Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

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Routledge Menta l He a lth a nd Guilfor d Pr ess

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy New Books and Selected Backlist Titles 2008 Child and Adolescent Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Clinical Problems Coaching Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Mindfulness Professional Issues and Development Psychotherapy

The cbt with children, adolescents and families series

Contents Child and Adolescent Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ............... 32 Clinical Problems ................................................................................... 16 Addictions . ............................................................................................ 18 Anxiety .................................................................................................... 18 Eating Disorders .................................................................................. 21 Mood Disorders ................................................................................... 24 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ................................................... 25 Personality Disorders . ....................................................................... 25 Physical and Sexual Abuse . ............................................................. 27 Schizophrenia ....................................................................................... 27 Social Phobia . ....................................................................................... 29 Stress and Trauma ............................................................................... 29 Suicide ..................................................................................................... 31 Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Series .............................. 31 Coaching . ................................................................................................. 39 Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge Series ........................... 40 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ............................................................. 1 100 Key Points Series ............................................................................ 11 The CBT Distinctive Features Series.................................................... 9 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy ......................................................... 12 Mindfulness ............................................................................................. 12 Practical Clinical Guidebooks Series ................................................ 14 Professional Issues and Development .......................................... 36 Psychotherapy . ...................................................................................... 34

Key Titles Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders Christopher G. Fairburn . ............................................. 21 Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features Windy Dryden . ................................................................... 9 The Invisible Man: A Self-help Guide for Men With Eating Disorders, Compulsive Exercise and Bigorexia John F. Morgan . ............................................................... 21 The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, and Jon Kabat-Zinn ................................................................. 13


Forthcoming Series! CBT with Children, Adolescents and Families series Series Editor: Paul Stallard The CBT with Children, Adolescents and Families series is designed to provide clinicians and trainees with the latest evidence-based clinical programmes and materials for a range of common problems in a concise and accessible format.

Anxiety Paul Stallard Hb: 978-0-415-37256-5: November 2008: 208pp. £55.00/$96.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37255-8: November 2008: 208pp. £19.99/$34.00

Series: CBT with Children, Adolescents and Families Published by Routledge

for further information on this title see page 19

CBT with Depressed Adolescents Chrissie Verduyn, Julia Rogers, and Alison Wood Hb: 978-0-415-39977-7: 2009: 208pp. £55.00/$96.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39978-4: 2009: 208pp. £19.99/$34.00

Series: CBT with Children, Adolescents and Families Published by Routledge

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Edited by Polly Waite, and Tim Williams Hb: 978-0-415-40388-7: 2009: 208pp. £55.00/$96.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40389-4: 2009: 208pp. £19.99/$34.00

Series: CBT with Children, Adolescents and Families Published by Routledge

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Patrick Smith, Sean Perrin, and William Yule

As part of Routledge’s ongoing initiative to provide the best available online resources in support of our top-selling line of Mental Health titles, we are pleased to be able to provide our up-to-date Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Arena. We’ve made the arena very easy to navigate around, because we know that you want to find the information you’re after quickly, whether it’s the ‘buy now’ link for a particular book, the date and venue of a forthcoming conference, or the online version of a specific academic journal article.

Hb: 978-0-415-39163-4: 2009: 208pp. £55.00/$96.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39164-1: 2009: 208pp. £19.99/$34.00

Series: CBT with Children, Adolescents and Families Published by Routledge

invitation to authors If you would like to submit or discuss your book proposal with our Senior Editor, Joanne Forshaw, please email

Cognitive behaviour therapy

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Acute Inpatient Mental Health Units


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Practical Guide to Helping People Take Control

Contents: Salkovskis, Foreword. Lam, A Personal Experience. Part I:

Societal Perspective: Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination. Mental Illness Stigma. Biological and Genetic Explanations of ‘Mental Illness’. Prejudice, Discrimination and ‘Mental Illness’. Part II: Therapist’s Perspective: A Therapeutic Framework. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Theory of Emotional Upset. Components in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. A Shared Responsibility Approach in the Change Process. Dealing with Negative Thoughts. Dealing with Unhelpful Behaviour. Homework Assignments. Drug Treatments. Part III: Client’s Perspective: Selfprejudice and Personal Issues. Approval and Approval-seeking Behaviour. Perfectionism and Competitiveness. Healthy and Unhealthy Negative Emotions. Fear of Failure and Procrastination. Self-criticism. Setback and Relapse. Part IV: Client’s Perspective: Self-prejudice and Interpersonal Difficulties. Others’ Criticism. Good and Bad Communication. Developing Effective Communication Skills. Part V: Therapeutic Approach Skills and Techniques. Assessment Skills. Disputing Approach and Techniques. Part VI: Taking Control: New Models for Helping Change. Control and Choice in Mental Health. An Illustration of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Approach to Panic Disorder: A Case Example.

Working with Clients, Staff and the Milieu Edited by Isabel Clarke, and Hannah Wilson, both Clinical Psychologists, Hampshire Partnership NHS Trust, UK “This book will be an invaluable tool for mental health professionals working in inpatient settings, and will hopefully inspire people to increase access to such approaches and conduct the research required to firmly establish the evidence base.” - Anthony P. Morrison, From

the Foreword

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Acute Inpatient Mental Health Units presents innovative ways of delivering CBT within the inpatient setting and applying CBT principles to inform and enhance inpatient care.

cognitive behaviour therapy

Danny C. K. Lam, Kingston University and St George’s Medical School, UK “This book is the first to consider the practicalities of helping people to change using CBT from the perspective of stigma, self stigma and labelling.” - Paul Salkovskis, From the Foreword Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Practical Guide to Helping People Take Control explores the premise that negative beliefs play an important role in the development and continuation of mental health problems. The book offers a new integrative model of causality for instigating change, based on giving clients control and choice over these beliefs, and therefore over their mood and behaviour. This practical guide also focuses on the stigmas often attached to people with ‘mental illness’. Danny C. K. Lam suggests that by providing both the client and the general public with a more accurate understanding of the nature and causes of mental health problems it is possible to de-stigmatise the ‘mental illness’ label. This will help the client improve self-esteem and the ability to manage personal and interpersonal difficulties and take control of their problems and responsibility for recovery. This cognitive behavioural approach to mental health problems is an innovative contribution to the field. Illustrated throughout with clinical examples and practical advice, the book is essential reading for all of those involved in mental health.


Maintaining staff morale and creating a culture of therapy in the acute inpatient unit is essential for a well-functioning institution. This book shows how this challenge can be addressed, along with introducing and evaluating an important advance in the practice of individual CBT for working with crisis, suited to inpatient work and crisis teams. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Acute Inpatient Mental Health Units will be essential reading for those trained, or those undergoing training in CBT as well as being of interest to a wider public of nurses, health care support workers, occupational therapists, medical staff and managers. Contents: Morrison, Foreword. Clarke, Introduction. Part I: Setting the Scene. Hanna, The Context of the Acute In-Patient Hospital in the UK, and the Place for Therapy Within It. Kinderman, New Ways of Working and the Provision of CBT in the Inpatient Setting. Marie, The Service User Perspective. Kennedy, The Use of Formulation in Inpatient Settings. Part II: Individual CBT in the Inpatient Setting. Clarke, Pioneering a Cross Diagnostic Approach, Founded in Cognitive Science. Clarke, Wilson, Working With Overwhelming Emotion: Depression, Anxiety and Anger. Freemantle, Clarke, Making Sense of Psychosis in Crisis. McGowan, Working With Personality Disorders in an Acute Psychiatric Ward. Part III: Working With the Staff Group to Create a Therapeutic Culture. Cowdrill, Dannahy, Running Reflective Practice Groups on an Inpatient Unit. Sambrook, Working With Crisis – The Role of the Clinical Psychologist in a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit. Rosebert, Hall, Training Acute In-Patient Ward Staff to Use CBT Techniques. Part IV: CBT Group Work. Hill, Clarke, Wilson, The ‘Making Friends With Yourself Group’ and the ‘What is Real and What is Not Group’. Rendle, Wilson, Delivering Dialectical Behavior Therapy Based Emotional Coping Skills Group Across Diagnostic Groups. Part V: The Challenge of Evaluating This Service. Durrant, Tolland, ‘Evaluating Short-term CBT in an Acute Adult In-Patient Unit’.

July 2008: 240pp. Hb: 978-0-415-42211-6: £55.00/$99.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42212-3: £24.99/$44.99 Published by Routledge

March 2008: 256pp. Hb: 978-0-415-39811-4: £55.00/$99.00 Pb: 978-0-415-39812-1: £19.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge



Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Mental Health Workers A Beginner’s Guide

cognitive behaviour therapy

Philip Kinsella, Principal Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Nottinghamshire Health Care Trust, UK, and Anne Garland, Nottingham Psychotherapy Unit, UK “Warm, compassionate, structured, yet flexible, CBT for Mental Health Workers provides a comprehensive overview of the key CBT interventions. This book together with clinical supervision provides all the key information and skills you need to build a firm foundation for introducing CBT into your clinical practice.” - Dr. Chris Williams Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an effective and frequently used psychological treatment. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Mental Health Workers offers the reader a good overview of CBT, allowing them to develop an understanding of the patient’s problems, utilise the approach effectively, prepare for supervision, and integrate CBT skills into everyday practice. This clear, comprehensive introduction written by experienced clinicians, describes how to use CBT within the busy clinical environment. This straightforward guide will be essential for all mental health workers who are new to CBT, including nurses, occupational therapists, and counsellors as well as anyone training in mental health professions. Contents: What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. CBT Style, Structure and Materials. Making Sense of the Patient’s Problems. The Therapeutic Relationship in CBT. Assessment. Identifying and Modifying Thoughts Using Cognitive and Behavioural Methods. How to Modify Rules for Living. Treating Anxiety Disorders Effectively. Treating Acute Depression Effectively Using Cognitive and Behavioural Methods. Other CBT Models and Approaches. Integrating CBT Skills into Generic Mental Health Roles. Developing Further CBT Skills.

March 2008: 264pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-869-2: £60.00/$105.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-870-8: £19.99/$34.95

2007: 184pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-737-4: £55.00/$100.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43612-0: £24.99/$43.95 Published by Routledge

CBT for Occupational Stress in Health Professionals Introducing a SchemaFocused Approach

Martin R. Bamber, Selby and York NHS Primary Care Trust, UK “This text will be a valuable resource to occupational health nurses and anyone involved in treating occupational stress. It will also be an informative read for those researcher and senior managers who continue to support the use of clinical supervision as a means of reducing occupational stress in nurses.” - Nursing Standard The fact that health care work is inherently more stressful than many other occupations makes it vital that the problem of occupational stress among health professionals is addressed. CBT for Occupational Stress in Health Professionals goes beyond simply defining the problem and fills a gap in the current literature by providing clear and concise individual treatment interventions. 2006: 280pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-851-7: £55.00/$100.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-852-4: £24.99/$44.95


The Case Formulation Approach to CognitiveBehavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome A Guide for Clinicians

Jacqueline B. Persons, Director of the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy, USA

Philip Kinsella, Principal Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Nottinghamshire Health Care Trust, UK

“This significant work will no doubt become the shining light by which the idiographic approach to CBT will be guided in the future. One of the few books that is worth even more than the purchase price!”

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome attempts to make sense of the illness, and describes how cognitive behavioural therapy can help patients by working with their environment, emotions, and behaviour to improve their physical condition. 2

Contents: Kinsella, Introduction. Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from a Cognitive Behavioural Perspective. Key Elements of the Cognitive Behavioural Approach. Assessing Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Beginning Therapy. Helping Patients with Emotional Issues. Helping Patients with Other Maintenance Factors. Managing Pain and Other Problems Arising from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Catherine’s Story. Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Alongside Other Approaches to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A Cognitive Behavioural Self-Help Program for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sufferers.

Published by Routledge

Published by Routledge

Aimed at practitioners, this book will provide essential guidance for cognitive behavioural therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

- Nicholas Tarrier, University of Manchester, UK

An ideal practitioner guide and student text, this eagerly awaited book shows how skillful case formulation addresses a critical challenge in psychotherapy today: how to use empirically supported therapies (ESTs) in real-world clinical contexts. The

author explains the basic theories of cognition, learning, and emotion that underlie available ESTs and shows how the theories also guide systematic case formulation. Contents: What is Case Formulation-Driven Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy? Cognitive Theories and Their Clinical Implications. Learning Theories and Their Clinical Implications. Emotion Theories and Their Clinical Implications. Beginning the Therapeutic Relationship and Obtaining a Problem List and Diagnosis. Developing an Initial Case Formulation and Setting Treatment Goals. Using the Formulation to Develop a Treatment Plan and Obtain the Patient’s Consent to It. The Therapeutic Relationship. Monitoring Progress. Decision Making in the Therapy Session. Handling Nonadherence and Treatment Failure. Decision Making and Intervention Over the Course of Therapy.

October 2008: 270pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-875-9: £24.00

Series: Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment Published by Guilford Press

Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Edited by Nicholas Tarrier, University of Manchester, UK “Case formulation is a central feature of modern psychotherapies. The chapters in this volume clearly outline how to conceptualize individuals’ problems and, based on this, how to apply the relevant strategies and techniques for a specific case. Recommended for all psychotherapists.” - Aaron T. Beck, University of Pennsylvania, USA In this volume, Nicholas Tarrier brings together contributions that cover many of the clinical issues that will challenge practitioners in their practice of cognitive behaviour therapy. Each chapter serves as a practical guide to overcoming that particular clinical challenge and is grounded solidly in research evidence. Experts in each individual field discuss how case formulation aids clinical practice in their chosen area and demonstrate how detailed understanding of the clinical case leads to improved therapeutic outcome.

This book will be of great interest to all psychotherapists who want to deepen their understanding of the therapeutic relationship, especially those who wish to follow cognitive behavioral approaches. Contents: Gilbert, Leahy, Preface. Key Issues. Gilbert, Leahy, Introduction and Overview: Basic Issues in the Therapeutic Relationship. Hardy, Cahill, Barkham, Active Ingredients of the Therapeutic Relationship that Promote Client Change: A Research Perspective. Greenberg, Emotion in the Therapeutic Relationship in Emotion Focused Therapy. Miranda, Anderson, The Therapeutic Relationship: Implications from Social Cognition and Transference. Katzow, Safran, Recognizing and Resolving Ruptures in the Therapeutic Alliance. Gilbert, Evolved Minds and Compassion in the Therapeutic Relationship. Liotti, Internal Working Models of Attachment in the Therapeutic Relationship. The Therapeutic Relationship in Specific Therapies. Newman, The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Therapy with Difficult to Engage Clients. Swales, Heard, The Therapy Relationship in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. Pierson, Hayes, Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Empower the Therapeutic Relationship. Leahy, Schematic Mismatch in the Therapeutic Relationship: A Social-Cognitive Model. Bennett-Levy, Thwaites, Self and Self-reflection in the Therapeutic Relationship: A Conceptual Map and Practical Strategies for the Training, Supervision and Self-supervision of Interpersonal Skills.

2007: 312pp. Hb: 978-0-415-38437-7: £27.95/$50.00 Published by Routledge

Also by Paul Gilbert

Edited by Paul Gilbert “Compassion acts as a wedge, opening the door to a more intrapersonal and enlightening lifestyle... it will open minds to new possibilities and may even put a smile on reader’s faces.”

Published by Routledge

The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies Edited by Paul Gilbert, Kingsway Hospital, Derby, UK, and Robert L. Leahy, American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, USA

“This book will be useful to all psychotherapists who want to deepen their knowledge and understanding, and especially those who are following cognitive-behavioural approaches.” - Francine Brett, Therapy Today

Compassion Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy

2006: 400pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-840-1: £60.00/$110.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-841-8: £24.99/$44.95

cognitive behaviour therapy

The Treatment of Challenging and Complex Cases

The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies covers new research on basic models of the process of the therapeutic relationship, and explores key issues related to developing emotional sensitivity, empathic understanding, mindfulness, compassion and validation within the therapeutic relationship. The contributors draw on their extensive experience in different schools of cognitive behavioral therapy to address their understanding and use of the therapeutic relationship.

- British Journal of Guidance and Counselling

Humans are capable of extreme cruelty but also considerable compassion. Often neglected in Western psychology, this book looks at how compassion may have evolved, and is linked to various capacities such as sympathy, empathy, forgiveness and warmth. Exploring the effects of early life experiences with families and peers, this book outlines how developing compassion for self and others can be key to helping people change, recover and develop ways of living that increase well-being. 2005: 416pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-982-8: £60.00/$90.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-983-5: £19.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge



Contemporary Cognitive Therapy Theory, Research, and Practice Edited by Robert L. Leahy

“Cognitive therapy is a blend of clinical art and clinical science. The breadth and depth of the field are captured in an excellent way in this volume... a ‘must read...’ If you only have one book on cognitive therapy, this should be it!” - Paul Salkovskis, Kings College London, University of

London, UK

2006: 416pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-062-3: 2004: £35.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-343-3: £18.95 Published by Guilford Press

cognitive behaviour therapy

Roadblocks in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Change Edited by Robert L. Leahy, USA

“Leahy, one of cognitive therapy’s most prolific and creative writers, has brought together leading therapists in the field to address the important issue of impasses and disruptions in therapeutic progress... I highly recommend this book and I am sure that, like me, other readers will learn much from it.” - Paul Gilbert, Kingsway Hospital, Derby, UK


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Deaf and Hearing Persons with Language and Learning Challenges Neil Glickman, Westborough State Hospital, Massachusetts, USA The needs of deaf and hearing people with limited functioning can be a challenge for the mental health practitioner to meet. This book responds to the challenge with a blend of theory and practice, using innovative interventions. Glickman uses stories as a metaphor to illustrate his strategies, and includes resources and tools that will help to develop concrete skills. Contents: Introduction. Language and Learning Challenges in the Deaf Psychiatric Population. Do You Hear Voices? Gaines, Meltzner, Glickman, Language and Learning Challenges in Adolescent Hearing Psychiatric Inpatients. Pre-treatment Strategies to Engage and Motivate Clients. Coping Skills. Conflict Resolution Skills. Relapse Prevention and Crisis Management Skills. Staff and Program Development.

October 2008: 406pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-6398-7: £75.00/$125.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6399-4: £32.00/$59.95

Series: Counselling and Psychotherapy Published by Routledge

2006: 364pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-920-3: 2003: £35.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-373-0: £16.99 Published by Guilford Press

Janet M. Zarb, Director of Psychological Services at Providence Healthcare Hospital, Toronto, Canada

backlist titles Leahy: Cognitive Therapy Techniques: A Practitioner’s Guide Pb: 978-1-57230-905-0: 2003: 348pp. £27.50 Published by Guilford Press

Leahy: Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy Hb: 978-1-57230-684-4: 2001: 309pp. £32.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-936-4: 2003: 309pp. £17.50 Published by Guilford Press

Johnson/Leahy, Eds.: Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Hb: 978-1-57230-924-1: 2003: 340pp. £30.95 Pb: 978-1-59385-230-6: 2005: 340pp. £17.99 Published by Guilford Press

Leahy/Holland: Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders Pb: 978-1-57230-514-4: 2000: 332pp. £43.50

Series: The Clinician’s Toolbox Published by Guilford Press


Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Adults

“Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Adults is a breath of fresh air with regard to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for middle-age and older age adults... This is an excellent book that would make an excellent reference for those working with any segment of the developmental population from birth to later adulthood.” - F. Richard Ferraro, PsycCRITIQUES, Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books

Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Adults outlines a new cognitive approach that combines existing CBT theory and strategies with a lifespan developmental psychopathology perspective. The book builds on standard cognitive therapy models and techniques, while providing further assessment and therapy strategies to address patterns interfering with resolution of normative adult tasks and roles. The book offers a variety of psycho-social developmental task difficulties in occupational, social, and family functioning. The clinical examples provide a deeper understanding of pathways to competence, as well as pathways to deviance, and the contrast between normal and atypical processes as they emerge at different developmental periods.

Contents: Introducing the Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach. Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Assessment Strategies. Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Intervention Strategies. Maladaptive Developmental Patterns Affecting Occupational Functioning. Maladaptive Developmental Patterns Affecting Social Functioning. Maladaptive Developmental Patterns Affecting Intimate Partner and Family Functioning.

2007: 216pp. Pb: 978-0-415-95600-0: £21.95/$34.95

1995: 250pp. Pb: 978-0-89862-128-0: £16.95

Published by Routledge

therapy to help clients successfully understand and improve their moods, alter their behavior, and enhance their relationships. Illustrated with major case examples, the book presents in stepby-step fashion the skills for identifying problems, setting goals, and achieving the desired changes. Accessibly written, it also helps therapists augment their sessions by providing clients with instructions and exercises that will reinforce the skills critical to maximizing therapy effectiveness.

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy in Groups

Published by Guilford Press

Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood

Peter J. Bieling, and Randi E. McCabe, both at McMaster University, Canada, and Martin M. Antony, Ryerson University, Canada

An authoritative guide for practitioners, this book offers clear advice on how to structure and lead Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) groups and overcome common challenges that arise. Specific, evidence-based group assessment and treatment protocols are provided for a range of frequently encountered disorders. Emphasizing that a CBT group is more than the sum of its individual members, the authors show how to understand and use group process to optimize outcomes. Up to date, accessible, and highly practical. Selected Contents: Part I: Group General Principles and Practice of

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Part II: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Groups for Specific Disorders. Part III: Comorbidity and Future Directions. 2006: 452pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-325-9: £30.50

Christine A. Padesky, clinical psychologist, and Distinguished Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, USA, with Dennis Greenberger, University of California, USA “In Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood, the authors have provided an invaluable guide for the clinician to accompany their patient workbook. The guide is clear, concise, and filled with clinical wisdom. It should prove to be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to work with other people and reflects the kind of creativity that keeps cognitive therapy vital and fresh as it matures as a discipline.” - Steve Hollon, Vanderbilt University, USA

This essential companion to the client manual, Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood provides clinicians with step-by-step details on how to tailor the program to fit their therapeutic needs. The volume covers the use of the program with a range of diagnoses, including depression, anxiety, personality disorders, panic disorders, substance abuse, and multiple problems. 1995: 276pp. Pb: 978-0-89862-821-0: £21.00 Published by Guilford Press

Published by Guilford Press

cognitive behaviour therapy

“This impressive volume richly details the challenges and rewards of providing cognitive-behavioral therapy in a multi-person context. Group leaders, who face the demanding task of structuring therapeutic content while simultaneously leaving room for therapeutic process, will find themselves ably supported by the authors’ sophisticated integrative philosophy and clinically astute suggestions. This book will set the standard for group-based CBT for years to come.” - Zindel V. Segal, University of Toronto, Canada


Cognitive Therapy Basics and Beyond


Judith S. Beck, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Mind Over Mood Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think Dennis Greenberger, University of California, USA, and Christine A. Padesky, clinical psychologist, and Distinguished Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy “Only rarely does a book come along that can change your life. Mind Over Mood... can be both a vehicle and a road map for people seeking to make fundamental change.” - Aaron T. Beck, From the Foreword Ideal for client assignment, this guide draws on the authors’ extensive experience as clinicians and teachers of cognitive

Foreword by Aaron T. Beck “An invaluable text for mental health professionals... Whether readers are graduate students getting their first exposure to cognitive therapy or seasoned professionals wanting a refresher on cognitive theory, Dr. Beck’s book will satisfy all professional training needs.” - Psychiatric Services Written in a clear, step-by-step style, this ideal teaching text makes cognitive therapy immediately accessible to students, beginning therapists, and seasoned practitioners who are not familiar with the cognitive approach. The author presents many clinical examples drawn from one patient’s treatment to provide a realistic and coherent demonstration of cognitive therapy in action. 1995: 338pp. Hb: 978-0-89862-847-0: £33.00 Published by Guilford Press


Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems

What to Do When the Basics Don’t Work Judith S. Beck, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA Foreword by Aaron T. Beck “This excellent book focuses on the art of cognitive therapy... Dr. Beck beautifully outlines how to identify and overcome many of the difficulties that can arise in cognitive therapy. Highly recommended reading for novice to highly experienced cognitive therapists.” - David M. Clark, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London, UK

cognitive behaviour therapy

Following on the success of the bestselling Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond, this groundbreaking book from Judith S. Beck addresses what to do when a patient is not making progress in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Provided is practical, step-by-step guidance on conceptualizing and solving frequently encountered problems, whether in developing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance or in accomplishing specific therapeutic tasks. Contents: Beck, Foreword. Identifying Problems in Treatment. Conceptualizing Patients Who Present Challenges. When a Personality Disorder Challenges Treatment. Developing and Using the Therapeutic Alliance. Therapeutic Relationship Problems: Case Examples. When Therapists Have Dysfunctional Reactions to Patients. Challenges in Setting Goals. Challenges in Structuring the Session. Challenges in Solving Problems and in Homework. Challenges in Identifying Cognitions. Challenges in Modifying Thoughts and Images. Challenges in Modifying Assumptions. Challenges in Modifying Core Beliefs. Appendices.

An Experiential Approach to Behavior Change Steven C. Hayes, University of Nevada, USA, Kirk D. Strosahl, Research and Training Director for the Mountainview Consulting Group, and Kelly G. Wilson, University of Nevada, Reno, USA “The pragmatic and reasonable approach described in this book will be of great interest to therapists from any disciplinary background. It will also serve as an excellent text in graduate-level counseling and psychotherapy courses.” - Arthur Freeman, EdD The prevailing view among both therapists and clients is that a more vital life can be attained by overcoming negative thoughts and feelings. Then why do so many people continue to suffer with behavior disorders, adjustment difficulties, and low life satisfaction? Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique psychotherapeutic approach that addresses this question by altering the very ground on which rational change strategies rest. Providing in one volume a scientifically sound theory of psychopathology and a practical treatment model, the book features detailed clinical guidelines as well as numerous case examples demonstrating the approach in action. 2004: 304pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-481-9: 1999: £32.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-955-5: £19.95 Published by Guilford Press

2005: 324pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-195-8: £27.50 Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy A Guide for the Practising Clinician

Deborah Roth Ledley, in private practice, Philadelphia, USA, and Brian P. Marx, and Richard G. Heimberg, both at Temple University, USA

Volume 1

“This book fills an important gap in the professional development of new practitioners. The authors provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to how to practice cognitive-behavioral therapy in the real world... An invaluable resource.” - Robert L. Leahy, Weill-Cornell University

Foreword by Aaron T. Beck

Medical College, New York, USA

Although Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has a well elaborated theoretical background and documented standard therapeutic process, new specific theoretical formulations and genuine techniques seem to continually appear. These new treatment developments in CBT constitute the heart of this book. Leading researchers and clinicians, who are also well established experts in the application of CBT present the extent of their experience, as well as appropriate and state-of-the-art treatment techniques for a variety of specific disorders. 2002: 352pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-104-4: £45.00/$69.95 Pb: 978-1-58391-105-1: £19.99/$31.95


Making CognitiveBehavioral Therapy Work Clinical Process for New Practitioners

Edited by Gregoris Simos, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Published by Routledge

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

A highly practical guide for beginning cognitive-behavioral therapists, this concise primer fills the gap between academic training and what clinicians need to know for day-to-day work with clients. Illustrated are the “whats,” “whens,” and “how-tos” of the entire process of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) – from intake, assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning, through conducting sessions, making the most of supervision, and termination. Interwoven with an extended case example is expert guidance on confidentiality, informed consent, record keeping, and report writing. 2005: 254pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-142-2: £23.00 Published by Guilford Press

Improving Outcomes and Preventing Relapse in CognitiveBehavioral Therapy

Edited by Martin M. Antony, McMaster University, Canada, Deborah Roth Ledley, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA, and Richard G. Heimberg, Temple University, USA “Congratulations to the editors and authors for challenging the field to think outside of its usual parameters! This book should be required reading for mental health professionals.” - Keith S. Dobson, University

of Calgary, Canada

2005: 432pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-197-2: £32.50

A Step-by-Step Guide Beverly E. Thorn, University of Alabama, USA “In an authoritative yet relaxed and accessible manner, Beverly Thorn presents an elegant masterpiece of manualized cognitive intervention. The book sets forth an impressively comprehensive, step-by-step approach for addressing the errors in thinking that often accompany chronic pain... This book should be required reading for all mental health professionals who are serious about helping people with chronic pain.” - Gordon J. G. Asmundson,

University of Regina, Canada

Grounded in state-of-the-art theory and research, this handson volume provides a complete cognitive-behavioral treatment program for clients suffering from chronic pain. Ten clearly organized modules for use with groups or individuals offer welltested strategies for engaging clients, challenging distorted thoughts and beliefs about pain, and helping to build needed skills for coping and adaptation. 2004: 278pp. Pb: 978-1-57230-979-1: £25.00 Published by Guilford Press

Published by Guilford Press

Using Homework Assignments in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Edited by Nikolaos Kazantzis, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand, Frank P. Deane, University of Wollongong, Australia, Kevin R. Ronan, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand, and Luciano L’Abate, Georgia State University, USA “This book draws together an impressive array of distinguished researchers and therapists to provide evidence, conceptual frameworks, and practical advice on the why, how and when of homework in CBT.” - Adrian Wells, University of Manchester, UK Homework is a central feature of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), given its educational emphasis. This new text is a comprehensive guide for administering assignments. The first part of the text offers essential introductory material. Part two focuses on the role of homework in cognitive therapy, demonstrating successful methods of integration and discussing solutions to common barriers. Readers are provided with a full range of knowledge to successfully incorporate individualized homework assignments into their practice.

Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain

cognitive behaviour therapy

Organized around specific psychological disorders, this important work brings together leading scientist-practitioners to present strategies for maximizing the benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Described are effective ways not only to overcome frequently encountered treatment obstacles, but also to help people stay well once therapy has ended. Tightly edited chapters provide clear recommendations for adapting standard treatment protocols for tough-to-treat patients; enhancing motivation and homework compliance; dealing with common comorbidities; complementing CBT with other approaches; and targeting the factors that contribute to relapse and recurrence.

Handbook of Self-Regulation Research, Theory, and Applications

Edited by Roy F. Baumeister, Florida State University, USA, and Kathleen D. Vohs, University of Minnesota, USA “Baumeister and Vohs have assembled an impressive ‘who’s who’ of researchers in the field of self-regulation... This volume is a basic and necessary resource for anyone who plans to do research on self-regulation or who wishes to understand the current state of knowledge in the field.” - David Funder, University of California, Riverside, USA

Bringing together a stellar array of self-regulation researchers, this comprehensive and authoritative Handbook addresses the breadth of current theories, findings, and practical applications in the field. Examined are the conscious and non-conscious processes by which people regulate their thoughts, emotions, attention, impulses or appetites, and task performances; the developmental trajectories of these capacities; and implications for personal relationships, addictions, consumption, and mental health. Selected Contents: Part I: Basic Regulatory Processes. Part II: Cognitive,

Physiological, and Neurological Dimensions of Self-Regulation. Part III: Development of Self-Regulation. Part IV: The Interpersonal Dimension of Self-Regulation. Part V: Individual Differences and Self-Regulation. Part VI: Everyday Problems with Self-Regulation. 2007: 574pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-991-3: 2004: £50.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-475-1: £24.00 Published by Guilford Press

2005: 416pp. Hb: 978-0-415-94773-2: £30.00/$45.00 Published by Routledge


TITLES by Aaron T. Beck

Wright et al., Eds: Cognitive Therapy with Inpatients: Developing a Cognitive Milieu

Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders

Hb: 978-0-89862-890-6: 1993: 445pp. £43.50

Beck: Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety and Panic Disorders Cassette: 978-0-89862-874-6: 1998: £9.95

Beck/Young: Cognitive Therapy of Depression: Demonstration of an Initial Interview

Second Edition

cognitive behaviour therapy

Aaron T. Beck, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, USA, Arthur Freeman, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA, and Denise D. Davis, Vanderbilt University, USA “Informed by the work of thirteen expert practitioners, the volume combines state-of-the art theoretical and technical knowledge with critical clinical experience, judgment, and wisdom... The clear conceptualization of the personality disorders and practical illustrations of how to apply these concepts in practice will undoubtedly improve the reader’s treatment skills, therapeutic results, and day-to-day professional satisfaction.” - A. John Rush This important work presents a cognitive framework for understanding and treating personality disorders. In one volume, Aaron T. Beck and his distinguished co-authors offer both a comprehensive overview of scientific knowledge and a detailed guide to individualized treatment. Part I lays out the conceptual, empirical, and clinical foundations of effective work with this highly challenging population, and Part II describes the process of cognitive-behavioral therapy for each of the specific disorders.

Cassette: 978-0-89862-837-1: 1998: £9.95

Beck: Cognitive Therapy of an Avoidant Personality 2 Cassettes: 978-0-89862-966-9: 1990: £17.95

Beck et al: Treating Substance Abuse: A Clinical Demonstration of Cognitive Therapy Cassette: 978-0-89862-980-4: 1994: £18.95

backlist titles

Contents: Part I: History, Theory, and Research. Overview of Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. Theory of Personality Disorders. Assessment of Personality Disorders. General Principles and Specialized Techniques. The Cognitive Therapy Relationship with Personality-Disordered Patients. Part II: Clinical Applications. Paranoid Personality Disorder. Schizoid and Schizotypal Personality Disorders. Antisocial Personality Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder. Histrionic Personality Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Dependent Personality Disorder. Avoidant Personality Disorder. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. Passiveaggressive Personality Disorder. Synthesis and Prospects for the Future. 2007: 412pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-856-5: 2003: £35.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-476-8: £16.99

Hb: 978-0-87630-558-4: 1990: 480pp. £50.95/$80.95 Published by Routledge

Dattilio, Ed.: Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy: Systemic and Cognitive Perspectives Hb: 978-1-57230-297-6: 1998: 486pp. £39.50 Pb: 978-1-57230-696-7: 2001: 486pp. £20.50

Series: The Guilford Family Therapy Published by Guilford Press

Dobson, Ed.: Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Second Edition

Published by Guilford Press

for further titles on Personality Disorders see pages 25, 26

Hb: 978-1-57230-601-1: 2000: 456pp. £40.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-863-3: 2002: 456pp. £20.00

Beck et al: Cognitive Therapy of Depression

Published by Guilford Press

Hb: 978-0-89862-000-9: 1980: £39.50 Pb: 978-0-89862-919-4: 1987: £21.95

Salkovskis, Ed.: Frontiers of Cognitive Therapy

Published by Guilford Press

Beck et al: Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse Hb: 978-0-89862-115-0: 1993: 354pp. £35.95 Pb: 978-1-57230-659-2: 2001: 354pp. £19.95

Pb: 978-1-57230-113-9: 1997: 553pp. £25.50 Published by Guilford Press

Alford/Beck: The Integrative Power of Cognitive Therapy

Thomas/Hersen, Eds.: Psychopathology in the Workplace: Recognition and Adaptation

Pb: 978-1-57230-396-6: 1998: 197pp. £17.50

Hb: 978-0-415-93379-7: 2004: 384pp. £32.50/$44.95

Published by Guilford Press

Published by Routledge

Published by Guilford Press


Baucom/Epstein: CognitiveBehavioral Marital Therapy

Teaching Clients General Rational Philosophies and Encouraging them to Make a Profound Philosophic Change. Compromises in Therapeutic Change. Focus on Clients’ Misconceptions, Doubts, Reservations, and Objections to REBT. Therapeutic Efficiency. Theoretically-consistent Eclecticism.

The CBT Distinctive Features Series Series Editor: Windy Dryden This exciting new series asks leading practitioners and theorists of the main CBT therapies to write simply and briefly on what constitutes the main features of their particular approach. Each Distinctive Features book will highlight the thirty main features – practical and theoretical – of its respective approach. The series as a whole will be essential reading for psychotherapists, counsellors, clinical and counselling psychologists of all orientations who wish to learn more about the range of new and developing cognitive-behavioural approaches.

September 2008: 144pp. Hb: 978-0-415-43085-2: £50.00/$90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43086-9: £9.99/$17.00

The CBT Distinctive Features Series Published by Routledge

Mindfulnessbased Cognitive Therapy Distinctive Features


Distinctive Features Windy Dryden, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) encourages the client to focus on their emotional problems in order to understand, challenge and change the irrational beliefs that underpin these problems. REBT can help clients to strengthen conviction in their alternative rational beliefs by acting in ways that are consistent with them and thus encourage a healthier outlook. This accessible and direct guide introduces the reader to REBT while indicating how it is different from other approaches within the broad cognitive behavioural therapy spectrum. Divided into two sections; The Distinctive Theoretical Features of REBT and The Distinctive Practical Features of REBT, this book presents concise, straightforward information in 30 key points derived from the author’s own experience in the field. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features will be invaluable to both experienced clinicians, and those new to the field. It will appeal to psychotherapists and counsellors, together with students and practitioners who are keen to learn how REBT can be differentiated from the other approaches to CBT. Contents: Part I: The Distinctive Theoretical Features of REBT. Post-Modern Relativism. REBT’s Position on Human Nature and Other Theoretical Emphases: Distinctiveness in the Mix. REBT’s Distinctive ABC Model. Rigidity is at the Core of Psychological Disturbance. Flexibility is at the Core of Psychological Health. Extreme Beliefs Are Derived from Rigid Beliefs. Non-extreme Beliefs Are Derived from Flexible Beliefs. Distinction Between Unhealthy Negative Emotions (UNEs) and Healthy Negative Emotions (HNEs). Explaining Why Clients’ Inferences Are Highly Distorted. Position on Human Worth. Distinction Between Ego and Discomfort, Disturbance and Health. Focus on Meta-emotional Disturbance. The Biological Basis of Human Irrationality. Choice-based Constructivism and Going Against the Grain. Position on Good Mental Health. Part II: The Distinctive Practical Features of REBT. The Therapeutic Relationship in REBT. Position on Case Formulation. Psycho-educational Emphasis. Dealing with Problems in Order. Early Focus on iBs. Helping Clients to Change their Irrational Beliefs to Rational Beliefs. Use of Logical Arguments in Disputing Beliefs. Variety of Therapeutic Styles. Discourages Gradualism. Change is Hard Work and the Use of Therapist Force and Energy. Emphasis on

Rebecca Crane, Bangor University, Wales, UK “A clear account of what MBCT is, both in its theoretical perspectives and its actual practices. Written in accessible language, it is an extraordinary achievement that will be highly valued by both participants in mindfulness classes and their teachers.”

THE CBT Distinctive features series

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy


- Mark Williams, From the Foreword

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is increasingly used in therapeutic practice and encourages clients to process thoughts and feelings without judgement as they arise, helping them to change their attitude to negative thoughts and feelings and accept that even though bad things may happen it is possible to consider these experiences objectively. This book provides a basis for understanding the key theoretical and practical features of MBCT and how these differ from the other cognitive therapies. Focussing on a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy programme that is offered in a group context to those who are vulnerable to depressive relapses, the text is divided into thirty distinctive features that differentiate this approach from other CBT approaches. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features provides a concise, straightforward summary for professionals and trainees in the field. Its easy to use format will appeal to both experienced practitioners, and newcomers with an interest in MBCT. Contents: Williams, Foreword. Introduction. Part I: The Distinctive Theoretical Features of MBCT. An Integration of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Underpinned by the Cognitive Theory of Vulnerability to Depression. Learning Skills to Reduce the Risk of Depressive Relapse. The Significance of Automatic Pilot. Modes of Mind: ‘Doing’. Doing Mode in Action: The Effects of Rumination. Doing Mode in Action: The Effects of Experiential Avoidance. Reacting and Responding to Experience: Avoidance and Approach. Modes of Mind: Being. Body Sensations – A Door into the Present. Ways of Approaching and Welcoming What Is. Developing a New Relationship with Experience. Awareness as a Container of Our Experience. Working with General and Specific Vulnerability. The MBCT Evidence Base. Part II: The Distinctive Practical Features of MBCT. Course Content and Structure. Session Themes. Assessment and Orientation. Eating a Raisin with Awareness. Body Scan Practice. Mindful Movement Practice. Sitting Meditation Practice. Three Minute Breathing Space. The Importance of Home Practice. Mindfulness Practice in Everyday Life. Pleasant and Unpleasant Events. Cognitive Behavioural Curriculum Elements. Investigating Our Experience. The MBCT Learning Environment. Teaching Through Embodiment.

September 2008: 200pp. Hb: 978-0-415-44501-6: £50.00/$90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44502-3: £9.99/$17.00

The CBT Distinctive Features Series Published by Routledge



Robert A. Neimeyer, a leading figure in the field, provides a clear and accessible explanation of the key features of this approach.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Contents: Part I: Theory. Historical Background. The Construction of Self. Psychological Order and Disorder. Part II: Practice. Clinical Assessment. The Practice of Therapy. The Therapeutic Relationship. Mechanisms of Change.

Distinctive Features Michaela Swales, University of Wales, Bangor, UK, and Heidi Heard, Consultant and Supervisor, St. Louis, USA Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an innovative approach, used in the treatment of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. In this book, Michaela Swales and Heidi Heard offer a succinct and accessible guide to the theory and practice of DBT. Contents: Part I: Theory. Dialectical Philosophy. Biosocial Theory.

Behavioural Theory. Zen Philosophy. Part II: Practice. Treatment Structure. Functions and Modalities. Stages and Targets. Treatment Strategies. Validation Strategies. Problem Solving. Dialectical Strategies. Stylistic Strategies. Case Management Strategies. Therapy – Interfering Behaviour. December 2008: 160pp. Hb: 978-0-415-44457-6: £50.00/$88.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44458-3: £9.99/$17.00 Published by Routledge

THE CBT Distinctive features series

The CBT Distinctive Features Series Published by Routledge


Behavioral Activation Distinctive Features Jonathan Kanter, Andrew Busch, and Laura Rusch, all at the University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Behavioral Activation was first proposed as a means of treating depression, but has now been elaborated, refined and applied to other populations, including clients with personality and anxiety disorders.

The CBT Distinctive Features Series


Divided into two parts – theory and practice – this book highlights the fundamental features of behavioral activation, as well as explaining terminology and concepts.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Distinctive Features Frank Bond, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK, and Paul Flaxman, City University, London, UK Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), part of the ‘third wave’ of cognitive behaviour therapy, incorporates acceptance and mindfulness strategies to bring about psychological change. This accessible and concise book provides an excellent guide to the key features of ACT, explaining how it differs from traditional cognitive behaviour therapy. Contents: Part I: Theory. Developments Within CBT. The History of ACT. ACT’s View on Human Suffering. ACT’s Underlying Philosophy: Functional Contextualism. ACT’s Underlying Theory: Relational Frame Theory. Psychological Flexibility. Acceptance. Defusion. Self-as-context. Contact with the Present Moment. Values. Committed Action. Measuring Psychological Flexibility: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ). Part II: Practice. ACT Case Formulation. Core Clinical Goals and Examples of Associated Intervention Techniques. The Technical Flexibility of ACT. ACT and the Therapeutic Relationship. ACT in Groups. ACT in Non-clinical Contexts. ACT: The Evidence.

February 2009: 160pp. Hb: 978-0-415-45065-2: £50.00/$88.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45066-9: £9.99/$17.00

Contents: Part I: Distinctive Theoretical Features of Behavioral Activation. Do Not Be Scared of Reinforcement. Depression is Not a Disease. Depression Makes Sense. Response Contingent Positive Reinforcement. The Many Faces of Avoidance. Goal-directed Activation in Behavioral Activation. The Importance of Routine. Depression and Anxiety: Activation and Exposure in Behavioral Activation. Cognitive Change in Behavioral Activation. Insight Without Action. Part II: Distinctive Practical Features of Behavioral Activation. The Therapeutic Relationship in Behavioral Activation. Providing a Treatment Rationale in Behavioral Activation. Ongoing Functional Case Conceptualization. Assessing the Function of Behavior. Be Specific: Concrete Versus Abstract Talk in Behavioral Activation. The Importance of Homework Compliance. Uses of an Activity Chart. Where to Set the Bar for Success? Graded Task Assignments and Shaping. TRAPs and TRACs. Goals and Values in Behavioral Activation. Bringing Family Members into Treatment: How and When. Addressing Barriers to Activation. Addressing Rumination. Be Extinction Resistant. Try This. How to Activate Resistant Clients. TRAPs in the Therapy Room. Managing Suicide in Behavioral Activation. Behavioral Activation for Different Populations. Behavioral Activation for Anxiety Disorders.

January 2009: 160pp. Hb: 978-0-415-44653-2: £50.00/$88.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44654-9: £9.99/$17.00

The CBT Distinctive Features Series Published by Routledge

The CBT Distinctive Features Series

Forthcoming in the Series

Published by Routledge


Metacognitive Therapy

Constructivist Psychotherapy

Distinctive Features Peter Fisher, and Adrian Wells January 2009: 160pp. Hb: 978-0-415-43498-0: £50.00/$88.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43499-7: £9.99/$17.00

Distinctive Features Robert A. Neimeyer, University of Memphis, USA Constructivist psychotherapy focuses on the meaning that clients attribute to their world, and the way that this shapes their life and contributes to their difficulties. 10

January 2009: 160pp. Hb: 978-0-415-44233-6: £50.00/$88.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44234-3: £9.99/$17.00

The CBT Distinctive Features Series Published by Routledge

100 Key Points Series

Also from Windy Dryden

Series Editor: Windy Dryden The ‘100 Key Points’ series are concise and practical introductions to approaches and modalities in counselling and psychotherapy. Ideal for those in training, or for professionals wishing to improve their practice.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy 100 Key Points and Techniques Windy Dryden, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK, and Michael Neenan, Centre for Stress Management, London, UK

Getting Started with REBT A Concise Guide for Clients Windy Dryden, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK Getting Started with REBT provides a concise guide to assessing the suitability of REBT and using this method to address your emotional problems. The book is divided into two sections, beginning with an introduction to the theory and practice of REBT that will enable the reader to make an informed decision about whether this method is right for them. The second section guides the reader through issues that are relevant to all emotional problems. 2006: 136pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-938-5: £45.00/$80.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-939-2: £9.99/$23.95 Published by Routledge

2006: 288pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-740-4: £47.50/$85.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-741-1: £11.99/$21.95

Theoretical Developments Edited by Windy Dryden, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK “This volume is for all Relational Emotive Behaviour Therapists and Cognitive Behaviour Therapists who desire to look more closely at their theories and practice, so as to develop new strategies in practice and research. I would recommend this book be on every REBTer’s and CBTer’s bookshelf.” - John Blackburn, Behavioural and Cognitive

Series: 100 Key Points Published by Routledge


Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques presents 100 main features of this system, to help therapists improve their practice. These essential points have been derived from the authors’ own practice, and also from their experience as trainers and supervisors of novice rational emotive behaviour therapists. This concise and highly practical book will be invaluable to psychotherapists and counsellors in training and practice, ensuring comprehensive understanding of the REBT approach.


Cognitive Therapy

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theoretical Developments is a cutting edge examination of the theory behind this popular approach within the cognitive-behavioural tradition.

100 Key Points and Techniques

2003: 272pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-272-0: £55.00/$96.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-273-7: £19.99/$33.95

Michael Neenan, Centre for Stress Management, London, UK, and Windy Dryden, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK

Series: Advancing Theory in Therapy Published by Routledge

“With sections like ‘Practicing what you preach’ it would be an unwise step for any practitioner to pass this text by on the bookstore.” - Dennis Bury, British Association for

Dryden: Reason to Change: A Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) Workbook

Cognitive Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques is a crisp, concise elaboration of the 100 main features of the most popular and best validated approach within the field of cognitive behaviour therapy. The 100 key points cover cognitive therapy theory and practice, and examine misconceptions about this approach.

2001: 280pp. Pb: 978-0-415-22980-7: £19.99/$31.95

Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies Newsletter

2004: 280pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-880-7: £47.50/$69.95 Pb: 978-1-58391-858-6: £11.99/$19.95

Published by Routledge

Neenan/Dryden: Life Coaching: A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach 2001: 200pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-138-9: £12.99/$20.95

Series: 100 Key Points

Published by Routledge

Published by Routledge


Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice Applications Across Disorders and Settings

Edited by Linda A. Dimeff, Behavioral Tech Research, Inc, Seattle, USA, and Kelly Koerner, Evidence Based Practice Institute, Seattle, USA

Dialectical behaviour therapy • Mindfulness

Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan “DBT is one of the most important advances in clinical practice in the last two decades. What began as a specific intervention for borderline personality disorder is in the process of evolving into a major approach that can be applied to a wide range of patients across multiple settings. This book impressively demonstrates this evolution, providing a resource that will be of value to therapists and students alike. I highly recommend it.” - Steven D. Hollon, Vanderbilt University, USA This book brings together leading experts to describe how to set up a DBT program and implement this cost-effective, evidencebased treatment with adults, adolescents, couples and families, and forensic clients. Applications are presented for depression, substance dependence, eating disorders, psychosis, suicidal and assaultive behaviors, and other complex, difficult-to-treat problems. Each chapter has been rigorously reviewed for both realworld practical utility and adherence to DBT principles. Contents: Koerner, Dimeff, Overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Koerner, Dimeff, Swenson, Adopt or Adapt?: Fidelity Matters. Comtois, Koons, Kim, Manning, Bellows, Dimeff, Implementing Standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy in an Outpatient Setting. Swenson, Witterholt, Bohus, Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Inpatient Units. McCann, Ivanoff, Schmidt, Beach, Implementing Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Residential Forensic Settings with Adults and Juveniles. McMain, Sayrs, Dimeff, Linehan, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder and Substance Dependence. Wisniewski, Safer, Chen, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders. Fruzzetti, Santisteban, Hoffman, Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Families. Miller, Rathus, DuBose, Dexter-Mazza, Goldklang, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents. Lynch, Cheavens, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Depression with Comorbid Personality Disorder: An Extension of Standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy with a Special Emphasis on the Treatment of Older Adults. Reynolds, Wolbert, Abney-Cunningham, Patterson, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Assertive Community Treatment Teams. Rizvi, Monroe-DeVita, Dimeff, Evaluating Your Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program.

2007: 348pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-974-6: £28.50 Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Arena News • Books • Journals • Resources Brought to you by Routledge Mental Health

Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents

Dialectical behaviour therapy

Alec L. Miller, Montefiore Medical Center/ Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA, Jill H. Rathus, Long Island UniversityC.W. Post Campus, Brookville, USA, and Marsha M. Linehan, University of Washington, USA “This outstanding book represents a major contribution to the prevention of adolescent suicide... Written by pioneering developers of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), this book is essential reading for mental health professionals at every level of experience and training.”

- Cynthia R. Pfeffer, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, USA

Filling a tremendous need, this highly practical book adapts the proven techniques of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to treatment of multiproblem adolescents at highest risk for suicidal behavior and self-injury. Contents: Swenson, Foreword. Introduction. Suicidal Behaviors in

Adolescents: Who is Most at Risk? What Do We Know About Effective Treatments for Suicidal Adolescents? Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Treatment Stages, Primary Targets, and Strategies. DBT Program Structure: Functions and Modes. Dialectical Dilemmas for Adolescents: Addressing Secondary Targets. Assessing Adolescents: Suicide Risk, Diagnosis, and Treatment Feasibility. Orienting Adolescents and Families to Treatment and Obtaining Commitment. Individual Therapy with Adolescents. Including Families in Treatment. Skills Training with Adolescents. Assessing Progress, Running a Graduate Group, and Terminating Treatment. Program Issues. Appendices. 2007: 346pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-383-9: £27.00 Published by Guilford Press



Mindfulnessand AcceptanceBased Behavioral Therapies in Practice Lizabeth Roemer, University of Massachusetts – Boston, USA, and Susan M. Orsillo, Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts, USA “With the growing interest in mindfulness- and acceptance-based behavioral therapies, many practitioners and students are seeking a practical book like this one to fill a gap in their training. The volume offers a detailed, step-by-step explanation of each phase of assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment. I highly recommend this excellent, well-written, theoretically informed guide.” - Gabriele Melli, President, Institute of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of Florence, Italy December 2008: 252pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-997-8: £24.00

Series: Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment Published by Guilford Press



Mindfulness and the Therapeutic Relationship Edited by Steven F. Hick, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, and Thomas Bien, in private practice, Albuquerque, USA “Hick and Bien present a timely discussion at the intersection of two topics that have recently captured muchdeserved attention in the psychotherapy field. Leading scholars from diverse orientations address mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship... The result is a significant contribution to the literature – one that will be greatly appreciated by clinical practitioners, researchers, graduate students, and instructors.” - J. Christopher Muran, Beth Israel Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA

A number of books have explored the ways psychotherapy clients can benefit from learning and practicing mindfulness. This is the first volume to focus specifically on how mindfulness can deepen the therapeutic relationship. Grounded in research, chapters demonstrate how therapists’ own mindfulness practice can help them to listen more attentively and be more fully present. Leading proponents of different treatment approaches – including behavioral, psychodynamic, and family systems perspectives – illustrate a variety of ways that mindfulness principles can complement standard techniques and improve outcomes.

August 2008: 236pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-820-9: £24.00 Published by Guilford Press

Mindfulness and Mental Health Therapy, Theory and Science Chris Mace, University of Warwick, UK

“This excellent and much-needed book does a great job for both clinicians and researchers in a rapidly expanding field. Drawing on scholarship that is wonderfully deep and broad, it will be a source book for many for some years to come.” - Mark Williams, University of Oxford, UK Being mindful can help people feel calmer and more fully alive. Mindfulness and Mental Health examines other effects it can

Contents: Mace, Preface. Introduction. Understanding Mindfulness I: Origins. Understanding Mindfulness II: Science. Mindful Therapy. Mindfulness and Mental Disorder. Harnessing Mindfulness. Mental Health and Mindfulness.

2007: 200pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-787-9: £50.00/$90.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-788-6: £19.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge

Key Title!

The Mindful Way through Depression Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness Mark Williams, Oxford University, UK, John Teasdale, has held senior research appointments in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford and the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK, Zindel Segal, University of Toronto, Canada, and Jon Kabat-Zinn, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA “This work is a culmination of the many years of expertise and talent that the four authors have to share... They have carefully crafted the explanation of the cycle of depression utilising a cognitive-behavioural model... Practitioners and clients will find exercises both within the book and on the CD that can be helpful to include in a treatment plan.”


Contents: Part I: Theory and Practice. Hick, Cultivating Therapeutic Relationships: The Role of Mindfulness. Lambert, Simon, The Therapeutic Relationship: Central and Essential in Psychotherapy Outcome. Part II: Therapeutic Presence. Bien, The Four Immeasurable Minds: Preparing to Be Present in Psychotherapy. Fulton, Anatta: Self, Non-self, and the Therapist. Walsh, Mindfulness and Empathy: A Hermeneutic Circle. Part III: Therapeutic Presence in Different Types of Treatment. Wilson, Sandoz, Mindfulness, Values, and Therapeutic Relationship in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Marlatt, Bowen, Chawla, Witkiewitz, Mindfulness-based Relapse Prevention for Substance Abusers: Therapist Training and Therapeutic Relationships. Safran, Reading, Mindfulness, Metacommunication, and Affect Regulation in Psychoanalytic Treatment. Lysack, Relational Mindfulness and Dialogic Space in Family Therapy. Part IV: Teaching and Listening. Shapiro, Izett, Meditation: A Universal Tool for Cultivating Empathy. Gehart, McCollum, Inviting Therapeutic Presence: A Mindfulness-based Approach. Kramer, Meleo-Meyer, Turner, Cultivating Mindfulness in Relationship: Insight Dialogue and the Interpersonal Mindfulness Program. Shafir, Mindful Listening for Better Outcomes. Hick, Bien, Epilogue.

also have and presents a significant new model of how mindful awareness may influence different forms of mental suffering. The book assesses current understandings of what mindfulness is, what it leads to, and how and when it can help. It looks at the roots and significance of mindfulness in Buddhist psychology and at the strengths and limitations of recent scientific investigations. A survey of relationships between mindfulness practice and established forms of psychotherapy introduces evaluations of recent clinical work where mindfulness has been used with a wide range of psychological disorders.

- Therapy Today

The Mindful Way through Depression draws on the collective wisdom of four internationally renowned mindfulness experts, including bestselling author Jon Kabat-Zinn, to provide effective relief from the most prevalent psychological disorder. This authoritative, easy-to-use self-help program is based on methods clinically proven to reduce the recurrence of depression. Revealing the hidden psychological mechanisms that cause chronic unhappiness, the authors gently guide readers through a series of exercises designed to break the mental habits that lead to despair. Contents: Introduction: Tired of Feeling So Bad for So Long. Part I: Mind, Body, and Emotion. “Oh, No, Here I Go Again”: Why Unhappiness Won’t Let Go. The Healing Power of Awareness: Making a Shift to Freedom. Part II: Moment by Moment. Cultivating Mindfulness: A First Taste. The Breath: Gateway to Awareness. A Different Kind of Knowing: Sidestepping the Ruminative Mind. Part III: Transforming Unhappiness. Reconnecting with Our Feelings – Those We Like, Those We Don’t Like, and Those We Don’t Know We Have. Befriending Our Feelings. Seeing Thoughts as Creations of the Mind. Mindfulness in Everyday Life: Taking a Breathing Space. Part IV: Reclaiming Your Life. From Being Unhappy to Being Fully Alive. The Mindfulness Program and Your Life: Bringing it all Together. Resources and Further Reading. Audio CD: Kabat-Zin: Guided Meditation Practices for The Mindful Way through Depression.

2007: 273pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-449-2: £30.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-128-6: £12.99 Published by Guilford Press


MindfulnessBased Cognitive Therapy for Depression

Practical Clinical Guidebooks series The Practical Clinical Guidebooks Series provides clinicians, students, and trainees with clear descriptions of practical, empirically supported treatments for specific disorders and their sequelae. Focusing largely on Cognitive-Behavioural approaches to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a disorder, each volume presents a clear and focused structure to facilitate the transition from book to practice.

A New Approach to Preventing Relapse Zindel V. Segal, University of Toronto, Canada, J. Mark G. Williams, Oxford University, UK, and John D. Teasdale, Special Scientific Appointment at the Medical Research Council’s Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK “This is a courageous book and the kind psychology needs... This is a story written with honesty and humility.” - Comtemporary


Psychology APA Review of Books

2002: 351pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-706-3: £30.50

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Depression

Published by Guilford Press

Mindfulness and Acceptance Expanding the CognitiveBehavioral Tradition Edited by Steven C. Hayes, and Victoria M. Follette, both at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA, and Marsha M. Linehan, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

“The book is a well-organized, visionary, and pragmatic presentation of multiple new concepts... This book is one not only to read but also to keep on the shelf for reopening by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and other mental health clinicians.” - Psychiatric Services

2004: 319pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-066-1: £30.00 Published by Guilford Press

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy Edited by Christopher K. Germer, in private practice, Arlington, USA, Ronald D. Siegel, Cambridge Youth Guidance Center, USA, and Paul R. Fulton, Tufts Health Plan, Waltham, USA

“A landmark contribution to the emerging field of mindfulness-based interventions in psychology, psychiatry, and medicine... Comprehensive, accessible, and full of illuminating case studies and mindfulness-based exercises, this book is likely to catalyze interest in mindfulness for years to come.”

A Practical Guide to Management and Treatment Thröstur Björgvinsson, Baylor College of Medicine, USA, and Johan Rosqvist, Pacific University, USA Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression provides an overview of the established core techniques and strategies for using CBT with depression while drawing together the latest research and soundest thinking in the field today. Unique to this volume is the coverage of a variety of manualized approaches to therapy, allowing for CBT to be applied in a flexibly modular fashion. With an emphasis on practical guidelines to established therapeutic techniques and treatment strategies, illustrated through a number of case examples, this book provides clinical insight into how to apply it in a meaningful way to the broadly varying forms of depression. Contents: Part I: Introduction. The Nature of Depression. Models of Depression. Part II: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Management and Treatment. Assessment. Setting the Stage. Starting Work. Working Through. Towards Termination. Part III: Aftercare, Challenges, and Case Illustrations. Different Populations and Case Illustrations. Challenges and Future Directions.

September 2008: 256pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95339-9: £53.00/$85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95340-5: £15.95/$24.95

Series: Practical Clinical Guidebooks Published by Routledge

for further titles on Mood Disorders see page 24

- Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Coming to Our Senses 2005: 333pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-139-2: £27.50 Published by Guilford Press




CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Evidence-Based and Disorder-Specific Treatment Techniques Stefan G. Hofmann, and Michael W. Otto, both at Boston University, Boston, USA

Contents: Adult ADHD: Diagnosis, Symptoms, Etiology, and Assessment. Models of Treatment: CBT and Pharmacotherapy for Adult ADHD. Research Evidence for CBT and Medications for Adult ADHD. Clinical Case Examples. Complicating Factors. Maintenance and Follow-up.

2007: 240pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95500-3: £53.00/$85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95501-0: £18.95/$29.95

Series: Practical Clinical Guidebooks Published by Routledge

Contents: Description of Disorder. Overall Description of Treatment Strategy. Session by Session Interventions. Research Basis. Clinical Cases. Complicating Factors. Maintenance and Follow-up Strategies.

A Practical Guidebook to the Most Effective Treatments

April 2008: 216pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95402-0: £53.00/$85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95403-7: £17.95/$27.95

Kenneth A. Perkins, Cynthia A. Conklin, and Michele D. Levine, all at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA

Series: Practical Clinical Guidebooks Published by Routledge

for further titles on Social Phobia see page 29

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation


Social Anxiety Disorder, (or social phobia) is among the most common (and debilitating) of the anxiety disorders, and at any given time it effects somewhere between 3 and 5% of the US population, with similar statistics found in countries around the world. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) has been demonstrated to be the most effective form of treatment for social phobia, but research has shown that conventional CBT principles and general interventions fall short of the mark. With this in mind, Drs. Hofmann and Otto have composed an organized treatment approach that includes specifically designed interventions to strengthen the relevant CBT strategies. This volume builds upon empirical research to address the psychopathology and heterogeneity of social phobia, creating a series of specific interventions with numerous case examples.

treatment approaches available as a supplement or alternative to medication, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has emerged as the most successful and has the strongest current evidence base of support, while integrative treatment programs that combine CBT and prescription drugs have shown even more promise. In this volume, Ramsay and Rostain provide an overview of symptoms, assessment and diagnosis issues for adult ADHD. Utilizing research, case examples, and a combined biological and psychosocial treatment approach, the authors discuss the many complicated factors that go into treatment, relapse prevention, and longterm management of adult ADHD, including particular focus on comorbidity and medication issues.

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Adult ADHD An Integrative Psychosocial and Medical Approach

J. Russell Ramsay, and Anthony L. Rostain, both at the University of Pennsylvania, USA “a valuable guide for clinicians working with adults who experience the various types of ADHD. Here is a wealth of useful information about etiology, diagnosis, and comorbidity as well as treatment, presented in no-frills prose and interspersed with informative case examples. One gets a clear sense of authorial wisdom and competence – of clinicians who have helped lots of patients bring order to their chaotic lives.” - Robert K. Ax, PsycCritiques Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that afflicts anywhere from 2 to 5 percent of the adult population (roughly 8-10 million Americans). Among several therapeutic

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation offers the fundamental counseling strategies and interventions that have been established, researched, and refined over the past decades. This program outlines essential components that should be included in the treatment of any smoker, as well as steps to take when faced with smokers likely to have particular difficulty quitting. Unique to this volume is the inclusion of a specifically tailored CBT model designed to address weight gain concerns in the smoker. Perkins, Conklin, and Levine are leading researchers on effective smoking cessation intervention for those concerned about the potential gain in weight that accompanies quitting, and offer a flexible approach that allows the practitioner to tailor interventions to each individual. An invaluable addition to any health professional’s repertoire, the treatment model presented in this book provides practitioners with the tools necessary to help their clients to quit smoking. Contents: The Consequences of Smoking and the Nature of Tobacco Dependence. Preparing Smokers to Quit. Time to Quit. Medications to Aid Quitting. Handling Withdrawal and Dealing with Lapses. Addressing Weight Gain Concerns. Cessation Treatment for Subpopulations and Smokers with Comorbid Conditions. Follow-up and Long-term Maintenance.

2007: 224pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95462-4: £53.00/$85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95463-1: £17.95/$27.95

Series: Practical Clinical Guidebooks Published by Routledge


CognitiveBehavioral Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder


New Edition!

Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders

From Science to Practice

A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual

Michel J. Dugas, Concordia University, Canada, and Melisa Robichaud, psychologist, Anxiety Disorders Clinic of UBC Hospital, British Columbia, Canada

PRACTICAL CLINICAL GUIDEBOOKS series • Clinical problems

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: From Science to Practice provides a review of the empirical support for the different models of GAD. It includes a detailed description of the assessment and step-by-step treatment of GAD (including many examples of therapist-client dialogue), data on treatment efficacy in individual and group therapy, and concludes with a description of maintenance and follow-up strategies. 2006: 224pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95210-1: £50.00/$80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95211-8: £17.95/$27.95

Series: Practical Clinical Guidebooks Published by Routledge

Also in the Series Treating Sexual Offenders: An Integrated Approach William L. Marshall, Liam E. Marshall, Geris A. Serran, and Yolanda M. Fernandez Hb: 978-0-415-94935-4: 2006: 264pp. £50.00/$80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94936-1: 2006: 264pp. £18.95/$29.95 Published by Routledge

Evidence-Based Treatments for Alcohol and Drug Abuse: A Practitioner’s Guide to Theory, Methods, and Practice Paul M. G. Emmelkamp, and Ellen Vedel Hb: 978-0-415-95285-9: 2006: 304pp. £50.00/$80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95286-6: 2006: 304pp. £15.95/$24.95 Published by Routledge

Fourth Edition Edited by David H. Barlow, Boston University, USA “This latest edition of a classic continues the excellence of prior editions... This Handbook has been the field’s ‘go-to source’ for facilitating evidence-based practice and, even more importantly, for modeling disciplined clinical decision making in all its complexity. Like its predecessors, the fourth edition is a boon to graduate teaching and learning.” - Gerald C. Davison, University of Southern California, USA Now in a thoroughly revised and expanded fourth edition, this widely adopted text provides students and practitioners with stateof-the-science guidelines for treating frequently encountered adult disorders. Contributors are leading clinical researchers who present essential background knowledge on each problem, describe the conceptual and empirical bases of their respective approaches, and detail the nuts and bolts of evidence-based assessment and intervention, including vivid clinical illustrations. Authoritative, timely, and eminently practical, the fourth edition has been updated throughout with the latest treatment innovations and empirical findings. Contents: Craske, Barlow, Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Resick, Monson, Rizvi, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Turk, Heimberg, Magee, Social Anxiety Disorder. Franklin, Foa, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Allen, McHugh, Barlow, Emotional Disorders: A Unified Protocol. Young, Rygh, Weinberger, Beck, Cognitive Therapy for Depression. Bleiberg, Markowitz, Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression. Dimidjian, Martell, Addis, Herman-Dunn, Behavioral Activation for Depression. Linehan, Dexter-Mazza, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. Miklowitz, Bipolar Disorder. Tarrier, Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. McCrady, Alcohol Use Disorders. Higgins, Sigmon, Heil, Drug Abuse and Dependence. Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, Wilson, Eating Disorders: A Transdiagnostic Protocol. Wincze, Bach, Barlow, Sexual Dysfunction. Christensen, Wheeler, Jacobson, Couple Distress.

January 2008: 740pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-572-7: £50.00 Published by Guilford Press

Also from David H. Barlow

Exposure Treatments for Anxiety Disorders: A Practitioner’s Guide to Concepts, Methods, and Evidence-Based Practice

Anthony/Barlow, Eds.: Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders

Johan Rosqvist

Barlow: Anxiety and Its Disorders: The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic, Second Edition

Hb: 978-0-415-94846-3: 2005: 280pp. £50.00/$80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-94847-0: 2005: 280pp. £15.00/$24.95 Published by Routledge


Hb: 978-1-57230-703-2: 2002: 589pp. £48.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-013-5: 2004: 589pp. £25.00 Published by Guilford Press

Hb: 978-1-57230-430-7: 2002: 704pp. £57.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-028-9: 2004: 704pp. £31.00 Published by Guilford Press

Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders

This Special Issue of Memory, Mental Imagery and Memory in Psychopathology presents a novel series of papers investigating emotional, intrusive mental imagery across a wide range of psychological disorders. 2004: 160pp. Pb: 978-1-84169-967-7: £35.00/$62.95 Published by Psychology Press

Theory, Research, and Treatment

Edited by David A. Clark, University of New Brunswick, Canada “This volume provides a highly valuable survey of the research on intrusive thoughts in several clinical states, including depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis, and sexual disorders. It will be useful to clinicians, and to instructors in graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses in clinical psychology.” - Susan Nolen-

Valerie L. Gaus, in private practice, Cold Spring Hills, New York, USA

Hoeksema, University of Michigan, USA

Advancing our understanding of the cognitive underpinnings of psychopathology, this is the first volume to focus on the role of unwanted intrusive thoughts, images, and impulses in a variety of psychological disorders. Leading experts explore the nature and causes of cognitive intrusions, examining how they become so persistent – and distressing – for certain individuals. 2004: 255pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-083-8: £25.00

Edited by Michel Hersen, Pacific University, USA The primary objective of Psychological Assessment in Clinical Practice is to provide the reader with the realities of conducting psychological assessment in clinical settings where there is not the availability of a plethora of research assistants and staff. 2004: 472pp. Hb: 978-0-415-93502-9: £32.50/$50.95

An invaluable resource for therapists, this lucidly written book provides research-based strategies for addressing the core problems of Asperger syndrome (AS) and helping clients manage frequently encountered comorbidities, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Detailed case examples illustrate the complexities of AS and the challenges it presents in daily life, relationships, and the workplace. The author presents a cogent rationale for cognitive-behavioral intervention and offers clear guidelines for conducting assessments and designing and implementing individualized treatment plans.

Clinical problems

Psychological Assessment in Clinical Practice A Pragmatic Guide

Contents: Introduction. Defining Asperger Syndrome in Adulthood. Conceptualization of Mental Health Problems in Adult Asperger Syndrome. The Initial Assessment. Individualized Case Formulation and Treatment Plan Design. Psychoeducation and Orientation to Treatment. Intervention: Increasing Skills to Address the Core Problems of Asperger Syndrome. Intervention: Addressing Comorbid Mental Health Problems. Adjunctive Therapies and Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Obstacles to Treatment and How to Address Them. Ending Treatment and Looking Ahead. Appendix: Therapy Resources.

2007: 240pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-497-3: £24.00

Published by Routledge

“Truly the first of its kind, this impressive text is an indispensable resource for psychologists and graduate students who work with adults with Asperger syndrome (AS). Gaus provides a comprehensive overview of the complex mental health needs of this often-misunderstood population, along with guidelines for evidencebased intervention.” - Peter F. Gerhardt, President, Organization for Autism Research, USA

Published by Guilford Press

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Adult Asperger Syndrome

Special Issue of the Journal Memory

Mental Imagery and Memory in Psychopathology

Series: Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment Published by Guilford Press

A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Edited by Emily A. Holmes, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK and, Ann Hackmann, Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK “This is a landmark publication in the field of imagery and psychopathology, and is likely to be the springboard for a whole new wave of research. It will appeal in particular to clinicians with a fascination for a genuinely exciting field, and to researchers who wish to expand upon the pioneering work of the present authors.” - James Bennett Levy, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy

Treating Somatization Robert L. Woolfolk, Princeton University, USA, and Lesley A. Allen, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA

“This lucid and scholarly text not only offers a valuable overview of the topic, but also provides detailed guidance on a management approach of proven efficacy. This book will be helpful to students and experienced practitioners alike.” - Michael Sharpe, University of Edinburgh, UK


This lucidly written guide presents an innovative approach for treating somatization disorder and related problems, such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The authors’ program integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques with strategies to build emotional self-awareness and interventions to help patients understand and alter their illness behavior. Systematic yet flexible, it is supported by controlled clinical research.


Metacognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

2006: 226pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-350-1: £21.95 Published by Guilford Press

Backlist Title Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for People with Learning Disabilities Edited by Biza Stenfert Kroese, Dave Dagnan, and Konstantinos Loumidis

Clinical problems • Addictions • Anxiet y

1997: 208pp. Pb: 978-0-415-12751-6: £19.99/$31.95 Published by Routledge


Behavioral Treatment for Substance Abuse in People with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness

Adrian Wells, University of Manchester, UK “Clinicians who read this revolutionary book will be able to utilize techniques found nowhere else... I highly recommend this brilliant contribution.” - Robert L. Leahy, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital, USA

This groundbreaking book explains the “whats” and “how-tos” of metacognitive therapy (MCT), a cutting-edge form of cognitivebehavioral therapy with a growing empirical evidence base. MCT developer Adrian Wells shows that much psychological distress results from how a person responds to negative thoughts and beliefs. He presents innovative, practical techniques and specific protocols for addressing metacognitive processes to effectively treat generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and major depression. November 2008: 310pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-994-7: £24.00 Published by Guilford Press

“Bellack, Bennett, and Gearon give clinicians an excellent guide to treating dual disorders of schizophrenia and substance abuse. The book is replete with clinical vignettes and supplemented with userfriendly skill sheets, educational materials, and forms. It will be a welcome resource to all clinicians working with dually diagnosed clients.” - Kim T. Mueser, Dartmouth Medical School, USA Behavioral Treatment for Substance Abuse in People with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness addresses the specific challenges faced by the clinician treating individuals with co-occurring schizophrenia and substance abuse disorders. Designed as a treatment manual for mental health professionals, the book incorporates various treatment components, from motivational interviewing and social skills training to education, problem solving, and relapse prevention. 2006: 288pp. Pb: 978-0-415-95283-5: £31.00/$49.95 Published by Routledge



CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders

A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals Alan S. Bellack, and Melanie E. Bennett, both at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA, and Jean S. Gearon, in private practice, Washington, USA


Mastering Clinical Challenges Gillian Butler, Melanie Fennell, and Ann Hackmann, all at the Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre, UK “This book ‘must’ be read by all those who seek to help people suffering from anxiety disorders. It clearly and accessibly portrays the essence of effective CBT for anxiety while avoiding oversimplified prescriptions... Read this book and use it!” - Paul Salkovskis, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London, UK

Helping therapists bring about enduring change when treating clients with any anxiety disorder, this invaluable book combines expert guidance, in-depth exploration, and innovative clinical strategies. The authors draw on extensive experience and research to provide a framework for constructing lucid formulations of complex cases. They identify obstacles that frequently arise during the early, middle, and later stages of treatment and present a wide range of practical solutions. The volume demonstrates clear-cut yet flexible ways to enhance client engagement, foster metacognitive awareness, facilitate emotional processing, address low self-esteem and fear of uncertainty. Contents: Introduction. Part I: Setting the Scene. Treating Anxiety Disorders: The State of the Art. Part II: Deepening Understanding and Securing Engagement. Assessment: Investigating Appraisals In-

depth. Case Formulation: Making Sense of Complexity. Decentering from Thoughts: Achieving Objectivity. Part III: Facilitating Emotional Processing. Bringing About Lasting Change at the Deepest Level. The Role of Behavioural Experiments. Part IV: Overcoming Three Major Blocks to Progress. Avoidance of Affect. Low Self-Esteem. Dealing with Uncertainty. Part V: Ending Treatment Productively. Creating a Therapy “Blueprint.”

Emotional Recognition and Management. Cognitive Enhancement. Problem Solving, Exposure and Relapse Prevention. Common Problems. Materials and Worksheets.

September 2008: 230pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-830-8: £24.00

Series: CBT with Children, Adolescents, and Families

Series: Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment Published by Guilford Press



November 2008: 208pp. Hb: 978-0-415-37256-5: £55.00/$96.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37255-8: £19.99/$34.00 Published by Routledge

for forthcoming titles in this series see page 1

Modular CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders

The Anti-Anxiety Workbook Proven Strategies to Overcome Worry, Phobias, Panic, and Obsessions Martin M. Antony, Ryerson University, Canada, and Peter J. Norton, University of Houston, USA “Everyone with anxiety problems should read this book! It tells you why you have anxiety and exactly, step by step, what you should do about it. It is reader friendly, easy to understand, and based on cutting-edge research. Truly a ‘must read.’” - Judith S. Beck, Director, Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research, USA

- Peter S. Jensen, Columbia University, USA

This clinically wise and pragmatic book presents a systematic approach for treating any form of childhood anxiety using proven exposure-based techniques. 2006: 335pp. Pb: 978-1-59385-363-1: £24.00

anxiet y

Designed for sufferers of any type of anxiety disorder, this inviting, state-of-the-art workbook is an indispensable self-help tool or client recommendation. Many vivid examples illustrate how fears, worry, phobias, and obsessions get out of control and how to break free of them. Step by step, the authors compassionately walk the reader through assessing and monitoring anxiety triggers and changing the beliefs and behaviors that make symptoms worse. Grounded in the latest cognitive-behavioral theory and research, the Workbook also incorporates relaxation techniques and proven mindfulness– and acceptance-based strategies.

Bruce F. Chorpita, University of Hawaii, USA “This remarkable volume marks the beginning of a major shift in the field of psychotherapy research and treatment... Chorpita’s modular approach is highly intelligent, clinically savvy, and eminently feasible.”

Series: Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment Published by Guilford Press

Backlist Titles

April 2009: 256pp. Pb: 978-1-59385-993-0: £13.50

Beidel/Turner: Childhood Anxiety Disorders: A Guide to Research and Treatment Hb: 978-0-415-94797-8: 2005: 368pp. £28.00/$44.95 Published by Routledge

Published by Guilford Press

Eisen/Schaefer: Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and Treatment


Anxiety Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Children and Young People Paul Stallard, University of Bath, UK “Anxiety is a wonderful resource for mental health professionals who work with anxious young people. It offers practical advice, based on recent research, on the assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders from a CBT perspective.” - Alan Carr, University College Dublin, Ireland. In Anxiety: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Children and Young People Paul Stallard describes the nature and extent of anxiety problems that are suffered in childhood and discusses evidence for the effectiveness of the cognitive behavioural model as a method of treatment. This concise and accessible book, written specifically for the clinician, provides a clear outline of how CBT can be used with children suffering from anxiety disorders in an easy to follow format. Contents: Anxiety Problems in Childhood. Cognitive Behaviour

Therapy. Dysfunctional Cognitions and Processes. Parental Behaviour and Childhood Anxiety. Assessment and Problem Formulation. Psychoeducation, Goal Setting and Problem Formulations. Involving Parents.

Hb: 978-1-59385-131-6: 2005: 298pp. £25.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-482-9: 2007: 298pp. £16.99 Published by Guilford Press

Heimberg et al., Eds: Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Advances in Research and Practice Hb: 978-1-57230-972-2: 2004: 446pp. £42.50 Published by Guilford Press

Rygh/Sanderson: Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Evidence-Based Strategies, Tools, and Techniques Pb: 978-1-59385-039-5: 2004: 210pp. £21.50 Published by Guilford Press

Taylor/Asmundson: Treating Health Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Hb: 978-1-57230-998-2: 2004: 298pp. £26.95 Published by Guilford Press




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ue First Iss ! vailable A w o N

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International Journal of Cognitive Therapy The Official Journal of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy Edited by JOHN H. RISKIND, P H D

This state-of-the-science journal addresses all scientific and clinical aspects of cognitive therapy. Featured are: s An editorial board of leading international authorities s Empirical research studies s Cutting-edge theoretical articles s Clinical case studies s Reports on new manualized treatments s Literature reviews and meta-analyses s Special thematic issues s Reviews of new books and other clinical resources SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY RATES ikXiYh_fj_ed _d\ehcWj_edP 4 issues per year, First Issue: February 2008 _iidP GOIMCGHFOB Yw D 9Yn [wy~ { w D OLCGGH w}{ Rates Outside the US: _ z z w P $125, $105 Institutions: $295, $255 Price includes online access plus airmail delivery for print copies!

Reduced rates are available for members of the following associations: WXYj © WYj © XWXYf © [WXYj Visit for details and to subscribe

Call for Submissions Article submissions and suggestions for special issue topics are welcome. To submit manuscripts to the new journal, please send both a hard copy and an electronic copy to: John H. Riskind, PhD George Mason University Department of Psychology, MSN 3F5 Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Email:

The scope of coverage is fittingly broad, encompassing basic research on cognitive clinical processes, innovative assessment and treatment technologies, expert perspectives on specific clinical problems and populations, and critical issues in translating research to practice. Special issues on topics of particular interest to contemporary clinicians and researchers are also planned.

CONTENTS: Volume 1, Issue 1 The Inaugural Issue of the International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, John H. Riskind, PhD W y w | Y~ z~ z cw {w { with Hopelessness and Depression w } Wz { y{ f w Yw { fw { B [ wx{ ~ WD Y { B f~ZB Jeffrey G. Johnson, PhD, & Lauren B. Alloy, PhD Y } {CX{~w w j~{ w | `{w B Robert L. Leahy, PhD & Dennis Tirch, PhD c{ wy } Z{ { { w z W { Z z{ P Y { Z {y B Kathleen M. Corcoran, PhD & Zindel Segal, PhD

Special Feature on Cognition and Suicide: New Horizons, j~ w [D [ B f Z Y } w z i y z{P Two Decades of Progress, j~ w [D [ B f Z < X h ~{ | z c w w w | j { f{ {y { and Suicide in the Anxiety Disorders: j~{ c { [||{y | b } _ B Neil A. Rector, PhD, Katy Kamkar, PhD, & John H. Riskind, PhD j~{ _ { { w Cf y~ } yw j~{ | i y zw X{~w _ z yw { i {y ¢y w z Y y w f y~ ~{ w { y jw }{ B j~ w [D ` { B ` DB f~Z & Kimberly A. Van Orden

To subscribe visit, where you can also view the editorial board, a sample issue, table of contents, and abstracts.


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Eating Disorders

Overcoming Body Image Disturbance


Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders Christopher G. Fairburn, Warneford Hospital, Oxford University, Oxford, UK “Another milestone by the field’s foremost pioneer, this book explains how to treat eating disorders in exquisite detail, and does so with a rich theoretical and empirical foundation as its basis. This will be the authoritative volume for many years to come.” - Kelly D. Brownell, Yale University, USA

Contents: Introduction. Fairburn, This Book and How to Use It. Fairburn, Eating Disorders: The Transdiagnostic View and the Cognitive Behavioral Theory. Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-E): An Overview. Fairburn, Cooper, Waller, The Patients: Their Assessment, Preparation for Treatment and Medical Management. Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, Bohn, Hawker, Murphy, Straebler, Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders: The Core Protocol. Starting Well. Achieving Early Change. Taking Stock and Designing the Rest of Treatment. Shape Concern. Shape Checking. Feeling Fat and Mindsets. Dietary Restraint, Dietary Rules and Controlling Eating. Events, Moods and Eating. Underweight and Under-eating. Ending Well. Adaptations of CBT-E. Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, Bohn, Hawker, Clinical Perfectionism, Core Low Self-Esteem and Interpersonal Problems. Cooper, Stewart, CBT-E and the Younger Patient. Grave, Bohn, Hawker, Fairburn, Inpatient, Day Patient and Two Forms of Outpatient CBT-E. Fairburn, Cooper, Waller, ‘Complex Cases’ and Comorbidity. Postscript. Fairburn, Looking Forward. Appendices. Fairburn, Cooper, O’Connor, Appendix A: Eating Disorder Examination (16.0D). Fairburn, Beglin, Appendix B: Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q6.0). Bohn, Fairburn, Appendix C: Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA 3.0).

A Programme for People with Eating Disorders Lorraine Bell, and Jenny Rushforth, both at Hampshire Partnership trust, UK “A clear, simple treatment manual which contains useful handouts and assessment tools.” - Janet Treasure, Kings College, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

People with eating disorders often exhibit serious misconceptions about their own body image. Overcoming Body Image Disturbance provides a treatment programme (piloted by the authors) for people with eating disorders who have a negative body image. The manual offers advice for therapists, enabling them to deliver the programme, as well as practical guidance for the sufferer, encouraging them to learn the appropriate skills to change their attitude towards their body. This manual – intended to be used with close guidance from a therapist – will be essential for all therapists, mental health workers and counsellors working with clients who have negative body images. “Workbook resources can be downloaded free of charge by purchasers of the print version.” Contents: Introduction. Body Image and Body Image Disturbance. Body Image Disturbance and Psychological Disorders. What Works? The Design of this Programme. Notes for Therapists: I. Therapist Skills Needed for this Programme. Notes for Therapists: II. The Programme. Appendix.

February 2008: 160pp. Pb: 978-0-415-42330-4: £22.99/$40.00 Published by Routledge

A Self-help Guide for Men With Eating Disorders, Compulsive Exercise and Bigorexia

Published by Guilford Press

Also by Christopher G. Fairburn

Hb: 978-1-57230-688-2: 2001: 623pp. £50.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-236-8: 2005: 633pp. £25.00 Published by Guilford Press

Cooper et al: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Obesity: A Clinician’s Guide Hb: 978-1-57230-888-6: 2003: 232pp. £30.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-092-0: 2003: 232pp. £19.95 Published by Guilford Press

Key Title

The Invisible Man

June 2008: 324pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-709-7: £27.00

Fairburn/Brownell, Eds: Eating Disorders and Obesity: A Comprehensive Handbook, Second Edition

eating disorders

This book provides the first comprehensive guide to the practice of “enhanced” cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E), the leading empirically supported treatment for eating disorders. Written with the practitioner in mind, the book demonstrates how this transdiagnostic approach can be used with the full range of eating disorders seen in clinical practice. Christopher Fairburn and colleagues describe in detail how to tailor CBT-E to the needs of individual patients, and how to adapt it for adolescents and patients who require hospitalization.


John F. Morgan, Yorkshire Centre for Eating Disorders, Leeds, UK “An exceptionally experienced and expert clinician has given us an exceptionally useful book to guide boys and men in understanding and healing eating disorders, compulsive exercise, and uniquely male body image disorders.” - Arnold Andersen, University of Iowa, USA Increasingly boys and men are suffering with eating disorders and related body image problems. Some have full-blown conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive exercising or bigorexia. Others are distressed by slightly lesser degrees of disordered eating or over-exercise and seek ways of overcoming their problems. The Invisible Man applies the latest research to produce a practical, problem-focused self-help manual for men with eating disorders and body image problems.


Contents: Part I: Fat is More Than a Feminist Issue. Snakes and Ladders: Barriers to Recovery. Stories From the Past: The First Case of Anorexia Nervosa and Lord Byron’s Eating Disorder. Part II: Do You Have a Body Image Disorder? Anorexia Nervosa. Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating. Muscle Dysmorphia (Bigorexia). Obesity. Part III: Science Fiction and Science Fact. What Causes Body Image Disorders in Men? Compulsive Exercise: When Does Exercise Become Unhealthy? The Poisoned Chalice: Anabolic Steroid Abuse. Physical Health and Body Image Disorders. Mental Health and Body Image Disorders. The Role of Culture: ‘Fat is Not Just a Feminist Issue’. Part IV: 7 Stages to Recovery. Stage 1: Motivation – A Cost-benefit Analysis of Recovery. Stage 2: Sharing the Secret. Stage 3: Healthy Habits. Stage 4: Thinking Straight. Stage 5: Feeling Good. Stage 6: Seeking Professional Help ­– A Consumer’s Guide. Stage 7: Remaining Well – Sadder and Wiser.

February 2008: 184pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-149-5: £55.00/$95.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-150-1: £12.99/$22.95

Key Title!

eating disorders

Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder The New Maudsley Method Janet Treasure, Guy’s Hospital, King’s College London, UK, Gráinne Smith, Course and Workshop developer, Scotland, UK, and Anna Crane, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK

Assessment of Eating Disorders Edited by James E. Mitchell, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA, and Carol B. Peterson, University of Minnesota, USA “A critically important book that will have a significant impact on clinical care and research... Top eating disorder researchers provide the necessary tools for integrating observation and verbal inquiry to deliver state-of-the-art care.” - David B. Herzog, Harvard Concise and practical yet comprehensive, this unique book provides a clear framework and a range of up-to-date tools for assessing patients with eating disorders. Leading clinicians and researchers describe the nuts and bolts of using diagnostic interviews, standardized databases, structured instruments, selfreport and family-based measures. Contents: Walsh, Satir, Diagnostic Issues. Gordon, Denoma, Joiner, Jr., The Classification of Eating Disorders. Peterson, Conducting the Diagnostic Interview. Mitchell, A Standardized Database. Grilo, Structured Instruments. Peterson, Mitchell, Self-report Measures. Crow, Swigart, Medical Assessment. Rock, Nutritional Assessment. le Grange, Family Assessment. Thompson, Roehrig, Cafri, Heinberg, Assessment of Body Image Disturbance. Engel, Wonderlich, Crosby, Ecological Momentary Assessment. Mitchell, Treatment Planning.

February 2008: 242pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-196-5: 2005: £28.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-642-7: £15.95 Published by Guilford Press

“The combination of practical suggestions, real life situations and a sound theoretical basis in the Maudsley model make this book invaluable for any family with a loved one struggling to overcome an eating disorder.” - Susan Ringwood, Chief Executive Officer of BEAT Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder equips carers with the skills and knowledge needed to support and encourage those suffering from an eating disorder, and to help them to break free from the traps that prevent recovery. Through a coordinated approach, this book offers information alongside detailed techniques and strategies, which aim to improve professionals’ and home carers’ ability to build continuity and consistency of support for their loved ones. The authors use evidence-based research and personal experience, as well as practical support skills, to advise the reader on a number of difficult areas in caring for someone with an eating disorder. Contents: Shifting Responsibility – The Lived Experience of an Eating

Disorder. Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder – First Steps. Working with a Joint Understanding of the Illness – Basic Facts About Eating Disorders. Which Kind of Carer Are You? Stress, Strain and Developing Resilience. Consequences – Understanding Medical Risk. Understanding Change. Communication. Interpersonal Relationships. Modelling Emotional Intelligence and Problem-solving Skills. Managing Undereating. How to Help with Bingeing and Overeating. Managing Difficult Behaviours. Reflection, Review – and Relaxation. 2007: 248pp. Pb: 978-0-415-43158-3: £12.99/$22.95 Published by Routledge

New in Paperback!

Eating Disorders Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA

Published by Routledge

Self-Help Approaches for Obesity and Eating Disorders Research and Practice

Edited by Janet D. Latner, University of Hawaii, USA, and G. Terence Wilson, The State University of New Jersey, USA “Latner and Wilson are to be congratulated for this excellent work... It will be of considerable interest to practitioners and researchers in the areas of obesity and eating disorders. It is also an informative, clinically useful reference for physicians and other healthcare professionals.” - James E. Mitchell, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA

With contributions from leading authorities, this timely professional resource critically examines available self-help treatments for weight problems and obesity, binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and body image disturbances. Practical pointers are offered for guiding clients or patients toward safe, effective approaches that provide the right level of care, from fully independent strategies to treatments with higher levels of professional involvement. Selected Contents: Part I: Independent (Unguided) Self-Help. Part II: Partially Assisted (Guided) Self-Help. Part III: Computer-assisted Self-Help. Part IV: Group Self-Help. Part V: Practical Strategies and Considerations.

2007: 376pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-442-3: £25.95 Published by Guilford Press



Treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating An Integrated Metacognitive and Cognitive Therapy Manual

collaborate to bring dysfunctional eating behaviors under control, while also addressing co-occurring psychological problems and parent-child relationship conflicts. Contents: Introduction and Background Information on Bulimia Nervosa. Family-Based Treatment for Adolescent Bulimia Nervosa. Phase I: Initial Evaluation. Session 1: The First Face-to-Face Meeting with the Family. Session 1 in Action. Session 2: The Family Meal. Session 2 in Action. The Remainder of Phase I (Sessions 3–10). The Remainder of Phase I in Action. Phase II: Helping the Adolescent Eat on Her Own (Sessions 11–16). Phase II in Action. Phase III: Adolescent Developmental Concerns (Sessions 17–20). Phase III in Action. Summary of a Completed Case.

2007: 260pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-414-0: £24.00 Published by Guilford Press

Myra Cooper, University of Oxford, UK, Gillian Todd, University of Cambridge, UK, and Adrian Wells, University of Manchester, UK

Also by James Lock and Daniel Le Grange

“Underpinned by a strong and evidence-based model, this therapist guide is brimming with solid practical advice and detailed guidance on how to implement particular therapeutic strategies and deal with hurdles and challenges along the way... Both new and expert therapists will find this book highly useful.” - Ulrike Schmidt, Institute

Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder

of Psychiatry, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, UK

James Lock, and Daniel le Grange Hb: 978-1-59385-101-9: 2004: 296pp. £25.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-908-1: 2004: 296pp. £11.99 Published by Guilford Press

Contents: Introduction to the Book, a Case Example and an Overview of Treatment. Diagnosis and Assessment. Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. A New Cognitive Model of Bulimia Nervosa. Engagement and Motivation. Case Formulation and Socialisation. Detached Mindfulness Strategies. Negative Beliefs about Eating: Uncontrollability and Consequences. Positive Beliefs about Eating. Negative Self Beliefs. Ending Therapy. Therapist Resources.

Handbook of Pediatric and Adolescent Obesity Treatment Edited by William T. O’Donohue, Brie A. Moore, and Barbara J. Scott, all at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA

August 2008: 256pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-944-6: £60.00/$100.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-945-3: £22.99/$40.00 Published by Routledge

A Family-Based Approach

This volume brings together behavioral, medical, and public health approaches and provides the knowledge necessary for a wide range of practitioners to effectively address the current obesity epidemic among children and adolescents. The book addresses several themes in pediatric and adolescent obesity. Experts in the field discuss the prevalence, etiology, and sequelae of pediatric and adolescent obesity, as well as the medical and behavioral assessment of the overweight child, adolescent, and family.

Daniel le Grange, University of Chicago, USA, and James Lock, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA

2007: 360pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95432-7: £78.00/$125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-99066-0: £38.95/$69.95 Published by Routledge

Treating Bulimia in Adolescents

“Written by two specialists on eating disorders, this book provides a detailed description of a family-based treatment for adolescents with bulimia nervosa. Practical in orientation and comprehensive in scope, this is an invaluable resource for clinicians.” - Christopher G. Fairburn, Warneford

eating disorders

Treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating explains how cognitive therapy can be used to treat those suffering from bulimia nervosa. The manual provides a step-by-step treatment guide, incorporating a number of case examples offering detailed explanations of the treatment process, questionnaires, worksheets and practical exercises for the client, which will provide a framework and focus for therapy. The authors use existing techniques, as well as new integrated cognitive and metacognitive methods developed from their recent research to take the therapist from initial assessment to the end of treatment and beyond.

Backlist Title

Hospital, Oxford University, Oxford, UK

An indispensable clinical resource, this groundbreaking book is the first treatment manual to focus specifically on adolescent bulimia nervosa. The authors draw on their proven approach to treating anorexia nervosa in the family context and adapt it to the unique needs of this related yet distinct clinical population. Evidencebased strategies are presented for helping the whole family

Handbook of Obesity Treatment Edited by Thomas A. Wadden, and Albert J. Stunkard Hb: 978-1-57230-722-3: 2002: 624pp £50.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-094-4: 2004: 624pp £25.00 Published by Guilford Press


Mood Disorders


Handbook of Depression in Children and Adolescents

New Edition!

Bipolar Disorder A Family-Focused Treatment Approach

Edited by John R. Z. Abela, McGill University, Canada, and Benjamin L. Hankin, University of South Carolina, USA

Second Edition David J. Miklowitz, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA “The second edition of Bipolar Disorder is, like the first, a major contribution to the understanding of a common, complex, painful, and too often lethal illness. Miklowitz, one of the world’s leaders... presents clinical and research findings in a way that will be invaluable to clinicians.” - Kay

Redfield Jamison, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

Now in a revised and updated second edition, this indispensable guide details an empirically supported approach for helping patients and family members to understand bipolar disorder, communicate more effectively, solve practical problems related to the illness, and reduce the risk and severity of relapse. The volume has been revised throughout with the latest knowledge on all aspects of the illness and its biological and psychosocial treatment.

Mood disorders

Contents: Part I: Bipolar Disorder and Families: Clinical and Research Background. Bipolar Disorder: Why Family Treatment? The Nature of Bipolar Disorder and its Impact on the Family. Family and Social Factors in the Course of Bipolar Disorder. Part II: Conducting the Family-Focused Treatment. Planning the First Encounter. The Functional Assessment. Family Psychoeducation: The Initial Sessions. Family Psychoeducation: Etiology, Treatment, and Self-management. Family Psychoeducation: Dealing with Resistances. Communication Enhancement Training: Rationale and Mechanics. Communication Enhancement Training: Clinical Issues. Dealing with Family Problems. Managing Crises in Family-Focused Treatment. Termination.

May 2008: 348pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-655-7: £25.95

California, Los Angeles, USA

This timely, authoritative volume provides an integrative review of current knowledge on child and adolescent depression, covering everything from epidemiology and neurobiology to evidencebased treatment and prevention. From foremost scientistpractitioners, the book is organized within a developmental psychopathology framework that elucidates the factors that put certain children at risk and what can be done to help. Proven intervention models are discussed in step-by-step detail, with coverage of cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and pharmacological approaches, among others. Selected Contents: Part I: Introduction and Epidemiology of Depression.

Part II: Etiology of Depression. Part III: Treatment of Depression. Part IV: Prevention of Depression. Part V: Special Populations. January 2008: 496pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-582-6: £43.50 Published by Guilford Press

for further titles on Mood Disorders see pages 13,14

Backlist Titles Wilkes et al.: Cognitive Therapy for Depressed Adolescents

Published by Guilford Press

“Abela and Hankin have produced a superb volume on models of vulnerability and intervention in child and adolescent depression... This highly readable book is an excellent resource for practitioners, scholars, and students alike.” - Constance Hammen, University of

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

Hb: 978-0-89862-119-8: 1994: 396pp. £34.50 Published by Guilford Press

Second Edition Monica Ramirez Basco, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, and A. John Rush, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA

Pb: 978-1-57230-814-5: 2002: 44pp. £8.95 Published by Guilford Press

McCullough, Jr.: Skills Training Manual for Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Depression: A Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy

“I found this book extremely helpful in adding new techniques to my therapeutic armamentarium. I recommend it highly for both the beginning and experienced therapist.” - Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic

Pb: 978-1-57230-691-2: 2001: 188pp. £23.00

From leading scientist-practitioners, this pragmatic, accessible book provides a complete framework for individualized assessment and treatment of bipolar disorder. It addresses the complexities of working with individuals with broadly varying histories and clinical presentations.

McCullough, Jr.: Treatment for Chronic Depression: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP)

2007: 348pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-168-2: 2005: £30.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-484-3: £16.50

Published by Guilford Press

Hb: 978-1-57230-527-4: 2000: 326pp. £33.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-965-4: 2003: 326pp. £19.95 Published by Guilford Press

Published by Guilford Press


McCullough, Jr.: Patient’s Manual for CBASP

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for OCD

Personality Disorders

David A. Clark, University of New Brunswick, Canada

- Paul M.G. Emmelkamp, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

This authoritative book reviews current cognitive-behavioral models of OCD and delineates an innovative, theoretically and empirically grounded approach to assessment and treatment. Leading scientist-practitioner David A. Clark first elaborates and refines existing theories of obsessions and compulsions. 2006: 324pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-963-0: 2004: £30.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-375-4: £16.50 Published by Guilford Press

Talking Back to OCD The Program That Helps Kids and Teens Say “No Way” – and Parents Say “Way to Go” John S. March, Duke University Medical Center, USA, with Christine M. Benton

“Dr. March is a world expert on helping young people recover from OCD. In this much-needed book, he shares his wealth of knowledge and experience with parents and children... I am looking forward to using this accessible book with the families I treat.” - Isobel Heyman, Maudsley Hospital, London, UK This uniquely designed volume is really two books in one. The first portion of each chapter teaches children and adolescents skills they can use to take charge of the illness. Instructions that follow show their parents how to provide encouragement and support. 2007: 276pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-356-3: £24.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-355-6: £10.50

A Guide for Clinicians Second Edition Kate Davidson, Glasgow Institute of Psychosocial Interventions, UK

obsessive-compulsive disorder • personalit y disorders

“David A. Clark has written a cohesive, comprehensive book that is scholarly yet at the same time contains much of value for the clinician. Provided is a much-needed, theoretically and empirically guided CBT treatment manual for obsessional disorders. Highly recommended!”

Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders

“Kate Davidson brings a wealth of clinical experience to this concise guide, which conveys a sense of clarity and sound, practical advice. The sections on antisocial and borderline personality types, and the detailed case studies and therapy extracts, ensure that cognitive therapists will feel better prepared and more confident for work with clients with complex problems.” - Ken Gordon, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Hampshire Partnership Trust, UK

It is increasingly recognized that a significant number of individuals with personality disorders can benefit from therapy. In this new edition – based on the treatment of over a hundred patients with antisocial and borderline personality disorders – Kate Davidson demonstrates that clinicians using cognitive therapy can reduce a patient’s tendency to deliberately self-harm and to harm others; it also improves their psychological well-being. Case studies and therapeutic techniques are described as well as current evidence from research trials for this group of patients. Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders provides a thorough description of how to apply cognitive behavioural therapy to patients who are traditionally regarded as being difficult to treat: those with borderline personality disorders and those with antisocial personality disorders. This clinician’s guide to cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of borderline and antisocial personality disorder will be essential reading for psychiatrists, clinical and counselling psychologists, therapists, mental health nurses, and students on associated training courses. Contents: Introduction. What is Personality Disorder? The Cognitive Model of Personality Disorder. Key Characteristics of Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders. Basic Structure and Style of Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders. Arriving at a Formulation. Identifying Core Beliefs. Changing Core Beliefs. Typical Behavioural Problems: Antisocial Personality Disorder. Typical Behavioural Problems: Borderline Personality Disorder. Clinical Evaluation of Change. Ending Treatment. Therapy in Action: A Case Illustration of Antisocial Personality Disorder. Therapy in Action: A Case Illustration of Borderline Personality Disorder.

2007: 208pp. Hb: 978-0-415-41557-6: £60.00/$105.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41558-3: £24.99/$43.95 Published by Routledge

Also BY John S. March

for a further title on Personality Disorders see page 8

March/Mulle: OCD in Children and Adolescents: A CognitiveBehavioral Treatment Manual Hb: 978-1-57230-242-6: 1998: 298pp. £31.00 Published by Guilford Press


Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders

Representing a comprehensive, integrated approach to therapy, this is the first volume to provide strategies proven effective in controlled treatment trials. 1993: 558pp. Hb: 978-0-89862-183-9: £42.50 Published by Guilford Press

Also by Marsha M. Linehan

Highly Effective Interventions for the Most Common Personality Disorders Second Edition Len Sperry, Florida Atlantic University, USA “... some of the best descriptions and clearest CBT treatment conceptualizations available anywhere.” - Arthur Freeman, From the


personalit y disorders

Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders is a timely addition to clinical practice, as personality disorders have received steadily increasing attention in recent years and Cognitive Behavior Therapy is now the most widely practiced theoretical orientation. Thoroughly revised from the first edition, the book offers an overview of the field, with significant updates to reflect the most recent advances in CBT in the treatment of personality disorders. 2006: 248pp. Hb: 978-0415-95075-6: £24.95/$39.95

Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder Marsha M. Linehan

“Marsha Linehan’s tremendously in-depth and informative book and its companion skills-training manual offer a needed guide to the cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder... Her method has become so widely used by clinicians that the experts in psychosocial treatments consider it one of the best.” - Lester Luborsky, PhD 1993: 180pp. Pb: 978-0-89862-034-4: £24.50 Published by Guilford Press

Published by Routledge

“These two [DVD’s] and their accompanying manuals are highly recommended for their compelling learning value. All mental health professionals, in whatever professional milieu they work, will find them of personal and professional value.” - Psychiatric

Also by Len Sperry Sperry: Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders, Second Edition


Hb: 978-0-415-93569-2: 2003: 320pp. £26.99/$45.95 Published by Routledge

Treating Borderline Personality Disorder The Dialectical Approach

Marsha M. Linehan

CognitiveBehavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder

DVD: 978-1-59385-367-9: 2006: 36pp. £67.00 Published by Guilford Press

A Dawkins Production

Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

Marsha M. Linehan, University of Washington, USA “Linehan is a brilliant, compassionate, and rigorous therapist for borderline patients... What is fortuitous for borderline patients and their therapists is that she has painstakingly crafted a wise book and user-friendly manual... Linehan has set a high standard of treatment for borderlines in the 1990s; the patients will be the ultimate beneficiaries.” - Charles R. Swenson, New York Hospital, Westchester Division, USA


The Dialectical Approach Marsha M. Linehan DVD: 978-1-59385-368-6: 2006: 36pp. £67.00 Published by Guilford Press

A Dawkins Production

Schema Therapy


A Practitioner’s Guide Jeffrey E. Young, Columbia University, USA, Janet S. Klosko, in private practice, New York, USA, and Marjorie E. Weishaar, Brown University, USA

of Pennsylvania, USA

Designed to meet the formidable challenges of treating personality disorders and other complex difficulties, schema therapy combines proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of other widely practiced therapies. This book – written by the model’s developer and two of its leading practitioners – is the first major text for clinicians wishing to learn and use this popular approach. Described are innovative ways to rapidly conceptualize challenging cases, explore the client’s childhood history, identify and modify self-defeating patterns, use imagery and other experiential techniques in treatment, and maximize the power of the therapeutic relationship. 2006: 436pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-838-1: 2003: £34.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-372-3: £21.00

Cognitive Therapy of Schizophrenia David G. Kingdon, University of Southampton, UK, and Douglas Turkington, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK “An outstanding contribution... Kingdon and Turkington are to be congratulated for filling an important need for accessible guidelines for the cognitive-behavioral treatment of schizophrenia. I encourage all clinicians working with people with schizophrenia to buy this book.” - Kim T. Mueser, Dartmouth Medical School, USA

Drawing on the authors’ decades of influential work in the field, this highly practical volume presents an evidence-based cognitive therapy approach for clients with schizophrenia. Guidelines are provided for collaborative assessment and case formulation that enable the clinician to build a strong therapeutic relationship, establish reasonable goals, and tailor treatment to each client’s needs. Contents: What is Schizophrenia? Evidence for Effective Treatments in Schizophrenia. Early Intervention. The Therapeutic Relationship. Assessment. Individualized Case Formulation and Treatment Planning. Orienting the Client to Treatment. Psychoeducation and Normalization. Case Formulation and Intervening with Delusions. Case Formulation and Intervening with Hallucinations. Thought Interference, Passivity Phenomena, and Formal Thought Disorder. Negative Symptoms. Comorbid Conditions. Relapse Prevention and Finishing Therapy. Difficulties in Therapy. Appendices.

Published by Guilford Press

Physical and Sexual Abuse

Treating the Abusive Partner An Individualized Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

April 2008: 219pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-104-0: 2004: £25.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-819-3: £16.99

Series: Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment Published by Guilford Press

“This book should be required reading for all clinicians working with intimate partner abusers. It is well documented and, importantly, it comes from two authors with considerable clinical and research experience in working with physically abusive men... An excellent guide.” - K. Daniel O’Leary, Stony Brook University, USA Intimate partner violence is notoriously difficult to treat, and this promising manual presents the first one-on-one cognitivebehavioral treatment approach for this highly challenging population. Provided are a straightforward rationale and clear guidelines for implementing the authors’ flexible four-phase model, which is grounded in extensive research and clinical experience.

Published by Guilford Press


Think You’re Crazy? Think Again

Christopher M. Murphy, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, and Christopher I. Eckhardt, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA

2005: 290pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-207-8: £25.00

New in Paperback!

personalit y disorders • physical and sexual abuse • schizophrenia

“This volume demonstrates in a skillful, highly readable fashion how the standard cognitive therapy approaches to Axis 1 disorders can be expanded and modified to treat personality disorders... Highly recommended for all therapists engaged in treating patients with these very difficult personality problems.” - Aaron T. Beck, University

A Resource Book for Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis Anthony P. Morrison, University of Manchester, UK, Julia Renton, Clinical Psychologist, Bedfordshire and Luton Partnership Trust, UK, Paul French, Bolton, Salford and Trafford Mental Health Trust, UK, and Richard Bentall, University of Manchester, UK “Morrison and colleagues have produced the ideal book on CBT for psychosis. It destigmatises and energises people with psychosis instilling hope and insight. Every chapter is a gem of understanding and opportunity. All mental health professionals, users and carers should have access to this book.” - Douglas Turkington, Newcastle University, UK


Are you troubled by hearing voices or seeing visions that others do not? Do you believe that other people are trying to harm you or control you? Do you feel that something odd is going on that you can’t explain or that things are happening around you with a special meaning? Do you worry that other people can read your mind or that thoughts are being put in your head? Think You’re Crazy? Think Again provides an effective step-by-step aid to understanding your problems, making positive changes and promoting recovery. Contents: What is Psychosis? Are My Experiences Abnormal? Will I Be

conceptualisation. Solution Focused Therapy. Working with Core Beliefs. Trauma and Narrative. Alternative Perspectives. Voices and Visions. Recovery and Ending Therapy. December 2008: 208pp. Hb: 978-0-415-40730-4: £60.00/$104.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47572-3: £24.99/$43.00 Published by Routledge

A Casebook of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Command Hallucinations

Like This Forever? What’s Happening to Me? Evaluating Your Thoughts. Evaluating Your Thoughts by Changing Your Behaviour. Helpful and Unhelpful Ways of Coping. Feeling Good About Yourself. Staying Well. Using Medication. Recovery. Who Can Help? April 2008: 160pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-836-4: £50.00/$90.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-837-1: £14.99/$26.95 Published by Routledge

Also by Anthony P. Morrison

A Social Rank Theory Approach

Larkin/Morrison, Eds.: Trauma and Psychosis: New Directions for Theory and Therapy Hb: 978-1-58391-820-3: 2006: 328pp. £29.99/$53.95 Published by Routledge


Morrison et al.: Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis: A FormulationBased Approach Hb: 978-1-58391-810-4: 2003: 288pp. £28.99/$54.95 Published by Routledge

Morrison, Ed.: A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis

Sarah Byrne, clinical psychologist, Adult mental health services, Warwickshire, UK, Max Birchwood, and Peter E. Trower, both at the University of Birmingham, UK, Alan Meaden, Consultant Specialist Clinical Psychologist, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust, UK “This is the first book to describe a viable CBT approach to command Hallucinations. It is a must buy for all those on PSI courses and those who work in forensic settings.” - Douglas Turkington, University of Newcastle, UK 2005: 160pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-785-5: £24.99/$43.95 Published by Routledge

Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia

b: 978-1-58391-205-8: 2001: 328pp. £37.50/$61.95 H Pb: 978-1-58391-206-5: 2001: 328pp. £18.99/$29.95 Published by Routledge


Theory and Practice

Narrative CBT for Psychosis

Til Wykes, and Clare Reeder, both at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

John Rhodes, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Haringey Community Mental Health Service, UK, and Simon Jakes, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Macarthur Mental Health Service, Australia Narrative CBT for Psychosis combines narrative and solution focused therapy with CBT for psychosis into one integrated flexible approach. In this book John Rhodes and Simon Jakes draw on some of the most practical ideas in both therapies to produce an approach which is client centred and non-confrontational. Areas of discussion include:

“Extremely thoroughly researched... The book will be useful to practitioners and researchers with a reasonably good grounding in cognitive psychology.” - Alec Grant, Journal of Mental Health 2005: 328pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-970-5: £55.00/$100.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-971-2: £19.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge

Backlist Title

• understanding psychosis and implications for therapy • working with core beliefs • recovery and ending therapy. The book will be essential reading for all mental health professionals who deal with psychosis and who wish to learn a new approach. Contents: Narrative CBT for Psychosis. Understanding Psychosis and Implications for Therapy. Assessment, Engagement and Case-


Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders Edited by Gillian Haddock, and Peter D. Slade Hb: 978-0-415-10289-6: 1995: 304pp. £55.00/$87.95 Pb: 978-0-415-10290-2: 1995: 304pp. £20.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge

Social Phobia

Stress and Trauma

CognitiveBehavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia

CognitiveBehavioral Therapies for Trauma

Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies

Second Edition

Richard G. Heimberg, and Robert E. Becker This volume presents the first published manual for cognitivebehavioral group therapy for social phobia (CBGT), an empirically supported treatment approach that has been applied in clinical and research settings for over 20 years. 2002: 316pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-770-4: £30.50

Fight or Flight? Overcoming Panic and Agoraphobia

with Ronald M. Rapee, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia “I will use this [DVD] in my practice and teaching without hesitation. It combines accurate information about cognitivebehavioral therapy with compelling stories from individuals who have benefited greatly from treatment.” - Richard E. Zinbarg, PhD This evocative DVD lucidly portrays the experience of panic disorder with agoraphobia and shows how cognitive-behavioral treatment can help. DVD: 978-1-59385-388-4: 2006: £30.50

“Readers can compare the formulations of leading experts in different forms of trauma therapy, and cannot fail to learn valuable techniques for working with adults, children, couples, and groups. Particularly welcome is the practical focus on managing the more complex problems of clients who have been multiply traumatized, often in childhood.” - Chris R. Brewin, University College London, UK This volume presents cutting-edge cognitive and behavioral applications for understanding and treating trauma-related problems in virtually any clinical setting. Leading scientistpractitioners succinctly review the “whys,” “whats,” and “hows” of their respective approaches. Encompassing individual, group, couple, and parent-child treatments, the volume goes beyond the traditionally identified diagnosis of PTSD to include strategies for addressing comorbid substance abuse, traumatic revictimization, complicated grief, acute stress disorder, and more. Selected Contents: Ruzek, Follette, Introduction. Part I: Assessment.

Part II: Interventions. Part III: Specialized Populations and Delivery Considerations. 2007: 472pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-247-4: 2006: £34.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-588-8: £17.95 Published by Guilford Press

Published by Guilford Press

Edited by Victoria M. Follette, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, and Josef I. Ruzek, National Center for PTSD, USA

social phobia • stress and trauma

Published by Guilford Press

New in Paperback!

I Think They Think...

Moving On After Trauma A Guide for Survivors, Family and Friends Michael J. Scott, University of Manchester, UK

Overcoming Social Phobia with Ronald M. Rapee, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia “There is no substitute for seeing actual clients discuss their experiences of social phobia. This well-produced [DVD] does an excellent job of bringing these fears to life and offers a realistic view of what it means to overcome them.” - Debra A. Hope, PhD This compelling DVD provides crucial information – and new hope – for people struggling with the isolation, loneliness, and frightening physical symptoms of social phobia. DVD: 978-1-59385-387-7: 2006: £30.50 Published by Guilford Press

for a further title on Social Phobia see page 15

“Michael Scott has produced an excellent book that should be of immense value to sufferers of PTSD and their relatives... Packed full of strategies and tips for dealing effectively with trauma symptoms and associated problems this book should be at the top of a sufferers self-help list.” - Adrian Wells, University of Manchester, UK The effects of extreme trauma can continue to be emotionally devastating. Moving On After Trauma offers hope, providing survivors, family members and friends with a roadmap for managing emotional, relationship, physical and legal obstacles to recovery. Dr Scott details examples of the strategies used by twenty characters who have recovered and the survivor (with or without the help of a family member, friend or counsellor) is encouraged to identify with one or more of them and follow in their footsteps.


Contents: Preface – How to Use This Book. What’s Happening to Me? Making

Sense of My Reactions. Will I Get Better? What Works? Re-setting the Alarm. Better Ways of Dealing With the Traumatic Memory. Restoring Relationships. Managing Mood. Managing Pain and Sleep. Old Baggage, New Trauma. Managing Additional Disorders. Children and Adolescents. Justice. Getting Further Help. Guidance for Professionals Using This Book. Appendices. 2007: 200pp. Hb: 978-0-415-40962-9: £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40963-6: £9.99/$17.00 Published by Routledge

Grounded in the latest clinical and neurobiological research, this book provides both an understanding of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a guide to empirically supported treatment. The author offers well-documented, practical recommendations for planning and implementing cognitive-behavioral therapy with people who have experienced different types of trauma – sexual assault, combat, serious accidents, and more – and shows how to use a case formulation approach to tailor interventions to the needs of each patient. 2006: 322pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-326-6: £24.00

CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for PTSD

Published by Guilford Press

A Case Formulation Approach Claudia Zayfert, Dartmouth Medical School, USA, and Carolyn Black Becker, Trinity University, USA

stress and trauma

“This well-written, well-structured book provides an excellent road map for the clinician... The frequently asked questions on troubleshooting clinical roadblocks are immensely helpful. Zayfert and Becker’s approach to CBT provides an excellent balance between structure and flexibility, making a real contribution to the dissemination of evidence-based treatments for PTSD.” - Nicholas Tarrier, University of Manchester, UK

Presenting clear-cut strategies for working with traumatized patients who have multiple co-occurring disorders and life problems, this highly practical manual puts an array of proven cognitive-behavioral strategies at the clinician’s fingertips. The authors illustrate the “whats,” “whys,” and “how-tos” of exposure, cognitive restructuring, and other effective techniques for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and show how to organize interventions within a systematic yet flexible case formulation. Contents: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD: Overview and

Empirical Foundation. Cognitive-Behavioral Conceptualization of PTSD. Assessment, Case Conceptualization, and Treatment Planning. Embarking on Treatment: Clearing the Path for Success. Psychoeducation. Introducing Exposure Therapy. Imaginal Exposure. Cognitive Restructuring. Supplemental Tools. Putting it Together. 2007: 252pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-369-3: £21.95

Series: Guides to Individualized Evidence-Based Treatment Published by Guilford Press

Clinician’s Guide to PTSD A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Steven Taylor, University of British Columbia, Canada “This book is a gem! It is comprehensive, covering both the science and art of cognitive-behavioral treatment for PTSD, yet it is also concise and user-friendly... This volume includes everything a clinician, student, or researcher interested in PTSD needs to know... A valuable resource for every clinician’s bookshelf.” - Barbara Olasov

Third Edition Edited by Frank M. Dattilio, Harvard Medical School, USA, and Arthur Freeman, Governors State University, USA “This third edition is as timely as the evening news. Dattilio and Freeman have included the most common themes in crisis intervention, describing techniques and strategies that are short term and time effective. The volume is ‘a must read’ for everyone from dedicated crisis workers and private practitioners to clinical researchers.” - Barbara O. Rothbaum, Emory University School of Medicine, USA

Now in a revised and expanded third edition, this popular work combines the latest scientific knowledge with practical strategies for intervening in a broad range of crisis situations. Leading authorities describe effective procedures for working with crisis-prone clinical populations as well as persons struggling with situational crises and stressful life experiences. The third edition has been restructured and thoroughly updated with the latest empirical data and clinical approaches. Contents: Dattilio, Freeman, Introduction. Part I: Psychological Crises. Reinecke, Washburn, Becker-Weidman, Depression and Suicide. Dattilio, Kendall, Panic Disorder. Miller, Stress Management and Crisis Intervention for Law Enforcement and Mental Health Professionals. Fusco, Freeman, Cluster B Disorder. Part II: Medically Related Crises. Hibbard, Gordon, Kothera, Traumatic Brain Injury. Morgillo-Freeman, Storie, Substance Misuse and Dependency: Crisis as Process or Outcome. Dattilio, Davis, Goisman, Crisis with Medical Patients. Morgillo-Freeman, Acute and Chronic Pain. Part III: Child and Family Crises. Heflin, Deblinger, Child Sexual Abuse. Hamberger, Holtzworth-Munroe, Spousal Abuse. Schlesinger, Epstein, Couple Problems. Dattilio, Families in Crisis. Freeman, Timchack, Anger and Aggression in Children and Adolescents. DeVries, Ogland-Hand, Crisis with Older Adults. Part IV: Environmental and Situational Crises. McGinn, Spindel, Disaster Trauma. Hobfoll, Galai-Gat, Johnson, Watson, Terrorism. Meijers, Problem-solving in Crisis Intervention. Muran, Rape Trauma. Miller, Stress, Acute Stress, and Posttraumatic Stress. Part V: General Issues in Crisis Work. Van de Creek, Knapp, Legal and Ethical Issues in Crisis Intervention.

2007: 556pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-487-4: £41.00 Published by Guilford Press

Rothbaum, Emory University School of Medicine, USA


CognitiveBehavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention

Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Series

Backlist Titles Foa/Rothbaum: Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD

Series: Treatment Manuals for Practitioners Published by Guilford Press

Foy, Ed.: Treating PTSD: CognitiveBehavioral Strategies Pb: 978-0-89862-220-1: 1992: 172pp. £17.95

stress and trauma • Suicide • CLinical psychology: a modular course series

Series Editor: Chris R. Brewin Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course was designed to overcome problems faced by the traditional textbook in conveying what psychological disorders are really like. All the books in the series, written by leading scholars and practitioners in the field, can be read as stand-alone texts, but they will also integrate with other modules to form a comprehensive resource in clinical psychology.

Hb: 978-1-57230-178-8: 1998: 286pp. £33.50 Pb: 978-1-57230-736-0: 2002: 286pp. £18.95

Series: Treatment Manuals for Practitioners Published by Guilford Press

Katz: Holographic Reprocessing: A Cognitive-Experiential Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Trauma

Second Edition Constance Hammen, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, and Ed Watkins, University of Exeter, UK

Hb: 978-0-415-94757-2: 2005: 240pp. £23.50/$34.95 Published by Routledge

Segal/Blatt, Eds.: The Self in Emotional Distress: Cognitive and Psychodynamic Perspectives Hb: 978-0-89862-256-0: 1993: 386pp. £34.50 Published by Guilford Press

Van der Kolk et al., Eds: Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society 1999: 596pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-088-0: 1996: £46.95 Pb: 978-1-57230-457-4: £24.00 Published by Guilford Press

“At a time when our knowledge of the causes and treatment of depression are expanding rapidly, Hammen and Watkins are to be congratulated on the breadth, depth and upto-date information in this text... this excellent updated second edition of a classic text will be a major resource to students, clinicians and researchers.” - Professor Paul Gilbert, Kingsway Hospital, Derby, UK This book is intended for students and professionals who are seeking an up-to-date summary of research-based information on depression. Chapters cover clinical and diagnostic information, as well as features of the course of depression and the demographic features of the disorder. The book presents research at a level that is understandable by those who are not experts in the field. Also, an attempt is made to present balanced perspectives, acknowledging the contributions of various models of cause and treatment. Clinical examples and practical implications are highlighted to make the book readable and relevant.


Treating Suicidal Behavior An Effective, TimeLimited Approach M. David Rudd, Baylor University, USA, Thomas Joiner, Florida State University, USA, and M. Hasan Rajab, Texas A&M Health Science Center, USA

Contents: Defining and Diagnosing Depression. Course and Consequences of Depression. Who is Affected by Depression? Biological Aspects of Depression. Cognitive and Life Stress Approaches to Depression. Biological Treatments of Depression. Psychological Treatment.

2007: 272pp. Hb: 978-0-415-41972-7: £45.00/$80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41973-4: £15.95/$26.95

Series: Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Published by Psychology Press

“This remarkable book deftly guides the practitioner through the considerable challenges of working with suicidal patients... I am certain that the ripple of this book’s impact on the field of clinical suicidology will be seen for many years to come.” This manual provides an empirically supported approach to treating suicidality that is specifically tailored to today’s managed care environment.

Published by Guilford Press

Personality Disorders Paul M. G. Emmelkamp, and Jan Henk Kamphuis, both at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

- David A. Jobes, The Catholic University of America, USA

2004: 274pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-614-1: 2001: £30.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-100-2: £17.95


“Emmelkamp and Kamphuis... convey all the excitement and novelty of a young subject that is bursting with energy and demonstrating a tremendous impact in mental health that no-one can sensibly ignore.” - Peter Tyrer, Imperial College, London, UK


CLinical psychology: a modular course series • child and adolescent cognitive behaviour therapy

This comprehensive evidence-based book provides a broad and in-depth coverage of personality disorders across a variety of patient groups and treatment settings. Emmelkamp and Kamphuis bring together research examining psychological and biological variables that may play a role in the development of personality disorders. 2007: 272pp. Hb: 978-0-415-38518-3: £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38519-0: £15.95/$26.95

Child and Adolescent Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Series: Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Published by Psychology Press

Eating and Weight Disorders

A Casebook for Clinical Practice

Carlos M. Grilo, Yale University, USA “This is a fine book by a fine scholar and clinician. Anyone wishing to understand how and why eating and weight disorders develop, how they are diagnosed, and how best to treat them will benefit from this

excellent analysis.” - Kelly D. Brownell, Director, Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, USA

Including the most up-to-date research, Carlos Grilo provides a balanced and authoritative overview of current thinking in the fields of eating disorders and obesity with broad yet in-depth coverage of the areas. 2006: 256pp. Hb: 978-1-84169-547-1: £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-548-8: £15.95/$26.95

Second Edition Edited by Mark A. Reinecke, Northwestern University School of Medicine, USA, Frank M. Dattilio, Harvard Medical School, USA, and Arthur Freeman, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA “The editors fulfill their goals admirably, providing a wealth of scientific knowledge and integrating it with clinical experience... In managing to bring closer together the rigors of science and the demands of practice, this handbook is well worth readers’ attention.” - Child and Family Behavior Therapy

From leading scientist-practitioners, this book presents empirically supported interventions that have been carefully adapted – or specially designed – to meet the needs of children and adolescents and their families. Each chapter reviews the literature on a specific clinical problem and presents an extended case example demonstrating the process of assessment and treatment.

Series: Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Published by Psychology Press

OTHER TITLES IN THE SERIES Rachman: Anxiety, Second Edition Hb: 978-1-84169-515-0: 2004: 224pp. £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-516-7: 2004: 224pp. £15.95/$26.95 Published by Psychology Press

2006: 476pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-853-4: 2003: £34.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-378-5: £18.95 Published by Guilford Press

Teeson et al.: Addictions Hb: 978-1-84169-313-2: 2002: 152pp. £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-314-9: 2002: 152pp. £15.95/$26.95 Published by Psychology Press

Birchwood/Jackson: Schizophrenia Pb: 978-0-86377-553-6: 2001: 192pp. £15.95/$26.95 Published by Psychology Press

Hb: 978-0-86377-608-3: 2000: 229pp. £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-0-86377-609-0: 2000: 229pp. £15.95/$26.95 Published by Psychology Press

Resick: Stress and Trauma Hb: 978-1-84169-163-3: 2000: 216pp. £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-190-9: 2000: 216pp. £15.95/$26.95

Edited by Ray W. Christner, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA, Jessica Stewart, in private practice, Rhode Island, USA, and Arthur Freeman, President of the Freeman Institute for Cognitive Therapy, USA This Handbook offers a much-needed resource of theoretical knowledge, evidence-based interventions, and practical guidelines for professionals providing group psychotherapy to youth clients. 2007: 552pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95254-5: £31.00/$49.95 Published by Routledge


Handbook of CognitiveBehavior Group Therapy with Children and Adolescents Specific Settings and Presenting Problems

Kendall: Childhood Disorders

Published by Psychology Press

Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents

Child and Adolescent Therapy

A complete, readily applicable guide for school-based professionals, this book presents an empirically supported group intervention for 8- to 12-year-olds with anger and aggression problems.

Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures

Series: Guilford School Practitioner

2005: 190pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-728-5: 2002: £23.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-161-3: £17.50 Published by Guilford Press

Third Edition Edited by Philip C. Kendall, University of Temple, USA “An absolutely stellar book... This book is one of very few that integrate research and theory with clinical examples and treatment excerpts.”

- Alan E. Kazdin, Yale University School of Medicine, USA

2006: 528pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-113-2: £45.00 Published by Guilford Press

Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents The Nuts and Bolts

A Handbook for Practice Edited by Rosemary B. Mennuti, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA, Arthur Freeman, President of the Freeman Institute for Cognitive Therapy, and Ray W. Christner, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA This text applies Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to use in school settings, presenting the first comprehensive integration of theory with specific intervention strategies and techniques designed for work in school. 2005: 528pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95039-8: £30.00/$49.95 Published by Routledge

Robert D. Friedberg, Wright State University School of Professional Psychology, USA, and Jessica M. McClure, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA “At last! Friedberg and McClure bring clinicians into their offices and show in detail how cognitive therapy can be done with children and adolescents... This book is leaping to the top of my list of recommendations.” - Christine A. Padesky, co-author of Mind Over Mood This lively, practical book offers a complete guide to doing cognitive therapy with children and adolescents. 2002: 346pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-723-0: £31.00

Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Jim Larson, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, USA, and John Lochman, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA

“An extremely user-friendly publication... this important book will be uniquely useful for both working practitioners and practitionersin-training.” - Audrey Potter, Coordinator of School Psychological Services, Milwaukee Public Schools, USA


CognitiveBehavioral Interventions for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders School-Based Practice

Published by Guilford Press

child and adolescent cognitive behaviour therapy

Revised and expanded with six entirely new chapters, the third edition of this authoritative volume presents effective cognitive-behavioral approaches for treating the most frequently encountered child and adolescent disorders.

CognitiveBehavioral Interventions in Educational Settings

Edited by Matthew J. Mayer, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA, Richard Van Acker, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, John E. Lochman, University of Alabama, USA, and Frank M. Gresham, Louisiana University, USA Evidence based and practical, this book presents state-of-thescience approaches for helping K-12 students who struggle with aggressive behaviors, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism. It explains the fundamentals of cognitive-behavioral intervention and reviews exemplary programs that offer powerful new ways to reach at-risk children and adolescents. Leading authorities thoroughly describe the process of assessment, treatment planning, implementation, and program evaluation. What makes the book unique is its focus on the nitty-gritty of school-based intervention, including how to integrate mental health services into the special education system, overcome obstacles, and provide needed skills to school personnel. November 2008: 410pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-976-3: £28.50 Published by Guilford Press


Backlist titles Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology in the Schools: A Comprehensive Handbook

Edited by Patti Lou Watkins, Oregon State University, USA, and George A. Clum, Virginia Tech University, Virginia, USA

Edited by Jan N. Hughes, and Robert J. Hall Hb: 978-0-89862-736-7: 1989: 581pp. £53.95 Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Impulsive Children, Second Edition

child and adolescent cognitive behaviour therapy • psychotherapy

Philip C. Kendall, and Lauren Braswell Hb: 978-0-89862-013-9: 1993: 239pp. £25.50 Published by Guilford Press

Treating Troubled Children and Their Families Ellen F. Wachtel Hb: 978-0-89862-007-8: 1994: 320pp. £31.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-072-2: 2004: 320pp. £17.95 Published by Guilford Press



Eleven Blunders that Cripple Psychotherapy in America A Remedial Unblundering


Contents: Watkins, Self-Help Therapies: Past and Present. Rosen, Barrera, Glasgow, Good Intentions Are Not Enough: Reflections on Past and Future Efforts to Advance Self-Help. Clum, Self-Help Therapies: Mapping the Role of Self-administered Treatments in Healthcare. Febbraro, Clum, SelfRegulation Theory and Self-Help Therapies. Hirai, Clum, Self-Help Therapies for Anxiety Disorders. Karpe, Scogin, Self-Help Therapies for Depression. Elgar, McGrath, Self-Help Therapies for Childhood Disorders. Winzelberg, Luce, Taylor, Self-Help Therapies for Eating Disorders. van Lankveld, SelfHelp Therapies for Sexual Dysfunctions. Currie, Self-Help Therapies for Insomnia. Kypri, Cunningham, Self-Help Therapies for Problem Drinking. Schare, Konstas, Self-Help Therapies for Smoking Cessation. Concepcion, Watkins, Self-Help Therapies for Dieting and Weight Loss. Winett, Tate, Anderson, Wojcik, Winett, Preventing Weight Gain with Internet Programs. Fisher, Glasgow, Gabriele, An Ecological Perspective on Self-Help: The Case of Diabetes. Vincent, Walker, Katz, Self-Help Therapies in Primary Care. SelfHelp Therapies: Retrospect and Prospect.

Published by Routledge

Contents: Preface: The 50-minute Hour in a Nanosecond Era. Foreword: Our Founders Were Economically Savvy. Blunder 1: We Successors are Economic Illiterates. Blunder 2: We Turned Our Charismatic Leaders into Gurus. Blunder 3: Don’t Worry, Managed Care is a Passing Fad. Blunder 4: We Are Not a Healthcare Profession. Blunder 5: At War with Ourselves: Failure of the Profession to Own its Training. Blunder 6: Our Anti-business Bias, an Inadvertent Vow of Poverty. Blunder 7: Our Public Relations: A Disaster or Just a Fiasco? Blunder 8: Political Correctness: We No Longer Speak as a Science and Profession. Blunder 9: Creating Patients Where There are None. Blunder 10: Diversity Fiddles While Practice Burns. Blunder 11: RxP: Is this Our Sole Economic Thrust? Afterword: Hope for a Profession of Endearing Losers.

Published by Routledge

This volume constitutes the first solidly research-grounded guide for practitioners wending their way through the new maze of self-help approaches. The Handbook of Self-Help Therapies summarizes the current state of our knowledge about what works and what does not, disorder by disorder and modality by modality. Among the covered topics are: self-regulation theory; anxiety disorders; depression; childhood disorders; eating disorders; sexual dysfunctions; insomnia; problem drinking; smoking cessation; dieting and weight loss. Comprehensive in its scope, this systematic, objective assessment of self-help treatments will be invaluable for practitioners, researchers and students in counseling psychology, psychiatry and social work, health psychology, and behavioral medicine.

2007: 472pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5171-7: £45.00/$75.00

Nicholas A. Cummings, and William T. O’Donohue, both at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA After a period of economic success and high regard in society, clinical psychology has fallen onto hard times, assert authors Nicholas Cummings and William O’Donohue. In the 1960s, clinical psychologists with doctorates were well paid in relation to comparable professions; today, starting salaries are lower than many jobs that require only a bachelor’s degree. What was and continues to be the reason for the decline and continuing descent of clinical psychology? The authors enumerate and discuss the Eleven Blunders That Cripple Psychotherapy in America and offer remedies to correct the ongoing decline of the field.

April 2008: 400pp. Hb: 978-0-415-98963-3: £14.00/$25.95

Handbook of Self-Help Therapies

Handbook of Psychotherapy Case Formulation Second Edition Edited by Tracy D. Eells, University of Louisville, USA

“This comprehensive volume draws together in one place the major perspectives on the process of case conceptualization. Eells has produced a volume that is both theoretically grounded and practical, and that will help students and professionals explore a variety of models and approaches. If you want the best of current thinking about case conceptualization, there is no better volume to own.” - Steven C. Hayes, University of Nevada, USA

Now in a completely revised and expanded second edition, this indispensable Handbook and text brings together leading proponents of the major therapeutic approaches to provide a complete guide to case formulation. Following a consistent format, chapters review the conceptual underpinnings of the respective

case formulation models, consider their relationship to therapeutic technique, and offer practical, step-by-step instructions, illustrated with clinical material. 2006: 448pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-351-8: £33.00 Published by Guilford Press

Hands-on Help

illuminating what a skilled clinician actually does in day-to-day practice, Michael J. Mahoney shows how to nurture the therapeutic relationship while implementing such creative interventions as centering techniques, problem solving, pattern work, meditation and embodiment exercises, drama and dream work, and spiritual exploration. Appendices feature reproducible client forms, handouts, and other useful materials. 2005: 302pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-902-9: 2003: £24.95 Pb: 978-1-59385-234-4: £17.95

Computer-aided Psychotherapy

Published by Guilford Press

Isaac M. Marks, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK, Kate Cavanagh, University of Newcastle, UK, and Lina Gega, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery, King’s College London, UK

James P. Gustafson, University of Wisconsin Medical School, USA “Very Brief Psychotherapy is engagingly written, clinically astute, and theoretically brilliant. Jim Gustafson shows how, with one step – the right step – patients can do something different to break out of their painful, reiterating traps. Highly recommended.” - Michael F. Hoyt, Kaiser

“It is indeed a veritable milestone... it is extremely valuable to have the present state of knowledge described.” - Sir David Goldberg, From the Foreword

This informative book will be essential reading for psychiatrists, psychologists and all other mental health professionals interested in broadening their understanding of computer-aided psychotherapy. Contents: Goldberg, Foreword. Marks, Cavanagh, Gega, Introduction. CP for Phobic/Panic Disorder. CP for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. CP for General Anxiety and Emotional Problems. CP for Depression. CP for Eating Problems. CP for Substance Misuse. CP for Miscellaneous Adult Problems: Pain, Tinnitus Distress, Insomnia, Sexual Problems, Schizophrenia. CP for Problems in Children and Teenagers. Synthesis. Conclusion.

2007: 296pp. Hb: 978-1-84169-679-9: £24.95/$43.95

Permanente Medical Center, USA

In Very Brief Psychotherapy, Dr. James Gustafson provides the reader with the tools and techniques to make a discernable difference in a patient’s life in only a few moments. It is the first step in any situation that leads to the iteration of the familiar circle, and it is in this single step that the clinician can effect decisive change. Very Brief Psychotherapy can help the practitioner make meaningful interventions in real world time. 2005: 232pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95058-9: £21.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge

Series: Maudsley Monographs Published by Psychology Press

The Art and Science of Psychotherapy Edited by Stefan G. Hofmann, Boston University, USA, and Joel Weinberger, Adelphi University, USA


Hands-on Help is a narrative review of the mushrooming field of computer-aided psychotherapy for mental health problems as a whole, from the time it began in the 1960’s through to the present day. The many types of computer-aided psychotherapy and how each might be accessed are detailed together with the pros and cons of such help and the functions it can serve. The authors review prevention as well as treatment.

Very Brief Psychotherapy

Constructive Psychotherapy Theory and Practice Michael J. Mahoney, Salve Regina University, Newport, USA “Masterfully written, this book will be an invaluable text for students of psychotherapy and will also provide a breath of fresh air to all practitioners wishing to enrich and humanize their therapeutic

practice.” - Robert D. Stolorow, co-author of Worlds of Experience

An invaluable teaching text and clinical resource, this is a book about how to do psychotherapy – how to apply the science of change to the complexities of helping people develop new meanings in their lives. Explaining constructivist principles and

“In this book leading researchers, theorists, and practitioners confront and attempt to disentangle some of the key issues of psychotherapy... The editors should be congratulated for confronting these fundamental and important problems facing our field.” - William T. O’Donohue, University of

Nevada, Reno, USA

The Art and Science of Psychotherapy offers invaluable insight into the creative side of psychotherapy. The book addresses the fundamental split between researchers and scholars who use scientific methods to develop disorder-specific treatment techniques and those more clinically inclined therapists who emphasize the individual, interpersonal aspects of the therapeutic process. With contributions from leading therapists, the editors have compiled a practical handbook for clinical psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals. 2006: 344pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95215-6: £28.00/$44.95 Published by Routledge


Research for the Psychotherapist

Professional Issues and Development

From Science to Practice Jay Lebow, Northwestern University, USA “The eminent family therapist Jay Lebow has written a wonderfully readable book... Everyone involved in developing and delivering psychotherapy and psychological treatments would benefit from acquaintance with these perspectives.” - David H. Barlow,

A Clinician’s Guide Edited by William T. O’Donohue, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, and Michael Cucciare, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, USA

Boston University, USA

psychotherapy • professional issues and development

Most books about psychotherapy focus either on the process of gathering, analyzing, presenting, and discussing research results, or on conducting clinical work. What most of these texts lack is an engaging, accessible guide on how to incorporate research into practice. Research for the Psychotherapist: From Science to Practice fills that niche with an approach that bridges the gap between research and practice, presenting concise chapters that distill research findings and clearly apply them to practical issues. 2006: 296pp. Pb: 978-0-415-95226-2: £15.95/$24.95 Published by Routledge

Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy

The topic of terminating therapy is not one that clinicians normally consider. However, the session limits placed on clinicians by managed care require that the end of therapy be built into the treatment plan from the onset. With a focus on the termination of psychotherapy, A Clinician’s Guide examines the pertinent additional training that will aid mental health professionals in providing the most financially sensible and clinically deep treatment for their clients. Specifically, the book provides information on how to identify and understand when and how to discontinue psychological treatment with clients who have achieved sub-par results. 2007: 576pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95436-5: £31.00/$50.00 Published by Routledge

2003: 512pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-068-9: £31.95/$55.95 Published by Routledge

Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents

School and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA

Edited by Alan E. Kazdin, and John R. Weisz

Published by Guilford Press

Thomas G. Gutheil, and Archie Brodsky, both at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, and Cofounders of the Program in Psychiatry and the Law, USA “Gutheil and Brodsky have done an outstanding job. Reading this text is like taking a course with the authors, who demonstrate great wisdom and perspicacity as they build the reader’s awareness, elucidate what constitutes a boundary violation, and provide strategies for prevention. In today’s litigious climate, in which clinical practitioners need to remain so mindful of their professional role, this book is a welcome contribution.” - Frank M. Dattilio, Harvard Medical

backlist Title

2003: 476pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-683-7: £37.50


Preventing Boundary Violations in Clinical Practice

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Author Index A Abela, J. R. Z., Ed. .....................................24 Allen, L. A. . .............................................. 17 Althof, S. E., Ed. . ......................................38 Antony, M. M. .................................. 5, 7, 19 B Bamber, M. R. ............................................2 Barlow, D. H., Ed. .....................................16 Basco, M. R. .............................................24 Baumeister, R. F., Ed. ..................................7 Beck, A. T. ..................................................8 Beck, J. S. ...............................................5, 6 Becker, C. B. .............................................30 Becker, R. E. . ............................................29 Bell, L. ......................................................21 Bellack, A. S. ............................................18 Bennett, M. E. ..........................................18 Bentall, R. . ...............................................27 Benton, C. M. . .........................................25 Bieling, P. J. ................................................5 Bien, T., Ed. .............................................. 13 Birchwood, M. .........................................28 Björgvinsson, T. .......................................14 Bond, F. ....................................................10 Brodsky, A. ...............................................36 Buckley, A. ...............................................40 Buckley, C. ...............................................40 Busch, A. ..................................................10 Butler, G. . ................................................18 Byrne, S. . .................................................28

D Dattilio, F. M., Ed. . .............................30, 32 Davidson, K. . ...........................................25 Davis, D. D. ................................................8 Deane, F. P., Ed. ..........................................7 Dimeff, L. A., Ed. ...................................... 12 Dryden, W. . ......................................... 9, 11 Dugas, M. J. .............................................16 E Eells, T. D., Ed. ..........................................34 Eckhardt, C. I. ..........................................27 Emmelkamp, P. M. G. . .............................31 F Fairburn, C. G. .........................................21 Fall, K. A. ..................................................36 Fennell, M. ...............................................18 Fisher, P. ...................................................10 Flaxman, P. ...............................................10 Follette, V. M. ..................................... 14, 29 Freeman, A., Ed. ....................... 8, 30, 32, 33 French, P. .................................................27 Friedberg, R. D. ........................................33 Fulton, P. R., Ed. .......................................14 G Garland, A. . ...............................................2 Gaus, V. L. ................................................ 17 Gearon, J. S. .............................................18 Gega, L. ...................................................35 Germer, C. K., Ed. ....................................14

H Hackmann, A., Ed. . .............................17, 18 Hammen, C. . ...........................................31 Hankin, B. L., Ed. ......................................24 Hasan Rajab, M. .......................................31 Hayes, S. C. .......................................... 6, 14 Heard, H. . ................................................10 Heimberg, R. G. ............................... 6, 7, 29 Hersen, M., Ed. . ....................................... 17 Hick, S. F., Ed. ........................................... 13 Hofmann, S. G., Ed. . .......................... 15, 35 Holmes, E. A., Ed. ..................................... 17 J Jakes, S. ....................................................28 Joiner, T. ...................................................31 K Kabat-Zinn, J. ........................................... 13 Kamphuis, J. H. ........................................31 Kanter, J. ..................................................10 Kazantzis, N., Ed. .......................................7 Kendall, P. C., Ed. .....................................33 Kingdon, D. G. .........................................27 Kinsella, P. ..................................................2 Klosko, J. S. . .............................................27 Koerner, K., Ed. ........................................ 12 L L’Abate, L., Ed. . ..........................................7 Lam, D. C. K. ..............................................1 Larson, J. ..................................................33 Latner, J. D., Ed. . ......................................22 Leahy, R. L. .............................................3, 4 Lebow, J. ..................................................36 Ledley, D. R.............................................6, 7 le Grange, D. . ..........................................23 Leimon, A. . ..............................................40 Levine, M. D. ............................................ 15 Levine, S. B., Ed. .......................................38 Lilienfeld, S. O., Ed. ..................................37 Linehan, M. M. . ........................... 12, 14, 26 Lochman, J. ..............................................33 Lock, J. .....................................................23 Luepker. E. T. . ..........................................37 M Mace, C. . ................................................. 13 Mahoney, M. J. . .......................................35 March, J. S. . .............................................25 Marks, I. M. ..............................................35 Marquis, A. ..............................................36 Marx, B. P. ..................................................6 Mayer, M. J., Ed. .......................................33 McCabe, R. E. . ...........................................5 McClure, J. M. ..........................................33 McMahon, G. . .........................................40 Meaden, A. ..............................................28 Mennuti, R. B., Ed. ...................................33 Miklowitz, D. J. . .......................................24 Miller, A. L. ............................................... 12 Miner Holden, J. .......................................36 Mitchell, J. E., Ed. .....................................22 Moore, B. A. .............................................23 Morgan, J. F. . ...........................................21 Morrison, A. P. .........................................27 Morrison, J. ..............................................37 Moscovici, F. ............................................40 Murphy, C. M. . ........................................27 N Neenan, M. .............................................. 11 Neimeyer, R. A. ........................................10 Nelson-Jones, R. . .....................................39 Norton, P. J. . ............................................19

O O’Donohue, W. T. .................. 23, 34, 36, 37 Orsillo, S. M. ............................................ 12 Otto, M. W. .............................................. 15 P Padesky, C. A. ............................................5 Palmer, S., Ed. .................................... 39, 40 Perkins, K. A. ............................................ 15 Persons, J. B. ..............................................2 Peterson, C. B., Ed. . .................................22 R Ramsay, J. R. ............................................. 15 Rapee, R. M. . ...........................................29 Rathus, J. H. . ............................................ 12 Reeder, C. ................................................28 Reese, D. .................................................38 Reinecke, M. A., Ed. . ................................32 Renton, J. .................................................27 Rhodes, J. .................................................28 Risen, C. B., Ed. ........................................38 Robichaud, M. .........................................16 Roemer, L. ................................................ 12 Ronan, K. R., Ed. . .......................................7 Rosenthal, H. . ....................................38, 39 Rosqvist, J. ...............................................14 Rostain, A. L. ............................................ 15 Rudd, M. D. . ............................................31 Rusch, L. . .................................................10 Rush, A. J. .................................................24 Rushforth, J. .............................................21 Ruzek, J. I., Ed. . ........................................29 S Scott, B. J. ................................................23 Scott, M. J. ...............................................29 Segal, Z. ............................................. 13, 14 Siegel, R. D., Ed. .......................................14 Simos, G., Ed. .............................................6 Smith, G. . ................................................22 Sperry, L. . .................................... 26, 37, 40 Stallard, P. ................................................19 Stewart, J., Ed. . ........................................32 Strosahl, K. D. ............................................6 Swales, M. . ..............................................10 T Tarrier, N., Ed. ............................................3 Taylor, S. ..................................................30 Teasdale, J. ......................................... 13, 14 Thorn, B. E. ................................................7 Todd, G. ...................................................23 Treasure, J. ...............................................22 Trower, P. E. . ............................................28 Turkington, D. . ........................................27 V Van Acker, R., Ed. .....................................33 Vohs, K. D., Ed. . .........................................7 W Watkins, E. ...............................................31 Watkins, P. L., Ed. .....................................34 Weinberger, J., Ed. ...................................35 Weishaar, M. E. . .......................................27 Weiss, L. ...................................................38 Wells, A. ....................................... 10, 18, 23 Whybrow, A., Ed. .....................................39 Wilding, C. ...............................................40 Williams, M. ....................................... 13, 14 Wilson, G. T., Ed. ......................................22 Wilson, H., Ed. . ..........................................1 Wilson, K. G. ..............................................6 Woolfolk, R. L. .......................................... 17 Wykes, T. . ................................................28 Y Young, J. E. ...............................................27 Z Zarb, J. M. ..................................................4 Zayfert, C. . ..............................................30


C Cavanagh, K. ...........................................35 Chorpita, B. F. ..........................................19 Christner, R. W., Ed. ........................... 32, 33 Clark, D. A., Ed. .................................. 17, 25 Clarke, I., Ed. ..............................................1 Clum, G. A., Ed. .......................................34 Cole, P. H. . ...............................................38 Conklin, C. A. ........................................... 15 Cooper, M. . .............................................23 Crane, A. ..................................................22 Crane, R. ....................................................9 Cucciare, M., Ed. ......................................36 Cummings, N. A. .....................................34

Gilbert, P., Ed. ............................................3 Glickman, N. ..............................................4 Greenberger, D. .........................................5 Gresham, F. M., Ed. ..................................33 Grilo, C. M. ..............................................32 Gustafson, J. P. .........................................35 Gutheil, T. G. . ..........................................36

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