Social and Emotional Development

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Social & Emotional Development 2008-2009

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New Titles and Key Backlist

Contents Barrett & Buchanan-Barrow: Children’s Understanding of Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Kagitçibasi: Family, Self and Human Development Across Cultures, 2nd Ed. . . . . . . .6

Journals in Social & Emotional Development

Barrett: Children's Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about Nations and National Groups .4

Kernis: Self-Esteem Issues and Answers . . . . . . .6

Applied Developmental Science . . . . . . . . .11

Killen & Smetana: Handbook of Moral Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Attachment & Human Development . . . . .12

Bennett & Sani: The Development of the Social Self . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Berry et al.: Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Langford: Vygotsky’s Developmental and Educational Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Cognition & Emotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 European Journal of Developmental Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Borkowski et al.: Risk and Resilience . . . . . . . . . . .9

Moore: The Development of Commonsense Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Brown: Key Indicators of Child and Youth WellBeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Mroczek & Little: Handbook of Personality Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Bukowski et al.: Social and Emotional Development (Major Work) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Müller et al.: Social Life and Social Knowledge .2

Infancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Niedenthal et al.: Psychology of Emotion . . . . .10

International Journal of Psychology . . . . . .13

Burman: Deconstructing Developmental Psychology, 2nd Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Overton et al.: Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Journal of Cognition and Development . .14

Burman: Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Owusu-Bempah: Children and Separation . . . .8

Cohen: The Development of Play, 3rd Ed. . . . .9

Pipe: Child Sexual Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Cotterell: Social Networks in Youth and Adolescence, 2nd Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Power & Dalgleish: Cognition and Emotion, 2nd Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Daniels: Introduction to Vygotksy, 2nd Ed. . . . .8

Reissland & Cohen: The Development of Emotional Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Dweck: Self-theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Frijda: The Laws of Emotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Frydenberg: Adolescent Coping . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Gerhardt: Why Love Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Göncü & Gaskins: Play and Development . . . . .2 Hawley et al.: Aggression and Adaptation . . . .4 Holzman: Vygotsky at Work and Play . . . . . . . . .6

Scabini et al.: The Transition to Adulthood and Family Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Strohmeier & Schmitt-Rodermund: Immigrant Youth in European Countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Wainryb et al.: Social Development, Social Inequalities, and Social Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

European Review of Social Psychology . . .12

Parenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Research in Human Development . . . . . . .14 Self and Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Social Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Social Development Social Life and Social Knowledge

Social Development, Social Inequalities, and Social Justice

Toward a Process Account of Development

Cecilia Wainryb, University of Utah, USA; Judith G. Smetana, University of Rochester, USA; Elliot Turiel, University of California, USA (Eds.)

Ulrich Müller, University of Victoria, Canada; Jeremy I.M. Carpendale, Simon Fraser University, Canada; Nancy Budwig, Clark University, USA; Bryan Sokol, St. Louis University, USA (Eds)

In this new volume, leading researchers provide state-of-theart perspectives on how social interaction influences the development of knowledge. The book integrates approaches from a variety of disciplines including developmental psychology, psychopathology, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, evolutionary biology, and primatology. It reviews the nature and type of interactions that promote development as well as the conceptual frameworks used to explain the relation between individuals and groups.

Social Life and Social Knowledge comprehensively addresses conceptual questions central to understanding human life and development: • Is the human form of social life reducible to biological processes? • What psychological abilities constitute the specifically human form of social life? • What are the processes and contexts within which these abilities develop? • How should we conceptualize the links between social life and the development of thought, and how do individuals and society contribute to these processes? The book is intended for philosophers, primatologists, anthropologists, biologists, sociologists, and developmental and educational psychologists interested in social development, social cognition, and developmental psychopathology. It also serves as a resource for courses in social development and those that focus on the intersection between cognition, development, and culture.

The book considers processes of social development. It examines Piaget’s ideas about morality and relates them to children’s thinking about social rights. An interdisciplinary review of research from developmental, social, and health psychology, social policy, anthropology, and philosophy, follows this introduction. Each contributor examines the historical, developmental, and social processes that influence beliefs regarding social justice and equality and the consequences of living in conditions of injustice. The book considers: • Inequalities in educational and health care opportunities. • Unequal rights and harassment and their effects on minorities. • The hardships and inequalities encountered by women. Intended for researchers and advanced students in developmental, social, cultural, and health psychology, policy, anthropology, and philosophy interested in a world that is socially just.

CONTENTS U. Muller, J. Carpendale, N. Budwig, B. Sokol, Developmental Relations Between Forms of Social Interaction and Forms of Thought: An Introduction. M. Bickhard, Are You Social? The Ontological and Developmental Emergence of the Person. J. Martin, Perspectives and Persons: Ontological, Constitutive Possibilities. T. Behne, M. Carpenter, M. Grafenhain, K. Liebal, U. Liszkowski, H. Moll, H. Rakoczy, M. Tomasello, F. Warneken, E. Wyman, Cultural Learning and Cultural Creation. P. Hobson, J. Meyer, In the Beginning is Relation and Then What? V. Reddy, Experiencing the Social. M.B. Bibok, J.I.M. Carpendale, C. Lewis, Social Knowledge as Social Skill: An Action Based View of Social Understanding. J. Dunn, Relationships and Children’s Discovery of Mind. G. Duveen, C. Psaltis, The Constructive Role of Asymmetry in Social Interaction. M. Bamberg, Selves and Identities in the Making: The Study of Microgenetic Processes in Interactive Practices. C.R. Hallpike, The Anthropology of Moral Development. E. Turiel, Individuals and Social Change.

CONTENTS Preface. E. Turie, The Trouble With the Ways Morality is Used and How They Impede Social Equality and Social Justice. C.C. Helwig, The Moral Judgment of the Child Reevaluated: Heteronomy, Early Morality, and Reasoning about Social Justice and Inequalities. E. Zigler, S.J. Styfco, America’s Head Start Program: An Effort for Social Justice. J. Gills, K. Schmukler, M. Azmitia, F. Crosby, Affirmative Action and Ethnic Minority University Students: Enlarging Pipelines to Support Services. E. Goodman, N.E. Adler, The Biology of Social Justice: Linking Social Inequalities and Health in Adolescence. S. Horn, Leaving LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Students Behind: Schools, Sexuality, and Rights. C. Good , J. Aronson, The Development of Stereotype Threat: Consequences for Educational and Social Equality. U. Wikan, Honor, Truth, and Justice. M. Nussbaum, In Defense of Universal Values.

January 2008: 6x9: 296pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6068-9: £49.95

November 2007: 6x9: 272pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5868-6: £49.95

Jean Piaget Symposia Series 2

This volume considers previously separate bodies of research on social justice, social equality, and social development. Eminent scholars from a variety of disciplines discuss the latest research to help us understand the relation between social inequalities and social development. In so doing, the book documents the powerful ways that social inequalities frame development and explores the conflicts that arise in the context of these inequalities. It illustrates how people around the world make judgments about these conditions and how they resist or change the practices they deem unjust. By bringing together these perspectives, the editors hope to demonstrate how understanding social development carries with it the possibility of change and social justice.

Play and Development Evolutionary, Sociocultural, and Functional Perspectives Artin Göncü, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Suzanne Gaskins, Northeastern Illinois University, USA (Eds.) Children’s play is a universal human activity, and one that serves a significant purpose in personal development. Throughout this volume, which is an extension of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, the editors and contributors explore assumptions about play and its status as a unique and universal activity in humans. As a whole, Play and Development delves into three lines of research concerning this topic: examining these assumptions from an ethological perspective, exploring the view of research that shows play to be socially and culturally constructed, and looking at varied applications of play in the different contexts of childhood. Topics covered in this volume include: • Evolutionary foundations and functions of play • Children’s play as cultural interpretation • The use of imagination in children’s play • The imaginary companions created by children and adults. This volume will be of interest to scholars and researchers in the fields of developmental psychology and cognitive development, and will be sought out by active researchers and practitioners in the field. CONTENTS Preface. Part 1. Introduction. A. Göncü, S. Gaskins, An Integrative Perspective on Play and Development. Part 2. Biological/Ethological Perspectives of Play and Development. P.K. Smith, Evolutionary Foundations and Functions of Play: An Overview. R.W. Mitchell, Pretense in Animals: The Continuing Relevance of Children’s Pretense. A.D. Pellegrini, The Development and Function of Rough-and-Tumble Play in Childhood and Adolescence: A Sexual Selection Theory Perspective. Part 3. Social/Cultural Perspectives of Play and Development. M.H. Bornstein, On the Significance of Social Relationships in the Development of Children’s Earliest Symbolic Play: An Ecological Perspective. A. Lillard, Guided Participation: How Mothers Structure and Children Understand Pretend Play. A. Göncü, J. Jain, U. Tuermer, Children’s Play as Cultural Interpretation. S. Gaskins, W. Haight, D.F. Lancy, The Cultural Construction of Play. Part 4. Applied Perspectives of Play and Development. P.L. Harris, Hard Work for the Imagination. M. Taylor, A.M. Mannering, Of Hobbes and Harvey: The Imaginary Companions Created by Children and Adults. A. Nicolopoulou, The Interplay of Play and Narrative in Children’s Development: Theoretical Reflections and Concrete Examples. C.D. Clark, Therapeutic Advantages of Play. January 2007: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5261-5: £48.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6314-7: £19.95 60-day examination copy available

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Adolescent Coping Advances in Theory, Research and Practice

Developmental Perspectives on mbodiment and Consciousness

Willis Overton, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA; Ulrich Müller, niversity of Victoria, Canada; Judith Newman, Pennsylvania State niversity, USA (Eds.) Until recently, the body has been largely ignored in theories and empirical research in psychology, particularly in developmental psychology. Recently however, several conceptions of the relation between body and mind have been developed. Common among these conceptions is the idea that the body plays an important role in our emotional, social, and cognitive lives. This volume in the Jean Piaget Society ymposia Series illustrates different ways in which the concept f embodiment can be used in developmental psychology and lated disciplines. It explores the role of the body in the evelopment of meaning, consciousness, and psychological nctioning. The overall goal is to demonstrate how the concept f embodiment can deepen our understanding of evelopmental psychology by suggesting new possibilities of tegrating biological, psychological, and socio-cultural pproaches.

evelopmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Consciousness xplores embodiment in two ways. First, embodiment is xamined as a condition of and influencing the particular shape f psychological experience. This sense of embodiment reflects e effort to put the mind back into the body. Second, mbodiment is examined as a reflective experience in the sense at the mind forms particular images about the body. This nse of embodiment reflects the effort to put the body into the ind. he book opens with a discussion of embodiment from a metaeoretical perspective. Then the role of embodiment in rounding conceptual meaning is examined. This is followed by scussions of the role of embodiment in strengthening our nderstanding of emotions, cognitive development, religious xperiences, and social development. Then the role of the body spatial cognition and the role of language in the evelopment of complex forms of consciousness are explored. he final chapters examine the impact of culture on the onceptualization of the embodied self. The book concludes ith an overview of the historical context of the mind-body ualism and a discussion of how the idea of embodiment anscends this dualism. tended for researchers and advanced students in evelopmental, cognitive, and social psychology, neuroscience, hilosophy, anthropology, biology, and sociology, it also serves a reference for advanced courses on cognition and evelopment. CONTENTS eface. W.F. Overton, Embodiment From a Relational Perspective. . Johnson, The Meaning of the Body. G. Colombetti, E. hompson, The Feeling Body: Towards an Enactive Approach to motion. J. Voneche, Action as the Solution to the Problem in aget’s Theory. E. Thelen, Grounded in the World: Developmental rigins of the Embodied Mind. T.J. Csordas, Embodiment, Alterity, nd the Theory of Religion. T.P. Racine, J.I.M. Carpendale, The mbodiment of Mental States. L.S. Liben, Embodiment and hildren’s Understanding of the Real and Represented World. H.H. ao, P.D. Zelazo, Language and Development of Consciousness: egrees of Disembodiment. E.K. Scholnick, P.H. Miller, Uncovering e Body in Conceptual Development: A Feminist Perspective. S.G. egley, M.B. Spencer, T.N. Goss, V. Harpalani, N. Charles, Colorism mbodied: Skin Tone and Psychosocial Well-being in Adolescence. Müller, J.L. Newman, The Body in Action: Perspectives on mbodiment and Development. ovember 2007: 6x9: 384pp b: 978-0-8058-5069-7: £49.95

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Erica Frydenberg University of Melbourne, Australia Adolescence and Society Series “The book is a rich resource of theory, research and practical common sense. Examination of adolescence through a focus on coping enables topics of real interest and importance to be considered, so what we have in this book is, essentially, a new and creative way to look at adolescence. This is a scholarly work of significance, and the author is to be congratulated on the depth and breadth of her research and scholarship.” - Susan Moore, Swinburne University of Technology “Dr. Frydenberg has written a comprehensive book that will enable mental health professionals to create assessment-to-interventions links for youth to learn and practice coping.” - Sandra L. Christenson, University of Minnesota “Provides an exceptionally clear and useful summary of the extensive scholarship on this topic. Its contents will be of interest to a wide range of persons interested in adolescents, including practitioners and scholars.” - Thomas Oakland, University of Florida, and President of the International Foundation for Children’s Education Young people need to cope in a variety of settings, including school, home, peer groups and the workplace, and with a range of life problems such as divorce and examinations. This thoroughly revised and updated new edition of Adolescent Coping presents the latest research and applications in the field of coping. It highlights the ways in which coping can be measured and, in particular, details a widely used adolescent coping instrument. Topics include the different ways in which girls and boys cope, coping in the family, how culture and context determine how young people cope, decisional coping, problem solving and social coping, with a particular emphasis on practice. Each topic is considered in light of past and recent research findings and each chapter includes quotations from young people. While topics such as depression, eating disorders, self-harm and grief and loss are addressed, there is a substantial focus on the positive aspects of coping, including an emphasis on resilience and the achievement of happiness. In addition to the wideranging research findings that are reported, many of the chapters consider implications and applications of the relevant findings with suggestions for the development of coping skills and coping skills training.

Adolescent Coping will be of interest to students of psychology, social work, sociology, education and youth and community work as well as to an audience of parents and adolescents. CONTENTS Preface. Introduction. 1. Adolescent Stresses, Concerns and Resources. 2. What is Coping? 3. The Measurement of Coping. 4. The Correlates of Coping: Age, Personality and Ethnicity. 5. Gender and Coping. 6. Coping in Context: The Family. 7. Coping with Separation and Adversity. 8. Anxiety, Depression and Other Related Conditions. 9. Resilience and Happiness. 10. Coping and Achievement. 11. Learning to Cope. 12. Teaching Coping Skills. 13. What We Have Learned and What Might Follow. May 2008: 5½x8½: 360pp Hb: 978-0-415-40571-3: £49.95 Pb: 978-0-415-40572-0: £19.95 60-day examination copy available

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Social Networks in Youth and Adolescence Second Edition

John Cotterell (retired) School of Education, University of Queensland, Australia

Adolescence and Society Series “John Cotterell is the principal pioneer of an approach that I am sure is going to prove extraordinarily important for the field. Along the way, he provides a genuinely useful and wide-ranging review of adolescent social relations and their significance. I will certainly want this book on my shelves and I have no doubt but that this wish will be shared by every researcher/teacher in this area.” - Nicholas Emler, University of Surrey “The book offers a broad perspective on adolescents’ peer relations in contexts, which gives the reader a fascinating overview of the complexity and importance of network analyses and the implications for designing developmental contexts (e.g., the school). The book offers a view on adolescents’ strengths that can help to facilitate positive outcomes for as many adolescents as possible.” - Rainer K. Silbereisen, University of Jena This book discusses the crucial role of social networks in the development of adolescents and young adults between the ages of twelve and twenty-five years. It looks at how young people’s relationships shape their behaviour and identity, and the consequences of peer influence on health risk, antisocial behaviour and school motivation. John Cotterell draws on both social and psychological research to apply network thinking to the social relationships and experiences of young people in school, work and society. Network thinking examines the pattern and nature of social ties. It analyses how the structure of networks and organizations channel information, influence and support with effects on health, motivation, and career opportunities. The book comprises ten chapters, arranged in three sections: Networks, Influences, and Support. Each chapter contains discussion on a key topic, such as youth transitions, peer structures, friendship, romantic ties, loneliness, peer rejection, smoking, drinking, delinquency, anti-social behaviour, youth risk-taking, school motivation, career influence, youth citizenship, and community organizations for young people. This thoroughly revised new edition looks at the nature of social networks, their changing configurations, and the forces of influence they unleash. It contains a discussion of some of the practical ways in which schools can provide supports, and suggests how youth organizations and communities can assist young people to become effective citizens. CONTENTS Preface. Introduction and Overview. Part I: Networks and Young People. Young People and Development. The Science of Social Networks. Part II: Social Networks. Networks and groups. Friends and Mates. Loners and Outsiders. Part III: Social Influences. Antisocial Behaviour. Academic Motivation. Smoking, Drinking, and Drug use. Part IV: Social Support. Social Support in Schools. Youth and Community Organizations. Conclusion: Networked Youth Futures. May 2007: 5½x8½: 328pp Hb: 978-0-415-35949-8: £49.95 Pb: 978-0-415-35950-4: £19.95 60-day examination copy available


Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about Nations and National Groups Martyn Barrett University of Surrey, UK Essays in Developmental Psychology Series ”This is a very impressive monograph bearing every prospect of becoming a landmark in its field. It combines an exceptionally scholarly review of the historical and current literature on children and national identity with an account of the findings of a unique and ambitious series of multi-context, international studies. The results are fascinating and are interpreted meticulously. This is a terrific book, which I thoroughly enjoyed and know that I’ll be dipping back into repeatedly.” - Kevin Durkin, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow “The field has all too little ambitious cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary research like this. One really gets a sense here of the diversity and complexity of children’s national identifications and inter-nation attitudes. It will certainly serve as the point of departure for many investigations in the future, and researchers and students will find much to their benefit in these pages.” - Rupert Brown, University of Sussex This book provides a state-of-the-art account of how people’s subjective sense of national identity, and attitudes towards countries and national groups, develop through the course of childhood and adolescence. It offers a comprehensive review of the research which has been conducted into: • Children’s understanding of nations as geographical territories and as political, historical and cultural communities • Children’s knowledge, beliefs and feelings about the people who belong to different national groups • Children’s attitudes towards, and emotional attachment to, their own country and national group. The authors elaborate on the developmental patterns that have been found to emerge, contextualized by a consideration and evaluation of the theoretical frameworks which can be used to explain these patterns. Written by the leading international authority in this field, and reporting (in collaboration with his colleagues) the findings from two major transnational research projects, this book will be invaluable to postgraduate students and researchers working in this field. The book will also be of great benefit to undergraduate students taking courses in developmental psychology, the sociology of childhood, and education. CONTENTS Preface. 1. On Children, Nations and National Groups. 2. Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about Countries Construed as Geographical Territories. 3. Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about the State Construed as an Organised Political Community. 4. Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about Nations and States Construed as Historical and Cultural Communities. 5. Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about the People who Belong to Different National and State Groups. 6. The Development of Children’s Subjective Identification with their own Nation and State. 7. Theoretical Accounts of How Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about Nations and National Groups Develop. November 2006: 6x9: 352pp Hb: 978-1-84169-301-9: £35.00


Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being Completing the Picture Brett V. Brown (Ed.) Child Trends, Washington, DC, USA “[This] volume is ... capable of making a significant and valuable contribution to the field of youth development, and as well, to serve as a model for scholars interested in undertaking the development of core indicators for other age cohorts.” - Francisco A. Villarruel, Michigan State University In this book, leading development researchers review the recent progress made in the measurement, collection, and use of indicators of child and youth well-being so as to develop greater measures of positive development. The book covers key indicators in the areas of health, education, social, and emotional development and social context indicators of the family, peers, school, and the community. The authors demonstrate the use of indicators for influencing public policy. The volume concludes with a summary of the indices and the methodological challenges of constructing such indices. Written in an accessible manner for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers concerned with children’s well-being, the book also serves as a supplementary text in public policy and the social sciences. CONTENTS Preface: Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture. B. Brown, Introduction: About the Chapters. Part 1. Health Indicators. D.P. Hogan, M.E. Msall, Key Indicators of Health and Safety: Infancy, PreSchool, and Middle Childhood. M.W. Stagner, J.M. Zweig, Indicators of Youth Health and Well-Being: Taking the Long View. Part 2. Education Indicators. T. Halle, M. Reidy, M. Moorehouse, M. Zaslow, C. Walsh, J. Calkins, N.G. Margie, A. Dent, Progress in the Development of Indicators of School Readiness. A. Flanagan, D. Grissmer, What Do National and State NAEP Scores Tell Us About the Achievement of American K-12 Students? Part 3. Social and Emotional Development Indicators. M. Ripke, A.C. Huston, J. Eccles, J. Templeton, The Assessment of Psychological, Emotional, and Social Development Indicators in Middle Childhood. J.L. Roth, C.J. Borbely, J. Brooks-Gunn, Developing Indicators of Confidence, Character, and Caring in Adolescents. J. Eccles, B. Brown, J. Templeton, A Developmental Framework for Selecting Indicators of Well-Being During the Adolescent and Young Adult Years. Part 4. Social Context of Development Indicators. G.D. Sandefur, A. Meier, The Family Environment: Structure, Material Resources, and Child Care. K.M. Harris, S. Cavanagh, Indicators of the Peer Environment in Adolesence. D. Mayer, J. Ralph, Key Indicators of School Quality. J.D. Morenoff, R.J. Sampson, Constructing Community Indicators of Child Well-Being. Part 5. Child and Youth Indicators in Practice. T. Corbett, Social Indicators as Policy Tool: Welfare Reform as a Case Study. D. Murphey, Creating Community Capacity to Use Social Indicators. Part 6. Social Indices of Child WellBeing. K.C. Land, V.L. Lamb, S.K. Mustillo, Child and Youth Well-Being in the United States, 1975-1998: Some Findings from a New Index. N.G. Bennett, H.-H. Lu, Methodological Issues Surrounding the Construction of an Index of Child Well-Being. August 2007: 6x9: 485pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4809-0: £69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6313-0: £27.95 60-day examination copy available

Aggression and Adaptation The Bright Side to Bad Behavior Patricia H. Hawley, Todd D. Little, University of Kansas, USA; Philip C. Rodkin, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA (Eds.) “Timely, cutting edge, and a badly needed corrective to an extremely important field.” - David M. Buss, University of Texas at Austin “I would require this book for all of my doctoral students who study aggression … It is a wonderful compilation of leading peer relations and aggression experts.” - Dorothy L. Espelage, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Aggression and Adaptation raises thought-provoking questions about interpersonal functioning within social groups. The reader may find him/herself entertaining thoughts about the nature of goodness as the chapters suggest that aggressive behavior can offer significant avenues for personal growth, goal attainment, and bolstering one’s social standing. The volume brings to light alternative points of view to the prevailing orthodoxy that aggression equals pathology. Interdisciplinary in nature, the book features evolutionary, school, feminist, historical, and methodological perspectives. Adaptation is addressed at multiple levels, the first of which is ultimate causation. Four chapters cover the aggression-adaptation link from various evolutionary perspectives. Succeeding chapters focus on: adaptation as psychological adjustment; aggression in the peer system and the contexts in which these systems occur; and the self-other dialectic in societal context, highlighting that aggressive children are often well-embedded in the social network. Intended for researchers in developmental, evolutionary, social, personality, and educational psychology, as well as developmental psychopathologists, this book is also suitable for advanced courses on social-personality development, the psychology of violence, aggression, peer relationships, and human motivation. CONTENTS P.H. Hawley, Preface. P.H. Hawley, Social Dominance in Childhood and Adolescence: Why Social Competence and Aggression May Go Hand in Hand. B.E. Vaughn, A.J. Santos, An Evolutionary/Ecological Account of Aggressive Behavior and Trait Aggression in Human Children and Adolescents. P.K. Smith, Why Has Aggression Been Thought of as Maladaptive? A.D. Pellegrini, Is Aggression Adaptative? Yes: Some Kinds Are and in Some Ways. N.A. Card, T.D. Little, Differential Relations of Instrumental and Reactive Aggression With Maladjustment: Does Adaptivity Depend on Function? A.H.N. Cillessen, L. Mayeux, Variations in the Association between Aggression and Social Status: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. L.K. Sippola, J. Paget, C.M. Buchanan, Praising Cordelia: Social Aggression and Social Dominance Among Adolescent Girls. W.M. Bukowski, M. Abecassis, Self, Other, and Aggression: The Never-Ending Search for the Roots of Adaptation. T.W. Farmer, H. Xie, B.D. Cairns, B.C. Hutchins, Social Synchrony, Peer Networks, and Aggression in School. P.C. Rodkin, T. Wilson, Aggression and Adaptation: Psychological Record, Educational Promise. February 2007: 6x9: 312pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5245-5: £49.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6234-8: £19.95

Deconstructing Developmental Psychology

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Second Edition Erica Burman Manchester Metropolitan University, UK “This completely revised new edition raises many new and compelling questions about the ways in which “experts” have tried to “understand” children. It presents a unique intermingling of discussions of contemporary research about young children with every day examples from children’s lives; as such the book is refreshingly readable and will appeal to a wide ranging audience. Every aspiring scholar of childhood should be required to read this book.” - Radhika Viruru, Texas A&M University “The first edition of this book was cutting edge and visionary in its sustained, critical analysis of developmental psychological theories and assumptions. This new edition takes forward its innovatory focus by updating the concerns of the first edition and situating them in changes in the geopolitical and developmental psychology landscape over the last fifteen years. The clarity of its writing makes it invaluable and accessible to both academic audiences and interested laypeople.” - Ann Phoenix, Professor of Social and Developmental Psychology, the Open University and Co-Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London “This book brings into clear focus how history, geography, culture and politics have shaped the concerns and concepts of developmental psychology and produced powerful, often oppressive, effects for children. Engaging with Burman’s detailed and compelling arguments should be mandatory for all students and researchers of children’s lives. A book to provoke, debate and inspire other ways to know and be with children.” - Glenda MacNaughton, Director of the Centre for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, Faculty of Education at the University of Melbourne What is childhood and why, and how, did psychology come to be the arbiter of ‘correct’ or ‘normal’ development? How do actual lived childhoods connect with theories about child development? In this completely revised and updated edition, Deconstructing Developmental Psychology interrogates the assumptions and practices surrounding the psychology of child development, providing a critical evaluation of the role and contribution of developmental psychology within social practice. In the decade since the first edition was published, there have been many major changes. The role accorded childcare experts and the power of the ‘psy complex’ have, if anything, intensified. This book addresses how shifts in advanced capitalism have produced new understandings of children, and a new (and more punitive) range of institutional responses to children. It engages with the paradoxes of childhood in an era when young adults are increasingly economically dependent on their families, and in a political context of heightened insecurity. The new edition includes an updated review of developments in psychological theory (in attachment, evolutionary psychology, theory of mind, cultural-historical approaches), as well as updating and reflecting upon the changed focus on fathers and fathering. It offers new perspectives on the connections between Piaget and Vygotsky and now connects much more closely with discussions from the sociology of childhood and critical educational research. Coverage has been expanded to include more material on child rights debates, and a new chapter addresses practice dilemmas around child protection, which engages even more with the “raced” and gendered effects of current policies involving children. This engaging and accessible text provides key resources to inform better professional practice in social work, education and health contexts. It offers critical insights into the politics and procedures that have shaped developmental psychological knowledge. It will be essential reading for anyone working with children, or concerned with policies around children and families. It was also be of interest to students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels across a range of professional and practitioner groups, as well as parents and policy makers. CONTENTS Introduction. Origins. Part 1. Constructing the Subject. Researching Infancy. Attributing Sociality. Discourses of the Child. Models and Muddles: Dilemmas of Childhood. Part 2. Social Development and the Structure of Caring. Familiar Assumptions. Bonds of Love – Dilemmas of Attachment. Involving Fathers. Part 3. Developing Communication. Language Talk. Discourses of Caregiving Talk. Language and Power in Developmental Research. Part 4. Cognitive Development: The Making of Rationality. Piaget, Vygotsky and Developmental Psychology. Child-centred Education: Shifts and Continuities. Morality and the Goals of Development.

Developments Child, Image, Nation Erica Burman Manchester Metropolitan University, UK “Developments expands on the critical work of scholars in education, sociology, psychology, and other emergent fields of critical social science to address the relationship between discourses of developmental psychology and economic development. Those of us who are concerned with critique, power, and justice will consider it a major contribution.” - Gaile S. Cannella, Tulane University “This book traverses terrain usually thought of as distinct and challenges us to think in complex ways about complex issues. It’s a provocative read for anyone engaged in debates (and entangled in action!) to do with developments of childhood, (inter)national dynamics and representations of these realities.” - Jill Bradbury, University of KwaZulu Natal “This book exhibits the strengths that I have come to admire in Burman: originality and creative imagination; an impressive erudition; boldness in crossing disciplinary boundaries; and a distinctive verve in exposing oppressive structures. This is a seminal, highly original book that is bound to inspire the growing number of students and young academics interested in global childhood research.” - Olga Nieuwenhuys, University of Amsterdam How does developmental psychology connect with the developing world? What do cultural representations tell us about the contemporary politics of childhood? What is the political economy of childhood? This companion volume to Burman’s Deconstructing Developmental Psychology helps us to explain why questions around children and childhood – their safety, their sexuality, their interests and abilities, their violence – have so preoccupied the late Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries. In this increasingly post-industrial, postcolonial and multicultural world, this book identifies analytical and practical strategies for improving how we think about and work with children. Drawing in particular on feminist and postdevelopment literatures, the book illustrates how and why reconceptualising our notions of individual and human development, including those informing models of children’s rights and interests, will foster more just and equitable forms of professional practice with children and their families. The book brings together completely new, previously unpublished material alongside revised and updated papers to present a cutting-edge and integrated perspective to the field. Burman offers a key contribution to a set of urgent debates engaging theory and method, policy and practice across all the disciplines that work with, or lay claim to, children’s interests.

Developments presents a coherent and persuasive set of arguments about childhood, culture and professional practice so that the sustained focus across a range of disciplinary arenas (psychology, education, cultural studies, child rights, gender studies, development policy and practice, social policy) strengthens the overall argument of each chapter. It will be invaluable to teachers and students in psychology, childhood studies and education as well as researchers in gender studies. It will also be a must-read for professionals working with children and adolescents. CONTENTS Introduction. Part 1. Children and Development: What is at Stake? Dis/Placing Development. The Child, the Woman and the Cyborg: (Im)possibilities of Feminist Developmental Psychology. Pedagogics of Post/Modernity: The Address to the Child as Political Object and Subject. Part 2. Developing Images. Childhood, Sexual Abuse, and Contemporary Political Subjectivities. Sexuality: Contested Relationships around the control of Desire and Action. Appealing and Appalling Children. Part 3. International Development. Beyond the Baby and the Bathwater: Postdualist Developmental Psychologies for Diverse Childhoods. Developing Differences: Gender, Childhood and Economic Development. The Abnormal Distribution of Development: Policies for Southern Women and Children. Part 4. After-Words: What Follows Post-Development? Rhetorics of Psychological Development: From Complicity to Resistance. between Two Debts: Points of Suspension in Childhood and Economic Development. between Two Deaths: Reconfiguring Metaphorics and Ethics of Childhood. January 2008: 6x9: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-37791-1: £49.95 Pb: 978-0-415-37792-8: £19.95

September 2007: 6x9: 368pp Hb: 978-0-415-39561-8: £49.95 Pb: 978-0-415-39562-5: £19.95 60-day examination copy available


Vygotsky at Work and Play

New !

Lois Holzman East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy, New York, USA Vygotsky at Work and Play surveys and examines the influence of Lev Vygotsky on contemporary psychology and highlights the many ways Vygotsky’s cultural theory of human development has led to a rethinking of psychology’s fundamental conceptions. Vygtosky has traditionally been presented as a significant historical figure and as a contributor to curriculum and teaching reforms. This book brings readers up to date, showing how Vygtosky’s influence continues among learning theorists and educators and how he has also come to feature prominently in other psychological studies, such as cognitive science, organization and management, psychotherapy and counselling and youth development. He is presented as a key figure in the creation of a new more socially and culturally rooted psychology, a humanistic and hopeful voice for radical transformation in how we educate, help and heal, and a living force in the lives of tens of thousands of ordinary people from around the world.

Vygtosky at Work and Play will be essential reading for a wide audience of teachers, students and practitioners interested in the development of new psychological frameworks. CONTENTS 1. Method(s) and Marx(s). 2. Vygotsky in Therapy: Creating Zones of Emotional Development. 3. In the Classroom: Learning to Perform and Performing to Learn. 4. Outside of School: Creatively Imitating and Incorporating the Other. 5. At the Workplace: Looking at Ourselves. 6. Changing Relationships.

Family, Self, and Human Development Across Cultures

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Theory and Applications, Second Edition Çigdem Kagitçibasi Koç University, Turkey “This is a ‘must read’ book for crosscultural developmental psychologists and those interested in the way data from the majority world can inform mainstream psychology.” - Harry C. Triandis, in Contemporary Psychology Reflecting author Çigdem Kagitçibasi’s influential work over the last two decades, this new edition examines human development, the self, and the family in a cultural context. It challenges the existing assumptions in mainstream western psychology about the nature of individuals. The author proposes a new model – the “Autonomous-Related Self” – which expands on existing theory by demonstrating how culture influences self development. The development of competence is examined from a contextual perspective, with a view towards global urbanization which is creating increasingly similar lifestyles around the world. The implications of this perspective are discussed extensively, particularly early intervention policy implications related to promoting human competence in immigration and acculturation. Rich in both theory and application, each topic is introduced with a historical antecedent and earlier research before current work is discussed. This new edition also features: • A new theoretical perspective that integrates cultural variation with universal human development trajectories in the context of social change, globalization, and immigration

January 2009: 6x9: 128pp Hb: 978-0-415-42294-9: £29.95

• Two new chapters on ‘Parenting and the Development of the Autonomous Related Self’ and ‘Immigration and Acculturation’ • A more student-friendly approach with boxed stories, summary and main point reviews, discussion questions, and an extensive bibliography in each chapter Discover a wealth of research methods resources at including:

• A comprehensive glossary of all the book’s key terms for a quick reference.

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Intended as a graduate or advanced undergraduate level text for courses addressing cross-cultural psychology taught in a variety of departments including developmental, community, family, and educational psychology, this comprehensive volume will also appeal to researchers interested in issues of human development in a socio-cultural context. CONTENTS Introduction. Part 1. Human Development, Self, and Family in Cultural Context. Development in Context. Socialization for Competence. Culture, Self, and Individualism-Collectivism. Value of Children and the Family. Parenting and the Development of the Autonomous-Related Self. Part 2. Implications for Social Issues and Applications. Induced Change: The Role of Psychology. Intervention: Early Enrichment. The Turkish Early Enrichment Project (TEEP). Immigration and Acculturation. Search for Integration and Policy Implications. March 2007: 6x9: 496pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5775-7: £48.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5776-4: £19.95 60-day examination copy available

Self-Esteem: Issues and Answers A Sourcebook of Current Perspectives Michael H. Kernis (Ed.) University of Georgia, USA “This book is a carefully planned survey of the field of self-esteem, organized in terms of key questions posed to the field’s most active and influential researchers. The essays they offer in response to the questions are focused, informative, and exact, providing a reference work that captures both the tradition of self esteem psychology and its cutting-edge issues such as unconscious self evaluation and the role of self-esteem in psychopathology.” Daniel M. Wegner, Harvard University “This stimulating, provocative, and compelling volume delivers just what the field of self -esteem needs most. It summarizes the status of current knowledge on the topic in an engaging and readable format – shedding light on what is known about the functioning of selfesteem, while simulataneously giving the reader a sense of the complexities involved in the concept. It does so without favouritism, not forcing pat answers, but allowing the readers to make up their own minds. This volume is a must-read for scholars and students interested in understanding the role of self-esteem in psychological and interpersonal functioning.” - Carolyn C. Morf, University of Bern Research and theory on self-esteem have flourished in recent years. This resurgence has produced multiple perspectives on fundamental issues surrounding the nature of self-esteem and its role in psychological functioning and interpersonal processes.

Self-Esteem: Issues and Answers brings together these various perspectives in a unique format. The book is divided into five sections. Section 1 focuses on core issues pertaining to the conceptualization and assessment of self-esteem, and when self-esteem is optimal. Section 2 concentrates on the determinants, development, and modifiability of self-esteem. Section 3 examines the evolutionary significance of self-esteem and its role in psychological processes and therapeutic settings. Section 4 explores the social, relational, and cultural significance of self-esteem. Finally, Section 5 considers future directions for self-esteem researchers, practitioners, parents and teachers. This volume offers a wealth of perspectives from prominent researchers from different areas of psychology. Each expert contributor was asked to focus his or her chapter on a central self-esteem issue. Three or four experts addressed each question. The result is that Self-Esteem: Issues and Answers provides a comprehensive sourcebook of current perspectives on a wide range of central self-esteem issues. CONTENTS Section 1. Conceptualizing and Assessing Self-Esteem. J.D. Brown, M.A. Marshall, The Three Faces of SelfEsteem. C.J. Mruk, Defining Self- Esteem: An Often Overlooked Issue with Crucial Implications. H.W. Marsh, R.G. Craven, A.J. Martin, What is the Nature of SelfEsteem? Unidimensional and Multidimensional Perspectives. E.J. O’Brien, M. Bartoletti, J.D. Leitzel, J.P. O’Brien, Global Self-Esteem: Divergent and Convergent Validity Issues. J. Suls, On the Divergent and Convergent Validity of Self-Esteem. J.B. Nezlek, Divergent and Convergent Validity of Self-Esteem: A State Perspective. J.K. Bosson, Conceptualization, Measurement, and Functioning of Nonconscious Self-Esteem. C.H. Jordan, C. Logel, S.J. Spencer, M.P. Zanna, Nonconscious SelfEsteem: Is There Something You’re Not Telling Yourself? S. Epstein, Conscious and Unconscious Self-Esteem from the Perspective of Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory. M.H. Kernis, B.M. Goldman, Assessing Stability of Self- Esteem and Contingent Self-Esteem. J.K. Bosson, Assessing SelfEsteem via Self-Reports and Nonreactive Instruments:

Issues and Recommendations. R. Koestner, G.A. Mageau, The Assessment of Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem: Lessons from Motive Research. A. Karpinski, J.A. Steinberg, Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem: Theoretical and Methodological Refinements. R.W. Tafarodi, C. Ho, Moral Value, Agency, and the Measurement of SelfEsteem. J. Crocker, What is Optimal Self-Esteem? R.M. Ryan, K. Warren Brown, What is Optimal Self-Esteem? The Cultivation and Consequences of Contingent vs. True Self-Esteem as Viewed from the Self-Determination Theory Perspective. B.M. Goldman, Making Diamonds Out of Coal: The Role of Authenticity in Healthy (Optimal) Self-Esteem and Psychological Functioning. Section 2. Development and Determinants of SelfEsteem. S. Harter, The Development of Self-Esteem. H.B. Kaplan, Development of the Self-Esteem Motive. D. Hart, R. Atkins, N. Tursi, Origins and Developmental Influences on Self-Esteem. C.J. Mruk, Changing Self- Esteem: Research and Practice. H.D. Tevendale, D.L. DuBois, SelfEsteem Change: Addressing the Possibility of Enduring Improvements in Feelings of Self-Worth. R. Vonk, Improving Self-Esteem. A.C. Moller, R. Friedman, E.L. Deci, A Self-Determination Theory Perspective on the Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Aspects of Self-Esteem. M.R. Leary, To What Extent is Self-Esteem Influenced by Interpersonal as Compared with Intrapersonal Processes? What are These Processes? W. Swann, Jr., D.C. Seyle, The Antecedents of Self-Esteem. R.H. Hoyle, Self-Knowledge and Self-Esteem. C.J. Showers, V. Zeigler-Hill, Pathways Among Self-Knowledge and Self-Esteem: Are They Direct or Indirect? A.C. Brandt, R. Vonk, Who Do You Think You Are? On the Link between Self-Knowledge and SelfEsteem. W.S. Grolnick, K.L. Beiswenger, Facilitating Children’s Self-Esteem: The Role of Parents and Teachers. N. Branden, Nurturing Self-Esteem in Young People. M.V. Covington, How Can Optimal Self-Esteem Be Facilitated in Children and Adolescents by Parents and Teachers? Section 3. Self-Esteem and Psychological Functioning. S. Solomon, Self-Esteem is Central to Human Well-being. E.J. Koch, Examining the Role of Self-Esteem in Psychological Functioning and Well-Being. A. Tesser, L.L. Martin, Self-Esteem Processes are Central to Psychological Functioning and Well-being. J. Crocker, Having and Pursuing Self-Esteem: Costs and Benefits. F. Rhodewalt, Possessing and Striving for High Self-Esteem. J.V. Wood, D.B. Anthony, W.F. Foddis, Should People with Low Self-Esteem Strive for High Self-Esteem? J.E. Roberts, Self-Esteem from a Clinical Perspective. E.J. O’Brien, M. Bartoletti, J.D. Leitzel, Self-Esteem, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy. T. DeHart, H. Tennen, Self-Esteem in Therapeutic Settings and Emotional Disorders. S.E. Hill, D.M. Buss, The Evolution of Self-Esteem. L.A. Kirkpatrick, B.J. Ellis, The Adaptive Functions of Self-Evaluative Psychological Mechanisms. W.K. Campbell, J.D. Foster, Self-Esteem: Evolutionary Roots and Historical Cultivation. Section 4. Self-Esteem in Social Context. S.L. Murray, Self-Esteem: Its Relational Contingencies and Consequences. M.W. Baldwin, SelfEsteem and Close Relationship Dynamics. K. Berenson, G. Downey, Self-Esteem and Rejection Sensitivity in Close Relationships. S. Kitayama, Does Self- Esteem Matter Equally Across Cultures? C. Sedikides, L. Gaertner, Primacy of Personal over Collective Self and Cultural Considerations. J.M. Twenge, What is the Interface between Culture and Self-Esteem? T.J. Owens, A.R. McDavitt, The Self-Esteem Motive: Positive and Negative Consequences for Self and Society. T. Pyszczynski, What Role Does Self-Esteem Play in the Ills and Triumphs of Society? D.M. Tice, M. Gailliot, How Self-Esteem Relates to the Ills and Triumphs of Society. Section 5. Future Directions. M.R. Leary, What are the Most Pressing Issues Facing Researchers? S. Harter, Where Do We Go from Here? N. Branden, What Needs to be Done? July 2006: 6x9: 496pp Hb: 978-1-84169-420-7: £42.50

Handbook of Moral Development

The Development of Commonsense Psychology

Melanie Killen, University of Maryland, USA, Judith Smetana, University of Rochester, USA (Eds.)

Chris Moore University of Toronto and Dalhousie University, Canada Developing Mind Series “This is a volume that can serve as both a base for a seminar on commonsense psychology and a valuable resource in libraries, where it will attract even casual readers interested in the everyday reasoning of children. Essential. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty; general readers.” - Choice

“Provides a bridge over the cognitive/affective divide that has limited progress in our understanding of how to foster moral development.” PsycCRITIQUES This Handbook represents the diversity and multidisciplinary influences on current theorizing about the psychological study of moral development and the range and broad scope of topics being considered by scholars in the field. The book is divided into six parts: structuralism and moral development stages; social domain theory and social justice; conscience and internalization; social interactional, sociocultural and comparative approaches; empathy, emotions and aggression; moral education, character development and community service. This Handbook will be of interest to scholars, policy makers, educators, and professionals who work with children. CONTENTS Preface. Part 1. Introduction. Part 2. Structuralism and Moral Development Stages. E. Turiel, Thought, Emotions, and Social Interactional Processes in Moral Development. D.K. Lapsley, Moral Stage Theory. S.J. Thoma, Research on the Defining Issues Test. L.J. Walker, Gender and Morality. Part 3. Social Domain Theory and Social Justice. J.G. Smetana, Social-Cognitive Domain Theory: Consistencies and Variations in Children’s Moral and Social Judgments. M. Killen, N.G. Margie, S. Sinno, Morality in the Context of Intergroup Relationships. C. Helwig, Rights, Civil Liberties, and Democracy Across Cultures. C. Wainryb, Moral Development in Culture: Diversity, Tolerance, and Justice. Part 4. Conscience and Internalization. J.E. Grusec, The Development of Moral Behavior and Conscience From a Socialization Perspective. R.A. Thompson, S. Meyer, M. McGinley, Understanding Values in Relationships: The Development of Conscience. L. Kuczynski, G.S. Navara, Sources of Innovation and Change in Socialization, Internalization, and Acculturation. Part 5. Social Interactional, Sociocultural, and Comparative Approaches. J. Dunn, Moral Development in Early Childhood and Social Interaction in the Family. M.B. Tappan, Mediated Moralities: Sociocultural Approaches to Moral Development. J.G. Miller, Insights Into Moral Development From Cultural Psychology. D.P. Fry, Reciprocity: The Foundation Stone of Morality. P. Verbeek, Everyone’s Monkey: Primate Moral Roots. P.H. Kahn, Jr., Nature and Moral Development. Part 6. Empathy, Emotions, and Aggression. P.D. Hastings, C. Zahn-Waxler, K. McShane, We Are, by Nature, Moral Creatures: Biological Bases of Concern for Others. N. Eisenberg, T. Spinrad, A. Sadovsky, Empathy-Related Responding in Children. G. Carlo, Care-Based and Altruistically Based Morality. W.F. Arsenio, J. Gold, E. Adams, Children’s Conceptions and Displays of Moral Emotions. M.S. Tisak, J. Tisak, S.E. Goldstein, Aggression, Delinquency, and Morality: A Social-Cognitive Perspective. Part 7. Moral Education, Character Development, and Community Service. D. Hart, R. Atkins, T.M. Donnelly, Community Service and Moral Development. L. Nucci, Education for Moral Development. M.W. Berkowitz, S. Sherblom, M. Bier, V. Battistich, Educating for Positive Youth Development. D. Narvaez, Integrative Ethical Education.

How do children develop an understanding of people as psychological entities – as feeling, thinking beings? How do they come to understand human behavior as driven by desires and informed by reason? These questions are at the heart of contemporary research on children’s “theories of mind.” Although there has been an enormous amount of research on this topic, nobody – until now – has provided a coherent account that traces the development of theory of mind from birth to five years. This book begins by analyzing the nature of commonsense psychology and exploring the developmental processes relevant to its development. It then describes the manner in which the child moves from being a newborn with perceptual sensitivities to people, to an infant who can share psychological experiences with others, to a young child who can recognize people, including both self and others, as individual psychological beings. Finally, the book shows how, throughout this developmental process, the child’s social interactive experiences are used by the child to generate ever more sophisticated forms of commonsense psychology.

The Development of Commonsense Psychology incorporates material from a wide range of research on early development, including infant social interaction, joint attention, self development, language development, theory of mind, and autobiographical memory. Suitable as a text for senior undergraduate/honors courses or graduate level courses in early development, the primary audience for this book is developmental psychologists. However, it is also written in a way that will make it accessible and appealing to anyone with an interest in social cognitive development in early childhood, including parents, educators, and policymakers. CONTENTS Preface. Introduction. 1. Commonsense Psychology and the Organization of Social Behavior. 2. The Developmental Approach. 3. The Origins of Social Action in Early Infancy. 4. From Social Interaction to Social Relationships. 5. From Interest in Objects to Sharing Intentions. 6. Social Behavior and Commonsense Psychology in the Second Year of Life: Self-Other Equivalence and Psychology Diversity. 7. Language: Gateway to Childhood. 8. Commonsense Psychology in the Preschool Years. 9. The Self in Time. 10. The Construction of Commonsense Psychology. February 2006: 6x9: 248pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4174-9: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5810-5: £16.95 60-day examination copy available

July 2005: 7x10: 816pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4751-2: £119.50 $195.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6172-3: £42.99


Handbook of Personality Development

Children and Separation

Daniel K. Mroczek, Purdue University, USA Todd D. Little, University of Kansas, USA (Eds.)

Socio-Genealogical Connectedness Perspective

“There is much to learn in paging through the Handbook, and Mroczek and Little have provided an important service in bringing such a talented group of authors together.” PsycCRITIQUES

Kwame Owusu-Bempah University of Leicester, UK “This is a really excellent work which should raise a number of controversial issues and challenge a few ‘comfort zones’.” Sandy Fraser, The Open University

“There is rising interest in the topic, and ... there is no single volume that addresses it as fully.” - Robert R. McCrae, National Institute on Aging

“The work provides a new synthesis of research into child development spanning many decades. There is a compelling involvement of the author in the material and a wealth of ideas of practical significance not only to psychologists but also those working in the child care fields.” - Dennis Howitt, Loughborough University

“I was particularly impressed by the breadth of coverage.” Eddie Harmon-Jones, University of Wisconsin-Madison This comprehensive Handbook addresses five types of advances: 1) new theoretical perspectives, 2) higher-quality empirical studies, 3) more sophisticated research designs and analyses, 4) attention to development across the lifespan, and 5) the growing prominence of interdisciplinary approaches to personality development. It addresses the major personality development theoretical frameworks – the evolutionary, physiological, behavioral genetic, and sociocultural perspectives. The book also reviews new statistical techniques that allow for the estimation of individual differences in stability and the analysis of change. The latter part of the book focuses on personality development over the lifespan, from infancy to older adulthood. The authors address personality variables such as emotion regulation, temperament, and self-concept across the lifespan. The book concludes with a compelling capstone chapter by Dan McAdams on how personality develops. Intended for researchers and advanced students in personality, developmental, social, clinical, and educational psychology, as well as related fields such as family studies, sociology, education, nursing, behavioral genetics, neuropsychology, and psychophysiology, the Handbook also serves as a valuable resource in advanced courses that address personality development. CONTENTS Preface. Part 1. Introduction. D.K. Mroczek, T.D. Little, Theory and Research in Personality Development at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Part 2. Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives on Personality Development. B.W. Roberts, D. Wood, Personality Development in the Context of the Neo-Socioanalytic Model of Personality. W. Fleeson, S. Jolley, A Proposed Theory of the Adult Development of Intraindividual Variability in Trait-Manifesting Behavior. T.D. Little, C.R. Snyder, M. Wehmeyer, The Agentic Self: On the Nature and Origins of Personal Agency Across the Life Span. R.F. Krueger, W. Johnson, K.C. Kling, Behavior Genetics and Personality Development. G. Saucier, J. Simonds, The Structure of Personality and Temperament. R.R. McCrae, P.T. Costa, Jr., Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adult Personality Trait Development. P.H. Hawley, Evolution and Personality: A New Look at Machiavellianism. D.K. Mroczek, D.M. Almeida, A. Spiro III, C. Pafford, Modeling Intraindividual Stability and Change in Personality. T.D. Little, J.A. Bovaird, D.W. Slegers, Methods for the Analysis of Change. Part 3. Personality Development in Childhood and Adolescence. R.L. Shiner, Temperament and Personality in Childhood. T.A. Walls, S.H. Kollatt, Agency to Agentic Personalities: The Early to Middle Childhood Gap. C. Saarni, Emotion Regulation and Personality Development in Childhood. R.M Tobin, W.G. Graziano, Development of Regulatory Processes Through Adolescence: A Review of Recent Empirical Studies. M.B. Donnellan, K.H. Trzesniewski, R.W. Robins, Personality and Self-Esteem Development in Adolescence. S. Harter, Developmental and Individual Difference Perspectives on Self-Esteem. Part 4. Personality Development in Middle and Older Adulthood. R. Helson, C.J. Soto, R.A. Cate, From Young Adulthood Through the Middle Ages. A.M. Freund, M. Riediger, Goals as Building Blocks of Personality and Development in Adulthood. M. Diehl, Development of Self-Representations in Adulthood. C. Wrosch, J. Heckhausen, M.E. Lachman, Goal Management Across Adulthood and Old Age: The Adaptive Value of Primary and Secondary Control. M.R. Levenson, C.M. Aldwin, Change in Personality Processes and Health Outcomes. F.R. Lang, F.S. Reschke, F.J. Neyer, Social Relationships, Transitions, and Personality Development Across the Lifespan. Part 5. Capstone. D.P. McAdams, J.M. Adler, How Does “Personality” “Develop”? April 2006: 7x10: 544pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4716-1: £91.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5936-2: £36.95

“This book offers an innovative perspective on the needs of children for positive knowledge of their family origins. Professionals working with children in relation to divorce, reconstituted families and assisted conception, and writers and researchers in these areas should find it essential reading.” - Peter Stratton, University of Leeds Childhood separation and loss have become virtually a way of life for a large number of children throughout the world. Children separated from their genetic parent(s) and consequently their genealogical, social and cultural roots due to processes such as adoption, parental divorce/separation, donor insemination, single parenthood by choice and child trafficking can face social, emotional and psychological difficulties. This book explores the premise that a proper understanding of the complex inner world of modern day separated children and their psycho-social development requires a shift in focus or emphasis. It presents the notion of socio-genealogical connectedness as a new theoretical framework for studying and promoting these children’s growth and development. This new theory simultaneously challenges and complements existing notions of psycho-social development, including attachment theory and Erikson’s psycho-social theory of personality development. Owusu-Bempah proposes that this sense of socio-genealogical connectedness is an essential factor in children’s adjustment to separation and their emotional and mental health; much like those adopted, separated children suffer a loss of genealogical continuity, and hence, loss of ‘self’. This hypothesis is discussed and ultimately supported through both the author’s own research and a broad selection of theoretical and empirical material from other areas. The book further considers the implications of this notion of socio-genealogical connectedness for childcare policy and practice, as well as directions for future research in this and related fields. Children and Separation is an invaluable resource for academics, students and childcare professionals. The accessible style of the book ensures that it will also be useful to parents and anybody affected by childhood separation. CONTENTS Preface. 1. Theories of Childhood Separation: An Overview. 2. Socio-Genealogical Connectedness: In Theoretical Context. 3. Socio-Genealogical Knowledge: A Missing Dimension in Bowlby’s ‘Forty-Four Juvenile Thieves’ Study? 4. Socio-Genealogical Connectedness and the Well-Being of Children of Divorce. 5. Further Research Evidence: The Gender Question. 6. Socio-Genealogical Knowledge and Self-Identity. 7. Divorce and Parental Alienation Syndrome: Socio-Genealogical Implications. 8. Research, Policy and Practice Implications. June 2007: 6x9: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-34212-4: £29.95

Introduction to Vygotsky

Also Available

2nd Edition Daniels (Ed.) April 2005: 6x9: 336pp Hb: 978-0-415-32812-8: £55.00 Pb: 978-0-415-32813-5: £19.99 60-day examination copy available

Self-Theories Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development Dweck

Vygotsky’s Developmental and Educational Psychology Langford July 2005: 6x9: 312pp Hb: 978-1-84169-271-5: £39.95


Also Available

January 2000: 6¼x9¼: 212pp 8 Pb: 978-1-84169-024-7: £17.99 Essays in Social Psychology Series

Child Sexual Abuse

Immigrant Youth in European Countries

Disclosure, Delay, and Denial

Dagmar Strohmeier, University of Vienna, Austria Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, University of Jena, Germany (Eds.)

Margaret-Ellen Pipe, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, USA; Michael E. Lamb, Cambridge University, UK; Yael Orbach, National institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, USA; Ann-Christin Cederborg, Linkoping University, Sweden (Eds.) “The editors are world-renowned for their research and writings on child forensic interviews. They have assembled a group of international experts on disclosure ... Readers will learn about the latest research advances as well as how to tackle relevant legal, policy, and professional dilemmas. Anyone who cares about child protection ... will find this volume invaluable ... This book helps us learn how and when to listen to children.” - Gail S. Goodman, University of California, Davis, and Tina Goodman Brown, Private Practice, from the book’s Foreword This volume provides the first rigorous assessment of the research relating to the disclosure of childhood sexual abuse, along with the practical and policy implications of the findings. Leading researchers and practitioners from diverse and international backgrounds offer critical commentary on these previously unpublished findings gathered from both field and laboratory research. Crosscultural, clinical, and multi-disciplinary perspectives are provided. The goal is to learn more about why children frequently remain silent about their abuse, deny it, or if they do disclose, do so belatedly and incompletely, often recanting their allegations over time. The book opens with a close examination of the existing literature on disclosure and the difficulties in conducting such research. It then examines the individual and contextual factors that determine whether, when, and how childhood sexual abuse is disclosed. This portion reviews how the interview techniques have a profound impact on disclosure patterns. Details of how reluctant children are interviewed are included. The third section examines the broader implications of disclosure for the child, family and peers, and for the suspect. Child Sexual Abuse examines how the interview strategies influence how, when, or if children disclose abuse, by examining both domestic and international data and by analyzing detailed interviews with children.

Child Sexual Abuse is for researchers and practitioners from child, forensic, and clinical psychology, social work, and all legal professionals who need to understand this crime. CONTENTS Introduction. M.-E. Pipe, M.E. Lamb, Y. Orbach, A.-C. Cederborg, Seeking Resolution in the Disclosure Wars: An Overview. K. London, M. Bruck, S.J. Ceci, D.W. Shuman, Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Contemporary Empirical Literature. T.D. Lyon, False Denials: Overcoming Methodological Biases in Abuse Disclosure Research. I. Hershkowitz, D. Horowitz, M.E. Lamb, Individual and Family Variables Associated with Disclosure and Non-Disclosure of Child Abuse in Israel. M.-E. Pipe, M.E. Lamb, Y. Orbach, H. Stewart, K.J. Sternberg, P. Esplin, Factors Associated with Non-Disclosure of Suspected Abuse During Forensic Interviews. I. Hershkowitz, Y. Orbach, M.E. Lamb, K.J. Sternberg, M.-E. Pipe, D. Horowitz, Suspected Victims of Abuse Who Do Not Make Allegations: An Analysis of Their Interactions with Forensic Interviewers. Y. Orbach, H. Shiloach, M.E. Lamb, Reluctant Disclosers of Child Sexual Abuse. B.L. Bottoms, J.A. Quas, S.L. Davis, The Influence of Interviewer-Provided Social Support on Children’s Suggestibility, Memory, and Disclosures. A.C. Cederborg, M.E. Lamb, O. Laurell, Delay of Disclosure, Minimization, and Denial of Abuse When the Evidence is Unambiguous: A Multi-Victim Case. B.L. Bottoms, A.G. Rudnicki, M.A. Epstein, A Retrospective Study of Factors Affecting the Disclosure of Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse. D.A. Connolly, D.J. Read, Canadian Criminal Court Reports of Historic Child Sexual Abuse: Factors Associated with Delayed Prosecution and Reported Repression. K.J. Saywitz, P. Esplin, S. Romanoff, A Holistic Approach to Interviewing and Treating Children in the Legal System. C.H. Gumpert, Clinical and Organizational Perspectives on Denial and Delayed Disclosure. K. Wilson, Forensic Interviewing in New Zealand. D. Horowitz, The Silence of Abused Children in Israel: Policy Implications. F. Lindblad, Reflections on the Concept of Disclosure. April 2007: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5284-4: £49.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6317-8: £19.95

The Transition to Adulthood and Family Relations An Intergenerational Perspective Scabini et al.

Today, many children and adolescents living in Europe have an immigrant background. For the first time, studies investigating youth belonging to several immigrant groups were collected to form a special issue on their situation. The six papers presented here offer a comprehensive introduction of important constructs, debates, methodological considerations and empirical results in the field of the psychology of immigration. The papers were put together by research groups stemming from six different European countries. This special issue offers rich information on the processes behind health, well-being, and success in various developmental tasks as well as on precursors for maladaptive outcomes that can be observed in immigrant adolescents. CONTENTS Strohmeier, Schmitt-Rodermund, Immigrant Youth in European Countries. Sam, Vedder, Liebkind, Neto, Virta, Immigration, Acculturation and the Paradox of Adaptation in Europe. Sabatier, Berry, The Role of Family Acculturation, Parental Style and Perceived Discrimination in the Adaptation of Second Generation Immigrant Youth in France and Canada. Schmitt-Rodermund, Silbereisen, Well-adapted Adolescent Ethnic German Immigrants in Spite of Adversity – The Protective Effects of Human, Social, and Financial Capital. Oppedal, Psychosocial Profiles as Mediators of Variation in Internalizing Problems Among Young Immigrants With Origins in Countries of War and Internal Conflicts. Motti-Stefanidi, Pavlopoulos, Obradovic, Dalla, Takis, Papathanassiou, Masten, Immigration as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Adaptation in Greek Urban Schools. Strohmeier, Spiel, Gradinger, Social Relationships in Multicultural Schools: Bullying and Victimization. March 2008: 6x9: 160pp Pb: 978-1-84169-845-8: £24.95 A special issue of the European Journal of Developmental Psychology:

Children’s Understanding of Society

Also Available

Barrett & Buchanan-Barrow (Ed.) January 2005: 6x9: 224pp Hb: 978-1-84169-298-2: £39.95 Studies in Developmental Psychology Series

The Development of the Social Self Bennett & Sani (Eds.) January 2004: 6x9: 352pp Hb: 978-1-84169-294-4: £45.00

Immigrant Youth in Cultural Transition Acculturation, Identity, and Adaptation Across National Contexts Berry et al. (Eds.) March 2006: 6x9: 344pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5156-4: £37.50

Risk and Resilience Adolescent Mothers and Their Children Grow Up Borkowski et al. (Eds.) March 2007: 6x9: 312pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5054-3: £49.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5055-0: £22.95

The Development of Play

Also Available

3rd Edition Cohen February 2006: 5½x8½: 216pp Hb: 978-0-415-34701-3: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-34702-0: £17.95 Concepts in Developmental Psychology Series

March 2006: 6x9: 168pp Hb: 978-1-84169-380-4: £39.95 Studies in Adolescent Development Series


Emotional Development The Development of Emotional Intelligence

New !

A Case Study Nadja Reissland, University of Aberdeen, UK David Cohen, writer, psychologist and film maker, UK Concepts in Developmental Psychology Series How do children learn about the expression and meaning of emotions – both happy and sad? This book will answer questions on the foundation of emotional intelligence and examine how children become emotionally literate as they are socialised into their family environment from birth to two years of age. These early stages are vitally important in teaching children to understand themselves and others, as well as how to relate to people, and how to adapt to and cope with their immediate surroundings. In order to examine the development of emotional intelligence the authors present a case study of the first use and development of “emotion words” from both the baby’s and the parent’s point of view. The data, based on daily tape-recorded “conversations” between a baby daughter and her father, demonstrates how over a two-year period a child learns to express and understand emotions in social interaction. This capacity to reason with emotion will be examined through four areas: perceiving emotion, integrating emotion, understanding emotion and managing emotion.

The Development of Emotional Intelligence adds a new perspective to the theoretical debate on emotions and how they develop. It will be of great interest to psychologists and any professionals dealing with families. It will also be helpful reading for parents. CONTENTS 1. Introduction. 2. Emotion Words Used by Parents. 3. Acoustic Aspects of Emotion Talk. 4. Emotion Words Used by Child. 5. Development of Child-Parent Responsiveness to Emotion Talk. 6. Humour in Emotion Talk. 7. Summary and Conclusion. January 2009: 8½ x11: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-35951-1: £44.95 Pb: 978-0-415-35952-8: £17.95

The Laws of Emotion

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Psychology of Emotion

Textb ook!

Nico H. Frijda Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Interpersonal, Experiential, and Cognitive

“I really like the book. It is, in my opinion, one of the landmark books to be published in the first decade of the new millennium. … [Frijda] is one of the founding fathers of contemporary emotions research… and is… well versed in philosophy, history, and literature, and this is evident throughout this book. I can think of no book in contemporary psychology that is as rich in its scope and imagination.” - Robert C. Solomon, University of Texas at Austin

Paula M. Niedenthal, Université Blaise Pascal, France; Silvia Krauth-Gruber, François Ric, both University Paris 5 - René Descartes, France Principles of Social Psychology Series

The Laws of Emotion is an accessible work that reviews much of the insightful new research on emotions conducted over the last ten years. It expands on the theory of emotions introduced in Nico Frijda’s earlier work and addresses a number of unanswered, basic problems on emotion theory. The author’s goal is to better understand the underlying psychological mechanisms of emotion. In this book, Professor Frijda also examines previously neglected topics of emotion such as determinants of emotional intensity, the duration of emotions, and sexual emotions. It touches on both evolutionary and neuroscientific explanations. The book begins by reviewing a number of principles governing emotion, or “the laws of emotion”. The author then examines the passionate nature of emotions and the motivational processes underlying them, and the nature and causes of pleasure and pain. Professor Frijda then explores the processes that lead to emotional arousal, including cognitive influences and why people care more about certain things than others. Emotional intensity is then discussed, including the often-neglected topic of the course of emotions over time. The book concludes with the author’s insights into complex emotional domains such as sex, revenge, and the need to commemorate past events.

The Laws of Emotion will appeal to social, cognitive, and developmental psychologists, social scientists, philosophers, and neuroscientists, as well as anyone interested in the workings of the mind. It also serves as a text for advanced courses in the psychology of emotions or the neuroscience of emotions. CONTENTS Preface. 1. Laws. 2. Passion. 3. Pleasure. 4. Appraisal. 5. Concerns. 6. Strength. 7. Time. 8. “Feelings”. 9. Sex. 10. Revenge. 11. Commemorating. August 2006: 6x9: 384pp Hb: 978-0-8058-2597-8: £61.50 Pb: 978-0-8058-2598-5: £21.50 60-day examination copy available


“Niedenthal and her colleagues have produced an easy-to-read, well-written text that maps much of the scientific terrain of emotion research in a comprehensive and accessible manner. They provide an admirable degree of integration with a multitude of theoretical perspectives, and offer a balanced summary of even the most hotly debated questions, making this book an essential guide for anyone who wants to be educated in the science of emotion.” - Lisa Feldman Barrett, Boston College This textbook discusses fundamental issues in the definition and measurement of emotion, including: conscious and unconscious processes; the ways in which emotions arise in, and are constrained by, social situations and social processes; the regulation and sharing of emotion and their effects on mental health; and the manner in which culture (including subculture) shapes or moderates some of these processes. The book also focuses on the component processes of emotion, their functions, and the ways in which these interact with the social environment. Rather than deny either that emotions are biologically determined or that they are culturally created or shaped, both biology and social situation are treated as important forces in the elicitation and the experience of emotion. Each section of the book is structured around specific approaches or models, and the precise questions that they were constructed to address. The theories and models are also placed in their historical context. Discussion of the different approaches is elaborated by summaries of the extant scientific evidence, as well as examples of specific experiments or studies that were designed to evaluate the question. Timely, engaging realworld examples are used from a variety of international contexts. The pedagogic features, including concise introductions and summaries, discussion questions, and suggested readings, have been incorporated into the volume, making this an ideal text for a course of Emotion, which can be found as an option within many social psychology and cognitive psychology courses. SELECTED CONTENTS 1. What are Emotions and How are They Studied? 2. Structure and Function of Emotion. 3. Self-conscious Emotions. 4. Facial Expression of Emotion. 5. Regulation of Emotions. 6. Emotion in Social Cognition. 7. Emotion and Group Processes. 8. Gender Differences in Emotion Processes. 9. Emotion and Culture. September 2006: 7½x9¼: 432pp Hb: 978-1-84169-401-6: £52.50 Pb: 978-1-84169-402-3: £22.50 60-day examination copy available


Journals in Social & Emotional Development Cognition and Emotion

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From Order to Disorder

Cognition & Emotion

Second Edition Mick Power, University of Edinburgh, UK Tim Dalgleish, Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK

EDITORS Jan De Houwer, Ghent University, Belgium Dirk Hermans, University of Leuven, Belgium

“Once again, with their unique style, Power and Dalgleish have produced a most readable, comprehensive, and scholarly book on cognition and emotion. The integration of theory and evidence is done extremely well, and enhanced with reference to the authors’ own integrative model of emotion (SPAARS). The authors’ refreshing approach to the understanding of emotions puts this book in the top league of current competitors.” - Nazanin Derakhshan, Birkbeck, University of London

Cognition & Emotion is devoted to the study of emotion, especially to those aspects of emotion related to cognitive processes. The journal brings together work on emotion undertaken by researchers in cognitive, social, clinical, and developmental psychology, neuropsychology, and cognitive science.

The relationship between thinking and feeling has puzzled philosophers for centuries, but more recently has become a dominant focus in psychology and in the brain sciences. This second edition of the highly praised Cognition and Emotion examines everything from past philosophical to current psychological perspectives in order to offer a novel understanding of both normal emotional experience and the emotional disorders.

These are sent free to journal subscribers and are available to nonsubscribers to purchase indivdually.

The authors integrate work on normal emotions with work on the emotional disorders. Although there are many influential theories of normal emotions within the cognition and emotion literature, these theories rarely address the issue of disordered emotions. Similarly, there are numerous theories that seek to explain one or more emotional disorders (e.g., depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and phobias), but which rarely discuss normal emotions. The present book draws these separate strands together and introduces a theoretical framework that can be applied to both normal and disordered emotions. It also provides a core cognition and emotion textbook through the inclusion of a comprehensive review of the basic literature. The book includes chapters on the historical background and philosophy of emotion, reviews the main theories of normal emotions and of emotional disorders, and includes separate chapters organised around the five basic emotions of fear, sadness, anger, disgust, and happiness.

Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder provides both an advanced textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in addition to a novel approach with a range of implications for clinical practice for work with the emotional disorders. CONTENTS Introduction. 1. The Cognitive Philosophy of Emotion. 2. Cognitive Theories of Emotion. 3. Cognitive Theories of Emotional Disorder. 4. Towards an Integrated Cognitive Theory of Emotion: The SPAARS Approach. 5. Fear. 6. Sadness. 7. Anger. 8. Disgust. 9. Happiness. Overview and Conclusions.

New and Recent Special Issues

Child Anxiety: Theory and Treatment Guest Editors: Andy Field, Sam Cartwright-Hatton, Shirley Reynolds and Cathy Cresswell April 2008: 176pp ISBN: 978-1-84169-851-9: £39.95 $80.00 How Distinctive is Affective Processing? Guest Editors: Andreas. B. Eder, Bernhard Hommel and Jan De Houwer September 2007: 236pp Hb: 978-1-84169-814-4: £39.95 $80.00 Magda B. Arnold’s Contributions to Emotion Research and Theory Guest Editors: Stephanie Shields and Arvid Kappas November 2006: 156pp Hb: 978-1-84169-986-8: £29.95 $53.95 Autobiographical Memory Specificity and Psychopathology Guest Editors: Dirk Hermans, Filip Raes, Pierre Philippot and Ismay Kremers May 2006: 260pp Hb: 978-1-84169-987-5 £39.95 $71.95 Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 22) Institutional (Print & Online): £845/$1,395/€1,116 Institutional (Online only): £802/$1,325/€1,060 Personal (Print only): £311/$514/€411 Full details, futher subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at:

Applied Developmental Science EDITORS Richard M. Lerner, Tufts University, USA Celia B. Fisher, Fordham University, USA Lawrence Gianinno, Tufts University, USA The focus of this journal is the synthesis of research and application to promote positive development across the lifespan. Applied developmental scientists use descriptive and explanatory knowledge about human development to provide preventive and/or enhancing interventions. The conceptual base of Applied Developmental Science (ADS) reflects the view that individual and family functioning is a combined and interactive product of biology and the physical and social environments that continuously evolve and change over time.

ADS brings theory and research together to promote and enhance positive human development across the life span, for individuals, families and communities. Recent Articles Modeling the Dynamics of Paternal Influences on Children Over the Life Course: Natasha Cabrera, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Robert H. Bradley, Lori Roggman Challenges to Modeling Dynamics in Developing a Developmental Understanding of Father-Child Relationships: Rob Palkovitz Why Could Father Involvement Benefit Children? Theoretical Perspectives: Joseph H. Pleck Commentary: From Fathering to Parenting and Back Again: Paul Spicer Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 12) Institutional (Print & Online): £274/$456/€365 Institutional (Online only): £260/$433/€346 Personal (Print & Online): £32/$53/€42 Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press Published by Psychology Press

October 2007: 6¾x9¾: 456pp Hb: 978-0-415-37353-1: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37354-8: £22.50 60-day examination copy available

Why Love Matters

Also Available

How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain Gerhardt June 2004: 5x8: 256pp Hb: 978-1-58391-816-6: £40.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-817-3: £9.99


Attachment & Human Development EDITOR Howard Steele, New School for Social Research, USA Attachment & Human Development provides the leading forum for the presentation and discussion of scientific theories about emotional and cognitive development, internal representations and social processes. The journal addresses the growing demand from the domains of psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and related disciplines including nursing and social work, for a clear presentation of ideas, methods and research based on attachment theory. Recent Articles A Tribute to the Legacy of John Bowlby at the Centenary of his Birth: Sebastian Kraemer, Howard Steele, Jeremy Holmes Babies and Toddlers in Non-parental Daycare can Avoid Stress and Anxiety if they Develop a Lasting Secondary Attachment Bond with One Carer who is Consistently Accessible to Them: Richard Bowlby John Bowlby and Ethology: An Annotated Interview with Robert Hinde: Frank C. P. van der Horst, René van der Veer, Marinus H. van Ijzendoorn Story Stem Narratives with Young Children: Moving to Clinical Research and Practice: Joann L. Robinson

European Journal of Developmental Psychology

EDITOR Willem Koops, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

EDITORS Wolfgang Stroebe, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Miles Hewstone, Oxford University, UK

This journal publishes original theoretical, empirical, methodological and review papers dealing with psychological development and developmental psychopathology during infancy, childhood and adolescence. It also publishes papers on social policy based on developmental science and which are relevant to education, health or well-being in infancy, childhood and adolescence. It is keen to receive papers relevant to European developmental psychology in that they take account of topics such as European history, European policy or cultural diversity and their relevance to developmental matters. The journal aims to cover the areas of cognitive and social development and the development of the person (self, identity and personality) and to do so from a disciplinary and/or an interdisciplinary perspective. In addition to full-length papers, the journal publishes research notes and book reviews. On occasions, issues are devoted to a special theme, under the editorship of an invited expert. Recent Special Issues These are sent free to journal subscribers and can be purchased by non-subscribers.

Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 10) Institutional (Print & Online): £359/$597/€478 Institutional (Online only): £341/$567/€454 Personal (Print only): £105/$173/€138

Social Cognition During Infancy Guest Editors: Vincent Reid, Tricia Striano and Willem Koops March 2007: 128pp Hb: 978-1-84169-832-8: £34.95 $61.00

Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at:

Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 5) Institutional (Print & Online): £240/$399/€319 Institutional (Online only): £228/$379/€303 Personal (Print only): £117/$192/€154 Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press

Invitation to Authors Psychology Press is the leading international publisher of textbooks and handbooks in Developmental Psychology. If you are planning to write a textbook, handbook or monograph, we would like to hear from you. Visit for details of our publishing program. For information on how to structure your proposal please visit Please send proposals to: US/Canada: Debra Riegert: UK/Europe/ROW: Tara Stebnicky:

Entire archive now available online!

The Journal of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP)

Immigrant Youth in European Countries Guest Editors: Dagmar Strohmeier, Eva Schmitt-Rodermund March 2008: 136pp Pb: 978-1-84169-845-8: £24.95 $50.00

Published by Routledge

European Review of Social Psychology

The Journal of the European Society for Developmental Psychology (ESDP)

Caregiver Traumatization Adversely Impacts Young Children’s Mental Representations on the MacArthur Story Stem Battery: Daniel S. Schechter, Annette Zygmunt, Susan W. Coates, Mark Davies, Kimberly A. Trabka, Jaime McCaw, Ann Kolodji, Joann L. Robinson


Extra issue in 2008!

The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and the attention now paid to European ideas and research. It aims to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work, whose origins may be, but need not be, European. The emphasis of these contributions is on substantial individual programmes of research and on critical assessment of major areas of research, as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality. With the help of an international editorial board consisting of established scholars from Europe, the USA and Australia, the editors invite outstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. All manuscripts are externally reviewed, and publication is subject to a positive outcome of the review process. Recent Volumes Volume 18 (2007) March 2008: 384pp Hb: 978-1-84169-841-0: £65.00 $97.50 Volume 17 (2006) March 2007: 424pp Hb: 978-1-84169-827-4: £65.00 $97.50 Volume 16 (2005) March 2006: 420pp: Hb: 978-1-84169-943-1: £65.00 $120.00 An iFirst journal Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press



The Journal of the Society for Research on Identity Formation (SRIF)

The Journal of the International Society on Infant Studies (ISIS)

EDITOR Alan S. Waterman, The College of New Jersey, USA

EDITOR Richard N. Aslin, University of Rochester, USA

Identity is international and multidisciplinary in scope, and this cutting-edge journal provides a forum for identity theorists and researchers around the globe to share their ideas and findings regarding the problems and prospects of human self-definition. The unifying thread of these articles is “identity” in its various manifestations throughout the life course. The operating assumption is that people in many parts of the world are struggling with aspects of their identities and that many of these problems transcend national, political, and cultural boundaries, taking on global proportions. Recent Articles Symbolic Meanings of Valued Personal Objects in Identity Transitions of Late Adulthood: Jane Kroger, Vivienne Adair History Education and Social Identity: Karina Korostelina Peering Inward for Ethnic Identity: Consumer Interpretation of DNA Test Results: Elizabeth C. Hirschman, Donald Panther-Yates Diaspora Identity and the Potential for Violence: Toward an Identity-Mobilization Framework: Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 8) Institutional (Print & Online): £242/$404/€323 Institutional (Online only): £229/$383/€306 Personal (Print & Online): £41/$69/€55

Infancy seeks to publish cuttingedge empirical research on the patterns of development and their underlying mechanisms in all domains of relevance to human infants. These include studies of sensory, motor, perceptual, cognitive, language, and social development from birth to 2 years of age. Recent Research Articles Girls Most of the Time, Boys Some of the Time: Gender Differences in Toddlers’ Use of Maternal Proximity and Comfort Seeking: Kristin A. Buss, Rebecca J. Brooker, Melanie Leuty Infants’ Attention and Responsiveness to Television Increases With Prior Exposure and Parental Interaction: Rachel Barr, Elizabeth Zack, Amaya Garcia, Paul Muentener Overcoming the Effects of Variation in Infant Speech Segmentation: Influences of Word Familiarity: Leher Singh, Sarah S. Nestor, Heather Bortfeld Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 13) Institutional (Print & Online): £428/$714/€571 Institutional (Online only): £406/$678/€542 Personal (Print & Online): £60/$101/€81 Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press

Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press

International Journal of Psychology

Six issues plus CD: Psychology: IUPsyS Global Resource

Published on behalf of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) EDITOR Claudia Dalbert, Martin Luther University, Germany The International Journal of Psychology aims to strengthen the dialog within psychology around the world and thus publish empirical studies incorporating an interdisciplinary or culture-specific approach. IJP is the outlet for empirical basic and applied studies and for reviews that either (a) incorporate perspectives from different areas or domains within psychology or across different disciplines, (b) test the culturedependent validity of psychological theories, or (c) integrate literature from different regions in the world. Special Section Issues Available for Individual Purchase Since 2007 IJP has published several Special Section issues, wherein some but not all of the papers concentrate on a particular topic. Subscribers receive these issues as normal, and they are now available for non-subscribers to buy individually via the website below: Culture and Human Development Editorial: A. Barne Nsamenang Volume 43 Issue 2 ISSN 0020-7594 £19.95 $39.95 €26.50 New Research on Acculturation among Diaspora Migrants Editorial: Rainer K. Silbereisen Volume 43 Issue 1 ISSN 0020-7594 £19.95 $39.95 €26.50 Implicit Representations and Personality Editorial Jens B. Assendorf Volume 42 Issue 3 ISSN: 0020-7594 £19.95 $39.95 €26.50 Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 43) Institutional (Print & Online): £479/$790/€632 Institutional (Online only): £455/$750/€600 Personal (Print only): £109/$183/€146 Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at:


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Journals in Social & Emotional Development

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Journal of Cognition and Development The Official Journal of the Cognitive Development Society (CDS) EDITOR Patricia J. Bauer, Emory University, USA The relationship between the journal and the CDS is symbiotic in that the journal enhances the field of cognitive development by providing a prestigious forum for innovative research and theory. It publishes the very best articles on all aspects of cognitive development. Recent Articles Infants’ Visual Expectations and the Processing of Time: Scott A. Adler, Marshall M. Haith, Denise M. Arehart, Elizabeth C. Lanthier Development of Teaching Skills and Relations to Theory of Mind in Preschoolers: Angela C. DavisUnger, S. M. Carlson

Parenting Science and Practice EDITOR Marc H. Bornstein, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, USA Parenting: Science and Practice strives to promote the exchange of empirical findings, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches from all disciplines that help to define and advance theory, research, and practice in parenting, caregiving, and childrearing.

Research in Human Development EDITOR Erin Phelps, Tufts University, USA William M. Kurtines, Florida International University, USA Research in Human Development provides a forum for scholarship that integrates person and context across life in an inclusive, integrative, and multidisciplinary approach to the study of human development.

Recent Empirical Papers Relations Among Child Negative Emotionality, Parenting Stress, and Maternal Sensitive Responsiveness in Early Childhood: Marja C. Paulussen-Hoogeboom, Geert Jan J. M. Stams, Jo M. A. Hermanns, Thea T. D. Peetsma Correlates of Parenting for Mothers and Fathers From English and Indian Backgrounds: Naama Atzaba-Poria, Alison Pike

Transfer between Picture Books and the Real World by Very Young Children: Patricia A. Ganea, Megan Bloom Pickard, Judy S. DeLoache

Cumulative Social Risk, Parenting, and Infant Development in Rural Low-Income Communities: Margaret Burchinal, Lynne Vernon-Feagans, Martha Cox

Logically Speaking: Evidence for Item-Based Acquisition of the Connectives AND & OR: Bradley J. Morris

Parental Reactions to Their Child’s Sexual Orientation Disclosure: A Family Stress Perspective: Brian L. B. Willoughby, Nathan D. Doty, Neena M. Malik

Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 9) Institutional (Print & Online): £286/$477/€382 Institutional (Online only): £271/$453/€362 Personal (Print & Online): £41/$69/€55

Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 8) Institutional (Print & Online): £226/$378/€302 Institutional (Online only): £214/$359/€286 Personal (Print & Online): £32/$53/€42

Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at:

Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at:

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Published by Psychology Press

Social and Emotional Development

Recent Articles Lodestars and Old Loves: Reconsidering Classic Developmental Ideas for Today’s World: Richard A. Settersten Jr. The Strange Case of c2 = 0: What Does It Imply for Views of Human Development?: John C. Loehlin The Motivation-Volition Divide and Its Resolution in Action-Phase Models of Developmental Regulation: Jutta Heckhausen Attachment Theory: Seven Unresolved Issues and Questions for Future Research: Philip A. Cowan, Carolyn Pape Cowan Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 5) Institutional (Print & Online): £173/$288/€230 Institutional (Online only): £164/$273/€218 Personal (Print & Online): £38/$64/€51 Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press


William M. Bukowski, Concordia University, Canada; Brett Laursen, Florida Atlantic University, USA; Kenneth H. Rubin, University of Maryland, USA (Eds.)

Series: Critical Concepts in Psychology This new four-volume collection brings together the most influential and fundamental research in the area, providing readers with a vital overview of the basic theory and the empirical database regarding social and emotional development. The collection editors present a general developmental picture of the state of the art in each area of social and emotional development. They have also written integrative commentaries (appearing as an introduction at the start of each volume) to situate the collected research topics in their historical and intellectual context, and to provide a snapshot of current issues in the field. The collection is an ideal introduction to social and emotional development for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, and will serve as an important reference for instructors. Indeed, teachers who are planning courses intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students will find these volumes to be an ideal way of providing a comprehensive and in-depth coverage of research on social and emotional development. The chronological organization of three of the four volumes will allow instructors to use all three or to choose the book that best fits the needs of their course. The fourth volume of models and methods can be used in a similarly flexible or focused manner. This new Major Work constitutes a ‘mini library’ on the history of, and current debates in, social and emotional development. August 2008: 6x9: 1,584pp Hb: 978-0-415-41202-5: £595.00


17% more pages in 2008

The Journal of the International Society of Self and Identity (ISSI) EDITOR ELECT Mark Alicke, Ohio University, USA Work on self and identity has a special place in the study of human nature, as self-concerns are arguably at the center of individuals’ striving for well-being and for making sense of one’s life. Life goals develop and are influenced by one’s view of what one is like, the way one would ideally like to be (or would like to avoid being), as well as one’s perceptions of what is feasible. Furthermore, conceptions of self and the world affect how one’s progress towards these goals is monitored, evaluated, redirected, re-evaluated, and pursued again. Thus, the “self” as a construct has farreaching implications for behavior, self-esteem, motivation, experience of emotions and the world more broadly, and hence for interpersonal relationships, society, and culture.

Self and Identity is devoted to the study of these social and psychological processes of the self, including both its agentic aspects, as well as the perceived and construed aspects as reflected in its mental representations. Recent Articles Body Image Self-discrepancies and Affect: Exploring the Feared Body Self: Tim Woodman, Sorcha Hemmings Bicultural Identity and Self/Group Personality Perceptions: Daniel R. Miramontez, Verónica BenetMartínez, Angela-Minhtú D. Nguyen The Sting of Lack of Affection: Chronic Goal Dissatisfaction in Transference: Michele S. Berk, Susan M. Andersen After Depletion: The Replenishment of the Self’s Regulatory Resources: James M. Tyler, Kathleen C. Burns Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 7) Institutional (Print & Online): £255/$422/€338 Institutional (Online only): £242/$400/€321 Personal (Print only): £86/$142/€114 Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press

Social Influence EDITOR ELECT Kip Williams, Purdue University, USA Social Influence provides an integrated focus for research into this important, dynamic, and multidisciplinary field. Topics covered include: conformity, norms, social influence tactics such as norm of reciprocity, authority, scarcity, interpersonal influence, persuasion, power, advertising, mass media effects, political persuasion, propaganda, comparative influence, compliance, minority influence, influence in groups, cultic influence, social movements, social contagions, rumors, resistance to influence, influence across cultures, and the history of influence research. Social Influence should be of interest to social psychologists, political psychologists, consumer psychologists, organizational psychologists, sociologists, communication researchers, and anyone interested in any aspect of social influence. SPECIAL OFFER! Double institutional subscription (including online access) to Volumes 1 and 2 for just £198 /$347! Email for details.

Social Influence will only consider short reports, with a maximum of 5000 words. This word limit excludes the abstract (which should be less than 120 words), the title, table and figure text, and references. Authors are encouraged to submit papers electronically to expedite the peer review process. Please email your paper, saved in a standard document format type such as Word or PDF, to

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Recent Articles Using Normative Social Influence to Promote Conservation among Hotel Guests: Wesley P. Schultz, Azar M. Khazian, Adam C. Zaleski Revisiting the Issue of Safety in Numbers: The Likelihood of Receiving Help from a Group: Daniel R. Stalder Making it (Inter-)Personal: Self- and Partnermoderated Influence During Marital Conflict Discussions: M. Minda Oriña, Jeffry A. Simpson, William Ickes, Kelli Jean K. Asada, Stacy Fitzpatrick Subscription Rates 2008 (Volume 3) Institutional (Print & Online): £144/$253/€202 Institutional (Online only): £136/$240/€191 Personal (Print only): £65/$113/€90 Full details, further subscription details, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press

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