvania Center for the First Amendment, a dependable source of sound advice when anti-media barbarians are hammering at the gates.” The Pennsylvania Center for the First Amendment has continuously provided educational programs, sponsored speakers, published books and articles in the popular and academic press, and served as a media resource on a wide array of First Amendment topics. The work product of the Center has been cited to Congress, state legislatures and the U.S. Supreme court. By providing expert testimony to legislative bodies and the courts and expert commentary to the regional and national media, the Center’s members regularly represent the Center to the public and extend its reach beyond the academic environment. The notion of public scholarship—disseminating research to a wide audience where it is both applicable and influential—lies at the core of the Center's mission. The Center’s members are available for commentary and testimony on a broad range of First Amendment topics, including: adult entertainment law, commercial speech, free speech in public schools, freedom of the press, higher education speech, privacy, cell phones and YouTube, protests and demonstration, reality television, SLAPP suits and violent video game laws. The Center also has initiated an Open Records Clearinghouse Project that will compile information from reporters and track the performance of state agencies in regard to Right-to-Know requests. Professor Martin Halstuk, senior fellow in the Center, directs the clearinghouse project. Through the years, Richards has assumed numerous responsibilities in the College. He previously has

“The professorship clearly is in great hands. Bob brings more to the position than a great professional record. ... Bob’s appearances range from the walls of ivy to the seat of government and to television.” — John Curley, professor and distinguished professional in residence served as associate dean for undergraduate education, as interim head of the Department of Journalism and as director of the College’s internship program. Ford Risley, head of the Department of Journalism, praised Richards’ appointment to the professorship. “Bob is uniquely qualified to be the Curley Professor,” he said. “As the founder of the Pennsylvania Center for the First Amendment and a leading scholar on free-press issues, he will be outstanding in this important position.” “The professorship clearly is in great hands,” Curley said. “And Bob brings more to the position than a great professional record. His humor, one-liners and impersonations bring laughter and relaxation to fellow faculty members when they gather after hours to pass tales of classroom foibles. “A talented wine maker and lecturer, Bob’s appearances range from the walls of ivy (the University Club) to the seat of government (the Smithsonian) and to television.” ●


Professor Co-Edits Media Effects Book Mary Beth Oliver, a professor in the Department of Film-Video and Media Studies in the College of Communications, has co-edited with Jennings Bryant the third edition of "Media Mary Beth Oliver Effects: Advances in Theory and Research" (2008, Routledge). The book serves as a comprehensive reference volume for media effects study. Covering the breadth of the media effects arena, the third edition provides updated material as well as new chapters focusing on effects of mobile media and other technologies. Oliver, co-director of the Media Effects Research Laboratory at Penn State, specializes in media psychology, focusing on emotional and cognitive responses to media entertainment, and media portrayals of race/ethnicity and the effects of such portrayals on viewers' racial attitudes. Her work has appeared in such journals as the Journal of Communication, the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Communication Research, Human Communication Research and Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, among others. She was the recipient of a Fulbright research award in 2006 to study media stereotyping of Maori populations in New Zealand, and was co-editor of the journal Media Psychology and associate editor of the journals Communication Theory and Journal of Communication. ●

Four full-time faculty members, an adjunct faculty member and one graduate student with teaching responsibilities were honored with annual Deans’ Excellence Awards in the College of Communications. The awards recognize those who make the University ideals of teaching, research and service a reality. Mary Beth Oliver, a professor in the Department of Film-Video and Media Studies and co-director of the Media Effects Laboratory, earned the Deans’ Excellence Award for Teaching. Oliver teaches media effects, communication research methods and data analysis. She specializes in media and psychology, focusing on both the psychological effects of media and on viewers' attraction to or enjoyment of media content. Her research includes studies pertaining to emotional and cognitive responses to media entertainment, media violence (including horror and suspenseful films), reality-based television programs, gender and media, and media portrayals of racial groups and the effects of such portrayals on viewers' racial attitudes. Along with her research and 400-level teaching duties, she also developed COMM 118 Introduction to Media Effects. “Her ‘reward’ for doing such a splendid job of developing the course? She now has the privilege of teaching some 300 students each semester,” Dean Doug Anderson said with a smile. “But, whether she’s before an introductory class in a large setting or a seminar-size group in an upper-level class, she’s an extraordinary teacher who earns the respect of her students.” Patrick Parsons, the Don Davis Professor of Ethics, earned the Deans’ Excellence Award for Research and Creative Activity. In the past year, Parsons added more accomplishments to a career full of academic success. In the College of Communications, he coordinates the Don Davis Program in Ethical Leadership and spearheads stand-alone lectures and special events as well as the integrated “ethics across the curriculum” approach that defines the program. At the same time, the latest of Parsons’ four books, “Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television,” earned consistent praise from reviewers and scholars. The 804-page book offers a detailed historical analysis of the development and history of cable television. “He has assembled a strong record through the years— with a crowning achievement in 2008,” Anderson said. “ ‘Blue Skies’ is considered by many to be the definitive work.”

Mary Beth Oliver

Patrick Parsons

Bu Zhong

Matt McAllister

Linda Feltman

Murali Balaji

Bu Zhong, an assistant professor in the Department of Journalism, earned the Deans’ Excellence Award for Service. Zhong oversaw, conceptually and logistically, a twoweek trip to his native China that paved the way for faculty exchanges, internships, research collaborations and student programs with four universities and three separate Chinese news agencies. As a direct result of his contacts, the College will be sending six interns to China Daily in Beijing this summer, and similar opportunities might develop with Zinhua News Agency in the future. He also coordinated the visit of six students, two faculty members and an administrator from Shanghai International Studies University last November. The contingent’s five-day visit to Penn State coincided with the presidential election, giving the visitors a first-hand look at both Election Day and an important moment in U.S. history. Along with that, and more, Zhong served on two University committees and as a colloqiuim member in the College of Communications. “He spent literally hundreds of hours working unselfishly on behalf of the College—all the while serving as a dedicated and productive teacher and as an active scholar,” Anderson said. “He has used his expertise and contacts to create expansive and exciting vistas


Faculty/Staff News

Awards Honor Teaching, Research and Service

Faculty/Staff News

for our program. He, single-handedly, has significantly expanded our international wingspan.” Matt McAllister, an associate professor in the Department of Film-Video and Media Studies, earned the Deans’ Excellence Award for Integrated Scholarship. Along with teaching 100-, 400- and 500-level courses— and earning sterling student evaluations across the board—McAllister consistently produces quality research and serves both the College of Communications and the University. In the past year, he: authored five book chapters and encyclopedia entries; co-edited a book that will be published this year; completed his latest refereed journal article that will be published this year; and wrote a juried conference paper. He also served on committees such as promotion and tenure, curriculum and search within the College and served in the University Faculty Senate. “He takes his service responsibilities seriously,” Anderson said. “He carries them out because he knows they are needed, necessary and important—not simply to make the required notations on his vita.” Alumna Linda Feltman (’76 Adv), a senior business analyst with the Penn State Small Business Development Center, earned the Faculty Associate Award. Feltman, who teaches COMM 493 Entrepreneurship in the Information Age, earns consistently high praise from students—thanks to her expertise and her willingness to challenge students. At the start of each semester, she tells her students that in 15 weeks they will research and write a business plan to launch their own media business. With unending patience and support, she then helps them do just that. Murali Balaji, a doctoral candidate and lecturer, earned the graduate teaching award. A journalist who worked for The Washington Post, St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press and Wilmington (Del.) News Journal, Balaji earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota and amassed more than a decade of professional journalism experience before coming to Penn State. He previously taught communications classes at Temple University, the University of Minnesota and Delaware State University. An engaging teacher, Balaji has authored three books, most recently "Desi Rap: South Asian Americans in Hip Hop" (2008, Lexington Books). He also authored "House of Tinder" and "The Professor and The Pupil: The Politics of W.E.B. DuBois and Paul Robeson." His forthcoming publications include "Culturing Manhood and Masculinities," an anthology exploring the meaning and construct of masculinity around the world. ●

3,725 With 3,725 students, the College of Communications remains the country’s largest nationally accredited mass communication program.

Seven Faculty Members Earn Research Funding

Seven faculty members from the College of Communications have received more than $3,000 in funding for their research and creative projects from the University through the 2008-09 President’s Fund for Research. To qualify for the grants, faculty members must integrate undergraduate students in their work. As many as 15 students acquired valuable research skills, experienced the creative aspects of scholarly work and enjoyed personal mentoring by faculty members. Those who earned funding were: ❚ Frank Dardis, assistant professor, “Reactions to Advertisements in Video Games”; ❚ Michel Haigh, assistant professor, “Examining the Difference in Newspaper Coverage of Alternative Energy Sources from 2003-2008”; ❚ Marie Hardin, associate professor, “A Different Lens on Sports? A Framing Analysis of Coverage Based on Reporter Gender”; ❚ Krishna Jayakar, assistant professor, “Telecommunications Mergers and Acquisitions”; ❚ Naomi McCormack, assistant professor, “Out of the Question: Women, Media and the Art of Inquiry”; ❚ Shyam Sundar, professor, “Media Psychophysiology for Theory-Based Undergraduate Research”; and ❚ Bu Zhong, assistant professor, “Sport Teaches Morality: An Inquiry Into Ethical Decision-Making Among Student Athletes and Non-Athletes.” ●


More than 20 members of a generaleducation class in the College of Communications, COMM 110 Media & Democracy, taught by assistant professor Michael Elavsky, conducted hands on research about the U.S. Constitution during the spring semester. Their extra-credit efforts provided some important groundwork for a project designed to promote constitutional literacy. The project, “A More Perfect Union,” is a collaboration designed to create a compelling, cutting-edge informational and learning platform focused on the U.S. Constitution. With academics, constitutional law experts and even entertainment experts from companies such as Industrial Light and Magic working together, project organizers envision an engaging and entertaining final product. They do not resist comparisons to “Schoolhouse Rock,” but believe that once unveiled, in late 2010, the Webbased project’s scope will go beyond that fondly remembered Saturday morning effort from the 1970s. Along with any entertaining “bells and whistles,” content and appropriate context hold the key for the pro-

gram’s eventual success. While the students conducted some key research during the spring, they also provided an important initial barometer for anything related to the project. “It was like having a built-in focus group,” Elavsky said. “We could talk about what the project would become or how we might present it and they all had input.” Because of their interest in the project, many students who initially accepted Elavsky’s offer to help because of the chance to earn extra

credit have since decided to help as much as possible in the coming months, which includes meetings in New York City with designers and other project partners. So, even in its initial stages, among a small group, the project has started to meet its goal of fostering more enlightened civic participation by a more responsible citizenry. “The students really got behind the effort,” Elavsky said. “Once they got a taste of the research and a sense of the final project, they were focused and did a great job.” ●

A classroom effort by College of Communications students to benefit a non-profit agency in Centre County created the first-ever Dog Jog 5K, which was conducted in early May to benefit the Centre Hall branch of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). Students in a section of COMM 473 Public Relations Campaigns taught by Senior Lecturer Renea Nichols worked with Pets Come First to create the event, which

included a 5K run and a dog-andpeople jog/walk at the Grange Fairgrounds in Centre Hall. Pets Come First is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization committed to ensuring responsible shelter management and providing both human and monetary resources to assist adoptable homeless animals in Centre County. Students joined the effort to support the Centre Hall SPCA and Pets Come First as part of a semester-long campaign to promote

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month. One of their initial events was a drive to accumulate supplies at the Petco store in State College. Many faculty members and instructors in the College, Nichols among them, regularly engage their classes with non-profit organizations in an effort to provide hands-on, practical experience for students and low-cost, quality advertising and public relations options for the organizations. ●

More than 20 members of the class helped with group work in the spring semester.

Practical Effort for Public Relations Class Creates First Dog Jog 5K


Faculty/Staff News

Faculty Member’s Class Helps With Constitution Project

Faculty/Staff News

Notes, Numbers

TRACKING THON Senior Lecturer Maria Cabrera-Baukus (top photo, standing) led the popular Webcast of the Penn State Dance Marathon as part of a class that focused on the project while student photographers caught images of Chris Bowyer (at right) dancing and the family of a Four Diamonds child during Family Hour on the final day of the 46-hour event that ranks as that largest student-run philanthropy in the country.

(Photo by Sarah Nathan)

(Photo by Kat Lackey)


● Two staff members joined the College of Communications during the spring semester: Clifton Holmes as an academic adviser in the Office of Clifton Holmes Academic Services and Airis Smallwood as an administrative assistant in the Office of Multicultural Affairs. Overall, the College has 37 full-time staff members and 72 Airis full-time faculty Smallwood members. ● Five College faculty members were honored by the Panhellenic Council during a faculty and staff recognition event at the University Park campus. Each of the 23 sorority chapters on campus selected one person to honor for teaching or making a positive impact on students. The five honorees from the College, the most of any academic unit, were: ❚ Clay Calvert, John and Ann Curley Professor of First Amendment Studies; ❚ John Curley, professor and distinguished professional in residence; ❚ Frank Dardis, assistant professor; ❚ Jamey Perry, assistant dean for academic services; and ❚ Steve Sampsell, senior lecturer and director of college relations.

Faculty Forum

Me, Myself, and My Facebook

al exchanges, according to one of our experiments. Facebook is not your socialsupport network. But, it is a community built around you and your interests. The applications you download, the groups you join, the friends you add, and the amount of information you disclose all say something about you. Our studies show that these are powerful cues that shape others’ impressions of you. On a daily basis. What you say in your status update today, and how you say it, can have an immediate effect on your “public” image. Therefore, Facebook has transformed us overnight into strategic self-presenters, forcing us to consciously think about how we manage our image. Kind of like celebrities and public figures. We are the center of our own universe. We know we are being noticed, nay watched, nay followed. The fact that we have “followers” makes us feel like rock stars! When we update our status on Facebook or send out a tweet via Twitter, we are not communicating with our fans, er ... friends, we are broadcasting to them. These are not intimate conversations with a close-knit group of friends, but carefully crafted revelations to a large group of weak ties. All this is good for the ego. If you have noticed, the most successful communication technologies in recent times are those that celebrate the self. The “i” in the iPod and the “my” in MySpace really represent the user. The audience member is no more simply a receiver of communication, but a sender as well. Communication is an innate human need, and modern technologies have enabled us to fulfill this need rapidly, efficiently and perpetually. One wonders whether the obsessive use of these technologies simply signals a desire for perpetual contact with others, or with the technology itself. Three years ago, an information-science student of mine complained to me about the spotty wireless signal in Carnegie Building. He told me that coming to a classroom without WiFi is like going to a building without a restroom. “What if I wanted to Google urgently?” he asked. Today, my undergraduates circumvent that happily. If they cannot IM, they text on their mobile devices. If they cannot fire up their Facebook page, they tweet. What they don’t do as much anymore is talk amongst themselves. ●

(Editor’s note: In each issue of the Communicator, the Faculty Forum allows faculty members in the College to provide an update on their research or information about work in their field that impacts us on a daily basis. Professor S. Shyam Sundar is co-director of the Media Effects Research Laboratory. A member of the Department of FilmVideo and Media Studies, his work on psychological aspects of communication technologies is widely cited. He is chair of the Communication and Technology Division of the International Communication Association.)

Not a day goes by without Facebook and LinkedIn suggesting that I add someone from Penn State into my network. As a Penn Stater, you know that you are one among many. Your orientation was held in a gym, your commencement in a sports arena and your acts of kindness turned into the world’s largest studentrun charity. Now, years after graduation, Facebook serves as a constant reminder of the vastness of the Penn State family. Chances are you have more friends in your network than most of your peers who decided to go to other schools. But, is more necessarily better? Our studies show that it can be. The greater the number of friends in your network, the more attractive, popular and confident you are perceived to be. And people are more likely to want to “friend” you. However, this appeal works only up to a point. If you have too many friends in your network, then you may be perceived as insecure. And people doubt the genuineness of your social contact. So, how many is too many? A recent article in The Economist pegged the average number of friends at 120, but studies with undergraduates have shown the average to be at least twice that much. With Facebook hitting the 200 million mark and still growing strong, it’s only a matter of time before all our acquaintances become our Facebook friends, making it one giant Rolodex. Having more entries in this Rolodex is an asset. The bigger your network, the greater your net worth, in terms of social capital. This can be particularly handy when you want to gather support for a cause or get signatures for a campaign. But, it is not a great vehicle for one-on-one messaging—unless you have lots and lots of time to spare for commenting on all your friends’ status updates and wallposts. Most people don’t. What’s more, they do not care much for Facebook profiles that feature a lot of emotion-


Development News

Endowments Provide Important Resource


ith Penn State more than two years into its latest fundraising campaign, the College of Communications is intensifying its efforts to raise money to provide even stronger support for its students, faculty and staff, and to increase its permanent endowment to ensure longterm excellence. With Legislative appropriations to Penn State declining—state support accounted for just 9.4 percent of the university’s budget in 2008-2009—private fundraising has assumed even greater importance. The College has raised nearly $25 million in private funds since Jan. 1, 2000 and is now nearly 30 months into “For the Future: The Campaign for Penn State Students.” The College’s goal for the current campaign is $20 million. Of the nearly $25 million the College has raised thus far this decade, more than $16 million, counting Trustee Scholarship matching funds, is earmarked for endowment. “I cannot overstate the importance of growing our permanent endowment,” Dean Doug Anderson said. “Raising our endowment is a long-distance race, not a sprint. And it is crucial for sustainability. We’ve carved new positions and launched many new initiatives over the past several years. We need to maintain our momentum, even in these challenging economic times.” The College has 118 permanent endowment fund accounts—including chairs, professorships, lectureships, student organizations, centers, awards, graduate scholarships, undergraduate scholarships and trustee scholarships. More than half of them, 73, have been activated in the past 10 years. John Curley, professor of journalism and distinguished professional in residence, chairs the College’s campaign committee. Curley joined the College’s faculty in 2001 after retiring from Gannett Co. Inc., where, through the years, he served in a variety of capacities, including president, chairman and CEO. Curley said: “When development officers talk to donors about stepping up with a gift to build the endowment, some of those not versed in the language of fundraisers, ask: What’s that? “The quick answer: the middle syllable—Dow—is the key. It’s been a stock market winner most years. It goes up and so does your gift year after year. And endowed scholarship funds, in particular, enable Penn State to

ENDOWMENT CATEGORIES Minimum gifts necessary to create an endowment for a specific purpose at Penn State. Faculty Support Dean’s Chair ...................................................$5,000,000 Department Head’s Chair................................$3,000,000 Faculty Chair ..................................................$2,000,000 Professorship.................................................$1,000,000 Graduate Student Aid Distinguished Graduate Fellowship ...................$250,000 Graduate Scholarship..........................................$50,000 Undergraduate Student Aid Trustee Matching Scholarship.............................$50,000 College Scholarship.............................................$50,000 Honors College Scholarship................................$50,000 Other Endowments Lectureship .......................................................$100,000 Research .............................................................$50,000 Program Support ................................................$25,000 Libraries ..............................................................$25,000 Program Award ...................................................$20,000

help needy, talented students cover their college costs. “Now, with the Dow and stocks across the board lagging, the students and institutional programs need a lift from new donors and long-time donors who can step up. And in recent years many have helped the College of Communications so much. We ask for continued support.” Endowed gifts are held by Penn State in perpetuity. The initial gift is invested, and a portion of the average annual investment return is spent for the purpose designated by the donor. The remaining income is added to the principal as protection against inflation. Thus an endowed account today will have relatively the same value for future generations. The long-term investment pool is Penn State’s endowment portfolio into which endowed funds established at the university are invested. The pool operates much like a mutual fund. “Because endowments are sources of funds that students and faculty can count on year after year, they play an especially critical role in Penn State’s ability to offer scholarships, graduate fellowships, faculty chairs and professorships, and the like,” wrote President


[Endowments in bold have been activated in the past 10 years.]

Faculty Chairs and Professorships John and Ann Curley Professorship in First Amendment Studies Don Davis Professorship in Ethics Larry and Ellen Foster Professorship in Writing and Editing Knight Chair in Sports Journalism and Society James and Barbara Palmer Chair in Telecommunications Studies and Law Pioneers Chair in Cable Telecommunications Faculty and Program Support Ben Bronstein Ethics and Public Communications Lecture Warren R. Carmichael Media and Justice Program Endowment Donald W. Davis Penn State Chapter of the American Advertising Federation Donald W. Davis Mass Communications Fund Karen Marateck Drake and Barry Drake Program Endowment for ComRadio Neal J. Friedman Internship Fund Carmen Finestra Equipment Endowment William Randolph Hearst Endowment for Visiting Professionals Journalism Professional Enhancement Fund James P. Jimirro Center for the Study of Media Influence Robert Wood Johnson Program in Ethical Leadership Paul J. Levine Collections in Communications Law and Journalism Dr. N. N. Oweida Lectureship in Journalism Ethics Arthur W. Page Center Endowment Robert M. Pockrass Lectureship in Mass Communications Bart Richards Award for Media Criticism

Pamela Maierhofer (center), who earned support from an endowed scholarship fund during the 2008-09 academic year, talks with donors and alumni Honora (left) and Bill Jaffe, who support several endowed funds. (Photo by Mark Selders).

Graham Spanier in his annual report on philanthropy and endowments. “A Penn State education is a unique experience that challenges the mind, invigorates the spirit, and leaves an indelible imprint on alumni.” The College, with more than Seventy-three of the 18,000 alumni, College’s 118 enjoys strong private support. permanently endowed In fiscal 2007fund accounts have 2008, the College been activated in the received 1,975 past 10 years. gifts, not counting pledges and bequests. Of those, 1,763 were from individuals; 140 were from corporations; 53 were from foundations; and 19 were from organizations. The number of gifts has increased dramatically during this decade, thanks largely to donor generosity and the dedicated efforts of the College’s Office of External Relations, which is home to the development and alumni staff. “I can’t say enough about the terrific job those in external relations have done through the years,” Anderson said. “I admire their work ethic, professionalism and dedication to helping us push the College forward.

Graduate Student Scholarships and Awards Douglas and Claudia Anderson Communications Scholarship Marlowe Froke Graduate Scholarship in Education and Public Affairs Broadcasting Djung Yune Tchoi Memorial Excellence in Teaching Award Trustee Scholarships Douglas and Claudia Anderson Trustee Scholarship Douglas and Claudia Anderson Trustee Scholarship in Journalism Donald P. Bellisario Trustee Scholarship Marc A. Brownstein Trustee Scholarship (Continued on next page)

“I’m also grateful for the phenomenal support of our alumni and friends—and, of course, the strong leadership provided by John Curley and our capital campaign committee. These are tough economic times—and I am particularly grateful for their loyalty.” ●


Development News


Development News


Nile D. Coon Trustee Scholarship John and Ann Curley Trustee Scholarship Fetter Family Trustee Scholarship Gene Foreman Trustee Scholarship Tom Gibb Memorial Trustee Scholarship Hayden Family Trustee Scholarship Freda Azen Jaffe Memorial Trustee Scholarship Warren L. and Carole L. Maurer Trustee Scholarship Maralyn Davis Mazza Trustee Scholarship Robert J. O’Leary Trustee Scholarship Penn State Alumni Association Trustee Scholarship William Y. E. and Ethel L. Rambo Trustee Scholarship Eric W. Rabe Trustee Scholarship Robert L. and Mary Lee Schneider Trustee Scholarship Andrew and Beatrice Schultz Trustee Scholarship Steinman Foundations Trustee Scholarship Trustee Scholarship Fund for the College of Communications Christopher C. Wheeler Trustee Scholarship

Undergraduate Student Scholarships and Awards Samuel D. Abrams and Lillian K. Abrams Senior Film Endowment Donald E. Allen Memorial Scholarship Franklin Banner Journalism Scholarship Caroline A. Bange Memorial Award Quinton E. Beauge Memorial Journalism Scholarship Louis H. Bell Memorial Scholarship Bradford Brian Communications Scholarship Marc A. Brownstein Scholarship in Advertising Damon M. Chappie Memorial Award in Investigative Journalism Collegian AIG Scholarship Collegian Alumni Hall of Fame Scholarship Winifred Imhof Cook Journalism Scholarship John and Ann Curley Scholarship Evelyn Y. Davis Scholarship Stanley E. Degler Scholarship Edward S. Dubbs, Jr. Scholarship Helene Eckstein Study Abroad Scholarship Carmen Finestra Film Project Endowed Grant-in-Aid Lawrence G. Foster Award for Excellence in Public Relations Lawrence G. and Ellen M. Foster Scholarship Sidney and Helen Friedman Endowed Scholarship Raymond and Shirley (Gable) Galant Communications Scholarship Gene and Fran Goodwin Journalism Scholarship Rheta B. Glueck Prize George E. Graff Journalism Scholarship Jay Grossman Award in Communications Wayne Hilinski Advertising Scholarship Sharon Lynn Palaisa Jackson Memorial Scholarship Honora and William Jaffe Scholarship Reuben Jaffe Memorial Journalism Scholarship David and Mary Lee Jones Journalism Scholarship David and Mary Lee Jones Washington, D.C. Scholarship The Journalism Fund

John S. and James L. Knight Diversity Scholars Program Knight Diversity Scholarship in Sports Journalism Isadore and Anna Krasnansky Minority Scholarship Marvin and Josie Krasnansky Internship Grant Marvin and Josie Krasnansky Undergraduate Scholarship Howard J. Lamade Communications Scholarship LAMCO Communications, Inc. Scholarship Jean Ward Lapton Memorial Award in Journalism Joseph F. and Mary P. Loftus Award for Outstanding Writing Richard and Victoria Mallary Scholarship Linda Martelli Memorial Scholarship in Journalism Warren and Carole Maurer Radio Scholarship A. W. (Dude) McDowell Memorial Scholarship Charles M. Meredith Sr. Scholarship John R. Jr., John R. III, and Jayne E. Miller Minority Journalism Scholarship Norman C. and Mollie Miller Journalism Scholarship Morgan Signs/Barash Advertising Internship Award in Advertising Lou H. Murray Scholarship Harold E. Newlin Memorial Award Fund Bernie Newman Scholarship in Journalism Ostar-Hutchison Daily Collegian Scholarship George E. Paterno Memorial Scholarship Kent A. Petersen Memorial Scholarship Penn State Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award Eric R. and Maria K. Polins Study Abroad Award Philip Radcliffe International Student Award Shellie M. Roth Honors Scholarship School of Communications Alumni Society Scholarship School of Communications General Scholarship School of Communications Scholarship-Internship Award for Minorities School of Communications Internship Grant Gregory Michael Schiff Memorial Scholarship Richard and Arlene Small Journalism Scholarship for Sports Writing in Memory of Ridge Riley Steinman Foundations and Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. Scholarship Jeanne Stiles Williamson Scholarship Jerome Weinstein Journalism Scholarship James Wiggins and Christine Fleming Scholarship Robert K. Zimmerman Memorial Internship Endowment


An alumnus who serves as presiFrom spring 1998 to fall 2005, dent of a nationally recognized Brownstein served four terms on brand marketing firm has provided the College of Communications a gift to the University to endow Alumni Society Board, serving on the Marc A. Brownstein Trustee numerous committees. In 2002, Scholarship. the Collegian Alumni Mark Brownstein (’81 Interest Group named Adv) is president of The Brownstein an Alumnus of Brownstein Group, a Distinction in the business nationally recognized brand division. marketing firm with offices Brownstein is chairman in Philadelphia and Seattle emeritus of the American that integrates advertising, Association of Advertising interactive, public relations, Agencies. He also served as direct and design. chairman and vice chairThe Trustee Matching man. Marc Scholarship Program at A member of the Brownstein Penn State, created in 2002, Philadelphia Advertising aims to ensure that a Penn State Club, Brownstein serves as the education is accessible to qualified advertising chair for United students, regardless of their finanCerebral Palsy and on the boards cial means. Under the program, of the Multiple Sclerosis Society the University matches 5 percent of and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. the principal of each gift annually He is a member of the executive and combines those funds with board of the Young Presidents income from the endowment to Organization (YPO), a global effectively double the financial organization of young leaders of impact of the scholarship. large companies. A $50,000 gift payable over five As a Penn State student, years or less is the minimum gift Brownstein served as business maneligible for the program. Donors ager of The Daily Collegian and may specifiy a major field of study served on the University Concert as a first preference. Committee. He was a brother in For the Marc A. Brownstein Beta Sigma Beta fraternity, chaired Trustee Scholarship, that first prefIFC Spring Week and was a memerence is a student majoring in ber of Lion’s Paw and Skull and advertising. Bones. Twenty-two scholarships have Brownstein lives in Philadelphia been created in the College of with his wife, Amy. The couple has Communications since the prothree children, Sophie, James and gram’s inception. Molly. ●

Find us online ... 27

BY THE NUMBERS 3,725 Students enrolled in the College of Communications for 2008-09 academic year.

70 Percent of students in the College of Communications who receive some form of financial aid.

13 Percent of students in the College of Communications who receive scholarship support from the College.

889 First-generation college students in the College of Communications who receive some form of financial aid.

$20,684 First-year undergraduate costs for 2008-09 in-state students at Penn State.

$1,207 Average size of scholarship awards in the College of Communications.

$6,555 Average amount of annual unmet need for students in the College of Communications.

$24,186 Average loan debt for College of Communications students graduating with loans.

Development News

Brownstein Gift Increases Total of Trustee Scholarships to 22

Development News

Students Enjoy Chance to Share Impact of Giving

The Student Philanthropy Council gives students the opportunity to be involved with fundraising for numerous Emily Gordon and Jamie Urbanowicz got involved with the Student Philanthropy organizations that benefit the Penn Council early in their careers at Penn State and enjoyed the experience. State community. about philanthropic activities on campus. In addition, It also gives them an appreciation for the impact of philanthropy at Penn State—especially for efforts such as Gordon became involved with other groups and organizations on campus and got a first-hand appreciation of the Penn State Dance Marathon and senior class gifts. the impact of gifts to the University. “It’s not just about receiving money donated to the SPC members also find many rewarding aspects of numerous departments throughout the University,” their participation with the group. said Jordan Ford (’07 Adv/PR), an assistant director in In fact, Jamie Urbanowicz, (’09 Adv/PR) envisions Annual Giving. “It’s about giving back to the communiphilanthropy as a possible career path as a result of her ty.” participation. “We have the opportunity to personally Ford contributed to the senior class gift of 2007. “I sit and talk to recipients about how and where their just wanted to be a part of the philanthropy organizagifts have come from,” Urbanowicz said. “It’s great tion,” Ford said. “I felt like it was a good fit for me.” because every time you learn another aspect, the more Although the SPC is fairly new, some students from you realize you are helping out.” the College of Communications quickly found a home Urbanowicz appreciates the donations and gifts made with the group. Emily Gordon (’09 PR) joined the SPC her freshman toward the University, and enthusiastically shares what she’s learned with fellow students. year and enjoyed helping increase the awareness of the “Philanthropy really impacts the student experience,” organization. “I came in not knowing much about the program but Urbanowicz said. “Every gift, whether it’s for a scholarship, an event or even a building fund makes Penn I learned the structure through the University and how State better.” every small gift helped,” Gordon said. “People are just Student members of the SPC enjoy the opportunity starting to know more about the program and we are to both learn and share about the positives of philanable to reach out to more students.” thropy at Penn State. Information about giving to the A primary means to share that information were University and the SPC may be found at “Philanthropy Fridays” in the HUB-Robeson Center. online. Conducted the first Friday of each month, the sessions — Jennifer Palmer (’09) allowed SPC members to implement marketing efforts


A Penn State alumna who serves as president and CEO of a respected financial communications firm has established a scholarship designated for honors students at the University who are studying in the College of Communications. Rochelle Michaels Roth (’64 Journ) of Livingston, N.J., founder of Investor Relations Partners Inc., provided a $50,000 endowment for the Shellie M. Roth Honors Scholarship in the College of Communications. “As my children got older, I started to fully appreciate the value of education, especially as I looked back on how I was able to achieve my goals,” Roth said. “It all began with my education, and the benefits of so many rich experiences at Penn State.” As an undergraduate, Roth served as editor of The Daily Collegian. In

“I’ve been so impressed by the quality of the students.” — Rochelle Roth

recent years, she has been an active participant in the annual mentoring program conducted by the College of Communications, and the Alumni Academy in Ethical Leadership. She has participated in events in New York City and on the University Park campus, where she has visited several journalism and public relations classes. “When you return to campus you find that it’s both the same place and a different place,” Roth said. “That was very exciting. Plus, each of the students I met with and had the privilege to share time with had poise and maturity beyond their


Development News

Alumna Endows Scholarship for Honors Students

years, which demonstrates the depth and quality of the programs in the College. “I’ve been so impressed by the quality of the students. Creating a scholarship allows me to to support them and to have a part in all their success and the continued success of Penn State’s educational programs.” The Shellie M. Roth Honors Scholarship will provide needsbased assistance and recognition to students in perpetuity. At least one and perhaps several students will receive support from from the fund each year. A first preference will be given to those enrolled or planning to enroll in the Schreyer Honors College and who are majoring or planning to major in either journalism or advertising/public relations with a public relations option. ●

Development News

Scholarship Support Provides $533,759 for Students

Thanks to many contributors, the College awarded a record $533,759 to 442 recipients during the 2008-2009 academic year. A list of awards and recipients follows: Advertising Franklin Banner Scholarship Erinn Bartley Marc A. Brownstein Scholarship in Advertising Stefanie Kemmler Donald W. Davis Mass Communication Fund Ashley Brunson-Jones Melissa Yingling Wayne Hilinski Advertising Scholarship Christopher Agostini Maryann Bell Interstate Advertising Managers Association Rachel Freiberg Sharon Lynn Palaisa Jackson Memorial Tessa Greiman Angelica Lu Lauren Scarola Jayne Jamison College of Communications Scholarship Ashley Basehore Jenna Drew Daily Collegian Damon M. Chappie Memorial Award in Investigative Journalism Heather Schmelzlen Collegian Alumni Hall of Fame Scholarship Melissa Chen Amanda Hofmockel

Collegian AIG Scholarship Stefanie Kemmler Andrew Staub

Ostar-Hutchison Daily Collegian Scholarship Erin Prah Danielle Vickery Kent A. Petersen Memorial Scholarship Patrice Caracci Rossilynne Skena Ethics Don Davis Program in Ethical Leadership/Academic Integrity Poster Award Stephanie Bennis Lauren Bressler Stephanie Genis Brooke Hersh Lauren Scarola Brittany Solomon Michael Wilson Don Davis Program in Ethical Leadership/The Davis Award Warapron “Tina” Worawongs Lauren Scarola Alexandra Gort Amalia Villarruel Donavan Hunt Shannon Kahle David Anderson Sara Pearson Film-Video Samuel D. Abrams and Lillian K. Abrams Senior Film Endowment Mary Anderson Christopher Harley Edwin Koester Julianna Maslak Carmen Finestra Film Project Grant-in-Aid Mary Anderson Molly Evans Kelly Gallagher Justin Jarrett David Laudenslager


Alexander Lype Julianna Maslak Ashley Mills Gaetano Sacco Amanda Werner

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Grant Tracy Custis Kelly Gallagher Roshni Gosalia Stephen Turselli Kenny Wu General Communications Alumni Society Scholarship Rosemary Cochrane James Gibbons College of Communications Deans’ Excellence Scholarship Jacqueline Campbell Carly Hyland Eric Meczkowski Brittany Stoner John and Ann Curley Scholarship in Communications Krystin Arrabito Samantha Davis Stefanie Davis Melissa Maynard Michael Oplinger Angela Schlosser Brian Tripp Lawrence G. and Ellen M. Foster Scholarship Nicole Arias Catherine Battle Angela Haupt Kevin Hewston Joseph Kratz Bryant Powell Claudia Vergara Raymond and Shirley (Gable) Galant Communications Scholarship Veronica Auger Brianne Beatty Ashley Bressler

Development News

Lauren Chapman Gina Cherundolo Stephanie Downs Roshni Gosalia Michael Jasper Dorrian Kearney Alexa Keeley Joseph Mayo Samantha Scheller Mark Greenwald Communications Scholarship Victoria Chu Jay Grossman Award in Communications Mary Anderson David and Mary Lee Jones Washington, D.C., Scholarship Jennifer Shutt Claudia Vergara LAMCO Communications Inc. Scholarship Angelica De Wit Michelle Mendelson

Shellie M. Roth Honors Scholarship Kristen Lewis James Wiggins and Christine Fleming Scholarship in Communications Valerie Dames Graduate Studies Douglas and Claudia Anderson Communications Scholarship Erica Polson Erin Whiteside Marlow Froke Graduate Scholarship in Education and Public Affairs in Public Broadcasting Jesse Clark Sidney and Helen Friedman Endowed Scholarship Jesse Clark Gene and Fran Goodwin Journalism Scholarship Murali Balaji

Incoming Freshmen Lawrence G. and Ellen M. Foster Merit Scholarship Lane Borgida Kelsey Bradbury Alexandra Farrell Ashley Hinson Naomi Kromer Anne Richards Laura Schaaf Brenna Thorpe Sean Tubridy Jessica Yochim Howard J. Lamade Communications Scholarship John Dempsey Douglas Marino Lipson Family Scholarship in the College of Communications Jonathan Glatfelter Audrey Snyder Richard and Victoria Mallary Scholarship in Communications Elizabeth Beresford Emily Fischer (Continued on Page 34)


Up Close: ‘Just One M

For just one minute on April 8, students in classes taught by senior lecturer John Beale investigated the many goings-on that take place in the Pattee and Paterno Libraries on the University Park campus. Two sections of the introductory photojournalism course participated in the assignment. Each class was given a short amount of time to search the facilities for an interesting scene, take their photos between 10 and 10:01 a.m. or 2:10 and 2:11 p.m. during their respective classes, and then have the photos edited, captioned and submitted within 40 minutes.



Photos by (clockwise from top center): Andrew Woods; Nicole Yetter; Andy Colwell; Jennifer Lynch; Curtis Letcavage; and Rebecca Frank.


Development News

Internship Endowments College of Communications Alumni Society/Neal J. Friedman Internship Fund Nicole Arias Angela Barajas Shawn Biggs Christina Binz Anthony Burkhart Alyssa Ciambriello Paul Clarkson John Considine Stephanie Davis Ryan Denissoff Brinton Duncan Laura Flenders Giovanni Graziano Melanie Grinder Heather Hilinski Stacy Hollar Kelly Hrank Pearly Huang Gemise James Megan Krause Katharine Lackey Crystal Levandowski Caitlin Makoul Kelly McAuliffe Matthew McConnell Andrew McGill Kim Nguyen Adam Pellegrino Andrew Pitz Eleni Psaltis Carlo Pugliano Karissa Shatzer Ayesha Siddiqi Robert Skorochocki

Bladen Vickery Evelyn Wright School of Communications Internship Grant Matthew Caporiccio Stephanie King Adam Lippencott Knight Minority Internship Award Riccardo Ghia Kahalia Solano Honora and William Jaffe Scholarship in Communications Kariann Ickert Kelly Rippin David Sadofsky Sebastiano Saraceno Brian Stoume Marvin and Josie Krasnansky Internship Grant Jannell Applequist Jawana Bachir Michael Barasch Theresa Bickleman Marissa Carl Robert Charette Angela Haupt Michael Kelly Connor McLean Chad Minutillo Carlyn Perrotty Jessica Perry Nicholas Solan Devin Tomb Jacob Wilkins Candace Worthen


Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters Robert K. Zimmerman Memorial Award Melissa Yingling Morgan Signs/Barash Advertising Internship Katharine Colvin Carly Porter A.W. (Dude) McDowell Memorial Scholarship Sheila Lindberg Gregory Michael Schiff Memorial Scholarship in Communications Alyssa Callahan Molly Evans Rache Guldin Kristen Laino Amanda Werner Robert K. Zimmerman Memorial Internship Endowment Jamie Bussy Evan Cuttic Elliott Geist Journalism Donald E. Allen Memorial Scholarship in Communications Ana Botero Patricia Bowie Tamara Conrad Teresa Cooper Ashley Gressen Jillian Harding Erica Hernandez

Caroline A. Bange Memorial Award Heather Breuer Quinton E. Beauge Memorial Journalism Scholarship Janelle Lukens Erin Shields Louis H. Bell Memorial Scholarship Virginia Harrison Maeve Scanlon Corey Willinsky S.W. Calkins Memorial Award Michael Barasch Stephanie Durning Giovanni Graziano Carlyn Perrotty Winifred Imhof Cook Journalism Scholarship Jaclyn Bealer Annamarie Diraddo Stacey Federoff Stanley E. Degler Scholarship Caitlin Bauer Samantha Cary Edward S. Dubbs Jr. Scholarship Rebecca Frack Alex Hansen Evelyn Y. Davis Scholarship Rachel Baldino Lauren Bressler Bethany Parker Gannett Foundation Multimedia Awards Amy Aubert Michael Barasch Douglas Bauman Michelle Bixby Ashley Bressler Tamara Conrad Kristina Cosma

Alexa Keeley Katharine Lackey Phenola Lawrence Lauren McCormack Sara Nathan Kylie Nellis Joshua Sykes Jessica Turnbull Aubrey Van Wyk Amanda Yeager Rheta B. Glueck Prize Rachel Baldino George E. Graff Journalism Scholarship Gregory Fernandez William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship Angela Haupt Andrew McGill G. Aaron Patterson International Reporting Class Awards Amy Aubert Arianna Davis Mairys Joaquin Nicolas Lehmann Elizabeth Leidel Lauren McCormack Kylie Nellis Alexandra Petri Stephanie Paposo David Reinbold Samantha Scheller Nicole Sciotto Emily Sher Austin Thornton Jessica Turnbull Julie Wolf Anna Zagari Reuben Jaffe Memorial Journalism Scholarship Ariane Gilgeous Laura Hibbs Summer Lee David and Mary Lee Jones Journalism Scholarship Lauren Boyer Danielle Samela Nicole Sciotto


The Journalism Fund John Walk John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Diversity Scholars Program Arianna Davis Kevin Green Summer Lee Brittany Marshall Ricardo Morales Folashade Olasimbo Stephanie Raposo Joseph Santiago Knight Diversity Scholarship in Sports Journalism Courtlyn Roser-Jones Nicholas Waugh Isadore and Anna Krasnansky Minority Scholarship Sierra Coppage Eric Jou David Reinbold Alexandra Robinson Holly Vandegrift Gabriel Vazquez Marvin L. and Josie Krasnansky Undergraduate Scholarship in Communications Marissa Foy Daniel Repsch Jean Ward Lapton Memorial Award in Journalism Kylie Nellis Steinman Foundations and Lancaster Newspapers Inc. Scholarship Fund Adam Eshleman Alexia Miller Joseph F. and Mary P. Loftus Award for Outstanding Writing Andrew McGill Charles M. Meredith Sr. Scholarship Jamie Focht Rachel Guldin Melissa Gunshannon

Development News

Heather Hilinski Monica Houston John Miller Sarim Ngo Alyssa Owens

Development News

John R. Jr. and John R. III and Jayne E. Miller Minority Scholarship Quay Dorsey Tamara Eldridge Norman C. and Mollie Miller Journalism Scholarship Ebony Martin Linda Martelli Memorial Award in Journalism Andrew Pitz Emily Rose Stephanie Schomer Jim Murray Memorial Foundation Scholarship Mark Viera Harold E. Newlin Memorial Award Fund Alexandra Petri Bernie Newman Scholarship in Journalism John Dempsey Anthony Duggan George E. Paterno Memorial Scholarship Matthew Butter Paul Casella Peter Jensen Penn State Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award Alexandra Petri William and Catherine Rzasa Scholarship in Journalism Katie Reed Karissa Shatzer Richard and Arlene Small Journalism Scholarship for Sports Writing in Memory of Ridge Riley Andrew Champi David Deiuliis Daniel Deiuliis Sean Frey Andrew Johnson Joshua Langenbacher Patrick McDermott Adam Pellegrino

Brendan Shorts Stanley Whyte Jacob Wilkins Ryan Wood Salters Family Memorial Scholarship Kathryn Devan Marissa Gallant Stephanie Goga Jerome Weinstein Journalism Scholarship Anthony Burkhart Sarah Popovich Jeanne Stiles Williamson Scholarship Travis Salters David Young Study Abroad Helene Eckstein Study Abroad Scholarship Stevie Clark Katharine Colvin Eric R. and Maria K. Polins Study Abroad Award Erin Fegely Sarim Ngo Philip Radcliffe International Scholarship Shawn Biggs Telecommunications-Radio Bradford Brian Communications Scholarship Stephen Turselli Warren and Carole Maurer Radio Scholarship Monika Kloda Amy Yonick Lou H. Murray Scholarship Kenneth Rubenstein Siuman Yau Trustee Douglas and Claudia Anderson Trustee Scholarship James Camut Ryan Denissoff


Ryan Quinn Al-Hassan Sheriff Douglas and Claudia Anderson Trustee Scholarship in Journalism Michael Holden Sheila Lindberg Ebony Martin Maralyn Davis Mazza Trustee Scholarship Anna Bernat Jamie Bujakowski Catherine Dempsey Melody Partyka Donald P. Bellisario Trustee Scholarship Angelo Acampora Shari Allen Alexander Angert Brittany Berger Aileen Comey Maggie Davis Marikaye De Temple Olivia Falcione Harry Green Shane Guzowski Kathleen Hennessy Kaitlyn Hoffman Mallory Jaroski Edwin Koester Walter Krivitsky David Laudenslager Kimberlee Lawrence Katie McCord Cody Messick Julianna Polizze Kristina Repko Garrett Richardson Lauren Rubenstein Jason Saltzman Craig Smith Zachary Strawn Michael Vincent Adam Wicks Andre Woods Marc A. Brownstein Trustee Scholarship Victoria Chu Brynne Horvatin Nile D. Coon Trustee Scholarship Abigail Machon

Eric W. Rabe Trustee Scholarship Mallory Gadye Nicholas Waugh William Y.E. and Ethel Rambo Trustee Scholarship Michael Crimmins Mikhail Herrera Katherine Khoury David Sefranek

Development News

Penn State Alumni Association Trustee Scholarship Michael Doyle Christina Jean-Louis

Robert L. and Mary Lee Schneider Trustee Scholarship Jennifer Reitz Christiana Shyllon Anthony Spaulding

Kelly McNulty Holly Millslagle Unique Parker Katelyn Shelton Mariya Soroka Laura Swinyer John and Ann Curley Trustee Scholarship Marti Alhante Kevin Green Mandy Mazzeo David Rockwell Kristy Ruggiero Jennifer Wallington Fetter Family Trustee Scholarship Pamela Maierhofer Jaclyn Taylor Amanda Ulmer Gene Foreman Trustee Scholarship Regan Cameron Pearly Huang Yasmein James Brian Kessler Monika Kloda Megan Waldron

Tom Gibb Memorial Trustee Scholarship Nadin Naumann Bethany Parker Jennifer Shutt Hayden Family Trustee Scholarship Samantha Nicholson Jason Oshman Freda Azen Jaffe Memorial Trustee Scholarship Eric Fung Samantha Howsare Owen Rogers Warren L. and Carole L. Maurer Trustee Scholarship Angela Barajas Adam McVicker Brian Santaniello Robert J. O’Leary Trustee Scholarship Brooke Breon Ashley Brunson-Jones Ashley Kaufman


Andrew and Beatrice Schultz Trustee Scholarship Gichuhi Kamau Taylor Larouche Lauren Smith Steinman Foundations Trustee Scholarship Anthony Burkhart Kyle Cooper Trustee Scholarship Fund for the College of Communications Amber Bosland Brinton Duncan Ivana Lee Joshua Rice Arielle Soriente Christopher C. Wheeler Trustee Scholarship Ivy Cheung Trevon Pegram

Student Close-Up

Among the six College of Communications students who will intern at China Daily in Beijing this summer are Brandon Taylor (left) Caitlin Holtzman and Matt Hershberger (inset), none of whom has visited the country in the past.

Six Interns Ready for Assignments With C h i n a D a i l y


s has been the case in recent years, nearly 300 College of Communications students will be enrolled in for-credit internships this summer at media outlets and companies across the country. Some also will intern overseas, including six who will fly across the Pacific to work for China Daily in Beijing for two months—the first time Penn State students will intern at China’s exclusive national English-language newspaper. The six students—Katelyn Curran, Caitlin Holtzman, Alexandra Petri, Sarim Ngo, Brandon Taylor and Matt Hershberger—are seniors and print journalism majors. With a daily circulation of more than 300,000, China Daily is one of the major news providers in China. It is available in more than 150 countries and in Penn State’s Pattee Library. With a staff of about 300, the China Daily group consists of 11 English publications, including China Daily, China Daily Hong Kong edition and U.S. edition, Business Weekly, Beijing Weekend, China Features and 21st Century Weekly. Its Web site has become one of the


Student Close-Up

biggest English portals in Asia, with more than 12 mil“I’d say a good 50 percent of my reason for going back lion daily hits, mostly from outside China. is to see the Gilded Lions in the Forbidden City,” he “This promises to be a great experience for our stusaid. dents,” Dean Doug Anderson said. “Our assistant dean Hershberger, who will work for the China Daily’s op-ed for internships and career placement, Bob Martin, and page this summer, said he was curious to see what a Bu Zhong of our journalism faculty have done a splendid Chinese op-ed page looks like and how it differs from job of coordinating this effort with executives at China U.S. newspapers. “I’d rather not make any assumptions Daily.” before going,” Martin is he said. “From my previous travels to Southeast equally enthusiHershberger astic about the is working Asia and West Africa, I realize I get more China Daily hard to raise from my experience when I have an open internship promoney for his mind. An open mind allows more room gram. travel. He “This opporwould like also for accepting and understanding the peotunity would to be able to ple, culture and, most importantly, not have come visit Shanghai myself.” together had it and Hong not been for Kong. — Sarim Ngo the relation“Hopefully, ship that Tibet, too,” he Professor Zhong developed with our partners at China added. Daily,” he said. “I am extremely excited to be a part of Petri said she keeps picturing herself walking through providing this global communications opportunity to a the streets of Beijing, trying to convince herself that it’s select group of our students. Providing international all really happening. opportunities of this scope has been our goal for some “This internship itself will be the launching pad for my time. We hope to continue to find more opportunities career as a foreign correspondent,” she said. “I think I like the China Daily internships for future students.” will grow and learn tremendously as a journalist and as a Petri, who will work for China Daily U.S. edition, person. I can’t wait to immerse myself in the culture and remembers the excitement when she first heard of the the language and experience all that China has to offer.” internship in January. That was a Monday evening, she Ngo is preparing herself by reading China Daily so she recalled, and she got the news via e-mail from Dean can familiarize herself with its style, layout and reporters. Martin. Like her cohorts, she is being tutored on basic Chinese “I was meant to become a foreign correspondent, and words like “hello, where is...? how much?” by a Chinese cannot wait to be one,” she said. friend. Like Petri, Ngo will also work for the U.S. Edition in Zhong, assistant professor of journalism, worked for the Beijing office. She shares Petri’s dream of becoming China Daily before coming to the United States for graduan international correspondent. Ngo looks at the China ate work and to teach. Daily internship as “a great first start and exposure to “The internship should enrich their students’ lives by international reporting.” providing them the firsthand experience of working in a Ngo said she is going to China with no preconceived different media system, and more importantly, by being notions. part of the interaction with people from a different cul“From my previous travels to Southeast Asia and West ture,” he said. “They may find an extensive difference Africa, I realize I get more from my experience when I between U.S. and China, but they may be surprised to have an open mind,” she said. “An open mind allows see how many similarities they share.” more room for accepting and understanding the people, Not surprisingly, there has been a range of reactions culture and, most importantly, myself.” from families and friends of the interns. Mostly, the famiOf Penn State’s six students, Hershberger is the only ly and friends supported their decision to intern in one who has visited China. China. Ngo said her friends respected her decision to go As part of a study-abroad program, he visited the coun- to a foreign country for so long. try two years ago, when most of Beijing’s major attrac“My family and friends’ biggest fear is that once I leave tions were under scaffolding because of preparation for I won't come back,” she said with a smile. “And I will the 2008 Olympics. keep traveling from place to place.” ●


Student News

Broadcast, Photo Entries Lead SPJ Success

Students from Penn State put together a dominant effort in competition for the annual Society of Professional Journalists Region 1 Mark of Excellence Awards. The performance included 12 firstplace winners, all of whom advanced to the national competition, and 32 total placewinners—more than the next three schools combined. Top-three sweeps in categories for general news photography, feature photography, sports photography and online sports reporting were a big part of the performance. Penn State students also took first place in general news reporting, radio news reporting, radio feature, radio indepth reporting, online feature reporting and television newscast. SPJ Region 1 includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, central/eastern Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. Complete results may be found at online. ●

Photos by Michelle Bixby (right) and Doug Bauman won for general news and breaking news, respectively.

Bateman Team Completes Challenge with Strong Campaign

A four-member team of Penn State students put together a public relations campaign from start to finish as part of the national Bateman Competition sponsored by the Public Relations Society of America during the spring and earned an honorable mention for their efforts. “The Bateman Competition is probably the most challenging national competition for college students because it requires the design and implementation of a complete public relations campaign,” said Ann Marie Major, professor and faculty adviser for the Penn State Public Relations Student Society of America. “It takes an enormous time commitment on the part of the four students working as a team. “They have to have excellent time management skills because they’re

basically doing the work of a fulltime public relations firm in addition to their regular course load and jobs.” Penn State’s team—Emily Franklin, Emily O’Reilly, Jamie Urbanowicz and Jennifer Wallington—were challenged to put together a campaign for middle-school students to encourage financial planning for college. Along with all the related information itself, the team also had to get permission to make a presentation to middle-school students. When school conflicts prevented them from working with districts close to the University Park campus, they found an opportunity in Franklin’s home school district near Elmira, N.Y. The program was a huge success. It was able to reach 350 middleschool students who showed an


increase in knowledge when it comes to financial planning for college, as measured by a pre-survey and postsurvey. “Despite facing time pressure and very difficult challenges, the team performed like professionals,” Major said. “When presented with roadblocks, they figured out strategies to overcome the problems. They were simply amazing.” The Bateman competition is held every year in honor of J. Caroll Bateman, former PRSA president and one of the founders of the Public Relations Student Society of America. Past case studies have dealt with clients such as the American Heart Association, Nutella and the Ford Motor Credit Company. ●

Student News

STUDENT LEADERS Members of the executive board for the Penn State Association of Journalists for Diversity include: (front row, left to right) Assistant Dean Joseph Selden, adviser; Brittany Marshall, president; Latricia Whitfield, editor of Cultural Expressions; (back row) Kim Lawrence, secretary; Shade Olasimbo, vice president; Lauren Williams, public relations chair; and Christopher Nock, treasurer.

Consistency Shows in Top-10 Hearst Finish

For the eighth consecutive year, the College of Communications earned top-10 finishes in the combined writing-broadcasting and the combined writingbroadcasting-photojournalism final intercollegiate school standings in the William Randolph Hearst Foundation’s Journalism Awards Program. The competition often is called “the Pulitzers of college journalism.” “I am proud of our consistency through the years,” Dean Doug Anderson said. “Year in and year out, our students compete with the best in universities across America.” The Hearst Journalism Awards Program is conducted under the auspices of the 110 accredited units of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication and is funded by the Hearst Foundation, which provides more than $550,000 annually in student scholarships and matching grants. The competition is in its 49th year and is administered through the foundation’s offices in San Francisco. In the recently concluded 2008-2009 competition, the College finished sixth in the country in broadcast news, its eighth consecutive top-10 finish; 16th in writing, the first time since 1999-2000 that it has not finished in the top-10; and 15th in photojournalism. The College finished ninth in the final writing-broadcasting school standings and 10th in the final combined writing-broadcasting-photojournalism standings. In all, the College claimed 12 top-20 individual place winners. Penn State top-20 individual place winners in intercollegiate writing: Andrew McGill, ninth place in in-

depth; Alyssa Owens, 14th place tie in editorials/column writing and 18th place tie in in-depth; and Virginia Harrison, 20th place tie in sportswriting. Penn State top-20 individual place winners in broadcasting: Tamara Eldridge, 11th place in radio features; Charles Pierce, 11th place tie in television news; Michael Barasch, 15th place tie in television features; Stephan Schelkun, 15th place tie in television news; Andrew McGill, 17th place tie in radio news; and Karissa Shatzer, 20th place tie in radio news. Penn State top-20 individual place winners in photojournalism: Daniel Collins, 16th place in portrait/features; and Sarah Nathan, 18th place tie in picture story/series. During the competition year, more than 1,000 students from the country’s accredited programs submitted entries. The College is coming off a banner Hearst year in 2007-2008 when it finished first in the country in the final writing-broadcasting standings and second in the nation in the final writing-broadcasting-photojournalism standings. The Hearst intercollegiate writing competition consists of six monthly contests: features, editorials/columns, in-depth, sports, profiles and spot news. The intercollegiate broadcast competition consists of two monthly contests in radio and television: one in features and one in news. The intercollegiate photojournalism competition consists of three monthly contests: portrait/personality/ feature; sports and news; and picture story/series. ●


Student News Largest Turnout Makes NYC Event a ‘Success’

A job fair in New York City, open only to communications students from Penn State, attracted a record number of recruiting companies (56) and a record number of students (415)—making the sixth annual “Success in the City” an unqualified success. The five-hour session, conducted in the Time Warner Building’s 10th floor conference center, started with lunch for students and recruiters, and then allowed students ample time to meet with representatives from companies in which they were interested. While students—many of whom filled five buses at 6 a.m. that traveled from State College to New York and back for the event—were appreciative of the opportunity to meet with recruiters, the professionals were equally impressed with the students who attended the one-of-a-kind event. “I love this event,” said Jamila McCoy, an associate manager for Time Inc. “No one else is doing anything like this.” After activities throughout the afternoon, four of the five buses of students returned home—but the studentcentered activities arranged by the College of

Communications were not complete. In the evening, the College conducted its second event, pairing film majors with professionals for a networking and screening session at the Paramount Pictures screening room, located at Times Square. Overall, 73 alumni and students participated in “Film & Friends: The Sequel.” After that event, at about 10 p.m., the final busload of students boarded their bus for the return trip to Happy Valley. ●


Six graduating seniors served as student marshals for the College of Communications during spring commencement exercises in the Bryce Jordan Center. Angela Haupt, of Reading, Pa., who compiled a 3.99 grade-point average and earned a degree in journalism, represented the College as its overall student marshal. To complement her outstanding classwork, Haupt built a successful and varied reporting resume while at Penn State. She worked as a staff reporter for The Daily Collegian, completed internships with the The Reading Eagle and USA Today, and served as a correspondent for The Patriot-News in Harrisburg. In 2008, Haupt was a first-place winner in the William Randolph Hearst Foundation’s Journalism Awards Program in the personality profile category. Erin Holt, of Allentown, Pa., served as advertising/public relations marshal. A Schreyer Honors Scholar, Holt compiled a 4.0 GPA while completing minors in business and communication arts and sciences. She was a member of the AdClub since 2005 and served as its event planning chair in fall 2007. Her internship experience included two summers with the Lehigh Valley IronPigs baseball team and a summer with Klunk & Millan Advertising. Ashley Mills, of West Decatur, Pa., served as the film-video marshal. She maintained a 4.0 GPA and completed minors in history and theatre. Also a Schreyer Honors Scholar, her thesis work was a documentary titled “Portrait” on which she served as writer, director, producer and editor. Along with her work at Penn State, she completed intern-

ships in London with Big Earth and Elixir Films. She participated in the Penn State Dance Marathon for three years. She served on the videography committee and was Angela the director of the Haupt College of Communications webcast of Thon. Stephanie Durning, of Kearny, N.J., served as the journalism marshal. She was named to the dean’s list Stephanie every semester Durning since 2005 and served as an anchor and reporter for the student-produced television news program “Centre County Report.” In addition, she served as a news reporting intern with WJAC-TV (Channel 6) in Altoona-Johnstown and as an intern for “Elvis Duran and The Morning Show” with WHTZ-FM (Z100) in New York City. During her time at Penn State, Durning also served as a general assignment reporter for PSN-TV and as an associate producer and anchor for ComRadio. Rachel Guldin, of Lebanon, Pa., served as the media studies marshal. A member of the Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Eta Sigma honor societies, Guldin compiled a 4.0 GPA and completed a minor in sociology. She completed internships with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., and WITF-TV (Channel 33)


Erin Holt

Ashley Mills

Rachel Guldin

David Anderson

Student News

Six Serve as Student Marshals at Commencement

in Harrisburg, Pa. She also served as a camera operator for the webcast of Thon and volunteered for the Ralph Nader presidential campaign. In addition, she was a fouryear member, and section guide officer in 2008-09, of the Penn State Blue Band. David Anderson of La Planta, Md., served as the telecommunications marshal. He completed a double major with journalism, and added a minor in Spanish, while earning dean’s list accolades every semester at the University. As a student studying in the John Curley Center for Sports Journalism, Anderson gained internship experience with the State College Spikes and Altoona Curve. A member of the Army ROTC, he also worked at WMAJ-AM in State College and served as mass coordinator for Catholic Campus Ministries. ●

Student News

Octogenarian Couple Brings Key Experience to Class By Kaitlyn Marchek (’09)

Two students enrolled in a College of Communications general-education course this spring were able to provide a unique perspective to a class that explores the development of cinema through past and present films simply by living generations removed from not only their classmates but their instructor as well. Charlie and Mary Klemick, a retired couple in their 80s, were eligible to participate in COMM 150 Art of the Cinema through Penn State’s Go-60 Program. Established in 1979, the Go-60 Program enrolls about 95 retirees each year. To qualify for the program, individuals must be 60 or older and Pennsylvania Charlie and Mary Klemick brought a special perspective to COMM 150 Art of the residents, or former Penn State students or Cinema, which they took through Penn State’s Go-60 Program. past employees, who are retired or working (Photo by Kaitlyn Marchek) ‘We’ll fit you in. We’ll find you a chair,’ he said. That less than half time. was very gracious of him.” Enrollment in courses is provided on a space-avail“It’s been great to see the younger students interactable basis, and course prerequisites must be met. ing with Charlie and Mary,” Cavallero said. “It demonThe Klemicks have been involved with the Go-60 strates how rare and valuable the classroom environProgram for the past three years, since relocating to State College from Mechanicsburg, Pa. They have taken ment can be, because you get to see how individuals from different walks of life come together to form a a variety of courses, including Intro to Psychology, community and learn from each other.” Understanding Literature and Evolution of Jazz. As for the course itself, Cavallero said the Klemicks The Klemicks, neither of whom went to college, are were able to provide insights that complemented the grateful for their classroom experiences. While Mr. lectures and raised the overall educational value of the Klemick admits information retention is difficult at his class. age, he says he and his wife have benefited a great deal. From personal stories about McCarthyism, World “We like to associate with young people,” he said. “We feel we have something to offer them, so we partic- War II and the Depression to their reactions to movies such as “Citizen Kane” and “Good Night, and Good ipate. I wouldn’t even think about not going to class.” Luck,” the Klemicks created a common experience that COMM 150, taught by Jon Cavallero, a lecturer in allowed them to easily bridge a rather significant generathe Department of Film-Video and Media Studies, was tion gap. the Klemicks’ first foray into the College of “The presence of Charlie and Mary demonstrated the Communications. unifying power of the movies and courses like COMM It was also one that almost did not transpire. At the start of every semester, students registered with 150,” Cavallero said. Likewise, the Klemicks exude just as much praise for Go-60 receive a pamphlet of all available courses. For their professor. “[Jonathan] is very impressive, very the spring, the Klemicks submitted their top three choices, only to find out two days before the start of the knowledgeable. I like his demeanor with the students. He’s young, but he still commands respect,” Mrs. semester that no seats were available in any of them. Klemick said. “All classes were filled, so I went online and e-mailed Outside of their class schedule, the Klemicks, who some professors, and I got an answer back from reside at The Village of Penn State, remain active. Jonathan [Cavallero],” Mr. Klemick said. “His class was An engineer for 35 years with the Bell Telephone full, too, but he said for us to come down anyway.



Student News

Company (now Verizon) in Harrisburg, and a Navy mechanic during World War II, Mr. Klemick is a born handyman who volunteered for various organizations— including United Cerebral Palsy—for more than 40 years. At The Village, he is a member of the acting club, putting on radio shows every few months, and continues to serve as “Mr. Fix-It” for his many neighbors. Meanwhile, Mrs. Klemick, who worked as an FBI telephone operator during World War II, is an avid gardener who takes care of the plants in the atrium courtyard at The Village. She also participates in walking marathons with her husband and helps run “Dean Martin Shows” twice a month. “In retiring here, a whole new world has opened up for us in the people we meet, our classes, ballgames and so much more,” Mrs. Klemick said. They enjoy attending and rooting for Penn State athletics, particularly football, women’s volleyball and both basketball teams. They have four children (Mark, Jolie, Elyse and Chris) and seven grandchildren. The Klemicks recently have gained a moderate level of national media attention. They were profiled as part of the PBS series “Retirement Revolution: The New Reality.” The show, hosted by Paula Zahn, features retirees who are continuing their education as they age. Dan Kolen, the show’s producer, said Charlie and Mary are “perfect examples” of that effort. In addition, the Klemicks were mentioned in a “U.S. News and World Report” article about how retirees can attend college basically for free by taking advantage of free or low-cost courses. Cavallero and Mr. Klemick were quoted in the article. Although the Klemicks take the summers off, they already are looking forward to their next Go-60 class. According to Mrs. Klemick, history will be at the top of their fall semester list. As for Cavallero, this is the second time he’s taught Go-60 students and he hopes the trend will continue. “It strengthens Penn State’s bonds with the community, and it establishes important inter-generational friendships that have the potential to survive long past the end of the semester,” said Cavallero, who plans to attend Mr. Klemick’s future radio shows at The Village. Fortunately for Penn State, Mr. Klemick said he and Mary do not plan on retiring from college anytime soon: “The Go-60 program is fantastic. I don’t know why more people don’t participate.” ●

FABULOUS FENCERS As Penn State earned the national championship in fencing this year, four of the six student-athletes who scored points for the women’s team were students in the College of Communications. Those competitors were (left to right): freshman Nina Westman, junior Caitlin Thompson, sophomore Doris Willette and senior Allison Glasser. (Photo by Steve Manuel)

Three Get Internships Three students from the College of Communications earned the opportunity to cover Major League Baseball teams for this summer as part of the organization’s coveted internship program. Students who earn the spots function as backup beat writers for a specific team, providing content for the team’s Web site and publications. They supplement that work (a mix of game stories, features and notebooks) with multimedia aproaches. Students who earned the spots this summer, and the teams they’re covering are: ❚ Brian Eller, a senior from Westminster, Md.: Baltimore Orioles; ❚ Quinn Roberts, a junior from Redondo Beach, Calif.: Los Angeles Angels; and ❚ Wayne Staats, a senior from Hillsborough, N.J.: Pittsburgh Pirates. All three are majoring in journalism. With their selection, Penn State students earned three of the 30 internship spots this summer. In the past two summers combined, the College’s students have earned five internships through the program. ●

Student News

Broadcast Journalism Students Sparkle in State Competition

Student submissions from ComRadio, the Web-based streaming audio station operated by the College of Communications, won three statewide awards for mediummarket radio and swept separate categories specifically for college students in an annual competition conducted by the Pennsylvania Associated Press Broadcasters Association. Penn State students also swept the top three spots in the student television category of the same competition. All the awards were presented at a conference in Harrisburg. Winners in medium-market radio categories competed against professionals from stations across the state, including those from stations in Allentown, Harrisburg and Wilkes-Barre/Scranton. The competition was judged by members of The Associated Press Broadcasters Association in Michigan. Student winners in medium-market categories were: ❚ Samantha Scheller, first place, radio sound, for “Juicy Campus”; ❚ Jimmy Bowen, first place, sports feature, for “Psychology of Collegiate Sports”; and ❚ Baylor Long, Tommy DiVito and Dan Krupinsky, second place, sports play-by-play, for a compilation of samples including Penn State football and men’s basketball. “After hearing our student work, broadcast executives, including those from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, said they were impressed that our students are competitive with larger market working professionals,” said Marea Mannion, a senior lecturer who teaches broadcast classes in the Department of Journalism. “It was an impressive

showing by our students.” In the student-only radio competition, Penn State earned the top three spots. Stef Davis captured first place for “You Are What You Buy”; Laura Shay claimed second place with “College Apparel Licensing”; and Dan Krupinsky earned third Student photographer Doug Bauman captured the place for “Puppy Mills.” celebration of Villa Maria Academy basketball playIn the student televiers Kelly Eck (left) and Kaylyn Kulhanek after their team won the Class AA state crown at Penn State. sion competition, segments from “Centre County Report,” the half-hour news 6 p.m. Monday through Friday when Penn State classes are in sesprogram produced by students dursion. ing the academic year, also swept “Centre County Report” is prothe competition. duced 12 times each semester. It is Caitlyn Barksdale won first place aired live on campus cable at 12:10 with “Avella Football,” Anna Zagari p.m. on Friday, and then aired second with “College Town DUIs” again on WPSU-TV (Channel 3) in and Stephanie Schelkun third with the evening. WPSU-TV is the “Most Wanted.” region's public television station ComRadio (, serving 29 counties in Pennsylvania with regular student newscasts, can and New York. be heard on the Internet around Students must apply to be part of the world. More than 280 students the class that produces “Centre have been part of ComRadio’s everCounty Report,” which prides itself expanding news gathering and proon being the newscast of record for gramming efforts throughout the residents of Centre County because 2008-09 academic year. Students other television stations have their work in teams focusing on news, main offices at least 45 minutes sports, marketing, promotions and away. Their local presence is one sales. reporter, in most cases. The station combines an adult In addition to earning awards at contemporary and jazz playlist with the conference, 16 students from a variety of student-produced talk the College of Communications shows, ranging from topics such as made the trip to Harrisburg with campus politics and diversity to ComRadio adviser/general manager entertainment, self-help and sports. Jeff Brown and met with professionNearly 40 different talk shows comals from across the state. They prise the station’s schedule. attended workshops on news and ComRadio produces a half-hour sports broadcasting, participated in long, student-written and produced individual interviews and got pernewscast focusing on local issues at sonal critiques of their work. ●



The annual Student Film Festival, organized by the Student Film Organization, showcases films produced at Penn State during the 2008-09 academic year, and a total of 13 films of different genres and lengths were selected for screening at the State Theatre in late April. Films selected were: ❚ “After We Break” by Joseph Mayo; ❚ “The Box” by Derek Bonner; ❚ “The Cyclist” by Julianna Maslak; ❚ “Daddy's Girl” by Brandon Hess; ❚ “Death by Exterior” by Mary Lauren Anderson; ❚ “The Five Finger Egg Cracking Technique” by

Trevon Pegram; ❚ “Hail the Lion” by Michael DiMattesa; ❚ “The Hersetory of the Female Filmmaker” by Kelly Gallagher; ❚ “In Lingo” by Molly Evans; ❚ “Serendipity” by Kenny Wu; ❚ “Strayed” by Brad Robinson; ❚ “This is Just to Say” by Chris Sterbank; and ❚ “Under” by Greg Hariott. DVDs with all of the submissions may be purchased for $10. For information, contact Assistant Professor Richie Sherman (814-865-9208 / ●

Six Earn Internships for Summer

Six students from the College of Communications are among 75 nationally who have been selected to work at newspapers this summer in the annual Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Editing Intern Program. The students will complete intensive two-week training sessions before beginning their internships. In the past six years, 41 Penn State students have been selected for the program. With six selections this year, the University ranks among national leaders in internship placements through the program, which received more than 450 applications. “Our program emphasizes developing strong editing skills by requiring all of our print majors to complete an editing course,” said Marie Hardin, associate professor of communications and associate head of the Department of Journalism. “It is gratifying to see some of our top students pursue editing careers, and many get a good start through the Newspaper Fund.” Penn State students, listed with their hometowns and the papers where they will work this summer, are:

Student News

Thirteen Films Selected for Screening at Festival

❚ Marissa Carl, a senior from State College, Pa., Wall Street Journal; ❚ Arianna Davis, a senior from Ellicott City, Md., New York Daily News; ❚ Kathryn Dvorak, a sophomore from Chester, N.J., Naples (Fla.) Daily News; ❚ Phenola Lawrence, a junior from Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; ❚ David Reinbold, a sophomore from Lebanon, Pa., Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette; and ❚ Emily Sher, a senior from Livingston, N.J., The New York Times News Service. Students selected for the program attend free pre-internship seminars on college campuses and earn salaries of at least $350 a week for a minimum of 10 weeks. Interns who return to college as full-time students the following fall receive $1,000 scholarships from the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund. Students qualify for consideration for internships by scoring high on a standard editing test designed by the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund staff. Final selections then are made by a panel of editing professors. ●


Three from College Accepted for Academy

Three students from the College of Communications were selected as members of the first class of the Presidential Leadership Academy at Penn State. More than 150 students applied and just 30 were accepted for the program, which is structured to develop critical thinking skills and to have participating students apply those skills to decisions on complex public policy, societal and global issues that they may encounter in coming years as leaders in business, industry, government and communities. “It is our responsibility to prepare students to understand that the most difficult decisions in today's world require the examination of all sides of an issue,” Penn State President Graham Spanier said. Communications students accepted for the program: ❚ Kelsey Bradbury, a sophomore from East Amherst, N.Y.; ❚ Ilana Bucholtz, a freshman from Doylestown; and ❚ Christopher Randby, a sophomore from Richboro. The Academy was established in January 2009 through a $5 million gift to the University from alumni Edward R. and Helen S. Hintz. ●

Student News


Article Cites Publication Productivity of Grad Students An article in the autumn 2008 issue of Journalism & Mass Communication Educator confirmed what faculty members in the College of Communications long had assumed: their graduate students publish extensively. Professor Serena Carpenter of Arizona State examined graduate-student authored articles in 10 top journalism and mass communication refereed journals for the period from 19972006 to determine schools with the most prolific graduate-student authors. Penn State earned the sixthplace spot on the top-15 list. The list: 1. Indiana; 2. Wisconsin-Madison; 3. Michigan State; 4. Missouri; 5. Georgia; 6. Penn State; 7. Texas at Austin; tie for 8th, Ohio, North Carolina and the University of Pennsylvania. Rounding out the top 15 were Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois and Florida. “This is a wonderful validation of the quality of our graduate students and the dedication of their faculty mentors,” John Nichols, associate dean of graduate studies and research, said. Dean Doug Anderson said: “Congratulations are in order for members of our graduate faculty, for Dean Nichols and his predecessor, Richard Barton, and for the many productive graduate students who have been part of our program through the years.” ●

Erin Ash

India Brown

Bachelor’s, College of Charleston

Bachelor’s, Dillard University

Ashanti Ishakarah

Andrew Kegerise

Chenjerai Kumanyika

Bachelor’s, University of Southern Mississippi

Bachelor’s, Lebanon Valley College

Bachelor’s, Penn State

Jamie Paton

Andrew Peeling

Alexandra Petri

Bachelor’s, William Patterson University

Bachelor’s, Palm Beach Atlantic University

Integrated undergraduate, Penn State


Student News


Katharine Allen

Jesse Clark

Michelle Dangiuro

Daniel Halpern

Bachelor’s, William & Mary; J.D., Roger Williams University School of Law

Bachelor’s and master’s, Penn State

Bachelor’s and master’s, Shippensburg University

Bachelor’s and master’s, Catholic University of Chile

Rafael Diaz Torres

Kirstie Hettinga

Brian Holland

Haiyan Jia

Shannon Kennan

Bachelor’s, University of Puerto Rico; Master’s, Penn State

Bachelor’s and master’s, Cal State-Fresno

Bachelor’s, Tufts University; J.D. American University; LL.M., Columbia University

Bachelor’s, Peking University

Bachelor’s, University of Richmond; Master’s, James Madison University

Guan-Soon Khoo Bachelor’s and master’s, Susquehanna University

Ryan Lizardi

Nadia Martinez-Carrillo

Alexandra Smith

Sharon Santus

Bachelor’s and master’s, Penn State

Bachelor’s and master’s, Universidad de las Americas

Bachelor’s, Wisconsin; Master’s, Colorado State University

Bachelors, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Master’s, Columbia University


Student News


Class Trip to Mexico City Challenging, Fun, Rewarding

When I first learned that the College was offering an international reporting class, I imagined all the exotic places around the world the class could travel to and report from for spring break: the jungles of Peru, or maybe we’d even travel to Asia and go Cambodia or Thailand. But when I found out where we were going for the break, I remember asking myself, what’s so special about Mexico City? I never imagined it to be an exotic place. Now, after working there for the week and getting to know the people, the culture, the food, the lifestyle, the traditions, I find myself asking, what isn’t special about Mexico City? On one of our cab rides home from an interview, I had one of the Spanish speakers in our class ask the driver if he was from Mexico City Alexandra itself or somewhere outside of it. He answered Petri (in Spanish): “I was born here and have lived here all my life, working as a cab driver. I am 65 years old, and I still don’t know the entire city.” I couldn’t help but smile when he said this, because he so perfectly described Mexico City: everyday is a mystery, even to the Mexicans. We stayed at the Maria Cristina Hotel, an adorable hotel in a very nice neighborhood of Mexico City. The night that we arrived, we had a reception with the students and faculty from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who were also staying at the Maria Cristina and were doing media-related research. We also met the people who were the eyes and ears of the city for us, the people who appeared to know every single one of Mexico City’s 22 million inhabitants, whether it was their direct friend or a friend of a friend’s friend. Isaac Garrido and Susan Seijas are the indispensable people foreign correspondents refer to as “fixers.” They’re not only guides and translators, but journalists in their own right who know just were to go for the right camera shot; who know exactly the right source to interview; who know which cabs are safe; who know where to get a superb meal at a reasonable cost; and, in an emergency, who know where to find a drugstore with the right medicines in the middle of the night. The first few days of our trip were devoted to interviews for our stories. We traveled from neighborhood to neighborhood, either in groups, with the professors or with our fixers. Our days were long and rigorous, but each day

brought a different reward. One student might come back from an interview with a new angle, a hidden gem to his or her story. Another might come back with a great story for a feature idea he or she discovered at some point during the day. Another student just so happened to have been in the Zocalo, Mexico City’s biggest square, right at the start of a huge demonstration, catching every moment and detail on film while reporting the story live. Each day was an adventure, but never once did the adventure feel unsafe. In the weeks leading up to our trip to Mexico City, there was a steady drumbeat of stories about the drug violence ripping apart Mexico on TV or in the newspaper. We didn’t see or experience anything of the sort. Instead, we got to see the side of Mexico that most Americans don’t: the people who fill the markets, parks and church squares; the street vendors selling meat and cheese drenched in salsa verde all wrapped up neatly in a taco; the chaos of cars that create their own lanes as they maneuver through impossible traffic. Across from our hotel, for example, were three men who travel from Oaxaca every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to set up their dry fruit stand to sell everything from cheese to grasshoppers, which my friend Nikki and I tried (unknowingly). They tasted as if they had been smoked on a barbeque up until the moment we ate them. On Tuesday evening, we watched families flock to the lucha libre wrestling matches, Mexico’s version of the WWE, to scream their lungs out at the colorfully-dressed villains and heroes in the ring. And, as time went on, we slowly adapted to the Mexico City pace of life, taking our main meals at restraurants that fill up for lunch at t 2:30 or 3 in the afternoon, then having a light dinner late in the evening. We felt, if only for a week, like real correspondents. When we visited The New York Times Mexico City Bureau, Times correspondents Marc Lacey and Elisabeth Malkin shared stories from their experiences but also listened to—and more often than not, approved of—our own story ideas and gave us hints on how to work them. The other day, a professor of mine on campus asked what my most memorable professional experience had been from Mexico City. I didn’t think twice about my answer. For an interview on one of my stories, I had to


During a week-long visit to Mexico City, students in COMM 498B International Reporting got hands-on experience as correspondents working in a foreign country.

use our fixer Isaac as an interpreter. Something about the whole process was magical to me. There I was interviewing a man who spoke a language that I didn’t understand; yet, I am still able to tell his story. Soon it felt as if the interpreter was not there, and the two of us, each speaking our own language, were communicating fluently. The mystery of it made this the most compelling interview I’ve ever done. It was a new challenge for me as a reporter, and as an aspiring foreign correspondent, I knew right there that I had chosen the right career. Our work in Mexico City heightened our understanding of what it means to be a reporter. We each faced obstacles that we may not encounter as reporters working on stories in the United States, yet we were all determined not to let anything stand in our way of getting the story and getting it done right. I loved waking up each morning and seeing the excitement in my classmates as they talked about how their story was going, whom they

met and what they learned. I know that my classmates have made and will continue to make the College proud with the work everyone did while we were in Mexico City. I am honored to be a part of the first international reporting class offered at Penn State, and I am excited to see what the program’s future holds. Finally, I’d like to thank Larry and Ellen Foster and Helene Eckstein—each of whom is a generous Penn State alum—for their financial support of the trip. — Alexandra Petri


● The American Advertising Federation (AAF) honored two students from the College of Communications in its Most Promising Minority Students program, which aims to promote an advertising industry workforce that reflects today’s diverse society. Ashley Brunson-Jones from Lexington, S.C., and Melissa Chen from Colts Neck, N.J., both majoring in advertising/public relations, were chosen as national finalists. Brunson-Jones also earned one of four $2,500 scholarships. ● For the second year in a row, four Penn State students were selected among the UWIRE 100 as the nation’s top student journalists. Those honored were: John Hendrickson, Travis Johnson, Andrew McGill and Andrew Staub. More info at online. ● The College of Communications has reached an agreement with ABC News on Campus to provide “roving reporter” segments for the national program. Student submissions of articles, podcasts, television packages and slide shows will be considered for the reports. ● A fifth-year senior, Ben Ogrodnik, earned the Frank Capra Award from Film International magazine for his essay written as an assignment in COMM 452 International Cinema. His essay, titled “Deep Cuts,” was about Michael Haneke’s movie “Cache.”

Student News

Notes, Numbers

Alumni Close-Up


Dr. Laura (Lubawy) Mendyk, an alumna of the College of Communications, and her husband, Andy, who earned an engineering degree from the University, remain big Penn State fans despite living in Wisconsin.

Talented Alumni Enjoy Opportunity, Utilize Their Skills in Field of Medicine

By Kaitlyn Marchek (’09)

ome communications students are admittedly and notoriously inept at math and science, but a growing number of College of Communications alumni dispel that stereotype with their work in medical and health-care-related positions. For example, Laura (Lubawy) Mendyk spent her undergraduate years at Penn State preparing for a career in advertising—only to graduate and later become a physician. “I had been a nanny for people who worked in the creative side of advertising and thought that they had such exciting lives,” Mendyk said. “I thought it would be a fun major. My mom always told me to major in something practical and major in something I loved.” But during her last semester at Penn State, Mendyk began thinking about going to medical school. She completed her entire advertising curriculum in one year and, as a result, graduated early. “I realized that what I liked about advertising, mainly the creative component, was not something I wanted to do professionally,” she said. “Creativity and art were things I enjoyed, but I was not passionate enough to make them my career.” Mendyk became disenchanted with the idea of possibly “stretching the truth” for a company for which she did not have a passion and decided to become a doctor, helping people on a daily basis and making an impact on their lives without having to sell something. “I made a list that included being challenged, always having something new to learn, interacting with people and doing something good for the community,” Mendyk said. “When I started looking at jobs that allowed me to do all those things, I realized that becoming a physician might be a good fit.” Mendyk (’00 Adv/PR) attended the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and currently is in her second year with a family practice residency at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison. “I love the continuity that I have with my patients, I love delivering babies and I love watching the kids and families grow,” she said. “I cherish being a trusted member of the team when families have difficult decisions to make.” Despite straying from the communications field, Mendyk credits her Penn State education with preparing her for life as a doctor. “[My communications degree] taught me the value of working hard and being challenged. I think about



Alumni Close-Up

how I can get a point across to my patients simply and chief resident in his final year. “What started as a sideclearly,” she said. “I use my advertising degree to ‘sell’ interest and a part-time job eventually became my fulllifestyle changes or medications that I think wuld great- time job,” he said. ly benefit a patient. I appreciate the value of communiBerkey, who lives in Bellefonte with his wife, Kelly, cation and the enormous benefits it can have, especialand three daughters, believes that medicine is the only ly in health care.” occupation that is both a science and an art. He said When working her typical 12-hour shifts, there’s he is now at the point in his career where he is comnever a dull moment on the job. Mendyk, who lives in bining his mass communications degree and writing Madison with her husband, Andy (’98 Eng), and their background with his medical degree, having written infant son, several Drew, medical offers this review arti“So many great people work here and advice to cles. are doing so many helpful and healing current stu“It is acts. It’s my responsibility to get the dents: “If impossible you don’t to pick up word out to our community, and it’s find [a job] a newspaone I take very seriously.” that you per or — Patt Frank, watch the want right away, don’t marketing/communications specialist, evening be afraid to news and Altoona Regional Health System not see a try something differstory about ent. You a disease or might just a medilike it.” cine,” Berkey said about the connection between mediAnother alum-turned-doctor also practices family cine and the media. medicine—and his office is less than five miles from At the other end of the health-care spectrum is Patt campus. Frank (’84 Journ), who serves as a marketing and comAs a Penn State student, Franklin Berkey (’94 munications specialist with the Altoona Regional MassComm) wrote for The Daily Collegian for two years Health System after having been a journalist for several and interned in the sports information office in the years. Department of Intercollegiate Athletics for two years. Frank developed a love of writing as a child and He also worked as an emergency medical technician always knew she wanted to work in communications. (EMT) for the University Ambulance Service for four While at Penn State, she interned with Warner Cable years. in Altoona, Town & Gown magazine in State College “My interest in medicine was born through my work and the Altoona Mirror, working in the lifestyle departas an EMT. I had thoughts about medical school as an ment. undergraduate, but instead of changing majors, I decidAfter graduation, from 1985 to 1995, Frank worked ed to finish my degree,” Berkey said. full-time with the Mirror as a reporter covering acciAfter graduation, he took a one-year, full-time intern- dents, fires and municipal government. She then began ship with sports information and then was hired as a covering southern Blair County, which included writer/editor in the College of Communications searching for “slice of life” feature stories about the Alumni Relations Office. people and happenings of the rural area. But after working for five years, Berkey’s career interHer last position with the Mirror was as a feature ests again turned toward medicine. He returned to writer on the lifestyle desk. Story topics varied from Penn State in the Post-Baccalaureate Premedical food, fashion and family to—Frank’s favorite—health. Program that allows non-science majors to take the pre“I really enjoyed the challenge [health-related stories] requisite courses for medical school. presented in learning about new procedures and innoAfter completing the mandatory 38 credits, Berkey vations,” Frank said. “With each story, you reach out attended the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic to someone who is suffering from that particular ailMedicine and completed a Family Medicine residency ment and provide hope and help through the informaat the Altoona Regional Health System, serving as tion. That’s why I find health writing so meaningful.”

Alumni News

In August 1995, Frank became the publications coordinator at Altoona Hospital. The hospital’s public relations department was undergoing a transition that included the creation of a magazine to be distributed to the community, and Frank was hired as the magazine’s writer. Although she did not have to undergo any medical training to begin working for the hospital, Frank does spend her days researching various subjects and interviewing hospital personnel and patients for articles for the magazine and news releases. Now, as a marketing and communications specialist, Frank is responsible for all external Franklin communications: arranging publicity for hospi- Berkey tal-sponsored events, obtaining interviews for the media with hospital personnel and physicians, writing news releases and writing articles for the magazine. That magazine, Healthy Living, gets mailed to about 20,000 homes quarterly. “So many great people work here and are doing so many helpful and healing acts at the health system,”

ATTENTIVE ALUMNI An on-campus mentoring session, “Alumni at Your Doorstep,” during the spring semester, attracted more than 60 students and 32 alumni mentors. The session was structured to allow extensive interaction among the participants. Those participants included alumni such as Jared Romesburg (top photo, left facing camera), Tom Loebig (top photo, second from left facing camera), Tim King (top photo, right facing camera) and Anne Chubb (at right, talking with a student).


she said. “It’s my responsibility to get the word out to our community, and it’s one I take very seriously.” Frank believes her Penn State degree prepared her for her current position and has greatly enhanced her career. “I cut my reporting teeth covering State College Borough Council meetings, learned about the Sunshine Law and had my interest in feature writing affirmed during my journalism classes,” she said. As advice to current students, Frank said it’s important to explore all job options, keep an open mind to new experiences, and look at the big picture. “My first job wasn’t doing the kind of writing I really wanted to do, but I saw I could have a career with the newspaper,” she said. “Eventually, I reached my goal.” Frank lives in Patton, Cambria County, with her fiancé, Ray Keith, and her son, Mark. Her daughter, Cathryn, is finishing the Culinary Arts program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, in Punxsutawney. ●

Alumni News

Achievement Award for Marker Blackledge Gets

Alumna Riva Marker (’00 FilmVideo), a founding partner of Rosemark Pictures in New York City, was honored for outstanding professional accomplishment and presented with the Penn State Alumni Association’s Alumni Achievement Award at a dinner ceremony on the University Park campus earlier this year. The Alumni Achievement Riva Marker Award honors those who have reached an extraordinary level of (starring Michelle Monaghan). professional accomplishment by the She also was post-production age of 35 or younger. These promisupervisor on the Academy Awardnent young alumni are nominated nominated documentary “The by an academic college or campus, Betrayal: Nerakhoon.” selected by a University-wide comHer current projects include the mittee and invited by President thriller “After.Life” (starring Liam Graham Spanier to return to camNeeson and Christina Ricci) and pus to share their expertise with stu- “The Winning Season,” which was dents and the University communipicked up by Lionsgate Films at the ty. The Alumni Achievement Award 2009 Sundance Film Festival. began in 2005 and since then has While back on campus for the honored 49 outstanding alumni. award presentation in April, Marker Marker’s company is currently in met with faculty and students in pre-production on its debut comedy class, and in special breakout sesscript “Guidance.” Before that, sions. She also participated in “Film Marker served as head of post-pro& Friends 2: The Sequel,” an event duction with Plum Pictures, overin New York City that pairs filmseeing post-production on 11 feavideo alumni and students for an ture films. Marker has co-produced evening of networking and film such films as “Grace is Gone” (starscreening at the Paramount Pictures ring John Cusack) and “Trucker” screening room in Times Square. ●

L.A. Host Ortenberg Moves to Weinstein Co. Alumnus Tom Ortenberg (’82), who played host to the popular and wellattended pre-Rose Bowl event for the College of Communications in January, has moved from Lionsgate

Films to the Weinstein Co., as president of theatrical films. In that role, he plays a key role in decisions about acquisitions, distribution, marketing and publicity. ●

Save the Date!

Alumni event, Tuesday, Aug. 4, at New York Times Building, New York City. Details coming soon! 55

Distinguished Alumnus Title

Alumnus Todd Blackledge (’83) has been selected to receive the Distinguished Alumni Award, the University’s highest award for an individual. Blackledge, a college football analyst Todd who serves Blackledge the College of Communications as a member of the advisory board for the John Curley Center for Sports Journalism, was one of eight alumni in the 2009 class for the Distinguished Alumni Award. He will return to campus in June for the award ceremony and related special events. As quarterback for the Penn State football team, Blackledge led the Nittany Lions to their first national championship in 1982, and was named MVP of the Sugar Bowl. He compiled a 31-5 record in three years as the starting quarterback. Also, Blackledge was named to Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest and largest academic honor society. He was inducted into the GTE Academic AllAmerica Hall of Fame in 1997. When his NFL playing career ended, he moved into broadcasting locally and, later, worked for ABC and CBS before moving to ABC/ESPN. He lives in Canton, Ohio with his wife and four sons. ●

Alumni News

Focused Blume Enjoys Diverse Job at Comedy Central By Kaitlyn Marchek (’09)

When Eric Blume was a student at Penn State, he wore many different hats—among them performer, director, playwright and producer—but after earning a master’s degree in theatre and working as a professional actor in the early 1990s, he decided to switch to the “other side of the business.” Blume broke into the movie industry 12 years ago when he took a job in New York City with cable network Comedy Central. He has remained there since, and has enjoyed every minute of the opportunity. These days, as vice president of movie studio production, Blume (’90 Film-Video, Lib) is in charge of producing all of Comedy Central’s programming that supports upcoming movie titles that air on the network. “I kind of invented my job because it didn’t exist before I got here,” Blume said. “For example, I recently produced one-minute-long segments that aired over a weekend of Will Ferrell talking about his new movie. When I started, not many networks were making that kind of material. I saw a window, and I had to teach myself the job, which is really cool.” Rubbing elbows with celebrities is all in a day’s work for Blume, but he insists it’s not as glamorous as it looks. “I’m just a middle-class kid from Pittsburgh, and when I’m talking to someone like Nicole Kidman, it’s very humbling,” he said. “Meeting famous people doesn’t bring any meaning to my life, but it’s fun.” Though film superstars do not awe Blume, he does recall meeting the subject of the 100-page thesis he wrote at Penn State. “I did a film theory of Warren Beatty, and when I went to the premiere of ‘Bulworth’ in 1998, I said to him, ‘I wrote my paper about you,’ and he replied, ‘You’re kidding! I’m flattered and really creeped out.’ “We live in a culture that exalts the world of celebrity, but they’re normal people just like us. We’re there to do a job and at the end of the day we work together.” What Blume enjoys most about his job is the day-today diversity. One day he works as a director on the set and the next day he might work as an executive producer behind the scenes. No matter the role, though, the biggest joy of his job comes in humor. Everything he directs or produces has to be funny. “I once had a 20-minute conversation with Sasha Baron Cohen about what is funnier: carpet or linoleum,” Blume said. “It may seem strange that someone put the time and homework into thinking about

Eric Blume with Kate Winslet (left) and Cameron Diaz (as well as Blume’s nephew’s “Flat Stanley”) at a photo shoot for “The Holiday” in Los Angeles. Because Blume travels extensively, his nephew asked him to take with him Flat Stanley, who was part of a classroom project about letter writing and travel.

what is funny and what isn’t, but when your job is about making funny, that’s a pretty terrific job.” A passion for film and entertainment is crucial to do what Blume does every day, and he credits his Penn State education for guiding him through the years. “I feel very lucky to have a base knowledge of how movies are made and the complex issues involved,” he said. “I can speak to what I do very intelligently, and I gained that at Penn State.” Despite the dismal economic climate, Blume remains optimistic that the movie industry will remain strong. “The entertainment industry is not recession proof, but it’s one of the least affected,” he said. “People always need entertainment, especially now as an escape.” That’s good news for recent graduates and students who hope to enter the field—because opportuniites exist. In addition, Blume knows one of the keys to success, and he’s glad to share it, because it’s something entertainment industry hopefuls can control themselves. “If you’re really passionate about something, you can make it happen,” Blume said. Blume, who met partner David Gelman (’94 Sci) at Penn State, still makes the regular pilgrimages to State College for football games. “It’s the perfect getaway. You feel like you’ve gone to the middle of nowhere, but all your memories are there. Twenty years later, it’s still one of my happy places.” ●


Each year, the College of Submit nominations online Communications Alumni Society Board of Directors presents three cations, of the United States Golf awards in recognition of the outAssociation; formerly publisher of standing achievements of graduates GOLF magazine; guest lecturer and or friends of the College. golf event sponsor. Awards will be presented during a 2007: Marv Krasnansky (’52 luncheon ceremony at the Board’s Journ), retired vice president of corfall meeting on Sept. 29. porate communications at McKesson. The award categories are: Conceived, created and edited 384Outstanding Alumni page “The Collegian Chronicles: A Presented to a graduate of the History of Penn State from the pages College who has demonstrated excelof The Daily Collegian, 1887-2006.” lence in the field of communications, 2006: Robert O’Leary (’71 Adv), contributed significantly to their proformer senior vice president of public fession and gained an exemplary reprelations for Sears Roebuck & Co.; utation among colleagues and stulongtime member of the College’s dents within their community. Board of Visitors; member of Past winners include: Development Committee; guest lec2008: Mark Livolski (’80 Film), featurer in classes; mentored students; ture film editor since 1982. Two-time funded Trustee Scholarship. ACE nominee for editing in Emerging Professional “Wedding Crashers” and “Devil Presented to recent alumni (10 Wears Prada,” with work as lead ediyears or less since graduation) for protor on dozens of other films. fessional achievements and/or distin2007: Jeff Baum (’85 Journ), vice guished community service. Past winpresident, Global Communications, ners include: EDS; oversees communications and 2008: Erin Hazard (’99 Adv/PR), is chief spokesman for Electronic senior vice president, Consumer Data Systems, the world’s No. 2 comMarkets, at Fleishman-Hillard, a pubputer-services company after IBM. lic relations firm in Washington, 2006: Mary Meder (’83 Adv), presiD.C. Oversees the U.S. Army dent, Harmelin Media; with $250 account, focusing on soldiers returnmillion in annual billings, Harmelin ing from Iraq. is Pennsylvania’s largest independent2007: David Schaefer (’99 ly-owned media firm and ranks Adv./PR), who has been manager of among the nation’s top 10 in that catpublicity for Discovery Channel, egory. manager of talent relations for Alumni Achievement Discovery Channel and manager of Presented to a communications graduate or a friend of the College communications for The Learning whose significant contributions to the Channel. College and/or University, in terms 2006: Brad Young (’96, Journ), of time and talent, have brought dismarketing director of Fortune, buildtinction to themselves, the College ing multi-facted advertising platforms; and University. former sales development manager Past winners include: for Time Inc. Business & Financial 2008: Chris Wightman (’84 Journ), Network, which includes Fortune, former managing director, communiMoney and ●


College Blog, Newswire Offer Updates A blog and a monthly e-mail update provide alumni and friends with easy access to the latest information about the College of Communications. A link to the blog may be found on the College page at online, and it gets updated several times each week. In addition, the Communications Newswire reaches nearly 7,000 free subscribers each month. The brief monthly notes, part of Penn State Newswire and PSUTXT system, provide a paragraph or so of information on a handful of topics. Each bit of news ends with either contact details or a URL where readers may get more information. For Newswire subscriptions visit, Individual entries on the blog preview upcoming events or provide description of and reaction to recently completed activities in the College. The Newswire, one of just two for individual colleges at Penn State, focuses on College-related activities as well as news about alumni, students, faculty and staff. It also includes important dates and events at Penn State in general. Those range from the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts to athletic events, the start of academic semesters, commencement activities and the timing of finals week. ●

Alumni News

Board Seeks Award Nominations

Alumni News

Levine’s Latest Effort Earns High Praise

FILM & FRIENDS 2: THE SEQUEL The second annual session pairing film-video alumni and students at the Paramount Pictures screening room in Times Square in New York City included networking time as well as screenings of both alumni and student work.

Phillies Broadcaster Wheeler Provides Reflections on Four Decades in Book

For nearly 40 years, Chris Wheeler (’67 Broadcasting) has lived and talked about Philadelphia Phillies baseball—and he’ll share many of his memories in a forthcoming book. Wheeler, an engaging and popular broadcaster who worked in the Phillies’ public relations department for six years before moving behind the microphone, where he has been for 33 years, has much to share. He plans to do so in a conversational style, making the book sound as much like him as possible. That includes his insights into everything from recent highs (the team’s 2008 World Series championship) and lows (the April death of legendary Phillies broadcaster Harry Kalas) to information about the people and personalities that have shaped the franchise. ●

Alumnus Chris Wheeler in the broadcast booth at the Phillies’ spring training facility in Clearwater, Fla. (Photo by Miles Kennedy)


A drive south on Route 86 through the California desert three years ago provided the spark that became the latest book by Paul Levine (’69 Journ), who saw a woman in her early 30s and a boy about 12 picking their way across the littered and sewageridden New River. In “Illegal” (2009, Bantam Hardcover), Levine’s lead character, trial attorney Jimmy “Royal” Payne, meets a foul-mouthed 12year-old Mexican boy in search of his missing, and undocumented, mother. A trial attorney who has spent his career fighting for the little guy, Payne becomes the unlikely hope for the family. At the same time, he hopes his efforts help redeem him in the eyes of his ex-wife, a Los Angeles Police Department detective he still loves. The action-packed, dramafilled and even humorous novel has drawn strong reviews from Booklist, the Chicago Sun-Times and Los Angeles Daily Journal, among others. “Illegal” represents the 13th novel by Levine, a Penn State Distinguished Alumnus who previously authored the Solomon vs. Lord series and the Jake Lassiter series. His books have been translated into 23 languages. ●

Justin Catanoso (’82 Journ) was a husband, father and successful, Pulitzer-nominated journalist. He was also a “mostly lapsed, mostly doubtful” Catholic whose spiritual life was little more than an afterthought. An Italian-American, he was proud of his heritage, but knew little to nothing about his family’s roots in southern Italy. They seemed not only an ocean, but a world away. That all changed, when, in 2004, his Justin brother Alan passed away from an inoperable Catanoso brain tumor. Two months later, Catanoso learned that Pope John Paul II, in the final weeks of his own life, had approved his grandfather’s late cousin, Padre Gaetano Catanoso, for sainthood. This news took the author back to Italy where he was reunited with family he never knew he had. There, he met many people bearing stories of Padre Gaetano’s miracles. He spent hours with Vatican saint makers in Rome learning the ancient and mystical process of Catholic veneration. He immersed himself in Italy’s timeless traditions. Catanoso learned that when Padre Gaetano began his

ministry in 1904 in the tiny Calabrian town of Pentidattilo, most of the townspeople were illiterate, desperately poor and trapped in the chokehold of the local Mafia. But over the next half century, Padre Gaetano’s unwavering courage and compassion gave countless Italians the last thing they ever expected to have: evidence of God’s love. Unconcerned with personal recognition, he lived a long, unique life of service that is at once awe-inspiring and relatable. “My Cousin the Saint” (2008, William Morrow) is the story of a man on a journey of discovery, a journey that would ultimately teach him more than he ever imagined about his ancestors, his heritage and his own personal faith. Catanoso is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated newspaper journalist and an instructor at Wake Forest University. He is the executive editor of the Business Journal in Greensboro, N.C., and his work has appeared in The New York Times, BusinessWeek and on National Public Radio. He lives with his wife and three children in Greensboro. He will return to the University Park campus March 22, 2010, as the featured speaker for the Penn State Forum. ●

ALUMNI BOOKSHELF Weird Things in Small Boxes (2008, Tribune Media Services) Dave Blazek (’79 Journ)

Blazek presents his fourth book based on his nationally syndicated comic, Loose Parts. “Weird Things in Small Boxes” features 200 of the best Loose Parts cartoons, syndicated in the United States and abroad by Tribune Media Services. More information about Dave and the book may be found at online.

as well as an author and gardener, mixes all three of her professions in her two latest books, “A Thyme for Peace” and “To Everything There is a Season.” Overall, she has authored five books. “A Thyme for Peace” is her story for inner peace, told with light-hearted humor and warmth. In “To Everything There is a Season” she uses her garden for spiritual renewal, and the book earned strong praise from The Washington Post, Washington Woman and several other reviewers.

Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

(2009, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Beth Fantasky

A Thyme for Peace, To Everything There is a Season

A doctoral candidate in the College of Communications, Fantasky’s first book (a 368-page hardcover effort) is a young-adult paranormal novel about a high school girl who learns she was betrothed at birth to a vampire prince—and finds herself thrust into a thousands-year-old war between rival vampire clans.

(2009, Seaboard Press) Alice Grubb Miller (’56 Journ)

Alumna Miller, a psychotherapist in private practice,


Alumni News

Alum’s Book Follows Personal Journey of Discovery

Alumni Notes 1960s

Andy Schultz (’60 Adv) sold one of his companies, Sharn Veterinary, in December. He and his wife, Bea, are hosting a Swiss exchange student and live in Tampa, Fla. Contact info: Carol Chitester Saynisch (’69 Journ) is an independent consultant traveling the world providing media training, coaching and mentoring for the militaries of various countries, including the United States and other members of NATO as well as Japan, Korea and the African Union. She specializes in peacekeeping missions. Since leaving Penn State, she has worked for assorted newspapers, magazines and TV stations as well as for CBS News, earning a master’s degree in international relations in 1981 from Boston University and an APR from the Public Relations Society of America in 2001. She has been married for 40 years to Stephen Saynisch, a retired military trial judge and current executive director of the Washington State Board of Tax Appeals. Originally from Mount Holly, N.J., the couple raised two now grown children, Megan and Geoff, and settled in Steilacoom, Wash. Contact info: 1970s Sheila (McCauley) Young (’77 Journ) accepted a position as vice president of development at East Baltimore Development Inc., a non-profit overseeing the nationally recognized $1.8 billion redevelopment effort adjacent to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. She had been an assistant dean at the University of Maryland and before that was an editor at The Baltimore Sun for 25 years. At Penn State, she was editor of The Daily Collegian (’76-’77) and vice president of Skull and Bones (’76-’77). 1980s Denise Massey Evans (’84 Journ) is assistant vice president of adult & continuing education at Maryville University St. Louis. Evans earned an MBA from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in 2003 and is completing a

Ph.D. in higher education leadership and policy administration at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Gary Ezard (’84 Telecom) was awarded a Peer Gold Award from the Television, Video and Internet Association of DC (TIVA-DC). The award for non-fiction editing on programs 30 minutes and longer recognized Ezard’s work on “Hitler and the Occult,” which premiered in late 2007 on National Geographic Channel. Ezard has worked as a senior editor at MVI Post in Falls Church, Va., since 1998. TIVA-DC serves the needs of the Baltimore/Washington media production community, and recognizes excellence in media with its Peer Awards each year. The awards were presented during a ceremony at The National Press Club. Ezard’s family includes several Penn Staters–his late father Lawrence Ezard (’60 Eng), who taught at Penn State Harrisburg from 1971 to 1992; his brother Allen (’82 Bus); and his sister Amy Heth (’88 Bus). Juan C. Ros (’88 Film-Video) recently joined The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation as director of development. He lives in Simi Valley, Calif., with his wife and two sons.

Wanted: Alumni Notes

If you have something to share, we would love to know. Please send information for Alumni Notes to Or by mail to: Alumni Notes, 302 James Building, University Park, Pa. 16801-3897. Whether it’s a promotion, the birth of a child or a change of address, we would like to share it with our readers—many of whom make Alumni Notes the first section they read when the magazine arrives. ●

been married to Laura Tucker since 1997 and the couple has twin boys who were born in 2003. Contact info: 1990s

Kevin S. Warner (’88 Journ) is a visiting associate professor of dance and director of the Interdisciplinary Arts for Children Program at the State University of New York, College at Brockport. He earned an MFA in dance and has done post-graduate work in music, elementary and early childhood education. He presents and consults nationally on the role of the arts in teaching and learning across all subjects.

James Rossi (’91 Brcab) and wife Laura welcomed Luke Thomas on Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2008. Big sister Isabella (2006) is very excited. The family lives in Charlotte, N.C., where James is operations manager of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Public Access Corporation. He is also an instructor at CSB (formerly the Connecticut School of Broadcasting) in Charlotte, and recently launched Keystone Video Services, a video consulting and production company. Contact info:

Michael Aronson (’89 Film-Video), an assistant professor of film and media studies in the Department of English at the University of Oregon, authored “Nickelodeon City: Pittsburgh at the Movies, 1905-1929” (2008, University of Pittsburgh Press).

Matthew Corradino (’93 Journ) and wife Tina welcomed twin sons Nicholas Matthew and James Gus on Feb. 27, 2009. Matt and Tina both work for the sports department of the Chicago SunTimes. They live in Brookfield, IL. Contact info:

Brian Baxendell (’89 Brdcast Journ), a regional Emmy Award winner for WBNSTV, the CBS affiliate in Columbus, Ohio, was recently promoted to special projects producer for the station. He has

Gerard D. Gamber (’93 Journ) is now assigned as a full time daylight telecommunicator with Blair County Department of Emergency Services in Altoona, Pa. Contact info:


Rod Nordland

After more than 20 years with Newsweek, Rod Nordland (’72 Journ) left the venerable news magazine on March 6 and returned to his daily journalism roots as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times on March 7. “I was particularly attracted to The Times’ commitment to foreign news gathing, and its determination to maintain the biggest and best corps of foreign correspondents in American journalism, even at a time when our business is under such economic pressure,” Nordland said. Nordland, who was honored as a Distinguished Alumnus in 2007, will be based in Rome, and he’ll rotate from there to Baghdad and possibly some other cities for The Times. He had been based in London while working for Newsweek.

Priya Dayananda (’94MA Mass Comm) married Vinay Singh on Feb. 14, 2009. She is a lobbyist and director of federal government affairs for KPMG in Washington, D.C. He is an auditor at Discovery Communications in Silver Spring, Md. Wendy Kops Mondello (’94 Journ) and husband Gary Mondello have children Joseph, 6, and Pamela Hope, who was born July 24, 2008. They live in Cary, N.C. Isaiah Robinson (’96 Telecom) works as a project manager for Take Care Health Systems, as part of the Walgreens Health and Wellness Division. He is also an adjunct professor of applied management concepts at Peirce College. He lives in Philadelphia. Contact info: Tracey Brooten Bowen (’97 Adv/PR) and husband Patrick (’98 Eng) have daughter Olivia May, born July 4, 2008. The live in San Diego. Anthony Pisco (’97 Film-Video) married Emily Ruhmel (’01 Edu) on Aug. 9, 2008. They live in Northampton, Pa.

Allyson (Rech) Gur-Aryeh (’97 Journ) and husband Shoval celebrated the birth of their first child, a daughter Eliana Sarah, May 20, 2008. They live outside of New York City in Teaneck, N.J. Amy Stacy Frank (’97 Adv/PR) and husband Jeremy (’97, ’01 Ph.D. Eng, ’05 MBA) have children Catherine Adele, Lillian Theresa and Eli Thomas, born April 14, 2008. They live in State College. Krishna Kishore (’97 PhD MassCom) is a management consultant for Deloitte & Touche USA LLP in Parsippany, N.J. He also serves as the U.S. correspondent for Asianet, one of India’s largest television networks, which reaches a global audience of 60 million viewers. He reports on all major U.S. news events and has been hosting his own show “U.S. Weekly Round Up” since 2004. Contact info: James Gerraughty (’98 Telecom) married Jordanna Storfold on Nov. 10, 2007. They live in Hollidaysburg, Pa. He earned his master’s degree in business administration from Saint Francis University in 2006 and serves as the media production manager for CERMUSA at Saint Francis.


William Yurasko (’99 Media Studies) and wife Erica Marker (’01 Sci) have son William Richard, born on May 31, 2008. They live in Alexandria, Va. 2000s Rebekah L. Bina (’01 Adv/PR) is an attorney-adviser with the Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, Investigations and Hearings Division. She was assigned as the DTV Outreach Coordinator to the St. Louis, Mo., area through the DTV transition. She lives in Washington, D.C. Natalie S. Blanchard (’02 Journ) married Matthew B. Brock on May 17, 2008. She is a manager of business affairs and programming/legal at Discovery Communications in Silver Spring, Md. The couple resides in Gaithersburg, Md. Jonathan Schaeffer (’02 Journ) is the manager of media relations and broadcasting for the Lehigh Valley IronPigs baseball team. The team, based in Allentown, is the AAA affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies. Contact info: Brian Shoff (’02 Telecom) is an Internet marketing specialist for Vertex. Contact info: Megan Grote Quatrini (’03 Adv/PR) was recently promoted to manager of media relations for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She is a member of the Pittsburgh chapter of PRSA and the PRSA Health Academy. Contact info: Kalyn Conner (’04 Film-Video) married Peter Flockhart in October 2007. She is an associate director in studio directing and he is an associate manager for international programming, both at ESPN. Mike Walbert (’04 Journ) married Meghan Moravcik on Sept. 27, 2008.

Alumni Notes

Alumnus Joins T h e N e w Y o r k T i m e s

Kevin Henichek (’98 Telecom) and wife Carli have daughter Zoe Jane, born June 1, 2008. Kevin is a regional account manager for Black & Decker. They live in Breinigsville, Pa. Contact info:

Alumni Notes

They live in Phoenix. Mike works as a communications specialist at TriWest Healthcare Alliance, which administers the U.S. military's health-care program. He previously worked as a reporter at The Arizona Republic.


Alison Herget (’05 Journ, Lib) has joined Penn State’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions as an admissions counselor/writer. Elizabeth Rightor (’07 Telecom) joined The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce as communications director. Contact info: Pamela Murt ('07 Adv) recently became engaged to Brian Colsher ('07 Econ). They currently reside in Doylestown, Pa., and are looking to relocate to Charlotte, N.C. Their wedding will be held in early Fall 2010. Contact Info: Alyssa Wolfe (’07 Journ) is an editorial assistant at Elle Décor magazine. Michelle Bixby (’08 Journ) is a photographer for the Centre Daily Times in State College. John M.R. Bull (’08 Journ) is the director of public relations for the Virginia Marine Resources Commission. Matt Caracappa (’08 Journ) was named the recipient of the 2009-10 Brian Fishman Internship, presented by USA Hockey. Caracappa will work in the media and public relations department at USA Hockey’s national office in Colorado Springs, Colo., beginning in June. David Klatt (’08 Journ) is a reporter for WAMU-FM, the National Public Radio affiliate in Washington, D.C. Shana Saquella (’08 Adv/PR) is an assistant executive with Tierney Communications in Philadelphia. Her e-mail is

Ray Saul (Photo courtesy of the Hazleton Standard-Speaker)

■ Ramon S. “Ray” Saul, the retired managing editor and sports editor of the Standard-Speaker in Hazleton, died Feb. 24, 2009. He was 82. Saul (’50 Journ) started his career as a sports writer at the StandardSpeaker in 1950 and eventually became the face of the newspaper to readers. He served as the paper’s sports editor for 26 years and managing editor for 16 years. He retired in 1997, but never stopped writing. During his career, he became associated as much with the city as the newspaper. He served on boards of directors for charities such as the United Way, Catholic Social Services and United Rehabilitation Services, among others. For 56 years, Saul was secretary of

the Kiwanis Club and never failed to send in monthly reports—even while at sea with the U.S. Navy, from which he retired as a lieutenant commander in the Reserves. He was a long-time friend of Penn State football coach Joe Paterno. They were the same age, and Paterno won their running bet about who would retire first. Although identified with sports (people still thought he was the sports editor 26 years after he left that job), Saul led the entire news operation as managing editor. Carl Christopher, managing editor of the Standard-Speaker, said Saul was the perfect community journalist. “He knew everybody in town, and everybody knew him. He was the human face of the Standard-Speaker,” Christopher said.

■ Jack Hunter, an artist and novelist, died April 13, 2009, after a battle with cancer. He was 87. Hunter (’43 Journ) published his first novel, “Blue Max” in 1964. The book, about a World War I flying ace, was later made into a movie. Overall, he authored 17 books, many about aviation. He also served as writing coach for the Florida Times-Union for more than

a decade, and developed his skills as a sketch artist to the point where his work of vintage aircraft was a second career. Such determination and ingenuity were typical of his approach to everything. He paid for his education at Penn State before World War II by playing piano in a Dixieland band, despite having no musical training. ●


IN MEMORIAM ■ Sidney Friedman, who spent most of his life preserving, beautifying and revitalizing downtown State College, died April 4, 2009. He was 88. Born May 5, 1920, in Altoona, he was the youngest of eight children of the late Meyer and Bessie Friedman. Friedman (’44 Journ) became widely known for his efforts to renew the economic and cultural vitality of the Centre Region and make its communities more Sidney Friedman livable. He started his career as a businessman and entrepreneur while a student at the University. In 1938, he opened a bicycle rental agency and a sandwich shop in part of a building that is now The Tavern restaurant. He also sold advertising for the Centre Daily Times and, later, became advertising manager until being hired in 1945 as the first commercial manager of State College’s new radio station, WMAJ. By 1963, he had established and sold several businesses and concentrated on real estate development. With a philosophy of preserving and rehabilitating, he built and changed much of the downtown area. His guiding touch revitalized the Corner Room and Hotel State College, and created the Calder Square buildings, among others. He earned the Penn State Distinguished Alumni Award in 1989, the highest honor the University bestows on an outstanding alumna or alumnus. The award salutes the achievements of outstanding alumni whose “personal lives, professional achievements, and community service exemplify the objectives of their alma mater.” He and his wife, Helen, established endowments at Penn State and supported many areas of the University. Their philanthropy included the establishments of endowments for the College of Communications, College of Education, Pennsylvania Centre Stage, Palmer Museum, Center for the Performing Arts and WPSX-TV. ●

How To Reach Us Area code is (814) Addresses are University Park, PA 16802

OFFICE OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS 301 James Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .865-8801 Kevin Musick, Director of Development Jonathan Thurley, Assistant Director of Development Janet Klinefelter, Development Assistant Barbara Ryzner, Administrative Assistant Sue Beals, Administrative Assistant Mike Poorman, Director of Alumni Relations Steve Sampsell, Director of College Relations DEAN’S OFFICE 201 Carnegie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .863-1484 Douglas Anderson, Dean John Nichols, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .865-3370 Anne Hoag, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . .863-0526 CAREER PLACEMENT & INTERNSHIP OFFICE 208 Carnegie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .863-4674 Bob Martin, Assistant Dean for Internships and Career Placement MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS 208 Carnegie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .863-6081 Joseph Selden, Assistant Dean for Multicultural Affairs ACADEMIC SERVICES 204 Carnegie Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . .865-1503 Jamey Perry, Assistant Dean for Academic Services WEB SITE

Calendar of Events JULY 9-12 Central Pa. Festival of the Arts JULY 27, 29, 31 Spend a Summer Day (Campus Information Sessions) AUG. 3, 5, 7 Spend a Summer Day (Campus Information Sessions) AUG. 15 Summer Commencement (10 a.m., Bryce Jordan Center)


AUG. 24 Fall Semester Classes Begin SEPT. 20 Alumni-Student Mentoring Session SEPT. 21 Alumni Society Board Meeting SEPT. 25 Donor and Scholarship Recognition Dinner (Penn Stater Hotel)

The Communicator College of Communications The Pennsylvania State University 302 James Building University Park, PA 16802

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