Addiction Disorders 2010

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Routledge Mental He alth and Guilford press

Addiction Disorders 2010 New Books and Selected Backlist

international centER for alcohol policies series on alcohol in society


Four Hundred Rabbits Expressions of Drunkenness Edited by Anne Fox, anthropologist and an expert in drug and alcohol issues, and Mike MacAvoy, was CEO of DrinkWise, Australia Interpretations by different disciplines of the terms intoxication and drunkenness are often inconsistent, creating confusion and inefficiencies in efforts to combat the negative effects of certain drinking behaviors. With this in mind, the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) and DrinkWise Australia collaborated to prepare a publication that seeks to advance understanding of the individual and collective meanings, purposes, and functions of drunkenness – an insight that is a prerequisite for achieving long-term, self-sustaining cultural change. The chapters of this book discuss intoxication and drunkenness from three perspectives: biological, cultural, and social. By placing intoxication and drunkenness into these contexts, the book is able to offer language and conceptual tools to help advance the ongoing discussion on how best to reduce alcohol-related harm and encourage responsible enjoyment of beverage alcohol. Contents: Grant, MacAvoy, Voices in the Debate. Stockley, Saunders,

The Biology of Intoxication. Fox, The Origins of Drunkenness. Measham, Drunkenness, a Historical and Contemporary Cross-cultural Perspective: “A Voluntary Madness.” Thom, Eisenbach-Stangl, Drinking Contexts and Youth Drunkenness. Worth, Concluding Remarks.

Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, which examine their views on extreme drinking, motivations behind it and the cultural similarities and differences that exist, conferring at once risk and protective factors. Contents: Martinic, Measham, A Case for the Term “Extreme Drinking.” Measham, A History of Intoxication: Changing Attitudes to Drunkenness and Excess in the United Kingdom. Nahoum-Grappe, Beyond Boundaries: Youth and the Dream of the Extreme. Choquet, Case Study: Drinking Among Young People in France. Leigh, Lee, What Motivates Extreme Drinking? Measham, Case Study: Drinking Among Young People in the United Kingdom. Focus Group Results. Gorgulho, Da Ros, Brazil. Newman, China. Tempesta, Italy. Odejide, Omigbodun, Ajuwon, Makanjuola, Bamgboye, Oshiname, Nigeria. Koshkina, Russia. Makan, South Africa. March, United Kingdom (Scotland). Leverton, Evans, Stakeholders and Their Roles. Martinic, Alexander, Extreme Drinking, Young People, and Feasible Policy. Pérez-Fragero, Case Study: Botellón in Spain. Gorgulho, Tamendarova, Tackling Extreme Drinking in Young People: Feasible Interventions. Kilmer, Larimer, Case Study: United States: Drinking Among Sorority and Fraternity Students. Martinic, Measham, Afterword. Annex 1: Procedures for Focus Groups on Extreme Drinking. Annex 2: Guiding Questions for Focus Groups.

2008: 296pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95548-5: £39.95/$64.50

ICAP Series on Alcohol in Society Published by Routledge

Also in the series

ICAP Series on Alcohol in Society

Grant/O’Connor, Eds.: Corporate Social Responsibility and Alcohol: The Need and Potential for Partnership

Published by Routledge

Hb: 978-0-415-94948-4: 2005: 240pp. £39.99/$59.95

August 2010: 192pp. Hb: 978-0-415-99213-8: £33.00/$60.00

Swimming with Crocodiles

Alcohol in Perspective

Hb: 978-0-415-94636-0: 2004: 200pp. £40.00/$59.95

The Culture of Extreme Drinking

Haworth/Simpson, Eds.: Moonshine Markets:

Edited by Marjana Martinic, Vice President for Public Health, International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP), Washington, USA, and Fiona Measham, Lancaster University, UK

Hb: 978-0-415-93547-0: 2003: 224pp. £42.50/$64.50

This book examines the rapid and heavy drinking behavior by young people, described in a number of countries, positioning it within its appropriate social, historical and cultural contexts. The book argues in favor of a new term, “extreme drinking,” to fully encapsulate the many facets of this behavior, taking into account the underlying motivations for the heavy, excessive and unrestrained drinking patterns of many young people. It also acknowledges the drinking process itself and accommodates greater focus on outcomes that are likely to follow. In many ways, “extreme drinking” is not so far removed from other “extreme” behaviors, such as extreme sports – all offer a challenge, their pursuit is motivated by an expectation of pleasure, and they are, by design, not without risk to those who engage in them, others around them and society as a whole. Edited by Marjana Martinic and Fiona Measham, Swimming with Crocodiles is the ninth volume in the ICAP Series on Alcohol in Society. The authors discuss the factors that motivate extreme drinking, address the developmental, cultural and historical contexts that have surrounded it, and offer a new approach to addressing this behavior through prevention and policy. The centerpiece of the book is a series of focus groups conducted with young people in Brazil, China, Italy, 2

Martinic/Leigh: Reasonable Risk:

Issues in Unrecorded Alcohol Beverage Production and Consumption

Houghton/Roche, Eds.: Learning About


Hb: 978-1-58391-316-1: 2001: 320pp. £37.50/$59.95

Heath: Drinking Occasions: Comparative Perspectives on Alcohol and Culture Hb: 978-1-58391-047-4: 2000: 208pp. £39.95/$64.50

Peele/Grant, Eds.: Alcohol and Pleasure: A Health Perspective Hb: 978-1-58391-015-3: 1999: 419pp. £60.00/$90.00

Grant, Ed.: Alcohol and Emerging Markets: Patterns, Problems, and Responses Hb: 978-0-87630-978-0: 1998: 384pp. £55.00/$85.00

Grant/Litvak, Eds.: Drinking Patterns and Their Consequences Hb: 978-1-56032-718-9: 1997: 352pp. £55.00/$85.00

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Working Together to Reduce Harmful Drinking

Edited by Marcus Grant, President, International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP), USA, and Mark Leverton, Director, Alcohol Policy and Industry Issues, Diageo, UK This book is intended to contribute to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. It explores areas where alcohol producers’ technical competence can and does make a positive contribution to reducing harmful drinking and where industry input has been welcomed by WHO. The book describes each of these areas: producing beer, wine, and spirits; addressing availability of noncommercial beverages; pricing, marketing, and selling beverage alcohol; encouraging responsible choices; and working with others. The final chapter sets out views of how alcohol producers can contribute to reducing harmful drinking in countries where they are present. Contents: Grant, Leverton, Introduction. Simpson, Producing Beer, Wine, and

Spirits. Botha, Understanding Alcohol Availability: Noncommercial Beverages. Sinclair, Marketing Beverage Alcohol. Robson, Pricing Beverage Alcohol. Willersdorf, Selling and Serving Beverage Alcohol. Martinic, Making Responsible Choices. Bivans, Orley, Working Together. Leverton, Grant, Implementing the WHO Global Strategy to Reduce Harmful Use of Alcohol: The Producers’ Contributions. 2009: 224pp. Hb: 978-0-415-80087-7: £38.95/$69.95 Published by Routledge


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Problem Drinking A Practitioner’s Guide Marcantonio Spada, London South Bank University, UK “CBT for Problem Drinking provides a sound introduction to the theory and practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and is presented in such a way as to be of practical use to those wishing to enhance their knowledge and skills in this area. There is much here which will also be of interest to those attempting to resolve their own difficulties with alcohol.” - Bill Reading, Addictions Psychotherapist, Canterbury, UK This book serves as a concise and practical guide on the application of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to problem drinking. Divided into five chapters it provides: • a detailed account of the cognitive and behavioural processes involved in the development and maintenance of problem drinking • in depth coverage of assessment and case formulation and their role in planning and sequencing CBT interventions • concise and practical illustrations of the application of CBT interventions in preparing, implementing and maintaining change. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Problem Drinking also includes diaries and exercise sheets for use with the client. It is therefore essential reading for all mental health practitioners in the field of alcohol misuse, as well as being a useful resource for those in training.

Contents: The Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Approach to Problem Drinking. Preparing for Change. Implementing Change. Maintaining Change. Practitioner Training and Clinical Supervision. Appendix.

September 2010: 160pp. Pb: 978-0-415-40876-9: £24.99/$42.95 Published by Routledge

Social Behaviour and Network Therapy for Alcohol Problems Alex Copello, and Jim Orford, both at University of Birmingham, UK, Ray Hodgson, Alcohol Education & Research Council, Cardiff, UK, and Gillian Tober, Leeds Addiction Unit, UK

“Much more than a manual for the delivery of SBNT, this book provides a clarion call for treating alcohol problems via social and familial networks. Packed throughout with research evidence, practical tools and case studies, practitioners are clearly led through the steps needed to support positive change among all those connected with problem drinking.” - Don Shenker, Chief Executive, Alcohol Concern This book serves as a manual for clinicians working with people with alcohol problems. The manual is based on previous research in addiction treatment, including family and social network interventions, as well the authors’ own work developing and evaluating Social Behaviour and Network Therapy (SBNT) for example in the United Kingdom Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Containing a range of ideas the book is guided by a key principle: the development of social support for a positive change in drinking behaviour. Featuring a series of practical handouts, this book will be essential reading for clinicians, counsellors, nurses, psychologists and all those involved in the treatment of alcohol misuse and dependence. Contents: Part I: Background, Evidence Base, Treatment Content and Format. Manual Format. Theoretical and Research Basis for SBNT. The Therapist. The Treatment. Part II: Core Components of Social Behaviour and Network Therapy. Phase 1: Identifying the Social Network. The First Session: Setting the Scene. Phase 2: Core Topics. Core Topic: Communication. Core Topic: Coping. Core Topic: Enhancing Social Support. Core Topic: Network Based Relapse Management. Phase 3: Final Meeting. Planning for the Future and Termination. Part III: Elective Topics, Training and Common Questions. Elective Topics. Basic Information about Alcohol. Increasing Pleasant and Joint Activities. Employment. Active Development of Positive Support. Minimising Support for Problem Drinking. Training, Assessment and Supervision. Common Questions and Issues Raised by Therapists Learning to Deliver SBNT. Appendices: Handouts/Prompt Sheets. Appendices.

2009: 176pp. Pb: 978-1-58391-803-6: £22.99/$39.95 Published by Routledge

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Responding to Drug Misuse Research and Policy Priorities in Health and Social Care

Edited by Susanne MacGregor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK “A stimulating and diverse collection of perspectives on responding to the Drugs problem, and a welcome focus on the important personal and family aspects of health and social care responses – a thought-provoking and rewarding read.” - Professor John Strang, Director, National Addiction Centre, London, UK

Responding to Drug Misuse provides a unique insight into the current shape of the drugs treatment system in England. Reporting findings from research linked to the government’s ten year drugs strategy Tackling Drugs to Build a Better Britain, the book places these in the context of policy, practice, and service development. It goes on to discuss the implications of these findings for the government’s new strategy Drugs: Protecting Families and Communities. Contents: MacGregor, Policy Responses to the Drugs Problem. Duke, The

Focus on Crime and Coercion in UK Drugs Policy. Macleod, Drug-taking and its Psycho-social Consequences. Raistrick, Tober, Godfrey, Parrott, Treatment as Usual. Weaver, Goyder, Hart, Fehler, Metrebian, Crawford, Care Co-ordination in Drug Treatment Services. Donmall, Millar, The Effect of Waiting for Treatment. Radcliffe, Stevens, Early Exit: Estimating and Explaining Early Exit from Drug Treatment. Neale, Godfrey, Parrott, Sheard, Tompkins, Barriers to the Effective Treatment of Injecting Drug Users. Metrebian, Sell, Shanahan, Carnwath, Alcorn, Ruben, Mehdikhani, Stimson, Prescribing Injectable Opiates for the Treatment of Opiate Dependence. Kouimtsidis, Drummond, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Opiate Misusers in Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Crawford, Patterson, Agath, Weaver, Involving Service Users in Efforts to Improve the Quality of Drug Misuse Services. Weaver, Charles, Barnes, Tyrer, Co-morbidity in Treatment Populations. Frisher, Crome, Martino, Bashford, Croft, Epidemiology of Drug Misuse and Psychiatric Co-morbidity in Primary Care. Orford, Copello, Simon, Waheed, Fazil, Graham, Mahmood, McNeil, Roberts, Offering a Service to BME Family Members Affected by Close Relatives’ Drug Problems. Clay, Corlyon, A Review of Services for Children and Young People with Drugs Misusing Carers. Kroll, Taylor, Dilemmas in Intervening Effectively in Families Where There is Parental Drug Misuse. MacGregor, Evidence and New Policy Questions. 2009: 272pp. Hb: 978-0-415-47470-2: £39.95/$69.95

Separating myth from fact, this authoritative work reviews the breadth of current knowledge about methamphetamine addiction and describes the most promising available treatment approaches. Leading experts present state-of-the-art information on the effects of methamphetamine on the brain, body, and users’ mental health and behavior. Psychosocial and pharmacological treatment strategies are critically evaluated, including approaches to treating dually diagnosed clients. Contents: Roll, Rawson, Shoptaw, Ling, Introduction. Rutkowski, Maxwell, Epidemiology of Methamphetamine Use: A Global Perspective. Hanson, Fleckenstein, Basic Neuropharmacological Mechanisms of Methamphetamine. Payer, London, Methamphetamine and the Brain: Findings from Brain Imaging Studies. Rush, Stoops, Ling, Behavioral Pharmacology and Psychiatric Consequences of Methamphetamine. Mooney, Glasner-Edwards, Rawson, Ling, Medical Effects of Methamphetamine Use. Shoptaw, King, Landstrom, Bholat, Victorianne, Heinzerling, Roll, Public Health Issues Surrounding Methamphetamine Dependence. Farabee, Hawken, Methamphetamine and Crime. Thompson, Sowell, Roll, Effects of Methamphetamine on Communities. Shoptaw, Rawson, Worley, Lefkowith, Roll, Psychosocial and Behavioral Treatment of Methamphetamine Dependence. Vocci, Elkashef, Appel, Pharmacological Treatment of Methamphetamine Addiction. Pasic, Ries, Treatment of Methamphetamine Addiction That Co-occurs with Serious Mental Illness. Schuster, Johanson, Roll, Conclusion.

2009: 258pp. Hb: 978-1-60623-252-1: £27.00 Published by Guilford Press

Women and Addiction A Comprehensive Handbook Edited by Kathleen T. Brady, and Sudie E. Back, both at the Medical University of South Carolina, USA, and Shelly F. Greenfield, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, USA “An exceptional contribution. The breadth and depth of this book are impressive... Readers will find much here to challenge old ideas and spark new ones... Bravo to the editors and contributors

Medicine; Harvard Medical School; and National Center for PTSD, Boston VA Medical Center, USA

Methamphetamine Addiction From Basic Science to Treatment Edited by John M. Roll, Washington State University College of Nursing, USA, Richard A. Rawson, and Walter Ling, both at Integrated Substance Abuse Programs, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, and Steven Shoptaw, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

“This definitive, timely book broadens the understanding of methamphetamine addiction and its treatment with in-depth coverage of such diverse topics as epidemiology, neuropharmacology, psychiatric consequences, psychosocial interventions, and pharmacological 4

- Arnold M. Washton, Executive Director, Recovery Options, New York, and Princeton, New Jersey, USA

for this truly fine work.” - Lisa M. Najavits, Boston University School of

Published by Routledge

interventions. Grounded in research data and clinical experience, the book will be of immense value to practitioners, researchers, and students.”

For many years, addiction research focused almost exclusively on men. Yet scientific awareness of sex and gender differences in substance use disorders has grown tremendously in recent decades. This volume brings together leading authorities to review the state of the science and identify key directions for research and clinical practice. Concise, focused chapters illuminate how biological and psychosocial factors influence the etiology and epidemiology of substance use disorders in women; their clinical presentation, course, and psychiatric comorbidities; treatment access; and treatment effectiveness. Prevalent substances of abuse are examined, as are issues facing special populations. selected Contents: Part I: Overview. Part II: Biological Issues. Part III: Cooccurring Psychiatric Disorders. Part IV: Treatment Outcome. Part V: Specific Substances. Part VI: Special Populations. Part VII: Social and Policy Issues.

2009: 526pp. Hb: 978-1-60623-107-4: £43.50 Published by Guilford Press

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Women, Girls, and Addiction Celebrating the Feminine in Counseling Treatment and Recovery Cynthia A. Briggs, Winona State University, Minnesota, USA, and Jennifer L. Pepperell, Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA

Women, Girls, and Addiction is the first book on the efficacy of treatment approaches and interventions that are tailored to working with addicted women, and the first publication of any kind to provide a feminist approach to understanding the experience of addiction from the female perspective. Part I of the book provides an overview of feminist theory and addiction counseling, followed by an historical look at women and addiction (research, treatment, demographics). The three chapters in Part II give an in-depth look at the biological, psychological, and social factors of the experience of addiction as unique in women. The final section of the book presents a series of chapters spanning the lifespan, which each feature age-specific special issues, treatment strategies, interventions, and commonly encountered topics in therapy with the population. Contents: Part I: Overview of Women, Girls and Addiction. Feminist

Theory and Addiction Counseling. Women, Girls, and Addiction: An Historical Perspective. Part II: Biopsychosocial Influences. Biological Factors. Psychological Factors. Social Factors. Part III: Prevention, Treatment, and Relapse Prevention Across the Lifespan. Children and Adolescents. Adult Women. Women in Late Adulthood. 2009: 220pp. Hb: 978-0-415-99352-4: £18.00/$32.95 Published by Routledge

Adolescent Substance Abuse Psychiatric Comorbidity and High Risk Behaviors Edited by Yifrah Kaminer, University of Connecticut Health Center, USA, and Oscar G. Bukstein, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania, USA

“The book Adolescent Substance Abuse by Yifrah Kaminer and Oscar G. Bukstein is a must-have for anyone interested in the most up-to-date knowledge in adolescent substance abuse. This is likely one of the most comprehensive texts to cover the knowledge base on adolescent dual diagnosis.” - Lisa R. Fortuna, Psychiatric Services

Adolescent Substance Abuse: Psychiatric Comorbidity and High Risk Behaviors presents leading experts offering insightful viewpoints and dynamic suggestions on how to best provide simultaneous treatment and integrated services to these youths. The book covers the state of the art in the field of substance use disorders, and reviews different psychiatric disorders and high risk behaviors, and then addresses the issue of integrated services and ethical, legal, and policy issues pertaining to this population. Contents: Kaminer, Bukstein, Introduction. Tarter, Vanyukov, Kirisci, Etiology

Fishman, Treatment Planning, Matching, and Placement for Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders. Slesnick, Kaminer, Kelly, Most Common Psychosocial Interventions for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Upadhyaya, Deas, Pharmacological Interventions for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Stein, Hesselbrock, Bukstein, Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Wilens, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Cornelius, Clark, Depressive Disorders and Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Goldstein, Bukstein, Bipolar Disorder and Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Clark, Thatcher, Cornelius, Anxiety Disorders and Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Hawke, Albert, Ford, Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Goldston, Daniel, Mathias, Dougherty, Suicidal and Nonsuicidal SelfHarm Behaviors in Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Milin, Comorbidity of Schizophrenia and Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents and Young Adults. Bulik, Shroff, Eating Disorders and Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Derevensky, Gambling Behaviors and Adolescent Substance Use Disorders. Libby, Riggs, Integrated Substance Use and Mental Health Services for Adolescents: Challenges and Opportunities. White, Popovits, Donohue, Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues in the Treatment of Co-occurring Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders Among Adolescents. 2008: 528pp. Hb: 978-0-7890-3171-6: £60.00/$95.00 Pb: 978-0-7890-3172-3: £37.50/$59.95 Published by Routledge

Motivating Substance Abusers to Enter Treatment Working with Family Members Jane Ellen Smith, and Robert J. Meyers, both at University of New Mexico, USA

“What can you do for people with a substanceabusing loved one who refuses to get help? Quite a lot, as it turns out... Smith and Meyers describe the CRAFT method that they have shown to be highly effective not only in reducing family members’ distress, but also in getting their loved one into treatment. Their clearly written and well-organized narrative provides step-by-step guidelines for delivering this evidencebased approach.” - William R. Miller, University of New Mexico, USA Filling a crucial need, this book presents a time- and cost-effective therapy program oriented to the concerned significant other (CSO) who wants to motivate a family member or partner to seek help. Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is a nonconfrontational approach that teaches CSOs how to change their own behavior in order to reward sobriety, discourage substance use, and ultimately to help get the substance abuser into treatment. The CSO also gains valuable skills for problem solving and self-care. Contents: Description of Community Reinforcement and Family Training. Building and Sustaining Motivation of Concerned Significant Others. Functional Analysis of a Problem Behavior. Domestic Violence Precautions. Improving Communication Skills of Concerned Significant Others. Positive Reinforcement of Clean and Sober Behavior. The Use of Negative Consequences. Helping Concerned Significant Others Enrich Their Own Lives. Inviting the Identified Patient to Enter Treatment. Empirical Support for CRAFT.

2008: 289pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-052-4: 2004: £28.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-646-5: £16.50 Published by Guilford Press

of Substance Use Disorder: Developmental Perspective. Chung, Adolescent Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence: Prevalence, Course, and Outcomes. Winters, Stinchfielf, Bukstein, Assessing Adolescent Substance Use and Abuse.

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From Dennis M. Donovan and G. Alan Marlatt, both at University of Washington, USA

Assessment of Addictive Behaviors Second Edition “Current ‘hot topics’ in the field of addiction treatment are covered in a highly comprehensive and reader-friendly way. Given the pervasiveness of addictive behaviors, I recommend this book to all mental health professionals and educators.” - S. Lala Ashenberg Straussner, New York University School of Social Work, USA; Founding Editor, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions

This comprehensive clinical resource and text is grounded in cuttingedge knowledge about the biopsychosocial processes involved in addictive behaviors. Presented are research-based, eminently practical strategies for assessing the treatment needs and ongoing clinical outcomes of individuals who have problems with substance use and nonchemical addictions. From leading contributors, the book shows how to weave assessment through the entire process of care, from the initial screening to intervention, relapse prevention, and posttreatment monitoring. Contents: Donovan, Assessment of Addictive Behaviors for Relapse

Prevention. Blume, Morera, de la Cruz, Assessment of Addictive Behaviors in Ethnic-minority Cultures. Cooney, Kadden, Steinberg, Assessment of Alcohol Problems. Shadel, Shiffman, Assessment of Smoking Behavior. Carroll, Ball, Assessment of Cocaine Abuse and Dependence. Rawson, Sodano, Hillhouse, Assessment of Amphetamine Use Disorders. Westphal, Wasserman, Masson, Sorensen, Assessment of Opioid Use. Stephens, Roffman, Assessment of Cannabis Use Disorders. Kilmer, Palmer, Cronce, Assessment of Club Drug, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, and Steroid Use and Misuse. Collins, Ricciardelli, Assessment of Eating Disorders and Obesity. Shaffer, Freed, Assessment of Gambling-related Disorders. Wheeler, George, Stephens, Assessment of Sexual Offenders: A Model for Integrating Dynamic Risk Assessment and Relapse Prevention Approaches. George, Zawacki, Simoni, Stephens, Lindgren, Assessment of Sexually Risky Behaviors. 2008: 480pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-175-0: 2005: £40.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-640-3: £18.95

Relapse Prevention Maintenance Strategies in the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors Second Edition

“Marlatt and Donovan provide an updated reconceptualization of the relapse process that incorporates cutting-edge research on craving, expectancies, contingencies, and selfregulation. Top scientist-practitioners offer a panoramic view of relapse prevention across the most extensive range of behaviors addressed in one place.” - Carlo C. DiClemente, University of Maryland–Baltimore County, USA


Contents: Marlatt, Witkiewitz, Relapse Prevention for Alcohol and Drug Problems. Blume, de la Cruz, Relapse Prevention Among Diverse Populations. Kadden, Cooney, Treating Alcohol Problems. Shiffman, Kassel, Gwaltney, McChargue, Relapse Prevention for Smoking. Carroll, Rawson, Relapse Prevention for Stimulant Dependence. Haug, Sorensen, Gruber, Song, Relapse Prevention for Opioid Dependence. Roffman, Stephens, Relapse Prevention for Cannabis Abuse and Dependence. Kilmer, Cronce, Palmer, Relapse Prevention for Abuse of Club Drugs, Hallucinogens, Inhalants, and Steroids. Collins, Relapse Prevention for Eating Disorders and Obesity. Shaffer, LaPlante, Treatment of Gambling Disorders. Wheeler, George, Stoner, Enhancing the Relapse Prevention Model for Sex Offenders: Adding Recidivism Risk Reduction Therapy to Target Offenders’ Dynamic Risk Needs. Zawacki, Stoner, George, Relapse Prevention for Sexually Risky Behaviors.

2008: 416pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-176-7: 2005: £32.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-641-0: £17.95 Published by Guilford Press

New in Paperback!

Rethinking Substance Abuse What the Science Shows, and What We Should Do About It Edited by William R. Miller, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA, and Kathleen M. Carroll, Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut, USA “Two thought leaders in substance abuse have done a remarkable service for clinicians and researchers: they have put together a distillation of what research has taught about the nature of addiction and its treatment. This volume is well focused, comprehensive, and quite readable.” - Marc Galanter, New York University School of Medicine, USA

Published by Guilford Press

This important work elucidates why relapse is so common for people recovering from addictive behavior problems – and what can be done to keep treatment on track. It provides an empirically supported framework for helping people with addictive behavior problems develop the skills to maintain their treatment goals, even in high-risk situations, and deal effectively with setbacks that occur. The expert contributors clearly identify the obstacles that arise in treating specific problem behaviors, review the factors that may trigger relapse at different stages of recovery, and present procedures for teaching effective cognitive and behavioral coping strategies.

While knowledge on substance abuse and addictions is expanding rapidly, clinical practice still lags behind. This state-of-the-art book brings together leading experts to describe what treatment and prevention would look like if it were based on the best science available. The volume incorporates developmental, neurobiological, genetic, behavioral, and social-environmental perspectives. Tightly edited chapters summarize current thinking on the nature and causes of alcohol and other drug problems; discuss what works at the individual, family, and societal levels; and offer robust principles for developing more effective, humane treatments and services. Contents: Part I: Introduction. Carroll, Miller, Defining and Addressing the Problem. Bickel, Potenza, The Forest and the Trees: Addiction as a Complex Self-organizing System. Part II: Biological Factors. Koob, The Neurobiology of Addiction: A Hedonic Calvinist View. Childress, What Can Human Brain Imaging Tell Us About Vulnerability to Addiction and to Relapse? Hasin, Hatzenbuehler, Waxman, Genetics of Substance Use Disorders. Part III: Psychological Factors. DiClemente, Natural Change and the Troublesome Use of Substances: A Life-course Perspective. V. M. Hesselbrock, M. N. Hesselbrock, Developmental Perspectives on the Risk for Developing Substance Abuse

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addiction disorders Problems. Mueser, Drake, Turner, McGovern, Comorbid Substance Use Disorders and Psychiatric Disorders. Miller, Motivational Factors in Addictive Behaviors. Part IV: Social Factors. Holder, Racial and Gender Differences in Substance Abuse: What Should Communities Do about Them? McCrady, Family and Other Close Relationships. Moos, Social Contexts and Substance Use. Carlson, Ethnography and Applied Substance Misuse Research: Anthropological and Cross-cultural Factors. Part V: Interventions. Carroll, Rounsaville, Behavioral Therapies: The Glass Would Be Half Full if Only We Had a Glass. O’Malley, Kosten, Pharmacotherapy of Addictive Disorders. Humphreys, Gifford, Religion, Spirituality, and the Troublesome Use of Substances. McLellan, What We Need is a System: Creating a Responsive and Effective Substance Abuse Treatment System. Miller, Carroll, Drawing the Science Together: Ten Principles, Ten Recommendations. July 2010: 320pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-231-0: 2006: £25.00 Pb: 978-1-60623-698-7: £16.95 Published by Guilford Press

Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse Evidence and Outcome Based Perspectives

Edited by Lee M. Cohen, Texas Tech University, USA, Frank L. Collins Jr., University of North Texas, USA, Alice Young, Texas Tech University, USA, Dennis E. McChargue, University of Nebraska, USA, Thad R. Leffingwell, Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, USA, and Katrina L. Cook, Texas Tech University, USA Given the prevalence of substance abuse in general clinical populations, it is important for healthcare providers to have knowledge and skill in the treatment of these problems. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) involves the integration of the best evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. This text is designed as a bridge for practitioners that will provide up-to-date evidence reviews as well as information on how to best keep up with emerging trends in the field. Selected Contents: Young, Cohen, Part I: Psychopharmacology and Neurobiology of Substance Abuse. Collins, Leffingwell, Part II: Conceptual Models and Principles of Substance Abuse Treatment. Cohen, McChargue, Part III: Assessment and Treatment of Substance Abuse. Collins, Cohen, Part IV: Special Topics. 2009: 704pp. Hb: 978-0-8058-5968-3: £100.00/$200.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5969-0: £45.00/$79.95

Series: Counseling and Psychotherapy Published by Routledge

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Genes, Environment, and Psychopathology Understanding the Causes of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders

Kenneth S. Kendler, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA, and Carol A. Prescott, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA “This most engaging book by world leaders in psychiatric genetics is an essential read... It provides a lively, balanced, informative conceptual understanding of how genes and environment work together in causal pathways as they operate over time.” - Michael Rutter, Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK

This groundbreaking volume synthesizes the results of the Virginia Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders, which yielded longitudinal data on more than 9,000 individuals. The authors trace how risk for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, antisocial behavior, alcoholism, and substance abuse emerges from the interplay of a variety of genetic and environmental influences. Contents: Introduction. Part I: Background. The Scientific and Social Context of the Virginia Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders. Methodology Used in the VATSPSUD. Twinning and Twin Models. Part II: Genetic Risk. Internalizing Disorders. Externalizing and Substance Use Disorders. Twin Model Assumptions. Part III: Environmental Risk. Childhood Experiences and Risk for Psychopathology. Adult Experiences and Risk for Psychopathology. Part IV: A Closer Look at Genetic and Environmental Influences. Sex Differences. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Stability and Change. The Genetics of What?: Comorbidity, General versus Specific Effects, and Risk Indicators. Three Extensions of the Twin Model. Part V: Bringing it All Together. The Genetics of the Environment. Mechanisms for Genetic Control of Exposure to the Environment. Is the Relation Between Environmental Risk Factors and Psychiatric Disorders Causal? Genetic Control of Sensitivity to the Environment. Integrative Models. Conclusions.

2008: 412pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-316-7: 2006: £30.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-645-8: £17.95 Published by Guilford Press

Solution-Focused Substance Abuse Treatment Teri Pichot, Program Manager, Substance Abuse Counseling Program, Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment, USA, with Sara A. Smock, Texas Tech University, USA

Solution-Focused Substance Abuse Treatment describes the standard of care for substance abuse treatment, demonstrates how solutionfocused brief therapy exceeds this standard, and shows how it can effectively be used in substance abuse evaluation, case management, and both individual and group treatment. Beginning and advanced concepts are provided to address the questions of even the most advanced clinician, all placed in the context of cultural awareness. Contents: What to Expect From This Book. Substance Abuse Treatment: An Overview. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: The Basics. Beyond the SolutionFocused Basics. Assessment and Evaluation. Case Management and Individual

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addiction disorders Work With Clients. Solution-Focused Group Therapy. A More In-depth Look at Working With Groups. Additional Applications and Practice Issues. Forms and Handouts. Appendix: Resources. 2009: 254pp. Hb: 978-0-7890-3722-0: £38.99/$69.95 Pb: 978-0-7890-3723-7: £19.50/$34.95

- Cor A. J. de Jong, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

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populations and treatment settings. The coverage of dissemination issues is very welcome. Highly recommended for all those working in the field of addiction or psychiatry, from students to experienced clinicians.”

Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice Doing What Works

Timely and authoritative, this volume brings together leading clinical researchers to describe contemporary applications of contingency management principles across a wide range of substance use disorders and patient populations. 2007: 380pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-571-0: £30.50 Published by Guilford Press

How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover

Arnold M. Washton, Recovery Options, New York, USA, and Joan E. Zweben, University of California, San Francisco, USA “Writing in a clear and engaging style, the authors provide information that psychotherapists need to know about the addictions and how to treat them... This book is a gem that psychotherapists of every orientation will find extremely valuable.” - Hal Arkowitz, University of Arizona, USA

Written specifically for the office-based psychotherapist, this practical guide describes how to detect, assess, diagnose, and treat clients presenting with a range of alcohol and drug problems. Detailed is an integrated, flexible psychotherapeutic approach that emphasizes building a strong therapeutic relationship, engaging clients “where they are,” and addressing substance use within the larger context of clients’ lives. The authors describe in very pragmatic terms how to use a combination of motivational, cognitive-behavioral, 12-step, and psychodynamic techniques with clients at different stages of change. Contents: Part I: Basic Issues and Perspectives. Introduction. Nature, Course, and Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders. Pharmacology and Overview of Psychoactive Substances. Ingredients of the Integrated Approach: Doing What Works. Considerations in Addressing Concurrent Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders. The Role of Medications. Part II: Clinical Strategies and Techniques. Assessment. Individualized Goal Setting and Treatment Planning: Meeting Patients “Where They Are.” Taking Action. Preventing Relapse. Psychotherapy in Ongoing and Later-stage Recovery. Group Therapy. Facilitating Participation in Self-Help Programs. Appendices.

Carlo C. DiClemente, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA From Carlo C. DiClemente, codeveloper of the transtheoretical model, this book offers a panoramic view of the entire continuum of addictive behavior change. The author illuminates the common path that individuals travel as they establish and reinforce new patterns of behavior, whether they are developing an addiction or struggling to free themselves from one. 2006: 318pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-057-6: 2003: £30.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-344-0: £16.99

Series: Guilford Substance Abuse Published by Guilford Press

Evidence-Based Treatments for Alcohol and Drug Abuse A Practitioner’s Guide to Theory, Methods, and Practice

2008: 312pp. Hb: 978-1-57230-077-4: 2006: £30.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-980-0: £16.50

Paul M. G. Emmelkamp, and Ellen Vedel, both at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Addiction and Change

Recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) for use in National Health Service treatment units

Contingency Management in Substance Abuse Treatment Edited by Stephen T. Higgins, University of Vermont, USA, Kenneth Silverman, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA, and Sarah H. Heil, University of Vermont, USA

The third volume in the Practical Clinical Guidebooks Series (PCG), Evidence-Based Treatments for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, defines the characteristics, classification, and prevalence of substance use disorders, and provides the clinician with practical guidelines applicable across a variety of treatment settings and patient groups. 2006: 304pp. Hb: 978-0-415-95285-9: £55.00/$85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95286-6: £17.00/$27.50

Series: Practical Clinical Guidebooks Published by Routledge

“This well-written book offers a comprehensive overview of contingency management. The authors provide evidence-based information on the treatment of a wide range of substance use disorders in different 8

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Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse

A Handbook for Students and Health Professionals G. Hussein Rassool, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Second Edition Edited by John Brick, Fellow, American Psychological Association, Executive Director Intoxikon International Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Second Edition is the newly-updated classic reference text that provides even more detailed and expanded information on the pharmacological, toxicological, and neuropsychological consequences of alcohol and drug abuse. Written by leading experts in the fields of medical physiology, psychopharmacology, and neuropsychology, this valuable resource provides the detailed alcohol and drug information health professionals in all fields need to know. 2008: 638pp. Hb: 978-0-7890-3573-8: £105.00/$165.00 Pb: 978-0-7890-3574-5: £55.00/$89.95 Published by Routledge

Written by an experienced author and lecturer, this five part text presents an introduction to drug and alcohol misuse. Alcohol and Drug Misuse takes into account current policy initiatives and practice for substance use and misuse and includes a range of pedagogical features to enhance learning. It is essential reading for nursing and health students taking substance misuse modules, as well as related CPD courses for health care professionals. 2008: 480pp. Hb: 978-0-415-40965-0: £78.00/$150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40967-4: £25.99/$51.95 Published by Routledge

Rescued Lives

The Oxford House Approach to Substance Abuse Leonard A. Jason, Director, Center for Community Research, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Bradley D. Olson, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA, and Karen J. Foli, Indiana University, USA Rescued Lives provides a comprehensive thought-provoking look at just how the innovative Oxford House model inspires positive action on one of our country’s most serious problems – substance abuse. This powerful book presents the success stories of the people living in these community homes and explains just how it has worked for them. 2008: 250pp. Hb: 978-0-7890-3630-8: £70.00/$108.00 Pb: 978-0-7890-3631-5: £24.99/$37.95 Published by Routledge

Stress, Trauma, and Substance Use Edited by Brian E. Bride, University of Georgia, USA, and Samuel A. MacMaster, University of Tennessee, USA The editors of Stress, Trauma, and Substance Use have gathered a collection of innovative chapters written by cutting edge researchers that depict both the breadth of the relationships between stress, trauma, and substance use, as well as how closely these phenomena are all too often linked.

2008: 150pp. Hb: 978-0-415-40045-9: £80.00/$140.00

Alcohol and Drug Misuse

Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders Personality Disorders and Addiction Sharon C. Ekleberry, Community Services Board, Transformation Initiatives, Virginia, USA

Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders addresses a complex client population, which presents service providers with significant professional challenges. Underlying personality disorders compromise treatment effectiveness for medical, other psychiatric, or trauma services, as well as the ability these individuals have in adhering to probation, parole, or court-ordered treatment requirements. A co-occuring substance use disorder amplifies the difficulties experienced by personality-disordered individuals, exacerbates the precarious nature of their relationships, and raises the skill level needed by service providers attempting to help them. Contents: Integrated Treatment for Individuals with Co-Occurring Personality and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster A: The Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster A: The Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster A: The Schizotypal Personality Disorder (StPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster B: The Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster B: The Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster B: The Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster B: The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster C: The Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster C: The Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) and Substance Use Disorders. Cluster C: The Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) and Substance Use Disorders. The Depressive Personality Disorder (DpPD) and Substance Use Disorders: Appendix B in the DSM-IV-TR. Passive-aggressive (Negativistic) Personality Disorder (PAPD) and Substance Use Disorders: Appendix. Final Thoughts and Future Directions.

2008: 202pp. Hb: 978-0-7890-3692-6: £60.00/$95.00 Pb: 978-0-7890-3693-3: £23.95/$37.50 Published by Routledge

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A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Problem Gambling

teaching tool for students and counselors who want to know more about problem gambling.” - Lia Nower, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA

This straight-talking, empowering video program offers essential information on how problem gambling develops, its damaging impact on individuals and families, and how it can successfully be treated. DVD: 978-1-59385-826-1: 2008: £30.50 Produced by Monkey See Productions

Therapist Manual Namrata Raylu, University of Queensland, Australia, and Tian Po Oei, The University of Queensland and Toowong Private Hospital, Australia This book is a treatment manual providing guidance for therapists treating clients with gambling addictions. In this book the authors use a cognitive behavioural approach and provide a session by session guide for overcoming problem gambling. Essential topics covered include: • assessment and psychoeducation • cognitive behavioural strategies to stabilise gambling • identifying and challenging thinking errors • relaxation and imaginal exposure • problem solving and goal setting • managing negative emotions • relapse prevention: maintaining a balanced lifestyle and coping with high risk situations. A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Problem Gambling supplies detailed information to help the therapist and client understand gambling behaviours, as well as practical advice on techniques that can be used with the client to change these behaviours. This practical guide includes handouts and exercises that can be downloaded by purchasers of the print edition upon publication. Contents: Overview. Review of the Problem Gambling Treatment Literature. Session One: Assessment. Session Two: Psychoeducation and Self-management Strategies to Stabilize Gambling. Session Three: Cognitive Restructuring I: Identifying Gambling Specific Thinking Errors. Session Four: Cognitive-restructuring II: Challenging Gambling Specific Thinking Errors. Session Five: Cognitive-restructuring III: Identifying and Challenging Other/ General Thinking Errors. Session Six: Relaxation and Imaginal Exposure. Session Seven: Problem Solving and Goal Setting Skills Training. Session Eight: Management of Negative Emotions. Session Nine: Relapse Prevention and Maintenance of Therapeutic Gains I: Balanced Lifestyle. Session Ten: Relapse Prevention and Maintenance of Therapeutic Gains II: Coping with High Risk Situations. Elective Session: Assertiveness Skills Training. Elective Session: Getting Out of Debt. Elective Session: Teaching Significant Others Strategies to Cope/Deal with the Gambler’s Behaviors. Appendices.

May 2010: 240pp. Pb: 978-0-415-54816-8: £29.99/$51.95 Published by Routledge

No More Bets, Please! Overcoming Problem Gambling Presented by H. G. Nelson, with Alex Blaszczynski, and Michael Walker “This DVD provides a comprehensive look at the downward spiral of problem gambling and the path to recovery... This program is a fitting


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In the Grip of Desire A Therapist at Work with Sexual Secrets

Gale Holtz Golden, in private practice, Vermont, USA Written in a first-person, narrative style, In the Grip of Desire gives both the professional and lay reader the rare opportunity to experience the sequestered world of the therapist as she works with people who have sexual secrets and behaviors. Referencing the academic literature and research, using rich case material, and a broad use of literary references, the book unpretentiously demonstrates the basic concepts and issues in treating compelling and legal sexual behaviors. Contents: Introduction: Above All Do No Harm. Becoming Transparent.

Denial: The Silent Dialogue. Anamnesis: Past History in Present Time. Treatment: A Time for Action. “I Sing the Body Electric”: Techno-sex in the Post-modern World. The Legal Side of Sex: A Cautionary Tale. Some Call it Love: Unique Sexual Issues of Women. Stabilizing the Family System. Rapprochement and Relapse: “There is Still a Future”. Epilogue: “Cradlers of Secrets”. 2009: 262pp. Hb: 978-0-415-99157-5: £24.99/$39.95 Published by Routledge

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Changepower! 37 Secrets to Habit Change Success Meg Selig, St. Louis Community College, Florissant Valley, USA “This book grabs your attention and doesn’t let go. The secrets revealed in Changepower! will help you change your life, as well as your habit.” - Bill O’Hanlon, author of Change 101 and Do One Thing Different

In Changepower! author Meg Selig guides readers through a stepby-step process that will help them achieve any habit change goal. Whether the reader wants to break a hurtful habit like smoking or overeating, or build a healthy habit like exercising or speaking up, Changepower! provides a springboard for change. 2009: 281pp. Pb: 978-0-415-80066-2: £9.99/$19.95 Published by Routledge

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