Memory - New and Recent Books

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New Titles and Key Backlist

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Interactions Between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in the Verbal Domain

N. Martin, The Roles of Semantic and Phonological Processing in Short-Term Memory and Learning: Evidence from Aphasia. S. Majerus, Verbal Short-Term Memory and Temporary Activation of Language Representations: The Importance of Distinguishing Item and Order Information. Spring 2008: 6x9: 304pp Hb: 978-1-84169-639-3 ISBN10: 1-84169-639-0: £49.95

Annabel Thorn, University of Bristol, UK Mike Page, University of Hertfordshire, UK (Eds.)

The relationship between short and long-term memory systems is an issue of central concern to memory theorists. The association between temporary memory mechanisms and established knowledge bases is now regarded as critical to the development of theoretical and computational accounts of verbal short-term memory functioning. However, to date there is no single publication that provides dedicated and full coverage of current understanding of the association between short- and long-term memory systems, focussing specifically on memory for verbal information. Interactions Between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in the Verbal Domain is the first volume to comprehensively address this key issue. The book comprises chapters covering current theoretical approaches, together with the very latest experimental work, from leading researchers in the field. Chapters contributed to the book draw on both cognitive and neuropsychological research and reflect both conceptual and computational approaches to theorising. The contributing authors represent current research perspectives from both sides of the Atlantic. By addressing this important topic head-on, Interactions Between Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in the Verbal Domain represents an invaluable resource for academics and students alike. CONTENTS A. Thorn, M. Page, Introduction. Section 1. A. Surprenant, I. Neath, The Nine Lives of Short-Term Memory. G. Ward, L. Tan, P. Bhatarah, The Roles of Short-Term and Long-Term Verbal Memory in Free and Serial Recall: Towards a Recency-Based Perspective. Section 2. R. Allen, A. Baddeley, Working Memory and Sentence Recall. N. Cowan, Z. Chen, How Chunks Form in Long-Term Memory and Affect Short-Term Memory Limits. Section 3. N. Cumming, M. Page, D. Norris, A. McNeil, G. Hitch, The Hebb Effect and its Relationship to Long-Term Learning of Phonological Word-Forms. P. Gupta, A Computational Model of Nonword Repetition, Immediate Serial Recall, and Nonword Learning. Section 4. S. Roodenrys, Explaining Phonological Neighbourhood Effects in Short-Term Memory. G. Stuart, C. Hulme, Lexical and Semantic Influences on Immediate Serial Recall: A Role for Redintegration. A. Thorn, C. R. Frankish, S. E. Gathercole, The Influence of Long-Term Knowedge on Short-Term Memory: Evidence for Multiple Mechanisms. Section 5. E. Service, From Auditory Traces to Language Learning: Behavioural and Neurophysiological Evidence.


New Edition!

Memory in the Real World Third Edition Gillian Cohen, Retired, Formerly The Open University, UK Martin A. Conway, University of Leeds, UK (Eds.)

“This book is a very welcome addition to the memory literature, providing thorough and detailed reviews of the growing body of research concerned with taking memory out of the laboratory. The authors are a combination of established scientists and younger investigators, who have in common a broad approach to the topic that accepts the importance of both theory and its application. This book should prove a valuable resource.” – Alan Baddeley, University of York “This book offers a comprehensive account of what is known about memory in real life. The list of authors is highly impressive, and in many cases the author of the chapter you are reading is also the leading researcher in that particular field. The overall result is a book of impressive range and detail, which makes it a key reference source for any student in this field.” – David Groome, University of Westminster “Before reading this book I listed the questions that people often ask me about memory. Most of these questions were answered even more thoroughly than I was hoping for. The breadth of research covered is impressive.” – Jackie Andrade, University of Plymouth

This fully revised and updated third edition of the highly acclaimed Memory in the Real World includes recent research in all areas of everyday memory. Distinguished researchers have contributed new and updated material in their own areas of expertise. The controversy about the value of naturalistic research, as opposed to traditional laboratory methods, is outlined, and the two approaches are seen to have converged and become complementary rather than antagonistic. The editors bring together studies on many different topics such as memory for plans and actions, for names and faces, for routes and maps, life experiences and flashbulb memory, and eyewitness memory. Emphasis is also given to the role of memory in consciousness and metacognition. New topics covered in this edition include life span development of memory, collaborative remembering, deja-vu and memory

dysfunction in the real world. Memory in the Real World will be of continuing appeal to students and researchers in the area. CONTENTS G. Cohen, Introduction: The Study of Everyday Memory. J. Ellis, Memory for Intentions, Actions and Plans. A. Smith, Memory for Places: Routes, Maps and Locations. D. Wright, E. Loftus, Memory for Events: Eyewitness Testimony. R. Hanley, Memory for People: Faces, Voices and Names. H. Williams, M. Conway, Memory for Personal Experiences: Autobiographical and Flashbulb Memory. G. Cohen, Memory for Knowledge: General Knowledge and Expertise. G. Radvansky, Situational Models in Memory: Texts and Stories. R. Thompson, Collaborative and Social Remembering. C. Horton, M. Conway, Memory for Thoughts and Dreams. S. Gathercole, C. Moulin, Life Span Development of Memory: Childhood and Old Age. A. O’Connor, C. Moulin, Memory, Consciousness and Metacognition. C. Souchay, C. Moulin, The Psychopathology of Everyday Memory. G. Cohen, Overview: Speculations and Conclusions. December 2007: 6¾x9¾: 432pp Hb: 978-1-84169-640-9 ISBN10: 1-84169-640-4: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-641-6 ISBN10: 1-84169-641-2: £24.95

Everyday Memory Svein Magnussen & Tore Helstrup (Eds.) University of Olso, Norway

“There are many books on memory, but I do not know of any that cover quite as much material in quite as much depth and quite as expertly as does this volume.” – Robert H. Logie, Professor of Human Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh “Everyday Memory is very comprehensive, covering the major themes in memory research as well as topics of more recent focus; it will prove to be a leading source of information.” – Lorna Goddard, Goldsmiths College, London

well known areas, like collective memory. Topics covered also include: Beliefs about memory and the metaphors used to discuss memory The relation between self-referent beliefs and actual memory performance The development of autobiographical memory. Everyday Memory summarises current knowledge and presents new interpretations and hypotheses to be explored by future research. It discusses aspects of human memory which are frequently ignored or dealt with only very briefly by ordinary textbooks and as a result will have a broad appeal for researchers and students. CONTENTS S. Magnussen, T. Helstrup, Introduction. S. Magnussen, T. Endestad, A. Koriat, T. Helstrup, What Do People Believe about Memory, and How Do They Talk about Memory? H. Zimmer, S. Magnussen, M. Rudner, J. Rönnberg, Visuo-spatial Thinking, Imagination, and Remembering. H. Zimmer, T. Helstrup, L.-G. Nilsson, Action Events in Everyday Life and Their Remembering. M. Larsson, A. Melinder, Underestimated Sensations: Everyday Odour Memory in Clinical and Forensic Settings. G.S. Goodman, A. Melinder, The Development of Autobiographical Memory: A New Model. J. Andersson, T. Helstrup, J. Rönnberg, Collaborative Memory: How is Our Ability to Remember Affected by Interaction with Others? G. Goodman, S. Magnussen, J. Andersson, T. Endestad, L. Løkken, C. Mostue, Memory Illusions and False Memories in the Real World. C. Cornoldi, R. De Beni, T. Helstrup, Memory Sensitivity in Autobiographical Memory. R. De Beni, C. Cornoldi, M. Larsson, S. Magnussen, J. Rönnberg, Memory Experts: Visual Learning, Wine Tasting, Orienteering and Speech Reading. J. Rönnberg, A. Melinder, Compensatory Changes in Everyday Memory and Communication: Disabilities, Abilities and Social Context. A. Koriat, T. Helstrup, Metacognitive Aspects of Memory. L.-G. Nilsson, M. Larsson, Self-referent Beliefs about Memory and Actual Performance: Relationships with Age and Sex. T. Helstrup, R. De Beni, C. Cornoldi, A. Koriat, Memory Pathways: Involuntary and Voluntary Processes in Retrieving Personal Memories. January 2007: 6x9: 352pp Hb: 978-1-84169-579-2 ISBN10: 1-84169-579-3: £39.95

“An interesting and entertaining analysis of practical aspects of memory in everyday life, including popular beliefs about memory, combined with a thought-provoking discussion of limitations of current memory research.” – Claus Bundesen, Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of Copenhagen

This book presents an authoritative overview of memory in everyday contexts. Written by an expert team of international authors, it gathers together research on some of the more neglected but revealing areas of memory, to provide a comprehensive overview of remembering in real life situations. Contributions from leading experts deal with a variety of important questions concerning everyday memory, from under-researched areas such as memory for odours, to more



The Development of Memory in Infancy and Childhood

Memory in the Forensic Context. R. Fivush, Memory Development in the Sociocultural Context. P. Ornstein, Epilogue and a Perspective for the Future. Spring 2008: 6x9: 264pp Hb: 978-1-84169-642-3 ISBN 10: 1-84169-642-0: ÂŁ39.95

Second Edition Mary Courage, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada Nelson Cowan, University of Missouri, USA (Eds.) Studies in Developmental Psychology Series

Human memory is not only the repository of our past but the essence of who we are. As such, it is of enduring fascination. We marvel at its resilience in some situations and its fragility in others. The origin of this extraordinary cognitive capacity in infancy and childhood is the focus of vigorous research and debate as we seek to understand the record of our earliest beginnings. The Development of Memory in Childhood documented the state-of-the-science of memory development a decade ago. This thorough update and expansion of the previous text provides updated reviews of that literature and offers new research on significant themes and ideas that have emerged since then. Topics include basic memory processes in infants and toddlers, the cognitive neuroscience of memory development, the cognitive and social factors that underlie our memory for implicit and explicit events, autobiographical memory and infantile amnesia, working memory, the role of strategies and knowledge in driving memory development, and the impact of stress and emotion on these basic processes. The book also includes applications of basic memory processes to a variety of real world settings from the courtroom to the classroom. Including contributions from many of the best researchers in the field, this classic yet contemporary volume will appeal to senior undergraduate and graduate students of developmental and cognitive psychology as well as developmental psychologists who need a compendium of current reviews on key topics in memory development. CONTENTS M.L. Courage, Introduction to the Revised Edition: A Decade of Research on the Development of Memory. C. Rovee-Collier, The Development of Infant Memory. H. Hayne, Memory Development in the Toddler Years. J. Hudson, Children’s Memory for Routine and Novel Events. N. Newcombe, The Development of Implicit and Explicit Memory. P. Bauer, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory. D. Bjorklund, Advances in Memory in Childhood: Strategies, Knowledge and Metacognition. N. Cowan, The Development of Working Memory in Childhood. J. S. Reznick, The Development of Working Memory in Infancy. M.L. Howe, Autobiographical Memory and Childhood Amnesia. G. Goodman, Stress, Emotion, and Memory. M. Pipe, Children as Eyewitnesses:


The Foundations of Remembering Essays in Honor of Henry L. Roediger, III James S. Nairne, Purdue University, USA (Ed.)

The Foundations of Remembering presents a collection of essays written by top memory scholars in honor of Henry L. Roediger III. The chapters were originally delivered as part of the "Roddyfest" conference held in March 2005 to celebrate Purdue University's awarding of an honorary doctor of letters to Roediger in recognition of his many contributions to the field of psychology. Authors were given a simple charge: choose your own topic, but place your work in historical context. Roediger is fascinated by the intellectual lineage of ideas, so addressing historical "foundations" seemed a fitting tribute. The Chapters contained in this volume help to establish the foundations of remembering, circa the first decade of the 21st century, as perceived by some of the leading memory researchers in the world. Not surprisingly, each of the chapters touches on Roediger's research as well, largely because his work has helped to define and clarify many topics of interest to the memory field. The Foundations of Remembering is intended for a wide audience: students, scholars, and anyone interested in exploring the historical and conceptual roots of modern memory theory. CONTENTS: J.S. Nairne, Roddy Roediger's Memory. E.L. Bjork, R.A. Bjork, B.J. Caughey, Retrieval as a Self-Limiting Process: Part II. E. Tulving, Are There 256 Different Kinds of Memory? R.L. Greene, Foxes, Hedgehogs, and Mirror Effects: The Role of General Principles in Memory Research. J.T. Wixted, Signal-Detection Theory and the Neuroscience of Recognition Memory. D.A. Balota, J.M. Duchek, J.M. Logan, Is Expanded Retrieval Practice a Superior Form of Spaced Retrieval? A Critical Review of the Extant Literature. A.M. Surprenant, T.J. Bireta, L.A. Farley, A Brief History of Memory and Aging. I. Neath, G.D.A. Brown, Making Distinctiveness Models of Memory Distinct. S.R. Schmidt, Unscrambling the Effects of Emotion and Distinctiveness on Memory. F.I.M. Craik, N.B. TurkBrowne, The Effects of Attention and Emotion on Memory for Context. K.A. Klein, R.M. Shiffrin, A.H. Criss, Putting Context in Context. A.F. Healy, T.F. Cunningham, K.M. Shea, J.A. Kole, The Effects of Familiarity on Reconstructing the Order of Information in Semantic and Episodic Memory. S. Rajaram, Attentional

Requirements of Perceptual Implicit Memory. M.A. McDaniel, G.O. Einstein, Spontaneous Retrieval in Prospective Memory. N. Unsworth, R.W. Engle, Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity and Retrieval: A Cue-Dependent Search Approach. R.C. Martin, K. Biegler, Competition and Inhibition in Word Retrieval: Implications for Language and Memory Tasks. R. Schweickert, The Structure of Semantic and Phonological Networks and the Structure of a Social Network in Dreams. K.B. McDermott, Inducing False Memories Through Associated Lists: A Window Onto Everyday False Memories? J.H. Neely, C.-S. Tse, Semantic Relatedness of Effects on True and False Memories in Episodic Recognition: A Methodological and Empirical Review. D.L. Schacter, D.A. Gallo, E.A. Kensinger, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Implicit and False Memories: Perspectives on Processing Specificity. M.G. Rhodes, L.L. Jacoby, Toward Analyzing Cognitive Illusions: Past, Present, and Future. E.J. Marsh, L.K. Fazio, Learning From Fictional Sources. E.F. Loftus, L. Cahill, Memory Distortion: From Misinformation to Rich False Memory. January 2007: 6¼x9¼: 464pp Hb: 978-1-84169-446-7 ISBN10: 1-84169-446-0: £39.95


The Handbook of Aging and Cognition

Alzheimer’s Disease. H. Christensen, K.J. Anstey, L.S. Leach, A.J. Mackinnon, Intelligence, Education and the Brain Reserve Hypothesis. A.F. Kramer, D.J. Madden, Attention. M.A. McDaniel, G.O. Einstein, L.L. Jacoby, New Considerations in Aging and Memory: The Glass May Be Half Full. T.S. Braver, R. West, Working Memory, Executive Control and Aging. D.M. Burke, M.A. Shafto, Language and Aging. P.L. Ackerman, Knowledge and Cognitive Aging. D.F. Hultsch, E. Strauss, M.A. Hunter, Stuart W.S. MacDonald, Intraindividual Variability, Cognition, and Aging. F.I.M. Craik, E. Bialystok, Lifespan Cognitive Development: The Roles of Representation and Control. September 2007: 6x9: 632pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5990-4 ISBN10: 0-8058-5990-X: £67.50 $125.00

The Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology: Volumes 1 & 2 Volume 1: Memory for Events Michael P. Toglia, State University of New York/College at Cortland, USA; J. Don Read, Simon Fraser University, Canada; David F. Ross, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA; R.C.L. Lindsay, Queen’s University, Canada (Eds.)

Third Edition

Volume 2: Memory for People

Fergus Craik, University of Toronto, Canada Timothy A. Salthouse, University of Virginia, USA (Eds.)

R.C.L. Lindsay, Queen’s University, Canada; David F. Ross, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA; J. Don Read, Simon Fraser University, Canada; Michael P. Toglia, State University of New York/College at Cortland, USA (Eds.)

“The book is well-planned and consistently well-written by some of the most active and highly regarded researchers in the field, and promises to serve as a valuable reference source for many years to come.” – Human Development

Cognitive aging is a flourishing area of research. A significant amount of new data, a number of new theoretical notions, and many new research issues have been generated in the past ten years. This new edition reviews new findings and theories, enables the reader to assess where the field is today, and evaluates its points of growth. The chapters are organized to run from reviews of current work on neuroimaging, neuropsychology, genetics and the concept of brain reserve, through the “mainstream” topics of attention, memory, knowledge and language, to a consideration of individual differences and of cognitive aging in a lifespan context. This edition continues to feature the broad range of its predecessors while also providing critical assessments of current theories and findings. CONTENTS

The Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology presents a survey of research and legal opinions from international experts on the rapidly expanding scientific literature addressing the accuracy and limitations of eyewitnesses as a source of evidence for the courts. For the first time, extensive reviews of factors influencing witnesses of all ages are compiled in a single pair of volumes. Controversial topics such as the use of hypnosis, false and recovered memories, the impact of stress, and the accuracy of psychologically impaired witnesses are expertly examined. Leading eyewitness researchers also discuss the subjects of conversational memory, alibi evidence, witness credibility, facial memory, earwitness testimony, lineup theory, and expert testimony. The impact of witness testimony in court is considered, and each volume concludes with a legal commentary chapter. The Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology is an invaluable aid to researchers, legal scholars, practicing lawyers, and anyone working within the criminal justice system who needs access to the most recent research in the field, accompanied by the interpretations and commentary of many of the world’s leading authorities on these topics.

Preface. N.A. Dennis, R. Cabeza, Neuroimaging of Healthy Cognitive Aging. M. McGue, W. Johnson, Genetics of Cognitive Aging. M.S. Albert, The Neuropsychology of the Development of


Volume 1: Memory for Events

Volume 2: Memory for People



M. Toglia, D. Read, D. Ross, R.C.L. Lindsay, Preface. Part 1. Forensic Adult Memory of Witnesses and Suspects. D. Davis, R. Friedman, Memory for Conversation: The Orphan Child of Witness Memory Researchers. R. Fisher, N. Schreiber, Interviewing Protocols to Improve Eyewitness Memory. D. Reisberg, F. Heuer, The Influence of Emotion on Memory in Forensic Settings. J.D. Read, D. Connolly, The Effects of Delay on Long-term Memory for Witnessed Events. T. Burke, J. Turtle, E. Olson, Alibis in Criminal Investigations and Trials. S. Kassin, Internalized False Confession. Part 2. Potential Sources of Distorted Eyewitness Statements and Postdictors of Statement Accuracy. D. Davis, E. Loftus, Internal and External Sources of Misinformation in Adult Witness Memory. J. Neuschatz, J. Lampinen, M. Toglia, D. Payne, E.P. Cisneros, False Memories: History, Theory, and Implications. S.A. Soraci, M.T. Carlin, J.D. Read, T.K. Pogoda, Y. Wakeford, S. Cavanagh, L. Shin, Psychological Impairment, Eyewitness Testimony, and False Memories: Individual Differences. S.M. Smith, D.H. Gleaves, Recovered Memories. G. Mazzoni, S.J. Lynn, Using Hypnosis in Eyewitness Memory: Past and Current Issues. D. Griesel, J. Yuille, Credibility Assessment in Eyewitness Memory. J.S. Shaw, K.A. McClure, J.A. Dykstra, Eyewitness Confidence from the Witnessed Event Through Trial. Part 3. Lifespan Eyewitness Issues: Children. L. Melynk, A. Crossman, M. Scullin, The Suggestibility of Children’s Memory. M.E. Lamb, Y. Orbach, A. Warren, P.W. Esplin, I. Hershkowitz, Enhancing Performance: Factors Affecting the Informativeness of Young Witnesses. M.-E. Pipe, K. Thierry, M. Lamb, The Development of Event Memory: Implications for Child Witness Testimony. V.F. Reyna, B. Mills, S. Estrada, C.J. Brainerd, False Memory in Children: Data, Theory, and Legal Implications. B.L. Bottoms, J.M. Golding, M.C. Stevenson, T.R.A. Wiley, J.A. Yozwiak, A Review of Factors Affecting Jurors’ Decisions in Child Sexual Abuse Cases. L. Malloy, E. Mitchell, S. Block, J.A. Quas, G.S. Goodman, Children’s Eyewitness Memory: Balancing Children’s Needs and Defendants’ Rights When Seeking the Truth. Part 4. Lifespan Eyewitness Issues: Older Adults. K. Mueller-Johnson, S. Ceci, The Elderly Eyewitness: A Review and Prospectus. D.J. Lavoie, H.K. Mertz, T.L. Richmond, False Memory Susceptibility in Older Adults: Implications for the Elderly Eyewitness. C.J.A. Moulin, R.G. Thompson, D.B. Wright, M.A. Conway, Eyewitness Memory in Older Adults. Part 5. Conclusion. D. Thomson, The Relevance of Eyewitness Research: A Trial Lawyer’s Perspective. October 2006: 7x10: 744pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5151-9 ISBN10: 0-8058-5151-8: £65.00

Preface. Part 1. Finding Suspects. C.A. Meissner, S.L. Sporer, J.W. Schooler, Person Descriptions as Eyewitness Evidence. H. McAllister, Mug Books: More Than Just Large Photospreads. G. Davies, T. Valentine, Facial Composites: Forensic Utility and Psychological Research. Part 2. Identifying Suspects: System Variables. V. Bruce, M. Burton, P. Hancock, Remembering Faces. A.D. Yarmey, The Psychology of Speaker Identification and Earwitness Memory. J.E. Dysart, R.C.L. Lindsay, Show-Up Identifications: Suggestive Technique or Reliable Method? R.S. Malpass, C.G. Tredoux, D. McQuiston-Surrett, Lineup Construction and Lineup Fairness. P.R. Dupuis, R.C.L. Lindsay, Radical Alternatives to Traditional Lineups. N. Brewer, N. Weber, C. Semmler, A Role for Theory in Eyewitness Identification Research. S. Charman, G.L. Wells, Applied Lineup Theory. Part 3. Identifying Suspects: Estimator Variables. J.C. Brigham, L.B. Bennett, C.A. Meissner, T.L. Mitchell, The Influence of Race on Eyewitness Memory. J. Pozzulo, Person Description and Identification by Child Witnesses. J.C. Bartlett, A. Memon, Eyewitness Memory in Young and Older Adults. K. Pickel, Remembering and Identifying Menacing Perpetrators: Exposure to Violence and the Weapon Focus Effect. J.E. Dysart, R.C.L. Lindsay, The Effects of Delay on Eyewitness Identification Accuracy: Should We Be Concerned? M. Leippe, D. Eisenstadt, Eyewitness Confidence and the Confidence-Accuracy Relationship in Memory for People. D. Caputo, D. Dunning, Distinguishing Accurate Identifications From Erroneous Ones: Post-Dictive Indicators of Eyewitness Accuracy. Part 4. Belief of Eyewitness Identification. T.R. Benton, S. McDonnell, D.F. Ross, N. Thomas, E. Bradshaw, Has Eyewitness Research Penetrated the American Legal System? M. Boyce, J. Beaudry, R.C.L. Lindsay, Belief of Eyewitness Identification Evidence. Part 5. Applying Psychological Research to Legal Practice. S. Penrod, B. Bornstein, Generalizing Eyewitness Reliability Research. L.R. Van Wallendael, J. Devenport, B.L. Cutler, S. Penrod, Mistaken Identification = Erroneous Convictions? Assessing and Improving Legal Safeguards. J. Doyle, Giving Away Psychology to Lawyers. February 2007: 7x10: 740pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5152-6 ISBN10: 0-8058-5152-6: £65.00

SPECIAL OFFER Order both volumes of The Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology for a special discounted rate of

£110.00 Hb: 978-1-84169-793-2: £110.00



Prospective Memory Cognitive, Neuroscience, Developmental, and Applied Perspectives Matthias Kliegel, University of Zurich, Switzerland; Mark A. McDaniel, Washington University in St Louis, USA; Gilles O. Einstein, Furnham University, USA (Eds.)

Over the last decade, the topic of prospective memory – the encoding, storage and delayed retrieval of intended actions – has attracted much interest, and this is reflected in a rapidly growing body of literature: 350 scientific articles have been published on this topic since the appearance of the first edited book in 1996. In addition to the quantity, the quality and diversity of approaches to research in the field has also developed rapidly. Prospective Memory provides an accessible, integrated guide to the expanded literature on the topic. While many of the authors also contributed to the 1996 book and can be regarded as the founders of current prospective memory research, other contributions come from authors who are relatively new to the field and who are examining broader aspects of prospective memory and, as a result, extending our understanding of it. Besides more generally reviewing the expanded literature, all authors have been encouraged to consider future directions for research and to raise questions that they believe all researchers in this area will need to address. The book is divided into four sections that together provide a broad and deep introduction to the cognitive, neuroscience, developmental, and applied aspects of prospective memory. Following the model of the first prospective memory volume, prominent memory researchers evaluate the papers in each section and comment more generally on the state of prospective memory research in the four major areas targeted. CONTENTS J.A. Ellis, J.E. Freeman, Ten Years On: Realizing Delayed Intentions. R.E. Smith, Connecting the Past and the Future: Attention, Memory, and Delayed Intentions. M.J. Guynn, Theory of Monitoring in Prospective Memory: Instantiating a Retrieval Mode and Periodic Target Checking. R.L. Marsh, J.L. Hicks, G.I. Cook, On Beginning to Understand the Role of Context in Prospective Memory. C. Hertzog, Commentary. L. Kvavilashvili, F. Kyle, D.J. Messer, The Development of Prospective Memory in Children: Methodological Issues, Empirical Findings and Future Directions. M.A. McDaniel, G.O. Einstein, P.G. Rendell, The Puzzle of Inconsistent Age-Related Declines in Prospective Memory: A Multiprocess Explanation. L.H. Phillips, J.D. Henry, M. Martin, Adult aging and Prospective Memory: The Importance of Ecological Validity. M. Kliegel, R. Mackinlay, T. Jäger, A Lifespan Approach to the Development of Complex Prospective Memory. E.A. Maylor, Commentary: Prospective Memory Through the Ages. P.W. Burgess, I. Dumontheil, S.J. Gilbert, J. Okuda, M.L. Schölvinck, J.S. Simons, On the Role of Rostral Prefrontal Cortex (Area 10) in Prospective

Memory. R. West, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Prospective Memory. M. Kliegel, T. Jäger, M. Altgassen, D. Shum, Clinical Neuropsychology of Prospective Memory. M. Moscovitch, Commentary. A.I.T. Thöne-Otto, K. Walther, Assessment and Treatment of Prospective Memory Disorders in Clinical Practice. M.A. Brandimonte, D. Ferrante, The Social Side of Prospective Memory. A.-L. Cohen, Peter M. Gollwitzer, The Cost of Remembering to Remember: Cognitive Load and Implementation Intentions Influence Ongoing Task Performance. E.A.H. Wilson, D. Park, Prospective Memory and Health Behaviors: Context Trumps Cognition. R.K. Dismukes, Prospective Memory in Aviation and Everyday Settings. P.M. Gollwitzer, Commentary. August 2007: 6x9: 416pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5858-7 ISBN10: 0-8058-5858-X: £49.95


Memory and Mind A Festschrift for Gordon H. Bower Mark A. Gluck, Rutgers University, USA; John R. Anderson, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Harvard University, USA (Eds.)

A comprehensive overview of the current state of research on memory and mind, this book captures the career and influence of Gordon H. Bower (as told by twenty-two of his students and colleagues), showing how Bower’s research and mentoring of students has broadly and deeply affected modern research. In addition to many personal reminisces about Bower’s research and graduate training in the 1950s through 1990s, this book illustrates how Bower’s early research and ideas lay the groundwork for much of modern psychological studies of memory, expertise, psychological assessment, and mental imagery. CONTENTS Preface. W.K. Estes, Gordon H. Bower: His Life and Times. D.L. Hintzman, Memory From the Outside, Memory From the Inside. E. Tulving, On the Law of Primacy. E.F. Loftus, Gordon and Me. A. Lesgold, Towards Valued Human Expertise. J.R. Anderson, The Algebraic Brain. S.M. Kosslyn, Remembering Images. B. Tversky, Sharing Landmarks and Paths. A.L. Glass, A. Lian, Evidence of Allor-None Learning From a Repetition Detection Task. K.J. Holyoak, Relations in Semantic Memory: Still Puzzling After All These Years. R.J. Sternberg, Using Cognitive Theory to Reconceptualize College Admissions Testing. D.A. Rosenbaum, Moving Cognition. J.B. Black, Imaginary Worlds. L.W. Barsalou, Continuing Themes in the Study of Human Knowledge: Associations, Imagery, Propositions, and Situations. B.H. Ross, Category Learning: Learning to Access and Use Relevant Knowledge. E. Eich, Mood and Memory at Twenty-Five: Revisiting the Idea of Mood Mediation in DrugDependent and Place-Dependent Memory. J.P. Forgas, Affect, Cognition, and Social Behavior: The Effects of Mood on Memory, Social Judgments, and Social Interaction. M.A. Gluck, Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Error-Correction in Classical Conditioning


and Human Category Learning. J.P. Clapper, Category Learning as Schema Induction. E. Heit, N. Brockdorff, K. Lamberts, Categorization, Recognition, and Unsupervised Learning. C. Walsh, S. Sloman, Updating Beliefs With Causal Models: Violations of Screening Off. M. Rinck, Spatial Situation Models and Narrative Comprehension.

Performance and Knowledge. Intelligence: Toward a Dual Coding Theory. Dual Coding Theory and Creativity. Geniuses and Their Domains. Nurturing the Mind: Applications of DCT. November 2006: 6x9: 536pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5259-2 ISBN10: 0-8058-5259-X: £59.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5260-8 ISBN10: 0-8058-5260-3: £29.95

August 2007: 6x9: 416pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6344-4 ISBN10: 0-8058-6344-3: £39.95


A Dual Coding Theoretical Approach

Bridging Cognitive Science and Education

Allan Paivio, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Learning, Memory and Metacognition

This book updates the Dual Coding Theory of mind (DCT), a theory of modern human cognition consisting of separate but interconnected nonverbal and verbal systems. Allan Paivio, a leading scholar in cognitive psychology, presents this masterwork as new findings in psychological research on memory, thought, language, and other core areas have flourished, as have pioneering developments in the cognitive neurosciences. Mind and Its Evolution provides a thorough exploration into how these adaptive nonverbal and verbal systems might have evolved, as well as a careful comparison of DCT with contrasting “singlecode” cognitive theories.

Lisa Son, Barnard College, New York, USA André Vandierendonck, Ghent University, Belgium (Eds.)

Mind and Its Evolution

Divided into four parts, this text begins with a general, systematic theory of modern human cognition as the reference model for interpreting the cognitive abilities of evolutionary ancestors. The first half of the book discusses mind as it is; the second half addresses how it came to be that way. Each half is subdivided into two parts defined by thematic chapters. Mind and Its Evolution concludes with evidence-based suggestions about nourishing mental growth through applications of DCT in education, psychotherapy, and health. This volume will appeal to cognitive and evolutionary psychologists, as well as students in the areas of memory, language, cognition, and mind evolution specialists in psychology, philosophy, and other disciplines. CONTENTS Preface. Part 1. Evolved Dual-Coding Mind and Related Species. Not by Language Alone. Justification for the Theoretical Approach. Basic Principles of Dual Coding Theory. Adaptive Functions of DualCoding Systems. Other Representational Species. Part 2. Dual Coding Theory and the Brain. Introduction to Dual Coding Theory and the Brain: A Brief History and a Brain Primer. The Multimodal Dual-Coding Brain. Adaptive Functions of Dual-Coding Brain. Brain Teasers: Common Codes and Neural Binding. Part 3. Evolution of Dual-Coding Mind. Background on Evolution Issues. Animal Minds. Evolution of Language: From Naming to Association. Evolution Language: Syntax. Part 4. Peak Mind and Performance. Introduction to Expertise: A Dual Coding Perspective. Expert


Those in the fields of cognitive science and education have worked hard to discover effective principles of learning with the goal of improving educational achievement. And although each has made significant advances, there has been, until today, a gap between the two disciplines. This special issue brings together researchers aiming to bridge laboratory data with real world learning practices, each providing recent and crucial information concerning the improvement of learning. The readings will allow both researchers and educators to understand strategies that would most benefit students by improving learning as well as the ability of learning to learn – or what has been defined as metacognition. CONTENTS L. Son, Editorial: A Metacognition Bridge. McDaniel, Anderson, Derbish, Morisette, Testing the Testing Effect in the Classroom. Butler, Roediger, Testing Improves Long-term Retention in a Simulated Classroom Setting. Kang, McDermott, Roediger, Test Format and Corrective Feedback Modify the Effect of Testing on Long-term Retention. Rawson, Dunlosky, Improving Students’ Self-evaluation of Learning for Key Concepts in Textbook Materials. Carroll, CampbellRatcliffe, Murnane, Perfect, Retrieval-induced Forgetting in Educational Contexts: Monitoring, Expertise, Text Integration, and Test Format. Ballesteros, Reales, Garcia, The Effects of Selective Attention on Perceptual Priming and Explicit Recognition in Children with Attention Deficit and Normal Children. Meneghetti, De Beni, Cornoldi, Strategic Knowledge and Consistency in Students with Good and Poor Study Skills. Miesner, Maki, The Role of Test Anxiety on Absolute and Relative Metacomprehension Accuracy. De Bruin, Rikers, Schmidt, Improving Metacomprehension Accuracy and Self-regulation in Cognitive Skill Acquisition: The Effect of Learner Expertise. Kelemen, Winningham, Weaver, Repeated Testing Sessions and Scholastic Aptitude in College Students’ Metacognitive Accuracy. Higham, Arnold, How Many Questions Should I Answer? Using Bias Profiles to Estimate Optimal Bias and Maximum Score on Formulascored Tests. Metcalfe, Kornell, Son, A Cognitive-science Based Program to Enhance Study Efficacy in a High and Low-risk Setting. September 2007: 6x9: 224pp Hb: 978-1-84169-835-9 ISBN10: 1-84169-835-0: £49.95 A special issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology

Working Memory and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Tracy Packiam Alloway, University of Durham, UK Susan E. Gathercole, University of York, UK (Eds.)

“It is really enjoyable to read an edited text where the theme is conceptual, rather than primarily “disorder-based”. The central focus on working memory in the developmental context is topical, and highly relevant to the understanding of developmental disorders. To my knowledge there is no similar text available, and so this one makes a significant contribution. Methodologically, the text is strong, with all authors providing a strong empirical pace for their arguments.” - Vicki Anderson, Professorial Fellow, Departments of Psychology & Paediatrics, University of Melbourne

Short-term or working memory - the capacity to hold and manipulate information mentally over brief periods of time plays an important role in supporting a wide range of everyday activities, particularly in childhood. Children with weak working memory skills often struggle in key areas of learning and, given its impact on cognitive abilities, the identification of working memory impairments is a priority for those who work with children with learning disabilities. Working Memory and Neurodevelopmental Disorders supports clinical assessment and management of working memory deficits by summarising the current theoretical understanding and methods of assessment of working memory. It outlines the working memory profiles of individuals with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders (including Down’s syndrome, Williams syndrome, Specific Language Impairment, and ADHD), and identifies useful means of alleviating the anticipated learning difficulties of children with deficits of working memory. This comprehensive and informative text will appeal to academics and researchers in cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and developmental psychology, and will be useful reading for students in these areas. Educational psychologists will also find this a useful text, as it covers the role of working memory in learning difficulties specific to the classroom. CONTENTS T.P. Alloway, Introduction. S.J. Pickering, Working memory in Dyslexia. R.K. Wagner, A. Muse, Short-term memory deficits in Developmental Dyslexia. H.L. Swanson, Working memory and reading disabilities: Both phonological and executive processing deficits are important. R.K. Vukovic, L. Siegel, The role of working memory in specific reading comprehension difficulties. M.C. Passolunghi, Working memory and arithmetic disability. L.M.D. Archibald, S.E. Gathercole, Short-term memory and working memory in Specific Language Impairment. T.P. Alloway, Working memory skills in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder.

S. Roodenrys, Working memory function in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. S. Belleville, É. Ménard, L. Mottron, M. Ménard, Working memory in Autism. C. Jarrold, H.R.M. Purser, J. Brock, Short-term memory in Down Syndrome. M.L. Rowe, C.B. Mervis, Working memory in Williams Syndrome. August 2006: 6x9: 320pp Hb: 978-1-84169-560-0 ISBN10: 1-84169-560-2: £39.95

Memory and Society Psychological Perspectives Lars-Göran Nilsson, University of Stockholm, Sweden Nobuo Ohta, University of Tsukuba, Japan (Eds.)

“Provides a good introduction to those in any field dealing with the subject of memory, whether in regard to the study of the self or of society as a whole. ... A good guide for those who wish to learn more about recent research on memory in regard to real-life examples. Any person who studies neurology, psychology, psychiatry, culture, society or their interaction would beneifit from reading this book to learn more about how memory is examined in relation to the human experience.” - Mark S. Gold and Dara L. Kolodner, in PsycCRITIQUES, October 2006 Memory and Society explores the social factors which influence human memory and our conceptualisation of memory. It examines the relationships between memory, society and culture and considers the relevance of theories of memory to real world issues. The opening section deals with the topic of autobiographical memory. It looks at the role of the self; how the self is shaped by society but also how it is the self which encodes and constructs memories. The Reconstructive nature of episodic memory is considered and how the present acts as the basis for remembering the past, with the rememberer’s beliefs, desires and interpretations playing a central role. The middle section looks at the influence of the social environment on learning. It debates the relevance of the application of basic principles gained in laboratory settings to learning and memory in social settings. These principles are used to throw light on topics such as e-learning, eyewitness testimonies and optimal treatment and thinking. Moreover, these real world scenarios are themselves used to throw light on basic principles and how they can be improved. The final section looks at the social consequences and costs of memory deficits, covering normal aging and pathological changes in old age, memory deficits related to dyslexia, working memory problems in everyday cognition, problems in executive functions in chronic alcoholics, and Korsakoff amnesics. It also examines methods of rehabilitation for everyday life.


Incorporating contributions from leading international authorities in memory research, as well as new data and ideas for the direction of future research, this book will be invaluable to psychologists working in the fields of memory and society. CONTENTS N. Ohta, Introduction: Harmony Between the Principles-seeking and Problem-solving Research. L.G. Nilsson, N. Ohta, Part One. Self, Society and Culture. Q. Wang, M.A. Conway, Autobiographical Memory, Self and Culture. S. Joslyn, J.W. Schooler, Influences of the Present on the Past: The Impact of Interpretation on Memory for Abuse. D.S. Lindsay, J.D. Read, Adults’ Memories of Long-past Events. K. Pedzek, Memory for the Events of September 11, 2001. L.G. Nilsson, N. Ohta, Part Two. Learning in Social Settings. D. Albert, C. Hockemeyer, T. Mori, Memory, Knowledge and Elearning. R.A. Bjork, E.L. Bjork, Optimizing Treatment and Training: Implications of a New Theory of Disuse. E.L. Bjork, R.A. Bjork, M.D. MacLeod, Types and Consequences of Forgetting: Intended and Unintended. Y. Itsukushima, K. Hanya, Y. Okabe, M. Naka, Y. Itoh, S. Hara, Response Conformity in Face Recognition Memory. L.G. Nilsson, N. Ohta, Part Three. Memory Deficits: Social Costs. F.I. M. Craik, Age-related Changes in Human Memory: Practical Consequences. I. Lundberg, Working Memory and Reading Disability. R.L. Logie, S.D. Sala, A Workspace of Memory in Healthy and Damaged Cognition. M. Mimura, Executive Functions and Prognoses of Patients with Memory Disorders. D. Herrmann, M.M. Gruneberg, S. Fiore, J. Schooler, R. Torres, Memory Failures and their Causes in Everyday Life. B.A. Wilson, Rehabilitation of Memory for Everyday Life. February 2006: 6x9: 304pp Hb: 978-1-84169-614-0 ISBN10: 1-84169-614-5: £49.95

Young Children’s Cognitive Development Interrelationships Among Executive Functioning, Working Memory, Verbal Ability, and Theory of Mind Wolfgang Schneider, University of Würzburg, Germany; Ruth Schumann-Hengsteler, Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt, Germany; Beate Sodian, University of München, Germany (Eds.)

“This book integrates research on working memory, language acquisition, executive functions, and theory of mind pertaining to young children. Recommended.” - Choice

A critical part of early childhood development is the development of “theory of mind” (ToM), which is the ability to take the perspective of another person. The main purpose of this book is to discuss and integrate findings from prominent research areas in developmental psychology that are typically studied in isolation, but are clearly related. Two examples are whether executive functions represent a precursor of ToM or whether ToM understanding predicts the development of executive functions, and to what extent children’s level of 10

verbal ability and their working memory are important predictors of performance on both executive functioning and ToM tasks. The chapters in this book give a detailed account of the major outcomes of this research. First, the state of the art concerning current understanding of the relevant constructs (working memory, ToM, executive functioning) and their developmental changes is presented, followed by chapters that deal with interactions among the core concepts. Its main focus is on theoretically important relationships among determinants of young children’s cognitive development—considered to be “hot” issues in contemporary developmental psychology. Based on presentations made at an international workshop, this book is divided into two parts. In the first part, five teams of researchers present theoretical analyses and overviews of empirical evidence regarding the core constructs of memory, executive functions, and ToM. The next part deals with the interplay among the core concepts outlined in Part I with developmental trends in the interaction. CONTENTS W. Schneider, R. Schumann-Hengsteler, B. Sodian, Introduction and Overview. J. Towse, N. Cowan, Working Memory and Its Relevance for Cognitive Development. C. Zoelch, K. Seitz, R. SchumannHengsteler, From Rag(Bag)s to Riches: Measuring the Developing Central Executive. P.D. Zelazo, L. Qu, U. Müller, Hot and Cool Aspects of Executive Function: Relations in Early Development. B. Sodian, Theory of Mind—The Case for Conceptual Development. L.J. Moses, S.M. Carlson, M.A. Sabbagh, On the Specificity of the Relation Between Executive Function and Children’s Theory of Mind. D.F. Bjorklund, C.A. Cormier, J.S. Rosenberg, The Evolution of Theory of Mind: Big Brains, Social Complexity, and Inhibition. B. Sodian, C. Hülsken, The Developmental Relation of Theory of Mind and Executive Functions: A Study of Advanced Theory of Mind Abilities in Children With ADHD. W. Kain, J. Perner, What fMRI Can Tell Us About the ToM-EF Connection: False Beliefs, Working Memory, and Inhibition. M. Hasselhorn, C. Mähler, D. Grube, Theory of Mind, Working Memory, and Verbal Ability in Preschool Children: The Proposal of a Relay Race Model of the Developmental Dependencies. H. Tager-Flusberg, R.M. Joseph, Theory of Mind, Language, and Executive Functions in Autism: A Longitudinal Perspective. W. Schneider, K. Lockl, O. Fernandez, Interrelationships Among Theory of Mind, Executive Control, Language Development, and Working Memory in Young Children: A Longitudinal Analysis. K. Oberauer, Executive Functions, Working Memory, Verbal Ability, and Theory of Mind—Does It All Come Together? March 2006: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4906-6 ISBN10: 0-8058-4906-8: £61.50 Pb: 978-0-8058-6143-3 ISBN10: 0-8058-6143-2: £24.50

Remembering the Times of Our Lives Memory in Infancy and Beyond Patricia J. Bauer, Duke University, USA

Do Justice and Let the Sky Fall Elizabeth F. Loftus and Her Contributions to Science, Law, and Academic Freedom Maryanne Garry, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Harlene Hayne, University of Otago, New Zealand (Eds.)

Developing Mind Series

“This masterly treatment of how memory develops is the most comprehensive and scholarly work on this subject available anywhere. It should be the authoritative reference for years to come as well as a wonderful source of information for anyone interested in what infants can learn, how they learn it, and what they can remember later.” Larry R. Squire, Ph.D., UCSD and Veterans Affairs Medical Center

The purpose of Remembering the Times of Our Lives: Memory in Infancy and Beyond is to trace the development from infancy through adulthood in the capacity to form, retain, and later retrieve autobiographical or personal memories. It is appropriate for scholars and researchers in the fields of cognitive psychology, memory, infancy, and human development. CONTENTS Part I: Autobiographical Memory and Its Significance. Remembering the Times of Our Lives. Autobiographical Memory in Adults. Infantile or Childhood Amnesia. Part II: Memory in Infancy and Very Early Childhood. Declarative Memory in the First Years of Life. The Neural Bases of Declarative Memory in Adults. Development of the Neural Substrate for Declarative Memory. Part III: Autobiographical Memory in Childhood. Event and Autobiographical Memory in the Preschool Years. “What Develops” in Preschoolers’ Recall of Specific Past Events? The Context of Autobiographical Memory Development. Part IV: The “Fates” of Early Memories. Crossing the Great Divides of Childhood Amnesia. The Shifting Balance of Remembering and Forgetting. August 2006: 6x9: 448pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4040-7 ISBN10: 0-8058-4040-0: £59.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5733-7 ISBN10: 0-8058-5733-8: £27.50

“Captivating book of essays...chapters are deftly written, state-of-the-art summaries of research domains either launched or inspired by Loftus’s work...others are personal accounts written by her friends and colleagues.” PsycCRITIQUES

For more than 30 years, renowned psychological scientist Elizabeth F. Loftus has contributed groundbreaking research to the fields of science, law, and academia. This book provides an opportunity for readers to become better acquainted with one of the most important psychologists of our time, as it celebrates her life and accomplishments. It is intended to be a working text-one that challenges, intrigues, and inspires all readers alike. Do Justice and Let the Sky Fall collects research in theoretical and applied areas of human memory, provides an overview of the application of memory research to legal problems, and presents an introduction to the costs of doing controversial research. The first chapter gives a sketch of Loftus’ career in her own words, and the remaining chapters color in that sketch. The final chapters of the book are more personal, and put a human face on a person who is held in such high esteem. This multipurpose volume is intended to serve as a valuable resource for established scientists, emerging scientists, graduate students, lawyers, and health professionals. CONTENTS Preface. E.F. Loftus, Memory Distortions: Problems Solved and Unsolved. G.H. Bower, Tracking the Birth of a Star. G.R. Loftus, Elizabeth F. Loftus: The Early Years. M.S. Zaragoza, R.F. Belli, K.E. Payment, Misinformation Effects and the Suggestibility of Eyewitness Memory. S.J. Ceci, M. Bruck, Loftus’ Lineage in Developmental Forensic Research: Six Scientific Misconceptions About Children’s Suggestibility. H. Hayne, Verbal Recall of Preverbal Memories: Implications for the Clinic and the Courtroom. H.L. Roediger, III, M.A. McDaniel, Illusory Recollection in Older Adults: Testing Mark Twain’s Conjecture. D. Strange, S. Clifasefi, M. Garry, False Memories. J. McMurtrie, Incorporating Elizabeth Loftus’ Research on Memory Into Reforms to Protect the Innocent. M.R. Banaji, Elizabeth F. Loftus: Warrior Scientist. C. Tavris, The Cost of Courage. October 2006: 6x9: 248pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5232-5 ISBN10: 0-8058-5232-8: £37.50


Associative Illusions of Memory False Memory Research in DRM and RelatedTasks David A. Gallo, Chicago University, USA Essays in Cognitive Psychology Series

“In Associative Illusions of Memory, David Gallo brings together a huge literature showing people misremembering events that are related to real events. The key memory distortion paradigm has been used with young and old, smart and not-sosmart, drunk and sober. We’ve learned a stunning amount about illusory recollection from this body of work, all meticulously and thoughtfully reviewed in one place. A bravura contribution to the memory field.” - Elizabeth Loftus, Distinguished Professor at University of California, Irvine, and author of Eyewitness Testimony

The last decade has seen a flurry of experimental research into the neurocognitive underpinnings of illusory memories. Using simple materials and tests (e.g., recalling words or pictures), methods such as the famed Deese-RoedigerMcDermott (DRM) task have attracted considerable attention. These tasks elicit false memories of nonstudied events that are vivid, long lasting, and difficult to consciously avoid. Additional research shows that these memory illusions are fundamentally related to more complex memory distortions. As a result, this rapidly expanding literature has generated a great deal of excitement - and even some controversy - in contemporary psychology. Associative Illusions of Memory provides an ambitious overview of this research area. Starting with the historical roots and major theoretical trends, this book exhaustively reviews the most recent studies by cognitive psychologists, neuropsychologists, and cognitive neuroscientists. The strengths and limits of various experimental techniques are outlined, and the large body of existing data is meaningfully distilled into a few core theoretical concepts. This book highlights the malleability of memory, as well as the strategies and situations that can help us avoid false memories. Throughout the review, it is argued that these basic memory illusions contribute to a deeper understanding of how human memory works. CONTENTS Part I. Background. Associations and errors through history. Converging association tasks. Part II. Basic theories and data. Processes that cause false memory. Illusory recollection. Processes that reduce false memory. Additional study and test manipulations. Part III. Applications and data. Individual differences and generalizability. Development and aging. Neuropsychology and drugs. Neuroimaging and localization. Summary and conclusions.

e r o m 50u%es in 2007!

iss Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition


A Journal on Normal and Dysfunctional Development Linas A. Bieliauskas, VA Healthcare System, University of Michigan Health System, USA Martin Sliwinski, Syracuse University, USA (Eds.)

The purposes of this journal are to (a) publish research on both the normal and dysfunctional aspects of cognitive development in adulthood and aging, and (b) promote the integration of theories, methods, and research findings between the fields of cognitive gerontology and neuropsychology. The primary emphasis of the journal is to publish original empirical research. Occasionally, theoretical or methodological papers, critical reviews of a content area, or theoretically relevant case studies will also be published. Emphases of interest include information processing mechanisms, intellectual abilities, the impact of injury or disease on performance, cognitive training, cognitive and pharmacological approaches to treatment and rehabilitation, metacognition, and the social and personal aspects of cognitive functioning. Articles on both normal and dysfunctional development that are relevant to the interface between cognitive gerontology and neuropsychology are particularly welcome. Multiple approaches to issues of aging and cognition (e.g., basic, applied, clinical), and multiple methodologies (e.g., cross-sectional, longitudinal, experimental, multivariate correlation) are appropriate. Manuscripts must be submitted online at: Find full instructions for authors at the journal’s website: Volume 15 (2008) 6 issues per year Print ISSN: 1382-5585 Online ISSN: 1744-4128 Institutional (print and online): £589 / $982 / €786 Institutional (online only): £559 / $932 / €746 Personal (print only): £190 / $316 / €253 Members of the AACN, APA, APS, BNS, BPS DoN, EBIS, EPS, ESCoP, INS and NAN receive a discount on the Personal Rate. Email

August 2006: 6x9: 304pp Hb: 978-1-84169-414-6 ISBN10: 1-84169-414-2: £29.95 12

Memory Susan E. Gathercole, University of York, UK Martin A. Conway, University of Leeds, UK (Eds.)


This journal publishes high quality papers in all areas of memory research. This includes experimental studies of memory (including laboratory-based research, everyday memory studies, and applied memory research), developmental, educational, neuropsychological, clinical and social research on memory. By representing all significant areas of memory research, the journal cuts across the traditional distinctions of psychological research. Memory therefore provides a unique venue for memory researchers to communicate their findings and ideas both to peers within their own research tradition in the study of memory, and also to the wider range of research communities with direct interest in human memory. Manuscripts must be submitted online at: Find full instructions for authors at the journal’s website:

SPECIAL ISSUES Issues devoted to a single topic are occasionally published in this journal. These are sent free to subscribers, and are also available to purchase separately as books for non-subscribers. Autobiographical Memory and Emotional Disorder Guest Editors: Tim Dalgleish and Chris Brewin See the entry opposite. Memory Editing Mechanisms Guest Editors: James Michael Lampinen and Timothy N. Odegard August 2006: 8x101/2: 140pp Pb: 978-1-84169-815-1 ISBN10: 1-84169-815-6: £35.95 Short-term/Working Memory Guest Editors: Ian Neath, Gordon D.A. Brown, Marie Poirier and Claudette Fortin June 2005: 8x101/2: 224pp Hb: 978-1-84169-965-3 ISBN10: 1-84169-965-9: £49.95 Mental Imagery and Memory in Psychopathology Guest Editors: Emily Holmes and Ann Hackmann July 2004: 8x101/2: 160pp Pb: 978-1-84169-967-7 ISBN10: 1-84169-967-5: £35.00 Volume 16 (2008) 8 issues per year Print ISSN: 0965-8211 Online ISSN: 1464-0686 Institutional Rate (print and online): £661 / $1,091 / €873 Institutional Rate (online only): £627 / $1,036 / €829 Personal Rate (print only): £319 / $527 / €422 Members of the APA, APS, CS, EPS and ESCoP receive a discount on the Personal Rate. Email

Autobiographical Memory and Emotional Disorder Tim Dalgleish, Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK Chris Brewin, University College London, UK (Eds.) For those suffering from emotional disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression, aspects of the personal past can dominate conscious experience in tenacious and toxic ways. For example, memories of distressing autobiographical experiences can intrude into awareness as thoughts or images, as flashbacks or nightmares, each laden with unwanted and painful affect. This special issue of Memory focuses on two broad themes. The first is the nature of autobiographical remembering of the personal past — what are the characteristics of such memories? And to what extent are they phenomenologically distinct from other types of autobiographical remembering? The second theme concerns varieties of difficulties in remembering emotional experiences from complete amnesia to lack of specificity of autobiographical recall. The special issue draws together the world’s leading theorists and researchers on these varied issues to provide a broad overview of the cutting edge work in this field.

CONTENTS T. Dalgleish, C.R. Brewin, Editorial: Autobiographical Memory and Emotional Disorder. C.R. Brewin, Autobiographical Memory for Trauma: Update on Four Controversies. A. Speckens, A. Ehlers, A. Hackmann, F. Ruths, D. Clark, Intrusive Memories and Rumination in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Phenomenological Comparison. M. Pasupathi, Telling and the Remembered Self: Linguistic Differences in Memories for Previously Disclosed and Previously Undisclosed Events. R. Meiser-Stedman, P. Smith, W. Yule, T. Dalgleish, The Trauma Memory Quality Questionnaire: Preliminary Development and Validation of a Measure of Trauma Memory Characteristics for Children and Adolescents. R. McNally, Betrayal Trauma Theory: A Critical Appraisal. J. Freyd, A. DePrince, D. Gleaves, The State of Betrayal Trauma Theory: Reply to McNally (2006), Conceptual Issues and Future Directions. C. Crane, T. Barnhofer, J.M.G. Williams, Cue Self-relevance Affects Autobiographical Memory Specificity in Individuals with a History of Major Depression. P. Spinhoven, C. Bockting, I. Kremers, A. Schene, J.M.G. Williams, The Endorsement of Dysfunctional Attitudes is Associated with an Impaired Retrieval of Specific Autobiographical Memories in Response to Matching Cues. S. Schönfeld, A. Ehlers, I. Böllinghaus, W. Rief, Overgeneral Memory and Suppression of Trauma Memories in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. April 2007: 8x10½: 136pp Hb: 978-1-84169-833-5 ISBN10: 1-84169-833-4: £25.00 A special issue of the journal Memory



Essentials of Human Memory Alan D. Baddeley Cognitive Psychology: A Modular Course Series February 1999: 5½x8½: 356pp Hb: 978-0-86377-544-4 ISBN10: 0-86377-544-6: £34.95 Pb: 978-0-86377-545-1 ISBN10: 0-86377-545-4: £14.95 Available as an examination copy


Human Memory Theory and Practice, Revised Edition

Visuo-spatial Working Memory and Individual Differences Cesare Cornoldi & Tomaso Vecchi Essays in Cognitive Psychology Series April 2003: 6x9: 184pp Hb: 978-1-84169-216-6 ISBN10: 1-84169-216-6: £39.95

Working Memory Capacity

Alan D. Baddeley April 1997: 7½x9¾: 423pp Pb: 978-0-86377-431-7 ISBN10: 0-86377-431-8: £19.95 Available as an examination copy

Nelson Cowan Essays in Cognitive Psychology Series September 2005: 6x9: 256pp Hb: 978-1-84169-097-1 ISBN10: 1-84169-097-X: £27.99

The Self and Memory


Denise R. Beike, James M. Lampinen & Douglas A. Behrend (Eds.) Studies in Self and Identity Series August 2004: 6x9: 280pp Hb: 978-1-84169-078-0 ISBN10: 1-84169-078-3: £37.00

Neuropsychological, Imaging and Psychopharmacological Perspectives Gérard Emilien, Cécile Durlach, Elena Antoniadis, Martial Van der Linden & Jean-Marie Maloteaux January 2004: 7½x9¾: 400pp Hb: 978-1-84169-370-5 ISBN10: 1-84169-370-7: £49.95

30% discount in 2007/2008! £31.50 Visit

The Déjà Vu Experience Alan S. Brown Essays in Cognitive Psychology Series May 2004: 6x9: 248pp Hb: 978-1-84169-075-9 ISBN10: 1-84169-075-9: £27.99

A special issue of Cognition and Emotion

Autobiographical Memory Specificity and Psychopathology D. Hermans, Filip Raes, Pierre Philippot & Ismay Kremers (Eds.) May 2006: 6x9: 260pp Hb: 978-1-84169-987-5 ISBN10: 1-84169-987-X: £39.95


Human Learning and Memory Advances in Theory and Applications: The 4th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory Chizuko Izawa & Nobuo Ohta (Eds.) January 2005: 6x9: 282pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4788-8 ISBN10: 0-8058-4788-X: £48.95

INVITATION TO AUTHORS Psychology Press and LEA are leading international publishers of textbooks and handbooks in Memory. If you are planning to write a textbook, handbook

Cognitive Illusions A Handbook on Fallacies and Biases in Thinking, Judgement and Memory Rüdiger F. Pohl (Ed.) October 2004: 6x9: 384pp Hb: 978-1-84169-351-4 ISBN10: 1-84169-351-0: £39.95

or monograph we would like to hear from you. Visit for details of our publishing program. For information on how to structure your proposal please visit

Neuropsychology of Memory

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Third Edition Larry R. Squire & Daniel L. Schacter (Eds.) July 2003: 7x10: 534pp Hb: 978-1-57230-731-5 ISBN10: 1-57230-731-5: £60.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-898-5 ISBN10: 1-57230-898-2: £32.00

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Attention, Perception and Memory An Integrated Introduction Elizabeth Styles Psychology Focus Series February 2005: 5½x8½: 392pp Hb: 978-0-86377-658-8 ISBN10: 0-86377-658-2: £39.95 Pb: 978-0-86377-659-5 ISBN10: 0-86377-659-0: £14.95 Available as an examination copy


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