New Textbooks in Cognition

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New Textbooks in



Eysenck & Keane: Cognitive Psychology, 6th Ed. ..................2 Ward: The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience, 2nd Ed. ....................................................................................2 Baddeley et al.: Memory .........................................................3 Harley: Talking the Talk...........................................................4 Harley: The Psychology of Language, 3rd Ed. .......................4 Revonsuo: Consciousness .....................................................5 Velmans: Understanding Consciousness, 2nd Ed. ................5 Mather: Foundations of Sensation and Perception, 2nd Ed. ..6 Cohen & Conway: Memory in the Real World, 3rd Ed. ..........6 Power & Dalgleish: Cognition and Emotion, 2nd Ed. .............6 Eysenck: Fundamentals of Cognition .....................................7 Stirling & Elliot: Introducing Neuropsychology, 2nd Ed. .........7 Beaumont: Introduction to Neuropsychology, 2nd Ed. ...........7 Pearce: Animal Learning and Cognition, 3rd Ed. ...................8 Pierce & Cheney: Behavior Analysis and Learning, 4th Ed. ..8 Papini: Comparative Psychology, 2nd Ed. .............................8 Groome: An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, 2nd Ed.....................................................................................9 Niedenthal et al.: Psychology of Emotion ..............................9 Tatsuoka: Cognitive Assessment .........................................10

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New edition – now in full color!

materials, which will be made available to qualifying adopters completely free of charge. The online multimedia materials include:

Cognitive Psychology

• A PowerPoint lecture course and multiple-choice question test bank

A Student’s Handbook Sixth Edition Michael W. Eysenck, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK Mark T. Keane, University College Dublin, Ireland “This is an excellent textbook, the previous editions of which I have consistently e rrecommended to students on advanced ccourses in human cognition. This new e edition has reinforced my view that this is the best textbook on advanced undergraduate b ccognitive psychology available to support sstudent learning. ... The introductory chapter p providing explanatory overviews is particularly helpful, and I very much welcome the increase h iin cognitive neuroscience elements throughout tthe chapters. The explanation of the various brain imaging techniques makes the descriptions of these studies very accessible to students.” - Robert H. Logie, University of Edinburgh “The new edition of this book improves a text that was already a leader. The authors have injected more information about the neuroscientific bases of the cognitive phenomena they discuss, in line with recent trends in the field. Students will greatly profit from this text, and professors will enjoy reading it, too.” - Henry L. Roediger, III, Washington University in St. Louis Previous editions have established this best-selling student handbook as THE cognitive psychology textbook of choice, both for its academic rigour and its accessibility. This sixth edition continues this tradition. It has been substantially updated and revised to reflect new developments in the field (especially within cognitive neuroscience). Traditional approaches are combined with the cutting-edge cognitive neuroscience approach to create a comprehensive, coherent and totally up-to-date overview of all the main fields in cognitive psychology. The major topics covered include perception, attention, memory, concepts, language, problem solving, and reasoning, as well as some applied topics such as everyday memory. New to this edition: • Presented in full-colour throughout, with numerous colour illustrations including photographs and brain scans • Increased emphasis on cognitive neuroscience, to reflect its growing influence on cognitive psychology • A NEW chapter on Cognition and Emotion • A WHOLE chapter on Consciousness • Increased coverage of applied topics such as recovered memories, medical expertise, informal reasoning, and emotion regulation incorporated throughout the textbook • More focus on individual differences in areas including long-term memory, expertise, reasoning, emotion and regulation. The textbook is packed full of useful features that will engage students and aid revision, including key terms, which are new to this edition, chapter summaries, and suggestions for further reading. Written by one of the leading textbook authors in psychology, this thorough and user-friendly textbook will continue to be essential reading for all undergraduate students of psychology. Those taking courses in computer science, education, linguistics, physiology, and medicine will also find it an invaluable resource. This edition is accompanied by a rich array of supplementary

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• A unique Student Learning Program: an interactive revision program incorporating a range of multimedia resources including interactive exercises and demonstrations, and active reference links to journal articles. Contents Preface. 1. Approaches to Human Cognition. Part 1. Visual Perception and Attention. 2. Basic Processes in Visual Cognition. 3. Object and Face Recognition. 4. Perception, Motion and Action. 5. Attention and Performance. Part 2. Memory. 6. Learning, Memory and Forgetting. 7. Long-term Memory Systems. 8. Everyday Memory. Part 3. Language. 9. Reading and Speech Perception. 10. Language Comprehension. 11. Language Production. Part 4. Thinking and Reasoning. 12. Problem Solving and Expertise. 13. Judgement and Decision Making. 14. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Part 5. Broadening Horizons. 15. Cognition and Emotion. 16. Consciousness. Glossary. References. January 2010: 7½x10: 656pp Hb: 978-1-84169-539-6: £54.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-540-2: £29.95

New edition – now in full color!

The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience Second Edition Jamie Ward University of Sussex, UK Praise for the first edition: “The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience is unique in that there are no comparable textbooks aimed at this level, and it does an excellent job of providing a solid grounding in this broad field.” - Charvy Narain, in Nature Neuroscience “Jamie Ward has done a great service to the neuroscience community: he has written an easy to read, enjoyable introduction to cognitive neuroscience that will attract many students to the discipline.” - Alfonso Caramazza, the Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory, Harvard University Reflecting recent changes in the way cognition and the brain are studied, this thoroughly updated edition of the best-selling textbook provides a comprehensive and student-friendly guide to cognitive neuroscience. Jamie Ward provides an easy-to-follow introduction to neural structure and function, as well as all the key methods and procedures of cognitive neuroscience, with a view to helping students understand how they can be used to shed light on the neural basis of cognition. The book presents an up-to-date overview of the latest theories and findings in all the key topics in cognitive neuroscience, including vision, attention, memory, speech and language, numeracy, executive function, and social and emotional behavior. This edition also contains two completely new chapters on developmental cognitive neuroscience and hearing. Throughout, case studies, newspaper reports and everyday examples are used to help students understand the more challenging ideas that underpin the subject. In addition, each chapter includes: • Summaries of key terms and points • Example essay questions www cognitiv iveps epsych ychologyarena com Order online for a 10% discount and free shipping on orders above $35 (US/Canada)/£20 (UK).

• Recommended further reading • Feature boxes exploring interesting and popular questions and their implications for the subject. Written in an engaging style by a leading researcher in the field, and now in full-color including numerous illustrative materials, this book will be invaluable as a core text for undergraduate modules in cognitive neuroscience. It can also be used as a key text on courses in cognition, cognitive neuropsychology, or brain and behavior. Those embarking on research will find it an invaluable starting point and reference.

Memory Alan Baddeley, Michael W. Eysenck, Royal Holloway University of London, UK; Michael C. Anderson, University of St. Andrews, UK “This book represents an exciting new text on human memory. The authors weave basic research from behavioral studies of memory with the latest in neuroscientific thinking. The writing is accessible and should make it a popular text with students and professors alike. I strongly recommend it.” - Henry L. Roediger, III, Washington University in St. Louis

The book is accompanied by a set of online resources available free of charge to departments that recommend the textbook. These resources include: • A chapter-by-chapter illustrated slideshow lecture course • A bank of multiple-choice questions which allow for confidenceweighted answers • Student resources to aid exam preparation. Contents 1. Introducing Cognitive Neuroscience. 2. Introducing the Brain. 3. The Electrophysiological Brain. 4. The Imaged Brain. 5. The Lesioned Brain. 6. The Seeing Brain. 7. The Spatial Brain. 8. The Acting Brain. 9. The Remembering Brain. 10. The Hearing Brain. 11. The Speaking Brain. 12. The Literate Brain. 13. The Numerate Brain. 14. The Executive Brain. 15. The Social and Emotional Brain. 16. The Developing Brain. January 2010: 7½x10: 464pp Hb: 978-1-84872-002-2: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84872-003-9: £29.95

Invitation to Authors Are you planning to develop a textbook, handbook, supplement or monograph in Cognition? Do you feel there is a need for a new journal in this area? If so, we would like to hear from you. We welcome proposals covering any aspect of Cognition, in its theory and practice, including areas in which we already publish textbooks. With offices in the UK, USA, and around the world, Psychology Press, with its sister imprint Routledge, is one of the largest psychology publishers. Our dedicated and experienced editorial and production teams produce topquality textbook, handbooks, monographs and journals. Our e-marketing department maintains innovative webbased ‘arenas’ – online shop windows displaying our publications in all major areas of psychology (see Psychology Press implements an integrated global marketing plan for each of our books, with worldwide mailings of full-color brochures and catalogs. If you have a project in mind, there is no one better qualified to make a success of your proposal.

Please send proposals to: US/Canada: Paul Dukes, Publisher

“Baddeley, Eysenck and Anderson are among the best known and most widely respected cognitive psychologists internationally. The result of their collaboration is a textbook that is comprehensive and soundly scientific, while remaining engaging and highly accessible to all students of human memory.” - Robert H. Logie, University of Edinburgh People seem to be intrigued by memory, and by its sometimes spectacular failure in (for example) people with amnesia. However, students of memory sometimes fail to retain this fascination. The reason is clear: in order to study memory we must carry out carefullydesigned experiments, which can seem boring even when they are exciting science. Fortunately, we now know enough about memory to relate laboratory studies to the world beyond. In other words, our scientific knowledge of memory and how it works can help us to explain those aspects of memory that most people find of greatest interest. This book presents a thorough, accessible and appealing overview of the field, written with students in mind, by some of the world’s leading researchers. It starts with a brief overview and explanation of the scientific approach to memory before going on to discuss the basic characteristics of the various memory systems and how they work. Summaries of short-term and working memory are followed by chapters on learning, the role of organization in memory, the ways in which our knowledge of the world is stored, retrieval, and on intentional and motivated forgetting. The latter half of the book involves the broader application of our basic understanding of memory, with chapters on autobiographical memory, amnesia, and on memory in childhood and aging. After chapters discussing eyewitness testimony and prospective memory, a final chapter addresses an issue of great importance to students – how to improve your memory. Each chapter of the book is written by one of the three authors, an approach which takes full advantage of their individual expertise, style and personality. This enhances students’ enjoyment of the book, allowing them to share the authors’ own fascination with human memory. Contents 1. What is Memory? 2. Short-term Memory. 3. Working Memory. 4. Learning. 5. Episodic Memory: Organizing and Remembering. 6. Semantic Memory and Stored Knowledge. 7. Autobiographical Memory. 8. Retrieval. 9. Incidental Forgetting. 10. Motivated Forgetting. 11. Amnesia. 12. Memory in Childhood. 13. Memory and Aging. 14. Eyewitness Testimony. 15. Prospective Memory. 16. Improving Your Memory. February 2009: 7½x10: 464pp Hb: 978-1-84872-000-8: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84872-001-5: £27.50

UK/Europe/ROW: Lucy Kennedy, Senior Editor: www ww cognitiv co veps epsychologya gyaren rena a com m




The Psychology of Language

Talking the Talk

From Data to Theory

Language, Psychology and Science

Third Edition

Trevor Harley University of Dundee, UK “A road trip through the varied landscape of psycholinguistics – including photos! Harley’s approachable style and frequent personal asides make the esoteric aspects of the field understandable, and he shows how everyday phenomena, such as “slips of the tongue” or children’s babblings, provide deep insight into how language works. Despite containing some fun topics, the book does not dumb down the science; it includes the latest findings from neuroscience and computational modeling and can function as quick reference for the expert as well as a thorough introduction for anyone who has marveled at our ability to speak.” - Gary Dell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Language makes us human, but how do we use it and how do children learn it? Talking the Talk is an introduction to the psychology of language. Written for the reader with no background in the area or knowledge of psychology, it explains how we actually “do” language: how we speak, listen, and read. This book provides an accessible and comprehensive introduction to psycholinguistics, the study of the psychological processes involved in language. It shows how it’s possible to study language experimentally, and how psychologists use these experiments to build models of language processing. The book focuses on controversy in modern psycholinguistics, and covers the all the main topics, including how children acquire language, how language is related to the brain, and what can go wrong – and what can be done when something does go wrong. Structured around questions that people often ask about language, the emphasis of Talking the Talk is how scientific knowledge can be applied to practical problems. It also stresses how language is related to other aspects of psychology, particularly in whether animals can learn language, and the relation between language and thought. Lively and amusing, the book will be essential reading for all undergraduate students and those new to the topic, as well as the interested lay reader. Contents Preface. 1. Language. 2. Animals. 3. Children. 4. Thought. 5. Meaning. 6. Words. 7. Understanding. 8. Speaking. 9. End. 10. Next. Glossary. References. January 2010: 7x10: 320pp Hb: 978-1-84169-339-2: £39.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-340-8: £17.50

psycholinguistics arena

Trevor Harley University of Dundee, UK “I want this book for me, not just for my students. For the student, it’s an exceptionally thorough, but lively, introduction to language use in a wider context. For me, it’s a valuable reminder of psycholinguistics’ evolution from its concerns with the psychological reality of grammar, to its current spot at the center of modern cognitive neuroscience.” - Gary S. Dell, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign The Psychology of Language contains everything the student needs to know about the psychology of language, including how we acquire, understand, produce, and store language. The third edition contains chapters on how children learn to read, and how language is used in everyday settings. It also describes recent research on the impact of new techniques of brain imaging. The text is comprehensive and written in a lively and accessible style. It covers all the main topics in this complex field, focusing on reading, writing, speaking, and listening in both adult and child language. There is an emphasis on language processing as well as language production and coverage of the social basis of language. The text covers recent connectionist models of language, describing complex ideas in a clear and approachable manner. Following a strong developmental theme, the text describes how children acquire language (sometimes more than one), and also how they learn to read. The Psychology of Language also demonstrates how language is related to the brain and to other aspects of cognition. Supplementary materials are available to accompany the textbook, which include: • Chapter-by-chapter lecture slides • An interactive chapter-by-chapter multiple-choice question test bank • Multiple-choice questions in paper and pen format. The supplementary resources are available on CD-ROM and online, and are free of charge to adopters. The Psychology of Language assumes no prior knowledge other than a grounding in the basic concepts of cognitive psychology. This third edition of this bestselling textbook will be essential reading for any student of cognition, psycholinguistics or the psychology of language. It will also be useful for those on speech and language therapy courses. Contents Part 1. Introduction. Part 2. The Biological and Developmental Bases of Language. Part 3. Word Recognition. Part 4. Meaning and Using Language. Part 5. Production and Other Aspects of Language. 2008: 7½x10: 624pp Hb: 978-1-84169-381-1: £54.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-382-8: £29.95

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Understanding Consciousness


Second Edition

The Science of Subjectivity

Max Velmans Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Visiting Professor of Consciousness Studies at the University of Plymouth, UK

Antti Revonsuo University of Turku, Finland “Everybody talks about consciousness, but hardly anyone has written a textbook about it that could be used as the basis for a survey course. Revonsuo’s book closes that gap.” John F. Kihlstrom, University of California, Berkeley “Revonsuo’s book is a major new discussion of consciousness, suitable for a wide range of readers. It is written in an admirably clear and scholarly way, and covers a wide range of issues thrown up by recent philosophical, psychological and neuroscientific research on consciousness. It would be excellent as a primary text for many introductory courses on consciousness, and I think this book will quickly become a major text in the area.” - Steve Torrance, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Sussex The study of consciousness is recognized as one of the biggest remaining challenges to the scientific community. This book provides a fascinating introduction to the new science that promises to illuminate our understanding of the subject. It covers all the main approaches to the modern scientific study of consciousness, and also gives the necessary historical, philosophical and conceptual background to the field. Current scientific evidence and theory from the fields of neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, brain imaging and the study of altered states of consciousness such as dreaming, hypnosis, meditation and out-of-body experiences is presented. The book provides an integrative review of the major existing philosophical and empirical theories of consciousness and identifies the most promising areas for future developments in the field. It offers a readable and timely introduction to the science of consciousness for anyone interested in this compelling area, especially undergraduates studying psychology, philosophy, cognition, neuroscience and related fields. Contents Part 1. Background of the Science of Consciousness. Introduction: Consciousness and its Place in the Scientific View of the World. 1. The Philosophical Foundations of Consciousness Science. 2. The Historical Foundations of Consciousness Science. 3. The Conceptual Foundations of Consciousness Science. Part 2. Central Domains of Consciousness Science I: Neuropsychology and Consciousness. 4. Neuropsychological Deficits of Visual Consciousness. 5. Neuropsychological Dissociations of Visual Consciousness from Behaviour. 6. Neuropsychological Disorders of Self-awareness. Part 3. Central Domains of Consciousness Science II: Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC). 7. Methods and Design of NCC Experiments. 8. Studies on the Neural Basis of Consciousness as a State. 9. Studies on the Neural Basis of Visual Consciousness. Part 4. Central Domains of Consciousness Science III: Theories of Consciousness. 10. Philosophical Theories of Consciousness. 11. Empirical Theories of Consciousness. Part 5. Central Domains of Consciousness Science IV: Altered States of Consciousness. 12. What is an “Altered State of Consciousness” (ASC)? 13. Dreaming and Sleep. 14. Hypnosis. 15. Higher States of Consciousness. 16. Epilogue: Reflections on the Science of Subjective Experience.

“If you’re interested in getting a good overview of contemporary approaches to understanding consciousness, both philosophical and experimental, I can recommend Understanding Consciousness, Second Edition. … You couldn’t ask for anything more comprehensive.” - Charles T. Tart, Professor, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto CA, and Professor Emeritus, Psychology, University of California, Davis “This is an important book. It offers an excellent review of the whole range of philosophical and scientific attempts to understand consciousness, interwoven with a compelling account of the author’s own preferred option (i.e., ‘reflexive monism’), for which he is already well known. This further account of his views will be welcomed by all concerned.” - Christopher M.H. Nunn, Associate Editor of the Journal of Consciousness Studies Understanding Consciousness, Second Edition provides a unique survey and evaluation of consciousness studies, along with an original analysis of consciousness that combines scientific findings, philosophy and common sense. Building on the widely praised first edition, this new edition adds fresh research, and deepens the original analysis in a way that reflects some of the fundamental changes in the understanding of consciousness that have taken place over the last ten years. As the structure of the book moves from a basic overview of the field to a successively deeper analysis, it can be used both for those new to the subject and for more established researchers. Understanding Consciousness tells a story with a beginning, middle and end in a way that integrates the philosophy of consciousness with the science. Overall, the book provides a unique perspective on how to address the problems of consciousness and as such, will be of great interest to psychologists, philosophers, and neuroscientists. Contents Part 1. Mind-Body Theories and Their Problems. 1. What is Consciousness? 2. Conscious Souls, Brains and Quantum Mechanics. 3. Are Mind and Matter the Same Thing? 4. Are Mind and Consciousness Just Activities? 5. Could Robots be Conscious? Part 2. A New Analysis: How to Marry Science with Experience. 6. Conscious Phenomenology and Common Sense. 7. The Nature and Location of Experiences. 8. Experienced Worlds, the World Described by Physics, and the Thing Itself. 9. Subjective, Intersubjective and Objective Science. 10. How Consciousness Relates to Information Processing in the Brain. 11. The Neural Causes and Correlates of Consciousness. Part 3. A New Synthesis: Reflexive Monism. 12. What Consciousness is. 13. What Consciousness Does. 14. Self-consciousness in a Reflexive Universe. March 2009: 6x9: 408pp Hb: 978-0-415-42515-5: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42516-2: £22.50

January 2010: 7x10: 320pp Hb: 978-1-84169-725-3: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-726-0: £19.95 www ww cognitiv co veps epsychologya gyaren rena a com m



Foundations of Sensation and Memory in the Real World Third Edition Perception Second Edition George Mather University of Sussex, UK

Gillian Cohen (retired), Professor of Psychology, The Open University, UK Martin A. Conway, University of Leeds, UK (Eds.) “A very welcome addition to the memory literature, providing thorough and detailed reviews of the growing body of research concerned with taking memory out of the laboratory. The authors are a combination of established scientists and younger investigators, who have in common a broad approach to the topic that accepts the importance of both theory and its application. This book should prove a valuable resource.” - Alan Baddeley, University of York

Praise for the first edition: “Mather has included some excellent pedagogical features that put this book in a class by itself. ... Moreover, Mather’s conversational and interactive style of writing results in a book that is enjoyable as well as informative ... Would I use it for my S&P course? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’.” - Stephen F. Davis, in PsycCRITIQUES This comprehensive introduction to Sensation and Perception has been highly praised for its unique approach, which begins with the minor senses and progresses to vision. The book begins with an introductory chapter on general physiological, perceptual and theoretical principles which gives the reader the conceptual tools to build a clear understanding of how we perceive the world. The next two chapters then flesh out basic topics such as transduction, receptive fields, and sensory adaptation via coverage of the minor senses (touch, balance, smell, and taste). Later chapters on hearing and vision build on these foundations. This approach allows students to thoroughly grasp the fundamental principles in relation to the relatively simple sensory systems before moving on to the more complex topics. Unlike other perception textbooks, this has a whole chapter on Individual Differences, which considers potential sources of difference such as age, sex, expertise and culture. • Now in full color!

2008: 7x10: 424pp Hb: 978-1-84169-640-9: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-641-6: £24.95

• Revised and expanded coverage of taste processing and perception, touch perception, pitch perception, and receptive field modeling

Cognition and Emotion

New to the second edition:

• New sections on word perception, the size after-effect, crowding, scene perception, and optic flow • A completely new chapter devoted to multi-sensory processing and synesthesia, with a new tutorial on attentional effects in perception • A new tutorial on visual dysfunction in artists. The book includes a number of helpful textbook features, such as key terms, chapter summaries, and ‘Tutorial’ sections. It is accompanied by extensive student and instructor supplementary resources which are free of charge to adopters: visit for preview access Foundations of Sensation and Perception provides students with a thorough analysis of our perceptual experience, how it relates to the physical properties of the world and how it is linked to the biological properties of the brain. It will be an invaluable resource for those studying psychology and neuroscience. Contents 1. General Principles. 2. The Chemical Senses. 3. The Body Senses. 4. The Physics and Biology of Audition. 5. Perception of Sound. 6. The Physics of Vision – Light and the Eye. 7. Visual Physiology. 8. Spatial Vision. 9. Shape and Object Perception. 10. Depth Perception. 11. Visual Motion Perception. 12. Color Vision. 13. Multi-sensory Processing in Perception. 14. Individual Differences in Perception. January 2009: 7½x10: 464pp Hb: 978-1-84169-698-0: £44.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-699-7: £29.95

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Contents G. Cohen, Introduction: The Study of Everyday Memory. J. Ellis, Memory for Intentions, Actions and Plans. A. Smith, Memory for Places: Routes, Maps and Locations. D. Wright, E. Loftus, Memory for Events: Eyewitness Testimony. R. Hanley, Memory for People: Faces, Voices and Names. H. Williams, M. Conway, Memory for Personal Experiences: Autobiographical and Flashbulb Memory. G. Cohen, Memory for Knowledge: General Knowledge and Expertise. G. Radvansky, Situational Models in Memory: Texts and Stories. R. Thompson, Collaborative and Social Remembering. C. Horton, M. Conway, Memory for Thoughts and Dreams. S. Gathercole, C. Moulin, Life Span Development of Memory: Childhood and Old Age. A. O’Connor, C. Moulin, Memory, Consciousness and Metacognition. C. Souchay, C. Moulin, The Psychopathology of Everyday Memory. G. Cohen, Overview: Speculations and Conclusions.

From Order to Disorder Second Edition Mick Power, University of Edinburgh, UK Tim Dalgleish, Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK “The authors should be commended for undertaking this very important and ambitious endeavour. What sets this text apart from other books on cognition and emotion is its attempt to describe the philosophical and historical underpinnings of work on emotion.” - Naomi Koerner, Concordia University, in Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne The relationship between thinking and feeling has puzzled philosophers for centuries, but more recently has become a dominant focus in psychology and in the brain sciences. Cognition and Emotion, Second Edition examines everything from past philosophical to current psychological perspectives in order to offer a novel understanding of both normal emotional experience and the emotional disorders. 2007: 7x10: 456pp Hb: 978-0-415-37353-1: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-37354-8: £24.95 www cognitiv iveps epsych ychologyarena com Order online for a 10% discount and free shipping on orders above $35 (US/Canada)/£20 (UK).

Fundamentals of Cognition

Introducing Neuropsychology

Third Edition

Second Edition

Michael Eysenck Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

John Stirling, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Rebecca Elliott, University of Manchester, UK

“The chapters provide an excellent coverage of the different areas within cognitive psychology: not only are the traditional areas dealt with (memory, perception, language) but also areas which are often overlooked by comparable textbooks (human judgement, decision-making). This text is an excellent source for students of cognitive psychology who are looking for an introduction to the field and a broad summary of research issues that exist within it. Eysenck has a reputation for accessible writing and this text does not disappoint. The chapters are well structured and clear. I enjoyed the writing style which was informative and readable; jargon was clearly explained.” - John Parkinson, Lecturer in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, University of Wales Bangor How come some people always remember a face? Is it really possible to do two things at once? Fundamentals of Cognition is a clear and reader-friendly introduction that will help students understand and answer these kinds of questions. Taking his cue from modern cognitive psychology, Mike Eysenck explores the key processes that allow us to make sense of the world around us. Whether we are aware of their workings or not, our abilities in attention, perception, learning, memory, language, problem solving, thinking and reasoning all help us to make decisions about how to cope with everyday life. This book takes a close look at all the relevant key findings and issues. It also offers accessible explanations of the more complex debates which spring up around them. Fundamentals of Cognition guides students through all the classic topics in cognitive psychology. New research from approaches in cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience is integrated and evaluated in a lively (but systematic) approach. The book provides a broad overview of current thinking and a thorough evaluation of the various theoretical approaches to basic cognitive processes. Written with introductory-level students in mind, it can be read easily by those with no previous knowledge of cognitive psychology. However, it also includes directions for more detailed and advanced study. Contents 1. Visual Perception and Attention. 2. Learning and Memory. 3. Language. 4. Thinking and Reasoning. 5. Broader Issues. 2006: 7½x10: 520pp Hb: 978-1-84169-373-6: £47.50 Pb: 978-1-84169-374-3: £24.95

neuropsychology arena Discover a wealth of Neuropsychology resources at:

Series: Psychology Focus

“The chapters are up-to-date and well referenced, and theoretical debates are explained in meaningful terms; particularly welcome are the contributions from neuroimaging and the stimulating impact this has made to neuropsychology in general. A highly recommended read.” - Paul Richardson, Brain, Behaviour & Cognition Group, Sheffield Hallam University Introducing Neuropsychology, Second Edition investigates the functions of the brain and explores the relationships between brain systems and human behaviour. The material is presented in a jargon-free, easy to understand manner and aims to guide students new to the field through current areas of research. Each chapter has been fully revised and updated and new brainimaging data are incorporated throughout, especially in the later chapters on Emotion and Motivation, and Executive Functions. The book assumes no particular expertise on the reader’s part in either psychology or brain physiology. Thus, it will be of great interest not only to those studying neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience, but also to medical and nursing students. 2008: 7½x10: 408pp Hb: 978-1-84169-653-9: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-654-6: £23.50

Introduction to Neuropsychology Second Edition J. Graham Beaumont Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, London, UK “An excellent introductory text. ... All the striking neuropsychological syndromes are lucidly described, and students will know that they are learning from a true expert with over thirty years of experience to draw on. The new chapters on imaging, degenerative conditions, profound forms of brain injury, and psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, as well as the increased focus on rehabilitation, are valuable additions which students will find fascinating. While the text will be particularly valuable for graduate students specializing in clinical neuropsychology, beginners in the field also will find it useful and accessible.” - Andrew Mayes, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester Now in a substantially revised second edition, this text gives students a solid grounding in clinical and experimental neuropsychology. The second edition features a significant new section on neuroimaging and a new chapter on degenerative diseases and profound brain injury. It is illustrated with more than 60 figures, including six color plates.

2008: 6x9: 382pp Hb: 978-1-59385-068-5: £25.95 Published by Guilford Press. Customers in the US and Rest of World please order directly from Guilford Press: www ww cognitiv co veps epsychologya gyaren rena a com m 7


Animal Learning and Cognition Behavior Analysis and An Introduction Learning Third Edition

Fourth Edition

John M. Pearce University of Cardiff, UK

W. David Pierce, University of Alberta, Canada Carl D. Cheney, Utah State University, USA

“There are very few instances in which one of the world’s leading researchers is willing to write a textbook in his area of expertise, and even fewer where the resulting text is beautifully clear and interesting. Pearce’s text is of just this quality; any student fortunate enough to read it will be exposed to a lucid, entertaining, and stimulating introduction to what we know about animal learning and cognition.” - David Lieberman, University of Stirling Animal Learning and Cognition: An Introduction provides an up-to-date review of the principal findings from more than a century of research into animal intelligence. The third edition has been expanded to take account of the many exciting developments that have occurred over the previous ten years. The book opens with a historical survey of the methods that have been used to study animal intelligence, and follows by summarizing the contribution made by learning processes to intelligent behavior. Topics include Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning, discrimination learning, and categorization. The remainder of the book focuses on animal cognition and covers such topics as memory, navigation, social learning, language and communication, and knowledge representation. Expanded areas include extinction (to which an entire chapter is now devoted), navigation in insects, episodic memory in birds, imitation in birds and primates, and the debate about whether primates are aware of mental states in themselves and others. Issues raised throughout the book are reviewed in a concluding chapter that examines how intelligence is distributed throughout the animal kingdom. The broad spectrum of topics covered in this book ensures that it will be of interest to students of psychology, biology, zoology, and neuroscience. Since very little background knowledge is required, the book will be of equal value to anyone simply interested in either animal intelligence, or the animal origins of human intelligence. This textbook is accompanied by online instructor resources which are free of charge to departments who adopt this book as their text. They include chapter-by-chapter lecture slides, an interactive chapterby-chapter multiple-choice question test bank, and multiple-choice questions in paper and pen format. 2008: 7½x10: 432pp Hb: 978-1-84169-655-3: £44.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-656-0: £24.95

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This essential textbook covers the basic principles in the field of behavior analysis and learned behaviors, as pioneered by B.F. Skinner. It provides an advanced introduction to operant conditioning from a very consistent Skinnerian perspective. It covers a range of principles from basic respondent conditioning through applied behavior analysis into cultural design. Elaborating on Darwinian components and biological connections with behavior, the book treats the topic from a consistent worldview of selectionism. The functional relations between the organism and the environment are described, and their application in accounting for old behavior and generating new behavior is illustrated. Expanding on concepts of past editions, the fourth edition provides updated coverage of recent literature and the latest findings. There is increased inclusion of biological and neuroscience material, as well as more data correlating behavior with neurological and genetic factors. The material presented in this book provides the reader with the best available foundation in behavior science and is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in psychology or other behavior-based disciplines. In addition, a website of supplemental resources for instructors and students makes this edition even more accessible and student-friendly. 2008: 7x10: 448pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6260-7: £39.95

Comparative Psychology Evolution and Development of Behavior Second Edition Mauricio R. Papini Texas Christian University, USA This is a core textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses in Comparative Psychology, Animal Behavior, and Evolutionary Psychology. Its main goal is to introduce the student to evolutionary and developmental approaches to the study of animal behavior. The structure of the book reflects the principal areas of importance to psychology students studying animal behavior: evolution, physiological issues, learning and cognition, development, and social evolution. Throughout, this text includes many examples drawn from the study of human behavior, highlighting general and basic principles that apply broadly to the animal kingdom. 2008: 7⅜x9¼: 800pp Hb: 978-1-84169-459-7: £69.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-460-3: £29.95 www cognitiv iveps epsych ychologyarena com Order online for a 10% discount and free shipping on orders above $35 (US/Canada)/£20 (UK).

An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology

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Processes and Disorders

Principles and Processes

Second Edition

Jeanette Altarriba & Roberto R. Heredia (Eds.))

David Groome University of Westminster, UK

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With Nicola Brace, Hazel Dewart, Graham Edgar, Helen Edgar, Anthony Esgate, Richard Kemp, Graham Pike, and Tom Stafford This textbook covers all the key areas of cognition, including perception, attention, long-term memory, working memory, thinking and language. Uniquely, alongside the chapters on normal cognitive function, there are also chapters on the related clinical disorders (agnosia, amnesia, thought disorder and aphasia) which helps to provide a thorough insight into the nature of cognition.

Psychophysiology Human Behavior and Physiological Response Fifth Edition John L. Andreassi 2006: 6x9: 560pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4950-9: £75.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4951-6: £32.50

Cognitive Psychology Key Readings

2006: 7x10: 480pp Hb: 978-1-84169-543-3: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-544-0: £22.50

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Psychology of Emotion

2004: 7x9: 784pp Hb: 978-1-84169-064-3: £69.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-065-0: £34.50

Interpersonal, Experiential, and Cognitive Approaches

Visual Perception

Paula M. Niedenthal, Université Blaise Pascal, France; Silvia Krauth-Gruber, François Ric, Université René Descartes, France

Physiology, Psychology and Ecology

Series: Principles of Social Psychology

This textbook discusses fundamental issues in the definition and measurement of emotion, including conscious and unconscious processes; the ways in which emotions arise in, and are constrained by, social situations and social processes; the regulation and sharing of emotion and their effects of mental health; and the manner in which culture (including subculture) shapes or moderates some of these processes.

Fourth Edition Vicki Bruce, Patrick R. Green & Mark A. Georgeson 2003: 6x9: 496pp Pb: 978-1-84169-238-8: £27.50

An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology Anthony Esgate & David Groome 2005: 7x10: 352pp Pb: 978-1-84169-318-7: £19.95

The Laws of Emotion 2006: 7⅜x9¼: 432pp Hb: 978-1-84169-401-6: £56.50 Pb: 978-1-84169-402-3: £27.50

Nico H. Frijda 2006: 6x9: 384pp Hb: 978-0-8058-2597-8: £62.50 Pb: 978-0-8058-2598-5: £23.50

Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities Third Edition Diane F. Halpern 2000: 6x9: 440pp Hb: 978-0-8058-2791-0: £69.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-2792-7: £37.50


Also of Interest Applied Cognitive Psychology A Textbook Douglas J. Herrmann, Carol Y. Yoder, Michael Gruneberg & David G. Payne Series: Challenges and Controversies in Applied Cognition 2006: 6x9: 312pp Hb: 978-0-8058-3372-0: £56.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-3373-7: £25.00

New edition due fall 2010!

Reasoning and Thinking K.I. Manktelow 1999: 7x8½: 256pp Hb: 978-0-86377-708-0: £39.95 Pb: 978-0-86377-709-7: £17.50

Problem Solving S. Ian Robertson 2001: 7x10: 288pp Pb: 978-0-415-20300-5: £18.50

Types of Thinking S. Ian Robertson Series: Psychology Focus 1999: 5½x8½: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-19105-0: £35.00 Pb: 978-0-415-19106-7: £12.95

The Psychology of Attention Second Edition Elizabeth Styles

Cognitive Assessment An Introduction to the Rule Space Method Kikumi K. Tatsuoka Distinguished Research Professor, Emeritus, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA Series: Multivariate Applications

“Dr. K. Tatsuoka’s Rule Space Methodology is innovative and illuminating in its ability to assess and delineate the underlying pattern of cognitive skills and knowledge for individuals from a set of test scores.” - Lisa Harlow, University of Rhode Island This book introduces a new methodology for the analysis of test results. Free from ambiguous interpretations, the results truly demonstrate an individual’s progress. The methodology is ideal for highlighting patterns derived from test scores used in evaluating progress. Dr. Tatsuoka introduces readers to the Rule Space Method (RSM), a technique that transforms unobservable knowledge and skill variables into observable and measurable attributes. RSM converts item response patterns into attribute mastery probabilities. RSM is the only up-to-date methodology that can handle large scale assessment for tests such as the SAT and PSAT. RSM is also used for medical diagnoses, genetics research, and to help classify music into various states of emotions for treating mental problems. Intended for researchers and graduate students in quantitative, educational, and cognitive psychology, this book also appeals to those in computer science, neuroscience, medicine, and mathematics. The book is appropriate for advanced courses on cognometrics, latent class structures, and advanced psychometrics as well as statistical pattern recognition and classification courses taught in statistics and/ or math departments. May 2009: 6x9: 334pp Hb: 978-0-8058-2828-3: £60.00 Pb: 978-1-84872-813-4: £28.99

2006: 7x8½ : 352pp Hb: 978-1-84169-396-5: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-397-2: £21.50

Attention, Perception and Memory An Integrated Introduction Elizabeth Styles Series: Psychology Focus 2005: 5½x8½: 392pp Hb: 978-0-86377-658-8: £39.95 Pb: 978-0-86377-659-5: £19.95

Memory Arena

Visual Perception Key Readings Steven Yantis (Ed.) Series: Key Readings In Cognition 2000: 7x10: 432pp Hb: 978-0-86377-597-0: £62.50 Pb: 978-0-86377-598-7: £34.50

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Introductory Psychology Textbooks Fundamentals of Psychology Michael W. Eysenck, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK “This must be surely one of the most comprehensive psychology textbooks in existence. It covers the diverse and multi-leveled discipline that psychology is and it does so in a highly sophisticated yet also readable and interesting way. I appreciated the historical perspective, and the focus on long-standing issues that perplexed and fascinated psychological scientists over the years, and found new framings with the introduction of new methods and techniques of inquiry.” - Arie W. Kruglanski, University of Maryland Aimed at those new to the subject, Fundamentals of Psychology is a clear and readerfriendly textbook that will help students explore and understand the essentials of psychology. This text offers a balanced and accurate representation of the discipline through a highly accessible synoptic approach, which seamlessly brings together all the various related topics. Fundamentals of Psychology incorporates many helpful textbook features to aid students and reinforce learning: • Key-term definitions • Extremely clear end-of-chapter summaries • Annotated further reading sections • Evaluations of significant research findings • Numerous full-color illustrations. This textbook is accompanied by a comprehensive program of resources for both students and instructors, which is available free to qualifying adopters. The resources include a web-based Student Learning Program, as well as chapter-by-chapter lecture slides and an interactive chapter-by-chapter multiple-choice question test bank. Combining exceptional content, abundant pedagogical features, and a lively full-color design, Fundamentals of Psychology is an essential resource for anyone new to the subject and more particularly those beginning undergraduate courses. The book will also be ideal for students studying psychology within education, nursing and other healthcare professions. CONTENTS 1. Introduction. 2. Historical and Conceptual Issues. Part 1. Introduction to Biological Psychology. 3. Human Motivation. 4. Emotion, Stress, and Coping. 5. States of Awareness. Part 2. Introduction to Cognitive Psychology. 6. Visual Perception

and Attention. 7. Conditioning and Learning. 8. Human Memory. 9. Thinking: Problem Solving and Decision Making. 10. Language. Part 3. Introduction to Individual Differences. 11. Intelligence. 12. What Does Personality Look Like? Part 4. Introduction to Developmental Psychology. 13. Cognitive Development: Specific Abilities. 14. Theories of Cognitive Development. 15. Social Development in Everyday Life. 16. Attachments and Friendships. Part 5. Introduction to Social Psychology. 17. Social Cognition. 18. Social Behavior and Relationships. 19. Group Processes. 20. Intergroup Processes. Part 6. Introduction to Abnormal Psychology. 21.Approaches to Abnormality. 22. Therapeutic Approaches. Part 7. Introduction to Research Methods. 23. Psychological Inquiry. 24. Design of Investigations. 25. Data Analysis.

January 2009: 8½x11: 712pp Hb: 978-1-84169-371-2: £49.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-372-9: £27.50 Complimentary copy available


Putting Psychology In Its Place Critical Historical Perspectives 3rd Edition Graham Richards Former Professor at Staffordshire University, UK T 3rd edition of Putting The Psychology in its Place builds on the previous ttwo editions, introducing tthe history of Psychology aand placing the discipline within a historical w ccontext. It aims to aanswer questions about tthe role of Psychology in modern society, by critically examining issues such as how Psychology developed, why psychoanalysis had such an impact and how the discipline has changed to deal with social issues such as religion, race and gender. This new edition contains two completely new chapters: Emotion: The Problem or the Whole Point? and Funding and Institutional Factors. An expanded epilogue has also been added which incorporates a discussion of the conceptual issues raised in the book and which corresponds with the new BPS requirements for undergraduate courses. Other chapters, including those on Psychology and the Brain,

Social Psychology and the Psychology of madness, as well those on gender, religion and race, have also been substantially revised. Putting Psychology in its Place is an invaluable introductory text for undergraduate students of the history of Psychology. CONTENTS

Part 1. Origins and Theories. 1. Introduction: Psychology and History. 2. Before Psychology: 1600–1850. 3. Founding Psychology: Evolution and Experimentation. 4. William James and the Founding of American Psychology. 5. Behaviourism. 6. Gestalt Psychology. 7. Cognitive Psychology. Part 2. Some Topics. 8. Looking at Perception. 9. Psychology and the Brain. 10. Memory: Some Points to Remember. 11. Emotion: The Problem or the Whole Point? 12. Personality: Psychology and Who You Are. 13. Social Psychology. 14. Applied Psychology. Part 3. Psychology’s Subject. 15. Psychology and the Meanings of Madness. 16. Psychological Uses of Animals. 17. Psychology and the Child. 18. Psychology and Gender. Part 4. Two General Issues. 19. Some Problems With Measurement. 20. Psychology and Language. Part 5. Four Cultural Entanglements. 21. Funding and Institutional Factors. 22. Psychology Meets Religion and Vice Versa. 23. Psychology and ‘Race’. 24. Psychology and War. Part 6. Closure – or Not? 25. Conceptual Issues: A Resumé. 26. Epilogue. January 2010: 7x10: 424pp

Hb: 978-0-415-45579-4: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-45580-0: £19.95 60-day examination copy available

Psychology The Key Concepts Graham Richards Former Professor at Staffordshire University, UK Routledge Key Guides Series This book provides a comprehensive overview of 200 concepts central to a solid understanding of psychology and includes the latest recommendations from the British Psychology Society (BPS). The focus is on practical uses of psychology in settings such as nursing, education and human resources, with topics ranging from gender to psychometrics and perception. August 2008: 5½x8½: 266pp Hb: 978-0-415-43200-9: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43201-6: £14.99 60-day examination copy available www ww cognitiv co veps epsychologya gyaren rena a com m



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Quantitative Psychological Research The Complete Student’s Companion Third Edition September 2009: 7½x10: 712pp Hb: 978-1-84169-690-4: £57.50 Pb: 978-1-84169-691-1: £29.95

Cardinet et al. Applying Generalizability Theory Using EduG November 2009: 6x9: 240pp Hb: 978-1-84872-828-8: £32.50 Pb: 978-1-84872-829-5: £18.99 Quantitative Methodology Series

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Statistical Methods for Modeling Human Dynamics An Interdisciplinary Dialogue January 2009: 6x9: 440pp Hb: 978-1-84872-825-7: £37.50 Notre Dame Series on Quantitative Methodology

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