Routledge Mental Health
School-Based Mental Health New Books & Selected Backlist 2008
School-Based Practice in Action Series • School Psychology
School Psychology School-Based Practice in Action Series
Implementing Responseto-Intervention in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Series Editors: Rosemary B. Mennuti, and Ray W. Christner
Procedures to Assure Scientific-Based Practices
This series provides school-based practitioners with concise practical guidebooks that are designed to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based programs into school settings, putting the best practices in action. Forthcoming!
Assessment and Intervention for Executive Function Difficulties George McCloskey, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA, Lisa A. Perkins, in private practice, the Family Study Center, USA, and Bob R. Van Divner, Coordinator of Admissions Assessment, the Milton Hershey School in Hershey, USA In Assessment and Intervention for Executive Function Difficulties, McCloskey, Perkins, and Divner provide detailed, practical information to help the school-based practitioner to apply the concept of executive functions (EFs) to education settings. The conceptual model of executive functions will be presented in detail, followed by a comparative discussion of how EFs relate to similar clinical diagnostic categories in the DSM. The heart of the book will focus on the practical issues involved in the use of assessment tools, tests, report writing, and the implementation and follow up of targeted interventions using the EF model. Illustrative case examples will anchor the material, and the companion CD will provide the practitioner with a wealth of assessment forms, parent and teacher handouts, behavior tracking charts, and report/documentation forms.
Matthew Burns, University of Minnesota, USA, and Kimberly Gibbons, St. Croix River Education District, Minnesota, USA The Response-to-Intervention (RTI) approach, tracks a student’s progress and response to a given intervention (or series of interventions) that are designed to improve academic, social, behavioral, or emotional needs progress. RTI models have been closely scrutinized, researched, and reported in the past few years, and they are increasingly looked to as the foundation of future (and more and more as the present) of school psychology practice in schools. What is still lacking in the midst of a recent slew of handbooks, research studies, revised assessment scales and tests, and best-practices suggestions is a truly practical guidebook for actually implementing an RTI model. This book will fill this need. Following the structure and plan for our SchoolBased Practice in Action Series, authors Matt Burns and Kim Gibbons present a clear and concise guide for implementing a school-wide RTI model, from assessment and decision-making to Tiers I, II, and III interventions. As with other volumes in the series, a companion CD will include a wealth of examples of forms, checklists, reports, and progress monitoring materials for the practitioner. CONTENTS: Response to Intervention: What It Is and Why We Do It.
Assessments Within an RTI System. Data-based Decision Making. Schoolwide Organization to Facilitate RTI. Curriculum and Instruction for All Children: Tier I. Intervention Strategies for a Selected Group: Tier II. Intensive Interventions for Individual Students: Tier III. Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Implementation and Tips for Getting Started. Appendices. February 2008: 256pp. Hb: 978-0-415-96391-6: £60.00/$95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96392-3: £22.00/$34.95
Series: School-Based Practice in Action Includes a Supplemental CD
CONTENTS: Overview and Introduction. A Comprehensive Model of
Executive Functions. Executive Functions in Context. Assessment of Executive Functions. Linking Executive Function Assessment and Intervention and Report Writing. Interventions for Executive Function Problems. Monitoring Response to Intervention. Illustrative Case Examples. Concluding Comments. Practitioner Resources.
School-Based Mental Health
September 2008: 224pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95783-0: £56.95/$90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95784-7: £21.95/$34.95
A Practitioner’s Guide to Comparative Practices
Series: School-Based Practice in Action
Ray W. Christner, and Rosemary B. Mennuti, both at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA This volume provides school-based practitioners with a comprehensive and comparative guide to the strategic interventions, therapeutic modalities, and treatment approaches that are most commonly and effectively used in educational settings. Three main sections of the text present a foundation of universal interventions, targeted interventions, and alternative interventions appropriate for use in schools. Unifying the
Includes a Supplemental CD
To Hold and Be Held The Therapeutic School as a Holding Environment
July 2008: 320pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95558-4: £28.00/$44.95
Daniel K. Reinstein, Clinical Director and Inclusion Program Director, Community Therapeutic Day School, Lexington, USA
Coming Out, Coming In Nurturing the Well-Being and Inclusion of Gay Youth in Mainstream Society Linda Goldman, in private practice, Maryland, USA Foreword by Jody M. Huckaby “This book is critically important… In Coming Out, Coming In, Linda Goldman provides us with a comprehensive primer for psychologists, clinicians, educators, and families to help us dispel myths, combat misinformation, and teach us how to provide the care, respect, and unconditional love that all youth deserve, regardless of differences.” - Jody M. Huckaby, From the Foreword Coming Out, Coming In: Nurturing the Well-Being and Inclusion of Gay Youth in Mainstream Society describes the process of “coming in” to a welcoming and nurturing family, from both the teen’s and the parents’ perspective. Linda Goldman draws on her personal and professional experience as a school guidance counselor, child and adolescent therapist, parent, and a member of the national group PFLAG to build a common language and a new paradigm for understanding sexual orientation and gender identity as a part of mainstream culture.
Drawing on the teachings of D.W. Winnicott and John Bowlby, who helped revolutionize thinking about relational psychology, To Hold and Be Held integrates the concepts of the ‘holding environment’ and attachment theory and describes how they are applied in a clinical setting. It also uses metaphor to both derive meaning from the language of the therapeutic process and to apply that meaning within a systems framework to effect significant therapeutic change. To Hold and Be Held describes the creation of a system of working that not only holds the child and his family, but also holds the larger system as well – a system in which therapeutic services are integrated at all levels and implemented in public schools in a way that supports all those involved. SELECTED CONTENTS: Hauptman, Foreword. Part I: Philosophy and
Application. Part II: The Holding Environment at Community Therapeutic Day School. Part III: Creating a Holding Environment in Public Schools. Part IV: Case Studies. Part V: Public School Case Studies. 2006: 200pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95369-6: £21.95/$34.95
School Counseling New!
Handbook of School Counseling
Through the information, exercises, anecdotes, and extensive bibliography of additional resources provided in the book, parents, school administrators and educators, community groups and counselors will find the tools needed to facilitate nurturing and safe environments for our LGBT youth.
Edited by Hardin L. K. Coleman, University of Wisconsin, USA, and Christine Yeh, University of San Francisco, USA
CONTENTS: Huckaby, Foreword. Understanding Gay Youth:
Society’s Mirror. The World of Gay Youth: From Exclusion to Inclusion. Dispelling Old Myths: Creating New Insights. Coming Out: Finding Freedom to Be. Interventions with LGBT Young People: Supporting a Healthy Outlook. Counseling Youth on LGBT Issues: Towards Self-acceptance. Speak Up and Share: Self-Expression and the Creative Arts. The School Environment: Creating an Oasis of Safety. Possibilities for LGBT Participation in Daily Life: Evolving Relationships and Communities. Parenting LGBT Children: A Foundation for Love and Support. Coming In: Gay and Lesbian Family Life. Community Counts: A Place for Friends and Family. Conclusion: A Final Look at a New Beginning. Creating Equality in Society: Resources and Supports. Resources on LGBT Issues for Youth and Adults: Celebrating Diversity. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organizations: Support for All. 2007: 320pp. Pb: 978-0-415-95824-0: £18.95/$29.95
School Psychology • School Counseling
chapters are two central case examples, allowing the reader to see and evaluate the strengths and potential challenges of each technique in a familiar situation. This emphasis on case examples and the comparative structure of the volume will provide a level of hands-on and practical learning that is helpful for both students and mental health practitioners working in schools for the first time, and as a resource for more seasoned professionals who need to expand the tools at their disposal.
The mission of this 48-chapter Handbook is to provide a comprehensive reference source that integrates counseling theory, research and practice into one volume. It is designed to meet the needs of entry-level practitioners from their initial placement in schools through their first three to five years of practice. It will also be of interest to experienced school counselors, counselor educators, school researchers, and counseling representatives within state and local governments. CONTENTS: Coleman, Yeh, School Counseling from a Multicultural
and an Ecological Perspective: An Introduction. Part I: Introduction to the Field of School Counseling. Schmidt, History of School Counseling. Steward, Neil, Diemer, A Concept of Best Practices in Training School Counselors. Dahir, School Counseling: Moving Towards Standards and Models. Coleman, Student Accomplishment: Equity and the School Counselor’s Role. Yeh, Pituc, Understanding Yourself as a School Counselor. Part II: Diversity and School
School Counseling
Counseling. Trickett, Formoso, The Acculturative Environment of Schools and the School Counselor: Goals and Roles that Create a Supportive Context for Immigrant Adolescents. Lee, Cort, Immigrant Children and Youth in Schools. Carter, Buckley, Hall, Racial Harassment in American Schools. Casey-Cannon, The Role of Ethnic Identity in the Practice of School Counseling. Semino, Understanding and Implementing Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning Affirmative Practices as School Counselors. Liu, Fridman, Hall, Social Class in School Counseling. Anctil, Bauman, Disability in the Schools. Miville, Race and Ethnicity in School Counseling. Caldwell, Oldfield, Beech, African American Empowerment in Secondary School Counseling. Part III: Student Development. Bodenhorn, Facilitating Personal and Social Development. Fillingame, Coleman, Physical Health and Emotional Development: A Primer for School Counselors. Fillingame, Coleman, Adolescent Sexual Health and Development. Linskens, Coleman, The School Counselor’s Role in Promoting Literacy in Elementary School-aged Children. Howard, Scott, Solberg, Kantameni, Smothers, Designing Culturally Responsive School Counseling Career Development Programming for Youth. Part IV: School Counselor Competence. Romano, Wahl, McDonald, School Counselor Training: School and Societal Needs in the 21st Century. Gruman, Nelson, Supervision of Professional School Counselors. Owens, Constantine, Multicultural Competence of School Counselors. Clemente, Consultation with Teachers, Administrators, and Counseling Agencies. Lindwall, Coleman, Creating Caring School Communities. Part V: School-based Interventions. Hage, Schwartz, Barnett, Youth Development and Prevention in the Schools. Lee, Putman, Individual Counseling as Intervention in Schools. Peterson, Servaty-Seib, Focused, But Flexible: A Developmental Approach to Small-group Work in Schools. Beesley, Frey, Conducting Groups in Schools: Challenges and Rewards. Patterson, Families in Context: An Essential Component of School Counseling. Murphy, Crisis Management in the Schools. Salzman, Collaboration and Consultation as Essential Services for School Counseling Programs. Mau, Career Development Interventions in Schools. Clauss-Ehlers, Creative Arts Counseling in Schools: Toward a More Comprehensive Approach. Lotta, Kerr, Kruger, Counseling the Gifted and Talented. Coleman, Yang, Kim, Cultural Identity Enhancement Strategies for Culturally Diverse Youth. Part VI: Working with Socio-Emotional Challenges. Pituc, Juliao, Interpersonal Relationships. Bauman, Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention. Cort, Working with School Failure. Karcher, Holcomb, Zambrano, Measuring and Evaluating Adolescent Connectedness. Swearer, Buhs, Siebecker, Love, Miller, Bullying and Peer Victimization. Gregory, Cappella, School Violence. Wood, Hinkelman, Substance Abuse. Part VII: Accountability and Professional Issues in School Counseling. Gysbers, Evaluation of School Guidance and Counseling Programs: Past, Present, and Future. Kim, Alamilla, Research in and on School Counseling. Walsh, DePaul, The Essential Role of Schoolcommunity Partnerships in School Counseling. Wolleat, Law and Ethics in School Counseling. Davis, Williamson, Scarboro, Professional Activities in School Counseling. 2007: 832pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5622-4: £125.00/$225.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5623-1: £49.99/$89.95
Series: Counseling and Counseling Education
Professional Issues in School Counseling Preparing the Contemporary School Counselor for the Age of Accountability Rosemary Thompson, Regent University, Virginia, USA
children’s mental health issues and the role of today’s schoolbased practitioners in integrating strategies and interventions into their schools in order to promote a nurturing and learning environment. New information on neurobiology and the adolescent brain have added an additional dimension to our understanding of teen behavior and the need for intervention and prevention within the school counselor’s role. This volume also covers other important topics such as accountability, ethical and legal matters, testing, diversity, and special education. Professional Issues in School Counseling prepares new school counselors and counselors-in-training for dealing with the real-life issues and situations that they will confront when working in schools. CONTENTS: Part I: Accountability. Transforming School Counseling for Systemic Change: To Close the Achievement Gap Between Minority Students and Children of Color. What Works: Outcome Research on School Counseling Program Initiatives and Interventions. Using School Achievement Data to Design “Best Practice” Interventions for Your School. Critical Ethical and Legal Issues for School Counselors. The Growing Debate: High Stakes Testing or Preparing Youth for Their Career Future? Part II: Meeting the Needs of All Children. Special Education and 504 Plans. Diversity Issues in the School Setting. Minority Gendered Youth (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Youth). Special Programs for Academically Disenfranchised Students (e.g., AVID, Upward Bound, and Gear Up). Impulsivity and Decision Making: Understanding the Research on Neurobiology and the Teenage Brain. Part III: Primary Prevention and Crisis Management in the Schools. Meeting the Growing Mental Health Issues of Children and Adolescents. Helping Youth Feel Better, Think Better and Relate Better: A Psychoeducational Model That Promotes Resiliency by Promoting Critical Life Skills. Crisis Intervention and Crisis Management: The Need for First Response Procedures. Dealing with Death, Grief and Loss in the School Setting. Compassion Fatigue: The Professional Liability of Caring Too Much in the School Community that Demands So Much.
September 2008: 320pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95836-3: £24.95/$39.95
School Counseling Best Practices for Working in the Schools Second Edition Rosemary A. Thompson, Regent University, Virginia, USA In this second edition of a practical and eminently useful resource, Rosemary Thompson discusses the new and expanded roles of today’s school counselors. In the wake of recent school violence, and in light of the tough decisions that students now face everyday, the role of the school counselor has changed dramatically. Today, more than ever, school counselors must do more than simply offer guidance on educational and vocational choices, but must become catalysts for change. This second edition examines the ways in which recent economic, political, social, and educational trends have impacted the professional school counselor. Throughout the text, Thompson integrates her discussion of recent national reform issues and the new professional standards set forth by the American School Counselors Association.
Today, children and adolescents are becoming more isolated, 2002: 456pp. less engaged with peers and more prone to have virtual Pb: 978-1-56032-889-6: £27.99/$41.95 relationships, rather than genuine, meaningful, long-term engagement with peers and family. This book moves away from the test-focused attitude of previous years to discuss
Promoting Student Development and Achievement John P. Galassi, and Patrick Akos, both at the University of North Carolina, USA “This book will be state of the art in the developmental aspects of school counseling. It is up-to-date, evidence-based, and tied to standards and models of school counseling.” - Bruce Wampold, University of Wisconsin, USA This is the first book to provide a comprehensive look at the theory, research, and intervention strategies that comprise a strengths-based, developmental approach to school counseling. In keeping with ASCA recommendations, the Strengths-based School Counseling (SBSC) framework discusses academic, personal/social and career development outcomes for all students at the elementary, middle and secondary school levels. CONTENTS: The Strengths-Based School Counseling Framework.
Routledge Series on Counseling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men Series Editor: Mark S. Kiselica The Routledge Series on Counseling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men captures the burgeoning body of knowledge about the emotional and psychological lives of boys and men and the process of counseling them in a male-friendly manner. This series will appeal to mental health practitioners (psychologists, counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, clinical and counseling psychologists, marriage and family therapists, nurses and psychotherapists) and educators who wish for in-depth and practical suggestions for helping men and boys.
Implementing the Strengths-Based School Counselor’s Role. Promoting Academic Development: Basic Principles. Promoting Academic Development: Interventions. Promoting Personal and Social Development. Promoting Career Development. Strengths-Based School Counseling in Perspective. School Counselor Preparation.
BAM! Boys Advocacy and Mentoring
2007: 281pp. Pb: 978-0-8058-6249-2: £23.99/$39.95
Emotionally Intelligent School Counseling Edited by John Pellitteri, City University of New York/Queens College, USA, Robin Stern, Columbia University, USA, Claudia Shelton, The Hopewell Group, USA, and Barbara Muller-Ackerman, Parsippany Counseling Center, Morris Plains, USA “The text overall is well organized... strongly recommend ‘Emotionally Intelligent School Counseling’ to counselors and educational consultants who are integrating emotional intelligence into their practices.” - PsycCRITIQUES The concept of emotional intelligence (EI), which has steadily gained acceptance in psychology, seems particularly well suited to the work of school counselors and school psychologists who must constantly deal with troubled and underperforming students. To date, however, no book has systematically explained the theoretical and scientific foundations of emotional intelligence and integrated this information into the roles and functions of school counselors and other school personnel. In addition to illustrating how social emotional learning is important to both individual students and to school climate, the book also shows school counselors how to expand their own emotional awareness and resiliency. 2005: 304pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5034-5: £55.50/$99.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5035-2: £19.95/$37.50
A Leader’s Guide to Facilitating StrengthsBased Groups for Boys – Helping Boys Make Better Contact By Making Better Contact with Them Peter Mortola, Lewis and Clark College, Oregon, USA, Howard Hiton, Hiton & Associates, Oregon, USA, and Stephen Grant, Social Worker, Oregon, USA “As a mom of two boys and a person who has worked with boys for the past 15 years, I so appreciate the innovative approach of BAM!. If you work with boys you know it can be difficult to find creative interactive exercises boys will embrace. When you read BAM! you’ll immediately see a wide range of activities boys will want to do, and the exercises do a great job of creating the environment where boys can and will openly discuss topics that usually are off limits to boys in our culture.” - Rosalind Wiseman, educator and author of Queen Bees and Wannabes
Over the past decade, our understanding of the fundamental differences in child development, behavior, and emotional maturity between boys and girls has increased dramatically, and as a result, many gender-specific interventions and support programs have been developed to meet the needs of parents, teachers, and mental health professionals. However, these all take the form of responses designed to minimize an already disruptive behavior pattern. What has been needed is a pro-active program whose goal is to instill positive skills and patterns in ‘at-risk’ boys, rather than waiting to address problems after they are already visible. The BAM! Boys Advocacy and Mentoring program fills this need by providing the first guidebook for group facilitators who want
School Counseling • Routledge Series on Counseling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men
Strengths-Based School Counseling
Routledge Series on Counseling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men • School Counseling 6
to lead preventative boys groups designed to foster communication skills and emotional connections. Based on years of research and refined over the course of countless sessions run by the authors, the program has been field-tested and tailored for use either in the school setting or outside. Over a series of group sessions, participants are encouraged to understand their emotions and interpersonal interactions without losing a sense of ‘maleness’ as a result of emotional growth and communication with peers about personal issues. CONTENTS: BAM! Orientation. The Challenges Boys Face. The
Necessity of Good Contact. The Social Influences: The Impact of Dysfunctional Aspects of Traditional Masculinity on Boys’ Relationships. The Biological Influences: A Different Kind of Contact for Boys. Seeing Boys’ Strengths and Addressing Their Challenges. Five Goals for BAM! Leaders: Making Better Contact with Boys. Five Goals for BAM! Participants: Helping Boys Make Better Contact. A New Experience for Boys: Walking the Talk in BAM! Groups. Making Contact Through Strategic Storytelling. Making Contact Through Physical Challenges. BAM! Example. Week One: Lost in the Woods. Week Two: Alligator Swamp. Week Three: Haunted House. Week Four: Sitting Circle. Week Five: Willow in the Wind. Week Six: Making Lists. Week Seven: Treasure Hunt. Week Eight: Trust Falling. Week Nine: Talking Cards. Week Ten: Found in the Woods. BAM! Instructions. Initiating a BAM! Group. Facilitating a BAM! Group. Session-by-Session Instructions. BAM! Appendix. BAM! Group Evaluation: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. Additional Activities and Discussion Topics. 2007: 192pp. Pb: 978-0-415-96318-3: £20.95/$34.95
The Routledge Series on Counseling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men
Counseling Troubled Boys A Guidebook for Professionals Edited by Mark S. Kiselica, College of New Jersey, USA, Matt Englar-Carlson, California State University, USA, and Arthur M. Horne, University of Georgia, USA “At long last, we have a really useful volume for helping troubled boys. Dr’s. Kiselica, Englar-Carlson and Horne have performed a terrific service for the field in editing this boy-friendly book, one that will benefit students and mental health practitioners alike. This is a “must read”!” - Ronald F. Levant, Dean and Professor of Psychology, University of Akron, USA
This volume provides practitioners with clear, helpful information about the process of understanding and engaging a wide array of boys and adolescent males in counseling. It supplies case examples and covers topics including race, ethnicity, religion, and other cultural factors of boys. A practical tool for school and mental health practitioners who need to understand and respond to the developmental and special issues of boys and adolescent males, Counseling Troubled Boys creates a bridge between young men and helping professionals. Key content includes adjustment issues, strategies for establishing rapport, interventions, case studies, and suggestions for future training and research.
CONTENTS: Part I: Understanding and Establishing Rapport with
Boys. Shepherd, Robertson, The Psychological and Emotional Development of Boys. Englar-Carlson, Kiselica, A Positive Psychology Perspective on Helping Boys. Kiselica, Englar-Carlson, The Process of Establishing Rapport with Boys During Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy. Cervantes, Family Therapy with Boys. Part II: Counseling Special Populations of Boys. Kiselica, Counseling Sexually Abused Boys. Fleming, Counseling Depressed and Suicidal Boys. Kapalka, Counseling Boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Horne, Counseling Aggressive Boys. Woodford, Substance Abuse Counseling with Boys. Mobley, Counseling Gay Adolescents. Liu, Counseling Gifted Boys. Part III: Future Directions in Counseling Boys. Kiselica, Englar-Carlson, Horne, Emerging Theoretical, Service and Professional Issues with Boys in Counseling and Psychotherapy. 2007: 336pp. Pb: 978-0-415-95547-8: £20.99/$34.95
The Routledge Series on Counseling and Psychotherapy with Boys and Men
Peer Programs An In-Depth Look at Peer Programs – Planning, Implementation, and Administration Second Edition Judith Tindall, Psychological Network, Inc., Missouri, USA, and David Black, Purdue University, USA An overview of peer helping, this book explains the value of and techniques for helping non-professionals learn to help others one-on-one, in small groups and in groups of classroom size. Intended to be of use to those responsible for planning, implementing and/or administering peer programmes, this text should also convince those who aren’t directly involved that peer helping is a worthwhile undertaking – reducing drug and alcohol abuse, dropouts, violence and conflict, HIV and AIDS, pregnancy, stress and negative peer pressure. The text presents the rationale behind peer helping, impact of programmes on problems of society, sample programmes, development concepts, organizational details and implementation procedures for human relations training. This book is intended to serve as a guide for learning important aspects of training peer helpers and as a resource book for a wide range of professional peer helpers, such as: administrators; managers; teachers; counselors; ministers; religious educators; social workers; psychologists; human resource personnel and others in the helping professions. CONTENTS: An Open Letter to the Peer Program Professional. Why
Peer Helping Now? Change Professional Helping Roles. Bringing You Up to Date: Recent Studies in Peer Helping. Development of the Peer Helping Professional. Steps to a Successful Peer Helping Program. Training Model and Procedures. Utilization of Peer Helpers and Advanced Training. Evaluation of the Program. Building a Team. Programmatic Standards and Codes of Ethics. Appendices. Companion CD Contents. June 2008: 384pp. Pb: 978-0-415-96236-0: £25.00/$44.95
The Peer Power program is a peer training program designed for middle and high school students, focusing on 8 core skills: Attending, Empathizing, Summarizing, Questioning, Genuineness, Assertiveness, Confrontation, and Problem Solving. Through a series of exercises, games, and self-awareness techniques, children and adolescents involved in the program gain the basic communication and mediation skills necessary to effectively help their peers. Contact our sales team for information on discounts and bulk orders of the student workbooks
Peer Power, Book One Workbook: Becoming an Effective Peer Helper and Conflict Mediator
Peer Power, Book Two Workbook: Applying Peer Helper Skills Third Edition Judith Tindall, Psychological Network, Inc., Missouri, USA Picking up where Book One left off, the Peer Power, Book Two Workbook brings the participating students through a series of additional Modules, focusing on how to apply the core skills learned in the first half of the program in real life situations. This volume covers topics such as alcohol and drug use, conflict mediation, eating disorders, suicide prevention, classroom leadership, bullying, and self-esteem issues. The Workbook provides clear instructions for the skills-focused, guided exercises, in a format that is accessible and enjoyable for students in the Peer Power program.
The Peer Power Program
The Peer Power Program
September 2008: 320pp. Pb: 978-0-415-96234-6: £17.00/$29.95 Discounts available for bulk orders
Fourth Edition Judith Tindall, Psychological Network, Inc., Missouri, USA
Peer Power, Book One Workbook brings the participating students through a series of thirteen Modules, introducing the group to the Peer Power program, the role of the peer helper, the eight core skills, and strategies for implementing the peer work into practice. The Workbook provides clear instructions for the skills-focused, guided exercises, in a format that is accessible and enjoyable for students in the Peer Power program.
Peer Power, Book Two
July 2008: 352pp. Pb: 978-0-415-96232-2: £17.00/$29.95
Strategies for the Professional Leader: Becoming an Effective Peer Helper and Conflict Mediator
The professional strategies book provides the program leader/facilitator with clear and easy to follow guidelines for implementing the peer power program. Picking up where Book One left off, the leader’s guide to Book Two proceeds through the same series of Modules that are found in the Book Two student Workbook. For each exercise in the student Workbook, this leader’s guide provides instructions for introducing and implementing the exercise, time and material requirements, description of its purpose and goal, and homework assignments. Equipped with the professional strategies book, the program leader (teacher, school counselor, juvenile center officer, social worker, child therapist) can quickly and confidently work through the Peer Power curriculum.
Fourth Edition
September 2008: 160pp. Pb: 978-0-415-96233-9: £17.00/$29.95
Discounts available for bulk orders
Peer Power, Book One
Strategies for the Professional Leader: Applying Peer Helper Skills Third Edition Judith Tindall, Psychological Network, Inc., Missouri, USA
Judith Tindall, Psychological Network, Inc., Missouri, USA The professional strategies book provides the program leader/facilitator with clear and easy to follow guidelines for implementing the peer power program. After an overview of the peer program philosophy, training structure, and goals, the leader’s guide proceeds through the thirteen Modules that are found in the student Workbook. For each exercise in the student Workbook, this leader’s guide provides instructions for introducing and implementing the exercise, time and material requirements, description of its purpose and goal, and homework assignments. Equipped with the professional strategies book, the program leader (teacher, school counselor, juvenile center officer, social worker, child therapist) can quickly and confidently work through the Peer Power curriculum.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Arena News | Books | Journals | Resources Brought to you by Routledge Mental Health
July 2008: 224pp. Pb: 978-0-415-96231-5: £17.00/$29.95
CONTENTS: Conoley, Foreword. Part I: Introduction. Erchul, Sheridan,
Cases in School-Based Consultation A Resource for School Psychologists, School Counselors, Special Educators, and Other Mental Health Professionals Laura Crothers, Tammy Hughes, and Karen Morine, all at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA This casebook provides an applied perspective regarding schoolbased consultation, including an overview of mental health consultation, behavioral consultation, social learning theory consultation, Adlerian consultation, and ecological/organizational consultation. Along with relevant discussion of the issues in each case study, critical thinking questions are included for discussion among students and educators regarding school-based consultation. This text includes many more and diverse case examples than the competing casebooks available, and is designed to be used in conjunction with any of the established primary texts in Consultation. School-based mental health professionals, educators, and graduate students will find Cases in School-Based Consultation an indispensable guide in their work and study.
Overview: The State of Scientific Research in School Consultation. Frank, Kratochwill, School-based Problem-solving Consultation: Plotting a New Course for Evidence-based Research and Practice in Consultation. Part II: Methodological and Statistical Foundations. Schulte, Measurement in School Consultation Research. Gresham, Vanderwood, Quantitative Research Methods and Designs in Consultation. Meyers, Truscott, Meyers, Varjas, Collins, Qualitative and Mixed Methods and Designs in Consultation Research. VanDerHeyden, Witt, Section Commentary on Effective Consultation. Part III: What We Know: Process/Outcome Findings From Selected Models of Practice. Knotek, Kanuika, Ellingsen, Mental Health Consultation and Consultee-centered Approaches. Martens, DiGennaro, Behavioral Consultation. Sheridan, Clarke, Burt, Conjoint Behavioral Consultation: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know? Rosenfield, Silva, Gravois, Bringing Instructional Consultation to Scale: Research and Development of IC and IC Teams. Illback, Pennington, Organization Development and Change in School Settings: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. Lopez, Nastasi, Section Commentary: An Integrative View of Process/Outcome Research From Selected Models of Consultation. Part IV: What We Know: Process/Outcome Findings From Selected Research Perspectives. Ingraham, Studying Multicultural Aspects of Consultation. Erchul, Grissom, Getty, Studying Interpersonal Influence Within School Consultation: Relational Communication and Social Power Perspectives. Noell, Research Examining the Relationships Among Consultation Process, Treatment Integrity, and Outcomes. Hughes, Loyd, Buss, Empirical and Theoretical Support for an Updated Model of Mental Health Consultation for Schools. Forman, Zins, Section Commentary: Evidence-based Consultation: The Importance of Context and the Consultee. Part V: Conclusions. Sheridan, Erchul, Epilogue: The Future of Scientific Research in School Consultation. 2007: 408pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5335-3: £100.00/$155.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5336-0: £45.00/$69.95
CONTENTS: Erchul, Foreword. Overview. Cases in Mental-Health
ACES Publication of the Year 2007!
Consultation. Cases in Behavioral Consultation. Cases in Social Learning Theory Consultation. Cases in Adlerian Consultation. Cases in Organizational/Ecological Consultation.
May 2008: 256pp. Pb: 978-0-415-96337-4: £21.95/$34.95
Creating School-Based Interventions
Handbook of Research in School Consultation Edited by William P. Erchul, North Carolina State University, and Susan M. Sheridan, University of Nebraska, USA The field of school consultation, which is centered principally in school psychology and cuts across related disciplines such as special education and school counseling, has never had a comprehensive volume that examines its research perspectives and methodologies, its models of practice, and its future research directions. That is the mission of this Handbook. It provides both producers and consumers of school consultation with an invaluable snapshot of its current boundaries and rapidly growing content. This book is intended for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners in school psychology and related human service disciplines, including special education, counselor education, counseling psychology, and school social work.
Third Edition Don Dinkmeyer, Jr., Graduate College of Western Kentucky, USA, and Jon Carlson, Governors State University, USA “Don Dinkmeyer, Jr., and Jon Carlson have completed another excellent text. The material is well written, clear and, most importantly, highly relevant to students and practitioners who serve as consultants to individuals, schools and families... This is certain to be a resource for years to come.” - Arthur Horne, University of Georgia, USA
Grounded in Adlerian Psychology, the methods presented by Don Dinkmeyer, Jr., and Jon Carlson in Consultation are based upon the assumption that problems in the home and the classroom result not only from the direct actions of disruptive students, but also from the expectations of teachers and parents. This text shows how counselors can encourage change in these supposed ‘problem’ children by helping authority figures recognize and alter the part they may be playing in exacerbating the negative actions of the student. Also included is a supplementary DVD depicting actual individual and group interviews with teachers and parents. 2005: 208pp. Pb: 978-0-415-95198-2: £34.95/$59.95
Includes a supplemental DVD 8
Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents
interpretation, and application. With topics ranging from personality assessment to behavioral assessment to the assessment of depression and thought disorder, the leaders in the field of child and adolescent measurement outline selection and interpretation of measures in a manner that is most relevant to clinicians and graduate students. 2006: 648pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5791-7: £137.95/$225.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6075-7: £58.50/$95.00 ebook: 978-1-4106-1476-6: £138.95/$250.00
Interventions New!
Third Edition
Evidence-Based Interventions for Students with Learning and Behavioral Challenges
Kenneth W. Merrell, University of Oregon, USA This book provides a comprehensive foundation for conducting clinical assessments of child and adolescent social-emotional behavior in a practical, scientific, and culturally appropriate manner. It is aimed at graduate students, practitioners, and researchers in the fields of school psychology, child clinical psychology, and special education but will also be of interest to those in related disciplines such as counseling psychology, child psychiatry, and social work. CONTENTS: Part I: Foundations and Methods of Assessment.
Foundations of Assessment. Assessment and Classification. Direct Behavioral Observation. Behavior Rating Scales. Interviewing Techniques. Sociometric Techniques. Self-report Assessment. Projective-expressive Techniques. Part II: Assessment of Specific Problems, Competencies, and Populations. Assessing Externalizing Problems. Assessing Internalizing Problems. Assessing Other Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Problems. Assessing Social Skills and Peer Relations. Assessing Social and Emotional Behavior of Young Children. Assessment and Cultural Diversity. 2007: 560pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5370-4: £50.00/$79.95
The Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents A Practitioner’s Handbook Edited by Steven R. Smith, University of California, USA, and Leonard Handler, University of Tennessee, USA “Readers of this text will gain clinically practical and empirically informed knowledge on the assessment of children and adolescents as individuals and as individuals living within the family and other contexts... I recommend this Handbook for graduate students and clinicians working day-to-day with children and adolescents experiencing emotional and behavioral difficulties.” - Daniel J. Holdwick, Jr., Clinical Psychologist This book highlights assessment techniques, issues, and procedures that appeal to practicing clinicians. Rather than a comprehensive Handbook of various tests and measures, The Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents is a practitionerfriendly text that provides guidance for test selection,
Assessment • Interventions
Edited by Richard J. Morris, and Nancy Mather, both at the University of Arizona, USA This book assembles into one volume summaries of schoolbased intervention research that relates to those who deal on a regular basis with the growing body of students having highincidence learning disabilities and/or behavior disorders: special educators, school psychologists, and clinical child psychologists. Chapter authors begin with an overview of their topic followed by a brief section on historical perspectives before moving on to the main section – a critical discussion of empirically based intervention procedures. CONTENTS: Part I: Introduction. Morris, Mather, Introduction and
Historical Perspectives. Braden, Shernoff, Why the Need for Evidencebased Interventions? Part II: Students Having Behavioral Challenges. DuPaul, Rutherford, Hosterman, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Liaupsin, Scott, Disruptive Behavior. Schoenfield, Morris, Childhood Fears and Related Anxieties. Reinemann, Schnoebelen, Depression and Related Difficulties. Part III: Students Having Learning Challenges. Fahey, Oral Language Problems. Mather, Urso, Teaching Younger Readers with Reading Difficulties. Wexler, Edmonds, Vaughn, Teaching Older Readers with Reading Difficulties. Berninger, Written Language During Early and Middle Childhood. Montague, van Garderen, Mathematics Instruction. Dehn, Cognitive Processing Difficulties. Gildroy, Deshler, Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Gregg, Lindstrom, Accommodation of Instructional Testing Situations. Part IV: Issues Related to Teaching Students Having Learning and Behavioral Challenges. Ortiz, Issues Unique to English Language Learners. Pfeiffer, Blei, Serving Gifted Students with Learning and Behavioral Challenges. Kauffman, Mock, Tankersley, Landrum, Service Delivery Models. Part V: Commentary on Teaching Students Having Learning and Behavioral Challenges. Brooks, Goldstein, Perspective and Commentary: The Power of Mindsets, Creating Classrooms that Nurture Resilience. 2007: 440pp. Hb: 978-0-415-96454-8: £75.00/$150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-96455-5: £44.95/$79.95
Interventions • Child and Adolescent Therapy
CognitiveBehavioral Interventions in Educational Settings A Handbook for Practice Edited by Rosemary B. Mennuti, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA, Arthur Freeman, President of the Freeman Institute for Cognitive Therapy, and Ray W. Christner, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA This text applies Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to use in school settings, presenting the first comprehensive integration of theory with specific intervention strategies and techniques designed for work in school. An essential reference text for mental health professionals working closely with school officials, it is also useful as a resource for school psychologists, guidance counselors, pupil personnel support staff, school social workers and clinical psychologists. Chapters are organized around topics such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, peer aggression and bullying, ADHD, and parent consultation, and include assessment tools, tips and strategies, intervention techniques, and case studies. Including contributions from a renowned group of scholars and practitioners, this collection represents a standard upon which future progress can be built.
professional help, young individuals are quite alone in coping with these situations. Perhaps unsurprisingly, most children and adolescents typically do not seek such help, and often resist it when offered. Author Zipora Shechtman has written this detailed text advocating group counseling and psychotherapy as a viable means of addressing these issues if we are to ensure the psychological wellness of children in society. CONTENTS: Part I: The Rationale for Child and Adolescent Group
Counseling and Psychotherapy. Introduction to Part I. Who Needs Group Counseling and Psychotherapy? The Theory of Group Counseling With Children. Therapeutic Factors in Children’s Groups. Part II: The Practice of Child and Adolescent Group Psychotherapy. Introduction to Part II. Leadership in Counseling Groups With Children. Activities in the Group: Methods and Techniques. Pre-group Planning and Forming a Group. The Initial Stage. The Transition Stage. The Working Stage: How to Enhance Emotional Experiencing and Group Support. Termination. Part III: Accountability and Processes With Various Groups. Introduction to Part III. Group Counseling for Lonely Children and Adolescents. Group Counseling for Students With LD. Group Counseling for Children of Divorce. Group Counseling for Aggressive Children and Adolescents. Group Counseling for Adolescents of a Different Culture: The Case of Arabs. Part IV: Summary and Conclusion. Introduction to Part IV. What Does the Data Tell Us About Group Counseling With Children? Future Directions. Appendices. 2006: 312pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5685-9: £52.50/$85.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5686-6: £21.50/$34.95 ebook: 978-1-4106-1449-0: £52.95/$95.00
Handbook of CognitiveBehavior Group Therapy with Children and Adolescents
2005: 528pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95039-8: £30.00/$49.95
Child and Adolescent Therapy Group Counseling and Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents Theory, Research, and Practice Zipora Shechtman, University of Haifa, Israel “What is unusual about this book is the expert theory research to direct practice orientation. Shechtman presents a sophisicated, research-based view of group work with children and adolescents. This is a book that works for practitioners, but also has important insights for the field as a whole.” - Allen E. Ivey, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Many children and adolescents face developmental or situational difficulties in areas where they live most of their meaningful experiences – at home, at school, and in the community. While adults who struggle with life events and stressors may look to 10
Specific Settings and Presenting Problems Edited by Ray W. Christner, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA, Jessica Stewart, school psychologist, in private practice, Rhode Island, USA, and Arthur Freeman, President of the Freeman Institute for Cognitive Therapy This Handbook offers a much-needed resource of theoretical knowledge, evidence-based interventions, and practical guidelines for professionals providing group psychotherapy to youth clients. Written by leading professionals in the field of child and adolescent cognitive-behavioral therapy, this comprehensive volume offers readers a collection of innovative and well established approaches for group interventions with youth in a variety of treatment settings. SELECTED CONTENTS: Part I: Group Therapy Essentials. Part II:
Specific Settings. Part III: Presenting Problems. Part IV: Conclusions and Future Directions. 2007: 552pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95254-5: £31.00/$49.95
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) Treatment Manual
The Practice of Child Therapy Fourth Edition Edited by Richard J. Morris, University of Arizona, USA, and Thomas R. Kratochwill, University of Wisconsin, USA Consistent with previous editions, this book assembles in a single volume summaries of the treatment literature and treatment procedures of the most common childhood behavior disorders facing persons who practice in applied settings – clinics, schools, counseling centers, psychiatric hospitals, and residential treatment centers. CONTENTS: Morris, Kratochwill, Historical Context of Child Therapy. Franklin, Yadin, Kahlid-Khan, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders. Kaslow, Clark, Sirian, Childhood Depression. Morris, Kratochwill, Schoenfield, Auster, Childhood Fears, Phobias, and Related Anxieties. DuPaul, Barkley, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Pullen, P. A. Lloyd, J. W. Lloyd, Academic Problems. Kazdin, de Los Reyes, Conduct Disorder. Siegel, Davis, Somatic Disorders. Charlop-Christy, Malmberg, Rocha, Schreibman, Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder. Matson, Terlonge, Minshawi, Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Siegel, Children Medically at Risk. Becker, Kirsch, Sexual and Other Abuse of Children. Saigh, Lee, Ward, Westphal, Wilson, Fairbank, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents: History, Risk, and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment. Johnston, Fruehling, Psychopharmacological Approaches with Children and Adolescents. Braden, Martin, Prevention. Sales, DeKraai, Hall, Duvall, Child Therapy and the Law.
2007: 568pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5328-5: £70.00/$195.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5329-2: £49.99/$89.95
A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model for Training Parents Sue C. Bratton, and Garry L. Landreth, both at the University of North Texas, USA, Theresa Kellam, in private practice, Texas, USA, and Sandra R. Blackard, independent consultant in communication and training “If you want to use this well established program, you will want to have this manual to guide you. It provides everything that the therapist and parent need to know to carry out their respective CPRT roles effectively.” - Louise Guerney, Director, Play and Filial Family Training, The National Institute of Relationship Enhancement, USA
This manual is the highly recommended companion to CPRT: A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model. Accompanied by a CD-Rom of training materials, which allows for ease of reproduction and enhanced usability, the workbook will help the facilitator of the filial training and will provide a much needed educational outline to allow filial therapists to pass their knowledge on to parents.
Child and Adolescent Therapy • Play Therapy
CONTENTS: Introduction: Using the CPRT Treatment Manual. Part I:
Therapist Notebook. Treatment Outlines and Handouts for Sessions 1-10. Part II: Study Guide. Part III: Parent Notebook. Handouts, Notes, and Homework for Sessions 1-10. Part IV: CPRT Training Resources. Part V: Appendices. Part VI: CD-Rom Contents. 2006: 272pp. Pb: 978-0-415-95212-5: £23.95/$37.50
Play Therapy Bestseller!
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT)
Play Therapy The Art of the Relationship
A 10-Session Filial Therapy Model Garry L. Landreth, and Sue C. Bratton, both at the University of North Texas, USA “This book provides a wealth of detailed and helpful information about the process and practice of filial therapy. It is likely to prove an invaluable guide to all practicing and aspiring filial therapists.” - The British Association of Play Therapists This book offers a survey of the historical and theoretical development of the filial therapy approach and presents an overview of filial therapy training and then filial therapy processes. The book also includes a transcript of an actual session, answers to common questions raised by parents, children, and therapists, as well as additional resources and research summaries. 2005: 512pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95110-4: £24.99/$39.95
Second Edition Garry L. Landreth, University of North Texas, USA “Dr. Garry Landreth has made yet another significant contribution to the field of play therapy with the revised and expanded second edition of his landmark, award-winning text, Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship... This is the essential text for an introductory play therapy course and a must read for all child therapists.” - Sue C. Bratton, University of North Texas, USA
Play Therapy, Second Edition, is a thorough update to the 1991 first edition best-selling book, the most widely used text for play therapy courses. It refreshes the history and development in play therapy including results of research done in the past 10 years. 2002: 432pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-327-7: £26.50/$41.95
Clinical Problems
Clinical Problems
Childhood Anxiety Disorders
An ADHD Primer
A Guide to Research and Treatment
Second Edition Lisa L. Weyandt, University of Rhode Island, USA “The goal of this book is to meet the needs of a varied audience ranging from individuals with ADHD to educators, to parents to mental health professionals. This rather ambitious goal is not only met in a superb fashion, but I believe this book to be the best single source for concise, practical, research-based information on ADHD... This book should be in the library of all individuals interested in this disorder.” - George DuPaul, Lehigh University, USA
Filled with current, practical, and useful information for professionals and individuals, this second edition of An ADHD Primer summarizes the literature concerning ADHD across the lifespan. It offers a better understanding of the disorder by addressing the potential causes of ADHD, the developmental course, and numerous treatment approaches. Author Lisa L. Weyandt delivers research-based, cutting-edge knowledge in a concise and user-friendly fashion. The book skillfully explains the scientific literature, often complex, concerning this disorder.
Deborah C. Beidel, University of Central Florida, USA, and Samuel M. Turner, University of Maryland, USA Childhood Anxiety Disorders presents information on childhood fears, anxiety and anxiety disorders for mental health professionals. Although firmly rooted in the current scientific research, theory, and discussion, the book is written in a style that is free from technical jargon, making it highly readable. Using the latest research data, this book examines childhood anxiety disorders, including their etiology, psychopathology, and treatment (both pharmacological and psychological). Chapters are devoted to each of the anxiety disorders listed in the DSM-IV-TR Manual, and other chapters cover the fears associated with medical procedures, chronic medical illnesses, and somatic conditions that may develop or are maintained by stress and anxiety, as these are commonly occurring conditions in children and adolescents. 2005: 368pp. Hb: 978-0-415-94797-8: £28.00/$44.95
CONTENTS: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – What Is It?
ADHD – What Causes It? ADHD – How Is It Assessed? ADHD – How Is It Treated?: School- and Home-based Approaches. ADHD – How Is It Treated?: Medication and Alternative Approaches. Appendices.
Childhood Disorders
2006: 232pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-4969-1: £42.95/$69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-4970-7: £15.50/$24.95 ebook: 978-1-4106-1413-1: £45.00/$79.95
Philip C. Kendall, Temple University, USA
Over 75,000 Copies in Print!
ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life Strategies that Work from a Professional Organizer and a Renowned ADD Clinician Judith Kolberg, and Kathleen Nadeau This is a book that has ADD-Friendly advice with the ADDer in mind. This collaboration brings forth the best underlying understanding with the most effective and practical remedy from ADD experts in two important fields – professional organization and clinical psychology. Finally, it offers organizing advice that ranges from self-help to utilizing the help of non-professionals, to using professional assistance. Thus it permits the reader to decide where they are at personally in the organizing process, and what level of support will be most beneficial to their unique situation.
“To give such a broad view of the models, disorders and issues is impressive for such a slim volume and this would be an interesting book for undergraduates, or any reader wishing to gain a quick and comprehensive overview of childhood disorders.” - Victoria Bream, University of Oxford, UK In Childhood Disorders, Philip C. Kendall provides an up-to-date summary of the current information about the psychological disorders of childhood – their causes, nature and course – together with discussion and evaluation of the major models that guide psychological thinking about the disorders. Drawing on the research literature and case studies from his own clinical work, Kendall describes each of the major childhood disorders. He goes on to give a detailed consideration of the criteria used to make the diagnoses, a presentation of the latest research findings on the nature of the disorder, and an overview of the methods used and evaluations conducted for the treatment of the disorders. 2000: 229pp. Hb: 978-0-86377-608-3: £45.00/$79.00 Pb: 978-0-86377-609-0: £15.95/$26.95
Series: Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Published by Psychology Press
2002: 280pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-358-1: £13.50/$21.95
Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment
Psychotic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents demystifies the interviewing diagnostic process of psychosis in children and adolescents and provides a valuable resource for treatment. Psychotic symptoms have traditionally been rationalized and disregarded as products of the child’s imagination. There has been a professional reluctance to acknowledge that children could suffer from severe psychotic disorders akin to adult subjects, and that these symptoms merit a comprehensive and systematic evaluation. CONTENTS: Overview of Psychotic Symptoms in Childhood. Psychiatric
Edited by Thomas P. Gullotta, Eastern Connecticut State University, USA, and Gary M. Blau, Chief of the Child, Adolescent and Family Branch of the Center for Mental Health Services “Gullotta and Blau have assembled an exciting group of contributors and a distinctive text... this book will serve as a comprehensive reference for all professionals engaged in the treatment of children.” - Deborah C. Beidel, author of Shy Children, Phobic Adults and Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Recent years have seen increasing interest in the mental health field, particularly related to strategies that foster the positive behavior and healthy mental state of children. As the Handbook of Childhood Behavioral Issues indicates, however, the causes of childhood behavioral, physical, and mental health problems are multi-dimensional and cannot be treated with a uniform approach. CONTENTS: Introduction. Part I: Foundational Chapters. Gullotta,
From Theory to Practice: Treatment and Prevention Possibilities. de Voursney, Mannix, Brounstein, Blau, Childhood Growth and Development. Bush, Peterson, Family Influences on Child Development. Antonishak, Reppucci, Ecological and Community Level Influences on Child Development. E. W. Holden, E. A. Holden, The Evidence Base for Treating Children’s Mental Health Disorders. Bloom, Principles and Approaches to Primary Prevention. Part II: Physical Health Issues. Philipsen, Brooks-Gunn, Overweight and Obesity in Childhood. Nansel, Hood, Diabetes in Childhood. Gustafson, Meadows-Oliver, Banasiak, Asthma in Childhood. Gillespie, Scagliola, Children with Cancer. Part III: Behavioral Health Issues. Graczyk, Connolly, Anxiety Disorders in Childhood. Roberts, Bishop, Rooney, Depression and Bipolar Disorder in Childhood. A. J. Schwebach, Mulsow, D. J. Schwebach, ADHD in Childhood. Kruczek, Vitanza, Salsman, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Childhood. Sexton, Pederson, Schuster, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in Childhood. Mandell, Stahmer, Brodkin, Autism Spectrum Disorders in Childhood. DuCharme, McGrady, Pervasive Developmental Delay and Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Childhood. 2007: 432pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95461-7: £60.00/$95.00
Psychotic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Assesment, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment
Assessment. Examination of Other Psychotic Symptoms. Examination of Mood and Affect. Aids in the Diagnostic Process. Differential Diagnosis of Psychotic Disorders: Medical Conditions Associated With Psychosis. Differential Diagnosis of Psychotic Disorders: Psychiatric Disorders Associated With Psychosis. Etiology and Pathogenesis. Psychosocial Interventions for Chronic Psychosis. Psychopharmacological Treatment: Considerations in the Clinical Use of Antipsychotic Medications. Mood Stabilizing Medications in the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders of Children and Adolescents. Overview of Atypical Antipsychotics. Mood Stabilizers and Atypical Antipsychotic Side Effects. Treatment of Atypicals Side Effects. Appendices.
Clinical Problems
Handbook of Childhood Behavioral Issues
2006: 552pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95364-1: £46.95/$75.00
Self-Injury in Youth The Essential Guide to Assessment and Intervention Edited by Mary-Kay Nixon, University of Victoria Island Medical Program, Canada, and Nancy Heath, McGill University, Canada This edited volume features evidence-based reviews and practical approaches for the professional in the hospital, clinic, community and school, with case examples throughout. Divided into five major sections, the book offers background historical and cultural information, discussion of self-injury etiology, assessment and intervention/prevention issues, and relevant resources for those working with youths who self-injure. CONTENTS: Part I: Introduction. Nixon, Heath, Introduction. Part II:
Background Information: Historical and Cultural Issues. Nixon, Heath, Self-Injury Today: Review of Population Studies. Lofthouse, Nixon, Self-Injury and Comorbidity Issues. Part III: Etiology of SelfInjury. Richardson, Nock, Prinstein, Functions of Self-Injury. Heath, Toste, Psychological Risk and Protective Factors. Osuch, Payne, Neurobiology and Self-Injury. Part IV: Effective Practice and SelfInjury in Youth. Assessment. Clouthier, Evaluating Self-Injury. Heath, Nixon, Assessment Overview. Nixon, Families and Self-Injury. Intervention/Prevention Issues. Katz, Lofthouse, Intervention/ Prevention in the Hospital. Leiberman, Heath, Toste, Intervention/ Prevention in the Schools. Whitlock, Knox, Intervention/Prevention in the Community. Part V: Conclusion. Nixon, Heath, Conclusions. Toste, Relevant Resources for Use in Working with Youth Who SelfInjure. June 2008: 256pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95725-0: £28.00/$44.95
Claudio Cepeda, University of Texas, USA “This comprehensive text provides a most welcome overview of psychosis and psychotic conditions in children and adolescents... This volume will be of great interest to clinicians who work with children and adolescents with severe mental disorders.” - Fred R. Volkmar, Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Handbook of School Violence and School Safety
Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology
From Research to Practice
An Interdisciplinary Perspective Edited by Giselle B. Esquivel, Fordham University, USA, Emilia C. Lopez, University of New York, USA, and Sara Nahari, City University of New York, USA This comprehensive Handbook offers a beautifully balanced view of the emerging field of multicultural school psychology. The opening section provides an historical overview of how the field has developed, and succeeding sections discuss multicultural issues related to consultation, instructional interventions, alternative assessment, academic assessment, vocational assessment, culturally sensitive counseling models, and working with families and special populations. Theory, research, and practice are integrated throughout. SELECTED CONTENTS: Rosenfield, Foreword. Part I: A Multicultural
Framework. Part II: Multicultural Consultation. Part III: Instructional and Classroom Interventions. Part IV: Multicultural and Bilingual Assessment. Part V: Multicultural Therapeutic Interventions. Part VI: Special Populations. Part VII: Future Perspectives. 2007: 776pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-4561-7: £110.50/$180.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4562-4: £42.95/$69.95
Edited by Shane R. Jimerson, and Michael J. Furlong, both at the University of California, USA “... a much needed resource on the critical issue of school violence... this book synthesizes information from international experts in the fields of school psychology, clinical psychology, special education, and law. The text is well organized, and one of the best features is that almost every chapter provides a summary table at the end.” - PsycCRITIQUES This 41-chapter Handbook is the first attempt to comprehensively profile (on a worldwide basis) the emerging field of school violence and safety research and practice. It covers the full range of school violence from harassment and bullying to serious physical assault. It also examines existing school safety programs and the research and theories that guide them. Examinations of current issues and projections of future research and practice are embedded within the discussions. SELECTED CONTENTS: Part I: Foundations of School Violence and
Safety. Part II: Assessment and Measurement. Part III: Researchbased Prevention and Intervention Programs. Part IV: Implementing Comprehensive Safe School Plans. 2006: 720pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5223-3: £128.95/$210.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5224-0: £55.50/$89.95
School Violence
Handbook of Pediatric and Adolescent Obesity Treatment
Fears Versus Facts Dewey G. Cornell, University of Virginia, USA “There is much to recommend in this book. It is perhaps the best single volume that is available for the educated lay reader. The format is accessible... the reasoning is sound and the research cited is substantial... would certainly
Edited by William T. O’Donohue, Brie A. Moore, and Barbara J. Scott, all at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA This volume brings together behavioral, medical, and public health approaches and provides the knowledge necessary for a wide range of practitioners to effectively address the current obesity epidemic among adolescents. The book addresses several themes in pediatric and adolescent obesity. Experts in the field discuss the prevalence, etiology, and sequelae of pediatric and adolescent obesity, as well as the medical and behavioral assessment of the overweight child, adolescent, and family. SELECTED CONTENTS: Moore, O’Donohue, Scott, Overview. Part I: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Socio-cultural Considerations. Part II: Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding: Relevant Process Variables. Part III: Treatment Approaches: A Stepped Care Perspective. Part IV: Nutritional Approaches.
recommend the book.” - PsycCRITIQUES Illustrated with numerous case studies – many drawn from the author’s work as a forensic psychologist – this book identifies 19 myths and misconceptions about youth violence, from ordinary bullying to rampage shootings. It covers controversial topics such as gun control and the effects of entertainment violence on children. The author demonstrates how fear of school violence has resulted in misguided, counterproductive educational policies and practices ranging from boot camps to zero tolerance. 2006: 264pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5423-7: £42.95/$69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5424-4: £18.50/$29.95
2007: 360pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95432-7: £78.00/$125.00 Pb: 978-0-415-99066-0: £38.95/$69.95
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Grief Support Group Curriculum
Grief Support Group Curriculum
Grief Support Group Curriculum Facilitator’s Handbook Linda Lehmann, Shane R. Jimerson, and Ann Gaasch 2000: 48pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-096-2: £12.50/$18.95
“This set of books is definitely worth purchasing for the therapist or counselor who deals with or is affected by children who are coping with the issues of death. Even though we live in an era which heralds amazing medical advances death continues to be a part of life so therefore grief counseling, especially in the lives of children and adolescents, needs to be an integral part of our counseling and therapy.” - American Journal of Pastoral
Mourning Child Grief Support Group Curriculum
Mourning Child Grief Support Group Curriculum
The Grief Support Group Curriculum provides a basis for assisting children and teenagers as they learn about mourning through facing death of a close or special friend. The aim of this curriculum is to facilitate healthy variations of mourning and positive adaptations following the death of a friend or family member. The work illustrates mourning in four stages of development and is accordingly divided into four separate texts. The texts focus on preschool-aged children, children in kindergarten through grade two, children in grades three through six, and teenagers. Each curriculum contains ten ninety-minute sessions that should be implemented over a period of ten weeks. By employing ageappropriate themes to engage the child and provide continuity throughout the sessions, the division of material within the curricula assures that the activities reflect the developmental level of the grieving child or adolescent. Each person grieves differently, and Grief Support Group Curriculum addresses the issues related to mourning while recognizing the importance of individuality in grieving.
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Pre-School Edition: Denny the Duck Stories Linda Lehmann, Shane R. Jimerson, and Ann Gaasch 2000: 192pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-097-9: £18.50/$28.95
Early Childhood Edition: Kindergarten Grade 2 Linda Lehmann, Shane R. Jimerson, and Ann Gaasch 2000: 152pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-098-6: £18.50/$23.95
Mourning Child Grief Support Group Curriculum Middle Childhood Edition: Grades 3-6 Linda Lehmann, Shane R. Jimerson, and Ann Gaasch 2000: 176pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-099-3: £18.50/$23.95
Teens Together Grief Support Group Curriculum Adolescence Edition: Grades 7-12 Linda Lehmann, Shane R. Jimerson, and Ann Gaasch 2000: 192pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-302-4: £18.50/$25.95