Evolutionary & Comparative Psychology 2009 Pearce, Animal Learning and Cognition, Third Edition............... 2 Papini, Comparative Psychology, Second Edition..................... 2 Pierce & Cheney, Behavior Analysis and Learning, Fourth Edition.............................................................. 3 Röska-Hardy & Neumann-Held (Eds.), Learning from Animals?..... 3 Call & Tomasello (Eds.), The Gestural Communication of Apes and Monkeys................................................................ 3 Schaller et al. (Eds.), Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind... 4 Crawford & Krebs (Eds.), Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology, Second Edition............................................... 4 Page 2
Page 2
Swami & Furnham, The Psychology of Physical Attraction.......... 5 Geher & Miller (Eds.), Mating Intelligence............................ 5 McCaughey, The Caveman Mystique.................................... 5 Forgas & Fitness (Eds.), Social Relationships.......................... 6 Ward, The Frog Who Croaked Blue...................................... 6 Müller et al. (Eds.), Social Life and Social Knowledge............... 7 Göncü & Gaskins (Eds.), Play and Development...................... 7 Forgas et al. (Eds.), Evolution and the Social Mind.................. 8 Saad, The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption........................ 8 Paivio, Mind and Its Evolution........................................... 9 Schaller et al. (Eds.), Evolution and Social Psychology.............. 9
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JOURNALS Laterality.................................................................... 10 International Journal of Psychology.................................... 11 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology........................ 11 Psychological Inquiry...................................................... 12
This catalog includes titles formerly published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (LEA).
Comparative Psychology & Animal Cognition Animal Learning and Cognition An Introduction Third Edition John M. Pearce Cardiff University, UK “There are very few instances in which one of the world’s leading researchers is willing to write a textbook in his area of expertise, and even fewer where the resulting text is beautifully clear and interesting. Pearce’s text is of just this quality; any student fortunate enough to read it will be exposed to a lucid, entertaining, and stimulating introduction to what we know about animal learning and cognition.” - David Lieberman, University of Stirling “This new edition of Pearce’s text integrates a solid grounding in associative learning theory with an introduction to topics in animal cognition such as memory, spatial behavior, and social cognition. A particularly noteworthy feature is the way in which students are encouraged to think critically but open mindedly about the many intriguing new findings on animal tool using, imitation, theory of mind, and the like. As a basic text that covers the field of animal learning and cognition as it exists in the early 21st century, it has few, if any, competitors.” - Sara J. Shettleworth, University of Toronto “The last decade has seen a major revolution in our understanding of animal intelligence, which is elegantly captured in John Pearce’s new edition of Animal Cognition: An Introduction. Even better than the last two versions, this textbook provides a clear and comprehensive review of our current knowledge of animal learning and cognition, and in a style that is suitable for all undergraduate levels. I heartily recommend it.” Nicky Clayton, University of Cambridge
Methods for Studying Animal Intelligence. Historical Background. 2. Associative Learning Conditioning Techniques. The Nature of Associative Learning. Stimulus–Stimulus Learning. The Nature of us Representations. The Conditioned Response. Concluding Comment: The Reflexive Nature of the Conditioned Response. 3. The Conditions for Learning: Surprise and Attention. Part 1: Surprise and Conditioning. Conditioning with a Single CS. Conditioning with a Compound CS. Evaluation of the Rescorla–Wagner Model. Part 2: Attention and Conditioning Wagner’s Theory. Stimulus Significance. The Pearce–Hall Theory. Concluding Comments. 4. Instrumental Conditioning. The Nature of Instrumental Learning. The Conditions of Learning. The Performance of Instrumental Behavior. The Law of Effect and Problem Solving. 5. Extinction. Extinction as Generalization Decrement. The Conditions for Extinction. Associative Changes During Extinction. Are Trials Important for Pavlovian Extinction? 6. Discrimination Learning. Theories of Discrimination Learning. Connectionist Models of Discrimination Learning. Metacognition and Discrimination Learning. 7. Category Formation. Examples of Categorization. Theories of Categorization. Abstract Categories Relationships as Categories. The Representation of Knowledge. 8. Short-term Retention. Methods of Study. Forgetting. Theoretical Interpretation. Serial Position Effects. Metamemory. 9. Long-term Retention. Capacity. Durability. Theoretical Interpretation. Episodic Memory. 10. Time, Number, and Serial Order. Time. Number. Serial order. Transitive Inference. Concluding Comments. 11. Navigation. Part 1: Short-distance Travel. Methods of Navigation. Part 2: Long-distance Travel. Navigational Cues. Homing. Migration. Concluding Comments. 12. Social Learning. Diet Selection and Foraging. Choosing a Mate. Fear of Predators. Copying Behavior: Mimicry. Copying Behavior: Imitation. Theory of Mind. Self-recognition. Concluding Comments. 13. Animal Communication and Language. Animal Communication. Communication and Language. Can an Ape Create a Sentence? Language Training with Other Species. The Requirements for Learning a Language. 14. The Distribution of Intelligence. Intelligence and Brain Size. The Null Hypothesis. Intelligence and Evolution. References.
February 2008: 7½x10: 432pp Hb: 978-1-84169-655-3: £44.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-656-0: £24.95 60-day examination copy available
Comparative Psychology Evolution and Development of Behavior Second Edition Mauricio R. Papini Texas Christian University, Texas, USA Comparative Psychology, Second Edition is a core textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses in Comparative Psychology, Animal Behavior, and Evolutionary Psychology. Its main goal is to introduce the student to evolutionary and developmental approaches to the study of animal behavior.
Animal Learning and Cognition: An Introduction provides an up-to-date review of the principal findings from more than a century of research into animal intelligence. This new edition has been expanded to take account of the many exciting developments that have occurred over the last ten years. The book opens with a historical survey of the methods that have been used to study animal intelligence, and follows by summarizing the contribution made by learning processes to intelligent behavior. Topics include Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning, discrimination learning, and categorization. The remainder of the book focuses on animal cognition and covers such topics as memory, navigation, social learning, language and communication, and knowledge representation. Expanded areas include extinction (to which an entire chapter is now devoted), navigation in insects, episodic memory in birds, imitation in birds and primates, and the debate about whether primates are aware of mental states in themselves and others. Issues raised throughout the book are reviewed in a concluding chapter that examines how intelligence is distributed throughout the animal kingdom. The broad spectrum of topics covered in this book ensures that it will be of interest to students of psychology, biology, zoology, and neuroscience. Since very little background knowledge is required, the book will be of equal value to anyone simply interested in either animal intelligence, or the animal origins of human intelligence. This textbook is accompanied by online instructor resources which are free of charge to departments who adopt this book as their text. They include chapter-by-chapter lecture slides, an interactive chapter-by-chapter multiple-choice question test bank, and multiple-choice questions in paper and pen format. Contents Preface. 1. The Study of Animal Intelligence. The Distribution of Intelligence. Defining Animal Intelligence. Why Study Animal Intelligence?
The structure of the book reflects the principal areas of importance to psychology students studying animal behavior: evolution, physiological issues, learning and cognition, development, and social evolution. Throughout, this text includes many examples drawn from the study of human behavior, highlighting general and basic principles that apply broadly to the animal kingdom. Contents Introduction. Part 1. Principles of Evolutionary Theory. Biological Evolution. Origin and Evolution of Animals. Evolution and Development. Part 2. Behavioral Neurology. Simple Nervous Systems and Behavior. Evolution of the Vertebrate Brain and Behavior. Part 3. Learning and Cognition. General Processes in Associative Learning. Comparative Analysis of Associative Learning. Animal Cognition. Part 4: Development of Behavior. Genes and Behavior. Early Learning and Behavior. Early Social Learning and Behavior. Part 5: Social Evolution. Reproductive and Social Behavior. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution of Primates.
May 2008: 7⅜x9¼: 800pp Hb: 978-1-84169-459-7: £69.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-460-3: £29.95 60-day examination copy available
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Behavior Analysis and Learning
Animals? presents empirical research and an analysis of comparative approaches for an understanding of human uniqueness, arguing that we will not know what capacities are uniquely human until we learn what other species can do.
Fourth Edition W. David Pierce, University of Alberta, Canada Carl D. Cheney, Utah State University, USA Behavior Analysis and Learning, Fourth Edition is an essential textbook covering the basic principles in the field of behavior analysis and learned behaviors, as pioneered by B.F. Skinner. The textbook provides an advanced introduction to operant conditioning from a very consistent Skinnerian perspective. It covers a range of principles from basic respondent conditioning through applied behavior analysis into cultural design. Elaborating on Darwinian components and biological connections with behavior, the book treats the topic from a consistent worldview of selectionism. The functional relations between the organism and the environment are described, and their application in accounting for old behavior and generating new behavior is illustrated. Expanding on concepts of past editions, the fourth edition provides updated coverage of recent literature and the latest findings. There is increased inclusion of biological and neuroscience material, as well as more data correlating behavior with neurological and genetic factors. The material presented in this book provides the reader with the best available foundation in behavior science and is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in psychology or other behavior-based disciplines. In addition, a website of supplemental resources for instructors and students makes this new edition even more accessible and student-friendly. Contents 1. A Science of Behavior: Perspective, History, and Assumptions. 2.The Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 3. Reflexive Behavior and Respondent Conditioning. 4. Reinforcement and Extinction of Operant Behavior. 5. Schedules of Reinforcement. 6. Aversive Control of Behavior. 7. Operant– Respondent Interrelationships and the Biological Context of Conditioning. 8. Stimulus Control. 9. Choice and Preference. 10. Conditioned Reinforcement. 11. Correspondent Relations: Imitation and Rule-governed Behavior. 12. Verbal Behavior. 13. Applied Behavior Analysis. 14. Three Levels of Selection: Biology, Behavior, and Culture.
This interdisciplinary volume explores the prospects and problems of comparative approaches for understanding modern humans’ abilities by presenting (1) the latest findings and theoretical approaches in primatology, comparative psychology, linguistics and philosophy; (2) methodological reflections on the prospects and challenges of understanding human capacities through comparative research strategies; and (3) discussions of conceptual and ethical issues. This is the first book to address the issues raised by comparative research from such a diverse perspective. It will therefore be of great interest to students, researchers and professionals in comparative psychology, linguistics, primatology, biology and philosophy. Contents J. Call, Foreword. Acknowledgements. L.S. Röska-Hardy, Introduction: Issues and Themes in Comparative Studies: Language, Cognition and Culture. W. Tecumseh Fitch, Prolegomena to a Science of Biolinguistics. W. Wildgen, Sketch of an Evolutionary Grammar Based on Comparative Biolinguistics. A. Meguerditchian, J. Vauclair, Vocal and Gestural Communication in Nonhuman Primates and the Question of the Origin of Language. K.A. Bard, D.A. Leavens, Socio-Emotional Factors in the Development of Joint Attention in Human and Ape Infants. H. Rakoczy, Collective Intentionality and the Roots of Human Societal Life. J.M. Burkart, Socio-Cognitive Abilities and Cooperative Breeding. Z. Virányi, F. Range, L. Huber, Attentiveness toward Others and Social Learning in Domestic Dogs. I. Brinck, From Similarity to Uniqueness: Method and Theory in Comparative Psychology. C.A. Caldwell, Experimental Approaches to the Study of Culture in Primates. W.C. McGrew, How the Chimpanzee Stole Culture, or Lessons Learned from Labours in Cultural Primatology. D. Jamieson, Great Apes and the Human Resistance to Equality. M. Kettner, Apes and Human Dignity. Bibliography.
October 2008: 6x9: 280pp Hb: 978-1-84169-707-9: £34.95
The Gestural Communication of Apes and Monkeys Josep Call & Michael Tomasello (Eds.) Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
May 2008: 7x10: 448pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6260-7: £39.95 60-day examination copy available
The Gestural Communication of Apes and Monkeys is an intriguing compilation of naturalistic and experimental research conducted over the course of twenty years on gestural communication in primates, as well as a comparison to what is known about the vocal communication of nonhuman primates. The editors also make systematic comparisons to the gestural communication of prelinguistic and just-linguistic human children. An enlightening exploration unfolds into what may represent the starting point for the evolution of human communication and language.
Learning from Animals? Examining the Nature of Human Uniqueness Louise S. Röska-Hardy, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, Essen, Germany Eva M. Neumann-Held, University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany (Eds.) “Anyone with an interest in the origins of human intelligence will find this book of considerable interest. The wide-ranging and admirably clear chapters are by an impressive array of experts who present a scholarly review of how language, culture and cognition in humans is different from that in other animals.” - John M. Pearce, Cardiff University “Written by experts in the relevant fields, this book provides an engaging and informative introduction to the theoretical and methodological issues surrounding our attempts to learn about how animals, and humans, think. For those interested in comparative psychology, ethology, psycholinguistics, and related disciplines, this book makes essential reading.” - Britta Osthaus, Canterbury Christ Church University Human language, cognition and culture are unique; they are unparalleled in the animal kingdom. The claim that we can learn what makes us human by studying other animal species provokes vigorous reactions and many deny that comparative research can shed any light on the origins and character of human distinctive capacities. However, Learning from
This book will appeal to psychologists, anthropologists, and linguists interested in the evolutionary origins of language and/or gestures, as well as to all primatologists. A CD insert offers video of gestures for each of the species. Contents M. Tomasello, J. Call, Introduction: Intentional Communication in Nonhuman Primates. J. Call, M. Tomasello, The Gestural Repertoire of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). S. Pika, Gestures in Subadult Bonobos (Pan paniscus). K. Liebal, Gestures in Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). S. Pika, Gestures in Subadult Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla). K. Liebal, Gestures in Siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus). N. Hesler, J. Fischer, Gestural Communication in Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus): An Overview. J. Call, M. Tomasello, Comparing the Gestures of Apes and Monkeys. M. Tomasello, J. Call, Ape Gestures and the Origins of Language.
January 2007: 6x9: 264pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6278-2: £50.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5365-0: £23.50
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Evolutionary Psychology
Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology Second Edition Charles Crawford & Dennis Krebs (Eds.) Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada Evolutionary psychology is concerned with the adaptive problems early humans faced in ancestral human environments, the nature of the psychological mechanisms natural selection shaped to deal with those ancient problems, and the ability of the resulting evolved psychological mechanisms to deal with the problems people face in the modern world. Evolutionary psychology is currently advancing our understanding of altruism, moral behavior, family violence, sexual aggression, warfare, aesthetics, the nature of language, and gender differences in mate choice and perception. It is helping us understand the relationships between cognitive science, developmental psychology, behavior genetics, personality, and social psychology.
Coming Soon!
Evolution, Culture, and the Human Mind Mark Schaller, Ara Norenzayan, Steven J. Heine, University of British Columbia, Canada; Toshio Yamagishi, Tatsuya Kameda, Hokkaido University, Japan (Eds.) An enormous amount of scientific research compels two fundamental conclusions about the human mind: the mind is the product of evolution; and the mind is shaped by culture. These two perspectives on the human mind are not incompatible, but, until recently, their compatibility has resisted rigorous scholarly inquiry. This is the first scholarly volume to integrate evolutionary and cultural perspectives on human psychology. The contributors include worldrenowned evolutionary, cultural, social, and cognitive psychologists. Their chapters reveal many novel insights linking human evolution to both human cognition and human culture – including the evolutionary origins of cross-cultural differences. The result is a stimulating introduction to an emerging integrative perspective on human nature. Contents A. Norenzayan, M. Schaller, S.J. Heine, Introduction. Part 1. How Evolution and Culture Fit Together. P. Rozin, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology: Complementing Each Other in the Study of Culture and Cultural Evolution. R.F. Baumeister, The Human Mind and the Evolution of Cultural Animals. C.-Y. Chiu, Y. Kim, A. Chaturvedi, Collective Evolution: Revisiting Donald Campbell’s Legacy. Y.C. Dutton, C. Heath, Cultural Evolution: Why are Some Cultural Variants More Successful Than Others? L.A. Kirkpatrick, From Genes to Memes: Psychology at the Nexus. Part 2. Evolutionary Bases of Cultural Phenomena. S.W. Gangestad, Exploring the Evolutionary Foundations of Culture: An Adaptationist Framework. S. Solomon, J. Greenberg, T. Pyszczynski, F. Cohen, D.M. Ogilvie, Teach these Souls to Fly: Supernatural as Human Adaptation. A.F. Shariff, A. Norenzayan, J. Henrich, The Birth of High Gods: How the Cultural Evolution of Supernatural Policing Influenced the Emergence of Complex, Cooperative Human Societies, Paving the Way for Civilization. R.M. Nesse, Social Selection and the Origins of Culture. T. Kameda, M. Takezawa, Y. Ohtsubo, R. Hastie, Are Our Minds Fundamentally Egalitarian? Adaptive Bases of Different Socio-cultural Models about Distributive Justice. Part 3. Evolutionary Universals and Cross-cultural Differences. D. Roberson, Color in Mind, Culture and Language. T. Yamagishi, N. Suzuki, An Institutional Approach to Culture. S. Kitayama, N.A. Bowman, Cultural Consequences of Voluntary Settlement in the Frontier: Evidence and Implications. M. Daly, M. Wilson, Cultural Inertia, Economic Incentives, and the Persistence of “Southern Violence”. M. Schaller, D.R. Murray, Infectious Diseases and the Evolution of Cross-cultural Differences. D.T. Kenrick, S. Nieuweboer, A.P. Buunk, Universal Mechanisms and Cultural Diversity: Replacing the Blank Slate with a Coloring Book. Indexes. October 2009: 6x9: 320pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5911-9: £37.50
Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology provides an up-to-date review of the ideas, issues, and applications of contemporary evolutionary psychology. It is suitable for senior undergraduates, first year graduate students, or professionals who wish to become conversant with the major issues currently shaping the emergence of this dynamic new field. It will be interesting to psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists, economists, philosophers, cognitive scientists, and anyone interested in using new developments in the theory of evolution to gain new insights into human behavior. Selected Contents Introduction. C. Salmon, C. Crawford, Evolutionary Psychology: The Historical Context. Part 1. Biological Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology. J. Alcock, C. Crawford, Evolutionary Questions for Evolutionary Psychologists. S.C. Stearns, N. Allal, R. Mace, Life History Theory and Human Development. A.P. Møller, Sex and Sexual Selection. S.A. West, A. Gardner, A.S. Griffin, Kinship and Social Behavior. Part 2. Development: The Bridge from Evolutionary Theory to Evolutionary Psychology. W. Brown, Sociogenomics for the Cognitive Adaptationist. M. Surbey, Selfish Genes, Developmental Systems, and the Evolution of Development. Part 3. Evolved Mental Mechanisms: The Essence of Evolutionary Psychology. S.W. Gangestad, Biological Adaptations and Human Behavior. H.C. Barrett, Evolved Cognitive Mechanisms and Human Behavior. C. Crawford, Adaptations, Environments, and Behavior: Then and Now. D.P. Schmitt, Evolutionary Psychology Research Methods. Part 4. The Evolutionary Psychology of Sex Differences. G.J. Scheyd, C.E. Garver-Apgar, S.W. Gangestad, Physical Attractiveness: Signals of Phenotypic Quality and Beyond. A. Davies, T. Shackelford, Two Human Natures: How Men and Women Evolved Different Psychologies. C. Salmon, Heroes and Hos: Reflections on Male and Female Natures. Part 5. The Evolutionary Psychology of Prosocial Behavior. D.L. Krebs, How Selfish by Nature? H. Gintis, S. Bowles, R. Boyd, E. Fehr, Gene-culture, Co-evolution, and the Emergence of Altruistic Behavior in Humans. D.D.P. Johnson, M.E. Price, M. Takezawa, Renaissance of the Individual: Reciprocity, Positive Assortment, and the Puzzle of Human Cooperation. D.T. Kenrick, J.M. Sundie, R. Kurzban, Cooperation and Conflict Between Kith, Kin, and Strangers: Game Theory by Domains. R.H. Frank, On the Evolution of Moral Sentiments. Part 6. The Evolutionary Psychology of Antisocial Behavior and Psychopathology. M. Daly, M. Wilson, Is the “Cinderella Effect” Controversial? A Case Study of Evolution-minded Research and Critiques Thereof. M. Schaller, S.L. Neuberg, Intergroup Prejudices and Intergroup Conflicts. S. Baron-Cohen, The Evolution of Brain Mechanisms for Social Behavior. C. Badcock, An Evolutionary Theory of Mind and Mental Illness: Genetic Conflict and the Mentalistic Continuum. A. Trois, Psychopathology and Mental Illness. Part 7: Exploring the Explanatory Power of Evolutionary Psychology. S. Atran, The Evolution of Religion.
March 2008: 7x10: 544pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5956-0: £89.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-5957-7: £40.00
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The Psychology of Physical Attraction Viren Swami, University of Westminster, London, UK Adrian Furnham, University College London, UK “The adroit selection of historical and literary quotations that begin each chapter presage the range and depth of coverage of the literature on physical attractiveness. This a scholarly treatment that will be of interest and accessible to a wide audience.” - Louis G. Tassinary, Texas A&M University This book begins by discussing the role of evolution in the development of what it means to be ‘attractive’ in contemporary society. It provides a general overview of evolutionary psychology and mate choice, as well as an indepth focus on physical characteristics such as physical symmetry, body weight and ratios, and youthfulness. The book goes on to explore the role of societal and cultural ideals of beauty through a discussion of the social psychology of human beauty. Finally, the morality of physical attractiveness is examined, looking at issues such as discrimination on the basis of looks, body image and eating disorders and cosmetic surgery. Combining both evolutionary and social perspectives, this book offers a unique and comprehensive overview of the many debates involved in the science of physical attraction which ultimately allows for a better understanding of human beauty. It will be of interest to students and researchers in psychology, as well as anyone interested in the science of physical attractiveness. Contents Preface: The Difficulty of Being a Scientist-Interested-in-Physical-Attraction. 1. What Pythagoras Unleashed Upon the World. 2. What is Beautiful is Good. 3. Darwin, Sexual Selection and the Peacock’s Tail. 4. The Naked Woman and Man. 5. Of Hourglasses and Triangles: Human Body Weight and Shape. 6. The Venus of Willendorf, Rubens and Milking Huts. 7. Welcome to the Mating Market. 8. No One is an Island. 9. What Future for Physical Attraction?
November 2007: 6x9: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-42250-5: £39.95 Pb: 978-0-415-42251-2: £11.50
– universal emotional and cognitive adaptations for mating intelligently – that guide mate search, mate choice, and courtship; (2) how mating intelligence strategically guides our choice of mating tactics and partners given different relationship goals, personality traits, forms of deception, and the existence of children; (3) the genetic and psychiatric causes of individual differences in mating intelligence; (4) how we use mental fitness indicators – forms of human intelligence such as creativity, humor, and emotional intelligence – to attract and retain sexual partners; (5) the ecological and social contexts of mating intelligence; (6) integrative models of mating intelligence that can guide future research. Mating Intelligence is intended for researchers, advanced students, and courses in human sexuality, intimate relationships, intelligence research, behavior genetics, and evolutionary, personality, social, and clinical psychology. Contents Part 1. Introduction. D. Buss, Foreword. Preface. G. Geher, G. Miller, J. Murphy, Mating Intelligence: Towards an Evolutionarily Informed Construct. Part 2. Mate Search and Mating Intelligence. L. Penke, P.M. Todd, A.P. Lenton, B. Fasolo, How Self-assessments Can Guide Human Mating Decisions. C. De Backer, J. Braeckman, L. Farinpour, Mating Intelligence in Personal Ads. Part 3. Strategic Flexibility in Mating Intelligence. N. Li, Intelligent Priorities: Adaptive Long- and Short-term Mate Preferences. D. Nettle, H. Clegg, Personality, Mating Strategies, and Mating Intelligence. M. O’Sullivan, Deception and Self-deception as Strategies in Short and Long-term Mating. V.A. Weekes-Shackelford, J.A. Easton, E.A. Stone, How Having Children Affects Mating Psychology. Part 4. Mental Fitness Indicators and Mating Intelligence. M.C. Keller, The Role of Mutations in Human Mating. A. Shaner, G. Miller, J. Mintz, Mental Disorders as Catastrophic Failures of Mating Intelligence. Part 5. Mating Intelligence and Other Individual Differences. S.B. Kaufman, A. Kozbelt, M.L. Bromley, G. Miller, The Role of Creativity and Humor in Mate Selection. J.J. Casey, J. Garrett, M.A. Brackett, S. Rivers, Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Quality, and Partner Selection. S. Kanazawa, Mating Intelligence and General Intelligence as Independent Constructs. Part 6. The Ecological Context of Mating Intelligence. J. Ash, G.G. Gallup, Jr., Brain Size, Intelligence, and Paleoclimatic Variation. A.J. Figueredo, B.H. Brumbach, D.N. Jones, J.A. Sefcek, G. Vásquez, W.J. Jacobs, Ecological Constraints on Mating Tactics. Part 7. Conclusions. G. Miller, Mating Intelligence: Frequently Asked Questions. G. Geher, M.A. Camargo, S. O’Rourke, Mating Intelligence: An Integrative Model and Future Research Directions.
July 2007: 6x9: 480pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5748-1: £84.50 Pb: 978-0-8058-5749-8: £28.00 60-day examination copy available
Mating Intelligence Sex, Relationships, and the Mind’s Reproductive System Glenn Geher, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA Geoffrey Miller, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA (Eds.) “A wonderful collection of chapters on … the new construct of mating intelligence … [it] heralds a more comprehensive understanding of the psychology of human mating … Readers will enjoy the many mating insights offered by this volume.” - David M. Buss, University of Texas at Austin, from the foreword “Like many central areas of human behavior that have been neglected by mainstream psychology, the thoughts and emotions behind mating have recently been illuminated by evolutionary analyses. This exciting collection marks the debut of a new and important field of research, which should fascinate psychologists and nonpsychologists alike.” - Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University Human intelligence is sexually attractive, and strongly predicts the success of sexual relationships, but the behavioral sciences have usually ignored the interface between intelligence and mating. This is the first serious scholarly effort to explore that interface, by examining both universals and individual differences in human mating intelligence. Contributors include some of the most prominent evolutionary psychologists and promising new researchers in human intelligence, social psychology, intimate relationships, and sexuality. David Buss’ foreword and the opening chapter explore what ‘mating intelligence’ means, and why it is central to human cognition and sexuality. The book’s six sections then examine (1) our mating mechanisms
The Caveman Mystique Pop-Darwinism and the Debates Over Sex, Violence, and Science Martha McCaughey Appalachian State University, USA “The Caveman Mystique sits at the intersection of feminism, cultural studies, science studies, and sociology of the body. As such, it would be an excellent monograph to assign in a class addressing any of these or their intersections. .” - Lisa Wade, Gender and Society Has evolution made men promiscuous skirt– chasers? Pop-Darwinian claims about men’s irrepressible heterosexuality have become increasingly common, and increasingly common excuses for men’s sexual aggression. The Caveman Mystique traces such claims about the hairier sex through evolutionary science and popular culture. After outlining the social and historical context of the rise of pop-Darwinism’s assertions about male sexuality and their appeal to many men, Martha McCaughey shows how evolutionary discourse can get lived out as the biological truth of male sexuality. Although evolutionary scientists want to use their theories to solve social problems, evolutionary narratives get invoked by men looking for a Darwinian defense of bad-boy behaviors. McCaughey argues that evolution has nearly replaced religion as a moral guide for understanding who we are and what we must overcome to be good people. Bringing together insights from the fields of science studies, body studies,
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feminist theory and queer theory, The Caveman Mystique offers a fresh understanding of science, science popularization, and the impact of science on men’s identities making a convincing case for deconstructing, rather than defending, the caveman. Contents Introduction: Welcome Back to the Caveman Times. 1. Sperm Wars, Sex Wars and Science Wars. 2. Homo Resurrectus: The Theory of Evolution as a Moral Answer for Men. 3. Homo Habitus: Evolution, Popular Culture and the Embodied Ethos of Male Sexuality. 4. Homo Sexual: Perverting Evolutionary Stories of Male Sexuality. 5. Homo Textual: A Missing Link between Science and Culture. November 2007: 6x9: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-93474-9: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-93475-6: £15.00 60-day examination copy available
Social Relationships Cognitive, Affective and Motivational Processes Joseph P. Forgas, University of New South Wales, Australia Julie Fitness, Macquarie University, Australia (Eds.) Sydney Symposium in Social Psychology
“This is a marvelous collection of the latest, cutting-edge research and thinking, including contributions by some of the best respected authorities and most vigorous young researchers in the area. Fascinating and informative, it significantly advances the scientific understanding of love and interspersonal connection.” - Roy F. Baumeister, Florida State University “This book marks the start of the next stage of relationship research in which the study of human relationships becomes fully integrated which mainstream areas of social and behavioral science. The contributors to this volume are a veritable ‘Who’s Who’ of relationship scientists who draw upon research from many disparate areas - including social, developmental, cognitive, clinical, and evolutionary psychology - to offer new, expanded, and integrative perspectives on close relationships. As a result, readers are treated not only to enriching descriptions of cutting-edge research on relationship phenomena but also to new theoretical insights into the fundamental processes that influence our relationships with other people.” - Mark R. Leary, Duke University Human beings are an intrinsically gregarious species – our personal relationships are of immense interest to us and are a key factor in achieving happiness and well being. From the moment of birth, humans crave love and intimacy and we devote much energy to creating and maintaining successful personal relationships throughout our personal and our working lives. However, modern industrialized societies present a particularly challenging environment for sustaining rewarding personal relationships. Understanding how people initiate, develop, maintain, and terminate relationships is one of the core issues in psychology, and the subject matter of this book. Contributors to this volume are all leading researchers in relationship science, and they seek here to explore and integrate the subtle influence that evolutionary, socio-cultural, and intra-psychic (cognitive, affective and motivational) variables play in relationship processes. In addition to discussing the latest advances in areas of relationship research, they also advocate an expanded theoretical approach that incorporates many of the insights gained from evolutionary psychology, social cognition, and research on affect and motivation. The contributions should be highly relevant to researchers, teachers, students, laypersons and to everyone who is interested in the subtleties of human relationships. The book is also highly recommended to clinical, health, and relationship professionals who deal with relationship issues in their daily work.
Model of Personality Change. D.P. Schmitt, Attachment Matters: The Personality and Sexuality Correlates of Romantic Attachment across Cultures, Genders, and Relationship Forms. Part 2: Cognitive Processes in Relationships. G. Fletcher, Is Love Blind? L. Acitelli, Do Relationship Reflections Help or Hurt Close Relationships? P. Clark, How Attentional Flexibility Builds High Quality Close Relationships. C. Agnew, X. Arriaga, J. Wilson, Committed To What? Using the Bases of Relational Commitment Model to Understand Continuity and Change in Social Relationships. Part 3: Motivational and Affective Processes in Relationships. M. Brewer, Social Identity and Close Relationships: What is the Connection? J. Simpson, C. Jeffry, A.W. Collins, S. Tran, C. Haydon, Developmental Antecedents of Negative Emotion in Romantic Relationships. J. Forgas, Happy and Close, But Sad and Effective? Mood Effects on Strategic Relationship Behaviors. S. Gable, Approach and Avoidance Motives In Close Relationships. P. Noller, S. Conway, A. Blakeley, Sibling Relationships in Adolescent and Young Adult Twin and Non-twin Siblings: Managing Competition and Comparison. Part 4: Managing Relationship Problems. J. Fitness, J. Peterson, Punishment and Forgiveness in Close Relationships: An Evolutionary, SocialPsychological Perspective. E. Finkel, The Impelling/Inhibiting Model of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: Theory and Preliminary Evidence. S. Murray, Realizing Connectedness Goals: The Risk Regulation System in Relationships. L. Zadro, K. Williams, X. Arriaga, Relational Ostracism. R. Miller, Attending to Temptation: The Operation (and Perils) of Attention to Alternatives in Close Relationships. May 2008: 6x9: 368pp Hb: 978-1-84169-715-4: £39.95
The Frog Who Croaked Blue Synesthesia and the Mixing of the Senses Jamie Ward University of Sussex, UK “Jamie Ward’s exploration and research into the little-understood but totally fascinating world of synesthesia is invaluable, and his relentless passion for the topic has helped raise its profile in the public consciousness. The Frog Who Croaked Blue expertly details his research work to date and the book is a fascinating and enjoyable read into a different world.” - Heston Blumenthal, chef and owner of The Fat Duck, named Best Restaurant in the World in 2005 by Restaurant magazine “Synesthesia has long been regarded as a curiosity. In this book Jamie Ward successfully places synesthesia in a broader context and conveys the current excitement in the field.” V.S. Ramachandran, Center for Brain and Cognition, UCSD, and author of Phantoms in the Brain “Explaining synesthesia in clear, accessible prose, this book offers profound new insights certain to fascinate anyone interested in how the brain and our senses work.” - Sean A. Day, synesthete; creator and moderator of the Synesthesia List In The Frog Who Croaked Blue: Synesthesia and the Mixing of the Senses, Jamie Ward provides a comprehensive and accessible summary of this phenomenon, including recent speculations about its adaptive function (e.g., for memory, creativity and language evolution). The book considers how synesthesia may be related to the multi-sensory perception experienced by the general population (and other species), how spatial representations provide a link between perception, imagery and thought, and discusses the various causes of synesthesia. Contents 1. The Colorful Albino. 2. Counting on the Senses. 3. An Altered Reality. 4. The Screen in My Forehead. 5. Beyond the Senses. April 2008: 5x8: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-43013-5: £23.50 Pb: 978-0-415-43014-2: £9.99
Contents Part 1: Introduction and Basic Principles. J.P. Forgas, J. Fitness, Introductory Remarks, History Background and Issues of Research on Personal Relationships. E. Hatfield, R. Rapson, Passionate Love and Sexual Desire: Multicultural Perspectives. M. Haselton, G. Gonzaga, The Evolution of Love. P. Shaver, M. Mikulincer, Augmenting the Sense of Security in Romantic, Leader-Follower, Therapeutic, and Group Relations: A Relational 6
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Social Life and Social Knowledge
Play and Development
Toward a Process Account of Development
Evolutionary, Sociocultural, and Functional Perspectives
Ulrich Müller, University of Victoria, Canada; Jeremy I.M. Carpendale, Simon Fraser University, Canada; Nancy Budwig, Clark University, USA Bryan Sokol, St. Louis University, USA (Eds.)
Artin Göncü, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Suzanne Gaskins, Northeastern Illinois University, USA (Eds.)
Jean Piaget Symposia Series
Jean Piaget Symposia Series
Children’s play is a universal human activity, and one that serves a significant purpose in personal development.
In this volume, leading researchers provide state-of-the-art perspectives on how social interaction influences the development of knowledge. The book integrates approaches from a variety of disciplines including developmental psychology, psychopathology, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, evolutionary biology, and primatology. It reviews the nature and type of interactions that promote development as well as the conceptual frameworks used to explain the relation between individuals and groups. Social Life and Social Knowledge comprehensively addresses conceptual questions central to understanding human life and development: • Is the human form of social life reducible to biological processes? • What psychological abilities constitute the specifically human form of social life? • What are the processes and contexts within which these abilities develop? • How should we conceptualize the links between social life and the development of thought, and how do individuals and society contribute to these processes? The book is intended for philosophers, primatologists, anthropologists, biologists, sociologists, and developmental and educational psychologists interested in social development, social cognition, and developmental psychopathology. It also serves as a resource for courses in social development and those that focus on the intersection between cognition, development, and culture. Contents U. Müller, J. Carpendale, N. Budwig, B. Sokol, Developmental Relations Between Forms of Social Interaction and Forms of Thought: An Introduction. M. Bickhard, Are You Social? The Ontological and Developmental Emergence of the Person. J. Martin, Perspectives and Persons: Ontological, Constitutive Possibilities. T. Behne, M. Carpenter, M. Grafenhain, K. Liebal, U. Liszkowski, H. Moll, H. Rakoczy, M. Tomasello, F. Warneken, E. Wyman, Cultural Learning and Cultural Creation. P. Hobson, J. Meyer, In the Beginning is Relation and Then What? V. Reddy, Experiencing the Social. M.B. Bibok, J.I.M. Carpendale, C. Lewis, Social Knowledge as Social Skill: An Action Based View of Social Understanding. J. Dunn, Relationships and Children’s Discovery of Mind. G. Duveen, C. Psaltis, The Constructive Role of Asymmetry in Social Interaction. M. Bamberg, Selves and Identities in the Making: The Study of Microgenetic Processes in Interactive Practices. C.R. Hallpike, The Anthropology of Moral Development. E. Turiel, Individuals and Social Change. January 2008: 6x9: 300pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6068-9: £49.95
Throughout this volume, which is an extension of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, the editors and contributors explore assumptions about play and its status as a unique and universal activity in humans. As a whole, Play and Development delves into three lines of research concerning this topic: examining these assumptions from an ethological perspective, exploring the view of research that shows play to be socially and culturally constructed, and looking at varied applications of play in the different contexts of childhood. Topics covered in this volume include: • Evolutionary foundations and functions of play • Children’s play as cultural interpretation • The use of imagination in children’s play • The imaginary companions created by children and adults. This volume will be of interest to scholars and researchers in the fields of developmental psychology and cognitive development, and will be sought out by active researchers and practitioners in the field. Contents Preface. Part 1. Introduction. A. Göncü, S. Gaskins, An Integrative Perspective on Play and Development. Part 2. Biological/Ethological Perspectives of Play and Development. P.K. Smith, Evolutionary Foundations and Functions of Play: An Overview. R.W. Mitchell, Pretense in Animals: The Continuing Relevance of Children’s Pretense. A.D. Pellegrini, The Development and Function of Rough-and-Tumble Play in Childhood and Adolescence: A Sexual Selection Theory Perspective. Part 3. Social/Cultural Perspectives of Play and Development. M.H. Bornstein, On the Significance of Social Relationships in the Development of Children’s Earliest Symbolic Play: An Ecological Perspective. A. Lillard, Guided Participation: How Mothers Structure and Children Understand Pretend Play. A. Göncü, J. Jain, U. Tuermer, Children’s Play as Cultural Interpretation. S. Gaskins, W. Haight, D.F. Lancy, The Cultural Construction of Play. Part 4. Applied Perspectives of Play and Development. P.L. Harris, Hard Work for the Imagination. M. Taylor, A.M. Mannering, Of Hobbes and Harvey: The Imaginary Companions Created By Children and Adults. A. Nicolopoulou, The Interplay of Play and Narrative in Children’s Development: Theoretical Reflections and Concrete Examples. C.D. Clark, Therapeutic Advantages of Play. January 2007: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5261-5: £50.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6314-7: £23.50
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Evolution and the Social Mind Evolutionary Psychology and Social Cognition Joseph P. Forgas, University of New South Wales, Australia; Martie G. Haselton, University of California, Los Angeles, USA; William von Hippel, University of New South Wales, Australia (Eds.) Sydney Symposium in Social Psychology Series
The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption Gad Saad Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series
“The key features of this book are (1) it introduces an evolutionary psychological perspective on consumerism and marketing, (2) it provides an overview of some robust themes that account for systematic patterning of consumer preferences, and (3) it offers a synthetic approach to the study and understanding of consumer behavior. The book will be the first of its kind and will inspire new directions in consumer research.” - Margo Wilson, McMaster University
“Evolution and the Social Mind is an absolute masterpiece. It provides the first major synthesis of social cognition and evolutionary psychology, and paves the way for the next decade of research. It is truly a landmark volume, and will become required reading for all scholars in the field.” - David M. Buss, author of Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind This book seeks to combine the study of human social cognition – the way we think, decide, plan and analyze social situations – with an evolutionary framework that considers these activities in light of evolutionary adaptations for solving problems of survival faced by our ancestors over thousands of generations. The chapters report recent research and theories illustrating how evolutionary principles can shed new light on the subtle and often subconscious ways that cognitive mechanisms guide peoples’ thoughts, memories, judgments, attitudes and behaviors in social life. The contributors to this volume, who are leading researchers in their fields, seek answers to such intriguing questions as: how can evolutionary principles help to explain human beliefs, attitudes, judgments, prejudice, and group preferences? Are there benefits to behaving unpredictably? Why are prototypical faces more attractive than atypical ones? How do men and women think about, and select potential mates? What are the adaptive functions of negative affect? What are the evolutionary influences on the way people think about and respond to social exclusion and ostracism? Evolution and the Social Mind offers a highly integrated and representative coverage of this emerging field, and is suitable as a textbook in advanced courses dealing with social cognition and evolutionary psychology. Contents von Hippel, Haselton, Forgas, Evolutionary Psychology and Social Thinking: History, Issues, and Prospects. Part 1. Foundations. Dunbar, The Social Brain Hypothesis and its Relevance to Social Psychology. Gangestad, Thornhill, The Evolution of Social Inference Processes: The Importance of Signaling Theory. Kenrick, Delton, Robertson, Vaughn Becker, Neuberg, How the Mind Warps: A Social Evolutionary Perspective on Cognitive Processing Disjunctions. Part 2. The Evolutionary Psychology of Affect and Cognition. Ellsworth, Appraisals, Emotions, and Adaptation. Buck, The Evolutionary Bases of Social and Moral Emotions: Dominance, Submission, and True Love. Forgas, The Strange Cognitive Benefits of Mild Dysphoria: On the Evolutionary Advantages of Not Being Too Happy. Badcock, Allen, Evolution, Social Cognition, and Depressed Mood: Exploring the Relationship Between Depression and Social Risk Taking. Part 3. The Evolutionary Psychology of Mate Selection. Todd, Coevolved Cognitive Mechanisms in Mate Search: Making Decisions in a Decision-shaped World. Simpson, LaPaglia, An Evolutionary Account of Strategic Pluralism in Human Mating: Changes in Mate Preferences Across the Ovulatory Cycle. Lieberman, Aligning Evolutionary Psychology and Social Cognition: Inbreeding Avoidance as an Example of Investigations into Categorization, Decision Rules, and Emotions. Fletcher, Overall, The Self in Intimate Relationships: A Social Evolutionary Account. Part 4. The Evolutionary Psychology of Interpersonal Processes. Buunk, Massar, Dijkstra, A Social Cognitive Evolutionary Approach to Jealousy: The Automatic Evaluation of One’s Romantic Rivals. van Vugt, Kurzban, Cognitive and Social Adaptations for Leadership and Followership: Evolutionary Game Theory and Group Dynamics. Halberstadt, Proximate and Ultimate Origins of a Bias for Prototypical Faces: An Evolutionary Social Cognitive Account. Ybarra, Keller, Chan, Baron, Hutsler, Garcia, Sanchez-Burks, Rios Morrison, The Social Prediction Dynamic: A Legacy of Cognition and Mixed Motives. Spoor, Williams, The Evolution of an Ostracism Detection System. Schaller, Duncan, The Behavioral Immune System: Its Evolution and Social Psychological Implications.
“Gad Saad has shown me that evolutionary psychology and consumer behavior is a very interesting subject and one I think many people will find interesting – even exciting. The author has an excellent knowledge of the literature on evolutionary psychology and its interpretations. He does a fine job of applying it to the area of consumer behavior. I think it could have an important impact on the advertising industry.” - Charles Crawford, Simon Fraser University The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption by Gad Saad applies Darwinian principles in understanding our consumption patterns and the products of popular culture that most appeal to individuals. The first and only scholarly work to do so, this is a captivating study of the adaptive reasons behind our behaviors, cognitions, emotions, and perceptions. This lens of analysis suggests how we come to make selections such as choosing a mate, the foods we eat, the gifts that we offer, and more. It also highlights how numerous forms of dark side consumption, including pathological gambling, compulsive buying, pornographic addiction, and eating disorders, possess a Darwinian etiology. Engaging and diverse in scope, the book maps consumption phenomena onto four key Darwinian modules: survival, reproduction, kin selection, and reciprocal altruism. As an interesting proposal, the author suggests that media and advertising contents exist in their particular forms because they are a reflection of our evolved human nature – negating the notion that they exist through the reverse causal link, as proposed by social constructivists. The link between evolutionary theory and consumption behaviors is detailed throughout the book via an examination of (among many others): • Appearance-enhancing products and services • Financial and physical risk-taking • Use of sexual imagery and the depictions of women in advertising • Television programs, movies, songs, music videos, literature, religion, and art. The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption will appeal to evolutionists who desire to explore new areas wherein evolutionary theory can be applied; consumer and marketing scholars who wish to learn about the ways in which biological-and evolutionary-based theorizing can be infused into the consumer behavior/marketing/advertising disciplines; as well as other interdisciplinary scholars interested in gaining knowledge about the power of evolutionary theory in explaining a wide range of behavioral phenomena. Contents Preface. Introduction. 1. What is Evolutionary Psychology? 2. Consumer Research – Domain-general and Proximate-level Theorizing. 3. Consumption and Darwinian Modules. 4. Advertising Content and Media Effects: Mirrors of Human Nature. 5. Darwinian Roots of Cultural Products. 6. Darwinian Roots of “Darkside” Consumption. 7. Benefits of Darwinizing Consumer Research. 8. Concluding Remarks. February 2007: 6x9: 360pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5149-6: £69.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5150-2: £28.00
March 2007: 6x9: 344pp Hb: 978-1-84169-458-0: £49.95
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Mind and Its Evolution A Dual Coding Theoretical Approach Allan Paivio University of Western Ontario, Canada This book updates the Dual Coding Theory of mind (DCT), a theory of modern human cognition consisting of separate but interconnected nonverbal and verbal systems. Allan Paivio, a leading scholar in cognitive psychology, presents this masterwork as new findings in psychological research on memory, thought, language, and other core areas have flourished, as have pioneering developments in the cognitive neurosciences. Mind and Its Evolution provides a thorough exploration into how these adaptive nonverbal and verbal systems might have evolved, as well as a careful comparison of DCT with contrasting 'single-code' cognitive theories. Divided into four parts, this text begins with a general, systematic theory of modern human cognition as the reference model for interpreting the cognitive abilities of evolutionary ancestors. The first half of the book discusses mind as it is; the second half addresses how it came to be that way. Each half is subdivided into two parts defined by thematic chapters. Mind and Its Evolution concludes with evidence-based suggestions about nourishing mental growth through applications of DCT in education, psychotherapy, and health. This volume will appeal to cognitive and evolutionary psychologists, as well as students in the areas of memory, language, cognition, and mind evolution specialists in psychology, philosophy, and other disciplines. Contents Contents: Preface. Part 1. Evolved Dual-coding Mind and Related Species. Not by Language Alone. Justification for the Theoretical Approach. Basic Principles of Dual Coding Theory. Adaptive Functions of Dual-coding Systems. Other Representational Species. Part 2. Dual Coding Theory and the Brain. Introduction to Dual Coding Theory and the Brain: A Brief History and a Brain Primer. The Multimodal Dual-coding Brain. Adaptive Functions of Dual-coding Brain. Brain Teasers: Common Codes and Neural Binding. Part 3. Evolution of Dual-coding Mind. Background on Evolution Issues. Animal Minds. Evolution of Language: From Naming to Association. Evolution Language: Syntax. Part 4. Peak Mind and Performance. Introduction to Expertise: A Dual Coding Perspective. Expert Performance and Knowledge. Intelligence: Toward a Dual Coding Theory. Dual Coding Theory and Creativity. Geniuses and Their Domains. Nurturing the Mind: Applications of DCT. November 2006: 6x9: 536pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5259-2: £69.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5260-8: £37.50
Evolution and Social Psychology Mark Schaller, University of British Columbia, Canada; Jeffry A. Simpson, University of Minnesota, USA; Douglas T. Kenrick, Arizona State University, USA (Eds.)
“The rich essays in this book beautifully demonstrate the increased conceptual power and depth of insight that can be achieved by the skillful and nuanced incorporation of an evolutionary perspective on social psychology. This foundational volume is destined to become one of the major contributions to a scientific revolution that will substantially change our understanding of human social behavior. As such, it is simply a ‘must read’.” - Jim Sidanius, Harvard University “Evolution and Social Psychology is an excellent overview of the current state of evolutionary theory in social psychology ... The value to its intended audience as an overview of evolution in relation to social psychology makes it a valuable sourcebook for those interested in future directions of research and theory construction in the field.” PsycCRITIQUES Why do we think about and interact with other people in the particular ways that we do? Might these thoughts and actions be contemporary products of our long-ago evolutionary past? If so, how might this be, and what are the implications? Research generated by an evolutionary approach to social psychology issues profound insights into self-concept, impression formation, prejudice, group dynamics, helping, aggression, social influence, culture, and every other topic that is fundamental to social psychology. Evolution and Social Psychology is the first book to review and discuss this broad range of social psychological phenomena from an evolutionary perspective. It does so with a critical and constructive eye. Readers will emerge with a clear sense of the intellectual challenges, as well as the scientific benefits, of an evolutionarily-informed social psychology. The world-renowned contributors identify new questions, new theories, and new hypotheses – many of which are only now beginning to be tested. Thus, this book not only summarizes the current status of the field, it also sets an agenda for the next generation of research on evolution and social psychology. Evolution and Social Psychology is essential reading for evolutionary psychologists and social psychologists alike. Contents D.T. Kenrick, M. Schaller, J.A. Simpson, Evolution is the New Cognition. M.G. Haselton, D.C. Funder, The Evolution of Accuracy and Bias in Social Judgment. R. Kurzban C.A. Aktipis, Modular Minds, Multiple Motives. C. Sedikides, J.J. Skowronski, R.I.M. Dunbar, When and Why Did the Human Self Evolve? L.A. Zebrowitz, J. Montepare, The Ecological Approach to Person Perception: Evolutionary Roots and Contemporary Offshoots. D. Keltner, J. Haidt, M.N. Shiota, Social Functionalism and the Evolution of Emotions. M.B. Brewer, L.R. Caporael, An Evolutionary Perspective on Social Identity: Revisiting Groups. S.L. Neuberg, C.A. Cottrell, Evolutionary Bases of Prejudices. G.J.O. Fletcher, J.A. Simpson, A.B. Boyes, Accuracy and Bias in Romantic Relationships: An Evolutionary and Social Psychological Analysis. S.E. Taylor, G.C. Gonzaga, Evolution, Relationships, and Health: The Social Shaping Hypothesis. M. Van Vugt, P. A.M. Van Lange, The Altruism Puzzle: Psychological Adaptations for Prosocial Behavior. D.M. Buss, J.D. Duntley. The Evolution of Aggression. J.M. Sundie, R.B. Cialdini, V. Griskevicius, D.T. Kenrick, Evolutionary Social Influence. T. Kameda, R.S. Tindal, Groups as Adaptive Devices: Human Docility and Group Aggregation Mechanisms in Evolutionary Context. A. Norenzayan, M. Schaller, S.J. Heine, Evolution and Culture. May 2006: 6x9: 400pp Hb: 978-1-84169-417-7: £39.95 60-day examination copy available
Frontiers of Social Psychology Series
“Social psychology has always lacked an explanatory theory – a reason for why people do all the strange things they do. Many of the answers to this question will come from an understanding of how social relations and social emotions evolved. This volume is a superb sample of work on this exciting new frontier. It represents a turning point in social psychology, realizing the hope that this fascinating topic can become an explanatory science.” - Steven Pinker, Harvard University, and author of How the Mind Works and The Blank Slate “More than simply another edited collection, this is an essential volume that challenges every area of social psychology – where did a social process come from, what function does it serve, and how is it connected to other adaptive strategies? This body of work will rapidly become the touchstone against which all contributions in evolutionary social psychology will be judged.” - Christian Crandall, University of Kansas w w w. p s y p r e s s . c o m
Also of Interest Evolutionary Explanations of Human Behaviour John H. Cartwright Routledge Modular Psychology November 2001: 5x8: 210pp Pb: 978-0-415-24148-9: £11.95 60-day examination copy available
The Evolution of Mind Fundamental Questions and Controversies Steven W. Gangestad & Jeffry A. Simpson (Eds.) March 2007: 6x9: 448pp Hb: 978-1-59385-408-9: £37.50 Published by Guilford Press
The Nature of Play Great Apes and Humans Anthony D. Pellegrini & Peter K. Smith (Eds.) February 2005: 6x9: 308pp Hb: 978-1-59385-117-0: £30.00 Published by Guilford Press
Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology of Religion Lee A. Kirkpatrick January 2005: 6x9: 400pp Hb: 978-1-59385-088-3: £30.00 Published by Guilford Press
Origins of the Social Mind Evolutionary Psychology and Child Development Bruce J. Ellis & David F. Bjorklund (Eds.) January 2005: 6⅜x9¼: 540pp Hb: 978-1-59385-103-3: £49.95 Published by Guilford Press Customers in the US and Canada, please order directly from
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Journals in Evolutionary Psychology Laterality Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition EDITORS Chris McManus, University College London, UK Mike Nicholls, University of Melbourne, Australia Giorgio Vallortigara, University of Trento, Italy Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition publishes high quality research on all aspects of lateralisation in humans and nonhuman species. Laterality’s principal interest is in the psychological, behavioural and neurological correlates of lateralisation. The editors will also consider accessible papers from any discipline which can illuminate the general problems of the evolution of biological and neural asymmetry, papers on the cultural, linguistic, artistic and social consequences of lateral asymmetry, and papers on its historical origins and development. The interests of workers in laterality are typically broad. Submission of inter-disciplinary work, either empirical or theoretical, or concerned with problems of measurement or statistical analysis, is therefore also encouraged. Recent Articles from Laterality Manual Asymmetry in a Complex Coincidence-anticipation Task: Handedness and Gender Effects: Paula Cristina Rodrigues, Olga Vasconcelos, João Barreiros, Ricardo Barbosa Targeted High and Low Speech Frequency Bands to Right and Left Ears Respectively Improve Task Performance and Perceived Sociability in Dyadic Conversations: Stanford W. Gregory Jr., Will Kalkhoff, Sarah K. Harkness, Jessica L. Paull Handedness and Depression: Evidence from a Large Population Survey: Kevin Denny Hand Preference for Sending Mobile-phone Text Messages: Associations with Sex, Writing Hand, and Throwing Hand: Anthony Lambert, Charlene Hallett Volume 14 (2009) 6 issues per year ISSN Print: 1357-650X Online: 1464-0678 Personal (print only): £200 / $332 / €265 For Online, Library or Institutional Access go to: Members of AACN, APA, APA (Div. 40), APS, BNS, BPS DoN, EPS ESCOP, INS, NAN, APS CCN, and EBIS are entitled to discounts on the personal subscription rate. Email for details. Full details, subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press
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11% more pages in 2009!
International Journal of Psychology Published on behalf of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) EDITOR Claudia Dalbert Martin Luther University, Germany
Full details, subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press
30% more pages in 2009!
The International Journal of Psychology (IJP) is the journal of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) and is published under the auspices of the Union. IJP seeks to support the IUPsyS in fostering the development of international psychological science. It aims to strengthen the dialog within psychology around the world and to facilitate communication among different areas of psychology and among psychologists from different cultural backgrounds. IJP is the outlet for empirical basic and applied studies and for reviews that either (a) incorporate perspectives from different areas or domains within psychology or across different disciplines, (b) test the culturedependent validity of psychological theories, or (c) integrate literature from different regions in the world. IJP does not publish technical articles, validations of questionnaires and tests, or clinical case studies. Regular issues include two types of articles: empirical articles and review articles. Empirical articles report data from single or multiple studies in one of the major fields of scientific psychology. Review articles provide overviews of the international literature on a particular topic; authors are especially encouraged to include in their review relevant publications from regions of the world not typically cited and/or not published in English. Special topical issues or sections are also published two or three times a year. All articles include a detailed abstract in English, French and Spanish. Article submission: Papers must be submitted online at; full instructions for authors are at the website below. Special Section Issues Two or three times a year IJP publishes Special Section Issues where a portion of the articles in that issue are devoted to a particular topic. These are sent to subscribers as usual, and can be purchased individually by non-subscribers. Email for details. Currently available: Vol. 44/1 - Expressions of "New" Racism Guest Editor: Jorge Vala Vol. 43/5 - Insights from Research on Asian Students' Achievement Motivation Guest Editors: Kit-Tai Hau, Irene T. Ho Vol. 43/2 - Culture and Human Development Guest Editor: A. Bame Nsamenang Vol. 43/1 - New Research on Acculturation among Diaspora Migrants Guest Editor: Rainer K. Silbereisen Vol. 42/4 - Psychological Research in Berlin, the Host City of ICP 2008 - this issue is freely available for online download Guest Editors: Peter A. Frensch, Ralf Schwarzer
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology The Journal of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) EDITORS A. Mike Burton, University of Glasgow, UK Simon Killcross, Cardiff University, UK EDITOR ELECT Steven P. Tipper, Bangor University, UK The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (QJEP) is a leading international journal that publishes original articles on any topic within the field of experimental psychology. The journal publishes Short Articles (under 4,000 words) as well as substantial experimental reports. Authoritative Review Articles and Theoretical Papers are also welcome. The journal offers an Open Access option, approved by the Wellcome Trust and other funders. The journal is keen to encourage submissions across a broad range of areas in experimental psychology, including those reporting work on human and animal subjects. Manuscripts including the use of functional brain imaging are also encouraged, as are papers reporting computational modelling of behavioural data. QJEP offers a competitive publication time-scale. Accepted Short Articles have priority in the publication, and usually appear within a few months. Full articles appear on-line, through the iFirst system, making them available to readers several months prior to paper publication. Article submission: Please email your paper to; full instructions for authors are at the website below. Special Issues are sent free to journal subscribers and can be purchased by non-subscribers: Grounding Cognition in Perception and Action Guest Editors: Martin H. Fischer & Rolf A. Zwaan June 2008: 136pp Pb: 978-1-84169-843-4: £24.95 $47.95 Now in paperback! Cognitive Gerontology Guest Editor: Patrick Rabbitt January 2008: 192pp Pb: 978-1-84169-850-2: £39.95 $77.95 Human Contingency Learning: Recent Trends in Research and Theory Guest Editors: Tom Beckers, Jan de Houwer & Helena Matute March 2007: 216pp Hb: 978-1-84169-824-3: £39.95 $70.00 Volume 62 (2009) 12 issues per year ISSN Print 1747-0218 Online 1747-0226 Personal (print only): £165 / $346 / €277
Vol. 42/3 - Implicit Representations and Personality Guest Editor: Jens B. Asendorpf Volume 44 (2009) 6 issues per year ISSN Print 0020-7594 Online 1464-066X Personal (print only): £116 / $195 / €155 Subscriptions include free CD-ROM: IUPsyS Global Resource
For Online, Library or Institutional Access go to: Members of the APA, APS, CS and ESCoP are entitled to discounts on the personal subscription rate. Email for details.
For Online, Library or Institutional Access go to: Members of the IUPsyS receive this journal as part of their membership. Members of the APA, APS, EPS, ESCoP and ISRE are entitled to discounts on the personal subscription rate. Email for details.
Full details, subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at:
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Evolutionary & Comparative Psychology 2009 Change of address? Please email, quoting Evo09. This catalog includes titles formerly published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (LEA).
Twice the issues in 2009!
Psychological Inquiry An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory EDITORS (2003-2009) Leonard L. Martin, University of Georgia, USA Ralph Erber, DePaul University, USA Psychological Inquiry is an international forum for the discussion of theory and meta-theory. The journal strives to publish articles that represent broad, provocative, and debatable theoretical ideas primarily in the areas of social psychology and personality. We discourage submission of purely empirical, applied, or review articles. Each issue typically includes a target article followed by peer commentaries and a response from the target author. Manuscripts for the target articles can be invited or submitted. Manuscripts for the commentaries are always invited. Authors for the commentaries are chosen by the editors with input from the target authors. Article submission: please email your paper to or to; full instructions for authors are at the website below. Volume 20 (2009) 4 issues per year ISSN Print 1047-840X Online 1532-7965 Psychological Inquiry is currently accepting applications for the position of Editor for 2009 and beyond. Visit for details. Personal (print only): £40 / $68 / €54 For Online, Library or Institutional Access go to: Full details, subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press